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May 2

Houston Weight Loss Centers | Medical Weight Loss …

Offered at our two convenient locations in Houston and Katy

Houston Weight Loss and Lipo Centers offer the latest advances in bariatric medicine. Our medical weight loss clinics use a combination of prescribed medication, weight loss supplements, lipotropic injections, low calorie diets and behavioral modification. Losing weight is never easy, but our comprehensive weight loss program we will offer you all the tools you need to succeed.

This program begins with a medical evaluation by one of our nurse practitioners (NPs) or physician assistants (PAs). The evaluation includes a private weigh in, and a body composition analysis which gives BMI and estimates body fat percentage. The evaluation also includes a detailed medical history, physical exam and blood work (CBC, comprehensive metabolic panel, lipid and thyroid panel). The NP or PA will discuss, in detail, the recommended weight loss program. In addition to prescribed medications and supplements, diet and exercise recommendations will be given.

The initial follow up visit is usually scheduled at 2 weeks and then every 4 week thereafter. At each visit you will have a private weigh in, and body composition performed. You will meet with an NP or PA to discuss all aspects of your program including efficacy of prescribed medication, and diet and exercise compliance and/or challenges. At each visit you will be educated and given tools to help you continue or maintain your weight loss.

We understand that keeping the weight off is a challenging obstacle for anyone who has lost weight. We can continue to see you on an as needed basis after any weight loss program is completed. Leave it to the professionals at Houston Weight Loss and Lipo Centers to guide you in your new healthy lifestyle.

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Houston Weight Loss Centers | Medical Weight Loss ...

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May 2

EASY DIETS THAT WORK – The Healing Frequency

Is There Really Such a Thing as Easy Diets That Work? The Best Diets in the world are those that are easy enough that you can actually follow them and lose your unwanted weight. These diets work because they are simple tweaks that make a huge difference on your waistline. This isnt about willpower only adding what works, and subtracting what doesnt. Youll discover an easy method that melts away excess body fat so you will no longer be chugging around that extra mini me wherever you go.

Its a fact that trying to follow complicated diets with bland food that make you feel sick are the ones you will never stick with. They test your willpower and dont work in the end because they require too much unnecessary effort. In fact they may actually cause you to not even try dieting again. Easy Diets that work have nothing to do with willpower or even motivation.

A common mistake that most dieters make is to exclude protein from their diets. This can negatively impact your dietary results. Protein is very important to easy diets that work!

How does protein help in my easy diets that work plan?

For More Easy Diet That Work Free Videos and Recipes, Visit ProteinDietProgram

Address these 3 important easy diets that work weight loss factors and youll be thinner as the minute hands move around your clock. Ignore these 3 things and youll be here again next year trying to lose weight, again.

The 3 Most Important Easy Diets That Work Tips:

This may sound simplistic, and it is, and it is so easy that you can start right here right now. Here are some SuperFoods that you can add to your easy diets that work plan and begin your fat loss routine:

These SuperFoods are so rich in antioxidants that they cause your body to release chemicals that directly causes your body to burn stored body fat as energy. Thats why theyre part of our easy diets that work plan. You can find these foods online at SunFoods or on the Resources Menu.

The next part of our easy diets that work plan is to replace one food or additive that is the most harmful to your health, and fat loss goals. Here are a few of the worst offenders:

Avoid those foods like the plague, as they will add inches to your waist and leech quality years from your life. Its also important to cultivate your own amen corner while youre achieving your easy diets that work plan. Develop a friendship with people who share your quest for a new healthier (and thinner) you. They can keep you accountable as well as go out and window shop for your new clothing (that will fit to a T) within the next few months.

Isabel, pictured below, has changed her diet and changed her life in a few short months. Shes even developed a meal planning and information website based upon her failures and her successes as she discovered real easy diets that work. Isabel has been really successful as you can see. Read her story and youll find the information and motivation to step into her heels and be who you were meant to be.

