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Ask the Expert: What are the most realistic steps to maintain a healthy weight? – The Daily Progress

Its also important to set an alarm weight; this is usually a weight that is about 3 to 5 lbs. above your goal weight. If you hit that weight, that can signal you to put into place your weight-loss protocol; it might mean a bit less added sugar, fewer starchy vegetables like potatoes, or less bread or pasta.
Sometimes, patients will come to me because they feel they are doing everything correctly and they are not getting closer to their goals. We take an inventory of every aspect of their lives: preparation, stress, sleep, nourishment and movement. I recommend journaling writing down their food in a simple way and spending a few minutes journaling their thoughts. This helps us identify where they are struggling and what feels easy.
Also, I like to encourage decision making about meals and movement ahead of time. When we create these decisions in advance, we are using the best part of our brains and are less likely to give into impulses for less healthy options when we are tired. Set yourself up for success if you know you are too tired to prepare a meal by the end of the week, consider simple foods like scrambled eggs and a side of mixed greens or frozen veggies, which take only minutes to prepare. Stock your fridge with easy options for those types of days.
Perhaps one of the most important concepts, which we dont discuss enough, is self-compassion and self-acceptance. Weight regain happens, so when we can forgive ourselves, we can begin to move forward and work toward our goals. If you need more help, please speak to your primary care doctor or find an obesity medicine specialist for additional help.
Dr. Jenilee Lawrence is board certified in obesity medicine and internal medicine and provides primary care, including care of patients who are overweight or obese, at the UVa Health Zion Crossroads primary care practice. Learn more at
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Ask the Expert: What are the most realistic steps to maintain a healthy weight? - The Daily Progress
Exercise helps us to lose weight, but whats the optimal amount? – The Irish Times

Can exercise help us shed pounds? An interesting recent study involving overweight men and women found that working out can help us lose weight, in part by remodelling appetite hormones.
But to benefit, the study suggests, we most likely have to exercise a lot burning at least 3,000 calories a week. In the study, that meant working out six days a week for up to an hour, or around 300 minutes a week.
The relationship between working out and our waistlines is famously snarled. The process seems as if it should be straightforward: We exercise, expend calories and, if life and metabolisms were just, develop an energy deficit. At that point, we would start to use stored fat to fuel our bodies continuing operations, leaving us leaner.
But our bodies are not always cooperative. Primed by evolution to maintain energy stores in case of famine, our bodies tend to undermine our attempts to drop pounds. Start working out and your appetite rises, so you consume more calories, compensating for those lost.
The upshot, according to many past studies of exercise and weight loss, is that most people who start a new exercise programme without also strictly monitoring what they eat do not lose as much weight as they expect and some pack on pounds.
But Kyle Flack, an assistant professor of nutrition at the University of Kentucky, began to wonder a few years ago if this outcome was inevitable. Maybe, he speculated, there was a ceiling to peoples caloric compensations after exercise, meaning that if they upped their exercise hours, they would compensate for fewer of the lost calories and lose weight.
For a study published in 2018, he and his colleagues explored that idea, asking overweight, sedentary men and women to start exercising enough that they burned either 1,500 or 3,000 calories a week during their workouts. After three months, the researchers checked everyones weight loss, if any, and used metabolic calculations to determine how many calories the volunteers had consumed in compensation for their exertions.
The total, it turned out, was an average of about 1,000 calories a week of compensatory eating, no matter how much people had worked out. By that math, the men and women who had burned 1,500 calories a week with exercise had clawed back all but about 500 calories a week of their expenditures, while those burning through 3,000 calories with exercise ended up with a net weekly deficit of about 2,000 calories. (No ones overall metabolic rate changed much.)
Unsurprisingly, the group exercising the most lost weight; the others did not.
But that study left many questions unanswered, Flack felt. The participants had performed similar, supervised workouts, walking moderately for 30 or 60 minutes, five times a week.
Would varying lengths or frequencies of workouts matter to peoples caloric compensation?
