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The Difficulties of Losing the "Quarantine 15" – Cal Times

Dieting for weight loss is something that can be very difficult to stick to. Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic started last year and we were all forced into lockdown, many of us found ourselves stocking up on and eating greater amounts of unhealthy comfort food. Unfortunately, stocking up on that comfort food has caused weight gain amongst many Americans.
Sometimes referred to as the quarantine 15 or covid curves, it refers to weight gain throughout the length of the Covid-19 pandemic. Although these terms have become the brunt of jokes on social media platforms, weight gain is no laughing matter.
I personally have struggled with weight almost my entire life. It was in sixth grade when I started to blow up like a balloon.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a 12-year-old boys weight can range anywhere from 67 to 130 pounds. When I was 12 years old, I was considered overweight at about 150 pounds. However, as the years progressed on, my weight continued to rise.
I was constantly bullied because of my weight. I heard almost every insult ranging from fat to pig and anything else that was very derogative. This only caused me to eat more.
At the beginning of my freshman year in high school, I know I weighed a little over 200 pounds. By the time I graduated high school, I nearly weighed almost 300 pounds. I knew that being only 17 years old at the time, I should not have weighed that much. I tried everything to shed off those pounds, but nothing seemed to work and I would confide my stress with food.
When I began my freshman year at Cal U, I weighed approximately 305 pounds. That year, I took action and started exercising at the gym and eating healthy. By the end of freshman year, I dropped more than 20 pounds and I never felt better. It felt so good to lose that amount of weight. Instead of gaining that freshman 15, I happily lost it instead.
Unfortunately, I quickly gained that weight back by the time sophomore year had started. I began to eat carelessly and stopped going to the gym. I would even eat food when I was bored, which I know is extremely bad to do.
At the start of the pandemic, in March 2020, I weighed in around 290 pounds. However, being stocked up on food and nowhere to go, I began to eat again. I dreaded every time stepping onto the scale and seeing a big number appear. Within a few months, I had easily gained well over 10 to 15 pounds.
Fast forward to present day, I vowed to take action and lose weight, no matter what I would have to put my body through. It saddens me to know I am overweight and I am in denial that I have let my body and eating habits get severely out of control. So, I began a diet to lose weight on Jan. 18.
My diet consists of this app I have downloaded onto my phone, counting caloriesas in watching and logging what I eat throughout the daya little bit of exercise, drinking plenty of water, and being sure to avoid any unhealthy foods.
The app on my phone is called Lose It! and it is definitely keeping me on track and helping me lose those pesky pounds quickly. This free and easy-to-use app is simple. You keep track of what you have eaten throughout the day, stick to a diet plan that works best for you, and should see results shortly afterwards.
I chose this app because my mom inspired my sister, Megan, and I to download it and give it a try. We were all in agreement we wanted to lose weight. Furthermore, my mom became involved with a class of other fellow people who wanted to lose weight and this was the app that was recommended.
Being on a diet is difficult because I always have cravings and always think of breaking it. I put myself on a very strict diet and began to count my calorie intake for the day. Seeing how many calories are in certain foods shocked me and I started eating healthy.
My biggest inspiration to lose weight is for my sisters wedding that will be occurring in just about three months at the end of May 2021. Not only do I want to look good for my sisters big day, but I also want to feel good as well.
Like I stated before, being on a diet is challenging. I sometimes feel like a crazy person at times because I want to snack on some chocolate or something else that is considered unhealthy. To crush those cravings, I choose a healthy alternative like fruits or vegetables. Also, I began to take my dog, Barlow, on more walks around the neighborhood to get in a routine of exercising.
Of course, you can always choose to have a cheat day and eat a little unhealthy for the day, but do not let it get out of hand.
At the beginning of my diet, I weighed in at 311 pounds, which is the heaviest I have weighed in my entire life.
I told myself, This will be the highest number youll see when you step onto the scale. Dont let it get any higher.
After only three weeks of dieting, I am happy to announce that I have dropped nearly 15 pounds. I currently weigh 297 pounds now. However, I am still 100 pounds overweight for a normal 21-year-old male, according to the CDC. While it is a good start, I have a long way to go to get to my goal weight of at least 250 pounds before my sisters wedding. Ultimately, my goal is to get to that healthy, normal weight of about 200 pounds by the end of the year.
We can all struggle with weight and the pandemic is not helping at all with that issue. I hope that some of the tips enlisted within this story here can help if you are trying to lose weight yourself.
Sticking to a diet is not easy, but I am taking it one day at a time and one step at a time.
