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Dangerous Side Effects of Eating "Healthy" Fast Food, According to Experts – Eat This, Not That

It's January, and most of us have announced to our friends and family some sort of New Year's resolution pertaining to our health. Losing belly fat and exercising may be high on the list, but eating better food should be too. If you're a frequent customer at fast-food chains, it may seem like simply opting for "healthier" menu items could be enough to achieve better health outcomes, but the truth is, even lighter menu options at places like Chick-fil-A, McDonald's, or Wendy's is still considered fast foodand they are still worse than a simple homemade vegetable-forward meal with whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein.
Think of it this way: In order to provide the same satisfaction you'd get from eating a burger with fries, "healthy" fast-food options have to have some way of reeling you in and keeping you coming back for more. After all, this is the fast-food business model and often includes compromising dietary guideline recommendations in favor of flavor and crave-ability. While the marketing strategies of big food chains have caught on to the fact that most people are looking for healthier options on their menus, their actual food production methods still haven't.
The biggest danger of "healthy" fast food is that you've been fooled into letting your guard down and thinking that regularly consuming this food is no big deal. Sure, the calories may end up being lighter, and you're surely consuming less fat, but calling anything you can order at a fast-food chain "healthy" is a major stretch.
Take the recent example of Business Insider journalist Kevin Reilly, who conducted an experiment in which he ate nothing but "healthy" fast food for a whole week. Yes, he did lose 7 pounds in 7 days, but at what cost? According to his testimony, he often felt sluggish, was consuming waaay too much sodium, and ended up suffering a terrible migraine after a few days on this "healthy" diet. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Here are some of the potentially dangerous side effects of regularly eating "healthy" fast-food items. Do not mistake them for actually healthy food. And for more, don't miss The One Vitamin Doctors Are Urging Everyone to Take Right Now.
One inescapable fact of fast-food fare is that it's mass-produced, and what that usually means is highly processed. Processed food is any food that has been chemically altered and made from only refined ingredients and artificial substances (as opposed to whole foods). Let's say you've ordered a plant-based burger or sandwichit's great that you're opting to eat less red meat, but the patty, bun, and sauces you're getting with this order are still highly processed. Ordering a salad where you can actually identify the vegetables with the naked eye? So far so good, but we'll bet there's other stuff in there like deliciously-flavored croutons or a creamy dressing, which are full of simple carbohydrates, added sugars, and contain nothing of nutritional value at all.
Relying on mostly processed food for your nutrition can lead to weight gain, cardiovascular disease, hormonal imbalances, poor sleep, and a plethora of other negative consequences you may not even think to attribute to your diet, like mood swings, declining dental health, acne, hair loss, etc. Here are 21 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Stop Eating Processed Food.
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Sodium is one of the most over-consumed nutrients in the United States. In fact, about 90% of Americans consume more than the daily recommended amounts of sodium, says nutritionist Toby Amidor. There are few things worse for your cardiovascular health than large amounts of sodium, considering it increases your blood pressure and puts you at a significantly higher risk of a stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and kidney disease.
Fast food is notorious for being loaded with sodium. For example, many salads, as well as sandwiches and soups, from major fast-food chains contain more than 50% of your daily recommended intake.
"Many fast-food chains add flavor to their food by piling on the salt, even on so-called healthy menu items," says Amidor. "As such, you could be taking in 75% or more of the recommended daily sodium in one meal." So yes, you may be going light on the calories and eating lean meat like grilled chicken, but you're wreaking havoc on your body with artery-clogging sodium levels.
Added sugar is a silent killer, and it finds its way into many different components of fast food, including the "healthy" menu items. For example, you may think you're doing yourself a service by opting for a yogurt parfait or oatmeal over an egg and bacon sandwich, and you are to an extent. But those items often have way more added sweeteners, like high-fructose corn syrup, than is recommended per meal. "Chains oftentimes use more than what is deemed a reasonable amount of added sugars to make their food more appealing and addictive," says Amidor.
The worst part is that added sugars aren't always as obviousbesides traditionally sweet breakfast items, you'll also find them in salad dressings, smoothies, and even grain bowls and grilled chicken sandwiches. Here are the 35 Most Sugary Restaurant Meals on the Planet.
It's a no-brainer that consuming lighter meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner will leave you hungry during the day, and a lot more prone to snacking. Reilly pointed out in his video that while he did drop seven pounds in a week by opting for lighter menu items from fast-food restaurants, he was constantly hungry and felt like he wasn't getting enough food at mealtime. So unless you're willing to go hungry like him between meals, your weight loss plan of "healthy" fast food may end up backfiring in several ways: you could end up snacking more, which can rack up extra calories quickly, or you could end up in a deprive-then-binge cycle where you're more likely to succumb to your overeating urges later in the day.
For more, make sure to read up on the the Unhealthiest Snack Foods, According to Science.
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Dangerous Side Effects of Eating "Healthy" Fast Food, According to Experts - Eat This, Not That
Simple jump rope HIIT workouts to lose weight and tone muscles in no time – Daily Star

Just last night, Prime Minister Boris Johnson plunged England into yet another national lockdown in a bid to fight coronavirus.
The restrictions are similar to what we would have seen back in March last year, meaning gyms will sadly remain closed.
It will affect millions of Brits across the country and now it's never been more important to cater time for exercise.
If you're not a huge fan of running, a jump rope works an absolute charm for cardio and it can be done anywhere.
You might not have used one since primary school, but did you know skipping is a great way to burn calories?
Here to get you started in 2021 are three jump rope techniques that'll help torch fat fast or whatever your fitness goal might be.
If you're new to the skipping game, first start off with this easy workout then build it up.
For those who are pretty decent at skipping can try this workout instead, add an extra set to take it to another level.
Now this one's for the masterminds with the jump rope and if it's too simple, increase the skipping time...
