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Kate Middleton diet: What is the Duchess routine to maintain her slim figure? – Express

Kate Middleton has looked more or less the same since she was first thrown into the limelight by marrying into the royal family in 2012. It was reported at the time that the Duchess followed the Dukan diet to lose weight before her wedding to Prince William, and then again in order to lose her baby weight after giving birth to her three children.
The Dukan diet was created in the 1970s by French general practitioner Pierre Dukan.
It involves removing carbohydrates from your diet and swapping them with proteins, vegetables, and healthy fats and oils.
The Dukan diet claims to produce rapid, permanent weight loss without hunger.
However, it is probably not a long-term solution for weight loss as carbohydrates are an essential part of anyones daily diet, according to Healthline.
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The fourth phase of the diet is called the Stabilization Phase, according to Healthline, and it is the same as the third phase, but the rules can be loosened as the dieters weight starts to remain stable.
Oat bran is increased to three tablespoons every day.
The duration of each phase depends on how much weight the dieter wants to lose.
Dieters can eat plenty of meat as their protein intake during the diet, including chicken, turkey and pork.
Kate exercises regularly to maintain her goal weight, as well as her excellent figure.
The Duchess incorporates cardiovascular activity into her fitness regime, including running and cycling.
To develop upper body strength, she uses a Swiss gym ball.
Kate is also a fan of yoga, according to Marie Claire, which is beneficial in maintaining both a healthy body and mind.
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Kate Middleton diet: What is the Duchess routine to maintain her slim figure? - Express
Tummy Tucks and the Belly Button: What Happens to It? – Healthline

So, youve decided to get a tummy tuck.
But you still have some questions about the procedure including about what happens to your belly button after a tummy tuck.
Many people wonder this exact thing, as a botched belly button can make the tummy tuck not worth it at all. Rest assured that in most cases, the belly button wont be altered or moved, instead the skin and muscle around it will be tightened.
If you opt for a mini tummy tuck, the whole procedure will take place below the belly button, which is a good option for those who are just concerned about a small pooch in the lower belly.
During the tummy tuck procedure, an incision will be made in the low abdomen through which fat and stretched skin will be removed, and any loose muscles will be sewn together. Another incision will usually be made around the belly button.
The remaining upper skin is lifted up as high as the rib cage and pulled down like a window shade to the lower skin near the pubic bone. The skin is now stretched tight and the surgeon then chooses the new ideal position to place the stalk of the belly button.
Your belly button is actually attached to the muscles below. During the procedure, itll stay attached to its stalk. In most cases, the surgeon will create a new opening for the belly button, especially if its shape has become distorted after weight gain or pregnancy.
If this isnt done well, the belly button may end up looking distorted either too flat, too deep, or the wrong shape. So, its important to ask your surgeon to see their portfolio and ask about their ideas for your naval.
If youre healed from a tummy tuck and still dissatisfied with your belly button, you may consider an umbilicoplasty, which is a surgery to change the appearance of the belly button.
It can be helpful to see before and after photos of the belly button after a tummy tuck when deciding if the procedure is right for you. Check out the gallery of real patients below:
The recovery timeline after your tummy tuck will vary depending on several factors including your age, weight, and general health.
You may or may not have to spend the night in the hospital. Your drainage tubes, which pull fluid away from the abdomen, will likely remain in place for several days.
Youll also need to wear an abdominal binder for about 6 weeks. This is basically a very tight band around the belly that supports the tummy and helps to avoid fluid buildup.
Its especially important that you wear your binder and avoid strenuous activity so the belly button heals properly.
Your doctor should give instructions on how to care for your belly button after a tummy tuck. This may include cleaning the area with warm water or a saltwater solution.
Its normal for the area to look swollen and even a bit crusty after surgery, and it may take as long as 6 months for the belly button to heal.
Call your doctor right away if you notice signs of infection in the belly button after a tummy tuck. These signs include:
A tummy tuck can be a good way to flatten the stomach and tighten muscles in the abdomen that may have gotten loose from pregnancy, weight gain, or just general aging, but many people wonder whatll happen to the belly button as a result of the procedure.
Normally, an incision will be made around the naval and itll be lifted and put back in the appropriate place to fit the new shape of the stomach. Other times it may be necessary to make a new opening.
Its always a good idea to see before and after pictures from your surgeon and pay close attention to the belly button area when viewing them.
