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Jun 26

Snotty Synopsis | The TV Guide You Wish You’d Had

Its a Marvel/Star Trek cross over event, as The Collector fakes Datas death in order to, you know, collect him. Its another dissertation on the nature of man and whether Data is a being or a thing, but this time its got Saul Rubinek being creepy and evil and awesome so Ill let it slide.

Reginald Barclay is a creepy, creepy little man who creates holodeck simulations of his coworkers so that he can woo and belittle them as he sees fit. Troi is absolutely terrible at her job and has no clue hes got a big ol crush on her. She is the worst psychiatrist in ten star systems. I wish Wesley had stuffed Barclay out an airlock.

When Windows 10 releases, you can actually remake this episode in your holographic headset, starring you as Barclay, and it will be just as fucking creepy.

The mayor of Sunnydale falls in love with a living ship. Man, the euphemisms for obesity have gotten out of control in the future. Yo mamma so fat shes a living ship!

Captain Picard goes on vacation and endures some of the worst costuming in the history of television. Seriously, how are you supposed to exude authority in this?

Picard gets kidnapped and put on the set of Cube. Man, thats a really good movie. You should go watch that instead.

Klingon politics are seriously, hard core messed up. Like, Keep the Government Out of My Medicare messed up. Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin messed up.

To keep the Empire from crumbling, Worf agrees to be shunned and stripped of his honor. He just wants to go back to his quarters, drink a bottle of prune juice, and cry.

Data builds a daughter! She is awesome, and they bond as a parent/child relationship, so of course some asshole from Star Fleet thinks the best thing ever would be to separate them and study Lal somewhere far away from Data. Admiral Haftel is insistent, and this drives Lal to emotion she is petrified. Without the circuitry to correctly process it, she goes catatonic, and Admiral Haftel attempts to help Data to repair the damage.

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Snotty Synopsis | The TV Guide You Wish You'd Had

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Jun 26

Long Term Weight Loss | Hairstyles, Nail Designs, Fashion …

When dieting we always prefer faster ways as they are much easier and there is no need to fight food cravings for a long time. But you should know that long term dieting is healthier and gives better results, besides the right way of keeping it will not do any harm to your organism.

During the long-term dieting your body gets nutrition so that not to cause any problems.

One of the most important things when starting a diet is to be able to control cravings. What does it mean, if you will you want to eat something, which is not the right food for your diet then you should fine its substitution. We have talked about the substitutions for food cravings for healthy diet, you can read it once again, for knowing what to eat, for example, when you are eager to eat ice cream or chocolate.

You know that exercising is very important, not only during the process of dieting, but in usual life. However, when dieting you should know a few things. For example, do not think that everyday gym exercising is a perfect idea, no, you would rather start from everyday walking. Walk in the fresh air and enjoy it. Exercising at the gym should come step by step, when you feel you are already ready to go for it.

Pay attention to what you eat. Gather some info about the food and the calories it includes, find calorie counting lists and follow them. If you want to lose 1/2 pound every week you will need daily 250 calorie deficit. We do not say not to eat your favorite food, you can surely use it but your portions should not go above 200 calories tops.

Try to use mostly vegetables and fruits, they are perfect for health. Reduce the use of sweets and fats.

You should find the reward that does not consist of food, you should find other motivations for feeling good and satisfying your wishes. Do the things which you were not able to do before starting you diet, at that moment you will feel the good result and will have the motivation to continue your long term weight loss diet.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

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Jun 22

How To Lose 8 kgs weight in 7 days – Green Yatra Blog

Are you looking for fastest way to lose fat?If you have any parties or functions in a couple of days.What ever reason will be but you should follow right kind of weight reduction diet.To acquire the flat tummy we have to take the right kind of weight reduction diet is important.Follow this diet plan you can easily reduce your body weight 6 to 8 kg in 7 days.

Day 1:First day is very important, you are going to flush out the toxins and waste from your body.It means you are getting ready for the diet.Consume fruits which have more water percentage such as watermelon,muskmelon,grapes,papaya etc..(Avoid banana). Remember that drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily is very important in this diet plan.

Day 2:Day two offers you vegetables whole day.You can take the vegetables in raw state and boiled state.Note dont add oil in the vegetables while cooking.Take vegetables such as broccoli, carrot, beans cucumber, cabbage,etc.It is preferable to avoid potatoes.If you want try it boiled potatoes are preferable in the morning.

