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East Haven Native Catherine Gill Publishes Third Vegan Cookbook –

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Catherine Gill has followed her conscience when it comes to her diet since she was a young girl growing up in East Haven. That decision has since inspired her career with a longtime blog,, and having recently published her third cookbook with her fourth on the way.
Catherine, whose maiden name is Katie DOnofrio, remembers the first time she realized that meat came from animals.
When I was young, I put two and two together: I was eating chicken and there was a bone and I realized it was the animal, says Catherine. Wed go to farms to visit animals like this and I didnt understand why those animals were friends and others were on the dinner table.
From an early age, Catherine leaned toward vegetarianism, which was sometimes a challenge in her traditional Italian family, though she is quick to say that her family has always been supportive of her beliefs. After graduating from East Haven High School, Catherine spent two years at Sacred Heart University before transferring to UMass-Dartmouth to study literature and social sciences.
During her college years, she fully delved into a vegan lifestyle. Catherine was 19 when she decided to adopt a vegan diet after learning more about health and animal agriculture. At that time in 2003, there were not many resources for those with a vegan diet. With limited resources, Catherine made her own cheeses, egg substitutes, and more.
It was such a long time ago and it was tough, says Catherine. Now you can go anywhere and get vegan products, stuff we couldnt even dream of then.
With years of experience in creating vegan ingredients and cooking vegan meals, more and more people began to ask for Catherines advice. When she saw the demand, she decided to start blog on top of working her full-time job. After she was laid off from her job in 2010, she moved her blog to the front burner
It had been a nights and weekends hobby, but in 2010, I went full force with it, says Catherine. I wanted to make it easier for people for people to live a healthier lifestyle.
Catherines blog continued to gain followers as the vegan lifestyle became more mainstream. In addition to writing for her blog, Catherine also wrote for various health websites.
She also spent several years running Dirty Vegan Foods, a vegan bakery that sold its products to Whole Foods Markets in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, health food stores, farmers markets, and festivals. The name Dirty Vegan stems from Catherines early forays into veganism.
I started out as a junk food vegan, with plant-based junk food, so dirty was a reference to that and it grew into my nickname, says Catherine. You can find tons of vegan junk food, but now I like to eat a little bit healthier and incorporate more salads into my diet.
Since starting her blog, Catherine has also started a family. While Catherines diet is plant-based, the rest of her family is flexible in their diets. She not only enjoys sharing her recipes with her family, but with her followers as well.
Over the years through blogging and social media, Catherine has met many people in the vegan circle. She has been asked to consult on various projects, including projects at Disney World, such as reviewing the vegan options on menus for the resorts as well as at various festivals at Epcot.
As a trend toward healthy lifestyles has grown, Catherine has gotten more and more questions about how to approach a vegan lifestyle. She suggests starting small and staying positive.
When I started, I was one of few vegan bloggers, but now there are a countless number of vegan blogs so there are more resources out there, which is great, says Catherine. I always suggest people go slow with it and take small steps like substituting a meatless product or a regular cheese with a vegan cheese. With small steps like that, you eventually adjust and get there.
Catherine says that a vegan diet is kinder to animals, kinder to the environment, and kinder to your body, as many vegan foods are naturally free of cholesterol. She says that one way that people can work toward being vegan is by adopting Meatless Monday and growing from there, noting that any time you can add a plant-based meal to your diet, its such a plus.
As the demand for her recipes grew, Catherines blog began to garner more attention. In 2015, Catherine connected with Hatherleigh Press in New York, which approached Catherine with a book deal. Catherine began to work with the company on ideas for her first cookbook, The Dirty Vegan Cookbook: Your Favorite Recipes Made Vegan.
Catherine has since published The Complete Hummus Cookbook and the revised and expanded version of her first cookbook was just released. Her fourth book, The Complete Quinoa Cookbook, with more than 100 recipes, is due to be released in March.
Id post pictures on by blog and people would request recipes and began to say, We need a cookbook, says Catherine. For so many years, I wrote the blog as a hobby. I met such amazing people and online friends in the vegan community, but seven years later, when you finally get your foot in the door to write books, its like your dreams finally came true.
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East Haven Native Catherine Gill Publishes Third Vegan Cookbook -
5 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Defeated by IBD – Healthline

Living well with the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis consists of a lot of trial and error.
Finding your perfect treatment and lifestyle combination is like putting together a puzzle. Finding a piece that fits is exciting, but sometimes it feels like you try piece after piece that does not fit.
A few of these puzzle pieces are:
Sometimes, you might feel like you want to give up when all your energy is going into figuring out this puzzle. If youre at that point, these practices may help.
If you find yourself saying youre fine when youre not and never addressing the mental or physical toll your condition has on you, you might be suppressing your emotions.
