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5 Dangerous Side Effects of Drinking Too Much Tea – Eat This, Not That

The benefits of tea seem endless. It's been shown to lengthen your life, boost your metabolism, promote weight loss, support memory, and more.
But you've probably heard the saying: "too much of a good thing can be a bad thing." And that mantra holds true even for a healthy drink like tea.
Tea comes from tea leaveslike black, green, and whitethat are caffeinated. (Herbal teas don't have any caffeine, and they won't typically be judged against tea leaf teas when it comes to overdoing it.) As you're probably aware, many of the same 5 Side Effects of Drinking Too Much Coffee due to high caffeine intake can also apply to a caffeinated beverage like tea.
Moderate tea consumption of under 3 cups of tea a day can convey a myriad of health benefits, but drinking too much tea, which is exceeding 34 cups per day, has been linked to a few negative side effects.
Read on to discover what can happen to your body when you drink too much tea, and remember, as long as you drink tea in moderation, you can reap the 7 Amazing Benefits of Drinking Green Tea.
Tanninsthe polyphenol compounds that make drinks like tea and wine taste bittermay inhibit the body's absorption of iron, when consumed in excess (more than 4 cups), according to a study published in Food Research International. They bind with iron, specifically non-heme iron, that is found in plant foods such as spinach, beans, and nuts. While a Current Developments in Nutrition review found that tannic acid and tea consumption can impair iron bioavailability, they also note that a lack of long-term studies means that they can't draw any conclusions to whether this habit can negatively affect your health. Worst case scenario, make sure you're eating enough iron-rich foods on a regular basis.
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As is the case with almost any food that is cultivated nowadays, tea leaves can contain or absorb various toxic compounds from the soil or through harvesting methods. Studies have discovered levels of toxin in many different types. For example, aJournal of Toxicology study found that when researchers tested 30 types of teawhich included black, green, white, and oolong varietiesall of them contained lead.
As the researchers increased steeping time, levels of lead increased. All brewed teas contained trace levels of lead, but 73% of teas brewed for 3 minutes and 83% brewed for 15 minutes contained levels considered unsafe for consumption during pregnancy and lactation. Aluminum levels were above recommended guidelines in 20% of brewed teas. At this point, the researchers urge you to be aware that you may be exposed to these toxic elements, but that it's more important to take a look at your overall daily consumption of toxins, like those from tainted supplements or contaminated drinking water, rather than tea alone.
When researchers tested tea bags versus tea leaves, they found higher levels of fluoride in higher-priced, higher-quality tea bags, according to a Food Research International study. Brewing the tea for two minutes resulted in teas in the range of 3.6 to 7.96 milligrams per liter of flouride. That means if you consume more than four cups of coffee (one liter) a day, you could exceed the dietary reference intake (DRI) of 4 milligrams per day of fluoride. Researchers hypothesized that loose tea comes from harvesting different parts of the plant and the techniques used to do so. Consuming too much fluoride can damage teeth, bones, and joints. Note that the study only tested UK teas, so we may not be able to draw the same conclusions with US tea bags. At the least, it appears that opting for loose leaf tea is the way to go, and to not drink too much tea keep it to under 4 cups.
Related:10 Signs You're Drinking Too Much Tea
Tea contains caffeine. Less than coffeebetween 20 and 60 milligrams per cupbut if you're drinking too much tea, that caffeine adds up. Too much caffeine has been linked to sleep disruption, heartburn, headaches, and anxiety. Each of these negatives effects tends to only happen when consuming caffeine in excess, between 100 and 200 milligrams per day. Depending on the variety of tea you drink, you may overdo it at anywhere between 2 to 10 cups of tea.
White, green, black teas with added citric acid may have higher levels of aluminum, cadmium, and lead, according to a study published in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. Lemon teas, in particular, contained levels 10 to 70 times higher than these other teas. So although citric acid is an antioxidant ingredient that increases phenolic compounds and beneficial tract element concentrations, like magnesium, it does come at the cost of increased availability of toxic metals.