Continued here:
Tummy Tucks and the Belly Button: What Happens to It? - Healthline
Marine mothers have year to return to fitness standards with new policy – Stars and Stripes

WASHINGTON The Marine Corps is giving women more time to get into physical shape after childbirth, according to a new policy change.
Once a pregnancy is confirmed, the woman is exempt from taking a fitness test or participating in the Body Composition Programor the Military Appearance Program. Those programs are aimed at Marines who are not meeting the services fitness and appearance standards.
After the birth of the child, the woman has at least 12 months to meet fitness and appearance standards, according to the new update posted Monday, which goes into effect immediately.
The extension was made in recognition of the individual circumstances of each Marines pregnancy and postpartum time and to alleviate the stress of returning to the services standards.
Affording a postpartum Marine more time before mandating fitness testing and body composition compliance will allow a fuller recovery, lower injury risk, prevent potential long-term persistent factors and eliminate potential impact to breast milk production due to rapid weight loss, Capt. Sam Stephenson, a spokesman for Marine Corps Training and Education Command, said in an email Tuesday.
The Marine Corps expects women to continue physical fitness routines during their pregnancies, citing new science that has shown it is good for their health and that of their children. The announcement also states that new mothers should start a gradual and appropriate exercise program as soon as their doctor approves.
The announcement cited the Pregnancy and Postpartum Physical Training Handbook as a resource that Marines can use to understand which fitness activities they can do during and after pregnancy.
With the update, Marines who have been placed in the Body Composition Programin the last three months after their postpartum period can be removed and reevaluated, according to the announcement. Also, Marines who completed their postpartum period within the last three months and received an adverse fitness report can now petition for relief with the Performance Evaluation Review Board.
Kenney.Caitlin@stripes.comTwitter: @caitlinmkenney
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Marine mothers have year to return to fitness standards with new policy - Stars and Stripes
The Effects of Artificial Sweeteners on the Body – LIVESTRONG.COM

There's budding research that artificial sweeteners can negatively affect gut health.
Image Credit: Creative
Equal, Splenda, Sweet'N Low artificial sweeteners have been household names for decades, but the debate surrounding their safety hasn't let up.
The ongoing controversy has a lot to do with the effects of artificial sweeteners on the body. Research suggests the faux sweet stuff may have complex effects on everything from the body's long term blood sugar control to the makeup of the gut microbiome and more.
First of All, What Are Artificial Sweeteners?
Before we dive into the effects of artificial sweeteners on our health, it's important to know what they are and how they're made. One note: The science community refers to these ingredients as "low-calorie sweeteners," or LCS, a term that encompasses both artificial sweeteners like Splenda as well as natural sweeteners like stevia.
Artificial sweeteners are lab-made additives that are either very low in calories (think: 4 calories per packet) or "non-nutritive," meaning free from calories altogether.
All LCS require some form of chemical manipulation and processing. For example, sucralose (aka Splenda) is a chlorinated derivative of real sugar that largely passes through the GI tract without getting absorbed, per a November 2016 review in Nutrition Reviews. The result is a calorie-free, ultra-sweet substance that can taste up to 600 times sweeter than regular sugar (sucrose), per the FDA.
Aspartame, the substance used in Equal and Nutrasweet, is a low-calorie sweetener made of amino acids it tastes about 200 times sweeter than sugar, per the FDA.
LCS are meant to satisfy a sweet tooth without spiking blood sugar or serving up many calories as our bodies don't fully absorb them. While that sounds straightforward enough, research suggests there may be more to the equation.
All high-intensity sweeteners currently approved for use in the U.S. have been deemed safe for consumption, per the FDA. However, third-party research sometimes suggests otherwise.
Effects of Artificial Sweeteners on the Body
Your Gut May Get Out of Whack
By now, we're aware our gut microbiome is very important: The trillions of bacteria that reside in our intestines affect everything from our immune function to our mood. But LCS may alter the makeup of our microbiome, potentially causing some of the bad gut bugs to proliferate.
Animal studies have linked sucralose to decreased diversity in the gut microbiomes of rats, with the sweetener lowering the amount of health-promoting bacteria (like bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) in the animals' intestines, per a January 2019 review in the journal Advances in Nutrition.
When it comes to humans, though, research on artificial sweeteners' effects on gut health is lacking. One October 2019 study in The British Journal of Nutrition reported that high doses of sucralose had no effects on the makeup in people's gut bacteria. Granted, the study only lasted a week. Adding a packet of Splenda to your morning coffee for 30 years may play out differently.
