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10 bizarre animal stories of 2020 –

Penguins throw poop bombs, lemurs secrete a stinky perfume to woo mates and even the cutest of monkeys sometimes eat their own. When you study animals, you never quite know what oddball behaviors you might see.
Here are 10 of the weirdest animal stories that caught our eye in 2020.
Related: Survival of the grossest: 8 disgusting animal behaviors
Asian kukri snakes use their knifelike teeth to slice into toads' abdominal cavities and gobble down their organs, leaving little behind but an empty pouch of skin. The snakes sometimes spend hours gorging themselves on toad innards; specifically, scientists caught the snakes consuming poisonous toads called Duttaphrynus melanostictus, also known as Asian common toads or Asian black-spotted toads. The toads secrete a toxic white substance, so the scientists suspect that kukri snakes may have adopted their vicious eating strategy to avoid this poison.
White-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus imitator) look absolutely darling, with their deep brown eyes and tiny faces ringed with white fur but sometimes, these adorable creatures will cannibalize their own kin. When an infant monkey fell from a tree in the Santa Rosa National Park in Costa Rica, its relatives gathered around the corpse in interest. Soon enough, a young male and a pregnant female began nibbling at the infant's legs and feet. In the end, they left only the head, chest and arms untouched. When hunting prey animals, the capuchins would usually consume an entire animal in one sitting and as a group, rather than just two monkeys eating part of the part; because of this, scientists suspect cannibalism may be unusual behavior for white-faced capuchins.
After three years tracking pandas through China's Qinling Mountains, filmmakers caught two male bears vying for the attention of a female. This is the first time this courtship behavior has been captured on film, and if you expected something cute and cuddly, you'd be sorely mistaken. The two males squared off at the foot of a tree, fighting and bellowing while the female sat in the branches above. The older of the males won this initial skirmish, but when the female clambered down, she managed to slip away. Both males continued to trail the female for several weeks until, finally, the younger male won out.
Related: Strange love: 11 animals with truly weird courtship rituals
Penguins can shoot their poop across great distances, up to about twice their body lengths, and scientists calculated exactly how much force they require to do so. The team specifically looked at Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti), which spew their feces in a graceful arc from their nests on high ground. They calculated that the pressure generated in the penguins' rectums was as much roughly 4 pounds per square inch (28.2 kilopascals). That means the powerful poopers can fling their feces at about 5 mph (8 km/h) and up to roughly 53 inches (134 centimeters) away.
The Microgaster godzilla wasp earned its monstrous name from the way it hunts down hosts. The parasitic wasp dives underwater to capture moth caterpillars, which float just below the surface in homemade casings. One-by-one, the wasp wrestles the caterpillars out of their casings, drags them above water and quickly pumps them full of eggs. The way the wasp bursts from the water reminded the scientists of Godzilla emerging from the sea in classic sci-fi movies.
A blue heron was flying over the Delaware shoreline when, suddenly, an American eel erupted from its gut. In photos captured by Sam Davis, an engineer from Maryland, the eel can be seen dangling off the bird like a fat necktie. After escaping the blue heron's belly, the daring eel may have survived but only if it fell in or near water that was salty enough.The heron likely lived to fly another day, despite this gut-wrenching encounter.
Naked mole rats live in crowded underground burrows with little oxygen, but that's no problem for these wrinkly weirdos. Rather than depending on oxygen, naked mole rats actually depend more on carbon dioxide; without it, their brains short-circuit and the critters have seizures. Due to a genetic mutation, the mole rats lack a switch in their brains that usually keeps electrical activity in check. This mutation allows the animals to conserve precious energy stores, and thankfully, high levels of carbon dioxide in their burrows suppresses brain activity in a different way, which normally saves the mole rats from seizures.
Male ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) produce their own cologne from a gland in their wrists and douse their tails with the liquid during breeding season. These wrist secretions smell bitter and leathery most of the year, but come breeding season, the cologne takes on a sweeter, fruitier aroma. Scientists theorize that fluctuations in testosterone might drive this change in smell, and this may signal when a male is ready to mate. But while females show strong interest in the mating-season scent, it's unclear whether this smelly form of flirting actually makes males more desirable partners.
