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Ate Everything: 69 Tall Giant Hafthor Bjornson Shared the Diet That Made Him Worlds Strongest Man in 2018 EssentiallySports
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How to Lose 30 Pounds in A Month: 30 Day Diet Plan for Fast Weight Loss

Many people who need to lose a lot of weight in a short space of time want to know how to lose 30 pounds in a month. The most effective 30 days diet plan can certainly help you lose weight rapidly in the first month. Trying to lose weight quickly in a month can be a great kick-start to keeping to a long-term diet plan that will keep weight off for good.
Although losing 20 or 30 lbs in 30 days sounds like a great idea, the reality is that an effective diet plan should help shed pounds safely in a controlled way. That is why the most effective 30 day diet plans for rapid weight loss include lifestyle changes, regular exercising, and staying physically active. You should also avoid unsafe methods that promise to lose 30lbs in a month without much effort.
If you are overweight or have health-related issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart problems, then trying to lose up to 30 pounds in 4 weeks is a great goal to have. However, its not always good to lose so much weight in such a short time. Sometimes, losing weight very quickly in the space of a few weeks can even create more health complications than it solves. Therefore, you should always speak to a qualified medical professional if you need to lose a lot of weight in a month.
This article looks at some of the best diet plans that help lose as much as 30 pounds in a month. You will also find out how to combine healthy lifestyle choices with your 30-day diet plan to get you looking slimmer in no time at all.
You could lose as much as 30 pounds in a month if you use extreme dieting measures, but you need to follow a diet plan that ensures your body receives the proper amount of nutrients and minerals to function properly.
Its important to remember that you didnt put on 30 pounds of body weight in a month, and trying to shed that amount of weight in 30 days or less will be a challenge. Usually, you can lose 10 pounds or so in the first week of dieting, but this is mostly just water weight. Losing 30 pounds of body fat in 4 weeks is simply not reasonable, especially if you want to lose weight safely and keep it off.
However, you shouldnt feel disheartened especially if your goal to lose a lot of weight is long-term and you want to maintain a healthy weight. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, extreme diets that are very low in calories lead to rapid weight loss in a short space of time. But, these types of quick weight-reduction diets usually result in fast and excessive weight regain.1
The best and most sensible way to lose a lot of weight is to develop good, healthy habits that help you gradually lose weight and keep it off.
In this article, you will find a complete and comprehensive 30-days diet plan to lose as much as 30 pounds. The effective weight-loss diet plan includes scientifically proven methods to lose weight through dieting, and how to combine exercising and healthy lifestyle changes to achieve your weight-loss goals.
Although losing 30 pounds in a month is extremely challenging, you can still lose a lot of weight in 4 weeks and look leaner. Your heart will also thank you for it as well!
Here are the steps you need to take to lose up to 30 lbs in a month.
If you want to lose pounds fast in under a month, its essential to lower your daily calorie intake.
Lowering your calorie intake to get rid of unnecessary body fat to quickly lose weight can be done in a combination of 3 methods:
This is one of the best methods to speed up weight loss because you start to burn off more calories than you consume. You will then notice that in the space of 2 or 3 weeks, you are already starting to look thinner.
It is possible to easily lose 30 pounds or more over a period of time by limiting calorie intake. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the safest diet plan to lose significant weight in a few weeks is to reduce calorie consumption by 500 to 750 calories a day.2
Making healthy foods swaps is a relatively easy way to lower calorie consumption if you need to quickly lose weight. Doctors from the National Health Service recommend some healthier foods that you can swap in place of calorie-laden ones. For example:3
There is much you can do to lower calorie intake and accelerate your weight loss plan. For more information, please read my article on how to tweak your diet for speedier weight loss.
To lose 30 pounds in a relatively short space of time, you need to change your eating habits.
Changing your eating habits on a 30-day diet plan for quick weight loss helps to lose weight safely and also maintain your ideal weight when youve reached your target.
One great habit that can help you lose a lot of weight effortlessly is to drink a glass of water before each meal. According to Dr. Arefa Cassobhoy on WebMD, drinking a 16-oz. glass of water 30 minutes before your meal can help lose extra body weight easier.4
You can also get into the habit of starting your day with protein to help lose more weight in a few weeks. The reason for consuming protein for breakfast is that it keeps you feeling fuller for longer and reduces the tendency to snack before lunchtime, which is essential if you are following a strict 30 days diet program.
For example, eggs are a great source of protein and make a great start to the day. In fact, they may not have as many calories in them as you might think. Also, lean meat, milk, or nuts are great protein sources that help to boost long-term weight loss.
Another way to lose weight quicker in 4 weeks or less is to be careful about when and why you eat. The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine reported that people who tend to eat based on their emotions gain weight very quickly. The researchers suggested that people wanting to lose weight develop emotional strategies to deal with stress, anxiety, and worry.5
In order to stop cravings that lead to emotional eating, its important to deal with stress and anxiety properly. This includes getting plenty of sleep to deal with stress better. Interestingly, according to Dr. Melinda Ratini on WebMD, getting enough sleep has also been linked to weight loss and may just help you shed 30 pounds even quicker.6
You could consider eating smaller meals frequently throughout the day to lose 30 pounds faster in a few weeks.
Eating smaller portion sizes during the day can help you lose weight at a steady pace. The benefit of frequent small meals to your 30-day diet plan is that it helps prevent snacking. This can often happen when people try to skip meals when they have the goal of quick weight loss.
There is, however, some controversy if eating 3 meals or 6 small meals in the day is the best option. For example, a study into dieting in 2015 said that eating smaller frequent meals throughout the day could help some people lose extra pounds and reduce body weight.7 But, according to the journal Obesity, it is the overall daily calorie intake that is the determining factor if a person can lose weight quickly.8
If you have the goal of losing a lot of weight in a 3 or 4-week diet program, you should experiment with these methods to see what works best for you.
Reducing portion size is essential if you want to reach your target of losing 30 pounds of body fat in a few weeks.
