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What Are Prebiotics? Benefits of Prebiotics – Runner’s World

Plenty of attention has been given to probiotics, and for good reasonthe beneficial bacteria in your gut has been linked to a range of benefits, from better immunity to deeper sleep to a sunnier mood. But increasingly, theres growing awareness that those good bugs can work even harder if theyre fed properly.
Enter prebiotics.
We spoke with Mary Purdy, R.D.N., dietitian and author of The Microbiome Reset Diet, and Sarah Berry, Ph.D., senior lecturer in the department of nutrition sciences at Kings College London, to find out what prebiotics are, how they can help with your running performance, and what the best sources are.
Prebiotics are plant fibers that arent digested by the body, so instead, they travel to your lower digestive tract, where they form a tasty buffet for your healthy bacteria, according Purdy. That makes your good bugs thrive and get stronger, as well as multiply, she says.
When that happens, those bacteria are better at digesting and breaking down food to make it usable as fuel for our bodies, she says. When certain bacteria consume the undigestible parts of the food we eatincluding prebioticsthey produce lactic acid, which supports digestion, and short-chain fatty acids, a substance needed by the cells lining your colon.
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If youre skimping on the healthy foods and not getting enough prebiotic material, it can lead to whats called dysbiosis, which is an imbalance in your gut microbiome. Short-term, that can kick off uncomfortable gastrointestinal issues, but longer-term, it might become chronic and lead to more serious issues like inflammatory bowel diseases, according to Purdy.
Dysbiosis can also have a ripple effect. Since gut health is crucial for your overall healthsuch as immunity, heart function, and brain healthbeing unbalanced for too long could lead to conditions like autoimmune disorders, obesity, depression, dementia, and type 2 diabetes.
Although regular exercise can help mitigate these risks to some degree, dysbiosis is likely to have a profound effect on athletic performance over time, Purdy says, since a diverse microbiome and an effective metabolism share a well-established link.
Individuals with a less diverse microbiome also tend to have more systemic inflammation, which and be linked to heart and joint issues, as well as insulin resistance and high cholesterol, Purdy says.
She added that the gut microbiome is also responsible for the synthesis of vitamins, such as biotin, B12, folic acid, thiamine, and vitamin K, which all play important roles in energy production, nerve function, and bone health. Without them, runners might find themselves feeling fatigued more quickly, experiencing more muscle pain, and dealing with joint issues, she says.
Its important to give your beneficial bacteria the best possible environment to thriveand thats where increased prebiotics come in.
Much like probiotics, you can find prebiotics in some supplement formations, but its best to get them from foods, Purdy suggests. That way, you can take advantage of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber that go along with whole-food options, as well as polyphenols (micronutrients in plant-based options that have antioxidants linked to an array of health benefits.)
Top choices for prebiotics:
If youre branching out into the less-familiar parts of the produce section, prebiotics are also abundant in Jerusalem artichokes, chicory root, dandelion greens, burdock root, jicama, and seaweed.
Playing around with a breadth of prebiotic options is useful for figuring out which options make the most sense for you, Berry says, since some of these foods can cause bloating and gas, or, more positively, can give you more energy and better bowel health.
The microbiome is unique to each individual, Berry says. Due to the personalized nature of your gut bacteria, a personalized approach to what you eat is the best way to positively impact your health.
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For maximum gut health, Purdy suggests adding choices that also take advantage of the other two bioticsprobiotics and postbiotics.
As the good bacteria in charge of balancing gut floraand reducing GI symptoms in marathon runners along the wayprobiotics are found in fermented foods like sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, kefir, and yogurt.
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When youve got your mix of prebiotics and probiotics right (when you have a happy gut), youll achieve a good blend of postbiotics, which include any material left over after the bacteria use what they need. Much like the other biotics, postbiotics play a significant role in supporting a healthy digestive system and enabling the microbiome to thrive.
You can increase postbiotics with the same type of foods used for probiotics, which means boosting your consumption of fermented options can be even more powerful.
In general, Purdy suggests, variety is key. Youd get bored eating the same meals all the time, and your gut bacteria are no different. They thrive with novelty, especially if fiber is involved.
Dont get too stuck on only one type of vegetable, one kind of nut, or one class of grains, Purdy says. Diversity of diet equals diversity of microbiome, which equals a happier, healthier you. Shoot for an array of color and texture and a mixture of foods each day that provide both fiber and a plethora of polyphenols, and your bugs will likely sing.
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What Are Prebiotics? Benefits of Prebiotics - Runner's World
Unhealthy Drinks That Cause Long Term Damage, According to Experts – Eat This, Not That

When it comes to getting healthier, most people start by scrutinizing what's on their plate. However, what's in your glass could be causing just as much damage to your overall wellbeing.
It's not just alcohol that can wreak havoc on your health, though. Many of the beverages you drink on a daily basis could be contributing to serious ailments, from raising your risk of type 2 diabetes to increasing the likelihood you'll suffer a broken bone.
Before you take another sip, read on to discover which popular drinks could be causing lasting damage to your body, according to experts. And if you want to get your meal plan back on track, start with The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.
While energy drinks may provide a pick-me-up when you're feeling sluggish, their high caffeine content may actually make your fatigue worse in the long run.
In addition to negatively affecting your sleep, caffeine "also inhibits the production of collagen in your skin, leading to premature skin aging with more wrinkles," explains certified nutritionist Ann Ramark of A Younger Skin. Looking for a healthier way to get energized? Check out What One Energy Drink Does to Your Body.
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That post-workout protein shake could be doing more harm to your body than good.Celine Beitchman, MS, director of nutrition at the Institute of Culinary Education, explains that the average personeven those who eschew animal productsgets ample protein from their diet.
"If you're overdoing protein every day it can overwork your kidneys too," Beitchman explains, noting that excessive consumption of protein can also lead to excess fat storage.
Soda's got a bad enough nutritional rap as it is, but drinking dark soda may have unintended consequences for your health beyond adding empty calories to your diet.
"The phosphoric acid in dark sodas makes them even worse for your health than clear sodas," explains Megan Wong, RD, a registered dietician with AlgaeCal. "Too much phosphoric acid can cause your bones to lose calcium, which is likely why studies have linked soft drink intake with decreased bone mineral density and higher risk of fracture."
While most unflavored seltzers have little in the way of nutritional content, some are a sneaky source of sodium, which can have serious consequences for your health.
"Sodium is a major nutrient of concern that increases your risk of hypertension and stroke," explains Beitchman. "Check your labels and choose the low or no-sodium options or make your own with a household maker." And if you can't get enough of the fizzy stuff, Here's What Happens To Your Body If You Drink Seltzer Every Day.
Just because it's got the word "fruit" in the name doesn't mean that juice you're drinking is healthy.In addition to being high in calories in and sugar, "Because it's in liquid form, fruit juice bypasses most of the digestive process and is absorbed directly into the bloodstream where it can cause blood sugar spikes and lead to insulin resistance," explains Heather Hanks, MS, a nutritionist with Instapot Life.
In its unsweetened form, certain types of tea can be a healthy source of antioxidants. However, sweet tea, which frequently contains huge helpings of sugar and caffeine, can have seriously deleterious effects on your health.
"If you drink too much [sweet tea], it can lead to headaches and problems with sleep," says Jay Cowin, a registered nutritionist with ASYSTEM. In addition to the large amounts of sugar found in sweet tea, which can lead to weight gain and increase an individual's risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a 2015 article published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that drinking a large amount of black iced tea may contribute to renal failure due to the excessive consumption of oxalate, an organic acid. But if you're eager to slim down, try The #1 Best Tea for Fat Loss, According to Nutritionists.
If you're drinking sweetened coffee, you may be getting more than the burst of energy you were hoping for.
"A large caramel Frappuccino can have around 500 calories itself. So you're filling yourself with added calories and can expect the sugar crash a few hours later," says Corwin. To learn about exactly what to avoid, check out theseThe Unhealthiest Coffee Drinks in AmericaRanked!
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Unhealthy Drinks That Cause Long Term Damage, According to Experts - Eat This, Not That
6 Tips to Lose Weight the Healthy Way – South Florida Caribbean News

It is easier to gain weight nowadays due to the fast-paced daily life we have been accustomed to. As we eat and drink on-the-go, most of the foods that we consume are not healthy or offer little nutritional value, and they only give us a huge amount of fats and calories. There are various ways and recommendations on how to lose weight all over the internet, but some of them may not be good for your health. Here in this article, we are going to provide some tips to help you lose those extra pounds while still staying healthy.
The benefits of fruits and vegetables are numerous and at the same time, they taste delicious. Theyre low in fat and calories but high in fiber, making them the perfect food choice for weight loss. The fiber in fruits and vegetables helps your body to flush out toxins and make you feel full. Fruits and vegetables also provide you with the essential minerals and vitamins that your body needs. Here are some of the best fruits and vegetables that can help you in losing weight:
Some may argue that breakfast is the most important meal during the day, and they could be right. Breakfast provides your body with the energy needed for the whole day and without it, you will most probably have additional snacks throughout the day. If you get the essential nutrients from your breakfast, you wont need bigger meals for lunch or dinner. There are several foods that are suitable for a healthy breakfast like eggs, which are full of benefits and can keep you full throughout the day. Other foods and drinks that you may have on breakfast include:
Weve heard about how sugar is bad for health and how it makes us gain weight, but sugar in liquid form is even more dangerous. Try to avoid sugary drinks like soda and fruit juices and instead, buy spirulina powder for your protein shakes or consume more nutrient-packed snacks that are beneficial to your body. Also, dont confuse thirst with hunger because sometimes all your body needs is a cup of water. Drinking water can boost your metabolism for 1 to 1.5 hours, and thats why its recommended to drink water half an hour prior to meals as an efficient weight-loss technique.
The idea of exercising every day can be very intimidating and tiring for some individuals. However, being active is different as you can do anything that you like to do as long as your body keeps moving. Exercising burns calories and helps greatly in losing weight. There are loads of exercise routines you can find that is suited to your needs like aerobic exercises, which are excellent for your physical and mental health as they help in losing belly fats and reduce anxiety and depression. Being active is essential for weight loss and here are some ideas that you can do to stay active without doing high-intensity exercises:
Smaller plates equal smaller portions, which means a lower intake of calories. Cutting down food portions takes time to get used to, so dont make drastic changes. After a while, you wont feel hungry after finishing your plate and you would be satisfied with the portion that you have. Chew your food slowly and stop eating before you feel full because the stomach tells the brain that its full after 20 minutes. Its all about planning your meals and counting your calorie intake to make this weight loss technique work. However, dont skip meals as the brain requires a regular supply of glucose throughout the day.
Protein is one of the crucial elements for weight loss. A high protein diet helps to improve metabolism and reduce calorie intake per day at the same time. Protein lowers the levels of hunger hormones in our bodies while raises the appetite-reducing hormones. Here is a list of protein-rich foods that you can eat throughout the day:
There are countless options out there to help you lose weight, and some of them are dietary while others include physical exercises. Making these tips part of your lifestyle will certainly improve your physical and mental health in the long run. Every habit is hard to start, but once you get used to it, it will become an essential part of your day. Weight loss takes time and requires a lot of patience. Be easy on yourself and dont expect an immediate change in your body. Remember that once you start this journey, you are already on your way to a healthy life.
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6 Tips to Lose Weight the Healthy Way - South Florida Caribbean News
Peanut butter and cholesterol: Is it healthful or unhealthful? – Medical News Today

Peanut butter is a popular spread that people use in many meals and snacks. It contains no cholesterol and is a nutritious option packed with protein and healthful fats.
Peanut butter also contains many nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, which can be beneficial to a persons health. However, there is conflicting information around whether it is a healthful foodstuff.
This article explores how peanut butter can affect a persons cholesterol, along with its health benefits and possible health risks.
Peanuts naturally contain protein, fats, and fiber. They also include a type of fat known as unsaturated fat, which health experts generally consider an important part of a balanced diet in moderation.
Peanut butter contains two types of unsaturated fat:
Monounsaturated fat: According to the American Diabetes Association, monounsaturated fats may reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels. High levels of LDL cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Polyunsaturated fat: As with monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats may also help reduce LDL cholesterol levels in a persons body.
Additionally, peanut butter itself does not contain any cholesterol.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), peanut butter contains fats in the following quantities:
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommend people get around 56% of their daily calories from saturated fat. Based on this guideline, a person who eats 2,000 calories per day may have approximately 13 grams (g) of saturated fat in their diet.
The AHA also recommend 2 tablespoons of peanut butter as a serving size.
When eating peanut butter in moderation and as part of a balanced diet, there is little risk to a persons health. People aiming to follow a healthful diet may wish to eat pure peanut butter, which contains no other ingredients.
Flavored peanut butter products can contain added sugar. Although foods with added sugar can be part of a healthful diet, it is best to limit the intake of this substance as much as possible for optimal health. Those who need to follow a low sodium diet should choose unsalted peanut butter when possible.
Learn more about the health risks of eating too much salt here.
Additionally, a 2-tablespoon serving of peanut butter has around 188 calories. For a person consuming 2,000 calories per day, this much peanut butter would be 9.4% of their daily calorie intake.
Those who eat more calories than they burn are likely to gain weight, which may lead to some people having overweight or obesity, potentially causing other health issues. It is important for a person to be mindful of what they eat and try to stick to a healthful, balanced diet.
When eaten in moderation as part of a balanced diet, peanut butter can provide many benefits.
According to the USDA, a 45 g serving of peanut butter contains 10 g of protein. It can be a suitable protein source for those following a plant-based diet, such as vegans or vegetarians.
Research shows a link between consuming nuts and peanut butter and a lower risk of certain cancers. For example, a 2017 study found that women who consumed more nuts and peanut butter had a reduced risk of certain types of breast cancer.
Peanut butter contains many vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are important for the body to function correctly.
Peanut butter is a good source of:
Due to its high amount of unsaturated fats, peanut butter may help reduce a persons LDL cholesterol levels. Having optimal LDL levels is linked with a lower risk of heart disease.
A 2015 study found that people who had a high intake of nuts may have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease mortality. The researchers also recommended peanuts as a cost-effective way to boost heart health.
Some research suggests that people consuming a meal with peanut butter had a lower blood glucose level than when they had the same meal without it. These results suggest that peanut butter may help improve blood sugar control, which is important for optimal health and disease prevention.
Peanut butter is full of fiber, fat, and protein, which can help make a person feel fuller for longer. This feeling of fullness could reduce a persons chances of snacking on less healthful foods.
A 2014 study found that people with type 2 diabetes who ate 46 g around 3 tablespoons of peanuts, peanut butter, or both, per day had:
A further study from 2019 discovered that people who had a higher intake of nuts had a reduced chance of having overweight or obese. The results suggest that nuts, although dense themselves, replaced other less healthful foods in the participants diet.
Although peanut butter contains both saturated and unsaturated fats, when eaten in moderation, it can have a positive impact on a persons cholesterol levels.
Peanut butter is high in calories and fats, and therefore if possible, a person should always eat it as part of a balanced and healthful diet. When people consume it in healthful proportions, peanut butter can offer many health benefits.
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Peanut butter and cholesterol: Is it healthful or unhealthful? - Medical News Today
What is GOLO diet and how it helps in losing weight easily? – Times of India

Unlike other fad diets GOLO Diet is focused on solid nutrition principles, which further helps in managing blood sugar levels and helps in weight loss.
In this diet the emphasis is majorly on the Metabolic fuel matrix, which makes it easy to follow and creates balanced meals by adding proteins, carbs, vegetables and fats.
In fact, one must eat as good as three meals a day with controlled portions and servings along with the suggested supplement intake.
Apart from that, the serving quantity can vary from 15grams to 85 grams depending on the food. Here are a few foods you can include while following the GOLO diet:
proteins, carbs, vegetables and fats. You should eat three meals per day and are allotted 12 standard servings of each fuel group per meal.
Here are some of the foods youre encouraged to eat: Spinach, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, zucchini,kale, arugula, broccoli.Olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, meat, poultry, seafood, nuts, dairy products. Lastly, berries, fruit, yams, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, beans, whole grains, etc.
However, before you switch to any diet, always consult your doctor for medical advice as the impact and effect of diet may vary from person to person.
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What is GOLO diet and how it helps in losing weight easily? - Times of India
This Is Actually The Worst Time To Be Eating Dinner If You Want To Lose Weight, According To A Nutritionist – SheFinds

One of the primary defining factors for healthy weight loss is what youre eating, but an unexpected element that may also dictate the success of your goals is when youre eating as well. A prime example of this is intermittent fasting, where you might fast for 16 hours and then only eat during an 8 hour window throughout the day. This pattern of eating has been shown to enhance weight loss and manage how many calories you consume to create a natural deficit.
However, just as eating in a certain window can improve your health, there are certain times of the day in which eating may actually make you less likely to lose weight. We asked a nutritionist to weigh in on the worst time to eat dinner if youre working towards healthy weight loss, and this is what she had to say.
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Although on some evenings you may be more inclined to eat dinner closer to bedtime to honor your hunger cues, nutritionist Lisa Richards warns that this may be working against your weight loss goals. When it comes to dinner time there reaches a point where a late night meal can cause more harm than good, regardless of your true hunger. Eating past eight o'clock in the evening can lead to an increase in weight and inches around your abdomen, Richards explains.
If youre waiting until you grow hungry to eat dinner and end up indulging after 8 pm, you risk storing your calories as fat as youre naturally approaching a more sedentary part of the day. Your activity level is significantly reduced after this time and you are less likely to burn off the calories you consumed, Richards says. Eating dinner earlier in the evening will allow you to burn off your meal as energy throughout the rest of your day, improving your chances of weight loss. It will also make you less inclined to overindulge than you would be if you dine later and are overly hungry.
Sleeping is another key player in healthy weight loss, and eating dinner too late may make it more difficult to get the good night you deserve. Timing is also important in regard to quality of sleep. Consuming foods that upset your gastrointestinal system or eating a large meal can make it difficult to fall or stay asleep, Richards warns. Eating earlier will not only allow you to maximize your energy levels, but will also improve your chances of a good night sleep which is vital for your overall health.
In order to achieve your most effective weight loss, its important to make sure that all of your habits align to help work towards your goals. Healthy meals are not the only factors that determine the success of your weight loss, and eating dinner earlier in the evening will ultimately allow your body to maximize its ability to metabolize food, as well as shut down in time for a good night sleep. If youve been struggling to lose weight although you feel like youre doing everything else right, consider moving up your dinnertime for better results.
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This Is Actually The Worst Time To Be Eating Dinner If You Want To Lose Weight, According To A Nutritionist - SheFinds
How weight gain over time may predict mortality – Medical News Today

Carrying too much body weight can lead to various health issues, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease.
A recent study examined how measuring an individuals BMI over time might help estimate their risk of disease and mortality later in life.
The scientists published their findings in the Annals of Epidemiology.
The impact of weight gain on mortality is complex. It depends on both the timing and the magnitude of weight gain and where BMI started, says Dr. Hui Zheng, the studys lead author and an associate professor of sociology at The Ohio State University in Columbus.
For the study, the researchers analyzed medical history data from the Framingham Heart Study (FHS), in which scientists tracked the health of three generations.
Removing the FHS participants with incomplete data left the team with 4,576 individuals from the original FHS cohort and 3,753 of the participants in the offspring cohort. The researchers further restricted their analysis to include only the individuals who were at least 31 years of age at the start of the study.
By 2011, 3,913 individuals from the original cohort and 967 individuals from the offspring cohort had died.
The researchers controlled for a variety of factors known to influence mortality, including smoking, education level, and sex.
After analyzing how the BMI of the participants evolved over the years, the researchers found that the older participants generally fell into one of seven BMI trajectories.
Among the second generation, however, there were just six BMI trajectories because few members of this group lost weight over the course of their life.
The researchers found that in both generations, those who had a healthy BMI early in adulthood and then gradually gained weight as they aged tended to live longer. However, this was only the case if they did not develop obesity.
The authors speculate that having a modest amount of extra body weight in old age may provide protection against issues such as nutritional deficiencies and loss of muscle and bone density due to chronic diseases.
Participants whose weight remained in the healthy range throughout their life had the second lowest mortality risk, followed by those who had overweight but stayed at that same weight over the course of their life. Next, came people with underweight and then, in the older generation, those who had overweight initially but lost weight as they aged.
The least likely to survive were people who had obesity in early adulthood and continued to gain weight.
The main message is that for those who start at a normal weight in early adulthood, gaining a modest amount of weight throughout life and entering the overweight category in later adulthood can actually increase the probability of survival, says Dr. Zheng.
The researchers found that the second generation developed overweight and obesity earlier in life than their parents.
The higher BMI trajectories in the younger generation tend to shift upward at earlier ages relative to their parents, Dr. Zheng says.
Due to medical advancements, the studys authors explain, people with obesity are more likely to survive now than they were in earlier decades.
However, Dr. Zheng cautions that this trend still has ramifications for society:
Even though the mortality risks associated with obesity trajectories have decreased across the generations, their contributions to population deaths increased from 5.4% in the original cohort to 6.4% in the offspring cohort.
The study supports the findings of a 2013 study by Dr. Zheng and others, which found that people who had overweight in their 50s but kept their weight relatively stable over the years were more likely to survive the next 19 years.
Now, with this study, Dr. Zheng says, we know more about weight trends earlier in life and how they are related to mortality.
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How weight gain over time may predict mortality - Medical News Today
Pilot study of time-restricted eating suggests further research warranted – Medical News Today

A small pilot study has shown that time-restricted eating appears to offer similar short-term results to other dietary interventions.
Researchers have conducted a pilot study with the aim of determining whether time-restricted eating (TRE) a type of diet that limits calorie consumption to a time window of about 8 hours a day warrants further research.
The study, which features in the journal PLOS ONE, found that TRE may have comparable results to other dietary interventions. Based on this, the authors conclude that it is worth conducting further randomized controlled trials to determine its effectiveness.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between 2017 and 2018, 42.4% of people in the United States had obesity. This prevalence represents an increase of close to 12% from 19992000.
The CDC describe a person as having obesity if their body mass index (BMI) a measure of body size based on a persons height and weight is 30.0 or above.
According to the CDC, obesity is associated with leading causes of death, such as diabetes, heart disease, various cancers, and stroke, as well as poorer mental health and a worse overall quality of life.
The CDC note that the causes of a persons obesity can be complex and interlinked. However, they point out that balancing the intake of calories against the calories burned through exercise is central to reducing excessive weight.
Clinicians have long recommended dieting changing the type and quantity of food a person consumes to those trying to achieve weight loss.
However, in a recent article, researchers have noted that different scientific societies have suggested numerous diets, with the recommendations changing over time. As a consequence, research determining the effectiveness of various diets is still ongoing.
Importantly, the researchers point out that an effective diet is not simply one that results in short-term weight loss. A diet also needs to be effective and tolerable in the mid-to-long term.
One aspect of this long-term effectiveness is a diets simplicity. If a diet is simple to adopt, it is more likely that a person will be able to adhere to it. It may also be easier to educate people about the diet in the first place.
The researchers behind the new study note that intermittent fasting has potential as a simple option. Intermittent fasting typically requires that people only consume calories within certain periods. This requirement makes it a straightforward diet to understand and means that a person does not have to count calories or limit themselves to permitted foods.
However, as the researchers note, there is limited research on intermittent fastings effectiveness in humans. The research that there is has tended to focus on a more severe fasting approach involving longer periods without food.
This more intense form of intermittent fasting may be difficult for some people to adopt or to follow for longer periods after any initial weight loss.
Instead, the researchers behind the present article looked at TRE. Rather than requiring multiple days of fasting, TRE restricts periods of calorie intake to a window of time during the day typically 8 hours.
The researchers ran a small 12-week pilot study to determine whether more substantial research on TRE diets is justified. During the study, the participants attempted to restrict their calorie consumption to an 8-hour window each day.
Between February and June 2018, the researchers enrolled 52 people. The participants were all aged over 18 years with a BMI higher than 30.0 (or above 28.0 if they had other comorbidities).
The team excluded people who had medical conditions that prevented them from fasting. As a consequence, they removed two people who were pregnant from the study, bringing its final figure to 50 participants.
The participants underwent an in-person baseline assessment, which provided the researchers with blood test results and weight and blood pressure measurements.
Each participant also filled in a questionnaire. They then had a 30-minute consultation with a member of the research team who gave them information on TRE.
During the study, the participants attended the research center at weeks 1 and 6 to discuss how they were finding the diet. The team also took additional body weight measurements at these points.
In addition to these in-person reviews, the participants had a weekly phone call in weeks 25, in which they answered questions about their adherence to the diet.
In week 12, the team took blood from the participants again, measured their weight and blood pressure, and asked them about their adherence to the diet and how they found it.
The researchers found that, on average, the participants were able to complete TRE on 5 or 6 days of the week.
Participants who were able to adhere to the diet for at least 5 days a week lost more weight than those who were not.
During the study, 26% of the participants lost at least 5% of their body mass.
Throughout the study, participants rated the diet as moderately helpful, on average, and 60% of participants said that there was a high chance they would continue with the diet after the study.
Furthermore, 69% of the participants said that there was a high chance they would recommend the diet to a friend.
When discussing their experience of the diet, the participants reported that social occasions that involved drinking or food were a key barrier to maintaining the diet.
Although the findings of the study are modest, they are broadly equivalent to previous research that the researchers had conducted looking at other intermittent fasting diets and the dietary advice that the United Kingdoms National Health Service (NHS) offer.
The study was limited in a number of ways, including having a small sample size and no control group.
However, its aim was not to demonstrate the effectiveness of a TRE diet but to confirm that there is enough evidence to warrant larger and more detailed studies.
As the researchers note, in these future studies, it will be crucial to determine the long-term efficacy of TRE.
See the article here:
Pilot study of time-restricted eating suggests further research warranted - Medical News Today
3 Overlooked Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Struggle to Lose Weight – Entrepreneur

February5, 20216 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Building an eight figure company from scratch. Climbing out of thousands of dollars of debt to build a dream business. Leaving a 9 to 5 job amid a crisisto create a lifestyle business, propelling you to travel the world.
These are a small sample size of stories that we hear and see daily from entrepreneurs of all walks of life and various ages. To be an entrepreneur entails risk-taking, internal fortitude, vision, and a commitment to consistency, amongst many other attributes.
Entrepreneurs are competent individuals who typically possess anabove-average intellect and have a handful of accomplishments under their belt.With these fantastic attributes and accomplishments, why are entrepreneurs prone to weight issues, rapidly aging skin, and declining health just like the rest of the population?
Perhaps the general population needs motivation, but that's far from the issue with entrepreneurs. Instead, entrepreneurs face a unique problem society rarely discusses: the dark sides of success.
Most of your favorite books, Instagram posts, and podcasts glamorize success. But very few pay attention to the struggles that entrepreneurs have on the other side of success.
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Entrepreneurs have a unique and demanding lifestyle. As you climb up success mountain, there are more responsibilities, more expectations, more pressure, more stress accumulating, which leads to less time available for yourself; thus creating a breeding ground for potential burnout and weight gain. Managing your weight isn't complicated, but it can be complex for manyreasons starting with three of the more overlooked ones below.
Whether it's scaling your business, getting it off the ground, or improving your revenue for the upcoming quarterworking harder (or as some call it "hustling") is a large piece of the puzzle to achieving those goals.
In business, more capital, more resources, and more people: your business exponentially grows. Business rewards those who never let off the gas pedal.
Unfortunately, for entrepreneurs, managing your weight doesn't operate under the same philosophy. Just throwing more darts at the board and keeping your foot on the gas pedal isn't going to cut it.
Managing your weight (and your whole human system in general) is a delicate pendulum that requires you to act as if you're a maestro. Just as the maestro has to find the right balance with his baton for each night's performance, you must find the right balance with your weight loss plan.
A maestro knows the right grip has arrived once there's cohesion within the team and its sound. You'll know it's the proper grip with your plan when there's little-to-no friction between your daily health habitsand entrepreneurial life.
Instead of just working harder and continually having your foot on the gas pedal through rigid diets and excessive exercise without any rhyme or reason, strategically hit the brakes and view your health and fitness as a symphony that requires precise actions to operate seamlessly.
In life, especially in regards to health and fitness, many have been taught how to shoot. But few have been taught how to aim. Precision matters for entrepreneursyou can't afford to guess and hope with your habits and strategies because you're living a time-constrained lifestyle.
From the way you sleep, talk, exercise, breathe, supplement, and eatprecision is necessary.
Before taking massive action and blindly jumping into a plan, adopt the mindset of slowing down to speed up.
Do some preliminary work by collecting initial data and numbers such as blood work and body measurements, and auditing your life to see which exercise and nutrition plan truly fits your individual life.
Being an entrepreneur is far from being a beautiful montage of sports cars, private jets, millions of followers eagerly awaiting your next product, and sold-out arenas to hear you speak.
The entrepreneurial lifeis a roller coaster filled with highs that are indescribable, but also, and unfortunately, lows that you wouldn't wish upon your greatest enemy.
Research published in the journalSmall Business Economicsfound that entrepreneurs compared to comparison participants and the general population were2x more likely to have depression, 3x more likely for substance abuse problems, 6x more likely for ADHD, and 11x more likely to havebipolar disorders.
The entrepreneurial life can be a vicious cycle of chronic stress left unmanaged that can lead to a suppressed immune system, sleep difficulties, and weight gain, amongst many other physiological effects.
Prioritize your mental and emotional well-being through activities such as meditation, consistentsleep, exercise, journaling, nurturing key relationships, and remembering that you are not your work.
Achieving your optimal weight and health is an inside-out job, not the other way around.
Related:Why YourMentalHealth Is the Key to Your Success in Business
To conquer any industry or build a business from scratch, you need ample amounts of ambition and motivation. This attribute is beneficial for your business but is counterproductive to managing your weight.
Perhaps you'll hit your goal weight, but what's next? You've completed the marathon, but what's after the finish line? Often, for goal-oriented people, the spark vanishes, and nothing is left but an empty void that unfortunately is favorable for old habits (and weight) to reappear.
Sure, you may start another plan, but a feeling of dj vu is likely to appear. Lose the weight, then gain it back is the yo-yo dieting cycle that many unfortunately find themselves running on.
Don't think of managing your weight as a goal; think of it as a process. Much like accounting, it requires day-to-day attention to detail.
Many entrepreneurshave thegoal of a million-dollar business, but a well-oiled sales and marketing process is what delivers the result. The goal is weight loss, but the process is your daily training, nutrition, and sleep habits.
The characteristics that make you a successful entrepreneur can unintentionally prevent you from matching your physical success with your financial success.
Weight management as an entrepreneur isn't a black and white issue because your life is far from a black and white story. Therefore, your approach to sustainable weight management must include the many nuances that come with being an entrepreneur.
Related:9 Proven Ways to LoseWeightfor Busy People
More here:
3 Overlooked Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Struggle to Lose Weight - Entrepreneur
PERRY BUCHANAN: An easy way to calculate your caloric needs – The Albany Herald

Im always amazed how easily we are led to believe in magic when it comes to losing bodyfat. The only scientifically proven method for losing weight involves burning more calories than are consumed. This fact, known as the law of thermodynamics, has been proven through rigorous studies. Pretty much all weight-loss diets cause a reduction in calorie intake. Many people get frustrated, though, because they get the math wrong when calculating their individual needs.
Calories are simply a way to measure energy. Your metabolism is the number of calories your body burns. Whether you want to maintain, gain or lose weight, you need to start by determining your caloric maintenance. To determine your daily calorie needs, you only need to calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR), and factor in your activity levels. To find your maintenance caloric need, you just need to follow these two steps:
Step 1 Calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR is the number of calories your body burns at rest to maintain vital functions of all organs and cells in the body. There are several formulas used for calculating BMR. Regardless of the formula you use, realize all formulas are merely educated guesses and give us a point to start. The most popular and oldest formula is the Harris Benedict formula. This formula estimates your BMR based on gender, age, weight and height. I wont bore you with the equation. Google Harris Benedict formula and try the math. Im going to give you a much easier formula if you want to simplify things. Just multiply 10 calories per pound of bodyweight for women or 11 for men. This quick estimate will most likely be within range of the Harris Benedict formula.
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We all have different energy needs, and those needs are influenced mostly by our body size, especially fat free mass and activity, not genetics. Two people identical in total weight, lean body mass, and activity levels will usually have close to the same BMR and total calorie expenditure. Most studies show a variance of only 3-8%, meaning our metabolism is not normally attributable to genetics.
Step 2 Calculate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). This is the total number of calories you expend each day when your activity levels are factored in and added to your BMR. Use the following appropriate multiplier:
Sedentary (desk job or no/light activity) BMR x 1.2
Lightly active (light exercise or sports 1-3 days/week) BMR x 1.375
Moderately active (moderate exercise or sports 3-5 days/week) BMR x 1.55
Very active (hard exercise or sports 6-7 days/week) BMR x 1.725
Extremely active (very intense exercise or sports daily and physical job) BMR x 1.9
It is usually better to start with a higher activity multiplier. You can always adjust down if need be, based on your progress.
Now that you have determined how many calories you need to maintain your bodyweight, you can determine your exact caloric need based on your individual weight goal. If your goal is to maintain your weight, youre done. With the two steps above, you have calculated the number of calories you need to maintain your bodyweight.
If your goal is to gain weight, you will need to consume additional calories. It is imperative that you do not increase your caloric intake too drastically, and that you incorporate strength training into your routine. This way, you will be more assured of putting on lean muscle weight, not just additional body fat.
If your goal is to lose weight, subtract 250 calories/day from your intake and burn an additional 250 calories per day with additional exercise. Since there are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat, this should assure you of an average of one pound of fat loss per week. If you have 25 pounds or more to lose, you can be more aggressive with your daily deficit, shooting for a two-pound-per-week loss. Once you lose 10 pounds or hit a plateau, it is a good idea to recalculate your caloric needs.
Keep in mind, the drop in calories will have an impact on your metabolic rate, energy and workout recovery. Its best to maintain your workout intensity to maintain your strength and lean muscle as you burn fat. Unless you have a lot of body fat to lose, a small or moderate calorie deficit will work best to allow a good rate of fat loss while maintaining lean muscle mass and workout performance.
Perry Buchanan, owner of PT Gym, is certified as an exercise physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine, and fitness nutrition specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Email him at Follow @ptgym on Twitter.
Read the rest here:
PERRY BUCHANAN: An easy way to calculate your caloric needs - The Albany Herald