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7 reasons to stop complimenting others on weight loss –

SALT LAKE CITY Pursuing weight loss can be frustrating, lead to weight cycling, and it doesn't necessarily promote more healthful behaviors in the long run.
Some research published in the journal Obesity also indicates that, in some cases, it can actually lower people's metabolisms. Essentially, that means some people can't eat as much as they may want or are hungry for. As a dietitian, I do not recommend weight loss to my clients.
The way we think about our bodies and food has an impact on how we take care of ourselves. I used to mistakenly think that if I ate the "right foods" and exercised the "right amount," then my body would look similar to the bodies of celebrities and people in magazines. Even with a nutrition degree and access to a variety of foods, I never felt like I could eat all the "right foods" and exercise as much as I thought I should. That left me feeling like I failed and wasn't good enough.
I've talked to many clients and others about this and found it's a pretty universal thought. Some might not desire to look like celebrities, but they may want to be smaller than their current selves and believe that pursuit would make them happier, healthier and more worthy of self-acceptance and acceptance from others.
When it comes to giving or receiving compliments for weight loss, our desire to be accepted and receive positive feedback can make it easier to participate in habits that may not benefit us as much as we think. Or, it may keep some people stuck in habits that they know can be harmful.
One way to help ourselves and others feel better in our bodies as they are is to stop complimenting weight loss and avoid talking about weight altogether. Here's why.
Who doesn't want to get complimented? It feels good and encourages continuing the habits that got a person to that compliment. Because it may feel good and validating to receive compliments, they might encourage habits that don't promote health/well-being, as explained on the National Eating Disorder Association's website.
Here's an example: You notice that your friend is looking thinner so you tell them so, and that they look good. If your friend has felt insecure about their body, or even still feels insecure, this positive reinforcement may be interpreted as acceptance for being smaller rather than a simple compliment.
We all want to be accepted, so if someone interprets compliments about their body as acceptance, they may continue to do what they did to get there even if was through habits that weren't enjoyable, or even harmful. There can be a lot of unintended consequences from a simple statement because our relationships with our bodies are complicated and deep.
Some may think the faster the weight loss, the better. But a couple of studies that came out from following past participants of "The Biggest Loser," [including one study published Obesity](ne published in Obesity,), show that their metabolisms actually slowed down after lots of exercise and extreme dieting. Unless you're someone who could eat whatever you wanted without it affecting your weight or health, that's not ideal.
There are lots of medical conditions that can affect weight, and even medications or life changes. The Mayo Clinic says eating disorders, heart failure, diabetes, Crohn's disease or other inflammatory bowel diseases, and depression can contribute to weight loss. Some can also cause weight gain.
Consider this conversation: "Oh, you look great. What diet are you on?"
"I'm doing chemotherapy and it's zapped my appetite."
Avoid putting someone who is already dealing with a medical condition in an uncomfortable position by not commenting on weight loss.
Think about your own experiences or the experiences of people close to you. Have you ever worked to change your weight? If so, how hard was it? What happened when you eased back into eating the way you did before a diet or lifestyle change? Parts of losing weight or working to keep it off can be extremely difficult, and even miserable for some people.
Our bodies are designed to protect themselves, as research published by the American Journal of Psychology shows, that's why we get hungry and preoccupied with food when we're not eating enough. Constantly working against that biological, necessary drive can make things even harder.
As mentioned above, trying to lose weight and keep it off is difficult and doesn't work the same for most people. When we focus on weight, we're often missing the very important actions of adapting our habits to make us feel better physically and emotionally. These habits will look different for everyone and may not cause weight changes but, as the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine points out, you can still improve overall well-being and health if that's something you want to pursue.
One hurdle to practicing beneficial habits is weight stigma. Weight stigma is more defined in an article for Scientific American by Lindo Bacon who also wrote "Health at Every Size" which goes on to say, "Fat isn't the problem. Dieting is the problem." The concept of losing weight to achieve health and wellness doesn't look at the full picture, and it definitely doesn't take the harmful outcomes from weight stigma into account either. Some collateral damage from weight stigma include discrimination, fear of fat and the habits that result from fearing fat, medical misdiagnoses, bullying (including people being harassed to get "healthier"), and a sedentary lifestyle.
