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Lose Weight and Keep it Off During These Stressful Times – The Examiner News

By Rachel L. Goldman
If youve gained weight during the COVID-19 pandemic, youre not alone. High-calorie, high-carb comfort food recipes are a hot trend online. So many folks are baking, supermarkets are sold out of flour.
Now, as sheltering-at-home restrictions ease, you probably want to lose the COVID 19 those unwanted extra pounds.
The good news? Northern Westchester Hospitals Center for Weight Management offers weight-loss strategies geared to your lifestyle now being home much of the time, with added responsibilities and stress, maybe still not able to go to a gym. And just a few steps from the kitchen.
Strategies tailor-made for you
Your weight gain doesnt have just one cause, right? Thats why the center offers you a range of services to help you succeed at weight loss. From medical screening and nutritional counseling to individual and group classes, possible referral to our surgical weight loss team and optional sessions with our exercise physiology team, plus a personalized exercise plan, we help you put all the pieces together to take off the pounds and keep them off.
Todays new normal
Enjoy virtual dietician visits. Discover ways to be physically active without a gym membership. Learn the secrets of cooking up healthy meals. Snack without sabotaging your progress. (Its possible!) Discover new ways to release stress that dont involve eating. Plus, enjoy access to the centers exclusive videos on eating mindfully, making snacks that are low in calories yet big on flavor and much more.
Winning weight-loss tips
Hes Dancing Again!
One patient at the Center for Weight Management is a 55-year-old man who was a ballroom dancer when he was more physically fit. For the last 15 years, he struggled with weight, which peaked at 238 pounds.
By August 2019, when he came to the center, the dancing had fallen away and he felt anxious about returning to the ballroom community. We worked with him in many ways. He worked with our nutritionist, ditching prepared foods and learning how to incorporate more vegetables and fruits into his daily menu. He exercises in his home gym. Now hes down to 210 pounds and dancing again.
Oh, does it feel good to get back to his old self. Hes so much happier now that hes doing what he loves. And he has lots more endurance when dancing. His target weight is 190. He knows hell get there. So do we.
Rachel L. Goldman is clinical coordinator of Northern Westchester Hospitals Center for Weight Management in the Center for Healthy Living in Chappaqua. To make an appointment for a consultation, call 914-223-1780.
Continued here:
Lose Weight and Keep it Off During These Stressful Times - The Examiner News
The 6 Best Diets That Will Make You Live Longer, Say Dietitians – Eat This, Not That

As we look forward to 2021, many of us have started to think about New Year's resolutions. For those of us looking to lose weight over the next twelve months, a brand new diet can not only help us hit our weight loss goals, but also introduces us to new foods, raises our energy levels, and helps us live longer, more fulfilled lives. And yet, if you decide to embark on a brand new diet, figuring out which plan to follow can feel mind-boggling. Trying to sort between the best diets to live longer and the not-so-great fad diets only makes losing weight that much harder.
So if you feel overwhelmed by the world of dieting and have no idea of where to start, have no fear! To help streamline your weight loss process and guarantee a long and healthy life, we talked to a wide range of registered dietitians, nutritionists, and medical doctors to assemble the top six diets that help you live longer. By eating healthy and exercising regularly, you can stay one step ahead of weight gain and keep moving for decades to come.
Read on to learn which six diets can help you live longer, and for even more healthy tips, be sure to check out our list of The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.
"The Mediterranean diet has consistently been ranked by US News & World Report as the world's best overall diet," says Lexi Endicott, RD, LD, and culinary nutrition specialist for To Taste. "Rather than a diet in the traditional sense in which you go on it to eventually go off it, the Mediterranean Diet is a simple and sustainable eating pattern that can be followed for life. This eating pattern emphasizes consuming a variety of plant foodsa plant-forward diet, so to speak."
If you feel ready to take the plunge, the nutritional benefits of this eating plan can keep you healthy for years.
"These healthful foods [and] ingredients are rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (i.e. antioxidants) that decrease risk of developing many chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's," says Endicott. "The more disease-free years someone can add to their life, the better!"
If you want to really super boost your chances for longevity, check out our list of 20 Foods You Should Be Eating Every Day for a Longer Life.
Eating less can definitely help you lose weight, but it might also keep you around much longer.
"The diet that has the most empirical evidence in regards to increasing life expectancy is intermittent fasting or even fasting in general," says Dr. Alexander Lightstone Borsand, MD. "Animal studies have shown that the less often animals eat, the longer they live in comparison to animals fed more regularly. The most notable study in humans followed 2,000 patients after cardiac catheterization and showed an increased lifespan in patients who regularly fasted."
"Another animal study showed that mice that were fed once a day had an 11% increase in lifespan as compared to the mice fed multiple times a day," says Dr. Borsand. "This is a significant increase in lifespan and warrants further human studies."
Here are7 Science-Backed Benefits of Intermittent Fasting.
If you haven't heard of the DASH diet, get ready for an eating plan that can change your life. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet encourages the consumption of foods that lower blood pressure has taken off in recent years, and can do some wonders.
