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With the Support of His Village, fall 2020 graduate Dr. Ray Jones Achieves Goal, is Ready to Help Others – Southern Miss Now

Fri, 12/11/2020 - 10:14am | By: David Tisdale
Even if he helps just one person in his career - through either his teaching or research - Dr. Ray Jones says all of his hard work in pursuit of his doctorate at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) will have been worth it.
A newly minted Ph.D. in kinesiology from The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) School of Kinesiology and Nutrition, Dr. Jones is one of more than 1,000 USM students who earned degrees from the University this fall.
My time here at USM has molded me into an academician and researcher, said the Patterson, La. native. I was provided so many opportunities to grow as an independent thinker, researcher, and a person.
Under normal circumstances, a doctoral program is challenging. But as the COVID-19 pandemic continued throughout 2020, Dr. Jones had to adapt to new ways of living, working, and studying, along with fellow students.
Any Ph.D. program is going to be difficult, and this one was no different - juggling everything, including classes, research, teaching, and other activities. More recently, the most difficult thing I had to do was work on my dissertation - writing, data collection, defending - during the pandemic. That was hard.
What helped me overcome it all was a solid support system I call my village. This group of people faculty, staff, fellow students, family and friends - were there to keep pushing me and motivating me to be the best version of myself, to keep me moving forward on this journey, and for that I am so thankful.
Among those members of his village was his academic adviser, USM Assistant Professor Dr. Stephanie McCoy, who said Dr. Jones met and exceeded expectations as a student.
In his three years here, Ray showed a pointed interested in being more involved in scholarship and service to his field through publications, presentations, and involvement in our exercise physiology governing body, The American College of Sports Medicine, as well as the Southern Miss community, Dr. McCoy said.
Other than his many accomplishments as a student, Ray is also a joy to be around. He has an infectious laugh that brings a smile to everyones face. He will be truly missed by all of us, especially me.
Dr. Jones says he was drawn to kinesiology because the name looked cool and science-y. I went into my undergrad program knowing I wanted to go to physical therapy school, and kinesiology seemed like the most logical way to get there by combining my love for anatomy/physiology and exercise, Jones said. So I decided to stay in kinesiology, and it has been the most amazing experience.
However, I never thought I would be in research. I didnt get a taste of it until the end of my masters program. It was great because I learned new skills, but it was also extremely challenging, which I believe is what attracted me to it. Afterwards, I applied for jobs and Ph.D. programs, and the rest is history.
Dr. Joness research focuses on sedentary behavior and the cardiovascular contribution to brain health. Using noninvasive techniques such as Doppler ultrasound, he examines blood flow response during prolonged, uninterrupted sitting in minority populations, particularly African-Americans.
His work, recognized at the university, regional and national levels, includes accolades from the USM Susan A. Siltanen Graduate Research Symposium, the Southeast Region American College of Sports Medicine, and the American College of Sports Medicine. He is a recipient of the Robert Smith, MD Graduate Scholar designation through the Jackson Heart Study Graduate Training and Education Center at the University of Mississippi Medical Center [UMMC-GTEC] (2019-present), a highly competitive program enhancing the research skills in cardiovascular health epidemiology and health disparities of doctoral and health professions students. A 2020 inductee into the USM Graduate School Hall of Fame, he was a category winner and overall runner-up in the schools Three-Minute Thesis competition.
USM Graduate School Dean Dr. Karen Coats said she first became acquainted with Dr. Jones when he participated in the schools professional development program Professionals in Preparation during the 2018-19 academic year.
Ray was a leader in that group because he was so engaged and interactive, and contributed so much to all our discussions and activities, Dr. Coats said. He recognized the value in taking advantage of opportunities beyond the basic requirements for his degree program, and he excelled in all.
He is just a delightful, talented, and eager young scientist, and Im so glad I was able to interact with him during his studies at Southern Miss. He represents the best of USM, and I know he has a bright future ahead of him.
Dr. Jones now moves on to the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicines Center for Exercise Medicine, where he has accepted an NIH-T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship.
I thoroughly enjoy the scientific process, and am motivated by the fact that there are so many questions in the field that are unanswered, he said. If I can just answer one question, thatll be one more thing that could, potentially, help someone else. On the other side of academia teaching - Im able to share my passions in exercise physiology and research with students, with the hope of shining some light on their own passion, and helping them achieve their goals.
That helping spirit was instilled in him early on, Dr. Jones said, because of the generosity that has been shown to me throughout my life.
The one thing that inspires me to continue is the prospect of helping others - even if its just one person.
