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Accommodating the Flexitarian Diet – Progressive Grocer

In the fast-food world, McDonalds has said that it will test a plant-based burger called McPlant in key markets this year. This move follows successful plant-based rollouts from Burger King and Dunkin.
An emerging product segment that may pick up steam in 2021 is plant-based seafood, as this category is still relatively new but speaks to both health and sustainability concerns.
New York-based Gathered Foods is already seeing success with its Good Catch Plant-Based Tuna, now being sold in tuna aisles at 6,000 retail locations in the U.S. market.
While our target consumer is the flexitarian, weve seen great success with both natural food retailers and more conventional food stores, explains Christine Mei, CEO of Gathered Foods.
The company is now moving into new seafood categories, as it introduces New England Style Plant-Based Crab Cakes, Thai Style Plant-Based Fish Cakes and Classic Style Plant-Based Fish Burgers. Its frozen entres and appetizers are crafted from a proprietary six-legume blend (peas, chickpeas, lentils, soy, fava beans and navy beans) that provides plenty of protein and helps the company create a texture that mimics the flakiness of seafood, according to Mei.
Meanwhile, were starting to see plant-based meats marketed as ingredients, providing consumers the option to add more meat alternatives to their own recipes. In 2021, we expect to see a growing demand in the meat alternative space for flexible, convenient formats like crumbles and shredded meats, which lend themselves to a variety of uses in the kitchen, from stir-fries to sandwiches to tacos, observes Ana Ferrell, VP of marketing for Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), based in Chicago. In fact, our research finds that 41% of U.S. consumers are interested in trying alternative shredded and pulled meats.
In the alternative dairy category, Ferrell anticipates key growth in plant-forward cheeses, alternative dairy foods and beverages, and blended proteins such as almond and coconut drinks.
As an ingredient maker itself, ADM provides responsibly and sustainably sourced ingredients, including plant proteins with a clean taste and neutral flavor, according to Ferrell. She also notes that ADM is seeing a lot of potential in blending animal and plant proteins to develop more nutritious products.
While the future looks bright for plant-based foods, there may be a few hurdles to overcome. Dasha Shor, global food analyst and registered dietitian at Chicago-based market research firm Mintel, says that in her view, plant-based alternatives must address taste and texture to become more mainstream. The success of the meat alternatives comes from meeting consumer expectations for meatier flavor and texture profiles, she observes. However, manufacturers will be challenged by consumers about the high use of additives in meat substitutes in order to mimic the taste and texture of real meat. The next frontier of plant-based innovation is addressing consumers concerns around the level of processing, number of ingredients and overall healthfulness of plant-based meat substitutes.
In just one example of a supplier reformulating its products, Beyond Meat is launching new versions of its plant-based burger early this year. The El Segundo, Calif.-based company says that its two new iterations will feature lower saturated fat and overall fat, fewer calories, and B vitamins and minerals comparable to the micronutrient profile of beef.
Not surprisingly, retailers are capitalizing on product innovation by adding more plant-based products to their private label portfolios, which conveniently provide their shoppers more affordable options. Cincinnati-based Kroger took the lead by launching its own dedicated brand, Simple Truth, in 2019. Last October, the national retailer expanded the line to include an impressive 75-plus items, ranging from the Emerge Chickn line of patties and grinds to nondairy cheeses and oat milk ice cream.
Private label is presenting a sizable opportunity, affirms Emma Ignaszewski, corporate engagement specialist at The Good Food Institute (GFI), a nonprofit based in Washington, D.C. At least 30% of consumers who tried new private label products during COVID-19 plan to stick with them.
Kroger has also been experimenting with merchandising strategies in the plant-based space. The retailer worked exclusively with PBFA in a three-month study that ran from December 2019 through February 2020 across 60 test stores in three states, in which Kroger placed plant-based meats in a dedicated 3-foot set within its meat departments. Across test stores, plant-based meat sales increased an average of 23% compared with the control group
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Accommodating the Flexitarian Diet - Progressive Grocer
OPINION: New Year’s resolutions stemming from toxic diet culture have to end – Arizona Daily Wildcat

Welcome to 2021. The year is off to an exciting start, with a vaccination program struggling to get off the ground and a president facing a second impeachment after inciting a domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol. After a year that saw Americans eating and drinking more to cope with isolation, loss and almost ubiquitous uncertainty, a New Year's resolution to be healthier is perhaps more relevant than ever.
The cascade of advertising for the latest exercise and diet programs is spreading like wildfire online, and the ever-present promises of a slimmer body by the summer vacation season are especially powerful given that the beach may be the first place many of us gather again once we are vaccinated and a return to normal(-ish) has begun. As desperate as any of us are to come out of isolation healthier and fitter than we went in, it's time to ditch the archaic, problematic and ineffective approaches we have taken to fitness and health resolutions in favor of something that might actually make us happier and healthier humans.
