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Feb 13

Giving the messages from fat cells a positive spin to prevent diabetes – Science Daily

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Giving the messages from fat cells a positive spin to prevent diabetes
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Losing weight appears to reset the chemical messages that fat cells send to other parts of the body that otherwise would encourage the development of Type 2 diabetes, substantially reducing the risk of that disease, a team led by Children's National ...

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Giving the messages from fat cells a positive spin to prevent diabetes - Science Daily

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Feb 12

Does Changing Your Diet Help With Fibromyalgia? – Pain News Network

By Lana Barhum, Columnist

Having lived with fibromyalgia most of my adult life, I know my diet may worsen or improve my pain and other fibromyalgia symptoms. I am not alone in this belief, but the research disagrees.

Most studies have not shown any specific evidence that fibromyalgia patients should avoid certain foods or add any to their diets to manage symptoms. Nonetheless, it is still a good idea to take a look at how some foods influence how you feel.

MSG, Gluten and Vitamin D

At least 42% of fibromyalgia patients have reported worsening symptoms after eating certain foods, according to a study in Clinical Rheumatology. Other studies on fibromyalgia and diet have focused on food additives, gluten, and vitamin D, and found some evidence that they may affect fibromyalgia pain.

A 2012 study published in Clinical Experimental Rheumatology, assessed fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients who had excluded monosodium glutamate (MSG) and aspartame from their diets. After four weeks, 84% of the study participants reported their symptoms had improved by about a third. Adding MSG back into their diets resulted in a return of symptoms.

The researchers concluded that MSG did, in fact, have an adverse effect on some fibromyalgia patients and removing it from their diets was an easy solution.

"This novel research implicates glutamate as a major adverse excitotoxin in some FM (fibromyalgia) patients. Dietary manipulation is a relatively simple and low cost non-pharmacological intervention that warrants further exploration," reported lead author Kathleen Holton, PhD.

But another study, published in Rheumatology International, found no relationship between MSG and fibromyalgia pain and symptoms. The researchers reported no symptom improvement in the group that removed MSG and aspartame from their diets and the group that did not.

While there has been little specific evidence pointing to gluten as a fibromyalgia trigger, some research shows patients respond well when they avoid eating gluten. Spanish researchers reported in Rheumatology International that fibromyalgia patients who removed gluten from their diets showed notable improvements in pain and symptoms.

There may also be a link between fibromyalgia pain and low levels of vitamin D, according to a 2014 study out of Austria. That research, reported in the journal Pain, found that study participants who took vitamin D supplements experienced less pain and morning fatigue.

A 2015 report from the journal Pain and Therapy, also makes a case for a link between Vitamin D deficiency and pain. "Significant improvements in assessment of sleep, mood, pain levels, well-being, and various aspects of quality of life with vitamin D supplementation have been shown, said researchers Elspeth and Edward Shipton.

More research is needed to further determine if diet and fibromyalgia are actually related. But doctors do agree eating healthy foods can help patients to feel better and tweaking your diet may improve symptoms.

Making Diet Changes

Here are some ways to help you figure out which foods help and which ones hurt.

Keep a Food Journal. Many people with fibromyalgia have food sensitivities, but specific trigger foods will vary from person to person. A good way to identify which foods worsen fibromyalgia symptoms and pain is to keep a food journal. If you find your symptoms consistently worsen after eating certain foods, try eliminating those foods from your diet and see if your symptoms improve.

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Does Changing Your Diet Help With Fibromyalgia? - Pain News Network

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Feb 12

Brain food: How your diet can longer your life –


If someone promised you could live to 100, would you want to? Most of us would probably say yes but only if they could guarantee wed be in a fit state to enjoy those extra years. Geneticist Dr Preston Estep isnt exactly promising this, but he does think he has discovered the key to a longer life and a healthier brain in old age by studying cultures in the world where its not that unusual to reach 100.

