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Fast & Furious Director Reveals the Film’s Biggest Errors You Never Caught – The Drive

Rob Cohen, director of the first Fast & Furious movie aimed to be as authentic as possible with technical details of the movie. However, according to the movie's technical director Craig Lieberman, Cohen reportedly said that the movie was not meant to appeal to gearheads. It was made to attract audiences who like action movies." Now, Lieberman's newest video exposes some of the film's biggest technical errors.
As we've covered before, Lieberman helped with finding the cars, the parts, and extras for various scenes. At the time, he was deeply immersed in the import street racing scene and was well connected, which benefited Universal Studios. Nowadays, hes a YouTuber with a fervent passion for not only the Fast & Furious franchise but for technical perfection. He has owned more than 40 cars including a Supra, GT-R, and Maxima that played starring roles in the first movie.
For instance, one of the errors that Lieberman covers is where a truck follows a Supra with a white bumper. Nobody called it out until just this year, Lieberman says, but it was actually a Miata bumper on the roof, not a Supra bumper.
As a technical advisor, Lieberman had a chance to review the script and make recommendations for changes, but as he notes in his video, I gave advice; they didnt always take it.
The net result is that some scenes wouldnt be feasible in real life and some of them are just pure drama for the fun of it. But only the most ardent tuner superfans would pick them out.
For example, in the opening sequence during a truck hijacking, the lead Honda Civic has a double-decker rear wing. Then youll see later in the scene that it has a single wing; the second airfoil was removed to keep the stuntman from getting tangled up in it. Further, that same Civic slides under a semi-trailer as part of the plan, which would not be possible in real life. To help viewers suspend disbelief, the truck was custom made to be an extra 18 inches off the ground. Now you know.
I particularly enjoyed the explanations about what nitrous oxide does and what it doesntand the improbability of the massive nitrous Mitsubishi Eclipse explosion. "You dont have two nitrous systems on a wheezy naturally aspirated stock block 428 Eclipse," Lieberman scoffs in the video.
If you prefer your movie magic to be complete immersion, dont watch this. Personally, Id recommend you listen to all of the delicious details, and heres Liebermans video explaining it all.
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Fast & Furious Director Reveals the Film's Biggest Errors You Never Caught - The Drive
Health tips for men: Lifestyle changes that will help you lose weight and improve your overall health –

When most people stand in front of a mirror, theres indeed some aspect of their bodies they dont like. However, what you dont see in the mirror is how healthy you are. Being healthy isnt all about losing weight, but also changing some parts of your lifestyle. Living an unhealthy lifestyle may not only make you overweight, but may put you at risk of other diseases as you grow older. Being healthy isnt easy, but the results will last you a lifetime. Youll have good health, skin, hair, and nails.
Changing your lifestyle doesnt mean counting calories, exercising every minute, or avoiding all your favorite foods. It means making little adjustments and building healthy habits while still enjoying the things you love, but with moderation. Here are a few tips to inspire you to start living healthy today, which will make you healthier, but still make your life enjoyable.
Thin may not necessarily be healthier, but losing weight should be your starting point to improving your health, and something that most guys can benefit from. Being overweight can increase the risk of many health problems like gynecomastia, diabetes, certain cancers, liver disease, heart disease, and even sleeping problems.
There are hundreds of diets and exercises to choose from that help with losing weight. Starting by ditching the processed foods and fatty foods is a good start, and if you havent been exercising, start small. Swimming, water aerobics, or deep-water aerobics is recommended and is joint-friendly for an overweight guy. Then, slowly graduate to a walking program and increase the time walked, without worrying about how much distance youve covered until you can walk for half an hour or more. Afterward, slowly incorporate resistance training into your routine, and youll notice the pounds starting to shed off. Exercise will help you build muscle and increase your metabolism, while also losing weight without starving yourself.
