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Jun 17

Weight Loss Coaching – Take Shape For Life – Weight Loss …

What is Take Shape For Life?

Take Shape For Life is a thriving community where we are redefining the path to health and wellbeing, and creating Optimal Health. We help people achieve results that are simply extraordinary, and we are excited for you to be part of our community.

With demanding work schedules and busy lives, few people can bring about necessary changes in their lives without outside support. Take Shape For Life provides effective tools along with personal support from a Health Coach, backed by a clinically proven, scientifically formulated, comprehensive program. As more and more people make the choice to live a healthier, more active life, Take Shape For Life will be present, providing an opportunity for people to do well for themselves while doing something purposeful for others.

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At Take Shape For Life, our commitment isnt just to weight loss, but to Optimal Healthsustaining a life of thriving health that can improve everyday living. Were here for the long haul, committed to a comprehensive approach to lifetime health. Our plans and products are designed to change unhealthy habits into healthy ones. We all know habits are difficult to change, which is why personal support through Health Coaches is so effective in sustaining long-term health.

At Take Shape For Life, we know that Optimal Health means more than a healthy body. Optimal Health involves all aspects of our lives. Thats why we are committed to creating health in all areas of the Trilogy: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, and Healthy Finances.

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Weight Loss Coaching - Take Shape For Life - Weight Loss ...

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Jun 16

@ Lose Weight By Eating – Natural Fat Burner and Diet Pill …

PhenQ is an innovative, multi-dimensional supplement, which provides all the features and functions that other weight loss aids and diet supplements offer, though rarely deliver.

With its power to suppress the appetite, burn fat, while also speeding up the metabolism and improving energy, endurance and even mood, PhenQ is a top potent and effective weight loss supplement ever available on the market.

With its endless positive reviews and testimonials, it is becoming more and more popular and required.

PhenQ is an exclusive weight loss supplement that guarantees a wide range of advantages. The medication will:

Suppress the appetite, assisting you to keep to a diet by eliminating excessive amount of calories gained during mindless eating. The medication helps a patient feel sated with much smaller portions, so that he/she does not consume extra calories;

Burn fat gained after consumption of certain meals, block fat production and slow down lipid digestion, decreasing weight gain and fat storage;

Boost energy production, improve endurance and mood that affect the desire to work hard on the desirable effect.

Being a multi-dimensional drug, PhenQ includes all the advantages that such a great number of weight loss supplements report to offer, though never seem to keep. The creators of PhenQ have chosen and approved successful components of the leading quality and included them into one weight loss supplement to maximize effectiveness and duration of success. The revolutionary and high quality formula lies in top-notch ingredients and is manufactured and produced in the UK and the US in FDA and GMP approved facilities. It means that PhenQ is manufactured in regulated facilities to ensure effectiveness and quality of its components.

PhenQ Ingredients - What's Inside?

The components of PhenQ are the propriety mix of 7 ingredients exclusively combined for ultimate results. The ingredients included in PhenQ are the following:

Capsimax Power, a mix of piperine (black pepper), capsicum, caffeine and niacin (Vitamin B3) serves as a fat burning drastic blend. Due to the stealth thermogenics of capsicum and poperine, it can quickly boost slimming down by heating you up with the process of rapid fat burning and eliminating profound reservoirs of fat.

Calcium carbonate assists in promotion of a healthy weight loss process.

Appreciated for its preferable effects on bone health and growth, calcium also helps you balance weight by making the fat cells in the organism reduce fat storage.

The core message calcium sends to body fat cells is informing them about the absence of the necessity to preserve fat because it receives sufficient nourishment.

This will help speed up the weight loss process as fat storage decreases to minimum.

Chromium Picolinate suppresses your appetite, limiting the amount of unnecessary carbohydrate craving.

By decreasing cravings, you get an opportunity to control the blood sugar level. When the amount of chromium in the cells increases, the ingredient balances cravings, as your body gives the signals that it has enough sugar.

Besides, fewer cravings make it much easier to lose excess weight and maintain the condition, as you are not taking any unwanted carbohydrates and sugar anymore. Chromium can be found in most vegetables and meat, as well as in a range of whole grains making it an exceptionally natural and essential mineral.

Caffeine is an indispensable component found in a vast majority of effective energy and weight loss supplements.

In fact, about 97% of Americans start their day with caffeine intake for improved productivity and increased energy level.

Decreased fatigue and increased alertness allow people to keep on track with the diet, and caffeine provides them with the energy necessary for exercising.

L-Carnitine Furmarate, an important ingredient that can be found in red meat, diverse nuts and multiple green vegetables, serves a natural amino acid, which helps with the conversion of fat into energy.

Nopal is a fiber-rich cactus plant. Boosting the fiber levels, it makes you feel sated for much longer and helps you control the appetite.

Additionally, Nopal helps supply the added energy, together with toxic and fluid elimination.

a-Lacys Reset serves as the stand out component in PhenQ. It works by increasing muscle mass while decreasing body fat and, as a result, you lose weight. According to the information presented at the product's website, Lacys Reset was approved to decrease body weight by around 3.44%, body fat by 7.24% and increase muscle mass up to 3.8%.