This is common for anyone living with a chronic illness, since we learn to live through the hard days while trying to go through life normally.
Instead of ignoring these emotional cues, try:
Expressing emotions is different from dwelling or complaining and is a normal, healthy part of being human. Check in with yourself: Are you bottling emotions and feelings or allowing yourself time and space to let them out?
Whether you love making lists for every little thing in life or youre a bit more spontaneous, lists are helpful when you feel like youve exhausted all options when it comes to your health.
Try making lists of:
Keep these on your fridge or tacked on a bulletin board. These reminders of tangible tips can be grounding when you feel lost and overwhelmed.
Its true that the little things can mean so much. If you can find these small moments (hint: they are everywhere) and enjoy them, the hard-hitting days that IBD brings will hurt a little less.
Here are some ways to create moments of joy:
Even when it feels like youve exhausted all options, there are always some things in your power.
Focusing on what you can change to improve how you feel while loosening your grip on what you cant change takes a lot of stress and pressure off of you.
Here are some ways to take back control:
Whether its changing where you live, switching up your workspace, or going for a walk, a new physical location can help clear your mind and help you think in new ways.
Sure, everyone needs to pay bills, but are there things you are committed to or people that you see that are not adding to your life?
Chicken soup might not fix everything, but theres a reason we turn to it when were not feeling well.
In times of stress you might let your food choices fall to the wayside. Staying hydrated and well fed is a basic need that will support you mentally and physically.
Talking with other people who live with IBD can feel validating when you feel like you are going out of your mind.
Some ways to find connection include:
Sometimes its also great to just talk to a friend who doesnt have IBD who is good at listening and being there for you.
Living with an autoimmune disease like IBD is like running a marathon, not a sprint.
Bad days will come and go, and taking on these practices and tools can help you be a more resilient IBD warrior.
Alexa Federico is an author, nutritional therapy practitioner, and autoimmune paleo coach who lives in Boston. Her experience with Crohns disease inspired her to work with the IBD community. Alexa is an aspiring yogi who would live in a cozy coffee shop if she could! Shes the Guide in the IBD Healthline app and would love to meet you there. You can also connect with her on her website or Instagram.
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5 Things to Do When You're Feeling Defeated by IBD - Healthline
Natural Grocers Reveals Top Nutrition Trends for Next Year – Progressive Grocer

Exploring ways to boost personal health through nutrition will play a crucial role for consumers next year, according to Natural Grocers' fifth annual Top 10 Nutrition Trends for 2021.
Natural Grocers' nutrition education team, made up of health and wellness experts ranging from registered dietitians to certified natural foods chefs, collaborated with the retailer's buyers and analysts, studied consumer-shopping preferences, examined the latest research, and scrutinized the impact COVID-19 has had on its communities in order to pinpoint their predictions for next year.
"Our trends this year are dramatically different than previous years' in that they're far less fleeting. COVID-19 is a pandemic that sits on top of another pandemic inthe United Statesof malnutrition and poor long-term health," remarkedShelby Miller, MS, Natural Grocers' manager of scientific affairs and nutrition education. "Hence, 2021 holds broader trends that focus on improving nutrition to support our own health, as well as the health of our communities and our environment."
Natural Grocers' Top 10 Nutrition Trends for 2021 are:
1.Consumer Health Is D-pendent on Vitamin D
This nutrient plays a critical role in whether or not the immune system functions sufficiently and responds as needed. It is essential for maintaining healthy lungs, blood sugar levels, blood pressure and bones. It also supports positive moods, brain function and cognition, a healthy weight, children's health and muscle tone. According to Natural Grocers, between 40 and 80% of American adults are deficient in vitamin D, while approximately 90% have suboptimal levels. Because darker skin hampers the body's ability to synthesize vitamin D from sunlight, supplementation is especially important for people of color.
In March, FDA introduced the Whats In It For You? initiative to help consumers use the new Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods, which now includes required listings for vitamin D.
2.Everyday Immune Support for the Long Haul
Consumers have recognized the importance of "armoring up" and supporting their immune system on a daily basis so it can function optimally over the long haul. Dietary supplements can make daily, long-term immune support easier.
The COVID-19 outbreak prompted a big spike in sales of supplements supporting immune health. For example, according toSPINSdata, the supplement industry in general saw double-digit increases in week-to-week sales unit percentages during each week in the entire month of March.
Boosting immune competence can come from basic nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc.
3.Better Blood Sugar Balance
Many options are available to support healthy blood sugar balance. More consumers will forego sugar-sweetened beverages, seek no-added sugar products, and try the keto diet. Adding supplements that support blood sugar balance will also be of interest for example, alpha lipoic acid is well-known to support insulin sensitivity and glucose utilization. Balancing their blood sugar will allow consumers to benefit from a better mood, more balanced energy levels and overall long-term health.