If you follow what she has done, you too will be on your way to a more beautiful you. She has plenty of easy diets and nutrition tips plus healthy recipes to help you get there. How would you feel if you could fit into those jeans and dresses that you could only look at before? Well, you owe it to yourself to take the next step and easily slip into your favorite clothing again. Dont just sit there and lose that investment you have stored in your closet, yeah you know which one! Chose the easy diets that work!

Start now by getting some great free recipe tips and extended meal planning guidelines for easy diets that work at Protein Diet Program website. I applaud you for caring and making this planet a better place, one healthy person at a time! Find out how Isabel found the diets that worked for her and will work for you too because theyre simply easy diets that work! Be ready for the next holiday, and surprise them with the New You. Click on the Diet Solution book to Get Started on your Easy Diets that Work Plan Now!

Read the rest here:
EASY DIETS THAT WORK - The Healing Frequency

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May 2 – Long Term Healthy Weight Loss

The secret to losing weight

As a nation, we are getting fatter and fatter. It is now estimated that approximately 60% of the Australian adult population are overweight or obese; a figure which has more than doubled over the past 2 decades.[1] Given the health complications associated with carrying excess body fat, these figures may sound bad from a public health perspective, but not so from a business point of view, as many overweight people are willing to fork over a considerable amount of money to anyone able to offer them a solution. In fact, the average Australian woman spends around $250 annually on weight loss many doing so even if not overweight! [2]

Given that the population is certainly not getting any thinner, it would seem apparent that whatever it is that people are buying isn't working. One may therefore start suspecting that the key to successful weight loss must be some kind of well hidden secret, and consequently set out to find this secret, spending a lot of money in the process.

Fortunately for me, I happen to be among the few privileged people lucky enough to be aware of what this multi billion dollar industry secret is. Fortunately for you, I have decided to share it with you, but only if you promise not to tell anyone! (When I use this introduction in the seminars I often give, the entire room suddenly falls silent except for the sound of a few desperate people scrambling to get to their pens out in order to write down what the secret is.) Are you ready for it?

Adipose tissue (fat) is essentially our bodies' way of storing excess, unused chemical energy. Other than by surgical means, in order to get rid of it, we must force our body to break it down to use as a fuel source, by consuming less energy (kilojoules / Calories) than what we expend through physical activity. In other words, body fat regulation is a matter of energy in vs energy out. In layman's terms, if you want to lose weight you need to eat less and exercise more.

That's about all you need to know to lose weight, though doing so healthfully and doing so in a way in which it is likely to be habit forming (and therefore last long-term) is going to be advantageous. Most fad weight loss schemes and diets work of course, because ultimately, despite the very different claims they all make, they are all essentially low energy diets.

To give an example, a clinical trial published in the January 2005 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association studied 4 of the most popular diets in the United States , by randomly assigning people to follow either the Atkins Diet, the Zone diet, the Weight Watchers diet and the Ornish diet. [3] After 1 year, all four groups resulted in approximately similar amounts of weight loss and improvements in their cholesterol, insulin and C-reactive protein levels. As it turns out, regardless of the fact that all four diet made very different claims about why they made you lose weight, ultimately they were all energy restricted diets.

Whether or not they are good for you and whether they are realistically sustainable in the long run however are the key aspects that a good weight loss program should provide. In regards to long term health, the best kind of generic dietary recommendation is set out by the NHMRC's Dietary Guidelines' and illustrated by Nutrition Australia's Healthy Eating Pyramid'. Whilst these recommendations are intended to maintain a healthy body weight, they are also designed to minimize the risk of other diet related diseases, including (but no limited to) cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.

When it comes to long-term sustainability, I think it's reasonable to suggest that restrictive dietary regimes significantly different to what existing habits are like, will not last very long. Making subtle improvements to ones own usual diet, identifying cues preceding poor food choices and learning how to plan ahead to overcome them would be far more effective for long term success. Unfortunately however this doesn't seem to be what the market wants, or at least not what they are willing to open their wallets for.

