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Oct 19

Can Fad Diets Work? – WebMD

WebMD Feature Archive

When singer Beyonc Knowles needed to lose 22 pounds in a hurry for her role in the film Dreamgirls, she went on a crash diet that consisted of drinking a mixture of water, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup as a substitute for regular meals. She lost the weight, and in the process sparked a run on maple syrup as news and photos of her newly svelte figure spread. But even Beyonc has been quick to tell interviewers, "I would not recommend it if someone wasn't doing a movie, because there are other ways to lose weight."

Beyonc's own caution to dieters probably comes as good news to nutritionists who don't think much of her quick-fix weight loss plan. "This diet is void of essential nutrients and probably doesn't promote healthful eating and lifestyle habits that would sustain any weight that is lost," says Jenna Anding, PhD, RD, LD, associate department head, department of nutrition and food science, Texas A&M University. "Also, losing 20 pounds in two weeks is not healthy; nutrition experts recommend a weekly weight loss of no more than 2 pounds per week."

The "syrup diet" is just one of the many diet plans (albeit one of the more extreme) to capture our weight-crazed fancy over the years. From Atkins to South Beach to the Zone to the Blood Type Diet -- to name just a few -- many of us are always on the lookout for the "magic bullet" that will help us shed pounds quickly, and more or less effortlessly.

Why, despite the advice of most nutrition experts, are we fascinated by the myriad diet plans crowding bookstore shelves? "Most individuals want cutting-edge solutions for weight loss, and fad diets offer, at least on the surface, 'new' ways to beat the boring mathematical reality of long-term weight loss," explains Robin Steagall, RD, nutrition communications manager for the Calorie Control Council.

"All diets work on the principle of cutting calories [cutting 500 calories a day can result in a 1-pound weight loss in a week]," Steagall adds, "but every new diet has some unique twist to accomplish this mission."

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Can Fad Diets Work? - WebMD

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Oct 16

Fitness programs: 5 steps to get started – Mayo Clinic

Fitness program: 5 steps to get started Are you thinking about starting a fitness program? Good for you! You're only five steps away from a healthier lifestyle. By Mayo Clinic Staff

Starting a fitness program may be one of the best things you can do for your health. Physical activity can reduce your risk of chronic disease, improve your balance and coordination, help you lose weight even improve your sleep habits and self-esteem. And there's more good news. You can do it in just five steps.

You probably have some idea of how fit you are. But assessing and recording baseline fitness scores can give you benchmarks against which to measure your progress. To assess your aerobic and muscular fitness, flexibility and body composition, consider recording:

It's easy to say that you'll exercise every day. But you'll need a plan. As you design your fitness program, keep these points in mind:


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Fitness programs: 5 steps to get started - Mayo Clinic

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Oct 16

Cleansing and Detox Diets: Learn How Cleanses Work

Cleansing and detox diets introduction

If you're looking for a way to lose weight quickly and feel better (and who isn't?), you might be tempted to try a fad "detox" diet or a "cleanse" method." These diets start with a fast, followed by a period of consuming only raw vegetables, fruit, juices and water.

Most nutritionists say, "Don't bother."

There is no scientific evidence that "detox" (short for detoxification) or "cleanse" diets result in rapid weight loss or have any health benefits, says Heather Mangieri, RDN, LDN, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and founder of Nutrition CheckUp in Pittsburgh.

Indeed, the opposite may be true: One study published in 2011 in the journal Obesity found that beginning a weight-loss diet with a fast or cleanse could be counterproductive.

For example, researchers at the University of Illinois divided mice into two diet groups. For 10 to 12 weeks, one group of mice was fed a low-fat diet (10 percent fat). The other group was fed a high-fat diet (60 percent fat). Not surprisingly, the group on a high-fat diet gained a lot of weight. Afterward, both groups were put on a 24-hour fast. The lean mice lost 18 percent of their body weight in those 24 hours, but the obese mice lost only 5 percent.

Cleansing diets aren't new. "They've been around for years and years," Mangieri says. But they seem to get a lot of press from magazines and talk show hosts. And celebrities make cleanse diets popular every time they claim to lose significant weight on them.