"The science is very clear that a plant-based or plant-forward diet is quite remarkable for its positive impact on longevity and healthspan," says Dr. Nicole Harkin, MD, FACC, founder and cardiologist of Whole Heart Cardiology. "This diet is high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes/beans, nuts, and seeds while minimizing or eliminating animal products and processed packaged foods."
"Numerous epidemiologic studieshave demonstrated that an increased intake of plant-based foods results in reduced risk of cardiovascular and other causes of death," says Dr. Harkin. "We also see a decreased risk of obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and inflammation. While not all individuals may not be ready to go completely plant-based, working on incorporating as many plant-based foods and #meatlessmondays is a great first step!"
Here is Everything You Need to Know About the DASH Diet.
What do Greece, Japan, Italy, California, and Costa Rica have in common? These areas constitute Blue Zonesareas of the world with the highest concentration of centenarians. In order to live like someone who could reach 100, you need to eat like someone who can reach 100, and this diet helps you do just that!
"The Blue Zones have several lifestyle factors in common which appear to contribute to the longevity and increased likelihood of living to 100 years of age," says Dr. Christine Bishara, MD, founder of From Within Medical. "Their diets are composed of fresh whole foods which are primarily plant-based and also include nuts, legumes, and olive oil. They incorporate minimal red meat with the majority of the animal protein components coming from pescetarian options."
They do not eat heavy meals late in the day or close to bedtime," says Dr. Bishara. "They practice socially based eating and have strong ties to their community. This has been studied numerous times as a major factor in longevity including another study called 'The Roseto Effect'[ and] they live in areas with ease of daily walking as a form of exercise. This seems to also be another well-studied contributor to longevity."
People in the blue zone typically eat this One Food You Should Be Eating Every Day For a Longer Life.
"Though it sounds like the latest trend, the carnivore diet is a diet that was followed for ages," Dr. Rashmi Byakod said. "The human race evolved from eating raw and cooked meat. In the olden days, there was no agriculture, and plant food was the least consumed. Meat foods are highly nutritious and carry numerous health benefits."
If you ever considered yourself a "meatatarian" you might actually be onto something.
"The aging process indicates impairment of mitochondrial function, reduced antioxidant effect, and increased oxidative stress," says Dr. Byakod. "Selenium and Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) present in meats have antioxidant effects helping in longevity and wellbeingOther than these, meats are a good source of vitamin D, omega 3 amino acids, and various other nutrients. Adapting to a carnivore diet can help you meet all the nutritional requirements of your body."
If you love the idea of the Mediterranean diet, but don't want to cut our dairy, this diet will make you swoon.
"Dairy, especially full-fat dairy, contains healthy fats, calcium, and other nutrients that are recommended for a healthy diet," says Lisa Richards, CNC. "It is easy to integrate more servings of dairy into the traditional Mediterranean diet through cheeses, yogurt, and dairy-based sauces."
"Adding dairy to the Mediterranean Diet could make it more sustainable long-term, especially for women who need the added calcium and vitamin D," says Richards. "The fat content may deter some people as it adds additional fat to an already moderate fat diet, however, easy exchanges can be made to ensure a balance of fish and plant fat with added dairy."
"As with any diet, moderation is important," says Richards. "The foods recommended on the Mediterranean Diet are not shown to be unhealthy for your heart. However, the dieter should make sure they are still staying within their calorie limits, especially with fat content, to avoid any negative side effects."
For more on the Candida Diet: This Is Everything You Should Eat and Why, According to Experts.
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The 6 Best Diets That Will Make You Live Longer, Say Dietitians - Eat This, Not That
14 Best Ways Women Can Lose Belly Fat, From RDs – Eat This, Not That

Belly fat is often the first to accumulate when we gain weight and the last to be burned off. The belly fat bulge can be even more frustrating for women, who often find that no matter how frequently they hit the gym or how drastically they change their eating habits, there are always at least a few pounds in their midsection that stubbornly remain. Additionally, the quest to lose belly fat only gets more difficult as women age.
"Women tend to pack on more belly fat as they get older, especially after reaching menopause," says Megan Wong, RD, a registered dietitian working with AlgaeCal. "As levels of the hormone estrogen drop, body fat patterns shift from the typical 'pear-shaped' female figure to the 'apple-shaped' figure more frequently associated with men."
And not only is belly fat frustrating if you're trying to fit into your favorite pair of jeans, but it also has the potential to be very detrimental to women's overall health. "Visceral fat is metabolized by the liver and ultimately turns into blood cholesterol, which collects in the arteries, eventually narrowing them. These clogged arteries can eventually lead to angina, heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and other cardiac symptoms," explains Dr. Candice Seti, PsyD, CPT, CNC, a licensed clinical psychologist, a certified personal trainer, and a certified nutrition coach. "Visceral fat is also responsible for the release of hormones that trigger insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, systematic inflammation, heart disease, and other cardiovascular diseases."
But don't be bummed about your belly fat. Armed with these expert-recommended tips fromregistered dietitians, nutritionists, and other medical professionals, you can lose the belly fat. Read on, and for more on how to eat healthy, don't miss Simple Ways to Start Losing Weight Immediately, According to Science.