Therefore, when you compliment someone for weight loss you may be reinforcing the idea that smaller is better even healthier than bigger, and that isn't always true.
How do you lose weight? You can do lots of things and boil it all down to weight loss, but is it the weight loss or the habits that change your well-being and/or health that can also result in a change in your weight?
It's the habits.
And you can still see benefits from changing habits even if your weight doesn't change. When you focus on a number on the scale, you might be missing the habits and can feel like a failure because you're not paying attention to those habits you may have changed. Feeling like a failure doesn't set you up for continuing with habits that make your body feel better or improve your overall well-being.
Imagine this: You're exercising for hours each day, you're hungry most of the time, and you've lost weight. You're not supplying your body with the energy and nutrients you need, and it's hard. But you get lots of compliments on how your body looks. Is it really better to continue those miserable habits that don't promote your health if you keep getting little hits of positivity from others?
My suggestion is to just stop complimenting others for weight loss. Many people might be trying to be nice by giving compliments, but it's important to consider the downstream effects of comments on weight before paying a "compliment."
And with that, consider not mentioning any weight changes at all. Weight talk doesn't always motivate people to take care of themselves in the best way. The first step toward true body acceptance is to just become more aware of the way we talk about food, dieting and weight, and start to change the things we say to others and to ourselves.
If you struggle with your body image, or have an eating disorder, check out these resources from the National Eating Disorders Association.
Editor's Note: Anything in this article is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended, nor should it be interpreted, to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition; Any opinions, statements, services, offers, or other information or content expressed or made available are those of the respective author(s) or distributor(s) and not of KSL. KSL does not endorse nor is it responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, information, or statement made in this article. KSL expressly disclaims all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on the content of this article.
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What is the Paleo Diet? How it works and how it can help you lose weight – woman&home

"What is the paleo diet?" we hear you cry! Well, if you're looking to lose weight, it could be the solution for you. Especially as its about getting back to basics when it comes to food, so it's really easy to follow.
Here's everything you need to know about the paleodiet before you give it a try...
The paleo diet is pretty easy to follow. The paleo diet is designed to resemble the diet of hunter gatherers in the Palaeolithic era from 2.5 million to 10,000 or so years ago," says dietitian, Dr Carrie Ruxton, from The Health & Food Supplements Information Service.
So it's time to forget any ready meals or artificial foods. "A paleo diet typically includes lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds foods that in the past could be obtained by hunting and gathering," says Dr Ruxton."Depending on the part of the world, some hunter gatherers may have eaten high quantities of meat and few plant foods whilst others ate more plant foods.
The aim of a paleo diet is to return to a way of eating that is more like what early humans ate," says Dr Ruxton. "The diet's reasoning is that the human body is genetically mismatched to the modern diet that emerged with farming practices. Farming changed what people ate and established dairy, grains and legumes as additional staples in the human diet. This relatively late and rapid change in diet, according to the hypothesis, outpaced the body's ability to adapt. This mismatch is believed to be a contributing factor to the prevalence of obesity, diabetes and heart disease today.
Here's the good news you won't feel hungry on the paleo diet.
Recommendations vary for paleo diets with some diet plans stricter than others," says Dr Ruxton. "In general, paleo diet recommends fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, lean meats (especially grass fed and wild game), fish, especially oily fish, oils from plants such as olive oil. The diet recommends avoidance of grains, such as wheat, oats and barley, legumes such as beans, peas and lentils, dairy products, sugar, potatoes and highly processed foods (in both snacks and meals).
In a word, yes. It could help you to lose weight," says Dr Ruxton. "A number of randomised clinical trials have compared the paleo diet to other eating plans, such as the Mediterranean Diet. Overall, these trials suggest that a paleo diet may provide some benefits when compared with diets of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, legumes and low-fat dairy products."
And it's not just good for your waistline. "These benefits may include more weight loss, better appetite management and improved glucose tolerance," says Dr Ruxton. "However, longer trials with large groups of people randomly assigned to different diets are needed to understand the long-term, overall health benefits and possible risks of a paleo diet.
Not really. In the diet world, it's actually really healthy.
