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Walk around in shoes with sensors to diagnose degenerative diseases – Innovation Origins

The way in which people walk can reveal a lot about their health. A group of Spanish researchers is testing sensors that generate information. This will help diagnose and track the progress of degenerative diseases, all from the way a person walks.
In order to achieve this, these mobile sensors are placed in the footwear of patients. They then register information, such as walking speed, step length, arm swing time, standing time, how high the foot lifts off the ground, gait symmetry, and the variability in any of these parameters. All these movement patterns are used to detect evolving degenerative diseases.
The team of scientists in charge of this project hail from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Centre for Automation and Robotics (CAR), and the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) in Spain. Although the initiative is also part of the Next Perception EU project. This a larger project whose goal is to develop next-generation smart perception sensors and enhance the distributed intelligence paradigm to build versatile, secure, reliable, and proactive human monitoring solutions for the health, wellbeing, and automotive domains.
Dr. Antonio Jimenz, who heads the team, explained to Innovation Origins how the idea for developing this technology was born. Currently, geriatric hospitals have methods in place to assess frailty and detect risks of falls. However, these methods [Short Physical Performance Test (SPPB) and Timed Up and Go Test] both have a subjective component. They require a lot of consultation time. But when patients are being supervised by a doctor, they tend to try harder and get better results than they would do in their everyday lives. That is why we propose making a light, cheap, and objective system. One that can be used during the patients natural, everyday walk, even at home. This will allow us to obtain more realistic results and reduce consultation times.
Many scientific studies state that walking styles can be indicative of physical, physiological, neurological, and even psychological conditions. Data about walking speed, cadence (steps/minute), and step length already provide plenty of information about a persons frailty, said Jimenz. If on top of this, we add all the other movement patterns as mentioned above, accurate diagnosis rates can be further refined and increased.
Frailty syndrome is a common condition among older adults. It entails a recognizable state of increased vulnerability resulting from an aging-associated decline in faculties and functions across multiple physiological systems to the extent that the ability to cope with everyday or acute stressors is compromised. One of the main health risks associated with frailty are falls. These can cause severe consequences, especially for older adults.
Jimenz said that frailty is a disease that can be diagnosed in the main by looking at the level of physical activity, strength, speed, movement, and other aspects related to low energy or weight loss in older adults. Therefore, this is the core condition that the research team is currently focusing on.
The results will be used to improve the procedures used in evaluating the origins and treatments of degenerative motor diseases. The lead scientist mentioned that they will also help with degenerative mental conditions. That is because there could be a correlation in a multitude of cases.
Additionally, these strategies based on smart shoes can be used to classify any activities carried out by a person in their home. This would be based on their assumed movement and positions. This means that their daily activities can be monitored. Plus, as a preventive measure, they can get advice on how to improve their dynamic movement. Applications exist for other areas too. Such as sports (optimization of jumps, running, etc.), or even for monitoring rescue teams intervening inside buildings (firefighters in burning or semi-collapsed buildings).
The preliminary results for the project are expected in approximately 24 months. However, Jimenz clarified that the research is a medium-long-term task with ongoing improvements and innovations that provide the team with enough work for at least another decade.
Nonetheless, as is the case with a lot of research, money is a determining factor for when results can be produced. The pace of progress depends on the public subsidies we receive, either at a national or a European level. This allows us to hire staff or keep the existing team members. As well as take advantage of the knowledge that is generated. Private financing from companies that may want to exploit the results would accelerate the development. Yet that is somewhat more difficult to get when they dont see any benefits and returns in the short term.
The research is now in its very early stages. However, according to Jimenz, the preliminary results are quite promising. Nevertheless, the size, autonomy, and ease of use of the technology all need to be improved. And of course, the team is planning to experiment with larger groups of patients from referral hospitals in the future.
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Walk around in shoes with sensors to diagnose degenerative diseases - Innovation Origins
THESE are the top 5 foods to improve your metabolism – PINKVILLA

Consume these 5 foods to boost your metabolism and to get rid of the unwanted body fat and the calories.
Metabolism is the process by which the body converts food into energy. If you have a high metabolism, i.e if the rate of metabolism is fast, then your body will be able to burn calories quickly and it will be easier for you to lose unwanted body fat. The rate at which you lose weight depends on your metabolic rate.
The rate of metabolism is different in different people. While there are many ways to improve ones metabolism like regular exercise, drinking a lot of water etc. Foods play an important role in improving the metabolic functions. There are some foods that help improve your metabolism and therefore, help us to quickly lose weight and stay healthy. Here are the top 5 foods which help in improving the metabolism.
Caffeine in tea helps in improving the metabolism of the body. Green tea and oolong are effective in fat oxidation and in burning calories.
Lentils are rich in irons which improve the flow of oxygen in the body and that in turn, boosts the metabolism and in producing energy.
Nuts such as almonds, pistachios etc are rich in proteins. Proteins use more energy to digest them which increase the metabolic rate of the body.
Chilli Peppers
Chilli Peppers help in increasing the rate of energy conversion. These improve the metabolic rate and thereby improve the rate of fat and calorie burn.