Hes spent 25 years examining the diets of this mindspan elite and thinks we can all extend our lives, and most crucially our brains health in old age, by following some simple rules.

The longest-lived people in the world are in Okinawa, Japan, and the Mediterranean regions of France and Italy, plus communities of Seventh-Day Adventist Christians in California (teetotal vegetarians). In all three places, rates of dementia and old-age mental decline are also low. Globally, deaths from dementia have risen threefold on average in 20 years.

So how have they managed to keep their rates low while also living longer? Estep, author of The Mindspan Diet and director of gerontology at the Harvard Personal Genome Project in the US, believes its mainly to do with their diet.

At the moment, its impossible to prove which influence cognition more genetic or dietary factors but I believe diet has a substantial and possibly greater capacity to either increase or decrease mindspan, he says After all, we eat 40 tonnes of food in a lifetime.

And guess what? When Okinawans adopt a Western diet, their rates of Alzheimers disease increase and lifespan shortens.

Diet has a substantial and possibly greater capacity to either increase or decrease mindspan

Too many of us wrongly believe longevity and dementia are in our genes (which were born with and cant change). In fact, research has shown that only 20-35 per cent of extreme longevity is genetic, and the rest is due to environmental factors such as diet, sleep, mood, mental stimulation and exercise.

Your genes are not your fate, Dr Estep says. They have the equivalent of volume-control knobs, controlled by nutrients in our food, which can turn them up to full blast and therefore increase our risk of Alzheimers or keep them turned down.

The difference isnt a few years, he argues, but 15 to 20 years of good-quality life. There are no guarantees: some people will get dementia whatever they eat or do, but we can all give ourselves the best possible chance.

Of course, the Japanese and the Mediterraneans have very different diets but its what they have in common that provides the key, he argues. And it isnt what youd expect.

These are his eating recommendations for a healthy brain in midlife and old age

Dont eat too much iron

Adolescents and pre-menopausal women need 14.8 milligrams a day, but men and older women need far less (8.7mg, says the NHS). Yet the recommended daily amount youll see on food labels gives the higher amount. Because governments after the Second World War worried about lack of iron, it was added to flour and breakfast cereals (and still is). But between the 1950s and now, meat consumption has rocketed, so many older adults get too much iron.

Excess consumption can lead to iron deposits in the brain, says Estep, who points out that the top five genes associated with dementia are the ones also involved in trafficking iron. Studies in animals show that high iron diets shorten lifespan, and in 2015 a study of those who ate a Mediterranean diet (less meat, more fish) had larger brains and less neural atrophy than frequent meat eaters. The difference was equivalent to five years of brain ageing.

Estep, 55, now eats red meat only twice a month and no fortified breakfast cereals.

He makes his own bread using non-fortified flour. (In Britain, all flour is fortified except some wholemeal flour and imported French bread flour). Drinking tea and coffee with meals or a small glass of red wine (which the Japanese and Mediterraneans do) stops the body absorbing so much iron, as does eating a small amount of cheese with a meal.

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Paleo, Durkin & Atkins, the most popular diets explained

Eat good carbs and not too much protein

Weve come to think of refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta and rice as the enemy. So its surprising to discover that the world leaders in longevity Japan and Mediterranean Italy have traditionally high white-carb diets.

Estep says pasta and white rice have had an unfairly bad rap over the years: they are fairly low on the glycaemic index (how fast they hit your bloodstream after eating), which is good. Converted rice, which has been parboiled as part of the processing, is the best, followed by basmati. Look out for rice with a high amylose content, as it slows digestion. When buying pasta, look for Italian-made that isnt fortified with iron.

The Western fashion is for high-protein, lower-carb diets but this is the opposite of long-lived cultures, where protein intake is low, particularly animal protein. More of their protein comes from fish (Japan), and grain/beans and legumes (Mediterranean). His mindspan elite cultures eat about a third less protein than the mindspan risk populations.