A paleo diet is rich in vegetables, fruits and nuts all elements of a healthy diet," says Dr Ruxton. "The main difference between the paleo diet and some other diets is the absence of whole grains and legumes, which are considered good sources of fibre, vitamins and other nutrients. Also absent from the diet are dairy products, which are good sources of protein and calcium. These foods not only are considered healthy but also are generally more affordable and accessible than such foods as wild game, grass-fed animals and nuts. For some people, a paleo diet may be too expensive.
A study in 70 women found that following the paleo diet for six months resulted in 14 pounds (6.5 kg) of fat loss, on average, and a significant reduction in central abdominal fat," says Dr Ruxton. "Another review of 11 studies concluded that the diet may aid weight loss, noting that participants lost an average of nearly eight pounds (3.5 kg) in trials lasting anywhere between two months and two years.
Yes, it's definitely worth a try in the short term. The paleo diet has been linked with weight loss," says Dr Ruxton. "Weight loss is likely as food groups are cut out and calorie intake is likely to be reduced because of that. However, it is restrictive to follow particularly in the longer term. Given its avoidance of many healthy foods, there is a risk of fibre, vitamin and mineral shortfalls (e.g., calcium in dairy foods, fibre and B vitamins in legumes and wholegrains). Anyone following this diet should be recommended to take a multivitamin/multimineral supplement.
Here's both good and bad news. "There is no need to sign up to anything to follow this diet. Various Apps are available some of which are free, some of which have a charge, says Dr Ruxton. However, you may find you have to spend more as you'll be buying good quality groceries. Although this is an investment in your health.
The rest is here:
What is the Paleo Diet? How it works and how it can help you lose weight - woman&home
Can exercising at the same time everyday help you lose more weight? – Times of India

It is important to do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, but it is equally important to stick to a routine. Fixing your time for workout and punctually sticking to it can actually help you lose more weight. A study published in the journal Obesity, stated that consistency of sticking to a set time while exercising can help a person lose weight more easily. The findings of the study also suggested that sticking to the same time lead to higher physical activity levels. This is regardless of whether a person exercised at the same time in the morning, afternoon or evening. In the study, researchers took a total of 375 healthy adults who were successful in maintaining their weight by engaging in regular moderate to vigorous physical activity. Most of the participants (68 percent) exercised at the same time several days a week, while the rest of the participants exercised at varied times during the week. All the subjects were part of a weight loss registry designed to collect data on the characteristics and behavior patterns of people who successfully lost weight and kept it off. Findings of the study Those who worked out at the same time of the day logged 4.8 workouts per week on average, compared with 4.4 among people who varied their workout times. This meant that those who had a fixed time of working out were able to work out more than those had different times. At least one-half of those exercising at the same time of day got 350 minutes of physical activity a week, compared with 285 minutes being the median amount of exercise for those who varied workout times. This too meant that those who exercised at a fixed time could stretch their workout timings more than those who exercised at different times. It is believed that working out at the same time helps exercise become a habit, which further helps people automatically set aside time for working out.
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Can exercising at the same time everyday help you lose more weight? - Times of India
2,000 calorie diet: Is it healthful? – Medical News Today

Some individuals require a 2,000 calorie diet to maintain a moderate weight, while others may need to reduce or increase their calorie intake to 2,000 to lose or gain weight.
Although calorie needs vary from person to person, following a 2,000 calorie diet can provide a basis for planning healthful meals.
A balanced 2,000 calorie diet includes all the food groups that someone needs to stay healthy. These diets aim to limit foods that put people at risk of chronic conditions and unhealthful weight gain.
This article discusses how many calories people need and provides a way for them to calculate it. It also looks at foods to eat and avoid when following a 2,000 calorie diet and the importance of nutrient density.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) use 2,000 calories per day as a standard for nutrition advice on food labels.
However, the number of calories that someone needs may be higher or lower than 2,000 per day.
Indeed, the number of calories a person needs will vary depending on their:
For example, according to United States Dietary Guidelines, adult females aged 1950 years who are moderately active need around 2,0002,200 calories per day. Meanwhile, moderately active adult males aged 1950 years require around 2,4002,800 calories per day.
A person can work out how many calories they need by using the MyPlate Plan tool.
Learn more about the number of calories a person needs here.
If a person consumes too many calories, they can gain weight. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the prevalence of adult obesity in the U.S. was 42.4% in 20172018.