Consuming fish can help in boosting the metabolism. Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids which help in fat burning and improve the metabolism significantly.
Also Read:3 Effective ways to STOP food addiction to stay away from empty calories
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THESE are the top 5 foods to improve your metabolism - PINKVILLA
Flat stomach: here are the 20 fruits that make you lose weight to (finally) lose weight! – The Times Hub

Fruits are great for burning fat; discover those that will help you in your quest to lose weight.
To lose the extra pounds that poison our lives, fruits are our friends! It is therefore high time to include them in our diet. The confinement can test us psychically and physically, the fruits these love letters that we send to our body must be more than present in our kitchens, to finally lose weight naturally and put an end to untimely snacking.
On the same subject
Because yes, we know, its difficult to resist a small snack, especially when we have had a quick lunch at noon. And this is where raspberries, apples, grapefruit, kiwis all these very low-calorie fruits act as firefighters for cravings and a fortiori as fat-burning foods; this while promoting intake of trace elements, vitamins and minerals. These same fruits which are also particularly rich in fiber and antioxidants, which gives them superior slimming virtues. Which taking their place in a diet without excess and combined with a sport practice, will quickly offer convincing results.It is time to find out what are these fruits miraculous for our health and our waistline in our slideshow.
To read also:
Lose weight: here is the pizza with the lowest calories according to the experts (no, its not the margherita)
Weight Loss: Yes, Sleeping Can Make Us Lean!
Originally posted here:
Flat stomach: here are the 20 fruits that make you lose weight to (finally) lose weight! - The Times Hub
UAE: Is fasting the best route to fitness? – Gulf News

Intermittent fasting is one of the more popular forms of fasting and is currently a health and fitness trend. Image Credit: Shutterstock
Fasting is the new trend in town. Or is it just a fad?Since when didUAE residents startturning their faces away from food?
UAE is a second home to more than 200 nationalities who work and live here. All of these nationalities have brought to the UAE their own cuisine, making it the culinary capital of the world, in terms of sheer size, variety and per square metre availability. There is no denying the fact that the average UAE resident spares no second thought when it comes to eating out or testing out a new dish. However, more and more people you meet are talking about fasting as a new pursuit as much as eating. It is as though they have found a new balance in life. We enquired and this is what we found.
Fasting and health: Let's start with the basics
Shyam Krishna, Senior Associate Editor
Whats fasting?
Fasting is abstaining from eating food for a specific length of time. The human body is well equipped to handle extended periods without food. Humans must have been fasting since they were around. Most of the time, it was done out of necessity when food wasnt available. When there was adequate food, fasting has been used for therapy and as spiritual practices in several religions. Now, fasting has been used for maintaining fitness and weight loss.
Hows fasting linked to medicine?
Fasting is one of the oldest medical therapies. It is used in many ancient healing systems since fasting allows the body to rid itself of toxins that are responsible for several ailments. Greek physician Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said that fasting helped the body to heal itself.
How does fasting work?
When the intake of food is stopped for a certain period, many organs and systems of the body will not have to work on digestion. So the energy saved from the digestive process is used to repair the body, thereby healing it. The liver and immune system are freed to detoxify and heal the body. It also allows the body to burn the stored calories.
What are the benefits of fasting?
Many studies have shown that fasting can help reduce weight, improve metabolic health, protect against ailments, including heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, some forms of cancer, and Alzheimers. Besides, theres the promise of a longer, healthier life. During fasting, theres also a significant reduction in blood sugar and insulin levels, besides a sharp spike in human growth hormone.
Although fasting is recommended, medical advice has to be sought before starting any form of fasts. The various kinds of fasting may not work for everyone, and some people may require a tailor-made plan. So its best to consult a healthcare professional before starting a fast.
Intermittent fasting
It is one of the more popular forms of fasting and is currently a health and fitness trend. Simply put, its alternating cycles of fasting and eating. But the duration of fasting differs in each version. So these are time-restricted eating plans.
Intermittent fasting has been used as a weight-loss tool, but it doesnt work for everyone and is not recommended for people with eating disorders. Is very important to consume nutritious food during the eating periods, and avoid excessive calorie intake.
There are several approaches to intermittent fasting, but we have focused on nine of them.
1. Fast for 12 hours a day
Its fasting for 12 hours and the remaining 12 hours is a window for eating before resuming the fast. According to researchers, this diet could persuade the body to turn its fat stores into energy and release ketones into the bloodstream. And that should encourage weight loss.
Known as the Leangains protocol, it involves fasting for 16 hours, and the daily eating window is restricted to 8-10 hours. Its easier to follow if you dont eat anything after dinner and skip breakfast the next day. The method, structured by fitness expert Martin Berkhan, permits drinking water, black coffee, black tea (a splash of milk is allowed) and other zero-calorie beverages during the fast.
The weight loss in this diet is also triggered by ketosis. During the 16-hour fast, glycogen in the liver is depleted, and the body slips into ketosis. Leangains includes exercise into the fasting period to increase the rate of burning fat.