Try to get at least half your proteins from plant sources such as grains, rice, beans and veg. Eggs and cheese are better than meat.

Slow down and start with soup

Both Japanese and Mediterranean cultures eat slowly and meals are a social experience. That means you eat less, and digestion is spread over a longer time. The Japanese have a traditional saying, hara hachi bun me, which translates as eat until you are 80 per cent full. Both cultures also tend to start a meal with soup, which Estep believes prepares the body gently for the rise in blood sugar to come, and the resulting sugar spike isnt as high.

Get a good balance of fats

Ideally we should be getting about equal amounts of the two fats omega 6 (in sunflower oil, meat) and omega 3 (in nuts, oily fish, green leafy veg). But in Western diets, its more like 10:1 in favour of omega 6. This imbalance is linked to inflammation, heart disease and shorter lifespans.

Avoid vegetable oils such as corn and sunflower and opt for rapeseed/canola, which has a better balance of omega 3 to 6 fats, plus olive oil. Look for cold-pressed oils the darker the oil, the better. Snack on nuts: walnuts, pecans, macadamia, hazel, almonds (keep them in airtight container to prevent oxidisation). And go for free-range eggs, with more omega 3 and less omega 6.


Eat fish (but not too much)

Fish (especially oily fish such as sardines, fresh tuna, wild salmon and anchovies) is wonderful brain food because of the omega 3 it contains, which builds up brain membranes. But its important not to overdo it:

95 per cent of Japanese people eat it once a day or less and dont eat large quantities in a single meal. Go for small portions a few times a week: for example, a bite-sized piece of pickled herring several times a week plus one dish with sardines or anchovies once a week. These kinds of small fish tend to have lower levels of mercury and they are favourites of the mindspan elite, says Estep.


Eat fermented foods

Mindspan elite diets are rich in fermented foods (pickled vegetables, vinegar, yoghurt, soft cheeses and alcohol in moderation) or foods that the body is able to ferment such as greens, leeks, garlic, onions, beans and chickpeas. The French and Italians lead the world in the consumption of vinegar and wine, and in Japan miso, soy sauce, rice vinegar, sake and fermented vegetables are staple foods.

Why are they so good? They feed our microbiome the millions of microbes that make up our gut, and which is vital for brain health (the gut produces two thirds of the bodys neurotransmitters) and the immune system. Fermented foods also slow digestion of starches and sugars, softening the sugar spikes, and can keep weight low. Estep pickles his own vegetables and starts every day with a cup of miso soup with a teaspoon of vinegar.

The Mindspan Diet (Oneworld, 14.99) is out now. See Express Bookshop

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Brain food: How your diet can longer your life -

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Feb 12

Keanu Reeves opens up about a lifetime of playing iconic badasses, why he must eat steak before a big fight scene … – Men’s Fitness

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Keanu Reeves opens up about a lifetime of playing iconic badasses, why he must eat steak before a big fight scene ...
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Keanu Reeves opens up about a lifetime of playing iconic badasses, why he must eat steak before a big fight scene ... - Men's Fitness

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Feb 12

Zumba dancers move to the groove at fitness event – Gainesville Times

Never stop moving.

If youre going to do Zumba right, you cant stop moving. Keeping your feet, arms or other parts moving is part of the workout regimen that is Zumba.

The trend isnt new and may not be for everyone, but there were still plenty of people at the Zumba Party Hearty event at the Gainesville Civic Center Saturday morning.

Quinterra Wright, who lives in Alpharetta but works in Gainesville, is used to the exercises style and has been to many Zumba classes.

She also had a special reason for coming to this particular class. The event was co-hosted by Gainesville Parks and Recreation and the American Heart Association, an organization important to Wright.

My dad died from heart disease, so I try and support everything the American Heart Association does, Wright said.

The organizations split the profits from the event, according to Zandrea Stephens, assistant division manager for Gainesville Parks. For a $6 suggested donation at the door, about 30 people showed up to dance away their mornings with the instructors from Frances Meadows Aquatic Center.

