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I Ate A Modified Low-Carb Diet To Lose 110 Pounds After Being Diagnosed With A Heart Condition – Women’s Health

My name is Susana Rodriguez (@myhealth.iswealth), and Im 29 years old. I live in Los Angeles and I'm a full-time mom. After being diagnosed with heart issues, I decided to start eating a flexible low-carb diet, practicing portion control with the Lose It! app, and walking for weight loss to lose 110 pounds.
Before I started my weight-loss journey, I struggled a lot with having the energy to do simple things. Putting on my shoes or playing with my daughters took so much effort. I also struggled with self confidence. Being overweight made me so insecure. Though being overweight didnt stop me from having happy moments in my life, I was unhappy with myself. At my heaviest I weighed 273 pounds.
I started suffering from heart palpitations and an irregular rhythm. I also experienced chest pain and pressure, faintness, and fatigue. I couldnt even walk for seven minutes to pick my daughter up from school without feeling like I was going to black out. I was in and out of the ER all year, and I kept getting misdiagnosed with anxiety. But I knew something was wrong with my heart.
After finally being referred to a cardiologist in December 2019, I had an echocardiogram and other tests done. My cardiologist told me that I had moderate left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), which basically means I have an enlarged heart and, if left untreated, it could lead to sudden cardiac arrest or heart failure.
I had spent all of 2019 depressed, and imagining dying and leaving my girls. I was desperate to feel well. So in January 2020, I knew the time was now to turn my lifestyle around and take control of my health.
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When I looked at the guidelines for a low-carb diet and what that meant, they said I needed to limit certain healthy things like fruit, oatmeal, and dairy that I didnt want to cut out. So I decided to do a low-carb diet my own way.
For my heart health, I avoid greasy and fried foods, and I pay attention to sodium, sugar, and cholesterol on nutrition labels. I also try to avoid foods high in trans and saturated fats. I track my food in the Lose It! app and practice portion control. If there is anything I want but it isnt heart-healthy, I make my own healthy alternative. I dont feel deprived or restricted, and I feel in control of how I eat.
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This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
I would walk three to five times a week for at least 30 minutes. It was really challenging at first because I wasn't used to getting any movement in, and I would get dizzy and feel faint. But it quickly became my favorite way to de-stress and move my body. Eventually, I was cleared to exercise.
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Now, a typical week of exercise includes walking two miles, five days a week. I also enjoy doing Zumba Toning twice a week and HIIT with dumbbells or bodyweight three times a week. I got into HIIT by playing games on the WayBetter app, and I fell in love with how strong it made me feel.
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These three changes made the biggest difference in my weight-loss results.
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This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
The 110 pounds I have lost doesnt compare to the weight lifted off my shoulders. I am now truly happy. It's not about the weight you lose itself, but the life you gain. I have never felt stronger. I feel unstoppable. Everyday isnt easy, but its worth it. Id rather struggle every day with trying to better my health than struggle with the consequences of neglecting it.
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Read More..5 Ways to Get Back on Track With Healthy Habits, From a Doctor – The Beet

Just about now, halfway through the month of January, you are likely one of the 60 percent of Americans who has already "broken" your resolutions to eat healthily, get daily exercise, and go dry for January. But there's a simple fix, to help you get back on track and stay on track according to Dr. Amy Lee, an expert in weight control, obesity, and nutrition who has treated over 15,000 patients and is the chief medical officer of Lindora Clinics of Souther California. She has given talks to HBO, Hulu, PBS, and UCLA's famed "Vital Signs" series, and worked on weight control methods published in the medical journal Nutrition and Metabolism.
Dr. Lee first started her career as a medical practitioner, in Southern California, treating patients for weight-related ailments, always treating the symptoms and never the root cause. She said her work as a doctor, seeing patients who were obese or overweight and giving them medicines to try toalleviate their symptoms,and then watching them get worse, andneed more medications, and still more, never getting better or losing weight, but just getting sicker and sicker, made her want to step off that endless treadmill and become a specialist in nutritional health and medicine. So she changed everything, including her approach, and made her practice centered around the ways people can lose weight and keep it off, be healthy and avoid the need for medications in the first place.
"I realized that endlessly medicating people who had disorders related to lifestyle diseases like hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease were never going to change anything. the only way to change that cycle is to start at the beginning and help teach people to eat healthier and lose weight, not withintervention, but by helping them learn to make better choices," she explains. She has 4 simple strategies for getting back on track and staying on track, for the rest of the month, year, and a lifetime ahead.
Dr. Lee: Thinking about things in absolutes is the problem. It's not "all or nothing," that leads to success. It's taking things in the right direction.There are levels of success and you don't have to be too hard on yourself if you're doing better than last month or last year.