For now, evidence of the adverse effects of LCS on human gut health is "not strong," says Wendy Bazilian, DrPH, RDN, a California-based dietitian and author of Eat Clean, Stay Lean. Of course, a lack of data doesn't mean the additives are OK for the gut. "In classic scientist speak, more research is needed on this topic," Dr. Bazilian says.
It's Unclear if Your Risk of Getting Cancer Will Rise
The connection between artificial sweetener intake and cancer risk has been a concern since the 1970s when a major study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives reported that saccharin (aka Sweet'N Low) was associated with a greater incidence of bladder cancer in lab rats and mice.
Those findings led the government to slap warning labels on any product containing the sweetener in 1977. Since then, a number of studies have reported that the sweetener is not, in fact, cancer-causing in humans. As a result, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) said in 2000 that saccharin should no longer be considered a potential carcinogen, per the FDA.
Since the research has primarily been done in animal or in vitro studies, there's no clear link between artificial sweeteners and human cancer risk at this time, Dr. Bazilian says. "While it's been suggested that the plausible mechanisms are not the same for humans as in rats, that doesn't mean they don't exist with absolute certainty, either," she adds.
The bottom line: "Certainly, there is less risk from not consuming them than consuming them. They're not essential to the diet or human health," Dr. Bazilian says.
They Probably Won't Make You Gain Weight
In theory, LCS should promote weight loss when compared to the real deal. After all, table sugar serves up 4 calories per gram while alternatives like Sweet 'n Low deliver zero. But research suggests it may not be that simple.
One April 2015 study in the Journal of American Geriatrics Society found a dose-dependent relationship between diet soda intake and waist circumference in older adults meaning, the more artificially sweetened beverages they drank, the more abdominal weight they gained. Of note, excess belly fat, also called visceral adiposity, is known to raise the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, per Harvard Health Publishing.
There are a number of possible mechanisms by which LCS may promote weight gain. For example, animal studies have shown the sweetener acesulfame potassium, or ace-K, may lower levels of the appetite-suppressing hormone leptin, per research conducted by the NIH.
"It could also be that there is compensatory eating happening along with the inclusion of LCS, meaning a false sense of freedom with other foods because you're saving in another," Dr. Bazilian says. "What's more, the foods LCS are added to, or the foods they're enjoyed with, could be sources of calories from fats, protein and carbs that may be in excess of daily needs." Think: sipping a diet soda along with a meatball sub and potato chips.
All that said, LCS probably don't cause weight gain on their own. And if they're included in a diet that's nutritious along with a consistent exercise regimen, they may be a helpful tool for weight loss, Dr. Bazilian says.
Just don't count on them regularly: "They could contribute to weight loss in small part by the few calories they may 'save,' but they are not something I recommend in my practice," Dr. Bazilian says.
Because LCS are significantly sweeter than natural sugars, they have the power to desensitize our tastebuds to sweet flavors over time. "As a result, many people who regularly consume artificial sweeteners may find naturally sweet foods like fruit and honey less appealing and may develop an increased desire for sweet-tasting foods, says Tamar Samuels, RD, a New Jersey-based dietitian and co-founder of Culina Health. Cue the cravings.
They Might Mess With Your Blood Sugar
LCS are often recommended for folks looking to control their blood sugar levels. Yet despite being sugar-free, some studies suggest that the additives can still negatively affect glycemic control.
Early research shows that artificial sweeteners like sucralose might activate sweet taste receptors, triggering the release of insulin, like regular sugar does, according to a September 2018 article in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Indeed, people with type 2 diabetes who ate artificial sweeteners were observed to have higher levels of insulin resistance compared to people who did not, per a January 2020 cross-sectional study in the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care.
Why does that matter? "Insulin resistance can lead to elevated blood sugar levels, which can contribute to a number of health problems including type 2 diabetes, increased risk for cardiovascular disease, kidney damage, eye damage and increased risk of infection," Samuels says.
"Elevated blood sugar can also make it difficult to lose weight, cause low energy and promote cravings for sweets and carbs."
Samuels typically recommends minimizing LCS, even for people with pre-diabetes or diabetes, due to their effects on cravings and insulin. If you have a sweet craving, you're better off choosing fresh fruit so you can get the additional water, fiber and antioxidants that are beneficial for people with diabetes, she says. If you want a sweetener, I recommend choosing one from natural sources like stevia or monk fruit and having them in limited amounts on occasion.
