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Brown rice Vs white rice: Which one is best for you when you are trying to lose weight? – TheHealthSite

Rice is a staple food for more than half of the worlds population. Filling and full of flavor and aroma, the grain forms the base of many favorite dishes for many. But when it comes to the choice of white versus brown rice, which is better for your health? Heres what you need to know to make the right dietary choice for you. Also Read - Can you eat rice on a weight loss diet? Find out
The most popularly used form of rice is definitely white rice. We get white rice when the rice bran is removed, and the rice is polished. It contains 90 per cent carbohydrates, 2 per cent fat and 8 per cent protein. Also Read - Weight loss diet: No need to ditch rice completely
Brown rice is the naturally occurring form of rice. It contains most of the bran, which is the nutrient-rich part of this type of rice and it is not processed. But when compared with white rice it has a higher percentage of fat and a lower percentage of carbohydrates. Also Read - Brown rice: The ultimate beauty enhancer
White rice is a brown rice with the bran and germ removed. The bran and germ both contain valuable nutrients. As a result, white rice is lacking in some antioxidants, B vitamins, minerals, fats, fiber, and a small amount of protein.
Brown rice is high in nutrients such as manganese, thiamine, niacin, phosphorus, and magnesium, and white rice is often enriched, so it is a good source of folate, niacin, thiamine, iron, selenium, and manganese. But when it comes to weight loss, brown rice is the better choice, because it is lower in calories and higher in fiber than white rice. Here are some more reasons why this rice can be a better option.
The only way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories than you burn each day to create a calorie deficit. A 1-cup serving of white rice has 242 calories. Choose brown rice instead and you can eat the same amount of rice for 218 calories, saving 24 calories.
Not only is brown rice lower in calories, but its also higher in fiber than white rice. Each 1-cup serving has 3.5 grams of fiber, or 14 percent of the daily value, compared to just 0.6 gram of fiber in the same amount of white rice. Fiber helps you lose weight by slowing the emptying of the stomach so you feel full longer, which helps you eat less. It may also reduce the number of calories you absorb from macronutrients, such as fat and carbohydrates.
Heart disease is a serious problem affecting youngsters in urban India today. In order to keep your heart healthy, it is important to reduce cholesterol which blocks up your arteries and can cause atherosclerosis. The bran of brown rice is rich in unsaturated oils which help in keeping your cholesterol levels in check. Here are a few more foods to reduce cholesterol.
One of the best reasons you should have brown rice is that it has anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in antioxidants. This also helps your body to remain fit and get rid of inflammation.
Another reason you should prefer brown rice over white rice is that it is great when it comes to burning extra body fat. A study conducted by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that people who consumed a low-calorie diet lost more belly fat as compared to the ones who consumed refined grains. Brown rice is loaded with iron, potassium, vitamins, and other essential nutrients. You may feel full after eating a bowl of brown rice and eating them is not at all fattening.
Given the fact that brown rice is loaded with nutrients and rich in fiber, it goes without saying that choosing brown over white rice is a healthy idea.
Published : December 20, 2020 1:38 pm | Updated:December 21, 2020 8:58 am
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Brown rice Vs white rice: Which one is best for you when you are trying to lose weight? - TheHealthSite
Snacking Habits That Help You Lose Weight, Says Science – Eat This, Not That

You are the model of steely discipline. A cold-eyed warrior unfazed by midday munchies, by late-night longings, by the siren song of Cinnabon. You stick to your three squares, restrict calories, and never allow yourself a salacious snack.
Congratulations. You've made weight loss an awful lot harder than it ought to be.
Here's the problem: Resisting snacks and restricting calories makes it more difficult to keep your metabolism revving. When your snacking is lacking, so, too, is your body's ability to burn fatthe key to long-term leanness. In fact, those who eat at least six times a day have lower body-mass indexes and consume fewer calories overall, than those who limit themselves to three squares, according to a 2015 study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
But that doesn't mean you should tear open the nearest bag of Cheetos and dive in. The snack aisle of your local supermarket is strewn with questionable chemicals, catastrophic calories, and snacks that are stripped of all their sustenance. Making the smart choice is criticalwhich is why we've set a list of the best snacking habits you can follow for weight loss. Here's what we recommend, and for more healthy tips, be sure to check out our list of 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.