The USM School of Kinesiology and Nutrition is housed in the Universitys College of Education and Human Sciences. Learn more about the School at
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With the Support of His Village, fall 2020 graduate Dr. Ray Jones Achieves Goal, is Ready to Help Others - Southern Miss Now
On Call: Reversing the Covid 15 – East Hampton Star

David E. Rattray
Lately, I have had a number of patients refer sardonically to their Covid 15, a play of words on the colloquial weight gain that many college freshmen experience their first year at college. The effects of this pandemic are myriad and will be years in the delineating, but among them is definitely some degree of physical deconditioning for many people, myself among them.
Just last week, a patient bemoaned the 10 pounds or so they had gained this year and asked my advice about where to start in terms of reversing the trend. As I shifted in my chair and thought about the uncomfortably tight nature of my dress pants, I did my best to communicate the following.
First, if you find yourself among those of us who have gained a few pounds this year, dont be too hard on yourself. Given such widespread disruptions to our routines, its certainly not surprising to see people exercising less and eating more. Gyms are closed, group exercise routines are curtailed, and the comfort of a bag of chips at midnight after a long shift or an extra muffin with breakfast to offset the isolation are all understandable.
These choices do not make you a bad person. (Im writing this because Im reminding myself of the same thing.) I have been fortunate to lose about 50 pounds over the past six years through dietary changes and exercise, and the fact that Ive gained five of those back during this pandemic makes me feel like a failure. It is vital, though, for me to remember that stressful eating is simply a pattern of behavior. And behaviors can be changed.
So what can you do if you find yourself in the same shoes?
First, I recommend keeping a food diary. For a week or two, write down everything you eat, and I do mean everything. Get a concrete idea of what your habits are so that you can identify the most unhealthy ones and/or the ones you most want to change.
Then, remember that study after study has shown that successful weight loss comes down to creating a caloric deficit. Yes, certain diets and challenges like the Keto or Whole30 diets can accentuate those deficits or make them easier to attain, but it still comes down to taking in less than you expend. A food diary can help you identify some key high-caloric players in your diet, such as late-night ice cream or daily sodas.
Start with these. At the same time, try to add a few more fresh vegetables in with your meals or for snacks. Dont try to build Rome overnight, but do start working on the foundation. I also often recommend giving yourself at least 12 straight hours a day where you arent eating. This may help decrease insulin resistance given what some studies on intermittent fasting have shown and, equally important in my opinion, it also cuts down on late night snacking.
Then, give yourself time and space to see what happens. Dont get discouraged if its a slow process. Nutritional science has also shown that successful weight loss (if by successful, we mean weight loss that stays off in the long term) happens gradually, often around a half a pound to a pound per week. Give yourself that time, and do your best to remember that the goal is movement in the right direction, not speed.
If you are someone who needs a framework, consider looking over something like the Mediterranean diet, which has quite a bit of evidence to support it as a heart-healthy approach to eating. You should also, of course, ask your doctor if there are specific things you need to keep in mind or aim for given your own medical history. A diabetic patient, for example, should be mindful and careful about going extended periods of time without eating so as to avoid dangerously low dips in blood sugar.
Obviously, these are just baby steps on what can be an incredibly complicated and individual journey. For many people, myself included, just the topics of weight loss and body image provoke a tsunami of emotional responses, not the least of which have to do with how the medical profession has struggled to de-emphasize fat-shaming and instead promote both body positivity and healthy behaviors. I dont pretend to have all of the answers, but these are some of the approaches that have worked for my patients and me, and hopefully they will do the same for you.
See original here:
On Call: Reversing the Covid 15 - East Hampton Star
LETTER – Tax payers are footing the bill of obesity – Powys County Times

There has been a weight loss surge and 570 NHS patients have received bariatric surgery to lose weight, and 62 of those are under 18.
It costs the NHS between 5,000 and 13,000 per person. And obesity costs the NHS 5.1 billion a year.
Gastric band surgery is only offered to someone with a body mass index of over 40.
So someone, say, 5ft10ins and around 20 stone.
But NICE now recommend to change the criteria so more people are eligible.
Approximately 40 per cent of NHS patients who are morbidly obese will have diabetes and being obese will result in a premature life span, said a bariatric surgeon on the news.
More than 10 per cent of all NHS drug spending is now devoted to diabetes, which have sparked warnings that obesity could bankrupt the health service.
Type 2 diabetes long term is as dangerous as Type 1 as it is progressive and furs up all the major arteries, increasing the risk of limb amputations, kidney failure, blindness, cardiovascular disease.
Professor Dame Sally Davies blames the countrys high death toll on a structural environment that enabled junk food makers to encourage consumption.
The UK has one of the highest obesity rates in the world and the second highest in Europe, with nearly one in three adults obese.
Obesity, defined as a body mass index greater than 30, raises the risk of dying of Covid-19 by 48 per cent.
If nothing changes, more than five million people will have diabetes in the UK by 2025.
Around 90 per cent of people with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes.
Around eight per cent of people with diabetes have Type 1 diabetes.
