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Mandy Moore reveals pregnancy sickness caused her to lose weight – Yahoo Sports

Mandy Moore has revealed she suffered from sickness and lost weight during her first trimester of pregnancy, pictured here in January 2020. (Getty Images)
Mandy Moore has revealed she was really sick and lost a bunch of weight during the first trimester of her pregnancy.
The This Is Us star, 36, who is expecting her first child with husband Taylor Goldsmith, 35, was speaking on SiriusXM's The Jess Cagle Show about the struggles shed experienced during the first stage of her pregnancy.
The actor admitted that while she feels very lucky to be welcoming a baby next year, the early stages of her pregnancy left her unable to eat and having to spend lengthy periods in bed.
I was really sick in the beginning, she revealed. Super sick, but I was home. So I didn't have to miss out on work.
I don't know how women do it, she continued. I literally woke up and was sick all day long. I couldnt eat, I lost a bunch of weight. I just stayed in bed all day.
Watch: 'This Is Us' prepared Mandy Moore for motherhood
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Moore, who announced her pregnancy in September, was able to hole up at home and is now through the worst of it.
I know thats not the case for everybody, that it sometimes can persevere for the entire pregnancy, she continued.
So Im lucky that that kind of trailed off, and I feel much better now, but beyond that, I feel like I had my energy back and feeling good. Like nope, no complaints.
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Moore isnt alone in finding that so called morning sickness can actually last all day.
Despite nausea experienced during pregnancy often being called morning sickness, it can occur any time during the day and can be experienced throughout pregnancy, explains Lesley Gilchrist, registered midwife, and co-founder of My Expert Midwife.
Unfortunately for many pregnant women, feeling nauseous is very common as there are lots of changes, especially hormonal changes, occurring in the body.
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According to Gilchrist up to 80% of women experience some nausea and/or vomiting during their pregnancy, with around 30% of women needing to take some time off work during pregnancy due to sickness and nausea.
While a few women may feel nauseous for their entire pregnancy, it usually disappears around 12-16 weeks of pregnancy.
However, 1-2% of women will develop hyperemesis gravidarum, extreme morning sickness, which can cause severe dehydration and hospitalisation, Gilchrist continues.
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Dr Daniel Cichi from Doctor-4-U says it is not uncommon to lose a bit of weight during the first trimester of pregnancy because of vomiting, nausea and a lack of appetite.
For most women, this should subside at around 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy and they should start to gain weight after this.
Weight loss in the first trimester because of sickness is not usually something to worry about, particularly if this doesnt last long and you begin to gain weight soon after, he explains.
However, if weight loss is continuing after the first trimester and its quite a significant amount of weight loss that doesnt seem to be improving, this could be a cause for concern.
Weight gain is important to support the growing baby through pregnancy and after if you choose to breastfeed.
Dr Cichi says weight is monitored as part of the prenatal checks, however, if your weight loss is severe and long-lasting you should speak to your doctor or midwife as soon as possible.
You may be given supplements or prescription medication to manage the sickness so you can gain an appetite and increase your calorie intake, he adds.
In severe cases of pregnancy weight loss caused by sickness, otherwise known as hyperemesis gravidarum, you may be hospitalised but this quite rare.
If youre losing weight during pregnancy Dr Cichi recommends you visit your doctor or midwife, particularly if youre feeling dizzy and weak, you have stomach pain, you havent been able to keep anything down for 24 hours, and your urine is dark, as these could be signs of dehydration.
Your doctor can run some tests and provide treatment if necessary, he says.
Gilchrist says the most important things for pregnant women suffering with morning sickness to do is listen to their body.
Rest as much as possible and to try to eat and drink little and often as this will keep fluid and energy levels up, she says.
There are also self-help remedies that may help to reduce feelings of nausea and vomiting before resorting to medicines or medical help.
For instance, ginger can be a good solution for morning sickness, as it is known for its anti-nausea properties, she says.
Pregnant women can try ginger in different forms to see if one type helps more than another. Examples include drinking hot water with chopped fresh ginger or eating crystallised ginger and ginger biscuits.
Gilchrist also recommends trying to identify the times of the day when sickness is worst and trying to eat something small, such as a biscuit or a piece of bread, at those times, as this can help stave off the nausea.
It may also help to avoid eating rich, creamy, or spicy foods, and stick to foods that are blander in smaller portions, rather than eating large meals, she adds.
Dr Cichi recommends trying to eat smaller meals and space them out throughout the day.
Instead of having three big meals you may have five smaller meals as this may be more manageable, he says.
He also suggests sticking to the foods that you enjoy, as youre more likely to eat them, and avoiding any foods or smells that are triggering your sickness.
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If nothing seems to be helping, Dr CiChi recommends speaking to your GP as you may find that anti-sickness medication is the only way to stop the sickness and enable you to gain weight.
According to Gilchrist there are certain situations in which pregnant women should seek medical help for nausea and vomiting including any none of the following:
When they have tried self-help remedies and nothing has eased their symptoms.
They are unable to keep down any food or fluids for 24-48 hours.
They are not passing any or very little urine and it is dark in colour.
They feel weak or faint and not able to stand up for any length of time.