The center holds Zumba classes Monday through Thursday at various times. A list of times can be found at

Tarnisha Reid, Kashuna Storey and Lakeisha Cofer came together to try it out for the first time.

It was interesting. Definitely interesting, Reid said. I liked it though, I had fun.

Cheryl Brown was one of the days instructors and led several songs throughout the two-hour event. Shes been teaching Zumba since 2009.

Brown said the idea is to incorporate exercise into a party environment. There are all types of dance types, from Latin to hip-hop and more, depending on the song.

Getting them to move is the idea and stick to it, thats the idea, she said. Its all about health.

Sisters Maggie and Erin Shay knew what they were getting into. Maggie said they had been to Zumba classes together and wanted to come after hearing about it through the Parks and Recreations email newsletter.

I just like the energy, Erin said. It doesnt really matter if you dont know the moves.

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Zumba dancers move to the groove at fitness event - Gainesville Times

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Feb 12

Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity – Mayo …

Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity

You know exercise is good for you, but do you know how good? From boosting your mood to improving your sex life, find out how exercise can improve your life.

Want to feel better, have more energy and even add years to your life? Just exercise.

The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore. Everyone benefits from exercise, regardless of age, sex or physical ability.

Need more convincing to get moving? Check out these seven ways exercise can lead to a happier, healthier you.

Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. When you engage in physical activity, you burn calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories you burn.

Regular trips to the gym are great, but don't worry if you can't find a large chunk of time to exercise every day. To reap the benefits of exercise, just get more active throughout your day take the stairs instead of the elevator or rev up your household chores. Consistency is key.

Worried about heart disease? Hoping to prevent high blood pressure? No matter what your current weight, being active boosts high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," cholesterol and decreases unhealthy triglycerides. This one-two punch keeps your blood flowing smoothly, which decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Regular exercise helps prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression, a number of types of cancer, arthritis and falls.

Need an emotional lift? Or need to blow off some steam after a stressful day? A gym session or brisk 30-minute walk can help. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed.

You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.

Winded by grocery shopping or household chores? Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance.

Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle daily chores.


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Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity - Mayo ...

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Feb 12

Cardiac rehab helps those with heart disease feel like ‘they’re not on the brink of death’ –

The first time Denise Kash came to classes to improve her damaged heart, she flat out cried.

Shed had a heart attack 10 days earlier, then a procedure to place two stents in clogged arteries to keep the blood flowing. Between the pain of the attack and the follow-up measures, Kash felt like everything was crashing around her.

When her doctor recommended a cardiovascular rehabilitation programcommonly called cardiac rehabshe agreed to go. The Spotsylvania County woman entered the room filled with exercise machines and heart monitors, where patients ride bikes or work on step machines, walk on treadmills or on the oval-shaped track around the perimeter of the class, all while being monitored by medical officials.

Kash sat down to be evaluated.

Oh, my God, I cried the whole first time, she said.

She later realized she was grieving for the life she lost when the heart attack hit. Seeing others get back on their feet inspired her.

You dont just sit around and sulk in this program, the 64-year-old said. The heart has a chance to repair itself.

Kash became such a believer in cardiac rehab that after she finished her 36 classes, she came back as a volunteer to Mary Washington Hospitals outpatient Cardiopulmonary Health and Fitness program. For at least three hours a day three days a week, Kash assembles paperwork for new patients so the medical team can focus on its mission. She believes in what they do.

Oh, absolutely, they helped me, Kash said. I got my life back.

Nationwide, cardiac rehab programs reduce the risk of dying from a second heart-related problem and slow, or even reverse, the progression of cardiovascular disease, according to the American Heart Association.

The programs are designed for those who have had heart attacks or bypass surgery, suffer from some sort of heart failure or need heart transplants.

Yet despite its clear benefits, cardiac rehabilitation remains underutilized, particularly among women and minorities, stated the American Heart Association.