People really need to be more responsible for their own health, not only to save the NHS billions but for their own sake.
There are currently several thousand people claiming Disability Living Allowance being morbidly obese, all funded by the taxpayers.
Tony Henshaw
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LETTER - Tax payers are footing the bill of obesity - Powys County Times
Weight loss: 5 burpee variations to lose weight faster – Times of India

Are you on the lookout for that one perfect exercise which could help lose kilos and burn fat faster? Burpees should definitely be on your to-do list!
Burpees are one of the most effective exercises to tone up and help you lose weight. Fitness experts consider it to be an intensive exercise which turns your body into a fat-burning furnace, which burns a lot of calories in a go. That is primarily because it functions to target all important muscle groups in your body in a single go.
In fact, if your sole goal is to lose weight FAST, there are also some excellent burpee variations which you should definitely be included in your regime.
There are also some good benefits to this too. Practising the basic burpee can be a wonderful thing to do for fitness. But, rather than boring yourself out with the same exercise and impair your regime, you can also try some variations which not only does make for a helpful addition to your regime, but also help you get to your goal faster!
We asked fitness trainer Aditya Kochhar to show us 5 variations of the basic burpees which will help you burn excess fat faster. Watch the video below to learn how to master these five core burpee variations and get the chiselled body you want faster than ever!
Mountain climber burpee variation or climber burpees is a perfect variation to try for those who have mastered the basic burpee. It requires a medium level of fitness and experience. Once you are able to master this move, you will gain benefits for your lower body and ab muscles.
Variation #2 One-handed burpees
The one-arm burpee makes more a difficult variation to try but burns fat exceptionally well. As compared to the traditional burpee, this increases your upper and lower body strength, muscular and cardiovascular endurance.
Variation #3 Sumo squats with burpees
Sumo squats with burpees is an effective way to make the most out of your session. This dynamic exercise can be broken down into parts, which are super beneficial for your hips, hamstrings, abs, glutes and quads. Simply start by squatting down on the floor, hop back to the plank position, before diving into a plie squat and getting up.
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Weight loss: 5 burpee variations to lose weight faster - Times of India
If You’re Exposed to COVID-19, Doctors Say Here’s What to Do Next – The Beet

You do everything you can to avoid catching the coronavirus: Social distancing, mask wearing and hand washing till you never want to hear HBD in your head again. But sometimes luck doesn't roll your way and despite all your precautions, someone you've been around texts you and tells you they have the virus. Ugh. Now what? We asked doctors for their best advice, and here, along with quarantining to not potentially spread the coronavirus (since even if you're asymptomatic, you could harbor and spread it to others) doctors advise that you eat a plant-based diet. Not because it prevents you from getting COVID-19, but because it can help you be healthier and that's the best way to avoid the worst symptoms if you do fall ill.
First, we would be remiss if we didn't state the obvious: Isolate yourself. The recent changes in the requirement that you quarantine for 14 days now urges you to quarantine for 7 days if you get a test three days after exposure (since it can take that long for the virus to show up in your system) and quarantine for ten days without a test. This is because why it's possible to be 14 days away from exposure and then come down with COVID-19 the more average cases show up within the first four or five days, or even a week. That said if you have symptoms the CDC warns that you should assume you have COVID-19 and not go to a place such as doctor's office where you can expose others but instead stay home unless you have trouble breathing or your symptoms get worse.
But the part of protecting yourself that the CDC doesn't tell you, but that doctor after doctor have recommended to patients and told to The Beet, is to switch to a plant-based diet full of vegetables and fruit, nuts and seeds, legumes and whole grains, and eat as little meat and dairy as possible, since studies show these can lead to inflammation in the body, and in the case of COVID-19, inflammation is what can lead to the worst symptoms that require treatment and hospitalization.
Here is what doctors have to say about going plant-based to lessen your chance of have a bad case of COVID-19. To be clear, no one isguaranteeing that eating plant-based will keep you from getting the virus (the roll of diet has yet to be researched) but it may help you skate through with fewer symptoms, and at the end of the day that is the ultimate goal: To return to full health as quickly and completely as possible.
As weve reported before, doctors tell their patients that although a plant-based diet wont prevent you from contracting COVID-19, it might prevent you from suffering from the viruss most deadly symptoms. Studies have shown time and time again that a plant-based diet can reduce levels of inflammation in the body. A plant-based diets ability to reduce inflammation is the reason doctors recommend it to treat conditions caused by inflammationheart disease, diabetes, and asthmaand why it might safeguard you from deadly complications. Conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and asthma put an individual at the most risk of death. These doctors agree that by adopting a plant-based diet now, youll keep your inflammation low and immune system high, preventing COVID-19s most deadly symptoms, or even reversing a condition caused by inflammation entirely.