To help you lose weight and keep it off, try to get into the habit of eating smaller meal portions at lunchtime and in the evening. Although this will take some self-discipline at the start, it will help to gradually reduce your overall calorie consumption in a day and the pounds should start to fall off.
According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, individuals who ate smaller portions at lunchtime were able to reduce their daily energy intake by up to 30%. The study also highlighted that people dining in restaurants should consider not finishing their plate if they want to lose weight. This is because portion sizes are increasing and this has been linked to more people becoming overweight.9
So, eating smaller portions can help you lose a lot of weight and is an effective diet method to help treat and prevent obesity.
The International Journal of Obesity reported that to help lose a lot of pounds of body weight quickly, its important to eat portions of food that contain more low-density energy foods. This means increasing the amount of vegetables in your meal and eating lean protein.10
One helpful way to speed up weight loss by using portion control is to use a portion control plate. This will help you lose a lot of weight gradually and boost your overall health as you see your waistline decrease in size.
Limiting your consumption of carbs is a great way to lose as much as 30 pounds in 4 weeks or so.
Refined carbohydrates like white bread and pasta, cakes, pastries, and sugar are quickly turned into energy sources by your body. If you dont use up this energy, the carbs quickly turn into belly fat which can be difficult to lose. Actually, there are many health benefits to low carb diets that include more than just quick weight loss.
As a precaution when trying to lose a lot of weight in a month by lowering your carbs, its important to remember that not all carbs are bad for you. According to Dr. Kathleen Zelman on WebMD, whole grains are an important source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Consuming high-fiber foods can help with weight control, cleanse your colon, boost your metabolism naturally, lower your risk of heart disease, and protect against colon cancer.11
Another way to lose a lot of pounds quickly in 4 weeks or so is to increase your daily water intake.
Drinking plenty of water every day has many health benefits because it protects you from the effects of dehydration. However, if you want to lose a large amount of weight in a matter of weeks, then you should drink more water every day.
For example, the Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine published a study on the connection between drinking more water and rapid weight loss. The study found that by drinking 1.5 liters of water daily, individuals were able to reduce body weight and lose body fat. It was suggested that water is a quick and cheap way for obese persons to lose weight safely as part of an effective diet plan.12
Water is also one of the best ways to get rid of toxins from your system and improve your kidneys health. But, you dont just have to drink plain water to shed pounds of fat quickly. You can try some delicious calorie-free flavored water alternatives that can also help to melt excess fat from your body in just a few weeks.
To make sure and lose as much as 30 pounds in a month, you must avoid junk food and limit sugar consumption.
Many processed foods contain added sugar and high levels of saturated fat that can hamper the speed at which you lose weight. If you want to lose weight in a matter of 4 weeks, you need to ditch the junk food.
According to the University of Michigan, there is a proven link between fast food and individuals with a high body mass index. It was found that as fast food outlets in a community or country increased, so did cases of obesity.13
Reducing the number of sugary foods and sodas is an easy habit to get into to lose lots of pounds quickly and keep them off. Dr. Laura Martin on WebMD reports that limiting foods containing refined and processed sugars can help a person reach their target weight faster.14
As well as changing your eating habits to lose as much as 20 or even 30 pounds in 4 weeks, its important to make positive lifestyle changes. Lifestyles changes will boost the effectiveness of your 30-day diet plan and also help keep the pounds off in the long-term.
Here are 4 positive changes you can make if you have a goal to lose a lot of weight in 4 weeks.
Being active throughout the day is just as important as regular weekly exercising if you want to quickly lose 30 pounds.
According to a study published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, non-exercised activity thermogenesis (NEAT) can significantly boost the number of calories burned in a day. Researchers discovered that NEAT movements can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and lower body mass index in people who find it difficult to exercise.15
If you want to stay more active throughout the day and lose weight faster, here are a few ideas:
Believe it or not, you can actually lose more weight by getting enough sleep at nighttime.
According to Dr. Melina Ratini on WebMD, sleep deprivation is connected with higher levels of obesity and weight gain. For example, individuals who are well-rested tend to crave less carb-laden snacks. Also, sleep helps to balance your hormones and this reduces fat by boosting your metabolism.16
Of course, daily anxieties and stress can make it difficult to fall asleep. However, there are many natural ways to help get to sleep and enjoy the health benefits of a good nights sleep. Here are some helpful tips to lose up to 10, 20, or even 30 pounds in a matter of weeks:
To make sure and reach your goal of dropping up to 30 pounds in a month, you need to reduce stress.
Being stressed out can pile on the pounds because, according to Dr. William Blahd on WebMD, levels of cortisol increase in the body under stress. This can cause the body to burn less energy and also increase the craving for sugary or fatty snacks. Stress can also cause you to have high blood pressure, be at a greater risk of cardiovascular diseases, or type 2 diabetes.17
There are many ways to cope with stress naturally to help boost weight loss if you are following a good 30-diet plan. Dr. Blahd recommends the following:
You can also try some of the excellent ways of getting rid of stress that I wrote about in my article on the best ways to fight anxiety and depression.
Staying motivated is the key to making sure that you lose as much as 30 pounds in a month or two months.
Motivation will help you stay with your weight-loss plan as you go through highs and lows when losing weight.
Doctors from the Mayo Clinic advise that long-term results from an effective diet plan are only achievable by making permanent changes to your dietary and exercising habits. To lose weight in a month or 2 and keep it off, this is what Mayo Clinic doctors recommend:18
Exercising along with dieting can help you lose a lot of pounds in a month.
Regular exercising will not only help you shed pounds of body fat very quickly, you will also boost the health of your heart and build muscle strength which will make you burn even more calories quickly. This is one of the best ways to get rid of fat from around your face.
Here are some proven ways to quickly lose up to 30 or so pounds in a month.
Walking more every day is a great way to shed as much as 20 pounds in two weeks.
According to research published in the International Journey of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, brisk walking for at least 30 minutes daily can help boost the effectiveness of a weight-loss plan.19
If you want to see quick result from your 30-day rapid weight loss program, you should ideally increase your walking to 10,000 steps a day. Here are some ideas how to increase walking to lose weight:
Another way to lose as much as 20 or 30 pounds in a month is to do HIIT exercises regularly.
