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Business owners frustrated with upcoming restrictions on gyms, group fitness – What’sUpNewp

Significant changes in Rhode Island via Rhode Island on PAUSE will take effect on Monday, November 30 and extend through December 12 in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Among the changes are the closure of indoor sports facilities, gyms and group fitness, and organized sports.
The new restrictions arent working out for several local gym and boutique fitness owners, who are growing frustrated and are unsure about how to move forward.
State leaders said they made their announcement based on data on how cases spread, yet there is zero evidence that fitness centers are a significant source of COVID-19 spread, Planet Fitness, which operates 16 facilities in Rhode Island, wrote in response to an inquiry from Whats Up Newp on Friday.In fact,a recent study tracing COVID-19 cases in San Diegofound that only one half of one percent of cases stemmed from a fitness center, compared to eight percent at retail locations which will remain open as we head into the busy holiday shopping season.
Planet Fitness says they have had no evidence of cases being contracted at any of their facilities in the state.
Joseph Wendelken, Public Information Officer for the Rhode Island Department of Health, wrote to Whats Up Newp on Friday that RIDOH believes there is evidence that gyms and fitness centers are sites of concern for COVID-19 transmission.
Wendelken expounded by stating, In August, the CDC published a study that identified 112 cases of COVID-19 and hundreds of exposed people, all associated with 12 fitness centers in South Korea. There have been highly publicized gym-associated outbreaks in Illinois, California, Canada, and many other locations.
This happens because the moist, warm air combined with turbulent airflow from exercising creates an environment in which droplets spread easily. We know that people breathe harder when they work out, which is how the virus spreads, especially in confined, indoor places. We also know that people are interacting with people who do not live in these settings. This is why many other places throughout the country have either limited or ceased gym operations temporarily, Wendelken wrote.
Kelsey Collard, Co-Owner of Studio Barre Newport, doesnt believe that gyms, group fitness, and boutique fitness should be grouped together.
Our small businesses cannot afford to be closed again. Studio Barre is not a gym, and people are not moving around the room switching equipment and touching multiple surfaces, Collard wrote on Facebook (Note: Whats Up Newp was given permission to use her comments). Our 8ft by 4ft partitions allow for people to workout safely, in their own space, and they also have masks on the entire time theyre in (the) studio!, Collard wrote.
Studio Barre Newport is among the long list of gyms and fitness studios across the state who have spent significant money and resources upgrading their space to make it safe for guests under the current COVID-19 restrictions for gym and fitness centers.
We have windows and a door in the studio which we leave open whenever possible. We should not be closed when restaurants, nail salons, and hair salons can remain open. Boutique fitness is a necessity for peoples well-being and mental health. The holiday season is our busiest time of year, and being closed during this time is going to really hurt us Collard wrote.
Collard, and many in the boutique fitness world, are sharing a petition calling for Governor Raimondo to keep boutique fitness open in Rhode Island. As of the publication of this story, more than 300 people had already signed the petition.
Access to fitness centers is also more critical now than ever as physical activity plays an important role in maintaining a healthy immune system and reducing COVID-19 risk factors such as obesity, heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes. People need affordable access to fitness and with colder weather in RI and early sunsets, they cant easily and safely work out outside, Planet Fitness wrote at the end of their statement.
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Business owners frustrated with upcoming restrictions on gyms, group fitness - What'sUpNewp
Letters: Jim Jordan, fitness centers, Trump’s strength and the value of life – The Columbus Dispatch

Letters to the Editor| The Columbus DispatchJordan needs concrete proposals to end pandemic
It is perhaps the easiest thing in the world to criticize everyone else without offering any solutions yourself. For example, U.S. Rep.Jim Jordan has chosen to use his public platform as an antagonistic peanut gallery, muttering snide criticisms and complaints about the medical community's recommended response to the worsening COVID-19 pandemic. The Twitter zingers keep coming, lashing out against these basic safety measures that are apparently the greatest threat to American freedom since King George III.
Any cynical troll with internet access can do what he's doing, but the people of his district elected him to do moretodosomething. They elected him to develop balanced and effective solutions amid challenging circumstances. They elected him to be productive, proactive and empathetic on behalf of Ohio citizens. Is he content to merely grandstand and complain about other people who actually have ideas, or does he have any alternative suggestions of his own to offer?