Tip 1. Stop thinking in terms of "all or nothing behavior." Whether you're talking about Dry January or other resolutions, we all bring in the New Year with ways that we think we can do better. And we set up these unnatural expectations. So let's say you usually have 8 drinks a week, instead of telling yourself you're going to have zero, tell yourself you're going to have 2 drinks a week, and then plan those occasions. Or if you're trying to lose weight, you can say: I am not going to eat cookies ever again,but then you have a cookie. It's how you react that makes the difference between success and failure. Don't tell yourself messed up. Tell yourself you planned to have 2 cookies a week and you're still on track.It's the "all or nothing" mentality that trips us up and makes us think we have failed. And then that leads to giving up. You can't be perfect all the time but if you are reaching realistic goals and doing better than before, or last year, then your resolutions are a success.
Understand what your goal is. If you think of Dry January, it's similar to diets in general. Realizing "Why I want to make a change this year" is part of it. If you're treating your stress with alcohol, break that cycle. Use something healthy like a walk or bike ride to get rid of stress. The habit that you're breaking is more important than being perfect all the time. So if you have a drink, tell yourself, that's one of my two, and then get right back on track.
Weget into that mindset of "all or nothing" or "black and white" thinking. When we get into that mindsetand we don't do it perfectly we have failed. But you are not going to gain weight with one cookie. So if you have a cookie, it is not going to make you fat. But when you give in and have cookies day after day, it will. So just step out of that mindset and tell yourself "I'm doing better."
Dr. Lee: Give up just one thing first.Tell yourself, no more sugar. Or if it were my choice, I would have all my patients decide: No more packaged food. Then if it's in the house you can either tell yourself -- "That's not my food" and keep your snacks in another cabinet, or if you live alone, you can just throw it all away or give it all away.
Tip 2: Give up all packaged foods and especially added sugar. The first and most important thing for us to do as healthy eaters is to get rid of junk food, added sugar, and processed food. Then eat a piece of fruit or a small number of nuts instead. If you know you have a snack attack at 3 p.m. then go eat an apple or some nuts at that time. Make the decision to give up added sugars and it will help you lose weight and feel better fast. It's the number one thing I tell my patients to change.
Tip 3. Don't compare yourselves to others. They may have a different physical makeup. Sadly, just because your husbandor your brothercan eat chips and snack all day long and not gain weight (though junk foods aren't good for him either) as women we have a harder time maintaining a healthy weight when we eat that junk. It's just metabolic. Some people can get away with it and not gain weight, or they can lose it quickly if they decide to give up beer or chips or high calories foods. As women, we are smaller and we don't handle junk food as readily as the male body does. Don't feel bad about it, just tell yourself it's a biological difference and stay away from that stuff.
Dr. Lee. You are always going to be able to have a treat or some people like to call it a cheat meal, as long as you recognize that it is the exception. If you think of it as a slippery slope then you won't be in a good mindset to get back on track. Instead think: Consistency is the key to being healthy.
Tip 4. Be Consistent. Don't make exceptions all the time, but if you are consistent, approximately 90 percent of the time you will end up with healthy results. Your body has the ability to be resilient so if you are eating a healthy breakfast and a big salad for lunch and you get nutrients 90 percent of the time, then the 10 percent of the time that you don't make a healthy choice won't make you fat or gain weight. Just tell yourself, I want to be consistently healthy, and get back to behaving that way.
Dr. Lee: I have a simple one. I ask myself, Is it worth it?
Tip 5.Ask yourself, Is it worth it? If I stop and think:Is this unhealthy choice or snack, or lapse, worth giving up my goals for, is it going to be worth it, most of the time it isn't the momentary satisfaction that will pass, but the long-term lifestyle of being healthy and maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding all the problems that come along with being overweight, either in terms of diseases or just how you feel day to day, then that reward is so much bigger than the momentary satisfaction of eating a cookie.
If you want to learn more from Dr. Lee, she is reachable at the Lindora Clinicwebsite.
See the rest here:
5 Ways to Get Back on Track With Healthy Habits, From a Doctor - The Beet
Consume eggs in this way if you want to lose weight – OrissaPOST

If you are worried about your increasing weight, then start eating eggs. Yes! You heard it right. You might be thinking that eggs lead to weight gain. But, then eggs can also help reduce your weight.
Some people like to eat eggs very much, while some people avoid because their intake will lead to weight gain. But let us tell you that if egg is used in certain ways, then the egg can reduce your weight.
Eggs are rich in protein and many nutrients that are necessary for your weight loss. Eggs help to increase the metabolic rate of the body which is necessary to lose weight. If you are fond of eating eggs, then include these things with eggs that can reduce your weight quickly.