HIIT stands for high-interval intensity training and it involves short bursts of intense exercises with a short rest period. For example, using HIIT when running could involve short bursts of intense running for 30 seconds with 15 to 30-second intervals of very light jogging.
HIIT exercising has proven to be one of the most effective types of exercising to shed extra pounds in a short time. For example, the Journal of Obesity reported that HIIT significantly increases aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels. The short burst of intense exercising helps to burn fat quicker and help individuals see faster results from a weight-loss plan.20
To find out more about how HIIT exercising can help you lose as much as 30 or more pounds in a short time-frame, please read my article on how interval training can burn fat fast.
Resistance training by lifting weights burns a lot of calories and helps to shed a lot of pounds very fast.
One of the reasons that weightlifting such as kettlebell or dumbbell workouts produces such quick results when losing weight is that they build muscle mass which increases metabolism and burns even more calories.
Research into the effects of weightlifting on quick weight loss found that intense workouts significantly increases muscle metabolism. The increase in your resting metabolic rate may actually help to burn more calories even when resting.
Please remember that before starting a weightlifting program of intense exercising, you should speak to your doctor to get advice on what type of exercise regime would be suitable for you.
To help keep up with your weight-loss plan and lose as much weight as possible in 4 weeks, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends some other practical ways to lose weight. Some of these are:21
There are some diets that help you lose weight quickly in a short space of time. Although you might not lose as much as 30 pounds in 30 days, these diets will give your weight-loss plan a great kick-start with rapid weight loss at the beginning.
The ketogenic diet is a low carb high fat diet that helps to boost the bodys fat-burning potential because it restricts the intake of carbohydrates.
According to the journal Experimental & Clinical Cardiology, the keto diet has proven results in helping individuals lose weight quickly. It is also used by obese people who need to lose weight in a short space of time.22
When going on a ketogenic diet you should be aware that many healthy carb sources, like whole grains and brown rice contain necessary nutrients. Cutting out too many of these foods can create a lack of beneficial vitamins like B vitamins and magnesium which are needed to prevent you feeling fatigued.
Taking small meals every 3 hours is an effective weight-loss plan that many doctors recommend.
According to Dr. Michael Dansinger on WebMD, the 3-hour diet restricts your daily calorie to 1,400 and these are divided up between frequent meals during the day. Dr. Dansinger says that individuals usually start noticing weight loss within the first 2 weeks.23
Intermittent fasting can help to get rid of extra pounds quickly and is useful for weight control.
Usually referred to as the 5:2 diet, intermittent fasting allows dieters to eat normally for 5 days and then restricts calories intake to 600 on 2 non-consecutive days. The International Journal of Obesity reports that the 5:2 helps to get rid of a lot of extra pounds and can help maintain a healthy weight.24
When searching the internet on how to lose 30 pounds in 4 weeks, you will find many purported methods of rapid weight loss that are unsafe. Here are some of the most popular.
Dont skip meals on a regular basis if you plan to lose 30 pounds in 4 weeks.
Although it sounds like a great idea to restrict calories intake, skipping meals can create other health problems. For example, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that skipping breakfast can increase inflammation in the body.25
You should also start the day with breakfast. Dr. Kathleen Zelman on WebMD says that breakfast improves blood sugar levels and helps the body get prepared for the day. Eating breakfast also reduces the tendency to snack in the morning.26
Skipping meals isnt the same as intermittent fasting or the 5:2 diet. The 5:2 diet doesnt involve skipping meals on your fasting days but restricts calories to 3 low-calorie meals and vegetable snacks that contain plenty of vitamins and minerals.
Stay away from fad diets if you want to lose weight quickly, but healthily.
The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center says that you can spot fad diets very quickly because they usually promise great results with little or no physical effort. Fad diets usually cut out important food groups and are difficult to maintain long-term. You may also end up with kidney stones, cardiovascular problems, or high blood pressure.27
Diet pills wont help you lose 30 pounds in a month.
Because they are usually expensive, they will usually just help you lose your money rather than pounds of body fat.
Dr. Gary Vogin on WebMD says that there is little evidence to suggest that diet weight loss pills have more than a minimal effect on losing weight quickly. Although some supplements claim to boost metabolism, they arent miracle cures that will make you drop 20 or 30 pounds in a month.28
Extreme fasting or starvation diets are not recommended to help you lose a lot of weight in a short time.
Dr. Kathleen Zelman on WebMD says that, even though extreme fasting can result in rapid weight loss, the initial drop in body weight is due to water weight and not body fat. In fact, your body might even start to burn calories slower and you can end up putting on more weight than you lost.29
According to doctors from WebMD, weight-loss creams and other devices are no more effective than casting voodoo spells.30
If you want to lose 30 pounds in 4 weeks, what should you take into consideration? Although it is possible to lose that amount of weight in a month, losing so much weight could take a great toll on your health.
In order to meet your target of losing 30 pounds and maintain good health at the same time, you should reduce calorie intake over a period of a few months. At the same time, its important to exercise regularly and make other positive lifestyle changes. Remember, you gained a lot of weight over a period of many months and it will take more than a month to lose 30lbs of body fat.
According to doctors from the Mayo Clinic, there are dangers associated with trying to lose so much weight in a month. Here are some calculations from the Mayo Clinic on why you should not try to lose 30lbs in a month:
The Mayo Clinic says that intense aerobic exercising burns about 650 calories an hour. So, to lose 30lbs in a month, this is what you would have to do:
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How to Lose 30 Pounds in A Month: 30 Day Diet Plan for Fast Weight Loss
33 Convincing Reasons To Lose Weight | Eat This Not That

If you struggle with your weight, you may very well know that the dressing room is one of the few places that serves up a blunt reality check. But is fitting into a pair of pants, swimwear, or even a nice top one of the only reasons to lose weight?