Healthy Weight Loss --> Healthy Life

I spent a considerable amount of time in 2006 writing a book called 'Healthy Weight Loss --> Healthy Life: The essential guide to long-term healthy weight loss for Australian adults'.The majority of the book focuses on how to make subtle, heathier alterations to existing dietary habits. You can download part 1 here, or click here for more details.

See Also

Tips for budding weight loss scamsters

Weight loss supplements don't work

VLCD's & meal replacement shakes

Low Carb Diets and Ketosis


[1] Cameron AJ, Welborn TA, Zimmet PZ, Dunstan DW, Owen N, Salmon J, Dalton M, Jolley D, Shaw JE. Overweight and obesity in Australia: the 1999-2000 Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab).Med J Aust. 2003 May 5;178(9):427-32. Erratum in: Med J Aust. 2004 Apr 19;180(8):418.

[2] Ball, k., Andajani-Sutjahjo, S., and Crawford, D. The costs of weight control: what do young women pay? MJA 2003; 179 (11/12): 586

[3] Johnston CS, Tjonn SL, Swan PD, White A, Hutchins H, Sears B. Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate diets. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 May;83(5):1055-61.

The rest is here: - Long Term Healthy Weight Loss

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May 2

Diabetes diet: Create your healthy-eating plan – Mayo Clinic

Diabetes diet: Create your healthy-eating plan

Your diabetes diet is simply a healthy-eating plan that will help you control your blood sugar. Here's help getting started, from meal planning to exchange lists and counting carbohydrates.

A diabetes diet medically known as medical nutrition therapy (MNT) for diabetes simply translates into eating a variety of nutritious foods in moderate amounts and sticking to regular mealtimes.

Rather than a restrictive diet, a diabetes diet or MNT is a healthy-eating plan that's naturally rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories, with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. In fact, a diabetes diet is the best eating plan for most everyone.

If you have diabetes or prediabetes, your doctor will likely recommend that you see a dietitian to guide you on dietary changes and MNT that can help you control your blood sugar (glucose) level and manage your weight.

When you eat excess calories and fat, your body responds by creating an undesirable rise in blood glucose. If blood glucose isn't kept in check, it can lead to serious problems, such as a dangerously high blood glucose level (hyperglycemia) and chronic complications, such as nerve, kidney and heart damage.

Making healthy food choices and tracking your eating habits can help you manage your blood glucose level and keep it within a safe range.

For most people with type 2 diabetes, weight loss also can make it easier to control blood glucose and offers a host of other health benefits. If you need to lose weight, MNT provides a well-organized, nutritious way to reach your goal safely.

A registered dietitian can help you put together a diet based on your health goals, tastes and lifestyle and can provide valuable information on how to change your eating habits.

Recommended foods Make your calories count with these nutritious foods:

Foods to avoid Diabetes increases your risk of heart disease and stroke by accelerating the development of clogged and hardened arteries. Foods containing the following can work against your goal of a heart-healthy diet.

Putting it all together: Creating a plan There are a few different approaches to creating a diabetes diet that keeps your blood glucose level within a normal range. With a dietitian's help, you may find one or a combination of methods that works for you.

Counting carbohydrates. Because carbohydrates break down into glucose, they have the greatest impact on your blood glucose level. It's important to make sure your timing and amount of carbohydrates are the same each day, especially if you take diabetes medications or insulin. Otherwise, your blood glucose level may fluctuate more.

A dietitian can teach you how to measure food portions and become an educated reader of food labels, paying special attention to serving size and carbohydrate content. If you're taking insulin, he or she can teach you how to count the amount of carbohydrates in each meal or snack and adjust your insulin dose accordingly.

The food lists system. A dietitian may recommend using food lists to help you plan meals and snacks. The food lists are organized by categories, such as carbohydrates, protein sources and fats.

One serving in a category is called a "choice." A food choice has about the same amount of carbohydrates, protein, fat and calories and the same effect on your blood glucose as a serving of every other food in that same category. So, for example, you could choose to eat half of a large ear of corn or 1/3 cup of cooked pasta for one starch choice.