Black pepper with eggs: If you eat an egg, take black pepper with it. Pepper powder contains piperine which prevents the formation of fat cells in the body. If you have fat in your waist then use black pepper powder on boiled eggs. Pepper will increase test as well as control your weight.
Coconut oil: Coconut oil is considered excellent for weight loss. Coconut oil can help reduce the fat around the waist. You can cook and eat eggs in coconut oil. According to a study people lost 1.1 inches from their waistline after intake of two tbsp of coconut oil regularly for a month.
Use spinach and eggs: Spinach is a very useful vegetable for health. Eating spinach in eggs during the winter season not only adds taste in your dish, but also keeps your weight under control. Spinach has fewer calories and reduces your weight rapidly. The use of spinach also helps in improving muscle growth.
See the rest here:
Consume eggs in this way if you want to lose weight - OrissaPOST
Transformation Coach’s Surprisingly Helpful Post Gives Hope To Anyone Wanting To Lose Fat – DMARGE

It may sound obvious, but if you want to gain muscle, you need to do more than lift weights and drink protein shakes. You need to follow a meal plan too, and track your calorie intake.
In order to make gains of any description, you need to be a calorie surplus, meaning you consume more calories than your burn, and which also needs to be a higher figure than your BMR. This is your Basal Metabolic Rate; the number of calories you need to consume just to maintain your current weight.
But, of course, life gets in the way. You may enjoy a few beers every now and then, or like to reward yourself for a good week with a calorific cheat meal although this can potentially provide more negatives than positives.
So what is the best plan to follow in order to see consistent gains throughout the year? Personal trainer and online fitness coach James Kew may havethe answer.
Taking to Instagram, James posted an image detailing what happens if you try to shed any excess body fat by following strict diets, as opposed to consistent training and eating sensibly.
If youre someone who is overweight, your natural instincts are going to be diet. This means youll cut out meals entirely, or swap out previous junk food favourites with much healthier options, all the name of eating clean. But as we said, life happens. These healthy foods can become boring over time, and youre more likely to gorge on sweet treats or foods high in fat, because you feel it wont make too much of a difference in terms of your goals.
Bingeing regularly say every other weekend can have serious detrimental effects and in most cases, will completely reverse the work youve put into eating clean, says James.
On the contrary, James says that eating in a moderate calorie surplus, somewhere between 200-300 calories over the maintenance for most of the year (around 9 months) in combination with cutting for 2-3 months to remove body fat, can provide more beneficial and more sustainable results.
This figure can potentially change depending on your body type: ectomorphs, for example, may find they need to consume a larger number of calories to see similar results to mesomorphs. Just make sure you dont make the same bulking mistake as this guy, who put on too much body fat too quickly in the pursuit of muscle gains.
Let it be known, eating more food sources such as carbohydrates (commonly associated with weight gain) can actually help you lose fat, just as long as you eat the right foods and the right amount.
In a separate post, James adds that these foods should include high amounts of protein, plenty of fruit and vegetables and carbohydrates, and shouldnt include all the wonder miracle fat loss supplements and food products that fill up supermarket shelves. When youre in your cutting phase of the year, as long as you are in a calorie deficit, you are going to lose body fat.
For the remainder of the year, go into a caloric surplus (ensuring you consume plenty of protein) and watch that muscle grow. Just dont expect results overnight.
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Transformation Coach's Surprisingly Helpful Post Gives Hope To Anyone Wanting To Lose Fat - DMARGE
Can ‘Big’ Be Healthy? Yes — and No – Medscape

This month, while many people were committing to their New Years resolutions to lose weight, Cosmopolitan UK magazine released covers portraying 11 women of different shapes and sizes, with the headline, "This is healthy!" Each version of the cover features one or more of the 11 women wearing athletic gear and makeup, some of whom are caught mid-action boxing, doing yoga, or simply rejoicing in being who they are. Seeing these, I was reminded of a patient I cared for as an intern.
Janet Spears (not her real name) was thin. Standing barely 5'3", she weighed 110 pounds. For those out there who think of size in terms of body mass index (BMI), it was about 20, solidly in the "normal" category. At the age of 62, despite this healthy BMI, she had so much plaque in her arteries that she needed surgery to improve blood flow to her foot.
Admittedly, whenever I had read about people with high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, or atherosclerosis, I pictured bigger people. But when I met Ms Spears, I realized that one's health cannot necessarily be inferred from physical appearance.
As a bariatric surgeon board certified in obesity medicine, I've probably spent more time thinking and learning about obesity than most people and yet I still didn't know what to make of the Cosmopolitan covers.
I saw the reaction on Twitter before I saw the magazines themselves, and I quickly observed a number of people decrying the covers, suggesting that they promote obesity:
Multiple people suggested that this was inappropriate, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that people with obesity are at risk for worse outcomes compared with those without obesity. (As an aside, these comments suggest that people did not read the associated article, which is about fitness and body image more than it is about obesity.)