Called the Fast Diet after the book authored by Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer, it allows regular food intake for five days of the week, but for the remaining two days the calorie intake is reduced to 500600. The 5:2 diet prescribes lean protein, vegetables, and fruit on fasting days as two small meals and snacks. On the other five days, you can eat almost anything.
Its simple: You fast every other day. Fasting for a full day may seem extreme and could be unsustainable. Some variations allow for an intake of 500 calories during the fasting days. Several studies have shown the benefits of this method, popularised by Krista Varady, a nutrition professor at the University of Illinois in Chicago.
An Austrian study last year found that after four weeks of alternate-day fasting, people had more lean muscle and less body fat, lower cholesterol levels and improved heart health. All these things can happen with exercise and nutrition programmes, according to a Reuters report.
This Eat-Stop-Eat method involves a 24-hour fast once or twice per week. Water, black coffee, black tea and other zero-calorie beverages are allowed during the fasting, made popular by fitness expert Brad Pilon. The only problem is that some people may find it difficult to fast for a full 24 hours.
This is not a structured fasting plan. It merely involves skipping a meal or two from time to time. So it is a spontaneous intermittent fast.
Health experts say skipping meals is not good since it can lead to tiredness and loss of essential nutrients. It could also trigger snacking on high-sugar foods, resulting in weight gain.
The diet, popularised by fitness expert Ori Hofmekler, involves eating small amounts of raw fruits and vegetables during the day and a big meal at night. Which mean you fast during the day and eat during a four-hour window at night. Some recommend the food to be mostly whole grains and unprocessed, while others advise the consumption of plenty of vegetables, proteins, and healthful fats, besides some carbohydrates. Hofmekler believes the plan mimics the pattern of ancient warriors, hence the name.
Known by the abbreviation OMAD, this is a weight-loss plan in which a person eats only one meal per day and fasts the rest of the time. Its also called 23:1 diet since people fast for 23 hours and eat for one hour. This diet may help some people lose weight, but it may also carry some risks, according to Medical News Today. Low sugar levels could result in fatigue, increased irritability and trouble in concentrating. The risk of binge eating at a single meal time is also high.
The diet also presents a significant problem for people who take prescription medications with food more than once per day.
In a 48-hour fast, you take a full, two-day break from eating. During the two-day fast, you can drink water, black coffee, black tea and zero-calorie fluids. Its essential to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. At the end of the fast, food should only be consumed gradually, starting with a small snack. On non-fasting days, it is advised to avoid very high-calorie foods. The 48-hour fast is generally done only once or twice a month.
First person: From health condition to reinvented self
I was 29 years old when I was diagnosed with Hashimotos, an autoimmune disease which causes your thyroid to have a low function. Because of that I started to gain weight and suffered from other medical conditions. My doctor suggested that I should try doing intermittent fasting (IF).
Being a Muslim, I am used to fasting but making such a change to your body isnt easy. The first few days of IF were really hard I had terrible headache at the end of my fasting window. But eventually it got easier. I started my journey from 16:8 which is 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating.
Then I eventually moved onto 20:4 and now two years of being on this journey I do OMAD (One meal a day). I sometimes do more than 24hrs of fasting which is very beneficial as your body goes into autophagy mode. During this process the cells break down viruses, bacteria and damaged components.
After two years of fasting, I can say that IF has really helped me in various ways: my thyroid function is normal, I have more energy now and I feel healthy and I have lost 15kg in total. For me, fasting was not at all about losing weight but also to get my health and fitness under control.
Recently my brother was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and the doctor suggested that he try IF. Eventually his diabetes reversed and today he is diabetes free.
For everyone reading my story, I would say that please consult your doctor first before starting your IF journey, just as I did before trying it.
I love fasting, to me it isnt some fad diet but a lifestyle that has changed my body for the better.
First person: My journey with fasting
Sara Shurafa, Assistant Online Editor
In January this year, I had decided that 2020 will be the year to regain my healthy self. In the past years, with two pregnancies, and an unhealthy level of stress and juggling lifestyles, I had lost track of my healthy way of life. Therefore, I decided to start looking at options to get my health back on track. At that point, I did not have any serious health problems. However,my BMI was high, with a bad IBS that led me to be on painkillers most of the time, besides my lack of energy and my low morale.
For me, ahealthy personis someone who is full of energy.I was lacking in that no matter how much sleep I got orhow much I ate trying to get my energy levels back.
I'd hearda lot about intermittent fasting and how many people on it were losing weight. It intrigued me to take a serious look into it. Whenever Iasked anyone who is doing IF, the answers were positive: that it helped them lose weight. However, I was more concerned aboutthe long-term health benefits. Finally, I reached two fundamental conclusions that made mestart Intermittent Fasting
I have read in many papers that when your body is not working to digest food, it works on repairing cells. Which could also mean that, during this period,your body takes care of some of the cells thatcould later become cancerous. Fasting also meant that you will be eating less sugar and fewer calories. As a result, you will be losing weight, which also meant that your risk of obesity and diabetes became lower.