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Mandy Moore reveals pregnancy sickness caused her to lose weight - Yahoo Sports
Diabetes: Facts you should know in the era of COVID-19 – Q City Metro – Qcity metro

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As the United States surpasses 250,000 deaths from COVID-19, its worth noting that people with diabetes account for roughly 40% of that morbidity,according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The news is not all bad. By eatingright and keeping your body active, diabetes often can be avoided and even sentinto remission, says Dr. John Smith, lead medical director atBlue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina.
In recognition of National DiabetesMonth, Dr. Smith agreed to discuss some of the factors associated with diabetes a chronic disease that disproportionately affects Black and Latino residents.
What is Diabetes?
Dr. Smith:Diabetes is a condition where your blood sugar levels are high. There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 is when your body does not make insulin; Type 2, also called adult-onset diabetes, is when the insulin in your body does not perform the task that it should, which is to lower the blood sugar level. This is the most common type of diabetes.
Fact:34.2 million U.S. adults have diabetes; about 7.3 million are undiagnosed. An estimated 88 million adults have pre-diabetes. In total about, 122 million Americans livewithdiabetesor prediabetes (37% of the U.S. population), according to the American Diabetes Association and theCenter for Disease Control. In North Carolina, about 1 million people (12.% of adults) have diabetes. Approximately, 50,000 adults are newly diagnosed with diabetes each year.
What is a normal level of bloodsugar?
Smith:Normally, your blood sugar is somewhere between 80 and140 mg/dL, but it can vary based on your health conditions. It also can varybased on what youve eaten or when you last ate. If your doctor has asked youto fast before your diabetes test which means you wont eat anything for atleast eight hours before the test then your blood sugar levels should be lessthan 100.
What are the common symptoms fordiabetes?
Smith:Symptoms of diabetes may include blurred vision, weight loss, increased thirst and increased hunger. These are not specific for diabetes, but if you have any of those symptoms with a blood sugar level over 200, thats indicative of diabetes.
Why is diabetes so harmful?
Smith:Over time, if you have elevated blood sugars, it can damage your organs. It can cause heart disease, increase your risk for strokes, high blood pressure, blindness, kidney failure, and damage to the nerves (neuropathy). It also can cause gastroparesis, a condition in which your stomach does not move food to the intestines in a normal fashion. In men, it can cause erectile dysfunction. It can also increase your risk of lower limb amputations and death.
The CDC reports that 40% of thepeople who have died from COVID-19 also had diabetes. What accounts for thathigh percentage?
Smith:At this point, theres not enough evidence to say thatpeople with diabetes are more likely to get COVID-19. But if you do have diabetesand you also get COVID-19, then its typically more severe and you are morelikely to have complications. Severe complications are more likely if yourblood sugar isnt controlled or if you have multiple underlying conditions,such as diabetes, heart disease or high blood pressure.
If you fall into the category of being an essential worker and you have diabetes, its important that you make good lifestyle choices and exercise. Its also important that you follow CDC guidance in terms of wearing a face mask, practice social distancing, and wash your hands frequently. Its also important to remember that now as COVID-19 will be occurring during flu season, that some of the same preventive measures used for COVID-19 (such as hand washing and distancing) also will help to reduce your risk of getting the flu.
How is diabetes treated?
Smith:The foundation treatment for diabetes is healthyeating and exercising. Eating healthy means eating more fruits, vegetables,lean proteins, whole grains foods that have high nutritional value and fiberbut are low in fat and calories. Typically, you want to limit saturated fats orrefined carbohydrates starchy foods such as mashed potatoes and macaroni andcheese. You also want to limit sweets.
Exercise is also important due to it moving the sugar out of the bloodstream into the cells, where it can be used as energy. Even moderate exercise can reduce your risk for complications from diabetes. You need to choose an exercise you enjoy, like walking, swimming or biking, because you will be more likely to stick with it. You should talk with your health care provider before you begin an exercise program to ensure that your heart and body are healthy enough to exercise.
If diet and exercise do not adequatelycontrol blood sugars, medications (pills or injections) may be used. Some people may benefit from bariatricsurgery. Just because you are on medications or have bariatric surgery, theyare not a substitute for a healthy diet or exercise. Diet and exercise wouldstill be the cornerstone of treatment.
Why are African Americansdisproportionately impacted by diabetes?
Smith:There are several factors:
Diet. People of color often have whats calleda Southern diet lots of fried foods, desserts and other foods that dontnecessarily have the best nutritional value.
Obesity. In North Carolina, the obesity rate is about 38.1%, but for Black people, its about 41.3%.
Family history is another riskfactor; we think there probably is some genetic component.
Access to health care. When you lookat patients who dont go to the doctor, lack of insurance is sometimes thebarrier. Black people are about one-half times more likely to not haveinsurance compared to White people.
Food deserts. Black people are more likely to live in what we call food deserts, which are communities where its hard to get fresh fruit, vegetables or other helpful whole foods.
Fact:Compared to non-Hispanic Whites, Blacks and Latinosare 50% more likely to be diagnosed withdiabetes.
Who should be screened for diabetes?
Smith:The American Diabetes Association has established several guidelines for screening: Anyone with a body-mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher should be tested. Additional risk factors for which you should be screened include being over the age of 45, high blood pressure, heart disease or high cholesterol levels, physical inactivity, first-degree relatives (parent, brother, or sister) who have been diagnosed with diabetes
So, it sounds like diabetes can beavoided.
