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Eat 6 times a day to lose weight under this program –

Under the program you are sent 5 packets of fuel per day and then you make a meal on your own.
There's a diet that is helping people lose weight fast. So in February we shot testimonials and a doctor's opinion.
But then the pandemic hit. So did wearing masks. We decided to hold the story.Now we know maintaining a healthy weight is more important than ever, since obesity is a risk factor for severe, even deadly COVID-19.
This plan safely brings the food to your home, and the support can be done virtually for physically distancing.
"I'm at the orthopedist's office for my follow up and I have to get on the scale, and I'm like, 'Wait, what!' It was quite a shock," said Elinor Dorsey, 57, an Optavia coach in Covington.
"People would say, 'No, you won't look good in that because your behind's too big,' or you know it's, 'My face was so fat,'" said Lydia Steele, 57, an Optavia Client.
"I found myself to be in my 50s and the heavy blonde," said Chloe Coombe, 65, an Optavia client and coach.
The three women bonded over a weight loss program that they say took off pounds fast, and was easy to follow.
RELATED: Mackie: Once again Mediterranean diet a winner for weight loss, healthElinor Dorsey says her weight gain happened fairly recently when she fell, broke her arm and needed surgery. It was also around the time she lost her mom.
"It was just a lot more than I even thought. Like it was kind of like what I would weigh when I was pregnant. Like kind of scary, you know," remembers Dorsey.
And then three years ago she heard a friend talk about a weight loss program that focused on health, with some flexibility. Four months later, she took the step.
"I can't tell you what made me pick up the phone this one day, but one day I just knew like something has to give," Dorsey said.
And it did.
"The first week I lost four pounds, which was a lot for somebody five feet four inches." Then the next week I lost two pounds and I remember coming and telling my husband, 'This is going to work. I'm going to reach my goal,'" Dorsey said.
In a little more than three months, she did reach her goal. Twenty-fivepounds were gone, and then to her surprise anothereight came off.
"To do this program for four months and everything needs to be taken in, it was crazy," Dorsey said about her clothes.
Elinor follows Optavia. You eat six times a day, 800 to 1,200 calories total. There's a variety of 60 mini meals or 'fuelings' as they are called, like shakes, bars, soups, biscuits and pudding, to keep your metabolism revved up. There are customized plans but most people are on the 5&1, meaning 5 of those fuelings, bought from the company and delivered to your home, then one lean and green meal, with vegetables and protein to help keep you from losing muscle.
It is low in simple carbs, like sugar and starch. There is free support, a personal coach for counseling, and an extensive online community. Coaches can give advice for what to order if you're going out to eat, and there are numerous shared recipes for lean and green home meals. You're encouraged to drink 64 ounces of water a day and get seven hours of sleep. Elinor had so many people notice her transformation, that she became a coach.
"It keeps me accountable and it's just very rewarding to help somebody with something they're struggling with. I mean, I can't think of a greater way to spend my time," Dorsey said.
"Having a weight loss coach is shown to, is shown to provide the kind of support that most of us need to loose weight, so it is a good thing," explained Dr. Melinda Sothern, of LSU Health Sciences Center School of Public Health.
A health, exercise and weight loss expert Dr. Sothern says if you stick to commercial weight loss programs, they can be effective, especially over the short term. Long-term weight loss is more rare, but there is science suggesting that online and personal coaching, like Optavia has, lead to weight loss success two years later. Dr. Sothern also points out the benefit of planned meals and snacks.
"There's numerous studies going back decades to show that if the food is packaged for you, and it's delivered to you, and you don't have to think, and you don't have to shop, and you don't have to cook, you're more likely to follow the plan, and you're more likely to lose weight," explained Dr. Sothern.
Another benefit: feeling satiated.
"So when you remove the carbohydrates and the sugar, and replace them with proteins and fats, you're going to feel full faster," said Dr. Sothern.
"Well after one week I wasn't hungry.My one complaint was why do I have to keep eating," said Steele.
Registered nurses Lydia Steele and Chloe Coombe asked Elinor to coach them. Lydia remembers being overweight as far back as grade school.
"Somebody said as I was eating Cheetos, 'Well that's why she's so fat," remembers Steele.
She is a type 1 diabetic and found that the 5&1 program did not work well for her, so Elinor got advice and recommended the 3&3 program.
"After that, the weight just started falling off, so within, I would say, two months, two and a half months, I had lost 20 pounds," said Steele.
"The first three days were hard because you're just starting something new. You're getting rid of sugars,and within a month, I had lost the prescribed amount of weightthat they say that you will, if you stay on the program. And within about four months, I had lost 45 pounds," said Coombe.
The women say when they put some pounds back on, they just get back on the program, but they do that before any weight gain gets out of control. Chloe's son rewarded her success with a trip overseas to visit him.
"They call it habits of health. I prefer to call it, not habits, but decisions. That's a stronger word. It is for my health, and it is for the rest of my life," said Coombe.
"The program is all about building new habits and it's one habit at a time, and it's replacing old habits with new habits," said Dorsey.
And Elinor takes her role as a coach seriously.
"You're sharing private things, like for instance, I have a book where people's weights are written down. If this house was on fire, that's the first things I'm grabbing," said Dorsey.
And remember the shock Elinor felt getting weighed at her doctor's office? Well, not after she lost weight.
"I thought I was going to cry.I was like, 'I did it!'So,I mean, I know how people feel, likeI feel emotional evensaying that, but it's true," Dorsey said with her eyes tearing up.
Same thing happened to Lydia when she got weighed in the doctor's office.
"And I just smiled because I knew I don't have to worry about this. And the nurse turned and just, her mouth just dropped," remembers Steele.
Oh, and remember the grammar school classmate who called Lydia fat as she ate Cheetos? Well recently, after more than 40 years,Lydiaapproached him.
"I said, 'Do you remember when you said that to me, because it lasted with me.' And he said, 'I am so embarrassed. I am so embarrassed. Now look at me and look at you,'" Steele recalls.
And the three women are not looking back. Most of their larger clothes are out the house for good.
The packaged foods cost around $400 a month and are delivered to your home. The personal coach and online help is free.
Coach Elinor: 985-264-0507
Coach Chloe: 985-778-9082
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Eat 6 times a day to lose weight under this program -
Recreational Therapy: Definition, Benefits, Activities – Healthline

Play is a powerful thing. For people dealing with a physical, emotional, or mental health issue, therapy in the form of recreation can be especially powerful.
Recreational therapy can help rebuild skills, improve mood, boost quality of life, and strengthen social connections. These are just some of the benefits of targeted recreational therapy on your health and well-being.
This article will take a closer look at what recreational therapy is, how it can be especially beneficial, and the steps you can take to find the right therapist.
Recreational therapy uses leisure activities to help people with specific health conditions improve their skills, abilities, overall health, and emotional well-being.
Recreational therapists work with you and your healthcare team to set health goals and develop a plan to meet your needs. The plan is based on your own interests and the resources available in your community.