Ive been fasting now 12 to 16 hours a day, for more than 6 months now. Fasting didnt just make me lose weight, but today I have so much more energy to work, to look after my kids and to even exercise and socialise. I am more focused now. I do not feel sluggish any more, neither do I feel angry or depressed. My digestive system is much better, and my hunger prangs and sugar rush are gone.
Fasting has made me a better person at all levels; it hasmade me calmer and more patient.
Fasting should be followed under professional guidance:Juliott Vinolia
Suchitra Bajpai Chaudhary, Senior Reporter
Juliott Vinolia, Clinical Dietician and Research Scholar, RD/ LD, Head of Dietary Services at Medeor Hospital
In the early 90s, the diet mantra to boost metabolism and burn fat was to consume small frequent meals of up to 5 small meals per day for sustained energy levels. Over the years, with our busy lifestyles, we have highly compromised on our diet and lifestyle, which has gotten worse during these pandemic times. We were unknowingly eating a diet excess in calories compared to our energy expenditure and also inadequate in vital nutrients putting us all at risk of chronic diseases, inflammation and poor immunity.
Most of our foods today come with hidden calories more than what we need- making our bodies vital disease preventing and energy sustaining functions sluggish. With the era of weight loss trends, fasting has taken more light in the area of research with the focus light on boosting our metabolism while managing work fatigue and preventing obesity.
Though research has clearly set out the benefits of autophagy and fasting in the evolution of the Super Human, we should understand that fasting directly impacts us at cellular level and should be followed under professional guidance to prevent any irreversible damage to health. Before following any type of fasting whether intermittent, time- restricted or alternate day fasting we have to first make sure we are medically fit to proceed in order to gain full benefits of autophagy in reviving good health.
It is clearly evident from studies that with the current lifestyle, eating practices and covid times, fasting when done the ideal way definitely helps in disease suppression, enhanced immunity and correct our genetic disposition to chronic diseases, prevent obesity and promise longevity. Our inactive life, poorly managed stress, inadequate sleep and high processed food intake has pushed humanity to a state of from eat to live to fasting to survive.
What Ayurveda says about fasting
Biju Mathew, Online Editor
Dr. V.L.Shyam, UAE-licenced Ayurveda practitioner
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, advocates fasting as a means of healthy living and to cure many ailments.
Ayurveda suggests fasting for the treatment of several diseases. Fasting or upavasa is one of the most effective biological methods of treatment for several diseases. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness, said Dr. V. L. Shyam, a UAE-based licenced alternative medicine practitioner, who runs Dr Shyams Ayurvedic Centre in the country.
Ayurveda recommends eating between 10am and 6pm with sufficient intervals, which leaves 16 hours of fasting time. According to Ayurveda, one may take breakfast around 10am, lunch by mid-day and dinner before the sunset, said Dr Shyam.
But fasting should have its regulations too, Dr Shyam cautioned. As per Ayurveda, hunger is a natural urge, which shouldnt be suppressed, nor pre-initiated nor overfed. Eat light while hungry is what is proposed by Ayurveda for a healthy individual. Suppression of hunger can result in body pains and aches, anorexia, debility, emaciation, weight loss, abdominal colic pain and delusion.
Is there a particular diet recommended by Ayurveda?
Dr Shyam, highlighting the benefits of eating right, said: No food is good or bad. Everything needs to be eaten in moderation.
According to Ayurveda, certain food types should not be consumed habitually:
Ayurveda also recommends certain food types that should be included on a daily basis:
Ayurveda recommended discipline of eating food
Fasting studies
Jay Hilotin, Senior Assistant Editor
In both men and mice, numerous studies have found that curbing food intake helps. Fasting has been used and observed for thousands of years. It was seen as one of the oldest therapies in medicine. Great doctors of the ancient world and many of the oldest healing systems have recommended it as an integral method of healing and disease prevention.
There's an ancient wisdom behind it: Among the earliest records of fasting involved the ancient Romans, who apparently found the idea of "breakfast" repulsive. They were obsessed with digestion, historian Caroline Yeldham stated. The Romans seemed to believe eating more than one meal a day was gluttonous even unhealthy. Some researchers argue that's one of the early starts of what's now known as "intermittent fasting".
Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, believed fasting enabled the body to heal itself. About 500 years ago, Paracelsus, another great healer in the Western tradition, wrote that fasting is the greatest remedy", the "physician within". In ancient Greece, Pythagoras was among many who extolled its virtues.
Dr Herbert Shelton (1895-1985) was a revered pioneer of "therapeutic fasting" in which fasting is used to either treat or prevent ill health, with medical supervision. It became popular in the 19th century as part of the Natural Hygiene Movement in the US. Dr Shelton He claimed to have helped 40,000 patients recover their health with a water fast.
Many scientific studies had been done on fasting, starting from the early 1900s. A 1986 study published inMetabolism (Elsevier) led by G.L. Burke on 3,313 children ages 5-17 years showed that fasting insulin levels are positively related to measures of obesity, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride, -lipoprotein cholesterol and pre--lipoprotein cholesterol levels.