The CDC also note that obesity-related conditions result in some of the greatest medical costs.
People can lose excess weight by eating around 5001,000 calories fewer per day and aiming for a weight loss of around 12 pounds per week.
Nutrient density, or nutrient profiling, is a term that defines how many nutrients are in foods. Nutrition experts usually express the nutrient content of foods per 100 calories, per 100 grams (g), or per serving.
Nutrient dense foods contain more nutrients than calories and are low in fat, sugar, and salt.
The beneficial nutrients that these foods contain include:
When following a healthful diet, people should consider the nutrient density of foods as well as their calorie content. For example, a sweet muffin has a similar number of calories to a chicken stir fry but fewer beneficial nutrients.
The latter is also more likely to help a person feel fuller for longer.
People should try to eat a variety of healthful foods when following a 2,000 calorie diet.
The following list recommends some foods to eat based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 20152020:
People should try to avoid foods that contain high amounts of sugar, fat, and salt. The calories in unhealthful foods can quickly add up to 2,000 without giving the person the essential nutrients their body needs.
The list below recommends some foods to avoid and limit based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 20152020:
If a person is unsure of how much they need to eat to reach 2,000 calories, the following is an example of a 2,000 calorie day:
Following a 2,000 calorie diet can help someone plan their meals to reach or maintain a moderate weight. However, the number of calories a person needs is unique to them, so this diet might not be right for everyone.
A healthful diet includes all the food groups that someone needs to obtain essential nutrients. People should try to eat a variety of foods as part of a 2,000 calorie diet, rather than eating repetitive meals.
Also, focusing on nutrient density can help people make more healthful choices.
Read more from the original source:
2,000 calorie diet: Is it healthful? - Medical News Today
Lockdown weight loss: I had apple-chia seeds smoothie for dinner every day and lost 30+ kilos – Times of India

Before-after pictures provide me the motivation to keep working on myself. I have achieved a great body now, and I plan to maintain it for my own well-being and good health.
How do you ensure you dont lose focus? My mom has been a constant force of support throughout my weight loss journey. She used to encourage me, cook and arrange all diet-related ingredients which helped me. I always felt that I had to live up to her expectations and couldn't fail. So, 90% weight loss is credited to her, the rest 10%, I fulfilled my part:)
Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? Low self-esteem and confidence levels for sure. Even though I am tall, and never really encountered those typical fat-shaming comments, deep inside I always knew that I am not in a good shape and needed to work hard to correct my faults.
What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line?
After all the hard work that I have put in the past months, I am sure I will be maintaining the same body throughout my whole life ahead, not just 5-10 years. That's the promise I have made to myself.
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Lockdown weight loss: I had apple-chia seeds smoothie for dinner every day and lost 30+ kilos - Times of India
Nearly one in five women in England has ‘possible eating disorder’, NHS survey suggests – Yahoo Lifestyle

A 'possible eating disorder' was partially defined as someone believing themselves to be overweight when others said they were too thin. (Getty Images)
Just under one in five women in England has a possible eating disorder, research suggests.
More than 8,000 adults completed NHS Digitals Health Survey for England in 2019.
Of the female participants, 19% screened positive for a possible eating disorder when questioned on their relationship with food.
This is compared to around one in eight (13%) men.
Read more: Backlash against How to lose a stone in 21 days show
A possible eating disorder was defined as having an unhealthy attitude towards food, whether it be eating too much or too little, obsessing over weight, or having strict habits around meals.
The survey, which involved an in-person interview and nurse visit, was completed by thousands of people over 16.
The participants were asked whether they had lost more than one stone (14lb) over a three month period.
The NHSs 12-week weight loss plan recommends a calorie limit of 1,900 kcal a day for men and 1,400 kcal for women to help you lose weight at a safe rate of 0.5kg to 1kg (1lb to 2lb) each week.
The survey participants were also asked whether they had ever made themselves vomit when feeling uncomfortably full, if they worried they had lost control around food and whether they believed themselves to be overweight despite others insisting they were too thin.
Finally, the participants were asked whether they agreed food dominated their life.
Read more: Eating disorder hospital admissions up 37% in two years
A score of two or more translated as a positive screening for a possible eating disorder.
The team behind the survey stressed this is not the same as an official diagnosis, which varies between types of the disorders.
