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The Best Herd Immunity Money Can Buy – The Wall Street Journal

How much would the government have to pay you to take the Covid-19 vaccine?
For most of us, its a silly question. Recent polls show that around 60% of Americans plan to get vaccinated as soon as possible and need no monetary incentive to do so. The problem is that a 60% vaccination rate may not do the trick. Dr. Anthony Fauci said this week that to keep the virus from finding new hosts, social distancing should continue until 75% to 80% of the population is vaccinated.
With several vaccines on the verge of being approved, talk has understandably turned to distribution. Who should be at the head of the line, health-care workers or elderly residents of long-term-care facilities? Do we give it first to the people most likely to die from Covid or to the people most likely to spread it? At some point, these questions will have to be addressed, but they are all secondary to whether we can get enough people vaccinated.
At this point, we still dont even know how well the vaccines will work. We know how they fared in clinical trials, but previous vaccines have proven to be less effective outside clinical settings. People who enroll in clinical trials tend, among other things, to be healthier than the public at large and easier for doctors to observe. But assuming that the vaccines are effective, how do you convince enough people to get inoculated at a time when public trust in government institutions is at historic lows?
One way to go is using carrots instead of sticks. Telling people they cant fly or send their kids to school may work in some cases, but theres evidence that paying people to get vaccinated might be more effective. In a typical year, less than half of American adults bother to get flu shots. But a 2015 study conducted by economists at Swarthmore College found that offering people a $30 reward was enough to increase vaccination rates by 12 percentage points.
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The Best Herd Immunity Money Can Buy - The Wall Street Journal
Metabolic confusion diet won’t boost metabolism but it could have other benefits – The Conversation UK

The metabolic confusion diet is one of the latest fad diets to be blowing up on social media. Like many fad diets, it promises you can lose weight while still eating what you want.
Fans of the diet claim that by switching between very low calorie days and high calorie days, you can lose weight while simultaneously speeding up your metabolism. It may sound promising, but theres no research to back these claims.
The metabolic confusion diet is similar to intermittent fasting, but without the extremes of energy (calorie) restriction. A person on the diet might, for example, eat only 1,200 calories one day, then eat 2,000 calories the next. Although there hasnt been any research looking specifically at the metabolic confusion diet, we might compare it with a popular form of intermittent fasting: the 5:2 diet where you eat as usual for five days, then either fast for two days or only eat around 500 calories.
Despite being able to eat as much as you like on feed days, people may not feel more hungry and still end up eating less overall and even less on the feed days than they did before starting intermittent fasting. This supports the idea that intermittent fasting can lead to comparable weight loss as conventional diets, where you restrict calories daily.
But while these diets may be successful in getting people to eat less, they may actually reinforce bad eating habits and poor diet quality (such as consuming high-energy, highly-processed foods and drinks), as people may think they can treat themselves following low-calorie days. Indeed, research has shown people following these diets have a less nutritious diet than those following traditional calorie-controlled diets.
Other studies have shown that people following the 5:2 diet consume more calories before fast days unconsciously which could very well happen on the metabolic confusion diet, too.
The other reason for the metabolic confusion diets popularity is because fans of the diet claim that switching between low- and high-calorie days keeps your metabolism active, causing you to burn more calories as a result. Its also believed that this confusion will stop biological resistance such as an increase in appetite to the diet that may derail weight loss or cause you to regain any weight youve lost.
But when we lose weight, our body needs fewer calories to survive. These changes to our metabolic rate (the baseline amount of calories our body needs to function daily) can even be seen several years following weight loss. This is thought to be the result of body mechanisms that adjust the metabolic rate downwards through a special process (called adaptive thermogenesis). This process aims to stop energy from being wasted by preserving it in fat tissue and other fuel reserves. Increased appetite is another way the body tries to restore lost body weight.
The other key selling point of the metabolic confusion diet is that it prevents your metabolism from slowing as you lose weight. However, when we look at studies on intermittent fasting, we see the same reduction in resting metabolic rate as traditional calorie-restricted diets do.
The odd study that has suggested intermittent fasting raises your metabolic rate can often be explained by the inclusion of total fasting.