--Dr. Millard D.Collins,Interim Chair and Associate Professor of Family & Community Medicine at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, the nation's oldest historically Black academic health science institution. Dr. Collins spoke to The Beet to stress the importance of eating healthy, especially among African American patients, to avoid conditions that often co-exist with the worst cases of COVID-19, such as high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. He adds:
"We can adopt this lifestyle as a means to improve the co-morbid conditions that may already be present in patientsheart disease, lung disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancerthus strengthening ones immune system and chances of survival in the event that a person becomes infected.
"It is always challenging to adopt something new and make it sustainable. Articles such as this are a great first step. The adoption of a plant-based diet can do wonders to boost the immune system, improve energy, and improve chronic diseases. Thus, it can save lives. But it is critical to not confine a healthyapproach just in response to COVID-19. Health outcomes of African Americans need attention, and we must not miss this teaching moment the pandemic has provided to promote this strategy to our people. It can mean the difference between life and death.
"It is well documented the impact of a plant-based diet on obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and more, which all can lead to cardiovascular (heart) and cerebrovascular (brain) compromise. And we know how healthy plant-based eating can positively affect the body. Adopting a lifestyle such as [a healthy plant-based approach] can be truly lifesaving.
--Monica Aggarwal, M.D, director of Integrative Cardiology and Prevention at the University of Florida, Gainesville.Shewas interviewed in June for a story on The Beet,To Lower Complications of COVID-19 and Lose Weight, Eat Plant-Based,by Karen Asp. She added:
Lets make clear, nobodys saying that if you eat a plant-based diet you wont get COVID-19, yet eating a plant-based diet can help decrease your risk for these factors that increase your risk for COVID-19.
She cites a study that found the most common underlying health conditions among patients who suffer the worst, most serious symptoms of COVID-19 are: High blood pressure (affecting 57% of patients with COVID-19), obesity (affecting 42% of patients), and diabetes (affecting 34% of patients). .
--Vanita Rahman, M.D., an internal medicinedoctor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, PCRM, which advocates a plant-based diet for optimal health. She also was interviewedin Junefor the story on The Beet:To Lower Complications of COVID-19 and Lose Weight, Eat Plant-Based, by Karen Asp.
People who eat a mostly plant-based diet have a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who eat a meat-filled diet, and the more animal foodsin your diet, the higheryour BMI is likely to be, according to this studyof different types of vegetarian diets and their impact on weight.
--T. Collin Campbell, renowned biochemist and co-author of The China Study, and a plant-based advocatefor health and founder of the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. Campbell was quoted in a podcast where he explained the importance of a whole food, plant-based diet to help strengthen the body's immune system and create antibodies.
Campbell hasstudied the roll of diet on the formation of antibodies to the Hepatitis B virus, and explains that while all viruses are different the way the body responds is essentially the same, since the creation of antibodies is the way we fight infection from invaders. Earlier this year Campbell said: "Diet plays a direct roll in how this plays out [your response to virus], since the healthier you eat the better.
Now not all viruses are the same," Campbellexplained, "but viruses, in terms of their infectivity, have some common features. When a virus enters the body and begins to do its dirty work," Campbell explains. "The body tries to create antibodies, which may or may not work. At that point, it is essentially a race: Can the body create effective antibodies quickly enough and in large enough quantities to fight off the virus before the virus ravages the cells and creates devastating outcomes? Diet plays a direct roll in how this plays out, since the healthier you eat, the better. And his book, The China Study, looked at populations in different areas of China, the Philippines and Japan, and found that plant-based eating lowered risk of heart disease, cancer and morbidity.
Eating a plant-based diet "would affect those people who test positive for the virus," Campbell has said." They would be affected less," in all probability, he adds, since a healthy diet is one way to bolster immunity. "If they do get the symptoms,it would be much less problematic."
In an articleby that title Susan Levin, RD, writes: My advice remains the same as always: Remember to eat as many fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans ... as circumstances allow to help boost immunity and reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and asthmaconditions which now put tens of millions of Americans at greater risk for COVID-19 complications.
-- Susan Levin, MS, RD with Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
While many factors can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease, research shows that a plant-based diet can help lower the risk of these conditions, which is why a diet focused on plant foods is more crucial now than ever.
Fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans are also loaded with nutrientslike beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zincthat can boost immune function, something we should all be trying to do right now. While a plant-based diet cant prevent COVID-19, it can treat the underlying conditions that can exacerbate its severity.
She cites a CDCstudy that concludes that eating a plant-based diet can lower the incidents of diseases like high blood pressure that often coincide with the worst cases of COVID-19. Meanwhile another study found that eating a plant-based diet has been shown to improve asthma symptoms, which can cause complications for patients with COVID-19, whileeating processed food, dairy, and meat can lead to inflammation and worsen asthma symptoms.