In 2021, as well as every year for more than a decade, the most popular New Years resolutions in the U.S. are related to health and self-improvement. The two most popular involve losing weight and exercising more regularly. These resolutions arise from the combination of a culture that prizes unrealistic bodies, reveres dieting and restrictive eating and ignores basic principles of human psychology along with a piling-on of guilt by the same media that preaches the delights of holiday booze and indulgent meals. There is nothing wrong with a desire to lose weight after a month of eating delicious food at gatherings (or alone on the couch this year), nor is it problematic to spend the 15 minutes it takes to sign up for a gym membership. What is an issue is the culture that tells would-be exercisers and weight-losers that what they should want is bulging muscles and six-pack abs in the case of men and a waist that needs a caliper to measure if you are a woman. Despite what the fitness industry will have you believe, none of these things have even the most distant relationship to physical health. What they do cause is a great deal of emotional and psychological pain for millions of Americans who fail to meet unattainable and unhealthy standards.
Something diet culture and fitness regimens ignore is that the best source of information we have for how much and what we should be eating and how much and how we should be exercising isnt an influencer, a chart or a calculator website. It is, rather, our bodies. Our stomachs are excellent at telling us how much we need to eat, our muscles and joints provide reminders to rest and our brains and bodies make it abundantly clear when its time for bed. Putting on an alarm and getting out the door for a jog is usually a healthy way to start your day. When you are doing it because someone on Instagram told you that fasted cardio is the secret to sustainable weight loss despite the fatigue you feel in your legs well past the point of being "warmed up," its not just unpleasant, its unhealthy.
For all the posts about motivation, consistency and grinding through the hard work on [insert your social media feeds resident pro athlete/fitness influencer]'s page, elite athletes spend most of their time resting and taking advantage of the most advanced recovery technology available, not working, studying or parenting or all three in the case of the real superheroes.
At this point, I want to explain that in addition to a student, a columnist and an editor, I am an elite endurance athlete recovering from an eating disorder. In the spring of 2020, I was under crushing pressure both from myself and from the content I consumed on social media that resulted in disordered behavior and a decline in my physical and mental health. On the outside, I was tan from hours spent training in the sun, with veins rippling under my skin and a body closer than I ever imagined to ripped or beach-ready, as popular media would put it. On the inside, though, my muscles were constantly struggling to recover. My body was slowly falling apart. I spent mornings staring down at a scale or into the mirror. I weighed everything I ate on a scale and whether I went to bed satisfied or in tears was solely a function of whether I had eaten more or less calories than I had budgeted for any given day.
I was lucky to have a family and friends to support me in coming to terms with the decline my health was undergoing, and excellent mental health professionals to assist me in my recovery. I dont offer my own story for the sake of your sympathy as readers, but rather as a plea to choose goals that prioritize health and happiness over rigidity and unrealistic standards. Counting calories or following a routine that a buff 20-something tells you is the way to look like them are apparently simple paths to a societally manifested ideal of health. They are often impossible, usually unhealthy and almost always ineffective. Instead, search for goals that give you a body and a mind capable of experiencing your world with joy.
More to come on how to actually structure these goals and avoid the slippery slope to disordered ideas and behaviors.
This article is the first for a column I will be writing for the Daily Wildcat this year focused on both health advice and ideas I have come by through experience as an athlete, as well as critiques of the ever-changing culture around diet, exercise, food and health. I am not an expert in nutrition or exercise science, but I have worked with experts and all advice I offer will be based on current science, which will always be referenced and linked. I look forward to continuing my journey as a human being seeking health and happiness this year, and I am grateful for the opportunity to inform/entertain/comfort/humor/outrage all of you.
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Aidan Rhodes (he/him) is the assistant editor of the Opinions desk. He is a journalism major from Flagstaff, Arizona. He is a passionate chef, athlete and writer.
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OPINION: New Year's resolutions stemming from toxic diet culture have to end - Arizona Daily Wildcat
Mat Fraser Told Stefi Cohen What He Eats to Be the ‘Fittest Man on Earth’ –

Mat Fraser held onto his title of "Fittest Man on Earth" for another year in October 2020, when he won the annual CrossFit Games for the fifth year running. In a recent conversation with powerlifter Stefi Cohen on her YouTube channel, Fraser spoke about how his diet plays an important part in his overall fitnessand why he doesn't believe in cheat days.
While plenty of other CrossFit athletes might have those defined six-pack abs, Fraser says his nutrition has never been about eating to look a certain way. "My previous sport was weightlifting, all I cared about was being strong, not looking strong," he says. "When I got into CrossFit, I never cared about looking fit as long as I was fit."
He adds that he has found that a higher percentage of body fat can have some benefits when competing, and that this "extra cushion" can be an advantage when it comes to longer events. "By day three or four, these guys that have these incredible abs, they don't have the fuel."
During the periods when he is preparing for a competition, Fraser rarely has an appetite, and has to force-feed himself so that his body is able to recover during his intense training. "If I have a 90-minute training session, I have a pile of Snickers next to my bike and I'm just piling them in," he says. "I'm taking in a huge amount of calories in liquid form, in Gatorade, just slugging it down. Just carbs, carbs, carbs. Is it great for my performance? Absolutely, I feel great, I recover off that, but what's it doing for my body composition? For 99 percent of people, that's why they're working out, they want to look better in day-to-day life."