A sample menu Your daily meal plan should take into account your size as well as your physical activity level. The following menu is tailored for someone who needs 1,200 to 1,600 calories a day.


See original here:
Diabetes diet: Create your healthy-eating plan - Mayo Clinic

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May 2

Weber Diet – Proven, Simple, Smart.

What is gluten? Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat (durum, emmer, spelt, farina, farro, wheat and einkorn), rye, ...

We all know eating sea fish should be good for us. But its not so clear what species and how often. Weber Diet promotes healthy, ...

You dont have to understand biochemistry to eat healthy. You dont have to be obsessed with calories count and food declarations. But ...

sheilaqueen: Short and sweet explanation ๐Ÿ™‚ I always thought e ...

People ask me often if eating soy is good for health. Some find soy to be great alternative for meat or dairy products. Some never used ...

Carrie: Cool ๐Ÿ™‚ but I think I'm gonna ditch soy completel ...

Weber Diet: I'm glad my post was informative for you Carrie. I ...

Carrie: Now that's what I was looking for. Being a woman, ...

Id like to share a great recipe idea from Weber Diet. Its simple, tasty and healthy. Chicken breasts are great source of protein and ...

Weber Diet: Thanks. I'm also looking forward to see your creat ...

Martina: Healthy, simple to make and delicious! ...

Overweight and obesity lead to adverse metabolic effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin resistance. Risks ...

Weber Diet: Mladen, I agree about importance of motivation but ...

mladen: I think that motivation is the key to weight loss. ...

Recent WHO(World Health Organization)warring about red meat made some people worried about their eating habits. Others said those ...

Weber Diet: Sheilaqueen, food is very personal choice. I infor ...

sheilaqueen: Red meat ain't so bad! Even if it is, I'll continu ...

Pavle: As an ex meat industry worker, I can tell that we ...

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The rest is here:
Weber Diet - Proven, Simple, Smart.

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May 2

Paleo Plate | Diet Plans, Recipes, & Weight Loss Tips

Paleo Diet Benefits

The Paleo Diet has shown in countless research-backed studies to drastically benefit the health of those that choose to follow its guidelines. The studies dont indicate, suggest, or conclude that the Paleo Diet might benefit you; these studies prove the Paleo Diet has the power to transform you into a fat-burning machine as well as provide countless other health-boosting benefits. In addition to overall health improvements and weight loss, the Paleo Diet has been shown to COMPLETELY REVERSE some major diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes. Well touch more on this later, but just to familiarize you with the potential of the Paleo Diet, these are some of the benefits:

Just so you know Im not blowing smoke, you can click the little numbers by each benefit to show where Im getting my information from. Youll be surprised to see how old some of the studies are, which showed tremendous results but didnt really have a way to spread the word to people. Fortunately, we now have the internetallowing us to pool all of our information together and get the best of the bunch!

If youve made it this far, you are probably well-aware that the Paleo Diet is a serious diet, that involves some pretty big changes. With the power of the internet today, dieticians, doctors, and other nutritional specialists have been able to communicate like never before! Through all this communication, these professional diet consultants have been able to carve out a proven guideline for success when following the Paleo Diet. Information travels at the speed of light these days, and those that realize this amazing factand have the presence of mind to act on itfind themselves with amazing resources!

The info you just read has been taken from the beginning chapter of our 40 page Ultimate Paleo Guide. Our guide contains many more critical details regarding how you should get started on the Paleo Diet, what to expect, and the pitfalls to watch out for. For a limited time, we are able to offer this guide completely for FREE, but the offer wont last long!

If youre interested in the Paleo Diet, download our 40 page Ultimate Paleo Guide and get started down the Paleo Path today! Its FREE after all, what do you have to lose?

Excerpt from:
Paleo Plate | Diet Plans, Recipes, & Weight Loss Tips

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May 2

Diet |

We're all on the look out for diets that work! A well-balanced diet will make sure your body remains healthy and fit. However, which kind of diet does one consume when on a weight loss mission? Learn more about the different diet plans from the comprehensive guide specially compiled for you...