Other components of PhenQ are Magnesium Oxide and Magnesium Stearate.

A great number of weight loss supplements contain so many fillers that customers experience adverse reactions to inhibiting these aids instead of beneficial results from the products.

Total body transformation. 6 months.

As every organism is different and operates differently, it is inevitable to wait for at least 3-6 months before judging about the duration and effectiveness of PhenQ results.

Though, you will definitely find yourself more concentrated and having more energy.

Numerous customers have lost about 10 lbs in one month and extra 5 lbs every following week!

Keep in mind, you have to participate, too. The medication does not work wonders and does not make miracles, so you must ensure you are sticking to a balanced, low-calorie diet and regular workouts while getting sufficient amounts of water, as well as, the necessary sleep and rest.

These factors together with PhenQ are a killer combo, which will activate fat burning at full speed, thus, reduce weight easier and faster.

Despite the fact that both PhenQ and Phen375 share many advantages, PhenQ's proprietary mix offers benefits approved by science.

With its exclusive a-Lacys Reset, researches claimed a noticeable percentage decrease in the amount of body fat (around 7.24%), body weight (about 3.44%) and an impressive increase in muscle mass (more than 3.8%).

The only important thing that separates the exclusive mix of PhenQ from Phen375 is the powerful action of PhenQ focused not only on the weight loss process, but also on building muscle mass.

Another great benefit of PhenQ is a 60-day money-back guarantee that allows you to test the medication with nothing to lose, except weight.

Where to Buy PhenQ?

Receiving a body of your dreams has never been simpler and easier. PhenQ is available with "buy 2 and get 1 for free" special that is definitely a great deal.

It is indispensable to allow from three to six months of usage to track the events from a quick start up to lasting results!

Our readers can get this exclusive 2 for 1 deal by clicking here.

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@ Lose Weight By Eating - Natural Fat Burner and Diet Pill ...

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Jun 16

Desperate To Lose Weight Quickly ? 6 Quick Weight Loss …

Home > Desperate to Lose Weight Quickly?

When youre desperate to lose weight quickly AND willing to follow certain rules, some quick weight loss plans will help - follow these tips for best results.

If you're like most people, when beach time or a certain big event is approaching, you're probably desperate to lose weight quickly and get in the best shape of your life fast, right? But this approach often backfires... Discover how to lose weight quickly without regaining the weight back and compromising your health, plus a failproof solution (at the end of the page).

I must start with a disclaimer... Keep in mind that most plans to lose weight quickly are NOT a sustainable way to slim down over a longer period of time and keep the weight off, although they may kick-start your body in losing some weight real fast.

But if you have more than just a few pounds to get rid of, you'll want to switch to a healthier weight loss program as soon as possible, to avoid any health problems.

Before going any further, I'll say this again: don't go on crash diets - no matter how desperate to lose weight quickly you may be! Why? Because crash diets and rapid weight loss ideas don't work in the long run. They promise miraculous, super-quick results without side effects. But that's just an exaggeration; you're smart - you know it can't be true.

That being said, let's see...

You're stuck with that extra weight or an event comes up... getting married, a family celebration, a school reunion or another similar occasion, and youre really desperate to lose weight quickly.

I get that.

If you're willing to follow certain rules, some quick weight loss plans can have a great impact on your body shape.

And this might be just the bit you need to drop some pounds quickly and boost your motivation with some very real, tangible quick weight loss results.

There are two things you must be aware of:

1) The amount of fat your body can burn is limited to about 2 pounds per week. With this in mind, it is realistic to set a goal of losing 10 pounds of fat in 5 weeks. Or even 20 pounds in 3 months - provided you adjust your weight loss diet and workout routine for the plateau periods. But you have to make sure that you absolutely follow a smart, well-structured plan.

2) When you're desperate to lose weight quickly and willing to do anything to get into those skinny jeans again, make sure you dont starve yourself.


Because, not only will you put your health at risk, but you'll trigger the starvation response, which kicks in as soon as your body senses a calorie restriction of more than 25% of what you usually eat. That's because this caloric restriction is perceived (biochemically) as famine.

The starvation response means that your body is switched to "survival mode", your metabolism is slowed down and set to store the calories coming in from food as fat - instead of using them for your energy needs.

As a result, you feel sluggish, less alert mentally, your mood is low; to compensate, you get unstoppable cravings for sweets or other high-calorie foods. But since your body is in survival mode, it turns again these calories you've just eaten in fat storage for later use (when - as far as IT is concerned - a famine might occur).

You must avoid this no-win situation at all costs.

Okay, keeping the above two things on your mind, when you decide to use any quick weight loss system, here are the "rules" you must follow:

Here are the...

And one last thing.

Being desperate to lose weight quickly can easily lead to abuse and excesses. Drastic diets are NOT a good alternative. Not being crystal-clear on what you need to eat and how to exercise each day to stay on track and achieve your goals may be a serious obstacle that's probably keeping you stuck. That's why I suggest you take a look at...

Belinda Benn's Get Lean Program

Your body will transform so radically in such a short time you won't recognize yourself in the mirror... your friends and family will be shocked!

I should probably stop right here and let you go to see Belinda's real-life program right now, but the coach in me wants to assure you that you won't be disappointed.