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The Difficulties of Losing the "Quarantine 15" - Cal Times
Phenocal Review 2021: Benefits, Side Effects and Alternative –

With the emerging need for fitness enthusiasts to stay on guard, the prevalence of east fat burning mechanisms is busy doing the rounds. Not all fat-burning potent formulas are imbibed with the right formulations; instead, they are often filled with disclaimers.
This increases the need for buyers to be informed and make the right choice. Among a vast pool of such weight loss products being available, the Phenocal fat burner is creating waves in the fitness industrys realm.
Made with chromium picolinate extracts, the marketers advertise the 100% all-natural ingredients for promoting a healthy weight loss. With the 1.9+ billion population being overweight, there is a rising need to get back in shape.
This article let us review the diet pill supplement and assess its ability to work on users. Starting with the overview of its ingredients and benefits, we shall assess its users potency and value.
Visit the Official Website of PhenQ
After several years of study on human behaviour, it has been concluded that majorly people are tired of doing workout all the time and decided to switch to the supplements that help them reduce work. There are several pre-workout supplementsavailable in the market that can boost up-mechanism for stamina and help users to lose weight instantly. Phenocal is one of them- An All-Natural Pill for Weight loss.
Phenocal refers to a natural diet pill supplement helping you lose desired weight and reach goals quickly. Using all-natural ingredients, the potent formula comprises no chemical stimulants and drugs and thus is free of chemicals.
Produced by Pharmaxa Labs, the fat burner is a prominent part of the fat burner category. While claiming to aid you to lose weight effectively, phenocal works like a fat-burning aiding the fat burning process.
Through the passage of years, the brand has gained a prominent reputation manufacturing a wide array of wellness and health supplements. Powered by robust backing along with a hundred satisfied clients worldwide, phenocal offers legit reviews.
Marketed as a powerful, natural, and potent fat burner, it helps to lose weight with the help of appetite suppression, increases the rate of metabolism, inhibits fat cell production, and more.
Phenocal is ideal for adults who intend to lose weight and naturally. However, it is mandatory to visit a doctor with a proper health condition and take a professional recommendation to evaluate what suits you.
Before opting for Phenocal, have a look below. If you come in any of these categories, it will be best to avoid using this product:
Claiming to offer a host of natural ingredients, let us assess the ingredients and their significance. Boasting an all-natural formula, the effective fat burner contains several components that are difficult to ignore.
Known to suppress hunger and reduce cravings, the ingredients are among the most common ingredients in weight loss supplements. It effectively reduces the amount of daily calorie intake while aiding to cut down the stored fat cells.
The deficiency is largely linked to obesity; however, studies have found the participants to incur weight loss. It is usually supplemented with vitamin K12, and plugging the vitamins together assists weight loss easily.
Largely known for being a fat burner, the green tea leaf extract is an active ingredient of phenocal with a high level of caffeine and antioxidants. It effectively leverages the metabolic rate, leading to a swift fat burning process.
Another prominent ingredient in the list is acquired from brown seaweed. It helps to lose weight and is combined with substances, including pomegranate seed oil.
The leaves are typically rich in caffeine and antioxidants, and while they are brewed like tea, they can efficiently raise the metabolic rate. This propagates an improved calorie burn.
Manufactured and developed by Sabinsa Corporation, Bioperine is a prominent weight loss product. Efficiently used as a weight loss product, it helps to upscale the efficacy of ingredients that tend to get in the bloodstream.
Commonly known as hydroxytryptophan, HTP is beneficial to boost the serotonin level in your body. The hormone is released by the brain that helps in the regulation of the quantity and quality of sleep. However, be careful about the side effects it causes!
This is one of the most common shrubs used in the realm of traditional medicine. The component is largely known for suppressing appetite and leads to improved weight loss.
Click here to check all the ingredients of PhenQ
Working towards burning your body fat, it does so through a seamless process. Here is how it performs its operations. It works on varied psychological processes and accelerates the overall weight loss goal.
Comprising a wide array of active ingredients, it has largely been proven to aid weight loss. The ingredients present to accelerate the process and boosts metabolism in your body.
In other words, the food is digested soon and does not get stored in your body. The ingredients moreover suppress hunger and combat cravings between meals. Hence, you end up acquiring a lot less food.
It boosts the fat loss process and offers increased energy for you to feel pumped up with energy at all times. As it works across varied fonts, it promises to render results, regardless of body weight, age, and uniqueness.
It comprises ingredients that can raise the core temperature of your body. It increases the metabolic rate and propagates a fast calorie burning process. This makes it easy for you to eliminate hunger and get rid of excess fat.