The jury is still out on what really happens when we regularly eat or drink LCS. Until we have more concrete evidence, Dr. Bazilian recommends avoiding them.
"I encourage enjoying sweet flavors and incorporating them in a balanced way," she says. "Removing LCS can help you taste the more subtle but also more complex flavor origins of naturally sweet foods like fruits."
For most people, a moderate amount of real sugar can safely fit into a healthy eating routine. If you find yourself hooked on the ultra-sweet additives, start by dialing back your intake slowly.
"I recommend gradually decreasing your portions of these sweeteners over time for an easier transition," Samuels says. "Start with having one less packet per week until you have eliminated them completely and replace them with one to two teaspoons of natural sugars like honey or pure maple syrup [as needed]."
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The Effects of Artificial Sweeteners on the Body - LIVESTRONG.COM
Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss: How to Tell the Difference – Healthline

Weight loss refers to a decrease in your overall body weight from muscle, water, and fat losses.
Fat loss refers to weight loss from fat, and its a more specific and healthful goal than weight loss.
However, it can be difficult to know whether youre losing weight from fat or muscle.
This article explains why fat loss is more important than weight loss, how you can tell the difference between the two, and provides tips for losing fat and maintaining muscle.
Its common practice to track your weight loss progress using a scale.
While this can be helpful, most scales dont differentiate between fat loss and muscle loss.
For that reason, tracking only your weight isnt a reliable way to determine whether youre losing fat or muscle and in what amounts.
Conversely, a body fat scale can provide a more accurate picture of your body composition by measuring the percentage of fat and muscle you have.
You can also use skinfold calipers to estimate your body fat percentage, but this takes practice to ensure accuracy (1).
Instead of solely relying on the scale, you can use a body fat scale or skinfold caliper to better understand your body composition and track your progress.
Many weight loss programs claim to help you lose weight quickly and easily.
However, its important to realize that a significant amount of this weight may include water and muscle losses (2, 3).
Losing muscle can be detrimental, as muscle is a crucial component of your overall health.
Maintaining a healthy percentage of muscle has several benefits, such as regulating healthy blood sugar levels, maintaining healthy fat levels like triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, and controlling inflammation.
Indeed, several studies have linked a higher fat-to-muscle ratio to chronic diseases like metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and diabetes (4, 5, 6).
Maintaining your muscle mass may also reduce your risk of age-related muscle loss, which results in frailty and potentially disability (7).
Additionally, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest. This is the main reason why men generally have higher calorie needs than women (8).
Consequently, losing weight in the form of muscle can decrease the number of calories you burn at rest, making it easier to regain any weight you lost in the form of fat (9).
Emphasizing fat loss rather than weight loss can decrease the risk of several chronic diseases, help reduce the risk of age-related muscle loss, and reduce fat regain.
There are a few simple ways to ensure youll lose weight in the form of fat and either maintain or gain muscle mass.
These include eating plenty of protein, exercising regularly, and following a nutrient-dense diet that puts you in a slight calorie deficit.
Protein is an important nutrient for a variety of bodily functions.
Its necessary to make enzymes that help with digestion and energy production, regulate fluid balance, and support immune health, among other functions.
Protein is also important for maintaining the muscle you have and supporting new muscle growth, especially when losing weight.
In one 4-week study, young men were randomized to consume a low calorie diet containing either 0.55 or 1.1 grams of protein per pound (1.2 or 2.4 grams per kg) of body weight combined with an intense exercise training program (10).
While both groups lost a significant amount of weight, the men who consumed the higher protein diet lost 2.9 pounds (1.3 kg) more fat mass and gained 2.4 pounds (1.1 kg) more muscle than men who consumed the lower protein diet.
Importantly, the study found that high intensity resistance exercise followed by a high protein recovery snack made the most difference. Also, it limited the mens fat intake to create a calorie deficit and maintained their carb intake for adequate exercise fuel.
And while eating plenty of protein with a reduced calorie diet without weight training may not help you gain muscle, it may help you maintain muscle while increasing fat loss.
A review of 20 studies involving men and women ages 50 years and older found that a high protein diet containing at least 0.68 grams per pound (1 gram per kg) led to more muscle mass retention and fat loss than a lower protein diet (11).