--Dr. Baxter Montgomeryrecentlymade this point when talking with Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room podcast, produced for PCRM.Montgomery, a Board Certified Cardiologist and founder of The Montgomery Heart & Wellness Center in Houston, Texas.On the podcast he details "the remarkable recovery of one particular patient who developed double pneumonia during their bout with the coronavirus and has already laced up their sneakers to resume running."
--Dr. Kim Williams,former president of the American College of Cardiology. Speaking on MedPage Today withAndrew Perry, MD, he explained that going vegan or plant-based can make you feel protected but you still need to take precautions. He adds:
I'm speaking to the people who are interested in plant-based nutrition who are all pretty much feeling well and feeling like they are sort of immune from it.I would just say that please still do the very wise: Cut down unnecessary travel, wash the hands very frequently, look at all the surfaces and clean them as much as you can because we do have a very big difference in the plant-based community. We don't get as sick.
"But guess what? Just like with the flu, we can become asymptomatic carriers. Just because we don't get sick doesn't mean that we haven't been infected. I would encourage everybody who's feeling good about the fact that they get less ill than they did 10 years ago when they weren't vegan, it's true, at least in my experience, and everyone around me who's plant-based is so much better off than they were before. But still be careful. Still use those precautions, because we don't want to become the vegan asymptomatic carriers that are helping to spread the disease around.
He cites a study that found that eating awhole food plant-baseddiet resulted in better treatment outcomes for high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and more.
At The Beet we are advocates of eating more plant-based foods for health and wellbeing, but if you want to also supplement with vitamin C, zinc and D, especially after being exposed to the virus, those vitamins have been shown to be beneficial, but just don't overdo it. In a recent paper, doctors wrote up patients who were coming into the hospital with kidney stones and even kidney failure after overdosing on vitamin D to fight the virus. So while a healthy amount can be beneficial too much D can cause complications.
Meanwhile advice given to one of our editors (who did get coronavirus early on in the pandemic) was to make sure to hydrate, and drink plenty of fluids, since the virus takes a toll on the body and you make not realize you are dehydrated.
As with colds and flu, drinking plenty of fluids can help your body flush out toxins, especially if you are supplementing with vitamins C, D and zinc, drink plenty of water. For the right amount of vitamin D to take, see this story, which cites a study that shows taking a recommended amount of D (between 600 to 800 IUs a day, but not more than that) can be protective against the most serious symptoms of COVID-19. But as always, before you self-treat talk to your doctor since he or she should be your first line of information when faced with this or any other illness.
Go here to read the rest:
If You're Exposed to COVID-19, Doctors Say Here's What to Do Next - The Beet
Everything You Need to Know About Ryan Garcia’s Diet – Report Door

Ryan Garcia has quickly transitioned into one of the best in the lightweight division. Garcia remains undefeated inside the boxing ring and has registered 20 straight wins inside the squared circle. 17 of those wins have come via way off knockout. Garcia continues to be a top name in the world of boxing.
Needless to say, boxing fans around the world are always interested in knowing more about their favorite boxers. They wish to be completely immersed in their lifestyle, starting from how they lead their life. Based on their insane physiques, their diets also become a subject of interest.
Heres taking a look at Ryan Garcias diet and what makes him one of the most devastating punchers in the lightweight division. Garcia is coming off impressive back-to-back first-round KO wins. He is scheduled to take on Luke Campbell for the interim WBC lightweight championship in next month.
Garcia revealed what he eats to stay in shape and keep his body right. Garcia also introduced his chef, Manny Duran, who specifically takes care of Garcias diet which begins with yogurt early in the morning.
KingRy said,Usually I dont eat anything before my five-mile run. I go on a five-mile run before any day starts and then I come back and do eight rounds of shadow boxing.
Garcia revealed that it depends on how he is feeling after work-out in order to decide whether he needs to eat. He said, Sometimes I wont eat at all.
Garcia savors on avocado b-rolls. Garcias personal chef especially cooks the avocado b-rolls by adding Turkey, two ounces of cheese, mixed with an egg along with whole grain bread in breakfast for The Flash.
I feel good. I perform good. So I want my food to taste good You need a little bit of salt to retain that water you want to keep.
Jumping to snacks, Ryan Garcia likes to have hard-boiled eggs. However, even that is hard to get by because according to Garcias chef, King Ryan rarely gets hungry. Duran revealed, Sometimes I am just staying around, waiting for him to order something and he just doesnt feel hungry.
Guacamole. ground turkey, pico, and fresh sauce together from mouth-watering turkey lettuce wraps comprise Gracias lunch. However, if you were wondering what Ryan Garcia eats for dinner. Well, some of you might be surprised to know he doesnt. Garcia doesnt have dinner, and thats that.