Putting the pandemic aside for a moment, the question the magazine covers raise is whether physical appearance reflects health. That's what got me thinking about Ms Spears, who, though appearing healthy, was sick enough that she needed to have major surgery. This whole conversation hinges, of course, on one's definition of health.
A common knee-jerk response, especially from physicians, would be to say that obesity is by definition unhealthy. Some researchers have suggested, though, that a segment of people with obesity fall into a category called metabolically healthy obesity, which is typically characterized by a limited set of data such as cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure. Indeed, some people with obesity have normal values in those categories.
Being metabolically healthy, however, does not preclude other medical problems associated with obesity, including joint pain, cancer, and mood disorders, among other issues. So even those who have metabolically healthy obesity are not necessarily immune to the many other obesity-related conditions.
As I delved further into the conversation about these covers, I saw people embracing the idea of promoting different-sized bodies. With almost two thirds of the US population having overweight or obesity, one might argue that it's high time magazine covers and the media reflect the reality in our hometowns. Unrealistic images in the media are associated with negative self-image and disordered eating, so perhaps embracing the shapes of real people may help us all have healthier attitudes toward our bodies.
That said, this idea can be taken too far. The Health at Every Size movement, which some might consider to be the ultimate body positivity movement, espouses the idea that size and health are completely unrelated. That crosses a line between what we know to be true that at a population level, higher weight is associated with more medical problems and fake news.
Another idea to consider is fitness, as opposed to health. Fitness can be defined multiple ways, but if we consider it to be measured exercise capacity, those who are more fit have a longer life expectancy than those with lower fitness levels at a given BMI. While some feel that the Cosmopolitan covers promote obesity and are therefore irresponsible, it's at least as likely that highlighting people with obesity being active may inspire others with obesity to do the same.
Now let's bring the pandemic back into the picture. As much as we all wish that it was over, with uncontrolled spread in every state and record numbers of people dying, COVID-19 is still very much a part of our reality. Having obesity increases the risk of having a severe case of COVID-19 if infected. Patients with obesity are also more likely than those without obesity to be hospitalized, require intensive care, and die with COVID-19.
Pandemic or not, the truth is that obesity is related to multiple medical problems. That does not mean that every person with obesity has medical problems. The musician Lizzo, for example, is someone with obesity who considers herself to be healthy. She posts images and videos of working out and shares her personal fitness routine with her millions of fans. As a physician, I worry about the medical conditions metabolic or otherwise that someone like her may develop. But I love how she embraces who she is while striving to be healthier.
Most of the critical comments I have seen about the Cosmopolitan covers have, at best, bordered on fat shaming; others are solidly in that category. And the vitriol aimed at the larger models is despicable. It seems that conversations about obesity often vacillate from one extreme (fat shaming) to the other (extreme body positivity).
Although it may not sell magazines, I would love to see more nuanced, fact-based discussions, both in the media and in our clinics. We can start by acknowledging the fact that people of different sizes can be healthy. The truth is that we can't tell very much about a person's health from their outward appearance, and we should probably stop trying to make such inferences.
Assessment of health is most accurately judged by each person with their medical team, not by observers who use media images as part of their own propaganda machine, pushing one extreme view or another. As physicians, we have the opportunity and the responsibility to support our patients in the pursuit of health, without shame or judgement. Maybe that's a New Year's resolution worth committing to.
Arghavan Salles, MD, PhD, is a bariatric surgeon and a Scholar in Residence at Stanford University.
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Can 'Big' Be Healthy? Yes -- and No - Medscape
Feel glad to be back to my fit self: Shrenu Parikh on her weight loss journey – Times of India

After testing positive for COVID-19 in July last year, actress Shrenu Parikh had gained weight. At that time, she had told us, When you are on medication, resting continuously and eating a lot, you are bound to put on weight. However, its important not to rush back to doing things when you have just recovered from COVID-19. I can lose weight anytime I want, but I wont get my health back. This has been a life-changing experience and I dont want the virus to have any long-term impact on my health. Recently, while speaking to us, the actress shared, I have lost a lot of weight in the last few months. Now, I have been getting great feedback on social media about my recent photos, and that makes me happy.
Started working out regularly from September, feel happy with the results
In the second half of August 2020, I started with yoga and basic workout sessions. In September, I travelled to Mumbai for an ad shoot and that is when I started working out regularly. I started with my online classes, which included high-intensity workout sessions including aerobics and Zumba. Working out for about an hour daily works fine for my body. I also try and go for an evening walk whenever I can. I also took a lot of care about my diet. While I just love sweets, I have really cut down on my sugar intake. I think that has taken care of a lot of health issues and I also had immunity boosters. Today, I feel happy to be back to my fit self. I have never been a fan of the size zero figure and I have always been proud to be a curvy and cute-looking Gujarati girl.