4.De-Stressing in a Healthy Way
The pandemic has certainly pushed added stress onto American consumers. De-stressing is crucial for overall health and is specifically beneficial for immune health, as stress hormones like cortisol significantly impair the immune response.
According to Natural Grocers, consumers will look to de-stress with nutrients to support their bodys ability to better cope with stress. These include magnesium, EPA and DHA from fish oil, B vitamins, vitamin C, phosphatidylserine, curcumin and adaptogenic herbs like rhodiola.
Additionally, Acostas recent survey, conducted between June 12 and 17, offers waysthat retailers can meet the needs of the new mentally and financially stressed consumer.The marketing agency suggested stressed-out shoppers will appreciate shopping opportunities that make them feel "back to normal."
5.Olive Oil Makes a Comeback
Olive oil has always had a place in the "good fat" category. This oil has a well-known role in the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet its noteworthy phenols and polyphenols contribute to its nutritional benefits, including its anti-inflammatory properties.
To help increase their olive oils sales, grocers should incorporate associate and consumer education and sampling events next year to take advantage of this growing trend.
6.The Climatarian
Consumer researchis showing that while personal health is still a major driver for buying organic, consumers are shifting to buying organic for environmental reasons. So get used to seeing the term "climatarian," an individual who is making food choices with the intention of changing how food is grown shifting from a chemical-intensive model to one that promotes soil health, biodiversity and healthy ecosystems an important way to address climate change.
Consumers will also recognize that prioritizing regenerative/pasture-based meat and dairy products as another crucial method to make a significant difference.
Retailers like Walmart have committed to become regenerative companies to help battle climate change. Nestl has also recently committed to reduce the carbon footprint of its most emissions-intensive ingredients by working with supply chain partners and beef ranchers to help scale regenerative grazing practices in the Northern Great Plains inMontana.
7.Affordable, Healthy Meals at Home
Most consumers have been cooking at home more since the start of the coronavirus outbreak. However, priorities have recently shifted and they are now searching for quick and affordable solutions to cooking, meal planning and meals that do not require a lot of prep. The year 2021 will pave the way to reinventing what cooking at home looks like.
Offering balanced dinner meals, like Fresh Markets Ultimate Dinner Meals, and meal kits will be key. In fact, according to a new report from Grand View Research, the meal kit delivery marketis predicted to achieve revenue of $19.92 billion by 2027, a compound annual growth rate of 12.8%.
8.Vegetables Will Be Front & Center
Natural Grocers indicated that produce in any form canned, frozen and fresh provides what's known asnutrient density. A nutrient dense food is something that packs loads of nutrition in the form of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients and plays a major role in reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Veggies are some of the most nutrient dense foods, which is why they've remained a crucial part of diet recommendations. In 2021, consumers will make it a priority to try new veggies, incorporate more produce-laden recipes and be on the search for new weekly staples that leave them feeling healthy and satisfied.
Additionally, veg-centric is a trend in entres that started in restaurants. It began when foodservice and restaurant customers asked for dishes with vegetables as the main course.
9.Get Back to the Basics to Be Rooted in Health
Natural Grocer predicts, as we move into 2021, consumers will be going back to the basics to take control of and actively improve their health. This means prioritizing sleep, cleaning up their diets, making time for exercise and daily movement, and recognizing the value of foundational supplements. To help consumers prioritize their health, Natural Grocers expanded its free nutrition education program, which is customarily in-person, to include a virtual guest presenter series and online personalized coaching sessions with the company's nutritional health coaches (NHCs). NHCs offer their expertise via free one-hour phone or video coaching sessions. Shoppers who live in a state with a Natural Grocers' store canfill out aformto request their coaching session and receive personalized care tailored to their individual needs, as well as a collaborative plan for success.
10.Customized Fitness Nutrition
Natural Grocers predicts a decline in grab-and-go, post-workout foods and a rise in customized fitness nutrition and supplementation to optimize consumers workouts. Rather than grabbing a water and protein bar after their workout, in 2021 consumers will transition toward pairing whole, real foods with supplements that fuel movement and aid recovery. Consumers will be attracted to magnesium to support healthy muscle recovery, MCT oil to fuel more efficient workouts, collagen to support healthy joints and ligaments, beets and greens powders for healthy blood flow, and a B-complex vitamin to keep them energized for workouts.
Natural Grocershas more than 3,500 employees and operates 160 stores in 20 states. The Lakewood, Colorado-based company is No. 94 on ThePG100,Progressive Grocers list ofthe top foodand consumablesretailers in North America.