SinceJordanfindsthe COVID-19safety recommendations from infectious disease experts so laughable and offensively overreaching, how does hepropose we should limit the spread of this disease to protect the vulnerable people and healthcare workers in our community? How does hebelieve we should avoid the mass sickness and hospitalization that threaten to close businesses and schools? Yes, it is heartbreaking to miss out on holidays and weddings we had planned this year, so how does hesuggest we proceed while also protecting our health and economy?
I have a feelinghissolution isto"do nothing," even though U.S.states like the Dakotas are now world leaders in infection and mortality rates thanks to the "do nothing" approach. WhateverJordansproposed solution may be, we won't know untilhe tells us.Is hewilling to stop grumpy-Tweeting and actually contribute some productive ideas to this mix? We're all ears.
TonyAuseon, Upper Arlington
I disagree with Richard Lupton'sMondayletterSenior citizens statewide rely on fitness centersthat urgedGov. Mike DeWine not to close fitness centers as a means of helping stop Ohio's COVID-19 surge. He writes: "I am not aware that fitness centers are responsible for a high rate of the spread of the coronavirus."
A study released last week by researchers at Stanford University and Northwestern University found that gyms, along with restaurants and hotels, present a higher risk for spreading COVID-19 than other businesses. This is likely a reason the governor described gyms as among the locations "muchmore risky" for the virus's spread.
Moreover, Lupton said he is a member of Lifetime Fitness at Easton. I was a member there for many years until leaving in July because of the club's refusal to follow the statewide mask mandate.
Although the mandate contains an exception for persons who are exercising, the governor's spokesman publicly explained in July that it applies only to those who are actively exercising. He said people in fitness centers should wear masks at all other times, including "when walking between machines."
Lifetime Fitness has consistently refused to follow that direction. A senior citizen who is displeased with the situation but still a member there said recently the club continues having "throngs of folks not wearing masks."
Many fitness center owners and members have contributed to Ohio's currentCOVID-19 spike by flouting the statewide mask mandate. If their workout facilities soon have to close because of the surge, it's hard to feel sorry for them after they foolishly and selfishly helped create the problem.
Joseph Sommer, Columbus
Irespond to theTuesday letter Maybe state should pay families a death benefit from Richard Bailey. I cant tell if he is being serious or sarcastic. If he is being serious, this is the most ridiculous letter I have ever read in The Dispatch, and there have been some doozies.
Will a $10,000 death benefit really help a familythathas lost a loved one to this horrible disease? And what about prevention? Further, the medical expenses of those who have survived COVID-19 can be way more than a $10,000 death benefit, for which a survivor would not be eligible.
My only reaction is one of bewilderment and exasperation.
Marc Neiwirth, Bexley
I respond tothe Tuesday op-ed Bidens foreign policy wont be Obama 2.0, thankfully byDoyle McManus.Suppose, as he thinks, Uncle Joe does rejoin the Parisaccord.President DonaldTrump got us out of that because we were the only ones doing the "according."
The World Health Organization is another boondoggle for the American taxpayer.With a name like WHO, no reasonable person should oppose our membership, like being against apple pie and motherhood until you look at the WHO's budget.
America, with 330 million people, was contributing over$500 millionper year. China,with 1.3 billion people,was kicking in$25 million.Then, to add insult to injury, the WHO consistently voted against American interests.
NATO, composed ofthe U.S. andour European allies is another wonderful organization.Turns out, the USA was just about the only member that contributed its required share. The other members did not until Trump forced them to start anteing up.
Trump did shake things up a bitI'll give him credit for that.
If we do, in fact, return to business as usual, I just hope this country doesn't keep taking it on the chin the way we have been.We're broke,you know.AsPresident RonaldReagan used to say, "We don't have any revenues to share."
Jeff Danison, Delaware
I want to make two points about the pandemic:
I think that people who do not wear masks should sign a legal document, like a living will, that says that if they getCOVID-19,they do not want to be treated at a hospital or other medical facility. They should declare unequivocally that they choose to be treated at home.
If they will not even try to protect themselves and others, they shouldn't tie up needed hospital personnel and space and supplies. Reserve those supplies for those who care about themselves and others.
President Trump,Dr.Scott Atlasand all Republican enablers in Congress should be tried for "depraved indifference" or "depraved-heart murder" on Jan 21.