Smith:For the most part, it can be avoided. About 70% of therisk factors for diabetes are due to lifestyle choices. If you can make healthylifestyle choices (follow a good diet and exercise), diabetes can be avoided inmost cases. And if not prevented, it can be controlled.
Any final thoughts or advice?
Smith:Its much better to prevent diabetes than to treat it. Its not easy to lose weight, and maintaining a healthy weight, even with regular exercise, is hard; but it certainly is worth it because we all want to be healthy and enjoy life.
If you have diabetes, you do not have to try to control it all my yourself. There aremany resourcesavailable to you, whether its from your health care provider or the American Diabetes Association.
Fact: About 53,000 NC residents are diagnosed with diabetes eachyear.
Dr. John Smith is a NC Physician andLead Medical Director at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BlueCross NC). He has over 17 years of clinical practice experience as a familypractitioner working in a variety of care settings, including a hospital and a communityhealth center, and a group model HMO model. He also has 14 years of experiencein utilization management, appeals and provider network quality at Blue CrossNC. He led the provider (physician and facility) tiering program for quality,cost, and efficiency from 2015-2020.Dr. Smith serves as a co-chair for the NationalQuality Forum (NQF) Neurology Workgroup and was a member of the NC Institute ofMedicine (NCIOM) Serious Illness Workgroup in 2019. He is now a member of the NCSerious Illness (NCSI) Coalition.
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Diabetes: Facts you should know in the era of COVID-19 - Q City Metro - Qcity metro
Vegan diets may be linked to a higher risk of bone fractures – Medical News Today

A newly published study has found that vegans may be at higher risk of bone fractures than people who incorporate meat into their diet. The risk may also be higher for vegetarians and pescatarians.
Researchers have found that vegans with lower calcium and protein intakes had a 43% higher risk, on average, of experiencing bone fractures than people who ate meat.
The longitudinal study that reached this finding appears in the journal BMC Medicine.
According to the study, among the study participants eating a vegan diet, there were close to 20 more cases of fractures per 1,000 people over a 10-year period. In particular, vegans faced a higher risk of fractures of the hips and legs, as well as other main site fractures, such as the clavicle, ribs, and vertebrae.
This is the first comprehensive study on the risks of both total and site-specific fractures in people of different diet groups, says Tammy Tong, lead author and a nutritional epidemiologist at the Nuffield Department of Population Health at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.
The biggest differences were for hip fractures, where the risk in vegans was 2.3 times higher than in people who ate meat equivalent to 15 more cases per 1,000 people over 10 years.
Tammy Tong
Vegetarians and pescatarians individuals who do not eat meat but do eat fish also had a higher risk of sustaining hip fractures than people who ate meat, according to the study.
However, the researchers found that taking body mass index (BMI), dietary calcium, and dietary protein into account partly reduced the risk of fractures in these groups.
The researchers analyzed data from nearly 55,000 men and women living in the U.K. who had agreed to participate in the Oxford component of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study to examine how diet affects fracture risk.
Of the participants, nearly 30,000 ate meat, about 8,000 were pescatarians, more than 15,000 were vegetarians, and nearly 2,000 were vegans at the time of their recruitment between 1993 and 2001.
Researchers at the Universities of Oxford and Bristol examined the outcomes of the participants by monitoring their hospital records and death certificates until mid-2016. The team followed the participants for more than 17 years, on average.
Over the course of the study, 3,941 fractures occurred in total, including 566 arm, 889 wrist, 945 hip, 366 leg, and 520 ankle fractures and 467 fractures at other main sites, which the researchers established to mean the clavicle, ribs, or vertebra.
The authors observed no significant differences in risks between diet groups for arm, wrist, or ankle fractures once they took BMI into account.
Earlier studies have linked calcium and protein intake to bone health. Researchers have also shown that a low BMI is associated with a higher risk of hip fractures but a lower risk of ankle fractures.
Regarding specific diet types, previous studies found that vegetarians had lower bone mineral density (BMD) than those who ate meat.
According to other research, people who follow vegan or vegetarian diets have lower intakes of dietary protein, as well as lower BMIs than those who eat meat. Additionally, vegans may have substantially lower intakes of calcium.
The studys authors found that the differences in the risk of total and site-specific fractures became less once they factored in BMI, dietary calcium, and dietary protein.
A 2019 analysis found that combined vitamin D and calcium supplements were effective in fracture prevention.
Well-balanced and predominantly plant-based diets can result in improved nutrient levels and have been linked to lower risks of diseases, including heart disease and diabetes, says Tong. Individuals should take into account the benefits and risks of their diet and ensure that they have adequate levels of calcium and protein and also maintain a healthy BMI that is, neither under nor overweight.
A 2007 study from the Oxford-EPIC cohort that included almost 35,000 participants also found that vegans had a higher risk of total fractures, but not vegetarians.
However, when the study only looked at the participants who reported consuming at least 525 milligrams a day of calcium, the increased risk dissipated.
Researchers caution that this study had a shorter follow-up period of 5 years and relied on the participants self-reporting.