Recreational therapy can take place in a variety of settings, including:
Your therapist will typically try to match your activities to your interests. Some of the activities that may be part of a recreational therapy program include:
Recreational therapy benefits people of all ages. Its often used to help people who are:
Recreational therapy has wide-ranging positive impacts on your physical and mental health. This is especially the case when the therapy is designed around your individual interests and needs.
Lets dive into some of the science-backed benefits of these therapies.
Many therapeutic recreation programs get people up and moving and stimulating their minds with engaging, creative tasks.
Research from 2018 shows that recreational therapy involving physical activity may decrease symptoms of depression.
Music therapy, art therapy, drama, and dance also all have positive effects on depression symptoms. Researchers believe the improvement may be linked to endorphins. These feel-good chemicals are released in your brain during physical movement, when you express yourself creatively, and during social interactions.
Research shows that recreational therapy may help improve a persons self-confidence and self-esteem.
In one small 2018 study, for example, therapists interviewed older adults in a long-term care facility, asking them to select leisure activities based on their interests.
After a structured program where the adults engaged in their chosen activities every week and did simple upper body exercises, they reported improved self-esteem compared with how they felt before starting the therapy program.
Study participants who hadnt been offered the option of customized activities didnt experience the same boost to their self-esteem.
Illness, injury, and disability can limit your ability to interact with people. Recreational therapy provides opportunities to engage with other people in positive ways, which can counteract feelings of isolation.
In one 2011 study, people with early dementia described feeling uplifted and accepted after participating in a recreational therapy program together.
Stronger social bonds like these are associated with better health outcomes across the board.
In many cases, a serious injury can affect your ability to do routine tasks. Taking care of your home, exercising, playing with your children or grandchildren these activities may be difficult or impossible after an injury.
Recreational therapy can make a difference in the level of functional independence after a serious injury.
In one 2012 study, for example, researchers found that people who engaged in greater amounts of therapeutic recreation after a spinal cord injury recovered functional independence at a slightly higher rate than those who didnt have the same therapy.
Recreational therapy for people with injuries is also associated with more social activity, greater involvement with sports or aquatic activities, and fewer pressure ulcers.
Recreational therapy often includes exercise, games, dance, yoga, tai chi, and other kinds of movement. A 2014 study found that this kind of recreational movement may help improve your balance, physical strength, and flexibility.
In a 2020 study, 33 preschool children with autism spectrum disorder participated in an 8-week therapeutic program that focused on basketball. At the end of the program, the students had improved speed, agility, and muscle strength, and showed improvements in their social communication skills.
Theres also some evidence that exercise therapy may be a helpful tool in substance use programs.
Research from 2011 shows that physical exercise, social engagement, and games that stimulate your brain (such as bridge, chess, and memory challenges) all improve the healthy functioning of your mind.
Its important to bear in mind that recreational therapy cant fully restore areas of the brain that have been permanently damaged. But research from 2017 suggests that physical activity, social relationships, and activities that challenge your thinking may all help maintain the healthy functioning of your brain.
Being treated in a hospital is a stressful, fearful experience for a child. According to a 2013 study, recreational therapy in a pediatric hospital may help reduce those negative feelings. This can be particularly important if a child visits hospitals repeatedly due to a chronic condition.
Therapeutic play gives children opportunities to build positive relationships with hospital staff, to talk about their feelings, and to develop a sense of control and confidence at a time when they may be feeling vulnerable.
Occupational therapy and recreational therapy are two professions in the allied health field. Depending on your condition, you may work with both therapists.
Occupational therapists focus on the physical and cognitive skills you need to function in your daily life. This can include skills such as:
While recreational therapy may also help you with these skills, the focus of the therapy is on leisure activities.
Recreational therapists typically have a bachelors degree in the field. Many states and healthcare organizations also require certification as a therapeutic recreation specialist.
To become certified, the therapist must have a bachelors degree in recreational therapy, a related field, or have worked for 5 or more years in therapeutic recreation services. They also need to complete a 560-hour supervised internship and pass a rigorous exam by the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification.
Five states (New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Utah) also require recreation therapists to be licensed.
If youre receiving therapeutic recreational therapy in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or rehabilitation clinic, you may not need to choose a therapist, as theyre likely to be part of your treatment team.
If you want to find an independent recreation therapist for yourself, an older loved one, or a child in your care, you may want to ask these questions as you consider the possibilities:
Depending on your health goals, you may be interacting with your therapist for a period of weeks or months, so its important to consider your own needs and feelings as you make your choice.
Know that its always OK to change therapists or stop working with a therapist if you need to do so. You dont need a reason.
The benefits offered by private insurance companies vary from provider to provider, so youll need to check with your plan administrator to find out which therapeutic services are covered by your plan. To avoid higher costs, you may have to find a therapist or facility in your provider network.
Medicare Part B pays for outpatient activity therapies when theyre part of your rehabilitation plan or mental healthcare plan, so long as theyre provided by Medicare-approved healthcare professionals.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have approved recreational therapists as members of the treatment and rehabilitation teams in skilled nursing facilities and other inpatient healthcare facilities.
However, Medicare typically only pays for services that are medically necessary. Medicare may not pay for every service your healthcare team recommends.
Recreational therapy uses leisure activities to promote recovery from illness, injury, or disability. Activities might include art, dance, music, exercise, creative writing, and games of all types.
Working with a trained recreational therapist can improve your mood, reasoning abilities, memory, physical fitness, and self-confidence. Researchers believe the combination of physical movement, creativity, social interaction, and mental engagement helps to deliver this wide range of health benefits.
If you think recreational therapy could benefit you or someone in your care, talk with your healthcare provider about the possibility of harnessing the power of play to achieve your health goals.
Here is the original post:
Recreational Therapy: Definition, Benefits, Activities - Healthline
Top NJ Public University The College of New Jersey Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Nationally Leading Health School – GlobeNewswire

TCNJ School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science
Photo by The College of New Jersey
The College of New Jersey Dean
Dean Carole Kenner
EWING, NJ, Nov. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- At the 50th Anniversary Gala of theSchool of Nursing, Health, and Exercise ScienceatThe College of New Jerseyheld Friday, November 13, 2020, participants celebrated the extraordinary achievements earning the school deserved recognition as one of the most successful health programs in the nation.
Addressing administrators, staff, faculty, students and alumni attending online, TCNJ President Kathryn A. Foster praised the schools nationally relevant accomplishments, saying This School has been at the forefront of the pandemic. TCNJ Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Jeffrey Osborn stressed the spectacular student outcomes -100 percent pass rate on National Council Licensure Exam and graduate nursing certification, and 95 percent on PRAXIS for the health and exercise science teaching exam.
School Dean Carole Kenner, along with Master of Ceremonies and Dean of the School of the Arts and Communication Maurice Hall, introduced the evening by highlighting the need for a team approach to care and health promotion. Including both mental and physical health, an interdisciplinary, holistic health perspective is represented by the schools three departments: nursing, health and exercise science, and public health. Working together, we are stronger! Kenner affirmed.
Multiple awards were presented to students, faculty, and alumni in the following categories across all three departments of the school: Distinguished Service Award, Favorite Faculty Excellence Award, Staff Excellence, Alumni Excellence (including subcategories of Early Achiever, Leadership, Service to the Department, and Career Achievement), and Teaching/Advising (including Academic and Student Advising and Student Engagement categories).