"The terms 'detox' and 'cleanse' have become almost interchangeable and are thrown around almost as much as the words 'calorie' and 'carbohydrate' these days," says Keri Glassman, RD, CDN, founder and president of A Nutritious Life, a nutrition practice based in New York City.

Proponents of cleansing diets believe it's important to rid your body of toxins that you get -- like it or not -- from food, water and the environment. "The mistake most people make is equating detoxes and cleanses with weight loss," Glassman says. They are not the same.

So if you're considering a cleanse diet as a way to lose weight, you could be outsmarting yourself. "Cleanse diets can set you up for failure by slowing your metabolism and making you crave everything you just gave up," Glassman says. Cleanse diets don't help you or your body develop healthy eating habits. And what's worse, they could deprive your body of essential nutrients, Mangieri agrees.

Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 4/7/2015

Medical Editor:

Dr. Charles "Pat" Davis, MD, PhD, is a board certified Emergency Medicine doctor who currently practices as a consultant and staff member for hospitals. He has a PhD in Microbiology (UT at Austin), and the MD (Univ. Texas Medical Branch, Galveston). He is a Clinical Professor (retired) in the Division of Emergency Medicine, UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, and has been the Chief of Emergency Medicine at UT Medical Branch and at UTHSCSA with over 250 publications.

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Cleansing and Detox Diets: Learn How Cleanses Work

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Oct 16

How to Lose Weight Quickly on Atkins (4 Steps) | eHow


In 1972, Dr. Robert Coleman Atkins unveiled a nutritional plan he called the "Atkins Diet," which emphasizes cutting carbohydrate consumption and increasing consumption of foods rich in protein. The concept behind the diet is that bodies will resort to burning fat cells instead of carbohydrates, a main energy source. It is possible to burn 15 pounds of fat in just two weeks according to the diet's official website.

Cut your carbohydrate consumption to 20 grams during the two-week induction phase. Check nutritional labels to see how many grams of carbohydrates your food contains.

Eat three meals a day and drink eight glasses of water. Food options are flexible as long as you keep carbohydrate consumption to a minimum. Keep away from fruits, breads and starchy vegetables.

Get moderate exercise on most days of the weeks for at least 20 minutes. This includes walking, jogging, dancing and other forms of aerobic exercise.

After the initial two-week phase, increase your consumption of carbohydrates by 10 grams per week as long as you continue to lose weight.

Discover which Atkins diet foods to eat and shed those unwanted pounds. How would you like to shed a couple of pounds...

Maybe you just had a baby or you've been trying to lose stomach weight for years. Whatever the case, it takes will...

Are you overweight? If so, you may have already tried a number of ways of relieving yourself of those extra pounds, but...

Losing weight on the Atkins diet is actually much easier than other weight loss programs. You are less hungry, and can eat...

Although low-fat diets are currently being touted as the best way to lose weight and prevent many chronic illnesses, fat consumption in...

Losing weight quickly before pregnancy is an idea that occurs to many women. You may be hoping you'll regain your slim shape...

5 steps to help you lose weight quickly. Practical and proven weight loss methods.

See original here:
How to Lose Weight Quickly on Atkins (4 Steps) | eHow

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Oct 12

49 Secrets On How To Lose Weight Fast Dr. Axe

49 Secrets on How to Lose Weight Fast

Whether youve decided to get in better shape as part of a New Years resolution or just want to boost your normal routine, theres never a bad time to get fit and shed those last extra pounds.

But if youve ever tried losing weight, getting in shape, or simply leading a healthier lifestyle before, you know that its not as easy as just changing your diet and squeezing in more workouts. Thats why Ive rounded up my favorite 49 ways to help you get healthy and get fit.

From exercising for short bursts of time to making weekly menus to even having a cheat meal, these 49 tips to lose weight fast will help you achieve your health and fitness goals. Remember this is not just about losing weight, but living a better healthier, happier life!

Penciling in workouts into your daily planner, the same way you do dinner with friends or that important business meeting, will help hold you accountable. Itll also force you to choose a specific time to get your sweat on, making it more likely youll stick to it.