And what was driving peoples eating?
Did the differing amounts of exercise affect peoples appetite hormones differently?
To find out, he and his colleagues decided to repeat much of the earlier experiment, but with novel exercise schedules this time. So, for the new study, which was published in November in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, they gathered another group of 44 sedentary, overweight men and women, checked their body compositions, and asked half of them to start exercising twice a week, for at least 90 minutes, until they had burned about 750 calories a session, or 1,500 for the week. They could work out however they wished many chose to walk, but some chose other activities and they wore a heart rate monitor to track their efforts.
The rest of the volunteers began exercising six times a week for about 40 to 60 minutes, burning close to 500 calories a session, for a weekly total of about 3,000 a week. The researchers also drew blood, to check on the levels of certain hormones that can affect peoples appetites.
After 12 weeks, everyone returned to the lab, where the researchers refigured body compositions, repeated the blood draws and began calculating compensations.
And again, they found a compensatory threshold of about 1,000 calories. As a consequence, only the men and women in the group that had exercised the most six days a week, for a total of 3,000 calories had shed much weight, dropping about four pounds of body fat.
Interestingly, the researchers did uncover one unexpected difference between the groups. Those burning about 3,000 calories a week showed changes now in their bodies levels of leptin, an appetite hormone that can reduce appetite. These alterations suggested that exercise had increased the exercisers sensitivity to the hormone, enabling them to better regulate their desire to eat. There were no comparable hormonal changes in the men and women working out less.
In essence, Flack says, the new experiment reinforces the earlier finding that most of us will eat more if we exercise, but only up to about the 1,000-calories-a-week inflection point. If we somehow can manage to burn more than that amount with exercise, we probably can drop weight.
But, of course, burning thousands of calories a week with exercise is daunting, Flack says. Plus, this study lasted only a few months, and cannot tell us whether later changes to our appetites or metabolisms would augment or undercut any subsequent fat declines.
Still, for those of us hoping that exercise might help us trim our waistlines , the more we can move, it seems, the better. New York Times
Sign up for one of The Irish Times'Get Runningprogrammes (it is free!).First, pick the eight-week programme that suits you.- Beginner Course:Acourse totake you from inactivity to running for 30 minutes.- Stay On Track:For those who can squeeze in a run a few times a week.- 10km Course:Designed for those who want to move up to the 10km mark.Best of luck!
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Exercise helps us to lose weight, but whats the optimal amount? - The Irish Times
Add more of this vitamin in your diet to lose weight in winter – Times of India

The benefit of vitamin A is not only limited to skin and hair health. A new study revealed that it can help you shed kilos particularly when the weather gets colder.
The study published in the scientific journal, Molecular Metabolism revealed that vitamin A stimulates a fat-burning process known as browning. Browning is referred to as the conversion of white fat tissue into brown fat tissue. This brown fat makes 10 per cent of the total fat of the body and helps to burn calories and generate energy.
According to another study published in the journal Nature, this kind of fat can also help in treating obesity and type 2 diabetes. The findings revealed that brown fat could help the body filter and remove branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) from the blood. These amino acids when present in excess amounts can increase the risk of diabetes and obesity.
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Add more of this vitamin in your diet to lose weight in winter - Times of India
Have this super healthy flax seeds kadha to lose weight – Times of India

Flax seeds one of the oldest known crops originated in the Middle East thousands of years ago. Also known as common flax or linseeds, these seeds are of two types- brown and golden, which are equally nutritious. They gained popularity later owing to their myriad health benefits.
Just one tablespoon of flax seeds (7 grams) can provide you with a good amount of heart-healthy omega-3 fats, fiber, protein and other essential vitamins and minerals. The seeds hold great importance even in preparing Ayurvedic medicine. They are available in different forms in the market including seeds, oils, powder, tablets, capsules, and flour.