Fact file: what is lipoprotein
A lipoprotein is a biochemical assembly whose primary function is to transport hydrophobic lipid (also known as fat) molecules in water, as in blood plasma or other extracellular fluids.
2009 Carmela study
If you're 55 or older, fasting may bring benefits, according to a 2009 study led by Dr Jorge Escobedo and his team. The so-called CARMELA (Cardiovascular Risk Factor Multiple Evaluation in Latin America) study was done to estimate the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes, "impaired fasting glucose" and related risk factors in seven urban Latin American populations. The study was one of the largest of its kind, and included 11,550 adults 2564 years of age, with 1,600 subjects were randomly selected in each city.
Fact file: What is "impaired fasting glucose"
Impaired fasting glucose is a type of "pre-diabetes", in which a person's blood sugar levels during fasting are consistently above the normal range, but below the diagnostic cut-off for a formal diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Together with impaired glucose tolerance, it is a sign of insulin resistance.
The CARMELA study found thatthe prevalence of individuals with diabetes or impaired fasting glucose increased with age. For example, they found that in the oldest age category (5564 years), prevalence of diabetes ranged from 9 to 22%, while prevalence of impaired fasting glucose ranged from 3 to 6%.
Among diabetics, 83.7% had impaired fasting glucose i.e. only 16.3% of people with prior diagnosis of diabetes and who were receiving diabetes medication, were in "good" glycemic control (fasting glucose <6.1mmol/l). Most important: the study found that the prevalence of diabetes in individuals with abdominal obesity was about two-fold higher. Participants with hypertension, elevated serum triglycerides and increased common carotid artery intimamedia thickness were also more likely to have diabetes.
Fact file: Diabetes killed more than COVID-19
Diabetes (1.6 million deaths in 2016), of course, is today, a bigger killer than COVID-19 (1.4 million deaths till November 24, 2020). Now, several COVID vaccines have proven at least 95% effective. Diabetes, too, a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, stroke and lower limb amputation. The WHO reported that 2.2 million deaths were attributable to high blood glucose in 2012. Sadly, there's no vaccine for diabetes. But study after study show that good exercise and healthy fasting can somehow do the trick.
2019 Feel-good trial
A 2019 study led by Rachel Washburn of Texas Tech University on intermittent fasting (IF) effects (24-hour water-only fasting), known as the "Feel-good trial", focussed on trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) levels measured due to their association with elevated risk of coronary artery disease.
During the fasting period of the study, researchers found that TMAO levels were substantially decreased during the fasting day compared to the fed day. "TMAO is a novel and exciting biomarker of cardiovascular disease in humans that arises from intestinal microbiota," the researchers wrote. "Due to its connection to dietary intake, TMAO is also a good candidate to be affected by intermittent fasting, and its change highlights the possibility that fasting may also beneficially alter the microbiome at least during caloric desistance, if not for a more extended period of time after the end of a fasting episode." The key: "caloric desistance", i.e. no food.
2019 Buchinger Fasting trial
In 2019, thePloS journal published a clinical on fasting, with 1,422 participants. It was one of the few studies that documented longer periods of fasting (one year) in a large number of participants, including non-obese people. The Franco-German research team led by Franoise Wilhelmi de Toledo documented the safety and changes in the participants' basic health and well-being indicators.
To measure blood lipids, glucoregulation and other health-related blood parameters, blood tests before and at the end of the fasting period were done. It also used pre-post analysis using mixed-effects linear models. The observational study ran for one year following the Buchinger periodic fasting (4 to 21 days of fasting periods, during which participants were limited to 200250 kcal of daily caloric intake). The study subjects included 404 people with pre-existing health complaints, including diabetes and obesity.
Startling results
De Toledo's study asked the participants to do a moderate-intensity lifestyle program, including regular exercises, with clinical parameters and adverse effects and well-being documented daily. The results were startling: Among the 404 subjects with pre-existing health-complaints, 341 (84.4%) reported an improvement significant reductions in weight, abdominal circumference and blood pressure in the entire group. At the same time, 93.2% of the subject reported an absence of hunger feeling. Statistically, this type of fasting proved safe: Among the 1,422 study participants, only 1% reported adverse effects.
Fasting, when done right, has clear health benefits. But there's the biggest hurdle of all: It's rather difficult to do and stick to. Moreso if one doesn't have the right motivation and strong resolve. But it's one of life's inevitable conundrums: no pain, no gain.
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UAE: Is fasting the best route to fitness? - Gulf News
Local fitness center impacted as Chicopee reverts to Step 1 of Phase 3 –

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Local fitness center impacted as Chicopee reverts to Step 1 of Phase 3 -
Hotels embrace the evolution of in-room fitness in Covid era – Travel Weekly

Forget the fitness center.
In a Covid-era world, in-room workout options are quickly becoming de rigueur at many high-end hotels.
"I think that prepandemic, the private, in-room gym was traditionally seen as something typically reserved for VIPs who might request to have equipment set up in the penthouse," said Victoria Batten, director of sales and marketing at the Langham New York. "But the pandemic has made a lot of people realize it's nice to have your own personal gym equipment. Many are still a bit fearful about working out with other people."