Cant carve out a full 30 minutes or an hour of exercise time in one go? Opt for shorter bouts of exercise throughout the day instead. The latest science suggests that several short exercise bursts provide the same health and fitness benefits as a similar amount of exercise done in one longer workout and, in some cases, reap even more rewards.

Try a quick cardio circuit in the morning, a brisk stroll during your lunch hour, and an after-dinner strength session; no need to do it all at once.

Being away from your normal routine doesnt mean your healthy efforts need fall to the wayside. Jog a few miles on the hotel gyms treadmill, scope out a local barre studio and pop in for a class, take a walking tour of the city, rent a bike and explore, or even do a quick workout exercises in your hotel room.

Try theseresistance bandexercises; they make for a quick workout, and a band takes up little space in your bag, making it perfect when youre on the go.

Keep your muscles guessing by cross training and trying different workouts or tweak your usual routine. Youll work new muscles, beat boredom, and try something new. Are you a Crossfit junkie? Stretch out at a yoga class. Is running more your style? Add some speed intervals throughout your usual route.

If you hate an activity, youre likely much less likely to stick with it. This doesnt mean shying away from activities that challenge you thats how your body changes! But if you dread swimming, theres no reason to force yourself into the pool five times a week. Working out shouldnt be a chore; it should be something you look forward to.

Its easy to think that getting in shape will be expensive, but it doesnt have to be. Aside from outdoor activities like walking, running, or hiking, there are many other ways to get a great workout in without spending much money. Try a YouTube workout, check out low-cost community fitness centers, or invest in a few quality exercise videos.

Its been scientifically proven that listening to upbeat music during exercise helps you work harder and enjoy both the workout and the music more. Add your favorite fast-paced jams to a playlist and get moving. (1)

Not only do activities like group fitness exercises help hold you accountable to a specific time and place to work out, its also a great way to meet friends, as youre likely to start seeing and befriending class regulars. Classes also provide an opportunity to try something new in a safe, supportive environment.

If working out in a studio isnt your thing, check sites like Meetup to find local groups in sports youre interested in. From running groups to bike riding communities, theres probably a group who is interested in the same activities as you

If you constantly find that theres not enough time during the day to squeeze in a workout, it might be time to jumpstart the day with one. Getting exercise in the morning has a variety of perks: youll be energized throughout the day, unexpected time commitments wont jeopardize your fitness plans, and youre more likely to make healthier choices.

Make setting the alarm clock early a bit easier by prepping your workout essentials the night before so you can grab and go.

Burst training, or interval training combines short, high-intensity bursts of exercise with slow recovery phases. This method helps your body burn fat faster because your metabolism stays elevated for up to 48 hours after exercise. When youre short on time but ready for results, its a super effective option.

When youre trying to lose weight, the scale can be deceiving. Thats because, while the number might not budge (or it might even go up!), it doesnt take into account that you are probably adding muscle.

And while a pound of fat is still the same as a pound of muscle, because muscle is lean and smooth, you can be shedding inches while remaining the same weight. To get a more accurate depiction of how your body is changing, use body measurement tape instead to track your size and progress.

Savvy exercisers know that the best workouts dont include just cardio, but incorporate strength training as well. Building muscle helps you lose inches all around, keeps your metabolism going after leaving the gym, and will help you look better, too. And ladies, dont stress weight lifting will not make you bulk up. So if youre looking to get that toned look, pick up those weights.

If youre at a total loss as to how to begin a fitness routine, have an injury or other health issues, or simply want to learn how to maximize your gym time, considering investing in a personal trainer. They can help shape a fitness program to reach your goals while taking into account any special considerations.

A certified personal trainer can be a great way to kick-start your healthy lifestyle or help get you over a weight loss plateau. Scheduling one with a few friends can keep costs down, too.

Often we think were hungry when our bodies are actually just begging for water. Its important to drinkenough waterthroughout the day also keeps fat toxins moving out of the body and keeps your metabolism running optimally. And its calorie-free, too!

It comes on suddenly: one minute youre feeling great and the next youre starving for a snack. Skip the vending machine and prepare your own healthy snacks to take to work, school, or whenever youre on the go. From apple chips to an on-the-go healthysmoothie, youll get the nutrients you need without the icky preservatives from expensive, processed foods.

