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The role of coaching in motivating and creating personal accountability for better health – MedCity News

We are a people of quick fixes and magic bullets. We want what we want, and we want it now. The same can be said when it comes to achieving health improvements. We expect fast results with minimum effort. Weight-loss diets are a great example. Who hasnt heard of or tried the grapefruit diet, the cabbage soup diet, Keto, Biggest Loser and various cleanses? And thats just the tip of the quick-fix iceberg. These fads are designed to promote fast weight-loss, but most of the weight lost is water. Once a person returns to regular eating habits, the weight quickly returns and often brings added pounds. In fact, studies show that frequent yo-yo dieting can actually cause weight gain and poorer overall health, including potential damage to the cardiovascular system. In short, a quick-fix approach to losing weight or improving ones health can lead to a vicious cycle that lasts a lifetime.
The Missing LinkWhen individuals hit the easy button, theyre missing out on the benefits of taking it slow and having a coach for personal accountability and, ultimately, success. And without motivation and accountability, any efforts to change their liveswhether its enhancing their health, improving their finances, changing habits, or even learning new skillswill likely fall short. Think of professional athletes. A cross-country runner cant train for a couple of days, then compete in a national competition. Not only is she likely to drop out of the race, but shes also at high risk of injury. Likewise, a concert pianist cant take months off and expect to maintain the same level of playing as he did previously. It takes ongoing motivation, effort and regular practice.
Personal motivation and accountability is especially critical in achieving and maintaining optimal health. In some ways, the journey is even more complex than other endeavors as each person has a unique physical, mental, and genetic makeup. Someone predisposed to diabetes needs to be diligent about avoiding sugar and simple carbohydrates. Someone without this predisposition may be able to indulge more often without a significant impact. Genetic makeup can also make one more prone to certain cravings and may cause a person to metabolize fat in different ways. The environment also impacts a persons health status. For example, studies show that unhealthy habits can run in families. A person who grows up in a household with a supply of chips, cookies, ice cream, and other unhealthy snacks always available is more likely to adopt that lifestyle as they grow older.
Maintaining personal motivation and accountability for changing habits is essential to success. But what is the best way to develop personal accountability? Personal accountability is not to be confused with willpower. Personal accountability is a mindset and learned behavior that improves over time. Willpower is emotion-based and difficult to maintain over the long-term.
The Role of Coaching in Motivating and Creating Personal AccountabilityWell-known motivational speaker Tony Robbins believes that high achievers often embrace coaching and mentorship as part of their strategy to achieve personal growth and accountability. He explains that coaches help in many different ways. First, they are unbiased so they speak the truth about a persons situation and opportunities for improvement. Second, a coach can identify an individuals true potential, which helps them build on their strengths and develop new skills. Third, a coach can help an individual develop an action plan and then provides guidance and encouragement along the journey. While Robbins isnt speaking specifically about health improvement, the same benefits apply. According to the American Psychological Association, Having someone with whom to share your struggles and successes makes the work easier and the mission less intimidating.
Coaching for sustainable habit change starts with small changes and continues over numerous months, even years. One challenge for weight loss is that many regain the lost weight and more. However, if the weight loss can be maintained for more than 2 years, it becomes more permanent. One study showed that individuals who had kept their weight off for 2 years or more had markedly increased odds of continuing to maintain their weight over the following year. Effective coaching programs that can deliver long-term results are focused on sustainable changes and an ongoing relationship with the coach.
An Effective Approach to CoachingMany people confuse coaching with teaching. And while teaching may be a part of it, coaching goes much farther. Teachers typically present a pre-established curriculum for individuals to follow. This is especially the case for some health and wellness programs offered by employers to their employees. Everyone is given the same information in hopes that something will resonate with the employee and facilitate action and change. But this type of one-size-fits-all approach doesnt take into account each persons unique personality, genetics, and health goals. Try to think of a course you took in school that changed the course of each of your daily activities I cant think of one either.
Some health and wellness programs try to encourage personal accountability through team challenges, group discussions, and educational webinars. But these cannot match the effectiveness of a dedicated coachone thats been matched to the individual based on personality and preferences working on an individualized habit change plan.
Best Practices for Creating Motivation and Personal Accountability for Health ImprovementThe best health and wellness programs are those that include motivation and personal accountability as an essential component on the path to disease prevention and habit change. This includes the proven elements listed below.
The Bottom LineTraditional programs are based on a one-size-fits-all approach where every participant is given the same information in a limited number of formats. Theyre designed like a lesson plan or class youd have in school, not around the individual. Its normal for employees to jump on board when a new health and well-being program is offered, but participation often falls off after a few months. Part of this could be due to quick fix expectations. Or they may just get bored and lose motivation. The bottom line is that any program that places a curriculum first is likely to fail without the participants ability to become motivated and develop and embrace personal accountability. Leveraging dedicated personal coaches and individualized content are the key ingredients.