Continued here:
Feel glad to be back to my fit self: Shrenu Parikh on her weight loss journey - Times of India
Flexitarian diet: Nutritionist explains the pros and cons plus everything else you need to know – T3

Everyone wants to get fit for 2021 and while some people will go down the route of exercising more to boost metabolism, others might try dieting to lose some weight. Deciding on which diet to try next in the never ending battle to lose belly fat is not easy, especially because there are too many of them, all claiming to be the best solution for weight loss. In this article, we'll focus on one of the newer approaches, the flexitarian diet, which is touted to be great for the body and the planet, too.
And to make sure we tell readers the naked truth, we asked an expert, Charlotte Bierens, Head of Nutrition at nutritionally-complete meal brand Jimmy Joy, to clarify some of the most often asked questions about the flexitarian diet. Is it actually good for long weight loss? What are the pro and cons of the flexitarian diet? What foods to avoid?
Interested in dieting?
IMPORTANT: Please be extra careful when trying a special diet, especially if you have a history of eating disorders and/or struggled with obesity before. Should there be any doubt, please always consult a medical professional before starting a diet. Especially calorie-restricted diets can be detrimental to health and slow down metabolism, which might cause long-term health issues. Please be careful and sensible.
Jimmy Joy Plenny Pot v1.0, 6 meals (2,400 calories) | Buy it for 19.28 directly from Jimmy JoyThe Jimmy Joy Plenny Pot v1.0 is the perfect mid-afternoon snack or even meal when you're on a flexitarian diet. It's completely vegan, high in protein (20 grams per serving), low in saturated fat and high in omega and fibre plus it contains all 26 essential vitamins and minerals! Try them today.View Deal
As Charlotte explains, "the flexitarian diet promotes a vegetarian diet while allowing animal products occasionally." It's good for the planet as people on flexitarian diet consume less meat (especially red meat) and more plant-based products, meaning the carbon-footprint is smaller.
The flexitarian diet is the best of both worlds as it offers a solution to one of the biggest concerns in veganism (e.g. vitamin deficiency), all the while not overdoing meat consumption for the sake of it. By eating meat occasionally, people on a flexitarian diet can ensure they supply their bodies with all the nutrients it needs to function properly, without supplementation.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Charlotte likes to emphasise the social benefits and the err flexibility of the flexitarian diet: "With the flexitarian diet, people can reap the benefits of a plant-based diet but also enjoy animal products occasionally or in social events. There are no rigid rules."
A 2016 meta-analysis examined the correlation between vegetarian diets and weight loss and concluded by saying that "vegetarian diets appeared to have significant benefits on weight reduction compared to non-vegetarian diets", with most significant results achieved by people on the vegan diet. The research paper notes that long term trials would be needed to asses the longevity of the weight loss progress but it's a promising result nevertheless.
Another benefit of the flexitarian diet is its flexibility, compared to other diets such as keto. By not forcing the body (and mind) to adhere to a restricted diet, people on flexitarian diet might not over-consume food and therefore manage their weight more easily.
Barebells High Protein and Low Carb Bar, Box of 12 | Buy it for 22.89 at AmazonBarebells' Vegan Protein Bar is free from palm oil, 100% vegan, contains 15 grams of protein per bar and it is just so delicious. Vegan protein bars are not always famous for their great taste and texture but the Barebells Vegan Bar is the exception to the rule.View Deal
"Because there are no rigid rules, there might be a lack of awareness about the replacements required to obtain all nutrients", Charlotte explains, "If it is not well-planned, there might be deficiencies of B12, zinc, iron, calcium, and omega-3."
As in most cases when it comes to dieting, the best results are observed when the right balance of macros and micronutrients are achieved: not having meat with every meal is already a big step towards sustainability, there is no need to completely remove meat and dairy products from diet for the sake of it.
NOCCO Zero-carb Caffeinated Drink, Limon Del Sol Flavour, 12 pack | Buy it for 23.34 at AmazonOne can of NOCCO contains five different types of Vitamin B (folic acid, niacin, biotin, B6 and B12) as well as Vitamin D. The caffeinated range of NOCCO contain 180mg of caffeine and 3000mg of BCAA, whilst the caffeine-free range contain 5000mg of BCAA. All flavours are free from sugar and sweetened with sucralose.View Deal
(Image credit: Getty Images)
A flexitarian diet might support a weight loss process. This happens because there is a decrease in processed, high-calorie foods and an increase in vegetables, fruits and whole foods. "With a well-planned flexitarian diet, it is possible to get all the nutritional requirements while keeping the cholesterol and saturated fats low", Charlotte concludes.