Increasing your protein intake is a great way to lose weight fast and burn fat. Most people when trying to lose weight dont get near enough protein in their diet. If your goal is weight loss, I would recommend getting at the very least half your body weight in grams of protein a day and for those seeking to burn fat and build muscle .7 to 1 grams for pounds of body weight. For example, if you weight 150 pounds you should be getting 75 to 150 grams of protein a day. Checkout this list of the top 10 high protein foods.

New research is revealing that consuming grapefruit benefits weight loss in a a major way. The key may be an enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) that is found in Grapefruit. AMPKs helps your body utilize sugar which results in boosting your metabolism resulting in.Nootkatone a component found in grapefruit has been shown to significantly increase fat-burning (AMPK) activity. Consider grapefruit as vitamin C- rich snack, add grapefruit slices to a spinach salad, or even into an immune boosting smoothie.

Drinking herbal teas such as matcha green tea, white tea, black tea and rooibos tea can amp up your metabolism. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition green tea is more effective than other teas like oolong at promoting weight loss because of its high levels of catechins. So if you want to lose weight fast I recommend drinking 1-3 cups of green tea daily.

Foods high in fiber will help you feel fuller longer and help reduce sugar cravings. Also, fiber has been proven to balance blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and more, but chances are youre not consuming enough fiber. The average person only gets 15-20g of fiber of day when they should be getting 30-40 grams of fiber daily. Not sure if your favorite foods stack up? Check out my top 10high-fiberfoods.

Whether youre a novice or a pro in the kitchen, making your own snacks and meals really will help you lose weight. By controlling what ingredients, fats, and oils are in your food, youll be able to make healthy choices without sacrificing the food and flavors you love.

Start by committing to making one meal a day at home. As you get more comfortable in the kitchen, increase that number. Youll be surprised by the quality of dishes you can make right in your own kitchen. Get some of my favorite healthy recipes here.

See no evil, eat no evil. Its hard to resist temptation when it comes to foods so eliminate it instead! Keep your cabinets and refrigerator stocked with fresh, healthy foods at front and center. One trick I love is washing fresh fruits and veggies as soon as I get home from the store and storing them in glass or nice bowls on the counter or refrigerator shelf. It keeps them visible and its a great reminder to eat them!

Also that way, whenever I need a snack, theyre already prepped. Take my healing foods shopping list next time you hit the supermarket and get tips to eating healthy on a budget.

If youre constantly find yourself thinking, I have nothing to eat, or I dont know what to make, preparing a menu is for you. Choose your favorite recipes and decide what you want to serve for meals a week at a time. Write out the ingredients youll need and take that list with you when you shop. Youll have all the ingredients on hand to make nutritious meals for the week.

Bonus: save money by choosing meals that use in-season produce and combining your meals with your local grocery stores sales flyer. And dont forget about leftovers! Use them to create new meals (for instance, make a stir-fry with leftover cooked meats and veggies) or have a weekly night where all the leftovers get put out and everyone in the family can eat their favorites again.

When you eat fast, it is easy to overeat. It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to register that it is full. While you chew, your brain is processing that you are eating, and chewing releases enzymes for pre-digestion in your saliva to start the digestion process. So, chew slowly and enjoy the flavor of your food! This also eases digestion and helps your brain to catch up with your body. If you have trouble eating slow, try putting down your fork or spoon in between bites.

Even though grains have been promoted as healthy, consuming them is one of the fastest ways to pack on the pounds. Plus as you probably know by now, the gluten found in most grains can increase inflammation in the body and put a strain on your digestive system. And store bought bread often has added high fructose corn syrup, sugar, and preservatives.

Grains contain large amounts of carbohydrates which break down into sugar which your body will store as fat. So my advice is keep your grain consumption down to 1 serving or less daily, and when you eat grains, eat only sprouted grains or quinoa instead, and load up on vegetables!

You have the best of intentions to fill the grocery cart with lots of produce and healthy protein. But halfway through shopping, your stomach starts growling and all of a sudden those potato chips are looking a lot more appealing than normal. Its happened to us all. The best solution? Fill up before you go! When youre not fighting hunger pangs, its a lot easier to make healthy choices.