The authors of the new study caution that they were unable to pinpoint the causes of the fractures and did not know whether the participants had used calcium supplements.
They hope to see additional studies looking at non-European populations, as other studies have indicated that there are differences in BMD and fracture risks among ethnic groups.
As three-quarters of the participants in this study were women, the researchers also call for a study with a larger proportion of men to explore differences in risk by sex.
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Vegan diets may be linked to a higher risk of bone fractures - Medical News Today
What Is the Endomorph Diet? What Can You Eat on the Endomorph Diet? –

When everything seems to have a mysterious double-meaning, it probably comes as no surprise that we think our body shape might provide clues to what foods it wants you to it. For instance, if you've been told your body type is endomorph, you've probably wondered if there's a magical diet plan that will bust fat like none other. So is there? We asked nutrition and exercise experts to explain what the endomorph body type is and what the best diet is for an endomorphic person to follow.
Back in the 1940s, a psychologist and physician named William H. Sheldon created a new method of somatotyping, a.k.a. classifying human bodies into three different groups according to the way they look:
The theory is that everyone can be placed, neatly, into one of these generalized categories, but this is not always the case as many people display characteristic traits of multiple body types, says Chris Gagliardi, the Scientific Education Content Manager for the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and an ACE certified health coach and personal trainer. For example, he points out that someone with a "pear-shaped" body has a thin upper body and more fat around the thighs and hips, while someone with an "apple-shaped" body has more fat around the waist, but thin arms and legs. The idea of body types originated to compare body shape to personality and delinquent behaviors, says Gagliardi. More current methods of assessment involve looking at objective measurements such as the amount of fat mass and fat-free mass an individual has.
Since people with this body type are said to have higher levels of body fat, most diets for endomorphs revolve around eating protein and fats while limiting carbohydrates. I typically recommend to my clients a low-carb diet, but not a ketogenic one, as Ive found that most of the women I work with find it challenging to maintain a ketogenic diet for a long period of time, says Rachael Attard, a certified personal trainer and nutritionist and the creator of the 3 Steps to Lean Legs Program. She advises people with an endomorph body to focus on healthy whole-food sources of protein and fat such as fish, lean meat, eggs, beans, avocado, nuts, coconuts, and olive oil.
Endomorphs dont have to and probably shouldnt cut out carbs completely: Attard says vegetables, sweet potatoes, oats, berries, and legumes are all smart carbohydrate options. When it comes to carbs, I recommend eating your carbs after your workout as this is when your body uses them to replenish and build muscles, not store fat, she says. She even created a calculator to help clients figure out how many daily calories they should consume and what portion of them should come from proteins, fats, and carbohydrates according to the persons height, weight, age, body type, and activity level. However, the most important part is finding a regimen that works for you and your goals, that does not feel too restrictive or overwhelming, Attard explains. This is the only way to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle in the long run.
While a low-carb diet may work for some people with an endomorphic body, its not a surefire strategy that will work for everyone with that body type. Generally, the thought process for this kind of dietary pattern has revolved around altering macronutrient intake based on someone's body fat to muscle mass ratio, says Ryan D. Andrews, M.S., M.A., R.D., R.Y.T., C.S.C.S., principal nutritionist and adviser for Precision Nutrition. To say that there's robust scientific evidence supporting this dietary pattern as a way to improve public health would be misleading and inaccurate. Andrews says its possible that following an endomorph dietary pattern may help you reach your weight goals, but it could also distract you from addressing your foundational food-related behaviors. This body-type dieting creates rules and regulations that make day-to-day nutrition choices unnecessarily complicated and restrictive, which may lead to rebound overeating, a preoccupation with certain foods, and can even move someone further away from their goals, Andrews says. The most important nutritional behaviors include emphasizing a variety of minimally processed foods, eating plenty of plants, ensuring enough protein, eliminating nutrient deficiencies, noticing and responding to hunger and fullness cues, eating slowly, and staying hydrated with beverages that don't contain high amounts of added sugars.
It depends on what your goals are! My personal belief is that it is best to exercise, eat, lead a lifestyle, and adopt habits that will support goal attainment rather than trying to do what is best for your body type, says Gagliardi. A primary goal for many endomorphs is centered around weight loss or increasing fitness levels, but when it comes to exercising to reach these goals, it is important to start at a level that allows you to comfortably accomplish what you set out to do. Essentially, if you arent very active right now, its vital to start slowly and then build from there in order to avoid injury or burnout. If youre already active, youll have to intensify or change the exercises youre currently doing if you want to see changes on the scale.
First, keep in mind that the body type someone has is a by-product of many different factors including genetics, food choices and amounts, physical activity, stress, trauma, inequalities, sleep, job, social support, and the list goes on, says Andrews. The good part of that is that you shouldnt feel like the shape of your body is entirely your doing. The bad part of that is that youll likely have to make changes in several aspects of your life if you want to alter your body. But you can change it. You are not stuck with your body type, says Gagliardi. Because body type is based on physical characteristics this means it can be changed. He notes that those changes take time, consistency, hard work, and adjustments in your behavior, habits, and lifestylebut its possible.
