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Debating Diets: What is the volumetrics diet? – Baylor College of Medicine News

Thinking about starting a new diet? While the amount of information available can be overwhelming, its possible to find a diet that is safe, suitable and effective for your lifestyle.
Rachel Griehs, senior registered dietitian with the Weight Loss and Metabolic Center at Baylor Medicine, discusses what you need to know about the volumetrics diet.
Created by Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., this eating plan focuses on eating larger portions of low-calorie foods (fruits and vegetables) and limiting higher-calorie foods (dairy and meat). Adding water to the food gives it more (zero) density. The goal is to eat lower energy density foods, by adding volume, (soups and smoothies), or eating food containing high amounts of water, (cucumbers and watermelon).
This eating plan separates foods into four categories:
The foods you can eat the most of on this plan are some of the healthiest. Because it focuses on fruits and vegetables, you will get the vitamins, minerals, plant compounds, and fiber in your diet. The fiber will help your feel full so you can lose weight without feeling hungry.
This eating plan is great for those who are looking for long term sustainable weight loss. You dont feel hungry or deprived! Its a great option for many because it is not so restrictive.
This plan also encourages moving more, with the recommendation of 10,000 steps per day.
Those who require high-calorie, high-fat diets or athletes that need more carbohydrates for performance. Otherwise it is a great, non-restrictive eating plan.
This diet is high in fiber, so feeling full on less food is a good side effect. Because of the higher fiber content, it also helps with bowel regularity.
A drawback to this eating plan is that it encourages a low consumption of healthy fats, such as nuts, seeds, avocado, and olive oil, because they are calorically dense. These foods provide monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids that are good for cardiovascular health.
In addition, it may be harder to dine out. Many foods are prepared with high-calorie, high-fat butters and oils.
Debating Diets: What is the vegan diet?
See more from the Debating Diets series.
-By Nicole Blanton
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Debating Diets: What is the volumetrics diet? - Baylor College of Medicine News
5 Diet Pill Ingredients That Actually Work For Weight Loss – South Florida Caribbean News

There is no shortage of weight loss pills and diet supplements in the market. You can see advertisements on the television, you can buy them over the counter, have prescription medications, and even buy one and have it delivered right at your doorsteps. All of them claim that it can help you achieve your weight goal. With so many diet pills available, choosing the best one can be quite tricky. One best way to help you choose is to look at their ingredients. The ingredients can determine which product will actually work and give you amazing results.
If youre looking for weight loss pills, here are some of the best diet pill ingredients you should look for before purchasing.
Before jumping in the ingredients, lets take a look at how these ingredients actually make you lose weight. All of the weight loss pills tend to work via these mechanisms:
Glucomannan is a fiber found in the roots, or corm, of the elephant yam, also known as the konjac plant. It is a water-soluble polysaccharide that is considered a dietary fiber. Glucomannan functions by absorbing water in your stomach and intestine to form a bulky fiber that treats constipation and gives you a feeling of fullness. It can also reduce the absorption of sugar and cholesterol from the gut, to manage sugar levels in diabetes, and decrease cholesterol levels. As you can see on, Glucomannan is present in the Best Weight Loss Pills and Diet Supplements of 2020. This is due to the fact that a lot of research shows that glucomannan, combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, delivers desirable outcomes. Glucomannan is not just for people who are undergoing their weight loss journey and overweight, but it is also for people with a diet with restricted calories.
Caffeine is one of the most popular psychoactive substances that is consumed worldwide. These are caffeine that is found not just in coffee but also in tea, dark chocolate, and many more. Now, caffeine is also used as an ingredient in diet pills since it can boost your metabolism. And it increases fat burning.
While you can use any other caffeine source, green coffee beans are gaining popularity since it also contains chlorogenic acid, which also promotes weight loss. Moreover, it also has plenty of benefits, such as lowering blood sugar levels, and can serve as an antioxidant.
Orlistat is an over the counter drug that promotes weight loss by reducing the amount of dietary fat absorbed by your body. Prescription orlistat is also used by overweight people who are experiencing high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or heart disease. Some studies also show that Orlistat can lessen the amount of harmful, dangerous type of belly fat called visceral fat. People or patients who have been prescribed Orlistat are also usually advised to eat a low-fat diet to avoid any side effects. Orlistat is known to have many digestive side effects. Since it can be a prescription drug, it would be best to ask a medical specialist before taking one.