Eating clean doesnt mean you have to give up your favorite foods. Instead, think of ways to healthify them yourself! Is dip your weakness? Try this spicy bean version. Are Fridays your pizza night? Make a coconut crust pizza instead. I guarantee theyll be delicious, satisfy your cravings, and help you feel great!

No, Im not talking about fast foodin fact, please dont eat ANY fast food. But simply speaking, there are going to be times that you are in a situation where you are offered or are in a position to eat something that is usually off-the-menu for healthy eating. So, instead of binging on these foods, keep your goals in mind and nibble on smaller amounts. Are you at a party with hors doeuvres and appetizers you just cant turn down?

Decide youll eat just one type of bite-sized food and turn down the rest. Or, is your office having a pizza party and the smell of cheesy goodness is too hard to resist? Pick the slice loaded with veggies, enjoy, and then turn away.

Adding in some healthy herbs to your diet may be just what you need to lose weight fast! Studies have shown that herbs like cayenne pepper, turmeric, cinnamon and dandelion may all help promote weight loss. You can add a bit of cayenne pepper to season chicken or dips, use turmeric when making burgers or sprinkle it on a salad, put 1/2 tsp of cinnamon in your smoothie and drink a hot cup of dandelion tea in the morning for breakfast.

Believe me, this really works! Because the same serving of food looks like less food on larger plates, trick your brain into eating less by serving your main dish on salad-sized plates instead of dinner ones. I switched out all my large dinner plates with salad plates for a while. And it is amazing how a medium-sized plate of food felt more satisfying when I cleaned it. When you combine this with eating slower and more intentionally, you will enjoy your food more and eat less!

Doing a short cleanse or detox is one of the best ways to lose weight fast. Whether it be few days or weeks doing something like a vegetable juice cleanse or Daniel Diet is highly effective. Another simple way to cleanse is by starting to drink the Secret Detox Drink.

Start your day on the right foot and fuel your body for the day with a hearty breakfast. Itll give you energy in those first few hours youre awake. Plus, since breakfast is the earliest meal, youll have the longest amount of hours to burn those early calories. Tired of the same old eggs and toast? Try some of these delicious breakfast recipes.

The coconut is one of the best weight loss foods in the world today if consumed as part of a low carb diet. Coconut contains MCFAs that your body can easily burn as fuel for energy. Switch out the other oils in your home for coconut oil, add coconut milk into your morning smoothie, use coconut flakes to crust chicken tenders and drink coconut water to stay hydrated during your next workout.

Creamy, foamy drinks might taste delicious, but they can have enough calories as an entire meal and thats not even taking into account the amount of sugar and preservatives. Make your own healthier versions instead. From pumpkin spice lattes to spiced apple cider, theres a nutritious alternative.

Not all fat is created equal. The fats found in foods likeavocados, nuts, and dark chocolate are actually good for you and they taste delicious! Enjoy them on a regular basis to reap their health benefits but dont go overboard because they are calorie dense.

Its your Aunt Mildreds birthday and, while youre committed to healthy eating, the rest of your family hasnt gotten there yet. Instead of chowing down on fried, unhealthy foods or being rude and turning down everything thats offered, a great compromise is to bring a dish along to share (after clearing it with the host, of course).

Whether its a healthy appetizer, a tasty side dish, or your favorite clean eating dessert, youll know theres at least one healthy option that you can fill up on while minimizing your intake of the unhealthier ones. You might even convert a few people in the process, too!

Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. Changing every part of your lifestyle at once is overwhelming and sets you up for failure. Decide on making just one healthy change a week to allow yourself time to adapt. Whether its cooking your own meals four nights a week, adding just 20 minutes of fitness to your routine a day, or swapping out that sugary coffee for green tea, all these changes will add up.

It can help eliminate bad feelings that arise once you start making different choices. For instance, if youre constantly turning down dinner invitations with friends, they might assume youre just not interested in spending time with them.

Instead, explain that youre trying to incorporate a healthy lifestyle and, while that new restaurant isnt in your plans, youd love to go see a movie or get together for coffee instead. Let them know how important their support is to you.