One tablespoon of flax seeds gives you-
Calories: 37
Protein: 1.3 grams
Fiber: 1.9 grams
Total fat: 3 grams
Omega-3 fatty acids: 1,597 mg
Vitamin B1: 8% of the RDI
Folate: 2% of the RDI
Iron: 2% of the RDI
Magnesium: 7% of the RDI
Phosphorus: 4% of the RDI
Potassium: 2% of the RDI
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Have this super healthy flax seeds kadha to lose weight - Times of India
Weight loss: How to lose weight fast – top fat burning snacks – Express

He explained: For example, a mixture of dried prunes, dates, raisins and dried apricots.
These dried fruits aid weight loss because they are full of fibre which makes you feel full and satisfied for longer.
They are also packed with vitamins and minerals and are a great source of antioxidants.
Many of these dried fruits promote weight loss, improve digestion and prevent overeating due to their richness in dietary fibre, which also helps the body get rid of toxins which is beneficial for digestion and gut health.
Plantain chips are a great healthy substitute for your regular packet of crisps.
Eating food in moderation is also another key aspect of the weight loss journey.
Dark chocolate, when eaten in moderation, can actually provide the body with a lot of benefits.
David said: Dark chocolate is another yummy healthy snack that can be beneficial for weight loss as it can help reduce cravings for sweet or unhealthy foods and promote the feeling of fullness.
Dark chocolate can also aid your metabolism as it is packed with monounsaturated fatty acids which help boost your metabolism and as a result you will burn calories faster.
However, when choosing dark chocolate make sure you check the ingredients as many are still packed full of sugar.
Yoghurt is also another great snack option as well as being a suitable breakfast for weight loss.
It is filling as well as being high in protein and it can be topped with a variety of different fruits to make it more appealing.
Yoghurt can also be topped with honey for added sweetness.
David went on: Yoghurt is a high-protein snack and due to its complex chemical structure, the body breaks it down gradually which can help you to keep that feeling of fullness.
This in turn will make you less likely to reach for additional snacks and help you to control your calorie intake which will help with weight loss.
It is also a calcium-rich food which helps to burn fat and promote weight loss.
Hummus is a great source of fibre and protein, which can help to promote weight loss.
It is full of fibre and protein which both make you feel fuller for longer making you less likely to overindulge. Hummus is also great for digestion and it can be enjoyed with carrots, celery, and peppers which are all a great source of dietary fibre.
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Weight loss: How to lose weight fast - top fat burning snacks - Express
Nuts Are Good for Weight Loss, But Avoid These 5 Mistakes – LIVESTRONG.COM

Yes, nuts are good for weight loss, but you'll want to keep portion size in mind.
Image Credit: Julio Ricco/iStock/GettyImages
Nuts sometimes get a bad rap in the diet world: They're high in fat and calorically dense, meaning just a small portion has a lot of calories.
But a burgeoning body of research highlighting the health benefits and even the potential weight-management benefits of nuts like pistachios, almonds and cashews has helped shift our perspective.
Nuts can be part of a weight-management plan and they may even help the cause. They're a source of plant-based protein and satiating healthy fats, and they contain fiber, which helps keep us full. Plus, research shows we may not absorb all the calories from nuts, according to an August 2012 study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which found we may not digest up to 20 percent of the calories.
Additionally, a January 2020 study in Appetite found that adding a 250-calorie snack of pistachios in the morning did not lead to weight gain over the course of 12 weeks. The subjects were permitted to eat whatever they wanted for the rest of the day, and those who ate a daily pistachio snack naturally consumed fewer carbohydrates throughout the day. Their lipid profiles improved, too.
So nuts really can help you on your weight-loss journey but there are a few potential missteps you might take that can derail your goals. Here are five mistakes to look out for.
Did you know that keeping a food diary is one of the most effective ways to manage your weight? Download the MyPlate app to easily track calories, stay focused and achieve your goals!
1. Worrying About the Fat in Nuts
Avoiding high-fat foods like olive oil, avocados and nuts is an antiquated way of thinking (and dieting).