Nationwide, about a third of people eligible for rehab participate. Numbers are slightly higher at Mary Washington, the only cardiac rehab program in the Fredericksburg area. In 2016, about 38 percent, or 270 of the 708 patients referred to the program, took advantage of it.

Fauquier Hospital in Warrenton also has a cardiac rehab program, which served about 250 patients last year.

Both programs offer sessions from early morning to after sundown to accommodate residents busy schedules. Patients typically go to rehab two or three times a week for a total of 36 sessions. Theyre evaluated before they start the program, halfway through and at the end.

Linda Costello, a registered nurse at Fauquier, likes watching the changes to a patients self-esteem.

Theyre so scared when they come in. Theyve had a heart attack, and theyre afraid to do anything, not knowing what every little twinge and pain is, Costello said. They get the confidence back that theyre not on the brink of death.

Cardiac rehab programs focus on exercise and education. As soon as patients sign in for their workout, theyre strapped to a telemetry machine that displays their heart rate on a nearby computer. Nurses also regularly check their blood pressure or oxygen level, as well as simply ask how patients feel.

At any one time, there may be an exercise physiologist and respiratory therapist, registered nurse and program coordinator on the floor. Doctors are a phone call away.

Patients start with a few minutes of aerobics and may build to a maximum of 55 minutes by the time they end the program.

Weekly classeswhich are open to anyone in the communityare as much a part of the program as regular exercise. During the sessions, medical officials explain various conditions, the impact of medications and the danger of stress. They also encourage patients to make lifestyle changes with everything from their diet to their daily activities, said Nicole HinkleKlaus, cardiac rehab coordinator at Mary Washington.

Its a refocus on healthy and clean living, said Nora JenkinsDepeiza, 62, of Stafford County, who has lost 17 pounds since her heart attack in late August. Shes reduced her intake of sugar and cut down on bread while attending regular exercise sessions.

Tom Coron, 76, also of Stafford, has worked to get his body back in shape after issues that led to quadruple heart bypass last summer. In addition to exercising regularly, hes said goodbye to sausage and egg McMuffins.

I dont eat anything that comes out of a window, he said.

Hes also passed on the glop, Alfredo-type sauces and rich gravies that once covered his plate. He said its worth the sacrifice to feel healthierand to avoid another surgery.

I dont want to do this again, Coron said. Ive been given a second chance.

When Costello started working in the cardiac rehab program 18 years ago, the average patient was an elderly gentleman whod had a heart attack or bypass surgery. These days, patients at Fauquier are getting younger and younger, she said, as stress from commuting and fast-paced lifestyles contribute to heart disease as much as high blood pressure or cholesterol.

Theyre people in their 40s and 50s, non-active, they have stress from their jobs, and theyre not eating correctly, Costello said. Theyre getting whatever they can at 7-Eleven as they grab their coffee and rush to work.

Its the same at Mary Washington.

We have a lot of young men and women come in here, and they dont have any of the risk factors except stress, said Shari Denecke, exercise physiologist. She wonders if being a bedroom community is to blame or if the problem is the rushrush nature of todays society. Or maybe its a combination of both.

Men still outnumber women in the program, but females are catching up, HinkleKlaus said.

While federal healthcare laws look at programs such as cardiac rehab, in an effort to cut down on the number of patients returning to the hospital for the same condition, HinkleKlaus and Denecke said there are a variety of reasons people eligible for the program opt out of it.

Some have multiple health problems and physically cannot do the workouts.

Some cant afford the co-pays.

Others say they dont need it, or simply dont want to be involved.

Some little old ladies say, Im not going to exercise, I dont like to sweat, Denecke said.

Transportation can be an obstacle, given the programs serve such a large geographic area.

If somebody lives in Colonial Beach, thats a lot of time and money out of their pocket before they even get here, Denecke said, considering its almost an hour drive, or more, from parts of the Northern Neck to Fredericksburg.