The formulation is claimed to comprise ingredients responsible for suppressing appetite. It is largely believed to reduce the calorie intake and only receive the boys amount to function. As a result, there will no longer be any stored fat, leading to weight gain.
It comprises ingredients that are largely responsible for reducing the cholesterol level in your body. It might not be directly helpful in weight loss; however, it is largely responsible for maintaining overall health.
The claims are, although similar to several fat burners; however, the ingredients and its operation promise you a world of opportunities.
Visit the Official Website of PhenQ for the Best Discount
Following the World Health Organization, the obesity rate has typically risen since the mid-1970s. At present, more than a few billion adults are overweight, and supplements like phenocal attempts to combat the challenges without any trouble.
However, phenocal differentiates itself and is a blend of natural ingredients, proving varied health benefits.
Comprising fucoxanthin, the pigment can raise the temperature level. This increases the metabolic rate and is considered a promising ingredient for anti-obesity and metabolism.
Among varied ingredients, fucoxanthin is found as a nutritional ingredient for anti-obesity and metabolism. The result obtained from clinical research thus reflects on the benefits of the formula and is considered a safe ingredient.
The organizations market Hoodia Gordonii for the ability to suppress appetite; however, the evidence remains to be sparse. Several types of research curb appetite and offer the desired weight loss effect.
It is a scientifically proven suppressant that makes it beneficial for you to control snacking in between meals. By regulating the insulin levels, rightly addresses cravings for carb or sugar-rich food.
To get rid of the fat cells, you need to consume fewer calories. The phenocal is the perfect companion you need for your late-night cravings and to feel full.
Glucomannan makes you feel satisfied after eating and thus keeps you satisfied. This is a kind of fibre that contains zero calories and expands on entering your body.
Chromium picolinate is another popular ingredient that efficiently helps to regulate insulin levels. An improper level can further lead to causing varied health concerns, including obesity, diabetes, and more.
Glucomannan is a popular substance in phenocal and can aid you in lowering your cholesterol level. According to several clinical studies, glucomannan helps to lower the LDL cholesterol level and does not affect the HDL cholesterol level.
Other notable benefits of Phenocal:
Click here to Get the Best Deal on PhenQ
There are no such listed side effects of the formula as it makes use of natural ingredients proven to perform a varied specific activity in your body. It is, however, not ideal for pregnant women, as in rare cases, it might lead to causing stomach upset or mild nausea.
Here are a few possible lists of side effects:
Glucomannan can lead to causing a choking risk. Hence, make sure you consume the supplement with a lot of water, further enabling you to digest the pill well.
If you feel nauseated, you should eat first and then consume the component instead of having it on an empty stomach.
You might want to experiment with the timings, however, make sure you adhere to the instructions to ensure a healthy well being. Furthermore, it can work better as you might have more food to offset the powerful extracts.
Experiencing a consistent headache might be a common instance; hence make sure you reduce the dosage likewise. Click here to read the exclusive review of Phenocal.
The dosage of the supplements is usually determined based on the individual, weight, and other bodily concerns. However, it is recommended to consume 3 capsules twice a day. Make sure you consume the first 3 at least 15 minutes before breakfast with consuming the other 3 before lunch.
You must take it only with food for improved absorption whenever you consume the component. Make sure you do not consume more than 6 capsules a day.
As mentioned above, there are no such harmful effects induced, and hence it is considered being a completely safe component for consumption. Moreover, it has undergone industry-standard testing, making it a completely reliable supplement.
Eliminating all chemicals and artificial stimulants, it can be consumed for a long time. Hence, to the question posed above, yes, it is safe for consumption, however under professional directions.
You can buy phenocal on the Official website to attain the finest quality and the best prices. Moreover, you can find several discounts available on the price mentioned.
A bottle of phenocal with 150 capsules costs around $34.85 after discount. You can pay the shipping on orders below $60.00.
Ordering in bulk helps you attain bigger discounts and helps your buy to be a cost-effective one. Make your choice between the three-bottle package and five bottle packages, with the former being available at $95.70 and the latter is $149.52.
The product comes with a 60-day return policy when the brand will offer you a 100% money-back guarantee along with the peace of mind. However, the refund is applicable only when bought from the official website.
Buy from the Official Website of PhenQ
The makers of Phenocal were convinced to see the users succeed in their aim of losing weight. This has motivated them to come up with such a polished component, crafted with the right formula, the right ingredients, and propagating the right benefits.