Our body needs dietary fat to sustain itself and certain fatty acids, like omega-3s, add benefits like reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke, per the American Heart Association. While you don't need to go keto (in fact, we don't recommend doing so), don't avoid eating healthy fats entirely.
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that 20 to 35 percent of your daily calorie intake comes from fat. So, if you eat a 2,000-calorie diet, this equates to 45 to 77 grams of fat per day. For reference, a serving of walnuts has 19 grams of fat, easily fitting into these recommendations, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.
2. Going Overboard on Portions
A serving of nuts is 1 ounce about a handful and has about 160 to 200 calories. A handful of nuts isn't much by way of volume, so it's easy to overdo it. (The one exception here is in-shell pistachios. Because the nut is in the shell, the serving appears larger.)
It's tricky to manage portions when it comes to nuts, especially because the number of nuts you get per serving ranges drastically from nut to nut. A one-ounce serving of nuts is 24 almonds, eight Brazil nuts or 49 pistachios, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
To prevent mindlessly filling up on nuts, portion out a serving instead of eating out of a bag and pay attention to your hunger levels as you're enjoying.
3. Thinking of Nuts Only as a Snack Food
Restricting nuts to just a snack option limits their potential. Nuts are a delicious snack on their own, but cooking with nuts brings creativity and crunch along with a dose of healthy nutrients to your dishes.
Use soaked cashews for a plant-based cheese or chopped pistachios as a crust for baked salmon; these are simple ways to incorporate nuts into your meals. Easier yet, just add walnuts to your salads as a topper or try throwing cashews into a stir-fry.
4. Choosing Oil-Roasted Nuts, or Heavily Flavored or Salted Varieties
Nuts are about 90 percent fat on their own, so there's no need to add more fat by roasting nuts in oil. Eat raw or dry-roasted nuts instead. If the packaging just says "roasted," check the ingredients list to see if oil has been added, the Mayo Clinic recommends.
You'll also find many flavored options on the market, like honey-roasted or glazed. These can be high in added sugars. While plain roasted or raw are your healthiest bets, if you like flavored nuts, look for options with minimal added sugar just one to two grams per serving. Other flavors like Ranch or BBQ may be high in salt and other additives.
Salting nuts is pretty commonplace. While this isn't an issue for everyone, if you're salt-sensitive or have high blood pressure, you'll want to look for unsalted varieties. Nuts that have been "lightly salted" may be appropriate for some people. Again, always check the ingredients list to see if salt has been added.
5. Choosing Nut Butter with Added Sugar or Oils
Almond butter and cashew butter are naturally delicious. They're also an easy (and tasty) way to get your daily serving of nuts.
But some nut butter brands contain added sugars. You'll find this more often in options like vanilla- or cinnamon-flavored nut butter, but even some plain nut butters get the sweet treatment. You'll also want to keep an eye out for added oils in nut spreads: As is the case with oil-roasted nuts, there's no need to add oil to food already rich in healthy fats.
To avoid added sugars and oils, always read the ingredients list when shopping for nut butter.
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Nuts Are Good for Weight Loss, But Avoid These 5 Mistakes - LIVESTRONG.COM
The 16 habits of people who lose weight and keep it off –

Dublin parents-of-two Rob Cullen and wife Yvonne, lost (and have kept off) 13 stone between them. Rob says its because they stay focused on why they want to maintain a healthy weight.
For us its about remembering why we started in the first place and that was for our two boys.Both felt unhappy with their weight and how it was making them feel lethargic and depleted.
They decided to make a change, embracing home cooking and cutting out takeaways and alcohol.From 2016 to 2018, Rob went from being over 20 stone to 12 stone and now weighs in at around 13 stone, a weight he feels comfortable that he can maintain.
The couple say they feel more energised, their taste buds have changed, they have fewer aches and pains, less bloating and even Robs snoring has stopped.
What he feels has worked for them is the fact they never considered themselves on a diet. Dieting is something you do for six weeks and after that you put the weight back on, he says.