Day 3:Third day allows you to take both vegetables and fruits.Make sure that dont add potatoes in your diet through out the day.Take them alternately fruits in the morning and vegetables in the afternoon and repeat fruit diet in the evening.At night follow both vegetables and fruit diet.

Day 4:Day 4 is filled with banana and milk diet.You need to take 6 to 8 bananas through out the day and 3 glasses of milk is allowed.You should divide banana and milk properly.Take banana and glass of milk in the morning and take 2 more bananas between lunch.You can take 2 bananas and glass of milk for lunch.Take 2 to 3 bananas in the evening and then take couple of banana and glass of milk at night.

Day 5:Day 5 is filled with tomatoes and cup of rice.Take 7 to 10 tomatoes through out the day it produces a lot of uric acid in the body.Take a cup of rice for lunch and also increase water level from 8 glasses to 12 glasses.

Day 6:Take a cup of rice for lunch and eat vegetables through out the day.take 8 to 12 glasses of water and stick on to vegetables whole day.

Day 7:This is the last day of diet plan at this day you are allowed to take all vegetables and fruit juices along with cup of rice for lunch.No doubt now you will recognize that improved digestive system and increased face glow.Your weight will be reduced to 4-6 kg,even more it depends on how strictly you are followed the diet.

Note: Please keep four weeks gap between two diet schedules

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Jun 19

TOPS for Long-Term Weight Loss? | Fitness Seed

A national, nonprofit, low-cost, peer-led weight-loss program led to the maintenance of clinically significant weight loss for an extended period of time, according to researchers.

In the Taking Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) program and among participants who kept up their program membership, the cumulative mean weight change as a percentage of initial weight ranged from -6.0% for 74,629 participants who renewed at 1 year to -8.3% for 2,289 participants with 7 years of consecutive annual renewal, reported Nia S. Mitchell, MD, MPH, of the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, and colleagues.

This is the first time that any national weight-loss program has looked at everybody who joined over a 7-year period and said this is what happens to the people who come back, Mitchell said.

Mitchell said she believes that low cost and high accessibility are what make TOPS a successful program. Because only four people are needed to start a peer-led, local TOPS chapter, the program is more readily available to people in rural areas who may not have a large enough base for a commercial program, she explained.

TOPS also emphasizes community support and personal accountability, which Mitchell said helps to keep people on track with their weight-loss goals. In addition to educational programs, weekly TOPS meetings include a full roll call.

If someone hasnt shown up for a couple times, people are going to call them and ask whats going on versus other programs where if you dont show up, theres no accountability, she said. TOPS is very much about support, and most people like to have that support so they continue to come back.

While the study showed that people who stayed with the program were able to sustain weight loss, it did not include any data on people who dropped out of the program, and that was a study limitation, the authors pointed out.

Mitchells group conducted a longitudinal weight change study of TOPS members who joined from Jan. 1, 2005, to Dec. 31, 2011.

Participants pay $90 a year in membership fees and chapter dues. The chapters meet weekly. Participants are weighed privately and then take part in group educational programming on nutrition, physical activity, and behavior modification.

There is no penalty if members miss weekly meetings, and members are encouraged to continue to attend meetings even if they do not lose weight, the authors explained.

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TOPS for Long-Term Weight Loss? | Fitness Seed

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Jun 18

Want to Lose Weight and Belly Fat Fast in Nigeria? Start …

Ive got a question for you in todays series on Detox, Lose Weight,Reverse Aging SuperFast 3 which is: Is Your Body Acidic?

I know, I knowhow would you know if your body is acidic or not? Thats exactly what you will discover in todays article where I talk about Detoxification and your Food. Im going to share with you how the foods you eat causes your body to be detox, the 3 effects of such foods and 3 detox foods you can start eating today to speed up weight loss.

And finally, the top 10 Tips you can start using TODAY to detoxify yourself. But just in case you missed the Part 1 and Part 2 of this series where I answered this question Im Healthy, Why Do I Need to Detox?, then read it Part 1 here and read it Part 2 here.

Before we begin, heres a personal testimony of a cure for mums 9 year old problem after she used a Detox program few months ago. It started sometime exactly 9 years ago with common cough. My mum coughed and coughed and coughed so hard yet all manner of cough syrups could do nothing for her. Then she went for several tests (ear, nose and throat test, chest, bowels, surgery in her throat etc) but no matter what drugs they gave to her, my mum became even more allergic to smells and dust.