Distinguished administrative and student alumni who joined the celebration included: Dr. Donna Gage,81 co-chair of the Gala, former Chief Nursing Officer, US Veterans Health Administration, Washington, DC, 2014-2016 (along with cochairs Mary Blankenship Pointer, Vice President, Frontier State Bank, Oklahoma City; and Sally Flanagan 80, Health and Exercise Science Alumni Board); Former Dean Dr. Susan Bakewell-Sachs, now chair of theAmerican Association of Colleges of NursingBoard of Directors; Dr. Joanne Disch, past president of the American Academy of Nursing; Dr. Jane Barnsteiner, one of the leaders of Quality and Safety Education for Nurses; Dr. Jeannette Ives Erikson, former Chief Nutrition Officer, Massachusetts General Hospital; Dr. Christine Grant, former NJ Health Commissioner, Chairperson of SERV Achievement Centers Board, and TCNJ Gala Committee member; Mary Dee Hacker, former CNO of LA Childrens Hospital; Dr. Monica McLemore, 93 School alumna and Associate Professor at the University of California San Francisco; and Sarah Pasternack, TCNJ alumna and President of the Nursing Archives, among many other health leaders.
Special insights and congratulations were offered by chairs of the Schools three departments. Sharon Byrne, chair, Dept. of Nursing, stated Educating future and current students that have chosen the discipline, to be caring, high quality evidence-based practitioners that guide people, communities and populations toward improved health outcomes is paramount to our mission.
Anne Farrell, chair of the Department of Health and Exercise Science, remarked on the exceptional accomplishments of her department: It is a stellar program, creating individuals with an extraordinary foundation on which to take into the workforce or onto another higher level of educationWe have a 98 percent pass rate on the American College of Sports Medicine Exercise Physiology Certification exam, as compared with a less than 65 percent national average. We have the highest PRAXIS score average certification exam pass rate, and highest teacher employment rate in the state, along with greater than 95 percent of students accepted to their first choice of graduate schools.
Brenda Seals, chair, Department of Public Health, added Many have found themselves working in public health, especially during COVID-19. Public Health seems to become well known in times of difficulty during pandemics or natural disasters; but when our programs are successful and disease is on the wane, so is attention to public health. My hope is that current measures can be more long-lasting to better protect those who are vulnerable, provide care to those in need, and strengthen our emergency preparedness.
For the School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science, health care today increasingly emphasizes health promotion over disease management, a shift aligned perfectly with the Schools focus on wellness, healthy lifestyles, and physical fitness. Nationally recognized, the School is dedicated to preparing studentsthrough programs in nursing, public health and exercise sciencefor the rewards of guiding people, communities and populations toward improved health outcomes. The school proudly produces Next Generation Education for Next Generation Health.
Crothers Consulting
(609) 216-0601
Original post:
Top NJ Public University The College of New Jersey Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Nationally Leading Health School - GlobeNewswire
Holiday Gift Guide 2020: The Best Fitness, Sports And Adventure Watches – Forbes

The latest crop of fitness and sports watches do a lot more than track steps and heartrate, like ... [+] this ultra-advanced Grit X from Polar.
Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, Hanukkah and New Years Resolutions are all coming fast, while hiking, cycling, golf and running have boomed during the coronavirus pandemic. With COVID-19 still here for winter, skiing and snowshoeing are expected to be hot. From fitness walking to swimming, indoor treadmills to exercise bikes, everyone seems more fixated on getting outside and/or getting more exercise since the crisis began.
Thats why a fitness or sports oriented watch makes a great Holiday Gift, and there is a perfect high-tech model for every athlete on your holiday list, whether they are training for an Ironman, tackling remote mountain peaks, training by heartrate zone or simply tracking steps on lunchtime walks. The days of separate fitness bands and watches, chest heartrate straps and handheld GPS devices are disappearing as these watches increasingly can do it all. But each still has a main focus, so there is one that is right for the skier, runner, cyclist, hiker, swimmer, golfer or even surfer on your Holiday Gift list.
Stay at home fitness? If you are looking for the perfect indoor workout gift, check out this Gift Guide to the Best Stationary Bikes of 2020
Have a golfer on your Holiday Gift list? This is the Best 2020 Golf Gear you can give.
Know some foodies? Heres a vetted and tested guide to the Best Mail Order Gourmet Gifts you can send this Holiday season.
Miss travel and eating out? These iconic American restaurants and celebrity chefs will ship complete dinners featuring their signature items - appetizers, sides, entres, dessert to anyone on your gift list.
The Suunto 9 Baro has just about every feature you can imagine, from barometric altimeter to full ... [+] fitness tracking, GPS mapping, smartphone connectivity and wrist heartrate and blood oxygen monitoring
Outdoor Adventure, Mountain & Fitness GPS Pick: I originally picked the Suunto 9 Baro as the top choice for skiers and snowboarders, but it does so much more that it wasnt fair to pigeonhole it. This watch was designed with outdoor adventure in mind and is perfect for any kind of mountain or wilderness pursuit, including hiking, expedition mountaineering and snow sports, at a resort or backcountry, but it also is a great all around fitness watch and training tool for data-driven hardcore performance athletes.
Finlands Suunto has long been the leader in wilderness-focused watches, and unlike altimeters using just GPS, this has a more accurate barometric altimeter (hence Baro) combined with GPS for the best performance. The barometer also helps judge water, and it provides up to date forecasting based on real current conditions around you. It is also focused for GPS route finding, leaving a digital breadcrumb trail to avoid getting lost and providing instant coordinates for start point and current location in the event of required emergency assistance or navigating home, plus compass features. In the mountains, it tracks vertical feet gained, vertical speed, grade, normalized graded pace for trail running, and separately tracks multiple climbs so it works for a summit hike or hill training repetitions, while also measuring total daily descent for skiing or snowboarding. For fitness it has wrist heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, and regular activity tracking (step counter, custom targets, calorie tracking, heart rate tracking) plus several Sport Specific Modes with enhanced features: Swimming (lap count, stroke rate, stroke efficiency, open water, pace and distance, etc,); Cycling (speed, distance, Bluetooth power meter supported, interval guidance); Running (speed, distance, stride senor, interval guidance); Multisport (preconfigured multisport modes). Sprint Tracking measures multiple sprints when interval training, it can track running pace or sync with a cycling power meter, and has built in Strava functionality that measures your Relative Effort in real time, displaying a personalized measurement of how much effort goes into your workout based on your heart rate zones. This syncs to Strava Summit for deep dives into analytics, and the Suunto app lets you download all this data and more closely analyze training info and stats. For swimming and watersports, it features 100-meter (330 feet) water resistance and has extra-long charge battery life, 25 hours in full performance mode, and 120 hours (5 days) in ultra-mode. (Regularly $600 but holiday priced at $374 - a real bargain - until December 1).
The Polar Grit X has sport specific features and data tracking for myriad activities, from running ... [+] to swimming (shown).