"Protein-rich foods like fish, chicken, and beans, are ideal to reduce belly fat and also help with weight loss," notes Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, a registered dietitian nutritionist, author of Finally Full, Finally Slim, and an adjunct professor of nutrition at New York University. "And women have a harder time losing weight than men." Protein can be a belly fat-blasting ally for women because it helps you feel fuller for longer since it takes more time to break down. Additionally, since protein is slightly harder to digest, your body uses more calories in the process, which can contribute to a flatter midsection.
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"Most people don't realize that sugar often ends up getting stored as fat. When you eat sugar, your body will use it as an energy source, if needed, and store the rest as fat; more often than not, we consume more [sugar] than we need," explains Wong. "To avoid added sugars, get familiar with reading nutrition labels. Common culprits that tend to be high in added sugars are flavored yogurts, breakfast cereals, energy drinks, iced teas, granola bars, and flavored nut milks. Take a look at ingredients lists as well. Added sugars can be listed as syrups, molasses, or words ending in 'ose' like fructose, glucose, maltose, sucrose or dextrose."
"Yup, I said increase! Healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, olive oil, and avocado can help normalize your weight and balance your blood sugar both of which help combat the development of visceral fat in the abdomen," says Seti. And this is especially true for women. Looking to blast belly fat? "Include a portion of healthy fats with every meal."
Since women tend to gain weight around their midsection after menopause, doing exercises that specifically engage your waist and abs can help efficiently target that fat. "I recommend physical activities that center on moving the waist, twisting and using your core," notes Dr. Anna Cabeca, DO, who is triple-board-certified in gynecology and obstetrics, integrative medicine and anti-aging and regenerative medicine. "Personally, I'm a big fan of boxing. There's a lot of rotation at the waistline when you're throwing punches, or hitting a bag, so while it helps by releasing frustration and detoxing, it also helps your belly."
Though this may sound obvious, it can have a substantial positive impact on women's loss of belly fat. "When you're bloated, your belly feels bad and may look swollen," says Amanda A. Kostro Miller, RD, LDN, who serves on the advisory board for Fitter Living."Bloating trigger foods vary by individual, however, FODMAPs (Fermentable, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols) can cause bloating, even if you're on a 'healthy' diet. FODMAPs are present in healthy fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Even though all fruits/veggies are nutritious, some are high in FODMAPs and may cause distress like bloating, gas, diarrhea and abdominal pain. A low FODMAP diet can make you feel better if you have issues with high FODMAP foods."
"If you're chronically constipated, this can make your belly area full and bloated. Make sure you consume enough fiber and also enough fluid during the day," advises Kostro Miller. "Too much fiber without more fluid can cause constipation too."
Additionally, according to Young, foods high in soluble fiber like oatmeal, carrots and legumes may help fight belly fat. "These are particularly good for women as they may also help you feel full and assist with weight loss," she explains.
"Chronically high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, can actually lead to increases in your abdominal fat stores," says registered dietitian nutritionist SaVanna Shoemaker, MS, RDN, LD. "That's why it's important to find ways to manage your stress, to help stop that cycle of depositing more fat stores on your belly. You may even want to talk to a healthcare professional about having your cortisol level checked if you are chronically stressed and struggling to lose fat."
While both men and women produce cortisol, a 2009 Swedish study found that women can have significantly higher levels of certain types of cortisol than men.
Drinking too much alcohol has been linked with increased belly fat," says Young. "To reduce your waist, women should drink alcohol in moderation or abstain. Alcohol can also increase a woman's risk for breast cancer, so limiting alcohol is a win-win."
"Resistant starches, such as potatoes, lentils, and beans, actually help remove visceral fat from women's bodies," says Seti. "Because of the way these carbohydrates are processed in the body, they actually increase your calorie burn and make you feel fuller so you eat less throughout the day."
"Avoid foods or products that have endocrine disruptors, such as parabens," says Cabeca. "Skincare products, creams, shampoos, and lotions that have parabens will add an estrogen load in your body that can increase belly fat in women." This is because extra estrogen leads to excess fat storage, which is especially pronounced in the belly and butt areas in women.
According to a 2020 German study, even pregnant women who use parabens could increase the risk of their children being overweight.
"This is especially important for women since our hormones can cause frequent water weight fluctuations. Where the sodium goes, water will follow," Kostro Miller explains. "When you consume a lot of sodium (a component of salt) which most Americans do our body adjusts accordingly by quenching our thirst and/or holding onto the fluid we already have in our body. When we decrease overall sodium intake, our body does not feel the need to hold onto lots of water, and the water we drink will hydrate us and then be flushed out."
Related: 25 Foods High in Sodium You Should Watch Out For
"Putting more muscle on your body is the most effective way to combat body fat. Extra muscle fibers change your body composition over time," says Seti. "Muscle tissue is active and helps burn more and increase metabolism throughout the day, ultimately combating the development of visceral fat around your organs." To get going, Seti suggests women start with 5 to 10 minutes of weight lifting a day.
When it comes to diet changes women can make to eliminate body fat, Cabeca is a fan of this trendy, yet effective combo. "Incorporate lots of dark leafy greens such as broccoli sprouts and kale into your diet. These greens are rich in nutrients to help detoxify estrogen," she explains. "Also include healthy fats that you can find in salmon or oysters. Divorce from sugar and dairy, and minimize carbs. Avoid drinking more than 4-6 ounces during your meal, chew your food as it will force your natural digestive enzymes to work, burn the calories and the fat, and you will actually eat less."