Then, there are patients who could benefit from rehab, but dont know about it and therefore dont ask for a doctors referraland no one gets into the program without one. Their primary care doctors or cardiologists may believe the patients problem has been fixed by surgery and nothing more is needed.

Those who work in the cardiac lab and see the way exercises and better eating habits improve stamina and endurance, confidence and mental health, would say otherwise.

Everybody should have the option for cardiac rehab, Denecke said.

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Cardiac rehab helps those with heart disease feel like 'they're not on the brink of death' -

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Feb 12

Heaviest woman on Earth to undergo weight-loss surgery – Pulse Headlines

The worlds heaviest woman has arrived in Mumbai, India, to undergo a weight-loss surgery that could help save her life. Eman Ahmed weighs approximately 500 kg and was admitted Saturday at Mumbais Saifee Hospital.

Ahmed was born in 1980 in Alexandria, Egypt. During her childhood, she suffered from a thyroid problem which forced her to stop attending school. Currently, she does not only faces obesitybut also suffers from many other diseases such as severe lymphedema and water retention, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hypothyroidism, gout, severe obstructive and restrictive lung disease. She has also already suffered a stroke that left her right arm and leg paralyzed, she does not speak coherently and is at high risk of pulmonary embolism, as reported by The Times of India.

Eman Ahmed will undergo a weight-reduction bariatric surgery that will be carried by Dr. Muffazal Lakdwala.Bariatric surgeries are special procedures that help the body loseweight by restricting the amount of food the stomach can receive, as explained by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. This restriction occurs by reducing the size of the stomach using any bariatric method, being the gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and the adjustable gastric band the most commonly used.

It is not specified which procedure the woman is undergoing, but any of them can bring her what she needs to change and save her life.

Emans medicalvisa to travel to Mumbai was initially denied, so her family contacted Dr. Lakdawala in October last year to help them and take the case. The doctor contactedExternal Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj who granted her the visa for her treatment.

This was Ahmeds first trip outside her home in Alexandria after nearly 25 years of spending her life in her room and unable to take care of herself. It was such a complicated trip that doctors had to begin treating her since December to ensure that she could travel safely from Egypt to India.

To prepare her for the flight, the team of doctors have been in Egypt for the last ten days to optimise the conditions for her travel; given the fact that she is so heavy and not moved for the last 25 years she is at a high risk for a pulmonary embolism and hence has been put on blood thinners to try and minimise the chances of such an eventuality during her transfer,Dr Lakdawala said in a press release on Friday, as The Times of India reported.

Eman had to be carried in special transportation due to her heavy weight. She was airlifted on a special aircraft since she could not pass through the doors of a regular plane. After arriving in India, she had to be loaded onto a truck using a crane, and another crane was then used to hoist her to her room in Saifee Hospital, as reported by The Inquisitr.

After she was admitted to the hospital, Ahmed has to undergo thorough evaluation for the next two days, according to a spokesperson for the doctor, before going into surgery.

Source: The Inquisitr

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Heaviest woman on Earth to undergo weight-loss surgery - Pulse Headlines

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Feb 12

7 weight-loss lies people need to stop believing – Men’s Fitness

Men's Fitness
7 weight-loss lies people need to stop believing
Men's Fitness
There's plenty of nutrition nonsense out there. The problem? With all these myths and bad ideas floating around, too many people are getting duped into ridiculous diets, absurd nutrition rules, and flat-out nonsensical notions that will ultimately ...

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7 weight-loss lies people need to stop believing - Men's Fitness

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Feb 12

Missoula man battles unhealthy diet with new nutrition boot camp after losing daughter – The Missoulian

Mark Richardson of Missoula admits he began overeating, and eating unhealthily, after losing his daughter to a car crash.

My relationship with food was unhealthy, he told a crowd at a nutrition boot camp hosted by CostCare Clinic on Tuesday. When my daughter died, perhaps I was filling the hole. Within a year I gained 100 pounds or so.

