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Try This Six-Week Home Workout Routine to Build Better Fitness Habits – The Wall Street Journal

Ready to challenge yourself to feel healthier and stronger?
The Wall Street Journal is launching its first fitness challenge, a six-week program of step-up exercises designed for people of all ages and fitness levels who want to dial their workout up a notch. Developed by veteran NBA sports performance coach Arnie Kander, this six-week program doesnt require equipment and can be performed anywhere, even in small spaces.
Mr. Kander spent 25-plus years working with NBA teams, including the Minnesota Timberwolves and Detroit Pistons, for whom he still serves as a consultant. The 20-second step-up became his gold standard for measuring an athletes baseline level of fitness. Ive probably used it 1,000 times on professional athletes, he says. Its a very simple test that tells a lot about a persons movement efficiency, balance response, coordination, reflexes, ankle flexibility and core strength.
Last spring, he challenged friends. A 94-year-old woman he knows completed eight steps up and down in 20 seconds. A former professional soccer player achieved 41 steps, up and down in 20 seconds. Thats about two steps per second.
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Try This Six-Week Home Workout Routine to Build Better Fitness Habits - The Wall Street Journal
Town to host live remote exercise classes for seniors – The Island Now

North Hempstead has announced that Project Independence, the towns aging-in-place initiative, will be offering a slate of live, at-home exercise classes for seniors to be held over Zoom. The classes are being offered to senior residents free of charge.
Throughout the pandemic, our remote exercise classes have been extremely popular among our residents, said North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth. These classes provide our seniors with an opportunity to stay fit and active while remaining safe at home. These new live classes will add an interactive component which we hope our residents will enjoy.
The upcoming live Zoom class schedule includes:
Dance Fitness Mondays, February 1 to June 14 at 2 p.m. with Margaret Gatzonis (no class 2/15, 3/29 and 5/31)Fitness Wednesdays, February 3 to June 16 at 10 a.m. with Mike Mancini (no class 2/17 and 3/31)Yoga Thursdays, February 4 to June 17 at 11 a.m. with Suzanne Scalcione (even dates) and Rebecca Miller (odd dates) (no class 2/18 and 4/1)
In addition to the live classes, the Town is also broadcasting remote exercise classes on the Towns public access television station, North Hempstead TV (NHTV). Residents can watch these programs on channel 18 or 63 on Cablevision and channel 46 on Verizon FIOS. These programs can also be found online on-demand. For a complete schedule visit:
Registration is required, and spots are limited for the LIVE Zoom classes. Upon confirmation of registered participants will be sent a Zoom link. For more information or to register, please call 311.
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Town to host live remote exercise classes for seniors - The Island Now
Outdoor exercise in the time of COVID-19 – New Haven Register

LANSING From local restrictions on gathering sizes to gym closures, staying fit during the COVID-19 pandemic might seem a near-impossible task.
Despite that, many communities in Michigan and elsewhere in the Great Lakes region have adapted existing physical fitness programs and implemented new ones.
For example, given the limitations of indoor options, the San Francisco-based National Fitness Campaign has partnered with cities across the region to implement outdoor fitness courts, free outdoor gyms open all day every day. These gyms are on a cement area about the size of a basketball court, and offer the equipment and space needed for a full body workout.
Fitness courts can be digitally activated with a free app to teach safe workout techniques and training tools via a smartphone. That eliminates the difficulty of getting to a gym or athletic trainer due to the pandemic.
Whats built in a community has a huge impact on the choices people make, which has an impact on their health, says Trent Matthais, the executive director of the National Fitness Campaign.
According to a study in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, a positive relationship exists between physical exercise outdoors and psychological health, which is as important as ever in the midst of a pandemic.
Higher anxiety levels were evident generally for indoor physical activity, whereas lower anxiety scores were evident for outdoors, the study by British researchers said.
The FitLot outdoor fitness park, located on the Lansing River Trail near downtown Lansing, opened in 2020. Urban outdoor exercise opportunities are growing in number.
Many [fitness courts] have been able to stay open by following physical distancing guidelines, Matthais said. The fitness courts also offer contact free workouts, and seven separated fitness zones that each target a different part of the body.
According to Matthais, there are many options depending on what your safety or comfort level is as an individual.
Even with colder temperatures, Matthias has seen Midwesterners get out there in the winter and still work out.