Having a bite to hold you over 'til lunch is common practice, but a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that mid-morning snackers tended to snack more throughout the day than afternoon snackers, resulting in hindered weight-loss efforts. Afternoon snacking was associated with a slightly higher intake of fiber and fruits and vegetables.
For healthy snack ideas, check out our list of the 15 Snacks Nutritionists Eat Every Day.
You can avoid a mindless binge by adding visual traffic lights to your snack. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and Cornell University gave one set of students a bowl of uniform yellow chips, while another group had their regular snack layered with differently colored chips. Students who had their snack segmented ate 50% less than those with a uniform bowl.
So instead of having a plain bowl of one colored snacklike nutsgive your snack bowl some variety. Add in different colored fruits, vegetables, and even healthy dips like hummus or guacamole to give your snack some color. Or try out one of these 15 Best Snack Combos That Double Weight Loss.
Make sure your snack contains protein, which requires more energy to burn than carbs or fatsthus keeping you fuller longer. But don't take it from me: In a study in the journal Appetite, researchers from the University of Missouri compared the satiety effects of high-, moderate-, and low-protein yogurts on twenty-four- to twenty-eight-year-old women, and found Greek yogurt, with the highest protein content, to have the greatest effect.
You can easily make one of these19 High-Protein, Low-Carb Snacks For Weight Loss.
A 2015 study in the journal Appetite found that the larger the bottle, bag, or box the food comes in, the larger we think the serving size should be. Researchers surveyed more than thirteen thousand people and found that when confronted with larger packages of cola, chips, chocolate, or lasagna, the shoppers tended to want to serve themselves larger portions.
Want to snack less without going snackless? Try the left-handed diet (assuming you're right-handed). Research in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found moviegoers grabbed for less popcorn when doing so with their nondominant hand. Eating with your non-dominant hand makes you think about what you're doing and may help you eat less.
Grabbing handfuls from the bag is never a good idea, but munching from a punch bowl won't do much for weight loss either. A study in The FASEB Journal suggests that overeating may be associated with the size of your plateor bowl. Participants who were given larger bowls served and ate 16% more than those given smaller bowls. Not only that, the big-bowlers underestimated just how much they were eating by 7%! Take advantage of the visual illusion with belly-friendly bowls or ramekins.
Still trying to figure out the right portions? Here are 18 Easy Ways to Control Your Portion Sizes,
Just because something is marketed as "low fat" doesn't mean it's good for youor you should eat more of it. A Cornell University study printed in the Journal of Marketing Research suggests people eat more of a snack that's marketed as "low fat." Participants in the study ate a whopping 28% more of a snack (M&M'S!) labeled "low fat" than when they didn't have the label.
Now that you know what snacking habits to follow, make sure to avoid falling for these 40 Worst Habits For Belly Fat, Say Experts.
See the original post:
Snacking Habits That Help You Lose Weight, Says Science - Eat This, Not That
‘Is it really a healthy eating pattern?’: Experts mixed on intermittent fasting – CT Insider

The holiday season is in full swing and, even in these unusual times, it seems likely that the period between now and the new year will be filled with yummy, calorie-laden foods, such as cookies, pies and hot chocolate topped with whipped cream.
With so much temptation, some people might still be wondering how to control their weight. One popular weight loss method thats emerged during the past few years is a technique called intermittent fasting, in which people severely limit their calorie intake in some way. Though loyalists claim to drop pounds this way, experts say just how effective the method is remains unclear.
Its a way people think they can lose weight very quickly, says Kelly Gruber, a registered dietitian with Bridgeport Hospital. But theres not a lot of research out there.