She adds: "We also want to include cruciferous vegetables because that helps detoxify estrogen diindolylmethane (dim), and the sulforaphane that are abundantly found in the cruciferous vegetables help with estrogen detoxification."
While yo-yo dieting is a common practice among women, Seti warns it actually does more harm than good, especially where belly fat is concerned. "A history of yo-yo dieting is actually a risk factor for building abdominal fat. When we lose weight, we tend to start at the top and bottom of our bodies, leaving visceral fat in the abdomen for last. Some don't ever get to the point of losing it there," she says. "Plus, when we gain the weight back, the abdomen is the first place we add it. So the effects of yo-yo dieting ultimately increase visceral fat in our midsection. Stop the yo-yo and make some lifestyle changes that allow you to eat well all year. Focus on veggies, lean protein, and good fats at every meal!" To help you on your way, check out26 Easy Ways to Keep The Weight Off, According to Dietitians.
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14 Best Ways Women Can Lose Belly Fat, From RDs - Eat This, Not That
Former Bronco Orlando Franklin hiking with random Coloradans to lose weight – KRQE News 13

DENVER (KDVR) Every morning from 9 a.m. until noon, Colorado sports fans are greeted with the rich timbre of Orlando Franklins voice. The former Broncos offensive lineman now works as a sports talk radio host for 104.3 The Fan.
His work on the radio has allowed his physical appearance to slide under the radar, until now.
Big O, as hes affectionately known by Broncos fans, recently posted a picture to social media, showing off his remarkable weight loss.
I want people to look at me and say, Man, if Orlando can do it, I can do it,' says Franklin.
But its how hes gotten in shape, thats catching many by surprise.
Franklin has taken to hiking, even inviting complete strangers along for the journey.
I found a way to do things where I can see Colorado, burn a ton of calories, but meet new, good people as well.
Until last year, Franklin had never been hiking in Colorado, despite playing for the Broncos for 4 years.
He says he was at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science when he stumbled upon a book in the gift shop.
I stopped in the gift shop, and literally saw a book that said 50 hikes in Colorado, he says. And it was all over the state, and I was like, Man, I want to do this.'
Franklin turned to social media to ask his fans for advice.
And my first hike, four people showed up, and I was like, Man, this is awesome. And I just started doing it every Saturday.
Franklin has been hosting hikes ever since, and even climbed his first 14er this summer.He has also stopped drinking alcohol, and in the past year has managed to lose nearly 100 pounds.
I told myself, because we were getting ready to have our second child, this is something that I have to do, he says.I have to make sure that I have more energy, were playing man-to-man defense now, one parent has one kid, the other parent has the other, so youre fully engaged.
One of the first strangers to join Franklin was Dave Roberts, a Denver sports fan who heard about Franklins hikes on the radio.
When we first started, he would stop, not joking, every quarter mile. Because he was maybe in football shape, but not hiking shape, says Roberts. Imjust super proud of him. He went from not even walking a quarter mile in the mountains, to hiking a 14er.
Orlando is hoping to hike five 14ers in 2021, and hopes his story will inspire others to get outside.
You cant take care of other people in this world unless you take care of yourself, he says.
If youd like to hike with Orlando, shoot him a message on Instagram.
Former Bronco Orlando Franklin hiking with random Coloradans to lose weight - KRQE News 13
Culinary Waves: Getting proficient in portion control – The Triton

The past 30 years has seen an increase in portion sizes, which is one of the main causes of obesity. If the chef has portion distortion when it comes to plating, then guests and crew will eat too much and gain weight.
If the principal asks how many calories are in the dessert, culinary math is in order to know how many calories are in our portion distortions. Ive been asked this question before, as I know most chefs have.
We use math when provisioning and budgeting for the yacht, but when making that ganache for the birthday cake or that creme brulee, have we used our math to count calories lately? Yachting is the land of luxury, fine food and fancy destinations, but consistently serving the principal and guests foods high in calories is not doing them any service. Our goal as chefs is not have the principal or his guests gain weight every time they visit the yacht. Our goal is to help them achieve a healthy lifestyle onboard and enjoy themselves without the pounds clinging when they go home.
These days, food planning is typically all about vegan cuisine, green cuisine, gluten-free, plant-based, paleo, but we do still get guests onboard who want that standing rib roast and cream-laden desserts. Sometimes those occasions cant be helped, but if the principal is like most, he needs healthy cuisine. (Once they have reached the stage in their life where they can afford a yacht, they have often done much damage to their bodies. Calorie counting and diets are in order.)
So how do we count calories? Begin by calculating the energy balance, which is energy input and energy output.
We input energy when we eat. Food offers calories that we consume. We get different amounts of energy (calories) from different foods. Protein and carbohydrates each provide 4 calories per gram; fat offers 9 calories per gram. Figure out energy input by simply adding up what is eaten in a day.