According to Matthais, the National Fitness Campaign has seen the Midwest take the lead in the number of fitness courts established. Michigan is in the top five states nationwide, with Illinois, Indiana and Ohio trailing close behind.
Already-established outdoor activity centers, like Boyne Mountain Ski Resort, have implemented new protocols to allow guests to ski and snowboard as usual.
The resort in Boyne Falls hosts thousands of guests every winter who are eager to hit the slopes for outdoor exercise. As a result of the pandemic, director of marketing Kari Roder said it anticipates outdoor activity demand to surge as it did this summer.
Boyne Mountain has had to change or alter every way that we do business, Roder said.
We plan to limit capacity on the slopes via lift ticket sales for winter skiing and snowboarding, she said. We are limiting ski lesson group sizes and eliminating larger group programs for the winter.
Ski racing, another popular sport at Boyne Mountain, is operating under new protocols for running safe, socially distanced races.
The resorts buildings have mask, social distancing and sanitization requirements
And outdoors? We cant emphasize the importance of masking enough, but luckily, face masks and goggles are something skiers and riders are accustomed to and comfortable wearing already, Roder said.
Lillian Young writes for Great Lakes Echo.
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Outdoor exercise in the time of COVID-19 - New Haven Register
All welcome at ‘Consecration to St. Joseph’ in person and Zoom programs in Maine during Lent – Bangor Daily News

SACO In the Year of St. Joseph, two Maine parishes will present opportunities for anyone interested to learn more about the universal patron of the Church and his life of wonder and ceaseless love.
A similar program will be presented by St. Joseph Parish inEllsworthvia Zoom from Feb. 15 to March 19. The 33-day virtual program involves spending 20-30 minutes a day entrusting yourself to the saints paternal care then meeting as a group via Zoom once a week. To register for the program, contact Joe Losquadro atjoelos@roadrunner.comor 207-664-0964.
The programs are based onConsecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father, a book by Fr. Donald Calloway, a member of the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. The book and programs aim to help restore order to our Church and world through the potent, paternal intercession and care of St. Joseph. Each day is a self-contained experience that includes three parts: a short passage that teaches the meaning of part of the Litany of St. Joseph, a passage on one of St. Josephs wonders, and a prayer.
In December, Pope Francis proclaimed a special Year of St. Joseph, beginning on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 2020 and extending to the same feast this year (December 8, 2021). In his Apostolic Letter entitledPatris corde(With a Fathers Heart), Pope Francis describes St. Joseph as a beloved father, a tender and loving father, an obedient father, an accepting father, a father who is creatively courageous, a working father, and a father in the shadows. The letter celebrated the 150thanniversary of Pope Pius IXs declaration naming St. Joseph the patron of the Universal Church.
The Holy Father wrotePatris cordeagainst the backdrop of the pandemic, which, he says, has helped us see more clearly the importance of ordinary people who, though far from the limelight, exercise patience and offer hope every day. In this, they resemble St. Joseph, the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence who nonetheless played an incomparable role in the history of salvation.
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All welcome at 'Consecration to St. Joseph' in person and Zoom programs in Maine during Lent - Bangor Daily News
Colts to use soy-backed turf in new partnership with Indiana Soybean Alliance –

Colts to use soy-backed turf in new partnership with Indiana Soybean Alliance
January 22, 2021 By Amie Simpson Filed Under: Indiana, News, Soybeans
Soy-based turf will be used by the Indianapolis Colts during 2021 pre-game events and traveling education exercise programs.
The Indiana Soybean Alliance, with support from the United Soybean Board and SYNLawn Indiana, is partnering with the NFL team to highlight the benefits of soybeans and the soy checkoffs impact on building new markets.
United Soybean Board Director Jim Carrol says people will be able to learn about soy while enjoying a 40-yard dash across SYNLawn.
Theyre going to teach kids about their product, football, fitness, and what soybeans can do, he says. This is a product made with soybean oil and its renewable and I think it has great potential in other areas like this.
The Arkansas farmer says this partnership is an example of the many uses of soybeans.
This is just one of thousands of uses were working with as the United Soybean Board, he says. Were trying right now to get it into asphaltits supposed to do well in both warm and cool conditions. Also, were using it in biodiesel, were using it in paints and its also in tires, tennis shoes, and much more.