When the pill is consumed in sync with a calorie-controlled diet and exercise plan, it is beneficial to offer you an improved chance of attaining healthy weight loss. Hence, do not hesitate; instead, feel free to browse the product online and explore its benefits. however, if you are looking for the best alternative, then we recommend you to choose PhenQ. PhenQ is one of the most effective fat burner supplements that uses 100% natural ingredients. This supplement is suitable for both men and women. It helps you get rid of stubborn body fat quickly. It works on your body by melting your body fat and also inhibits the production of more fat in your body.
If you have been looking for a reliable fat burner for quite some time, then PhenQ is the best option for you. However, ensure to follow the directions as mentioned in the packaging and contact a medical professional if you witness any side effects.
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Phenocal Review 2021: Benefits, Side Effects and Alternative -
Benefits of slow and mindful eating – DTNext

The importance of eating slowly
Sensing satisfaction: One of the most important benefits of eating slowly is that it gives your body time to recognise that youre full. It takes about 20 minutes from the start of a meal for the brain to send out signals of satiety. Most peoples meals dont even last that long! Eating slowly also helps feel more satisfied which is different from just being full.
Improved digestion: Eating slowly also helps digestion. Digestion starts in the mouth, so large bites that are inadequately chewed will be more difficult for your stomach to process. Food that isnt properly broken down can lead to indigestion and other potential GI (Gastro-Intestinal) problems.
Smaller portions: Most of the research on this topic suggests that eating slowly helps you to eat less. Thats especially useful if youre trying to lose or maintain weight.
Better hydration: Good hydration helps maintain the balance of our bodys fluids, energises muscles, helps our kidneys and bowels work more efficiently, and improves the appearance of the skin. And one side benefit of eating slowly is that it increases water consumption during meals.
Conversely, if you rush your meals, your digestion suffers. And it might seem like each meal is over too soon, which often makes you want to eat more. Or you overshoot the runway, finishing the meal before your natural satiety signals kick in, and ending up suddenly uncomfortably overstuffed.
Is eating quickly bad?
Weight gain: Most of the research concurs that those who habitually eat fast gain more weight over time than slow eaters. If weight loss or maintenance is your goal, slow down.
Disordered eating and eating speed: One of the reasons for binge eating is rapid speed eating. People who suffer from compulsive eating often feel out of control of their eating behaviour. When youre in the grip of a binge or an overeating episode that feels overwhelming, just try to slow down as soon as you realise whats happening.
Tips for mindful eating
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Benefits of slow and mindful eating - DTNext
Healthy Foods That Are Actually Ruining Your Diet – 24/7 Wall St.

Special Report
February 11, 2021 2:46 pm
Losing weight is a very common goal year-round. And while eating healthier foods, avoiding junk and fatty foods, and being more physically active sounds simple, the reality is much more complex. Its frustrating when you believe you have been doing everything right not to see the scale budge. What could be wrong? Though the reasons can be many, the answer may also be in what youre eating.
Eating a balanced diet is key, but you have to know which foods have hidden ingredients you want to avoid. Not all foods and rinks are created equal, and many of them you only think are healthy when, in reality, they wreak havoc on your body.
The biggest enemy to your diet is overconsumption of calories, particularly from sugar, processed carbohydrates, and fried foods, according to San Antonio clinical nutritionist Sarah Treat. People are very often unaware of their exact calorie intake, and this is their biggest mistake when trying to lose weight, she explained.
Ultimately, when youre trying to lose weight, you need a calorie deficit, said Jill Maher, a nutrition health coach in Scottsdale, Arizona. You have to burn more calories than you consume. But you also want to avoid artificial ingredients or you may not be as successful as someone eating whole foods, she added.
Something I constantly have to remind my clients is that carbohydrates are not bad, Gabriela Rivera, a nutritionist practicing with clinical nutritionist Kay Spears in San Antonio, Texas. Especially my weight loss clients, they seem to be scared to eat a sweet potato or get intimidated when going out to eat.
Treat agrees. Fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates, and are not bad for you. They are essential for good health, actually. Many of her clients, she said, are also afraid of carbs. I have to remind them of the right ones.
Carbohydrates are an essential macronutrient and are needed for fuel they are needed just like protein and fats. But when eaten excessively, or prepared a certain way (read fried), they can cause weight gain, Rivera added.
To compile a list of 17 healthy foods that are actually destroying your diet, 24/7 Tempo consulted several registered dietitians and clinical nutritionists specializing in weight-loss programs and health coaching.
Click here to read about Healthy foods that are actually ruining your diet.
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Healthy Foods That Are Actually Ruining Your Diet - 24/7 Wall St.