Fitness, Training, Heartrate & Multi-Sport Outdoor GPS Watch: If you know the type of athlete who is always working to shave seconds off their Personal Record (PR), follows a rigorous training plan and logs workouts, consider the Polar Grit X, a serious data driven tool for serious training. Polar has long been the leader in fitness, heart rate monitoring, but this adds a lot of features including GPS and altimeter to a very accurate heartrate system. Along with the Polar Flow app, it lets even the highest performance, most competitive athletes more closely analyze all the training, activity and sleep info and stats gathered by the watch. But its not just for Olympians - this is perfect for someone with a new goal for 2021, like running their first marathon. Heres what you need to know. At just 64 grams, the Grit X is far lighter than its competitors with similar features, yet it is tough, exceeding military standards testing for being dropped, humidity and extreme temperatures. The bezel is stainless steel, the color touchscreen display Gorilla glass. It has customizable watch faces, letting you change to analog styles so it doesnt look like a fitness tracker when you are not working out. For outdoor adventures like trail running or mountain biking, it displays current weather and 2-day forecast, and has a more accurate barometric altimeter, plus GPS, and route tracking with map view, You can even download hikes or rides in advance and get turn by turn guidance, like in your car. The compass can be used without GPS to extend battery life - which is ultra-long (40 hours in full GPS mode, 7 days in watch mode with continuous heart rate monitoring).
Training? It syncs with the popular training and workout apps, including Strava, TrainingPeaks, MyFitnessPal, Nike+ Run Club, etc., is compatible with running, cadence, and cycling power meters and has a Hill Splitter function for detailed tracking of ascents and descents. It tracks your personalized workout effort and recovery for long term improvement, using the wrist heart rate monitoring with continuous HR tracking, HR Max, and HR zones. There is an onboard 5-minute fitness test, it offers guided breathing exercises that are heart zone based with real time biofeedback, and counts Smart Calories, more accurately measuring how many youve actually burned based on your weight, height, age, gender, individual maximum heart rate (HRmax) and how hard youre training. It even will track how your body performs in training with different foods, dividing energy usage into carbs, protein and fats, so you can fine tune your diet for performance. There is sleep tracking, inactivity alerts and sport specific features for Running (VO2max estimates; personalized adaptive running training programs; advanced running power (effort output) measurement; Strava Live segments and Stride length tracking) and Swimming (distance; strokes; pace; heart rate, for both pool and open water, with 100-meter water resistance. Smartwatch functions include staying connected with your phone via wrist alerts for incoming calls, messages, and emails ($429).
The Fitbit Versa 3 does more for less cost than just about any option, with tons of fitness tracking ... [+] and smartwatch functions
Fitness Tracker/Smartwatch/GPS Value Pick: Fitbit helped create ethe entire fitness tracker category and currently popular notion of counting steps, and now they have expanded with a more fully featured smartwatch hybrid model, the Versa 3. This combination GPS, Fitness Tracker, and Smartwatch does a ton for a reasonable price - and it just got even better. Just last week, Fitbit rolled out a new operating system, OS 5.1 which adds several key features to the Versa 3. These upgrades include: Automatic SpO2 blood oxygen readings at night; Google Assistant, so users can now choose either this or Alexa as their preferred voice assistant; Audible replies with Alexa using the built-in speaker; Receive calls, using the built-in speaker and microphone to answer calls directly from your wrist; Respond to text messages with your voice.
Those are all new, but the Versa 3 was already packed with features, like GPS tracking to measure and map runs or rides. It measures both heartrate and Oxygen Saturation (Sp02) at the wrist with no chest bands and tracks heart rate based active zone minutes. It is waterproof for swimming/triathlons, charges very fast (12 minutes for a full day) and the fully charged life is over 6 days. You can track sleep and use Sleep Score on the Fitbit app to improve sleep quality., For fitness, it tracks more than 20 different specific activities with goals and real time stats, offers programmable reminders to move and you can download hundreds of fitness apps like TRX. It is the one of the few quality fitness watches designed with music in mind (Spotify, Pandora, Deezer, etc.) and one especially cool feature is daily 2 and 5-minute guided breathing sessions that are customized for you based on your heart rate. Smartwatch functions let you see calls, texts, and app notifications on your wrist, even fire up an Uber. Its compatible with both Android and iOS smartphones, and Fitbit Pay allows cashless, touchless transactions. No model does so much for so little ($200 through 11/30 then $229).
Casio's G-Shock brand is known for rugged durability, but the new G-Shock Move adds heartrate ... [+] monitoring, GPS and fitness tracking functions
Rugged Outdoor Adventure Fitness, GPS Watch: Some of the watches above are overkill for many users, who want to be active but are not training for trail ultra-runs by doing repeat hill interval sprints or using a power meter when cycling. For an all-around fitness and outdoor watch with a running focus and all the basics, GPS, excellent heartrate monitor, and standard training and environmental functions, plus app based personal fitness plans, consider the new G-Shock Move. The less-is-more upside is that it is easier to set up and actually use for the less tech obsessed, and also eschews a touchscreen for buttons, which keeps annoying fingerprint to a minimum and is often easier to use during real world exercise. Plus, it has a much different look, more watch and less smartwatch, like something a commando would wear, great for someone who you dont picture in a basic fitness watch. But the rugged, complexly shaped case isnt just to look tough, it is designed to prevent direct impact to the glass or any buttons. G-Shock has long been known for ultra-durable adventure and outdoors watches, and the Move keeps the essence of the brands DNA, big (63mm), tough, shock-resistant and water-resistant to 200 meters - the best of any of these watches. But it adds a full slate of fitness and activity tracking features.
This watch has multiple customizable displays and is designed to give the info you want, at a glance, while you are using it. You can display current heartrate, current zone and target zone, or show a HR graph for the past 30 minutes. For running, a primary audience, it displays pace and HR zones. It also gathers and displays VO2max, your training effort status, current load and overall fitness level to gauge improvement. One of the things that sets this watch apart is the use of an algorithm from fitness data analysis specialists Firstbeat Technologies to help maximize training efficiency. The other standout technology is solar charging, which augments USB charging and runs basic features off the sun - or indoor fluorescent lighting. It skips extensive sport specific tracking but has key fitness and outdoor adventure functions: altimeter, barometer, thermometer, compass, GPS with route mapping, step tracker and pedometer using a 3-axis accelerometer, measuring distance traveled even when GPS reception is not available. When traveling it automatically adjusts for time zones, can run four different daily alarms plus snooze, and has a full calendar function. Vibration alarms can inform you of everything from heartrate zone changes to email notifications as you see fit, and if you choose, it can display emails, phone calls and texts. Like other G-Shock models it has multiple intuitive buttons for stopwatch functions, laps, interval times, countdown timers, and LED back lighting for night use. The G-Shock Move app manages the measurements, data and training history gathered by the watch and automatically creates training plans tailored to user set targets. It works with iOS or Android and can also link data to Strava, Google Fit and Apple Health ($400).
Nixon's new High Tide is aimed at surfers, and tracks tide conditions at 550 top beaches worldwide.