This is part of T3's Fit for 2021 programme, which will be running throughout January. We aim to bring you tips on diet, lifestyle and exercise that will help you shape up for what is certain to be a difficult year. One thing we can guarantee: it WILL be better than last year. And hopefully we'll help you get the most out of it.
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Continued here:
Flexitarian diet: Nutritionist explains the pros and cons plus everything else you need to know - T3
The It List: Watch the CW’s ‘Walker’ reboot, ‘Salt-N-Pepa’ get a Lifetime biopic and more pop culture highlights of the week – Yahoo! Voices

(Bloomberg) -- Malaysia kept its benchmark interest rate unchanged Wednesday, saving its policy ammunition as the country grapples with a surge in Covid infections that could take months to subside.Bank Negara Malaysia maintained the overnight policy rate at a record-low 1.75% at its first meeting of the year, as expected by 12 of 23 economists surveyed by Bloomberg. The rest had forecast a 25-basis point cut.The decision comes as Malaysia has imposed fresh lockdowns across nearly the entire country and unveiled a new $3.7 billion aid package to help people weather the curbs. The restrictions, put in place after infections pushed the health system to the breaking point, were intended to last two weeks but may be extended, the government said.Despite the new lockdown, the central bank has opted to wait before deciding whether to deliver more support to the economy, said Khoon Goh, head of Asia research at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group in Singapore. The fresh stimulus may have been enough for BNM to hold off for now and assess how the economy evolves.The ringgit held its gains after the decision, rising 0.1% to 4.0450 per dollar, while short-end government bonds extended losses. The countrys benchmark stock index pared some of its advances, rising 0.4%, with bank shares among the biggest gainers.Analysts have shaved as much as 1.5 percentage points from their 2021 gross domestic product forecasts because of the renewed curbs. While less severe than the two-month lockdown enacted last March, the restrictions will mean a loss of about 600 million ringgit ($148 million) per day, Bernama reported, citing Finance Minister Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz.New AidThe 15 billion ringgit aid package unveiled Monday aims to help households and businesses weather the restrictions. The announcement is mainly a re-packaging of budget measures and extension of last years economic stimulus measures, Maybank said in a note Tuesday, maintaining its growth forecast of 5.1% for this year.For 2021, while near-term growth will be affected by the re-introduction of stricter containment measures, the impact will be less severe than that experienced in 2020, the central bank said. The growth trajectory is projected to improve from the second quarter onward.What Bloomberg Economics Says...The BNM decisions may all be close calls this year. Keeping them on hold, like today, is the prospect of recovery from the second quarter of 2021. If that picture becomes untenable, though, more easing is likely. For now, we maintain our forecast that BNM will leave rates unchanged this year.-- Tamara Mast Henderson, Asean economistThe statement accompanying Wednesdays decision does sound a touch less neutral than before and opens up the potential for more support should sequential data disappoint, said Edward Lee, chief economist for Asean and South Asia at Standard Chartered Plc in Singapore.Among the key points from the decision:Banks ability to use government bonds toward statutory reserve requirements -- currently slated to end on May 31 -- was extended until the end of 2022Economic growth last year will come in toward the lower end of the central banks forecast for a 3.5% to 5.5% contractionHeadline inflation this year will average higher due to oil pricesMonetary policy going forward will be determined by new data and information, and their implications on the overall outlook for inflation and domestic growthThe central bank clearly left the door open to a further rate cut, signaling an extremely data-dependent stance to monetary policy, said Joseph Incalcaterra, chief Asean economist at HSBC Holdings Plc in Hong Kong. Any extensions to the lockdown or delays to vaccination plans will likely augur further easing. We expect a 25 basis point cut in the first quarter.(Updates with Bloomberg economist quote in box, analyst quote in last paragraph.)For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.2021 Bloomberg L.P.
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The It List: Watch the CW's 'Walker' reboot, 'Salt-N-Pepa' get a Lifetime biopic and more pop culture highlights of the week - Yahoo! Voices
Loyola Medicine Offers Men’s Health Tips for the New Year – Newswise

Newswise A new year brings a new opportunity to focus on health, and Loyola Medicine Men's Health Center Director Kevin McVary, MD is offering tips for a healthier 2021.
"Men don't always focus on their health," said Dr. McVary," and in fact, men are less likely to see a doctor or utilize health resources and wait longer than women to seek care. Often, its a man's spouse or partner who convinces him to see a doctor.
"A focus on health is especially important this year as the COVID-19 pandemic continues," said Dr. McVary, a nationally recognized urologist and expert on mens health. "We know that obesity, heart disease, diabetes and a lack of exercise can lead to poorer COVID-19 outcomes. In addition, some men may have stopped eating healthy during the past year, and/or may be consuming more alcohol due to stress. Others may have a condition or concern that they are not seeking treatment for due to the pandemic.