You get every piece of the puzzle, no more guesswork: every meal planned out, tasty fat loss recipes, body reshaping workout videos and audios for your iPod. Plus the guidance, motivation and hand-holding you've never got before.

How far you choose to go with Get Lean is simply up to you - if you're desperate to lose weight quickly just check it out and see if this is something you'd like to try now >>

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Jun 2

Exercise & Fitness Programs for People Over Fifty.

By the time most of us reach the age of 50 or 60 we tend to accept the negative effects of aging as a fact of life that we have little or no control over.

"You are never too old to obtain positive results from exercise!"* It is true that we can not stop the calender from marching ahead at what seems to be a faster and faster pace, however, recent studies have shown that we can alter the rate at which our bodies progress through our life cycle.

We now have a better understanding of why some people tend to age much faster than others.

There is a large body of scientific evidence that suggests that we can slow down and even reverse the symptoms of aging. In fact many of us can be in better health in our 70's than we were in our 50's.

Recent studies indicate that between the ages of 30 & 70 many of the symptoms & conditions that were traditionally associated with normal aging are in fact the result of sedentary lifestyles.

Evaluating one's strength, endurance, mobility & cardio-vascular-pulmonary performance before and after a one month period of complete bed rest can be equated to 30 years of aging.

The good news is that regular exercise incorporated into our lifestyle can improve our heart & respiratory function, lower our blood pressure, increase our strength, improve bone density, improve flexibility, quicken our reaction time, reduce body fat, increase muscle mass, and reduce our susceptibility to depression & disease.*

Studies have shown that regular exercise by middle aged & elderly people can set back the clock 20-40 years when compared to those who do little or no exercise. Test results show that no matter when a person starts to exercise, significant improvement can be achieved.

Older people can achieve the same percentage gains in performance as the young, according to Dr. H.A. deVries, past director of the Andrus Gerontology Center at the University of Southern California and a respected pioneer in the field.

In one study of more than 200 men & women aged 56 to 87, "dramatic changes" were observed after just 6 weeks of exercising 3 to 5 times a week. Study participants became as fit and energetic as people 20 to 30 years younger.

Regardless of our present age, exercise & physical activity is the best thing that we can do for ourselves to counteract the effects of aging.*

Dr. Everett L. Smith, director of the Biogerontology Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin has shown that among once sedentary women in their 50's who participated in an aerobic dance program for 6 years, fitness improved by 23% and they experiencednone of the functional declines typically seen with increasing age! This group appears to have stopped the clock at an age when functional declines are usually apparent.

Dr. Smith also compared bone loss among women. With those women that did seated exercises for 30 minutes, 3 times a week for 3 years, bone mineral actuallyincreasedby 2.29%, whereas in a similar group of inactive women, boneloss averaged 3.28%.

Various studies have shown that when our bones are taxed from exercise they grow stronger and denser and more resistant to fracture.

Dr. Harris from the Center for the Study of Aging at Albany Medical College, found that when nerve cells are deprived of stimuli they atrophy, suggesting that stimulation of the central nervous system by physical activity may retard the loss of nerve cells in the brain and elsewhere. Aerobic exercise has been shown to enhance blood flow to various parts of the brain as well as to increase the speed with which nerve messages travel through the brain.

In a study, at Purdue, among previously sedentary middle aged men who took part in a 4 month exercise & fitness program, a significant improvement was noted in the mental processes controlled by the part of the brain (left hemisphere) responsible for logical reasoning and math. The men who exercised 3 times per week, were compared on 10 tests of mental ability to a similar group of men who remained sedentary.

In a study recently published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Older adults who exercised at least three times a week were 38 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease, which causes a slow, irreversible decline in brain function. " The decline the brain experiences late in life is not inevitable. It can be affected by things like habitual exercise," said lead study author Dr. Eric Larson of the Group Health Cooperative in Seattle. The theory is that exercise not only increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain -- it may also reduce the telltale "plaque" in the brain associated with Alzheimer's disease.

Aerobic exercise strengthens your heart, helps prevent the build up of cholesterol, improves the functioning of the liver, pancreas & most vital organs.

A recent study at the University of California that evaluated data from more than 5,000 women over the age of 65, concluded that there is scientific evidence that exercise is good for your memory.

Aerobic exercise brings additional oxygen & glucose to the brain, both of which are crucial to brain function. The body responds by forming new capillaries to bring the additional blood to nerve cells and by boosting brain chemicals that protect neurons and strengthen new neuronal connections. Exercise also promotes attention & alertness, both of which are needed to get information into your memory.

Human Growth Hormone and the lack of it is believed to contribute to the aging process. In our 50's most people stop producing HGH and the aging process accelerates as the rate of cellular reproduction, growth and repair slows. The good news is that exercise also aids in the production of Human Growth Hormone which in turn helps us to maintain and develop our muscles, strength and stamina.

Exercise is clearly the best weapon we have to combat disease, to slow down and or reverse the effects of aging.* It is no wonder that the experts in the field believe that exercise is the closest thing we have to aFountain of Youth.

Research has proven how regular exercise relates to the aging process and how it can improve your quality of life.