Malabar tamarind, or most commonly known as Garcinia cambogia, is a tropical fruit that has become a popular ingredient in weight loss supplements. The most active ingredient is found in the skin of the fruit, which is hydroxy citric acid or HCA. Hydroxy citric acid can block citrate lyase, which is an enzyme that produces fat in our body. In addition, it also increases the level of serotonin, which is the one in charge of decreasing hunger levels. Since Garcinia Cambogia Extract is an organic ingredient, the side effects reported are less and taking it is one way to lose weight without taking risk.
Chromium picolinate is mineral chromium that is found in dietary supplements. These ingredients help to improve metabolism and weight loss. While the use of this is still undergoing a lot of research, studies said that it works with people with binge-eating disorder or depression, as they suppress cravings or hunger. Since chromium picolinate can interact with other medications, it is suggested to ask your health care provider due to the possibility of unwanted effects or other risks.
Out of all the ingredients that claim weight loss, these five are the ones with the strongest evidence to back them up. These supplements can help you achieve your weight goal together with a balanced diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. It would be best to talk to your doctor first to evaluate your health and give you medical advice. Always remember that weight loss is a long term commitment, and you should do it at your own, safe pace.
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5 Diet Pill Ingredients That Actually Work For Weight Loss - South Florida Caribbean News
Don’t Give Up: 9 Ways to Reinvent Your 2021 Diet, Fitness Resolutions – Healthline

New Years resolutions are exciting. They can create a sense of motivation and hope for taking control of your health and bettering the year ahead.
This can give a big shot of dopamine and adrenaline, which can cause an almost euphoric feeling of Yes! Lets do that! Teralyn Sell, PhD, psychotherapist and brain health expert, told Healthline.
However, if you fall short on taking action to make change or reach your goals, you may feel a sense of failure.
We might even engage in more negative thoughts, which are unmotivating altogether thus negatively affecting our neurochemistry, Sell said.
Christina Brown, weight loss coach, agrees. She said resolutions have a mostly negative impact.
Creating and even just thinking about creating a resolution often causes us to feel stressed, overwhelmed, or even depressed, Brown told Healthline. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be a certain way or to stop/start a habit, and when we fail to keep our resolutions which more than 90 percent of us do fail at this we then feel those negative feelings I mentioned.
Making healthy changes is still a good thing and worth striving for.
However, readjusting your approach and mentality in the following 9 ways can set you up for greater success.
While kicking off a goal at the start of the year is tempting, Brown said too much pressure is put on January.
I believe that if you want to make a change and create a different reality for yourself in any area of your life, change must start now. Not Monday, not January 1, but right now, she said. If we feel that we can only make changes/resolutions on Jan. 1, we set ourselves up to fail.
When perfection is the goal rather than progress, Brown said most people end up quitting as soon as they realize they cant be perfect.
The best and easiest way to become healthier is to create lifelong habits. Diets dont work, but healthy eating habits that are sustainable for the long run do work, she said. Exercising every day for 3 weeks and then giving up will not bring you results. Exercising 3 days a week for the rest of your life will.
While typical resolutions have more to do with how your body looks than how you feel emotionally, Sell said try to reverse that sentiment.
[Most] people have this just a little bit backward and think if they lost weight, they would feel better, she said. While this can be true in some cases, we dont always go about it in the [healthiest] ways.
Sell suggests focusing on improving the health of your brain as a way to naturally increase your feel-good chemicals. By doing so, youll feel more alert, do more, and naturally want to exercise and eat better.
Because 2020 has been emotionally fatiguing, how about focusing on the health of your brain as a resolution for 2021, Sell said.
It takes time to see changes in the body caused by fitness and diet.
It often took many months or even years for your body to get to the point where it is, so it will take time to get back to where youd like it to be, Brown said.
While a quick fix is desirable, when it comes to fitness and diet, one doesnt exist.
It is hard work. If a fitness routine or a diet sounds too good to be true, it is too good to be true, Brown said.
Obsessing about what the scale shows adds to the time crunch.
This is just a number and only tells a small part of the story. Our weight fluctuates every day and even throughout the day. When we start working out, our body composition changes, meaning we are losing body fat while gaining muscle, Brown said.
The number on the scale may not change, but you will notice your clothes fitting better, and that means you are losing inches because you are losing fat and replacing it with muscle, which is much leaner, she said.
While joining a gym can be a sign that youre serious about fitness goals, Sell said exercise doesnt have to be at the gym.