View original post here:
Simple jump rope HIIT workouts to lose weight and tone muscles in no time - Daily Star
This Guy Followed a Plant-Based Diet and Lost 180 Pounds –

Before I changed my diet and started intermittent fasting, I led a very sedentary lifestyle. I had a very poor diet of fast food and cheap sweets. Not only did I eat unhealthily, but I also ate unhealthily in large amounts. I was depressed, always tired, unhappy with my life, and didnt like going out to see people. I used eating as a coping mechanism to relieve me of these negative emotions, but overall it made me feel worse which made me want to eat more. It was a vicious cycle which was hard to escape. I was always trying to turn or sit in a way that I thought would make me look a little smaller.
One day I was at home on my couch eating my usual bag of doughnuts, when I had an image in my head of myself dying of a heart attack. I thought about how my family would find me, and about how I would be so big it would take a few people to get me out of my house. I knew something had to change right then and there.
The next day I was on the computer watching YouTube videos about different diets. At this point, I knew I needed to change something in my life, but other diets I tried in the past had been unsuccessful for me. I came across a YouTube video of a guy teaching about making Green Smoothies and thought I like all those foods in there. I could live on those. It was like something clicked in my head, and I knew I had found the lifestyle I had been looking for. I adopted a fully whole food plant-based lifestyle and began meal prepping every week.
When I decided to make a change, I only ate three meals a day with a couple of snacks in betweenat the time I didnt even realize I was already doing a 14 hour intermittent fast every day! To ensure I stuck to a schedule with my fasts, I downloaded the LIFE Fasting Tracker to track my fasts, log my weight, and read more about intermittent fasting, which has really helped me stay on track.
For the first six months of my lifestyle change, I was a raw foodist. I ate a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. I would make overnight oats every night for breakfast. I brought a Vitamix to work and would make a green smoothie every afternoon. I always had a bag of apples or oranges in my car, so if I needed a snack I had some fruit.
After the first six months, I transitioned to a normal plant-based diet. Since then, I have been experimenting with a lot of different whole food, plant-based recipes. One of my favorite go-to meals to make are a variation of curries or any type of Korean food. Cooking is one of my passions so I am always trying new things.
When I started incorporating exercise into the mix, my friend gave me a recumbent stationary bike. I put it in my room right next to my bed. I would wake up in the morning and immediately get a 30 min workout in before I did anything else.
Most of the challenges I faced came from external sources. I felt like a lot of people would pressure me to eat something I didnt want to or drink something I knew was not going to support my goals. I felt myself having to explain to a lot of friends and family that I had set very specific guidelines, and goals for myself and I wasnt going to compromise those things for any reason. After I stuck to my guns for a while, everyone stopped offering me those things and began supporting me in ways I could never imagine.
Before I knew it, the one year anniversary of my lifestyle change had come, and I had lost almost 100 pounds. It was so rewarding, and I was so happy to reach that milestone. I started at 365 pounds. At 180 pounds today Im happier than ever and now have more confidence than I ever thought possible.
I also gained a new kind of self-confidence and had the courage to ask out a long time crush of mine. We have now been happily together for almost a year and I love sharing my new health and knowledge with her.
My lifestyle is a permanent one now and I will continue to work hard and be as healthy as I can.
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Biking is a great way to get in shape and lose weight. The Schwinn Sierra is perfect for riding around the city. The comfortable seat allows you to ride for hours to increase endurance and burn calories.
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Whip up a smoothie with ease with a Vitamix that will pulverize even the toughest fruits.
Simple Green Smoothies
Need inspiration for a filling, healthy smoothie?This book has more than 100 recipes so you'll never get bored.
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This Guy Followed a Plant-Based Diet and Lost 180 Pounds -
Here’s How to Reach Your Goals for Living Healthier and Happier – The Beet

Ben Franklin was known to have a chaotic, unruly, messy desk. When asked why, by someone who pointed out thatFranklin himself wrote: Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time the inventor, writer, politician, and ambassador is reported to have responded and said: "Imagine what it would look like if I didn't try?" That's how goal-setting works. You may not achieve what you set out to do, but just the act of trying is a relative win.
According to psychologists, there are three types of goals: those that involve process,those that are centered around performance, and those that are focused on theoutcome. According to the researchers at Eastern Washington University, "Goal-setting is the process of taking active steps to achieve your desired outcome." I am here to tell you that after years of studying resolutions, new habits, and who reaches their goals, you can get further along with all these types of goals, whether it be to get organized (process) or to get up and exercise every day at dawn (performance) or to lose weight (outcome) if you A. Set your goal and B. Give yourself a break when you mess up. Just by setting a goal, you are doing better than if you had not. Putting on your exercise clothes at 6 am and heading out the door may not turn out to be the glorious fast run you'd envisioned, but doing it day after day means you will, on about day 4 or 5 or 7, achieve the desired result. Get in the habit and the outcome will follow. The same is true if you try to be organized. You may miss a call, forget an important email to answer, or be late on a bill, but just by striving to put in place systems that help you get through your to-do list, you will achieve most of the organizational gains you're aiming for. And as for weight loss, you may be eating salad after crunchy salad and not see the scale budge, at first. But stick with it and in a few days or weeks, the water weight will leave your body, the fiber will do its job and you'll be less prone to reach for the potato chips at 3 pm. Just keep trying to reach that outcome and your efforts will take you further, eventually, then you may at first believe.
The Secret to Achieving Your Goals Is to Set Short and Long Term Goals
When you decide what your goals are, make sure you can measure success in both short term and long term ways. Want to get up and out to workout every morning? Try it for 6 days the first week. Then give yourself a day off and do it for the next 5 days. Don't expect that it's going to happen every single day. Try for 4 out of 5, or shoot for 6 out of 7. Then keep track of how you're doing.
Write down your goals and put that statement on your mirror, calendar, desk or wherever you can see it every day. This is one way to stay on track when you "let it slip" or lose your mojo. When you get to a good marking point (I did it for a week!) let yourself have a reward. Ate a vegan salad every day this week? Give yourself a little treat (like a new pair of running shoes.)
When the goals are specific (eat plant-based for 28 days) they are more likely to be met. Keep it something you can measure (going dry for January) or something you can attain, the goal-setting experts say. And have an end date. So if you want your month to be stellar, then January 31st is a great finish line. You can give yourself a breather and start up again next month.
Here are the goals we are trying to reach and the strategies that we are using to do it. Please share your goals for 2021 and let us know your helpful hints to get further along that path to health and happiness. We want to hear from you!