Start small, too, as youre changing your eating habits. You can start by eating smaller portions while ditching the pizzas and fries. Also, ensure that you add some fruits and vegetables to your diet, which will also help you eat less and is healthier. If you like to watch TV and snack on chips or popcorns, change that to snacking on fruits like strawberries, apples, or watermelon. They are healthier, and they will make you feel fuller fast.
You may feel great, but as you grow older, the risk of age-related disease increases with hormonal imbalance. Prostate cancer and gynecomastia are particularly common in men over 50. Get an appointment with your doctor and get tested. Long ago, people would only go to see a doctor when they get sick. Today, preventative health is becoming common, and is an excellent way to educate and empower people about their overall health. Getting checkups will decrease the risk of getting some diseases, while getting advice from your doctor about maintaining a healthy diet, physical activity, and weight.
Regular medical checkups will help you find any irregular issues in your body before they become a problem. Early detection will help you get the best treatment quickly and avoid any complications. Dont forget to check your teeth also as some gum disease has been linked to causing stroke, heart attack, and other serious cardiovascular diseases.
Alcohol is among the greatest pleasures in life, and were not suggesting you should give it up completely. However, you should regulate the amount youre taking and reduce it a bit. In time, you can stop drinking entirely and leave it to that glass of champagne on special occasions. Drinking in moderation is great for your health because alcoholic drinks have many calories, and we all know those beers and wings wont do any good for your gut.
On the other hand, cigarettes contain toxic chemicals that penetrate your bloodstream and create many issues in your system, not just lung cancer. Quitting smoking isnt an easy journey, but you can start reducing your intake and using nicotine patches to suppress your need for tobacco. It will be a tough thing to do, but your health is worth it.
Getting enough sleep every day is essential for your overall health; around six to eight hours of sleep per day is enough. When youre asleep, thats when your body repairs, recovers, and balances your hormones. Getting enough sleep every night will help curb your appetite, and prevent you from overindulging or overeating the wrong foods.
Depriving yourself of enough sleep will also increase your risk of chronic diseases, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and even obesity. Create a good quiet environment for sleeping without disturbance. Remove TVs, gaming, and any entertainment gadgets from the bedroom, and this will ensure youre getting the hours you need for enough sleep.
Water is essential for your skin and health, and its useful in flushing out nasty toxins from your system. It would be best to drink at least 2 liters of water per day from morning to evening. Youll probably visit the bathroom a couple of times when you start drinking more water, but with time, when your body gets used to it, the visits to the restrooms will reduce.
If you want to improve your health and lose some weight, then incorporate these tips one at a time until youve included all of them into your daily routine. Taking your time to follow these tips will help you reduce weight, have a healthy body, look good, and feel good, too. It also boosts your confidence and self-esteem. If you still got some weight left around the chest area, check out for some unique bodywear that will help hide the enlarged breasts.
See the original post here:
Health tips for men: Lifestyle changes that will help you lose weight and improve your overall health -
Age is not a barrier to losing weight, study finds – Atlanta Journal Constitution

Findings from the retrospective study, based on analysis of patient records from a hospital-based obesity service, were reported in the journal Clinical Endocrinology.
For this study, the researchers randomly picked 242 patients being treated for obesity at the Warwickshire Institute for the Study of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism at UHCW from 2005 to 2016. The put the patients in two groups younger than 60 and 60-78 years old and compared the weight loss they achieved during their time being treated.
The hospital-based WISDEM program used only lifestyle-based changes tailored to each individual patient, focusing on dietary changes, psychological support and encouragement of physical activity. Most of the patients referred to the obesity service were morbidly obese with BMIs typically over 40Kgm-2.
All patients had their body weight measured both before and after lifestyle interventions, and the percentage of weight loss was calculated across both groups.
When compared, the two groups were equivalent statistically, with those aged 60 years and over on average reducing their body weight by 7.3% compared with a body weight reduction of 6.9% in those aged under 60 years. Both groups spent a similar amount of time within the obesity service, on average 33.6 months for those 60 years and over, and 41.5 months for those younger than 60 years, the researchers wrote.