The results are therefore likely an overestimate of eating disorders prevalence, added the scientists.
Watch: Eating-disorder patients struggle during pandemic, warn experts
The results suggest women under 35 were most likely to have a possible eating disorder, which affected more than a quarter (28%) of those between 16 and 24.
Story continues
A similar proportion (27%) of those aged 25 to 34 showed comparable red flags.
Among the men, the risk was highest for those between 25 and 34, where just under one in five (19%) showed signs of a possible eating disorder.
The risk then declined for both sexes with age.
Read more: Social media may fuel eating disorders in children as young as 12
These figures are shocking and highlight that eating disorders may be an even bigger issue than previously thought, said Andrew Radford, chief executive of the eating disorder charity Beat.
They clearly show stronger action is needed to ensure everyone with, or at risk of, an eating disorder gets the support and treatment they need.
It is essential services are significantly expanded so anyone affected, from any diagnosis, can get the help they need at the very earliest opportunity.
The most common types of eating disorders include anorexia; when a person keeps their weight as low as possible by under-eating or over-exercising.
Bulimia is also relatively common, defined as someone binge eating before making themselves vomit, taking laxatives, restricting their diet or over-exercising.
Binge eating disorder may also cause someone to lose control over their food intake, resulting in them over-eating and then feeling guilty or upset.
Symptoms for any eating disorder often involve people obsessively thinking about their weight or body shape.
They may also avoid socialising if food is involved, go to the toilet after eating, lie about their calorie intake, cut food into small pieces and eat it overly fast or slow, or wear baggy clothes to hide their dramatic weight loss.
An insufficient calorie intake may cause a patient to feel dizzy, tired or cold.
As well as being underweight for their age and size, female patients may also stop getting their period.
People who are concerned they may have an eating disorder should see their GP as soon as possible, who may refer them to a specialist.
If worried about someone else, encourage them to see a GP, offering to go with them to the appointment.
Treatment tends to involve some form of therapy.
Beat has advisers available on its adult helpline 0808 801 0677 and youth helpline 0808 801 0711; open every day from 9am to 4pm midweek, and 4pm to 8pm on the weekends and bank holidays.
Watch: Spice Girl Mel C opens up about her eating disorder
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Nearly one in five women in England has 'possible eating disorder', NHS survey suggests - Yahoo Lifestyle
71 Million Americans Have Gained Weight Throughout the Pandemic – Essence

The pandemic has hit a lot of us, hard. And the #quarantine15 hit even harder.
While trying to juggle remote work, school, family and the loss of loved ones during a pandemic, the last thing that many of us were focused on was also maintaining a proper diet with everything else that was going on in the world. And a new survey by biotechnology company Gelesis confirmed it. The study reveals that 71 million Americans have gained weight throughout the pandemic.
The pandemic has been the catalyst for physical health issues and emotional ones as well with 71% of Americans admitting that their weight impacts how they feel about their identity, particularly among women and parents. However, as many begin to focus on new year, new me the survey also found that, months into the pandemic, Americans are more determined than ever to lose weight and maintain healthy habits.
While our survey has found Americans have been motivated to develop healthier habits amidst the pandemic, it has also brought to light how many Americans who want to lose weight continue to struggle, said Elaine Chiquette, PharmD, Gelesis Chief Scientific Officer. In a year when weve all already given up so much, our data shows that people would give up even more if it meant being able to lose weight by the end of the year and they remain hopeful about losing weight and feeling healthy in 2021.
The most important thing to remember however, is that giving ourselves grace during difficult times, is even more important than the impact. And the pandemic itself also came with a silver lining. Americans were driven to make healthy lifestyle changes during the pandemic, even while many reported they were harder to keep.
We have found that in 2021 the hopes of Americans outweigh their worries, and millions are ready to kick off the new year and make changes, including losing weight, said Chiquette.