While, yes, your weight may influence how you feel about yourself and even how others view you, but body image is not the only reason you should embark on a weight-loss journey. In fact, for those who are overweight or obese, losing weight actually carries innumerable benefits beyond looking great in your new clothes.
Ultimately, being overweight has a lot of side effects, from little things like back pain to more serious consequences like being more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Besides minimizing these health issues, there are also plenty of little-known benefits that come with a trimmer figure. Read on to discover some insights into how your body and lifestyle can change after shedding some pounds.
You'll have all the more reason to battle the bulge asresearchers have found that when you come up with strong motivations to lose weight before embarking on your journey, you lose more weight than those who are less motivated!
What you may not realize is that your diet can control how easily you fall asleep and how well rested you are upon waking. Often times, people are overweight due to a poor diet centered on foods that digest quickly and leave you hungry often. That means your body constantly searches for high-energy foods as quick fixes, such as fatty and sugary foods, which both have been found to negatively impact your sleep quality. Cutting out these worst foods for sleep will help you ease into dreamland, as will increasing your time spent exercising, which has been shown to help stave off health conditions that hinder sleep: diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and depression.
You know what we're talking about. Being overweight can put some serious strain on your jointsespecially your knees. While everyone has to deal with everyday wear and tear on their joints, those who are overweight build up excess stress on these same joints. On top of that, inflammatory factors that are associated with weight gain could contribute to trouble in smaller joints, such as your hands. That's why an anti-inflammatory diet has been shown to help alleviate arthritis symptoms.
Who woulda thunk it? Turns out, one of the reasons to lose weight is that your boss may treat you better after you've slimmed down. Obese people, especially women, make about 2.5 percent less than their normal-weight co-workers, according to a study in Health Economics.
As unethical as it may seem, studies have found that weight may even negatively impact your chances of getting a job. In a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, researchers found that hiring decisions were impacted negatively when the photo showed a person who was overweight compared to a photo of that same person post weight-loss surgery. Another review in Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs indicated that people with high BMIs are often overlooked for initial job offers, supervisory positions, and promotions compared to their thinner colleagues. Slimming down won't just change your interviewer's or boss' bias, it will also make you more confidentand make interviewing much easier!
Sure, your demanding job can contribute to chronic stress levels, but so too does your diet. Just take a look at these best foods for stress. Many of the foods that worsen stress levels are the same foods that stifle your weight loss progress, while the foods that alleviate stress are those you'd eat during your slim-down journey. For example, foods high in refined sugarlike soda or ice creamcan increase levels of stress hormones like cortisol. These foods spike your blood sugar, then send it plummeting. As a result, your brain perceives these low blood-glucose levels as a life-threatening situation, it secretes more cortisol to trigger hunger yet again, and in turn, causes you to continue to feel stressed.
Do the first signs of Spring come with the dread of knowing you'll have to break out the Kleenex and eyedrops? Turns out, your weight may be to blame for some of your symptoms. That's because being overweight puts a strain on the adrenal glands and respiratory system, which may worsen asthma and allergy symptoms. Trimming down could likely mean you'll finally be able to step outside and smell the roses! To help you out even more, check out Eat This, Not That! to Fight Spring Allergies.
This is something you probably haven't heard before: After dropping your spare tire, your dinner may taste even better. Researchers from Stanford University found that overweight people have less taste sensitivity than their slimmer counterparts, perhaps because their taste buds become dulled with overuse. Another theory speculates that hormonal shifts that take place during weight loss may change the way taste receptors communicate with the brain.
Leave the bedroom blues behind. As your BMI falls, you'll more easily become aroused. It's all thanks to the rise in testosterone levels that comes with torching away body fat. In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, heavier men had T-levels comparable to elderly gents nearly a full decade older. Other studies have found that women with belly fat accumulation have elevated secretions of cortisol, a stress hormone. More cortisoland thus higher stress levelswas found to interfere with sexual arousal. Besides what's going on with your bod on the inside, losing that muffin top may allow you to feel less self-conscious in the nude, which can increase your desire to get it on as well.
A Duke University Medical Center survey of 1,210 people of varying weights found that obese people were 25 times more likely to report dissatisfaction with their time between the sheets than their leaner counterparts. The good news? Shedding a mere 10 percent loss of your body weight was shown to skyrocket sexual satisfaction. So you could even reap the rewards in the bedroom before you've hit your goal weight!
Effective weight loss is often synonymous with home cooked meals. That's because studies have found that frequent home cooks consume an average of 137 fewer calories and 16 fewer grams of sugar every day compared to those who regularly dine out at restaurants. When you're whipping up healthy dishes for most of your meals, you'll start to see your kitchen skill improve. Watch out, Top Chef! To get started, check out our collection of the best weight loss recipes.
Successful weight loss usually comes with a lifestyle overhaulone that includes getting a good night's rest, fueling up with a micronutrient-dense diet high in fresh produce and whole grains, and working up a sweat regularly. According to Harvard Medical School, each of these changes can help to improve your immune system.
Don't blame a reliance on your cell phone as the reason that you can't remember phone numbers or names anymore. Your wandering mind may also be a result of carrying around extra weight. In one study, women performed better on memory tests after losing weight than they did prior to dropping the pounds. Why? The brain scans revealed that once the women lost weight, there was more activity while they were forming memories and less activity during memory recall, suggesting that lugging around extra L-B's may make it more difficult for the brain to work efficiently. Other studies have found that the main component in soda and other sweetened foodsfructosedisrupts the creation of fresh pathways between brain cells that occurs when we learn or experience something new. Experts have found that cut the sweet stuff from your diet and upping your intake of these omega-3 superfoods during your weight loss can fight this brain drain.
While crash dieters often feel hungrier after slimming down thanks to the body's survival response to increase hunger hormones and slow metabolism when it's starved, that isn't the case for everyone. Those who follow extended plans that incorporate healthy foods packed with satiety-boosting nutrients like protein and fiberlike the Zero Belly Dietoften report fewer tummy rumbles. Plus, these healthy diets often cut out quickly-digested foods that spike your blood sugar, alerting your body it's hungry shortly after eating. Check out what else contributes to those cookie cravings in our exclusive storyreasons why you're always hungry.