To reduce your exposure, opt for loose leaf teas. The researchers note that infusions made from loose tea leaves possess a lower content of harmful elements as aluminum, cadmium, and lead compared to powdered bag teas. And if you want that lemon flavor, maybe try lemon water:What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water Every Day.
Originally posted here:
5 Dangerous Side Effects of Drinking Too Much Tea - Eat This, Not That
Making New Years Resolutions? Use this SMART method. – Houston Chronicle

Its finally time to say goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021. It seems like this year, more than ever, everyone is ready to start fresh and turn over a new leaf. Goal setting via New Years resolutions is a standard part of this process, often revolving around the intention to improve nutrition, exercise or overall wellness and well-being.
Before setting resolutions, I encourage you to consider making your goals based on health behaviors rather than body composition, or aesthetics, which usually manifest as weight-loss goals. My goal is to make my arms look more toned, is a body-composition goal, while I want to become stronger is a health-behavior goal. The latter is what were going for. These health-behavior goals will teach you more about long-term behavior change, leading to improved health and happiness.
Research shows that one of the most effective ways to promote health-behavior change is through goal setting, which provides a strategy for self-regulation and accountability. When setting goals, its important to understand how they might relate to one another. For example, someone may set an overarching, general life goal of wanting to better manage stress. That same person may also want to increase physical activity levels as a means to improve cardiovascular health. Being motivated to achieve better heart health should ideally lead to higher or more frequent activity levels, which should then help decrease stress levels. Its not a surprise then that a research study determined that exercise and dietary goals go hand in hand achieving one might make it easier to achieve the other. This reiterates the importance of focusing on those health behaviors.
While the new year, new me spirit is welcome, its important that we create goals that will set us up for successful and sustainable behavior change. The key to long-term success is sustainability. I hope this goal setting guide utilizing the S.M.A.R.T. Method can serve as a straightforward template to help you accomplish any goal you set, at any time of the year.
Specific: Specificity is a must when it comes to making goals. Someone may set a goal to eat more fruits and vegetables. How often? How many servings? Do you want to eat more fruits and vegetables at every meal, every day? Or just some meals, some days? Writing out a goal as specific as possible will make it easier to determine if you are accomplishing it, and if so, how frequently.
Measurable: Making goals that can be measured will solidify specificity. Lets say your goal is to walk more around the neighborhood. We need to know how much more by measuring mileage, steps, frequency, time or some other metric. This doesnt have to be anything fancy like the use of a Fitbit. If you know one loop around your neighborhood is 1 mile, that provides a measurable benchmark. To turn this into a trackable goal, aim to walk two loops instead of one in the evenings, four times a week, or walk for 60 minutes, instead of 45, around the neighborhood in the mornings, four times a week.
Attainable: In order to promote better health behavior, we want to set goals that are challenging, yet possible. Dont bite off more than you can chew. Its more effective to make a goal that is closer in proximity to achieving while keeping in mind some more distant goals as well. If you have a future goal of running a marathon, set some smaller, proximal goals to help you get there over time.
Realistic: While rising to a challenge is part of behavior change, we have to do a holistic assessment of any hurdles that may come up. If your goal is to start reading food labels to keep track of sugar, but you have never looked at a food label before, it would lead to more long-term success if you worked toward some food label education before taking this on.
Time-based: Scientists who dedicated years researching psychological theories related to goal setting define a goal as that which one wants to accomplish; it concerns a valued, future end state. Time is a way to produce a specific and measurable goal. For example, by declaring the goal of I will use one hour every Sunday afternoon to prepare my lunches for the work week, you give yourself a fixed amount of time to focus on this task that has an end state. Using that time to prepare your lunches may keep you from purchasing convenience food or fast food, which over time, may help lower cholesterol levels. Its all related!
Effective goals are challenging yet attainable, clear, feasible and timely. S.M.A.R.T. goal setting is a great method to try out when making your New Years resolutions. Take some time to reflect on and assess your short- and long-term aspirations regarding nutrition, exercise, health, or all of the above, by creating health behavior goals.
Emma Willingham is a registered dietitian who practices in an outpatient hospital clinic and through her private practice, Fuel with Emma. Willingham specializes in sports-performance nutrition, weight management and nutrition counseling, and aims to promote a resilient relationship between food, mind and body. You can find her on social media at @fuelwithemma.
