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May 2

What it Takes to Lose Weight –

What does it take to lose weight?

To lose weight, you have to eat fewer calories than your body uses. Calories are the amount of energy in the food you eat. Some foods have more calories than others. For example, foods that are high in fat and sugar are also high in calories. If you eat more calories than your body uses, the extra calories will be stored as body excess fat.

A pound of fat is about 3,500 calories. To lose 1 pound of fat in a week, you have to eat 3,500 fewer calories (that is 500 fewer calories a day), or you have to "burn off" an extra 3,500 calories. You can burn off calories by exercising or just by being more active. (Talk to your family doctor before you begin any type of exercise program. Your doctor can help you determine what kind of exercise program is right for you.)

The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to eat fewer calories and be active. If you cut 250 calories from your diet each day and exercise enough to burn off 250 calories, that adds up to 500 fewer calories in one day. If you do this for 7 days, you can lose 1 pound of fat in a week.

Many experts believe you should not try to lose more than 2 pounds per week. Losing more than 2 pounds in a week usually means that you are losing water weight and lean muscle mass instead of losing excess fat. If you do this, you will have less energy, and you will most likely gain the weight back.

Most people can eat 3 regular meals and 1 snack every day. The 3 meals should be about the same size and should be low in fat. Try to eat 1 to 2 cups of fruits and vegetables, 2 to 3 ounces of whole grains and 1 to 2 ounces of meat (or a meat alternative) at most meals.

Some people benefit more if they eat 5 to 6 smaller meals throughout the day, about 2 to 3 hours apart. For example, their first meal of the day might be a cup of low-fat or nonfat yogurt and a banana. Three hours later they might eat a simple deli sandwich with whole-grain bread and fat-free mayonnaise.

Eat breakfast and don't skip meals. While skipping meals may help you lose weight in the beginning, it fails in the long run. Skipping meals may make you feel too hungry later in the day, causing you to overeat at your next meal.

After about a month of eating a normal breakfast, lunch and a light dinner, your body will adjust.

Foods high in fat are usually high in calories, which could lead to unwanted weight gain. Consuming too much saturated and trans fats may increase LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) level, and increase your risk of heart disease. The USDA suggests that you eat no more than 20 grams of saturated fat, and that you limit the amount of trans fat to as close to 0 grams as possible. Click here for more information on reading nutrition labels.

It is important to remember that some fats can be beneficial to your overall health. "Good" fat, such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are found in fish, nuts, and low- or nonfat dairy products.

Some foods are referred to as "empty calories" because they add lots of calories to your diet without providing much nutritional benefit. An example is sugar-sweetened drinks, such as fruit juice, fruit drinks, regular soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, sweetened or flavored milk and sweetened iced tea. These drinks can add lots of sugar and calories to your diet.

But staying hydrated is important for good health. To reduce the calories and sugar in your diet, substitute water, zero-calorie flavored water, non-fat or reduced-fat milk, unsweetened tea or diet soda for sweetened drinks. Talk with your family doctor or a dietitian if you have questions about your diet or healthy eating for your family.

Nutrition tips and diet information from different sources often conflict with each other. You should always check with your doctor first. Also, keep in mind the following advice:

Although diet drugs may help you lose weight at first, they usually don't help you keep the weight off and may have damaging side effects. Most diet pills have not been tested by the Food and Drug Administration, which means you can't be sure if the drugs are safe. Taking drugs also does not help you learn how to change your eating and exercise habits. Making lasting changes in these habits is the way to lose weight and keep it off.

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What it Takes to Lose Weight -

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May 2

Lose weight Videos at Fitness Magazine

Watch free exercise videos with workouts and exercises to lose weight at


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Lose weight Videos at Fitness Magazine

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May 2

Best Way To Lose Weight – NHLBI, NIH

Your Weight Is Important

Over the past few years it has become clear that weight is an important health issue. Some people who need to lose weight for their health don't recognize it, while others who don't need to lose weight want to get thinner for cosmetic reasons. We understand that in some ways your weight is different from, for example, your cholesterol level or your blood pressure, because you can't see what these are by looking at someone. Many patients have had health care providers who approached their weight in a less-than-sensitive or helpful manner. Some patients may have had health care encounters in which they felt blamed, but not helped. Successful weight management is a long-term challenge.