My strategy is simple: Just like I would not pick up a cigarette and I don't eat bacon (which I gave up along with meat and dairy nearly 2 years ago), I am looking at my usual wine bottles as if they were for someone else. I just don't do that. It's my way of blocking the option. I don't eat meat and I don't smoke and now, at least, I don't drink. During the pandemic, I enjoyed 1 or 2 glasses daily and while that was an enjoyable let down of stress, I was so over it. My body wasn't feeling sprightly in the early morning when I like to hop on my bike or run and I knew it was time. But timing is everything. Give yourself a little runway and ramp-up to the goal. Then... Basta! No more. At least not for now.
This may sound like three different things to you but I am not as tight on my paperwork as I'd like, from scheduling to paying boring bills like insurance, to then feeling grumpy when something that I have let languishes on my "stack" goes wrong (like a letter from the insurance company telling me I may no longer have life insurance). That just isn't how I want to live my life. I tell myself I want to be a highly functioning human being and be cheerful when things I choose to buy (said life insurance) then sends me a bill.
Switch the script. Instead of being grumpy when I have to pay that bill I want to tell myself: I CHOOSE to spend money on this and I am an adult who made that decision and now it's mine to live with. So rather than feel like that's money I wish I didn't have to spend except on something way more fun like new workout gear or a cashmere sweater, I now tell myself: This is what Ichoose to spend my money on and it's a privilege to have this opportunity (to provide for my family in case of disaster) and so for me, these are tied. Be organized, save money, pay what bills I owe, and do so cheerfully. I often add a donation to a charity when I am paying my bills, as a way of reminding myself: I am lucky to be able to write this check. Let's write another, and make a donation.
I wish I used the working from home months of the past year to be my healthiest. Instead, like everyone else, I found the chips and the dips, the cookies and crackers, and just about every other carb that is "allowed" on a plant-based diet. Now, the jeans are right and I don't feel my healthiest. It's time to get it back together. I look forward to 2021 as a chance to turn the corner on my own health journey and make this my year of being healthy. My heart goes out to the many who are out there coping with terrible loss, illness, and uncertainty. The best way I can cope is not to drown myself in carbs and wine but to become my healthiest and to do so, I am doubling down on my goals to eat more whole foods (not potato chips) and to lose the weight I gained.
A note about healthy living: No one can tell you what your goals should be, or when to kick them into forward momentum. But if and when you find your own, hold true to your reasons, your desire to be healthy, and then act on that. Peer pressure can come to play when it's time to dive into a sweet treat or you can quietly check in with yourself and your own resolve. When you do decide to make allowances and give yourself permission to indulge, never feel bad about it. I tell myself: I obviously needed that! And then get back on track. Any time your goal fades from view, check back with your mantra or your reasons. For me, it's I" want to be healthy for myself and my family. I want to feel good and live a life that is active, joyful, and energetic. I want to live according to my values. And I want to help other people do it too. At The Beet, we give you the tools you need: Recipes and inspiration, the 28 Day Plant-Based Plan, and the VegStart Diet. Try them out!
My first focus this year is to dive more into my yoga practice,and I'm doing thisby following Yoga With Adriene's BREATH 30-day practice.Adrienereleased the first episode of this free program on January 1st, andmillions of her subscribers across the world are following byparticipating in each new 30-50 minute practice daily. The focus on breathwork in this particular program is one aspect of yoga that is super meditative for me and allows me to forget about all stresses, distractions, and to-do list items. I would recommend YWA to anyone who is looking to build a daily practice because she is a great leader, and her 30-day programs are a good starting point for beginners because she gives lots of options for modifying poses, and the 30-day format is aneasy way to keep yourself accountable. Grab a friend, start on day one, and watchas both of your practices deepen and your body strengthen. I find even the thought of there being a community of people internationally practicing at the same time as me enough motivation to hop off the couch and unroll my mat.
At the start of my vegan journey, I focused on eating the kinds of comfort foods that were integral parts of my diet before I ditched animal products. Vegan cheese, faux meats, lots of pasta, andan all-around diet of things that weren't necessarily setting me up to be my healthiest. Now, years later, I find that my taste buds have shifted past vegan alternative products, and I love to fill my plate with whole foods (besides of course my Saturday everything bagel loaded with vegetable tofu cream cheese).
As I feel these fruits, vegetables, roots, and herbs healing my body,I've come to realize how important treating your food as medicine is. I want to set an actionable goal for myself this year, so I'm striving to have two out of three meals per day be loaded with whole foods. Salads, buddha bowls, smoothies, and fresh juices are just some of the ways I plan on incorporating whole foods into my diet. I also want to explore incorporating superfoods like Irish Sea Moss and adaptogenic herbs into my diet.
Our daily recipes are constantly inspiring me, and if you want to hop on board the whole food train I would suggest signing up for our 28-Day Plant-Based Plan for free recipes, shopping lists, and community support.
"When you don't realize you're in the moment until it's a memory," is a lyric from my favorite song, Summer 91 by Noizu, andis my mottofor2021. After hearing this song, I couldn't stop thinking about how much I related to this on a personal level. Reflecting on 2020, I found the most peaceful andmemorablemoments were the small moments when I was present and undistracted by my phone or racing thoughts. 2021 will be the year I enjoy the momentsas theyunfold and leave worrying about the future for another day.
My strategy to live in the moment is tuning out all distractions including all technology. My phone will be turned off unless it's necessary to be on, and I will immerse myself in present rather than the past or future.
I'm leaving overambitious goals and critical self-judgment in the past. My focus for 2021 is to take small steps, build new positive daily habits, and be kind to myself inthe process. 2021 is the year I focus on making small and effective changes, such as waking up and drinking a glass of water or leaving the phone on the charger and picking up a book instead.My hope is that by the end of the year all thesesmalladditions to my routine will turn into a consistent routine that I build upon in years to come.