Excerpt from:
Making New Years Resolutions? Use this SMART method. - Houston Chronicle
Gallstones surgery: Types, what to expect, recovery, and aftercare – Medical News Today

Gallstones are hard deposits that form in the gallbladder. About a quarter of people with gallstones need treatment, which is usually surgery.
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), gallstones may range from the size of a grain of sand to the size of a golf ball.
Many gallstones do not cause symptoms. However, some can cause complications, such as an infection or a blocked bile or pancreatic duct.
If this happens, the blockage can cause severe and often sharp pain. In these cases, a doctor will likely recommend surgery to remove the stone.
This article discusses types of gallstone surgery, recovery, and aftercare.
According to the NIDDK, not all gallstones require treatment. Many do not cause problems, and these are known as silent gallstones. In fact, an estimated 5070% of gallstones are asymptomatic.
Gallstones are very common, affecting 1015% of people in the United States, according to the NIDDK. Every year, about a quarter of the people with a diagnosis of gallstones will need treatment, which is usually surgery.
However, there is a consensus among doctors from multiple specialties that people with asymptomatic gallstones should not undergo surgery due to the risk involved and the lack of any clear benefit.
That said, the type of gallstones a person has can make a doctor more likely to recommend surgery. There are two types of gallstones: cholesterol and pigment.
A doctor may be able to treat cholesterol stones without surgical intervention, but they would likely suggest surgery for pigment stones.
Pigment stones are stones that are brown or black. An excess amount of bilirubin in a persons blood can cause pigment stones to form.
According to the NIDDK, some common nonsurgical procedures include:
However, attempts to dissolve or break up the gallstones often do not work effectively. If they do not work, a doctor will likely recommend surgery.
If a persons doctor recommends gallstone surgery, they will offer specific instructions about what to expect and how to prepare.
According to the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), a person will need a full physical examination before undergoing surgery to determine if they are healthy enough for the procedure.
After the examination, the surgeon can discuss the procedure, including what to expect, and answer any questions.
Though instructions will vary, the SAGES indicate that the following are common preparation instructions to receive before surgery:
The gallbladder is not an essential organ to human life. A surgeon can safely remove the gallbladder with a surgical procedure called cholecystectomy.
There are two types of surgery for gallstones: laparoscopic/robotic and open surgery.
According to the NIDDK, surgeons are more likely to perform a laparoscopic procedure than an open procedure.
During laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a surgeon will use general anesthetics to put the person to sleep. Then, they will make three or four incisions and place devices, called ports, into the incisions to allow better access to the gallbladder.
The surgeon will use a small camera to help them remove the gallbladder, before sealing the openings with stitches or staples.
In some cases, they may use robotics to help with the surgery. These procedures are very similar to other laparoscopic cholecystectomies. The only difference is that the surgeon will manipulate the robot to perform the procedure.
During the procedure, they may need to remove gallstones that are blocking one or more bile ducts. They may need to use X-ray to help them see any additional stones.
A surgeon may perform open cholecystectomy if the laparoscopic procedure does not go well. They may also choose to perform the procedure if the gallbladder is:
According to the SAGES, some other reasons a surgeon may switch to an open procedure include:
A persons recovery time depends on the type of surgery they had and any complications that arose.
After laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a person can often go home the same day or the next day. They can expect to return to normal activities within 1 week.
After open cholecystectomy, a person may need to stay in the hospital for up to a week. During this time, doctors will provide follow-up care. A person can often return to normal activities within 1 month.
According to the NIDDK, complications from gallbladder surgery include a persons bile ducts developing an infection. This may require additional surgeries.
For optimal healing, the person will need to keep the incisions clean and dry, change the bandages regularly, and follow all advice from their doctor. Taking over-the-counter pain medications can help people manage any pain.
A doctor may also recommend some short-term dietary changes, such as eating small, light meals for several days following surgery and following a low fat diet for a few weeks.
The SAGES recommend that a person be as active following the procedure as they can be. They suggest walking or doing other light exercises to help keep the body moving.