He adds that his go-to foods during competition are all about packing as much fuel into his body as possible: breakfast burritos, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, rice bowls with meat and vegetables and then calorie-loaded meals at night such as tacos, cheeseburgers, and pizzas.
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When asked about his favorite cheat day meals, however, he says he doesn't really do them, preferring to incorporate sensible amounts of treats into his everyday routine. "I struggle with moderation, it's either all or nothing," he says. "I have two chocolate truffles every night. And that for me is my treat, that's what I look forward to... I don't cut out sweets altogether, I just try to have one or two a day."
However, when the competition season is over, all bets are off. "As soon as the gains are done, I go overboard," he says. Once a year for a couple of weeks, I'll just binge." Then there'll come a stage where his body naturally starts to crave salad after being loaded up with so much sugar and salt. "I get excited from wanting to eat healthy again."
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Mat Fraser Told Stefi Cohen What He Eats to Be the 'Fittest Man on Earth' -
Asia and the Pacific regional overview of food security and nutrition 2020: Maternal and child diets at the heart of improving nutrition – World -…

UN agencies warn economic impact of COVID-19 and worsening inequalities will fuel malnutrition for billions in Asia and the Pacific
Child and maternal diets particularly vulnerable
20/01/2021, Bangkok, Thailand The economic impact of COVID-19 on the worlds most populous region is threatening to further undermine efforts to improve diets and nutrition of nearly two billion people in Asia and the Pacific who were already unable to afford healthy diets prior to the pandemic, says a new report published today by four specialized agencies of the United Nations.
The report, Asia and the Pacific Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2020: Maternal and Child Diets at the Heart of Improving Nutrition found that 1.9 billion people were unable to afford a healthy diet in this region, even before the COVID-19 outbreak and the damage it has since caused to economies and individual livelihoods. The report was published jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the United Nations Childrens Fund, the World Food Programme and the World Health Organization.
Due to higher prices for fruits, vegetables and dairy products, it has become nearly impossible for poor people in Asia and the Pacific to achieve healthy diets, the affordability of which is critical to ensure food security and nutrition for all and for mothers and children in particular.
Food prices and available incomes govern household decisions on food and dietary intake. But the outbreak of COVID-19 and a lack of decent work opportunities in many parts of the region, alongside significant uncertainty of food systems and markets, has led to a worsening of inequality, as poorer families with dwindling incomes further alter their diets to choose cheaper, less nutritious foods.
Making nutritious foods affordable and accessible
More than 350 million people in the Asia and the Pacific were undernourished in 2019, or roughly half of the global total. Across the region, an estimated 74.5 million children under 5 years of age were stunted (too short for their age) and 31.5 million suffered from wasting (too thin for height). The majority of these children live in Southern Asia with nearly 56 million stunted and more than 25 million wasted. At the same time, overweight and obesity has increased rapidly, especially in South-Eastern Asia and the Pacific, with an estimated 14.5 million children under 5, being overweight or obese.
Poor diets and inadequate nutritional intake is an ongoing problem. The cost of a healthy diet is significantly higher than that of a diet that provides sufficient calories but lacks in nutritional value, showing significant gaps in the food system to deliver nutritious options to all at an affordable price. These costs are even greater for women and children, given their added nutritional needs.
The report calls for a transformation of food systems in Asia and the Pacific, with an aim to increase the affordability of, and families access to, nutritious, safe, and sustainable diets. Nutritious and healthy diets need to be accessible to everyone, everywhere. To ensure that happens, the report recommends integrated approaches and policies are needed. These steps are vital to overcome unaffordability issues, and also to ensure healthy maternal and child diets.
Improving maternal and child diets requires strengthening vital systems
Nutrition is vitally important throughout a persons life. The impact of a poor diet is most severe in the first 1000 days, from pregnancy to when a child reaches the age of 2. Young children, especially when they start eating their first foods at 6 months, have high nutritional requirements to grow well and every bite counts.
Mainstreaming nutrition-focused behaviour change campaigns throughout these systems should lead to greater knowledge uptake and sustainability of behaviours helping people to achieve healthy diets.
Education on what constitutes a healthy diet and how to create hygienic environments at home, in schools and in the community, together with investment in girls education and infrastructure that underlies good water, sanitation and hygiene practices, are critical.
Therefore, providing a nutritious, safe, affordable and sustainable diet for all requires coordinating with partners in the Food, Water and Sanitation, Health, Social Protection and Education systems, to collectively create an enabling environment.
Greater attention is also needed to operationalize national policies and plans to improve the delivery of health services for maternal and child diets and good nutrition outcomes. Services to improve the diets of mothers and young children should be prioritized as part of the essential package of health services needed to address undernutrition, overweight and obesity and to achieve universal health coverage.
In the meantime, social protection efforts can protect and stabilize incomes and improve access to healthy diets during disasters and crises. At least nine governments in Asia and Pacific have established a targeted mother and child COVID-19 component in their social protection systems. However, more data collection and analysis are needed to document the effectiveness of social protection in improving maternal and child diets in the region.