An easy way to do this is with one of the popular calorie counting apps. I have found Nutritionix to be quite thorough, but chefs must find the right one that offers everything they need to help with meal planning. (Be sure to also measure any macronutrients such as salt as its effects can lead to weight gain in water weight.) To get an accurate picture of how many calories are consumed in a day, it is best to do this for a whole week.
Harvard University recommends multiplying a persons weight by 15, which is roughly the number of calories per pound of body weight needed to maintain weight for those of us who are moderately active. So, someone who weighs 155 pounds needs about 2,325 calories a day to maintain their current weight. To lose weight, consume fewer calories.
Energy output is simply burning calories. Break down a recipe to its ingredients and find the number of calories per ingredient based on servings.
To lose 1 pound a week, decrease daily calories by 500. Its common for women to eat 1,200 a day to lose weight and men about 1,800 a day to lose weight. Remember to measure the portions. I use a food scale and try to keep protein portions to 3 ounces or less.
Chef Mary Beth Lawton Johnson is a certified executive pastry chef and Chef de Cuisine and has worked on yachts for more than 25 years. Comments are welcome below.
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Culinary Waves: Getting proficient in portion control - The Triton
5 Reasons You Should Stop Drinking Juice, According to Dietitians – Eat This, Not That

Some days it's tough to get the recommended two servings of fruit. Fresh produce can unexpectedly spoil (although, there's always frozen), our shopping list is often at the mercy of seasonal fruit crops, and you can't exactly peel an orange on the subway on your way to work when you're in a hurry (or at least you shouldn't, because eww).
On those days, drinking your fruit in the form of juice seems like an easy substitute. It's quick and convenient, plus it counts as fruit, right? It says "100% fruit juice" right there on the label!
Not so fast: like every other thing in life that's too good to be true, you can't actually make an even swap between real, bonafide fruit and fruit juice (even if it's the organic, non-GMO, fresh-squeezed, no-sugar-added kind). In fact, drinking juiceespecially as a replacement for actual fruitcan do more harm than goodso much so that you might be better off skipping your fruit servings entirely for a day rather than filling your quota with juice.
We asked registered dietitians to give us the scoop on fruit juice, and they shared five reasons why you should stop drinking it ASAP. Read on, and for more on how to eat healthy, check outWhat Happens to Your Body When You Drink Orange Juice.
Fruits fall on the list of the healthiest high-fiber foods. In fact, fiber is one of fruit's biggest selling points; it aids your digestion and fills you up so you eat fewer calories overall. When you drink fruit juice, however, you're missing out.
"Juice lacks the fiber found in whole fruits and vegetables [because] the juicing process strips fruit and vegetables of their fiber," says Sarah Rueven, MS, RD, founder of Rooted Wellness. "For this reason, I always recommend blending up fruits and vegetables [into smoothies, which] retains their fiber content, or simply grabbing a piece of fruit over a glass of fruit juice."
Basically, if you'd rather drink your fruit than eat it, look to smoothiesnot juiceto fill you up. For that, try10 Fat-Burning Smoothie Recipes Nutritionists Always Drink.
Not only does juice lead you to falsely believe you're making a healthy choice (if I can eat a daily serving of fruit, I can drink it, too!), it can also make it super easy to over-consume serving sizes.
"When you consume an eight-ounce glass of juice, you are drinking the equivalent of about three to five pieces of fruit in just a few gulps," warns registered dietitian Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, founder of Real Nutrition. "Would you sit down to eat four oranges?"
Well, when you put it that wayno! Because so much fruit is used to produce even a single serving of juice, you could easily be consuming triple or quadruple servings. While it's better to over-consume fruit instead of, say, chips or chocolate, fruit isn't a dietary free-for-all.
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Calories are not evil: they're actually a necessity for life, fueling our bodies and giving us the energy to go about our day. But we should choose our calories wisely, or else we risk racking up calories without adding any nutritional benefits to our diet.
That's essentially what happens when we drink fruit juice, says Shapiro: "Research shows that our bodies do not process the calories we consume in beverages like juice; therefore, we consume those calories and then we eat food on top of it."
In other words, it might not seem like a big deal to drink 150 calories worth of fruit juice, but since it won't give you any real satiety, you're just going to follow it up with more food (i.e. more calories), while rendering the 150 calories you just consumed from the juice mostly useless.
Because fruit juice lacks fiber, there isn't anything to offset its natural sugar content; this leads to dramatic spikes in blood sugar. Not only is this bad news for your energy levels, but it's also going to wreak havoc on your cravings, too.
"[Juice] can increase blood sugar quickly, leading to a burst of energy followed by a blood sugar crash," says Shapiro, "[which causes] you to either drink more juiceand more sugar and caloriesor reach for an additional snack."
All of this spiking and crashing basically leads to an endless cycle of sugar and calorie consumption. If you absolutely can't break your juice habit, Shapiro recommends limiting yourself to no more than four ounces of juice per day, and also diluting it with water, ice cubes, or seltzer to quench your thirst but limit the amount of sugar consumed.
So what does all this extra sugar and calories from drinking juice eventually lead to? You guessed it: weight gain.