Its easy to tell yourself that youll wake up for a run at 6 a.m., but its another thing to actually do it. Use your social networks to help keep you in check. Let people know that youll be up for a run does anyone want to join you? Share a post-workout selfie or join an online community where members cheer each other on.

Theres an app for that couldnt be truer than when it comes to fitness. Whether youre trying to keep track of what youre eating, need a need workout, or just want to log how many miles youre running, theres an app for you.

When the scale doesnt seem to budge or you feel like your body isnt changing quickly enough, its hard not to get discouraged. So track your progress from the start to see how much youve accomplished and motivate you to keep going.

Whether you track how many inches youve lost, keep a food diary, or just a journal about the healthy changes youve made, its encouraging to see what a great job youre doing! Bonus: keeping an exercise or food diary can help you see weaknesses in your routine to push yourself out of a fitness plateau or notice what situations drive you to eat more or exercise less.

If knowing that your body is thanking you for making healthier choices isnt enough (and thats ok!), treat yourself but dont tie these rewards to food. For instance, if you worked out 5 days out of the week for the entire month, splurge on that new tennis racquet youve been eying or indulge in a manicure or pedicure. Youve earned it!

Embracing a healthy lifestyle means cutting out some things you might have taken for granted, like after-work happy hours with coworkers or weekend brunches with friends. But theres no reason your social life has to suffer.

Instead, suggest fun alternatives. Instead of happy hour, why not take a new exercise class together? Instead of indulging at brunch, go on a hike or check out a spin class. If thats not your friends cup of tea, you can even host a meal at your place.

Setting a fitness goal gives you a specific purpose for your workouts and the satisfaction once youve completed it. Whether its deciding to run your first 10k, learning how to do a headstand when practicing yoga, or completing 50 push-ups without stopping, a challenge might be just what you need to get out of a fitness rut.

If youre constantly sleeping less than 7 to 8 hours a night, your health and waistline will suffer. A chronic lack of sleep is linked to obesity, diabetes, and more. Plus sleep is an important time to rebuild muscle from your workout routine and give your brain a chance to process and heal.

If youre having trouble sleeping, try some of these all-natural ways to fall asleep and get more zzzs.

Seems strange, doesnt it? But our minds often confuse boredom, tiredness, and more with hunger. Before you eat something, drink some water and ask yourself if youre truly hungry, go on a quick walk outside or around the office, or just decide to wait 20 minutes or so before eating. Youll be amazed at how often your body isnt actually hungry; its actually craving movement.

Take control of cravings naturally by using essential oils like peppermint, grapefruit, ginger, cinnamon or lemon. Instead of another coffee or snack, dab a drop on your wrists to boost energy or calm hunger.

So often, we have the best of intentions but life gets in the way. That is, unless you plan for it! If you like working out right after work, join a gym or hit up a class thats near your office. Do you prefer doing yoga stretches in the privacy of your home?

Designate an area as a yoga-only zone with your mat and candles to strike a pose whenever the urge hits. Does your schedule get especially busy a few times a year? Prepare yourself by making a few extra servings of your favorite healthy meals and freezing them so you can simply reheat when you have no time to cook.

We often eat well and exercise throughout the week only to let weekends get out of control. Remember, if you decide that Friday through Sunday doesnt count, thats almost one-third of the week!

Commit to keeping a similar schedule throughout the week or use the extra time to your advantage try a longer workout you normally dont have time for, take the dog on an extra-long walk or hike, or use the extra time to prep meals for the upcoming week.

A cheat meal not a day! is something you might need from time to time in order to keep on track, especially when youre first getting used to a healthier lifestyle.Sometimes giving yourself a little cheat takes the wind out of those cravings and keeps your week on track.

Choose one meal, eat what youd like, and then continue with your previously scheduled healthy lifestyle. Start with one cheat meal a week and gradually scale back. Youll be surprised how quickly those foods you loved (that are full of icky things!) lose their appeal, especially when you realize how poorly they make you feel after.

Living a healthier lifestyle is a process. Youll slip we all do! The best thing to remember is that no one decision will derail your efforts. If you ate more than you intended at your last meal, dont skip the next few, but instead choose filling, protein-rich foods. Couldnt work out as much as you wanted? Squeeze in a 10-minute workout and remind yourself to do more the next time you can.