Joe Tilley, Columbus
I can stand it no longer. The primary job of the POTUS is to protect and defend "we, the people." But Donald Trumprefusing to admit that he lost the election is too much.
This denial goes to block all efforts to transition to a new federalgovernment, thereby recklessly endangering the people as to national security, the pandemic, the environment, and onand on.Our beloved democracy is suffering.
"We, the people" want to begin to mend.Let go, Mr. President.
BillVanGieson, Westerville
I was shocked that, in hisTuesday letterMaybe state should pay families a death benefit, RichardBailey suggestedthat we abandon all preventive measures for COVID-19for the sake of the economy.
More appalling is that he thinks a human life is valued at only $10,000.No amount of money could replace the loss of a spouse/parent/child.
Diane Larick, Powell
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Letters: Jim Jordan, fitness centers, Trump's strength and the value of life - The Columbus Dispatch
Fitness: Running doesn’t have to be such a pain in the knee – Montreal Gazette

This association is in line with the fact that knee osteoarthritis is a chronic progressive condition and a major cause of musculoskeletal disability in older populations, said the studys authors.
What does all this mean to the average recreational runner?
First of all, knee pain happens at one time or another to almost all runners, so dont fret. But whats worth noting in this study is that once pain sets in, it can be weeks before the knee feels better. And despite attempts to dial back speed, distance or training frequency, theres no proven shortcut to healing.
The key to keeping the knee healthy, especially among novice runners, is to avoid that first bout with pain by following a progressive training routine that errs on the conservative side when it comes to volume and frequency. If and when pain does flare up, treatment guided by a medical professional is worth considering. And while theres no guarantee that your time on the mend will be reduced, education on the best path to recovery and advice on how to ease back into running are investments worth making.
Originally posted here:
Fitness: Running doesn't have to be such a pain in the knee - Montreal Gazette
Back fat? Bayern Munich manager Hansi Flick unhappy with Niklas Sles fitness and weight after international – Bavarian Football Works

Bayern Munich center-back Niklas Sle was surprisingly left out of Hansi Flicks game day squad against Werder Bremen and it looks like the exclusion was not injury-related. In fact, it was more of Flick being unhappy with Sles fitness...and weight.
In a report by Bild (behind the Bild+ paywall), the German outlet said that Sle was not included in the squad against Bremen yesterday due to a training deficit. Flick, though, was allegedly miffed for the aforementioned reasons regarding the 25-year-olds fitness levels and weight.
Interestingly, Flick also reportedly asked Sle today for a one-on-one discussion with his star defender in hopes of getting aligned.
Oh boy...this is not the first time someone in Munich had an issue with Sles weight. Back in July of 2019, the was a mini-scandal about Sles eating habits. It had gained enough momentum that the big man took to the press to declare, Im no lard-arse.
Is Sle really losing his form and getting out-of-shape or is Flick simply trying to light a fire under the Germany international? Its unclear right now, but with the respective futures of David Alaba and Jerome Boateng uncertain and Bayern Munich allegedly ready to start early negotiations on a renewal with Sle Flick, the front office, and Sle should all get aligned on what the managers expectations are for Sles weight and fitness levels.
Especially with Sle allegedly dreaming of a future with Manchester United.
Honestly, we theorized that Sle and Joshua Kimmich were looking at grass on Sles phone, but maybe it was actually a takeout menu? Anyway, even if he is carrying a couple extra pounds, Sle could still smoke the great population in mostly any feat of speed or strength. Simply put, his fat is not something that a normal person would flinch at. Still, as a professional athlete, it is Sles job to maintain the levels of fitness that club requires. Clearly, this just needs a little alignment and maybe a few less kebabs.
See the original post:
Back fat? Bayern Munich manager Hansi Flick unhappy with Niklas Sles fitness and weight after international - Bavarian Football Works
Innovative approach to treating scoliosis | Health-and-fitness | – taosnews

Taos chiropractor Lucy Whyte Ferguson has developed a treatment approach for adolescents with scoliosis based on more than 20 years of practice at Colonias Chiropractic in El Prado.
Now her approach is being considered for a full research study. If confirmed effective, her treatments may help even more young people with scoliosis reduce pain and decrease curvature of the spine.