In fact, we need to change the way we think about exercise. Instead, just think of it as moving your body more. Thirty minutes of movement a day is all it takes to improve your mood, reduce your stress, and more, she said.
Find ways to move that you enjoy, such as a walk, bike ride, or streamed workout video. And make an appointment with yourself at the same time every day to do it.
Neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine need protein as fuel, Sell said.
Additionally, nutrient cofactors (vitamins and minerals) are necessary for the neurotransmitter pathway to biochemically convert. Opt for nutrient-dense foods and high-quality protein sources, she said.
Talk with your doctor about supplements for amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.
This will improve mood, drive, and focus all things we need in 2021, Sell said.
While its easy to blame your favorite foods or drinks for stopping you from reaching your goals, denying yourself from eating them can backfire.
My motto is everything in moderation, and I coach my clients to use the 80/20 principle, in which they eat healthy 80 percent of the time, and then allow themselves their favorites the other 20 percent of the time, Brown said.
Anytime we deny ourselves of anything, that one thing ends up being the only thing we can think about and eventually can lead us to an eating binge, she said.
If you turn to food to cope with stress, depression, loneliness, or boredom, Brown suggests creating a when, then scenario.
For example, When I feel bored, then I call a friend to chat or When I feel like I need comfort, then I take a bath, Brown said. These scenarios allow us to honor our feelings without using food and we create a new, healthy habit to take the place of eating to cope with our emotions.
Brown said creating specific goals is better than general ones.
Saying I will lose 20 pounds by Dec. 31 is a much better goal than I want to lose weight, she said.
To do so, she suggests creating goals that are SMART:
Once you have created your SMART goal, list the steps/plan you need to take in order to reach your goal, Brown said. [For example], your plan could be I will lift weights for 30 minutes 3 days a week, do HIIT workouts [high intensity interval training] 2 days a week, and use a food diary to track my calories and keep them under 1,700 calories a day.
Specific goals for diet resolutions/habits to create might include:
Specific goals for fitness resolutions/habits to create might include:
As you work toward your resolution, Brown said to create a list of what youre struggling with. Then pick one item to focus on and establish a plan to make it less of a struggle.
For example, if you are struggling to fit exercise into your schedule, put the exercise session into your calendar and keep that appointment just as you would an appointment with your boss you would never cancel on your boss, so dont cancel on yourself, Brown said.
If eating too many snacks throughout the day is your struggle, start a food diary on paper or with a free app like MyFitnessPal.
Knowing that you have to write down every single thing you eat, including that handful of chips you grabbed out of the pantry, will make you more mindful about what you are putting in your mouth, Brown said.
Once you have conquered your struggle, move it to the what has been working well list, and tackle the next item on the struggle list.
Dont overwhelm yourself by trying to focus on too many things at once. Make it simple, create a simple plan, and move on to the next once you feel you have created a good habit, Brown said.
Cathy Cassata is a freelance writer who specializes in stories around health, mental health, medical news, and inspirational people. She writes with empathy and accuracy and has a knack for connecting with readers in an insightful and engaging way. Read more of her work here.
Original post:
Don't Give Up: 9 Ways to Reinvent Your 2021 Diet, Fitness Resolutions - Healthline
Raw Food Diet: Is It Healthier? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

In todays world of artificial flavors and ingredients you cant pronounce, some people are taking a more natural approach to food. And what could be more natural than eating everything raw? This is the basis of the raw food diet.
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The raw food diet has some benefits, but its not perfect and it can be risky. Registered dietitian Maxine Smith, RD, LD, explains the pros and cons.
A raw food diet includes uncooked, unprocessed foods. You can use a few preparation methods, including:
The goal is to eat foods in their natural state, without any kind of processing or heating that can change their structure.
Some people follow a strict raw food diet, eating nothing but raw foods at every meal. Others focus on raw foods for the bulk of their diet but also include some cooked or processed foods.
The raw food diet has three main types:
A raw vegan diet is generally rich in fruits and vegetables, which gives it some serious health points. But its not a cure-all diet solution and not for the faint of heart.
Eating lots of fresh, raw produce means youll get plenty of:
A raw vegan diet can help with weight loss because you:
Everyone can benefit from eating more fruits and veggies, Smith says. The average American eats too many processed foods and too much flour, sugar and salt.
If youre going hard-core raw vegan, youre excluding a lot of foods and that comes with health risks. The raw vegan diet, in its pure form, is very restrictive and can lead to nutrient deficiencies, Smith explains.
