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Ugly Side Effects of Eating Fast Food Every Day, According to Experts | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Every once in a while, when you're in a rush and have an intense craving, swinging by your favorite fast food restaurant is okay for your health. At most, celebrity chef and certified nutritionist Serena Poon suggests dining at one of these places once a month, and if you do, choose smartly. This means having a salad or fruit as a side, rather than friesor choosing one of these 20 Surprisingly Healthy Fast Food Orders. And saying 'no' to soda and selecting a bottle of water instead. You can also pass on condiments, which are packed with sugar and preservatives. But what if you're eating fast food every day, or on a more regular basis?
"Make one adjustment to your regular fast food meal at a time to avoid feeling deprived," Poon says. "Remember, foods that are fresh and as close to their natural state as possible will nourish and energize your body."
But, if you are chowing down at McDonald's, Taco Bell, Burger King, and other popular chains daily, your body will take a significant hit, and you may experience some ugly side effects of eating fast food every day. Here's how, and for even more healthy tips, be sure to check out our list of 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.
More often than not, most people order burgers, fries, and sugar-filled drinks when they go through a fast-food drive-thru. While it might taste great at the moment, this type of meal lacks the essential nutrients we need including fiber, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that a balanced diet would deliver.
"These nutrients are essential for both optimum health and protecting your body from inflammation and oxidation," Poon says.
In fact, according to The Cleveland Clinic, the five most inflammatory foods are added sugars, trans fat, red and processed meats, too many omega-6 fatty acids (found in oils), and refined carbsall elements of the meals you consume if you're eating fast food every day.
"This list of inflammatory foods is almost synonymous with what you'll find in one fast food meal," Poon adds.
In the short-term, Poon says chronic inflammation may cause discomforts such as pain, fatigue, depression, weight gain, and digestive problems.
"And, inflammation is also a known precursor to chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases," she says.
Here are 14 Tips to Reduce Inflammation to Lose Weight Faster, According to RDs.
Because they are laden with unhealthy fats, sugar, salt, and processed carbs, most fast food options are extremely high in calories based on volume, explains nutrition expert and author Dr. Josh Axe, D.N.M., C.N.S.
"This combination of ingredients and flavors really appeals to our taste buds and makes it easy to overeat, and we can wind up consuming upwards of 1,000 calories or more in one fast food meal," he says.
And worst of all, because the food didn't offer any nutritional value, you'll be hungrier faster, and you'll always want more. As Dr. Axe explains, the more someone is accustomed to eating highly-palatable foods that are processed, the more someone craves them, creating a cycle of unhealthy habits.
Instead, treat yourself to some delicious meals at home with our list of 100 Easiest Recipes You Can Make.
Poon says researchers have found that diets that are high in processed foods, which are the same type of diets if you are eating fast food every day, negatively affect the gut microbiome. While many people believe the gut is only about how we digest food, this delicate environment rules our immune system and our bodies' primary function. When we have an imbalance in this area, it can lead to irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, and obesity.
What's potentially even scarier, according to Poon, is research further shows that an imbalance in your gut microbiome caused by a diet that is high in sugar, fat and refined foods can become encoded in your DNA, passing on health risks to your children.
"Your gut microbiome thrives on foods that are rich in prebiotics, such as beans, bananas, Jerusalem artichokes, and oats and [probiotics] such as fermented foods as well as vegetables, fruit, fiber, and omega-3s," Poon recommends.
There's nothing worse when you can't seem to get comfortable, no matter what position you're in or what you're wearing. According to weight loss coach Stephanie Mansour, bloating is no fun for anyone, and fast food only makes this symptom exaggerated. Because these foods are incredibly high in sodium, which causes your body to retain water, you may feel swollen or bloated after eating a lot of fast food, especially after a few consecutive days of doing so.
"Some fast food meals contain half the amount of sodium you should have in one day, so you definitely should look out for this after eating fast food," she says.
In addition to pesky bloating, Poon says that regularly eating a high in sodium diet can lead to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, osteoporosis, and cancer. "Combining the effects of sodium overconsumption with the other deleterious effects of a fast food meal makes it difficult to find an argument for eating fast food at all," she warns.
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If you start to notice breakouts and rashes on your face or body after eating at a fast-food restaurant, you're not alone. Mansour explains that carbohydrates often cause acne due to the blood sugar spikes that occur after consumption.
"Because lots of fast foods are high in carbohydrates, it's important to understand the effects they can have not only on your internal body but on your skin as well," she continues. "If acne worsens, try cutting out some carbs."
But not all carbs are bad! It's just a matter of the types of carbs you consume. Incorporate these 9 Best Complex Carbs for Weight Loss regularly into your diet to feel full and satisfied.
Believe it or not, your one meal at a fast-food restaurant could send your macronutrients over the edge fast. As Poon estimates, one burger from a fast-food restaurant can contain about 30 grams of fat and 11 grams of saturated fat. A medium side of fries contains about 17 grams of fat and 3 grams of saturated fat. If you consume 2,000 calories per day, the daily recommended intake of fat is between 44 and 78 grams. The American Heart Association suggests that your daily limit for saturated fat at this average energy intake is 13 grams.
"By these calculations, one meal of burger and fries would easily set you over the recommended daily limit for saturated fat and well within your recommended daily fat intake," Poon continues. "Aside from contributing to overall weight gain, regularly eating a diet that is high in saturated fat can raise LDL cholesterol and increase your risk for heart disease and stroke."
Are you still looking for a quick meal on-the-go that doesn't require much effort? These 100 Best No-Cook Recipes of All Time can help you when you're in a crunch for time!
Read More..How Walking Every Day Helped This Guy Lose 300 Pounds –

In a new episode of the body transformation webseries Brand New Me, Frank Markosek from Illinois shares how he struggled with his weight and with over-eating for years. "If it had a dollar menu, I was there," he says, describing how he would eat fast food almost every day, and would frequently eat before bed.
At his heaviest, Frank weighed 557 pounds, and says that he would often put on a brave face for the sake of others, but was continually dealing with feelings of unhappiness. A turning point came during a friend's bachelor weekend in 2019, when Frank and his friends went to a hockey game, and he found that he couldn't sit comfortably in the stadium seat for longer than a minute because it was so tight.
"I remember getting up and crying my eyes out," he says. "I looked in the mirror and I said, do you want to live, or do you want to die?"
He knew it was time to finally make a change, and so he made a commitment to eating healthier, and started exercising. He originally set himself the goal of walking 10,000 steps each day, but soon found that walking was as good for his mental health as it was for his physical health, and he began to do it more and more.
"I love walking, I love the air, I love being outside, I love feeling free," he says. "I walk around a half-marathon total every day."
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During the filming of the episode, Frank reveals that he is now weighing in at 256 poundsa total weight loss of 301 pounds in under two years.
"I think I had to go through these struggles to finally figure everything out today," he says. "I feel like I have more control than I ever did before. You can fix your body all you want, but until you fix your head, you cannot maintain sustainability with weight loss. A lot of the mental aspect of it was me talking out loud about my past experiences; it helped me release all those feelings I had, but in a positive way."
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Want to Lose Weight by Running? Here Are 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid – Yahoo Lifestyle UK

Refinery 29 UK
Fate: The Winx Club Saga Season 1. Hannah van der Westhuysen as Stella, Eliot Salt as Terra, Abigail Cowen as Bloom, Elisha Applebaum as Musa, Precious Mustapha as Aisha in Fate: The Winx Club Saga Season 1. Cr. Jonathan Hession/NETFLIX 2020 Warning: Spoilers ahead for Fate: The Winx Saga finale A Fanatic Heart. Netflixs Fate: The Winx Saga series premiere, To the Waters and the Wild, churns out a lot of plot. There are the Burned Ones, the terrifying creatures living in the forest of Winxs principle dimension, Otherworld. There is the magical boarding school Alfea, which seems to be tied to a forgotten history of violent horrors. Since this is a Netflix teen show created by ex-Vampire Diaries writer Brian Young, there are also the friendships and crushes of Winxs core cast brewing on the horizon. But, at the centre of all these flights of fancy is the mysterious origin of Winx heroine Bloom (Chilling Adventures of Sabrinas Abigail Cowen), a teen girl who believed she was a normal human up until three weeks prior to the events of the show. Bloom isnt a regular girl shes an excessively powerful fairy and a changeling, as roommate Aisha (Precious Mustapha) informs her in Waters and the Wind. A changeling, as Aisha says, is a fairy baby that is taken to the human realm and swapped with a human baby. From the moment Aisha tells Bloom the reality of her situation, fans likely believe theyre in for a season of reveals about Blooms true lineage and the identity of her parents. This is not what happens. Instead, we watch Bloom grow into the kind of fairy who can wield ancient magic by sprouting actual fairy wings and killing Burned Ones through the sheer power of her fire without any serious explanation. For a moment, it seems possible Bloom is a descendant of the Aster Dell village, which was destroyed years earlier in the war against the Burned Ones. But the residents of Aster Dell were humans who practiced blood magic; Bloom is fairy through and through. As Winx villain Rosalind (Lesley Sharp) explains to Bloom, this means she was stolen as a baby by the blood witches. Blooms parentage remains wholly unexplored. Fate: The Winx Club Saga Season 1. Hannah van der Westhuysen as Stella, Abigail Cowen as Bloom, Precious Mustapha as Aisha in Fate: The Winx Club Saga Season 1. Cr. Jonathan Hession/NETFLIX 2020 This final, thudding twist creates a host of Winx questions that the series purposefully ignores in the final minutes of season finale A Fanatic Heart. Why did the Aster Dell witches steal Bloom in the first place? Is there any way to figure out Blooms ancestry now that she is an orphan? If Blooms parents are as powerful as has been suggested, shouldnt they have been able to find her in the human realm? What created Blooms connection to the Burned Ones in the first place? Throughout Winx season 1, I suspected we would learn Blooms pregnant mother was infected by a Burned One before giving birth (thereby passing some Burned One magic onto her child), but no such reveal ever came. When you zoom out on Winx season 1 which has a short six-episode season, in comparison to the usual eight to twelve episode order for most Netflix series you realise the fantasy adventure has many similarly unanswered questions. These are the ones keeping me up at night. What in the (Other)world is a specialist? Alfea is home to fairies and the very ripped warriors who help them in battle. Those warriors, like romantic lead Sky (Danny Griffin), are specialists. We are told specialists are not fairies. But Winx never explains what category specialists actually fall into in that case. Are they humans? Are specialists their own species? Are they half-fairy, half-human hybrids with a knack for big swords? Well never know. What are the Burned Ones? When Winx begins, viewers are told that the Burned Ones are the most dangerous threat in Otherworld. Unlike Game of Thrones, which extravagantly expounds on the mythology of White Walkers, Winx refuses to explain Burned Ones lore beyond mention of their cinder core or why the battle against them ramped up so intensely 16 years earlier. Its also unclear why Alphea, seemingly the premier fairy school in Otherworld, is smack in the middle of the Burned Ones hunting ground, barrier or no barrier. To make matters worse, Winx completely avoids considering the finale reveal that Burned Ones revert to human form once they are vanquished by Bloom. That means all the Burned Ones are normal people who have transformed into the creatures (likely against their will). Does Alfea only have three teachers? Alfea is posed as a leading supernatural educational facility, akin to Harry Potters Hogwarts. Yet even in times of crisis we only see three adults in the school: headmistress Farah Dowling (Eve Best), plant-based teacher/gardener Professor Harvey (Alex Macqueen), and specialist commander Saul Silva (Robert James-Collier). Is this trio teaching the hundreds of students at Alfea solo? If so, no wonder the school is falling apart. Fate: The Winx Club Saga Season 1. Eliot Salt as Terra in Fate: The Winx Club Saga Season 1. Cr. Jonathan Hession/NETFLIX 2020 Does Alfea have a single rule on the books? Throughout Winx season 1, Terra (Eliot Salt) repeatedly uses her earth fairy powers against her most irritating classmates. Are there no Alfea regulations that prohibit weaponising ones abilities to harm fellow students? Also, Bloom is allowed to tell her parents about her fairy powers and bring her friends to the truth-telling First World party. Does Otherworld really not have any laws about revealing its existence to pesky humans? On a related note: Are Blooms parents legitimately not upset to learn their daughter accidentally caused a near-fatal house fire with her surprise powers? Blooms mother (Eva Birthistle) is still covered in burns in the finale. What about Ricki! When we first meet Stella (Hannah van der Westhuysen), Blooms roommate/romantic rival and a literal princess, were led to believe she blinded her best friend Ricki for flirting with Sky. It is eventually revealed that Stella never intended to hurt Ricki the incident occured due to Stellas unstable magic. It was an accident. Stellas mother, the queen (Kate Fleetwood), created the blinding story as a show of force to cover up Stellas so-called magical weakness. We never see Ricki or find out how she is doing. Justice for Ricki! What does Aisha do all day when shes not trying to save Bloom? Because Winx season 1 really doesnt want to tell us. Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?Who Is Riverdale's New Big Bad, The Auteur?HBO Is Reviving Its Horniest ShowThis Is How The CAOS Cast Feels About That Finale
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Want to Lose Weight by Running? Here Are 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid - Yahoo Lifestyle UK
‘What to do when repeated weight gain is not good for the health?’ – Sidmouth Herald

How are the scales looking for you at the beginning of another year? Yes, me too. As ever, the pounds have piled back on. Despite many long walks, exercise just did not stand a chance against the volume of food consumed.
Luckily for me, and perhaps a little childishly, I have never really enjoyed the taste of alcohol, so other than a thimble of Amaretto into a Hot Chocolate, this has been, as usual, a pretty dry festive season for me. So, no weight gain from that. But the clue is in that word chocolate.
My love of the sweet stuff was always a challenge and some years ago I even wrote a book about it called Let Me Eat Cake in the hope that confession would be good for the soul.
By my late 40s I had realised that I simply ate too much of the stuff and thought that if I actively recalled all the sugary products I had ever consumed and looked at their history it might help me to break the habit or grow up, some might say. But rather than curing me of this lifelong near addiction to refined sugar products it ended up as a celebration of the incredibly creative ways mankind has found to invent new ways to consume them.
My problem was that while I could waffle pretentiously about the history of the Sacher Torte cake from Vienna, or how the Rum Baba was invented, I was just as entranced by the other end of the market, where lurked the diabolically brilliant invention of the Crme Egg. Fellow Crme Egg aficionados will already know that the season has begun, and that this supposedly Easter treat has been in the shops in volume since well before Christmas.
So, what to do when repeated weight gain is not good for the health? I have previously had good outcomes from things like the Cambridge diet where, for example, I once shed four stone in a few months. This really works for many, but with sugary sirens out there to tempt me after completing the diet it all piled back on again. My bad, others keep the weight off, and it can have amazing results for those entering Type 2 diabetes, for example, who need to shift weight fast.
However, in the last few months of biscuit-powered Zoom meetings I finally reached out for help to an old school friend who is a professional dietician, and he taught me two techniques that work to change your eating habits for life. He says that nobody but a saint can ever really give up for ever what they enjoy, and that we are programmed from the days of early man to consume all sweet foods in bulk when available which, back then, was not very often.
He works with two ideas. First, Green, Amber and Red food groups. The Green has lots of really welcome inclusions apart from vegetables. Full fat milk, for example, and cheese. Amber is for foods ok in moderation, but Red is for rare treats eg biscuits or chocolate. But the key is, those red treats are not banned for life. You just have to make them treats and not staples.
Second, intermittent fasting. There are a few ways to do this, but mine is to eat for only eight hours every twenty-four hours.
This is easily adapted to, and soon you find yourself having your first food at 11am and your last at 7pm. And extraordinarily, if you stick to this, and to green/amber/red scheme, you will lose weight sustainably. And if you crash off, as I have over Christmas, these simple approaches are there for you to pick up in the New Year.
Good luck to all fellow weight strugglers never too late to change habits. And at this time of year more than any, you are not alone.
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'What to do when repeated weight gain is not good for the health?' - Sidmouth Herald
How do binge eating and drinking impact the liver? – Medical News Today

A recent study that simulated a tailgate party found that eating foods high in carbohydrates while consuming relatively lower amounts of alcohol was associated with increased liver fat.
Tailgating refers to a social gathering where people serve and eat food from the back of a parked vehicle, often in the car park of a sports stadium.
Although this tradition has not been possible during the pandemic, some have continued the tradition virtually.
While tailgating can energize fans, it can also lead to excess eating and drinking, negatively affecting a persons health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend not drinking, or sticking to two alcoholic drinks or fewer a day for males.
To study the effects of overconsumption on the body, researchers from the University of Missouri studied bodily changes after a tailgate party. Their results appear in the journal Alcohol.
The researchers had several criteria for inclusion in the study. They focused on males aged 2152 years with a sedentary lifestyle, which involved fewer than 3 hours of aerobic exercise per week.
The participants all had overweight or obesity, with body mass indexes (BMIs) of between 25.1 and 51 kilograms per square meter, and a waist circumference of fewer than 55 inches.
Participants were nonsmokers, did not have diabetes, and had no preexisting thyroid or kidney conditions.
For safety reasons, participants needed to report greater than moderate alcohol consumption, which the study defined as consuming alcohol regularly in the past year.
However, people who drank heavily, such as more than 16 alcoholic beverages a week, were excluded from the study.
A total of 18 males completed the research study.
To prepare for the tailgate experiment, the researchers instructed the participants to swallow deuterium oxide, also known as heavy water, twice daily for 3 days before starting the study.
This allowed the scientists to assess rates of lipogenesis, the metabolic process of forming fat.
The scientists also told the participants to follow their regular diet but avoid alcohol the night before the study.
On the morning of the simulated tailgate, scientists checked each participants vital signs. They then took blood samples before providing them with a light breakfast.
The researchers also used dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry to measure body composition.
Around 11:00 a.m., researchers took another blood sample and then encouraged participants to eat and drink for the next 5 hours. The foods ranged from hamburgers to cupcakes. The team collected blood samples every hour and measured participants breath alcohol content every 30 minutes to ensure they reached the desired level of intoxication.
In addition, 14 of the 18 participants underwent magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) of the liver. This allowed the researchers to glimpse the level of fat in the liver.
After the 5-hour experiment, the participants stayed overnight in the research center. The scientists took a final blood sample in the morning, and each participant was given breakfast and discharged once their breath alcohol content was zero.
Before the experiment, 8 of the 18 participants kept a food diary for 3 days, which showed an average intake of 2,748 kilocalories (kcal) each day. On game day, people ate well beyond this, consuming an average of 5,087 kcal.
When broken down into food groups, 32% of the total calories consumed came from carbohydrates, 35% from fat, 10% from protein, and 23% from alcohol.
Alcohol consumption resulted in an average breath alcohol content level of 0.08 meaning participants were legally intoxicated in the United States.
When looking at changes in the body, the group showed a higher level of plasma insulin after eating and drinking. Lipogenesis also increased, but overall, the group showed no changes to liver fat.
Interestingly, in the present group as a whole, only the amount of alcohol consumed during [the 5 hours of eating and drinking] was found to be significantly related to the increase in percent [lipogenesis], write the authors.
However, when looking at each participant who completed the MRS scan, they found different responses.
Surprisingly, we found that in overweight males, after an extended duration of eating and drinking, metabolic responses were not uniform and revealed significant individual variation in the ability to protect the liver from nutrient toxicity, the authors write.
Nine participants showed increased liver fat, five participants showed lower liver fat, and one participant experienced no changes.
The individual responses prompted the researchers to divide participants into two groups based on liver fat changes. Those with lower liver fat were less likely to have gained their calories from food and needed more alcohol to reach the specified breath alcohol range.
Lipogenesis was the only predictor of the differences in liver fat between the two groups.
A potential explanation of these findings is that high carbohydrate consumption may have a greater impact on liver fat than alcohol in some people, says corresponding author Dr. Elizabeth Parks.
Given the high prevalence of overconsumption of food and alcohol in the U.S., further studies are needed in a larger population. Our goal is to understand differences between people in how they respond to excess food and alcohol. It may be that limiting meal carbohydrates may protect the liver.
Dr. Elizabeth Parks
A major limitation of the study was that it only included males. Not including females excludes a good portion of people that go tailgating.
Including females in the data analysis may have affected the results, as alcohol is processed differently in females than males. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, females have proportionally less water in their bodies, leading to higher blood alcohol levels following drinking.
As a result, females may become more intoxicated than males who consumed the same amount of alcohol.
Also, due to safety concerns, the researchers regulated how much participants could drink during the tailgating simulation. The authors acknowledge this may not reflect drinking behavior at tailgate parties.
For instance, a survey by the American Addiction Centers found that people watching American football consumed between 6.2 and 8.4 alcoholic drinks on average, well above the level that would result in legal intoxication, with the highest number of drinks consumed in the stadium parking lot.
The researchers wanted to understand the effects of excessive food and drink consumption, using a protocol that mimicked real-life. However, there are no prior academic studies that show the average food and alcohol intake of spectators before and after sporting events.
Also, there is a possibility that the researchers interpretation of excess eating was no different from the average diet of an individual participant.
The researchers findings suggest that where participants received their calories from influenced liver fat production.
Eating many carbohydrates appeared to have a greater impact than other food groups and alcohol on increasing liver fat.
Given the high prevalence of overconsumption of food and alcohol in the U.S., further studies are warranted to understand better the interactions between personal consumption habits and individual metabolic variation in handling excess nutrients, conclude the authors.
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How do binge eating and drinking impact the liver? - Medical News Today
Improve your chances of getting pregnant – Norton Healthcare

Improving your chances of getting pregnant starts with when you decide to try to have a child. Youre excited and ready to begin this part of your life.
Planning for your health and that of a baby begins right away.
Assure yourself that if its meant to be, it will happen, said Crista L. Hays, M.D., an obstetrician and gynecologist with Norton Womens Health in Shelbyville and St. Matthews. There are steps you can take to maximize your fertility and even improve it: Stop smoking, limit alcohol, reduce caffeine, dont over-do the exercise routine, work toward a healthy weight which may require weight loss, optimize any chronic medical conditions like diabetes and avoid exposure to toxins like pesticides, lead and dry-cleaning solvents.
Being overweight or underweight can affect ovulation, as can sleep disruptions from working at night. Maintain a healthy weight and make it a point to get enough sleep.
Talk to your womens health provider about your pregnancy plans. Your provider will check for conditions such as diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, obesity and other conditions that could complicate a pregnancy.
Your provider may suggest prenatal vitamins that include folic acid, which can help prevent some birth defects.
Discuss the family health history of both parents. Your provider may suggest genetic counseling to provide more information as you plan. Norton Childrens Maternal-Fetal Medicine offers preconception counseling at several locations across Kentucky.
Start this as soon as you can to collect as much data as possible. By logging your cycle, youll get a clearer picture of your unique patterns such as cycle length. Many womens cycles vary, and 28 days is simply whats typical.
Many apps are available to log menstrual cycles. The NortonBaby app offers a full range of pregnancy planning tools while keeping your health information private. Download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Expertise at more than 20 locations around Louisville and Southern Indiana plus specialists across Norton Healthcare working together for your care.
Learn more
Knowing your cycle helps plan for ovulation, but there are some clearer signs that your body is ready to release eggs for fertilization.
Vaginal discharge is a good indicator of ovulation. If your discharge resembles raw egg whites slippery and stretchy your body is ready to get pregnant. Dry or sticky discharge is a sign you arent ovulating, creamy discharge suggests ovulation may be coming, then wet and watery discharge is a sign that ovulation is very close.
Your basal body temperature taken while at complete rest at about the same time every day can signal ovulation. Progesterone, a hormone tied to ovulation, will cause your temperature to rise.
Ovulation test strips or ovulation predictor kits can detect ovulation my measuring luteinizing hormone in your urine. An increase in the hormone signals that ovulation could occur in the next 12 to 36 hours.
You use an ovulation predictor kit at home by holding the strip under your urine stream or dipping it in a urine sample. Results are visible on the strip within minutes.
None of these methods will be able to pinpoint ovulation with certainty.
Sperm can last in the uterus and fallopian tubes for a few days. Once an egg is released, it lasts 12 to 24 hours and perhaps up to 48 hours. The typical fertile window is about five days.
Use this timing to your advantage by having sex one or two days before ovulation.
Conception chances start rising seven days after your last menstrual period and reach the highest probability 15 days after your period, according to a study.
There are many myths around ways to improve chances of conception: moon phases, hormones out of balance and one of the most common that a woman needs to lie flat after sex or even elevate her hips to prevent sperm from succumbing to gravity. Any sperm that are going to fertilize an egg are in position almost immediately.
It takes a week or two after conception for your body to develop levels of HCG the hormone produced by cells that surround a growing embryo in your urine.
Other signs of pregnancy include a missed period, though there are reasons unrelated to pregnancy that can cause a missed period. Those include stress, diet and exercise.
Light bleeding or spotting is not unusual as the egg settles into the uterine lining. Contact your OB/GYN if there is more significant bleeding after a positive test.
Cramps as the egg implants in the uterine lining are not unusual. Also, your breasts may become tender or sore as blood flow increases to support the baby.
Stay positive. Remind yourself that if it didnt happen this time and if its meant to be, it will happen. Dont put the rest of your life on hold because you are trying to get pregnant stay busy and have fun. Its disappointing and worthy of grieving. Dont fight that, but dont let it take over.
If its been a few months of negative tests, consider making an appointment with your OB/GYN. At some point, it may be worth considering a fertility specialist. If you and your partner have been having frequent, unprotected sex for a year with no luck six months if youre over 35 you might start to ask about seeing a fertility specialist.
Stress can interfere with ovulation. Eat right, exercise and try not to allow trying to get pregnant to dominate your life. Stay in touch with friends and family, stay engaged with activities that take your mind off trying to get pregnant and maybe even find some new distractions.
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Improve your chances of getting pregnant - Norton Healthcare
Island Recs February adult fitness… – Journal of the San Juan Islands

Submitted by Island Rec
Adult online fitness classes are open for registration! Sign up for the whole month of February, or choose one of our drop-in options. To register, visit,
Gentle Yoga and Destress Live & On-Demand Combo NEW!
Join yoga teacher, Katerina Wen and learn ways to deal with stress and anxiety. A great class to help you to stretch out your body and maintain your health and mobility during this shutdown period. You will learn holistic ways to balance and harmonize your body and mind. The class will include step-by-step, easy to follow yoga poses, plus breathing exercises that will take you to a meditative, calming space.
Along with having access to Katerinas Live classes, you will then also get access to a video library of pre-recorded classes for the month, so you can practice whenever you like! Ages 18+ Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30-10:20am February $48 Drop-in, $6 (Drop-in option is live class only)
Gentle Yoga and Destress On-Demand Only NEW!
All the greatness of Katerinas Gentle Yoga class, but take the class whenever you want, and dont worry about missing live classes! Register for the month and receive a link to a fitness library. Take class when you want and as often as you want throughout the month. This library will have two classes loaded initially, and then as Katerina teaches live each week in the month, more classes will be recorded and added to the library. Ages 18-plus during the month of February for $34.
Balance and Stretch Live!
Balance is important for people of all ages. It tones the legs, strengthens your feet, ankle and knees. It is also one of the natural ways to firm up the core and your gluteus muscles. Balance is known as the best practice for fall prevention, but it is also a wonderful practice for your brain health. Stretching keeps your body healthy, increases the blood flow of your muscles, it is a great stress relief and can calm your mind. Ages 18- plus, from 11-11:45 a.m., Fridays during the month of January for $36 and $7 for drop-in classes.
Fit and Over 50! With Katerina Wen
Try a safe, heart-healthy exercise class to energize your active lifestyle from the comfort of your own home with Jacquelyn Reiff. This class will use easy to follow low-impact movements, increase core and muscular strength while working on balance and stretching to enhance your daily living. A chair can be used for standing support and exercises can be modified depending on fitness level. Register for the month and receive a link to an on-demand fitness library. Take class when you want and as often as you want throughout the month. For ages 50-plus during the month of February for $34.
Gentle Pilates & Movement On-Demand
This Pilates and Movement class is gentle and slow-moving with therapeutic influences. Emphasis will be on alignment, breathing, developing a strong core, and improving coordination and balance. This restorative class builds the basics that keep our backs strong and free of chronic pain and tension. It will require focus, attention, deliberate movement, slowing down, and staying aware of your body. Appropriate for all fitness levels and ages. This class is On-Demand. That means you will be given access to an on-demand fitness library of four classes. Take the classes, when you want, and as often as you want within the month. For ages 16-plus during the month of February for $34.
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Island Recs February adult fitness... - Journal of the San Juan Islands
Fitness with Averee: Weight transfer to create powerful tee shots –

By Averee Dovsek |January 29, 2021 1:00 pm
Many golfers lack proper weight transfer throughout their golf swings. Leaving too much weight on the back foot is a recipe for disaster when you have the intention to bomb your tee shots.
On the latest episode of Fitness with Averee, Averee Dovsek demonstratesa technique to help with proper weight transfer during the duration of your golf swing.
Combine what you learn through Fitness with Averee withSteve Scotts instruction seriesand you will be a different golfer on and off the course.
Watch this episode of Fitness with Averee above andcheck here for previous episodes.
Golfweeks latest newsletter, Get Better which covers everything Instruction and Fitness related, is up and running.Sign up for Get Better here.
