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Prebiotics vs. probiotics: Differences and health benefits – Insider – INSIDER

While probiotics and prebiotics are just a small slice of our incredibly complex gastrointestinal system, they are very important for our health. Here's what you need to know about prebiotics and probiotics and how they benefit our body.
Trillions of little bacteria, along with viruses, fungi, and yeast, line every corner of our body and make up a miniature ecosystem, known as our microbiome. In our gastrointestinal system alone, there are around 1,000 species of bacteria, all of which can affect our health.
Prebiotics and probiotics are both important to the health of our gut microbiome, which helps digest certain nutrients and protect you from infection.
On the other hand, imbalances in gut bacteria known as gut dysbiosis can increase your risk of diseases like diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and cancer. Gut dysbiosis can occur due to:
"If you have any kind of chronic health problem, symptoms could be slightly reduced if we could add to your gut health and shift your gut microbiome to a more health-promoting microbiome," says Terry Wahls, MD, a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine.
To do so, it's important to understand the difference between prebiotics and probiotics, and how to get both into a healthy diet.
Prebiotics are specialized plant fibers that the human body cannot digest, but can become food for the good bacteria in your gut. These fibers aid in the healthy growth of gut bacteria, and can be found in the food we eat such as raw vegetables, beans, and bananas especially when they aren't ripe.
There can be many benefits to consuming prebiotics, like:
Increasing calcium absorption. Ingesting prebiotics may increase calcium absorption in the lower intestines. Calcium is important for bone health and building bone density, especially for those at risk for osteoporosis, says Gail Cresci, PhD, RD, a doctor of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic.
Processing food quickly. The fiber found in prebiotics is important for normal bowel movements. A 2013 review found fiber's bulk and water retaining abilities can decrease the time it takes to digest in the digestive tract.
Controlling blood sugar levels. Numerous studies have found fiber from prebiotics can reduce your glucose absorption rate, which can prevent spikes in blood sugar, prevent weight gain, and decrease the risk of diabetes.
A large 2010 study in Caucasians, Japanese Americans, and Native Hawaiians between the ages of 45 and 75 found high intakes of fiber significantly reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Most people should eat between 25 to 38 grams of fiber per day. Foods high in prebiotic fibers include:
You can also take prebiotic supplements such as psyllium or methylcellulose, but Wahls says it's important to eat more vegetables and other fibrous foods first. That's because supplements won't provide important vitamins and minerals found in fiber-rich food.
"Everyone's needs are going to be unique, depending on your microbes living in your gut," says Wahl. "For example if you have more blue stools, perhaps because of inflammatory bowel disease, that's going to be a lower fiber intake. But if you're constipated, you'll have a much higher fiber need."
A doctor might recommend a low-fiber diet or one with less prebiotics due to Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or if you've recently had bowel surgery or a bowel-related problem.
Probiotics contain living strains of beneficial gut bacteria and yeasts. They maintain a healthy balance in your gut by boosting the number of good bacteria in the body and fighting off bad bacteria.
There are many kinds of probiotics, and each benefits the body in different ways. The most common species are lactobacillus and bifidobacterium, both of which break down food and fight harmful bacteria.
The health benefits of probiotics include:
Strengthening digestive health. Probiotics may benefit people with digestive issues, such as diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcers.
A large 2019 review assessed children aged 18 and under who took antibiotics. It found those who took probiotics alongside antibiotics were less likely to experience diarrhea.
Meanwhile, a 2014 review of probiotics and irritable bowel disease (IBD), found probiotics can aid in the remission of ulcerative colitis a form of IBD and pouchitis an inflammation after IBD surgery. But, there is little evidence that probiotics can aid in treating Crohn's Disease.
Improving mental health. Research has found that the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system communicate, most commonly referred to as the "brain-gut axis." A 2016 review found supplementing probiotics for four weeks was efficient in improving psychiatric disorder-related behaviors like anxiety and depression.
Similarly, a 2017 review found positive results when treating depressive symptoms with probiotics, but the probiotic strains and dosing varied, and further research is needed. It's always smart to talk to your doctor about improving mental health before attempting to treat it on your own.
You can get probiotics by eating fermented foods such as:
While some people may prefer a supplement, according to Cresci, it's better to consume probiotics through food.
"The yogurt has your probiotic in it, but then you have these beneficial metabolites that you'll also be consuming at the same time," says Cresci.
The number of probiotics you should consume daily varies greatly. Since there is such a diversity in probiotics, the amount is not set, and often it can depend on daily changes in your gut condition and your body's needs.
According to Cresci, people who should not take probiotics without a doctor's approval include:
That's because these individuals should not be introducing new microbes into their diet, says Cresci. But everyone should consult with their doctor or a dietitian before beginning new supplements or considering different strains of probiotics.
What we eat is incredibly important, both for our body and for our body's microbiome. Prebiotics and probiotics are both important for keeping our gut balanced and healthy. The difference between the two is prebiotics feed live bacteria in the gut whereas probiotics are the live bacteria in the gut.