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Everything You Need to Know About Ryan Garcia's Diet - Report Door
4 Healthy Holiday Dishes That Fuel Your Rides (and Taste Great, Too!) – msnNOW

LauriPatterson - Getty Images An registered dietitian weighs in on a few nutrient-packed holiday ingredients that make healthy Christmas dishes.
Sure, the holiday season is notorious for rich, indulgent dishes and desserts that might have you adjusting your bibs before your next ride. But what if you looked at those dishes as delicious fuel packed with nutrients that will help you perform and recover?
Some of my best workouts are during the holidays because of the food, says Virginia-based sports dietitian Kristen Chang, M.S., R.D.N., C.S.S.D. The surplus of energy can be beneficial.
For many, the winter and holiday season is also the off-season. So while that may mean fewer intense workouts, it also gives your body time to rest and recoup, Chang says.
For me, the combination of more rest and extra fuel leads to breakthrough workouts, she says, recommending people pair heavy dishes with lighter ones to balance everything out.
She also emphasizes the fact that the holiday seasona few hearty mealsis just one moment in time and not to get hung up on whether you should or shouldnt eat something you enjoy.
Comfort foods have a place in our diets, she says. One day of overindulging, so to speak, isnt going to break anything. Its about consistency over time, just like training. Just like one bad workout wont affect the entirety of your performance or progression.
Below, Chang weighs in on some of her favorite nutrient-packed holiday ingredients that make healthy Christmas dishes.
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Before you head to the dinner table, appetizers are in order. Pair your favorite cruditscarrots, peppers, and broccoli are good sources of vitamin C and fiberwith a protein-packed hummus dip. A fun (and seasonal) spin on hummus, Chang says, is pumpkin hummus. When you add canned pumpkin to your chickpea-based app, youll get added color, vitamin A, and fiber.
As a bonus, hummus is a tasty vehicle for munching on extra veggies before the main event.
While Christmas dinner is often synonymous with ham, the Feast of the Seven Fishes is an Italian-inspired Christmas Eve dinner highlighting, well, seven types of fish and seafood. Fish and seafood are high-quality sources of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. As any cyclist can attest, protein is crucial for muscle health, and omega-3s can help fight inflammation associated with hard workouts, Chang says.
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While baked salmon isnt technically part of the Feast of the Seven Fishes, Chang makes it the star of her Christmas dinner. Salmon is also a good source of vitamin D, which is hard to come by during the winter months when the sun is scarce.
Gallery: Warning: This Turmeric Squash Soup Is So Good Youll Actually Wish For An Endless Winter (Women's Health)
Right now we can all benefit from more foods with vitamin D, she says.
Changs go-to salmon dish is straight from pro runner Shalane Flanagan and Elyse Kopeckys second cookbook, Run Fast. Cook Fast. Eat Slow.: salmon with miso butter.
We all need a certain amount of healthy fat in our diets, Chang says. Fats provide a sense of satiety, theyre a source of nutrients, and we need fat to help absorb fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, E, and K.
The miso, she says, enhances the flavor of the butter and is a good source of gut- and immune-friendly probiotics.
Thanksgiving and Christmas really embrace the mashed potatoes and sweet potato casserole. But Chang likes whipped squash, for a different spin on the classics. Or, she says, mix whipped sweet potatoes with squash and top with pecans.
Squash is a nutrient powerhouse. Its bright orange color is thanks to an abundance of beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. Squash is also a complex carbohydrate (like potatoes) that feeds your muscles before a long ride or tough workout.
Pecans are a good source of fat and plant-based protein, plus who doesnt like a little crunch?
You either love em or hate em, but Brussels sprouts are veggies that really pack a nutritional punch. Theyre a cruciferous vegetable, like broccoli, and offer protein, fiber, vitamin C, folate, and a whopping amount of vitamin Kcrucial for wound-healing and bone health.
Brussels sprouts are a popular holiday dish, often paired with pomegranate seeds, Chang says. The seeds, by the way, are antioxidant heavyweights.
For a wintry salad, toss shredded kale and Brussels sprouts with dried cranberries, almonds, and balsamic vinegar.
Go here to read the rest:
4 Healthy Holiday Dishes That Fuel Your Rides (and Taste Great, Too!) - msnNOW
How attributes and perk trees work in Cyberpunk 2077 – Gamepur

On the surface, Cyberpunk looks like your average open-world shooter, but the RPG elements play an even bigger role than you may think. As the game starts by showing an attribute leveling system similar to the Fallout series, over time it becomes much deeper, with a large number of skill trees to place attention on. Heres how each attribute and tree will alter your character.
Spending attribute points on the Body category will mainly boost melee damage, stamina, and health. Here are the stat increases with each point spent on this attribute.