Barber added: Age should be no barrier to lifestyle management of obesity. Rather than putting up barriers to older people accessing weight loss programmes, we should be proactively facilitating that process. To do otherwise would risk further and unnecessary neglect of older people through societal ageist misconceptions.
Original post:
Age is not a barrier to losing weight, study finds - Atlanta Journal Constitution
Age Doesn’t Matter When It Comes to Losing Weight, Study – Science Times

A new study from the University of Warwick and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust, 60-year-old and above obese patients can lose an equivalent weight as younger people do just by changing their lifestyle.
According to a report byScience Daily, the researchers hope that their study will correct the misconceptions society has on the effectiveness of weight loss programs for the elderly, and dispel myths about the benefits of weight loss on older people.
The researchers used an analysis of patient records from hospital-based obesity services in conducting their retrospective study. They published theirfindingsin the journalClinical Endocrinology.
242 patients were randomly selected to participate in the WISDEM-based obesity service between 2005 and 2016. They were divided into two groups for the weight loss they achieved during the program: below 60 years old and those aged 60 to 70.
Their weight was measure before and after lifestyle interventions were administered, and then their percentage of weight loss was calculated. Both groups underwent the same obesity service, wherein those over 60 years old joined the program for an average of 33.6 months while 41.5 months for under 60.
They found that those 60 years old and above reduced average body weight by 7.3% while those under 60 years old reduced an average of 6.9% of their weight.
The program used lifestyle-based changes that are tailored to each participant that focus on their diet, psychological support, and encouragement of physical activity, Science Daily reported
The researchers noted that over 50 comorbidities are present in obese patients can be lessened as they lose weight. These conditions include diabetes, depression and anxiety, osteoarthritis, and many others. Besides, obesity is also linked to high mortality and poor well-being.
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Study lead author Thomas Barberfrom the University of Warwick said that weight loss is important no matter what age a person may be as people are likely to develop comorbidities at any age due to obesity.
Since many of these comorbidities are similar to symptoms experienced while aging, it can also be said that age plays a role in having these conditions. That is why weight loss is heightened as people get older and that it is something that people should embrace, Barber said.
Moreover, an 'ageist' perspective on weight loss not being relevant to older people and the misconceptions surrounding it have led many people to discount the many reasons why weight loss is still relevant even in old age.
Barber also said that service providers and policymakers must appreciate the importance of weight loss in obese older people for the well-being of healthy aging. Age should not become a barrier in the clinical decisions on the implementation of lifestyle changes of older people.
In other words, there should be a proactive effort in facilitating services for older patients with obesity to avoid unnecessary neglect due to 'ageist' misconceptions.
Read More: Busy People Put On More Weight Studies Say
Check out more news and information on Weight Losson Science Times.
Originally posted here:
Age Doesn't Matter When It Comes to Losing Weight, Study - Science Times
Health: 3 things you should know about weight loss surgery – Daily Herald

Most people put on a few extra pounds from time to time especially around the holidays.
When you want to lose 10, 20 or even 30 pounds, you may tackle it with diet and exercise. But what if you have 100 pounds or more to lose?
Diet and exercise are always a vital part of getting to and maintaining a healthy weight, but dealing with obesity may add an extra degree of difficulty. Some people may consider weight loss surgery to help lose excess weight. In fact, more than 250,000 people across the United States chose this avenue in 2018.
If this is an option you are considering, here are some things you should know before taking the plunge:
There are several weight loss procedures, and your doctor can help you decide which will work best for you. For example, gastric bypass involves creating a small stomach pouch that attaches to a section of the small intestine. Food skips over a portion of the small intestine, so your body doesnt absorb as many calories. The smaller stomach also doesnt hold as much food, so you should feel more full. Or you might go with a gastric band surgery, which puts an adjustable band around your stomach to make you feel full sooner. And in a gastric sleeve or duodenal switch surgery, the surgeon removes the majority of your stomach. While all these achieve similar results, your doctor may feel one is more appropriate for your condition than another.