The surgeon will likely schedule a follow-up appointment for about 23 weeks after the procedure, according to the SAGES.
People may way to contact their doctor as soon as possible if they experience any of the following symptoms:
According to a 2011 review of studies, there are limited quality data on long-term outcomes for people who undergo gallbladder surgery.
People may need to make some long-term dietary changes after gallbladder removal.
However, according to research in The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, there is no set standard for dietary changes after cholecystectomy.
Instead, each person should have a unique dietary plan depending on how their body reacts to the loss of the gallbladder.
Research suggests that people with diarrhea after gallbladder removal should increase their fiber intake slowly over several weeks.
Meanwhile, a person with acid reflux after surgery should eat small meals and avoid foods that may make it worse, including caffeine and alcohol, tomato-based foods, spicy foods, and mint.
Gallstone surgery is a common treatment for obstructive or frequent gallstones that cause symptoms. Laparoscopic surgery is more common than open surgery.
People can talk with their doctor about the option that is right for them. They can typically expect their quality of life to improve following the procedure.
See the original post:
Gallstones surgery: Types, what to expect, recovery, and aftercare - Medical News Today
Qingdao Citizen Fitness Center / Architecture & Engineers of Southeast University – ArchDaily

Qingdao Citizen Fitness Center / Architecture & Engineers of Southeast University
+ 48
Manufacturers:, ,
Project OverviewQingdao Citizen Fitness Center is the venue project for the 24th Games of Shandong Province. The first phase of construction mainly consists of one stadium, namely 60,000 stadiums and 15,000 gymnasiums.Located in jiaozhou Bay coastal area of Qingdao city, the project is located in the geographical and geometric center of Qingdao city, airport, high-speed railway station and other regional transportation hubs. Together with 13 municipal major projects such as Hongdao Convention and Exhibition Center and Jiqing High-speed Railway Hongdao Station, it constitutes the public center on the north shore of Qingdao.
Since its completion, Qingdao Citizen Fitness Center has not only hosted the 24th Games of Shandong Province, but also hosted the national team after the games Men's and women's basketball, volleyball and so on several international events and variety of activities, also recently successfully hosted the as epidemic prevention and control under the domestic first restart the big sporting events, the Chinese men's basketball professional league 2019-2020 season (CBA) heats the second phase of 40 games, hardware facilities and events organization conditions so as to obtain the yao Ming, the chairman of the Chinese basketball association organizations such as sufficiently high praise. As the competition center with the largest construction scale, the best hardware facilities and the highest technological content in Shandong Province, in 2019, the center will be open for more than 360 days a year, with an average daily opening time of 8 hours and an open area of more than 80%, becoming the new name card of Qingdao city.
Design FeaturesCoastal landscape site construction based on Qingdao Marine regional cultureThe project is located in the geographic and geometric center of Qingdao, the airport, high-speed railway station and other regional transportation hubs in the urban location, and constitutes the public center of the north shore of Qingdao together with hongdao Convention and Exhibition Center, Jiqing High-speed Railway Hongdao Station and other municipal major projects. Through the multi-dimensional and multi-path viewing from the space nodes of major cities, as well as the line of sight analysis of "seeing" and "being seen" between hongdao Station, a compact layout with moderate separation and non-occlusion is formed, which not only maximizes the urban appearance of venue elements, but also ensures the intensive utilization of land to the maximum extent. The project mainly includes three core functions: stadium, gymnasium and outdoor training ground. Wetland park is reserved in the building layout to form an intensive layout;The large-volume stadium is raised to touch the wetland, and the second-floor sea-viewing platform is built. Do not do basement, as far as possible to protect the wetland landscape.