Photo: raw, Getty Images
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The role of coaching in motivating and creating personal accountability for better health - MedCity News
Looking To Lose Weight The Healthy Way? Tips To Bring Down Your Body Fat Percentage! – KHTS Radio

Trying to lose weight can be one of the most difficult things to do as it can take a lot of hard work, dedication and will power. Many people try various different diet plans or exercise regimes but give up before they have even properly started.
Its important for both males and females to keep their body fat percentage to a healthy level and you can achieve this by both eating healthy and undertaking regular exercise. So lets take a look through some basic tips to help bring down your body fat percentage.
There is a misconception that to lose weight easily you should skip out on eating breakfast. This is completely untrue, it is important to eat at regular meal times and the most important meal of the day is breakfast.
Breakfast will help set you up for the rest of your day and if you skip it then you are more likely to want to snack on unhealthy foods throughout the day.
Instead of skipping breakfast its more important to choose a healthy but filling option. Avoid sugary cereals and swap them for slow release foods such as porridge or eggs, both of which will keep your filled up for longer, so you wont need that mid morning snack to keep you going.
Also try to drink a pint of water before eating anything in the morning as this will also help with any hunger pains you may have.
While its important to know how much you weigh so that you can set yourself targets to reach and understand your progress, try not to get too focused on the numbers on your scales.
Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint so while you obviously will want to see progress quickly it can take longer than you realise to see the weight dropping off.
As well as keeping an eye on your overall weight you should also be aware of what your body fat percentage is, you can do this by using a body fat percentage calculator which can help you to understand the numbers and be useful when setting yourself targets.
If you are trying to lose weight then one of the first things you should look at on your diet is how much sugary drinks you consume every day. So many soft drinks and alcoholic beverages contain a huge amount of sugar. For example one pint of hard cider contains the equivalent of one big sugary doughnut.
Avoid all fizzy sugary drinks and instead drink plenty of water. Water not only helps you quench your first but also can help keep you feeling filled up for longer.
We should all be drinking at least two litres of water every day but many people do not even drink one litre. Dehydration can often be mistaken for hunger. Many times when we may think that we are hungry and need food we are actually dehydrated, this confusion often leads us to eating more calories than we need which in turn means we gain weight. This can all be avoided by making sure we drink enough water every day.
One easy trick that seems to work well is to swap your large plates and stitches that you normally use for all your meals for smaller versions.
We often when disching u our food always look to fill the plate up which can often lead to us eating more food than we should or actually need. After eating meals we should feel pleasantly filled up not overly full up or even sick.
Once you get used to using smaller plates you should discover that you end up cooking a lot less food for meal times and in turn you will start to notice you didnt actually need all that extra food you were eating.
Losing weight takes a combination of not only eating healthy but also exercising more. Try and do some form of exercise at least once a day. This doesnt have to be over demanding exercise such as running or swimming it can be just going for a brisk walk. All exercise is good exercise.
Try to get into good habits with doing more exercise, for example instead of driving to your local shop walk there instead, as youre going to burn off more calories this way.
Not everyone enjoys exercises like going to the gym or running so you need to find what works best for you. If you are doing an exercise you enjoy then you are more likely to continue long term with it. Maybe you would enjoy swimming, riding a bike or taking an exercise class, try different forms of exercise to discover which you enjoy.
Losing weight is a process and not something that can happen overnight. You need to set yourself goals once you decide to try and lose weight but these goals need to be reasonable and achievable. There is no point in setting a goal to lose a certain amount of weight in an unreasonable amount of time.
Be realistic with your goals and you are much more likely to stick to your regime and reach them. Try to have an end goal target weight you would like to reach but do not set yourself a time limit to reach it. Instead make smaller targets to get to your final goal.
For example instead of having a target of ten kilos in ten months, break that down to losing a certain amount per month and per week. This makes it seem more achievable to spread out over the long term.
If you do not reach certain goals do not beat yourself up, weight loss is a hard thing to achieve so instead brush yourself off and go again.
KHTS FM 98.1 and AM 1220 is Santa Claritas only local radio station. KHTS mixes in a combination of news, traffic, sports, and features along with your favorite adult contemporary hits. Santa Clarita news and features are delivered throughout the day over our airwaves, on our website and through a variety of social media platforms. Our KHTS national award-winning daily news briefs are now read daily by 34,000+ residents. A vibrant member of the Santa Clarita community, the KHTS broadcast signal reaches all of the Santa Clarita Valley and parts of the high desert communities located in the Antelope Valley. The station streams its talk shows over the web, reaching a potentially worldwide audience. Follow @KHTSRadio on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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Looking To Lose Weight The Healthy Way? Tips To Bring Down Your Body Fat Percentage! - KHTS Radio
Meal plans and workouts: Heres how to lose weight before the New Year – YourStory

The New Year always brings with it, a lot of celebration and chances are you want to lose some weight before the end of December so that you can look good and feel great when 2021 arrives.