Bringing everyone to the table
Food systems play a critical role in achieving food and nutrition security for all. A sustainable and nutrition-sensitive food system is essential to produce diverse and nutritious foods for healthy diets. Improved efficiency and productivity of value chains can reduce the costs of essential foods to make them more affordable.
These actions are needed now more than ever because the face of malnutrition is changing in Asia and the Pacific, with highly processed and inexpensive foods readily available throughout the region. These foods are often packed with sugar and unhealthy fats and lack the vitamins and minerals required for growth and development. Consumption of these foods increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Governments need to invest in nutrition and food safety in fresh and street food markets to promote healthy diets. Regulation of sales and marketing of food for consumers, especially children, is important to curb overweight, obesity and related diseases and illness.
The report also calls for action within the private sector, as it has an important role to play in supporting the transformation of the food system and its value chains for achieving healthy diets.
Leveraging these systems, in a coordinated fashion that expands the opportunities to address barriers to accessing and consuming healthy diets, will help countries and the people of Asia and the Pacific recover faster from the economic impact of COVID-19, and be better prepared for future crises.
The report, Asia and the Pacific Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2020: Maternal and Child Diets at the Heart of Improving Nutrition launched today in Bangkok, is jointly published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the United Nations Childrens Fund, the World Food Programme and the World Health Organization.
Read the report
For further information, contact:
Allan Dow, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Pravaran Mahat, UNICEF South Asia Regional Office
Shima Islam, UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office
Kun Li, WFP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific
Ruel Serrano, WHO Western Pacific Regional Office
Shamila Sharma WHO South-East Asia Regional Office
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Asia and the Pacific regional overview of food security and nutrition 2020: Maternal and child diets at the heart of improving nutrition - World -...
Is A Vegan Diet Healthier? Five Reasons Why We Can’t Tell For Sure – SheThePeople

While there are many reasons why a person may choose to go vegan, health is often cited as a popular motive. But although vegan diets are often touted as being healthier in the media, this isnt always reflected by scientific research.
While some research has shown that vegan diets have positive health effects, such as lower risks of heart disease, diabetes and diverticular disease, our recent study also showed that vegans may have a higher risk of fractures, and vegans and vegetarians combined may have a higher risk of haemorrhagic stroke.
The mixed body of evidence makes it difficult to understand what the overall health impacts of vegan diets are. But why is the evidence so inconclusive?
Though the number of vegans worldwide is rising, this group still only makes up a small minority of the worlds population. In order to truly understand the health impacts of vegan diets, wed need to collect data from a large number of vegans, and monitor them over a long period of time to see if they develop any different diseases compared to meat-eaters.
Currently, the two largest studies tracking multiple major health outcomes (such as cancer) in vegans are the Adventist Health Study 2 (which includes data from around 5,550 vegans) and the EPIC-Oxford Study (which includes data from around 2,600 vegans). In contrast, some studies include over 400,000 meat eaters.
Given that few studies have long-term data on vegans, this makes it hard to track how vegan diets might affect health. It becomes even more difficult given that most diseases only affect a modest proportion of the population (such as breast cancer, which affects only 48 per 100,000 women a year globally. Without data on vegans to begin with, researchers wont know precisely how this group may be affected by certain diseases and if theyll be more or less susceptible to them. The current number of vegans enrolled in studies is still too small to look at how these diets affect many health outcomes in the long term. Including more vegans in future research will be needed to see how this diet truly affects long-term health.
Vegan diets are defined by the exclusion of animal products. But the type of vegan diet a person follows can differ substantially in terms of what foods they actually eat.
For example, a vegan diet can be highly nutritious with lots of fresh vegetables and fruit, beans and pulses for extra protein, and nuts and seeds for healthy fats. For others, it may solely contain white pasta, tomato sauce and bread with margarine. These differences might affect diet quality (such as consuming higher saturated fat content), which can have different health implications.
New large studies would need to both look at the nutritional quality of different vegan diets, and their potential health impacts.
To avoid nutritional deficiencies while following vegan diets, supplementation with vitamins and minerals (such as iron or vitamin B12) has been recommended. This can be achieved through a daily pill or fortified foods.
Fortification can vary by product or brand, change over time, and regulations if they exist can vary in different parts of the world. For example, calcium is added to some, but not all brands of plant-based milks. Supplements can also differ by type, brand, dosage and how regularly theyre taken.
Supplementing diets with certain nutrients might lower the risk of some nutrient-related health conditions, such as iron-deficiency anaemia. But how supplement use affects other health outcomes is largely unknown, and few studies have tracked what supplements vegans take.
While supplement use by anyone (vegan and non-vegans alike) can impact nutritional studies, the impact on certain health outcomes would be magnified in people who have inadequate intake compared to those who meet the minimum threshold. This is why knowing how taking supplements or eating fortified foods affect health outcomes is important when trying to understand the health effects of vegan diets.
Most of the current published studies on vegan diets and health are older than many plant-based products which have become increasingly popular among vegans.
And since many of these plant-based products are relatively new, theres no information on the nutritional quality of them, how often theyre consumed by vegans, and how these plant-based products affect long-term health.