Fitness equipment in a Deluxe room at the Langham New York.
In response to such anxieties, the Langham New York recently launched its Work In or Work Out promotion. The offer includes accommodations in a Deluxe King Room as well as another adjoining Deluxe room at half price, with the second room able to be set up for either remote working and/or schooling or as a private fitness area.
If used as the latter, the adjoining room comes stocked with Technogym equipment, free weights, an exercise mat and ball, resistance bands and complimentary, on-demand fitness content, which can be accessed via the TV.
The equipment and weights can be customized according to individual preference, Batten added.
"We'll work with the travel advisor or the guest directly to make sure the gym meets their needs," she said. "If someone hates the elliptical machine and would rather have a stationary bike, we bring a bike up. There's lots of flexibility."
Customization is also a focus for lifestyle hospitality group SBE, which unveiled a partnership with luxury personal training brand Dogpound in late October. In addition to physical gyms in New York and Los Angeles, Dogpound also offers virtual training services.
"We were mulling the best way to roll out Dogpound across our facilities, and the pandemic hit, and it became a no-brainer that virtual training was the answer," said Philippe Zrihen, chief business officer for SBE. "The pandemic has clearly made people realize that working out in a virtual setting is not only doable but actually has many advantages."
SBE has already debuted in-room virtual Dogpound training at its SLS South Beach and SLS Brickell properties in Miami, with expansion to the group's Mondrian Doha hotel in Qatar to follow. According to Zrihen, the Dogpound programming is expected to be rolled out across SBE's full portfolio over the next six to nine months.
Under the partnership, SBE guests can connect with trainers through in-room tablets for live training sessions. Workouts are personalized, and the tablets can be taken to other areas of the property, such as the beach, should a guest prefer to exercise outdoors.
"Ultimately, variety is hugely important in fitness," said Zrihen. "People are working out more and more, so there's a need to diversify beyond the typical routine every single day. And because fitness isn't our primary line of business, that means that, as a hotel, partnering with brands that can provide that flexibility and variety for you is the wave of the future."
Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group has similarly opted to forge strategic fitness partnerships, linking with wellness video subscription platform Grokker to offer guests complimentary in-room yoga, Pilates and other fitness content at properties worldwide.
Working out with a Mirror interactive fitness system.
In the U.S., Mandarin Oriental has also deployed Mirror fitness systems in suites at select locations.
Mirror, which is an interactive, digital fitness trainer that looks like a full-length mirror, provides users on-demand access to live and prerecorded fitness classes and training sessions, with more than 50 different fitness genres available, from kickboxing to barre to dance cardio.
"There's a growing awareness of the need for in-room fitness options," said Jeremy McCarthy, group director of spa and wellness for Mandarin Oriental. "One downside of the traditional fitness center is that fitness training has become much more niche and personalized. One guest does yoga, another does CrossFit, another may do dance classes. It's getting harder and harder to provide a single space that caters to all our guests."
At Hotel Esencia, a 45-room boutique property just south of Mexico's Playa del Carmen, guests will soon be able to opt for private accommodations that offer a wealth of fitness options. This month, the hotel debuted five Rooftop Wellness Suites, which each span two floors and feature amenities like a Mirror system and weight kit as well as add-on options like a Peloton bike or treadmill. The suites also offer a rooftop pool, outdoor shower and steam sauna and can be connected to a separate suite below to create a family-style villa.
"These suites are essentially your own private spa and fitness facility," said Hotel Escencia owner Kevin Wendle.
But despite surging demand for privacy, SBE's Zrihen doesn't envision the hotel fitness center disappearing altogether. While in-room fitness options are likely to continue gaining traction post-pandemic, he believes that a communal gym will always be an important amenity for guests who "want a reason to get out of their room or get motivated by being around others."
As for the future of in-room fitness, Zrihen looks forward to seeing just how far technology can push the envelope.
"As technology keeps on improving and we tap into things like artificial intelligence and virtual reality, the experience of working out on your own virtually will evolve," he said. "We believe technology will play a huge role in fitness, and it'll be exciting to see where it goes."
Original post:
Hotels embrace the evolution of in-room fitness in Covid era - Travel Weekly
Supersets save time in the gym which may help you reach fitness goals faster – The Conversation UK

Resistance training is an increasingly popular way to build strength, lose weight and get in shape. But despite its many benefits, it can also be time consuming which is why many fitness enthusiasts have started incorporating supersets into gym routines. When done properly, supersets have the potential to help you build strength and muscle all while spending less time in the gym.
Sometimes called paired sets, supersets are a form of strength training in which you perform a set of repetitions of usually two exercises, back-to-back with minimal or no rest between them. The exercises should also target opposing muscle groups namely the agonists (the force-generating muscles) and the antagonists (the muscle that relaxes when the agonist contracts). For example, leg curls (where the hamstrings are the agonists and the quadriceps the antagonists) would typically be followed by leg extensions (where the quadriceps are the agonists and the hamstrings the antagonists) to make up a superset.