Speaking for myself, I tend to overload my plate with a hefty schedule, sometimes too busy to pick my head up from what's happening around me. I wake up early, work out first thing, walk my dog, get to work, double book events, find time to socialize, normally go out to dinner, andfeel exhausted with little room for meaningful activities like time with my family, calling my grandma, catching up with a friend, learning about a new topic, and practicing in self-care. I'm the person that picks up the phone and answers, "can I call you back?" Then, by the time I call back, it's after dinner or the call turns into a quick, surface conversation because either my friend, mom, dad, sister, whoever is off to sleep--which feels like a complete missed opportunity.
So,instead of checking off the boxes on my list of to do's, in the new year, I want to live softly and take awaythe feeling of perfection, whichconsumes much of my mental space and tends to interfere with my well-being and time for others. This might sound unusual, but I'd like to work, think, feel less "robotic" during my days and take time to fully engage, feel present, live purposely and simpler.
During one of my phone call interviews I had forThe Beet'sSuccess Stories column, I spoke toDoug Schmidt, who has an incredible health transformation story but also an inspiring mantra that stuck with me.When I asked Doug for his mantra he said,"It's that I walk a little bit more softly on the earth. Whether that's in my interactions with people or interactions with animals..." On the phone, he mentioned that a simple life helps one stay present and accomplish more,which inspired me totake theunnecessary load off.
As a plant-based eater, there are so many new, creative food options to fully indulge in the vegan lifestyle, but, most of the time, they're not healthy or contain funky ingredients. I always catch myself repeating the same thing: "Just because it's vegan, doesn't mean it's healthy." In particular, I normally find myself mindlessly snacking on protein bars, and after I finish one or two, I put together the torn package label like a puzzle piece and find unhealthy, sneaky ingredients that only make me feel sluggish. So, in the new year, I will be label cautious and eat more fruits, veggies, beans, legumes, and whole grains without being restrictive.
More here:
Here's How to Reach Your Goals for Living Healthier and Happier - The Beet
How the Weight Set Point Theory Can Help You Find a Healthy Weight – LIVESTRONG.COM

The set point theory may change your perspective on weight loss.
Image Credit: ShotShare/iStock/GettyImages
Here's a crazy idea: Instead of fighting to get to a number on the scale that seems really, really hard to reach or maintain, why not let your body decide for itself what it wants to weigh?
That might seem radical or even straight-up scary if you've long struggled with diets. But increasingly, experts are agreeing on the idea that every body has a sweet spot when it comes to weight. Often called a "set point" or "settling point," it's the weight range where your body is most comfortable and where it really, really wants to stay.
If you've struggled to lose the same 10 pounds over and over again, adopting a set-point mentality might help you find your body's real happy weight and break the diet cycle for good. And if you're living with obesity, it could give you insight into how to achieve a healthier weight successfully and sustainably.
Let's take a look at how the whole thing works, and what the whole set point theory might mean for you.
What Is the Set Point Theory?
Every body, it seems, has a sweet spot when it comes to weight.
"We know the body regulates its weight within a certain range through a complex set of hormonal and metabolic interactions that drive our behaviors," obesity medicine specialist Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie, MD, tells
In other words? Your body is used to receiving a certain amount of energy in the form of calories. Eat a little more than usual once in a while, and it'll compensate by temporarily ramping up your metabolism. Eat less, and it'll make up the difference by burning fewer calories in case you need them later, according to the Centre for Clinical Interventions.
Some studies suggest that our set points are tight feedback loops that work to keep the body within a 10- or 15-pound range, per a July 2018 review in F1000Research. But the idea of a so-called set point isn't, well, set in stone. That same review also noted other studies that found that the body can adapt to changes in our environment and settle at a new, often higher weight range.
And a growing number of experts believe that's the driving force behind why the vast majority of people tend to regain lost weight over time, according to an August 2017 scientific statement in Endocrine Reviews. Other findings back this up.
"From studies like 'The Biggest Loser' study, we know that the body tries hard to maintain its weight at its previous highest points," Dr. Bollie explains. "Contestants had weight regain after the show because their body had made metabolic and hormonal adaptations to [that higher weight]."
Where Your Set Point Comes From
Everyone's body is different and everyone's set point is different too. The weight where your system is most comfortable seems to be determined by a combination of genetics, inherited traits that don't involve DNA and your environment, a 2010 F1000 Medicine Reports review concluded.
The effect of your surroundings is particularly important, since it's the one way your set point can creep up over time or be brought down to a lower range, if you're at a higher weight than what's considered healthy. Being in an environment that consistently encourages you to eat more (like working at an office where doughnuts are always in the break room) or dealing with chronic stress can both make it easy for the pounds to pile and stay on, per the Obesity Action Coalition.
The good news is that the opposite is also true. While you can't control your DNA, making slow, sustainable changes to your environment and forming healthier habits can lead to lasting weight loss, Dr. Bollie says. "A person's set point can be changed higher or lower," she notes.
The key is figuring out which camp you fall into: Do you really need to lose weight, or are you actually already in the range where your body really wants to be?
Accepting Your Weight Range
Not everyone's body matches up with what they think it should look like.
"The standard for beauty is thinner and lighter than what science tells us is best for most women's health," says Georgie Fear, RD, author of Lean Habits for Lifelong Weight Loss. "The small, almost uniform sample of women's bodies we see on movies, television, social media and advertising is not an accurate representation of reality, or what is healthy according to medical research."
Put more bluntly? "If you find yourself gaining and losing the same 10 to 20 pounds over and over, you're probably aiming for a weight that's below your body's set point," says Sandra Aamodt, PhD, author of Why Diets Make Us Fat.
Instead of taking your weight cues from cultural norms, start by looking at what experts count as healthy.
"Your healthy weight is the weight range at which you are free of obesity-related diseases and have a nonobesity range of body fat percentage and/or waist circumference," Dr. Bollie says.
That's less than 32 percent body fat and a waist circumference under 35 inches for women, or less than 25 percent body fat and a waist circumference under 40 inches for men.
Once you've confirmed that your weight is in a good place health-wise, it's time to stop paying so much attention to it. Easier said than done, of course. But taking the focus off the number on the scale often becomes easier when you allow yourself to have a healthier relationship with food. Think: Eating that's joyful, relaxed and not stressful, Fear says.