In fact, its hard to even accurately define intermittent fasting, because there are multiple techniques, experts say. Some intermittent fasters eat normally for five days of the week, then stringently restrict their calories (to anywhere from 400 to 600 calories a day, depending on the dieter) for two days of the week.
Other fasters have a window of time (usually about eight hours) in which to eat normally, then refrain from food for the remainder of the day. Other methods can include an every-other-day method, in which fasters eat normally one day, then consume only a few calories the next.
The studies are a little bit all over the place because theres no standard definition of what intermittent fasting means, says Ellen Liskov, outpatient nutrition specialist at Yale New Haven Hospital. Ive had clients tell me theyre interested in intermittent fasting, but that means different things to different people.
She and other experts, Gruber included, say another complicating factor is that there isnt a ton of research on intermittent fasting, and whats there isnt necessarily conclusive.
For instance, a study published in September in the Journal of the American Medical Assocation looked at 116 participants, some of whom were only allowed to eat between noon and 8 p.m., and some of whom observed a more typical meal plan, of three consistent meals with snacks throughout the day. The study showed that both groups lost weight and the researchers ultimately concluded that time-restricted eating, in the absence of other interventions, is not more effective in weight loss than eating throughout the day.
Other research, most of it in animals, shows evidence of weight loss, and some improvement in blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels and blood pressure. A paper published by Harvard Medical School in 2018 mentioned this, and added that research in humans has shown the method to be fairly safe and effective in humans, but perhaps not more so than other diet plans.
Many dietitians seem mixed on intermittent fasting. It can be difficult, because its not something people are going to stay with long term and it doesnt really teach you how to to eat correctly, Gruber says. It can lead to a calorie deficit over the course of a week, but, over the long-term, is it really a healthy eating pattern?
There are potential drawbacks to intermittent fasting, says Sunida Infahsaeng, a registered dietitian, and director of clinical nutrition at St. Vincents Medical Center, in Bridgeport. If its not done under the care of a physician, it can lead to low blood sugar, low blood pressure, dehydration, headaches and other issues. Infahsaeng says another potential issue is that people can end up overeating on their normal eating days, resulting in no weight loss, or even weight gain.
And there are some groups of people who should stay away from intermittent fasting entirely, such as pregnant women, children, the elderly and those with diabetes.
But, for other groups there are possible benefits of this way of eating, Infahseng says. For one thing, it can make people more aware of what they consume during their eating windows, which could lead to healthier habits.
Dr. Joseph Feuerstein, director of integrative medicine at Stamford Hospital, says he sees one big benefit to restricting eating to one window of time during the day. It stops you eating at night, which is a major weight gain factor, he says.
Ultimately, experts say, if people are really interested in intermittent fasting, they should consult a medical professional first. If someone tells me Im dead set on intermittent fasting Im doing this, then I will work with them to do it safely, Gruber says.; Twitter: @AmandaCuda
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'Is it really a healthy eating pattern?': Experts mixed on intermittent fasting - CT Insider
Balance by BistroMD review: Pros and cons – Medical News Today

We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Heres our process.
Balance by BistroMD is a meal delivery service that aims to help people eat more healthful, balanced meals.
The company tailor the meals to an individuals preferences and specific dietary needs.
This article discusses the pros and cons of Balance by BistroMD and explains how the service works.
Balance by BistroMD offers preprepared meals. Users can select the number and type of meals they want on any schedule that works for them.
Unlike some other meal delivery services, Balance by BistroMD is not a subscription service. The meals do not arrive at regular intervals unless a person orders them.
With Balance by BistroMD, customers choose as many meals as they want, whenever they want. After ordering, the meals arrive within a few days.
Users can choose lunches, dinners, and snacks. Meal prices vary, but most meals are about $8 to $10.
Balance by BistroMD offers a wide variety of foods on each of its custom menus.
People with special dietary needs can filter their meal options by health goal.
Some examples include:
It is important to note that although BistroMD have options they classify as vegetarian, many of these meals contain fish and seafood, which means that they are not actually suitable for vegetarians.