However, many people perform supersets incorrectly. Many believe supersets to be the same as compound sets, in which two exercises engaging the same muscle group are performed back-to-back. Or they get confused with contrast training, in which two similar exercises are paired to increase power, the first performed with a heavier load, while the second is performed explosively with a lighter load such as heavy squats followed by vertical jumps. Many also think supersets comprise upper and lower body exercises performed in succession.
Based on current research, it appears that supersets can be a time-efficient way to develop muscle size and strength in the short-term when done properly.
Researchers have compared the effect of performing exercises in a traditional sequence (for example, completing four sets of bench presses before moving onto the next exercise) and as supersets. They found superset workouts are faster (completed in 31 minutes as opposed to 40) because the superset exercises were done in pairs, instead of pausing after each individual exercise.
They also found supersets required the body to use more stored energy (such as fat and carbohydrates) during exercise and for an hour afterwards. This could ultimately increase fat burning, and may even lead to more muscle gain as supersets mean more work is performed.
A similar study also found that supersets required a person to work 8% harder than traditional sets. This means that you can use supersets to complete more resistance training in the same or less time and this may be as effective as traditional routines. Working harder may also burn more calories during and after exercise.
Another study had participants perform a pair of pull-push exercises (bench pull and bench press) in both traditional format and as supersets. Rest periods for all types of exercise were controlled to two minutes, so that each training session only lasted ten minutes. They found that supersets allowed participants to work harder as they were able to complete more reps in ten minutes compared to the traditional format. More work completed in the same time demands greater effort, which could result in greater strength and muscle gains (although this hasnt yet been proven).
Not only that, but the order superset exercises are performed in could also impact performance. One study found that performing a leg curl followed by a leg extension allowed participants to perform more reps while feeling less difficult to perform than doing the exercises in separate sets. The researchers werent sure why this was the case, but it could be due to the large quadriceps muscles being activated during the leg curl, making the leg extension easier to perform.
Supersets may also be slightly less exhausting than traditional sets. One study compared a superset (bent over row followed by a bench press), with two versions of compound exercises (either a dumbbell bench press followed by a regular bench press, or a back squat followed by a bench press). Participants also completed a control session of three sets of bench presses.
All pairings comprised three sets of ten repetitions at 65% of the maximum load a person was able to lift in one repetition, with two minutes rest in between sets. Participants found all paired exercises felt difficult to perform and resulted in loss of speed and power compared to the control session. However, the superset felt less difficult to perform than the control or the compound exercises and resulted in less speed loss overall so was likely to be more effective when time was limited compared to the other formats.
Its worth noting, however, that many of the above superset studies used different exercise intensities, and had people lift different volumes of weights, making it hard to properly compare results. For example, reducing intensity (with lighter weights), while increasing volume (with more repetitions) might enhance muscle gains over the long-term, while low volume, high-intensity supersets might be better for developing maximal strength and power.
Most superset studies have only looked at the effects in the short-term, during a single exercise session so its uncertain whether theyre more effective than traditional resistance training for building strength, muscle size, or both. Results will likely depend on the combination of the number of sets, reps, load and rest periods performed.
But in the short-term, current evidence shows supersets allow you to complete more work in less time because of their intensity. This has the potential to burn more calories, both during and after the training session. But the intensity (loads lifted), volume (number of sets and reps) and order of the exercises within the superset are potentially important for maximising these benefits.
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Supersets save time in the gym which may help you reach fitness goals faster - The Conversation UK
Health and Soul Fitness offering in-person and online workouts in Cedar Park – Community Impact Newspaper

Pam Moorhead (center) teaches outdoor workout classes which are also broadcast over Zoom. (Courtesy Health and Soul Fitness)
Ive always had a passion for helping people become healthier and improve their quality of life, she said. I got my undergraduate degree in exercise physiology and my masters in corporate health education.
Moorhead spent time as a personal trainer and group teacher before launching Health and Soul Fitness in Cedar Park about four years ago.
I started it as a way to incorporate more of the whole person into healthour mental and emotional well-being as well as physical health, she said. I also believe fitness is a fun way to bring people together. It breaks down some of the barriers and lets us get to know people while were all sharing similar goals.
When COVID-19 hit and everyone went into shelter-in-place, Moorhead said she quickly found new ways to help the community connect through fitness. She switched to online classes and even created a new one for people who had been previously working out at a gym.
At the end of any session, Moorhead makes a point to spend a minute or two chatting with everyone on Zoom, just as they used to do when they would finish up in-person workouts.
We talk about our healthy habits for the week, set an intention or say something positive about ourselves, she said.
Moorhead has kept all of her regular clientele through the pandemic while also adding new members, she said. After shelter-in-place orders were lifted she added outdoor workout options, which she also broadcasts live via Zoom.
Even as restrictions ease and more in-person events may safely happen, Moorhead said she will always offer a mix of online options going forward.
There are a lot of people that prefer to do their workouts from their living room for the sake of time and convenience, or comfort level, she said. I know there are a million offerings online people could do for free, but I watch you and coach you. I can help you safely do your exercises and give you encouragement.
Moorhead said she will work with any person at their level and help them safely take their mind and body to the next level.