Fasting causes an acute metabolic starvation response, leading the body to burn through more of its reserved fuel for around 24-48 hours after a fast. All short-term emergency fuel management measures to glucose supply to the brain. But even in this case, any temporary increase in metabolism may be barely detectable. Also, some studies have actually shown greater reductions in metabolic rate with intermittent fasting.
The truth is that no matter how you lose weight, your metabolic rate will decrease. Even certain types of exercise, may not necessarily increase metabolism with studies on endurance training (such as long-distance running) showing that metabolic rate slows in order to use energy more efficiently during exercise. However, the body does burn more calories immediately after exercise to help muscles recover, especially after higher intensity exercise. Regular weight training could potentially lead to a higher metabolic rate.
But if the metabolic confusion diet functions similarly to intermittent fasting, it may have other benefits beyond just weight loss.
Intermittent periods of energy restriction have been shown to improve glucose (blood sugar) and lipid (fat) metabolism. This means the body is better able to deal with carbohydrate and fat from a meal. This makes the body better able to tolerate indulgent foods when we encounter them.
By this token intermittent fasting-type diets can improve your ability to manage fuels in the body known as metabolic flexibility. Metabolic flexibility means youre better at burning and storing carbohydrates when you need to, and equally better at managing the storage and release of fat from fat stores. This improves insulin sensitivity, which reduces overall risk from disease, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. All of this is independent of weight or weight loss.
Although the metabolic confusion diet may be just another fad diet, it may have benefits other than losing weight given its similarity to intermittent fasting. While it cant speed up your metabolism, diets that allow us to have more flexibility in the way we eat are more sustainable and easier to follow in the long run.
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Metabolic confusion diet won't boost metabolism but it could have other benefits - The Conversation UK
Moderate approach to weight loss healthier | | – The Times and Democrat

Dear Doctors: I've heard that when you're on a diet and you decrease caloric intake by a lot, your body will start to consume muscle for energy. It that really true? How can you lose weight and not wind up losing muscle?
Dear Reader: Discussions about losing weight typically focus on pounds, as in, "I want to lose 10 pounds." The important follow-up question here is: pounds of what? Work up a sweat with a vigorous set of tennis, and the scale will show you've immediately dropped a few pounds -- of water weight. You'll gain it right back with your next beverage. (A quart of water weighs 2 pounds, in case you were curious.)
Diets that involve a drastic calorie cut do lead to weight loss, but participants wind up burning not only fat, but also significant amounts of lean muscle. That's a bad idea, because we rely on our muscles for both strength and endurance. Muscle tissue also plays an important role in resting metabolic rate.
The answer to the "pounds of what?" weight-loss question is, of course, fat. When we set a weight-loss target, the goal is to lose fat. Or, to view it in more useful terms, we want to achieve a more healthful ratio of lean tissue to fat. Achieving and maintaining a healthful weight has many benefits, including reducing the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, depression and even certain cancers. And, while it's tempting to try some of the more extreme low-carb and high-fat diets that are now popular, which promise swift and painless weight loss, we believe a moderate approach yields better and more sustainable results.
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Moderate approach to weight loss healthier | | - The Times and Democrat
Weight loss: Here is how you can make a tofu protein shake for an ideal diet to shed pounds – Times Now

Weight loss: Here is how you can make a tofu protein shake for an ideal diet to shed pounds  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images
New Delhi: Almost everyone is trying to shed the weight off that they gained over the long lockdown period. Apart from dishes and exercises that promote weight loss, one can also include shakes in their diet. They are easy to make and can contribute to the process of weight loss. This recipe of tofu protein shake is extremely healthy and also, vegan friendly.
The main ingredients of this recipe include tofu, oats and almond milk. Each ingredient offers its own health benefits. Tofu is a rich source of protein, calcium and iron. It also contains a compound called isoflavones. The health benefits this compound can offer include cardiovascular health and improvement of cognitive function.Oats present in this shake recipe will help you get the required fibre. The almond milk present is low in calorie, sugar and high in vitamin E and calcium. This will offer improved bone health and a reduced risk of developing diseases such as osteoporosis.
The recipe, as a whole, is low in calories but rich in protein. This could emerge as a benefit for people working on weight management plans that are focused on muscle gain. You can include this shake as a part of your workout routine.