At the same time, based on Qingdao Marine regional culture poetic construction: through simulating Qingdao Marine biological thread intensive growth structure, the venue space intensive is realized; And it is related to the coastal culture of Qingdao, and with the Marine cultural intention of "cloud", "sea", "sand" and "shellfish", it becomes the landscape logo on the takeoff and landing channel of Jiaozhou new airport that can be interpreted by passengers with multiple meanings: "The sand of the sea" -- the stadium is composed of the roof and facade with light and undulating patterns, which looks like the beach brushed by the waves. "The Shell of clouds" -- the white ellipsoid of the stadium symbolizes the beach shells under the blue sky and white clouds. The stadium is a class A large stadium, which can hold international individual events and national comprehensive events, including competition venues, practice venues, spectator stands, spectator evacuation platforms and event rooms; The stadium is a super large Class A stadium, which can hold international individual events and national comprehensive events.
Intensive space system based on the best experience in competition[Compact homogeneous Inner Field and Circular Hall]Each system plane of the stadium adopts the most intensive circular form. On the section, the saddle-shaped curves of the inner and outer cornice of the tent correspond to the profile of the stand that rises from the circular view of the seat. In order to meet the visual quality and the wind speed during the match, the grandstand is designed to form a compact and highly enclosed layout, so that the visual line can not only meet the needs of holding track and field matches, but also give consideration to the possibility of watching football matches as the home of local professional clubs after the match. The front row seats are as close to the match field as possible, both on the plane and in the section, so as to improve the clarity and spatial cohesion of the spectators watching the core football match.
The ring around the stand to the hall maximizes the reduction of the distance from the audience to the entrance: the audience enters the hall through the "pointed ticket" shaped entrance which is evenly distributed to the circle and reaches the corresponding entrance of the stand area of the pool; Vertical traffic adopts steel structure straight running stairs with stronger guidance, which is uniformly arranged in accordance with the twill direction of the outer curtain wall and leads the audience into the four-storey block.
The lower roof of the competition hall in the middle of the stadium allows viewers to view the screens, focus their eyes on the field, and reduce the energy consumption of air conditioning. The roof adopts radial radial steel beam and cable system, which forms a strong sense of centrality with the ring horse way and bucket screen. The ring hall adopts four groups of "double layer vertical superposition type" straight running stairs "tube body", the interior is fire stairs, directly leading to the outdoor platform, on which an open staircase is formed, leading to the four-storey building block. This kind of transportation means that cleverly combines the fire protection and public facilities is convenient to guide the audience and greatly saves the interior space.
Stadium by stadium also enhances the identity of the internal space through the high purity color and identification system. The four colors of "green", "red", "blue" and "yellow" are used in the color design of the stadium ring hall. They are respectively used in the four stand areas of the ring Hall in the east, west, south and north, symbolizing the urban elements facing the base in the east, west, south and north -- Qingdao, Red Island, Dahai and Huangdao. The color of the stands is gradually transferred from the yellow of the beach in the pool area to the blue of the ocean in the building area, which not only improves the orientation identification of the audience, but also integrates the regional culture of Qingdao and the sports temperament of the sports architecture. The competition hall in the stadium is a Mosaic of red and yellow colors, which respectively represent the red island and the Yellow Island.
[Concise and clear external valance system]The outermost layer of each stadium consists of two floors, both of which are composed of an external curtain system extending from the facade to the roof, covering the ring hall and the grandstand space. The inner layer is steel structure, and the outer layer is continuous facade curtain wall and metal roof canopy. The roof steel structure system is a suspension structure composed of rigid steel beam and cable. The roof drainage adopts an inner ring rain ditch, a built-in siphon rain water mouth, and two overflow gutters leading directly to the outer curtain wall, which fully guarantees the safety of the roof structure. The air inlet and exhaust shaft uniformly arranged on the top of the audience lounge penetrates the metal roof in the way of vertical shaft, and is hidden in the cavity under the aluminum plate layer above, ensuring the continuity of the roof and facade.
[Sustainable Complex Venue]In the design, the possibility of convenient transformation and operation after the race is fully considered from the perspective of functional matching and spatial layout. Stadiums and arenas can be used for individual international and national competitions, including athletics and football. The grandstand mainly consists of pool, box and building areas, and the lower base is the event room for VIP, media, judges and athletes. The building adopts a 12-18m long column network, which is conducive to segmentation. After the match, it can be transformed into a room for football matches and a conference center. The balcony box on the floor of the building can be used as the office space of the operating unit at ordinary times.