Does it ever feel like you're in a sauna when it's just 70 degrees? It's because fat insulates the body and raises core temperature, making you feel warmer than those who are slimmer. For the same reason, overweight individuals tend to sweat more. Drop the muffin top and you won't have to walk straight to the bathroom to towel off after walking anywhere.
Toss out those creams and serums! If you suffer from skin issues such as psoriasis, eczema, or acne, dropping a few pounds may help your complexion clear up. That's because nutrients found in healthy foods have been proven to possess beautifying benefits. (Not to mention, you're also probably eschewing sugar, which is known to break down the amino acids in the proteins that keep skin looking supple and young: collagen and elastin.)
Plus, if you're eating more fiber and probiotics, such as yogurt with live active cultures, you're likely improving your gut health as well. Because our microbiome helps regulate our immune system, its health plays an important role in combating inflammatory skin conditions. Experts believe that administering probiotics can help to reduce patients' levels of inflammatory proteins and alleviate skin condition symptoms.
That feeling you experience after you step on the scale and see you're 5 pounds lighter isn't just relief. It's also the confidence in your accomplishment and in knowing you've taken control of your life for the betterand you've got the results to prove it. One Reddit user, superfluous1, who lose 140 pounds came to the realization that he wasn't an inherently lazy person: "I've been overweight for most of my life and it always felt like a moral failing. [] I now realize that being fat makes you lazy. It hurts to walk, to stand, to liveno wonder all I wanted to do was sit down or sleep!" He concludes, "Being lazy didn't make me fatI was lazy because I was fat." But if you are sluggish, try these lazy ways to lose weight!
After dropping the pounds, you may soon notice that you have much more energy. It's not just because you're eating more foods that maintain your energy levels. It's also because when you're lugging around less weight, your body needs less energy to keep you alive.
If it were up to us, it wouldn't be like this. But, truth is, our society often discriminates against overweight people, whether that means they'll garner less attention from healthcare providers or receive more negative comments from peers. (It's scientifically proven!) But, after you've lost weight, you'll start to see things change. People who once ignored you may greet you with a smile or even offer to hold the door for you. "I have lost 120 pounds now, and people treat me so much differently," writes FatSecret message board user girlygirlatheart. User jkessler9508 agrees: "Sad, but trueit seems everyone is nicer to you [after you lose weight.]"
Skim through any online message board about weight loss and there's usually a common theme: People found others were noticing them more. "When I first lost weight, guys paid me a lot more attentionAfter being sort of invisible because of my weight, I found it hard to get used to," writes one user. Someone else adds, "I lost 100 pounds. The most surprising thing to me was that I don't get mistaken for someone else anymore. When you're 300+ pounds, all people see is the fat. [Many people think that] all fat people look alike."
It may be painful at first, but once you start shedding the pounds, exercise will become easier and less of a strain on your body. As a result, you'll reap one of its major benefits besides calorie burn: endorphins! These feel-good hormones that flood your body after a killer spin class will drastically improve your mood and get you hooked on those sweat sessions. Get the most out of pumping iron by fueling up properly.
Weight gain costs us a lot of moneyand we're not just talking about shirts and pants ripped by chafing or popped skirt buttons. Those who clock in at a healthy weight spend an astounding 42 percent less cash on medical bills and health expenses than their overweight peers, according to a Health Affairs report. Sure health care is quite a big dent in your financial future, but also think about all that money you'll save by cooking at home instead of eating out at restaurants, leaving the soda on the shelf, and saying "no" to that third round of booze.
One of the rarely touted benefits of exercise and weight loss is that it gets you out of the house. Taking a walk around your neighborhood, at your local park, or at a nearby trail will lead you to explore more of the world around you.
Eating poorly sure gets boring. It's just a bunch of pizza slices, hamburgers, and grilled cheeses. On the other hand, when you're whipping up home-cooked meals, you'll learn to try new recipes, familiarize yourself with the grocery store, and even check out the farmer's market! Get your grocery list out and get started by choosing a recipe from our list of the zero belly recipes.
With all that extra weight, you may have been limited in what kinds of exercises, activities, or even vacations you could go on. With a trimmer frame, look forward to engaging in outdoor activities you were never able to participate in before like hiking, kayaking, skiing, mountain biking, surfing, or rock climbing. You can even get the whole family involved!
What a sigh of relief! Slimming down has been shown to improve oxygen efficiency, so you likely won't get as winded going up the stairs or looking after your little ones.
Having a slimmer bod leads to a smarter brain? Perhaps! According to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, men who lug around extra pounds have poorer cognitive skills than their trimmer counterparts.
There are well-known long-term benefits of weight loss, but even losing a little weight now can improve your life by alleviating symptoms of current diseases immediately! That means you might be able to take lower doses of your current medications or stop taking certain meds altogether. (Yet another way to save money!) Check in with your doctor and see what types of changes he or she thinks the slimmer you might benefit from.
Great for youand your partner! Two sleep issues, sleep apnea and snoring, are often caused by excess weight around the neck. As a result, both bothersome conditions can vanish alongside a weight loss of just 5 percent, according to a review published inSleep.
Most people know that smoking and sunning can up your cancer risk, but few people realize that obesity is linked to cancer, too. (Experts believe that the same inflammation that causes weight gain causes DNA-damage and the resulting diseases.) That's the bad news. The good news, however, is that you can decrease levels of inflammation by losing just five percent of your body weight, according to a Cancer Research study of postmenopausal women.
Monkey see, monkey do! If your child is overweight, your weight loss may benefit them, too. A University of California study found that for every unit decrease in a parent's BMI, their children lose one-quarter of theirs. Don't have kids yet? If you're a woman, losing weight now can also set your kids up for a better future: A study published in Pediatric Research noted that if you have poor gut health going into a pregnancy, your baby might have impaired brain development, and other studies suggest your offspring could be predisposed to obesity. To find out more about which foods can make an impact on your pregnancy, check out the healthiest foods for women.