USB has collaborated with SYNLawn, through soy checkoff investments, to introduce the benefits of U.S. soy in other areas as well.
SYNLawn has installed 82 million square feet of U.S. soybacked grass across 200,000 installation in the United States and 19 other countries since 2008. SYNLawn says it will add more soy than ever to its products this year and will increase its use of soy by 10 percent.
USB farmer directors invest and leverage checkoff funds in programs and partnerships to drive soybean innovation beyond the bushel and increase preference for U.S. soy.
Audio: Jim Carroll
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Colts to use soy-backed turf in new partnership with Indiana Soybean Alliance -
Ripped30 brings its at-home workout programs to companies with employees working from home – Press Release – Digital Journal

Remote employees are now able to get fit from home with the power of Ripped30's high-intensity workouts with no equipment or weights.
The team behind Ripped30, the revolutionary at-home fitness program that doesnt require any weights or equipment, have launched their corporate fitness program to enable companies with remote employees to help their employees remain fit, healthy, and productive during these unprecedented times.
Ripped30s new corporate benefits program gives employers the opportunity to provide their employees with a fitness program uniquely catered to their work-from-home lifestyle and schedule by providing them with daily motivational videos, efficient and high-intensity 30 minute follow-along workout videos, and access to the nutrition plan developed by the Ripped30 team.
One of the biggest challenges facing remote workers right now is finding a way to stay sharp, focused, and productive even while theyre stuck inside, Ripped30 creator Marc Zimmermann acknowledged. Weve seen the power and impact Ripped30 has had on thousands of people from around the world, and were excited for employers to take advantage of a program that gives them the chance to spend fewer hours in the gym and more hours being at their best all through making their exercise as efficient and effective as possible in just 30 minutes from their own living room.
We know that active and healthy employees are happier, more focused, and more productive, which is why were so excited to partner with organizations who want to provide fitness benefits for their employees from the comfort of their own homes.
Coach Marcs unique approach to fitness and health has enabled thousands of people to get into the best shape of their lives through Ripped30, which focuses exclusively on exercises and movements that can be done from home with no weights or equipment. By focusing on 30 days of varied focus on strength, agility, the core, flexibility, HIIT exercises, and the famous Ripped30 challenges, participants get maximum movement and benefits in minimal time.
Companies interested in leveraging the power of Ripped30 for their employees can get in touch with Coach Marc and his team
Ripped30 burst onto the online fitness scene in 2020 with the launch of Coach Marcs 7 Day Fitness Challenge, where he gives a week of high-intensity workouts for free to challenge participants to see the benefits of just 11 minutes of exercise per day. By partnering up with companies whose employees are shifting to remote-based work and limited access to gyms, Ripped30 is replacing traditional gym-based benefits programs.
Media ContactCompany Name: Ripped30Contact Person: Marc ZimmermannEmail: Send EmailPhone: +1-808-285-0012Country: United StatesWebsite:
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Ripped30 brings its at-home workout programs to companies with employees working from home - Press Release - Digital Journal
The five components of any workout – VeloNews

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When you throw your leg over your saddle and head out on the road, you can use the following five variables to vary your training:
You can completely change the goal of a workout by changing one of its components. For instance, climbing intervals that are 10 minutes long can target two completely different energy systems if you simply change the cadence. Climbing at a cadence of 70 revolutions per minute (rpm) will tend to push an athlete to his or her climbing lactate threshold, which is slightly higher than the flat-ground lactate threshold due to an increase in muscle recruitment. I prescribe such workouts to develop an athletes ability to sustain prolonged climbing efforts in races. But if the same climbing workout is done at a cadence of 50 rpm, the tension applied to the leg muscles increases greatly, and the stress on the cardiovascular system decreases. I use slow cadence climbing efforts to increase muscle fiber recruitment and muscular power development. In this case, varying the cadence of an effort transforms a lactate threshold workout into a neuromuscular workout.
Intensity is a measure of how hard you are working. Because you dont have the time to ride moderately hard for 2 hours, youll have to achieve the necessary training stimulus in 1 hour. The impact of a workout is directly related to the intensity at which you are working, and over the years we have become increasingly precise in the methods we use to measure intensity.
Precision is important for success with many training plans, so I strongly encourage you to use a power meter, or at the very least a heart-rate monitor that records average heart rates for individual intervals.