People fail because they go on these diets but its only sustainable for a certain amount of time.Hes confident his and Yvonnes approach (which they write about at is sustainable.
What helps is being mindful of what they eat and watching portion sizes, making healthy choices but still allowing for occasional treats and staying focused on their common goal of remaining fit and healthy for their two sons, Liam (8) and Tommy (13).
Rob and Yvonne along with a panel of experts explain the 16 habits you need to keep the weight off.
1. Have a (non-scales related) long term goalMany of us fall into the trap of losing weight to reach a magic number, fit in an outfit or go on holiday. But these short-term goals wont sustain long-term commitment this requires a deeper, values-driven motive. Psychologist Susannah Healy, author of Fabulous Jelly: Use Your Brain to Lose Weight and The Seven Day Soul, explains: We are naturally more inclined to give our effort and attention to things that are meaningful if the weight loss was just to fit into an outfit at a wedding, then the goal was not hugely meaningful and the motivation is unlikely to last.
2. Sleep (for about eight hours)Lack of sleep often comes with a host of other health-sabotaging factors such as stress, excessive screen-time and lack of activity throughout the day, but several scientific studies have suggested a strong correlation between getting a good nights sleep and weight management. One study reported that older adults who slept less than five hours, compared with seven to eight hours, increased their risk of obesity by 40pc. Interestingly, other research has shown that too much sleep isnt good either with those sleeping nine or 10 hours 21pc more likely to become obese compared with those getting their seven or eight hours of shuteye.
3. Make healthy options accessibleIts when youre hungry and wanting something fast that youre most likely to slip into making less healthy choices. But its not just about making sure you have the nutritious stuff in the house. Healy says little changes, even down to where food is in your kitchen, make a difference to long term-habits. Its not buying and having fruit in your kitchen that will increase your fruit-eating habit, but the exact positioning of that fruit bowl in arms reach, not hidden away in a corner, will increase how much we eat, she explains.
4. Find an exercise you love and do it regularlyYou might have been able to force yourself through an intense workout regime to lose weight, but exercise will not become a long-term habit if its not something you enjoy. The simple truth and fact is they must get something sustainable and practical that suits their lifestyle, says trainer Paul Byrne. Its not practical to work out seven days a week and eat 1,000 calories a day youll crash. Find a workout or exercise you like, look forward to doing and mix it up.
5. Address your headspaceWeight management is about so much more than calories in and out. So many people who reach a weight they are happy with talk about the importance of self-love, of being able to look in the mirror and accept yourself. Getting your mind in the right place leads to day-to-day changes which in turn leads to better choices and a healthier body and mind, says Jason OCallaghan, a hypnotherapist in the D4 Clinic, a therapy he believes can help with the negative self-talk that can impact on weight management.
6. Monitor your progressThat doesnt have to mean stepping on the scales every day, it could mean noticing when a pair of trousers starts to feel a little snug, feeling more breathless doing an activity you previously could do with ease. Be attuned to your body and act fast if you see changes. Its easier to get back to where you want to be if you act sooner rather than later.
7. Eat enough fibreWe know that the better your fibre intake, the lower your sugar intake, explains dietitian Aveen Bannon. Fibre slows down the speed at which food passes through digestion and makes you feel fuller for longer. The best sources are fruit, vegetables, whole grains, beans and pulses.
8. Get supportThe people you have around you have a big role to play in the success of weight management. Have a friend, a class, a dietitian, says dietitian Sarah Keogh. It takes quite a while to really bed down new habits so having someone you can check in with regularly is important, not necessarily for a weigh-in, although that can help for some.
9. Make a food planI dedicate a lot of time to meal planning on my courses because I truly believe that planning and organisation is what holds so many of us back from achieving our health goals, says Elsa Jones, a nutritional consultant who runs free online weight management workshops.Planning is pro-active and will give you control in choosing what you eat. While food diaries can be a useful tool in monitoring, they can also become a negative means of self-flagellation to beat yourself up at the end of the day for being bad. Plan, dont punish.