Choose the right meal plan in order to lose weight
The first thing that you have to consider is routine and rhythm. You might be following intermittent fasting and finding that it is causing you stress. You might be going the opposite route and eating every couple of hours and finding that this is also too challenging.
You have to consider your comfort levels when it comes to the right diet. If a diet allows you to feel calmer, feel more energetic, have better sleep and not have chronic symptoms of any kind, then it is probably supporting you.
The first thing that you have to do before you think of changing your meal plan, is to ensure optimal exercise. I dont mean that you have to over train for hours together. You just need consistent exercise for one hour, perhaps five days a week.
Raw foods and juices are good for health and weight loss
Swap out processed foods with home-cooked meals. If you can prepare your meals yourself, that is wonderful. Meals prepared by you at home, are going to be fresh, with the right amount of healthy fats and much easier on your digestion. All of this will create a foundation for you to lose weight.
Before I take you through a simple meal plan to lose weight, I must add that you should stay away from the chronic calculation of calories. Eat with your eyes and from your heart. Eat mindfully. You will never overeat if you eat while focusing on your food, rather than the television.
Eat five balanced meals a day instead of sugary and starchy foods
My suggestion to most people is to eat five balanced meals within a twelve-hour frame. This immediately ensures blood sugar balance and eating less at each meal. It is amazing when you see just this change shifting things for people. Within a day or two of doing this, your blood sugar will stabilise, and you will start needing less food.
Exercise is mandatory for weight loss
When it comes to the two snacks between breakfast and lunch, or lunch and dinner, eat a pear or an apple, two tablespoons of toasted seeds or makhana, a palmful of sand roasted peanuts, some vegetables with hummus, a smoothie or some sweet potato wedges with chaat. When you start eating a snack in between these meals and maintaining a twelve-hour framework, you will find yourself needing a lighter dinner.
If you want to lose weight before the New Year, it is best to increase the number of vegetables that you eat. If you consider swapping out processed foods with wholesome home-cooked meals, maintaining a plate framework and eating five meals in twelve hours, you will find yourself shedding water retention and excess weight, without affecting your health, sleep, energy or mood.
(Images credit: Shutterstock)
(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)
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Meal plans and workouts: Heres how to lose weight before the New Year - YourStory
Best supplements for weight loss: Capsaicin shown to boost metabolism and aid fat burning – Express

Capsaicin is a compound in hot peppers that brings the heat when consumed. It can also be consumed in supplement form.
Capsaicin is thought to target and eliminate fat by boosting your metabolism - a key driver of weight loss.
In fact, as research shows, your weight is highly dependent upon your metabolism, which is the process of breaking down what you eat and drink into energy for your body to use in its everyday functions.
Evidence suggests capsaicin supplements may boost your metabolism, enabling you to more easily lose weight and burn fat.
READ MORE:The 2p a day supplement to lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes symptoms
Belly fat, also known as visceral fat, is the most harmful form of fat because it sits near vital organs, such as the liver and intestines.
Capsaicin also appears to have an appetite-suppressing effect, which may help you cut your calorie intake throughout the day.
It is important to note that the benefits of consuming capsaicin will be negligible unless you commit to a healthy diet and exercise.
According to the NHS, there's no single rule that applies to everyone, but to lose weight at a safe and sustainable rate of 0.5 to one kilogram a week, most people are advised to reduce their energy intake by 600 calories a day.
For most men, this will mean consuming no more than 1,900 calories a day, and for most women, no more than 1,400 calories a day.
"The best way to achieve this is to swap unhealthy and high-energy food choices such as fast food, processed food and sugary drinks (including alcohol) for healthier choices," says the NHS.
Generally, a healthy diet should consist of:
The other crucial ingredient to achieving a healthy weight is to engage in regular exercise.
The Chief Medical Officers recommend that adults should do a minimum of 150 minutes moderate-intensity activity a week for example, five sessions of 30-minute exercise a week.
Something is better than nothing, and doing just 10 minutes of exercise at a time is beneficial.
Moderate-intensity activity is any activity that increases your heart and breathing rate.
This includes:
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Best supplements for weight loss: Capsaicin shown to boost metabolism and aid fat burning - Express
31 Ways to Lose Weight Faster – Nation Online – – The Nation Newspaper

If you had the power to melt fat in just 60 seconds, would you use it? Well, that power is yours. You can use those 60 seconds to read our list of the most effective weight loss tips we can find. These expert-recommended, science-backed tips were hand-selected for their ability to turn your body into a hyper-efficient fat-burning machine so you can lose weight faster by revving up your metabolism, toning and defining your muscles, and turning off the genes that contribute to fat storage.
Incorporate these into your diet, and blast fat fast by reading our essential report: The Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat for Good, Say Doctors.
It's getting hot in here so take off all your, um, cloves. And use spicier spices instead! "Sprinkle cayenne pepper (or any other chili pepper) over your food, or make a drink by adding cayenne to lemon and hot or room temperature water," shares Julieanna Hever, MS, RD, CPT, a plant-based dietitian and author of The Vegiterranean Diet and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition. "This will temporarily give your metabolism a boost."