This was someone in her 50s who never had an asthmatic attack before suddenly began using all manner of inhalers, we even got her an oxygen bottle in her room so she used it whenever she was gasping for air. It was that bad. Talk about nebulizers, we had them all. From Abuja to Lagos to Kaduna and eventually to India, yet the coughing and whizzing and allergies didnt stop.

Somehow 3 months ago this year, I happened on some detoxification information and gave it to my mum, she used it and within a space of 2 months, all allergies, coughs subsided. You wont believe it. Its a miracle something we were treating for 9 years suddenly got healed. Its a miracle I tell you because we have prayed and prayed and fasted and fasted for this health challenge to go and now its finally gone!

Thanks to God for leading me to this miracle.

This is the reason I believe so much in the 4-week Detox at Home program (and I recommend you try it too. More on this below).

And so back to this question:

When you find yourself becoming bigger and heavier, thats a sign that your body is indeed ACIDIC and you know what happens when your pour acid on something or a body, it deteriorates fast.

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Jun 16

Lose Weight While Pregnant – Safe and Healthy Ways To …

How To Lose Weight While Pregnant 5 Tips To Safely Lose Excess Weight During Pregnancy

While pregnancy is the perfect time to gain an extra few poundsputting on too much weight can cause health problems for you and your baby.

If you are currently overweight, you may be interested in learning how to lose weight while pregnant. Fad diets and crazy exercise plans are not the answerin fact these will often do more harm than good, both to you AND your baby, so steer clear of them.

Below youll findfive safe suggestions that should help you avoid gaining any moreexcess weight and possibly lose a few pounds during your pregnancy.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are filling and rich in nutrients. They can be eaten raw or cooked. A good rule of thumb is to fill your dinner plate half full with fruits and vegetables. In other words, make them your main course.

Brown, basmati and wild rice, rolled or steel cut oats, barley and buckwheat are examples of whole grains. They are slowly digested, which makes them less likely to cause spikes in blood sugar levels.

All breads and baked goods are made from flour. Research has shown that eating any kind of bread (white or wheat) will cause the same spikes in blood sugar levels.

Eating less bread and baked goods could be a great way how to lose weight while pregnant. It could also reduce your risk of gestational diabetes, insulin resistance and type II diabetes in later life.

Water and skimmed milk are the best beverage choices you can make. Diet sodas are full of chemicals that could be bad for you and your baby. Tea and coffee contain caffeine, which is known to be bad for your health. Decaffeinated varieties still contain some caffeine and most are decaffeinated using chemical solvents. Needless to say, chemicals are bad for the baby and bad for you.

Processed and prepared foods typically contain too many calories and too much sodium. You have more control over those things if you prepare your own foods at home. That could be the simple answer to how to lose weight while pregnant.

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Lose Weight While Pregnant - Safe and Healthy Ways To ...

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Jun 15

Weight-Loss Products, Programs, and Diets

Weight-Loss Products, Programs, and Diets

by L. Bellows and R. Moore* (10/13)

Approximately 70% of Americans over 20 years of age meet the criteria for being overweight or obese. Excess body fat from an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise can also increase the risk for health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes. According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, healthy keys to weight management include: monitoring calorie and fat intake, staying active, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Certain dieting and weight-loss resources may include over-the-counter products, commercial programs, and diets. Short-term weight-loss from a low calorie intake is possible with many of these methods. However, most weight-loss methods fail to contribute to healthy long-term weight maintenance, though some may provide helpful guidance regarding a healthy diet, positive lifestyle changes, and physical activity. The following information compares the strengths and weaknesses of several popular weight-loss products, programs, and diets, and also discusses alternatives to dieting that include healthy recommendations for effective weight-loss and long-term weight maintenance.

Weight-loss products may be sold in prescription or over-the-counter form- and may include pills, supplements, beverages, or medication. Many of these substances may have serious side-effects and often do not work for long-term weight-loss. In the past decade, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned many weight-loss products including the appetite suppressant PPA (phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride), which can increase the risk of stroke. Additionally, over-the-counter pills that contain the drug ephedra have been banned and are now illegal due to serious side-effects that include dizziness, increased blood pressure and heart rate, chest pain, heart attack, stroke, seizure, and even death. Essentially, many weight-loss products contain drugs and other ingredients that could potentially to lead to adverse sideeffects that ultimately place the consumer at risk for serious health consequences.