When you avoid dairy, eggs and meat, you may not get enough:
The raw vegan diet can be a short-term way to clean up your diet, says Smith. But its too restrictive to be a lifelong diet plan.
The raw vegetarian and raw omnivorous diets, which include raw animal-based foods, can be dangerous. The risks outweigh the benefits with eating raw dairy, eggs and meat, Smith says.
The milk you buy in grocery stores is pasteurized, which is a heating process that kills bacteria. Raw milk is not pasteurized, and it can harbor dangerous germs like E. coli, Salmonella and Listeria, says Smith.
Stick with pasteurized milk, cheese and other dairy products so you can avoid the nasty illnesses that come with bacteria in raw dairy.
Raw, unpasteurized eggs arent worth the risk. Even eggs that appear normal can contain Salmonella and make you sick.
But maybe you make your own Caesar salad dressing with raw eggs. Or you love your yolks on the runny side. Luckily, you have a safe option: Buy pasteurized eggs. If theyre not pasteurized (or youre not sure), cook them until the whites and yolks are firm.
Eating raw meats, poultry and fish can be dangerous to your health. When you eat these foods, cook them to the safe minimum cooking temperatures recommended by the governments food safety experts.
Cooking can decrease certain nutrients in food, especially water-soluble vitamins like the B vitamins and vitamin C. But you can tweak your cooking methods to preserve most of these nutrients.
High-heat cooking like frying, charring, grilling or boiling can destroy some nutrients and create toxins in the food, says Smith. To avoid this, cook foods at a lower heat for the shortest amount of time.
Cooking methods that may preserve nutrients include:
In some cases, cooking can increase the availability of nutrients. For example, cooked tomatoes, asparagus and squash give you more antioxidants than raw ones.
Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables has proven health benefits, whether the foods are raw or not. But if youre cutting out entire food groups or eating raw animal products, you could be risking your health.
And you dont have to go to diet extremes to lose weight or improve your health. Eliminating processed foods is great, says Smith. Excluding entire food groups or eating raw meat and dairy is not. A healthy diet is one you can follow for the rest of your life. The raw food diet doesnt qualify.
More here:
Raw Food Diet: Is It Healthier? - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic
Peanuts In Winters: Nutritionist Tells How Many Peanuts You Should Eat In A Day – NDTV

Peanuts can help in weight loss when consumed in moderation
Avoiding winter delicacies like gajaks, chikkis, gajar ka halwa and more can be difficult. One popular winter snack is peanut. Roasted peanuts are widely consumed during the winter season. These are not just pleasing to your taste buds but can offer multiple health benefits. You might be surprised to know that peanuts are weight loss friendly too. If you are wondering about the benefits of peanuts, how much you should consume, the best time to eat peanuts and more, we have you covered. Keep reading as Ms. Preety Tyagi who is a nutritionist and health coach answers these and other queries related to peanut consumption.
Ms. Tyagi tells, "You can safely consume a handful of peanuts in a day. You can add these to your snack time to beat hunger pangs between meals. If it's peanut butter, a safe dose would be 1.5 tablespoons."
You can consume a handful of peanuts, says expertPhoto Credit: iStock
Peanuts are often consumed as an evening snack. These can also be added to protein bars, ladoos or a chaat. "The best time to consume peanuts would be morning or day time. A late afternoon snack of peanuts is also ideal. But should certainly be avoided before bed or at dinner," says Ms. Tyagi.
Also read:Tops Reasons Why Peanuts Should Be Your Favourite Snack This Winter
You can consume peanuts when trying to lose weight as it may help you reduce appetite. But it is important to consume these in moderation. The nutritionist further adds, "Peanuts are considered weight loss friendly since they are believed to cause satiety. But they must never be overeaten. And if included in diet, they must be accompanied with a low-calorie food to compromise the calorie intake."
Also read:Peanuts: An Excellent Source Of Protein; Lose Weight, Improve Heart Heath And Many More With Peanuts
Peanuts may help in maintaining a healthy weightPhoto Credit: iStock
Peanuts are loaded with biotin, folate, vitamin E, manganese, magnesium and several other essential nutrients. Peanuts are known to boost one's skin and hair health as well. Ms. Tyagi also highlights that peanuts can also help in keeping your body warm. However, care must be taken in which form you are consuming peanuts. For example, fried peanuts must be avoided. While roasted ones are a better option but avoid adding salt to them. Also, the sugared forms of peanuts must be avoided to maintain a healthy weight.