Not Just Weight Loss, Fibre-Rich Diet Can Lower Risk Of PTSD As Well- Know What This New Study Says – NDTV

Fibre-rich diet can be good for weight loss and digestion
A fibre-rich diet is popular many reasons. It is weight loss-friendly, diabetes-friendly and also good for digestion. Now, a new study found that people who fibre-rich foods every day were at lower risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). According to a study published in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, eating junk food like pastries and chocolate was found to be associated with higher risk of PTSD. The study was conducted on more than 27,000. It was found that in one in 20 people reported experiencing PTSD. Those who reported eating multiple-fibre rich foods every had lower odds of developing PTSD.
Having said that, researchers aren't sure if intake of fibre is really linked to a protective effect on mental health, or if it is other factors like poverty, which affects people access to nutritious foods. There is a possibility, however, that eating fibre-rich foods can improve communication between gut and brain, said Karen Davison, nutritional epidemiologist and co-author of the study.
Foods like whole grains and oats are rich in soluble fibre. This provides good bacteria to the gut and helps in improving gut flora. A healthy gut is not just great for the body, but also for the mind, studies have found.
This study further adds that dietary fibre plays an important role in the relationship between he gut and brain. When the body processes fibre, gut bacteria releases short chain fatty acids-compounds that reduce inflammation in the body.
Previous studies have found short chain fatty acids can improve metabolism as well as immunity.
Also read:Quick Breakfast Ideas: Prepare This Avocado Toast To Get A Dash Of Protein, Fibre And Good Fats
Whole grains, oats, fresh fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds and vegetables are examples of foods rich in fibre. All of these foods are a part of a healthy and nutritious diet, which is good for your physical, mental and overall health. Below are some more benefits of a diet rich in fibre:
1. Regularises bowel movements: If you are someone who gets constipated too frequently, a fibre-rich diet is a must for you. They help in formation of bulk of stools and eases bowel movements, thus keeping constipation at bay.
2. Helps in controlling blood sugar: Fibre-rich foods slow down the release of sugar in blood stream, thus preventing any spikes in blood sugar. A fibre-rich diet can also lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Eating fibre-rich foods can help in controllig blood sugarPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:Get More Fibre With These Dietary Changes: 5 Simple Ways You Must Try
3. Weight loss: Fibre-rich foods are filling in nature. They fill you up quickly and make you feel full for longer. They can reduce your appetite and also bring down your calorie intake, which is a key requirement for those who are trying to lose weight.
4. Lowers cholesterol: Foods like oats, beans, flaxseeds help in reducing low density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol. They bring down total blood cholesterol levels and can thus be beneficial for your heart as well.
It is important to note that you need to up your fibre intake for good health, but definitely not overdo it as it can result in gas, bloating and intestinal cramping. The MayoClinic suggests that men aged 50 or younger need 38 gms of fibre in a day; men aged 51 and above need 30 gms of fibre in a day. Women aged 50 or younger need 25 gms of fibre in a day; women aged 51 and above need 21 gms of fibre in a day.
To meet your daily recommended intake of fibre, the best thing to do is a consult a dietitian or a health expert.
Also read:Control Type-2 Diabetes Risk With Fibre Loaded Whole Grains; Know Other Preventive Measures
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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Not Just Weight Loss, Fibre-Rich Diet Can Lower Risk Of PTSD As Well- Know What This New Study Says - NDTV
Letter to the editor: Consider a meat-free diet to protect the planet and animals – Summit Daily News

I miss Mardi Gras. I miss being in crowds on Fat Tuesday. Im hoping for a speedy recovery from the pandemic so we can all congregate again.
After Fat Tuesday, Lent begins. Lent is the 40-day period before Easter when Christians stop eating meat and dairy in remembrance of Jesus 40 days of reflection. As a Christian, Lent has meaning to me.
For me, I already dont eat meat and dairy. My plant-based diet helps reduce chronic diseases, environmental degradation and animal abuse. Countless reports have linked consumption of animal products with risk of heart failure, stroke, cancer and other diseases. A U.N. report named meat production as a source of greenhouse gases and water pollution. Investigations have revealed animals raised for food under horrible conditions of caging, crowding, drugging and mutilation. These actions go against what I believe.
Lent offers an opportunity to honor Jesus powerful message of compassion and love for all living beings, stop subsidizing the meat industry and choose a nonviolent plant-based diet. Its a diet that goes back to the Bible (Genesis I:29) and observed in the Garden of Eden.
Enter plant-based Lent in Google and explore hundreds of meat-free recipes.
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Read More..Tom Brady’s Diet: What the Super Bowl MVP Eats to Stay in Incredible Shape –

Sunday night, Tom Brady led the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to a victory over the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl LV, earning MVP in the process. He did so at the age of 43, sparking comments about his appearance and diet. Several fans wondered what Brady eats to look like he is in his mid-30s while continuing to perform long after other players retire.