And yet, lifestyle choices exercising, eating healthy, not smoking, limiting alcohol consumption and managing stress combined with preventive care can keep you healthy this year and throughout your lifetime," said Dr. McVary. "And it's never too late to start."
Dr. McVary offers the following tips to help men improve their health in 2021:
The Loyola Mens Health Center, the only academic medical center-affiliated program in the Chicago area, takes a holistic, preventive approach to men's health, including healthy lifestyle, behavior modifications and medications.
The Mens Health Center is located at Loyolas Burr Ridge location, and offers a broad range of specialty services, laboratory testing, imaging services and a sleep lab.
To make an appointment, visit:
About Loyola MedicineLoyola Medicine, a member of Trinity Health, is a nationally ranked academic, quaternary care system based in Chicago's western suburbs. The three-hospital system includes Loyola University Medical Center, Gottlieb Memorial Hospital and MacNeal Hospital, as well as convenient locations offering primary care, specialty care and immediate care services from more than 1,800 physicians throughout Cook, Will and DuPage counties. Loyola is a 547-licensed-bed hospital in Maywood that includes the William G. & Mary A. Ryan Center for Heart & Vascular Medicine, the Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center, a Level 1 trauma center, Illinois's largest burn center, a certified comprehensive stroke center and a childrens hospital. Loyola also trains the next generation of caregivers through its academic affiliation with Loyola University Chicagos Stritch School of Medicine and Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing. Gottlieb is a 247-licensed-bed community hospital in Melrose Park with the newly renovated Judd A. Weinberg Emergency Department, the Loyola Center for Metabolic Surgery and Bariatric Care and the Loyola Cancer Care & Research facility at the Marjorie G. Weinberg Cancer Center. MacNeal is a 374-licensed-bed teaching hospital in Berwyn with advanced medical, surgical and psychiatric services, acute rehabilitation, an inpatient skilled nursing facility and a 68-bed behavioral health program and community clinics. Loyola Medical Group, a team of primary and specialty care physicians, offers care at over 15 Chicago-area locations. For more information, visit You can also follow Loyola Medicine on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.
About Trinity Health Trinity Health is one of the largest multi-institutional Catholic health care delivery systems in the nation, serving diverse communities that include more than 30 million people across 22 states. Trinity Health includes 92 hospitals, as well as100continuing care locations that include PACE programs, senior living facilities, and home care and hospice services. Its continuing care programs provide nearly 2.5 million visits annually. Based in Livonia, Mich., and with annual operating revenues of$18.8billion and assets of$30.5 billion, the organization returns$1.3billion to its communities annually in the form of charity care and other community benefit programs. Trinity Health employs about123,000colleagues, including6,800employed physicians and clinicians. Committed to those who are poor and underserved in its communities, Trinity Health is known for its focus on the country's aging population. As a single, unified ministry, the organization is the innovator of Senior Emergency Departments, the largest not-for-profit provider of home health care services ranked by number of visits in the nation, as well as the nations leading provider of PACE (Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly) based on the number of available programs. For more information, visit You can also follow Trinity Health on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.
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Loyola Medicine Offers Men's Health Tips for the New Year - Newswise
Here’s How to Eat More Carbs and Lose Weight: Yes, It’s Possible! – The Beet

When was the last time you heard: Eat more carbs to lose weight? Like, never, right? But it turns out you can enjoy your favorite potatoes, lentil pasta, whole wheat breadif you do it right. The trick to making itwork, and getting your body to incinerate fat, is in the timing. There's new diet method sweeping the nation called "carb cycling" and essentially it uses the timing of your food groups to lose weight. Essentially you'll eat two days "on" carbs and two days "off"ofcarbs, and 2 "medium carb" days, and this combination prompts your insulin response to kick in and burn fat like your body was a gas-guzzling semi-truck.
Until you get the hang of it, carb cycling is a little bit complicated since you have to hone in on exactly when to pile on the pasta and when to pull in the reigns. And since athletes are the ones who get this right most often, combining their carb intake with their most intense workout days, The BeetaskedKim Bowman, the nutritionist forhigh-intensity training communityF45, to be our guide to doing it right. Bowman gave us the full "how-to" of carb cycling for effective weight loss. Plus she sharedasample meal plan to guide you through thefirst week. The best news: Carb cycling works perfectly with a plant-based approach.
"If you're already vegan, you're halfway there," Bowman says since you will fill up on healthy carbs such as potatoes, squash, beans, and legumes and avoid unhealthy animal fat when you need more protein on low-carb days. Bowman notes that the carb cycling diet approach is "beneficial for vegans since it helps you stay on track with what you eat throughout the day." And, if you already try to intermittent fast, Carb Cyclingis a walk in the park since both methodsrequire you to be mindful of when to eat.