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71 Million Americans Have Gained Weight Throughout the Pandemic - Essence
The Absolute Worst Food to Eat Before Bed – Yahoo Lifestyle

Forrest Gump once famously said Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre gonna get an astute point. There is something dangerous yet alluring about the mystery assortment of truffles and bonbons filled with everything from egg-nog ganache to spicy Tabasco confections that a more straightforward bar of the stuff can't hold a flame to. The box of chocolate's myriad of decadent delights gives the universally-loved treat a more enticing name especially during the holiday season.We dug through pages upon pages of sugary gift boxes to unearth the most innovative reworks of the beloved cacao bean that are sure to impress the number one chocolatier in your life. Of course, we also sprinkled in a few of the classics from Ferrero Rocher, Lindt, and Godiva because we can't deny the comfort in actually knowing exactly what you're going to get (sorry, Forrest). Take a peep ahead at all the chocolatey gift assortments that are almost too sweet to eat. At Refinery29, were here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. If you buy something we link to on our site, Refinery29 may earn commission.Small Wave 15-Piece Chocolate BoxArtsy chocolates are the new wave. This gift includes 15 handmade chocolates that are as pretty as they are tasty. Shop CompartesCompartes Small Wave 15-Piece Chocolate Box, $, available at NordstromSignature Chocolate MiceYou've heard of the Three Blind Mice, but have you heard of L.A. Burdick's Signature Chocolate Mice? If not, order yourself a box before these adorable trademark treasures sell out for the holidays. Shop L.A. BurdickL.A. Burdick Signature Chocolate Mice, $, available at L.A. BurdickChocolate Alchemy TrufflesExplore the alchemy of delicious chocolate with Vosges' new limited edition Holiday collection. Shop Vosges ChocolateVosges Chocolate Chocolate Alchemy Truffles, $, available at Vosges ChocolateDark Chocolate Sea Salt CaramelsSweet? Salty? Why not both? These rich truffles are stuffed with light and sweet caramel to create the ultimate flavor harmony.Shop Nordstrom Makers ChocolateNordstrom Makers Chocolate Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels, $, available at NordstromThe Chocolate Traveler Tabasco Chocolate TinWho knew that something as fiery as Tabasco colliding with something as sweet and comforting as chocolate would be...excellent? It's time to spice up your life. Shop The World MarketTabasco The Chocolate Traveler Tabasco Chocolate Tin, $, available at The World MarketThe Chocolatey ClassicMilk Bar's excellent delivery reputation makes sending your chocolate obsessed friend and entire cake and 12 truffles an easy and fun experience. The Chocolatey Classic package is also great for birthday parties.Shop Milk BarMilk Bar The Chocolatey Classic, $, available at Milk BarBear Necessities Truffle Gift BoxEach container comes withDark Chocolate,Champagne,San Juan Sea Salt, and Milk Chocolate truffles. (And of course, an adorable bear sporting a knit sweater on the box.)Shop Seattle ChocolateSeattle Chocolate Bear Necessities Truffle Gift Box, $, available at Seattle ChocolateHalf Dozen Dark Chocolate Covered StrawberriesFresh juicy berries meet decadent dark chocolate. Healthy? Maybe. Delicious? 100%.Shop GodivaGodiva Dark Chocolate Covered Strawberries, $, available at GodivaEggnog ChocolatesThese holiday-themed dark chocolate truffles are filled with creamy egg nog ganache which, if you're an egg nog stan, is a dream come true. Shop KnipschildtKnipschildt Eggnog Chocolates, $, available at Williams-SonomaHoliday Deluxe Assorted Truffles Gift BoxUnwrapping a Lindor chocolate truffle is sometimes just as euphoric as eating one, and with this gift box, you can do it 36 times. Shop LindtLindt Holiday Deluxe Assorted Truffles Gift Box, $, available at AmazonHot Chocolate On A StickDunk any of these 5 hot cocoa pops into a steaming cup of milk to create the fastest gourmet holiday drink ever made. The flavors included: Wassail, Peppermint, Caramel Swirl, Gingerbread, and Peanutbutter Cup.Shop Neiman MarcusNeiman Marcus Hot Chocolate on a Stick, $, available at Neiman MarcusFine Hazelnut Milk ChocolatesA staple, a classic, and a surefire way to make any chocolate lover smile. Shop Ferrero RocherFerrero Rocher Assorted Coconut Candy and Chocolates, $, available at AmazonChocolate Lovers Gift Box This cult-favorite health-nut brand created its Chocolate Lovers Gift Box for its sweet-tooth fans. Inside you can find four Simple, two Salty, two Cashew Vanilla, two Almond Butter + Puffed Quinoa, and two Hazelnut bars. Of course, all bars are vegan, dairy-free, and Paleo.Shop Hu KitchenHu Kitchen Chocolate Lovers Gift Box, $, available at Hu KitchenBubbles & Godiva Gift SetImagine: a package arrives