If you want to learn more fast weight loss strategies, READ THIS ARTICLE NEXT:

How to lose 20 pounds in 30 days

Whats your favorite tip to get healthy and fit? Let me know!

View original post here:
49 Secrets On How To Lose Weight Fast Dr. Axe

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Oct 12

Detox Diets: Do They Work? Are They Healthy? – WebMD

What Dr. Michael Smith Says:

Does It Work?

If your goal is weight loss, a detox diet might help you drop a few pounds, but youll likely just gain it back. In the end, you havent accomplished anything, and its certainly not a healthy approach.

If your goal is to detox your system, dont waste your time or money. Your body is an expert at getting rid of toxins no matter what you eat. Toxins dont build up in your liver, kidneys, or any other part of your body, and youre not going to get rid of them with the latest detox wonder. Especially avoid diets that promise to detox your liver with supplements or cleanse whatever the diet determines needs washing out.

The only type of detox diet that is worthwhile is one that limits processed, high-fat, and sugary foods, and replaces them with more fruits and vegetables. That clean-eating approach is your best bet to getting your body in tip-top shape.

Is It Good for Certain Conditions?

Not only are detox diets not good for people with certain medical conditions, they could be harmful. They dont improve blood pressure or cholesterol. Detox diets have no positive effect on the heart. For people with diabetes, they may be quite dangerous. Any diet that severely restricts what you eat could lead to dangerously low blood sugar if you take medicine for diabetes.

The exception would be a detox diet that just focuses on clean-eating. This approach would be great for anyone living with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even heart disease.

The Final Word

Weve heard a great deal about detox diets in recent years. But its all hype with no health benefits. There are many ways to get your body clean and healthy. This isnt one of them.


Frank Sacks, MD, professor of cardiovascular disease prevention, Harvard School of Public Health.

Christine Gerbstadt, MD, RD, spokeswoman, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; author, Doctors Detox Diet.

Connie Diekman, MEd, RD, nutrition director, Washington University, St. Louis; author, The Everything Mediterranean Diet Book; past president, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

See more here:
Detox Diets: Do They Work? Are They Healthy? - WebMD

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Oct 12

How To Lose Weight Fast and Safely For Women and … – YouTube

Lose Weight Fast & Safely:

How To Lose Weight Fast For Teenagers At Home? Weight Loss Success Story Here!!

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select from to help you meet the nutritional requirement of a particular meal. There are numerous foods you

can choose from for any meal to give your body the nutrition it needs to shed fat fast.

Weight Loss Tips - How To Lose Weight Fast ? Before And After ! Weight Loss Tips - How To Lose Weight Fast and safe ? HERE: WATCH THIS VIDEO!!

Customized Fat Loss Program Review

Kyle Leon's customized fat loss program is the first ever program that has revolutionized the fat problem.

This diet program is completely customized to meet each user's needs and is made exclusively his/her body

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How To Lose Belly Fat Fast?:

How To Lose Weight Fast and Safely For Women and Man:

Diets For Quick Weight Loss :

Healthy Recipes For Weight Loss:

Best Weight loss for men and women:


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How To Lose Weight Fast and Safely For Women and ... - YouTube

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Oct 9

Do Detox Diets Work? Are They Safe? | SparkPeople

Spring is right around the corner, and as I glance around my home, I see that a thorough cleaning is in order. Dust bunnies are multiplying under my bed, spider webs are glistening on my chandelier, and a layer of dust has settled on all places too difficult to comfortably reach.

As I strategically plan my upcoming cleaning project, I start to wonder if my body is also in need of a cleaning, so to speak.

Like many of you, I tend to go into hibernation mode during the winter months. With less daylight hours and physical work to do outside, along with an influx of sugary treats and comfort foods, my body has been insulated by an added layer of fat. I'm surely not alone in feeling this way, judging from the number of questions we field on the site about detox diets this time of year.

While the idea of cleaning out harmful toxins in your body or removing body fat quickly may sound tempting and even beneficial, is a detox the answer?