At Be Fit Over Fifty we realize that in order to reap the benefits we must actually exercise on a regular basis. We also believe that our age appropriate, enjoyable and effective exercise programs will help you succeed because it is so convenient & easy to do. There is no expensive equipment to buy, no membership fees, no drugs, no need to even leave the privacy of your own home."Be Fit Over Fifty programs are like having a personal trainer at home."

Our goal at Be Fit Over Fifty is tohelp adults find a safe, effective, and enjoyable way to exercise at home.The Be Fit Over Fifty series of exercise DVD's are designed to meet the varied needs of the mature adult population. All of the programs are fun to do and easy to follow with a soundtrack of upbeat popular music in the background.

When used regularly and in conjunction with a healthy diet theBe Fit Over Fiftyprograms can help you tocontrol type II diabetes, prevent cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, lower your blood pressure, relieve stress, and help you to minimize the negative effects that agingcan have on the body. You can improve your strength, flexibility, and overall fitness level if you exercise with the appropriate program at least 3 times per week.*

If you would like to challenge the aging process and improve your fitness level, Be Fit Over Fifty has several programs that can enable you to maintain an active, independent lifestyle. For a description of the programs listed below, just click on the program button.

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Exercise & Fitness Programs for People Over Fifty.

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Jun 2

Diets That Work for Women – Best Diets for Women

There are many diets that work for women. Some involve meetings, some enlist celebrity endorsements, and some just require common sense. Not every diet works in the same way. It is a fact that men lose weight differently than women as well. Here is a look at seven best diets which work effectively for women.

1. Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet has taken a different approach to dieting. It concentrates less on calorie restriction and more on watching carbohydrate intake. On this plan, a woman lowers her consumption of high carb foods. There are many food options available on these plans that usually are off limits with other diets. Alcohol must be limited as well. Overall, this diet is meant to change eating habits in the long term.

2. Weight Watchers

diet for women

The diet plan for women has been around for many years and has been successful for many people. It relies on a points system that many women favor. Besides eating, this diet includes weekly support groups where women can swap diet tips, recipes, and receive motivation to persevere in rough times. It works well since there is a support system in place which inspires success.

3. The Fertility Diet

Among diets that actually work for women, the fertility diet is at the top of the list. It revolves around the diet a woman must follow when she is trying to conceive a baby. Medical professionals have identified that avoiding foods high in trans-fat and eating foods high in iron will boost fertility and help a woman lose weight.

4. Mayo Clinic Diet

This plan also involves lifestyle changes which stop habits that sabotage weight loss and encourage overall better health. It has two stages; Lose It! and Live it! The first phase lasts two weeks and gets immediate results. On average, a woman in this phase loses between six to ten pounds. The next phase continues slower loss until goals are reached. The guidelines of the diet revolve around a pyramid which focuses on healthy eating of low calorie foods. Exercise is also stressed.

5. Low Glycemic Index/Nutrisystem Plan

This is one of fast diets that work for women, especially those with diabetes. It centers on the concept of how sugar levels surge in the blood after eating certain foods and lead to cravings and weight gain. Nutrisystem uses this idea and creates ready to eat meals that come delivered right to the doorstep and contain the proper amounts of calories and nutrients needed to avoid energy loss and glycemic weight gain. Foods such as broccoli, salad, fish, and poultry are a major part at this diet.

6. Eat Clean Diet

This plan was created by fitness model Tosca Reno. It is one of the many diets that work for women. It states that eating lean protein and complex carbohydrates can help females lose weight and maintain weight loss. It recommends that a woman should eat many smaller meals during the day as well. Foods like egg whites, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, tuna, spinach, soy, nuts, and lean protein should fill meals. Fiber is also an essential component of the diet. It is a fact that fiber will lower the risk of weight loss in women.

7. The Petite Advantage Diet

This diet was studied and developed by Jim Karas and is aimed at women who are under 54. It states that short women usually have to work harder to lose weight than tall women. It is simple and requires little willpower. It simply cuts 40 calories from the diet each day. You hardly notice that anything is gone. It involves portion control at mealtime and limits high calorie ingredients. It is better than very restrictive diets which cut calories by large quantities and lead to binges from food deprivation.

Men and women tend to lose weight in different ways. Therefore it is best for females to uncover the best diets that work for women. It is not necessary to crash diet or follow fads with no benefits. It is also important to consult a doctor before starting any new diet plans. Eating smart and exercising regularly can mean the difference between gaining weight and losing it with long term results.