Weight can affect a person's self-esteem. Excess weight is highly visible and evokes some powerful reactions, however unfairly, from other people and from the people who carry the excess weight. The amount of weight loss needed to improve your health may be much less than you wish to lose, when you consider how you evaluate your weight. Research has shown that your health can be greatly improved by a loss of 510 percent of your starting weight. That doesn't mean you have to stop there, but it does mean that an initial goal of losing 510 percent of your starting weight is both realistic and valuable.

Set the Right Goals Setting the right goals is an important first step. Most people trying to lose weight focus on just that one goal: weight loss. However, the most productive areas to focus on are the dietary and physical activity changes that will lead to long-term weight change. Successful weight managers are those who select two or three goals at a time that are manageable.

Useful goals should be (1) specific; (2) attainable (doable); and (3) forgiving (less than perfect). "Exercise more" is a great goal, but it's not specific. "Walk 5 miles every day" is specific and measurable, but is it doable if you're just starting out? "Walk 30 minutes every day" is more attainable, but what happens if you're held up at work one day and there's a thunderstorm during your walking time another day? "Walk 30 minutes, 5 days each week" is specific, doable, and forgiving. In short, a great goal!

Shaping is a behavioral technique in which you select a series of short-term goals that get closer and closer to the ultimate goal (e.g., an initial reduction of fat intake from 40 percent of calories to 35 percent of calories, and later to 30 percent). It is based on the concept that "nothing succeeds like success." Shaping uses two important behavioral principles: (1) consecutive goals that move you ahead in small steps are the best way to reach a distant point; and (2) consecutive rewards keep the overall effort invigorated.

An effective reward is something that is desirable, timely, and dependent on meeting your goal. The rewards you choose may be material (e.g., a movie or music CD, or a payment toward buying a more costly item) or an act of self-kindness (e.g., an afternoon off from work or just an hour of quiet time away from family). Frequent small rewards, earned for meeting smaller goals, are more effective than bigger rewards that require a long, difficult effort.

"Self-monitoring" refers to observing and recording some aspect of your behavior, such as calorie intake, servings of fruits and vegetables, amount of physical activity, etc., or an outcome of these behaviors, such as weight. Self-monitoring of a behavior can be used at times when you're not sure how you're doing, and at times when you want the behavior to improve. Self-monitoring of a behavior usually moves you closer to the desired direction and can produce "real-time" records for review by you and your health care provider. For example, keeping a record of your physical activity can let you and your provider know quickly how you're doing. When the record shows that your activity is increasing, you'll be encouraged to keep it up. Some patients find that specific self-monitoring forms make it easier, while others prefer to use their own recording system.

While you may or may not wish to weigh yourself frequently while losing weight, regular monitoring of your weight will be essential to help you maintain your lower weight. When keeping a record of your weight, a graph may be more informative than a list of your weights. When weighing yourself and keeping a weight graph or table, however, remember that one day's diet and exercise patterns won't have a measurable effect on your weight the next day. Today's weight is not a true measure of how well you followed your program yesterday, because your body's water weight will change from day to day, and water changes are often the result of things that have nothing to do with your weight-management efforts.

Stimulus (cue) control involves learning what social or environmental cues seem to encourage undesired eating, and then changing those cues. For example, you may learn from reflection or from self-monitoring records that you're more likely to overeat while watching television, or whenever treats are on display by the office coffee pot, or when around a certain friend. You might then try to change the situation, such as by separating the association of eating from the cue (don't eat while watching television), avoiding or eliminating the cue (leave the coffee room immediately after pouring coffee), or changing the circumstances surrounding the cue (plan to meet your friend in a nonfood setting). In general, visible and reachable food items are often cues for unplanned eating.

Changing the way you go about eating can make it easier to eat less without feeling deprived. It takes 15 or more minutes for your brain to get the message that you've been fed. Eating slowly will help you feel satisfied. Eating lots of vegetables and fruits can make you feel fuller. Another trick is to use smaller plates so that moderate portions do not appear too small. Changing your eating schedule, or setting one, can be helpful, especially if you tend to skip, or delay, meals and overeat later.

Changing the way you approach weight loss can help you be successful. Set goals and focus on lifestyle changes like being physically active instead of focusing on just weight loss itself.

"Walk 30 minutes, 5 days each week" is a goal that is specific, doable, and forgiving.