What is a detox? Around since the 1970s, the Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemonade Diet, is probably the most popular detox diet. Followers of this detox spend 10 days drinking a concoction of lemon juice, maple syrup, water and cayenne pepper. Side effects include tiredness, irritability, hot bowel movements, and headaches, but those are touted as signs of the beneficial detoxification process. Other detox programs can last for several days to weeks and involve drinking little more than fruit and vegetable juices. Still other programs involve drinking water and consuming no food for several days at a time.

But does the body need detoxification? If you've been exposed to high amounts of heavy metals, poisons, or radiation, you might require an actual medical detoxification. However, typical day-to-day living does not bring about a need to detox with concoctions and laxatives. The body is perfectly capable of cleaning itself. Think about all your wonderfully complex body systems involved in the removal of toxins: your circulatory (blood) system, respiratory (lungs) system, urinary (kidneys) system, and digestive (liver and intestines) system. It makes no sense that a little lemon juice, vegetable juice, or gut rest is actually going to make a difference in your health. There are no published, peer-reviewed, or well-designed research studies on detoxing that indicate any health benefit or weight loss.

Detoxing and weight loss Of course you will usually lose weight when following a detox program. The diet is very restrictive, and the daily calorie intake is much less than what you would typically consume. A person could lose several pounds weekly while detoxing. Some of the weight will be body fat, but most will be water loss and some muscle tissue loss. Since the detoxer has not learned to change his or her eating habits and food environment, the weight will quickly be regained. Overall, there is no sustainable benefitand the loss of muscle mass due to fast weight loss is harmful.

Detoxing and increased energy Many people who "detox" report a decrease in food cravings, increased energy, and a feeling of overall well-being. "Whats up with that?" you might be asking.

I definitely do not spring clean with a detox! Instead, I have a simple, 2-step plan that will work for anyone:

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Do Detox Diets Work? Are They Safe? | SparkPeople

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Oct 8

Health Benefits Of Intentional Long-Term Weight Loss? | Dr …

Home blog Health Benefits Of Intentional Long-Term Weight Loss?

Despite the difficulties inherent in achieving AND maintaining long-term weight loss, the health benefits for those who manage to do so are widely believed to be substantial.

While the health benefits associated with intentional weight loss for some complications of obesity (such as elevated lipids and diabetes) are well documented, high-quality studies to back many other potentialhealth benefits are harder to find.

Just how well (or poorly) theputative health benefits of long-term intentional weight loss are documented for each of the many conditions associated with obesity, is nowdetailed in a comprehensive review of the literature that we justpublished in the Annual Reviews of Nutrition.

The 40 page long review, which includes almost 250 relevant publications, supports the following main findings:

However, there are many other issues where putative benefits of intentional weight loss remain even less clear than with the above.

For many conditions we will likely not know the long-term benefits of obesity treatments till better treatments become available and are tested in affected individuals.

@DrSharma Kananaskis,AB

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Health Benefits Of Intentional Long-Term Weight Loss? | Dr ...

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Oct 7

EveryDiet – Expert Diet Plan Reviews

New Diets

The 3 Day Diet is a very low calorie diet used for rapid, short-term weight loss. Complete meal plans and substitutions provided. Is it effective?

Flexible dieting or IIFYM is a diet that eliminates no particular food. Dieters can lose weight while eating anything as long as it fits their macro goals.

The Zero Belly Diet seeks to remove abdominal fat and drop up to 16 lbs from dieters in 14 days. Here are the basics and the likelihood that it will work.

Dr Phil's 20/20 Diet teaches dieters to deal with their weight loss roadblocks as well as to clean up their diets using 20 foods that promote thermogenesis.

The Adrenal Reset Diet was designed to support optimal adrenal gland function, which leads to natural weight loss by regulating the amount of cortisol.

The Sugar Impact Diet helps identify hidden sources of sugar that may be sabotaging your weight. Lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks with this method.

The Burn Diet is a weight loss plan for dieters who have reached a plateau. This program restores optimal metabolic function by addressing its root cause.

The Bulletproof Diet is based on scientific research for maximum fat loss, enhanced cognitive function and performance. Is it a good choice for you?

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EveryDiet - Expert Diet Plan Reviews

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