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Read More..Improve your gut health by including these powerful foods in your diet – Times Now

Improve your gut health by including these powerful foods in your diet  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images
New Delhi:The health that concerns the gastrointestinal tract is referred to as gut health. An unhealthy gut makes the body vulnerable to several diseases including autoimmune diseases, skin diseases and even cancer. According to the Digestive Diseases Statistics for the United States published on the official website of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases, around 60 to 70 million Americans suffer from digestive diseases that are often a consequence of an unhealthy gut. One of the characteristics of a healthy gut is a healthy microbiome. This can be achieved through food. Therefore, maintaining a balanced diet is one of the most effective methods to improve gut health.
An unhealthy gut can cause extreme discomfort to the body. Some of the effects are as follows:
The food ideal for maintaining a healthy gut must contain a high content of fibre in it. It can also be helpful if the food is fermented or is a source of collagen. Here are some foods that you can include in your diet it maintain a healthy gut:
Some other methods that can help you maintain a healthy gut include staying hydrated, getting proper rest and sleep, being mindful about the type of food being consumed and navigating through life with a healthy, stress-free mind.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.
Get the Latest health news, healthy diet, weight loss, Yoga, and fitness tips, more updates on Times Now
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Improve your gut health by including these powerful foods in your diet - Times Now
COVID Winter: Four Ways to Stay Healthy and Sane Over The Next Few Months – GQ

Most Decembers come packed with things to look forward tothat bubbly season, before the New Year's resolutions kick in, filled with holiday parties and time with family and friends. I don't have to tell you why that's not what's happening this year. What's more, many of the strange bright spots of the pandemic yearpark workouts, sidewalk drinksare getting much less pleasant as it gets steadily darker and colder. Virus cases are spiking around the country, with no real end in sight. The vaccine is on the way, but this winter is frankly going to be a bit of a grind.
You can't control any of thatbut there is still a lot you can do to get through it in good health, both physical or mental. We connected with a pair of health and fitness experts to get four recommendations.
It's not the vaccine you want, but it's the one you need right now. Maybe youre thinking, with everything you're doing to stop the spread of COVID, that a flu shot isn't necessary. You'd be wrong! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), everyone over the age of 6 months old should get one, especially this year.
With COVID-19 cases surging around the country you need to protect yourself from as many other illnesses as possible, says James N. Robinson, MD, a physician at New York's Hospital for Special Surgery. Since most hospitals around the country run at or near capacity during flu season as it is, its important to do our part to keep resources available to treat coronavirus patients.
Hear that? Use the CDC's tool to find a place and go get the shotit's not too late.
Weve been trying this whole work out-from-home thing for a minute now, tackling everything from high intensity interval training routines to leg day without leaving the living room.
But maybe getting on the at-home fitness train hasn't been a top priority According to Polly de Mille, the director of the Tisch Sports Performance Center at HSS, it should be. Besides just the physical benefits of getting active," she says, "there are also very clear psychological benefits."
To ensure that the fitness actually happens, the most important thing de Mille recommends making your set-up as easy and seamless as possible. That includes snagging the tools you need to incorporate regular flexibility, cardio, and strength work into the mix. (Helpfully, this stuff becoming easier to find after months of supply chain disruptions.)
So, if youre going to need resistance bands, a few dumbbells, and a stretching strap, treat yourself and get that stuff now. You dont need to spend a ton of money, she says. But do what you can to make it seamless: "Remove as many barriers as possible.
Its important to try to get as many of your recommended daily values of vitamins and minerals from your dieteating a well-rounded diet of whole foods has so many holistic benefits that can't just be summed up with a list of micronutrients.
But Robinson says theres nothing wrong with reaching for supplements in a strategic way to boost your overall wellbeing come December through March, if need be. In particular, he stresses the importance of vitamin D.
Vitamin D doesn't occur in our diet naturally, although some milk and cereals are fortified with it, he says. The only way we get Vitamin D naturally is from the sun. Of course, during the winter months, we get less sunlight, and Vitamin D deficiency is very common.
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COVID Winter: Four Ways to Stay Healthy and Sane Over The Next Few Months - GQ
Love it or hate it: Accidents up, travel delayed in early stages of Dixieland road diet – The Ledger

LAKELAND Lakeland's South Florida Avenue is looking a little slimmer these days in Dixieland.
After the road was narrowed from five lanes to three under the "road diet,"it's new size is getting mixed reviews.