Ferguson emphasizes that the study will be key to proving that the approach works in a scientific setting. But, shesaid, other studies have looked at methods to slow the progress of scoliosis in children, but nothing to date shows a reversal. If the study shows this new approach really works, it will be a revolution.
Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty. While scoliosis can be caused by conditions such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, the cause of most scoliosis is unknown. About 3 percent of adolescents have scoliosis,according to information fromthe Mayo Clinic.
Ferguson said that when the cause of scoliosis is unknown, it iscalled idiopathic. We do know that the condition can run in families, that there may be genetic factors that affect what kind of soft tissues kids have. She explained that if the spine curvature gets worse over time, chest capacity can be reduced, causing problems with heart and lung functions as the person reaches age 50 to 70.
How is scoliosis usually treated?
Children with scoliosis are usually observed over time to determine if treatment is necessary, Ferguson said. A brace may be prescribed to stop the curvature from worsening; in some cases, surgery is deemed necessary. Individualized physical treatment plans have alsoproven useful to reduce the rate of the curvatures progression.
I didnt set out to discover a new procedure for treating scoliosis, said Ferguson. I had training in working with soft tissues, but the childrens bodies taught me what I needed to notice to treat them and reduce the progression of their curvatures or reduce the curvatures altogether.
In her work, she has also been able to reduce the rip hump that can appear on one side of the spine visible in the back of the body as the child leans forward.
As she worked with children over time at her clinic, she discovered that the muscles that run at an angle to the spine develop tension that cause imbalance. It is an individual situation for each child, said Ferguson, As I work with each one, I have to find the lines of tension. It is no wonder that the spine deviates with the muscles pulling hard on it. The imbalance can cause the pelvis to be lined up incorrectly with one hip lower or the whole pelvis rotated so that one hip is behind the spine, so it doesnt support the spine well.
She works with the areas of tension to lengthen the muscles and get the rib cage moving. Her approach is to manipulate the pelvis to mobilize the rib cage and lengthen the tissue around the rib cage. Hanging on to the muscles, she leans away and pulls firmly but gently to help the tension unwind.
If she pulls too hard the muscle and surrounding tissue known as fascia will resist. As Ferguson explained it, fascia is like gristle on a piece of meat it can be around it and also interpenetrate into it; that is how fascia connects up organs and muscles. In a healthy person, there is a double helix of spiral fascia around the body that helps support it. It appears that in a child developing a curvature, the normal spiral becomes uncoupled and one side starts to contract, contributing to the distortion of the spine.
In combination with treatment appointments, Ferguson may recommend arch supports for shoes or corrective cushions at home. The patient might be asked to lie on a small ball so that it presses into the rib cage where it connects to the spine in order to move it into a better position each day.
Another exercise is to have the child hang onto bar in a doorway. The knees are bent so that their weight helps lengthen and unwind the fascia.
Through this combination of periodic treatments and home care, Ferguson has found she can often stop the progression of the spine curvature or even reduce it.
What will the research study do?
For the study, 56 children ages 10-15 will be selected by Dr. Selina Silva, head of spinal surgery at Carrie Tingley Hospital in Albuquerque. She is looking for children who have a spine curvature of 15 to 30 degrees but no other known conditions.
I will treat 28 of these children (12 visits for each child over a six-month period) and 28 children will form a control group and they will receive standard care. We will be able to see if I can slow the progression of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis in the research subjects I treat, or even reverse the curvatures and eliminate the rib hump deformities, explained Ferguson.
If the new treatment proves successful in the course of the study, she hope to be able to treat the 28 children in the control group after the study is done. I dont want to leave anyone out, said Ferguson. It is hard to have the control group, because the kids are growing, but a control group is necessary to really tell if the treatment is working.
How willthe study be funded?
The University of New Mexico has approved the research proposal to test the protocol in a controlled research study. The proposal was highly ranked and forwarded to the National Institute of Health for final review and approval. Final awards will be announced after the NIH approves the application, possiblyby late November.
I will also be doing fund raising in conjunction with the UNM Foundation, because the research grant does not pay for me to travel to and be in Albuquerque four to six days per month for eight to 10 months, which will be required for me to treat the children who want to be treated in Albuquerque,said Ferguson.
She also hopes to video the evaluation and treatment procedures for some of the research subjects, which is also not covered by the grant. In addition to asking for individual tax-deductible donations, Ferguson will also be seeking grants from foundations.