What we know about the effects of diet on health often comes from large epidemiological studies. In these studies, researchers compare the risk of different diseases in groups of people with different dietary habits for example, people who consume vegan diets to those who dont. This means that findings from available studies can only inform health risks for groups of people and not for individuals.
For example, in our recent study we found that vegans (as a group) had a 2.3 times higher risk of hip fractures than meat-eaters. However, this does not mean that an individual is 2.3 times more likely to have a hip fracture if they go vegan. Different risk factors (such as genetics or lifestyle) contribute to a persons overall health and disease risk. An individual also cannot be compared to themselves so the findings from any epidemiological study from a group will not apply to any particular individual.
To get conclusive answers on the overall health impacts of both short and long-term vegan diets (including the types eaten today), we will need more information. This means collecting data in people following different types of vegan diets, in different countries, and tracking them over long periods of time.
Image Credit: Unsplash
Keren Papier, Nutritional Epidemiologist, University of Oxford, Anika Knppel, Nutritional Epidemiologist, University of Oxford and Tammy Tong, Nutritional Epidemiologist, University of Oxford published this article first on The Conversation. The views expressed are the authors own.
Continued here:
Is A Vegan Diet Healthier? Five Reasons Why We Can't Tell For Sure - SheThePeople
Learn How Diet & Supplements Can Jump Start Your System For Better Overall Health With The East West Way –

Posted: Jan 18, 2021 / 12:02 PM CST / Updated: Jan 18, 2021 / 12:02 PM CST
Wellness Expert Taz Bhatia, MD. Explains How to Put Yourself Back Together & Recover from the Stresses of 2020
2020 has been a very stressful year with challenges that we havent faced in recent times. We have collectively experienced trauma which can wreck havoc on the body, and as a result, many people are experiencing new health issues. So, how do we recover? We have one of the top integrative medicine physicians in the nation available to share timely tips for making a full recovery from 2020 and getting back on track for 2021.
Dr. Taz Bhatia will tackle a critical topic as we move into the New Year. Shell share her 2020 Recovery Checklist and explain how some new supplements can help with better sleep, boost energy, lose weight and maintain overall health. Dr. Bhatias practice is nationally recognized for creating specialized treatments plans. Her unique approach has earned her guest appearances on the Today Show, Dr. Oz, and numerous other network TV shows. Some of her best-selling books include: WHATDOCTORS EAT, THE 21-DAY BELLY FIX and SUPER WOMAN RX.
Dr. Taz Bhatia, M.D. is an integrative medicine physician and wellness expert who gained national recognition as a best-selling author of the books, What Doctors Eat, The 21 Day Belly Fix, and Super Woman Rx. Her integration of Eastern medical wisdom with modern science has led to featured segments on The Today Show, Dr. Oz, Live with Kelly & Ryan and eventually the premiere of her own PBS special Super Woman RX with Dr. Taz. She is also the host of the Super Woman Wellness with Dr. Taz podcast. Personal health challenges in her twenties led Dr. Bhatia to opening her now nationally recognized practice. Today, Dr. Taz and her team work to help patients understand their core health issues and develop personalized treatment plans, pulling from multiple systems of medicine, including integrative, functional, Chinese, and holistic medicine.
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Sponsored by The East West Way. Opinions expressed by the guest(s) on this program are solely those of the guest(s) and are not endorsed by this television station.
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Rethinking Meat: Why Is It So Hard to Change Someone’s Mind? – The Beet

Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that shows meat-free diets are better for your health, the environment, and animal welfare,manyare reluctant to embrace a plant-based diet. Perhaps one of those people was once you. Myths and misperceptions surrounding veganism make changing someones mind about eating meat tougher than a well-done steak. If you're plant-based yourself, you canprobablythink about one or twoloved ones who you would love to see give up meat for their health. Instead of pushing them hard, share with them what it was that prompted you to make the switch. Instead of trying to change their approach, telling them what changed yours canbe a gentler, more effective way to havethem consider another perspective.
When trying to convince someone you care about to do so, its essential to address the misinformation around adopting a plant-based diet. Dont write off veganism as a bunch of salad leaves on a plate until youve explored the growing world of meat alternatives. Before they bite into another burger, offer them a chance to try your favorite alternatives. And offer information about the dangers associated with meat consumption.
Anytime you challenge someones long-held beliefs, youre going to be met with resistance. Rethinking meat is no exception. However, when you tackle the misconceptions and layout the proven benefits, you have a good chance of changing someones mind.
Tell someone you're vegan and they look at you like you're "one of those" people who probably bike everywhere and weave sandals out of hemp. That is both an old and new view of vegans,because the movement has had many iterations dating back to the 70s and before, andsince its inception sustainable fashion, leather-free sneakers, boots, and yes, biking, have all taken on a new-found mainstream cool.