According to Rueven, this is thanks in large part to the over-consumption we talked about earlier. Since juice is a concentrated source of sugar and caloriesand drinking one cup of apple juice is like consuming the sugar and calories of three whole applesit's easy to be blissfully unaware of how much you're truly consuming. And that's a recipe for weight gain, if we've ever seen one.
"If you consume large quantities of juice regularly, you are getting a lot of added calories and sugar in your diet," Rueven explains. "Over time, this can lead to weight gain or make it difficult for you to lose weight." For the same reason, here are 7 Ways Smoothies Will Make You Gain Weight.
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5 Reasons You Should Stop Drinking Juice, According to Dietitians - Eat This, Not That
Coffee Habits That Are Shortening Your Life, According to Science – Eat This, Not That

We'll put it to you plainlythere are a lot of health benefits to drinking coffee on a regular basis. Coffee can actually do wonders for your body, and can even help you lose weight. But if you're not careful with your coffee habits, that magical cup of joe may actually be having negative effects. This is why we turned to the research to learn the coffee habits that are shortening your life. Here they are, and for more healthy tips, be sure to check out our list of The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.
This one may be obvious, but it's a coffee habit worth noting. One previous study that evaluated 40,000 adults noticed that drinking over four cups of coffee a day could actually have negative effects on one's lifespan. However, the scientists that authored the study did note that having 28 cups a week is fine (exactly 4 cups each day of the week), but drinking more of that could result in negative consequences in terms of longevity.
Here's whyDrinking This Many Cups of Coffee Per Day Is Bad For You, Experts Say.
Have you ever actually looked at the nutrition information of that caramel latte you love to order? If you're ordering a large caramel latte at your favorite coffee shop, you're likely consuming at least 30 grams of sugar at oncesometimes more for shops like Starbucks or Dunkin'.
Studies have shown that eating too much sugar can lead to an early death. And no, it's not due to obesity or weight gain, but the fact that sugar can cause dehydration which can be a symptom of high blood sugar and, if not monitored, a risk of diabetes.
Instead of ordering a sugary latte, why not ask for a regular latte with a small caramel swirl on top? You can mix in the caramel and still get that same great taste, but with significantly less sugar. Or why not make one of these12 Tastiest Homemade Coffee Drinks From a Nutritionist.
Similar to your sugary latte, if you're not careful with your creamer, your coffee at home will also be drowning in sugar. Choosing to use a half-in-half or a little milk, or even almond milk, would be a better choice than a sugary coffee creamer. However, if you prefer a sweeter coffee taste, simply be careful at measuring out the amount of coffee creamer you put in your cup.
Seems a bit counterintuitive, right? But it's true! One study published by the journal Longevity & Healthspan says caffeine can actually help extend your life span, improve your health, and delays age-associated diseases like Alzheimer's. That's because caffeine can actually help with dietary restriction and reduced insulin signaling.
Just be careful of how much caffeine you consume! Healthline says consuming over 1,000 milligrams of caffeine a day can cause negative effects on the body including increased anxiety, insomnia, and digestive issues. Here's Exactly How Much Caffeine Is Too Much Caffeine.
As we said, there are actually quite a few benefits to drinking coffee on a regular basiseven in terms of longevity! According to the AARP, coffee drinkers have a lower risk of death compared to coffee abstainers by 10 to 15%. So maybe it's time you start brewing yourself a cup in the morning.
And once you start drinking coffee, here are the 9 Tricks for the Best-Ever Cup of Coffee.
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Coffee Habits That Are Shortening Your Life, According to Science - Eat This, Not That
The 13 best exercises for overall health and fitness – Medical News Today

The powerful combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training can help a person build muscle strength and improve their heart, lung, and circulatory health.
Exercises that target multiple muscle groups are particularly effective. These include various exercises that require little to no equipment and can suit a range of fitness levels.
Here, we look at 13 of the best exercises for overall health and fitness. We explain what areas of the body each exercise primarily works and provide step-by-step instructions.
People can do the following exercises individually or as part of a circuit. Some require basic fitness equipment, such as dumbbells or an exercise ball, but people can do many of them with no equipment.
The American Council on Exercise recommend that people continue doing repetitions until they reach muscle fatigue or can no longer maintain proper form.
However, they note that endurance athletes, such as runners and cyclists, should stick to about 2030 repetitions rather than working to the point of muscle fatigue.
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommend doing 812 repetitions of 810 strength training exercises on at least 2 days of the week.
The ACSM also recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity a day, 5 days per week. Alternatively, they say that people can perform 20-minute sessions of vigorous physical activity on 3 days of the week.
Pushups work multiple muscle groups, strengthening the arms, chest, and shoulders.
How to do them:
Bodyweight squats can increase lower body and core strength as they work the abs, buttocks, hips, thighs, calves, and shins.
How to do them:
Lunges work the thighs, buttocks, hips, and abdominal muscles.
How to do them:
Running is a form of aerobic exercise, and it can help improve cardiovascular fitness and bone strength. Jogging is a less intense form of running and may be best for beginners.
People can often improve their running endurance through interval running, which involves running for a certain distance or time and then switching to walking before running again. Alternatively, people can switch between running and sprinting.
Sprint interval training may help decrease body fat, increase aerobic capacity, and increase peak running speed.
Side planks help build core strength, which can help reduce lower back pain. Side planks work the buttocks, hips, and abdominal muscles.
How to do them:
Planks strengthen the back and abdominal muscles and help build core strength.
How to do them:
Once people feel strong performing this exercise, they can try a high plank. This move uses the same body positioning, but the person keeps their arms straight with their palms flat on the floor, directly underneath the shoulders.
Knee tucks work the abdominals, calves, and shins. People will need an exercise ball, sometimes called a stability ball, for this exercise.
How to do them:
The glute bridge is good for the muscles in the back of the body, known as the posterior chain.
How to do it:
This exercise helps strengthen the shoulder muscles. People will require two dumbbells.
How to do them:
Dumbbell rows can strengthen the back and increase muscle growth. An increase in muscle strength also causes the body to burn more calories when resting. People will need two dumbbells for this exercise.
How to do them:
A pike roll-out works the abdominal, arm, and shoulder muscles. People will need a stability ball.
How to do it:
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The Crow Stand is a yoga pose that improves balance and can help build wrist, arm, and core strength.
How to do it:
Swimming uses almost all the muscle groups but is a low impact exercise. Therefore, it may suit people with certain injuries or health conditions.
A person should swim in a public pool or a safe, supervised environment, particularly if they are a beginner.
People can take a few steps to make these exercises more challenging as their fitness improves. These steps include:
People can also work alongside a personal trainer or fitness instructor. These professionals can safely increase difficulty levels and help people maintain proper technique.
Regular exercise is important for overall health and fitness. A combination of resistance and cardiovascular training is a powerful tool to help prevent many health conditions.
People can start slowly and increase the frequency of workouts or the number of repetitions and sets in each one as their fitness levels improve.
Read more:
The 13 best exercises for overall health and fitness - Medical News Today
How the Outlook Of the Fitness Industry Changed in 2020, and What To Hopes From 2021 – Entrepreneur

December22, 20207 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
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To say that the pandemic propped up several unexpected challenges for the fitness industry would be an understatement. The primary shock for the industry in 2020 was the realization that it could be brought to a complete standstill, as seen during the COVID-related lockdowns.The viral outbreak also revealed the predicament of the urban middle class that comprises a majority of the fitness consumer base. Regular gym-goers were confined to their homes, disconnected from their trainers as well as their favourite stamping grounds.
The effect of the pandemic-induced disconnect upon the fitness players was no less disconcerting. While many small gyms and fitness centres owners were forced to shut shop completely, their larger peers fared little better with mass layoffs and widespread scaling-down of operations.
A major factor behind this sudden collapse was the low-to-zero adoption of relevant digital and fitness technology tools before the pandemic; they were embraced at scale only after the viral outbreak forced a closing-down of the physical spaces. However, in keeping with the go big or go home mentality that exemplifies the fitness space, Indian fitness service providers are rising to these challenges and adapting to the increasingly digital-first, post-COVID-19 world.
The evolving outlook of the fitness industry
Once the initial shock of the pandemic had passed, fitness brands quickly upgraded their existing digital infrastructure to drive user engagement and experience. Many premium brands have driven growth by bringing fitness home with live celebrity and expert trainer-led workouts.
But, while larger players in the space leveraged their considerable resources to adapt to COVID-19, the situation remained worrisome for medium-to-small players who lacked the big dollars and the patronage enjoyed by their more established peers. Thankfully, fit-tech companies stepped in to address the need-gap by providing fitness businessowners with innovative digital solutions to tide through these turbulent times.
As a result of this tech-led intervention, many fitness chains are now able to deliver wide varieties of bespoke virtual fitness programs to their patrons. Many gym owners are also opting for cloud-based gym management solutions with contactless technology to automate repetitive administrative tasks and create a safer workout experience for their members. Essentially, technology is helping them optimise resource utilisation, ensure adequate social distancing, elevate the fitness experience of their customers, and achieve more efficient operations.
The message is clear: the fitness industry is evolving in pace with the disruption, banking on new developments to navigate the choppy waters at present. Heres looking at some of the current and emerging fitness trends that will shape the industry for years to come
Online fitness programs and gym-based workouts to complement, not compete
Pandemic-induced lockdowns have changed how people exercise. As work from home and remote working pushed people to find ways to stay active, fit, and healthy, they realized how feasible, convenient, and easy it is to include online fitness classes in their daily schedules. These online fitness solutions gave users the flexibility to work out according to their convenience while significantly improving the choices available to them.
This convenience is something that most fitness enthusiasts are unwilling to let go of, even as they go back to physical gyms and studios. According to a recent study by Gympik, 60 per cent of fitness consumers were open to continue spending on digital fitness even after the gyms reopen while 52% were willing to pay more to avail hybrid memberships at their gyms. At the end of the day, the customers preference varied depending on how devoted they are to their fitness regime, as well as their specific fitness needs and sensibilities.
As the world moves towards pre-pandemic normalcy over time, people will want the option to choose between centre-based and online fitness as per their demand. This shift in consumer behaviour will result in online fitness programs complementing physical centre operations for gym owners in 2021. Doing so will provide their customers with more choice and flexibility while enabling them to amplify their reach. Fitness business owners currently struggling with revenue shortfalls and high operational costs will also benefit from a more viable, sustainable, and future-ready business model.
Holistic fitness plans to become a staple, as mind-body-soul becomes more popular
The pandemic has adversely affected the mental health of all; 64 per cent of the respondents to a recent survey felt that the COVID-19 situation has worsened their mental health. To counter this, the adoption of wellbeing-oriented digital apps focusing on mindfulness and meditation also boomed in 2020. The same survey revealed that 42 per cent of the respondents reported using them at least once every two days. Aligned with this trend, gyms are warming up to the idea of providing holistic fitness plans to customers that target ones overall wellbeing focused on mental and emotional health alongside physical fitness and nutrition. Brands that focus on such a holistic view of healthy living will continue to be in demand for the foreseeable future.
This focus on holistic wellbeing in 2021 will also drive a significant growth in workout routines designed with a mind-body-soul approach to fitness. These exercises will not only serve to make the body fitter but also provide the mental relaxation and soulful recalibration required for more comprehensive wellness. As more and more people look to break through the inertia, mental baggage, and emotional damage of spending almost an entire year in the lockdown, these exercises will find more favour with the new-age fitness consumer.
The use of wearable devices and connected technology will spike
As fitness-enthusiasts become more attuned to their fitness needs, they are embracing wearable technology and connected devices to track their workout metrics in real-time. Fitness centres are, in turn, harnessing the data generated by these devices to glean valuable insights and using them to enhance their patrons fitness journey through real-time feedback, updates, sharing offers, etc.
As a result of this data-driven shift to fitness, the demand for fitness wearables grew by 60 million units in 2020 according to a recent IDC report, a trend that is expected to continue well into 2021. We can expect gyms to tap into advanced technologies to deliver consistent, elevated, and personalised experience to members, thereby driving brand loyalty and enhanced member experience.
Touchless technology to gain momentum, as high hygiene standards become the norm
The novel coronavirus outbreak has people hesitant about sharing public spaces such as gyms; a recent survey by Gympik highlighted how only 8 per cent of fitness consumers felt it was safe enough to get back to physical fitness centres at present. In 2021, this shift in behaviour will drive the fitness industry to win back consumer trust by maintaining high hygiene standards in physical centres.
We can expect comprehensive facility sanitisation between workout sessions, as well as the emplacement of sanitisers at regular intervals, becoming the norm. Contactless and low-touch technologies will also be in demand to mitigate hygiene-related concerns by minimising the physical contact environment. Gym members and employees will be able to enter the gym or access their preferred sections without needing to punch into a biometric system, thus reducing the risk of accidental transmission. A seamless contactless payment infrastructure will also play an important role in making hybrid fitness businesses a success in 2021.
Growing awareness about lifestyle diseases and the rise in preventive healthcare amid the post-pandemic world will encourage more and more people to join the fitness wagon in the coming years. The expanding consumer base is expected to see an increased concentration of millennials and genZennials in it as the modern generations grow older and recognize the value of holistic fitness as the key to a healthy and happy life.
With the inoculation drive finally beginning in Britain, the pandemic will be relegated to history sooner than later. Once vaccinations become widely available, people will seek to engage in healthy social interaction as well as outdoor group fitness activities, driving the resurgence of pre-pandemic fitness trends. Considering these trends, the fitness industry, after tiding through a turbulent 2020, can look forward to 2021 with prospects of growth and rejuvenation.
More here:
How the Outlook Of the Fitness Industry Changed in 2020, and What To Hopes From 2021 - Entrepreneur
Echelon Fitness Expands Its Cycle Portfolio With Most Powerful Connected Fitness Bike Yet – Club Industry

Club Industry was not involved in the creation of this content.
Echelon Fitness announces the launch of the EX-7s Connected Smart Bike , elevating the brands club- and industry-level product offerings and further expanding their connected fitness portfolio.The EX-7s delivers a high-quality cycle experience that brings the best of live and on-demand fitness classes and customized off-bike workouts for even more digital fitnesscapabilities.
The heavy-duty infrastructure, adjustable features, and rotating 22 HD screen makes the EX-7sperfect for facilities who want to appeal to cycling enthusiasts and those looking to raise the baron every workout. Unlike competitors, the EX-7s with membership offers access to all off-bikeEchelon United classes that are available by flipping the screen 180 degrees to take advantageof thousands of classes like boxing, Pilates, strength training, yoga, meditation, and much more.
The EX-7s Offers
To learn more about the EX-7s, visit:
Echelon Fitness has been revolutionizing at-home connected fitness since deputing its firstConnect Bike in 2017. What began as a mission to make healthy living attainable andaccessible to all evolved into a line of innovative fitness solutionsas well as a thriving community. Ranging from sophisticated indoor cycling bikes, to touch-screen fitness mirrors andmore, every product boasts thoughtful design and state-of-the-art technology, enabling peopleto exercise how they want, when they want and with who they want. By leveraging The Echelon Fit App and United Membership, members gain access to a variety of live and on-demandclasses led by down-to-earth fitness instructors. Members can also use the app to track theirperformance against Echelons live leaderboard and overall progress, all while enjoying somehealthy competition. For more information, visit
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