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Feb 9

Vadodara on the path of fitness – Video

06-02-2012 00:48 Vadodara, a city which hosts a marathon every year has seen over 41000 entrants in the event this time around.

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Vadodara on the path of fitness - Video

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Feb 9

Muscle Building Diet – The Best Foods To Build Muscle – Video

13-03-2011 01:29 -? Discover How To Gain Weight and Build Muscle Fast! If you're not sure what kind of foods you need in your muscle building diet, this video should help you out. I went to the grocery store today and stocked up on a bunch of muscle building foods that I always include in my diet. Now this isn't an all inclusive list of food to include in your muscle-building diet but it should give you a good idea of the kind of stuff you should be eating. (I just went out and got the things I was running out of.) Here are the foods I picked up in this video -Water! -Lean ground beef -Chicken -Walnuts -Almonds -Spinach -Whole Wheat Bread -Brown Rice -Bananas -Tuna -Yams -Cottage Cheese -Yogurt -Eggs I hope you got some ideas from this video about the kind of foods to include in your muscle building diet... And if you want more tips on how to build muscle fast, got to:

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Muscle Building Diet - The Best Foods To Build Muscle - Video

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Feb 9

How to lose weight fast – How I did it! – Video

29-07-2011 01:29 Just a little about me I am a very spiritual person, I believe in karma and I believe we all have the power to control our own destiny. Sometimes the only person standing in the way of what you want is you. When I realized this is when everything changed for me. I remember telling myself you've got to lose weight you've got to lose weight and, the only reason I wasn't losing any is because I was afraid to start because I was afraid I could not do it. When I came across this solution it made me believe in myself and it supported those beliefs with results and, I can't even explain in words how happy I am today.

How to lose weight fast - How I did it! - Video

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Feb 9

The Gauntlet Challenge – Video

06-02-2012 20:28 ASK ME ANYTHING! the ultimate food challenge. Post a video response! i dare you! make sure to send to all your friends! the gauntlet includes the following 6 Habanero peppers 15 warheads 2 packs of mentos with diet coke cinnamon a gallon of milk.

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The Gauntlet Challenge - Video

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Feb 9

Get fit like a film star: training and diet – the Guardian – Video

07-02-2012 05:54 It's four weeks into Kelly Bowerbank's fitness course with Efua Baker, body sculptor to Hollywood stars including Sienna Miller and Christian Bale. Here, they run through the routines Efua has designed for Kelly and discuss Kelly's diet. Kelly's aim: to turn up to her friend's office in a bikini

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Get fit like a film star: training and diet - the Guardian - Video

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Feb 9

PhenTabz: Fastest Way To Lose Weight Safely – Video

04-02-2012 01:48 - Danny Spencer talks about his journey regarding how he was in need of a dramatic weight-loss treatment that's non-requiring surgery plus very safe. Using Phentabz achieved a remarkable difference within his overall fat loss and also the improvement of his health.

Read the rest here:
PhenTabz: Fastest Way To Lose Weight Safely - Video

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Feb 8

Diet busting movie theater food – Video

07-02-2012 10:31 Popcorn, cheese nachos, giant sodas -- no surprise movie food is a diet buster, but just how great is the damage? Consumer Reports conducted nutritional tests to find out.

Excerpt from:
Diet busting movie theater food - Video

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Feb 8

January Fitness Challenge – Day 22 – Video

23-01-2012 15:25 I HAVE *2* Channels Check Em Out Below *SawyerHartman* (Short Film Channel) *SawyerHartman2* (VLOG and Personal Channel) SHOP SAWYER HARTMAN MERCHANDISE STORE CONTACT ME ( My Social Networking Sites) TWITTER FACEBOOK WEBSITE

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January Fitness Challenge - Day 22 - Video

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Feb 8

Top 5 Fitness and Health Apps for the iPhone – Video

02-02-2012 17:20 Search my FITNESS VIDEO library Thank you for liking, subscribing or leaving a comment xoxo ๐Ÿ™‚ There are many health and fitness apps for your iPhone. I usually stick to the free applications for my Verizon iPhone. In my opinion here are your best apps for health and fitness enthusiasts. I was not paid to given anything free to create this video. The views expressed are my own. Wanna become a member of Tone It Up? Get more info here Twitter: Facebook: Tumblr: Pinterest Oh yeah... and my WEBSITE:

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Top 5 Fitness and Health Apps for the iPhone - Video

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Feb 8

Get Off the Couch: Put exercise on your agenda

n Start out by setting an attainable goal

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Now?s the time to put exercise on your agenda. Right now!Getty Images/Comstock Images

February 08, 2012 2:00 AM

Being successful is all about goal setting.

We know from experience that we are more likely to succeed if we lay out a plan.

So it goes for exercising and weight loss.

Simply waking up each day with the idea that you are going to exercise isn't going to get you into shape or shed any pounds.

Be honest, without a true goal, it is more likely that at the end of the day you will find yourself right back on that couch having not exercised a minute.

That is why each and every one of the plethora of weight loss and exercise programs holds you accountable.

Right up front each program, whether it be Weight Watchers or a smart phone application, sets realistic, customized goals for the individual.

If someone ideally wants to lose 20 pounds, these programs will set that person on a path to losing the first five.

Using the Internet, the smart phone or even attending in-person meetings, the structure for eating less and exercising more will be targeted toward an individual's goals.

In essence, getting healthier isn't any different than aspiring to getting into a college of your choice or finding that dream job.

Each and every time we set a goal, something that is specific, measurable and achievable, often in a certain time-frame.

Success is attainable.

Like anything, it simply takes work and staying with the plan.

What makes it easier these days is that there are so many ways you can achieve your goals.

Look around, do a little research, figure out what set of goals would work best with your schedule and be the most realistic for your lifestyle.

If you know you won't run two miles every day, don't sign on for an exercise program that can only be achieved by doing so.

Thanks to modern technology โ€” which can count each and every calorie eaten, as well as expended โ€” there is almost no guesswork.

Take a walk, strap on a pedometer. Run the treadmill, chances are it will calculate everything from calories expended to how fast you went up and down the imaginary hills.

Honestly, the goal-setting couldn't be any easier.

The key is to rely on all of the tools that are made available to us today.

Want to know how many calories in that fast food meal you ate or are thinking of eating? Look it up on the Internet or the smart phone.

Or maybe you'd like to help your child become more active. Employ that video game system that has kept them on the couch. There are a myriad of games which offer off-the-couch activities like dancing, running, anything they might be interested in.

Ask them if they would like to try a recreational program or team. Most communities offer not only school-based sports but activities through local recreational departments and YMCAs.

Take a walk or a hike with your child this weekend or during the upcoming school vacation. Bring them skiing or skating.

The goal is to put exercise on everyone's agenda.

After all, there is no disputing that each person would benefit from at least 30 minutes of activity or exercise at least five days a week.

That doesn't seem like much. In real-life terms, it's the time it takes to watch that television show, surf the Internet or check up on your Facebook.

But it is widely agreed upon that those who manage to fit that 30 minutes of exercise in not only are healthier but are likely to be more fit and live longer.

Certainly with outcomes such as that, it seems worthwhile to set our goals today.

Use that smart phone, computer or even a paper calendar, to begin setting aside specific times and activities for getting some exercise.

If you set those goals today, and stick to them, it is likely to make all the difference tomorrow.

If you have an idea for a profile of a person or program for "Get Off the Couch," contact Rachel Collins at

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Get Off the Couch: Put exercise on your agenda

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