If approved, the study will begin on Dec. 1 and run for one year. The treatment part of the study will wrap up within 10 months so that there are two months for analysis of the data by an independent statistician. After the results are clear, Ferguson will be involved with writing about the study, as a way to share the approach.
She hopes the study will published in a well-respected journal such as Spine so that medical professionals and others who work with spines can learn about the approach and consider ways that it might be implemented such as training interdisciplinary teams that include physical and massage therapists and chiropractors.
This is a huge passion for me, says Ferguson. Many people in town have given a lot to me and Ive tried to give to the community, volunteering at the Taos Pueblo for more than 20 years. This is a chance for the community to support the project. My community has made this whole thing possible. We can be part of sharing a new way of treating scoliosis out into the world.
Read the original:
Innovative approach to treating scoliosis | Health-and-fitness | - taosnews
Glendale gym is 1st gym ordered to close by health department over COVID-19 regulations – The Arizona Republic

Formal ADHS closure notice placed on front window.(Photo: Arizona Department of Health Services)
The Arizona Department of Health Services ordered the first gym Fitness 1 Gym in Glendale to close on Thursdayafter violations to state mandates on COVID-19 were found.
A notice from the state health departmentindicated Fitness 1 Gym had not applied for or been approved for re-opening under state guidelines, but opened anyway.
"By continuing to operate, Fitness 1 Gym located at 3515 W. Union Hills Dr., Glendale, AZ 85308, is in violation of Executive Orders 2020-43 and 2020-52, Emergency Measure 2020-02, and the applicable Guidelines, and thus is jeopardizing the health, safety, and welfare of the public," the ADHS said in their notice to the gym.
The orders and measures outlined in the notice posted by ADHS speak to slowing the spread of COVID-19 by mandating businesses to close down or follow specific reopening procedures. Gyms and fitness centers had been allowed to openafter applying and being approved for reopening, since August.
To reopen, businesses had to sign an online form agreeing to comply with safety requirements, which include limiting parties to no more than 10 and closing dance floors. The health department is asking the public to report violators by calling the tip line at 844-410-2157 or online at theADHS Business Compliance page. These procedures are similar for restaurants and barsin the Valley.
The notice indicates that Fitness 1 Gym is to remain closed until granted permission to reopen, and that violation of these orders will result in legal consequences.
Identified COVID-19 cases in Arizona rose by 4,471 on Friday to 291,696,and known deaths rose by 43 to6,427, according to thedaily reportfromthe Arizona Department of Health Services. It's the second day in a row where new cases have been above 4,000.
Reach breaking news reporter Brooke Newman at or on Twitter @brookerae17.
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Glendale gym is 1st gym ordered to close by health department over COVID-19 regulations - The Arizona Republic
6 cases of COVID-19 linked to fitness classes in Aurora –

Sixcases of COVID-19 havebeen linked to fitness classes in Aurora, according to York Region Public Health.
The public health unit said the six attendedfitness classes at Aurora Fit Body Boot Camp,255 Industrial Parkway South, between Monday, Nov. 9, and Saturday, Nov. 14. The classes were held between 5:45 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. each day.
York Region Public Healthsaid it was notified of the first confirmed case on Saturday, Nov. 14.
"Each class has a maximum capacity of eight individuals," York Region Public Health said in a statement on Saturday.
"Any individuals who attended one or more of the fitness classes noted above are advised to self-monitor for 14 days until Sunday, Nov. 29."
If any symptoms of COVID-19 develop, affected individuals are urged toseek assessment and testing at a COVID-19 assessment centre and continue to isolate while waiting for results.
The public health unit said Aurora Fit Body Boot Camp and its patrons have compliedcurrent public health measures, including physical distancing, not sharing equipment, and using hand sanitizer and disinfectant.
See the article here:
6 cases of COVID-19 linked to fitness classes in Aurora -
Meet Autumn, the Incredible 4-Year-Old Whose Skateboarding Videos Are All Over Social Media – POPSUGAR

You won't normally find many toddlers rolling through the skate park, but 4-year-old Autumn Bailey isn't your average kid. She spends plenty of time skateboarding, pulling off tricks most adults would struggle with. Her mom, Tara, told POPSUGAR that Autumn grew up in a house "full of punk music and skateboards," so this love came naturally.