Obesity is a serious health concern among all age groups, including elderly individuals, says Sarah Hilton, a registered nurse. Although all surgeries have some risks, weight loss surgery can be a safe option to help lose weight and improve quality of life.
Being overweight doesnt make you a good candidate for weight loss surgery automatically. A person with a body mass index of 25 is generally considered overweight, but this BMI would not be a good candidate for the surgeries mentioned thus far. However, someone with a BMI of 40 might be considered for surgery. A person with a BMI of 35 and certain health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes and breathing injuries could also be a candidate. Along with these criteria, somebody who wants to have weight loss surgery needs to be prepared to make lifestyle changes and undergo follow-up care to ensure the surgery is successful in the long-term.
After you have weight loss surgery, you should not expect all your extra pounds to fall off right away. These surgeries can help you lose weight and improve health conditions associated with obesity, but surgery doesnt do all this on its own. Healthy eating and exercise are necessary to lose weight and keep it off, whether you undergo surgery or not. After having surgery, you will likely need to take vitamin supplements to make sure you are getting enough nutrients. You might have to eat small portion sizes. Some of the lifestyle changes you will have to make could be difficult, and joining a support group can help.
Dont expect weight loss surgery to be the only answer to your trouble with excess weight. It can be a big help, but you will need to put in the work to stay healthy long-term. Your doctor can give you the information and support you need to stick with a healthy lifestyle to ensure your weight loss surgery is as successful as possible.
See the article here:
Health: 3 things you should know about weight loss surgery - Daily Herald
Weight loss story: I have a hot cup of amla jeera water every morning – Times of India

As they say, when you get used to seeing results, it becomes your passion. So, the gradual changes like witnessing the number on the weighing scale, a difference in how you look, not feeling bloated or lethargic were enough to keep me going for long.
How do you ensure you dont lose focus? Initially, I have to say, it was tough to manage my routine and get used to new tastes. But, as I did my research, I read a lot and came up with healthy and tasty low-carb recipes which turned out to be super yummy! Soon enough, results started to show and it became a routine.
Also, I give all the credit of my weight loss to my will power which never left me alone during those pizza parties and booze sessions with my friends. While they were bingeing, I would enjoy my bowl of salad.
Whats the most difficult part of being overweight?
I couldn't wear some of the clothes I liked and it pained to see other girls wearing beautiful dresses which wouldnt fit my size. I felt it was a dream I could never achieve!
Also, I always felt lazy and lethargic when I was overweight.
What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I just want to stay fit and healthy. I want to focus on breathing exercises which would keep my skin glowing and ageless. Also, I want to educate people regarding weight loss and yoga. I plan to take up yoga as a full-time career in the coming years.
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Weight loss story: I have a hot cup of amla jeera water every morning - Times of India
The One Hot Drink You Should Have Every Morning To Lose Weight By The Holidays, According To Experts: Green Tea – SheFinds

Green tea is full of health benefits, particularly for those looking to drop a few pounds in time for the holidays.
Plus, this drink is easy to incorporate into your regular morning routine; it takes only a couple of minutes to make and it contains caffeine, which can help you feel more awake in the morning. Coupled with its metabolism-boosting benefits, green tea is one hot drink experts swear by to kickstart fat loss.
Keep reading for more information!
100+ Gift Ideas For Everyone On Your Holiday List
Dr. Josh Axe, founder ofAncient, explains, "Green tea is a healthy addition to your diet since its consumption has been considered a natural metabolism booster for centuries thanks to special antioxidant compounds."