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Best Way To Lose Weight - NHLBI, NIH

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May 2

20 Top Exercises to Lose Weight – All Women Stalk

Effective Exercises to Lose Weight are an essential part of a healthy weight loss program. And just as eating healthy is essential, it's important to exercise as well, which is why you need to look for the Top Exercises to Lose Weight. The best exercises will contain a cardio aspect and a toning aspect, as this will allow you to see faster results. Here are my top 21 Top Exercise to Lose Weight, that have proven to work the best and burn the most calories. See which of these 21 exercises to lose weight work best for you. The only sure thing - no matter which of these exercises for losing weight you choose, you'll surely be on the right track for losing weight and toning your body. So, let's start and take a peek at these:

Calories Burnt: 800 cal/hr

Many of the top exercises to lose weight incorporate aerobics. This mainly targets your legs, hips and bum, which are often the areas that women most want to tone. Doing an hour a day, split into two half an hour sessions, will ensure that you see results within 2 weeks. If you aren't sure how to do these, check out 7 Best Ab Exercises. Another very similar exercise is bench presses, which go very well in sets with step aerobics. Make sure you're doing them right or you'll see no results!

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20 Top Exercises to Lose Weight - All Women Stalk

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May 2

How to Lose Weight Fast | Plan to Lose Weight Fast

If you want to lose weight fast and intend on dropping your calorie intake significantly, you need to ensure that the food you do eat is high in nutrients. If you choose to eat foods of low nutritional value, you risk failing in your weight loss efforts as your body struggles to carry out its vital day-to-day functions without the nutrients it needs.

Making nutrient-dense foods the centurion of your weight loss will also reduce the risk of theharmful side-effectsthat can occur when you lose weight fast.

If you want to lose weight fast, make the following foods the focus of yourdiet. These foods meet all the above criteria for fast weight loss.

< 1,200 Calories

1,400 Calories

1,600 Calories

1,800 Calories

1 cup

1.5 cups

1.5 cups

1.5 cups

1.5 cups

1.5 cups

2 cups

2.5 cups

4 ounce

5 ounce

5 ounce

6 ounce

3 ounce

4 ounce

5 ounce

5 ounce

2 cups

2 cups

3 cups

3 cups

17 g

17 g

22 g

24 g





*1 ounce = cup cooked rice, pasta, or cooked cereal; 1 ounce dry pasta or rice; 1 slice bread; 1 small muffin; 1 cup ready-to-eat cereal flakes. **1 ounce = 1 ounce of lean meat, poultry, or fish; 1 egg; cup cooked dry beans or tofu; 1 tablespoon peanut butter; ounce nuts or seeds. ***1 cup = 1 cup milk or yogurt; 1.5 ounces natural cheese or 2 ounces processed cheese.

Source: USDA Food Guide, Appendix A-2, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005.

Although you may want to lose weight fast, 1,000 calories per day veering dangerously on the low side. Generally 1,000 calories per day is only suitable for a small framed/ medium height woman engaging in little exercise.

This is a 1,200-calorie sample menu, which will help you to lose weight fast. You can adapt it to suit your needs. Basically, when the amount of food you eat is dramatically reduced, you need to pay careful attention to what you are eating to keep your nutrient intake high.

(Blend ingredients together)

And 1 small whole-wheat pita

This food plan is low in calories but full of essential vitamins and minerals to meet your bodys needs. Vitamins include: Vitamin A, C, E, K, B6,B12, Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Folate and Pantothenic acid. Minerals include: Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Selenium, Zinc and Potassium.

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How to Lose Weight Fast | Plan to Lose Weight Fast

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May 2

weight loss boca health | medical weight loss | Weight …

Boca Health, which is the premier physician supervised metabolic and medical weight loss clinic offers a decided advantage to other methods of weight loss. For Boca Raton, as well as for many other areas in South Florida, the basic approach to weight loss, eat less and exercise more simply doesn't offer the results that you need.

The health care professionals at Boca Health understand that some medical conditions which are part of our lives can be a dramatic hindrance to our weight loss efforts. Physicians at Boca Health assist in the evaluation of your problems and in devising a program of weight loss that is workable for you.