That might mean thinking less about what you should or shouldn't eat and simply paying attention to your appetite. After Aamodt watched her weight bounce up and down for years, she decided to stop yo-yo dieting and just eat in accordance with her hunger.
"What I found was my many years of dieting had really interfered with my ability to feel or respond to hunger," she explains. But once the pressure was off, she found it easier to eat in accordance with what her body actually needed.
Weight loss wasn't necessarily Aamodt's goal, but she ended up losing 10 pounds. In other words? By trusting that her body would make the right food choices (easier said than done, she admits), she ended up achieving a lower weight without much effort.
Aamodt is quick to point out that not everyone who tries her approach will lose weight. But whether the scale trends down or not isn't really the point. It's the fact that adjusting your approach to eating will change what your weight means to you. Even if you don't feel lighter physically, you'll notice the difference emotionally.
If straight-up giving yourself permission to eat what you feel like is too overwhelming, a trial period is a good way to begin. "You don't have to say you're going to stop paying attention to what you're eating for the rest of your life. But what would it be like if you stopped paying attention for three or six months?" Aamodt asks. "Just see how it goes."
Finding your happy weight gets a little more complicated if you and your doctor determine that the number on the scale is putting you at risk for health problems or causing problems already. Being very overweight or obese likely means your body has gradually settled into a new, higher set point, Dr. Bollie says.
That can make losing a significant amount of weight challenging. Trying to quickly lose more than 10 percent of your body weight sends out a warning signal to your body that you could be starving and it starts to fight back, according to obesity experts at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center of Boston. That can make it almost impossible to reach your goal weight let alone stay there.
Taking slow, steady steps can help your body adjust to getting fewer calories so it doesn't feel threatened and ultimately make it easier to settle at a lower, healthier weight range.
"In order to decrease your set point range, weight loss must be slow think 1 to 2 pounds a week. And it has to be consistent, over the course of at least six months," Dr. Bollie says.
That means steering clear of quick-fix diets that promise dramatic results ASAP. Instead? Think gradual, sustainable changes you can keep up for the long haul. Learn to eat according to your body cues instead of external factors like the time of day or certain rules, acquire skills to manage your feelings without relying on foods and enjoy a wide variety of foods, Fear recommends.
Commit to physical activity that you love enough to do on a regular basis too. Among participants of the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), a database of U.S. adults who've lost significant amounts of weight and kept it off for at least a year, 90 percent say they exercise for an hour a day.
Last but not least? Keep tabs on your weight and take action if you notice the pounds starting to creep up. A full 75 percent of NWCR participants say they weigh themselves at least once a week. That can help nip weight gain in the bud before your body moves towards a higher settling point.
Continued here:
How the Weight Set Point Theory Can Help You Find a Healthy Weight - LIVESTRONG.COM
Healing from the inside out – Around DB and Life on Lantau

If 2021 is your year to finally get serious about your health, Sonal Kulkarni says fasting is the way forward
Fasting isnt just a dramatic weight loss strategy or a hack that bodybuilders use to lose fat quickly while maintaining lean muscle mass. It is the worlds most ancient and natural healing mechanism; at its best it triggers a truly wonderful cleansing process that reaches right down to each and every cell and tissue in the body.
Fasting, if you do it for long enough, triggers autophagy from the Ancient Greek meaning self-devouring. And thats a good thing. Autophagy is the natural, regulated mechanism of the cell that removes unnecessary or dysfunctional components. It allows the orderly degradation and recycling of cellular components. Its something our bodies do naturally but arguably not often enough.
By fasting we are asking our bodies to be much more efficient and self-protective than they are accustomed to being. Fasting helps every system in the body to function smoothly and it provides an opportunity for the body to heal and repair itself. Fasting is done to store energy utilised in the digestion process, as well as to remove toxins from the body.
Types of fastingFasting can mean total or partial abstinence from food. Medical advice generally suggests anywhere from 24 hours to three days as the maximum time to fast. When you fast, youre allowed to drink as much water as you like.
If youre thinking about fasting for the first time, its advisable to seek expert guidance and supervision from your doctor. Fasting isnt for everyone you certainly cant fast if youre pregnant, insulin-dependent or an alcoholic, or if you have diabetes or anaemia. Be sure to check with your doctor first.
For beginners, the easiest option is to fast for between four and eight hours during the day and then in the evening for 12 to 16 hours until morning. As a way in, you might decide to fast in the mornings from 6am to 1pm, and again in the evenings from 4pm to 10pm.
Popular intermittent fasting regimens range from ingesting few if any calories all day every other day or several times a week, to fasting for 16 hours or more every day. Many people will experience hunger, irritability and a reduced ability to concentrate during periods of food restrictions. However, these side effects usually disappear within a month.
Less hardcore fasts include the one item fast eating only one type of food, such as rice, for much of the day; the liquid fast drinking fruit juice and milk as you fast; and the fruit fast, which allows you to eat fruit during your fast.
For DB resident Sonal Kulkarni fasting is now a lifestyle. Photo by Baljit Gidwani
The fasting processFrom the onset, its important to recognise that the lifestyle implications of a poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, lack of sleep, and alcohol or drug use cannot simply be flushed or purged away. But a fast can help cleanse your body, and allow you to jump-start a healthier lifestyle.
Before you fast, you need to make sure that you are prepared both physically and mentally. In the fortnight preceding your fast, try to relax and get plenty of sleep. Drink lots of liquid and take some moderate exercise. Reduce your intake of all addictive substances and start to exclude certain foods, like red meat, dairy and refined carbohydrates.
Committing to fasting helps you reassess your diet, and become better informed about healthful eating. Many people find that their tastes change for the good and their old cravings disappear after a fast. Going forward, you may find that you do not need to eat as much, and that you feel more satisfied with healthy choices.
When you break your fast, start with raw foods fruit and vegetable juices and salads before switching to normal cooked meals. Your diet after fasting should include 40% carbohydrates, 30% fruit vegetables and 30% pulses, plus plenty of leafy greens.
Post-fast, you will find that you have a clean taste in your mouth, sweet breath and a clear tongue. Your urine will be clear. Youll feel fresh, your eyes will sparkle and youll be full of energy.