Surfing Watch: This is brand new, so if you know a surfer, especially a traveling surfer, its hard to go wrong. The Nixon High Tide was released for National Recycling Day (November 15th), because it is the first Nixon watch - a favorite surfer and skate brand - made from upcycled ocean plastics. Thats cool enough, but what separates it from the pack and makes it the top surfing pick in the Nixon lineup is the multi-function display with split-screen featuring precise tide, sun, and moon data from 550 preprogrammed marquee beach locations worldwide, from Cocoa Beach, FL to Santa Cruz, CA to Uluwatu in Bali. If you can name a surfing spot, its on the list. The High Tide is also Nixons only watch using MLCD to deliver a higher-contrast and higher-resolution display than LCD technology. Users can customize the display on the high-res screen to show the data most important to them in the water at any given time, and it also has chronograph and countdown timer, useful for competition. The High Tide was developed with quality and functions to meet the distinct needs of avid surfers and other ocean adventurers and comes in four color schemes. Co-molded silicone pushers are unusually -and deliberately - placed at 12 and 6 oclock to keep them from being accidentally pressed by the back of a hand while surfing or other activities where your hand bends back towards your wrist ($220).
TAG Heuer is the first Swiss luxury watch brand to jump into the golf smartwatch market, complete ... [+] with GPS, full connectivity and heartrate tracking.
Golf Luxury Watch + Fitness: This is a first, a smart GPS digital golf watch from a luxury Swiss legacy horology brand, perfect for the person who eschews the typical smart model and still wears a nice watch off the course. The new TAG Heuer Connected Golf Watch marries the virtual analog look of TAGs classic auto racing-inspired three sub-dial chronograph with high-tech golf features. This vintage chrono dial is just one of the virtual face options and looks so good you can hardly tell off the course. TAG went for lots of bells and whistles like an ultra-clear OLED touch screen, precise wrist heartrate monitor, and a display of each hole on the screen that is easily manipulated to show distances to hazards, actual pin positions, etc. Because it was built to look like a Swiss mechanical watch, the two pushers and crown really work and provide important functions in an intuitive manner, most notably a simple way to record the distance and club used on every shot to create a performance library that over time helps with individualized club selection and score improvement analytics. Theyve mapped more than 40,000 courses worldwide for the app, but unfortunately, these do not come pre-loaded on the watch. It can also be used for fitness and other sports, and besides steps, features cycling, running and other sport specific trackers, and supports many third-party fitness apps. This is a highly customizable golf watch with lots of smartwatch functions (text messages, emails and so on) that will make an impression - even the packaging is impressive and perfect for gifting - the oversized box contains smaller leather cases with the watch, logo Titleist Pro-V1 balls, a custom Scotty Cameron divot tool, all the supporting materials and a magnetic charger ($2,550).
The Garmin Approach S62 Golf Watch is jam packed with golf, fitness and smartwatch features.
Golf & Fitness All Around Pick: Garmin is the worlds leading manufacturer of GPS devices, used in exploration, ships and commercial aircraft, but they also have a long golf and fitness history, and the Garmin Approach S62 Golf GPS Watch is the newest top of the line offering for golf and a lot more. This really does do it all, and it comes pre-loaded with maps of most courses in existence, more than 41,000 worldwide. It is user friendly with course recognition, so it knows where you are playing when you arrive, nothing you have to download in advance, and no subscription fee. As additional courses are mapped, updates are free forever. It has a larger screen (1.3) then previous models, the touchscreen face is golf glove-friendly, and the full color high-resolution display automatically compensates for the sun to make it readable even on the brightest days. It also offers customizable watch faces like a smartwatch to change the appearance to digital or analog styles so you can wear it all the time and it doesnt look like a golf watch off the course. The CourseView maps have hole-by-hole details including doglegs, sand traps, water hazards, and green layouts. It displays distances to the front, middle and back of greens, while manual pin positioning lets you drag and drop the pin on screen to its actual day location and the S62 adjusts distances accordingly. You can drag a crosshairs for distance to any point on the hole. You can switch to hazard view and get all the layup and carry distances, and a compass like pin pointer gives you the line on blind shots. You can also switch the display to green view for close up detail on approach. No more guessing, ever!
Another standout feature improvement is the Virtual Caddie feature. It tracks every shot you hit and by entering what club, records distance and direction and over time can suggest what club you need to hit and where you need to aim for your particular maximum success - accounting for wind and elevation. You can also track how far your drives went. You can even automate the club tracking process with optional club sensors. The S62 is rugged, weatherproof, rated to 50 meters underwater, and features an industry leading 20-hour charge life while using GPS, enough for back to back 36-hole days. The Garmin Golf App lets you analyze your strengths, weaknesses and scoring in detail. Smart Notifications allow you to receive emails, texts and other alerts from your iPhone or Android device on the screen. You can use it for Garmin Pay for cashless touchless transactions, and it doubles as a top-shelf general fitness tracker with odometer, step tracking steps, and preloaded activity trackers for running, cycling, swimming and more. It even measures heartrate and pulse oxygen at your wrist. ($500).
A bargain gift pick for golfers, Bushnell's iON2 golf GPPS watch has everything you need - and ... [+] nothing you don't.
Golf Watch Value Pick: I already have a nice watch that I like for normal life, but when I play golf, I want instant access to precise distances. I am also fairly low tech, dont track analytics off the course, and use a different device for exercise. I love a bargain. So what do I want in a golf watch? To do nothing in advance, show up at the course, and still readily get instant distances to the front, middle and back of each green without spending an arm and a leg. The Bushnell iON 2 Golf GPS is the watch I use, and if anyone on your gift list fits one of these pre-conditions (low tech, likes real watches, loves golf, etc.) this is a great pick - and a steal. Thanks to its simplicity, it is lighter, sleeker and comfier than much of the competition, still comes preloaded with more than 36,000 courses worldwide (30 countries), and has great battery life - enough for three rounds on a charge. It isnt featureless by any means, and still tracks shot distance, displays hazard distances, has an odometer and step counter, but it is idiot proof. Yet like many sports and fitness watches, you can do even more if you prefer, through the app, which uses your smartphone to display full color course maps with all the hole by hole details. It has been selling all year for $199 but is discounted for the Holidays to just $100 and you simply cannot get more bang for your buck.
Continue reading here:
Holiday Gift Guide 2020: The Best Fitness, Sports And Adventure Watches - Forbes
US : The 6 best food sources of protein that help you lose weight faster – Explica

In recent months everyone has been talking about the role of high-quality protein consumption in the weightloss. The reality is that the body needs protein to meet numerous functions, that is why they are considered one of the most important macronutrients in the diet. They are one of the basic components of organs, muscles, skin and hormones, the body needs hormones to maintain and repair tissues.
Additionally it has various scientific references that support the benefits of protein consumption for to lose weight, keep it long term and burn belly fat, the best of all is that also increase the mass Y muscular strength. A high protein diet can also help lower blood pressure, fight diabetes, prevents the onset of metabolic syndrome and others degenerative diseases.
The truth is that ensuring a optimal protein intake is very important for lose weight with health, in principle proteins are extremely satiating and make us feel satisfied for longer. On the other hand they have the peculiarity of activate signals of the body that reduce appetite, overeat and the cravings for Forbidden food, which are related to the decrease in the hunger hormone: ghrelin and an increase in the production of hormones of fullness.