"She started skating properly at about 2 1/2 years," Tara said. Autumn skates about four times a week and is well-known at their local spots. "When we go to skate parks most people recognize her now and people are really sweet and come over to say hi, which she loves," she said. Autumn's popularity extends beyond the park too. Her mom runs an Instagram account (@autumnskating), where she shares videos of Autumn skating with over 65,000 followers.
Tara admitted that although Autumn has many fans at the park and online, she does get a few concerned comments from observers. "Anyone who hasn't seen her skate frequently tells me to not let her do something she is lining herself up for," Tara explained. "So I have to politely tell them that she can skate and I'm not just letting my toddler throw herself off an eight-foot drop." That said, Tara and Autumn are extremely appreciative of the supportive community that cheers Autumn on and helps her as she attempts challenging tricks.
"We are super lucky!" Tara said. "And yes she is always the smallest one at the skate park, which I think she loves." Ahead, check out more videos of Autumn skateboarding.
Read More..420 pounds in eighth grade, Cajuns guard O’Cyrus Torrence didn’t wait to stand out – Daily Advertiser

Lift your spirits and take a look at UL's athletic fields as seen from the air through footage from Lafayette photography and videography company Viznu. Lafayette Daily Advertiser
Even in eighth grade, OCyrus Torrence was a hugedeal. At 6-foot-3 and 420 pounds, its hard not to be.
These days a trimmed-down Torrence carries about 332 pounds on a6-5 frame standingout for altogether different reasons. Starting at right guard for the No. 25 Ragin Cajuns, the sophomore already is a bona fide NFL prospect.
But before he becomingone, the big guyfroma small townhad to deal with what he was and decide what he wanted to be.
I had to get usedto the fact I was much biggerand I always felt out of place because I literally didnt fit in, Torrence said.But once I got to high school and started playing football, everything else really worked its way out because football gave me more confidence and helped me lose all the weight.
Now Cajun coaches and teammates too rave about all he does for UL (7-1, 5-1 Sun Belt), which after having Saturdays game against Central Arkansas canceled due to COVID-19 issues inside the program is scheduled to visit UL Monroe this coming Saturday (2 p.m., ESPN3).
Like Coach Looney would say, Hes a freak, starting center Shane Vallot said with reference to late offensive line assistant coach D.J. Looney, who died of a heart attack during a mini-camp workout in August. Hes a big dude. Hes a player.
He got thrown in as a freshman, and I would say he did a helluva job. He went out there, he competed. Hes a fighter. He doesnt give up. And he likes to learn.
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Torrence stepped right in when starting left guard Ken Marks tore up a knee in ULs 2019 season-opener against Mississippi State at the Superdome in New Orleans.
When I went down, I went up to him and I told him, You got this. He had a little nervous look in his eye, Marks said. But after a few plays he was good, and throughout the season he developed even more.
Coach just threw him in the fire, and he didnt bend, he didnt break, Cajuns quarterback Levi Lewis added. Some guys had ups and downs; I didnt see a down in Cybos game the whole season.
Was there ever any doubt?
Evidently not for someone whose nickname is the shortened version of one his mother Demetrice gave him as a kid Cyborg, a fictional superhero.
People didnt pick up on it, and somehow Cybo caught on, since its quicker, he said.
Whatever the name, he has game.
We knew he was a good player whenever he came in, Marks said. Just being coached by Coach (Rob) Sale and Coach Looney, we knew he was going to be all right.
Tears of joy: Ragin' Cajuns honored Looney the right way with win at UAB
Napier: 'I cant help but think my man D.J. is up there smiling'
More: Ragin' Cajun coaches mourn loss of UL assistant Looney
Shortly after signing with the Cajuns, the Class 2A All-State pick fromSt. Helena College & Career Academy in Greensburg a Louisiana map dot of 700 or so not quite 40 miles northeast of Baton Rouge received a workout manual.
Sale, ULs offensive coordinator/o-line coach, remembers Torrence, who receiveda late recruiting offer from Georgia to go with ones from Louisiana Tech, Southern Miss and South Alabama, doing everything to a T.
In the weight room. Running too.
And for a big man, Sale said, running is more important.
Youre big and strong, but can you maintain? Are you in shape to strain?