Many people lose more muscle than actual fat when dieting. This is due to an industry which offers a vast array of bad information at every turn. The people who come to Boca Health are desirous of losing inches and losing fat, not losing or jeopardizing their lean muscle. The focus of our team of physicians and health care providers is that you will see the progress as quickly as possible and you'll begin to feel the effects that healthy weight loss can offer you. The BioSpace body scan will give you a detailed analysis of what you have to know about your body makeup.

Yes, of course the eat less, exercise more approach may in some cases be an effective way to lose weight. It may also help you to even keep the weight off for a time. The problem is that it is not effective for everyone and when it comes to taking off the weight and keeping off the weight, you may need a little more.

The advantages of a physician-overseen weight loss methodology are self-evident. The state of the art medical equipment, the highly-trained staff & specialized weight loss personnel are just a few of the reasons why medically based weight loss clinic methods are going to offer you the best weight loss methods and the best results.

Boca Health recently unveiled the hottest new diet to hit South Florida: the Boca Health Diet. The Boca Health Diet is a revolutionary new look at weight loss and good health. It is overseen and your health is monitored by medical weight loss physicians and the diet is customized to fit the individual weight loss needs of each of our clients.

The Boca Health Diet, contrary to the HCG diet, includes breakfast and snacks, has a higher calorie diet and a higher protein intake.

The Boca Health Diet is extremely safe, and results in greater weight loss than the HCG diet. Furthermore, because of the extra calories and proteins in the Boca Health Diet, patients are encouraged to work out for an even greater weight loss.

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May 2

Exercise Science – Indiana University of Pennsylvania

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Indiana University of Pennsylvanias Health and Physical Education Department offers both undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the field of exercise science. The undergraduate Bachelor of Science program in Exercise Science was accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) in March 2008. In 2003, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) endorsed the Exercise Science program at IUP as a University Connected Program. In addition, our exercise science program is recognized by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).

The Bachelor of Science degree in Health and Physical Education with a program in Exercise Science is a diverse program of study at IUP. Students who complete this degree of study will be prepared to work in private and commercial fitness clubs, medical fitness facilities, sport strength and conditioning programming, and clinical fitness programming such as cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. In addition, students who complete their Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science can pursue graduate education in such areas as exercise physiology, physical and occupational therapy, biomechanics, and other allied health programs. For additional information regarding career opportunities in the field of exercise science, go to the American College of Sports Medicine.

Students are required to take a NCCA certification examination as part of the fulfillment of the requirements of the exercise science program. Students will typically complete one of these exams in their senior year. NCCA Approved Certification Exams.

Undergraduate students are required to enroll in HPED 319 Preprofessional Experience (3 credits) and HPED 493 Internship (3 credits) to complete program requirements for Exercise Science. Students can enroll in three credits at a time and complete two internship experiences or enroll in HPED 319 and HPED 493 in the same semester and complete a single internship. Check out our recent internship sites of IUP Exercise Science students.

Ready to start an exciting educational journey?Ready to help make a difference in the health and fitness industry? Contact us today!

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Exercise Science - Indiana University of Pennsylvania

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May 2

exercise and physical fitness programs in Indiana, PA …

Exercise & physical fitness programs


2524 Warren Rd

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20 S 5th St

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1830 Oakland Ave Ste 161

Exercise & physical fitness programsPersonal Training, Group Fitness Classes


728 Philadelphia St

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100 Ford Dr Ste 30

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Exercise & physical fitness programsCore Training & Flexibility


101 W Market St

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119 N Walnut St

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2134 Route 22 Hwy W

Exercise & physical fitness programsCore Training & Flexibility


5142 State Route 30

Exercise & physical fitness programsWeight Management, Core Training & Flexibility, Spinning Classes, Personal Training


3925 Reed Blvd Ste 202

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313 W High St

Exercise & physical fitness programs


1749 Lyter Dr

Exercise & physical fitness programsCore Training & Flexibility, Personal Training, Spinning Classes


100 Center Ice Dr

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363 Broad St Ste 2

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2012 Main Dr

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168 Market St

Exercise & physical fitness programsAerobics Classes, Personal Training, Spinning Classes, Yoga Classes, Weight Training


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May 2

Group Exercise Classes | New York City’s YMCA

The Y offers a wide variety of Group Exercise classes which are free with membership. Explore the class options below and check out the schedules at your local Y for days and times.

Advanced Step This high intensity workout is filled with advanced choreography that uses every angle of the step platform. Prior step training experience is advised.