People following a strictly plant-based diet may therefore find that Balance by BistroMD offers limited options.
Learn more about foods to eat and avoid in a vegetarian diet here.
Although BistroMD claim that some of their options may offer benefits for certain people or specific diets, there is no objective research or studies to support these health claims.
The benefits of Balance by BistroMD include the following:
The drawbacks of Balance by BistroMD include the following:
Most people in the United States do not follow government nutrition recommendations. In fact, about three-quarters of the population do not get enough fruits and vegetables in their diet.
Balance by BistroMD claims to provide healthful, nutritionally balanced meals. The company suggest that their meals offer the following health benefits:
BistroMDs health claims have no support from objective research or studies. There is no evidence to suggest that BistroMD meals offer any particular health benefits.
Some potential alternatives to Balance by BistroMD include:
Some users may also choose to subscribe for a short time to get meal ideas, then replicate those meals at home.
Balance by BistroMD helps reduce meal preparation and shopping time. It may benefit people who choose to replace most of their meals with the delivery service.
As with all meal plans and major diet changes, users should consult a doctor or dietitian beforehand, particularly if they are trying to lose weight or have chronic health issues.
Read more from the original source:
Balance by BistroMD review: Pros and cons - Medical News Today
Stanway mum lost more than half her body weight thanks to Slimming World – Gazette

A SUPER slimmer who has lost more than half her body weight has become one of a select few to pick up a special award.
Caroline Smith, 50, has lost 12 and-a-half stone making her one of a select few to win Slimming Worlds Club 50 Award.
The awards celebrate members who have lost 50 per cent of their body weight and was created celebrate the firms 50th birthday.
The mother-of-two said: Ive been overweight for 30 years of my life. Im so proud and happy to win this award, especially in such a monumental year for Slimming World.
I feel like a new woman since losing weight. I look so different people who I havent seen for a while often cant believe Im the same person.
For me though its the change on the inside thats been the greatest. Im happier, healthier and much more confident now.
My weight impacted on so many aspects of my life, from struggling to find clothes that I like to fit, to not being able to do simple everyday tasks without feeling tired and out of breath.
Before I lost weight, I hated having my photo taken and whenever I saw pictures of myself, I didnt feel like my smile was real yet now Im beaming.
The Stanway residents weight loss journey started back in January 2017, when she joined the St Cedds Shrub End Slimming World group in Colchester, which is run by coach Paul Gibbs.
At the time she weighed 24 stone and 12 pounds, today weighing less than half that at 12 stone five pounds.
She says walking through the door to her first meeting was one of the hardest things Ive ever done.
Since then Ive made so many friends at the group and I honestly dont think I could have done it without their support each week, Caroline said.
They helped me with recipes and tips and if I was ever struggling, they were always there to build me up and remind me why Id wanted to lose weight in the first place and how far Id come since first stepping through the doors.
I still enjoy all my favourite meals like burgers and chips and roast dinners, but Ive learned how to make small changes like using lean meat or cooking with low calorie spray instead of oil or butter.
It fits in so well with the rest of my family and we can all eat the same meals.
I know that I havent gone on a diet, this is a change that Ive made for life and I have the tools I need to stay like this forever. My smile is definitely real now.
Mr Gibbs added: The changes weve seen in Caroline are incredible.
I hope her success will inspire other people whod like to lose weight by forming new lifestyle habits and as a result, become happier and healthier to come and join us.
Theres a warm welcome waiting at Slimming World and, just think, if you start today you could soon feel like a completely new person, just like Caroline.
Visit find out more about groups in your area.
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Stanway mum lost more than half her body weight thanks to Slimming World - Gazette
HelloFresh Vegan: Menu Options, Pricing, and More – Healthline

We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Heres our process.
HelloFresh is a popular meal kit delivery service that offers weekly deliveries of recipes and all of the ingredients you need to cook them.
While the company offers a plant-based option, its not strictly vegan.
If youre interested in tweaking it to accommodate your vegan diet, it can be done although it may be a bit tricky.