Original post:
Diets That Work for Women - Best Diets for Women

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May 30

Very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet v. low-fat diet for …

The role of very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets (VLCKD) in the long-term management of obesity is not well established. The present meta-analysis aimed to investigate whether individuals assigned to a VLCKD (i.e. a diet with no more than 50 g carbohydrates/d) achieve better long-term body weight and cardiovascular risk factor management when compared with individuals assigned to a conventional low-fat diet (LFD; i.e. a restricted-energy diet with less than 30% of energy from fat). Through August 2012, MEDLINE, CENTRAL, ScienceDirect,Scopus, LILACS, SciELO, and grey literature databases were searched, using no date or language restrictions, for randomised controlled trials that assigned adults to a VLCKD or a LFD, with 12 months or more of follow-up. The primary outcome was bodyweight. The secondary outcomes were TAG, HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), systolic and diastolic blood pressure,glucose, insulin, HbA1c and C-reactive protein levels. A total of thirteen studies met the inclusion/exclusion criteria. In the overall analysis,five outcomes revealed significant results. Individuals assigned to a VLCKD showed decreased body weight (weighted mean difference 2091 (95% CI 2165, 2017) kg, 1415 patients), TAG (weighted mean difference 2018 (95% CI 2027, 2008) mmol/l, 1258 patients)and diastolic blood pressure (weighted mean difference 2143 (95% CI 2249, 2037) mmHg, 1298 patients) while increased HDL-C(weighted mean difference 009 (95% CI 006, 012) mmol/l, 1257 patients) and LDL-C (weighted mean difference 012 (95% CI 004,02) mmol/l, 1255 patients). Individuals assigned to a VLCKD achieve a greater weight loss than those assigned to a LFD in the longterm; hence, a VLCKD may be an alternative tool against obesity.

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May 26

Weight Loss Made Easy – Simple Changes to Lose Weight

Weight loss made easy with simple changes to your habits Melissa Ross/ Getty Images

Losing weight is not easy. You will never hear me say that it is. It takes dedication, motivation, and hard work. But you can make weight loss easier. There are easy tricks to lose weight. Changing what you eat is the first step.

You can lose weight by changing how much food you eat, but if you change what you eat, the weight loss process gets even easier.

Here are the diet changes that I suggest.

Then start to build meals around healthy types of fish and poultry. Eating lean protein helps to curb hunger so you eat less. You should also make better choices at fast food restaurants to keep fat calories in check. To keep your shellfish, fish, chicken, and turkey diet-friendly, be sure to choose the right preparation method. Skip creamy, high-calorie condiments like tartar sauce or "special sauce" on grilled chicken sandwiches.

The next step in your weight loss plan is to change your drink choices. Cutting back on certain drinks can make a huge difference to your long-term weight loss success.

There are simple habits that will help you get slim and keep the pounds off for good.

Remember, any of these healthy changes that you make to your diet, your drinking habits and to boost your daily activity level is going to make weight loss easier. Start with simple easy changes and build your program gradually.

*Edited by Malia Frey, Weight Loss Expert

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Weight Loss Made Easy - Simple Changes to Lose Weight

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May 26

The 20 Most Weight Loss Friendly Foods on The Planet

Not all calories are created equal.

Different foods go through different metabolic pathways in the body.

They can have vastly different effects on hunger, hormones and how many calories we burn.

Here are the 20 most weight loss friendly foods on earth, that are supported by science.

Once feared for being high in cholesterol, whole eggs have been making a comeback.

New studies show that they dont adversely affect blood cholesterol and dont cause heart attacks (1, 2).

Whats more they are among the best foods you can eat if you need to lose weight.

Theyre high in protein, healthy fats, and can make you feel full with a very low amount of calories.

One study of 30 overweight women showed that eating eggs for breakfast, instead of bagels, increased satiety and made them eat less for the next 36 hours (3).

Another 8 week study found that eggs for breakfast increased weight loss on a calorie restricted diet compared to bagels (4).

Eggs are also incredibly nutrient dense and can help you get all the nutrients you need on a calorie restricted diet. Almost all the nutrients are found in the yolks.

Leafy greens include kale, spinach, collards, swiss chards and a few others.

They have several properties that make them perfect for a weight loss diet.

They are low in both calories and carbohydrates, but loaded with fiber.

Eating leafy greens is a great way to increase the volume of your meals, without increasing the calories. Numerous studies show that meals and diets with a low energy density make people eat fewer calories overall (5).

Leafy greens are also incredibly nutritious and very high in all sorts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This includes calcium, which has been shown to aid fat burning in some studies (6).

Oily fish like salmon is incredibly healthy.

It is also very satisfying, keeping you full for many hours with relatively few calories.

Salmon is loaded with high quality protein, healthy fats and also contains all sorts of important nutrients.

Fish, and seafood in general, supplies a significant amount of iodine.

This nutrient is necessary for proper function of the thyroid, which is important to keep the metabolism running optimally (7).

Studies show that a huge number of people in the world arent getting all the iodine they need (8).

Salmon is also loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation, which is known to play a major role in obesity and metabolic disease (9, 10).

Mackerel, trout, sardines, herring and other types of oily fish are also excellent.

Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussels sprouts.

Like other vegetables, they are high in fiber and tend to be incredibly fulfilling.

Whats more these types of veggies also tend to contain decent amounts of protein.

Theyre not as high in protein as animal foods or legumes, but theyre high compared to most vegetables.

A combination of protein, fiber and low energy density makes cruciferous vegetables the perfect foods to include in your meals if you need to lose weight.

They are also highly nutritious, and contain cancer fighting substances (11).

Meat has been unfairly demonized.

It has been blamed for all sorts of health problems, despite no good evidence to back it up.

Although processed meat is unhealthy, studies show that unprocessed red meat does NOT raise the risk of heart disease or diabetes (12, 13).