Volume is the total amount of exercise youre doing in a single workout, a week of training, a month, a year, or a career. By definition, time-crunched means low volume, at least in terms of the hours you spend training. But theres another concept here that makes up for some of that reduction in volume, called volume-at-intensity. Classic endurance training programs contain a lot of hours riding at moderate intensity but relatively little time training at higher intensity. A time-crunched training program strips out most of the moderate-intensity volume of those programs but retainsand may even increasethe volume-at-intensity, especially volume-at-high-intensity. In a given week in this type of program, youre most likely going to spend more time riding at and above your lactate threshold power output than you have during any portion of your previous training programs.
Frequency is the number of times a workout is performed in a given period of training, whereas repetition is the number of times an exercise is repeated in a single session. Riding 3 interval workouts in a week is frequency; performing 12 intervals in a single workout is repetition.
Frequency and repetition are used to ensure the quality of your training sessions. For a time-crunched cyclist your goal is to accumulate time at high workloads, because thats the driving force behind the adaptations youre seeking. PowerIntervalsare maximum-intensity intervals, and their effectiveness is based on sustaining your highest possible power output for a given period of time.
Lets say you have a lactate threshold power of 250 watts and can sustain that output for 20 minutes. You might be able to average 300 watts for 3 minutes during a PowerInterval. Theres no point in trying to complete a 20-minute PowerInterval, because your output will fall so dramatically after the first 3 to 5 minutes that the rest of the effort will no longer be useful as a PowerInterval. It would feel ridiculously hard, and your heart rate would stay elevated, but once your power output drops that effort is no longer addressing the goal of a PowerInterval. On the other hand, if you do seven 3-minute PowerIntervals at 300 watts each, separated by recovery periods, youll accumulate 21 minutes at 300 watts. Thats why interval training is so effective for improving performance (and burning calories) compared to exercising at a steady pace or level of effort.
Frequency gives you another way to accumulate workload, by repeating individual interval sessions during a given week, month, or even year. For instance, a week with two PowerInterval workouts like the one just mentioned means 42 minutes at 300 watts. The harder the intervals, the more recovery you need before youll be ready to complete another high-quality training session. Fortunately, this works in favor of the time-crunched cyclist, because your relative lack of training time leaves plenty of time for recovery during the week.
This program has 4 workouts per week, and ideally youll be able to complete them on the days and in the order they are prescribed. However, because the workouts are so short and the overall volume is so low, you have a lot of latitude to move the workouts around without much risk of diminishing the quality of your training. In other words, if you have to pile 3 hard days of intervals back-to-back in 1 week, thats not ideal, but its probably better than skipping them because you couldnt do them on the days they were originally planned.
Workload is most accurately expressed as the number of kilojoulesthe amount of mechanical workyou produce during a training session. (How rapidly you produce those kilojoules determines your power output.) You can use terrain to manipulate your workload, and this is especially useful for time-crunched athletes, who need to get as much as possible done in 60 to 90 minutes. Riding uphill and performing efforts on hills can significantly increase the overall workload for your intervals, even though it can sometimes decrease the overall workload for the session (depending on the difference between the time spent at higher power outputs going uphill and the time spent going downhill at much lower power outputs).
Intervals on hills can also be useful for overcoming lagging motivation. Sometimes it can be difficult to push yourself through maximum-intensity intervals on flat ground, but a hill adds resistance and a visible challenge, and sometimes thats the little something extra you need to make your workout more effective.
Of course, training on hills is important from a specificity standpoint. If you want to go faster on climbs, it helps to train on them. But if you live in Kansas or some other pancake-flat location, increasing your sustainable power at lactate threshold is the number-one thing you can do to help you go faster uphill (when you finally encounter one). Riding into the wind can be a useful strategy for flatlanders who are training for hills; your power output and effort level will be high as you push against a significant resistance, which will likely bring your cadence down to the sort of levels you would use on a climb (80 to 85 rpm instead of 90 to 100).
I have long been a proponent of high-cadence cycling because it improves your ability to maintain high-power efforts longer by pedaling faster in a lighter gear. You can produce 250 watts at 80 rpm or 100 rpm, but your leg muscles will fatigue faster riding a bigger gear at 80 rpm than a lower gear at 100 rpm, even though the power output (wattage) is the same.