(Ms. Preety Tyagi is a Lead Health Coach, Nutritionist and founder of MY22BMI)
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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Peanuts In Winters: Nutritionist Tells How Many Peanuts You Should Eat In A Day - NDTV
Starting the New Year Without the Extra Weight or Stress – WTMJ-TV

If you're feeling stressed from the current state of the world, you are not alone. In that stress it's easy to forget about our basic needs like healthy food, water and exercise; which can lead to weight gain. Instead of settling for the additional pounds it's important to remind yourself of your health and well being, and start your weight loss journey today.
We spoke to Angie Schaefer, the Clinic Manager at Milwaukee Medical Weight Loss, to talk about the different treatments available to get you feeling like yourself again. Whether that be finding a personalized prescription plan fit for you, or using the science behind the HCG Diet, Milwaukee Medical Weight Loss and MediSpa has a solution to your weight gain. Plus, in order to keep you healthy, they have implemented new safety precautions for all visitors!
Sign up for a weight loss program today and get up to $200 off, and $100 of the B12 injection package! That's 10 injections total! Call 414-616-3535 or visit to schedule your visit today.
Starting the New Year Without the Extra Weight or Stress - WTMJ-TV
One 5-Minute Workout Can Melt Belly Fat, Says Study – Eat This, Not That

If you're stuck insidewhether it's because of nasty weather or, you know, a pandemicthere's no reason you can't get in a quick exercise session that yields significant results. And one small Korean study suggests all it takes to lose weight and belly fat is just five minutes of this exercise routine twice a day. What is this miracle workout?
Stair climbing.
In the study reported in The Korean Journal of Sports Medicine, researchers asked four sedentary overweight people to do stair-climbing intervals in their offices or apartments for five minutes without rest twice a day. The participants did this interval workout without supervision, and they were allowed to take their time during the going back down interval following each climb up. (Related: 8 Grocery Items That May Soon Be in Short Supply.)
After three weeks, measurements showed that the exercisers lost an average of 7.3 pounds of body weight and 5.5 pounds of body fat. While this Korean experiment was very small, other research suggests that brief bouts, or "exercise snacks," of vigorous stair climbing are effective in improving fitness levels and leg strength.
Here's one way to do it as described in our book The 14-Day No Sugar Diet:
Go to a staircase at home, the stairwell at your workplace, or the bleachers of a local athletic stadium. Walk up the stairs quickly but in control and walk down at a moderate pace. Repeat for 5 minutes without resting. Staircases have roughly a 65% grade, which will make walking up and down them harder on your legs and lungs than walking on flat ground. After five minutes, rest, then repeat the exercise for another 5 minutes; to increase the resistance and cardiovascular effort, this time take every other step on the way up. Be sure to warm up before exercising and cool down after.
Add interval training to your longer flat-ground walks, too, to lose belly fat. Using the speed-up/slow-down interval method (think city driving versus highway driving) will help you burn more calories than steady-pace walking will in a shorter period of time. Here's The 14-Day No Sugar Diet flat-ground walking interval plan; it'll take you about 30 minutes:
Related:30 Tips When You're Walking for Weight Loss
Another benefit of high-intensity interval exercising is that it may help insulin do its job better. In a Scandinavian study, people with type 2 diabetes did either a moderately intense exercise program or a HIIT plan. After just six sessions over 14 days, the interval training group improved insulin sensitivity much more than the lower-intensity exercise group did. In fact, the HIIT exercisers showed a return to normal glucose metabolism after just 2 weeks, suggesting that HIIT training may actually work as effectively as diabetes medication.
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One 5-Minute Workout Can Melt Belly Fat, Says Study - Eat This, Not That
7 At-Home Exercises You Need To Add In Your Journey From FAT-TO-FIT – Tech Geeked

Besides having a healthy diet, regular exercise is a must to lose weight.
While most people today struggle to find the motivation to workout, when they do, the thought of going to a gym is enough to deter them.
Well, hitting the gym to use the equipment is not essential to aid you in your weight loss journey. You can perform easy exercises from the comfort of your home to go from fat to fit easily.
Do you wish to lose weight without going to the gym? Are you looking for exercises that you can do at home?
Dive right in to find some easy home exercises to start your weight loss journey.
Whether you have recently gained weight or just want to get fit by shedding the extra kilos, you must regularly exercise.