Fasting and autophagyWhen talking about fasting, its important to focus on autophagy the natural self-devouring process mentioned earlier that fasting triggers.
The human body contains trillions of cells, and over time, as they age, unwanted molecules build up inside them. When we fast, the body does not have its usual access to glucose, forcing the cells to resort to other means and materials to produce energy. During a long fast, insulin drops and this raises glucagon, which in turn stimulates autophagy cells start to heal themselves, removing and recycling any unwanted molecules and dysfunctional parts. This process of cellular housekeeping is crucial for cellular quality control not only does it rejuvenate cells it enables them to absorb nutrients more easily.
Defects in autophagy have been linked to various diseases, including neurodegeneration and cancer, and interest in modulating autophagy as a potential treatment for these diseases is growing rapidly. Recent studies of intermittent fasting have found that it improves such disease indicators as insulin resistance, blood fat abnormalities, high blood pressure and inflammation, even independently of weight loss. In patients with multiple sclerosis, intermittent fasting reduced symptoms in just two months, a research team in Baltimore reported in 2018.
Consider that in nature, when animals get sick, they stop eating. This results in better functioning at a cellular level, which in turn helps their bodies to heal.
The benefits of fastingFasting has numerous additional benefits. Importantly, it gives the digestive system a rest, while at the same time allowing the body to metabolise food and burn fats more efficiently.
Increased metabolism can, of course, help with weight loss. Just as importantly, fasting helps to regulate the hormonesin your body so that you can experience true hunger. This can be particularly beneficial to people who find it difficult to establish a correct eating pattern due to work and other priorities, and to people with eating disorders.
Medicine practitioners and naturopaths, from Phuket to Sri Lanka, Denpasar to DB, will tell you that fasting is an essential part of any detox. Even a short fast eliminates toxins from your body, and youll benefit from flushing them out regularly.
Fasting results in increased immunity. It reduces free radical damage, regulates inflammatory conditions and staves off cancer cell formation.
Fasting boosts the bodys production of pro-proteins, which activate neural stem cells to generate new neurons this results in improved mental clarity, focus and memory. People who fast also experience improved sleep quality. This is because fasting regulates the bodys production of serotonin and dopamine, the neurotransmitters that regulate countless functions and processes in the body, from sleep to metabolism.
Last but not least, fasting feeds the soul, making us feel peaceful and content. With a lighter body and clearer mind, we become more aware of and grateful for the things around us.
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Healing from the inside out - Around DB and Life on Lantau
6 Grocery Store Foods That Will Be Flying Off Shelves in 2021 | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

No matter where you live, pandemic-related lockdowns have probably curtailed your activities in one way or another. For many, working in the office gave way to working from home. Going to the gym gave way to the "seven dog-walks a day" exercise plan, Zoom workouts, or, in many cases, no workouts at all (here are 20 warning signs you need to get moving again).
Americans also did a lot of home-cooking. Sourdough bread-baking becoming a cultural zeitgeist in the early days of lockdown, with all of these pandemic food trends following quickly in its footsteps. Now, as the vaccines roll out and we start a new calendar year, what are the hot new food items going to be in 2021?
According to a new Instacart survey of 2,050 U.S. adults conducted online in November by The Harris Poll, nearly half of all Americans are still deep into home-cooking. But after months of "binge-baking" and "quarantine comfort foods"as Instacart's Trends Expert, Laurentia Romaniuk, puts itthe pendulum is swinging toward bolder flavors, cultural explorations, and healthier snacks.
Read on for Instacart's prediction of the 6 foods you'll see flying off grocery store shelves and in kitchens everywhere in 2021. And for more, check out the 100 Easiest Recipes You Can Make.
At least 20 percent of the Americans surveyed by Instacart say they've become more adventurous in their home-cooking, increasingly introducing bolder flavors, new spices, and influences from other cultures into their repertoire as the year has gone by. Instacart's sales prove this isn't just "talk," with spices and spice-forward sauces having seen major gains in sales and showing no sign of trending downward anytime soon.
"2021 is looking like it's going to be a very flavorful year," Romaniuk told Eat This, Not That! "Consumers are looking to spice up the meals they've been making at home."
However, you can't help but wonder if the desire for more flavor has anything to do with the fact that one of COVID-19's most common symptoms is a loss of the senses of smell and taste.With that in mind, here's a spice that can help protect you from COVID-19.
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Considering the trend toward amping up flavors, it's not surprising that Instacart's survey revealed Americans are buying up a lot of anchovies (sales have gone up 85 percent in 2020!). In particular, canned or preserved anchovies, which are packed with umami flavor, are gaining popularity. Although the complex, meaty-slash-mushroomy flavor known as "umami" has been around forever (think: parmesan cheese, shitake mushrooms, and this instant pot shrimp and broccoli recipe), it's only recently been catching on with home cooks.
Anchovies lend their unique flavor to Worcestershire sauce and classic Caesar salad, among other recipes. They're also a standard pizza topping, and now, those briny, meaty little fishies are turning up everywhere.
Is it time for srirachato make room for a new condiment contender?
Apparently, Kewpie-brand mayonnaise, an extra-creamy mayonnaise that clever restaurant chefs have already been adding to their creations for years, has captured the attention of American home cooks. In fact, Instacart saw a 153 percent jump in sales of Kewpie mayonnaise since last year.
Truth be told, we're no stranger to the stuff. In fact, we wrote about it in 2019, calling it one of the worst condiments for your health. Of course, there is literally no such thing as mayonnaise that isn't high in fat and calories. But what made us single out Kewpie mayonnaise is that it contains the flavor-enhancer MSG (monosodium glutamate).
That being said, MSG lends wonderful umami taste to whatever it touches, and while it's been linked to migraines, whether or not it is otherwise harmful is the subject of continuing debateamong experts.
"One of the buzziest diets in recent yearsthe high-fat/low-carb Keto dietcontinues to be top of mind for many consumers," Romaniuk tells Eat This, Not That! "In fact, our survey indicates the keto diet is one of America's favorite eating plans." Twenty-eight percent of those who tried a diet during 2020 went keto, and 82% of those say they're sticking with it.
