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Jul 12

The Lose Weight Diet – FREE weight loss diet plan

The idea behind this completely free weight loss diet plan is quite simple... it's the ANTI-fad diet. It is the complete opposite of every borderline idiotic and completely unnecessary diet program in existence. It is based strictly on common sense and the simplest and healthiest way the human body was meant to lose weight. It is not based on fancy gimmicks and making sales. The Lose Weight Diet is free. There is nothing to buy or sign up for first. Every single piece of weight loss information you will need is here (free) for you to read, understand and put into effect.

It's mainly for people who, ya know, want to lose weight. That's pretty much the only requirement here. Oh, and it's also for people who don't want to waste money. If you fit that description, The Lose Weight Diet is definitely for you.

In the shortest form I can explain it, The Lose Weight Diet is four things:

1. Simple 2. Safe 3. Effective 4. Free

If that sounds ideal to you, then sit back and relax. You've found the right place.

The Lose Weight Diet is simple because it isn't based on a gimmick or a fad. Like I said, it is the anti-fad diet plan. It cuts right to the chase and eliminates all of the unnecessary tasks most commercial weight loss diet plans require you to do. After all, it's those unnecessary tasks that are supposed to make their diet program stand out and appeal to you in the first place. Why? So they can make money.

On the other hand, The Lose Weight Diet is all about facts and common sense. It's simply about what works and what doesn't. To sum it all up in one simple sentence, this weight loss plan revolves around reducing your total calorie intake by a small amount, and then just making sure the calories you do consume come in the form of a well-balanced diet consisting of good sources of protein, carbs and fat.

Basically, it's the practical type of diet most often recommended by doctors and experts who aren't trying to sell you something.

It's free because I am just like you. I'm not a personal trainer, or a nutritionist, or a doctor, or a fitness celebrity. I'm just a regular guy who's been into diet and exercise since 1999 and wants free truthful information about the things I'm interested in.

That's why you're here, isn't it?

The Lose Weight Diet - FREE weight loss diet plan

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Jul 12

Low-carbohydrate diet – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Low-carbohydrate diets or low-carb diets are dietary programs that restrict carbohydrate consumption, often for the treatment of obesity or diabetes. Foods high in easily digestible carbohydrates (e.g., sugar, bread, pasta) are limited or replaced with foods containing a higher percentage of fats and moderate protein (e.g., meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, cheese, nuts, and seeds) and other foods low in carbohydrates (e.g., most salad vegetables such as spinach, kale, chard and collards), although other vegetables and fruits (especially berries) are often allowed. The amount of carbohydrate allowed varies with different low-carbohydrate diets.

Such diets are sometimes 'ketogenic' (i.e., they restrict carbohydrate intake sufficiently to cause ketosis). The induction phase of the Atkins diet[1][2][3] is ketogenic.

The term "low-carbohydrate diet" is generally applied to diets that restrict carbohydrates to less than 20% of caloric intake, but can also refer to diets that simply restrict or limit carbohydrates to less than recommended proportions (generally less than 45% of total energy coming from carbohydrates).[4][5]

Low-carbohydrate diets are used to treat or prevent some chronic diseases and conditions, including cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, and diabetes.[6][7]

As with the Paleolithic diet, several advocates of low-carbohydrate diets have argued that these diets are closer to the ancestral diet of humans before the origin of agriculture, and humans are genetically adapted to diets low in carbohydrate.[8] Direct archaeological or fossil evidence on nutrition during the Paleolithic, when all humans subsisted by hunting and gathering, is limited, but suggests humans evolved from the vegetarian diets common to other great apes to one with a greater level of meat-eating.[9] Some close relatives of modern Homo sapiens, such as the Neanderthals, appear to have been almost exclusively carnivorous.[10]