But when it comes to eating for your health, especially to avoid heart disease, diabetes, cancers, and high blood pressure, the urgency of eating healthy has led nearly one-quarter of all Americans to say they are consuming plant-based foods, even if they are not fully vegan or plant-based at the exclusion of all meat or dairy. Coronavirus showed up on our radar inearly 2020 and since then more consumers as eating more fruits and vegetables, taking vitamins C and D, and other supplements in an effort to protect their immune system and build up their response to the virus. Eating plant-based is no longer something you do for your future health and wellbeing, now it's something you do to be healthiertoday, right now.
Still, most die-hard meat eaters will tell you they need meat for protein, or for strength, or to cut down on carbs, and still, theyre reluctant to make the switch to plant-based eating. Consequently, those of us who follow plant-based diets have trouble getting our loved ones to accept their eating choices. Opening someones mind to the benefits of veganism starts with breaking down the myths and misconceptions they believe to be true.
Let's assume that the loved one already knows that a diet high in plant-based foods and low in animal products lowers their risk of death from all causesincluding heart disease, diabetes, and cancerby 24 percent. They may tell you it's inconvenient or more expensive, both not true: You actually save money at the grocery store when you cut out meat, an estimated $1,260 a year. But when you tell them that, some people will still say theyre not willing to sacrifice taste.
What these meat lovers dont realize is that it has never been easier to eat plant-based. In response to an increase in demand from consumers, restaurants, supermarkets, and food manufacturers are preparing, stocking, and developing a variety of affordable and tasty meat alternatives. Furthermore, rethinking meat doesnt mean you have to give it up entirely. You can take steps to adopt a mostly plant-based diet and still reap the benefits of removing meat from your diet.
Many people turn to plant-based diets to reap the health benefits of removing (entirely or partially) meat from their diet. Even if you can't get their attention on the long-term health effects of a plant-based diet, you can tell them that plant-based foods lower the risk of inflammation and infection, and help their digestive health. Want to get really personal? Tell your loved one who spends too much time in the bathroom or suffering from gut health issues that consuming red meat can lead to constipation which puts excessive pressure on veins throughout your body. On the other hand, vegan and plant-based diets are high in fiber which aids digestion and reduces vein stress.
While constipation is undoubtedly a negative side effect of too much meat in your diet, an even more serious consequence is the potential for antibiotic resistance. To boost growth rates and prevent infections, livestock farmers include antibiotics in the feed of food animals such as cows, pigs, and chickens. Over time, germs build up a resistance to antibiotics, and when a human catches one of these infections, drugs are ineffective. Why this matters more now: When someone contracts COVID-19 it's the secondary infections that make them sickest, so while the coronavirus is not resolved by antibiotics, the secondary lung infection like pneumonia is.
In recent years, public health investigators have noted that drug-resistant infections from food animals are steadily rising. To avoid building up a resistance to antibiotics, you should reduce your meat intake or cut it out of your diet entirely. Going vegan or embracing a mostly plant-based diet will support beneficial bacterial functions and help to protect you against intestinal diseases.
Despite scientists and health experts spelling out the repercussions of eating too much meat, some people are still hesitant to make potentially lifesaving dietary changes. If youre still on the fence about veganism, you need to explore the world of meat alternatives. Its a lot more varied (and a lot tastier) than many people realize, and it can be a great way to transition from being a meat-love to incorporating more plants onto your plate.
Just because you decide to give up meat doesnt mean youll never bite into a burger again. Companies like Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat are hard at work developing plant-based products that look and taste like actual meat. Food manufacturer Lightlife offers a tasty bacon alternative with zero cholesterol. These plant-based products are similarly priced to meat-based products which dash the misconception that a vegan diet is more expensive.
There are meat replacements for virtually any situation. You may have already tried tofu in stir fry, but it works as a replacement for eggs or cheese. Need a stand-in for chicken or beef? You can use seitan in pretty much any recipe that calls for them. Dont forget about mushrooms: A portobello burger has a hearty flavor and surprisingly meaty texture.
Organizing a taste test of a variety of meat alternatives is a fun (and convincing) way to get someone to rethink meat. Changing someones mind is difficult, but with a creative and fact-based approach, its possible.
Each day, more scientific evidence comes to light supporting meat-free diets. Regardless of who you are trying to convince, its important to highlight the benefits of adopting a plant-based diet as well as address the myths and misperceptions surrounding veganism. This year, instead of asking your loved one to go the whole way, try swapping out a vegan version of their favorite meal. Giving up meat is a big leap for many people, but like anything, it's doable when broken down into smaller steps.
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Rethinking Meat: Why Is It So Hard to Change Someone's Mind? - The Beet
HGH Biosimilars Market Size By Analysis, Key Vendors, Regions, Type and Application, and Forecasts to 2027 – NeighborWebSJ

Fort Collins, Colorado: Reports Globe has published the latest study on HGH Biosimilars Market Report Analysis by Size with Future Outlook, Key Players SWOT Analysis and Forecast to 2026. It uses exploratory techniques such as qualitative and quantitative analysis to identify and present data on the target market. Successful sales strategies have been mentioned that will help you do business in record time and multiply customers.