The multi-functional layout is adopted in the competition hall of the stadium, which can realize the multi-functional transformation of basketball, gymnastics, handball and other competitions as well as the convention, exhibition and performing arts through the change of telescopic seats in the pool block area. The removable seating area in the floor and the exercise hall at the bottom of the stadium are used for spectators and athletes' warm-up areas respectively during the competition. After the competition, they will be converted into a public fitness space.
The platform is also responsible for the evacuation of spectators in the provincial sports, and has now opened to the public, becoming a beautiful sea-watching fitness trail in the air. The large space up to 8m at the bottom of the platform can also be "returned" to the public after the game, and transformed into commercial operation space such as maker office, boutique hotel, catering and entertainment, sports business gallery, ocean exhibition hall, etc., to form a comprehensive sports block with immersive experience
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Qingdao Citizen Fitness Center / Architecture & Engineers of Southeast University - ArchDaily
The Truth Family Fitness gym to open in 2021 and 3 more local business updates – Community Impact Newspaper

The 17,000-square-foot facility will have locker rooms and a recovery room with hot tubs, cold tubs and zero-gravity chairs. (Courtesy The Truth Family Fitness)
Coming soon: Grace & Lace Bridal Boutique
Grace & Lace Bridal Boutique will open in January and offer a large collection of wedding dresses costing $2,000 and less and includes plus-sized dresses. Bridal consultants can help brides find dresses, veils and accessories, according to owner Kasey Schultz. The boutique has four private bridal suites and is located at 115 S. Lakeline Blvd., Ste. 350, Cedar Park. 512-368-4270.
Coming soon: The Truth Family Fitness
The Truth Family Fitness is expected to open in March at The Crossover. The membership gym will offer personal and group training and group fitness classes. The 17,000-square-foot facility will have locker rooms and a recovery room with hot tubs, cold tubs and zero-gravity chairs. A massage therapist and chiropractor will be subleasing within the facility located at 1717 Scottsdale Drive, Cedar Park. 512-922-1220.
Relocation: Texas Pride Custom Floors
Texas Pride Custom Floors relocated its retail showroom to 1501 Leander Drive, Ste. 110, Leander. It was previously located at 11840 Hero Way W., Ste. 200, Leander. Texas Pride offers an expansive selection of hardwood, waterproof flooring, stone, tile and laminate, according to the business. 512-817-4107.
In the news: The Williamson Museum
Nancy Hill will start as the new executive director for The Williamson Museum on Jan. 8. Hill previously worked as the executive director of the Diastole Scholars' Center at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. The Williamson Museum is located at 716 S. Austin Ave., Georgetown. 512-943-1670.
Read More..Silver Sneakers program offers fitness in the new year in Carthage –

Central Baptist Church Activity Center is the location of a unique fitness program for seniors. It is called Silver Sneakers and is nationally acclaimed as worth your time and energy.
Their moto is Be healthy, be independent!
The program is basically a strength, balance and flexibility program. About one half of the exercises are done in the chair. Regular fitness and a good diet offer an extension to ones life and general good mental health. Being physically active and eating right can help in many ways such as:
Enhance feelings of well-being and self-confidence
This group exercise program offers invigorating personalized workouts to help you stay on track toward your health and fitness goals. The muscular strength and range of movement program at Central is a core class for total body conditioning where you will use resistance tools and work at your own pace. It improves overall strength, flexibility, posture, breathing and balance.
Strength training is a safe and effective tool for older adults. It can increase muscle strength, maintain bone integrity, and improve balance, coordination and mobility. It also helps arthritis, osteoporosis and back pain. An increase in muscle building helps one to manage daily activities around the home. Increasing ones flexibility and joint range of motion allows for greater movement and reduces pain of the joints, making it easier to perform daily activities of independent living.
Before joining any class please ask the advice of your personal physician about your abilities.
Come and join the enthusiastic group at Central Baptist Activity Center each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m. You are required to wear a mask as you enter and exit the building. During exercise, we social distance plus since we have the whole gym, you may remove your mask to exercise.