Instacart sales concur: Products like keto snacks and keto energy bars are continuing to sell. Besides helping you to lose weight, it can't hurt that the keto diet has also been scientifically proven to improve your prognosisshould you be diagnosed with COVID-19.
If you engaged in some devil-may-care boozing during the early days of the pandemic, you're not alone. If you're now looking to turn over a new, dryer leaf, then welcome to what may be one of the biggest trends of 2021: non-alcoholic drinks.
"Homemade craft cocktails have already grown in popularity this year," says Romaniuk.In fact, sales of alcohol-free beverages on Instacart increased by nearly 200 percent since 2019. Here are the 6 best new non-alcoholic beverages to try for mind and body benefits.
Despite the shift Instacart has observed toward alcohol-free beverages, booze will still be very popular in 2021. In fact, sales for hard seltzer have been going stronger than ever all over the U.S., with searches for brands across the category up a full 519%! And this category isn't all about White Claw anymore either. Searches were for all brands, according to Romaniuk.
Also trending upward is hard kombucha, which appeared in Instacart marketplace searches 320% more in 2020 compared to 2019. If you love the idea of a healthier, lower-carb alcoholic beverage, consider trying one of these 5 low-carb alcoholic drinks that support weight loss.
For more things to look for in 2021, Don't miss Yelp's best food trends to try in the new yearbased on 2020's restaurant reviews.
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6 Grocery Store Foods That Will Be Flying Off Shelves in 2021 | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That
‘Gogglebox’ star Amy Tapper overwhelmed by response to weight loss – Yahoo! Voices

(Bloomberg) -- Rarely, if ever, can a year have started with price levels in emerging markets looking so divorced from the fundamental backdrop.Rising Covid-19 case numbers and uneven rates of recovery in the biggest of the developing economies underscore a nagging concern that this will be about as good as it gets for stocks, bonds and currencies. The relative strength index on MSCI Incs emerging-market equities gauge is above 70, suggesting the market is in overbought territory. The average yield on local-currency debt is less than 20 basis points above the all-time low of 3.46% reached in May.Even though the virus is likely to hold back growth next year, a blended price-to-earnings ratio of emerging-market stocks based on analyst estimates for the next 12 months is currently at 15.2 after reaching 15.4 in August, a record high in data compiled by Bloomberg starting in 2005.The fact remains though that with central-bank stimulus efforts and vaccine roll-outs providing comfort, most investors are confident the rally has further to run. Emerging-market economies will post an average fourth-quarter growth rate of 2.2%, according to a Bloomberg survey, though many see the efficacy of inoculation programs as a key driver for sentiment. The World Banks Global Economic Prospects report on Tuesday is set to provide further clues on the pace of recovery.Markets are naturally forward-looking, so we have seen a strong rally despite the dark winter with restrictions still in place in many countries, said Trieu Pham, a strategist at ING Groep NV in London. We remain constructive going in early 2021, with hopes that we turn a page on the Covid-19 issue and with major central banks remaining dovish.Listen: EM Weekly Podcast: Georgia Senate Runoffs, PMIs, Inflation DataDeveloping-nation stocks ended 2020 at the highest level in 13 years while currencies edged closer to their 2018 record. Local-currency bonds had their best quarter in more than a decade, with investors staring down more than $17 trillion of negative-yielding debt worldwide.Thats not to say there arent enough events to keep traders on their toes this week. Markets could face headwinds after the New York Stock Exchange said it will delist Chinas three biggest telecom companies to comply with a U.S. executive order. Chinese oil majors, including CNOOC Ltd., may be next in line for delisting in the U.S., according to Bloomberg Intelligence.The Georgia Senate runoffs on Tuesday may also affect sentiment toward risk assets, with the outcome set to decide control of the U.S. Senate and influence the ability of President-elect Joe Biden to advance his legislative agenda. Elsewhere, the Gulf Cooperation Council summit on the same day is seen as a possible step in resolving a crisis that erupted mid-2017 when Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt severed trade, travel and diplomatic ties with Qatar.Among a slew of economic data due this week, Turkeys year-end inflation rate will be in focus as investors seek clues on whether the new central bank chief return to monetary orthodoxy is here to stay.Inflation DataTurkeys expected inflation rate leaves Governor Naci Agbal with little choice but to keep access to credit tight well into 2021Consumer prices probably rose an annual 14.2% in December, higher than the central banks raised October forecast of 12.1%, and nearly triple the target of 5%The lira was the biggest gainer in emerging markets after the Chilean peso in December, trimming last years loss against the dollar to 19%Governor Agbal delivered another meaty interest-rate hike late last month, bolstering credibility with investors after he pledged to tighten policy when needed to keep prices in checkIn Poland, preliminarily December inflation data will probably reflect a slowdownThe nations central bank is analyzing the impact of potential interest-rate cuts that could take place in the first quarter of 2021, Governor Adam Glapinski saidConsumer prices in Ukraine for December, scheduled for Friday, may show a higher reading for the monthColombias December inflation data, to be released on Tuesday, is likely to show that price-growth remains subduedWhile the nations peso slipped in 2020, it was still the second-best performer among six Latin American currencies tracked by BloombergDecember inflation data for for much of Asia will also be released this weekIndonesias CPI remained below below the central banks 2%-to-6% target range for a seventh month in data released on MondayThailand is expected to report a 10th month of deflation on TuesdayTaiwans CPI should hold around 0.1% in year-over-year terms in numbers due on ThursdayRead more: This Is the Start of a Rally That May Last in 2021: SEAsia RatesPMI ReleasesAsias manufacturing PMIs released early Monday were strong. The simple average excluding China rose half a point. This was despite increased lockdown measures in South Korea and weakness in Chinese PMIsThe separately released Caixin manufacturing PMI survey fell 1.7 points below economists forecastsThis wasnt enough to halt the rise of the yuan, which strengthened decisively through 6.5 per dollar soon after trading openedThe January outlook for the yuan looks good with exporter sales of dollars, clear evidence of seasonal strength, and the possibility of a relaxation in the central banks resistance to further appreciationChinas Caixin services PMI is predicted to show a slight increase when it is published on WednesdayIndias services PMIs are due on WednesdayThe rupee was one of the worst-performing regional currencies in the second half, though it still gained about 3%While there should be more room for rupee appreciation in 2021, Brad Setser -- who will probably be responsible for the U.S. Treasury report on currencies in the