Can Turning into a Pescatarian be Beneficial to Your Health?

Benefits of being a pescatarian vary from a healthy heart to assisting in burning fat. Also, the omega-3 acids that we get through a pescatarian diet display anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce joint inflammation.

What to Eat When on a Rastafarian Diet

Vegetables and fruits that are raised without the use of any synthetic chemicals and that do not contain any artificial preservatives can be eaten when on a Rastafarian diet. This Buzzle article elaborates more on the dos and...

Diet to Follow Post Whipple Procedure

Intolerance towards heavy meals is commonly observed in people after undergoing a whipple procedure. The following Buzzle article suggests some dietary changes that may help to improve digestion while recovering this surgery.

Best Diet Apps to Keep You Fit

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Quick Diets that Work

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What Should You Eat after a Workout?

Post workout nutrition is an essential part of the workout process. But what foods should you eat and when? Scroll below to find out.

Easy Diets that Work Fast

Diets must be flexible and enjoyable, and at the same time, be positively effective. They must not have harmful side-effects. Let us find out about some of the easy diets that are considered to be quite effective.

Easy Diets to Follow

There are many diets aimed at weight loss. Are you confused about choosing the right and easy to follow diet plan? Worry not, this article will guide you on easy to follow yet effective diets...

Easy Diets for Teenage Girls

Easy diets do not entail eating fast foods and those prepackaged foods that take no time to prepare. We have provided you a very simple diet plan here, that is healthy and can be prepared quickly.

Simple Diet Recipes

Looking for some simple diet recipes? Look no further, just scroll down.

Diets that Work Fast for Teenage Girls

It is imperative that the diet for teenagers should have the right amount of all the required nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, fiber and healthy fats, as their bodies are still in the growth phase. Read on for...

Easy to Follow Diets for College Students

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Body Toning Diets

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Diet for Ballet Dancers

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What to Eat After a Run

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World's Fastest Diet to Lose Weight

The worlds fastest diet to lose weight has been planned keeping in mind all the nutrients essential for your body. Thus, it's completely safe and a healthy way for losing weight. Read on...

Diets for Women Over 60

Do you know what is the healthy diet for women over 60? If not, then read this article on best diets for women in this age group.

Diets for Women over 50

One's way of eating should be changed considering one's age. A few of them have been mentioned in the following Buzzle article.

Diets for Women in their 20s

Healthy diets for women in their 20s are not that different from the general diet advice given to others. Read about them, in this article.

All Fruit Diet

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Easy Diet Recipes

Almost everyone is facing shortage of time these days. In such stringent situations people don't have time to cook elaborate menus and follow a difficult diet schedule. This article gives you some easy recipes that you can prepare...

MMA Diet

MMA stands for mixed martial arts. Following the right diet is extremely essential for MMA fighters and athletes. This write-up provides guidelines for MMA diet.

List of Some Good Diets for Women

This article provides a list of some good diets that are available for women, which might prove beneficial to keep them healthy as well as maintain an ideal weight.

What is a Whole Food Diet

What is a whole food diet? Which food to consume in this diet? Are these diet recipes different from regular food recipes? To get the answers for these nutrition-related queries, read on.

Fastest Working Diet

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Good Diets that Work Fast

A good diet is the one that is healthy and also helps in a quick weight loss. This article will give you brief information on some of the most effective weight loss diet plans.

Diets That Work Fast for Men

There are a few diets that work fast for men who are weight-conscious, and prefer to have a healthy body. Read this Buzzle article to find out what these diets are.

What to Eat Before a Workout

Any form of physical exertion without the intake of small amounts of nutrition is inadvisable. The time interval between a pre-workout, a modicum of nutrition, and the kind of nutrition to be eaten are accountable factors.

Runner's Diet

A runner's diet is just as important in making him a runner, as much as training is. This article will tell you about the importance of planning a proper diet for a runner.