A more detailed picture of early human diets before the origin of agriculture may be obtained by analogy to contemporary hunter-gatherers. According to one survey of these societies, a relatively low carbohydrate (2240% of total energy), animal food-centered diet is preferred "whenever and wherever it [is] ecologically possible", and where plant foods do predominate, carbohydrate consumption remains low because wild plants are much lower in carbohydrate and higher in fiber than modern domesticated crops.[11] Primatologist Katherine Milton, however, has argued that the survey data on which this conclusion is based inflate the animal content of typical hunter-gatherer diets; much of it was based on early ethnography, which may have overlooked the role of women in gathering plant foods.[12] She has also highlighted the diversity of both ancestral and contemporary foraging diets, arguing no evidence indicates humans are especially adapted to a single paleolithic diet over and above the vegetarian diets characteristic of the last 30 million years of primate evolution.[13]

The origin of agriculture brought about a rise in carbohydrate levels in human diets.[14] The industrial age has seen a particularly steep rise in refined carbohydrate levels in Western societies, as well as urban societies in Asian countries, such as India, China, and Japan.

In 1797, John Rollo reported on the results of treating two diabetic Army officers with a low-carbohydrate diet and medications. A very low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet was the standard treatment for diabetes throughout the 19th century.[15][16]

In 1863, William Banting, a formerly obese English undertaker and coffin maker, published "Letter on Corpulence Addressed to the Public", in which he described a diet for weight control giving up bread, butter, milk, sugar, beer, and potatoes.[17] His booklet was widely read, so much so that some people used the term "Banting" for the activity usually called "dieting".[18]

In 1888, James Salisbury introduced the Salisbury steak as part of his high-meat diet, which limited vegetables, fruit, starches, and fats to one-third of the diet.[original research?]

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Low-carbohydrate diet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Jul 12

HCG Diet | How Does the HCG Diet Work | HCG Diet Dangers

UPDATE: See our interview: hCG Diet Reviewed by FullBars Dr. Michael Snyder

You wont see me promoting quick fixes or fad diets anytime soon. But every once in awhile something comes along that seems so dangerous I have to call it out. Thats why Im going to help reveal the truth behind the HCG diet.

What it is: HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone produced during pregnancy by the cells that form the placenta. This hormone is detected in the blood around 11 days after conception; it is detected in the urine around 12-14 days after conception. While it is most commonly associated with pregnancy, it is present in both genders.

What it does in the body: HCG signals the hypothalamus (area of the brain that affects metabolism) to mobilize fat stores. In pregnancy, this helps the body bring nutrients into the placenta, fueling the fetus with the energy to grow.

The weight loss claim: The HCG diet (using daily hcg injections) will help you lose 1-3 pounds per day. The HCG-diet combines the daily injections with a very low-calorie diet (500 calories per day).

500-calories per day is severely restrictive! In fact, it is not enough calories to support normal brain function. Your body will compensate by using stores of glycogen, protein (muscle) and some fat, which lowers your resting metabolism. Before you can lose true weight, you will be so irritable, lightheaded, and cranky that youll reach for whatever food you can get your hands on and have a field day.

Scientific evidence: There is no scientific evidence supporting HCG injections as a weight loss strategy. In addition, these injections have not been approved by the FDA for use in weight loss. In fact, since 1975 the FDA has required all marketing and advertising of HCG to state the following: HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or normal distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets.

HCG is a hormone extracted from urine of pregnant women. It is approved by FDA for treatment of certain problems of the male reproductive system and in stimulating ovulation in women who have had difficulty becoming pregnant. No evidence has been presented, however, to substantiate claims for HCG as a weight-loss aid. via the FDA

HCG ban: The hormone was recently added to the list of banned substances in Major League Baseball, as it was becoming increasingly popular among steroid users. Athletes turned to this, among other performance enhancing drugs because it mitigates the side effects of ending a cycle of steroids.

Negative side effects: The common side effects include headaches, mood swings, depression, blood clots, confusion, and dizziness. Some women also develop a condition called Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS); symptoms of this include pelvic pain, swelling of the hands and legs, stomach pain, weight gain, shortness of breath, diarrhea, vomiting/nausea, and/or urinating less than normal.