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Natural Grocers Reveals Top Nutrition Trends for Next Year - Progressive Grocer
For Giving Tuesday, Here are Plant-Based Charities to Support – The Beet

Most weeks, we love to share the plant-based products that we are obsessed with, and we make sure to let you know about the best new plant-based products and healthy or vegan launches that are worth buying. Since today is Giving Tuesday, launched by the 92nd Street Y in our hometown of New York City, 12 years ago, it seemed like the perfect time to flip it and reverse it and let you know where we will be giving today, and in the weeks to come, as the world appears to need more of a helping hand than ever.
Our charities are personal choices, and span from the environmental to the social, saving wilderness and public spaces and offering vegan meals to families in need of healthy food now, during a worldwide pandemic. We hope that you feel good (or great) when giving to causes you care about in your own lives and that you see this as a helpful idea-generator for deciding where you want to lend your dollars today and your hands every day. Here's to giving, and to feeling so good.
When I learned that one of the most beautiful wildlife preservations on the world, the Arctic Refuge, would possibly be threatened by drilling, I got upset. It turns out this is not the only pristine wilderness that needs our help right now, and the Wilderness Society has made it its mission to protect outdoor spaces and prevent private companies from developing land or drillingor otherwise ravaging the natural beauty of our dwindling wild places: Bears Ears National Monument, Tongass National Forest and other threatened wild places need your help, the society tells us. If you have always loved polar bears and other magestic creatures, now is the time to come to their aide.
The Wilderness Society is working hard to preserve the world's open spaces and defend the natural world against deregulation that would allow private interests to destroy the wilderness, across the continent and beyond. Today the Wilderness Society is matching 5 times your gift today. So $20 becomes $100 due to the generosity of their supporters. You don't have to give a lot to have a big, icy impact. Polar Bear hugs all around!
Freedge is an international organization that works to implement community fridges stocked with free food and produce in neighborhoods that typically have less access to healthy options in an effort to promote equal access across areas in the US, Canada, and South America.
Food insecurity is an important issue to me, and I believe it should be at the forefront of the vegan movement because although preaching to others that they should adopt a diet free of animal products is easy, due to socioeconomic circumstances that include a disproportionate amount of food deserts and food swamps in low-income and minority communities, a vegan or plant-based diet is not a realistic option for everyone.
Freedge also strives to educate community members about healthy options, which is equally important, because education is another barrier to developing a well-rounded diet. The work that Freedge is doing seeks to supply underserved neighborhoods with a take what you need approach which not only fosters the development of healthier lifestyles but also deepens a sense of community. You can donate directly to Freedge, or visit the organizations website to learn how to implement a community fridge in your neighborhood.
Award-winning singer and longtime vegan Billie Eilish, helps to the word about her mother's nonprofit, Support+ Feed. Maggie Baird is the creatorof the organization which supplies plant-based food to hospitals, shelters, and first responders across Los Angeles and New York City.
Theinitiative was created in Los Angeles on March 27th and in New York City in April due to the coronavirus hardships on vegan restaurants and frontline workers. The mother-daughter-duo who actively promote the nonprofit on social media has served nearly 50k plant-based meals to people in need, with the help of volunteers and donations.
Support + Feed provides plant-based meals prepared by local restaurants and businesses to people experiencing food insecurity in BIPOC and other communities, with several goals: nourish those in need, provide education, support the small business community, and positively impact the climate crisis.
The easiest and most effective ways toplay a partin saving the ocean includereducing your waste such as cutting back on plastic, conserving water and donating to charitiesthat aretaking huge steps in saving the ocean such as Ocean Conservancy.
Ocean Conservancy is a nonprofit organization that has been devoted to making the ocean a healthier environment for marine life and coastal communitiessince 1972. Overfishing, climate change and pollutionare just a few reasons that marine life and the ocean have been put at risk.Ocean Conservancy has developeddifferent programs to combat climate change such as organizing the world's largest effort to remove trash from beaches, working with scientists, indigenous communities and legislators to protect the Arctic, and restore the Gulf of Mexico from the damage it still faces from the BP oil disaster.
Ocean Conservancy takes action in both communities and in government relations pushing for funding and attention in at-risk areas.In honor of Giving Tuesday, Ocean Conservancy is pledging that every donation will be triple matched up to 100K by the board of directors and donors. You can donate to Ocean Conservancy here.
EcoHealth Alliance is a nonprofit global environmental health organization that is present in over 30 countries including the United States. It is dedicated to protecting the health of people, animals and the environment from infectious diseases. This organization is incredibly important especially since the current coronavirus pandemic has shown the potential for both humans and animals to be at risk from the virus and the impact the coronavirus has had on everyones health globally.