Remember this study? Research from the New England Journal of Medicine indicated that when a friend becomes obese, it ups your chance of obesity by 57 percent. Your friendships matter when it comes to weightin positive ways as well. When those close to you start to witness your success, it may encourage your partner, siblings, family members, or friends to set some better body goals of their own, as well!
Going at it alone isn't always easy. When you sign up for fitness classes, personal training sessions, cooking classes, or boot camps, you'll more than likely meet people going through a similar journey along the way. Even finding a workout buddy or a coworker to keep you honest is a great strategy for weight loss. Invite someone from your spin class over to make one of these healthy chicken recipes.
You might have already guessed, but a leaner you equates to a decreased risk of disease, and thus, a longer life. We know you don't need much proof, but you might not have to know the extent obesity makes an impact on your lifespan; A meta-analysis of 20 studies, published in PLOS Medicine, discovered that extreme obesity may shorten your life expectancy up to 14 years! Those who are overweight or obese who shed 3 percent of their weight will not only see health benefits but may also extend their life by two years, according to the British National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
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33 Convincing Reasons To Lose Weight | Eat This Not That
How To Lose Weight For The Military: Your 30-Day Plan

Every branch of the military has height and weight requirements that you must fit into before joining. (see a link to each of those at the bottom of the page)
You want to join the military, but youre overweight.
1,000s of young adults want to join the military every year, but theyre either too big or too small.
You need to lose some weight and get fit to prepare you for boot camp.
Losing weight is a combo of the right diet, right exercises, and supplementation to help you reach your weight loss goals.
To help guide you, OMK partnered with a registered dietitian and a certified personal trainer.
Weve put together a 30-day plan that tackles both the nutrition portion, as well as the exercise portion to help you lose that weight fast.
(Note: The following section was written by Maggy Doherty, a registered dietitian from Dallas, Texas. Click here to learn more about her.)
If you are looking to lose weight or improve your health to qualify for military services, one of the most important aspects is taking a close look at what you are eating and implementing lifestyle changes in your diet to reach your goals.
Nutrition plays a major role in our health, athletic performance, and mental stamina.
On one hand, good nutrition can provide us with energy throughout the day, build lean muscle, optimize health, promote longevity, and lower risk of developing diet-related conditions (like diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and some cancers).
Related Article: Can You Join The Military With Diabetes? Its Possible
On the other hand, poor nutrition can lead to lower energy levels, decreased mental stamina, poor athletic performance, gastrointestinal distress, higher risk for malnutrition, and increased risk of developing those diet-related diseases.
According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for America, the main characteristics of a general, healthful diet include:
Maintaining a healthy weight is a balancing act of calories in versus calories out. If you consume more calories than you burn, you should gain weight. If you consume fewer calories than you expend, you should lose weight. If you consume and expend about the same amount of calories, you should maintain weight equilibrium.
Make your weight loss journey a little simple, easier, and realistic by trying one of these tips:
Remember, slow and steady wins the weight loss race! Take control of your life and your weight by incorporating one healthy change per week.
Meals (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner):
Snacks (AM & PM):
Now lets plug some real foods in:
Depending on your physical activity, age, height, weight, and sex, you may require more or less than the standard 2000-calories to reach your goals.
If you try the plan above (or other diet strategy) and you do not lose weight, subtract 250 calories (remove AM snack OR reduce carbohydrate to 2/3 cup at all meals).
If you still do not lose weight, subtract a total of 500 calories (remove BOTH snacks OR reduce carbohydrate to 1/3 cup at all meals).
If you are losing weight too quickly (>2lbs per week) or trying to gain muscle, add 250 calories (add 3rd bedtime snack).
If you need more calories, add another 250 calories with 2 extra servings of fat in your day (ex: 2 Tbsp. of nuts on oatmeal at breakfast and 1/8 avocado on salad at dinner).
If you need a more individualized approach, have a medical condition (i.e. diabetes, heart conditions, etc.), or have detailed questions about your diet, please contact your local Registered Dietitian.
Breakfast Ideas:
Lunch Ideas:
Dinner Ideas:
Snack Ideas:
(Note: The following section was written by David Sautter, a certified personal trainer with 12 years of experience in the fitness industry. Click here to learn more about him.)
No matter which branch of the military you want to enter, every recruit has to pass a basic fitness test.
While you might be feeling confident, its important to know that the days of being able to perform a few push-ups, pull-ups, and a mile run to get into the armed forces are long gone.
The military has gotten with the times and their fitness tests reflect that.
Lets breakdown what a basic military fitness test requires and the best type of workout to train for it.
While there may be some variation depending on the branch of service, here are the basic expectations for a military fitness test, according to
Can you confidently execute 80 push-ups within two minutes? How about a two-mile run in under 13 minutes?
If seeing these requirements is a bit of a reality check, youre not alone.
Instead of worrying whether or not youll be able to pull it off, lets focus on how you can get into perfect shape to crush the fitness test.
One of the best ways to train for this military fitness test is by combining a full-body resistance training program with high-intensity cardiovascular work.
The idea behind this type of workout is that youll challenge all of your major muscle groups at the same, increasing strength, muscle mass, and endurance.
Best of all, youll improve the neuromuscular communication between muscle, tendon, and connective tissue.
In other words, you wont just be stronger; your body will function better overall.
For the full-body workout, you will hit each major muscle group twice per week using weight-based resistance training.
Youll also cycle through four stages of fitness benefits.
In this way, youll achieve all of these benefits if you use this workout program consistently.
As you move from stage to stage, you will increase the number of sets and how much weight you use while decreasing the number of repetitions.
Your cardiovascular exercise will be a mixture of high-intensity and low-intensity cardio.
Both have been shown to promote weight loss, but high-intensity is better at improving your endurance, maximum target heart rates, and oxygen capacity.
Be sure to warm up for 10 to 15 minutes and stretch before every cardio session and weight training workout.