10. Take nothing off the menuThis is called the law of reverse affect, explains OCallaghan. If you say to someone dont think of a black cat I guarantee you will think of one!So saying Im never having wine or chocolate or ice cream means you have to keep thinking of them to keep your rule.Then if you slip up a little, you tend to just give up totally until next Mondays diet.A healthy relationship with food is grounded in moderation.
11. Be able to draw a line under somethingOne of the most common mindset traps I see people fall into is all or nothing thinking, reveals Jones.This is when you tell yourself youve blown it by eating one biscuit, so you may as well eat the whole packet and start fresh tomorrow. The best way to counteract this is to ditch the whole notion of being on a diet. If youre not on a diet then you cant blow your diet. Instead just focus on what you can do today to bring you closer to your goal.
12. Keep an eye on your proportionsPortion size is important, but a long-term, sustainable, balanced diet also revolves around having the right balance of nutrients on your plate one quarter protein (chicken, fish, beans) one quarter complex carbs (sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa) and the rest veggies.
13. Eat mindfullyEver sat down to watch TV only to look down and realise youve shovelled a family-size bag of crisps into you without even noticing? If you want to try and stop your waistband expanding, register what youre eating. Eat slowly and notice when you feel full, dont just automatically clear your plate, recommends Keogh.
14. Drink waterBeing even a little dehydrated can cause your metabolism to drop and work less effectively. Most of us dont drink enough water and often confuse thirst with hunger, reaching for a snack when we should be turning on the tap.Experts believe we should consume between half-an-ounce and an ounce of water per pound you weigh, every day.For example, someone at 12 stone should be drinking at least 2.5 litres of water a day, although activity level and climate will also be a factor.
15. Remember how far youve comeYou might have thrown out all your old clothes and not want to look at old photos but they can be motivating.We remember how far weve come, says Cullen. And that we dont ever want to go back to the way we were.
16. Accept theres no one size fits all approachMaintaining a weight youre happy with is ultimately about doing what works for you. Some studies show that eating breakfast helps some people maintain, other research says it makes no difference.Some swear by keeping an eye on the scales, others rely on how they feel the most successful means of maintaining a healthy body weight is finding the best way that works for you.
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Green tea may help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism, powering your workout, and more – Insider – INSIDER

When people are trying to lose weight, they usually focus on what to cut out of their diet. But adding green tea to your diet can be an easy, healthy addition to your weight loss journey.
While green tea may help you shed pounds, you should check with your doctor to see whether losing weight is a healthy option for you. If your doctor gives you the go-ahead, then it may be worth it to try this antioxidant-rich beverage.
Here's why green tea can help with weight loss.
Green tea can boost metabolism because it contains caffeine. This allows you to burn more calories and helps with weight loss."The stimulant properties of the caffeine increase the oxidation rate within the cell's metabolism which .... increases the calories we burn," says Hunnes.
In a small 2008 study, researchers gave obese participants either green tea or a placebo over the course of 12 weeks. The participants did not change their activity level or diets. After 12 weeks, those who had green tea lost 7.3 pounds more than those who had the placebo, and burned 183.38 calories more with their resting energy expenditure.
The caffeine in green tea is responsible for this benefit. Caffeine has been shown to enhance performance in athletes when consumed close to competition, says Emily Monfiletto, RD, senior registered dietitian at Baylor College of Medicine. This is because caffeine can make you feel like you are exerting yourself less than you really are and help reduce exercise-related pain, says Monfiletto.
Aside from enhancing performance, green tea may also help you burn more fat during a workout. In a small 2008 study, men were given green tea extract before working out. Their fat burning rate was 17% higher than those who received a placebo.
When you're trying to lose weight, it's a good idea to cut back on sugary drinks. Hunnes says green tea can have zero calories from fat if you don't add sugar to it, and you will get nutrients like antioxidants that you wouldn't get from drinking soda.