This organization is an environmental science and public health leader that works to prevent pandemics in global hotspot regions. EcoHealth Alliance has a wide variety of programs that focus on bio=surveillance, deforestation, one health, pandemic prevention, and wildlife conservation. You can donate to EcoHealth Alliance here.
The Food Trust works with farmer's markets across the US to provide nutritioneducation, with corner store owners to stock healthy food and encourages grocery store development in underserved communities.
If you're able to give support to the Food Trust, you'll be helping their mission to ensure underserved communities have access to affordable, nutritious food and provide education about how to live a healthier life. The organization combines policy change with community-based programs like farmer's markets that accept SNAP benefits, providing local foods in school cafeterias, and increasing the availability and awareness of healthy foods in corner stores.
With just a$60 donation, you can help fulfill the Food Trust's mission by funding 40 free produce bags for kindergarten families, along with healthy recipes to make at home.
Original post:
For Giving Tuesday, Here are Plant-Based Charities to Support - The Beet
Ask the Doctors: Insulin is at the heart of both types of diabetes – Santa Ynez Valley News

Dear Doctors: We keep hearing about Type 2 diabetes, and I'm embarrassed to say, I don't actually know what it is. What does it do, and how do I know if I have it?
Dear Reader: To understand diabetes, we should first talk about glucose. That's the sugar our bodies make from the foods that we eat, and which our cells use as their main source of fuel. Glucose travels throughout the body via the blood, which is why it's also often referred to as blood sugar. However, it's not immediately available to the cells. That's where insulin, a hormone manufactured by the pancreas, comes into play. Insulin helps transport glucose from the blood into the cells, where it can be used as energy.
When someone has diabetes, it means that the insulin part of that energy equation isn't working properly. Either the body isn't manufacturing enough -- or any -- insulin, or it isn't responding properly to the insulin that is present. That leads to blood-glucose levels that are too high.
Over time, high blood levels of glucose are dangerous. Adverse health effects include damage to the circulatory system, vision problems, nerve damage, stomach or intestinal problems, slow healing, kidney disease and an increase in the risk of heart disease and stroke. Extremely high blood sugar levels can lead to coma, and even death.
In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas makes little or no insulin. It often develops early in life, but can occur at any age. This type of diabetes is managed with diet and exercise, plus the use of medications and insulin.
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Ask the Doctors: Insulin is at the heart of both types of diabetes - Santa Ynez Valley News
Focus on at-home fitness remains, even as weather cools – The Alestle

Research suggests the fitness industry will look different even after the pandemic, with more people cancelling their gym memberships and turning to at-home workouts instead.
According to a survey conducted by Harrison Co., a consumer-focused investment bank, 34 percent of gym-goers have canceled or plan to cancel their gym memberships due to COVID-19, and 40 percent of respondents reported exercising at home for the first time as a result of the pandemic.
Don Yakstis, a product knowledge specialist at RunWell in Edwardsville, a running and walking specialty store, said the stores amount of customers has exploded since the start of the pandemic.
[There] is no question about it. We are now seeing people from different walks of life, so our elderly population is growing, our population of people who were normally sentient [is] growing, Yakstis said. Our clientele is not just runners, it is now people who are seeking pain relief. We have orthopedists, we have podiatrists, physical therapists that all send their patients to us to get fitted for shoes, to help them improve their quality of life.
One explanation for this effect is that many people now have the opportunity to spend more time outside, Yakstis said.
The outdoors is a great thing, and a lot of people, the daily bustle kind of secluded them from that. It pulled them out of that world, and now theyve rediscovered that, oh hey, fresh air is good and sunshine feels good. And theyre just sticking with it now, Yakstis said.
According to Yakstis, even though the weather is turning colder, the stores clientele still shows interest in outdoor physical activities.
Theres always a little bit of a decrease. This year were seeing a little bit less, so our clientele, even in the waning months, are starting to still go out and play, Yakstis said.
Yakstis said those looking to continue running during colder months should follow what is called the 20 degree measurement to dress properly.
If youre running, we call it the 20 degree measurement. Basically, whatever the outside air temperature is you add 20 degrees to that, and that is how you should dress. So if its 50 degrees outside, you dress like its 70. If its 30, you dress like its 50, and so on and so forth, Yakstis said. For walking, we usually do about a five to 10 degree difference. Kind of the same thing, but a little bit different. It all depends on the people, and with that is always the caveat that certain people will experience this differently.
Alex Garcia, a sophomore mechatronics and robotics engineering major from Breese, Illinois, began lifting weights during the first lockdown last spring. Garcia said although building muscle mass at home may be difficult without using more than body weight, people can use household objects or buy equipment to exercise effectively.
I ran out of weights at home so I filled up milk cartons with sand, but originally what I did was, right when quarantine started, I went to Walmart and bought some free weights, like a medicine ball, some dumbbells, and worked out with those. But having anything you can work with weight-wise helps a lot, Garcia said.