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What Is the Endomorph Diet? What Can You Eat on the Endomorph Diet? -
Add these 5 foods to your diet to strengthen immunity for winter – Times of India

An age old saying goes: You are what you eat and so, when it comes to maintaining your health and wellbeing in these unprecedented times, it all depends on your eating habits and lifestyle. Considering that health and fitness is the number one priority today, some simple yet essential steps are important to remain healthy in the long run. While activities like exercising, yoga and meditation are a must to build a strong immunity. Apart from that healthy eating and eating foods that boost immunity as equally essential for a healthy body and mind. This also helps you stick to the path of health and fitness. Thus, one can easily find out what kind of foods and fluids help in achieving those fitness and immunity goals and take small but daily measures to stay at the top of their health game. If you are wondering about boosting your immunity to stay at the peak of your health, read on to find out about five such foods which are the holy grail for building immunity naturally. Pure HoneyUsed in multiple home remedies that are passed on from one generation to another, honey is the most widely used food ingredient. Also known as the liquid gold, many people prefer the taste of honey over sugar as it not only tastes great but also helps in boosting immunity. It is rich in antioxidants, great alternative for sugar and an immunity booster. Honey has various types which are easily available in the market, but the catch is that one must be careful before choosing their brand of honey since there are cases of honey adulteration too. Thus, before choosing a honey brand, always make sure to check for its purity by looking for an NMR tested label as it suggests that the honey is treated with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance technology which guarantees 100% purity since it goes through multiple quality checks along with filtration stages to remove any kind of impurities resulting in 100% pure honey.MoringaWhile Moringa is known as the drumstick tree, it surely classifies itself as an excellent superfood. When the leaves of the Moringa oleifera are dried into a powder, it provides a range of nutritional benefits. From boosting immunity, reducing inflammation to providing antimicrobial effects, moringa is a clear winner. The powder from the Moringa leaves is also help in improving heart health, controlling the levels of blood cholesterol, blood pressure and prevention of formation of plaques in the arteries. If you choose to add daily supplements of Moringa leaves, it can result in the reversal of formation of fatty liver and thus in turn reduce visceral fat. 100 g of Moringa leaves has 314 mg of calcium which is a known ingredient to strengthen bones. One of the best ways to consume Moringa is also through green tea which provides a great amount of nutrition as well as an added flavour to your taste buds.Dry fruitsDry fruits are packed with natural sugars that provides great energy and help elevate moods. Dehydrated fruits like anjeer, dates, apricot, raisins, etc. have various benefits. Figs/anjeer contain high fibre content which helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system by preventing constipation while apricots provide a rich source of potassium which aids nerve signaling, muscle contractions and fluid balance along with preventing high blood pressure and even strokes. Sweet, dry raisins, rich in fibre, help aid the digestion by softening and increasing the weight and size of stools and preventing constipation. Thus, consuming dry fruits can end up in not only boosting your immunity but also aiding digestion, regulating blood pressure and elevating mood!
Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil Virgin coconut oil, just like honey has been a staple in many Indian households and rightly so. It is one of those superfoods that is not only known for aiding weight management and boosting energy but for its immunity boosting properties. The important components present in Coconut Oil like lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid along with monolaurin acts as an antiviral agent in the body. Apart from using it for cooking, it can also be used for baking vegan desserts, salad dressings or sauting basic vegetables. It is recommended to consume 2 teaspoons of virgin coconut oil every day for an energetic start to the day.
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Add these 5 foods to your diet to strengthen immunity for winter - Times of India
What are some of the best diets for men? – Medical News Today

Males have different nutritional needs from females in calorie intake and the nutrients they require for prostate health and fertility. A healthful diet is also essential for heart, bone, and muscle health. People may also choose certain diets to maintain a moderate weight.
This article looks at suitable diets for males and what they may include.
A healthful diet is essential for everyone at all stages of life. Generally, males may require more calories than females, while their vitamin and mineral requirements differ slightly.
Adolescents and young males require essential nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin D, and protein, to grow healthy bones and support muscle development. Older males also need these nutrients to help prevent osteoporosis and sarcopenia as they age.
Males of reproducing age can support their fertility by consuming a healthful diet that includes key nutrients such as zinc and selenium.
Diet and moderate weight are also important factors in well-being and mental health. Eating a healthful diet can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death for males in the United States. Certain dietary choices may contribute to this condition, while research recommends adopting healthful eating plans.
The American Heart Association advises the following:
According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer for U.S. males. The Prostate Cancer Foundation advises males of the top five foods for a healthy prostate:
The 2017 ROMEO systematic review looked at the best diets for males to maintain a moderate weight. Although the authors studied a limited number of trials, they concluded that a combination of the following helps achieve optimal weight reduction for men:
The authors suggest that a weight loss programs delivery is important, with males preferring fact-based language and individualized feedback. With this in mind, males may find it beneficial to use fitness apps or a personal trainer.
There are different dietary approaches for males to maintain a moderate weight. Some people favor low carbohydrate diets, such as the ketogenic or paleo regimens, while others may choose a low-fat plan.
However, the DIETFITS randomized clinical trial found no significant difference in 12-month weight loss between a healthful low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet.
Another 2020 study compared a ketogenic diet with a personalized low glycemic nutrigenetic diet in people with obesity. After 24 weeks, the keto group lost more weight. However, at an 18-month follow-up, the personalized diet participants lost significantly more weight and had greater improvements in cholesterol and blood glucose.