This article reviews how you can customize HelloFresh plant-based meals for your vegan diet.
To turn your HelloFresh box into vegan-friendly meals, be sure to select the veggie option when you personalize your plan. You can select three to five recipes per week for two people, or two to four recipes per week for four people.
When you select your meals, youll be able to choose from all of the plant-based recipes available that week.
HelloFreshs website has a recipe archive that allows you to view all of the ingredients and instructions for their entire catalog of recipes. You can filter by dietary preference to view all of the vegetarian recipes.
Use this tool to select the most vegan-friendly menu options from the recipes that are available in a given week. Some tips to choose the most vegan-friendly options include:
Once you receive your box, you can discard the non-vegan ingredients and either leave them out of the recipes or replace them with a vegan alternative. Common non-vegan ingredients included in vegetarian HelloFresh meals include sour cream and cheese.
Occasionally, some breads may contain milk. You need to check the ingredient label to verify. Its a good idea to keep vegan alternatives to sour cream and cheese, along with some vegan bread, on hand.
Choose the veggie plan on HelloFresh and then select the meals on each weeks menu that would be the easiest to make vegan. Keep vegan sour cream, cheese, and bread on hand for easy swaps.
HelloFresh offers a variety of vegan ingredients in their recipes. Here are a few examples pulled directly from plant-based recipes in their recipe archive:
Although HelloFresh doesnt offer an exclusively vegan option, many of the ingredients are vegan-friendly.
Some of the plant-based recipes offered by HelloFresh that could easily be made vegan include:
You can easily make many plant-based HelloFresh recipes vegan by leaving out the cheese and sour cream, as well as cooking with oil instead of butter.
One concern you may have with altering your HelloFresh box to be vegan is whether youll be getting adequate nutrition from these meals.
Many of the vegetarian recipes from HelloFresh seem to depend heavily on dairy products and eggs, to a lesser extent for their protein content.
To remedy this, you may want to keep a variety of protein-rich, vegan dairy alternatives on hand, such as vegan yogurt or sour cream to make creamy sauces or dressings, as well as dairy-free cheeses to sprinkle on dishes or use in sandwiches.
You may also want to keep some tofu or vegan egg substitute on hand to replace eggs when theyre needed.
Otherwise, the meals feature a wide variety of vegetables, plant-based protein sources, whole grains, and herbs and spices thatll provide a wealth of nutrients.
Many plant-based HelloFresh meals get a significant portion of their protein from dairy. Keep some protein-rich, vegan dairy alternatives on hand so that you can make sure these meals still contain enough protein after you tweak them to be vegan.
HelloFresh is one of the most reasonably priced meal kit delivery services. This table compares the price of HelloFresh with some of its competitors.
HelloFresh is a competitively priced meal service, and its only major competitor that offers an exclusive vegan option Purple Carrot is significantly more expensive per serving.
HelloFresh is a meal kit delivery service offering a vegetarian option, but you can tweak it at home to make it vegan-friendly by replacing certain ingredients, such as dairy products and eggs.
However, with these products removed, some of the meals may be low in protein. You can add extra vegan protein to these meals to make up for this.
HelloFresh is one of the most reasonably priced meal kit delivery services, and by tweaking their plant-based recipes to be vegan, you may be able to save some money, compared with an exclusively vegan meal kit delivery service.
Get started with HelloFresh here.
Continued here:
HelloFresh Vegan: Menu Options, Pricing, and More - Healthline
How the decline of testosterone plays role in sports and athletes – The Sports Daily

Testosterone is an element of success that competitors appear to stress, and an array of misinformation occurs. The common narrative is that athletes should try to make their testosterone as strong as possible, which is why many vitamin firms do a decent job in natural testosterone boosters. But are these supplements worthwhile, and what part does testosterone really play in athletic performance? In this post, we are going to discuss this hormone and its function in sporting success.