If you want to workout at home, here are seven exercises to help you get fit:
Strength training not only helps you build muscles but also slim down. If you have weights at home, you can try strength training to get fit. Most people dont know it, but building muscles is the key to weight loss. With weight training, your metabolism rate goes up, which helps you burn more calories and help with weight loss in the long run. If you want to build muscles quickly, you can also try Anavar cycles to aid the process.
If you arent someone who likes to indulge in hardcore exercises, yoga can be an ideal way to lose weight. Yoga is a form of exercise that impacts the entire body, including your mind, and helps restore balance. On average, you can burn around 150 calories by performing yoga poses and postures for 30 minutes. A study shows that women who were obese lost weight through yoga and reduced weight circumference by 1.5 inches.
You can start performing asanas or poses like plank pose, warrior pose, sun salutation, and bridge pose from the comfort of your home to get fit.
For those who love to dance, Zumba can help you enjoy your passion while also incorporating fitness into your daily routine. The dance moves incorporate vigorous exercises and high-intensity movements to hp sculpt your body. This dance form is all about loosing up your body and burning calories. It can also help relieve stress, increase strength, and boost energy. Before you know it, youll start feeling much fitter and lighter. All you need to do for Zumba is put on your dancing shoes, select good upbeat music, and start your journey of losing weight.
Pilates is a fun workout that is becoming a rage today, especially among women. The exercises engage your inner core, flexibility, and muscular strength. As a beginner, start with a 30 minutes pilates session, which will help you burn 108 calories. Once you get familiar with pilates, you can do a 45 minutes session. You can also enroll in an online class or look for videos to get guidance from an instructor and set up a mat in your home for your session.
If you want to get rid of the fat on your stomach, you need to target the muffin top. It is the core, including muscles that run around your back and stretch down to your butt, the front, and inner thighs.
To keep the love handles away, you can indulge in the following abs exercises:
Lie on your back and have your knees bent with hands behind the head. Lift your shoulders from the floor and simultaneously curl your legs towards the ribcage.
Start by kneeling on your exercise mat on all four and keep your hands directly placed under your shoulders. Stretch the legs back and then come into a plank position. Try to stay there for a minute, or more, if you can, and then drop on all four.
Sit on a mat with your knees bent and hands under the knees for support. Raise your legs until they come parallel to the floor, and you balance yourself on the sitting bones.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) encompasses intense exercises that you must perform in a brief period with an altered relaxation period.
Due to the increased intensity and reduced interval period, you burn nine times more calories than a normal workout. You can pick any exercise from cycling to running, jumping to weight lifting, and so on.
The easiest way to go from fat to fit is running. If you go running or jogging every day, it can help you target the fat accumulated around the abdomen. This fat not only lowers your self-confidence but is also the culprit behind many chronic ailments.
Running at a pace of 5mph can help you burn 298 calories within 30 minutes. If you increase the speed to 6mph, you can quickly burn 372 calories.
The path to health and wellbeing starts with an active lifestyle. Along with a balanced diet, you must create a regular exercise routine to reach the ideal weight goal. You can start one or more exercises given above and go from fat to fit.
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7 At-Home Exercises You Need To Add In Your Journey From FAT-TO-FIT - Tech Geeked
Happy Healthy Thin Announces New Service Option – Yahoo Finance

I'm a nosy person, so I elbowed my millennial colleague, Jessa, in the next cube over, and asked her, "Pssst... How much do you save for retirement per year?"Instead of ignoring me, she furtively Slacked me all of her financial details (it was like a giant ice cream sundae for a finance nerd): * Jessa, at 28, still owes $15,000 in student loans, and her husband, who is 30, still owes $20,000. * They owe $12,000 on their car loans. * Jessa and her husband have a $200,000 mortgage. * She currently saves $0 toward her retirement plan. (Sorry, but that's not enough, friend.) * She and her husband need help from Facet Wealth -- a virtual full-service financial planning service with dedicated certified financial planners.According to a survey by Bank of America, a surprising 16% of millennials between the ages of 24 and 38 now have at least $100,000 saved for retirement.Whooo hooo! That's cause for celebration. But what about Jessa? What does she need to do to get out of debt and save enough for retirement?Why Millennials Struggle to Save for Retirement Why do millennials like Jessa struggle to save for retirement? 1. Housing costs: The No. 1 response (37%) for millennials is the cost of housing, according to the Retirement Pulse Survey. 2. Supporting family members financially: Millennials often support extended family members with their income. This doesn't even involve the amount you need to save to put kids through college -- remember, financial aid doesn't cover everything. 3. Not enough income: The State of Our Money shares that more than half of millennials (55%) don't have a retirement savings account, such as a 401(k) or IRA. About 46% said unemployment was to blame. 