Another product intended for weightloss is powdered beverage formulas or shakes- often mixed with a glass of milk and substituted for one or more meals. Those who consume these beverages may lose weight initially, though it is usually regained once the beverages are discontinued. By relying on shakes instead of whole foods, dieters follow artificial dieting methods and avoid learning how to incorporate healthy food choices into their lives.

Weight-loss programs are usually run by a commercial business or organization that provides weight-loss guidance. These programs may be run by a one individual, a gym, or a nationwide service. They may also sell products to accompany their program which may include exercise equipment, workout DVDs, or food and beverage items. Ideally, an effective weight-loss program should include guidance in maintaining a healthy weight after the weight-loss phase is over. The program should teach skills that help improve dietary habits, increase physical activity, and help change lifestyle habits- with an ultimate goal of long-term weight maintenance.

Commercial weight-loss programs such as Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, NutriSystem and Diet Center, usually offer a 1,000 to 1,500 calorie diet and individual or group counseling. Though many individuals find long-term success with these programs, some participants still struggle with healthy weight-maintenance. In the past, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has brought action against some of these companies, challenging their weight loss and maintenance claims.

Refer to a medical professional for recommendations concerning weight loss programs available in your community.

The term diet simply refers to food and drink that is regularly provided or consumed. However, it can also refer to eating or drinking sparingly or according to a prescribed set of rules. A diet may be considered healthy or unhealthy, often depending on individual needs. An unhealthy diet is often referred to as a fad diet, which is designed to help one lose weight and is temporarily popular. The decision to follow a fad diet is often made without the support or recommendation of a medical professional, and considered an unhealthy practice. An example of a fad diet might include recommendations that severely restrict calories or even entire food groups in an unhealthy way. Cleanses, juice diets, and detoxification diets are all examples of fad diets. Although many fad diets promise quick weight loss, most are not recommended for long-term use and do not support a healthful and balanced diet. Though many individuals may lose weight initially, it is often easily regained. At two-year follow-ups, research demonstrates a very low success rate for many of these diets. In fact, only 5% of the individuals who go on a diet each year keep off the weight that they lose.

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Jun 15

Best Weight Loss Pills – Diet Pills and Weight Loss …

See our Top-Rated Weight Loss Pills of 2015

Hard to believe? Research indicates even the most popular and expensive weight loss pills DO NOT Work 95% of the time. But there is good news; effective weight loss pills are available for those who know where to find them.

And was created to help you find the best products that actually work.

How can YOU know what works? By providing the most comprehensive information on the top weight loss pills, were here to help you get something that really does work with in-depth reviews based on the following criteria:

With our proven criteria, we help you find the best weight loss pills available at the most affordable prices available!

Voted the #1 diet pill by consumers for three years straight, Abidexin is the best way to burn fat, curb cravings and help yoiu finally reach your weight loss goals. Abidexin even outperforms leading prescription pills time and time again with its potent blend of all-natural and clinically proven ingredients, which is why countless consumers turn to this incredible fat burner to lose weight fast!

Abidexin is engineered to kickstart your metabolism and keep your appetite under control. No need to worry about an expensive doctors prescription or negative side effects Abidexin is the only diet pill on the market that can give you the long-lasting results for a fraction of the cost. Get the body you have always wanted today with Abidexin! Read More

Fenphedra is a powerful weight loss solution that does not require a prescription. Thanks to break-throughs in science, Fenphedra is engineered to target the hormones that control your hunger. With a potent mix of ingredients that suppresses the strongest of appetites and boosts the thermogenic response within your body, Fenphedra is the strongest fat burner on the market today! If it had not been for some safety concerns regarding Fenphedra, it would easily be our #1 choice.

Recognized as the most notorious weight loss pill on the market, Fenphedra received a 10/10 for weight loss speed and power from both consumers and our staff of editors. Fenphedra is 100% all natural and mostly safe. We recommend it to people who want to lose a serious amount of weight through powerful appetite suppression and fat burning. Read More

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Jun 15

How to Lose Weight in 4 Weeks- Diet Chart for Weight Loss

Ratis darling hubby wrote a very thorough article here about fitness. Making us girls acquainted with the point of view of the opposite sex. We all were totally impressed and agreed to every word he said. So lets take the same thought a little further.