Monday: Full-Body Workout (Endurance)
Tuesday: Cardiovascular Training
Wednesday: Rest Day
Thursday: Full-Body Workout (Endurance)
Friday: Cardiovascular Training
Spend 30 to 45 minutes performing a cardiovascular exercise of your choice. Here are some ideas:
Saturday: Rest Day
Sunday: Cardiovascular Training
Monday: Full-Body Workout (Muscle Growth)
Tuesday: Cardiovascular Training
Wednesday: Rest Day
Thursday: Full-Body Workout (Muscle Growth)
Friday: Cardiovascular Training
Spend 30 to 45 minutes performing a cardiovascular exercise of your choice. Here are some ideas:
Saturday: Rest Day
Sunday: Cardiovascular Training
Monday: Full-Body Workout (Strength)
Tuesday: Cardiovascular Training
Wednesday: Rest Day
Thursday: Full-Body Workout (Strength)
Friday: Cardiovascular Training
Spend 30 to 45 minutes performing a cardiovascular exercise of your choice. Here are some ideas:
Saturday: Rest Day
Sunday: Cardiovascular Training
Monday: Full-Body Workout (Power)
Tuesday: Cardiovascular Training
Wednesday: Rest Day
Thursday: Full-Body Workout (Power)
Friday: Cardiovascular Training
Spend 30 to 45 minutes performing a cardiovascular exercise of your choice. Here are some ideas:
Saturday: Rest Day
Sunday: Cardiovascular Training
When it comes to losing weight, nothing trumps diet and exercise.
With that said, there are some supplements out there that can help to speed up the process.
OMK did some research, and identified the following supplements as being ideal for aiding in your weight loss goals.
Developed by a company called Roar Ambition, Instant Knockout is a revolutionary shredding formula that claims to activate whole body burn.
Its actually a particularly useful supplement for belly fat, as Ive personally used it for that purpose.
Originally developed for MMA fighters and professional boxers, their formula is reportedly based on scientific research and intended to:
Instant Knockout apparently works by boosting your metabolic rate, help reduce your appetite, and fuels energy levels.
Click Here to read our full review of Instant Knockout.
Hunter Burn is a premium performance dietary supplement that claims to burn fat, beat hunger, and help you build muscle.
And they have the proof to back up those claims.
Made up of a proprietary blend of ingredients that includes extracts like Konjac root, Cayenne Pepper, and Matcha Green Tea, Hunter Burn is clinically dosed to help you safely melt away stubborn fat.
While we were a bit skeptical when we initially came across it, the reviews put all of those worries to rest.
Click Here for our full review of Hunter Burn.
Visit the official Hunter Burn website here:
Sometimes, its just tough to drag your butt to the gym.
Ite been said that getting there is 1/2 the battle, and I can tell you from experience, theres a more than a hint of truth to that.
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How To Lose Weight For The Military: Your 30-Day Plan
Sport Management students at KU working to gather information, provide online instruction at Haring Fitness Court – The Keystone Newspaper

Sport Management students at KU working to gather information, provide online instruction at Haring Fitness Court The Keystone Newspaper
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Sport Management students at KU working to gather information, provide online instruction at Haring Fitness Court - The Keystone Newspaper
I found those pics to be helpful motivation to lose weight: Elon Musk Clarifies His Stance on Kanye West After Kicking Out Rapper From Twitter, Claims…

Cardio to lose weight: How much and for how long? – Medical News Today

The amount and duration of cardiovascular exercise a person needs to do to lose weight will vary between individuals. This article provides facts and tips to help.
Cardiovascular exercise, or cardio, increases a persons heart and breathing rate. These exercises typically involve repetitive movements using large muscle groups. Examples of cardio include running and cycling.
Cardio can help a person manage their weight and is essential for keeping the heart and lungs healthy.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a healthful diet and physical activity are necessary to lose weight.
Maintaining a healthful diet is essential to losing weight. To lose weight, a person will need to consume fewer calories than they burn, and Most people will need to limit the number of calories in their diet.
They will also need to engage in regular physical activity. Cardio is an excellent way to burn fat and lose weight.
The CDC state that the right amount of cardio for losing weight will vary from person to person. They advise that people follow a weekly exercise routine that consists of one of the following:
Doing this level of exercise every week is crucial to staying healthy. In combination with the right diet, this amount of activity will aid weight loss in most people.
However, some people might need to perform some additional exercise to lose weight.
The CDC advise that there is a range of factors that can affect a persons weight, including:
Weight loss is typically a slow process and requires patience and perseverance.
People who are following a healthful diet and are exercising regularly should speak to a doctor if they are not losing weight. A doctor can help identify factors that might be preventing or limiting weight loss.
Some people suggest that burning 3,500 calories through exercise will lead to a pound of weight loss. However, researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggest that this fails to account for how metabolism changes in different people.
Metabolism refers to chemical reactions in the body that help convert food to energy. Many factors affect the speed of someones metabolism, including their age and activity levels.
The NIH has created a bodyweight planner tool, which helps estimate how much activity an individual needs to do to lose weight.
The following table provides some indications of how many calories different activities might burn. The numbers reflect someone who weighs around 154 pounds.
It is important to note that these numbers are only estimates. People will burn different amounts of calories according to their weight.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a popular method of exercise for weight loss. It involves doing short bursts of high-intensity activity. There are usually brief breaks or bouts of lower intensity exercise between the high-intensity episodes.
A review in 2017 suggests that HIIT and moderate-intensity exercise both reduce body fat and waist circumference. But the HIIT takes up 40% less time than the moderate-intensity exercise.
Strength and resistance training help the body convert fat to muscle. This will reduce body fat and improve overall physique.
Some tips to help with weight loss through exercise include:
Many people find it difficult to lose weight. This may be due to a range of factors, including a lack of motivation or time constraints.
Following a healthful diet is essential to weight loss. A person should avoid processed, high-sugar, or fatty foods, choosing whole foods and vegetables, instead.
Keeping a food journal or using a fitness app can help a person track their progress. A fitness app can provide useful information about daily calorie and nutrient intakes.