Garcia said in addition to following at-home workout programs, beginners can exercise safely by starting slowly and then increasing the intensity of the workout.
Id start out slow. Just get used to the movements Getting the form down is what you need to do first, and then after that then you can increase the weight or go faster I definitely would get used to all the exercises first before I started doing them fast, back to back to back, Garcia said.
Tessa Schwarzentraub, a sophomore business and German major from Metamora, Illinois, is a trained yoga instructor, and has led yoga classes at the Campus Recreation Center. Schwarzentraub said although in the past her in-person classes have had higher attendance than her online classes, those who do not feel safe going to a gym may be more likely to search for at-home yoga options.
You can always search online and theres subscriptions. Its kind of like Netflix, almost, but it would be for yoga and theres just tons of different options. You do have to pay for that, but the free version, I would recommend YouTube or looking into the Recs options, Schwarzentraub said.
Schwarzentraub said although she sometimes struggles to stay motivated, remembering that she will feel better after exercising helps her to push through.
I think maybe just recognizing, like if youre super stressed, then convincing yourself that youll feel better after always works for me, Schwarzentraub said.
Visit Runwells website to learn more about their services.
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Focus on at-home fitness remains, even as weather cools - The Alestle
The Muscle: Fitness trends and myths – Gaelic Life

WHEN it comes to the world of health and fitness, there is an abundance of information out there which can be pretty daunting for even the professionals.
We have everything from Joe Wicks to CrossFit, from high protein diets to vegan diets, but the question is are any of these right for developing you as a GAA player?
All these various trends have their pros and cons and may have yielded brilliant results for others, but in all likelihood, they are not specifically orientated to improve you as a player.
In recent years, CrossFit has made a massive impact on the fitness industry. It has increased in popularity as the classes provided people with a fast and efficient way to get stronger and burn calories. Instead of how much weight, or how many reps you can complete in a certain time, the aim for you as a player should be to perform all of the movements with proper technique. The best way to do this is through functional training.
In simple terms, functional training focuses on movements that work the muscles we use most, on and off the pitch. Functional training concentrates on refining balance and coordination and building strength in the right way. This trend is particularly important for injury prevention and will allow our bodies to function and perform at their optimum for longer.
Your gym program is somewhat similar to your performance on field, insofar as you need to conquer the basic movements and skills before progressing.
Focus on mastering the basics or you will struggle to progress to the next level. The basic movements that one should incorporate into their regime should include squat, push, pull, rotate, carry and hinge.
With the advancement of technology, the fitness industry is constantly evolving. We are seeing more data available to us to help us manage our goals. The use of apps, GPS fitness trackers and smart watches are all useful tools which should be beneficial to players and coaches. These tools enable us to receive feedback about our performance and training levels, which should in turn allow us to change and adapt our training appropriately.
Here are some fitness myths to avoid:
1) Crunches are best way to burn belly fat
The best way is by combining cardio with ab-strengthening exercises. Along with this you will need to maintain a healthy diet.
2) All you need is cardio and weights
There is more to training than cardio and weights. You need to consider the following components of fitness within your training program; strength, speed, agility, endurance and flexibility.
3) No pain, no gain
This is generally the most overused myth of them all. During or after exercise you may feel a slight discomfort, but you should not feel sore to the point that it affects your day.
4) Stretching will always prevent injuries
Sometimes stretching cold muscles will actually harm them. It is important to warm up efficiently before exercise. When designing your warm up you should:
(a) Raise your body temperature
(b) Activate and mobilise muscles
(c) Potentiation i.e, fire the nervous system and the particular muscle group you intend to train
5) Lots of protein and less carbs equals lean muscle
There is a beliefout there that carbs are bad and that you should avoid them. The truth is that carbs give you energy during a workout and that you need them. When it comes to protein, you should aim to incorporate roughly 2g per a kg of bodyweight within your daily diet.
The most important element of any training program is consistency. Consistency is key, with this you are creating healthy habits.
A well-designed plan followed consistently will create maximal results. The plan should have a proper combination of stress and recovery and will ensure the right type of training occurs at the right time.
If you are struggling with your pre-season gym program or need advice feel free to drop us a message to help take your game to the next level. Check us out on social media at Core Performance Gym.
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The Muscle: Fitness trends and myths - Gaelic Life
Farmmi Participates in Shanghai International Health, Wellness and Fitness Expo – PRNewswire

LISHUI, China, Nov. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Farmmi, Inc. ("Farmmi" or the "Company")(NASDAQ: FAMI), an agriculture products supplier in China, today announced its participation in the Shanghai International Health, Wellness and Fitness Expo (the "Expo"), which was held from November 25 to 27, 2020. The Expo, the largest of its kind in Asia, included edible fungi in its featured products.