Green tea can also give you more sustained energy, without a crash, opposed to sugary drinks. If you replace sugary drinks with green tea, then you will be cutting back on a significant amount of calories over time, which can help result in weight loss.
"One can of soda typically contains 150 calories. Simply brewed green tea without anything added has negligible calories, so every can of soda that you replace in a day with green tea or any other calorie-free beverage, you would save 150 calories every serving," says Monfiletto.
Hunnes says the best way to drink green tea for weight loss is by drinking it brewed either hot or cold, without any added sugar.
You should use authentic green tea made from true green tea leaves. It should say this on the label. Hunnes says herbal teas are usually not made from true tea leaves, so you may want to stay away from those.
There are different varieties of green tea, such as sencha, matcha, and jasmine. They all offer great health benefits. They originate from the same plant, but there are differences in how they are processed, Monfiletto says.
Regardless of the type of green tea, the suggested amount is three to four cups of green tea a day, and there isn't necessarily a "best" time to consume it, Hunnes says.
However, Monfiletto says if you are sensitive to caffeine, you may want to avoid drinking it in the afternoon and evenings so it doesn't interfere with your sleep. She says the absolute maximum consumption of green tea should be nine or ten cups a day, based on safe caffeine limits.
Green tea alone likely won't be a major factor in your weight loss, but it may help make a small difference, especially if you are replacing sugary beverages with this healthy alternative.
To experience the most significant weight loss results, you will also need to make changes to your overall diet and activity level and green tea might just give you the boost that you need to get going.
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Green tea may help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism, powering your workout, and more - Insider - INSIDER
New Year 2021: 3 Myths About Weight Loss And Fitness That You Must Stop Believing This Year – NDTV

Excessive sweating does not make you lose weight faster
Here's wishing everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year 2021! If getting fitter, healthier and having a strong immunity are the resolutions that you have pledged to follow this year, then this article is a must-read for you. Celebrity fitness trainer Yasmin Karachiwala recently took to Instagram to share some myths about weight loss and fitness, that are commonly believed. If you think that excessive sweating means more weight loss, or that spot reduction targets fat in that particular area, then you will be surprised to read further.
Now this is something which is quite commonly believed. In the video posted on Instagram, Karachiwala mentions that sweating is body's natural way of regulating body temperature. Sweat is the biological reaction of the body to overheating. It allows the skin to cool down and helps in adjusting the internal body temperature. "If you sweat profusely and drink a little bit of water, you will feel like that you have lost a few ounces. But in fact, your body goes into dehydration, which is not safe," she says.
So, if you think that you are shedding by sweating, then you are be mistaken.
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This is absolutely not true, says Karachiwala. "Fat and muscle cells are different structures which are not interchangeable. Muscle cells grow large and multiply when you exercise. If you stop exercising, the muscle gets smaller, but it doesn't convert to a different type cell type and turn into fat," she explains.
Having said that, the Mumbai-based fitness trainer adds that neglected muscles and overeating to your body's energy demands will result in the growth of your fat cells and make you gain weight.
It is a myth that your muscles turn into fat when you stop exercisingPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:For How Long Should You Do Cycling For Weight Loss? Expert Reveals Important Do's And Don'ts Of Cycling
Wouldn't it be nice if you could reduce the volume of your waist, hips or any other part of your body at any given time? "Unfortunately we cannot influence that. Everyone stores fat in different parts of the body. It is largely determined by one's sex and genetics. Workouts that are targeted only towards certain body parts won't help either," she says.
These kinds of workouts, she continues, can burn calories and build muscles, they do not affect the fat cells in the target part of the body.
This New Year, believe only the facts and get rid of all such myths. Happy New Year everyone!