The class is about 45 minutes long. There is no out-of-pocket expense. The program will open on Jan. 4, 2021 for the New Year.
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Silver Sneakers program offers fitness in the new year in Carthage -
Best Fitness Apps For 2021: Stay Healthy And Connected –

CALIFORNIA There's never been a better time to think about personal wellness. With many gyms closed around the state due to the pandemic, people have adjusted their exercise routines from "group" to "solo" and that's where fitness apps come in. Not only can they help get you in shape, the apps also offer online camaraderie with others who are striving to meet their workout goals.
Here's Patch's guide to some of the best fitness apps that will help keep you well (and connected) during 2021 and beyond.
Activities: Strength training, cardio, mobilityWhy: Take it to your living room, backyard or garage. Nike Training Club is perfect for people without a gym membership or those needing variety in their fitness routines. (HINT: It's also a great choice for frequent business travelers seeking anytime personal training.) The app features on-demand video workouts that vary in length many are free, but you can upgrade to a premium membership that will open up a complete video library featuring sessions led by trainers who offer tips and guidance. The app includes a good variety of individual workouts and multi-week training programs.
Activities: GeneralWhy: Tracking steps is a little old school these days, but for those just getting started this one is a gem. Simple to use, MapMyFitness monitors your moves in real time (feel good about vacuuming, taking out the trash) and it tells you how many calories you've burned. You can also log your activities manually, and MapMyFitness is compatible with other trackers, such as Fitbit and others. The app also lets you set goals and challenge friends in the MapMyFitness community, and it can lead you to the best walking, hiking, running and cycling trails.
Cost: Free; fee-based premium membership available
Activities: Running, cyclingWhy: Strava is a community platform for serious athletes and beginners alike. Yes, it tracks your performance stats and gives a deep dive into the data, but it also lets you interact with friends, family and professional athletes who are on the platform. You can upload photos and activities, find cycling and running routes, ask for advice. You'll form new bonds with others who can help keep you motivated. It's the ultimate social network for athletes (pro and amateur alike).
Activities: Walking, running, cyclingWhy: Need a reason to get moving and don't mind a little in-your-face marketing? Charity Miles donates money to the organization of your choice when you use the app to log miles. Its motto is "Walk, Run, Bike for a Cause." Corporate sponsors donate a few cents for every mile you track, and in exchange you get to see their branding in the app. (Read more about how Charity Miles works). The app also helps you run pledge drives and supports a large number of nonprofit organizations.
Cost: Free
More info:
JefitActivities: Strength trainingWhy: If you've got a solid cardio routine but need help with strength training, Jefit is a good pick. Like so many other apps out there, it's a community platform where users share goals, progress, tips, workout routines, etc. But instead of chatter about the best running routes in town, users are more likely to discuss deadlifts and barbell split squats. The Jefit sessions are sport-specific and/or targeted to particular muscle groups, and there are tools to keep track of your workouts, rest days, and overall training schedule.
Cost: Free; fee-based premium membership available
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GloActivities: Yoga, pilates, meditationWhy: Even if you already have an awesome fitness routine, throwing in some yoga and pilates will help you stay flexible, improve balance, and may help stave off injury. At the highest levels, yoga and pilates workouts are butt-kicking sessions that leave you wringing wet. Glo offers online on-demand classes (more than 4,000) with what it calls "the world's best teachers." By answering a few simple questions, Glo can help you find classes best suited to your level.