Richardson, who stands 5 feet, 10 inches tall, and is 54 years old, weighed 377 pounds when he went in to see a doctor for a health check-up.

He got a variety of bad news. He had unhealthy blood pressure, elevated liver enzymes and was diagnosed with diabetes.

I was really mad at myself and really frustrated, he said. I got pretty emotional after reading all that. I have a history of diabetes in my family, but I dont blame my diabetes on my hereditary genes. It was totally self-inflicted.

Richardson expected to be told to take a variety of medications, but the doctor also recommended buying Whole30, a nutritional program guidebook written by Melissa and Dallas Hartwig. Richardson has been on it for 154 days, and hes lost 94 pounds. He said his doctor was so shocked that he used cuss words when he saw how much weight Richardson had shed.

Essentially, the Whole30 program advises people to cut out grains, dairy, added sugars, alcohol and legumes for 30 days, and then eat those foods only in extreme moderation afterwards.

I feel fantastic, as good as I ever felt in my life, Richardson said. I got drafted to play professional soccer when I was younger, and I feel as good as I did then.

Richardson almost broke into tears when he talked about how much his unhealthy eating affected his work.

My general manager and her husband are now doing the Whole30, a lot because of the difference shes seen in my work, he said. I have more energy to give them. I owe them more than I gave before. I used to breathe heavy just going up the stairs.

The Whole30 diet has become hugely popular in the United States in the last year, and many Missoulians are taking part in the program.

Carol Bridges co-owns the Cost Care Clinics in Missoula with Lesley Von Eschen. Bridges, a physician, has seen her share of fad diets like the South Beach Diet, the Atkins Diet and the so-called Paleo Diet. However, she believes the Whole30 diet is sustainable because theres a lot of science behind it.

Thats why shes offering six-session nutritional boot camps in Missoula to guide people through the process and offer support.

One of the reasons its catching on is because its so effective and sustainable, she said. The program is designed to help people treat obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, insomnia, depression, chronic fatigue and heartburn. Weve got a year under our belt pushing people to do a 30-day challenge, and the results are amazing.

Bridges tells her students that humans evolved to live without diets full of processed foods until about 150 years ago, when processed flour, high fructose corn syrup and antibiotics all began to be consumed by humans. She said added sugars and processed foods are overconsumed, and she recommends to people that they eat more proteins like baked chicken, vegetables like broccoli, and unprocessed foods. She said legumes, although they contain protein, also cause low-grade inflammation.

Bridges is quick to point out that the Whole30 isnt necessarily a weight loss program. In fact, many of the students in her class are overweight. The main point, she said, is to treat chronic diseases like diabetes and stomach issues associated with foods that cause inflammation.

Like many diets that have seen an explosion in popularity over the years, the Whole30 diet has its critics. This newspaper is not a medical journal and this article should not be taken as an endorsement of any particular diet program. However, the customers in Bridges' class seem satisfied.

My wife suggested it along with Dr. Bridges because I was eating unhealthy and I was overweight, said Alan Powell, 54. I knew that I could probably lose some weight. And Ive lost 20 pounds on this program. I feel great. Basically, I have a lot more energy and Im not fatigued.

Bridges said that the food industry has maximized the amount of sugar in processed foods and shifted the blame for unhealthy consequences to fat.

That has caused us to eat rich, nutrient-poor no brake foods, she said. "I decided to do the 30-day challenge myself. All of the things they say can happen did happen like how you feel better, sleep better and have clearer thinking."

For Mark Anderson, who has lost nearly 100 pounds, he believes the diet will add years to his life if he sticks to it like he plans.

"At one point I was just checking days off my life," he said. "It took diabetes, really a life-changing event, to set me on a path for my children, my grandchildren and my employer."

The next CostCare boot camp will be held in April. For more information call 370-7050.

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Missoula man battles unhealthy diet with new nutrition boot camp after losing daughter - The Missoulian

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