This report is presented clearly and concisely to help you better understand the structure and dynamics of the market. The trends and recent developments in the HGH Biosimilars market were analyzed. The opportunities that lead to the growth of the market were analyzed and presented. Focusing on the global market, the report provides answers to the key questions stakeholders are facing today around the world. Information on market size raises the problem of increasing competitiveness and hampering market-leading sectors and market growth.
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Some of the Important and Key Players of the Global HGH Biosimilars Market:
HGH Biosimilars market research report provides detailed information on the following aspects: Industry Size, Market Share, Growth, Segmentation, Manufacturers and Advancement, Key Trends, Market Drivers, Challenges, Standardization, Deployment Models, Opportunities, Strategies, Future Roadmaps and Annual Forecasts to 2027, etc. The report will help you also in understanding the dynamic structure of the HGH Biosimilars market by identifying and analyzing market segments. The Global HGH Biosimilars 2021 Industry Research Report has given the expected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) as a% of value for a given period of time and clearly helps the user make their decision based on the futuristic chart of the key players on the global HGH Biosimilars market. The report introduces some of the major players in the global HGH Biosimilars market and offers insightful information about the HGH Biosimilars industry such as Business Overview, HGH Biosimilars Market Product Segmentation, Revenue Segmentation, and the Latest Information. Developments.
Additionally, the HGH Biosimilars market report includes a comprehensive strategic review as well as summarized studies of the growth, key factors, and market opportunity by which to evaluate the HGH Biosimilars market and other important market related details on HGH Biosimilars. The investigation of the research report also helps uncover accurate industry statistics depicting the ultimate model of the global HGH Biosimilars market, including various types, applications, market growth structures, and opportunities. In addition, the study of the market research report provides an investigation and analysis of the past and current performance of the regional market that includes regions by department and subdivision. This regional analysis studies various key market parameters such as HGH Biosimilars market growth rate in each region, production volume and capacity, market demand and supply, and return on investment (RoI).
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Some of the key questions answered in the report include-
1. What is the overall structure of the market?2. What was the historical value and what is the forecasted value of the market?3. What are the key product level trends in the market?4. What are the market level trends in the market?5. Which of the market players are leading and what are their key differential strategies to retain their stronghold?6. Which are the most lucrative regions in the market space?
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Global HGH Biosimilars market is segmented based by type, application and region.
HGH Biosimilars Market Segmentation, By Type
HGH Biosimilars Market Segmentation, By Application
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
Global HGH Biosimilarsmarket Key Report Highlights:
This in-depth research documentation offers an illustrative overview of the entire market outlook with details on scope, executive summary, and market segments The report also includes sections on the competitive spectrum, highlighting major players, with a detailed assessment of supply chain management, competition dynamics, and growth objectives. Other crucial details on Porters Five Forces assessment, SWOT analysis, and data triangulation methods have also been included in the report. Other relevant details on production patterns, growth rate, market share of each of the segments have also been pinned in the report. The report also houses crucial analytical details on revenue share and sales projections, besides volumetric estimations of each of the product segments have also been highlighted in the report to encourage unfaltering market decisions and sustainable revenue streams in the global HGH Biosimilars market.A dedicated chapter on COVID-19 analysis has therefore been included in this versatile report to encourage future-ready business discretion aligning with post-COVID-19 market environment.
Major Points from Table of Content:
1. Executive Summary2. Assumptions and Acronyms Used3. Research Methodology4. HGH Biosimilars Market Overview5. HGH Biosimilars Supply Chain Analysis6. HGH Biosimilars Pricing Analysis7. Global HGH Biosimilars Market Analysis and Forecast by Type8. Global HGH Biosimilars Market Analysis and Forecast by Application9. Global HGH Biosimilars Market Analysis and Forecast by Sales Channel10. Global HGH Biosimilars Market Analysis and Forecast by Region11. North America HGH Biosimilars Market Analysis and Forecast12. Latin America HGH Biosimilars Market Analysis and Forecast13. Europe HGH Biosimilars Market Analysis and Forecast14. Asia Pacific HGH Biosimilars Market Analysis and Forecast15. Middle East & Africa HGH Biosimilars Market Analysis and Forecast16. Competition Landscape
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HGH Biosimilars Market Size By Analysis, Key Vendors, Regions, Type and Application, and Forecasts to 2027 - NeighborWebSJ
What Are the Different Stages of Intermittent Fasting? – Healthline

Intermittent fasting refers to eating patterns that cycle between periods of eating and fasting.
Although several forms of intermittent fasting exist, most involve abstaining from food for periods of 1624 hours at a time.
When practicing fasting, your body moves through the fed-fast cycle, which is characterized by changes in your metabolism and hormone levels.
This cycle is not only responsible for the metabolic changes that occur during intermittent fasting but also credited with providing some of its health benefits.
This article takes an in-depth look at the different stages of fasting.
The fed state occurs within the first few hours after eating as your body digests and absorbs nutrients from food.
During this period, your blood sugar levels increase and higher amounts of insulin are secreted. Insulin is the hormone responsible for transporting sugar from your bloodstream into your cells (1).
The amount of insulin released depends on the composition of your meal, the amount of carbs consumed, and how sensitive your body is to insulin (2).