Construction of the South Florida Avenue's $950,000 redesign was completed in early September, several weeks ahead of Florida Department of Transportation'sproposed one-year study period from October 2020 to 2021.
Three months later, residents and local business owners have gotten a chance to test drive theroadway. Jason Hagerman, a Dixieland resident, said he was originally staunchly against project but says his opinion and concerns have changed over time.
"I've been pleasantly surprised that travel time hasn't gone up nearly as much as I thought it would," he said. "Butjust as many of us predicted, it's very difficult during rush hour to get into and out of Dixieland."
Hagerman noted that driving northbound along the main arterial road, there are nointersections that offer a designated left turn signal. He said drivers often must wait for oncoming vehicles to voluntarily stop to make a left. Residents have said this can lead to a backup in the turning lane.
Lakeland's Traffic Department has worked in conjunction with the FDOT since August to implement a re-timing of all traffic signals in the corridor in an attempt to allow for easier travel. Other modifications have been proposed, but are still under consideration.
FDOT officials predictedreducing the number of lanes on the one-mile stretch from Lime Street south to Ariana Street would cause a 17- to 50-seconddelay.
Travel data collected via bluetooth by the city show drivers heading into the downtown area may experience less of an impact than those heading south.
Prior to the road diet,it took the averageperson 2 minutes, 30 seconds during theweekday rush hour 4:45 to 5:45 p.m. to drive South Florida Avenue from Ariana Street north to Lime Street. Now, the city's preliminary data showthe same one-mile stretch takes about 2:58to 3:08a difference of 28 to 38 seconds.
Drivers heading south out of the downtown area have a slightly different experience. Driving along South Florida Avenue from Lime Street to Ariana took roughly2 minutes,15 seconds before the diet. That has increased to 3:29 to 3:56 minutes. That's up to an additional minute and 41seconds, or approximately 75% longer travel time.
Tonya Rogers, president of the Dixieland Historic Neighborhood Association, said the slower speed of traffic has made it easier for her to get out of her neighborhood she usually uses Highland Drive and onto South Florida. Rogersfinds her fellow drivers are willing to allow her to cut in, rather than encountering two lanes of travel flying by.
"I was for the project, and I'm still for the project, I think it's been great," she said. "I do feel safer. Before, the lanes were so narrow, it was kind oflike close your eyes and hope you make it through."
Two of the benchmarks for the road diet's success set by the FDOT and the cityare whether the road modifications will improve pedestrian walkability and reduce the number of crashes.
Its been roughly three months since construction wrapped up, and Dixieland isntexactlybooming. Small businesses along the one-mile stretch affected by the new lane constraints said the project hasnt brought them any new customers.
I have notnoticedany more foot traffic or people walking around in this part of Dixieland, no, said Christine Boring, owner of Bungalow Boutique and Gifts.
While business owners agree theroaddiet didnt hurt their stores, they also dont think it helped.
Karen Dasher, owner of Dixieland Relics, said business has beenso busy its bizarresince she reopened around May.WhileDasherisnt sure what to attribute the increased interest to, shes positive it wasn't the new lane constriction. Isolation during the beginning stages of COVID-19 driving people out of their homes, even if just to shop, is a stronger possibility, she said.
Gabriela Benavides, store manager at Coliseum of Comics Lakeland,agrees.
"Its just the same. People who are trying to come to the store have been coming in because they know were here, shesaid.
Benavides said the lack of parking in Dixieland probably contributes to the much lower foot traffic in comparison to downtown.Boringnoted that there is parking alongthe avenue, its just often behind businesses and difficult to find for consumers passing through especially since many cars fly through the Dixieland stretch at top speed.
Despite a lack of increased foot traffic so far,business owners wouldnt mind seeing the road diet become a permanent solution. Even if customers arent taking advantage yet, sidewalksseemsaferand business owners like Dasher now feel comfortable telling customers to use them when walking in between storefronts.
Walking on the sidewalk was scary out there. And its not scary anymore, Boring said. Theyve made a bad situation better.
Rogers, a Dixieland resident, said she previously wouldn't use the sidewalks.
"I walked it before they did the road diet and it was so dangerous I turned around and came home," she said. "I'm excited to see if the change goes through, I think they will see more pedestrian traffic."
Boring and Rogers said they hopethings will get even better oncebeautificationof the sidewalk commences.