Original post:
HCG Diet | How Does the HCG Diet Work | HCG Diet Dangers

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Jul 12

Healthy GERD Diet & Treatment: Foods to Avoid Acid Reflux

A GERD diet, when combined with other lifestyle changes, can often help reduce, or even eliminate many of the painful symptoms associated with acid reflux.

For GERD sufferers, the discomfort and complications can potentially affect every area of life, but finding the right treatment is sometimes a process of hit and miss since what works for one person may be ineffective for another.

In this article about creating a diet for GERD, you will get:

Understanding what GERD is, its causes, symptoms, the effects it has on your body, and the way your body responds to specific treatments is necessary to help you devise a plan diet to manage the condition.

Although research has led to many breakthroughs in this area, the one thing that has been proven most unequivocally is the fact that we are all individuals. And, since we are all different, there is no definitive treatment or GERD diet that will work in every circumstance.

In other words, there is a long list of suggestions that have been known to help treat the symptoms of GERD and encourage the body to heal itself, but it may take you a lot of time and a little extra patience to find what works for you and how to put together your own GERD diet.

I am sure that those of you who have been living with the symptoms know exactly what GERD is; but, for those who are new to the field or are experiencing some possible signs of the disease, a brief explanation may be helpful.

Gastroesophageal Reflux disease, or GERD, is a fairly common digestive disorder that occurs when stomach acid, and sometimes bile, refluxes or flows back into the esophagus and mouth.

Basically, there is a one way valve between your esophagus and stomach that allows food to enter the stomach but prevents it from refluxing back into the esophagus.

This valve is called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is a band of muscles that contract and relax to form a protective barrier. When the LES becomes weak or does not close properly, then acid reflux can occur.

Go here to read the rest:
Healthy GERD Diet & Treatment: Foods to Avoid Acid Reflux

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Jul 12

Paleolithic diet – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The paleolithic diet, also known as the paleo diet or caveman diet, is a diet based on the food humans' ancient ancestors might likely have eaten, such as meat, nuts and berries, and excludes food to which they likely wouldn't have had access, like dairy.

The diet is based on several premises. Proponents of the diet posit that during the Paleolithic era a period lasting around 2.5 million years that ended about 10,000 years ago with the advent of agriculture and domestication of animals humans evolved nutritional needs specific to the foods available at that time, and that the nutritional needs of modern humans remain best adapted to the diet of their Paleolithic ancestors. Proponents claim that human metabolism has been unable to adapt fast enough to handle many of the foods that have become available since the advent of agriculture. Thus, modern humans are said to be maladapted to eating foods such as grain, legumes, and dairy, and in particular the high-calorie processed foods that are a staple of most modern diets. Proponents claim that modern humans' inability to properly metabolize these comparatively new types of food has led to modern-day problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. They claim that followers of the Paleolithic diet may enjoy a longer, healthier, more active life.

Critics of the Paleolithic diet have raised a number of objections, including that paleolithic humans did eat grains and legumes,[1] that humans are much more nutritionally flexible than Paleolithic advocates claim, that Paleolithic humans were not genetically adapted to specific local diets, that the Paleolithic period was extremely long and saw a variety of forms of human subsistence, or that little is known for certain about what Paleolithic humans ate. At least one study suggests Neanderthal man and early modern humans ate primarily plant food.[2]

The term Paleolithic () describes a cultural period circa 2 million BCE and 10,000 BCE 'characterized by the use of flint, stone, and bone tools, hunting, fishing, and the gathering of plant foods'.[3] The term was coined by archaeologist John Lubbock in 1865.[4] It derives from Greek: , palaios, "old"; and , lithos, "stone", meaning "old age of the stone" or "Old Stone Age."[5][6]

The terms caveman diet and stone-age diet are also used,[7] with paleo diet by 2002.[8][9]Loren Cordain trademarked the term "Paleo Diet".[10]

The roots of the idea of a paleolithic diet can be traced to the work in the 1970s by gastroenterologist Walter Voegtlin.[8] The idea was later developed by Stanley Boyd Eaton and Melvin Konner, and popularized by Loren Cordain in his best-selling 2002 book, The Paleo Diet.[8][9]