He adds, "Green tea isnt just beneficial due to its antioxidant content; its also been shown to be a natural fat burning beverage, in part due to its caffeine. Sipping on a cup ofmatcha green teais not only soothing; drinking it regularly may help to reduce body fat and lower cholesterol levels."
It can also be a good idea to brew yourself a cup of green tea after a morning workout.
Dr. Axe explains, "Plus, it helps your body repair more quickly after high-intensity workouts."
Larabeth Guthrie, a natural wellness expert, certified herbal consultant, and PhD candidate in natural medicine, also mentions the importance in picking out a sweetener that will not detract from the tea's health benefits.
She explains, "Picking a sweetenerthat is natural and supportive of your body is important.Steviahas been studied for its potential to increase insulin sensitivity. Increased insulin sensitivity may help make it easier to lose weight."
Although stevia might be the most popular natural sweetener, it's not the only one on the market, which is good because its flavor can depend on the brand.
Guthrie also recommends monk fruit as a healthy alternative.
Adding a bit of honey could also help sweeten the tea.
Read More..Metabolism and Weight Loss Refresher – Anti Aging News

For those struggling to shed unwanted weight, learning a little bit about how your metabolism works may help you to reach weight loss success as many factors such as diet choices, exercise habits, and underlying health will affect how your body will burn or store calories.
According to the NIH, the term metabolism refers to the processes in the body that use energy, but the word is most used when we talk about weight. When a person says they have a fast/slow metabolism they are typically referring to their ability to lose weight or maintain a normal weight. Generally, most people can increase/decrease the rate at which they burn calories but many dont know how to or that biological sex, daily habits, and health status can affect their metabolism.
The term metabolism can refer to any number of chemical processes that occur within the body, but in terms of weight loss what most people are interested in is BMR. BMR is how much energy a person uses every day to stay alive, and according to the National Strength and Conditioning Association, it accounts for around 65-70% of total caloric expenditure. There are many online calculators that attempt to estimate your BMR but they dont take into account muscle to fat ratio, for a more accurate figure talk with a specialist for a calorimeter test to determine your BMR.
The more muscle mass you have the more calories your body will burn even while at rest. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, this is because at rest each pound of muscle on your frame expends about 6 calories per day, while on the other hand a pound of fat uses around 2 calories. The best way to build muscle is by doing strength training exercises. A report published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that 9 months of strength training 3 times per week raised participants' resting metabolic rate by 5%.
Digesting food also burns calories, and of the 3 macronutrients protein burns the most. Increasing protein intake has been shown to temporarily boost metabolism by 15-30%. A protein-rich diet encourages healthy levels of lean muscle mass to increase basal metabolic rate. Protein can come from lean cuts of meat, chicken, fish, dairy, whole grains, and other plant-based sources such as beans, lentils and nuts, but for the best effects spread your protein intake out throughout the day.
Typically men will have more total body mass and higher levels of testosterone which influences calorie burning, as such research shows that within the first months of a weight loss regimen men can lose twice as much weight as women do. This fact can be a little disconcerting for women exercising with a male partner who are losing weight more slowly. Keep in mind that this is not necessarily a sign that you are doing something wrong, every body works uniquely just focus on yours.
Women also get the short end of the stick when it comes to metabolism and menopause as this process can lower the bodys ability to burn calories. During menopause estrogen levels decrease which can reduce the metabolic rate, and it can also cause the accumulation of more belly fat which will further influence metabolism. To add to this research also shows that age-associated declines in muscle mass can make matters even worse. A review published in Menopause suggests that combining a healthy diet and exercise is the best bet and more effective combined than on their own to preserve muscle mass during menopause. High fiber meals may be beneficial and researchers suggest keeping daily protein intake to be 0.36 grams per pound of ideal body weight.
Specific illnesses or medication can also affect the rate at which one burns energy. Insulin resistance, unhealthy thyroid function and certain medications can affect metabolism and cause weight gain according to Harvard Medical School. The University of Rochester Medical Center says that some steroids, blood pressure reducing medications, epilepsy medications, and some antidepressants are linked with weight gain. If you think that you are in this category speak to your doctor or medical professional to explore this potential issue.