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Those Greek gods at the gym are onto something: "Aim for 25-35 grams per meal until you [hit your weight loss goals]," suggests registered dietitian Mitzi Dulan, RD, author of The Pinterest Diet: How to Pin Your Way Thin and team nutritionist for the Kansas City Royals. "This will satisfy you and help prevent going overboard with carbs." You can start with your first meal of the day: 19 High Protein Breakfasts That Keep You Full.
With apologies to Virginia Woolf, one cannot think well, love well, eat well, if one has not slept well. Getting plenty of sleep is extremely important for losing weight at a good rate. Not only can lack of sleep slow the metabolism, but it can also make us more likely to make poor food choices. We often eat more sugar when we are tired because we feel the need for energy, but what we really need is sleep and not sugar! And then we are more likely to skip workouts when we are sleep deprived, too.
We'd always hoped English would be more important than math. "Learning to read the ingredients, instead of relying on the caloric and macronutrient breakdown, allows you to better understand what's going in your food," says registered dietitian Lisa Hayim, RD and founder of The Well Necessities and TWN Collection. "When we identify things like added sugar, preservatives, or chemicals, we are more likely to find alternatives that are cleaner and digested more easily."
Here's a comparison for you to remember: "Five ounces of wine, 1.5 ounces of hard liquor or 12 ounces of light beer all have significantly fewer calories (typically 90-120) than mixed drinks, fruity cocktails and regular beer (which range from 140 calories to upwards of 700 calories, especially when you don't stick to a serving size!)," The Nutrition Twins, Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT and Tammy Lakatos Shames, RDN, CDN, CFT, and authors of The Nutrition Twins' Veggie Cure remind us. "If you have a couple of cocktails each week and switch to the lighter choices, it's an easy way to shed pounds!" Or, blast fat drinking pinot noir, one of our 16 Best Wines for Weight Loss!
"Add some good clean fun to your life. Eating well, moving more, and managing stressas daily lifelong habitsis the recipe for achieving healthy weight," says Annie Kay, MS, RDN, Lead Nutritionist at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health. "If you are not losing weight, the first thing to check is if one of these key areas has slipped. And if so, what made your plan too hard to maintain? Can you think of three strategies to make your plan a little easier or more fun?"
We know, we know. But at least for now: "Cheese is so high in calories that if you eat it regularly (including pizza, enchiladas, and foods with cheese on or in them), these foods will contribute to your weight gain," suggests celebrity nutritionist Lisa DeFazio, MS, RDN. If you need some help following this tip, check out22 Genius Tips To Cut Back on Dairy, According to Experts.
"Eat carbohydrates during the day. But at dinner, eat protein, vegetables, and a small amount of carbs like a half-cup of sweet potato," says DeFazio. "After dinner, try not to eat anything and have a cup of herbal non-caffeinated tea," she adds. And when you do eat a carb, make sure it's one of these mouthwatering 25 Best Carbs for Weight Loss!
Spice is, well, the spice of life, right? "If you've been eating healthy, balanced meals and being active to reach a healthy weight, and you've reached a standstill, change it up! If you usually walk, how about trying a bike ride or a swim?" shares Kay. For some fun ideas, check out these astonishingly effective 20 ways to overcome a weight-loss plateau!
"When you strength train, you increase your RMR (resting metabolic rate)," says Hayim. "This means that at rest, you are burning more than you normally would. This elevated metabolic rate continues after the workout is done, meaning more calories burned."
Some research shows that consuming a higher percentage of your calories from protein (20-30 percent) while also following a strength-training routine can help you lose weight fast and the building of lean muscle, simultaneously. This doesn't mean totally cutting carbs or other food groups out of your dietyou need them to have the energy to workout!but it does mean replacing empty calories [from things like sugary drinks or sweets] with calories from protein. Lean up with one of these best protein shakes for weight loss!
Emerging research shows a correlation between gut health and weight. People who have more good bacteria in their guts tend to be a healthier weight, while overweight and obese individuals tend to have less of the good stuff in their gut. You can enhance the good bacteria in your gut by eating food rich in good bacteria (also known as probiotics) including yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut (look for the refrigerated versions of these to get the benefits). But don't stop there! You have to feed those good bacteria, and they eat prebiotics, which are found in fiber-rich food such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. As an added bonus, fiber helps to control your appetite and some studies show that having more good gut bacteria can reduce junk food cravings as well, and both of these things could help accelerate weight loss!
"Eat plenty of fiber by opting for at least seven one-cup servings of vegetables, two servings of fruits, and one cup of beans or lentils each day," says Hever. "Fiber, found exclusively in plants, signals your brain to stop eating. Thus, you can feel full with fewer calories and plenty of nutrition." Here are the best high-fiber foods that will get things movingfast.
Instead of reaching for your phone first thing in the A.M., befriend a tall, refreshing glass of water. "Start your day with water and drink at least half your body weight (in pounds) in ounces each day," suggests Hever. "Fill up on water to improve satiety and help you eat fewer overall calories." Slip a few invigorating summer staples into your meals like watermelon and cukes whose water content are high, too!