In 2012 the paleolithic diet was described as being one of the "latest trends" in diets, based on the popularity of diet books about it;[11] in 2013 the diet was Google's most searched-for weight-loss method.[12] The diet is one of many fad diets that have been promoted in recent times, and draws on an appeal to nature and a narrative of conspiracy theories about how nutritional research, which does not support the paleo diet, is controlled by a malign food industry.[13]

Cordain has said the diet requires:[14]

Food groups that advocates claim were rarely or never consumed by humans before the Neolithic agricultural revolution are excluded from the diet. These include:

The rationale for the Paleolithic diet derives from evolutionary medicine,[19] specifically the evolutionary discordance hypothesis. which states that "many chronic diseases and degenerative conditions evident in modern Western populations have arisen because of a mismatch between Stone Age genes and recently adopted lifestyles."[20] Advocates of the modern Paleolithic diet, including Loren Cordain, take the evolutionary discordance hypothesis for granted, and form their dietary recommendations on its basis. They argue that modern humans should follow a diet that is as nutritionally close to that of their Paleolithic ancestors as possible.

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Paleolithic diet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Jul 11

The Best Way to Lose Weight in a Week – Lose Weight Fast

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Cosmo has come up with a fat-torching plan that really will subtract up to 5 pounds from your bod in seven days without starvation, bizarre supplements, or cutting out entire food groups. How? It's all about small sacrifices combined with specific techniques. And rather than giving you a one-size-fits-all regimen, we figure you're more likely to stick with the plan if you pick the eating and exercise strategies that fit your lifestyle.

So choose at least four of the nutritionist- and fitness expert-backed tips that follow, and vow to work them into your schedule for seven days straight. If you feel ambitious, tack on a few more. The more you pick, the more weight you'll lose. If you start now, by this time next week, you'll look and feel way lighter.

A sports or energy drink, fruit smoothie, or light beer each serving contains about 100 calories. Yet these beverages don't satisfy you the way 100 calories of food does, so they're a waste. Other liquids may be high in sodium and carbohydrates, which trick your body into retaining water, puffing you out.

Water, on the other hand, has zero calories and carbs and little to no sodium, making it the perfect slim-down drink. And strangely, it actually helps flush out excess water weight as well as jump-starts your metabolism. If it's just too boring, add lemon wedges or mint leaves.

Cutting out all white grain products such as white rice, spaghetti, sandwich rolls will instantly slim you down because the simple carbs in these foods cause bloating, especially around your belly. "Simple carbohydrates wreak havoc on your weight because they're digested very quickly, leaving you hungry and more likely to overeat later," says Jana Klauer, M.D., author of The Park Avenue Nutritionist's Plan.

To go a step further, instead of replacing them with healthier yet still bloat-triggering whole-grain bread products, substitute vegetables for the week. This way, a chicken sandwich becomes chicken salad, and chips and dip turn into carrots and dip. The complex carbs from vegetables are digested more slowly, so you remain full longer. And because veggies are mostly water, they also help flush out excess water weight.

Any workout that gets your heart rate up will burn calories. But you'll use more calories if you pick a cardio routine that engages multiple muscles simultaneously, says Wendy Larkin, personal-training manager at Crunch's Polk Street gym, in San Francisco.

Three to consider: spinning, cardio kickboxing, and boot-camp workouts. Half an hour of each torches 200 to 300 calories while toning up your arms, legs, and core so everything appears sleeker and tighter.

You'll burn even more calories per session if your workout incorporates interval training: alternating short bursts of intense cardio with slower activity. Experts aren't sure why it works, but trainers swear by it.

Excerpt from:
The Best Way to Lose Weight in a Week - Lose Weight Fast

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Jul 11

Rapid Weight Loss Diet Plan – How To Lose 10 Pounds Fast …

Discover practical steps to losing weight.

The key to finding a rapid weight loss plan that works for you is safety.

You can breakthrough a weight loss plateau and enjoy a fast start, which will help motivate you in losing weight.