Extra glucose (sugar) is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. Glycogen is your bodys primary form of stored carbs, and it can be converted back into sugar as a source of energy as needed (3).
During this time, levels of other hormones, including leptin and ghrelin, also shift.
Ghrelin is a type of hormone that stimulates hunger, and its levels decrease after you eat. Meanwhile, leptin, which has an appetite-suppressing effect, increased after eating (4, 5, 6).
Note that the fed-fast cycle resets back to the fed state as soon as food is consumed during a fast.
Also, the size and composition of your meal affect how long your body remains in the fed state.
The fed state occurs within the first few hours after eating. During this state, your blood sugar and insulin levels increase, while levels of other hormones, including leptin and ghrelin, shift.
Around 34 hours after eating, your body transitions into the early fasting state, which lasts until around 18 hours after eating.
During this phase, your blood sugar and insulin levels start to decline, causing your body to start converting glycogen into glucose (sugar) to use as energy (1).
Toward the end of this phase, your body will slowly run out of liver glycogen stores and start searching for another energy source.
This intensifies lipolysis, a process in which triglycerides from fat cells are broken down into smaller molecules that can be used as an alternative source of fuel (7).
Your body also converts amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, into energy.
Many common forms of intermittent fasting, such as the 16/8 method, cycle between the fed state and early fasting state.
A few hours after eating, your body transitions into the early fasting state, which occurs when glycogen, amino acids, and fatty acids are converted into energy.
The fasting state lasts from about 18 hours to 2 days of fasting.
By this point, your glycogen stores in the liver have been depleted, and your body begins breaking down protein and fat stores for energy instead.
This results in the production of ketone bodies, a type of compound produced when your body converts fat into fuel (8).
This also causes your body to transition into ketosis, a metabolic state in which your body uses fat as its primary source of energy (9).
However, the transition into ketosis may not happen immediately as you enter the fasting state, but likely later on (10).
As with the fasting state in general, the size and composition of your usual diet and last meal, along with individual differences, affect how quickly you enter ketosis.
Some of the most common signs of ketosis include decreased appetite, weight loss, fatigue, bad or fruity-smelling breath, and increased levels of ketone bodies in the blood, breath, or urine (11).
Ketosis can also be achieved through other methods, including by following the ketogenic diet, which involves significantly decreasing your intake of carbs (12).
Keep in mind that ketosis is different from ketoacidosis, which is a dangerous condition that occurs when your blood becomes too acidic (13).
Ketoacidosis generally occurs as a result of illness, infection, or unmanaged diabetes, and unlike ketosis, it requires immediate medical attention (13).
Additionally, note that forms of intermittent fasting that have shorter windows of fasting ranging from 1218 hours per day may not reach this state, as ketosis may not be achieved with fasts lasting less than 24 hours, unless you also follow a very low carb diet.
The fasting state lasts from about 18 hours to 2 days of fasting. At some point during this state, your body enters ketosis, a metabolic state in which fats are broken down and used as an energy source.
During extended periods of fasting, your body enters the long-term fasting state, which typically occurs around 48 hours after food intake. Some people refer to this state as the starvation state.
In the long-term fasting state, insulin levels will continue to decrease and levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), a type of ketone body, will steadily rise (1, 14).
Your kidneys also continue to generate sugar via a process called gluconeogenesis, which serves as the main source of fuel for the brain. Ketone bodies provide energy for the brain as well at this point (1, 15).
The breakdown of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are three of the essential amino acids, is also reduced to help conserve muscle tissue in the body (1).
Keep in mind that long-term fasts are not recommended for most people and should only be performed under medical supervision.
The long-term fasting state, or starvation state, occurs around 48 hours into fasting. During this period, insulin levels decrease, ketone levels increase, and protein breakdown is reduced to conserve muscle tissue.
While practicing intermittent fasting, your body moves through several phases of the fed-fast cycle, depending on the amount of time that you fast.
The four phases include the fed state, early fasting state, fasting state, and long-term fasting state (starvation state).
Each phase varies based on the primary source of energy used for the body, as well as how it affects your metabolism and levels of specific hormones.
If you have any underlying health conditions or are taking any medications, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider before trying intermittent fasting.
Additionally, keep in mind that prolonged fasting should only be conducted under medical supervision.
What Are the Different Stages of Intermittent Fasting? - Healthline
Weight loss: "I finish my dinner before 7 pm to stay fit" | The Times of India – Times of India

2020 was difficult for most of us. But it also made me realize that darkness is always bad. After all, there's always light at the end of the tunnel.
So my journey to fitness has been quite complicated. I used to work out and train actively, until 2018. Then, my weight got stuck and I quit the gym.
Later, I went through some personal issues. Stress and anxiety made me gain weight rapidly. I reached a point where I didn't even realize my weight had gotten so out of control. Health complications came up too.
It was only when my sister came home on a vacation that I emerged out of the dark. She really motivated me and urged me to get moving. So, in March 2020, when the country went into a lockdown, I started my fitness journey again and lost weight, with the help of my supportive family.
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Weight loss: "I finish my dinner before 7 pm to stay fit" | The Times of India - Times of India