When scientists were studying old platypus specimens, they made a surprising discovery: under UV, the normally brown creatures emit a blue-green glow. Apart from the platypus, flying squirrels and opossums are the only other mammals known to display this kind of biofluorescence. The scientists discovered this glow after studying flying squirrels at the Field Museum in Chicago, when they decided to train their black lights on the duckbilled mammals as well, since both animals hunt at twilight and during the night. The platypuses' green sheen might reduce their visibility to predators, the team hypothesizes, but more research is needed to confirm that theory.
The mantis shrimp Neogonodactylus bredini wield clublike arms, which they use to bully smaller shrimp out of their homes. The crustaceans, nicknamed "smashers," can swing their arms at 50 mph (80 km/h) and duke it out over coral burrows in the southern Caribbean Sea. In laboratory studies, scientists found that, if given a choice between empty burrows, the shrimp choose large, roomy ones that they could grow into. But when other shrimp take up house in the burrows, smashers tend to attack shrimp in small burrows most fiercely. Although the burrow might be a tight squeeze, the attacking shrimp likely knows that the occupant will be small and therefore easier to defeat, the researchers suggested.
Originally published on Live Science.
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Weight loss story: This couple replaced wheat chapati with multigrain chapati and lost weight together! – Times of India

Our breakfast: Fruits, boiled egg white or omelette, poha, upma, oats preparations. No desi ghee parathas anymore!
Our lunch: Lunch used to be pretty normal- 2 chapatis with green sabzi prepared at home. However, we replaced our regular wheat chapati with multigrain flour (a combination of Ragi, Bajra, Makai, Soyabean and other Millets). We also gave up on normal rice and used to have brown rice once a week. Potato and other fried items were also banished.
Our dinner: To keep ourselves motivated and taste buds alive, we used to have different forms of soups and salads tomato soup or lentils soup or corn soup, salads ranging from corn chickpea salad, paneer salad or mushroom salad, various millets, buckwheat and moong dal chilla.
We ensured that all these dinners are cooked with very low salt to reduce our sodium intake and mostly cooked without using a drop of oil.
Pre-workout meal: Handful of almonds and green tea.
Post-workout meal: Muesli or desi chana with roasted chivda.
We indulge in (What you eat on your cheat days): Wheat pasta or Grilled Sandwich
Low-calorie recipes we swear by: Chickpea corn salad and oats chilla.
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Weight loss story: This couple replaced wheat chapati with multigrain chapati and lost weight together! - Times of India
Side Effects of Eating Chocolate, According to Science – Eat This, Not That

There are very few sweets you can feel as good about eating as dark chocolate. The confection is low in sugar (as long as you buy a bar that's more than 70% cacao), contains healthy fats that will actually satisfy you, and is rich in beneficial compounds like antioxidants.
Since a nightly square of chocolate is a common habit, you may be wondering what eating this sweet can do to your bodyare its benefits as healthy as you think?
We combed through studies and looked at the evidence to support chocolate's science-backed benefits. Read on, and for more on how to eat healthy, don't miss 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.
One particular type of antioxidant in cocoa, a flavanol known as oligomeric procyanidins (PCs), has been found to prevent laboratory mice from gaining excess weight, according to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry. To get the flavanol benefits, you have to opt for dark chocolate. These plant-based nutrients are found in the cacao solids, which are more prevalent in darker bars than milk chocolate bars that contain more sugar and milk. Because this study was done in animals, we can't necessarily draw the same conclusions for humans; however, we do know that reducing your calorie intake will definitely help you lose weight. So if you replace your nightly ice cream habit with a lower-calorie square of dark chocolate, you can promote weight loss.
Just remembertoo much of anything can lead to weight gain, so be aware of portion control! Stick to the serving size.
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It's not just because you reach for a piece of chocolate when you're stressed that this dark dessert is associated with less anxietycompounds in chocolate actually play a chemical role in lowering your stress levels.Eating an ounce and a half of chocolate (40 grams) every day for about two weeks can help you relax by lowering levels of stress hormones, like cortisol, according to a study published in the Journal of Proteome Research. To reap the benefits, you'll only need to consume half a bar chocolate bar (we highly recommend Alter Eco's Deep Dark Classic Blackout Bar with 85% cacao). Because that portion is 250 calories, we recommend splitting it up so you don't consume it all in one serving. Have a section with some nuts as an afternoon snack, sneak some in oat-based energy bites, and have a little after dinner alongside some raspberries.
Your love for chocolate may grow fonder once you learn that it makes your heart stronger! A recentNutrients meta-analysis found that chocolate intake is associated with decreased risks of coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. To reap the benefits, the evidence suggests that you should eat a minimum of 1 serving of chocolate a week but no more than 6 servings. The researchers believe that the heart-healthy benefits are linked to chocolate's abundance of flavanols such as epicatechin, catechin, and procyanidins. The flavanols may offer cardiometabolic protection through their antihypertensive, antiplatelet (preventing blood coagulation), antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects.
Your gut microbiome the community of bacteria, viruses, fungi, archaea that live in your digestive tract has been linked to multiple areas of your health, from supporting healthy skin to reducing your appetite, to improving your mood. Making sure the good bacteria in your gut are fed and healthy is essential for allowing your gut microbiome to do its job. That's where chocolate comes in. The cocoa polyphenols in dark chocolate have been linked to promoting the growth of anti-inflammatory bacteria in the microbiota.In a human trial conducted on healthy volunteers, consumption of a high-cocoa flavanol beverage for four weeks proved to significantly increase the growth of two strains of probiotic bacteria. This study suggests that cocoa polyphenols may behave as prebiotics (the food for your probiotics).
A little inflammation is a good thing and the body's natural response to stresses. But when your body becomes chronically inflamedmost commonly by eating a poor dietyou can experience health issues at the cellular level. Chronic inflammation has been linked to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as interfere with feelings of hunger and metabolism-regulating hormones. A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that having dark chocolate in moderation can help prevent and repair the cellular damage caused by inflammation. Researchers attribute the anti-inflammatory benefits to the cocoa flavanols, which possess anti-inflammatory properties. Bolster your fight against inflammation with these14 Tips to Reduce Inflammation to Lose Weight Faster, According to RDs.
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Side Effects of Eating Chocolate, According to Science - Eat This, Not That
Why losing visceral fat is so important for your health – here’s how to do it and what to expect – Business Insider India

Researchers have found that too much visceral fat is linked to high blood pressure, sleep apnea, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.
But what is visceral fat, and why is it so dangerous to your health? More importantly, how do you get rid of visceral fat if you're carrying too much?
The reason excessive visceral fat can increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes is because of how close it is to a major vein - called the portal vein - that heads to your liver.
Moreover, belly fat is thought to manipulate some of the hormones, like leptin, that control our hunger. And people who are obese have been found to have elevated levels of leptin, subsequently causing them to feel hungry more often, which could lead to more weight gain in the long-run.
According to Harvard Medical School, you're at high risk of excess visceral fat if you're a man with a waist circumference of over 40 inches or a woman with a waist circumference over 35 inches or more.
It can be tricky to tell if you're losing visceral fat, since you'll likely be losing subcutaneous fat too. According to Michael Russo, MD, bariatric surgeon at MemorialCare Surgical Weight Loss Center, keeping track of your BMI and waist circumference are the best ways to tell if you are losing visceral fat.
"Diet is about 80% of the equation. Exercise is also very important - getting your heart rate up for 30 minutes a day, every day," says Russo.
The type of exercise isn't as important as focusing on just getting your heart rate up and working up a sweat. Strength training, cardio, and other forms of exercise will do the trick. If you find yourself having trouble exercising regularly, start by taking long walks around your neighborhood to work yourself up to more rigorous exercise.
With these changes, it is possible to lose visceral fat at a reasonable pace. Though how your body may lose fat depends on factors such as genetics.
Weight loss is individualized. It will depend on how much visceral fat you have to lose and how your body loses fat. However, according to the Mayo Clinic, cutting calories and exercising at least 30 minutes a day is the best way to approach losing visceral body fat. By sticking to a healthy diet and regular exercise, you should begin to notice a difference within a few months' time.
Other surgical options that aren't quite as effective as bariatric surgery, include balloon-based therapies, which can help limit the amount of food you eat by making you fuller faster.
Losing visceral fat takes time and effort. A low-carb diet and moderate exercise will help you shed any excess fat around your midsection.
However, an excess of belly fat can cause long-term adverse health effects. It's best to consult your physician to see if your belly fat is putting you at risk for heart disease or other health problems.
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Why losing visceral fat is so important for your health - here's how to do it and what to expect - Business Insider India
5 Ways to Deal If Other People’s Food and Body Talk Triggers You – Self

3. Offer helpful resources for rethinking bodies, weight, and diets.
There are so many articles, websites, books, podcasts, and research studies on concepts like health at every size and intuitive eating. If the person youre talking to seems open to learning about these topics, offer to share resources that you have found to be helpful in shifting how you see health and weight. Always ask before offering up information because they may indeed not want to hear it. Here are some examples of how to do this gently:
Intuitive eating has really helped me develop a healthier relationship with food and my body. If youre interested in learning more, let me know and I can share some of my go-to resources.
I read this really great book that redefined how I saw health. I can let you borrow my copy or send you the title if you want to take a look.
I recently listened to this podcast episode that totally changed how I think about fitnessdo you want me to send you the link?
I actually discovered this new way of eating that is more about well-being over weight loss. I feel so much more liberated. Let me know if you want me to share some articles about it with you.
Lets face it. You may not have the energy to do any of the above, which is totally cool because its not your job to be an advocate for body respect to people who are really pushing your boundaries. Having these conversations can be great, but they can also be an energy suck, especially if you find yourself talking in circles. If youre not up for engaging in dialogue, sharing how you feel, or offering resources, find a way to change the subject. I do it all the time without any explanation. Oh, were talking about how great youve been doing because you ate salad all week? Cool, how are things going with work? What hobbies have helped you feel sane these past few months? Have you been reading anything good lately? What shows have you been watching? Questions like these will shift the conversation quickly, and you may be surprised at how quickly people forget about what they were talking about.
Self-preservation is incredibly important, and you should consider how youre going to feel based on your approach. If youve reached the point where youre literally done talking, see if you can work up the courage to just not say anything, walk away, leave the Zoom, or otherwise exit stage left. The logistics, as with the rest of this, really depend on your personality and also who you're dealing with. Maybe youre blunt and walk away from your mom mid-sentence after the umpteenth time of telling her you'd prefer not to discuss diets, or you may go the subtle route and say youre going to grab some wine (and never come back). Maybe you even pretend your internet connection is failing, and oh, no, you have to leave the family video chat! It all works. Ultimately, you get to decide if this is a conversation you want to engage with based on how youre feeling at that moment. One day you may walk away, another day you may be sharing podcast episodes.
Finally, remember that if you're feeling upset due to food and body talk, you should check in with yourself to figure out what kind of self-care may help. That can be a journey on its own, but tackling diet and body talk in the moment with these kinds of suggestions is a great first step.
5 Ways to Deal If Other People's Food and Body Talk Triggers You - Self
6 common myth around weight management and obesity, busted! – Times Now

6 common myth around weight management and obesity, busted!  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images
New Delhi: Amid the ongoing pandemic, weight management and obesity have become major causes of concern. Being overweight can cause more lasting damage to an individuals health than we can imagine. Sedentary lifestyle, the reduced movement has led to the rise in weight gain and obesity among people.
This has led to increased awareness among people for a need to adopt a healthy way of living. However, despite our best intentions behind wanting to know everything about how to manage ones weight, it is important to understand that all the details that the internet feeds us may not be necessarily accurate. Below are a few common myth busters around weight management.
Weight management is a complex issue and there is still so much about it that we may not be necessarily aware of. It is vital to learn to separate the facts from the myths about weight loss and gain in order to understand it and overcome it.
Disclaimer: This article has been authored by Vandana Luthra, founder & co-chairperson, VLCC Group. Views expressed are personal.
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6 common myth around weight management and obesity, busted! - Times Now
Midnight Sky: Goerge Clooney was hospitalized after- Daily Research Plot – Daily Research Plot

Midnight Sky Updates: The 59-year-old actor George Clooney stars in Midnight Sky, a dystopian sci-fi show, for which he had lost almost 20-plus pounds. ET released a statement which reveals that Clooney was in the hospital with pancreatitis four days before he was to start shooting after he suffered severe stomach pains.
Shot in Iceland and directed by Clooney him selves, he portrays as a lone scientist trying to contact a group of astronauts who are returning home to a mysterious global holocaust.
Clooney recently spoke with ET and revealed insights into the movie. He lost about 25 pounds and had become pretty weak. He dint have a trainer along with him to guide so he helped himself eating healthy and recovering.
Clooney is almost unrecognizable as Augustine. Apparently, hes shorter, sporting a shaved head and a gray, scraggly beard. He told Mirror that his wife, Amal, and also his 3-year-old daughter, Ella, were not the facial hairs biggest fans.
I think I tried too hard to lose weight quickly and probably didnt take care of myself, Mirror said to Clooney. The 59-year-old also directed the film, and early production took a toll on his diagnosis.
Clooney also opened up about how the films story continues; he explains how it might carry forward the legacy. Clooney is married to Amal Clooney and has 3 3-year-old twins, Ella and Alexander.
Pancreatitis is caused by inflammation of the pancreas, according to the Mayo Clinic. Abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and vomiting are among the symptoms. It happens when digestive enzymes are activated, irritating the cells of your pancreas and causing inflammation while still in the pancreas, per the clinic.
Clooney expresses how one should be bothered about the future of their kids. He also expresses his views on how science will change the world in a snap.
The Midnight Sky will stream on Netflix this Dec. 23. You could view the movie in selective theatres this month.
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Midnight Sky: Goerge Clooney was hospitalized after- Daily Research Plot - Daily Research Plot
Weight Loss: These Protein Balls By Celeb Fitness Trainer Are A Perfect Way To Increase Your Daily Intake Of Protein – NDTV

These protein balls can be included in your daily diet for weight loss
Weight loss: Have you ever wondered of interesting ways that could make including proteins in your diet more fun and definitely less of an effort? Then we've got something for you. Eating proteins is important for your weight, muscles, skin and hair. It is a macronutrient which is known to be the building blocks of the body. Many of us struggle to look for ways to add more protein to your diet. Experts suggest that you must add protein-rich foods to each of your meals in order to increase your daily intake.
Sharing with us an interesting idea of ways to add more protein to your diet is celebrity fitness trainer Yasmin Karachiwala on Instagram.
Visit her Instagram profile and you will find that the Mumbai-based trainer has shared a Reel on how to make protein balls at home. They require some basic ingredients, most of which you may already have at home. What's more, all ingredients are plant-based. This makes these protein balls perfect for people following the vegan diet.
Also read:Are Protein Supplements An Absolute Necessity If You Want To Build Muscles?
Ingredients include red dates (120 gms), crushed almonds (2 tbsp), flaxseed powder (2 tbsp), chia seed powder (2 tbsp). cocoa powder (2 tbsp), chopped black raisins (2 tbsp), ginger juice (1 tbsp), cardamom powder (1/2 tsp), almond oil (1 tsp) and cinnamon powder (1/4 tsp).
Mix all ingredients well. Watch the video below to see how Karachiwala does it. Once the ingredients are blended in the desired consistency, take small portions of the prepared batter to make lemon-sized balls.
Also read:Nutritionist Explains Exactly How You Can Get Complete Protein From A Vegetarian Diet
Roll these balls in dessicated coconut and chill them for 15 minutes. Store in a jar and have one or more of these protein balls every day, depending on your daily intake of the nutrient.
They can be perfect to curb your in-between meal hunger pangs. They can add to your daily intake of protein and can also fill you up quickly and keep you full for longer. So if you are trying to lose weight, you must give these protein balls a try!
Also read:Weight Loss: High Protein Diet Can Help You Burn More Fat, New Study Finds
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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Weight Loss: These Protein Balls By Celeb Fitness Trainer Are A Perfect Way To Increase Your Daily Intake Of Protein - NDTV
Is CBD A Weight Loss Fad or Does It Work – The Leaf Online

As the effects and benefits of cannabis progressively being unveiled, its not surprising for it to be touted as a weight loss aid. Particularly, cannabidiol (CBD), which is a non-intoxicating derivative, is increasingly lauded as a cure-all for nearly everything. But, despite copious claims and anecdotal evidence, scientists and health experts agree that more research is needed.
And as more states legalize both the medical and recreational use of weed, its no longer hard to get your supply from a marijuana dispensary. Plus with CBD products abound such as oils, tinctures, vapes, gummies, lozenges, and other forms,all promising glorious health benefitsits easy to get swayed.
Marijuana and especially CBD contribute to weight loss is a widely known fact at this point and if often used in marijuana marketing campaigns.
CBD is one of over a hundred compounds found in cannabis. Its one of the most abundant cannabinoids next to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). But unlike THC, CBD is known to be a non-psychoactive compound that does not make you high.
Cannabinoids like THC and CBD interact with our endocannabinoid system and produce different effects. THC usually is associated with the munchies, but CBD is believed to help in weight loss. CBD is widely popular due to its perceived beneficial effects on health including treatment of seizures in epilepsy, reducing inflammation, and chronic pain relief.
Now, generally accepted facts substantiate that the chemicals found in cannabis affect our endocannabinoid system (ECS). These compounds react to our natural cannabinoid receptors known as CB1 and CB2. Our ECS controls everything from neurological, to the immune system, and the metabolic system. The CB1 receptors, specifically, have been linked to obesity. It is believed that in obese people, these receptors become densely activated and widespread in fatty tissue.
Some research suggests that the compound in question, CBD, when ingested can switch off or block off CB1 receptors. While in a British study, its concluded that CBD may be an appetite suppressor. Although it does not prevent you from eating, it can make you feel fuller quickly.
CBD can or cant help you lose weight. CBD alone will not help you to shed some pounds overnight. But when combined with a good diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyleit can aid in weight loss in the long run.
As mentioned earlier, CBD may indirectly deactivate CB1 receptors which can lead to reduced appetite. This suggests that it can indirectly affect your weight. Other research suggests that CBD can also reduce the probability of metabolic disorders, can convert and break down fat.
There are several ways CBD impacts weight loss. Lets go over each one:
Mitochondria is part of our cell responsible for converting fats, sugars, and proteins into energy. When it isnt functioning optimally, its easy for us to gain weight and hard to lose some. Our mitochondria is a key part of our metabolic system, which is regulated by our ECS.
CBD, as per research, can increase the number of our mitochondria as well as their activity. It also directly affects our endocannabinoid system thereby boosting our metabolic balance, also known as homeostasis.
When our bloodstream insulin level is high, its hard for our body to burn fat. In one study, CBD was shown to significantly lower or stabilize insulin levels. The compound is thought to encourage the conversion of white (bad) fat into brown (good) fat. CBD may also enhance the breakdown and oxidation of fat. The browning of our fat cells helps us to burn calories needed for weight loss.
CBD is considered an appetite suppressant as it was observed to directly interact with our CB1 receptors.
As cannabis remained to be classified as a Schedule 1 drug and illegal on a federal level, its hard to conclude its efficacy. This is due to limited research and a lack of definitive reports. Moreover, no CBD products specifically for weight loss have been FDA-approved.
Its also good to note that marijuana use is not without risks. The substance is also prone to long-term misuse and dependence. It is especially risky for younger people too.
Indeed, CBD has been initially found to indirectly aid in weight loss. However, there are risks involved so its always best to consult a doctor first. And if you opt to use it, dose properly and dont rely heavily on it. Use it only as a complement to good eating habits, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.
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Is CBD A Weight Loss Fad or Does It Work - The Leaf Online
How to Gain Healthy Weight Fast: What Foods to Eat to Gain Weight – Parade

If youre reading this article, youre likely part of the one percent club. That is, the one (and a half) percent of Americans who are clinically underweight. The number, no surprise, has shrunk over the past several decades as more and more of people pack on pounds and head in the opposite directionmore than 71.6 percent of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese, according to the CDC.
Its not easy being a minority in the world of weight. Its important to understand there are people out there who are underweight and find it as difficult to gain weight as others do to lose it, says nutrition and weight expert W. Scott Butsch, M.D., the director of obesity medicine in the Bariatric and Metabolic Institute at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. There is a stigma on both sides.
Moreover, whether your low weight is due to lifestyle, illness or physiological factors, falling below a healthy number on the scale has its own set of health risks. Under-fueling your body can impact immune function, bone health, skin and muscle strength, says Julie Stefanski, R.D.N., a registered dietitian in Morrisville, North Carolina, and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Individuals who dont meet their minimum calorie needs may feel fatigued, moody and pick up colds more frequently. In fact, she says, people who carry a few extra pounds as they age are likely to live longer than those who are underweight.
If you want to put on pounds the healthy way, youve come to the right place. The first step is to figure out the causes of your weight issuesthe next step is to address them. Start here.
Regardless of the reason, if your body mass index (BMI)or your weight-to-height ratiodips below a certain point, doctors will consider you to be medically underweight.
The exact formula to calculate your BMI is: weight in pounds/(height in inches)x 703
A BMI of 18.5 or less is considered underweight, says Alicia Romano, R.D., a registered dietitian at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts. Of course, BMI does not take into account a number of factors, including age, muscle mass or bone structure, so it should not be the only marker used to assess weight status.(Your doctor will likely also take into account your weight history and body composition.)
So what might cause your weight to dip below an 18.5 BMI? Everything from lifestyle choices to your individual physiology could play a role. These are some variables doctors will consider:
A switch from a meat-based diet to veganism or another type of restricted food plan might cause you to not consume enough calories in the day.
Deliberately restricting calories based on a desire to drop poundseven if you are already at or below a normal weightcan result in a low BMI.
Elite athletes, especially those who compete in endurance events like marathon running and cycling, may weigh less or have lower BMIs than the general public guidelines because of the physical demands of their sport.
Serious illnesses such as cancer can result in unexpected weight loss for several reasons, including decreased appetite and smell/taste due to chemo, mouth sores that make chewing and swallowing painful, stomach/intestinal pain due to tumor location or medication and more.
This group of disorders causes your body to mistakenly attack itself, wreaking havoc on your gut, joints and overall energy levels.
Sometimes characterized as an autoimmune or immune-mediated disease, chronic conditions like Crohns and ulcerative colitis affect your GI tract, with symptoms that can include ulcers in your intestinal lining, diarrhea and difficulty absorbing the nutrients from the foods you eat. IBD and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) both may reduce the bodys ability to digest and absorb food properlyplus, uncomfortable symptoms related to eating and dietary restrictions may pose an increased risk of weight loss, says Romano.
While eat more calories than you burn is a valid strategy for the majority of underweight people, it doesnt work for everyone. There are people who are underweight and find it difficult to gain because of the way their body regulates fat, explains Dr. Butsch. They have a physiological response to weight gain, where their body increases its metabolism and decreases a persons interest in food, all in an attempt to drive weight back down to where it was.
What youve likely heard about: Obesity leads to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and more. What you may not know: Being underweight can cause bone loss, osteoporosis, low energy, constant fatigue, irritability and trouble conceiving. It can also lead to a loss in muscle mass and trouble with your immune system, raising your risk for things like colds and the flu, says Dr. Butsch.
For women, the fallout from being underweight is highlighted with a handful of fertility issues, including amenorrhea (missed or irregular periods) and trouble getting pregnant. Blame it on an appetite-regulating hormone called leptin. Leptin is secreted by fat cells in the body and communicates with your brain to tell it how much body fat you have, says Dr. Butsch. When women become too thin, fat cells shrink and secrete less leptin, signaling to the brain that there is less fat stored, which is not optimal for reproduction. Realizing that a woman may not have enough body fat to safely carry a baby to term, the body essentially shuts down the ability to get pregnant.
Related: 66 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Right Now
Your goal when youre trying to gain weight isnt to house a whole fruitcake in one sitting, but rather, to sneak in a couple hundred extra calories here and few more there, in a way that feels manageable and sustainable.
A little bit of calorie math: One pound of body weight is equal (more or less) to 3,500 calories. So if you eat 500 additional calories a day, youll gain about a pound a week. As a general rule, start by adding an extra 250 to 500 calories per day on top of your current intake, says Stefanski. If this doesnt lead to weight gain, calories should continue to be increased. It can be a little overwhelming trying to calculate your caloric needs for every meal, and every person is slightly different. A registered dietitian can help you work out a weekly meal plan for optimal weight gain.
A bag of potato chips may tip the scale, but it lacks the quality nutrition youd get from foods that are part of a more balanced approach, like the so-called Mediterranean diet (see: whole-wheat pasta tossed with olive oil). Overall, says Romano, your goal should be to include foods that are both nutrient- and calorie-rich.
The foods here can serve as building blocks or add-ins to increase the caloric content of any meal:
Certain snacks, or ingredients you add to existing snacks, can help you push your daily calorie total up. Think about it like this: If you add one tablespoon of oil, two tablespoons of peanut butter and an ounce of full-fat cheese to your daily snacks, you will incorporate an extra 400 calories per day from those small changes alone, says Romano.
These healthy snack choices for weight gain, suggested by the Cleveland Clinic, weigh in around 400-600 calories:
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High-calorie drinks can be an effective strategy for weight gain, says Dr. Butsch, but liquids can make you feel full, so be sure your choices are not interfering with your appetite for your actual meal. Look for drinks that have at least 250 caloriesand 10 grams of protein per bottle, Romano suggests. Here are some options:
While sodas can have 250 or more calories a serving, they are high in sugar and low in protein, so they arent ideal from a nutritional standpoint.
When your weight drops below a healthy level, you dont just lose fat, you lose muscle mass. That can be dangerousyour muscles support your bones, and without enough muscle strength, the load on your bones can lead to issues like stress fractures.
Protein is the building block for muscle growth, and protein powder, a nutritional supplement, can help support your muscles when you are low on calories. You can add it to shakes, fold it into pancake batter, stir it into mashed potatoes or sprinkle it on vegetable dishes.
But buyer beware: Protein powders are not FDA-regulated, meaning the quality of contents may vary greatly from one manufacturer to the next. Whats more, certain protein powders, which are often made from whey, soy or casein protein, can contain excessive sugar (avoid those), while a 2019 study from the national consumer safety group Clean Label Project found some powders contain high levels of toxins, including pesticides, arsenic and mercury.
If you do decide to add protein powder to your daily diet, talk with a dietician about which ones are best. And remember, while protein powder can be beneficial for building muscles, if minimal calorie needs arent met, protein powder will do nothing special to promote weight gain, says Stefanski.
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Lets assume youve maxed out on your whole food options for gaining weight. If the needles still not moving, its time to break out the blender. Making a homemade shake or smoothie with high-calorie ingredients andpotentiallya protein powder can be helpful, acknowledges Romano.
Prioritize calories over protein: Research shows your body can only absorb around 30 grams of protein at a time, anyway. Milk, yogurt, soy milk and peanut butter are already rich sources of protein and great ingredients to incorporate in a homemade shake, says Romano. Once youve added those, protein powder could be overkill.
If you dont have time to whip up your own beverage, you can buy these ready-made protein shakes at the store to gain healthy weight. They are easy to pack and drink on the go:
You dont need to make major changes to your favorite dishes in order to gain weightsmall tweaks can increase calories. For any meal, think about how you can boost the calorie content by adding a nutrient-dense option to it, says Stefanski.Start with these twists on popular meals:
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It might sound counterintuitive that you should work out to gain weight. Isnt that what people trying to drop pounds do? But heres the thing: Because muscle loss is such a worry with people who are underweight, its key that as you put on pounds, you also focus on strengthening your body to support it.
You may have heard that to build bigger muscles, you need to lift bigger weights. But recent research suggests that may not be the case: A study in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that exercisers were able to build the same amount of muscle mass, regardless of how heavy their weights were, as long as they did each move to exhaustion.
Moderate cardiovascular exercise is also important in an overall healthy diet plan, as it helps your body digest food and keeps systems regular. Activities like walking or swimming will get your heart rate up and blood pumping. If youre looking for inspiration, there are numerous fitness apps that suggest workouts you can do at home.
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With any luck, following these suggestions will put you on the path to healthy weight gain. If youre still struggling, dont give up. Every person responds differently, says Dr. Butsch. Maybe you need to eat smaller meals, but more frequently. Or maybe you need to take in more calories through liquid nutrition. Trial and errorand communicating with your healthcare providerwill eventually help you find a strategy that works.
Looking for a place to start? Try your hand at these healthy ground chicken recipes.
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