Components of a Healthy Diet

A well-balanced diet, which provides the body with all the essential nutrients, is considered to be the most useful. Read on to know what makes up for a most effective diet.

Is Dieting Bad for You?

Many people resort to dieting to improve their physical appearance. This article dwells on whether dieting is bad for you, and if it harms your body in some way.

Marathon Training Diet

Diet for people wanting to participate in marathon events need to have high carbohydrate foods as they provide plenty of energy. The diet plan is explained below:

Pre Workout Meal

While choosing a pre workout meal, one should check whether it provides the body with the required calories. Fluids need to be given preference for meals because they digest quickly. Here are a few examples of meals to be taken...

Foods with Anti-inflammatory Properties

Inflammation is a symptom of several medical conditions, and one of the best ways to counter it is to include foods with anti-inflammatory properties to your diet. This Buzzle write-up provides an overview of an anti-inflammatory...

Whole Foods Diet

The latest diet mantra is eating food as good old Mother Nature intended us to eat it. In the world of starchy, salty processed foods, diseases are abound. The result is a long journey back to the basics. This Buzzle article guides...

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Diet |

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May 2

GSP RUSHFIT – Home Exercise Program Workout DVDs and MMA …

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GSP RUSHFIT - Home Exercise Program Workout DVDs and MMA ...

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May 2

Simple Tips To Lose Weight In Just 10 Days – STYLECRAZE

There will always be a reason why you still havent shed those few extra pounds you have packed on. A few cookies here and a donut there, and the next thing you know is the weighing machine displaying a panic-inducing number.

Healthy weight loss is a gradual process, that much is true. But incorporating small changes in your lifestyle can show really fast results, in as less as 10 days. Click here to view an enlarged version of this infographic

Image: Shutterstock

The focus should be on cutting back calories, incorporating healthier foods into your diet, and working out.

Breakfast Lunch And Dinner Snacks

Image: Shutterstock

The best way to reduce calorie intake is by incorporating more fiber into your diet. The recommended amount is about 30 grams a day, but most people dont consume enough fiber.

How Is It Helpful?

Fiber is of two types, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber absorbs water and transforms into a gel during digestion. Insoluble fiber remains undigested as it passes through your system. Both types of fiber slow down the process of digestion, and helps you feel fuller for longer (1).

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Carbohydrates are a staple in the diet of many. In fact, of all the food groups, the amount of carbs consumed is the highest. This poses a problem because every gram of carbohydrate contains four calories. And most foods that are rich in carbs barely possess any other nutrients.

How Is It Helpful?

Filling yourself up with carbs adds a lot of calories to your diet, which is why cutting back on carbs can be a great step towards weight loss (2).

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Image: Shutterstock

There is this prevalent misconception that fats are bad for you. That isnt entirely true. There are healthy fats and there are the unhealthy ones. You need to make sure that the fats you eat are good for your health.

How Is It Helpful?

Most junk foods contain unhealthy or saturated fats. They are the ones responsible for an array of diseases. But unsaturated fats, which is found in avocado, olive oil, and nuts, can help lower cholesterol and the risk for heart diseases when had in moderation.

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Image: Shutterstock

Exercise and weight loss go hand in hand. While it might not be possible to start working out an hour a day overnight, you can start by doing small things at a time. A 15 minutes walk, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator are good ways to start.

How Is It Helpful?

Even if you dont end up working out a lot, a little exercise is better than no exercise. Regular exercise helps burn calories and boosts your metabolism. It also helps in maintaining your muscle mass, and since muscles need more calories than fat, you end up burning a substantial amount of calories every day.

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It is easy to lose track of everything you eat. Some of us even eat without registering it. How many times have you given a thought to your morning cappuccino, and the fact that it can contain over 120 calories?

How Is It Helpful?

We tend to consume a lot of things that are high in calories, but dont even count as food. Carbonated drinks, coffee, and junk like chips are some examples. So it is important to register what you are eating, and keep track. You can cut back on a lot of calories just by avoiding foods that dont fill you up (3 ).