It's mmm mmmm good! Especially if infused with some fruit and sliced cukes. "This calorie-free beverage is an easy way to add volume and fill your stomach before you dig into your next meal," says registered dietitian Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE. "By drinking before the meal, you can offset hunger and allow yourself to eat smaller portions, promoting weight loss."
"Eat a piece of fruit, green salad with a low-fat dressing, raw vegetables, or soup before every meal," suggests Hever. "Research has shown that this will help you eat fewer overall calories at those meals due to the satiation those foods provide." Need some inspiration? Look no further than the 20 best-ever fat-burning soupsto help you lose weight fast.
You don't have to tell us twice! "Science shows that stress can trigger cravings for less healthy foods, as well as set your body up to store more fat. So, meditation, yoga, and taking time to do things you like to do are great healthy-weight strategies," says Kay.
Every tea has its own special weight-loss powers, but if your boat is sinking and you can only grab one package of tea before swimming to the deserted island, make it green tea. Green tea is the bandit that picks the lock on your fat cells and drains them away, even when we're not making the smartest dietary choices and aren't able to lose weight fast. Chinese researchers found that green tea significantly lowers triglyceride concentrations (potentially dangerous fat found in the blood) and belly fat in subjects who eat fatty diets.
Related:What Happens to Your Body If You Drink Tea Every Day
And eat your veggies at every mealand yes, we mean every. " Mix steamed veggies right into your meal! You'll significantly slash calories," say The Nutrition Twins. "The vegetables will make the meal much less calorie dense and you'll fill up faster. You'll be able to save some for the next day. For example: Don't just order pasta with shrimp, order a side of steamed broccoli and mix it right into the sauce. Do the same with all of your dishes!"
"Perform cardiovascular exercise first thing in the morning. This will ensure you kick off your metabolism-boosting for the day," says Hever. You don't necessarily have to go on a run or do a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout. Walking at a "brisk" pace (over 3.5 miles per hour) for 30 minutes is enough to get a cardiovascular workout.
"This sounds silly but fast eaters are more likely to overeat," says Palinski-Wade. And here's why it really works: "By simply putting your fork down in between bites, you can slow down your eating pace allowing your body more time to process your food and get the signal to your brain that you have eaten enough to be satisfied."
Straight from a nutritionist to music for your sweet, sweet ears: "[Enlist] carbohydrate-rich foods offer filling fiber and optimal nutrition to help you attain all you need with fewer calories than high-fat foods," says Hever. Some of our favorites are whole grains like quinoa and brown rice.
Individualized attention? Check. Customized plans tailored for your body and lose weight fast goals? You betch ya. "Nutritionists to the rescue! A professional nutritionist can review what you are doing and eating, and is likely to pinpoint the quickest healthiest ways to meet your personal goal," says Kay.
Been there, time to ditch that. "Focusing too much on the numbers on your scale may be missing the point. Weight is one indicator that you might check weekly, but focusing on your energy level and measurements like waist circumference are just as important. Give it time and don't give up; you are worth the effort," says Kay.
This simple switch can help you lose weight fast! "Most people eat several hundred calories of dessert but if you satisfy your sweet tooth with a piece of fruit, you'll get the sweet flavor, as well as the fiber to help prevent an energy crash and save yourself hundreds of calories," share The Nutrition Twins. For more little swaps than can lead to big gains, don't miss these 50 Little Things Making You Fatter and Fatter!
"Tons of research supports this idea," says Hayim. "We used to rely on three square meals throughout the day, but more research shows us that eating small meals helps drop the weight easier. This is useful because you avoid going long periods of time without food, which ultimately causes overconsumption, and also ensures that the fuel you put in, gets used, instead of stored."
"Whether you pour oil on your omelet at breakfast, in your salad at lunch, or in your pan to cook your dinner, each tablespoon adds 120 calories," explains The Nutrition Twins. "And chances are each time you pour the oil you are using more than a couple of tablespoons. Put your oil in a spray bottle, spritz it on your pot or your meal instead of pouring it and you'll save hundreds of calories each day and the weight will seem to fall off you."
From your healthy snacks to that bite-size mini Milky Way, write it all down! "Keeping record holds you accountable for what you put in your mouth," say The Nutrition Twins. "You won't forget you ate a few pieces of candy from your co-workers' candy jar if it's recorded in your food diary. Research shows when you write down what you eat you lose twice as much weight." Not a fan of pen and paper? Loads of websites make it a cinch to log what you eat each day, and they'll even tally up the nutrition and calorie counts for you to boot.
C'mon, speak up! And besides, you'll avoid that doused-in-too-much balsamic syndrome while you're at it. "Even the healthiest eaters can pack in additional calories without realizing it. One of the biggest culprits is excess salad dressing," states Palinski-Wade. "When you pour it on your salad, you consume dressing you may not even taste and often use a larger portion. Instead, ask for the dressing on the side this way you can dip each bite so you still enjoy the same flavor but with a much smaller amount." Click here to uncover even more of the 40 Habits That Make You Sick and Fat!