Offensive guard O'Cyrus Torrence (58) helps lead the Ragin' Cajuns run onto Cajun field for their Nov. 14 win over South Alabama.(Photo: Andre Broussard/Special to The Advertiser)
For Torrence, though, conditioning was no issue. What he did in high school carried over.
The hard work that comes with (playing) football and losing weight went hand-in-hand, he said,and it kept getting better and better from there.
But Torrence still had something to prove before playing his first college game.
Each step that first summer is a test Sale applies to determine just how ready each freshman is. He passed.
One day, practice it just clicked, Torrence said. Thats the best way I could put it.
One day I went to practice, I didnt know as much. I kept missing it during film. Then one day I went out there, I started understanding more of what Coach Sale was doing and what was happening on the field.
Sale noticed.
Soon, the show was on.
Once you start getting into it, after the first scrimmage, Sale said, youre like The guys gonna have a chance to play.
With Marks unavailable, Torrence had to. Sale and head coach Billy Napier didnt hesitate, though.
Obviously you love the kids size, speed, athleticism when youre watching the guy on tape, watching his high school film, Sale said last spring. But the way we structure our June and July (tells a lot).
A freshman typically has nine scheme installs in June, nine in July, nine in August preseason camp.
So Cybo had installs three times. And we two-spot everything, Sale said. So a true freshman gets the same amount of reps as the starting right guard would have gotten reps. So you can evaluate.
As Cajun coaches did, they became convinced.
By the time of the first game youve had a good body of work in practice, Sale said.
So you knew once you put him out there (against) Mississippi State you werent just rolling the dice. Because what you do in practice is what youre gonna do in a game. Its not just like, Oh, Im a gamer. No, no, no. It dont work like that.
It all worked out for the Cajuns last season, though.
Truth be told, however, Torrence initially just tried to keep up. It took all he had.
Of course I was nervous, he said, but I practiced for it and I was ready for it.
Then I started realizing my best was good enough.
Other people, they started noticing, Torrence added. I started seeing it too, but I tried to not buy too much into it and (tried) to remember what got me here.
UL wound up rushing for 3,604 yards 257.4 per game and 42 touchdowns as the 11-3 Cajuns won the Sun Belt ConferenceWest Division and the LendingTree Bowl.
Elijah Mitchell ran for 1,147 yards and 16 TDs. Raymond Calais Jr. now with the Los Angeles Rams rushed for 886 and averaged 7.6 yards per carry. Trey Ragas ran for 820 yards, averaging 7.1 per carry, and 11 TDs. Chris Smith, ULs No. 4 running back then, had 334.
It certainly wasnt all Torrences doing, but he was a huge part.
I wouldnt mind running inside zone behind him myself, UL strength and conditioning coach Mark Hocke joked. I might be able to get a yard or two behind him.
Offensive guard O'Cyrus Torrence (58, top) helps push the pile during UL's Nov. 7 win over Arkansas State at Cajun Field.(Photo: Andre Broussard/Special to The Advertiser)
By seasons end, Torrence was a 2019 Football Writers Association of America Freshman All-American.
ULs line that year also featured NFL Draft picks Robert Hunt (Miami) and Kevin Dotson (Pittsburgh). But Hunt missed the seasons second half with an injury, so Max Mitchell wentfrom left tackle to right. Dotson started at left guard, and when he left Torrence seamlessly movedthere.
Cybo, hes a stud, Sale said.
Some people are better with the right hand down and on the right side than the left side. Cybos ambidextrous. He can both play guards, and he looks dang-good doing it.
Moving Torrence to the right reunited him with Max Mitchell, who now protects southpaw QB Lewis blindside.
We just work well with each other, Mitchell said.
Thats a large man beside me as well, so its pretty nice to move some people and being able to rely on him to take my inside gap, you know?
Ragas sure knows.
Its just like running behind Dotson, he said of Torrence at right guard. Its the same to me.
Which says a lot. Dotson was drafted in the fourth round, Hunt in the second.
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He humbly harbors hope of turning pro too, and its easy to understand why.
The sky is the limit for him, Max Mitchell said.
Hes handled his diet well. Hes strong. Hes athletic. The kid has all the football instinct in the world. He could definitely go, I think, first round by the end of this career here.
Torrence, however, didnt rest on freshman-season laurels.
I havent seen letup in his work ethic, Hocke said in the offseason.