The FDOT's original design included placingconcrete sidewalk planters along South Florida Avenue. These are no longer likely to be installed, according to city officials, because of the costs of the planters, installation and maintenance.
Instead, the Lakeland Community Redevelopment Agency plans to work with FDOT andadjacent property owners to determine other low-cost beautification measures that can be implemented during the one-year test period.
If the road diet is deemed successful and made permanent, the FDOT and the city will begin work on improvements to Dixieland's sidewalks and intersections, according to city spokesman Kevin Cook,including measures to address issues with the Americans with Disabilities Act that couldn't be addressed with the substandard design that existed prior to current construction.
Degree of Danger
Even if sidewalk safety has improved, other danger persists. Dasher said while the increased traffic along South Florida is not enough to really fuss about, she has noticed an uptick in minor accidents.
Dasher said shes seen three accidents in a short period of time. Theyre all the same: Someone jets out from a storefront into oncoming traffic. Dasher said the road diet has seemedto increase accidents and near misses of that nature.
Were constantly hearing a lot of people squealing tires to keep from having the cars hit each other, Dasher said.
Motorcyclist Alex Peacock, a Dixieland resident of more than adecade, said he feels the redesign while offering wider travel lanes, leaves him less available space to move away from oncoming vehicles by placing concrete bumpers between the vehicle and bike lane.
"I feel like I'm in more danger," Peacock said. "It almost takes away possible escape routes for me."
Traditionally, Peacock said bike lanes and the road shoulders often serve as a last resort for motorcyclists looking to get away from an oncoming vehicle.
"I'm absolutely feeling the pinch," he said.
Peacock said he's also seen a number of unaware drivers bottom out their carson the temporary concrete curb cuts when trying to get over a lane or turn at the last minute.
There were31 accidents reported to the Lakeland Police Department in the affected portion of South Florida Avenue, between Lime and Ariana streets between Aug. 1 andOct. 31. By comparison, the same stretch of road had 14 accidents in 2019 and 17 in 2018, according to reports provided to The Ledger by Lakeland police spokeswoman Robin Tillett.
"A preliminary review of recent crash data has revealed that the number of rear-endcrashes has increased to date.Unfortunately, this type of reaction is typical when modifications are made to roadway networks," the city said in a written statement upon review of the data.
This year's accidents have resulted in eight injuries,double the four reported in 2018 and one in 2019. However, the police department's roadwayreport does not provide specific details on the severity of each injury.
Lakeland officials responded that rear-end crashes "tend to be less severe" in nature.
"We expect that the rear-end crashes on S. Florida Avenue should reduce as motorists gain a better understanding of the operations," the city's statement said.
There are approximately 10 months left in the official study of the South Florida Avenue road diet before a decision is made on whether the changes become permanent part of Dixieland. The number of overall crashes, vehiclespeeds and travel times, traffic displacement and any related economic development of the corridor, in part thanks to pedestrian traffic, will be considered.
City staff said residents and businesses will have a chance to voice their opinions before a determination is made.
Sara-Megan Walsh can be reached at or 863-802-7545. Maya Lora can be reached at or 863-802-7558.
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Love it or hate it: Accidents up, travel delayed in early stages of Dixieland road diet - The Ledger
Liz Plosser Is The Ultimate Morning Person – Women’s Health

Liz Plosser, the editor-in-chief of Womens Health, believes in the magic of mornings, and loves looking for ways to inject traditions and meaning into her a.m. routine.
Whether shes sipping coffee out of her favorite holiday mug, sealing a workout with a post-run jumping photo, or sprinkling cinnamon on her morning toast, Plosser spends her early hours generating endorphins and positive energy to take with her for the rest of the day. Read on for how this EIC owns her morning.
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I was born on April 7th, so I see sevens everywhere, and I love the idea of starting my day with a number thats important to me, she says. It makes me excited to get out of bed. And because its an irregular time, I dont have the temptation to snooze.
I have prepped it the night before, so all I have to do is turn it on and let it start brewing, says Plosser. While thats happening, she makes her kids breakfastoften, toast with peanut butter and a sprinkle of cinnamon on topscrolls through a mix of analytics for the Womens Health website, emails, and Instagram (one of her favorite places to go to look for inspiration), and shares quiet time with her older son Charlie, age 9, whos an early riser just like mom. To feel a little more festive around the holidays, she drinks her coffee (with a splash of oat milk) in a special Christmas tree mug. It was passed down to me from my mom, who got it from her mother, she says.