4. Student loan debt: As of September 2017, the average graduate from the class of 2016 owed more than $37,000 in student loan debt, according to Student Loan Hero. "Yep, yep and yep," she said, when I showed her these numbers. "We hit three of these four categories. I just can't afford to put money in my retirement account right now."What My Millennial Colleague Needs to Do -- and Here's What You Can Do, Too! Feel like the percentages stack against you? Here's what to do next.Tip 1: Analyze interest rates. As soon as I said the words "interest rate," Jessa flopped over in her desk chair and pretended to fall asleep.I knew Jessa and her husband refinanced their home this past fall, and I asked her about their interest rates. She was paying only 3% on their home and student loans. I suggested asking Facet Wealth if they should invest in retirement more aggressively than pay down debt on their loans. (It's what I would vote for!) On the flip side, if you have high interest rates on your own student loans, I'd suggest asking Facet Wealth about paying off debt if your loans carry a higher rate than your investments earn before taxes. Tip 2: Consolidate those student loans -- but there's a catch. Consider consolidating student loan payments only if you can lower your payment without stretching out your loan term. In Jessa's case, she could use the extra money to start compounding her retirement savings.Tip 3: Get cracking on that retirement plan. Jessa must save at least 10% of her income. It's the rule of thumb cited by most financial advisors and other money experts. If Jessa doesn't want to struggle to keep her head above water after retirement, she needs to invest 10% of her income each year. And none of this "invest just enough to get the employer match" crap. In most cases, that's not enough retirement savings for most people and it won't scratch the surface toward creating a hefty nest egg. Tip 4: To get really rich, invest at least 15%. If Jessa wants to get really rich as a passive investor, she'll invest at least 15% of her income. She won't get Warren Buffett rich, of course, but if she wants at least $1 million in liquid assets beyond her home value, she'll shoot for saving 15%.That goes for anyone who invests for retirement. Tip 5: Never, ever borrow from your retirement plan. You can lend yourself money from your retirement account, but it's not a good idea. Jessa's retirement plan is off limits, and so is yours. Assume that money is in lockdown. Period.Why? * You lose compounded growth on your earnings. * You repay the loan with after-tax money, which means the interest you pay will get taxed again when you withdraw it at retirement (unless you borrow from a Roth 401(k). * If you leave your job, you'll have to repay the loan, typically within 60 days of leaving. If you can't, you'll owe taxes on the balance and a 10% penalty as well if you're under 55.You don't want to mess with all that.Tip 5: Take time to review what options are best for you. Once you've got retirement savings under control, you may want to take a look at other potential opportunities. Maybe Jessa and her husband want to dive into real estate investing or get cracking on several side hustles. Whatever it is, she needs to make sure it's worth her time and energy and can contribute toward her long-term goals.Tip 6: Do your own research. Jessa is a proud graduate of a liberal arts college, which means she's a lifelong learner. Here's another thing she'll do to maximize her success: She'll read everything she can get her hands on. She'll research funds and options within her 401(k), read investing books, books about real estate, articles about destroying debt and more. She'll absorb blog posts, listen to podcasts and develop her own investing philosophy. She'll be her own advocate when it comes to her own needs, risk tolerance and more, and you can, too.How Much Retirement Money Should You Aim to Save? Jessa is 28, but millennials span a wide range of ages -- from 24 to 38. Check out the rules of thumb for savings at each age.Savings Goal for Your 20s Accumulate 25% of your overall gross pay during your twenties. You might need to lower this amount if you've amassed a giant amount of student loan debt. Savings Goal for Your 30s Have at least one year of salary saved by the time you turn 30. If Jessa makes $100,000, she should have $100,000 saved. Savings Goal for Ages 35 to 40 Those of you on the mid-thirties end of the millennial spectrum should have double your annual salary saved. You should have four times your yearly salary saved if you're 40. Steps to Get There If she's serious about getting out of debt and saving enough for retirement, Jessa must do these three things.Step 1: Get started. This article won't help -- if she (or you) do nothing about it. You must take action if you truly want to save enough and get out of debt. It takes time and discipline and not even very much money per month (depending on your age).Step 2: Invest aggressively, automatically. Two facts: * If you start at 24, you can have $1 million at age 69. All you need to do is save $35 per month -- and get a 10% return on your investments. Save more, and you'll become a millionaire more quickly. * If you start at 40, you can save $1 million by saving $561 per month, assuming a 10% return. I informed Jessa that since she has $0 saved for retirement at this point, she can start saving at least $158.15 per month for 40 years with a 10% return and still be able to become a millionaire.$158.15 -- that's the cost of a pair of new shoes each month, I informed her. Get Facet Wealth on Your Side Nobody ever says, "Be your own doctor." Why would you assume, then, that you should be your own financial advisor (unless you're a financial analyst or advisor)?You need Facet Wealth, which can help you achieve a more prosperous life by helping you work with a dedicated CFP Professional at an affordable price.Jessa informed me that she'd signed up for our company retirement plan and also made a plan for getting out of debt the very next day.I bought her a cupcake and set it on her desk. It was cause for celebration.See more from Benzinga * Click here for options trades from Benzinga * 8 Must-Know Tips for Getting a Background Check on Your Work-from-Home Employee * 2021 Crypto Preview: Here's What's Coming Next(C) 2021 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.