new U.S. Administration -- advocates a more forgiving attitude to countries that normally run a current-account deficitHungarys purchasing managers index is forecast to rise to 52.9 from 51.9 during DecemberPoland and Czech Republics PMI are set to show an improvement as wellOther DataSeveral Asian countries will release foreign-reserves data for December this weekIntervention probably continued during the month in much of the region, although at a slower pace than in NovemberSouth Koreas data are due on Wednesday. Exchange-rate valuation effects alone should increase reserves to about $440 billion. The won has stuttered a bit in recent weeks as Covid cases have spiked, but the currency still appreciated almost 11% in the second half of 2020Taiwans reserves are also due Wednesday. Valuation effects alone would lead to an increase to about $518 billion. The Taiwan dollar continues its pattern of making intraday gains and erasing them into the close. The very high volumes suggest it may only be a matter of time before the authorities yield groundThailand publishes reserves and forwards data to Jan. 1 on Friday. The baht broke through the key 30 per dollar level when trading commenced in the new year, as the central bank debates further measures to arrest currency strengthTaiwans trade numbers for December due Friday are expected to show healthy export growth and surplusSouth Koreas November current-account figures -- also due Friday -- should remain in comfortable surplusChina may release money supply and loans data this week, while the Philippines may release trade figures for NovemberChiles November economic activity on Monday is expected offer its first positive year-over-year reading since before the coronavirus was declared a pandemic, according to seven economists surveyed by BloombergInvestors will also watch for a potential pickup in December inflation figures later in the week. The peso was the lone Latin American currency to gain in 2020, according to a Bloomberg trackerOn Thursday, Mexican policy makers will release the minutes of their most recent meeting, when the central bank left its key rate unchangedOn the same day, a reading of December inflation will probably flag a pickup from a month earlierBrazil will release a slew of economic data for December, including trade figures, manufacturing numbers and vehicle salesFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.2021 Bloomberg L.P.
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'Gogglebox' star Amy Tapper overwhelmed by response to weight loss - Yahoo! Voices
How to Safely Lose Weight After the Holidays – Science Times

The holidays are a season of merriment that only comes once a year, and often all good intentions of keeping one's health and nutrition on track are easier said than done. It is hard to keep track of one's weight when there is a feast laid out on the table during Christmas or New Year celebrations.
On average, Americans consume about 4,500 caloriesduring the holidays, but for those social butterflies who have lots of commitments to attend parties that number could add up. Unfortunately, the accumulation of these pounds will not melt as fast as the snow in the spring.
But that does not mean that losing weight is impossible. Here are some tips to safely lose that holiday weight gain:
Often, people mistake thirst for hunger, so they end up eating more. It is important to discern the differences between being hungry or thirsty to avoid adding up calories to the body.
Besides, there also benefits to drinking wateras it helps the stomach feel full. Experts suggest that taking a sip of water before sitting down to a meal or even during a meal will add volume and weight to the meal, making the person feel full.
In losing weight, it is not advisable to lose all the unwanted weight at once. Experts advise that people should start focusing first on the 10% of their weight loss goal as it has the best chance of ultimate success.
Additionally, losing the first 10% of the weight loss goals yields the biggest health gain because the belly fat is usually the first to come off. Belly fat is considered to be the most dangerous fat in the body, according to an article by The Conversation.
ALSO READ: Age Doesn't Matter When It Comes to Losing Weight, Study
Sugar consumption could be addicting and could lead to an unhealthy cycle of cravings and binges because of the insulin spikes that accompany foods high in sugar. Insulin is responsible for keeping the blood sugar down, storing extra calories as fat, and causes a sugar crash later that leads to a "food coma."
Since sweets are expected and inevitable during the holiday celebrations, it has also become the season for high sugar levels and fat. It would be best to cut out eating the sweet stuff after the holidays for at least four to ten days to decrease cravings for these foods, according to Muscle and Fitness website. Slowly, the body would start to crave more naturally sweet foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
According to studies, eating more proteinwill prolong the feeling of fullness because it is more difficult to digest which leads to less of an insulin spike. Researches done in many European countries found that those who ate a high-protein breakfast or lunch were less hungry at their next meal.
Also, protein takes a few more calories to digest, as long as the person sticks to a low-fat protein like chicken, salmon, greek yogurt, or thinly sliced turkey breast.
Experts said that one of the main causes of overeating is having low self-esteem. Training oneself to focus on their best trait rather than their weaknesses could be helpful. It might help to buy new clothes or update one's hairstyle and get a makeup suggestion to feel attractive every day.
READ MORE: Losing Weight? Experts Say Timing Your Meals is the Best Way
Check out more news and information on Weight Lossin Science Times.
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How to Safely Lose Weight After the Holidays - Science Times
Why do some people find it harder than others to lose weight? – The Guardian

Anushka Asthana talks to Dr Andrew Jenkinson, a consultant in bariatric (weight-loss) surgery. He discusses how his patients experiences of failed weight loss led him to spend years researching metabolism and weight reduction. Why is it that although most people consume food with too many calories, only some become obese?
Genes predispose you to obesity, he says, but your genetics need to be triggered by environmental change for you to become obese. In areas of the world where populations eat local, fresh ingredients, populations do not become obese. But if you change that food supply to processed food, some of that populations will become obese.
The United Arab Emirates is a good example of this, says Jenkinson, who holds clinics in Dubai. He notes that two generations ago the population ate a Bedouin diet. Now they have a far more processed diet and obesity rates have soared 50% of UAE women are obese.
Jenkinson believes that by decreasing sugar and refined carbohydrates, increasing our omega 3 and 6 levels, and decreasing our cortisol (stress hormone) levels rather than cutting calories, people can permanently reduce their weight.
Jenkinsons book Why We Eat (Too Much) is out now.
Archive: YouTube; ABC The Biggest Loser; University of Minnesota School of Public Health; Fox; Get the Gloss; The Body Coach; Huntley Film Archives
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Why do some people find it harder than others to lose weight? - The Guardian