According to two big review studies, red meat has only a very weak correlation with cancer in men, and no correlation at all in women (14, 15).

The truth is meat is a weight loss friendly food, because its high in protein.

Protein is the most fulfilling nutrient, by far, and eating a high protein diet can make you burn up to 80 to 100 more calories per day (16, 17, 18).

Studies have shown that increasing your protein intake to 25-30% of calories can cut cravings by 60%, reduce desire for late-night snacking by half, and cause weight loss of almost a pound per week just by adding protein to the diet (19, 20).

If youre on a low-carb diet, then feel free to eat fatty meats. But if youre on a moderate- to high carbohydrate diet, then choosing lean meats may be more appropriate.

White potatoes seem to have fallen out of favour for some reason.

However they have several properties that make them a perfect food, both for weight loss and optimal health.

They contain an incredibly diverse range of nutrients, a little bit of almost everything we need.

There have even been accounts of people living on nothing but potatoes alone for extended periods of time.

They are particularly high in potassium, a nutrient that most people dont get enough of and plays an important role in blood pressure control.

On a scale called the Satiety Index, that measures how fulfilling different foods are, white, boiled potatoes scored the highest of all the foods tested (21).

What this means is that by eating white, boiled potatoes, you will naturally feel full and eat less of other foods instead.

If you boil the potatoes, then allow them to cool for a while, then they will form large amounts of resistant starch, a fiber-like substance that has been shown to have all sorts of health benefits including weight loss (22).

Sweet potatoes, turnips and other root vegetables are also excellent.

Tuna is another low-calorie, high protein food.

It is lean fish so there isnt much fat in it.

Tuna is popular among bodybuilders and fitness models who are on a cut, because its a great way to keep protein high, with total calories and fat low.

If youre trying to emphasize protein intake, then make sure to choose tuna canned in water, but not oil.

Some beans and legumes can be beneficial for weight loss.

This includes lentils, black beans, kidney beans and some others.

These foods tend to be high in protein and fiber, which are two nutrients that have been shown to lead to satiety.

They also tend to contain some resistant starch.

The main problem is that a lot of people have problem tolerating legumes. For this reason, it is important to prepare them properly.

As mentioned above, meals and diets with a low energy density tend to make people eat fewer calories.

Most foods with a low energy density are those that contain lots of water, such as vegetables and fruits.

But you can also just add water to your food by making a soup.

Some studies have shown that eating the exact same food, except made in a soup instead of as solid food, makes people feel more satiated and eat significantly fewer calories (23, 24).

Dairy products tend to be high in protein.

One of the best ones is cottage cheese calorie for calorie, it is mostly just protein with very little carbohydrate and fat.

Eating plenty of cottage cheese is a great way to boost your protein intake. It is also very satiating, making you feel full with a relatively low amount of calories.

Dairy products are also high in calcium, which has been shown to aid in the fat burning process (25).

Avocados are a unique type of fruit.

Whereas most fruit is high in carbs, avocados are loaded with healthy fats.

They are particularly high in monounsaturated oleic acid, the same type of fat found in olive oil.

Despite being mostly fat, they also contain a lot of water, so they arent as energy dense as you may think.

Avocados are perfect as additions to salad, because studies show that the fats in them can increase the nutrient uptake from the vegetables 2.6 to 15-fold (25).

They also contain many important nutrients, including fiber and potassium.

Apple cider vinegar is incredibly popular in the natural health community.

It is popular for use in condiments, like dressings or vinaigrettes. Some people even dilute it in water and drink it.

Several studies in humans suggest that vinegar can be useful for people who are trying to lose weight.

Taking vinegar at the same time as a high-carb meal can increase feelings of fullness and make people eat 200-275 fewer calories for the rest of the day (26, 27).

One study in obese individuals also showed that 15 or 30 mL of vinegar per day for 12 weeks caused weight loss of 2.6-3.7 pounds, or 1.2-1.7 kilograms (28).

Vinegar has also been shown to reduce blood sugar spikes after meals, which may lead to all sorts of beneficial effects on health in the long term (29, 30).

Despite being high in fat, nuts are not inherently fattening.

Theyre an excellent snack, containing balanced amounts of protein, fiber and healthy fats.

Studies have shown that eating nuts can improve metabolic health and even cause weight loss (31, 32).

Population studies have also shown that people who eat nuts tend to be healthier, and leaner, than the people who dont (33).

Just make sure not to go overboard, as they are still pretty high in calories. If you tend to binge and eat massive amounts of nuts, then it may be best to avoid them.

Despite grains having gotten a bad rap in recent years, there are some types that are definitely healthy.

This includes some non-gluten, whole grains that are loaded with fiber and contain a decent amount of protein as well.

Notable examples include oats, brown rice and quinoa.

Oats are loaded with beta-glucans, soluble fibers that have been shown to increase satiety and improve metabolic health (34, 35).

Rice, both brown and white, can also contain significant amounts of resistant starch, especially if cooked and then allowed to cool afterwards (36).

Keep in mind that refined grains are a disaster, and sometimes foods that have whole grains on the label are highly processed junk foods that are both harmful and fattening.