"Eat dinner on the early side so you can go to sleep without a full stomach," advises Hever. "Then stretch out breakfast until you are truly physically hungry. This will provide your body with a break to restore and rejuvenate and help you eat in accordance with your true hunger and satiety needs."
Salad plates work fine or invest in cute side plates that make you swoon every time you see 'em. "Research has shown that when we eat on larger plates, we can eat up to 31% more food than we realize," says Palinski-Wade. "Shrinking your plate size may help to shrink portions and calories, making weight loss easier."
Here is the original post:
31 Ways to Lose Weight Faster - Nation Online - - The Nation Newspaper
Exercise For PCOS: Sample Plan, Types of Exercise, and More – Healthline

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a medical condition that affects an estimated 8 to 13 percent of women who are of reproductive age.
PCOS can cause:
While these dont happen to every woman with PCOS, there are changes from a lifestyle perspective that can help reduce the likelihood these effects will occur.
This article will focus on some of the changes you can implement today, such as diet and exercise routines. As always, if you have specific questions, talk to your doctor who helps you manage your PCOS.
Women with PCOS experience higher rates of insulin resistance compared to women who dont have the condition. Insulin resistance affects your bodys ability to use blood sugar for energy.
Doctors have connected a lack of physical activity and excess body weight as potential contributing factors to insulin resistance, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
Not all women with PCOS have overweight. The good news is physical exercise is something you can do for your health when you have PCOS, regardless of your weight.
A meta-analysis of 16 studies related to PCOS and exercise found that vigorous intensity aerobic exercise was the most likely to reduce body mass index (BMI) and insulin resistance in women with PCOS, according to an article in the journal Frontiers in Physiology.
The researchers compared moderate exercise to vigorous exercise. They also found that vigorous exercise and healthy diet interventions resulted in the greatest decreases in BMI.
A research review of lifestyle interventions in PCOS published in the journal Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology found that exercise helped to reduce weight, abdominal fat, and fasting insulin levels.
The review also found exercise could help women of all weight levels with PCOS either lose or maintain their weight to help them look and feel healthier.
A literature review of studies published in the journal Sports Medicine regarding types of exercises, such as strength training and aerobic activity, did not find one specific exercise type was the most beneficial to women with PCOS.
Some of the studies reviewed aerobic exercise and resistance training, riding a stationary bicycle versus riding a bicycle outside, and treadmill walking or jogging at a moderate intensity versus vigorous intensity. The authors did find there are many exercise types that could benefit women with PCOS.
The message from these and other studies is that exercise can usually help you when you have PCOS, and the best exercise is what you will do regularly. Bonus points if the exercise can be something you enjoy doing.
Here are some exercise types to consider:
These are just some examples of exercises you can do with minimal equipment and space.
Researchers have completed several studies regarding the best diet types for those with PCOS to follow. The Androgen Excess and PCOS Society used this research to make recommendations for women, which include:
If you arent sure where to start with incorporating these changes to your diet, talk to your doctor. Your doctor also may recommend seeing a dietitian to create an eating plan specific to women with PCOS.
Exercise to improve your PCOS doesnt have to take hours a week. Studies have found exercise sessions ranging from 30 minutes a day, three times a week, to three total hours per week improved metabolic and reproductive symptoms associated with PCOS.
The Androgen Excess and PCOS Society recommends getting at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day and increasing your activity effort when you can. Some of the ways you can incorporate exercise in your life include the following:
If boredom is a factor in your commitment to an exercise routine, utilize a combination of these exercise types, such as completing a different exercise session type three times a week.
Try to incorporate the following habits for healthy eating with each meal and snack:
Using these guidelines, you can often stay within recommended daily calorie requirements given your overall height, health level, and weight.
When you have PCOS, its always a good idea to talk to your doctor about the lifestyle changes you can make to improve your health. When it comes to exercise for your PCOS, its especially important you talk to your doctor if you have other medical conditions that could affect your ability to exercise. Examples include arthritis or heart-related conditions.
If you have been sedentary for some time or dont have a solid foundation in exercise safety or proper form, it may be a good idea to consult a personal trainer. Your personal trainer should have a fitness certification from an accredited organization. Examples include:
Your trainer should be experienced and emphasize safety.
Exercise can be an important part of your PCOS management. Not only does it improve your physical health, exercise can help you manage your stress levels.
If you arent sure where to start, seeing your doctor and finding a personal trainer can help set you on a safe pathway. Exercising at least three times a week and sticking with it can help you improve symptoms from PCOS.
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Exercise For PCOS: Sample Plan, Types of Exercise, and More - Healthline
Intermittent fasting: How does it affect your health? – The New Times

Intermittent fasting has become a trend. Its said to help with weight loss, improve metabolic health, and perhaps even extend lifespan.