While protein needs differ depending on your age, health, sex, and physical activity level, consuming protein in the range of 0.450.73 grams per pound (11.6 grams per kg) of body weight per day can support muscle mass retention and fat loss with dieting (11, 12, 13).
For reference, the recommended dietary allowance for protein is 0.36 grams per pound (0.8 grams per kg) of body weight per day.
Exercise is the most effective way to encourage fat loss rather than muscle loss.
A review of 6 studies found that older adults with obesity who engaged in cardio and weight training at least 3 times per week while following a calorie-restricted diet retained 93% more of their muscle than those who did not exercise (14).
Certainly, exercise alone is an effective strategy to maintain muscle mass with dieting, but combining exercise with a higher protein intake may help optimize your results (10, 15).
The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend adults get at least 150300 minutes per week of cardio and muscle-strengthening activities that involve all major muscle groups (16).
To lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit. You can create a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories or exercising, but preferably both.
However, cutting your calories too much can lead to a greater loss of muscle rather than fat.
Instead, aim to moderately reduce the number of calories you consume by 500600 per day to minimize muscle loss while still facilitating fat loss (17, 18).
You can reduce the number of calories you consume by eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein foods, low fat dairy, and fewer sugar-sweetened products and beverages, processed meats, and fried foods (19, 20).
You can prioritize fat loss and maximize muscle retention by eating plenty of protein and exercising regularly alongside a reduced calorie diet.
Weight loss refers to a decrease in your overall body weight, whereas fat loss refers to weight loss that occurs specifically from losses in fat mass.
A body fat scale or skinfold caliper is more useful for monitoring fat loss than tracking your body weight alone.
Other simple ways to access fat loss include measuring inches or centimeters lost from your waist and hips and noting any changes in how your clothes fit around your waist.
Losing weight in the form of fat rather than muscle should be the priority given how important your fat-to-muscle ratio is to your overall health.
You can prioritize fat loss by eating plenty of protein, exercising, and moderately restricting your calories.
Excerpt from:
Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss: How to Tell the Difference - Healthline
Dangerous Side Effects of Losing Weight, According to Science | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

The health benefits of losing weight are almost too many to name. You'll feel better, sleep better, have more energy, and reduce your risk of disease and early death. But if you undergo dramatic weight loss, lose too much weight too quickly, or simply make the wrong food decisions as part of your plan, there's a good chance you'll experience some of the negative side effects of weight loss that you may not have seen coming.
After all, the loss of excess fat can have a considerate impact on your body, hormones, metabolism, mood, and even your relationship status. For theseand other potentially dangerous side effects of losing weightread on. And for some great advice for how to lead a healthier lifestyle starting now, make sure you're aware of the One Major Side Effect of Walking Every Day, Say Experts.
According to a study published in the journal PLOS One, though losing weight comes with undeniable physical benefits, the "effects on mental health are less straightforward." The researchers, from the University College of London, found that people who lost 5% or more of their body weight had an increased chance of reporting feelings of depression afterward.
"Resisting the ever-present temptations of unhealthy food in modern society takes a mental toll, as it requires considerable willpower and may involve missing out on some enjoyable activities," noted Sarah Jackson, Ph.D., of the UCL Institute of Epidemiology & Public Health Care, and lead author of the study. "Anyone who has ever been on a diet would understand how this could affect wellbeing."
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Many trendy weight-loss plans require you to slash entire food groups from your diet, which may also mean that you're robbing your body of some essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN, a sports dietitianwho works with the NFL's Kansas City Chiefs, calls this no-no "elimination without justification."
"Cutting out dairy without medical reasons, for instance, lowers your intake of calcium and Vitamin D," she says. "If you were eating yogurt and you suddenly stop, you're not getting as many probiotics for your gut."
Other examples include cutting out too many fats, which could reduce your lipid levels and decrease your body's absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, which adversely impact the health of your skin and hair. And if you're going vegan, you need to make sure you're finding ways to get more necessary protein into your diet. "Remember," says Bonci, "Putting just fruits and veggies on the plate may result in weight loss, but will not promote great health."
RELATED: The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now
Studies have shown that successful weight loss is actually easier for couples if they attempt to lose weight together. But, according to a study of 21 couples conducted by researchers at North Carolina State University, if one-half of a relationship loses weight and the other doesn't, it could negatively impact the relationship and potentially cause rifts that could lead to a breakup.