Read this article:
The 20 Most Weight Loss Friendly Foods on The Planet

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May 24

What Actually Leads To Long-Term Weight Loss & Health …

Our country is obsessed with dieting and working out. But despite having the most gyms, diet books, and exercise DVDs, we are one of the heaviest, sickest nations in the developed world.

That's why, when it comes to weight loss, I believe we've got it all wrong.

Functional medicine recognizes that weight gain is a symptom, not the cause of health problems. In other words:

Weight-loss resistance is a sign that something is going on underneath the surface. And that can rarely be solved in the long term by just another fad diet. Research shows that calorie counting almost always fails when it comes to sustainable weight loss.

We need to ditch dieting and get healthy first. Then we'll reach our goal weight and look great, by accident. It will simply be a natural by-product of radiant health.

How do we do this? By healing. Here are the four key areas your mind, emotions, gut, and hormones that you need to heal first in order to reach your health goals.

The first step to healing yourself is to become aware that we spend most of our day lost in compulsive, unconscious thought.

In fact, Stanford research estimates that a staggering 90 percent of our thoughts are actually repetitive. Think about that: Nine out of 10 of your thoughts are ones you have constantly.

How can this harm your health? For many people these thoughts are not just repetitive, they're also negative. This chronic stress can raise inflammation in our bodies and could contribute to health problems in the long term unless it's kept in check.

Further, research out of Cornell University found that we make about 200 food-related decisions each day. The problem is that most of these food decisions, the researchers found, were made on mindless autopilot. We aren't consciously aware we're making most of them, which could be further contributing to poor eating habits.

That's why increased consciousness of our thoughts is the first step to healing and long-term health. Observing the presence of our thoughts brings us into the here and now, and breaks the addictive cycle of our past.

I recommend practicing mindfulness meditation as one way to become more aware of our health choices and eliminate negative, repetitive thought patterns. Read 11 Ways To Keep Negative Thoughts From Harming Your Health for more practical tips.

Anxiety, fear, and hate are some of the most common emotions that can keep you from reaching your health goals.

These emotions will flood the body with stress and stress hormones. And stress is linked to an increased risk of weight gain and many other heath conditions.

You can't heal a body you hate. So instead of punishing your body into submission by restricting foods, make food your friend.

The key is to eat it consciously and rationally. Your body is a gift that has taken care of you. Love yourself enough to nourish your body with good food medicine.

Further, try to pinpoint what you might be holding onto from your past that's keeping you from your goals. Forgiving yourself and others can be a revolutionary act of healing.

I consider this emotional healing to be vital in my work helping patients overcome their health obstacles.

Now we have to deal with the physical body itself recovering from years of unknowingly mistreating your body.

As Hippocrates said, "All disease begins in the gut." The health of our microbiome, the trillions of bacteria that live within us, determines many facets of our overall health, including our weight.

I often see weight gain as an underlying gut problem. Your microbiome could be damaged after years of junk food, toxins, stress, and harmful medications and you might be seeing the effects in your health.

Healing the gut is a process, which I go into more detail in other articles. But herbal medicines like slippery elm, marshmallow root, and deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) can help. Nourishing bone broth is also on my list of favorite foodie ways to heal the gut.

We tend to think we crave foods or can't get healthy because of a lack of willpower. But often, it's really an underlying hormonal problem that's disabling you from making rational choices about food and keeping you stuck in a cycle.

For example, I often see brain-hormonal connection problems in my patients, such as thyroid conditions, adrenal fatigue, and leptin resistance (when your brain doesn't get the message from your hormones that your body is full).

Years of stress and poor diet can do a number on brain and hormonal health, further perpetuating hormonal dysfunctions. Many people struggling with health problems have some level of brain inflammation, which not only can contribute to anxiety, depression, and brain fog, but can also hurt your hormones.

Healing your hormones is often the first step to healthy weight loss and long-term wellness.

To find out more, check out my free guides to Heal Your Gut and Heal Your Hormones. You can also consider a free webcam or phone evaluation to talk about your specific case.

Photo Credit: Stocksy

See the original post here:
What Actually Leads To Long-Term Weight Loss & Health ...

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May 15

Cupertino Boot Camps – Deals in Cupertino, CA | Groupon

Up to 79% Off 2 or 4 Weeks of Boot Camp at COR


Santa Clara

From the merchant: Unlimited expert-guided, individualized boot camps with cardio, weight & interval training, injury prevention, and more

Three or Six Weeks of Boot-Camp Classes for One Or Two at Fit For Life Solutions (Up to 93% Off)

Fit For Life Solutions

Multiple Locations

Seasoned trainers lead 45-minute circuit workouts in boot camps

$61 for a 28-Day Fat-Blast Program at Performance Science Training Institute ($485 Value)

Performance Science Training Institute

Multiple Locations

28-day program helps women jump-start their weight-loss goals with metabolic movement training sessions and nutritional guidance

Three- or Six-Week Boot-Camp Programs at My Fitness (Up to 84% Off)

My Fitness

San Jose

Each program includes boot-camp classes, three-day detox menu, meal plans, and before-and-after photos

Eight Classes or Month of Unlimited Rapid Results Sports X Bootcamp at MED-X Health & Fitness Center (80% Off)