Mayo Clinic defines intermittent fasting as not eating for a period of time each day or week. Some popular approaches to intermittent fasting include, alternate-day fastingthat happens due to eating a normal diet one day and either completely fast or having one small meal (less than 500 calories) the next day.
5:2 fasting; this is eating a normal diet five days a week and fasting two days a week yet daily time-restricted fasting involves eating normally but only within an eight-hour window each day. For example, skip breakfast but eat lunch around noon and dinner by 8pm.
Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It doesnt specify which foods you should eat, rather, when you should eat them. In this respect, its not a diet in the conventional sense, but more accurately described as an eating pattern.
Some studies suggest that alternate-day fasting is about as effective as a typical low-calorie diet for weight loss. That seems true because reducing the number of calories you eat should help you lose weight.
Losing weight and being physically active help lower your risk of obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes, sleep apnoea and some types of cancer. For these diseases, intermittent fasting seems to be about as beneficial as any other type of diet that reduces overall calories.
Although it is necessary to know that intermittent fasting can have unpleasant side effects, they usually go away within a month. Side effects may be hunger, fatigue, insomnia, nausea, headaches, and so forth.
Some research suggests that intermittent fasting may be more beneficial than other diets for reducing inflammation and improving conditions associated with inflammation, such as Alzheimers disease, arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis and stroke.
Dieudonne Bukaba, a nutrition expert based in Kigali, is of the view that intermittent fasting is safe for many people, although not for everyoneskipping meals may not be the best way to manage your weight, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
If you have kidney stones, gastroesophageal reflux, diabetes or other medical problems, it is advisable to talk to your doctor before starting intermittent fasting.
This kind of fasting can be difficult, but as ones body adjusts to a new way of consuming foods, the diet gets easier. The idea is to be more aware of what and when a person is eating it gives them limits and boundaries.
Bukaba says that intermittent fasting should go hand-in-hand with daily exercises, limiting or avoiding sugars, and choosing fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats.
While eating, he says, if you wish to lose weight, aim for a calorie level that supports a weight loss of less than two kilogrammes a week. On average, to lose almost one kilogramme a week, it will require you to cut out 500 calories a day.
Drinking water in plenty is necessary as one plans to engage in fasting, but not to forget other fluids during the hours you are not consuming solid food. However, soda and beverages containing caffeine should be avoided, Bukaba says.
Here is the original post:
Intermittent fasting: How does it affect your health? - The New Times
Just 12 minutes of exercise change biomarkers in your blood: 5 easy and quick workouts to add to your routine – Times Now

Just 12 minutes of exercise change biomarkers in your blood: 5 easy and quick workouts to add to your routine  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images
New Delhi: Exercise is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle. Experts and medical professionals recommend that one should get 30 minutes of exercise, at least 4-5 days in a week in order to stay healthy, and reduce the risk of diseases. The exercise you take up can be anything cycling, walking, running, jogging, strength training, or even dancing as long as you get your body moving. However, a new study suggests that just within 12 minutes, exercise can start changing biomarkers in your blood.
The WHO recently talked about the need for exercise to stay healthy, and said that it may play an even bigger role during the pandemic. While some people may argue that with the given conditions, finding time for exercise can be difficult, just 10-12 minutes of some physical activity is something anyone can manage.
According to a recent study, short bursts of exercise can have a more positive impact on your health, than you think. Accoridng to a new study, 12 minutes of intense activity is enough to significantly change the biomarkers of metabolic health in people's blood.
According to a report by the ScienceAlert, researchers analysed the reactions of 411 middle-aged men and women to 12 minutes of intense exercise and found that exercise had an effect on more than 80 per cent of circulating metabolites in their blood.
These metabolites can act as indicators ofcardiometabolic, cardiovascular, and long-term health, suggesting that even a short hit of activity is enough to benefit some of the body's key biological processes."Much is known about the effects of exercise on cardiac, vascular and inflammatory systems of the body, but our study provides a comprehensive look at the metabolic impact of exercise by linking specific metabolic pathways to exercise response variables and long-term health outcomes,"says Gregory Lewis, a specialist in heart failure and cardiac transplantation at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).
Since it has been proven that even a small duration of exercise can have a considerable impact on your overall health, and reduce the risk of diseases, here are 5 workouts you can add to your routine.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.
Excerpt from:
Just 12 minutes of exercise change biomarkers in your blood: 5 easy and quick workouts to add to your routine - Times Now
Samsung Galaxy Fit 2 fitness tracker is at new low price in the Black Friday deals – TechRadar

The Black Friday deals don't just cut the prices of costly TVs, iPads and laptops; more affordable products like fitness trackers are also seeing reductions, and that's the case with the Samsung Galaxy Fit 2. (Not in the US? Scroll down for prices on the original Samsung Galaxy Fit in your region below.)
The Samsung Galaxy Fit 2, an affordable fitness tracker launched in September, is now $10 cheaper on Amazon, which is its first-ever reduction. The Fit 2 is now only $49.99, making it a viable alternative to the Black Friday smartwatch sales for people who don't need a fancy (and expensive) wearable and just want to track workouts.
This is just one of many Black Friday deals we've seen, but for people who want to work out a bit more, it might be the best.
Samsung Galaxy Fit 2: $59.99 $49.99 at Amazon (save $10)This affordable fitness tracker is at a new low price, in its first-ever discount since launching in September. With $10 off, you've got even fewer excuses to pick it up and start getting healthy.View Deal
The Samsung Galaxy Fit 2 has a two-week battery life and is made of molded silicone. It has a range of fitness features perfect for people who want a step or sleep tracker, though it doesn't have as many functions as one of Samsung's smartwatches.
Like most fitness trackers, it's an affordable device, though this deal makes it even cheaper.
We're seeing loads of sales on wearables, and we've also got round-ups on Black Friday Apple Watch deals, Black Friday Fitbit deals and Black Friday Garmin deals too.
Here are deals on the Samsung Galaxy Fit in your area:
Today's best Samsung Galaxy Fit and deals
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TechRadar is scouring every retailer and rounding up all the top deals over the Black Friday period, and weve put all the best Black Friday deals and Cyber Monday deals in easy-to-navigate articles to help you find the bargains youre looking for.
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Samsung Galaxy Fit 2 fitness tracker is at new low price in the Black Friday deals - TechRadar
PERRY BUCHANAN: 12 ways of fitness | Features | – The Albany Herald

You survived Thanksgiving and have one more major holiday to survive before the New Year and your resolutions begin. So for those who are contemplating what 2021 New Years resolutions to set, improving any of the following health indicators would be a good place to start. Research shows that individuals who follow these basic health practices and maintain these healthy indicator numbers will live more than 10 years longer, on average, than those who dont. Staying with the theme of the season, I present the 12 ways of fitness:
Body weight. Maintain a healthy, lean bodyweight. Weight is probably the number most of us are aware of and easiest to measure. Obesity is responsible for a multitude of health problems. Based on your height and weight you can calculate whats known as your body mass index (BMI). Your BMI is your weight in kilograms divided by your height in meters squared. There are plenty of charts available on the web, so you dont have to do the math. Ideal is a body mass index (BMI) of less than 25.
Waist size. Waist size is a better way to determine how your weight is affecting your health. If you carry a large percent of your body fat around your waistline, your risk of dying prematurely is nearly double. Divide the narrowest part of your waist by the widest part of your hips. A waist-to-hip ratio of less than .90 for men and .85 inches for women is desired. A waist size over 35 inches for women and over 40 inches for men indicates increased health risks.
Smoking status. Everyone is rightfully concerned this year about the COVID-19 pandemic and taking appropriate precautions to avoid it. However, there continually exists a very controllable health threat that kills more people than COVID-19 every year. Smoking kills more than 400,000 people annually. Do not smoke.
Fasting blood sugar. Testing your fasting blood sugar measures your risk for diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease that can lead to blindness, heart disease, kidney failure, and other health complications. A fasting blood sugar number above 100 is considered pre-diabetic.
Limit alcohol. Do not drink or at least drink in moderation. Studies show that moderate alcohol consumption of one to two drinks per day can have health benefits for some, but more than that will have adverse effects on your health.
Sleep. Get adequate sleep. For most people that means 7-8 hours each night.
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Blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of your arteries. Blood pressure should be less than 120/80. High blood pressure (hypertension) is a risk factor for heart disease.
Blood cholesterol. Total cholesterol should be less than 200 and LDL less than 130. Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in your bodys cells. It helps your body make important vitamins and hormones. But too much cholesterol can lead to plaque buildup inside your blood vessels. This sticky substance causes your arteries to harden and narrow, which limits blood flow. These blockages can create a heart attack or, if located in the brain, a stroke.
Triglycerides. In addition to monitoring your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, keep a check on your triglycerides. Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) found in your blood. When you eat, your body converts any calories it doesnt need to use right away into triglycerides and stores it in your fat cells. If you eat more calories than you burn, you may have high triglycerides (hypertriglyceridemia). Having a triglyceride reading above 150 can increase your risk of heart disease.
Physical activity. Strive for 4-7 days per week of moderately vigorous exercise lasting 30-plus minutes.
Healthy nutritional habits. Eat a heart-healthy diet. Fill your plate with plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and low-fat dairy products.
Social support and a general state of happiness. People married or who have a significant other, make frequent contact with family/friends, and regularly participate in a faith group or a social club live longer. This is more reason for us to enjoy the holidays with friends and family.
Follow the lifestyle choices that promote overall health and this year very well may be the year you reach your fitness goals.
Perry Buchanan, owner of PT Gym, is certified as an exercise physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine, and fitness nutrition specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Email him at Follow @ptgym on Twitter.
See the original post here:
PERRY BUCHANAN: 12 ways of fitness | Features | - The Albany Herald