Beginner Step A class utilizing step platforms, incorporating various up and down stepping patterns in a low impact setting

Cardio Interval High intensity cardio alternated with recovery periods of lower cardio intensity.

Cardio Kickboxing This high energy class blends athletic drills with martial arts to create an intense cardiovascular workout.

Cardio Salsa A cardiovascular workout which combines the rhythm and footwork of Latin dance in a traditional aerobic class format.

Dance Aerobics A rhythmic choreographed aerobic workout that provides a challenging and fun workout.

Drums Alive Using rhythm as the source of inspiration to discover a new group fitness experience Drums Alive combines the benefits of a traditional physical fitness program with the brain affected benefits of music and rhythm. Drums Alive is a program that fosters a healthy balance physically, mentally, emotionally and socially! Join a class and experience how it provides an element of fun and creative expression

Hi-Lo Aerobics An energizing workout that combines both high and low impact movements. Modifications will be shown so participants can choose their own levels of intensity and impact.

Hip Hop Aerobics A cardiovascular workout using urban upbeat Hip Hop music. This class teaches step by step movements with fun choreography, so you can get your feet moving and your heart pumping.

Spinning A great cardio workout of simulated road bike riding to energizing music, appropriate for all fitness levels. You can adjust your workout to match your personal level. The instructors will lead you on a ride designed to improve your fitness on a variety of levels.

Step A great cardio workout for all fitness levels. Using an aerobic step with or without risers, class members step up and down to the music giving a complete upper and lower body.

Trampoline Fitness A unique exercise workout to music utilizing individual mini-trampolines which allow for a low impact aerobic workout while being gentle on the knees, hips, and lower back. Beginners welcome.

Zumba ZUMBA is a fusion of Latin and International music, utilizing dance themes that create a dynamic, exciting, effective fitness program. The routines feature aerobic training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body.

Zumbatomic Designed exclusively for kids (ages 4-12), Zumbatomic classes are rockin, high-energy fitness-parties packed with specially choreographed, kid-friendly routines and all the music kids love, like hip-hop, reggaeton, cumbia and more.


Boot Camp An efficient circuit training workout that challenges your entire body, utilizing calisthenics such as pushups, jumping jacks, crunches and other body weight exercises.

BOSU Cardio Challenge your coordination and functional strength like never before with BOSU ball training. BOSU will provide a complete workouttotal body strength, cardio and balance traininglike you have never experienced before.

Circuit Training An efficient and challenging form of conditioning which develops strength, endurance, flexibility, and coordination utilizing a variety of exercises and workout stations

Interval Step An explosive cross training workout combining step training with intervals of strength and endurance training

Interval Training Supercharge your fitness with this challenging class of high speed, high intensity work alternated with recovery periods of low intensity.

Kettlebells This is a total body workout that blends highly effective techniques for improving muscular endurance, total body coordinated movements and cardiovascular conditioning. Each movement and progression is taught with an emphasis on safety, highlighting essential body alignment. Take your body to the next level with Kettlebell training!

Kickboxing A high energy class which combines muscle conditioning with kickboxing combinations of punches and kicks in a variety of drills and exercises.

Punk Rope A high energy, fun fitness class, combining rope jumping with a wide variety of creative conditioning drills. Beginners are welcome and ropes are provided.

Total Body Conditioning A full body workout designed to strengthen and tone the upper and lower body using an assortment of fitness equipment.

TRX This program will change the way you train. By combining strength and cardio training into specialized, challenging small group-oriented workouts, you will do more work, burn more calories and push your fitness to new levels. Its not just about training harder, its about training smarter. Each workout is specifically sequenced to safely and effectively challenge you for real results.


BOSU Balance A unique exercise class utilizing a multi-dimensional training device that integrates core training, functional sports training and balance training

Core Training This class focuses on abdominal, back and core muscle training and stabilization to improve the bodys overall functional strength.

IMX Pilates Mat IM=X Stands for Integrated Movement Xercise. Its an elite fitness formula that combines muscle toning and lengthening benefits of Pilates with elements of strength and cardio training to increase flexibility, endurance and muscle tone, while strengthening the core.

Mat Pilates Based on original Pilates techniques, this class is designed to restore muscular balance, improve posture, helps prevent injury and build strength and flexibility. All levels welcome.