The Expo covered a total exhibition area of 54,000 square meters, with 452 national and international brands, gathering 43,076 domestic and international buyers.
Ms. Yefang Zhang, Farmmi's Chairwoman and CEO, commented, "While we have done an excellent job closing sales opportunities in the new virtual world of 2020, it was exciting for us to get back in front of customers and partners at the Expo. The organizers put necessary safety controls in place to ensure the health of attendees. We thank them for their efforts in making this such a successful expo for all participants."
"With the improvement of living standards, people are becoming more particular about their health and diet. Farmmi is benefitting from inclusion and wider adoption of edible fungi, which are now a standard part of the new healthy diet structure. Low calorie bacteria with high protein, low fat and high efficacy are now recognized worldwide as nutritional, health foods," continued Ms. Zhang. "As a leading agricultural products supplier, processor and retailer of Shiitake mushrooms, Mu Er mushrooms, other edible fungi, and many other sought-after agricultural products, Farmmi has the scale and strict controls to build upon customer demand growth worldwide."
Ms. Zhang concluded, "The Expo, which emphasized technology and innovation, served as an important platform for our company to meet customers, promote products, carry out industry exchanges and seek cooperation opportunities. This is fully in-line with our strategy to seek out and execute on increased business opportunities in both the domestic China market and worldwide."
About Farmmi, Inc.
Headquartered in Lishui, Zhejiang, Farmmi, Inc. (NASDAQ: FAMI), is a leading agricultural products supplier, processor and retailer of Shiitake mushrooms, Mu Er mushrooms, other edible fungi, and many other sought-after agricultural products. The Company's Farmmi Liangpin Market serves as a trading platform for Chinese geographical indication agricultural products and is a large platform for consumers to access locally sourced agricultural products. For further information about the Company, please visit:
Forward-Looking Statements
This announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact in this announcement are forward-looking statements, including the potential impact of COVID-19 on our business within and outside of China. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and are based on current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that the Company believes may affect its financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. Investors can identify these forward-looking statements by words or phrases such as "may," "will," "expect," "anticipate," "aim," "estimate," "intend," "plan," "believe," "potential," "continue," "is/are likely to" or other similar expressions. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent occurring events or circumstances, or changes in its expectations, except as may be required by law. Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot assure you that such expectations will turn out to be correct, and the Company cautions investors that actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results.
SOURCE Farmmi, Inc.
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Farmmi Participates in Shanghai International Health, Wellness and Fitness Expo - PRNewswire
Top 3 best Kohl’s Cyber Monday fitness deals of the day: cheap treadmill, exercise bike and elliptical offers on NOW – T3

Had a look at the best Best Buy Cyber Monday fitness deals but couldn't find anything you might like? We have the best Kohl's Cyber Monday fitness deals too, listed below, have a look at this too. Who knows? Kohl's deals might be the best Cyber Monday deals for you. As well as these this handy list of well-priced treadmills, exercise bikes and ellipticals, we have a top 3 Fitbit deals at Kohl's and a top 3 Garmin deals at Kohl's roundup too. In case you would like to compliment your new cardio machine machine with a new fitness wearable.
Shop all treadmill deals at Kohl's
Shop all exercise bike deals at Kohl's
Shop all elliptical deals at Kohl's
Check out the best Garmin watch deals and all the best deals from the Fitbit Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale. Some of the the best Black Friday treadmill deals, best Black Friday exercise bike deals and best Black Friday elliptical deals are still on too.
ProForm Crosswalk LT Treadmill | Buy it for $399.99 at Kohl'sHave you ever wondered if it was possible to do Nordic walking indoors but without using an elliptical? After all, elliptical trainers take up more space than treadmills, and definitely more than foldable treadmills. Well, aren't you lucky, as this ProForm Crosswalk LT Treadmill is pretty much does all of the above and it is also cheap, like sub-$400 cheap. ProForm Crosswalk LT Treadmill connects to iFit where you can access thousands of on-demand workouts (subscription sold separately). Buy this treadmill today!View Deal
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B2883 Magnetic Upright Exercise Bike | Buy it for $449.99 at Kohl'sThis upright exercise bike can track speed, RPM, time, distance, calories burned, wattage, heart rate and more. The Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B2883 Magnetic Upright Exercise Bike also comes with 24 pre-installed workout programs and even a built-in bottle holder/device holder. The handles have an integrated heart rate sensor so you can keep tabs on the old ticker as you pedal away. The sturdy steel frame makes this bike solid and durable. Only $449.99!View Deal
Sunny Health & Fitness SF-E3919 Premium Cardio Climber | Buy it for $699.99 at Kohl'sYou have been eyeballing the Bowflex BXE226 elliptical trainer for a while but could never justify the asking price? How about getting this Sunny Health & Fitness elliptical trainer instead? This capable device can climb to a vertical height of 9 inches and stride a horizontal distance of 7 inches plus has a 14lb inertia-ready flywheel. Handles are heart rate sensor enabled and this bad boy even has a calendar, clock and a thermometer. Choose from 8 levels of magnetic resistance. Just $699.99!View Deal
Today's best prices on the best current Fitbit fitness trackers in our order of preference
Fitbit - Sense Advanced...