Cost: Subscription-based
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Best Fitness Apps For 2021: Stay Healthy And Connected -
Fitness events to add to your calendar this week – Houston Chronicle

Hatha Yoga
A vinyasa yoga class, led by Andria Dugas, for enhanced awareness and a strong, healthy body. 9-10 a.m. Dec. 26; Discovery Green, 1500 McKinney;
Zumba by Tiny Fitness
This 45-minute Zumba fitness class will have participants grooving, shaking and toning to salsa, hip-hop, samba and bhangra beats. Open to all fitness levels, no equipment necessary. 9-10 a.m. Dec. 27; Levy Park, 3801 Eastside;
Warrior Yoga
Class is structured on the traditional teachings and science of yoga while integrating ancient warrior tradition. Participants must follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance on face coverings and maintain proper social distance at all times. 6 p.m. Dec. 28; Levy Park, 3801 Eastside;
Body Barre
A full-body, low-impact workout that incorporates the science of Pilates, yoga, core strengthening and ballet. The energizing, hourlong class uses body weight to target all major muscle groups to sculpt, slim and tone. All fitness levels are welcome. 6-7 p.m. Dec. 30; Levy Park, 3801 Eastside;
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Fitness events to add to your calendar this week - Houston Chronicle
3 keys to playing in the cold, according to a PGA Tour fitness expert –

By: Rachel Bleier December 23, 2020
Lydia Ko and Yealimi Noh were bundled up for one the coldest rounds ever played during a U.S. Women's Open.
Getty Images
Winter is here, and with it comes frigid temperatures, wind, rain and snow. If youre a serious golfer (or have a screw loose), you know a little cold weather wont stop you from getting in 18 holes, despite the freezing conditions.
When it comes to playing in the cold, however, there are a few things you need to know if you want to play your best and stay healthy while you do it. Dont just take our word for it. In a recent conversation with Kolby Wayne Tullier, who trains PGA Tour and LPGA Tour players, he shared his athletes secrets to competing at the highest level in cold weather.Check out his tips below.
It might be easy to roll up to the course five minutes before your tee time and get a quick stretch in before you tee off during the summer, but doing so in the winter leaves you susceptible to injury. Jumping right into your round without a solid 20-30 minute warmup is like trying to stretch a rubber band you just took out of the freezer. If you pull on that rubber band, its going to snap a lot easier than it would if you had warmed it up first. Thats exactly what happens to you muscles too, Tullier says.
So, once youve warmed up, how do you stay warm?
This probably seems obvious, but layers is a tried and true way to keep your body temperature up in cold weather. Thats because warm air gets trapped between each layer, acting as an insulator. When layering, make sure you wear a moisture-wicking base layer, a mid layer that provides insulation to trap your body heat, and an outer layer to protect you from wind and rain. Sticking to this layering system will ensure you keep warm, but dont wind up wearing bulky items that prevent you from freely swinging a club.
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Snacking every few holes and staying hydrated is good advice any time of the year, but in the winter you should have something to eat and drink every two or three holes instead of every four to five holes. You dont have to eat a large amount, but every time you eat and drink something your body will begin its digestive process, which actually raises your core temperature. Because your body is working twice as hard to keep you warm and get you around 18 holes, you actually need to take in more calories than you think when its cold out.
Follow these tips and youll be able to bring your A-game to a frigid course near you.
See the rest here:
3 keys to playing in the cold, according to a PGA Tour fitness expert -
Youfit Health Clubs Offers New Members Opportunity to Kickstart Fitness Journey – PR Web

Its been a tough year, so we wanted to give a holiday gift that would allow new members to start off 2021 the right way. Through this promotion, gym-goers looking to begin their fitness journey can work out for a month without worrying about paying.
DEERFIELD BEACH, Fla. (PRWEB) December 25, 2020
To celebrate the beginning of 2021, Youfit Health Clubs is offering a one-week promotion to new members looking to kickstart their fitness journey that allows them to work out for no cost for the month of January 2021. The promotion will run from Friday, Dec. 25, 2020 until Thursday, Dec. 31, 2020.
Its been a tough year, so we wanted to give a holiday gift that would allow new members to start off 2021 the right way, said Youfit COO Jessica Johnson. Through this promotion, gym-goers looking to begin their fitness journey can work out for a month without worrying about paying.
The promotion is available at all 85 Youfit locations across the country. To sign up, visit or stop by your local club.
At each club, Youfit prioritizes the health and safety of its members and has committed to meeting all applicable guidelines, including those mandated by the government and implementing safety precautions including the following:
About YoufitYoufit Health Clubs is a gym thats about one thing only: You. Founded in 2008, Youfit offers affordable gym memberships at state-of-the-art facilities to help members get the most out of life.
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Youfit Health Clubs Offers New Members Opportunity to Kickstart Fitness Journey - PR Web