To stay fit and maintain your shape a regular workout helps a lot. But when it comes to losing weight and getting back in shape, a regular workout or exercise routine wont suffice. You will have to take it a step further and take care of your diet in order to lose weight. Even the gym instructors would tell you so. Exercise and diet are the two sides of a coin. You cant achieve weight loss with just one of them. A regular exercise routine and a healthy diet is your route to salvation.

Im following a Indian diet myself by a leading dietician. Me, my cousin, some of her friends and a lot of people I know have taken diet from this dietician. And we all have lost a considerable amount of weight to say the least.

You must be thinking that the diets given by the dieticians are personalized then how can we all follow the same diet routine with our different weights and blood groups. For starters, he doesnt gives the diet according to the blood group. Though, generally the diets given by dieticians are personalized. I have noticed a similarity In the diets given to me and others. And since now, that I know his diets are universal. Id want YOU, Ratis lovely readers to reap its fruit as well.

When I first went to this dietician, he told me to get some blood tests done. Like thyroid checkup, blood sugar, serum insulin in my case since I have PCOD. So its just not about losing weight but getting to know the underlying reason of piling on the kilos. In my case it was increased serum insulin levels. But in my cousins case all her tests were ok, she was gaining weight because of her erratic routine and the junk food she so loved. So if you think that you are doing everything right but still gaining weight, the first thing you should be doing is finding the underlying reason for it.

First things first, If everything with you is fine your weight gain is due to lethargy, wrong dietary habits and erratic routine. So When u go on a diet make sure that whatever plan u follow it must be timed right as well. You must wake up latest by 8:00 ( thats for the late risers, even I used to wake up by 10 or 11). This is the most important thing in your routine because the body has its own clock and you shouldnt mess with it.

This diet is split in 4 weeks period with the diet changing every week.

Before starting the diet weigh yourself and write it down somewhere. This way you know where you started and you feel good to see the scales going down.

Some things you need to follow this diet:

Without further ado I present you with the Indian diet. Week 1 8:00 am (as soon as you wake up) 2 glasses of methi seeds water ( soak 1tsp of methi seeds in 2 glasses of water. Strain out the methi seeds and drink the water. Helps a lot in water retention and bloating) 5 soaked almonds with the skin. 1 kali mirch u dont have to chew it just swallow it down.

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How to Lose Weight in 4 Weeks- Diet Chart for Weight Loss

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Jun 15

How to lose baby weight after c-section – Pregnancy & Baby

Michelle Maffei

After going through a cesarean section, be aware that your body went through a different experience than the mom who gave birth vaginally, which means you recovery will be different.

But, alas, you are not alone! For me the biggest hurdle of recovery was the extra weight gain following the surgery, shares Kira Kroboth, new mom from Raleigh, NC. It was a complete shock to me the amount of fluid you retain in the weeks after the c-section. This felt beyond unfair.

And, dont make the mistake of comparing yourself with Hollywood moms. The crazy diets and strenuous exercise routines they often dive into after giving birth are not recommended by most doctors.

When to get started Now that you have your sights set on the finish line, make sure that you are ready to head out of the starting gate. Most physicians recommend that you wait until your 6-week postpartum appointment before giving the green light to begin exercising. Dieting is also a no-no before your 6-week mark, especially while breastfeeding.

With a vaginal delivery, many women are able to begin light exercise, like walking or stretching, days after giving birth. Once you hit your check up and your doctor gives you the thumbs up, resuming normal activities is usually safe.

On the other hand, a c-section is major surgery, so recovery time and what you can do will take a little more patience. After a c-section, most moms are off of their pain meds and doing pretty well by their 2-week post-op appointment, advises Gina Dado, MD, anOB/GYN with Arizona OBGYN Affiliates, Paradise Valley Branch in Scottsdale, AZ.

Not until 6 weeks post c-section will they be off of all restrictions and can resume exercise and intercourse. It takes many months, however, for their incisions to remodel and their abdomen to shrink after a pregnancy, so they should be patient at getting their bodies back.

Mind and body Regardless of how you delivered your bundle of joy, moms of both delivery methods are advised to begin a light walking routine to increase your stamina and boost your spirits.

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How to lose baby weight after c-section - Pregnancy & Baby

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