The daily protein intake (RDI) is estimated to be 46 grams for women and 56 grams for men. However, many health and fitness experts consider that more is needed to function optimally and lose weight more effectively. That is why they recommend increase protein intake in the diet, creating an optimal combination of the best sources of plant and animal origin. Know the 6 foods richer in protein, are accessible and symbolize nutrition of the highest quality.
Today we have the certainty about the unmatched benefits that implies integrating in the diet, the consumption of whole eggs. Not for nothing are they considered one of the healthier and more nutritious food on the planet, when it comes to protein, they are one of the highest quality sources. Eggs are an extraordinary source of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats (Omega-3 fatty acids) and antioxidants that protect diverse organs and systems, at the same time provide very important nutrients in the brain function. It is essential to choose the consumption of whole eggs to get all your nutritional benefits, specifically the egg whites they are an almost pure protein source. Protein content in a large egg: 6 grams of protein and 78 calories.
Boiled egg / Photo: Shutterstock
Not all sources of protein from high biological value and quality, are from the food of animal origin and today with so many healthy food within our grasp, it is the perfect time to break that belief. Almonds are one of the best sources of vegetable protein, are one of the most popular nuts and shine for their unparalleled supply of essential nutrients: fiber, protein, vitamins B and E, healthy fats, iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese and magnesium. There are numerous studies backed by science in which its qualities to improve health and promote weight loss are confirmed. Such is the case of A study published in the magazine European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in which it was found that participants who ate a handful of almonds every day they experienced a reduced feeling of hunger and a decrease in body weight. They also attract attention for being a complete food and recommended for all people, being of low glycemic index even indicated for people with diabetes. Protein content: 6 grams and 164 calories per ounce (28 grams).
Almonds / Photo: Pexels
Chicken breast is one of the most popular protein sources, healthy, accessible and delicious, not in vain is one of the most recommended foods in most of the weight loss plans. It is the most versatile and easy to cook, lends itself to creating all kinds of dishes full of colors and nutrients. The chicken breast is low in calories and fat, is related to great benefits for protect the heart and the health of the cardiovascular system. Call in a special way your high in vitamins from complex B, minerals like the iron, which helps transport oxygen to all cells and is also essential for the good brain function and physical performance. Besides, his high phosphorus content, it is important to maintain strong bones and teeth, and zinc, essential for growth and defense processes of the organism. Protein content: a roasted skinless chicken breast contains 53 grams of protein and only 284 calories.
Grilled chicken breast./Photo: Pixabay
We are not going to tire of talking about the wonders of oatmeal consumption for general health. It is considered the queen of cereals and is one of the best sources of vegetable protein and slow-absorbing carbohydrates, at the same time provides essential nutrients such as magnesium, manganese, thiamine (vitamin B1) and above all fiber of the highest quality. Its high fiber content is related to great benefits for promote weight loss, since it gives it a great satiating powerIt also regulates intestinal transit and accelerates metabolism. Best of all, oatmeal is immensely accessible and versatile, You can integrate it in juices, smoothies, such as cereal with fruit and yogurt, in salads and bakery. Protein content: orOne cup of oatmeal has 11 grams of protein and 307 calories.
Avena./Photo: Shutterstock
There are many questions around consumption of dairy as sources of protein, the truth is that everything will depend on the type of product. In the case of the cheeses there are some variants that they provide a lot of calories and fatHowever, all is not lost. The cottage cheese is the best alternative, since it is a type of qLow fat and low calorie cheese. Additionally it is rich in calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B12, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and various other nutrients. It is versatile, light and very enjoyable, it goes well with a long list of foods and dishes. Protein content: one cup (226 grams) of low-fat cottage cheese with 1% fat contains 28 grams of protein and 163 calories.
Curd. / Photo: Pixabay
Another product derived from dairy, which cannot be missing in all healthy diet focused on losing weight. The greek yogurt is the healthier variant that exists, is characterized by its thick consistency and its great nutrient content. Not only is it a great source of protein of high biological value, it provides numerous vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, vitamin B12, potassium, iodine and especially a immense probiotic potential. Consuming probiotic foods is one of the best health allies, they benefit absolutely the whole organism. Especially lto digestive, intestinal health, the functioning of the immune system and they are key in weight loss. Greek yogurt pairs perfectly with sweet and savory dishes. it is very important that you choose the pure versions without any added sugar, flavoring or sweetener. Protein content: one 6-ounce (170-gram) container It has 17 grams of protein and only 100 calories.
Greek yogurt. / Photo: Pixabay
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US : The 6 best food sources of protein that help you lose weight faster - Explica
US : The best 4 smoothie combinations to lose weight faster – Explica

Over the years the shakes have been evolving, although many of us remember them as a something nasty drink that our mothers forced us to consume in the morning; Today the perception has changed and they are considered a nutritional treasure and one powerful health tool.
The truth is the popularity of smoothies has increased significantly in recent years, to the extent that they are an important part of various nutrition trends. Based on this, many have wondered about the best combinations for create a nice smoothie, that offers us all those wonderful properties with which they relate. The good news is that creating a nutritious and beneficial shake, is easier than we think and is based on getting the right combination of simple, high-quality ingredients.
It is well known that when we try to lose weight, the most important nutrient are proteins, not in vain are they considered lately the central axis of numerous diets and guidelines created to lose weight. The reality is that proteins have been shown to have an immense capacity to promote weight lossor, which is related to your satiating power, its benefits to regulate high levels of glucose in the blood and its positive effects for increase lean muscle development, which is related to a more efficient metabolism.
Various nutrition specialists have established the elements that cannot be missing in a slimming shake and among the main ones, the following stand out:
Proteins cannot be missing: The use of plant-based proteins (pea, chia or brown rice), animal protein powder (whey, casein or collagen), also if you dont love protein powders, there are delicious natural alternatives (peanut butter, almond butter, plain Greek yogurt, some cottage cheese or chia seeds).The importance of fiber: To integrate high fiber foods in smoothies, its a great way to increase daily intake of this important nutrient. It is not only essential in weight loss, is related to benefits to improve digestive process, intestinal health and keeps us satisfied for longer. Of course the best way to obtain it is through the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
It is also highly recommended to add foods such as medicinal spices, that shine for their properties antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. There are great options that fill flavor and personality smoothies, such as cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, cardamom and anise. At the same time, it is very important to avoid the use of products rich in added sugars and empty carbohydrates.
Based on the above we present you four rich and simple combinations, to take your shakes to another nutritional level and thus fill you with their therapeutic benefits, strengthen the immune system, prevent diseases and reach a healthy weight.
This smoothie combination is a true nutritional treasure and also a delight, it is distinguished by its pleasant flavor and unbeatable texture. It is well known that the Cranberries are considered one of the healthier superfoods of the planet, are distinguished by their great antioxidant power which is of great help to fight free radicals, prevent premature aging, attack inflammations and above all they are a great complement to promote weight loss. They attract attention for their low caloric value, 100 grams provide 46 calories and lots vitamins, minerals and fiber, elements necessary to lose weight. At the same time it has A study of the University of Michigan, in which its qualities are checked for increase fat burning, eliminate abdominal fat and they help eliminate everything that the body does not need. For his part the nuts They are a very important nutritional element in shakes, among their great qualities they stand out for their high in healthy fats, specifically Omega 3 fatty acids and that are associated with their great anti-inflammatory power. They are a great ally for protect cardiovascular health and reduce high cholesterol levels. At the same time they are perfect for losing weight thanks to their satiating power, its high fiber content and high quality energy levels, which improve physical performance.