For permanent and fast weight loss, begin a healthy change in your lifestyle. On this page, we provide many solutions, including the popular Fat Loss 4 Idiots program, detoxification, fat burning through body building, an example high protein diet, information on home gyms and exercise, balancing your pH, keeping the weight off, and much more.

The Healthynewage 6-in-1 weight loss diet helps you achieve your perfect weight in 28 days and helps you maintain it. It is 100% natural and requires NO pills, little or no gym exercise and what is great is you will still enjoy many of your favorite foods. It is one of the best weight loss programs available in the world which is scientifically proven. Read more here about the diet.

"The GreenLife Weight Loss Method"

Your Foundation for Getting the Body Healthy: Learn how to reset your metabolism to get your weight under control and rid your body of ugly fat cells.

To read our unbiased review, click > HealthyNewAge Review of "The Greenlife Weight Loss Method"

"7 Day Belly Blast Diet"

Discover the 37 foods that KILL up to 11 pounds of belly fat, excess water, and 'toxic waste' in just 7 days ... including forbidden foods like chocolate, peanut butter, and BBQ!

Go here to see the original:
Rapid Weight Loss Diet Plan - How To Lose 10 Pounds Fast ...

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Jul 11

Kitchen Parade: How to Lose Weight with Weight Watchers

Well, well, if its not that time of year again, the time for weight loss resolutions. Determination soars. "This is the year", we tell ourselves, this is the year we take off the pounds that collect on our thighs and hips and waists. This is the year, we promise, when well really make the food and exercise changes that we know we need we know! to live long and healthful lives. This is the year well really lose weight, we will, really we will!

Ahem. Yes. To keep this real, let me switch from third to first person, even if Im pretty sure Im not alone here. You see, I Alanna, Ive made myself that promise for the past three years. And three years in a row, Ive broken it within a few weeks. (And many Mondays, too, do we all start our diets anew on Mondays?)

As my friend Lyn, a beautiful writer from the inspiring blog Escape from Obesity wrote recently, "[On New Year's Day], the Internet will abound with people searching for things like 'lose weight fast', 'cookie diet', 'how to drop 20 pounds in 20 days', 'cabbage soup diet', and 'magic weight loss pill'. I know, because I used to be one of those people. I was desperate, longing to change what seemed impossible. How on earth can anyone lose 100+ pounds?? It sounds insurmountable. It will take forever. One pound at a time. And I wanted [the weight] gone NOW. FAST. IMMEDIATELY. Ah well, we can dream... but the reality is, we just have to work for it, moment by moment."

So here I am again, I Alanna, making myself a promise and already, in the back of my mind, wondering if Ill keep it. In 2002, just after my mother died, I lost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers and for more than two years, kept it off, maintaining a healthy weight at the bottom of the range for my height and age. Then came five pounds, then another five we know how this goes, right? One year, I even signed back up for Weight Watchers: it was the Monday (theres those Mondays again) the week before Thanksgiving. I weighed in once and never went back. (Something about the online software not working right, I explained. Yeah, right.) Now Im at the top of the range for my height and age.

So as much for myself as for the many readers who flock to the Weight Watchers recipes, low-carb recipes and low-calorie recipes here on Kitchen Parade and the Weight Watchers recipes and low-carb recipes on A Veggie Venture, Im dusting off the notes I took in 2002, my own tips for making the Weight Watchers program work for me. With any luck, the tips will help others too. This is my year.

Note: When this page was first published, I asked readers to add their own Weight Watchers tips in the comments to register for a give-away for a kitchen scale. That contest is now over but please do keep adding your weight loss tips, they're inspiring!

COUNT POINTS Every day, no matter what. Work really hard to go no more than two or three points above the daily point goal, and never to go below the daily point goal. The tight range seems to be important, training our bodies to expect a certain number of calories, no more, no less. Weight Watchers taught me that eating too little is as much a problem for weight gain as eating too much.