The ever-important vitamin D contributes to many aspects of human health including bone health, moods, immunity, and research has also shown that the sunshine vitamin also plays a role in metabolism and weight change. Sadly most people are lacking in this essential vitamin, and each person absorbs different amounts of it. To determine your levels speak with your doctor or certified medical professional. According to the NIH potential signs of a deficiency include bone pain and muscle weakness.
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Metabolism and Weight Loss Refresher - Anti Aging News
Checklist for checking the correctness of weight loss from a nutritionist: top 12 points – The Saxon

The nutritionist suggested checking the correctness of the weight loss algorithm
Often those who lose weight sincerely believe that they are doing everything right, but the result does not come and enthusiasm is replaced by disappointment. It is worth revising your habits and identifying where the failure occurs, and a checklist from nutritionist Albina Komissarova, which she shared on Instagram, will help in this.
The nutritionist has compiled a list of healthy habits so that everyone can check if they are doing everything right in the process of losing weight. 1. I eat protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and vegetable oils every day 2. I do not exclude lactose and gluten from my product, just to lose weight 3. I do not believe that any dietary supplements will help me lose weight 4. I regularly move, walk, walk, play sports 5. I eat after 6 and have a full dinner
Illustrative photo (
6. I do not forbid myself certain foods: bananas, potatoes, bread, because I think that from some product you can gain weight 7. I eat carbohydrates whenever I want, without being tied to a time frame 8. I understand that losing weight happens evenly and I'm not looking for a diet for the thighs 9. I mix proteins and carbohydrates in my plate, because I understand that the theory of separate nutrition is unscientific 10. I do not drink large amounts of water to lose weight 11. I do not use any detox or detoxification for myself, because I know that the liver and kidneys are great at this 12. I don't believe in magic foods like brown sugar and pink salt that will help me lose weight
Nutritionist Eva Shishova has published a guide to popular diets.
Read more from the original source:
Checklist for checking the correctness of weight loss from a nutritionist: top 12 points - The Saxon
Quarantine 15: COVID-19 stress can lead to weight gain –

Editors note: Reporter Nick Gledhills experience with weight gain during the pandemic became the catalyst to acknowledge an issue he believed others were experiencing, so he opted to write a first-person account of his own experience in addition to talking with others.
In the first three months of 2020, I applied to several internships in Washington D.C., was doing well in my church calling, and had been faithful in my resolution to go to the gym once a week. This was going to be my year.
Then March happened. My internship was canceled, church buildings were closed, and my gym was shut down.
Unfortunately, my disappointment and subsequent stress of the global pandemic led me to self-medicate by binge-watching television and ordering Door Dash more times than is healthy or decent. Im not saying my summer was a complete bust, but it certainly didnt meet my expectations.
A few weeks ago, my wife and I returned to our regular, in-person church meetings. We were excited to see our fellow ward members again and spent at least a little time outside of our apartment. We spent Sunday morning getting ready, a ritual we hadnt performed in six months. This was going to be a special day for our ward family, so I wanted to dress to impress. I chose to wear my powder-blue suit, the same one I wore on my wedding day. Light, sleek, and trim, this suit would make me feel like a million bucks. However, when I first tried to get the rail-thin pants around my bulging paunch of a belly, I felt more like a million pounds. I couldnt even zip up the pants.
Oh my gosh, I said to my wife. Im a whale. My wife and I howled with laughter as we observed the difference in my size between these photos: One taken during our formal wedding pictures, the other taken that Sunday morning.
Sound familiar? Others on the BYU campus have noted similar body changes during periods of quarantine or isolation as a result of COVID-19. With physical and recreational activity virtually nonexistent and looming anxiety induced by the global pandemic, lifestyle change and stress-related weight gain is becoming more commonplace.