Power is a measure of how rapidly you can do work. Think in terms of moving a pile of 250 bricks in a minute. When you divide the work into smaller portions but get it done in the same amount of time, each load is lighter and you can move faster. If you double the number of bricks you carry in each load, youll move the pile in half as many loads, but youll have to work harder to move each load, and each trip will take longer.
As an endurance athlete, your training optimizes your muscles ability to work continuously and contract frequently. High-cadence cycling takes advantage of the adaptations already provided by aerobic trainingnot only muscular adaptations but also cardiovascular ones. Your heart and lungs dont fatigue the same way skeletal muscles do, and maintaining higher cadences helps shift stress from easily fatigued skeletal muscles to the fatigue-resistant cardiovascular system.
Learning to produce a lot of power while pedaling fast is also helpful when its time to accelerate. Youll improve in aerobic power, power at lactate threshold, and power at VO2max from the intensity of the efforts. Maintaining a higher cadence during the efforts will also give you the snap necessary to accelerate hard when its time to attack, cover an attack, bridge a gap, or just lift out of the saddle to get over a small climb with the group.
Keep in mind, however, that theres no magical cadence everyone should shoot for. Rather than aim for a specific number, I recommend athletes try to increase their normal cruising cadence and climbing cadence by 10 percent in a year (with the understanding that very few cyclists can ride effectively at sustained cadences above 120 to 125 rpm on flat ground).
Adapted fromThe Time-Crunched Cyclist, 3rd edition, by Chris Carmichael and Jim Rutberg, with permission of VeloPress.
The Time-Crunched Cyclist, 3rd Ed.
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The five components of any workout - VeloNews
You can be obese and healthy, but you can also lose weight in a positive way – Insider – INSIDER

Over the past decade, the body positive movement has grown, encouraging people to love themselves as they are, regardless of whether they fit a body ideal widely perpetuated in western society.
Body positivity (which was created by plus-size Black women and stemmed from the fat activism movement which gained momentum in the 1960s), anti-diet, "health at every size" there are various growing camps of people loudly championing self-love online.
At the same time, discussing weight loss has become somewhat taboo.
However, obesity is a huge problem globally. In September 2020, the rate of obesity in the US hit a new high of 42%, which is an increase of 26% since 2008.
As links between weight and risk of death from the coronavirus came to light last year, is it time we lifted the weight loss taboo? Insider asked an array of experts in medicine, nutrition, fitness, and self-love to weigh in on the matter.
As the body positivity movement has gained traction, it's become a trend that everyone, from influencers to glossy magazines, wants to capitalize on (a recent Vox article deemed this "performative activism.")
Cosmopolitan UK sparked a debate with a feature in its latest issue, titled "This is healthy," including 11 women of different body shapes and sizes.
A post shared by Cosmopolitan UK (@cosmopolitanuk)
British personal trainer James Smith posted a video on Instagram saying that, while he is against the idea that everyone should be shredded, "we shouldn't really be putting 'this is healthy' with an obese person, irrespective of how they feel about it. Because objectively, obesity isn't healthy. As a society, we shouldn't be shaming it, but we shouldn't be glorifying it either."
A post shared by James Smith (@jamessmithpt)
Alex Light, an anti-diet influencer and one of the women in the feature, said: "Health doesn't have a size, that's a diet culture lie. The right size for you is the one where your body is fed and nourished and you're not restricting."
A spokesperson for the magazine told Insider: "Our aim is to make sure that no-one feels excluded from the wellness space and we hope this issue will help inspire our readers, whatever stage of their fitness journey, feel empowered to make their mental and physical health a priority during this time."
Stephanie Yeboah, self-love advocate and author of "Fattily Ever After," told Insider she thinks it's strange when people say features like Cosmo's promote obesity, because "the whole point of the body positivity and fat acceptance movement is to include bigger bodies in the conversation around respect and desirability."
Stephanie Yeboah is the author of "Fattily Ever After." Stephanie Yeboah
Yeboah believes many fat people are scared to exercise in public because they are often shamed (which is increasingly publicized), and this the perception of overweight people is a big issue.
"I think, for the most part, people tend to disguise their fat-phobia as health concerns," Yeboah said.
This is a sentiment shared by Dr. Natasha Larmie, a British general practitioner who runs a blog about her own weight issues called The Fat Doctor. Larmie is against intentional weight loss. Instead, she encourages people to focus on healthy habits losing weight without focusing on it.