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Image: Shutterstock

Three meals a day can leave you feeling hungry in between. And thats where most of us slip up. Even if we try eating meals that are healthy, we end up binging on snacks that are anything but. And this has a huge impact on our weight, so we should opt for better snack options.

How Is It Helpful?

The biggest culprit that causes weight gain is our habit of unhealthy snacking. Fries and chips and cookies do nothing to fill us up, but add a lot of carbs, sugar, and fat. It is also difficult to stop at one or two because we still feel so hungry. So opt for snacks that have a high fiber content.

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Most of us find it difficult to let go of our favorite foods. Chips and cookies might be fattening and unhealthy, but we still end up having them. Which is why not buying junk food is a good step towards losing weight.

How Is It Helpful?

The reason we eat so much junk is because we buy it, and keep it available and accessible. You know the saying, out of sight, out of mind. Purging your pantry and fridge of high-in-calories and low-in-nutrients food can help you cut back on unhealthy snacking.

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Image: Shutterstock

One of the main reasons we break from our diet plans is the fact that it is really difficult to resist temptation. A few days of green smoothies and salads, and you find yourself gorging on every kind of junk imaginable. Most of us dont have the willpower to keep eating something we despise for a long period of time. Which is why deprivation doesnt work. The best way to have want we want, and not gain weight is by eating smaller portions.

How Is It Helpful?

The idea behind smaller portions comes from the fact that it takes your brain about 20 minutes to process what you eat. So, you may not even realize that your stomach is full and keep eating. It is necessary that you take breaks between servings to actually gauze whether you are hungry anymore.

When you see more food on your plate, you tend to eat more (4 ). So it makes sense to serve yourself smaller portions. This way, you know youre not overeating. And it can help you lose weight, and without you having to give up your favorite foods.

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With work and miscellaneous other tasks demanding our attention, cooking your own meals can seem like too much of a chore. But if you are looking to lose weight, this is a great step you can take.

How Is It Helpful?

The best way to determine if the meal you are eating is healthy for you is by making it yourself. That way, you get to experiment with what you like and what you dont. You also get to try out low calorie alternatives of your favorite dishes. This helps you control to your portions.

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Drinking enough water is really important for your health. Insufficient water intake could actually be impacting how much you weigh.

How Is It Helpful?

Sometimes, thirst can be misinterpreted as hunger pangs by your brain. So, to gauze whether you are really hungry or not, try drinking a glass of water before eating anything.

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There are times when temptation gets the better out of us, and we end up binging on junk. Or we go to a party and end up eating way more than what we had planned.

There will always be instances where we fall off the wagon. And it can seem all too easy to give up on the whole notion of losing weight. But even if you slip once or twice (or a hundred times), go back to sticking to your diet.

How Is It Helpful?

Experts agree that going off your diet is bound to happen. But they also agree that you should go back to it if you want to keep off the weight that you had lost in the first place (5 ).

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A low calorie diet doesnt have to be the ordeal it is made out to be. If you stick to three meals and two snacks a day, you ought to stay full.

There are plenty of recipes that you can try for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that not just aid in weight loss, but are delicious to boot.

There are those who consider breakfast to be the most important meal of the day, and preach that it is something that should never be skipped. The logic was that if you missed breakfast, you would be hungrier at lunch, and you might even indulge in pre-lunch snacking. But recent research shows that how much you eat at lunch does not really depend on whether or not youve had breakfast.

But skipping meals is never a good idea, because it brings with it a plethora of health issues. So, when weight loss is on your mind, you can go for good old oatmeal or try out a high fiber, super-healthy smoothie.

Ingredients Needed

How To Make

Ingredients Needed

How To Make

Lunch And Dinner

Lunch is the most important meal of the day. What you have for lunch should get you through the day, all the way to dinner, with maybe a snack in between. Which is why it should be filling, but healthy and low in calories.