Before the COVID-19 outbreak, public relations student Peyton Payne exercised five times a week, participated in extracurricular activities and went out with friends regularly to keep herself active. When the pandemic began, she had to refrain from all those activities.
It affected me mentally a lot more than physically, Payne said. I felt more lonely, and I felt the need to be busy and do stuff, but I couldnt.
Payne hasnt noted any weight gain, as she doesnt keep track. She has, however, mentioned that her COVID-19 lifestyle has made her feel more like a lump.
Payne said the abrupt stop in physical activity made her feel more mentally lazy though she was doing more work inside. This sudden change was particularly difficult for her given her past habits.
I was on the computer all the time, Payne said. It was almost like work never ended. I suffered from anorexia for three years, and had to develop good exercise and eating habits to get myself out.
Sophomore Josh Duricka has faced similar mental anxiety to Payne. A sports enthusiast, he feels limited in his options for playing and exercising.
I cant find any open soccer fields or basketball courts, Duricka said. Playing sports is one of those things that affects my mental health and helps me get my energy out.
While Duricka hasnt noticed any weight gain, his mental state has been adversely affected since the pandemic.
Im not as focused and Im not as happy or outgoing because Im spending more time indoors, Duricka said.
Public relations student Elaine Pfeil said the combination of her rheumatoid arthritis and COVID isolation has also taken a toll on her physical and mental health.
I have gained weight without realizing it, Pfeil said. I weigh more than I ever have now, and my mental health has declined as well.
Stress combined with a sedentary lifestyle has been shown to contribute to weight gain. A 2015 study showed that the human metabolism slows under stress. This phenomenon can lead to weight gain.
The Centers for Disease Control reported that adults with excess weight are at even greater risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the CDC advised steps individuals can take to decrease their chances of contracting the virus, including:
Professors on campus are echoing the same risks and recommending similar guidelines given by the CDC as well as offering additional advice that can help students stay safe while being healthy.
Mandy Christensen, a department of exercise sciences faculty member, said chronic health problems are a risk factor for those exposed to COVID-19.
Problems like heart disease are a major risk factor in COVID-19, Christensen said. That could contribute to a poorer outcome if someone does contract the disease.
Christensen recommends that people find an accessible and fun exercise plan to keep their bodies healthy.
If you enjoy doing it, youll keep doing it, Christensen said. You dont have to be that creative, you can just use Google to find blogs and websites to do activities you can do in your own home. Physical activity can be as easy as walking around the neighborhood after dinner.
Exercise sciences graduate student Abi Dorff has studied the risks that can come from an inactive lifestyle and has commented that the goal should be less focused on weight loss and more on general health.
While I think weight loss is possible during the pandemic, people should be focused on their bodies being healthy, Dorff said. Eat healthy foods, dont over-consume, and exercise.
Dorff, like Christensen, said the best way to gain a healthier lifestyle during the pandemic is to find simple things to get you in motion.
Exercise involving bodyweight is great, Dorff said. Push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, anything with your personal weight is good. The littlest amount can make a big difference.
Dorff said she likes to find exercises by searching on Pinterest. If I want to work on a specific muscle, I search Pinterest, Dorff said. I just want to encourage people to find an exercise they enjoy.
While the data can be frightening and the weight gain can be disheartening, Ive found that moping hasnt done much for me, so why do it? I followed Christensens advice and searched for at-home workouts I might find appealing.
I found a bunch of fun ideas, but my favorite by far is the Jedi workout on
Putting my physical and mental health first has helped me achieve some semblance of normal during this crazy time. Sure, the COVID-19 pandemic has been discouraging, but I havent been discouraged. Regular and safe exercise has helped me lose weight and pay more attention during my online classes. Im thinking the Quarantine 15 can be beaten, and 2020 can still be my year.
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Quarantine 15: COVID-19 stress can lead to weight gain -