According to the Daily Mail, Brady follows an organic, gluten-free diet. He does not consume white sugar and white flour, nor does he drink coffee. He also avoids certain vegetables that can cause inflammation, including tomatoes, eggplant, capsicum and mushrooms. Dairy is out of the question for the seven-time Super Bowl champion. In order to remain hydrated, Brady tries to drink at least a gallon of water each day.
The outlet provided a graphic that showed off some meal samples for the veteran quarterback. He starts his day with a glass of electrolyte-infused water and then eats a breakfast featuring eggs and avocado. He caps off his morning workout with another glass of electrolyte water and a protein shake, setting the stage for a lunchtime salad with nuts and fish.
Dinner is straightforward and features chicken with roasted vegetables. If Brady gets hungry between meals, he relies on hummus, guacamole or mixed nuts. Gameday is different in that Brady consumes a smoothie, as well as an almond butter and peanut butter jelly sandwich, which fuel him on the football field. Brady's reported favorite smoothie features blueberries, banana, hemp and chia seeds, walnuts, almond butter and hemp milk.
"The regimen I follow is a mix of Eastern and Western philosophies," Brady wrote in his 2017 book, The TB12 Method. "Some of these principles have been around for thousands of years. My nutritional regimen may seem restrictive to some people, but to me it feels unnatural to eat any other way. Many people have conditioned their bodies to a nutritional regiment made up of lots of white or pale-looking foods french fries, potato chips, white bread, chicken nuggets that dont exist in nature."
While Brady may follow a strict diet, that does not mean that he skips out on treats. He previously conducted an interview with Men's Health to discuss his daily routine and revealed that he eats bacon if he has a craving. Additionally, Brady will also kick back with some pizza or eat some dark chocolate.
"If Im craving bacon, I have a piece. Same with pizza. You should never restrict what you really want. Were humans, here for one life," Brady said during the interview. "Whats changed as Ive gotten older is now if I want pizza, I want the best pizza. I dont eat a slice that tastes like s and then wonder, 'Why am I eating s pizza?'"
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Tom Brady's Diet: What the Super Bowl MVP Eats to Stay in Incredible Shape -
Intuitive eating is the anti-diet diet that listens to your gut – Yahoo News

National Review
Six months ago, when President Joe Biden was candidate Joe Biden, he spoke of a crisis being felt all across the United States of America. The crisis was school closures. Millions of children were staring at laptops rather than learning in a classroom. Biden said: This is a national emergency. President Trump doesnt have a real plan for opening schools safely. Hes offering nothing but failures and delusions. Six months later, the education crisis abounds, and now-President Biden is so far just making it worse. At Tuesdays press briefing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the new White House goal was to have the majority of schools, so more than 50 percent, open by Day 100 of his presidency. She defined that as some teaching in classrooms, so at least one day a week, hopefully its more. This isnt just walking back a promise; its completely erasing one. According to school-data aggregator Burbio, we are already well past Psakis spring milestone today, and we were before Biden took office. Over 60 percent of school districts are already open with at least a hybrid model. Hybrid colloquially means two to three days a week of in-person learning. One day a week was not originally part of this debate. Its a new and lower standard one Team Biden has introduced. At first, I thought the transgression was simply they had put the issue on the backburner and were not paying attention to it, given the strange one-day-a-week utterance. But after 24 hours of blowback, Psaki was asked to clarify these remarks and she doubled down, calling the plan bold and ambitious. And sticking to the one-day standard, she said they hoped to exceed it. Again, this supposed bold and ambitious plan was exceeded before the inauguration. Politico Playbook said: It is a goal so modest and lacking in ambition as to be almost meaningless. President Bidens ambitious rhetoric around schools was always going to have a collision course with his teachers-union benefactors, who simply do not want schools to fully reopen any time soon. Not even after teachers got priority in vaccinations, and K12 schools received over $68 billion in 2020 to mitigate COVID issues. I just didnt expect that he would be breaking a core campaign promise so early in his presidency. So whats holding Biden back from keeping his word? The White House would argue its funding, ventilation, and class sizes. Lets look at each in turn. As mentioned, Congress allocated over $68 billion in 2020 for COVID mitigation in K12 schools. So far, most of this money has not been spent. That hasnt stopped the Biden administration from demanding another $130 billion. But lets ignore the currently unspent billions of dollars for a moment and ask the essential question: Will more funding help? In fact, the schools that are currently open five days a week in America are parochial schools, which generally have less per-pupil funding than their public counterparts, and public schools that dont compete with the per-pupil wealth of closed but well-funded districts such as Chicago, Fairfax County, San Francisco, and others. The issue is will, not resources. Ventilation is simply a