Also read:Weight Loss: Missed Your Workout Today? Here's What You Should Do Instead Of Feeling Guilty
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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New Year 2021: 3 Myths About Weight Loss And Fitness That You Must Stop Believing This Year - NDTV
The Beginners Guide to Weight Training – The Manual

Deciding to seriously go after your fitness goals can seem daunting at first. Beginner workouts are useful to help get your body acclimated to a new routine. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, train for a marathon or endurance event, or simply take better care of yourself, making a habit out of exercising is the first step. Weight training creates a stable foundation that sets you up to achieve your fitness goals, but it can feel overwhelming and even be dangerous for beginners.
On a physical level, weight training can improve strength, endurance, balance, and it also helps keep your bones healthy, says Kenta Seki, ACE-certified personal trainer and FitOn App Trainer. On a mental level, exercise and weight training can improve your mood and sleep patterns, and even boost your self-confidence.
If youre new to weight training, youve come to the right place. We worked with Kenta to create a beginner workout guide that will help familiarize you with the movements and techniques you need to know in order to execute these exercises safely and give you the results youre after. You dont need a ton of workout equipment to see results quickly you just need a basic understanding of the weight training principles.
Before you start throwing heavy weights around your home gym, Kenta has a few pieces of advice for weight training safely.
Dont skip your warm-up, says Kenta. A light cardio exercise, like a 5-minute run or jog, and light stretching will help your body prepare for the work its about to do.
Another tip: Remember to breathe. Avoid holding your breath during any of the exercises below. Exhale while youre putting forth the most effort on an exercise, and inhale as youre coming back to your starting position.
Finally, Kenta underscores the importance of form above all else. Dont sacrifice form to lift heavier weights, she warns. If your form is suffering due to the amount of weight youre lifting, take it down a notch and work toward that heavier weight. Having goals to strive for is important in fitness, like anything else. Youll feel better when you can lift that heavier weight confidently and properly than if you exhaust and possibly injure yourself in the process.
Squats certainly help build muscle in the leg, but the squatting movement also creates an anabolic environment, which promotes body-wide muscle building. Squats can help you improve both your upper and lower body strength when done correctly, so nailing this exercise will set you up for success in future moves.
Deadlifts sound easy: At first glance, it just looks like youre picking up a heavy object and setting it down. It might look simple, but this movement is actually incredibly complex and easy to do incorrectly, which can result in injury if youre not careful. This exercise strengthens your legs, back, and the rest of your posterior chain, which helps take the stress off your lower back. Its a beneficial exercise when done right, so establishing proper form is crucial to avoid having to correct bad habits later.
Chest presses will help develop your upper body strength by toning your pectorals, deltoids, triceps, and biceps. This foundational arm workout is an effective and straightforward way to work out your upper body and developing that wide chest most men covet.
If youre working out at home, this exercise can easily be done with dumbbells.
Rows are another upper body workout that carves and sculpts your back muscles. This exercise is especially important because its a movement that we dont typically do in our daily lives, so its activating and building a muscle that rarely gets any attention. It also helps strengthen your posterior chain, which can alleviate back pain.
Dumbbell rows give you a better range of motion than other row variations, so its what wed recommend here.
The shoulder press engages your shoulders and core, which can improve muscle definition as well as stability. Your shoulders get activated in nearly every upper body strength workout, so strong shoulders can improve your performance in other exercises.
Using dumbbells in this exercise helps activate the anterior (front) deltoid more than when using a barbell.
The triceps are the muscles in the back of your arm, which is why they tend to be ignored in favor of bicep workouts that give you those bulging muscles out on display for the world to see. But if you want balanced, tank-top-worthy arms by summer, you need to make sure youre giving your triceps a little love.
The overhead triceps extension exercise is an isolation exercise, meaning it focuses on the tricep muscle alone. You can do overhead tricep extensions with one or two dumbells, either standing or seating.
Bicep curls are perhaps the most recognizable weight training exercise. The bicep muscle plays an important role in most pulling exercises, like deadlifts and rows, so focusing on beefing up your biceps will certainly pay off and help you unlock your full fitness potential.
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The Beginners Guide to Weight Training - The Manual