I have been in the field so long, and I understand the different complexities of health and fitness, she said. I know its not all about just getting to a gym. Theres a lot that goes into the health journey and I like to help people wherever they are, and then get them to the next step.
Moorhead offers a free weekly, outdoor community class every Saturday from 8:15-9 a.m. at Good Shepard Lutheran Church, 700 W Whitestone Blvd., Cedar Park.
Here is the original post:
Health and Soul Fitness offering in-person and online workouts in Cedar Park - Community Impact Newspaper
Their friendship forged by a love of fitness and ice cream, duo will soon sell frozen creations – Dayton Daily News

The excitement surrounding their new hobby temporarily fizzled as their own lives evolved. Then just over a year later, Johnson convinced Dawson to return to the ice cream machine for a more serious go at things.
We created dream flavors, combinations that had never been made, Dawson said. Its funny how different our worlds were, but it was it was just like undeniable, he (Johnson) was like, We have to get back, we got to make some flavors. And so, we we started back in and the rest is kind of history.
JD's Ice Cream's "Lunchbox" ice cream includes Sweet n salty pretzel ice cream, pieces of oatmeal crme pie, and a PB&J swirl.
Ready to take the next, sweet step, the friends have rented space in Spark Fairborn, a co-working office and kitchen incubator in downtown Fairborn. There, they will be making small batches of limited-supply, homemade ice cream. New flavors will be announced on Facebook each week and the first people to claim them will have dibs.
The first flavor drop is expected to happen this weekend, with a call for orders to happen as soon as the first weekend in December.
Just starting out were gonna make as much as we can, show it to whoever we can and just kind of invite the community to like grow with us and follow us on the journey, Dawson said.
If all goes well, Dawson said they would love to work with local grocers and possibly grow to ship nationwide.
Were definitely like really happy to do the Dayton scene first, Dawson said. We both love Dayton, its where we both grew up and (Daytons been) super cool and supportive.
As both Dawson and Johnson lead physically fit, healthy lifestyles, Dawson said theyve had many people ask if their ice cream is comparable to lighter ice cream brands like Halo Top or Skinny Cow.
Customers can expect an ice cream more akin to Ben & Jerrys, according to Dawson.
We want (people to have) just wonderful experience, Dawson said. You know, we definitely dont want to lean into fitness stuff too hard because its kind of polarizing, but like, we are pretty happy to say, Hey, you can enjoy these foods you like in moderation and not feel guilty. We want people to know that.
People can follow Johnson and Dawsons ice cream journey, and soon, can order their own pint, by following JDs Ice Creams Facebook page, by searching on Facebook for @jdsicecream.
The founders of JDs Ice Cream say there is no connection between their venture and JDs Old Fashioned Frozen Custard in Englewood, which opened in 1998.
Here is the original post:
Their friendship forged by a love of fitness and ice cream, duo will soon sell frozen creations - Dayton Daily News
Say NO to laziness and YES to fitness this winter – The Statesman

Lets admit it, finding the motivation to exercise during the winter season is tough. And who doesnt love to stay in bed on a cosy winter day and snack on some pakoras and hot drinks?
Its true, winter tends to make you lazy and laid back when it comes to working out. You can burn calories in winters just like in summers. Cold weather can actually boost your endurance. In lower temperatures your heart does not work as hard as it does normally, you sweat less (no smell) and you spend less energy, all of it means that you can exercise more efficiently.
Exercising in winter can help in improving the entire system as we breathe in cold, crisp air during this time. Its the perfect time to work on that summer body youve always wanted.
Additionally, exercising releases feel-good brain chemicals, serotonin and dopamine which can help reduce anxiety and stress.
Things to keep in mind while exercising:
Always wear layers
Wearing the right winter workout outfit is extremely important as dressing too warmly is a big mistake when exercising in cold weather. The best way to stay warm and dry during winter workout is to learn how to properly layer your clothing.
Avoid cotton as it absorbs sweat and can make you feel cold. Start with a thin layer of synthetic material which helps you to draw away that sweat from your body. One may need to experiment to find the right combination for themselves based on their intensity of workout and comfort level.
Choosing the right footwear
Choosing the right kind of footwear for a workout can actually help you reduce the chance against common injuries such as ankle twist, fractures, muscle tear etc.
It doesnt matter whether your workout involves cycling, running, walking, a shoe like the Skechers Go Run 7+ is an excellent choice as it fits perfectly, is lightweight and made for almost every type of workout.
It is designed for flexibility and comfort because of the hyper burst cushioning, making it lightweight and keeps you comfortable during daily long runs and even marathons.
Stay hydrated
You are more likely to get dehydrated in cold weather because cold air tamps down thirst. While you may not need the same water intake as during summer, you still need to maintain the same approach to hydration.
Drink water before, during, and after your workout and pay attention to being thirsty. Always keep a water bottle with you while exercising. There are also android and iOS applications that help you to set reminders to drink water in like every 1-2 hour.
So get out of your bed, make the most of this winter season and work on that summer body!
Read the original here:
Say NO to laziness and YES to fitness this winter - The Statesman