Males can also take advice from the Department of Health, who advise people to check their body mass index to see if they have a moderate weight.
A persons maximum bone size and strength is known as peak bone mass. According to OrthoInfo, males have a higher peak bone mass than females. Males accumulate more skeletal mass during growth, while their bone width and size is greater.
However, males are at risk of osteoporosis, especially after 70 years of age, when bone loss and fracture risk increases significantly. Therefore, it is vital that males support their bones through diet and exercise throughout their life.
Two nutrients that are particularly important for bone health are calcium and vitamin D. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the following foods are suitable sources of both.
According to a 2020 review, a high-fat diet and having obesity affect sperm quality and offspring development.
The authors recommend a nutrient-dense, healthful diet for fertility. Many of their recommendations are similar to the Mediterranean diet, with key foods consisting of oily fish, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
The authors also suggest nutrients that are important for male fertility, including:
Males may choose specific diets for health reasons or to maintain a moderate weight. Some may start a diet to improve their fitness or sports goals.
If they prefer not to choose a specific diet, males can use ChooseMyPlate resources to plan healthy meals. The plate method ensures that a person consumes essential nutrients while limiting or avoiding sugar, saturated fat, and sodium.
Other tips that males can try in planning a healthful diet program include:
All people require a healthful diet throughout their lives, but males require certain nutrients that can change according to their age and health issues.
By setting fitness goals, such as maintaining a moderate weight or improving heart health, males can plan and cater their diet to ensure they receive all the nutrients they need. Combining a diet with exercise is likely to produce the most beneficial results.
See the article here:
What are some of the best diets for men? - Medical News Today
6 science-backed health benefits of chia seeds and how to incorporate them into your diet – Insider – INSIDER

Chia seeds are small, edible seeds of the Salvia hispanica plant native to central and southern Mexico. They are gray with black and white spots and measure about two millimeters in diameter. However, even though they're small, chia seeds are packed with nutrients and offer several health benefits.
Here are six health benefits of chia seeds and how to incorporate them into your diet.
A serving size of chia seeds one ounce or two tablespoons contains about 11 grams of fiber. That's almost half of the recommended daily amount for women (25 grams) and about a third for men (38 grams), says Amanda Miller, a registered dietitian from Chicago who specializes in weight loss and medical nutrition therapy.
Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet. Consuming foods high in fiber can:
A 2009 review found high intakes of dietary fiber significantly lowers one's risk of developing a stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. It also found that increasing intake of fiber improves insulin sensitivity in both non-diabetic and diabetic individuals. The review concluded children and adults should consume 14 grams of fiber for every 1000 calories.
Two tablespoons of chia seeds also contain about four grams of protein. Chia seeds are a complete source of protein, meaning they contain all nine amino acids, which the body is unable to produce on its own.
Most complete sources of protein are animal products like eggs, fish, beef, and dairy. Plant-based sources of protein like nuts, beans, and whole grains contain some but not all of the essential amino acids. This makes chia seeds a good plant-based protein option for vegetarians and vegans, Miller says.
Amino acids in protein are the building blocks for organs, skin, and muscles. Consuming adequate amounts of protein is essential for cell growth and repair, says Karen Kjaerulff, a registered dietitian and nutrition consultant based in Delray Beach, Florida.
Chia seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, Miller says.
Consuming a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Omega-3 fatty acids from chia seeds, in particular, have been found to lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the "bad" kind of cholesterol that can increase your risk of heart disease.
Among plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids, chia seeds contain the highest concentration.
Kjaerulff says chia seeds should be part of a well-balanced diet with other sources of omega-3s like:
Omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in chia seeds, also prevent inflammation in the body during times of disease, stress, and illness, Miller says. Caffeic acid, an antioxidant found in chia seeds, has also been shown to fight inflammation in the body.
"Inflammation is the body's natural and helpful way to deal with harmful foreign substances in the body or an injury," Miller says. "But when inflammation persists, that's when it's cause for concern."
Chronic inflammation may increase a person's likelihood of developing diseases like arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease. But a 2018 review found omega-3 supplementation may reduce symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis a chronic inflammatory disorder that affects the joints.
Chia seeds contain several different types of antioxidants, including:
Antioxidants help fight against the production of "free radicals" in the body, which damage cell molecules.
"Free radicals are constantly being formed in our bodies and a certain amount are necessary for our health, for example, they help fight infections," Kjaerulff says. "When free radicals outnumber antioxidants, oxidative stress occurs which can damage your DNA and lead to cell death and has been linked to diseases such as cancer as well as aging."
Chia seeds contain high amounts of calcium 18% of the recommended daily intake per serving and can improve bone health.
Research on how chia seeds could improve bone health in humans is still emerging, but a 2018 study in rats found that chia seeds improved bone mineral density. The researchers examined 20 rats divided into two groups. One group received a diet containing 10% chia seeds and the other did not. After 13 months, the bone mineral content of the chia-fed rats was significantly higher than the control group.
Chia seeds are usually sold in bulk bags and can be found at many local grocery stores, health food stores, or online. They can be eaten either whole or ground, Kjaerulff says.