Exercise, Fitness with Averee, Golf Exercise, Golf swing, Video, Instruction, Videos
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Fitness with Averee: Weight transfer to create powerful tee shots -
Gym owners say one-on-one training restriction mean fitness facilities won’t be accessible to most – Yahoo News Canada

The Canadian Press
The latest numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Canada as of 7:30 p.m. ET on Saturday Jan. 30, 2021. There are 775,048 confirmed cases in Canada. _ Canada: 775,048 confirmed cases (54,186 active, 700,920 resolved, 19,942 deaths).*The total case count includes 13 confirmed cases among repatriated travellers. There were 4,255 new cases Saturday from 63,080 completed tests, for a positivity rate of 6.7 per cent. The rate of active cases is 142.58 per 100,000 people. Over the past seven days, there have been a total of 31,990 new cases. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is 4,570. There were 141 new reported deaths Saturday. Over the past seven days there have been a total of 968 new reported deaths. The seven-day rolling average of new reported deaths is 138. The seven-day rolling average of the death rate is 0.36 per 100,000 people. The overall death rate is 52.47 per 100,000 people. There have been 17,433,226 tests completed. _ Newfoundland and Labrador: 408 confirmed cases (16 active, 388 resolved, four deaths). There were zero new cases Saturday from 506 completed tests, for a positivity rate of 0.0 per cent. The rate of active cases is 3.06 per 100,000 people. Over the past seven days, there have been a total of 10 new cases. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is one. There have been no deaths reported over the past week. The overall death rate is 0.77 per 100,000 people. There have been 79,795 tests completed. _ Prince Edward Island: 111 confirmed cases (six active, 105 resolved, zero deaths). There were zero new cases Saturday from 517 completed tests, for a positivity rate of 0.0 per cent. The rate of active cases is 3.76 per 100,000 people. Over the past seven days, there have been a total of one new cases. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is zero. There have been no deaths reported over the past week. The overall death rate is zero per 100,000 people. There have been 90,603 tests completed. _ Nova Scotia: 1,580 confirmed cases (11 active, 1,504 resolved, 65 deaths). There were three new cases Saturday. The rate of active cases is 1.12 per 100,000 people. Over the past seven days, there have been a total of 10 new cases. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is one. There have been no deaths reported over the past week. The overall death rate is 6.64 per 100,000 people. There have been 203,766 tests completed. _ New Brunswick: 1,230 confirmed cases (284 active, 928 resolved, 18 deaths). There were 12 new cases Saturday from 2,055 completed tests, for a positivity rate of 0.58 per cent. The rate of active cases is 36.34 per 100,000 people. Over the past seven days, there have been a total of 126 new cases. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is 18. There was one new reported death Saturday. Over the past seven days there have been a total of five new reported deaths. The seven-day rolling average of new reported deaths is one. The seven-day rolling average of the death rate is 0.09 per 100,000 people. The overall death rate is 2.3 per 100,000 people. There have been 140,624 tests completed. _ Quebec: 261,360 confirmed cases (14,509 active, 237,088 resolved, 9,763 deaths). There were 1,367 new cases Saturday. The rate of active cases is 169.21 per 100,000 people. Over the past seven days, there have been a total of 9,184 new cases. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is 1,312. There were 46 new reported deaths Saturday. Over the past seven days there have been a total of 326 new reported deaths. The seven-day rolling average of new reported deaths is 47. The seven-day rolling average of the death rate is 0.54 per 100,000 people. The overall death rate is 113.86 per 100,000 people. There have been 2,695,925 tests completed. _ Ontario: 266,363 confirmed cases (19,724 active, 240,494 resolved, 6,145 deaths). There were 2,063 new cases Saturday from 57,646 completed tests, for a positivity rate of 3.6 per cent. The rate of active cases is 133.87 per 100,000 people. Over the past seven days, there have been a total of 13,778 new cases. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is 1,968. There were 73 new reported deaths Saturday. Over the past seven days there have been a total of 392 new reported deaths. The seven-day rolling average of new reported deaths is 56. The seven-day rolling average of the death rate is 0.38 per 100,000 people. The overall death rate is 41.71 per 100,000 people. There have been 9,248,077 tests completed. _ Manitoba: 29,446 confirmed cases (3,526 active, 25,095 resolved, 825 deaths). There were 166 new cases Saturday. The rate of active cases is 255.64 per 100,000 people. Over the past seven days, there have been a total of 970 new cases. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is 139. There were two new reported deaths Saturday. Over the past seven days there have been a total of 28 new reported deaths. The seven-day rolling average of new reported deaths is four. The seven-day rolling average of the death rate is 0.29 per 100,000 people. The overall death rate is 59.81 per 100,000 people. There have been 452,461 tests completed. _ Saskatchewan: 23,626 confirmed cases (2,523 active, 20,803 resolved, 300 deaths). There were 260 new cases Saturday from 2,356 completed tests, for a positivity rate of 11 per cent. The rate of active cases is 214.05 per 100,000 people. Over the past seven days, there have been a total of 1,709 new cases. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is 244. There were eight new reported deaths Saturday. Over the past seven days there have been a total of 50 new reported deaths. The seven-day rolling average of new reported deaths is seven. The seven-day rolling average of the death rate is 0.61 per 100,000 people. The overall death rate is 25.45 per 100,000 people. There have been 335,890 tests completed. _ Alberta: 123,747 confirmed cases (7,530 active, 114,586 resolved, 1,631 deaths). There were 383 new cases Saturday. The rate of active cases is 170.29 per 100,000 people. Over the past seven days, there have been a total of 3,417 new cases. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is 488. There were 11 new reported deaths Saturday. Over the past seven days there have been a total of 106 new reported deaths. The seven-day rolling average of new reported deaths is 15. The seven-day rolling average of the death rate is 0.34 per 100,000 people. The overall death rate is 36.88 per 100,000 people. There have been 3,118,211 tests completed. _ British Columbia: 66,779 confirmed cases (6,039 active, 59,551 resolved, 1,189 deaths). There were zero new cases Saturday. The rate of active cases is 117.31 per 100,000 people. Over the past seven days, there have been a total of 2,768 new cases. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is 395. There were zero new reported deaths Saturday. Over the past seven days there have been a total of 61 new reported deaths. The seven-day rolling average of new reported deaths is nine. The seven-day rolling average of the death rate is 0.17 per 100,000 people. The overall death rate is 23.1 per 100,000 people. There have been 1,044,931 tests completed. _ Yukon: 70 confirmed cases (zero active, 69 resolved, one deaths). There were zero new cases Saturday. Over the past seven days, there have been a total of zero new cases. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is zero. There have been no deaths reported over the past week. The overall death rate is 2.38 per 100,000 people. There have been 6,273 tests completed. _ Northwest Territories: 31 confirmed cases (zero active, 31 resolved, zero deaths). There were zero new cases Saturday. Over the past seven days, there have been a total of zero new cases. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is zero. There have been no deaths reported over the past week. The overall death rate is zero per 100,000 people. There have been 9,064 tests completed. _ Nunavut: 284 confirmed cases (18 active, 265 resolved, one deaths). There was one new case Saturday. The rate of active cases is 45.74 per 100,000 people. Over the past seven days, there has been 17 new case. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is two. There have been no deaths reported over the past week. The overall death rate is 2.54 per 100,000 people. There have been 7,530 tests completed. This report was automatically generated by The Canadian Press Digital Data Desk and was first published Jan. 30, 2021. The Canadian Press
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Gym owners say one-on-one training restriction mean fitness facilities won't be accessible to most - Yahoo News Canada
EoS Fitness Takes the Stage with Two New Show Stopping Locations in Las Vegas – PRNewswire

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --For many Nevadans, the new year is a time to set ambitious fitness goals and EoS Fitness is making the first step of getting through the door easier for those in Las Vegas with the opening of two new High Value, Low Price (HVLP) gyms in the state.
The newest EoS locations in Las Vegas Tropicana Ave. and North Durango/I-215 opened their doors to the public just one week apart, on Weds., Jan. 20 and Weds., Jan. 27 respectively.
Located just minutes from Las Vegas Boulevard, the Tropicana Ave. gym located at 5035 W Tropicana Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89103, reflects the spirit of Las Vegas with its high energy pulse, as it's the first to sit in the heart of the city. The North Durango/I-215 gym located at 8615 W Rome Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89149, offers residents of North Las Vegas a brand-new facility, built from the ground up to showcase full-service, high value fitness options. Both locations feature memberships starting at just $9.99 per month.
Residents who call Las Vegas home benefit from the newest EoS locations boasting many elements that mirror the Las Vegas lifestyle, including exclusive member-only signature amenities and open doors 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
"For many people, the new year can be a time to not only reflect, but also look to the future and make changes to habits and routines to become the best versions of ourselves," said Rich Drengberg, CEO of EoS Fitness. "We're working hard to ensure our local Las Vegas area communities continue to have safe and reliable fitness options in convenient locations so they can focus on their mental and physical health."
Together, the two new Las Vegas locations represent more than 75,000 square feet of combined fitness space for residents to pursue their fitness goals. Each location features EoS Fitness signature amenities, including "The Yard," a green turf functional training area, the MOVEoS Cinema, where movies are played on a big screen during workouts with a range of cardio equipment, Olympic Lifting Platforms, a Recovery Room with massage chairs and the company's signature G-Fit group fitness and cycle classes, with a huge variety of in-person and virtual class offerings, from Dance Fitness Classes like Hip Hop Groove, Zumba, and EoS Dance Party, to EoS Boot Camp, Tabata, EoS Yoga, Core De Force, and Les Mills classes.
New members will receive a Complimentary one-on-one Welcome Workout with a personal trainer, and all members have access to the exclusive EoS mobile app with features like mobile check-in and account management, workout and fitness goal tracking, connectivity to fitness tracking devices, and the ability to join EoS challenges and contests for great prizes.
EoS Fitness prioritizes the safety and health of its members, team and community. To that end, EoS follows all guidelines set in place by the State of Nevada for the operation of gyms and fitness centers, including enforced social distancing, mask wearing, and installation of sanitization stations members use to sanitize equipment before and after each use. The company is also an active member of the Medical Fitness Association, a non-profit organization providing guidance to the fitness industry.
For more information or to join EoS Fitness, visit
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EoS Fitness Takes the Stage with Two New Show Stopping Locations in Las Vegas - PRNewswire