crutch to excuse doing nothing. It was a problem identified early in 2020, again to mitigate the return to school before a coronavirus vaccine was available. The $68 billion Congress authorized provided funding specifically for ventilation. But most schools did little or nothing in the past year to improve ventilation, and it is more likely that we finally return to school before any substantive changes are made to the thousands of schools that remain shuttered. The absence of new ventilation systems has not held back the majority of schools that have opened up to some degree without disruption. Meanwhile, focusing the debate on the importance of class size is a way to disguise proposing that kids will go to school two days a week indefinitely. The idea is that a full class increases risk, so we need to cut class sizes in half. But nobody realistically believes that America is about to double its school-building capacity, at least not in the next year. Anyone whose kid has gone to class in a trailer behind a school building knows that it takes years to develop plans for new buildings, personnel, and district lines. The two-day-a-week hybrid model, with its implicitly smaller class sizes, was created to get kids back into the classroom before a vaccine was available. Inept school boards kept delaying the end of this temporary measure. Now, after it has been done for so long, it is being deceptively embraced as the post-vaccine ideal. This is simply nuts. After teachers in closed school districts are vaccinated, schools should be open full-time, five-days-a-week, just as so many of their counterparts already are doing (and as some were doing before vaccines were even available). Now that teachers are being vaccinated, for whom are we making these vast infrastructure changes anyway? Its not for the teachers, whose risk will thankfully soon be measured in decimal points. And its not for children, who public-health officials often and repeatedly remind us are not significant spreaders or victims of this virus. In fact, the major health crises facing children today depression, suicide, lack of confidence, academic failures, lack of socialization, poor nutrition, insufficient exercise are being caused by the closures, not by the virus. In September 2020, Joe Biden said: President Trump may not think this is a national emergency, but I think going back to school for millions of children and the impacts on their families and the community is a national emergency. I believe thats what it is. If this was a national emergency six months ago, and remains one today, wheres Joe? Some would argue that he should have more time, and that patience is required. Hes only been in office a few weeks. But we shouldnt be surprised that many parents are simply out of patience. Others argue that advocating for school openings is anti-teacher. Its a convenient way to shut down debate, because teachers are often underpaid and undervalued and thus not open to critique. But I love my kids teachers, who are doing the best they can. This is about being pro-children, not anti-teacher. In September, President Biden said: Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos havent stepped up. Were all seeing the results. Millions of students are now starting the new school year in the same way they finished the last one, at home. At home. Parents are doing their best, but more and more theyre finding themselves at wits end struggling to balance work and childcare and educational duties or worrying about their lost paycheck and how theyll make ends meet while trying to keep their kids on track with remote learning. Under Bidens current plan, he has failed to live up to the standard he set for Trump. Its time for Biden to purposefully engage this issue. He has enormous influence over unions and those who are advocating for kids to remain locked out of in-person instruction indefinitely. He has a serious group of public-health advisers who can persuade nervous parents and teachers of the low risks they face returning to the classroom (especially after a vaccine). As Joe Biden said six months ago on this subject: Mr. President, where are you? Where are you? Why arent you working on this? Mr. President, thats your job. Thats what you should be focused on right now. Getting our kids back to school safely.
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Intuitive eating is the anti-diet diet that listens to your gut - Yahoo News
Healthy Living: Dietary tips your heart will love – Westside Eagle Observer

Keep your cardiac health in the best possible shape by choosing nutrient-rich foods that are low in sugar and unhealthy fats. The foods that we put on our plates can make or break our wellness goals. So choose wisely.
The American Heart Association recommends foods that contain an abundance of vitamins and minerals, such as fiber and protein. What you don't eat also matters -- look for foods that are low in saturated fat, sodium and trans fats.
Key ingredients
If you are looking for a few superfoods to add to your heart-healthy diet, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends:
Dairy foods that are low-fat or fat-free
Eggs, legumes, lean meats, poultry and other protein-rich foods
Fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as mackerel, salmon and tuna
Fruits and vegetables
Oils and foods high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, including avocados, salmon and trout, almonds, pine nuts and walnuts, and canola, sunflower and corn oils
Whole grains
Get creative as you cook to support cardiac health. Try different flavors and combinations and incorporate seasonal ingredients to keep your menus as inspiring as they are nourishing.
Foods that can sabotage your heart-healthy diet
You have been working diligently to fill up on heart-healthy fruits, vegetables and fiber-filled whole grains. Well done! Eating healthy foods is only one piece of the puzzle if you are trying to improve the well-being of your heart. Limiting your intake of salt-laden, sugar-rich items is also important.
Skip these menu items:
Processed meats -- Deli meats, such as bologna, sausage and turkey, are typically preserved with nitrites and salt.
Refined grains -- Items like white rice and bread may cause blood sugar spikes. They're also missing lots of the nutrients found in their whole-grain counterparts, such as dietary fiber and phytonutrients.
Soda -- A 12-ounce can of this bubbly drink can pack as much as 10 teaspoons of sugar and more than 100 empty calories. To keep your diet on track, consider sugar-free teas and low-calorie juices instead.
Concerned about your heart health? Quality cardiovascular care is right around the corner at Northwest Cardiology -- Siloam Springs. To schedule an appointment, call 479-215-3060.
About Siloam Springs Regional Hospital
Siloam Springs Regional Hospital is a 73 licensed bed facility with 42 private patient rooms. It is accredited by the State of Arkansas Department of Health Services and The Joint Commission. Some services include inpatient and outpatient surgery, emergency medicine, medical, surgical and intensive care units, obstetrics, outpatient diagnostic services and inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation. With more than 50 physicians on the medical staff, Siloam Springs Regional Hospital provides compassionate, customer-focused care. SSRH is an affiliate of Northwest Health, the largest health system in Northwest Arkansas. Siloam Springs Regional Hospital is located at 603 N. Progress Ave. in Siloam Springs. For more information, visit
See more here:
Healthy Living: Dietary tips your heart will love - Westside Eagle Observer
UN Report: A Plant-Based Diet is Best Way to Help the Environment – The Beet

Adopting a plant-based diet is the best thing you can do for the environment, according to a new report that was just released from a UN-backed think tank. Thereport, from policy institute Chatham House, outlines three levers for easing pressure on land use and creating more sustainable food systems. The first and mosturgent,the report asserts, is the need to change dietary patterns to reduce food demand and encourage more plant-based diets.
One of the key factors driving the recommendationto shift to moreplant-based diets, for people of all nations, is the enormouscarbon footprint of animal agriculture, and by contrast, the lighter impact that plant-based crops produce."The largest differences occur between animal-sourced and plant-sourced foods, with the latter having smaller footprints; in some cases, substantially smaller, the report concludes. Land use, emissions, water use, and biodiversity all were considered and it is undebatable that raising animals for food is a major contributor to global environmental degradation. In fact, the global food system is responsible for more greenhouse emissions than any other industry, the report found.
Even though more people than ever are adopting a plant-based diet and choosing meat-alternatives and non-dairy milk and cheese, the demand for animal products is still growing as the global population grows. To meet that demand, factory farming, also referred to as intensive farming, has expanded. These assembly-line, high-efficiency intensive farming operations wreak havoc on the environment, the report finds. In the US, factory farms are where 99% of farmed animals live and it is the primary source of where your meat and dairy comes from. Yet environmentally, factory farming is an unsustainable system thatif not changed, will be catastrophic to the environment.
A recent survey found that while the number one reason Americans as eating more plant-based foods is for their health, concern over the environment is the second reason, and it's growing, especially among younger consumers. In the past two years, the shift toward eating plant-based "for the environment" has risen 17 percent to 48 percent of people saying that is their focus. Another poll found that 54 percent of Millennials are eating more plant-based and call themselves flexitarians, since they are cutting back on meat and dairy, but have not fully committed to ditching those foods altogether.
Beyond the environment, the UN-backed report also highlights the other public good that would result from reducing our reliance on animal-based foods, including improved dietary quality and reduced incidence of diet-related disease associated with overconsumption of red and processed meat such as obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
Pandemic risk could also be significantly lowered by reducing animal farming, the report says. The researchers point out that the majority of infectious diseases that have caused epidemics have come from animals. The pandemic has shined a spotlight on the high risks concentrated in certain food production supply chains, as well as the poor labor standards in food-processing plants that have accelerated disease spread amongst workers.
In addition to the first leverthe adoption of more plant-based foods and reliance on animal-based productsthe two others are the need to protect and set aside land for nature, and shift to more sustainable farming methods. All three of these levers are needed for food system redesign to succeed and to ultimately save our planet.
So if you care about the planet, the type of food you eat matters. So if you're driving a Prius, or cutting down on single-use plastic, and shopping from sustainable fashion companies, this report recommends you also eat food from plant sources.
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UN Report: A Plant-Based Diet is Best Way to Help the Environment - The Beet