MED-X Sports & Fitness Center


45-minute classes focus on maximum calorie burn in a short time by combining elements of TRX, kickboxing, functional fitness, and karate

One Month of Outdoor Boot-Camp Classes or Five Outdoor Boot-Camp Classes from Energeia Boot Camp (Up to 85% Off)

Energeia Boot Camp

Multiple Locations

Instructors push students to reach their fitness goals in ever-changing outdoor boot-camp sessions; over 12 sessions per week are offered

$39 for One Month of Fitness Boot-Camp Classes at Saratoga Bootcamp ($133 Value)

Saratoga Bootcamp


Trainers whip bodies into shape with tough boot-camp classes held MondayFriday

Up to 78% Off Boot camp classes & membership at SJ Bodyfit Bootcamp

SJ Bodyfit Bootcamp


From the merchant: Varied group workouts are designed with a purpose and focus on a rotating schedule of muscle groups for each workout.

$25 for 10 Boot-Camp Classes at Fit 2 Ripped Fitness ($100 Value)

Fit 2 Ripped Fitness

San Jose

Passionate instructors lead patrons in high-intensity boot-camp regimens in the outdoors

Six Weeks of Unlimited Boot-Camp Classes at MPowered Bootcamps (72% Off)

Mpowered Bootcamps

Multiple Locations

From the merchant: Fun, outdoor, community based bootcamp programmed to get you results

5 or 10 Boot-Camp Lite Classes at ShiraOne Fitness (Up to 77% Off)

ShiraOne Fitness

Menlo Park

Designed for beginners, low-intensity, outdoor boot-camp classes push clients for a full hour in an energetic, social environment

$45 for One Month of Unlimited Boot-Camp Training at EmpowerFit Boot Camp ($79 Value)

EmpowerFIT Boot Camp

Multiple Locations

Certified trainers lead varied-format classes that help students strengthen their bodies with functional, performance-based methods

Month of Boot-Camp Classes for One or Two, or 10 Boot-Camp Classes at Ultimate Muscle Confusion (Up to 63% Off)

Ultimate Muscle Confusion


Class created by a former college-football player; combines HIIT and muscle confusion to maximize resistance and cardio training

Four Weeks of Unlimited Boot-Camp Classes at Hyper-active Monkey Fitness (65% Off)

Hyper-active Monkey Fitness

Sunnyvale West

From the merchant: Be a Geek and Get Fit-ERR with All Around Movement Junkie Coach Jon! Have Fun, Lose Fat, and Build More Muscle!

One or Three Months of Unlimited Boot-Camp Classes at Extreme Fitness and Sports (Up to 75% Off)

Extreme Fitness and Sports


Expert trainers lead guests of all fitness levels through intense boot-camp classes

30 Days of Unlimited Boot Camp Classes for One or Two at Fit Bodies by Derrick (Up to 74% Off)

Fit Bodies by Derrick

San Jose

Break through workout plateaus with scalable 60-minute boot-camp classes that incorporate circuit training to build strength and endurance

15 Boot-Camp Classes at Boss Barbell Club (65% Off)

Boss Barbell Club

Mountain View

Local businesses like this one promote thriving, distinctive communities by offering a rich array of goods and services to locals like you

5 or 10 Introductory or Extreme Boot Camp Sessions at Rok Fitness(Up to 66% Off)

Rok Fitness

Mountain View

Certified personal trainer and sport nutritionist helps clients achieve fitness goals with boot camps and nutrition guidance

Four Weeks of Unlimited Boot-Camp Classes at (65% Off)


Central San Jose

From the merchant: Our ladies Boot Camps use cutting edge techniques with an emphasis on improving toning and flexibility.

$20 for $45 Groupon ORO Fitness

Oro Fitness


Local businesses like this one promote thriving, distinctive communities by offering a rich array of goods and services to locals like you

Three or Six Weeks of Unlimited Boot Camp or Metabolic Conditioning from Hiljin Sabangan (Up to 76% Off)

Hiljin Sabangan

Team Physiofit

Trainer Hiljin Sabangan leads boot-camp programs designed to quickly ramp up physical fitness or shed excess weight

6-Week Outdoor Boot Camp from NorCal-Fit BootCamp (55% Off)

Norcal-fit Bootcamp

Santa Clara

Local businesses like this one promote thriving, distinctive communities by offering a rich array of goods and services to locals like you

Four, Eight, or 16 Boot Camp Classes at Move Better Look Better (Up to 69% Off)

Move Better Look Better

Redwood City

Certified personal trainer helps clients achieve fitness and weight loss goals through group boot camp sessions

$29 for an Aerobics Boot Camp Online Course from e-Careers ($334 Value)


12 months of access to an online course that trains students in an array of aerobic exercises that build strength, cardio, and flexibility

$35 for 10 Yoga Sessions at Bright Heart Yoga Studio ($140 Value)

Bright Heart Yoga Studio


Heated Power Vinyasa yoga classesincluding classes that teach the fundamentals of the posturesare led by a staff of supportive instructors

Read the original here:
Cupertino Boot Camps - Deals in Cupertino, CA | Groupon

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