at your door after a long day and you open it to find an assortment of Godiva chocolates accompanied by a beautiful bottle of champagne. Give the sweet gift of sugar this holiday season with this combo set and truly make someone's day.Shop Wine.comGodiva, Luc Belaire Lux Bubbles & Godiva Gift Set, $, available at Wine.comOrganic Chocolate TrufflesOrganic? Check. Vegan? Check. Delicious? Check. Thrive Market's organic chocolate truffle filled gift box makes eating chocolate feel healthy, and therefore, taste even better.Shop Thrive MarketThrive Market Organic Chocolate Truffles, $, available at Thrive MarketNew York Caramel CollectionEach one of these chocolate-covered caramels reps one of 16 historic boroughs and landmarks making up NY. Don't worry, unlike these vastly different neighborhoods, each treat tastes equally sweet and equally delicious. Shop MarieBelleMarieBelle New York Caramel Collection, $, available at Neiman MarcusLike what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?12 Candy Advent Calendars We're Opening NOW15 Uncommon Goods to Gift This Season28 Unique Advent Calendars We're Gifting This Year
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The Absolute Worst Food to Eat Before Bed - Yahoo Lifestyle
Dexamethasone study provides insight into COVID-19 treatment for patients with diabetes, other risk factors – University of Virginia The Cavalier…

A team of scientists, which included University researchers, found that dexamethasone, a steroid used to treat severe cases of COVID-19, is less effective to treat COVID-19 for those with diabetes and other risk factors. The discovery suggests that further research is necessary to understand how to better treat diabetic and at-risk patients with COVID-19.
Dexamethasone is an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive steroid used to treat critically-ill, COVID-19 patients who require supplemental oxygen or ventilators. The steroid suppresses the immune system, alleviating the damage done to the lungs in patients with an overactive immune response, a bodily response that can be deadly. Besides COVID-19, dexamethasone has been used to treat severe pneumonia, asthma and other conditions.
What makes this paper special is that there arent that many drugs that are proven to treat COVID-19, said Dariusz Brzezinski, University Medical School research scientist and team member. Thats why dexamethasone is interesting because its been proven to help those severe cases.
For their research, scientists from the University School of Medicine, University of South Carolina and Poland relied on the LabDB Laboratory Information Management System, a database that tracks the structures of proteins. One such plasma protein, serum albumin, is known to transport drugs throughout the bloodstream, including dexamethasone. Serum albumin has different active sites to which drugs can bind in order to be carried throughout the body.
Wladek Minor, lead researcher and a Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Medical School, explained that by studying and refining the structure of dexamethasone as well as serum albumin, the team of scientists discovered that the steroids transport may influence its effectiveness in patients.
We started to look at this structure [of dexamethasone] and because we were working on albumin, Minor said. We found that dexamethasone binds to the same side as some drugs If the person is taking some other drug, there is a competition for the active site. If his active site is already occupied, [dexamethasone and albumin] cannot bind together.
Minor and the team of researchers demonstrated for the first time how dexamethasone binds with serum albumin for transport. Their new research indicates that other drugs and the hormone testosterone may compete with dexamethasone for the limited sites on serum albumin, resulting in drug displacement. In drug displacement, a drug administered at a high concentration can displace another drug, like dexamethasone, at the binding site, limiting its potential effectiveness. The scientists found that the testosterone molecule binds to albumin in the same way that dexamethasone does, further suggesting a competition between the two.
Those with diabetes have been found to have more severe symptoms of and complications with COVID-19. Diabetic patients often have high blood sugar levels which may modify serum albumin, affecting the binding site of dexamethasone.
In analyzing data from 373 patients at a hospital in Wuhan, China, the researchers also discovered that patients with high blood sugar levels as well as patients with lower than normal levels of albumin made up the majority of those who died from COVID-19.
Apparently if you have a higher level of albumin, you can survive, Minor said. The level of albumin in the case of women is higher than the case of men, and this explains why women have a higher chance to survive.