Plantain or banana Its one of the most popular ingredients in smoothies, it is one of the most consumed fruits in the world and is associated with large properties to health. One of the great slimming qualities of banana is related to its content in simple sugars that become immediate energy, it is also fat-free and stands out for its immense mineral wealth, Specially in trace elements like potassium and magnesium. Banana is a fruit very rich in fiber, which helps to lose weight and regulate intestinal transit. It is perfect to improve the mood, fight fatigue, perfect against anemia and of great help for fight constipation. For his part cocoa is considered one of the super-foods currently valued, it is not only exquisite, it is a food of great medicinal properties. Is a great natural stimulant, which fills us with quality energy and improves physical and mental performance. At the same time it is one of the best sources of antioxidants, specifically flavonoids that are of great help for fight free radicals and the chronic diseases as the obesity. Benefits the digestive process, promotes waste removal and it is a great ally of the cardiovascular system. The best of all is that benefits the mood.
In recent months it has become very fashionable add a piece of avocado in smoothies, its a habit that not only improves your consistency and flavor, provides a great nutritional power. Avocado is a very satiating fruit, ideal for weight loss thanks to its content in fiber, healthy fats and essential nutrients, which are related to fat burning properties that accelerate metabolism. It is related to a high content of vitamin K, which provides benefits for strengthen bones and muscles, and thanks to its content in vitamins and minerals protects the immune system. The green leafy vegetables They are a primordial element in all shakes, they belong to the list of healthier food of the planet. They are rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, K, folic acid, fiber and minerals such as magnesium, manganese, iron, potassium and zinc, all elements of great importance in theto health and weight loss. At the same time they are very low calorie, satiating, diuretic and of great digestive power.
Is smoothie combo is wonderful, is distinguished by the use of three powerful foods. Such is the case of the handle which is a most attractive and delicious tropical fruit, it is characterized by being very high in fiber, besides being a great source of vitamins A and C and contain folic acid, B6, iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamin E. Thanks to that benefits digestion, intestinal health and is a great ally for reduce inflammation. For his part the matcha green tea is the star ingredient, since it is the healthiest and most beneficial drink that exists, which is related to its antioxidant properties, great benefits for estimulate metabolism and burn body fat. Polyphenols are the substance responsible for giving matcha tea its slimming properties.
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US : The best 4 smoothie combinations to lose weight faster - Explica Highlights the Importance of Weight Management Over the Holiday Season – The News Front is a leading authority when it comes to nutrition, health, and wellness. The site is dedicated to delivering smart advice on weight loss, wellness, and personal health. It regularly publishes great content such as helpful guides and tips, plus honest reviews that readers can rely on (for example, you can read their review of the Bistro MD diet at
Now, with the holiday season fast approaching, the specialist SavvyWP team want to emphasize the importance of managing your weight during the festivities, and talk about weight loss goals for the New Year.
Advice for a happier, healthier lifestyle
SavvyWP knows how hard it can be to lose or even maintain weight during the holiday season. The darker, colder winter months have crept around to mark the end of a peculiar, challenging and stressful year for everyone, and hearty, calorific comfort food is everywhere on TV adverts, on social media posts, in magazines, in almost every aisle inside grocery stores. People are also ready to feast for Thanksgiving and Christmas and many other occasions. It can be overwhelming, and you may find your weight loss goals slipping away from you. Luckily, SavvyWP has some top tips for weight loss and maintenance around the holidays, and into the New Year:
You can find more practical tips for weight loss and weight management, plus a wide range of other content to help you lead a happier, healthier life (including reviews on weight loss programs, and smart advice about nutrition and wellness) on the website at
The obesity pandemic
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention figure that nearly 40 percent of American adults now qualify as obese, with many more being significantly overweight. While regular exercise is important, experts are virtually unanimous in emphasizing the significance of diet when it comes to weight loss and ongoing management. Unfortunately, many of even the most popular diets at any given time prove to be less than effective at reducing obesity in the long run.
SavvyWP is hoping to help bring about positive results in the fight against obesity through the sites useful content aimed at weight loss and weight management. They have already helped a large number of readers with their weight, and it is their aim to help many more before the year ends especially during and just after the holidays when readers might be struggling to stay motivated and will rely on their tips more than ever.
More information started out in 2013 as founder Jenna Simpsons personal blog before blossoming into the popular and well-respected site it is today. It publishes content on a range of topics, from diets and nutrition tips to health and wellness strategies. For more information, you can visit the website at If you have an inquiry, you can call the team on 5106591050 or email them at [emailprotected]
Read the original: Highlights the Importance of Weight Management Over the Holiday Season - The News Front
5 Ways CBD affects your weight – The Leaf Online

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil has been known for many health benefits, but did you know there are ways CBD affects your weight as well? The cannabinoid has been the topic of debate for years. Some say its pros outweigh the possible cons. Others argue that there is not enough scientific evidence to prove or dispute these health claims, so the point was moot.
Photo by Natasha Spencer from Pexels
Nevertheless, it hasnt stopped health enthusiasts from giving this compound a chance. Originating from cannabis plants, hemp plants, to be specific, CBD oil is most commonly and effectively used as a supplement. It could ease anything from minor pains to moderate and chronic symptoms.
However, most people know very little about CBD oil for weight loss. Understandable, given that the cannabinoid is usually used for things like body pains, anxiety, and sleep disorders. If youre planning on starting your CBD journey soon, heres your chance to discover the many wonders of this hemp oil extract, including how it can affect your body weight.
The science behind how CBD works is still under work. Some researches and studies have found great potential for the compounds healing and medicinal properties. However, none have found concrete evidence, hence, the heated debates over its legality in recent years.
Photo by Natasha Spencer from Pexels
There is even less substantiated scientific evidence of the former influencing the latter regarding CBD and weight loss. However, experts have found that while CBD may not cause weight loss or gain, it could affect factors that would lead to a significant difference in the bodyweight of users. Lets take a look at some of the ways CBD affects your weight.
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) of the human body is designed with millions of neurotransmitters regulating various parts and systems teamwork. It acts as a traffic guide for the different tissues, nerves, and muscles in the body to work accordingly.
Recent studies found that the body reacts to cannabinoids precisely because it produces its own. When CBD interacts with the ECS receptors, it helps regulate pretty much everything, including the metabolic system. As a result, when your metabolism is at its optimal condition, bodyweight is less likely to fluctuate. Losing or gaining weight could be made more accessible.
One leading cause of eating disorders is an individuals appetite. Whether your dilemma is having a voracious affinity for food or being extremely sensitive and picky about your meals, CBD products like Broad-spectrum CBD gummies for weight gain or loss could help with that. While psychoactive compounds like THC are considered a stimulant, CBD is somewhat the opposite.