These days, Plossers workouts consist of everything from group runs with her two girlfriends, to sweat sessions at her local YMCA (which re-opened in mid-September), and a series of drills with equipment she has at homeincluding the fire escape in her little backyard in Brooklyn, which she uses as a makeshift pull-up bar. I love setting fitness goals for myself, she says. My latest goal was to get 10 pull-ups in the year 2020. And I actually just hit it, which was the most amazing feeling.
I have such busy days, so it's important to me that I eat a diet that makes me feel like I can be sharp, and clear-headed, and creative, and show up for my team members, my job, and my family every day, she says. Her go-to breakfast is a slice of Sara Lee Delightful Bread. I love that its a good source of fiber and its made with whole grains, adds Plosser. Her preparation of choice, these days, is to toast it, slather almond butter on top, add some sliced bananas, and drizzle it with honey. And then a sprinkle of cinnamon because its festive and it just tastes delicious, she adds.
I think its important to take a shower and put on real clothes to get in the zone and psych yourself up to be in work [from home] mode, she says. One way Plosser gets in the zone is listening to music. Its her form of meditation. I choose specific songs to set the energy I want to have for the day, she says. (Her current playlist: lots of girl bands, either uptempo or chill depending on her day.) Another zone-setting activity? Journaling, a tradition she started just this year. Ill make a gratitude list, or Ill write about my intentions for the day, she says. It really helps you define the values that are important to you, whether you already exhibit them or aspire to develop them in your life.
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Liz Plosser Is The Ultimate Morning Person - Women's Health
A man and his board: How one Colorado fitness junkie works out wherever, whenever – Colorado Springs Gazette

Jose Santa Cruz woke up early on a recent morning with a serendipitous thought. He wanted to do a sunrise workout. And he wanted to do it somewhere beautiful.
Just after 3 a.m., he left his Manitou Springs house and started the hour-plus drive to Red Rocks Amphitheatre. He had all he needed for a full-body workout: a custom-built piece of wood and some resistance bands.
Its a morning some Colorado adventurers might recall as epic.
Santa Cruz, who moved here in March, used a different word: Emotional.
The sight of the stars and the sunlight and the rock formations, he said, overwhelmed him. His surroundings had a lot to do with creating the beautiful moment.
So did that piece of wood. At just 8 pounds, it gave him the freedom to work out at Red Rocks or Garden of the Gods or his house or anywhere else. Thats why its etched with the words Workout Whenever Wherever.
Santa Cruz built the fitness board himself, after searching for ways to ditch traditional weightlifting while still maintaining muscle.
At 31, he had lifted weights since his high school years. For many of those years, every lift brought pain, left over from breaking both of his wrists. One break came from getting shot in the arm in 2012 while serving in Afghanistan.
From being in the military for so long, my body has been put through the ringer, he said.
He didnt want to end up more broken. By early 2020, Santa Cruz had already been researching ways of building muscle without lifting. Then, shortly after he moved to Colorado Springs, gyms closed down amid the coronavirus pandemic. He didnt really like going to the gym anyway, since the outdoors is his happy place. As an infantry officer with the Army, he still needed to find a way to stay in shape.
Guess what youre going to do, he said to himself. Youre going to figure this out.
He decided to give resistance bands, those colorful stretchy exercise ropes, a try. But while theres a long list of exercises people can do with just the bands, that wasnt working for Santa Cruz.
When I would try to do a full leg workout, my feet would move all over the place, he said.
He got the idea to build something to help keep his feet stable. Luckily, he had already turned his garage into a makeshift woodshop.
After some trial and error, he crafted a fitness board with four rectangular slots for tying the bands in different formations.
I was my own test dummy, Santa Cruz said.
Over time, his joints started to feel better. The wrist pain was gone. And, he loved being able to take his workout outside.
It was changing my body, he said. And it was working for me.
He thought it might work for others, too.
In September, he launched a business around the fitness boards called Fitmilia. The name borrows part of the Spanish word for family, honoring Santa Cruzs Paraguayan and Argentinian roots.