MVe Chair Pilates A new equipment-based group exercise class uniting Pilates and group exercise. This workout combines strength, balance, endurance and core stability while working on the Pilates MVe (Maximum Versatility exercise) chair. These workouts are fun, energetic and produce great results. Its a total body workout set to upbeat music!

Stability Ball Learn how to use your core more effectively and focus on strength training using stability balls.

Stretching Is an essential component of fitness that is often neglected or left out in preference for developing other areas of fitness. This class uses a variety of stretching methods to gradually increase muscle strength and extend the range of movement at the joints. This may help prevent injury and improve performance of health and sports related activities.


Gentle Yoga Designed to teach basic yoga postures that will enhance flexibility, strength and balance and promote relaxation.

Hatha Yoga A yoga class that integrates postures, breathing exercises, relaxation, and meditation to stretch, strengthen, and condition. All levels are welcome.

Iyengar Yoga A form of yoga known for precision, alignment and a focus on individual postures and their therapeutic benefits. Iyengar yoga promote quiet, an inward focus, and a heightened consciousness.

Kundalini Yoga A system of yoga exercise and meditation that promotes health, happiness, and spiritual awareness, combining breathing, movement, stretching, and sound.

NIA A free-flowing movement class to stimulating music that combines elements of tai-chi, yoga and dance. Individual expression is encouraged to achieve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual fitness and well being.

Power Yoga A more athletic-based yoga class with challenging movements.

Prenatal Yoga Expectant mothers will learn to stretch, strengthen, focus and relax. This class will help prepare you physically and mentally for the experience of childbirth.

Tai Chi An ancient form of mind body exercise that uses purposeful, slow movements in a form of meditative exercise for relaxation, health and self defense.

Vinyasa Yoga Flowing sequences of yoga poses linked together by an emphasis on breathing technique.

Will Power & Grace This is a dynamic fusion of the fitness industrys most popular and most effective group exercise program. This workout is the ideal cardiovascular solution for mind-body practitioners. Its equipment free; barefoot and infused with positive, strengthening philosophy. This class is a strong and focused program for students of all levels.

Yoga/Pilates A combination of both Yoga and Pilates movements. Exercises are performed both seated and standing. All levels welcome.


Capoeira This exciting Brazilian martial arts class combines music, dance, and traditional movements. The goal is to increase flexibility, balance, agility and overall coordination and strengthen mental and physical concentration.

Kenshinki-Kan-Karate This class offers a comprehensive program of movement, self-defense and meditation. Regular participation develops strength, agility, flexibility and coordination along with focus and peace of mind.

Muay Thai Muay Thai is based on Thailands simple and effective stand-up fighting style. This class will teach the techniques and traditions and of this unique Martial Arts practice.

Seido Karate A form of karate to develop physical conditioning, mental awareness and self-defense strategies. Students will learn to develop speed, power, focus and balance.

Tae Kwon Do A Korean martial art similar to karate, Tae Kwon Do emphasizes kicking, striking and blocking as applied to the art of self-defense. This traditional training style teaches self-defense, physical fitness, reduces stress, and helps participants gain increased confidence, mental focus, and heightened self-awareness.


African Dance Learn traditional African dances, rhythms, and songs from Senegal and Guinea, West Africa. Class warm-up includes working on core strength, flexibility, stamina, and rhythmic sensibility. This is a multi-level class; advanced beginner level dancers and up.

Afro Jazz A fun and energenic mix of African, Jazz and Modern Dance

Ballet A beginner technique class that places emphasis and attention on alignment and placement of the body.

Ballroom Dancing Learn the basics of ballroom including fox trot, waltz, swing, cha-cha, rumba, tango, and more in beginner level classes. Hard-soled shoes preferred. Intermediate and Advanced level classes are designed for students with solid working knowledge of ballroom dance. Partner preferred but not necessary.

Belly Dancing A dance movement class that focuses on the core muscles, emphasizing muscular isolations. Dance to Middle Eastern rhythms while learning traditional movements and combinations.

Club Dancing The rhythm and energy of a night club in a dance class. Different dance styles are combined for beginning and advanced dancers alike. Exciting beats give you freedom of motion and spirit, as well as a great workout.

Modern Dance A more relaxed, free style of dance utilizing emotions and moods to design individual steps and movements. It has a deliberate use of gravity which strives to be light and airy.