Torrance has helped Senior Bowl invitee Elijah Mitchell rush for 563 yards over seven games this season. Ragas has 522 in eight, Smith another 290 on about half as many carries as the other two.
When UL beat Georgia State in September, Torrence was one of three Cajun captains.
Hes been one of the bright spots, Napier said.
Hes a guy who has the right mindset. Hes very intelligent. Hes very mature. Hes got great perspective on life. Hes a really good practice player. Hes one of the more disciplined kids we have, and hes becoming a leader.
Thats one of the things were challenging him to do, is to be more vocal, Napier added, because hes one of the guys that does it the right way and really sets an example.
Credibility is a byproduct of his hard work.
Sale and the late Looney, as Hocke sees it, toiled to develop him but built from a solid base.
Really the biggest person, reason, for his success is OCyrus himself, the strength coach said.
And it has little to do with those pounds hes accustomed to carrying.
No doubt you can watch him compete on a Saturday and see how special he is physically, how tough he is physically, Hocke said. But I think that all starts between the ears, right?
The way hes wired, the way he thinks; thats what makes him different from just about anybody and everybody, Hocke added. And thats why I think hes going to continue to have success.
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Right guard O'Cyrus Torrence sits in his stance during UL's win over UAB at Legion Field in Birmingham.(Photo: Brad Kemp/
From seat of the Sale, who calls coaching guys like Ol Cybo why you do it, Torrence would have forced himself into freshman-season playing time even if Marks hadnt gotten hurt.
The injury simply accelerated things.
He just never looked back, Sale said.
Nor does Torrence ever sit still.
Starting center Vallot bragged in the summer about how the youngster would regularly text him about reviewing the weekly game plan.
Thebeautiful thing about Big Cybo is he wants to learn, sixth-year senior offensive lineman Cole Prudhomme said. He wants you to pour information, and hes just listening.
You tell him one thing, hell either get there right away or hell mess up one time then hell learn from that mistake. Hes so easy to coach and I think thats just amazing.
What we learned: No. 25 Louisiana 38, South Alabama 10
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420 pounds in eighth grade, Cajuns guard O'Cyrus Torrence didn't wait to stand out - Daily Advertiser
Meat-free diets linked with greater risk of breaking bones – New Scientist

By Clare Wilson
coldsnowstorm/Getty Images
People who dont eat meat are more at risk of breaking bones, especially their hips, according to the largest study yet of this risk. The effect may stem from a lack of calcium and protein in their diet, as well as the fact that they tend to be thinner and so have less flesh to cushion a fall.
Several previous studies have shown that vegetarians have weaker bones than meat eaters, but it was unclear if this had any meaningful effect on their risk of fractures.
The new research took advantage of a long-running study called EPIC-Oxford, originally set up to look at whether diet influences the risk of cancer by following the health of about 65,000 people in the UK from 1993 onwards. The study recorded peoples typical diet and tracked their health through hospital records.
By 2010, vegans had broken a hip at over twice the rate of meat eaters, while vegetarians and fish eaters had a smaller increase in risk, of about 25 per cent. Vegans but not vegetarians and pescetarians also had a higher risk of breaking other bones.
The overall level of risk to vegans was relatively small, equating to about an extra 20 bones broken per 1000 people over 10 years. But the fracture rate is likely to be higher in the elderly, who break hips more often, as the average age of participants at the start was 45, says researcher Tammy Tong at the University of Oxford.
When peoples diets were analysed, meat eaters consumed more calcium and protein. Calcium is an important component of bones, and protein may aid calcium absorption from food. Unless they are actively supplementing, its quite unlikely that vegans will have a sufficient intake of calcium just from the diet, says Tong.
But it is possible that people eating a vegan diet today may have higher calcium levels. In the 1990s, there was less fortification of plant milks, she says.
Heather Russell, a dietitian at the Vegan Society in the UK, says: Its certainly possible to look after your bones on a well-planned vegan diet, but people need information to make healthy choices.
Studying the same group of people has previously shown that being vegetarian is linked with about a 10 per cent lower risk of cancer after 15 years, and about a 20 per cent lower rate of heart disease but also a 20 per cent higher risk of a stroke.
Journal reference: BMC Medicine, DOI: 10.1186/s12916-020-01815-3
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Meat-free diets linked with greater risk of breaking bones - New Scientist