It still goes back to the ECS, as CBD improves the bodys sensitivity to its needs. The cannabinoid helps us achieve homeostasis or balance, thus, curbing or increasing hunger levels according to what the body needs.
If youre planning to use CBD for weight loss, studies indicate that the compound can turn white, bad fats into brown, good fats. The former is a form of fat that can cause many chronic conditions related to overly excessive weight. Brown fats are a more active form of fats as they burn off calories by generating heat.
The more brown fats you have, the more calories you burn. With CBDs aid converting the bad fats into better ones, cannabis users are more likely to lose weight faster and with fewer complications as the process is as natural as weight loss methods go.
As mentioned before, CBD works with the body by helping its receptors regulate everything to obtain and maintain an overall balance of well-being. The compound influences the bodys CB1 and CB2 receptors responsible for regulating several vital systems, including the nervous central, digestive, respiratory, and immune systems.
People who have hormone disorders such as high cholesterol, diabetes, ovarian conditions, and many others suffer from an irregular production of much-needed compounds in the body. While CBD may not produce it directly, the hemp oil extract could help the neurotransmitters be more receptive so that it allows the body to produce adequate amounts of the hormones it needs.
One of CBDs most popular uses is to relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety. These include nerves, restlessness, jitters, palpitations, nausea, and a dozen others. For some, stress and anxiety are also the source of their weight loss or gain. It affects appetite and body functions like metabolism and digestion.
Once taken, the effects of CBD for anxiety can help these neurotransmitters be more sensitive to hormones naturally produced by the body. These include adenosine and serotonin, otherwise known as happy hormones, as they give you a good boost in mood and energy. CBDs relaxing effects soothe its users enough to have you on your feet and continue with your daily routine.
As a word of caution, be sure to consult with a physician first before making drastic changes to your diet and adding foreign substances like CBD to the mix. Also, note that while the cannabinoid has plenty of supposed health benefits, it is by no means a replacement for any prescription medications.
Continued here:
5 Ways CBD affects your weight - The Leaf Online
The One Dietary Change That Instantly Makes You Lose Weight – – The Nation Newspaper

There's a reason every electronic gadget you buy comes with a "quick start" guide. It gets you up and running without having to read the entire instruction manual. The more complicated instructions are, the less likely we busy people will be to read them. Unfortunately, the same goes for diet programs. Complicated guidelines and rules about foods to avoid make dieting miserable and easy to quitwhich makes it impossible if you want to instantly lose weight.
If you want to lose weight and begin improving your health and instantly lose weight, here's your quick start guide: just focus on one simple daily goaladding more color to your meals.
Colorful plant foods contain phytonutrients. These are chemical compounds that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors and distinctive flavors. A subset of these phytonutrients are substances called flavonoids, which research suggests offer potent healing properties that protect us from metabolic diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
In a study published by the BMJ,researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health noticed that the people who ate diets high in foods containing lots of flavonoids and related compoundsfoods like berries, celery, cherries, radishes, peppers, green tea, pears, prunes, and blueberrieseither lost weight or maintained their weight better than people who didn't eat such foods or ate little of them. Other studies suggest that flavonoids may lower fat absorption and actually boost calorie expenditure.
The US Dietary Guidelines recommend eating 2 1/2 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit every day. It's important to try to get as many different colored plants into your meals and snacks as possible because each color provides different types of phytonutrients with different health benefits. That doesn't mean you have to remember the scientific names of those flavonoids, shown below. Just eat a broad variety and you'll cover your phytonutrient bases.
Not sure which foods you should have? Try incorporating foods from the groups listed here, and for even more healthy eating tips, be sure to check out our list of 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time.
Eat plenty of fruit, as well as these red and purple foods, and you should get all the anthocyanidins you need.
Where to find them: Red potatoes, red onions, red cabbage, beans, eggplant, and chard.
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Flavan-3-ols improve arterial flow, reduce blood pressure, and help prevent heart disease and diabetes. In a 2012 review of 42 studies, researchers reporting in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found consistent evidence that flavan-3-ols improved cardiovascular risk and reduced diabetes risk. They also have antiviral and cancer-fighting properties.
Where to find them: Flavan-3-ols impart a bitter taste, which explains why they are not only found in berries and tree fruits, but also in high concentrations in dark chocolate, dark beer, tea, and coffee. Among vegetables, only legumes deliver these nutrients.
For more easy ways to lose weight fast, read 19 Eating Habits to Drop a Pound a Day.
Flavanols may improve both mental and physical performance on tests by boosting overall endurance. They've also been shown to reduce cholesterol and C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation. In a 2012 analysis of studies, men and women with the highest intake of these nutrients had an 18% lower risk of heart disease; other studies suggest flavonols may reduce stroke risk by 20%.
Where to find them: Flavonols are pale yellow in color and are found in vegetables like leafy greens, onions, tea, chia seeds, and buckwheat, and in the skins of fruits like apples, cherries, tomatoes, pears, and berries. Discover the 30 best anti-inflammatory foods here.
Flavones prevent oxidative stresswhat we call aging. They've also been shown to help protect against stress-related diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cognitive decline.
Where to find them: A wide variety of fruits, especially watermelon, contain them, as do tea, coffee, and chocolate; cruciferous vegetables like iceberg lettuce, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage, and leafy greens like mint, parsley, and celery. Also found in hot peppers.
Flavonones reduce stroke risk and strengthen brain function, reduce appetite, and increase weight loss. In 2009, a study in the journal Diabetes found that a particular flavonoid found in citrus, called naringenin genetically reprograms the liver to burn up excess fat, rather than store it.
Where to find them: Flavonones aren't found in vegetables. You get them mostly from citrus fruits like grapefruits, oranges, lemons, and limes. Peppermint leaves have then, too.
Along with these colorful foods, you can also incorporate these 9 Best Foods That Melt Belly Fat.
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The One Dietary Change That Instantly Makes You Lose Weight - - The Nation Newspaper
Weight loss: Two things that helped Nita Ambani lose 18 kilos – Times of India

Parents help their children achieve their dreams any which way possible and that's a fact. Nita Ambani's story is a little similar too.
While everybody knows that Nita Ambani helped her son Anant Ambani lose weight and get fitter, not a lot of people know that Nita herself decided to delve in the game to cheer her son. Yes! She decided to take fitness lessons and lose weight, along with Anant so that he doesn't feel alone or demotivated.
So, when Anant trained under celebrity coach, Vinod Chopra and successfully lost over a 100 kilos in a little over two years, Nita used the time to work on her own self and accompany her son in the physical transformation. In a few months time, she shed over 18 kilos and looked super stunning!
Not only does Anant credit his mom behind pushing him to lose weight and transform himself, it's also the other way around. In an interview, the mother-of-three was quoted talking about the same:
A child does what his mother does, so I couldnt be seen eating while putting him on a diet. So I went on a diet along with Anant. Whatever he ate, I ate. Whenever he exercised, I did too. If he went for a walk, I would go along."
Here is the original post:
Weight loss: Two things that helped Nita Ambani lose 18 kilos - Times of India