"In order to have good health physical, mental, emotional you have to do certain things," Larmie told Insider. "And one of those is, be careful about what you eat make sure you have good nutrition and a healthy relationship with food."
However, she accepts that obesity is an issue that needs tackling and encourages healthy behaviors that will, for many people, lead to weight loss.
Dr Natasha Larmie is a British GP who writes a blog called The Fat Doctor. Natasha Larmie
Last year, a meta-analysis of 72 studies concluded that abdominal fat was linked to higher mortality risk and obesity was linked to lower health-related quality of life.
According to Dr. Spencer Nadolsky, an American cardio-metabolic medicine physician specializing in obesity and lipidology, a person is metabolically healthy if they have zero components of "metabolic syndrome."
That means not having any of the following: low HDL cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, elevated waist circumference, elevated blood pressure, and elevated fasting blood glucose levels.
But it's not so straight-forward for people with obesity, he says.
"In general, obesity puts you at a higher health risk," Nadolsky told Insider. "If you take an obese person who's fit and has no metabolic abnormalities, they are still probably at a higher risk than someone who doesn't have obesity and is also fit."
Dr Spencer Nadolsky mainly works with obese and overweight patients. Dr Spencer Nadolsky
A post shared by Dr. Spencer Nadolsky (@drnadolsky)
Larmie agrees that "obesity is definitely a risk factor for disease" but said it's "not a proven fact that obesity causes illness."
The cause of obesity is complex, she said involving lifestyle, genetics, medical conditions, socioeconomic status, education, and poverty. "But those very things that are causing obesity are also causing illness, rather than the obesity itself causing illness."
A study published in October 2020 reinforces Larmie's view, finding that healthy lifestyle habits are linked to a significant decrease in mortality, regardless of BMI (body mass index generally a flawed concept on an individual level but still useful for assessing large groups).
And in January 2021, a new study reinforced research associating obesity with diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, but confirmed that keeping physically active, regardless of BMI, can lower your risk of all these.
Personal trainer Luke Worthington believes part of the problem is that a lot of knowledgeable trainers and media outlets are afraid to answer questions about fat loss or even acknowledge it as a valid goal.
"When someone has either identified themselves, or been advised by a healthcare professional, that their weight is a health concern (either too high or too low), it can't be the answer to tell them just to accept it. That can't be all that we do," he told Insider.
Luke Worthington suggests deload weeks. Luke Worthington
Worthington believes that instead of not talking about weight loss at all, we should be educating people on how it can be done safely and healthily. If qualified trainers and media organizations won't talk about healthy weight management, that's when things get dangerous, because people turn to unqualified and less knowledgeable influencers for the answers, he said.
Nadolsky agrees that the dichotomy seen on social media between both ends of the scale doesn't reflect reality for the general population.
Yeboah works out every morning for her mental health and to improve her strength and flexibility. She has exercised with the aim of losing weight in the past, but said it "triggered bad eating disorder habits."
"Focusing on a number, whether on the scale or your clothing size, leads to being obsessive with eating and exercise and losing the enjoyment," registered dietitian Shana Spence told Insider.
Shana Spence is a dietitian based in New York. Shana Spence
Some people try to lose weight, but are unsuccessful or regain it, and are psychologically harmed by the experience. Some become unhealthily lean. However, this isn't the case for everyone.
Personal trainer Emily Rickettsregularly posts on Instagram about how losing weight was linked to developing a healthier relationship with food and her body.
A post shared by EM RICKETTS (@emrickettz)
Similarly, personal trainer and fat loss coach Anjuli Mack told Insider that many of her clients fall in love with how much better they feel once they start making healthier habits, even if the initial aim was weight loss.
"A lot of the women who come to me are looking to increase their confidence," she told Insider. "Most of them start feeling better within the first two weeks and it's nothing to do with the scale, it's down to the foods they're putting into their body and the actions they're taking each day."
Anjuli Mack is a personal trainer in New Zealand. Anjuli Mack
Research shows that weight loss can improve various health markers, including risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, for overweight and obese people.
"Just because a lot of people fail doesn't mean you shouldn't try," Nadolsky said. "There may be individuals whom intentional weight loss will harm. There's the anti-diet crew on one side and the pro-weight loss on the other, but a good clinician knows that things really lie in the middle."