Fitbit Versa 3 Health &...
Fitbit - Charge 4 Activity...
Fitbit Fitbit Ionic Fitness...
Fitbit - Inspire 2 Fitness...
Today's best prices on the best older Fitbit fitness trackers in our order of preference
Fitbit Versa 2 Smartwatch
Fitbit Versa Lite Edition...
Fitbit Charge 3 Fitness...
Fitbit - Inspire HR Activity...
Fitbit Inspire Fitness...
Fitbit Alta HR, Black, Large...
Fitbit Flex 2, Black (US...
Fitbit Alta Wireless Smart...
Fitbit also makes these fine bathroom scales, headphones and kids' fitness trackers
Fitbit Aria 2 Wi-Fi Smart...
Fitbit Ace 2 Activity Tracker...
Fitbit Ace, Activity Tracker...
Read the original:
Top 3 best Kohl's Cyber Monday fitness deals of the day: cheap treadmill, exercise bike and elliptical offers on NOW - T3
Global Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor Market To Witness Huge Gains Over 2020-2026 – The Courier

There are millions of them around the globe waiting for clutching on to some of the latest vital information circulating across the globe. The up-to-the-minute Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market report based on the growth and the development of theMobile Health And Fitness Sensor marketis systematically listed down. The Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market report comprises statistically verified facts such the unique essence including topological investigations, worldwide market share, government stringent norms, applications, current trends, futuristic plans, market bifurcations, and so on mentioned in a crystal clear pattern.
The statistical plus scientific Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market report has all the important market aspects penciled down in a layman language format so that the data based on the markets productivity or future strategy can be easily extrapolated from the reports. The Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market report has the dominant market players Medtronic, Adidas, Philips, Honeywell, OMRON, Abbott Laboratories, Bayer, Johnson & Johnson, LifeScan, GE Healthcare, Analog Devices, Fujitsu, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Acute Technology, Bosch, Qualcomm explained in detail.
Sample of global Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor Market Report at::
The essential futuristic segments such as {Gas sensor, Level/position sensor, Speed sensor, Pressure sensor, Temperature sensor, Others}; {Healthcare, Smart Mobile, Smart Watches, Others} have also been detailed out in the Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market report for the clients convenience and more of vital data embracing capability. The forecast trends along with the current market status can better understand the Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market development on a global basis. The intricate industrial strategies and the supply-demand chain are also discussed in the contextual report.
Key points of the global Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market
Theoretical analysis of the global Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market stimulators, products, and other vital facets Recent, historical, and future trends in terms of revenue and market dynamics are reported Pin-point analysis of the competitive market dynamics and investment structure is predicted to grow Future market trends, latest innovations, and various business strategies are reported Market dynamics include growth influencers, opportunities, threats, challenges, and other crucial facets
The Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market report has the imperative data mentioned in a systematic way only after comprehensive inspection and vigilant referencing. The diagrammatic representations such as a pie chart of the Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market are also drawn out so as to attract the punters and make it easy for them to comprehend the entire Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market from in and out. The most eye-catching format of the Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market report is its market bifurcation based on the product type, application, geography, end-users, and more as per the particular market. The geographical segments Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa are further exhaustively mentioned.
Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at::
Questions answered in the report include
1. What is the expected market size by the end of the forecast period?2. What are the major factors initiating the global Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market growth?3. What are the latest developments and trending market strategies that are influencing the growth of the Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market?4. What are the key outcomes of the Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market developments?5. Who are the key players in the market?6. What are the opportunities and challenges faced by the key players?
The Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor market report endows the global market dominance, market segmentation, growth factors, and others reported such that the clients can have a total tour of the market without any much off efforts needed.
Key Reasons for Purchasing Global Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor Market Report
New approaches and latest development trend that describe the structure of the market Advanced market breakdown structure Historical data and future market scope In-depth market analysis based on statistics, growth stimulators, and market developments Statistical data representation through figurative, numerical, and theoretical elaboration Report provides insight of the business and sales activities
Ask Any Kind of Query Before Purchasing the Report Here:
See original here:
Global Mobile Health And Fitness Sensor Market To Witness Huge Gains Over 2020-2026 - The Courier