Let us take a deeper look at the testosterone molecule. Testosterone is the primary male steroid hormone that drives the production of male sex characteristics. It is usually considered to be the primary hormonal anabolic driver, the mechanism through which things expand specifically muscle. Although testosterone is predominantly a male hormone, females often possess it at much lower amounts than males. This is one of the key explanations that women seem to have fewer body mass than their male counterparts.
Testosterone has a variety of functions that could be of concern to athletes. It plays a role in the training response by guiding many of the beneficial adaptations that athletes aim to produce. This involves an improvement in muscle mass after hypertrophy-based strength training. Testosterone raises the rate of post-training muscle protein synthesis, which continues to arise throughout the long term while testosterone increases the transcription of genes that drive enhanced muscle protein synthesis and thus muscle hypertrophy.
Physiological reactions are well demonstrated in experiments in which researchers gave testosterone supplementary subjects (which is forbidden by the World Anti-Doping Agency) and tracked its effect on muscle development. In a well-known 1996 report reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, a group of researchers compared changes in muscle size and intensity in a group of testosterone subjects and performed strength exercise alone compared to those performing strength training.
The findings were clear; additional testosterone had a significant impact on growing muscle size and strength. The testosterone and exercise community improved muscle size by more than 600 mm in their quadriceps relative to a reduction of more than 100 mm in the exercise-only group. They also increased their 1RM press by 9kg while the exercise-only party remained the same.
There is also new evidence that shows that testosterone has short-term non-genetic consequences, such as modifying energy metabolism and motor system activity, all of which may help resistance training adaptations.
Testosterone can also influence the desire to exercise and compete. In a group of female athletes, Christian Cook and Martyn Beaven observed that over the span of five training sessions, the circulating testosterone levels had an effect on the load selected by the athletes to be raised. In this situation, higher levels of testosterone were correlated with higher training weights chosen, suggesting that as testosterone rises, the desire to exercise increases.
Similar findings have been recorded for males. In a community of professional rugby players, higher pregame testosterone levels were correlated with an improved risk of winning, whereas lower levels increased the odds of losing. This gives strength to the statement that elevated amounts of testosterone have an effect incentive.
It is obvious that ensuring optimum testosterone levels would definitely support athletic success. So how are we supposed to do that? Any nutritional factors endorse sufficient amounts of testosterone. The first is dietary adequacy i.e. sufficiently calories to eat. Long-term calorie restriction lowers hormone levels.
Both zinc and vitamin D levels are related to the levels of testosterone. Low amounts of zinc are correlated with a reduction in testosterone, so it is logical to ensure an appropriate amount of zinc.
Higher amounts of body fat are often correlated with lower levels of testosterone. Although most competitors are not overweight or obese, certain particular activities (throws) and athletic positions (rugby forwards and NFL players) are at greater risk. While their place can need more weight, there is a chance of lower testosterone levels, demonstrating how cautious balancing action is needed.
Lifestyle conditions also have an effect on testosterone levels. Increased levels of stress can alter the ratio of testosterone to cortisol, contributing to a decrease in the relative levels of testosterone that are available for positive effects. Females that use oral contraception often appear to have lower levels of testosterone and lower levels of testosterone after strength exercise.
The type of exercise done by athletes can also have an effect on testosterone levels. Both sprint training and strength training boost testosterone levels acutely, while endurance-based training also reduces testosterone levels. This may be one of the explanations that resistance training has such a beneficial impact on endurance athletes; it may boost their testosterone levels and thus their drive.
These results have been repeated on many occasions. Bosco and Viru, two brilliant sports scientists, stated that sprinters had higher testosterone levels than soccer players who in fact, had higher testosterone levels than endurance athletes in this case, cross-country skiers.
We have observed that testosterone is an effective hormone for athletic activity by:
We can increase testosterone levels and increase athletic performance by:
When it comes to testosterone-boosting supplements, there is no real proof that they work, aside from theoretically addressing dietary disorders that could have an effect on testosterone levels. As normal, it is much easier for athletes to attempt to remedy these deficiencies by modifying their foods rather than shifting to supplements.