Ultimately, this is not a black and white issue. As personal trainer Ben Carpenter said in a recent Instagram video, health and weight aren't perfectly intertwined.
A post shared by Ben Carpenter (@bdccarpenter)
"We need to start getting used to the idea of body diversity," Spence said. "Everyone has a predisposed body type which is influenced largely by genetics. Not everyone is going to be thin, can be thin, or even wants to be thin."
Yeboah added: "It's important for people to know that you can be beautiful and attractive and worthy at any size."
However, we can talk about weight loss without reinforcing the message that a person's worth is based on a number on the scale.
You can be obese and healthy, but you can also lose weight and be healthy.
"Self-love is keeping yourself healthy," Worthington said. "It's not being so overweight that it compromises your health, or being so lean that you lose your periods. Not addressing issues at either extreme isn't self-love, it's self-neglect."
Read more:
Labeling foods with the amount of exercise needed to burn off the calories sends a terrible message about both eating and exercising
I lost 35 pounds in 6 months without going on a diet, and it taught me 7 lessons about eating for healthy fat loss
I've always worked out, but nobody took me seriously until I lost weight. Here's why being lean doesn't always mean being fit.
Excerpt from:
You can be obese and healthy, but you can also lose weight in a positive way - Insider - INSIDER
Nutritionists Say Eat These Winter Superfoods to Lose Weight – The Beet

New year, new goals. And if youre all aboard the Lets Shed the Pounds This Year Train, then its hard to do better than the vegan diet for healthy, sustainable weight loss. But if youre anything like us, sometimes you simply arent sure where to start. So many recipes, so many cookbooks...what should I add tomy grocery cart? Well, thats exactly why we reached out to the nutrition pros to cut through the noise and share the best foods in season during the winter to load up on if youre looking to lose weight. Read on, and please pass the pomegranate seeds.
Broccoli is a superhero when it comes to fighting inflammation and helping to prevent disease. It helps to fight against heart disease and cancer, lower cholesterol, decrease the risk of age-related eye disease, aid in healthy digestion, and it helps to keep the brain healthy, remark Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT & Tammy Lakatos Shames, RDN, CDN, CFT, aka The Nutrition Twins, authors of The Nutrition Twins Veggie Cure and co-founders of and the 21-Day Body Reboot.
In terms of crushing your weight loss goals, its also quite low in caloriesclocking in at only 31 calories a cup, and its 89% water say The Nutrition Twins. You could eat it and fill up on cups of it and still not gain weight.
Another cool thing worth noting? Recent researchfound that the phytochemical, sulforaphane found in broccoli (and especially broccoli sprouts) gives metabolism a boost by activating brown fat cells and also undoes the damage of high-fat food on your gut microbiome to help reduce inflammation and stop weight gain, say The Nutrition Twins.
Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, a plant-based registered dietitianand owner of Plant-Based Eatsin Stamford, CT, loves using ginger in warming winter recipes, and were totally with her. I find that by flavoring recipes with it, I can often reduce or even eliminate added sugar in a recipe because it has such a strong flavor, she says.
Personally, were big fans of drinking hot water with ginger to promote weight loss and boost immunity. And its amazing how a fast weeknight dinner like a quick tempeh and veggie bowl over brown rice gets a gourmet boost by the addition of fresh sauted ginger.
Trista K. Best, MPH, RD, at Balance One Supplementsattributes two main characteristics that make sweet potatoes an ideal weight-loss food: First, sweet potatoes are high in fiber. Fiber works towards weight loss efforts in two ways. One, fiber leaves the consumer feeling fuller which makes them less likely to overeat at mealtimes and eat less between meals. Two, fiber removes toxins from the body and keeps the bowels regular, both of which reduce inflammation and weight, she explains.
Need more convincing? Second, the low-calorie content of sweet potatoes makes them a great addition to just about any meal when trying to lose weight. They are extremely versatile and add robust flavor to many recipes, she continues.
Try one of our tuber go-to's: Sweet Potato Mexican Fry Up.
These fruits are a winter nutrient powerhouse, according to The Nutrition Twins, who also note that they contain potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that have been shown to do everything from reducing inflammatory activity in breast cancer cells, colon cancer cells, and the digestive tract; reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity; fight against bacteria and fungus; improve memory, and possibly even protect against Alzheimers disease.