If you get your lunch on the go, make sure that you opt for options that dont contain high-fat dressing or empty calories. Something along the lines of grilled chicken on whole grain bread is ideal.

Your dinner, while not too heavy, should be able to sustain you through the night. A stew, served without bread or rice, should work very well.

Ingredients Needed

How To Make

Ingredients Needed

How To Make

When you stay hungry, all the junk you are trying to avoid can get too tempting to resist. To keep yourself from getting too hungry between meals, always keep something with you that you can munch on. It doesnt always have to be celery or carrot sticks. You can always treat yourself to something delicious that isnt completely terrible for your diet.

Ingredients Needed

How To Make

Ingredients Needed

How To Make

There is one important thing that you should keep in mind that you may not end up losing as much weight as you want to. The initial few kilos/pounds will be easy to shed, but after that, it can get a little tougher. The weight loss wont be as drastic as it was. But the thing is, you are making changes to your lifestyle and heading down a path of better health. Sustainable weight loss is better for you in the long term.

But if your are looking to lose weight real quick, maybe for an important function or to fit into a dress you havent worn in a while, you can lose a substantial amount of weight quickly by following a strict diet. But a word of caution before you dive deep, you may put back the weight youve lost once you go off the diet plan.

In case you are a starter, here is a 10 day routine for you. It demonstrates what you should be eating, at what time and in what quantities:


Morning beverage

Breakfast (within 9 am)

Lunch (within 1.30 pm)

Evening beverage

Evening intake( by 5)

Dinner (within 9)

Originally posted here:
Simple Tips To Lose Weight In Just 10 Days - STYLECRAZE

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May 2

How to Lose Weight | Tips &Tricks to Lose Weight

First there should be noDIET. By dieting, you automatically set yourself up for failure.How exactly do you expect to maintain your new physique, if after a few weeks of dieting you revert back to your old habits?Then youll revert back to your old body. Ever heard the saying, that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Simply put, you must change your nutrition permanently. This doesnt mean eating grapefruits everyday forever, but adopting good nutrition practices (during your weight loss period this may be more stringent) that are essentially possible to keep to.

You can see from this diagram above that you can change various factors to create a negative energy balance. Sure, you can create this negative energy balance, just by decreasing the amount of calories you eat (energy intake on the left side). However, you can see for yourself that if you manipulate both sides of the scale,by both dieting and doingexercise, it will result in an additive, and even synergistic, reduction in body weight.

Studies show that a combination of both exercise and calorie restriction result in9x GREATER WEIGHT LOSS, than exercise alone.

Caloric deficit causes fat loss. But,

Exercise is your main weapon in the battle against the inevitable slowing of metabolic rate that occurs due to dieting.

Look. Losing weight isnt rocket science, once you understand your body, its simple. Losing weight is not expensive. Having a great body isnt limited to the rich and famous. But, losing weight isnt easy. It requires determination and discipline. It requires getting up and working out on days you dont feel like it. If it were easy, we would all be looking great, instead of just dreaming about it. Truth is, if you want a great body, you can have a great body.

Fat loss occurs slowly and steadily. Losing more than 2 pounds of weight per week means that you are losing water weight ormuscletissue, rather than fat. If weight is lost any more rapidly than this, it is most likely a sign that you need to eat more.To lose weight permanently, you need to lose weight slowly.Weight loss should be between1 2lbs a week.Fast weight lossis generally to be avoided. A further incentive to lose weight slowly is that stretch marks may arise due to losing weight fast.

There are3500 calories in 1lbs. (0.45kg) of fat.Therefore, to lose 1 lbs. of fat per week you need to burn 500 calories more than you consume each day (or 1000 calories less/ day to lose 2 lbs.) through a combination of nutrition and regular exercise.

500 calories x 7 days = 3500 calories/ week (1lbs of weight loss/ week) 1000 calories x 7 days = 7000 calories/ week (2lbs of weight loss/ week)

Read the original:
How to Lose Weight | Tips &Tricks to Lose Weight

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