Chia seeds are very versatile and you can incorporate them into your diet in many ways, like:
Chia seeds offer many health benefits and contain fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. Research shows that eating a diet rich in nutrients like these can reduce inflammation and improve heart health. To achieve these health benefits, add chia seeds to yogurt and smoothies or make a chia seed pudding with milk and fruit.
The rest is here:
6 science-backed health benefits of chia seeds and how to incorporate them into your diet - Insider - INSIDER
Leafy Greens, Whole Grains and a Glass of Wine May Keep the Heart Healthy – Wine Spectator

Numerous studies over the past several decades have found evidence that wine's anti-inflammatory compounds can reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems like high blood pressure, stroke and heart failure. A new study from Harvard University, published in the Journal of American College of Cardiology, followed people's diet habits for more than two decades and found that avoiding pro-inflammatory foods such as red meat and sweet drinks while consuming anti-inflammatory foods such as wine, tea and vegetables, can significantly lower your risk for cardiovascular disease.
To examine long-term dietary habits, lead author Dr. Frank Hu and his team at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health analyzed data from three different cohorts spanning well over 20 years, including the Nurses' Health Study (NHS) and Nurses' Health Study II (NHSII), which included over 165,000 women, and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, which followed 44,000 men. Hu's team examined food frequency questionnaires the large studies collected every four years to monitor diets. They also evaluated the inflammatory potential of each participant's diets using an empirical dietary inflammatory pattern (EDIP) score.
What makes this study unique is that it is the first to employ an empirical food-based dietary inflammatory index in association with cardiovascular disease. The index, or EDIP score, was developed by Harvard and is calculated as the weighted sum of 18 food groups that show the strongest association with inflammation. Participants with higher scores consumed diets with more pro-inflammatory foods, such as red meat, refined carbohydrates and sweetened beverages. Those with lower scores ate more anti-inflammatory foods, such as leafy vegetables, whole grains, coffee and wine. Dr. Jun Li, one of the study's co-authors, told Wine Spectator that wine had the highest statistical association with lower inflammation.
The researchers updated the scores every four years. All participants were free of cardiovascular disease at the start of the study. Over time, doctors reported the development of cardiovascular disease, and researchers analyzed autopsy records to ascertain evidence of fatal heart conditions.
The results showed that higher EDIP scores were significantly associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. "We hypothesized that a higher dietary inflammatory potential may be associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease incidence before conducting the study, and our findings confirmed our results," said Dr. Li. "The group of individuals that consumed the most pro-inflammatory diet were 46 percent more likely to develop coronary heart disease and 28 percent more likely to develop a stroke, compared to the group that ate the most anti-inflammatory diet."
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What surprised Dr. Li and her team was the robustness of the results. The findings are consistent across the cohorts, between men and women, even after they addressed confounding factors such as health conditions, anti-inflammatory medications and other risk factors.
One of the biggest limitations of the study is that these are correlationsthe research has not measured a direct link between an anti-inflammatory diet and a lower risk of heart disease. Also, the cohorts used in the study included only health professionals who were mostly white.
Dr. Li says the team is conducting follow-up studies to address these factors. "We are replicating our study in other cohorts that include higher proportions of African Americans and American Hispanics/Latinos," she said. "We are also using other technologies, such as metabolomics [the study of metabolites], to examine potential biological mechanisms underlying the associations between dietary inflammatory potential and cardiovascular risk."
So what does this mean for wine lovers? Dr. Li notes that past studies suggest excessive alcohol intake can be detrimental toward cardiovascular and mental health. But she says that moderate wine intake with a healthy and anti-inflammatory diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, could be beneficial.
Go here to see the original:
Leafy Greens, Whole Grains and a Glass of Wine May Keep the Heart Healthy - Wine Spectator
Add more plant-based options to your diet with this healthy 7-day flexitarian meal plan – Insider – INSIDER

A flexitarian diet is exactly what its name implies it's a flexible way to kickstart healthy eating and potentially shed some pounds and improve your health in the process.
Generally speaking, the purpose of the flexitarian diet is to reduce the amount of animal-based products you consume and replace them with whole, plant-based options.
For example, replace your barbacoa taco filling with spiced black beans. However, this does not mean replacing your jerky snack with potato chips.
To lose weight on a flexitarian diet, you'll need to choose the right foods to support that goal, says registered dietitian-nutritionist Scott Keatley, RD, CDN.
"Technically, potato chips and table sugar are vegetarian but we know that if our diet includes too much of these types of food we will not lose weight," Keatley says. "However, picking whole-grains, fruits, and vegetables as well as some lean proteins make for a high-fiber calorie-controlled diet."
Here's how to try a flexitarian diet with a 7-day meal plan as well as more on the benefits you may reap from following it.
A flexitarian diet encourages a lot of healthy behaviors, like rarely eating red meat and loading up on lean protein and whole foods. Here's a list of foods that experts recommend eating frequently, in moderation, and rarely while following a flexitarian diet.
Foods/drinks to have often:
Foods/drinks to have in moderation:
Foods/drinks to avoid whenever possible (true for all eating plans):
If you're interested in trying out a flexitarian diet, here's a 7-day sample flexitarian meal plan, according to registered dietician Shena Jaramillo, MS, RD. Adjust serving sizes and calorie proportions to your specific needs.