"We want to be good stewards to our microbiome," says Wahls. "And that's having enough vegetables, having enough fermented foods so we're getting enough prebiotics and probiotics and then when necessary taking supplements to further support restoration."
Read more:
Prebiotics vs. probiotics: Differences and health benefits - Insider - INSIDER
Chloe Wise Keeps Her Butter Warm and Close – Grub Street

Illustration: Margalit Cutler
Ever since Chloe Wises infamous Bagel No. 5 Chanel moment in 2014, food and humor have pervaded the Canadian artists work and life and together, those elements comprise a sort of ethos. For me, it was never really a question: What should I paint? Should it be people?, Wise explains. It was just, like, I paint people Im a lover of humans. We have sex, and food and shelter and sleep but sleep is boring.
Wednesday, December 2Coffee, which I have every morning and which I make at home with whatever I have this time it was Peets and soft-boiled eggs with focaccia I made around 11 p.m. because Im into sourdough, as we all are in 2020. This particular focaccia had sesame seeds in the dough. It was a cute one. This was also lunch.
Ive always been into cooking. I hope I dont get into trouble for saying this, but I dont have a real kitchen; Im not supposed to have one in my studio. What I do have is a Breville smart oven and induction burner, and I have been cooking on that for years in the studio. COVID has gotten me into baking cause I hadnt done sourdough previously. So Im in full sourdough mode, which is very funny when you dont have a real kitchen.
My oven is essentially a glorified toaster oven, but it does the job. I can only cook such small amounts, so Ive learned how to paint and, honestly, with oil-paint-covered hands, I throw a bunch of vegetables in the oven, go back to painting, hear the beep, beep, and then I come back and take it out. But things are often room temperature, and Ill do them throughout the course of the day. If I dont have a friend over for dinner or a reason to cook dinner, I probably will just paint until four in the morning, and then my back will hurt and I wont have eaten and its a whole nightmare, so its good when a friend is like, Im coming over for dinner.
That means I have to stop painting, and I have to wash my hands because Im feeding someone else and I dont want to feed them oil paint unless they want it but, you know, its about consent here.
Baking has been cathartic in a way, but its also been really useful because I dont find sourdough to be that time-consuming. I mix it, and then I paint, and then I fold it a bit, and then I paint, and then I have enough dough that I make a couple of mini-loaves, and then all week I have bread for myself. So you heard it here first sourdough is a time-saver. Thats my hot take.
I made dinner for my friend Carly. She loves my cooking, and I cook for her all the time. Salmon on top of fennel. Its kind of like the Alison Roman recipe because I love that cookbook Dining In, which has proved to be useful during COVID. So its like a cast-iron skillet with shallots, fennel, capers, butter, salmon, and then I put that in the oven, and then I serve that to my friend with my sesame focaccia. And some organic Swedish Fish called DelishFish.
Thursday, December 3I had coffee. Skipped breakfast. I had a weird brunch-lunch, which was prosciutto with figs and mozzarella. I just put them into little rolls while I did work, basically. I love figs, and then it was my assistants birthday, so I ordered her some cupcakes from Mollys Cupcakes.
I got her a bunch of different kinds. I told her to take them home, but I shared one with her safely, by the way that was blueberry cheesecake.
That night, I went out for dinner if you can believe it. I went to the Odeon, which I missed so much. My week that Im recording doesnt necessarily reflect my normal weeks because I hadnt gone out at all, but I went out twice on this weekend.
I went with three friends and we had the kale Caesar. I had the burger and too many martinis. Im a rare or medium-rare for the burger. Im not a sicko. Well-done is messed up. And fries as well. Naughty day. There was like a corn-flake cookie for dessert, and then we had whiskey at my house afterward, which as a combination is not ideal but, you know, I was fine. I dont want to set a bad example.
Friday, December 4Woke up late. I usually wake up at nine and have coffee the second I wake up and then start working, but this past week I went to bed at four many of the nights because I was either staying up super-late painting, or Id have dinner with a friend and theyd leave and Id keep painting, or Id have, like, the Odeon night and stay up super-late.
So this morning, I baked. I usually make a big batch of the sourdough and then Ill separate it out. I made a big loaf, a little loaf, and I made myself a little squiggle baguette, a squiggly little S.
Thats all I ate all day cause I woke up late, and that night I actually went to the Odeon again because it was Jenna Gribbons exhibition at the Journal Gallery and they had a dinner for her. To make it COVID-safe, it was very few people just the artists she had painted. The premise of her exhibition was she painted other painters. I was so honored. I was brought to tears. She did a painting of me. Its so lovely, especially because she painted my paintings in the background. Shes so talented.
I hadnt been to an opening and gallery dinner in so long, and it was just other artists because the gallerists sat at a different table. Like, we were at the kids table, so it was refreshing to be with people that I hadnt seen, even though we had to first take our safety very seriously. Everybody else had martinis, but I had tea because I was hung-over from the martinis of yestereve.
I had roast chicken with a side of broccoli rabe. I will say that Im usually much more vegetarian than I was this week. Then we had the sugar doughnuts for dessert. Theyre like brown-sugar-coated little doughnut dudes with a caramel dipping sauce. Really good.
This week was a lot of meat for me. I was vegetarian for ten years, and my mom is an amazing cook, so from the time I was 13 years old onward, Id be in the kitchen while she was making dinner, and Id be making a vegetarian version of whatever she was making. I was never gonna go into food or anything, but I had to cook a lot when I was younger, and a lot of the food sculpture I do is not only because food occupies a really important space in terms of community and identity, but also because I love food.
Theres this amazing girl, Paris Starn. Her Instagram is incredible. Were doing a dinner together next week actually for Hannukah. Shes amazing. I just was shown her Instagram, and I started being this absolute stan, and I went to this pop-up she had. Shell post recipes which is very generous of her, and Ill screenshot them and follow through and ask her questions.
I feel like whether its baking bread or painting or anything you want to learn, were so blessed in the digital-information age. Setting aside all the problems it gives us, were really blessed to have a lot of information at our fingertips if we want to find it. My ultimate procrastination is thinking, like, I should be painting, Ill start cooking. I should be cooking, Ill keep painting. But cooking comes up quite a bit.
In the summer, I learned to fish and forage. Baking sourdough and fishing and foraging theres a pattern here. I love to learn a thing that makes me not have to order. For me, it was never really a question: What should I paint? Should it be people? It was just like, I paint people because I love faces, I love people. Were social beings. Im a lover of humans, and so that was never a question. Similarly, food. It wasnt a question.
Saturday, December 5I had some sourdough bread and butter and coffee. I keep my butter at room temperature on my table next to a big bowl of Maldon salt, so I can take bread and just do dippers while Im having coffee.
I went to go see some art uptown also very rare for me but I left the house and I was hungry. My friend and I stopped at this bougie, organic-y spot that I had never seen before. Im thinking its called Biologique, but thats literally a moisturizer brand. It was something like that. I had a raw key-lime pie a little circle made out of, I dont know, chickpea flour or grass or something, and a charcoal latte, which sounded healthy but was just hot sugar.
That night, I went to Virginias with my friend Paul and my boyfriend, Eric. Virginias is a really good, sneaky spot. Amazing burger, which I had, even though I couldnt believe I was having a burger twice in one week. But I had to. Its so good there. I split it with my friend, and we also split the burrata and fries. I had a Moscow Mule, and, later, at midnight, it became my birthday, and I turned 30.
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Chloe Wise Keeps Her Butter Warm and Close - Grub Street
The Recovery Room: News beyond the pandemic December 11 – Medical News Today

The coronavirus pandemic has dominated the headlines and our daily lives for most of this year. Medical News Today has covered this fast-moving, complex story with live updates on the latest news, interviews with experts, and an ongoing investigation into the deep racial disparities that COVID-19 has helped unmask.
However, this hasnt stopped us from publishing hundreds of fascinating stories on a myriad of other topics.
We begin with the good news that it may never be too late to start maintaining a moderate weight, even for people over 60 years old. And in related news, a plant-based diet might help people achieve weight loss, according to a new study covered by Medical News Today this week.
Vitamin D has made regular appearances in the Recovery Room throughout 2020, and this week it features again with news of its links with a healthy, diverse gut microbiome.
Meanwhile, a report finds that stevia, a sweetener of choice for millions of people, may also be entangled with the bacteria that live in our guts, and possibly not in a good way.
We also explore how running and walking compare for achieving weight loss and fitness goals, with another article to help improve your athletic mobility before venturing out, which could help you avoid the dreaded shin splints.
Below are 10 recent stories that may have gone unnoticed amid all the COVID-19 fervor.
Its never too late to maintain a moderate weight, according to new research covered by MNT this week.
United Kingdom researchers analyzed how much weight people lost after participating in an obesity program. Those in the over-60 age group lost an average of 7.3% of their body weight, while participants in the under-60 age group lost 6.9%.
Age should be no barrier to lifestyle management of obesity, concludes the lead researcher. Our report proved popular this week, with nearly 30,000 sessions to date.
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Another of this weeks most popular articles looked at recent evidence supporting the role of a plant-based diet in weight loss.
In the study, researchers split 244 participants into two groups. One group followed a low fat vegan diet for 1 month, eating fruits, vegetables, pulses, and grains in serving sizes comparable to what they would normally eat. The second control group did not change their dietary habits.
The vegan diet group lost an average of 14 pounds and saw a decrease in insulin resistance and visceral fat, while the control group experienced no such changes. One participant in the study decided to make a permanent change to their lifestyle and diet.
Click below to read more about this study and its implications.
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Vitamin D has frequently appeared in the headlines this year, mainly relating to claims that it could help people resist the effects of COVID-19. However, there is mixed evidence for the benefits of widespread vitamin D supplementation.
This week, MNT reported on a new study that found people with the highest levels of active vitamin D in their blood have the greatest microbiome diversity. Their guts also hosted more friendly bacterial species.
This raises the question of whether high levels of active vitamin D support a healthful, diverse gut microbiome, or there is simply an association between the two. We taker a closer look at the study and its limitations in our third-most-popular news article this week.
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A recent Recovery Room featured a comparison of running vs. biking for fitness and weight loss. This week, our editors turned their attention to walking vs. running for heart health, weight loss, and more.
Both are excellent forms of exercise for weight loss and heart health, but the benefits and risks depend on a persons goals and current health and fitness levels.
This article looks at how walking and running compare for specific health benefits, before considering the risks associated with each form of exercise, and which a person might find most appropriate.
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One of the risks of running is the development of shin splints, a type of injury caused by overuse and stress. They can be painful, and while there is no known cure at present, doctors usually recommend rest and reduced activity levels for recovery.
However, it may be possible to reduce the risk of shin splints by performing exercises to improve athletic movement.
In this new article, our editors looked at the symptoms and possible causes of shin splints, before recommending 8 foot and ankle stretches that may help avoid them. Each exercise is illustrated with animations to help you complete each stretch correctly before your next run.
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Existing tests for Alzheimers disease can be inaccurate, invasive, or difficult to perform. For example, taking a sample of cerebrospinal fluid via lumbar puncture is one such technique, but it might put off some people.
PET scans are another method, but theyre expensive and require technology that might not be available.
This week, we reported on the potential discovery of a more accurate and noninvasive way of predicting Alzheimers that analyzes protein levels in a blood sample. The researchers have called for a larger study to replicate their findings, and also produced a related app for clinicians, pending confirmation.
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This week, MNT also reported news of the possibility of treating people less able to control impulsive or impatient behavior.
Previous research has linked low serotonin levels in individuals with such behavior, but now, scientists in Japan may have identified two regions of the brain responsible for this.
This discovery in mice could lead to the development of novel treatments for humans. Our article explains how the researchers measured impatience and used optic fiber implants to observe this in the brain.
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MNT marked World AIDS Day 2020 on December 1 with the launch of a new resource presenting the latest evidence-backed information and resources in one easy-to-access hub.
Though huge global inequality in the distribution of information and effective treatment remains, the success of antiviral therapy means that many people with HIV go on to live long lives following their diagnosis.
However, the increasing number of older adults with HIV still face challenges to their physical and mental health, as this new article reveals.
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Many people consider stevia a safe, zero-calorie alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners. However, new evidence suggests that by disrupting our gut bacteria, stevia may be harmful to our health after all.
In this article, our editors dig deeper into the study, which looks at two forms of the sweetener, and how the findings may shape future guidelines for stevia intake.
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Finally this week, we published an in-depth article on group therapy. This form of psychotherapy aims to help people manage a range of mental health concerns, such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, substance use disorder, and many more.
We explore how it works, who might find it useful, the different types of group therapy, its effectiveness, and how to find sessions, along with information on costs and Medicare coverage.
At a time when in-person group therapy may not be possible in many locations, the article also shares evidence that web-based sessions are effective.
Learn more here.
We hope this article provides a taste of the stories that we cover atMNT. Well be back with a new selection next week.
We publish hundreds of new stories and features every month. Here are some upcoming articles that may pique our readers interest:
Originally posted here:
The Recovery Room: News beyond the pandemic December 11 - Medical News Today
Fatty Diets Feed Cancer and Starve Immune Cells – Science Times

Obesity has been associated with cancer for quite some time now, although the complete scenario still eludes researchers.
Now, anew Harvard studyunderscores some missing parts of this important information, discovering that cancer cells the higher availability of fat to starve immune cells of fuel and hinder them from targeting tumors.
High-fat diets are recognized for increasing the danger of many cancer types and reducing therapeutic outcomes, not to mention survival rates.
For example, aNew Atlas reportindicates, previous research has found that obesity may activate metastasis in "otherwise benign cancers," and fatty tissues can offer "hideouts" for cancer stem cells, enabling them to "come roaring back" following chemotherapy.
However, it is not that simple either; the said report specifies, inconsistently, obesity seems to enhance results for some types of treatments for cancer.
(Photo : Dan Kitwood/Getty Images/Cancer Research UK)A scientist cuts thin sections from a tissue biopsy that has been preserved in wax, to be then placed on microscope slides for analysis, at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute.
In this new research, scientists at Harvard found that high-fat diets appear to lessen the amount ofCD8+ T cells, including their abilities to fight cancer. Accordingly, when fat becomes more readily available, tumors will renew their metabolism to eat up.
Meanwhile, the high-energy content fast-tracks their growth while simultaneously depriving T cells of fuel that could be otherwise used to combat cancer.
According to the study's co-senior author,Arlene Sharpe, "We know there is a metabolic tug-of-war between tumor cells and T cells that changes with obesity."
In connection to this, the co-senior author added, their study offers a road to discover this link, which can help them to start thinking about cancer immunotherapies and combination treatments in new ways.
The research team investigated this multifaceted relationship in mice that had different cancer types by providing some groups with high-fat diets and comparing the microenvironments around their tumors to mice that ate normal diets.
As a result, the study authors found that tumors developed more rapidly in obese mice, although interestingly, it was only applicable for mice that had immunogenic cancers, those that the immune system reacts to more readily.
Furthermore, the scientists noticed, too, that the tumor found in the microenvironment contained lesser free fatty acids, even though their quantities were quite high throughout the rest of the body.
This then prompted the researchers to search to discover that the cancer cells were This led the team to discover that the cancer cells were increasing their uptake of fat, leaving nothing for the CD8+ T cells.
In other assessments, when the researchers removed CD8+ T cells from mice, their diet did not affect the rate of growth of tumors anymore.
Through further research, the scientists zeroed-in onPHD3, a protein which, in normal cells, is slowing down fat metabolism.
Levels of PHD3 were found to be substantially lower in cancer cells in environments with obesity compared to the opposite. When researchers overexposed this said protein, they became more slowly and could not eat up much fat.
The researchers said the new findings could help in the improvement of cancer immunotherapy. After all, they said, "the CC8+ T cells are usedin CAR-T cell therapy," where samples of immune cells of a patient are taken out, modified against cancer, and introduced again to the body.
On the other hand, PHD3, or any other related protein, could turn into a new treatment target. The research finding could help customize too, other cancer treatments for obese individuals.
ALSO READ: Emergency Use of Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Recommended by FDA Advisory Committee
Check out more news and information onCancer Research on Science Times.
Fatty Diets Feed Cancer and Starve Immune Cells - Science Times
An easy 7-day keto meal plan to boost your protein intake and cut carbs – Insider – INSIDER

The ketogenic, or "keto," diet has become widely popular in recent years, as celebrities like LeBron James and the Kardashian sisters have touted it as a surefire way to drop pounds fast.
In fact, a 2019 survey of registered dietitian nutritionists ranked the keto diet as the most popular diet in the US. Here's how you can follow the keto diet and critical information to know about its health benefits and risks.
The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat eating plan. "[It is] low enough in carbohydrates that it would induce ketosis," says David Levitsky, PhD, a professor in the division of nutritional sciences at the Cornell University College of Human Ecology.
Ketosis is a physiological state in which your body burns fat rather than carbohydrates for fuel, which can help some people lose weight.
According to Levitsky, if you're eating keto, you should minimize your intake of carbohydrate-rich foods, such as:
You should also aim to maximize your intake of fatty foods, such as:
Here is an example seven-day Keto meal plan you can follow. However, you should consult with a registered dietitian to determine the right serving size and nutritional breakdowns for your own unique health needs.
Avocados are a good source of healthy fats. Photo by Cathy Scola/Getty Images
Breakfast: Baked avocado with egg and a sprinkle of salt and pepper to taste
Lunch: Chicken salad with onion, feta cheese, olives, and a small amount of oil-based dressing
Dinner: Beef stew with carrots, shallots, bell peppers, and your choice of herbs and aromatics like thyme and garlic
Roasted chicken is high in protein. Douglas Sacha/Getty images
Breakfast: Whole milk greek yogurt with almonds
Lunch: Roasted chicken breast topped with mozzarella cheese
Dinner: Fish tacos with lettuce wraps instead of tortillas top them with guacamole, pickled red cabbage, radishes, and a squeeze of fresh lime
You can add tuna salad over lettuce. DebbiSmirnoff/Getty Images
Breakfast: Crustless broccoli quiche
Lunch: Tuna salad with avocado, capers, and a small amount of mayo
Dinner: Cauliflower crusted white pizza with cheese (no sauce) and your choice of healthy low-carb toppings like basil, mushrooms, olives, jalapenos, pepperoni, or chicken
Top your omelette with sriracha for added spice. abbesses/Getty Images
Breakfast: Southwest breakfast omelet with cheddar jack cheese, scallions, and bacon
Lunch: Hummus with carrots, bell peppers, and celery wrapped in freshly sliced turkey
Dinner: Riceless (or cauliflower rice) stir fry loaded with chunks of chicken, snap peas, mushrooms, and bamboo shoots with a sprinkle of peanuts
Salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. gbh007/Getty Images
Breakfast: Onion and green pepper hash with chicken sausages
Lunch: Deviled eggs with a small side salad
Dinner: Roasted salmon with a side of spicy Brussels sprouts
Stuffed peppers are easy and delicious. BDMcIntosh/Getty Images
Breakfast: Cottage cheese with cup of raspberries
Lunch: Grilled shrimp lettuce wraps topped with a spicy chipotle aioli and side of unsweetened coleslaw
Dinner: Stuffed peppers with seasoned ground turkey and melted cheese on top
Buttered chicken is high in protein. Cavan Images/Getty Images
Breakfast: Breakfast bowl with fried eggs, avocado, chopped green peppers and cauliflower rice
Lunch: Salmon pesto zucchini noodle salad
Dinner: Crockpot butter chicken with plenty of roasted vegetables and no rice
Eating keto may improve your health in a few ways, according to research:
It can help you lose weight. A 2020 meta-analysis found that overweight or obese people lost more weight on the keto diet than they did on low-fat diets, especially those with type 2 diabetes.
Levitsky says that weight loss can help lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels, which is quite beneficial for people with diabetes or high blood pressure, as well as those who may be at risk for these conditions. However, people with type 1 diabetes should not try the keto diet, as it may cause serious side effects.
It can prevent epileptic seizures. The keto diet was originally invented as a possible treatment for epilepsy in the 1920s. Some research in mice has found that it can reduce brain inflammation, though the exact mechanisms for how it can treat seizures in humans are unclear.
A small 2018 study found that 87% of adults with "drug-resistant epilepsy" reported that their quality of life had improved after three months on a keto diet. About 76% had less severe seizures, and more than 50% had fewer seizures overall.
Although eating keto does not have any known "long-term deleterious effects," says Levitsky, it is not without risk. Some risks of the keto diet include:
Therefore, it's best to adhere to the keto diet for a short period of time, Levitsky says. The recommended minimum is two to three weeks the typical length of time it takes to reach a state of ketosis and the recommended maximum is six to 12 months.
Some people should avoid the keto diet entirely. This includes those with existing conditions affecting the following organs or body parts:
The keto diet is a relatively safe and effective way to lose weight in the short term. However, once you incorporate carbs back into your diet, the pounds will likely creep back on, Levitsky says. To lose weight, you should talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian who can help create an individualized plan for your goals.
The rest is here:
An easy 7-day keto meal plan to boost your protein intake and cut carbs - Insider - INSIDER
George Clooney Reveals He Was Hospitalized After Losing Weight Too Quickly for The Midnight Sky Role – Us Weekly

Too much dedication? George Clooneys method acting landed him in the hospital with pancreatitis after he lost nearly 28 pounds.
The actor, 59, was preparing for his role in The Midnight Sky, in which he portrays an astronomer who survives an apocalyptic event. Clooney told the Mirror on Wednesday, December 9, that during filming he was rushed to the hospital with stomach pains and learned he had pancreatitis.
I think I was trying too hard to lose the weight quickly and probably wasnt taking care of myself, he explained.
Clooney who is also the director of the Netflix movie said he struggled with his recovery amid filming.
It took a few weeks to get better and as a director, its not so easy because you need energy, he said. We were out on this glacier in Finland, which made it a lot harder work. But it certainly helped with the character.
Clooneys physical transformation for the film also included growing a beard. His wife, Amal Clooney, and their 3-year-old twins, Alexander and Ella, had differing opinions about his new facial hair.
I grew a big ugly beard and my son loved it because hed hide things in it, which I wouldnt know about until I got to work and Id be like, Oh, theres a popsicle stuck in my beard, he recalled. But my wife and daughter were really happy when it came off because it was very hard to find a face underneath all that mess.
The Descendants star began dating Amal, 42, in October 2013, and the pair got engaged six months later. In November, George recounted his proposal, noting that the human rights lawyer didnt accept right away.
We never talked about marriage when we were dating, and I asked her out of the blue, he told CBS at the time. [It] took her a long time to say yes. I was on my knee for, like, 20 minutes. I finally said, Look, Im gonna throw my hip out. We told that story to her parents, and theyre like, Theres something wrong with his hip?'
The couple tied the knot in Venice, Italy, in September 2014. Amal and George welcomed their twins three years later in June 2017.
See more here:
George Clooney Reveals He Was Hospitalized After Losing Weight Too Quickly for The Midnight Sky Role - Us Weekly
The Hidden Dangers Of Excessive Fat: Know Why You Need To Shed Those Extra Kilos – NDTV

Obesity is linked with a higher risk of heart disease
Obesity and its rising prevalence has a drastic impact in India with about 40% of individuals suffering from obesity or excessive weight, as per data from the fourth National Family Health Survey. With more empty time, people are prone to consuming more empty calories! This can take a toll on the body - obesity dramatically increases the risk of developing a range of serious medical conditions. Health problems arising due to obesity have the potential to affect almost every part of the body including the heart, brain, lungs, bones, joints, blood vessels, gall bladder etc. While obesity or excess body fat is an increasingly important issue in India and all over the world, just by shedding those extra kilos, one can significantly improve their health and reduce the risk of developing co-morbidities.
With the help of Body Mass Index calculator or BMI, one can understand if they are obese or not. A BMI of 30 and above indicates that the person is obese. You are considered healthy if the BMI values are between 18.5 and 24.9. If the BMI is below 18.5 then you are considered underweight.
Also read: All You Need To Know About BMI
Obese or overweight individuals are at an increased risk of developing the following:
1. Type-2 diabetes: Obese or overweight people are at a very high risk of developing diabetes. Excess fat can disrupt the body's natural metabolic function and decrease the sensitivity to the insulin. Overweight people with excess fat around the waist are particularly at high risk of developing Type-2 diabetes.
Too much body weight is one of the risk factors for type-2 diabetesPhoto Credit: iStock
2. Hypertension and stroke: Extra weight puts excessive stress on the heart. People with excessive weight suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure, which can lead to a stroke attack. In fact, obesity is the leading cause of stroke.
3. Heart attack: With high blood pressure, increased sugar levels and cholesterol, obese individuals are at a higher risk of developing heart-related issues which could quickly spiral into heart attacks.
4. Sleep apnea: As the fat deposits over the neck region and blocks the airways, it can lead to a condition called sleep apnea where breathing stops for a period during sleep.
Also read:8 Important Things To Know About Sleep Apnea
5. Liver disease: Excess fat accumulation in the liver can affect its normal functioning. It can damage or even lead to liver failure.
6. Gallbladder: Obese individuals have higher chances of developing gallbladder stones. In some cases, it might demand surgery to cure.
7. Kidney failure: When you are obese, the kidneys will be overburdened and work harder to filter wastes above the normal level. Overtime this can lead to kidney-related disorders or end with kidney failure.
8. Infertility: Excess fat can raise the chances of developing complications in pregnancy or can even make it difficult to get pregnant.
Other medical conditions that could further arise due to obesity include depression, joint problems, digestive disorders, diabetes and others. However metabolic improvements can be witnessed in extremely obese people if they start by reducing just 10 per cent of their weight.
Also read:Obesity And Overweight: Yoga Expert Explains Ways To Fight Obesity
When you are extremely obese, do not start sudden vigorous workout programs. It can do more harm than good. It is always advised to take the help of doctors before taking any steps to reduce weight. Many patients are unable to lose weight despite years of dieting and exercise and suffer from the co-morbidities of obesity which affects the quality of life and reduces lifespan. In such cases, bariatric surgery is recommended as per international guidelines as it can improve type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular health and other obesity associated conditions such as sleep apnea, joint pain, depression and improve fertility. It is a safe, powerful and effective solution for people with long-standing obesity. Co-morbid conditions such as high BP can be resolved, and patients will not need to use lifelong medications to manage it, reducing the time and cost spent on managing the consequences of obesity.
Maintain a healthy weight to cut risk of several diseasesPhoto Credit: iStock
With the help of experts, design a workout plan and add more physical activity when your body is able to go the extra mile. When you increase the workout intensity and maintain a proper diet you can shed all those extra pounds in a matter of a few months. Work towards your goal in steps, and keep your doctor involved in your weight loss plan. Limit the intake of excess calories, cut down red meat and other fatty foods. Get the help of a nutritionist who will chart out your diet intake. Track everything you eat as every single calorie you take matters. With just diet alone and your routine physical activity, you can aim to shed 10 per cent of your weight to start with.
Make the best use of this time to get your body to its healthiest best!
(Dr. Manjunath Malige, Chief and Senior Endocrinologist, Aster RV Hospital)
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The Hidden Dangers Of Excessive Fat: Know Why You Need To Shed Those Extra Kilos - NDTV
Human Growth Hormone (hGH) Market Top Key Players, Regions, Type and Application Outlook up-to 2020 to 2025 – Cheshire Media

Eon Market Research has distributed the most recent statistical surveying report on Global Human Growth Hormone (hGH) Market. This report is prepared in a joint effort with the main top industry specialists and examination investigator group to give an endeavor completely market bits of knowledge and help them to settle on essential business choices. This report covers present market patterns, openings, challenges, and nitty-gritty serious examination of the business major parts in the market.
Human Growth Hormone (hGH) Market research study contains the wide-extending use of both primary and secondary data sources. The exploration cycle included the investigation of various variables that influence the business, including market condition, serious scene, past information, present patterns in the market, approaching advancements, and the specialized advancement in related industry, openings, market hindrances, and difficulties.
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**Note: Our Free Sample Report Offers a Short Outline of the Report, TOC, List of Tables and Figures, Competitive Landscape and Geographic Segmentation, Innovation and Future Developments Based on Research Methodology**
Top Key Players:
Eli Lilly and Company, Ferring Holding SA, Genentech, Merck and Co., Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Sandoz International GmbH, Ipsen.
The report is an assortment of direct information, subjective and quantitative assessment by industry specialists, contributions from industry examiners and Human Growth Hormone (hGH) industry members over the worth chain. The report offers a top to bottom investigation of parent market patterns, macroeconomic measures, and control components. Besides, the report likewise overviews the subjective effect of unmistakable market factors on Human Growth Hormone (hGH) market sections and geologies.
Global Human Growth Hormone (hGH) Market: Regional Segments
The different section on regional segmentation gives the regional aspects of the worldwide Human Growth Hormone (hGH) market. This chapter describes the regulatory structure that is likely to impact the complete market. It highlights the political landscape in the market and predicts its influence on the Human Growth Hormone (hGH) market globally.
** The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt)
** North America (USA, Mexico, and Canada)
** South America (Brazil etc.)
** Europe (UK, Italy, France, Turkey, Germany, Russia, etc.)
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Segmentation By Type:
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (rhGH)Human Growth Hormone (rhGH)
Segmentation By Application:
Growth Hormone DeficiencyTurner SyndromeIdiopathic Short StaturePrader-Willi SyndromeSmall for Gestational AgeOthers
The study objectives of this report are:
1. To break down worldwide Human Growth Hormone (hGH) status, future figure, development opportunity, key market and central members.
2. To deliberately profile the central participants and thoroughly break down their advancement plan and methodologies.
3. To characterize, portray and figure the market by type, market and key locales.
Some of the Major Highlights of TOC Covers:
1. Industry Overview.
2. Industry Environment (PEST Analysis).
2.1 Policy.
2.2 Economics.
2.3 Sociology.
2.4 Technology.
3. Human Growth Hormone (hGH) Market by Type.
4. Premium Insights.
5. Major Companies List.
6. Market Competition.
7. Demand by End Market.
7.1 Demand Situation.
7.2 Regional Demand Comparison.
7.3 Demand Forecast by 2020-2025.
7.4 Region Operation.
8. Sales Channel, Distributors, Traders and Dealers.
9. Research Findings and Conclusion.
10. Appendix.
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Read More..The Beer Store in Hawkesbury raises nearly $12000 for the HGH Foundation – The Review Newspaper

The Beer Store in Hawkesbury has raised $11,936.68 in support of the Hawkesbury and District General Hospital (HGH) Foundation.
Lead by store manager Rick Moreno and fundraising captain Danielle Lacelle, the staff at the Beer Stores Hawkesbury location held an in-store fundraiser to help support their regional hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Customers were invited to participate through monetary donations or donations of empty cans and bottles.
The Beer Store in Hawkesbury raised funds for the HGH Foundation with the help of the incredible generosity of our customers. Mrs. Lacelle, the staff and I were happy to make raising money for our regional hospital a focus during the pandemic, said Moreno.
This donation will be directed towards the HGH Foundations COVID-19 relief fund, which continues to support HGH with funding for medical equipment and other resources needed to care for its patients, their families and the staff during this pandemic.
The HGH Foundation is so grateful to be the recipient of this wonderful gift from the Beer Store and its customers. Their generous support during these challenging times will make a significant difference for our regional hospital, said Christine Gray St-Denis, Philanthropic Projects Coordinator, HGH Foundation.
Here is the original post:
The Beer Store in Hawkesbury raises nearly $12000 for the HGH Foundation - The Review Newspaper
The G80 BMW M3 Might Have the Best Color Palettes of Any M3 Ever – BMWBLOG

BMW M has a reputation for offering excellent color options for its cars. Iconic colors like Laguna Seca Blue, Dakar Yellow and Techno Violet are all burnt into the memories of BMW purists. However, in recent years, M car colors have become a bit predictable, especially in cars like the M5 and M8. However, with this new BMW M3 (and M4), it seems as if the folks in Garching have returned to form, as the new G80 has one of the best color palettes of any M car in history.
Before even getting into special Individual colors, the G80 BMW M3 offers several interesting and vibrant colors that will make owners cars stand out from the seemingly endless sea of black, white and grey sports cars.
For starters, two of BMWs now-signature Frozen colors are offered from the factory, without having to special order them or choose a special model. You can get a base-model M3 with either Frozen Portimao Blue or Frozen Brilliant White, right from the standard order sheet. Some enthusiasts bemoan BMWs Frozen colors, as theyre a bit more finnicky and require more maintenance, but its nice to have the option.
Then there are the more interesting tame colors, such as Oxide Grey, which is grey but has a bit of champagne to its hue that really makes it unique. Theres also Toronto Red which is a pretty standard red but its metallic and has a nice pop to it.
However, theres one more really interesting metallic color that makes the G80 BMW M3 truly unique Isle of Man Green. Named after the Sovereign State of the UK, a little island in the Irish Sea, Isle of Man Green has a British Racing Green vibe thats out of character in a German sport sedan but also really endearing. BMW M doesnt often put out deep greens such as this, so its really refreshing to see.
Lastly, theres the most interesting and beguiling of all the colors for the new M3 Sau Paulo Yellow. Its a non-metallic color thats so bright and vibrant one risks searing ones retinas upon closer inspection. While the color is a bit controversial, it is so in a good way. Its bright and fun and hilarious and while, objectively, I dont quite love it, I love that it exists. Its such a happy, silly color that proves BMW M still has a sense of humor, even if the color is only offered on a car that sports one of the most cynical designs in the entire automotive industry.
Which leads me to my next point. Its a shame that BMW is offering such fantastic colors on a car with such a polarizing design. If you dont like the new design, its hard to appreciate the new colors and, as a potential BMW M3 customer, that must be frustrating. Still, take the good with the bad and try and at least appreciate the fact that BMW is selling cool colors to begin with. Even if theyre on a car that looks like Nosferatu on HGH.
The G80 BMW M3 Might Have the Best Color Palettes of Any M3 Ever - BMWBLOG