Another study, published in the journal JAMA Surgery, found that those who undergo bariatric surgery and lose weight are putting themselves at risk of breakup and divorce. "In addition to its association with obesity comorbidities," the researchers write, "bariatric surgery-induced weight loss is also associated with changes in relationship status."
If you're losing weight too fast, you could be losing the wrong type of pounds. "Calorie restrictive diets may cause your body to break down muscle for energy and fuel," Emmie Satrazemis, CSSD, a registered dietitian and nutrition director at Trifecta, explained to Healthline. If you're losing muscle, you're also losing one of your body's most effective calorie burners, so you're also raising your risk of gaining all of that weight back.
RELATED: 25 Best Foods to Eat for Muscle Definition and Toning
"Excessive or sudden weight loss can cause your periods to stop," writes the UK's National Health Service. "Severely restricting the amount of calories you eat stops the production of hormones needed for ovulation."
If this happens, says the NHS, you could be underweight, which is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of less than 18.5. If that's the case, you should seek out a dietitian for help putting weight back on safely and healthily.
Countless studies have shown that crash dietingAKA eating a really harsh, low-calorie dietsimply doesn't hold up over time. "If you go on a crash diet, you will lose the weight," says Rebecca Leslie, PsyD, MS. "But then you'll likely gain it back. There is even the chance that you will gain more weight back than you lost."
Since that's not your mission, here are some much more effective and lasting ways to lose weight, according to experts.
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Dangerous Side Effects of Losing Weight, According to Science | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That
Tammy Slaton Once Attempted Suicide: Here’s What Happened – TV Shows Ace

In addition to her struggles with weight loss, Tammy Slaton has also had an issue with suicide. It was in January of 2018 that the TLC personality became overwhelmed by her health ailments and her weight. It was during an interview withPeople Magazinejust before the release of 1000-Lb Sisterson TLC that Tammy got candid.
When TLC viewers first met Tammy and Amy Slaton, we learned they weighed just over 400 and just over 600 pounds. Amy made a huge strive to lose weight allowing her to have bariatric surgery. She, however, didnt listen to her doctor and became pregnant just months after the surgery. Unsurprisingly, her doctor became concerned she would just put the weight back on because of the pregnancy.
We also learned Tammy hadnt left her home in over six years. With the exception of going to the doctor. This isolation put her in a place of deep depression. The depression became too much. And, she did attempt suicide. Thankfully, she wasnt successful. Moreover, the suicide attempt seemed to be a real eye-opener for her. She didnt want to pass away at 35 or 40 years old after spending nearly a decade of her life never leaving her home.
Tammy and Amy Slaton had a rough childhood. Their mother worked multiple jobs just to pay bills. And, they could never afford truly nutritious food items. Their grandmother and father died when they were very young. The Slaton sisters grew up eating a lot of microwave meals because they were cheap. Fast food and canned goods were also a popular choice. And, then, the weight gain quickly became out of control.
Amy and her sister Tammy Slaton admit theyve been trying to lose weight since they were teenagers. But, they toldPeople Magazine nothing they tried worked out.
Becoming TLC personalities may have just saved the Slaton sisters lives. As far as we know, Tammy Slaton has not made another suicide attempt since 2018. They both head toward happier and healthier lives as Season 2 currently airs on television.
I can go to the store and not worry about my looks because I feel good about myself regardless of what other people say about me. Im beautiful the way I am. Amy Slaton doted toPeople Magazine.
Presently, there isnt a lot of information surrounding Tammy Slatons suicide attempt. Just that it happened in January of 2018. And, she didnt really talk about it until a year later.
Presently, things are pretty serious for Tammy Slaton as her doctor tells her she only has about five years left to live if she doesnt make drastic changes to her health. Fans hope Tammy will take things seriously as they want only the best for Tammy Slaton.
If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741.
Trisha Faulkner has been a freelance writer for a decade with a focus on news/reporting for the last three years. She enjoys writing about the Showtime series Shameless, CBSs Survivor, Netflix, TOWIE, and some entertainment/celebrity news. In her spare time, she enjoys raising awareness about autism and spending time with her two children.
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Tammy Slaton Once Attempted Suicide: Here's What Happened - TV Shows Ace
Bespoke nutrition and fitness: More than a fad, essential for mental health – Binghamton University

By Natalie Blando-George
February 09, 2021
Customized diets and lifestyle changes could be key to optimizing mental health according to Binghamton University researcher Lina Begdache, PhD 08, whose work was published in Nutrients in December 2020.
There is increasing evidence that diet plays a major role in improving mental health, but everyone is talking about a healthy diet, said Begdache, an assistant professor in the Health and Wellness Studies Division of Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences.
We need to consider a spectrum of dietary and lifestyle changes based on different age groups and gender, she said. There is not one healthy diet that will work for everyone. There is not one fix.
Lina Begdache is an assistant professor in Binghamton University's Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Image Credit: Jonathan Cohen.
She and her research team conducted an online survey to examine food intake, dietary practices, exercise and other lifestyle factors in these four subpopulations. Over a five-year period (2014-19), more than 2,600 participants completed the questionnaire after responding to social media posts advertising the survey. The team collected data at different timepoints and seasons and found important dietary and lifestyle contributors to mental distress defined as anxiety and depression in each of the groups.
Key findings of this study:
The study also found there were seasonal and geographic triggers that affect mental well-being.
Begdache and her team split the respondents into two age groups because human brain development continues into the late 20s. For young adults of both genders, quality of diet appears to have an impact on the developing brain.
Young adults are still forming new connections between brain cells as well as building structures; therefore, they need more energy and nutrients to do that, Begdache said.
As a result, young adults who consume a poor-quality diet and experience nutritional deficiencies may suffer from a higher degree of mental distress.
Age is also the reason high caffeine consumption was associated with mental distress in both young men and young women.
Caffeine is metabolized by the same enzyme that metabolizes the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen, and young adults have high levels of these hormones, Begdache said. When young men and women consume high levels of caffeine, it stays in their system for a long time and keeps stimulating the nervous system, which increases stress and eventually leads to anxiety.
This is an important finding, since young adults tend to consume high levels of coffee, energy drinks and soda, most of which are loaded with caffeine.
The team also split respondents based on biological sex, since brain morphology and connectivity differ between men and women. Put simply, the male brain is wired to enable perception and coordination, whereas the female brain is built to support analysis and intuition. Begdache and her team believe these differences may influence nutritional needs.
I have found it in my multiple studies so far, that men are less likely to be affected by diet than women are, said Begdache. As long as they eat a slightly healthy diet they will have good mental well-being. Its only when they consume mostly fast food that we start seeing mental distress.
Women, on the other hand, really need to be consuming a whole spectrum of healthy food and doing exercise in order to have positive mental well-being, she added. These two things are important for mental well-being in women across age groups.
While the research team didnt find many foods associated with mental distress in mature men, nuts were shown to have a positive effect on their mental health. Consuming nuts has been shown to strengthen the brainwave frequencies associated with different cortical regions in the brain.
Interestingly, men with a high level of education reported greater mental well-being than those with lower levels of education. According to Begdache, higher education improves brain efficiency and may alleviate the impact of age on brain function connectivity.
Education works the same way as exercise on the brain, Begdache said. Using your muscles causes the brain to release a growth factor that is the same one released doing cognitive functions.
According to Begdache, current recommendations for food intake are all based on physical health; there are no recommendations for mental health.
She hopes that will change and that her work will play a role in making those changes.
I hope to see more people doing research in this area and publishing on the customization of diet based on age and gender, she said. I hope that one day, institutions and governments will create dietary recommendations for brain health.
Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle and Mental Distress among Young and Mature Men and Women: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study, appeared in the Dec. 23, 2020, issue of Nutrients.
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Bespoke nutrition and fitness: More than a fad, essential for mental health - Binghamton University
Weight loss: Know major points of difference between the Vegan diet and the Mediterranean diet – Times Now

Weight loss: Know major points of difference between the Vegan diet and the Mediterranean diet   |  Photo Credit: iStock Images
New Delhi: We all understand the importance of a healthy diet for weight loss. While the main motive of a weight loss diet is to help us eat healthier, all diets are different and work on different principles. For instance, a low-carb weight loss diet works on the principle of calorie deficit, while a Ketogenic diet works on burning fat for energy.
Two diets that have recently become very popular for their multiple health benefits include the Vegan diet and the Mediterranean diet. While both of them have their own set of advantages, a recent study has said that the Vegan diet may be a better choice for weight watchers, as compared to the Mediterranean diet.
A vegan diet is more effective for weight loss and cholesterol control than a Mediterranean diet, a new study suggests.
The findings of the study have been published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. The findings suggest that participants lost an average of 6 kilograms on the vegan diet, compared with no mean change on the Mediterranean diet.
"Previous studies have suggested that both Mediterranean and vegan diets improve body weight and cardiometabolic risk factors, but until now, their relative efficacy had not been compared in a randomized trial," said researcher Hana Kahleova from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a non-profit organization in the US, reported IANS.
Researchers said that a low-fat vegan diet has better outcomes for weight, body composition, insulin sensitivity, and cholesterol levels, compared with a Mediterranean diet.
While both the diets are healthy, the following differences make them different from each other. These factors may or may not make the vegan diet a better choice for weight loss.
Mediterranean diet also consists of various foods that improve health. These include fatty fish, olive oil, among others.
Bottom line
A healthy, balanced diet, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle are more important than anything else when it comes to maintaining your weight. While diet choices have their pros and cons, just the diet cannot help you stay healthy if you do not find a balance, and take other factors into account.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.
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Weight loss: Know major points of difference between the Vegan diet and the Mediterranean diet - Times Now
The 3 nutrition rules professional athletes swear by that we can all use to eat healthier – Insider – Insider

Dr. Mike Molloy is a nutrition coach who has worked with professional athletes including Icelandic weightlifter and CrossFit athlete Sara Sigmundsdottir, CrossFitter and UK's fittest man Zack George, Brazilian goalkeeper Aline Reis, world judo champion An Changrim, 4th fittest woman on earth Haley Adams, and more.
From weight lifters to wake surfers and freeskiers to footballers, Molloy has helped a wide variety of professional athletes nail their nutrition so they can perform at their peak but also enjoy their lifestyle.
Many of the principles used by elite athletes apply just as much to the rest of us, and by learning from the pros we can all develop healthier eating practices and mindsets around food.
Many people presume elite athletes consume all sorts of supplements and follow peculiar food rules, but this isn't generally the case.
For the most part, athletes are focused on doing the basics really well: eating a high quality, balanced diet, consuming enough protein, and staying hydrated.
Read more: The UK's fittest man eats 4,000 calories a day. Here's what his diet looks like.
According to Molloy, it's a misconception that all professional athletes have private chefs (only the biggest stars do), so they're focused on complementing their training by minimizing processed foods, drinking lots of water, and sleeping well.
"Sleep and hydration might seem tangential to nutrition, but they are incredibly important for driving good nutritional behaviors," Molloy told Insider.
The difference between athletes and the average person is that their livelihood depends on their physical performance, and although that can be a motivator to eat well, we can all approach our diets that way.
Athletes are focused on eating for performance, rather than aesthetics.
"They aren't sitting there thinking, 'How can I be lighter and leaner?' they're focused on fueling their life, which is driven by performance," Molloy said.
Dr. Mike Molloy is is the founder of nutrition coaching business M2 Performance Nutrition. Dr Mike Molloy
And this mindset is a critical component for eating well.
"It's not restriction-based, it's goal-oriented. Not 'How can I eat as little as possible?' but 'How can I eat the right amount to fuel my training so that I'm energized throughout the day, not feeling sluggish, and I'm not hangry?'"
Depending on the athlete and the event, Molloy might ask one of his clients to really dial in their nutrition in the few weeks leading up to a competition, but the rest of the time, there are no foods off the table.
So yes, that means athletes eat pizza and ice cream too. And critically, they don't freak out about it, feel guilty afterwards, and fall into a binge-restrict cycle.
A post shared by Sara Sigmundsdottir (@sarasigmunds)
"It's not about never going out for dinner or never eating chocolate, we just build it into their routine," Molloy said."As serious as they are as athletes, it's not about being perfect."
He continued: "Maybe two months before their real peak of their season, that's when we start to really dial in as much as possible. Maybe the ice cream gets replaced with white rice or oats."
Read more: The 5 principles that helped Tia-Clair Toomey become the fittest woman in the world and how she trains to stay there
The approach taken by Molloy and these athletes is about creating long-term plans that work for their life, so no one is ever told they can't have pizza.
"If elite athletes are doing this and still able to perform at their best and train at their best, it's the same for the average person," said Molloy. "It's not about perfection, it's about progress."
Originally posted here:
The 3 nutrition rules professional athletes swear by that we can all use to eat healthier - Insider - Insider