Meanwhile, the attribute has three separate skill trees. Although each serves its own valuable purpose, we recommend starting with the Athletics tree, as certain perks inside upgrade your health dramatically.
Reflexes may arguably be the most important offensive attribute, as upgrading it and its trees means higher weapon damage and faster reloading times. Here are the three bonuses given each time you level up the main attribute.
Yes, the attributes leveling bonuses are underwhelming, but you cannot go wrong with dedicating your time to filling out one of its following skill trees. Assault may hold the best perks, but it certainly comes down to what weapon you use most.
As you might have noticed, some doors are locked and cannot be breached with a low level Technical Ability attribute. Even though leveling up this perk doesnt offer much but 5% increase in Armor, youll slowly be hacking your way around Night City with each new level.
There are only two trees that support this attribute. Though, you may want to hold off until you are at least five to six hours into the game, as many of the perks are for building or using rare weapons.
Increasing your Intelligence attribute will ultimately allow you to use more quickhacks on vulnerable tech and for longer amount of time. Thus, taking over something like an armed drone will eventually last minutes rather than seconds. Here are the stats bonuses for leveling up Intelligence.
With breach sequences slowing users down from controlling devices, the following trees make their rewards worthwhile. In addition, there are also skills that allow for certain hacks to take less RAM.
The Cool attribute emphasizes an increase of offensive stats while using stealth. Although some may favor Reflexes due to its overpowering offensive trees, this category undoubtedly offers the best attribute bonuses. Here are the stat boosts with each level achieved.
These next two skill trees likely offer some of the best speed and Hit Chance boosts. However, most perks do limit their abilities to those who are only using stealth and close combat.
More here:
How attributes and perk trees work in Cyberpunk 2077 - Gamepur
Pump it up: Get the Activ5 low-impact full-body fitness gadget for just $100 – CNET

Activbody describes the Activ5 as "a tiny gym in your pocket," and it's a fist-size strength-training device in the shape of a puck. The Activ5 measures compressive force when you press the two sides together with some part of your body, such as the palms of your hands, or your hand and thigh, or even by pressing down with your foot. It's designed to be used in short workouts throughout the day, and it's pocket-size, so you can use it anywhere. Usually $140, you can get Activ5 for $99right now, no code or coupon required. It's listed for a discounted $109 on the product page, but you get an exclusive additional $10 off when you get to checkout. (If the price isn't $99, add promo code CNET manually.)
I've been using the Activ5 for a while now and it's become a standard part of my daily fitness routine. It pairs with your phone and reacts to the hundred or so workouts you can choose in categories like Office & Travel, Full Body, Upper Body, Lower Body and Core. You can do an entire workout -- it ranges from about 4 to 7 minutes, depending on the one you choose -- or just jump into specific exercises, each of which is generally about 30 seconds long.
Performing the exercises is easy and, inasmuch as any exercise can be fun, this one sort of is. The app tells you exactly what you need to do and shows you some photos to eliminate any ambiguity. A typical exercise might include holding the puck between your hands while extending your arms straight out in front of you, alternately pressing your hands together and resting, based on a follow-the-bouncing-ball style visual. You're not just exerting your muscles, you're trying to do it precisely so the virtual ball stays on a specific course, with just the right amount of power. It's like working out to Flappy Bird.
Does this really deliver a meaningful workout? I'm neither a doctor nor a physical trainer, but the Activ5 really does induce an invigorating burn when I power through a 5-minute workout, and it does give me the impression that I'm doing some meaningful weight-training without needing weights. It feels like the missing ingredient in my own workout that already includes 20 minutes of the virtual reality Supernatural app and 20 minutes on the elliptical.
If you want to try it out for yourself, you might want to grab it soon, since this deal expires Dec. 14.
This article was published earlier in the year and has been updated to reflect the latest deal.
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The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.
View original post here:
Pump it up: Get the Activ5 low-impact full-body fitness gadget for just $100 - CNET
Worldwide Fitness Industry – The Strength Equipment Segment is Expected to Grow With a CAGR of 7% Up to 2025 – PRNewswire

DUBLIN, Dec. 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Global Fitness Equipment (Cardiovascular & Strength) Market Overview, 2020-2025" report has been added to's offering.
The report titled provides a complete in-depth analysis of the fitness equipment market globally along with the historical and forecasted performance of each region. Globally the fitness equipment market has been growing at a rapid pace. The market, which was just concentrated majorly in regions like North-America and Europe has expanded with a rapid growth rate in the potential markets like Asia-Pacific, Latin-America and Middle-East, and Africa.
Countries with improved lifestyles, economic growth, increased spending on fitness activates, etc. have led the manufacturing companies to expand their manufacturing facilities globally. Some of the major fitness equipment manufacturing companies expanded its reach at the global stage are Icon health & fitness INC, Life fitness, Johnson Health Tech co ltd., Nautilus inc, Technogym, etc. This expansion fitness equipment industry has been attributed to the increase in health and fitness awareness majorly among the young and old age groups.