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London X City Publishes Health Care Article Discussing The Pros And Cons Of Diet Supplements And Diet Shakes – Press Release – Digital Journal

London X City, an online publication dealing with topics such as fashion, beauty, celebrities, weight loss, news, health, body, money, sports, and movies, has published an article discussing the pros and cons of diet supplements and diet shakes. The article can be read in its entirety at
According to the article, the internet is packed with information and advice on weight loss. It gives an often-cited example of losing 10 kilos of weight in 10 days. The article says that though such weight loss is possible, it questions the safety of such a drastic loss in weight in such a short time. It goes on to say that the real question that one should ask is how they can lose weight safely and keep the weight off. According to the article, at the end of the day, keeping the weight off should always be the ultimate goal. Due to these reasons, the article recommends lifestyle changes instead of using weight loss methods.
The article then asks the question of whether making lifestyle changes is possible by using diet shakes and weight loss supplements. The article goes on to say that to answer this question, before buying a diet shake or a weight loss supplement, one must ask if the ingredients contained in the shake or supplement are safe and effective.
The article then says that there are hundreds of different types of shakes on the market for health and diets that can be bought on the internet and in high street stores. The writer then says that they recently visited their local branch of Holland and Barrett to check out both its diet supplements and diet shakes. The writer expected to find a few different types of diet shakes. They go on to say that, to their surprise, they came across 24 different brands of diet shakes. Upon reading the labels, the writer concluded that they all more or less claimed that they could do the same thing which is to help lose weight quickly and keep it off.
The article then says that almost all of the diet shakes that the writer checked out, promoted a weight loss program and a maintenance program. Once the weight loss was successful, the majority of them claimed they could help keep the weight off. Along with that, the diet shakes also claimed that they were natural and would benefit the writers overall health.
The article then explains how diet shakes work. Most of them work by meal replacement. In other words, a meal or two is replaced with a shake. All of the drinks claimed that they were nutritionally correct which means that no one would suffer from any lack of vitamins and minerals while using them. The article then says that though the shakes claimed to be all-natural, they did not contain any fiber. The fiber in the food is what actually helps the feeling of being full suppressing hunger. The fiber is the reason why it is recommended to add extra fruit and vegetables to the diet to lose weight. Many of the shakes also listed harmful ingredients such as artificial preservatives and sweeteners.
The article then talks about diet supplements by saying there are more weight loss supplements out there than diet shakes. Some of them claim to speed up metabolism while others claimed they were fat burning. All of them claimed that they could help in weight loss without changing diet. Diet supplements are also very expensive compared to diet shakes. The writer then expresses skepticism of the diet supplement weight-loss claims. The writer then says most of the diet and weight loss supplements were endorsed by celebrities. The writer pulls from their experience of the promotional industry to say that celebs charge a small fortune for promoting a product. They go on to say that the entire concept made them wonder if the weight loss supplement industry is a money-making venture.
The writer ends the article by saying that instead of going with diet supplements or diet shakes, they decided to invest in a pair of trainers instead. They later visited the local supermarket, invested in a couple of nice fish dishes, stocked up on fruit and vegetables, and went home to their trusted exercise mat. The writer concludes that there is a lot more to a healthy diet than losing weight and cutting calories.
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London X City Publishes Health Care Article Discussing The Pros And Cons Of Diet Supplements And Diet Shakes - Press Release - Digital Journal