Santa Cruz teamed up with TimberWolf Design & Woodworking to manufacture the boards, so that the founder can focus on building other parts of the business.
For now, that means showing off the beauty of his fitness board via short videos with beautiful nature in the background.
Ive never felt so much joy being able to go on adventures while being able to work out, he said. I think it brings a lot of joy to my life.
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A man and his board: How one Colorado fitness junkie works out wherever, whenever - Colorado Springs Gazette
Pioneering wellbeing support to explosively grow the impact of fitness workforces – Club Industry

Club Industry was not involved in the creation of this content.
Fitness legend Emma Barry and leading global fitness sector experts Lucy and Matt Adey, the people behind Good Soul Hunting an executive search brand for purpose-led health and fitness companies have teamed up with global wellbeing platform, Juno. Together, they will provide individualised wellbeing support to employees, helping the worlds fit-tech, health-tech, and well-tech companies to thrive.
Wednesday 2nd December 2020 Good Soul Hunting, the executive search company specializing in the fitness and wellness tech markets, has partnered with on-demand wellness hub, Juno, to help create happier, healthier, more productive workforces and explosively grow their impact.
The pioneering, wellbeing-based support package will see those placed in new roles by Good Soul Hunting being offered access to Junos full range of workplace benefits. Good Soul Hunting will gift Juno points to each employee that it places. These will be deposited in an account for the employee to access, and the points can then be spent on benefits and experiences of their choice.
Junos global network of partners which includes the likes of Barrys Bootcamp, FitBit, 305F, Hello Fresh, and many more offers access to a wide range of tailored benefits, encompassing fitness, mind, health, nutrition, and entertainment.
Recognizing that starting a new job can be one of lifes most stressful events, Good Soul Hunting launched the new service wanting to ensure that each employee it places gets off to the best start possible.
Were lucky enough to work in one of the most exciting and dynamic sectors in the world and one which has captured the cash and attention of the tech giants from Silicon Valley and beyond," says fitness legend and Chief Creative Soul for Good Soul Hunting, Emma Barry, who has pioneered someof the sectors most groundbreaking companies and movements including Les Mills International and Equinox.
We understand that game-changing businesses need the very best talent within the global marketplace. By matching good souls with the right roles, and then providing the wellbeing tools employees need to be successful, both in and out of work, through our partnership with Juno, we feel we can do even more to help businesses within the fit-tech, health-tech, and well-tech industries to flourish, both now and in the longer-term.
The motivation for the partnership between the two trailblazing brands is also based on research by Oxford University's prestigious Sad Business School, which shows that happy employees are 13 percent more productive.
At Good Soul Hunting, we dont just place people in new roles. We stick around to build a framework in which theyll flourish, begins Lucy Adey, Co-founder and Chief Executive Soul for Good Soul Hunting.
We wanted to do something to congratulate a candidate on getting a new role, but we wanted to avoid the champagne bottles and run-of-the-mill gestures which have become commonplace within the recruitment industry.
Our whole philosophy, when it comes to executive search, is to help first, hunt second, so we wanted to do something that aligned with our brand values, supported both candidates and companies, and linked to the sectors we work in.
Verity Roach, Head of Marketing for Juno, said: Our mission at Juno is to educate and enable businesses to provide individualized wellbeing support to employees and to see the impact this has on the happiness, productivity, and engagement levels within their workforces.
In partnership with Good Soul Hunting, we are trying to change the way new starters and employees in general are supported with their wellbeing. We truly believe that, together, we can drive change and make a global impact.
Supporting the scaleups and trailblazers of today and the heroes of tomorrow, Good Soul Hunting partners seamlessly to attract, acquire, and retain the most gifted talent globally, enabling organizations to grow and flourish.With the expertise and experience to find these business transformers, Good Soul Hunting knows how to attract them, and isnt just another firm hiring from similar companies in the same sector.
What makes Good Soul Hunting unique is the desire and ability to draw on both data and human insight, or the good soul formula, which matches cipher and soul to purpose and goal. The team is currently creating meaningful connections and drawing upon previous partnerships and networks to accelerate the future, push and challenge boundaries, and collaborate to be a part of the future health solution. In Juno, Good Soul Hunting has a partner that can help further this vision.
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Pioneering wellbeing support to explosively grow the impact of fitness workforces - Club Industry