At the global stage, the fitness equipment industry has been generating its highest revenue share from health and fitness clubs. These health & fitness clubs are a major part of the commercial segment of the fitness equipment market. Apart from this, extended facility towards corporate wellness, hotels, malls, and other institutions have let the commercial segment of the fitness equipment market to dominate the market. On contrary to this, in-home fitness has gained much popularity in recent years.
Companies have taken the opportunity to manufacture home-specific fitness equipment to allure consumers' attraction. This includes traditional equipment like dumbbells, weight plates, treadmills, stationary bikes along with modernized equipment like resistance bands & tubes, hydraulic equipment, indoor rowing machine, elliptical, etc. Extension of all such kinds of home base fitness equipment has let the segment to grow with a CAGR of over 4.5% till the year 2019. With the increasing attraction of fitness equipment at home as well as in gyms, the cardiovascular equipment category in the market accounts for the largest share.
Cardiovascular workout equipment facilitates physical activity that the human body can utilize to promote good health, manage weight, and even relieve stress. On the other hand, resistance training, free weight training, cross-fit training, etc. have evolved the way of strength training. Also, the flexible and non-weighted equipment like hydraulic equipment and resistance band has enhanced consumer's workout experience. With the inclusion of a more new line of equipment the strength equipment segment of the market is expected to grow with a CAGR of above 7% till the year 2025.
Major companiesIcon Health & Fitness Inc, Johnson Health Tech Co. Ltd, Technogym S.P.A, Amer Sports Corporation, Nautilus INC, Core Health & Fitness LLC, Precor Incorporated, Cybex International INC, Life Fitness, True Fitness INC, Tuffstuff Fitness International INC, Iron Grip Barbell Company, Hoist Fitness Systems, Torque Fitness, Tuntari New Fitness B.V,
Aspects Covered in the Report
Segments covered in the market
Cardiovascular fitness equipment
Strength fitness equipment
Key Topics Covered:
1. Executive Summery
2. Report Methodology
3. Global Fitness Equipment Market Outlook3.1. Market Size By Value3.2. Market Share3.3. Global Cardiovascular Equipment Market Outlook3.4. Global Srength Equipment Market Outlook
4. North America Fitness Equipment Market Outlook4.1. Market Size by Value4.2. Market Share4.3. USA Fitness Equipment Market Outlook4.4. Mexico Fitness Equipment Market Outlook4.5. Canada Fitness Equipment Market Outlook4.6. Rest Of North America Fitness Equipment Market Outlook
5. Europe Fitness Equipment Market Outlook5.1. Market Size by Value5.2. Market Share5.3. United Kingdom Fitness Equipment Market Outlook5.4. Germany Fitness Equipment Market Outlook5.5. France Fitness Equipment Market Outlook5.6. Italy Fitness Equipment Market Outlook5.7. Spain Fitness Equipment Market Outlook5.8. Rest Of Europe Fitness Equipment Market Outlook
6. Asia Pacific Fitness Equipment Market Outlook6.1. Market Size by Value6.2. Market Share6.3. China Fitness Equipment Market Outlook6.4. Japan Fitness Equipment Market Outlook6.5. Australia Fitness Equipment Market Outlook6.6. India Fitness Equipment Market Outlook6.7. Rest Of Asia Pacific Fitness Equipment Market Outlook
7. Latin-America Fitness Equipment Market Outlook7.1. Market Size by Value7.2. Market Share7.3. Brazil Fitness Equipment Market Outlook7.4. Argentina Fitness Equipment Market Outlook7.5. Chile Fitness Equipment Market Outlook7.6. Rest Of Latin-America Fitness Equipment Market Outlook
8. Middle-East & Africa Fitness Equipment Market Outlook8.1. Market Size by Value8.2. Market Share8.3. Egypt Fitness Equipment Market Outlook8.4. Saudi Arabia Fitness Equipment Market Outlook8.5. South Africa Fitness Equipment Market Outlook8.6. UAE Fitness Equipment Market Outlook8.7. Rest Of Middle-East & Africa Fitness Equipment Market Outlook
9. Company Profile9.1. Icon Health & Fitness Inc9.2. Johnson Health Tech Co. Ltd9.3. Technogym S.P.A9.4. Amer Sports Corporation9.5. Nautilus INC9.6. Core Health & Fitness LLC9.7. Precor Incorporated9.8. Cybex International INC9.9. Life Fitness9.10. True Fitness INC9.11. Tuffstuff Fitness International INC9.12. Iron Grip Barbell Company9.13. Hoist Fitness Systems9.14. Torque Fitness9.15. Tuntari New Fitness B.V
10. Disclaimer
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