Excerpt from:
How the decline of testosterone plays role in sports and athletes - The Sports Daily
What to Steal From Keto, Paleo and Other Trendy Diets – AARP

The downside: This diet excludes beans, chickpeas and other legumes because they are cultivated rather than foraged. But this category is full of nutrients like magnesium and folate, and are some of the healthiest foods on the planet, Cassetty says. Plus, in the modern world, it may be difficult to stick with the diet's restrictions.
What to steal: Eat real foods. The standard American diet today is filled with ultra-processed foods and processed ingredients our forebears wouldn't recognize. Limiting these categories as paleo does is a smart idea. Filling up on those caveperson faves high-fiber, low-cal fruits and vegetables can help keep pounds off.
With the 16/8 diet, you eat all your daily calories during an eight-hour window, then abstain completely the other 16. You might finish dinner by 8 p.m., say, then fast until lunch the next day. (Noncaloric beverages like coffee and water are OK.) By limiting the amount of time you eat every day, you may naturally take in fewer daily calories, Smith says. Fasting can kick your body into burning stored fat and provide other metabolic benefits that may boost longevity.
Does it work? To date, most of the research into fasting for weight loss has been done with animals. In humans, the evidence is mixed: One 2018 study published in the journalNutrition and Healthy Agingfound following a 16/8 regimen for three months decreased body weight by about 3 percent. But a 2020 human study inJAMA Internal Medicineshowed little weight loss benefit: Overweight adults assigned to fast for 16 hours a day for three months lost only two or three pounds much of it healthy muscle mass, not body fat.
The downsides: Not eating for long periods takes lots of willpower and can be hard to stick with over the long haul. Fasting can foster an unhealthy attitude toward food. You are not learning to listen to your natural hunger cues, which is important for maintaining a healthy relationship with food, Smith says. Fasting is not safe for people with prediabetes, diabetes or a history of disordered eating, she adds.
What to steal: Don't nosh around the clock. Deciding the kitchen is closed after dinner can prevent mindless midnight munching. Giving yourself a natural 12-hour break allows your body to get into healing and maintenance mode while you sleep instead of putting energy into digesting, Cassetty says.
See more here:
What to Steal From Keto, Paleo and Other Trendy Diets - AARP
ISU biology professor Bruce Finney helps discover variation in ancient native Alaskan diet – Idaho State Journal

POCATELLO Idaho State University biological sciences and geosciences professor Bruce Finney contributed to a new research paper titled Ancient Beringian paleodiets revealed through multiproxy stable isotope analysis, which found that about 11,500 years ago native Alaskans had a diet that featured both land animals and salmon.
Finney, director of the ISU Stable Isotope Laboratory, helped analyze the chemical composition in bones and teeth in two ancient Beringian infants. Stable isotopic analysis of tissues can reveal the foods consumed by the individuals. Because isotopic levels are different in ocean and land animals, Finney could tell that native Alaskans had a diet that also included salmon.
Its a novel discovery because there is an underappreciation for how broad their diet was, said Finney.
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Although the diet of native Alaskans was dominated by large animals, the isotopic analysis that Finney conducted shows that their diet also included salmon in the summer months.
The results of this study show that ancient Alaskan diets were complex and that salmon has been an important resource for millennia.
Finney worked in conjunction with anthropologists and native Alaskan groups to do this research.
Collaborative relationships are important to have in place, said Finney. Trust between scientists and indigenous people is critical to have when they work together. It results in comprehensive studies.
Finney received his bachelors degree in geology from the University of Minnesota. He received his Ph.D. in oceanography from Oregon State University. His current research focus is on the paleoclimatic history of the North Pacific region from the last ice age to the present.
To read the full article, visit
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ISU biology professor Bruce Finney helps discover variation in ancient native Alaskan diet - Idaho State Journal
Should I try a vegan diet this Veganuary? – British Heart Foundation

Im thinking about trying Veganuary this year. Would you recommend a vegan diet, either for a month or permanently?