Further research is still needed to understand how best to treat COVID-19 patients affected by diabetes and high risk factors, like low levels of albumin. The researchers propose that clinical studies investigate alternative ways of administering dexamethasone to these patients.
[Studies] could try to administer small doses of dexamethasone over a longer period of time, Brzezinski said. This way if youre not transporting that much dexamethasone, then [there] wont be that much free dexamethasone in the body, so it wont have negative effects.
Increasing the dosage of dexamethasone for diabetic and at-risk patients may seem like an easy solution to override competing drugs, but too much dexamethasone over a long period of time can be harmful to the body.
The other idea is that you can administer dexamethasone not through injection but through inhalers, Brzezinski said. And this way you dont have albumin, you have a different way of transport and youre avoiding the problem altogether.
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Dexamethasone study provides insight into COVID-19 treatment for patients with diabetes, other risk factors - University of Virginia The Cavalier...
The high cost of gender transitioning and its impact on people’s mental health – Wales Online

Gender transitioning is a long and complicated process for a lot of people and many trans people are resorting to private treatment due to long NHS waiting times.
Brodie Tilston, 22, from Flintshire, has spent just under 2,000 to access the life-changing hormone testosterone.
Testosterone is used to suppress female sex characteristics and is commonly used to masculinise transgender men.
Coming out in 2019, Brodie told WalesOnline he knew he had to go private from the start, creating a GoFund Me page to help with the costs.
"Straight away I knew I had to go private because looking into the NHS waiting list, it was way too long to start testosterone," he said.
"I was eager to start. It got to the point that I went to the gender clinic in Edinburgh," said Brodie.
"Every three months I had to travel. I must've spent just under 2,000 in total."
The financial burden meant that Brodie had to take out loans through work to make sure he could continue to access the treatments.
"It wasn't big loans, but it was stuff to keep me going," he added.
"I was paying less rent every month to my mate and stuff like that.
"It did get me in a place where I was struggling a bit because I was paying so much for hormones".
Fearing a long wait from the NHS, Brodie claimed that doctors were not helpful.
"They said it could be up to a year to just be diagnosed," Brodie said.
"I know things have changed recently, but it would be a number of months before I'd be diagnosed by a psychiatrist.
"My doctors haven't helped at all. They'll do blood tests, but with any shared care agreements they said they just won't do it.
"I knew straight away that through the NHS it would have taken twice as long to start testosterone."
Left feeling like he had an "illness", Brodie found the verification process of his identity difficult to go through.
It made me feel like I had an illness in a way with the questions they asked," he said.
You had to explain to someone who you were. It made feel like people didnt believe me, and I had to go through assessments to identify as he/him.
The fact I had to have two people have an opinion on it, it was difficult."
For many transgender people, including Brodie, physical treatment is vital for removing feelings of gender dysphoria which is detrimental to mental health.
Although people have pointed out noticeable physical changes, Brodie finds he is comparing himself to other cisgender men in his work place.
"I work in retail and I work with mainly cisgender men, so I'm constantly comparing myself to other people which I shouldn't do.
"But because of the dysphoria I'm constantly worried I'm going to be misgendered.
In an effort to look and feel more masculine, Brodie is left with no other choice but to wear binders until he can have surgery.
Some days I wear two. Its not recommended because its painful and it could affect the surgery," he admitted.
"You've got to plan your day around binding because it's so painful.
"It's not like I can just throw a T-shirt on and go to the shop, I've got to put my binders on to do that.
"I'm a bigger guy. Some people can get away with putting a hoodie on and looking flat, I can't."
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In an effort to receive treatment for a cheaper price, transgender people are having to travel abroad for their surgeries in some cases.
"It's got to the point where quite a lot of trans people are looking to go over to Poland," Brodie said.
"Going over to Poland is an option now as I can't deal with the binding every day and the dysphoria."
Looking to the future of transgender support and care, Brodie thinks things need to be taken more seriously.
"I think being trans is seen as a trend," he added.
"A lot of the time I think doctors feel like it's something we can wait for because it's just something we want. It's not, it's something that we need.
"It puts off a lot of young trans people coming out. I think it needs to be taken more seriously to be honest."
Read the original post:
The high cost of gender transitioning and its impact on people's mental health - Wales Online