Weight loss takes time. It requires patience and can be frustrating. It is essential to be consistent and not expect significant changes overnight.
There is no one size fits all answer for how much cardio exercise a person should do to lose weight. However, tools are available that can create individual activity plans for different people.
Cardio is excellent for weight loss and staying healthy. Combining cardio with other types of exercise has great benefits, such as strength training.
Making sure the exercise is enjoyable will help a person maintain the habit. This might involve some trial and error before a person finds the type of exercise that suits them best.
Here is the original post:
Cardio to lose weight: How much and for how long? - Medical News Today
Eating breakfast wont help you lose weight, but skipping it might not …

Yet another study has dispelled the popular you have to eat breakfast myth, and Im thrilled. The breakfast cereal aisle is the most nutritionally horrifying area of the supermarket, crawling with sugary carbs in all shapes and flavors, all disguised as health food.
Its true eating breakfast is not associated with eating less nor with weight loss, which begs the question: can skipping breakfast help with weight loss?
A plethora of intermittent fasting studies suggest that extending the overnight fast is indeed associated with weight loss, but also more importantly, with improved metabolism. Overnight fasting of at least 16 hours (which really isnt that extended) allows blood sugar and insulin levels to decrease, so that fat stores can be used for energy. This makes physiologic and logical sense: Our bodies cant burn fat if we keep filling it with fuel. The idea that having a meal first thing in the morning revs up the metabolism isnt based in reality.
So where did the breakfast is good for you myth come from? Wasnt it based on research? Yes, but it was not the right kind of research. Observational studies produce interesting observations, and that is all. At the population level, people who regularly consume breakfast also tend to be a healthier weight. That doesnt mean that breakfast has anything to do with it. It may be that people who regularly consume breakfast also tend to have daytime schedules (no night shifts), or higher socioeconomic status (can afford breakfast), or generally more consistent habits than those who dont. These are all more important variables associated with healthier weight, and observational studies dont reveal any of that.
So how do you properly study the effect of eating breakfast (or not) on weight? Youd want to conduct a randomized controlled trial (RCT) evenly dividing participants into breakfast vs. no-breakfast groups, and then measure specific outcomes, like daily calorie intake and weight. RCTs are experiments where you can control for confounding variables, and thus feel more confident about drawing conclusions. (Having said that, RCTs can have other issues, and well go into that.)
Researchers from Melbourne, Australia looked at a number of RCTs on breakfast and weight and/or total daily energy intake, and pooled the results. They found 13 studies in all that met their criteria: they had to define breakfast content and timing, and had to have been conducted in high-income countries (to be more comparable).
The authors do point out that the RCTs had flaws. Participants knew what experimental group they were in. The studies used various groups (college students, hospital staff, general public); featured different foods (crisped rice, wheat flakes, oatmeal); and had widely varying follow-up times. The RCT comparing a high-protein, high-fiber breakfast with nothing has yet to be conducted.
Still, in the end, the authors conclude: While breakfast has been advocated as the most important meal of the day in the media since 1917, there is a paucity of evidence to support breakfast consumption as a strategy to achieve weight loss, including in adults with overweight or obesity.
Having said all this, if you love love love your breakfast, and youre healthy, then enjoy! If youre struggling with a metabolic medical problem, consider a breakfast of water, tea, or coffee and then have a healthy lunch. Or, at the very least, try not to eat close to bedtime. Whatever your preferred schedule, try to stretch out the time between meals, and give your body a chance to burn fat. Your metabolism will thank you!
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Eating breakfast wont help you lose weight, but skipping it might not ...
Why its so hard to lose excess weight and keep it off: The Biggest …

Follow me on Twitter @RobShmerling
For most people trying to lose weight, its a struggle. It takes more than good intentions and a lot of will power. One reason is that in order to lose weight, we are, in a way, fighting our own biology.
As we lose weight, the body adapts to resist it by lowering the resting metabolic rate thats the amount of energy spent while at rest, when the engine of the body is idling. Lowering the resting metabolic rate is a good thing if food is scarce and weight loss is occurring due to starvation. In that situation, its good that the body slows down to conserve energy and limit further weight loss.
But this evolutionary adaptation works against you if you are overweight or obese, and excess weight is a bigger threat to your health than starvation.
Researchers have studied weight loss for decades to determine how the body responds to it. Among them are studies that enrolled participants in the television series The Biggest Loser. If you arent familiar with it, The Biggest Loser is a reality television series in which obese individuals compete to lose the most weight through an intensive program of exercise and dietary changes. A prior study found that after losing lots of weight, participants in The Biggest Loser had markedly reduced metabolic rates. But it was unclear how long those changes would last or whether they predicted regain of weight once the competition ended.
A recent study looked at how participants in The Biggest Loser fared six years after their 30-week competition. Researchers publishing in the medical journal Obesity found that:
These findings confirm that weight loss may lead to significant changes in metabolism that, in turn, resist further weight loss. In addition, keeping weight off may be especially difficult because those changes persist over time. The metabolic slowing that accompanies weight loss varies, however, so it may create less resistance to weight loss for some than others.
The findings of this research may seem discouraging if youre trying to lose weight.
On the other hand, maybe it should provide a measure of relief to know that the reason losing weight seems like an uphill battle is that it is! Its not just that you arent trying hard enough your efforts to lose weight are being actively undermined by biological adaptations of your body that developed centuries ago during evolution and are now hardwired into your DNA.
You might wonder: is there a diet, an exercise program, or a medication that can reset your metabolic rate or avoid its slowing during weight loss? In fact, you may have seen books or advertisements for certain diets or supplements claiming to do just this. Unfortunately, most have little convincing long-term evidence to back them up, or the changes are too small to matter much.
Knowing about the adaptations your body makes during weight loss and how that can frustrate your efforts to lose weight may make the effort seem futile. But its not. Determination, perseverance, and a sustainable plan are good first steps. It also helps to know what youre up against. Contestants on The Biggest Loser know that well.
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Why its so hard to lose excess weight and keep it off: The Biggest ...