A vegan diet is a plant-based diet which excludes all animal products. That means no honey, dairy or eggs as well as cutting out meat and fish. Small amounts of animal products such as lactose, gelatine and egg are also often added to many ready-made foods so there may be other foods you also need to exclude if you are going to avoid all animal products.
When it comes to your heart and circulatory health, balanced plant-based diets have been shown to have benefits. One example of this is a well-balanced vegan diet, and another is a Mediterranean diet. These approaches include many of the foods we should all be eating more of, such as fruits and vegetables, beans, lentils, wholegrains and nuts and seeds. Eating a more plant-based diet could also help our environment.
To reap the health benefits your diet needs to be well-balanced. A vegan diet isnt a shortcut to health and there is no benefit to a poorly balanced diet that is high in sugar, saturated fat and salt. With a growing market for vegan products, theres an increasing array of fast food and convenience options that arent necessarily healthy. So plan your meals carefully and look at the traffic light system on the labels, especially when you start out.
Some people find it easier to transition to a vegan diet gradually rather than changing overnight. But if you decide to switch to a vegan diet,there are some nutrients that you will need to pay more attention to in order to ensure your diet is balanced.Animal products are a source of a number of nutrients in our diet, so making up for these with other options that are suitable for vegans is important. For a vegan diet, these are the main nutrients to think about:
Vitamin B12 is important as it makes red blood cells, helps keep the nervous system healthy and helps release energy from food.
Vitamin B12 is only found naturally in substantial amounts in foods from animal sources. So vegans should consumetwo to three portions a day of fortified foods, such as non-dairy milks and breakfast cereals (choose wholegrain cereals without added sugar), and check the label to make sure they have B12 added. B12 is found in nutritional yeast powders, and yeast extracts such as Marmite - though because of their salt content they should be used sparingly. Otherwise, taking a B12 supplement is recommended.
Vitamin D helps your body to maintain the right amounts of calcium and phosphate. Like most people in the UK, you should consider taking a supplement of vitamin D during the autumn and winter months - make sure that yours are suitable for vegans.
You may need iodine supplements, as most of us get iodine (which is important for thyroid function) from dairyproducts, fish and seafood. Too much iodine is unhealthy, as well as too little, so discuss with a health professional (such as a registered dietitian) first.
Calcium is needed for strong teeth and bones, for your blood to clot and for your heart to beat.
Fortified products like plant-based dairy alternativesand breakfast cereals can be helpful sources of calcium. Other vegan calcium sources include green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and okra (but not spinach) sesame seeds and tahini, calcium-set tofu, beans and lentils, bread, and dried fruit.
Iron is important for the production of red blood cells.Good sources of iron for vegans are dark green, leafy vegetables, nuts, dried fruit, pulses, wholemeal bread and breakfast cereals fortified with iron.
Zinc helps your body to grow and repair itself, and supports a healthy immune system.Although meat and seafood are some of the biggest sources of zinc, vegans can gain zinc from bread, wheatgerm, tofu, and pulses such as beans and lentils. Too much zinc can be harmful, so take advice from a qualified professional before taking supplements.
Selenium can help your immune system work properly and help prevent damage to cells and tissues. Although its found in meat, fish and seafood, there are vegan sources including brazil nuts and tofu.
Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to a healthy heart, as has oily fish, which is rich in omega 3s. We dont know for sure whether plant sources of omega-3 have the same benefits in reducing the risk of heart disease as those in oily fish. Vegan foods that are high in plant-based omega-3s include flaxseed (linseed), rapeseed oil, walnuts, and soya foods such as tofu.
Eating a variety of foods that contain protein, such as beans, lentils, nuts, seeds and grains, will help to ensure you get quantity and range of amino acids you need. You dont have to worry about eating these foods in specific combinations, as long as you include a variety of them in your diet.
Victoria Taylor is a registered dietitian with more than 20 years experience. Her work for the NHS focused on weight management and community programmes for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. At the BHF she advises on diet and nutrition.
Published 17 December 2020
See original here:
Should I try a vegan diet this Veganuary? - British Heart Foundation