Salsa Fusion A moderate to high energy class with Latin moves from Merengue, Cumbia, Samba, and Salsa mixed in with aerobic steps.

Tap Learn to tap dance in this class that teaches musical phrasing and the complexity of rhythms with less emphasis on visual impact and more on making melodies with the feet. Tap is typically danced to jazz-style music such as Swing, Big Band, Bebop, Funk and Latin.


AOA Aerobics A kinder, gentler aerobic workout appropriate for older adults, beginning exercise participants and pre/post-natal women who would like to include a low-intensity, low-impact workout in their fitness plans. Each class includes an aerobic conditioning and stretching segment. Music for this class may include big band, classical, swing, country and oldies but goodies.

AOA Chair Exercise Get fit while you sit in this chair exercise class that involves a combination of aerobic activity, strength building and stretching. Suitable for all ages and levels.

AOA Interval Training A more intense workout class combining higher intensity with alternating periods of recovery combining step training, and exercises with hand weights.

AOA Sit and Sculpt Upper, lower & core conditioning while utilizing chair for support.

Arthritis Foundation PACE People with Arthritis Can Exercise; the ideal beginning exercise class for individuals with arthritis.

Arthritis Foundation Tai Chi A form of meditative exercise using purposeful, slow movements for relaxation, health and self defense specifically designed for individuals with arthritis.

Zumba Gold Using the Zumba formula this class modifies the moves and pace to suit the needs of the active older participant, as well as those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. This class incorporates Latin music, such as salsa, merengue, cumbia and reggaeton. Come experience this exhilarating and easy-to-follow class.


Cardio Circuit Combine fun with fitness to increase your cardiovascular and muscular endurance power with a standing circuit workout. Upper body strength work with hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles and a ball is alternated with non-impact aerobic choreography. A chair is offered for support, stretching and relaxation exercises.

Muscular Strength & Range of Movement Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement, and activity for daily living skills. Hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a ball are offered for resistance; and a chair is used for seated and/or standing support.

SilverSplash Activate your aqua exercise urge for variety with SilverSplash, offering a fun variety of shallow water moves to improve agility, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. No swimming ability is required, and a special SilverSneakers kickboard is used to develop strength, balance and coordination.

YogaStretch Will move your whole body through a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses. Chair support is offered to safely perform a variety of postures designed to increase flexibility, balance and range of movement. Restorative breathing exercises and a final relaxation will promote stress reduction and mental clarity.


Aqua Exercise An instructional class of aerobic movements performed in the water, to improve body conditioning, cardiovascular fitness, and flexibility.

Aqua Jog A unique exercise class that takes place in the water, utilizing floatation devices to allow jogging in deep water.

Aqua Zumba Integrating the Zumba formula and philosophy with traditional aqua fitness disciplines, the Aqua Zumba class blends it all together into a safe, challenging, water-based workout that's cardio-conditioning, body-toning, and most of all, exhilarating beyond belief.

Arthritis Foundation YMCA Aquatic Program This class is intended to decrease pain and/or stiffness, improve or maintain joint flexibility, increase muscle strength, improve coordination and endurance, and give participants an overall sense of well being. Class is performed in shallow water.

Water Workout A high energy, non-impact water aerobic class including strength training and stretching.

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Group Exercise Classes | New York City's YMCA

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May 2

Exercise Science | Mercy College

The Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science offers a comprehensive curriculum grounded in scientific principles and their practical application to maintaining health through fitness and nutrition, training and performance, rehabilitation and health and wellness. The Exercise Science program supports preparation for academic advancement into graduate health professions and other related areas such as biomechanics, exercise psychology, sports psychology and athletic training. Students interested in entering the work force upon graduating with the B.S. degree in Exercise Science will also be prepared to apply for positions within the wellness and fitness industry.

All Exercise Science students take the same core curriculum and specialize in one area of concentration. Both tracks prepare students for certifications such as the ACSM Health and Fitness Specialist (HFS) and the NSCA Certified and Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) exams.

Clinical Track - Focus on Graduate School Preparation

This track has a strong sciences foundation and prepares students for entry into Graduate health profession programs (physical therapy, exercise physiology, etc).

Performance Track - Focus on Fitness

This track prepares students for work in a variety of high demand fields, including but not limited to: strength and conditioning, personal training, weight loss management and performance coaching.

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Exercise Science | Mercy College

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