CALCULATE POINTS BEFORE TAKING A BITE By the time Kitchen Parade recipes are published online, nutrition information and Weight Watchers points are all neat and packaged. But me, I really must-must-must calculate points before I cook. (software I use to calculate nutrition)

DON'T COUNT POINTS for BREAKFAST or LUNCH What??? Didn't I just say to count points. Well, yes. But I take the counting out of two meals by eating the same things again and again. My favorite breakfast is Microwave Creamy Oatmeal with Peanut Butter for two Weight Watchers points.

GET A KITCHEN SCALE If you dont have a kitchen scale, keep reading! (Yes, readers have the chance to win a kitchen scale!) Otherwise its all guesswork. The average chicken breast? It weighs 3/4 of a pound even though a serving of (uncooked) chicken is 1/4 a pound. The average baked potato? It weighs a pound. We don't know this until we weigh it.

See the article here:
Kitchen Parade: How to Lose Weight with Weight Watchers

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Jul 11

How to Lose Weight Fast During Ramadan – How to use …

I receive a lot of questions in my email asking me how to use Christian fasting for Weight Loss and since Ramadan is upon the Muslims, I will be sharing some secrets on how to use Ramadan for Weight Loss and any kind of spiritual fast for weight loss. So Christians take some notes as well and apply.

Ramadan is an excellent opportunity to lose some weight, although it can be a tough time to keep to a diet plan whether it is weight loss or muscle building but it CAN be done. For those of you who dont know whats involved with Ramadan, Ramadan is a month long dawn to dusk fast observed as part of the Muslim religion. This year it started on 20th July and finishes on the 18th of August.

During the daylight you do not drink any liquid (not even water) and you dont eat any food. The origins of Ramadan are for increased spirituality and as a time to practice self restraint. Some Christians have a similar tradition with Lent where they are encouraged to give up something for 6 weeks.

When you do any form of prolonged fast, you are already resetting your metabolism by the protracted, long overnight fast, as well as the daily fasting. Your metabolism resets and your body begins to change the way it does things.

Weight loss during the first few days is just dehydration. It may be exciting to see that you lost 2-3 pounds in the first day or two, but thats all water loss and dehydration. No human can lose 2 pounds of fat overnight. Its just water. But its still exciting!

So how can we maximize weight loss during Ramadan?

The most important factor is to avoid gorging or binge eating at night. We have found that gorging once a day is the fastest way to gain weight. Your body thinks its in a state of famine, and will store everything you eat as fat, because it is worried about food supply. Further, eating once a day scares your body and your body starts to shut down and slow down your metabolism. You dont want to slow down your metabolism or you will gain weight. I already explained all these in detailhere.

As an exercise, restricting yourself from not eating for a period of time is a good one to go through, whether you are Muslim or not, it can help give you confidence that you can cope with hunger and stick to a plan and not give into any cravings you may have. If you are a Muslim and can go without food and drink for this length of time then you should have added confidence that you can stick to any diet plan at any time of the year.

See the article here:
How to Lose Weight Fast During Ramadan - How to use ...

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Jul 11

How to Safely and Healthily Lose Weight Fast: Part 1 …

I was a bit loath to write this series of articles because I despise most things connected with the idea of rapid weight loss.

Wild promises of losing upwards of 1 pound per day, and the extreme weight loss measures that go with them, are a big reason why many people ultimately fail to achieve and maintain their weight loss goals.

The reality is you have to look at getting and staying fit as a LIFESTYLE change, not a quick fix.

Chasing quick fixes leads to yo-yo dieting, which doesnt necessarily physically impair future weight loss efforts, but sure is psychologically defeating.

Proper weight loss, however, is slow and steady, never leaves you feeling starved or run down, and even allows for building muscle and strength.This is, by far, the best way to go about losing weight.

So, with that said, lets get to why Iamwriting this article series.

Im writing these articles to help people that are desperately seeking rapid weight loss, and are willing to just about do anything to get there.

Common reasons for this are things like

Whatever your reason for wanting to lose weight fast, in this three-part article series, youre going to learn how to safely, healthily, and rapidlylose weightup to 15-20 pounds in one monthWITHOUT sacrificing a bunch of muscle or your metabolism, or any other aspect of your health.

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How to Safely and Healthily Lose Weight Fast: Part 1 ...

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