When you follow carb cycling, your carbohydrate intake will vary between a high-carb day, where 45 to 50 percent of your daily intake will be carbs, followed by moderate-carb days, where 30 to 35 percent of your daily intake is made up of carbs, and very low-carb days, where 20 to 25 percent of your daily intake is made up of carbs. These ratios will help your body burn fat for energy on the very low and moderate days. Think of the high carb days as maintenance, since the extra calories will help your body recover from tough workouts and the carbs will be used to rebuild muscles that get worn down byall that exertion in the gym.
When you start to do it, carb cyclingis easier than you think it will be, and because you get to eat carbs fully two days a week, many people who follow this weight loss strategy think that it makes it easier to stay on track, feel energized, and lose weightfast, in less than a month.
"Carbohydrate cycling is a protocol whereby carbohydrate consumption varies from high, moderate, or low on a daily or weekly basis" Bowman explains. "Depending on your body composition goals, the daily ratio of healthy carbs may be lower than usual before cycling back to a higher ratio. The aim of carbohydrate cycling is to fill the glycogen storage in the muscles and liver without storing excess glucose as fat. However, its important to note that not all carbs provide the same nutritional benefit."
KB: "It's the concept of being more mindful and regulating your cravings. iI you can time your carbs and be mindful you can really regulate how hungry you are, you're stabilizing your blood sugars. if you're not mindful you'regoing to be eating foods all over the place. Cravings are stimulated by changes in blood sugar. Carb cycling helps monitor that so you don'thave really highdays."
KB: "On high carb days, focuson consuming quality complex carbs like oatmeal, quinoa, and beans. On low carb days eat non-starchy vegetables and avoid simple carbs like white rice, baked goods, cookies, store-bought products that drive up blood sugars. Simple short-chain carbs make you feel hungry quicker than if you eat complex carbs, because they're full of dietary fiber and break down more slowly. More people should eat this way anyway."
How you use carbohydrate cycling depends on a variety of factors, including your current body composition, weight loss goals, training routine, andusual eating habits. For example, an athlete may be going through a leanphasefor fat lossby lowering his or her carb intake for a couple of weeks before reintroducing carbs back during a building phase. While there is variation between approaches, a typical weekly carbohydrate cycling protocol may look like this:2 High Days:Sunday and Monday, eat your highestintake of carbs,45 to 50 percent2Moderate Days:Tuesday and Wednesday, eat moderate carbs,30 to 35 percent3Low Days: Thursday to Saturday, eat your lowest percentage of carbs: 20 to 25 percent
The meal plan for a high-carb day will fall on Sunday and Monday. Forty-five to 50% of your daily intake is carbs this is approximately 175 to180 grams of carbs per day. Here is the exact meal plan with recipes.
Breakfast: Oatmeal and Fruit
The sample menu is based on a total daily caloric intake of 1,500 calories. Note that macronutrient distribution will vary depending on body weight, age, and gender.
KB: "Yes and it's actually easier. If you're macro heavy on carbs such as a plant-based diet, you're more than halfway there. Your body is cyclingthrough periods of high moderate to low carbohydrates intake so it's good for someone who's plant-based to have a steady flow of carbs. And, if you're macro heavy on carbsand you eat lots of beans and legumesyou're more than halfway there."
KB:"Carb Cycling is something that has been used by a lot of athletes and they normally follow a modified version:45%-50% carbs on moderation days and 20-25% carbs on low days."For example, an athlete engaging in carbohydrate cycling may be going through a cutting phase with the goal of fat loss. Therefore, this individual may lower his or her carbohydrate intake for a couple of weeks before reintroducing carbs back during a muscle building phase.
KB:"You will not gain weight if you follow the meal plan properly, and pay attention to the ratios. Bloating only depends on the types of carbs you're eating and if they are high in fiber."
KB: "No, because you will still have a good amount of protein and healthy fats that will make you feel full on low-carb days. Some foods I recommend eating are avocados, nuts, seeds, beans, nutrient-dense salads, and fatty fish if you're not vegan."
KB: "Weight loss will take about 3-4 weeks depending on your diet and body. But, in terms of feeling good and having more energy, you'll start to notice the difference after the first week."
KB: "Yes, but don't restrict your calorie intake at all. If you're not noticing weight loss results look at the carbs you're eating and aim to eat lower calorie carbs like starchy vegetables."
KB:Don't get discouraged, just try it. Focus on cutting out refined and process carbs and if you do that already you're already on the right track.
KB:"More cardio-based workouts, like a light jog, lower HIIT session, and pilates"
KB: "You should do a lot of weight trainingto utilize that fuel."
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Here's How to Eat More Carbs and Lose Weight: Yes, It's Possible! - The Beet