Pomegranate arils are a deliciously sweet-tart burst of flavor that explodes in your mouth as you bite into them, they comment, noting that theyre an ideal no-sugar-added treat to indulge in when you have a craving for sweets. We love that our clients happily choose them over typical sugary, calorie-dense snacks like candy bars and cookies, which helps them to achieve their weight loss goals. One cup of pomegranate arils contains seven grams of fiber, which helps you stay fuller for longer, making them an ideal add-on to oatmeal, salads, or your favorite plant-based yogurt.
The Nutrition Twins have eaten one of these winter superfoods nearly every day since high school, and were betting adding apples to our daily routine would do a whole lot of good for us, too. Researchshows that their flavonoids are great for your heart since they lower blood pressure and the risk of stroke while their soluble fiber helps to lower blood cholesterol, all important factors when it comes to heart health. They also protect against cancer, promote the good bacteria in the gut, and protect against mental decline. Several studies show apples can benefit weight loss, The Nutrition Twins say of the 80-calorie fruit (thats assuming your serving size is one medium-sized apple)
Bonus: One study showed that people who started their meal with apple slices ate 200 calories fewer than people who didnt! they add.
Gorin often incorporates these wholesome nuts when cooking in the winter, and based on the nutrition profile she shared with us, were pretty impressed: Pistachios are a good source of plant protein and fiber and about 90% of the fats found in pistachios are unsaturated, for a trio of nutrients that may help keep you fuller longer, she says.
If youre snacking on pistachios, you get even more weight-management benefits. A preliminary studyin Appetite found that people eating in-shell pistachios consumed 41 percent fewer calories than people snacking on the shelled version.
Best praises butternut squash for both supplying 40% of the daily vitamin C recommendation and 100% of the daily requirement for vitamin A in one serving. These two nutrients are just the tip of all that butternut squash provides, but are possibly the most important for its ability to boost the immune system, says Best. Additionally, with nearly three grams of fiber per cup, butternut squash is a good source of fiber, and with fiber intake linked to dropping weight, its a solid choice for a side dish or snack (try it roasted with cinnamon!) if youre hoping to slim down.
Butternut squash is versatile and can be used to enhance a wide variety of dishes and boost their nutrient content, she adds. Well, were sensing this creamy vegan butternut squash soupin our near future, dear readers.
More here:
Nutritionists Say Eat These Winter Superfoods to Lose Weight - The Beet
The One Hot Drink You Should Have Every Morning To Lose Weight In 2021 – SheFinds

Adding in anti-inflammatory and metabolism-boosting ingredients into your diet can be an effective way of speeding up weight loss. One of the easiest ways to start reaping the benefits of these ingredients is to add a hot drink to your morning ritual. Green tea, in particular, is a popular choice for the early mornings since the caffeine can also help you wake up.
Keep reading for one popular green tea recipe thats the perfect hot drink for a diet-friendly morning.
Add this to your diet to help with your skin, bones, and joints
What You'll Need: water, green tea bags, lemon, fresh ginger, ground cayenne pepper, cinnamon, turmeric, raw honey
Full Recipe: Everyday Eileen
Green tea is full of antioxidants and can be a healthy addition to any diet. Additionally, green tea has weight loss benefits for those who want to drop a few pounds.
According to Healthline, "Green tea extract can aid weight loss by increasing the number of calories your body burns through thermogenesis."
READ MORE: Why People Who Add This Spice To All Their Meals Never Gain Weight
The other ingredients in this hot drinkrecipe--ginger, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and turmeric--have their own anti-inflammatory benefits with potential to speed up weight loss.
READ MORE: The One Hot Drink You Should Have Before Breakfast To Burn More Calories And Lose Weight Fast
One wrote, "I just made this with a couple of table spoons of fresh ginger, a sprinkle of cayenne, juice of two lemons, and ten tea bags. Simmered it all in a tea pots worth of water. Then, I put it in a pitcher and added enough filtered cold water to make a gallon. Spicy and delicious!"
Another reviewer gave it five stars, commenting, "Lovely. One of our favorite drinks, anytime of the year. I dont use teabags ever, so we either make it with loose green tea or matcha."
READ MORE: These Are The Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Can Eat Non-Stop, According To Health Experts
See the original post here:
The One Hot Drink You Should Have Every Morning To Lose Weight In 2021 - SheFinds