Day 1
Hummus is a great protein-packed snack. Elisete Domingues / EyeEm/Getty Images
Breakfast: Oatmeal (made with dairy-free milk), topped with fruit and walnuts
Lunch: Mixed green salad with spiced chickpeas, avocado, cherry tomato, cucumber, and balsamic vinaigrette
Snack: Bell pepper and hummus
Dinner: Butternut squash and black bean frittata
Day 2
A savory chicken stir fry for dinner will hit the spot on day 2. Graphiqa-Stock/Getty Images
Breakfast: Whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, apple slices
Snack: cup walnut halves
Lunch: Whole-wheat pita with mixed greens, bell pepper, and roasted chickpeas
Snack: Sliced pear
Dinner: Chicken stir fry with mixed vegetables and nutritional yeast
Day 3
Avocado on whole wheat toast is a classic way to start your day right. OatmealStories/Getty Images Breakfast: Whole-wheat toast with avocado, sprouts, and chickpeas
Snack: Sliced apple with peanut butter
Lunch: Quinoa and broccoli stir-fry with roasted tofu
Snack: 1 cup of strawberries
Dinner: Whole-wheat pita with vegetables, balsamic vinegar, and low-fat cheese
Day 4
Celery with peanut butter is a crunchy, fulfilling snack. MSPhotographic/Getty Images
Breakfast: Buckwheat cereal with blueberries
Snack: Carrot sticks with hummus
Lunch: Strawberry almond kale salad with citrus vinaigrette and grilled chicken breast
Snack: Celery with peanut butter
Dinner: Tempeh taco sliders with tomato, cabbage, and vegan sour cream
Day 5
Black bean burgers are a delicious alternative to bland, frozen veggie burgers. Photography by Matthew Lankford/Getty Images
Breakfast: Fruit smoothie
Snack: Baked kale chips
Lunch: Black bean veggie burger on a whole-wheat bun
Snack: Popcorn with nutritional yeast
Dinner: Veggie pasta salad with lime and balsamic vinegar
Day 6
Kick off day 6 with a protein-packed egg scramble. LauriPatterson/Getty Images
Breakfast: Egg scramble with mushrooms, onions, and peppers
Snack: Fruit smoothie
Lunch: Avocado "Reuben" sandwich on rye with mustard, sauerkraut, and vegan thousand island dressing
Snack: Rice cakes with nut butter and pomegranate seeds
Dinner: Vegetarian chili
Day 7
Treat yourself on day 7 with some mac and cheese. You've earned it! antares71/Getty Images
Breakfast: Whole-grain bagel with peanut butter and banana
Snack: Tomato, cucumber, and basil salad with tahini or vinaigrette
Lunch: Whole-wheat mac and cheese (either with real cheese or vegan cheese made with soaked cashews and nutritional yeast), roasted broccoli
Snack: Almonds and clementines
Dinner: Curried coconut quinoa with shrimp and roasted cauliflower
Research that is specifically on the flexitarian diet is limited since the guidelines aren't as strict as vegetarianism and veganism, which makes flexitarianism more difficult to study.
That said, there's plenty of research indicating the advantages of reducing your consumption of animal products while eating more whole grains, veggies, legumes, and other plant-based foods.
Better weight management and body composition
Jaramillo says that since plant-based proteins tend to be high in fiber, they can make you feel full for longer while reducing your overall caloric intake which can ultimately lead to weight loss. Here's what the research says:
Lower blood pressure
Reduced risk of heart disease and heart failure
Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes
Reduced risk of cancer
Reduced inflammation
A flexitarian diet offers an ideal compromise for people who regularly eat meat and want to cut down on meat and dairy products without giving them up entirely.
Research suggests that people with high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or heart disease can benefit from the flexitarian diet.
Moreover, "anyone can benefit from a flexitarian diet but those with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis may see the greatest benefit with decreased inflammation," says Jaramillo.
Continued here:
Add more plant-based options to your diet with this healthy 7-day flexitarian meal plan - Insider - INSIDER
Can You Have Dairy on the Mediterranean Diet? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Q: Can I have milk, cheese, ice cream or other dairy products if Im following the Mediterranean diet?
A: The Mediterranean diet is an evidence-backed diet that almost anyone can follow to improve their health. It emphasizes fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats. It does include meat and dairy, but in smaller amounts than the standard American diet.
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When it comes to dairy, a traditional Mediterranean diet might include a few servings a week of cheese or yogurt. Opt for less processed dairy products think flavorful cheeses like Parmesan, feta or part-skim mozzarella instead of processed American slices, and plain Greek yogurt instead of high-sugar flavored varieties.
As for ice cream, you can make it an occasional treat, but keep portion size and frequency at a minimum. Or consider an all-fruit sorbet or gelato, which is a very rich Italian-style ice cream. A little goes a long way.
Milk is not traditionally part of a Mediterranean diet. If youre new to this way of eating and are struggling to cut down your dairy, you can substitute it with unsweetened almond or soy milk, since nuts and legumes are staples of the diet.
Dietitian Julia Zumpano, RD, LD
Continue reading here:
Can You Have Dairy on the Mediterranean Diet? - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic