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Could people achieve remission of type 2 diabetes without needing to lose weight? – On Medicine – BMC Blogs Network

Nicola Guess latest research into helping people achieve remission from type 2 diabetes is registered at the ISRCTN registry. To mark World Diabetes Day Dr Nicola Guess takes a look at the latest evidence based strategies used to achieve remission in patients with type 2 diabetes. A collection of research into diabetes from Springer Nature to commemorate World Diabetes Day 2020 can be found on our landing page.
Dr Nicola Guess 18 Nov 2020 /
How we approach the management of type 2 diabetes has changed enormously in just the past 5 years. Previously, clinicians took the approach of managing the clinical risk factors of diabetes such as elevated glucose and lipids, usually with additional, more potent medications. Some patients might have been advised to try and lose 5-10% of their body weight by eating less fat and reducing portion sizes. However, the idea that you could get people off their diabetes medications completely with diet was rarely mentioned. In fact, when I was working as a dietitian in the UKs National Health Service back in 2008, I never heard the word remission in a conversation about type 2 diabetes.
The huge challenge is helping people to maintain their weight loss.
With the publication of the Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) in 2017, this all changed. This landmark study showed that an intensive dietary intervention, aiming for a 15-kg maintained weight loss, delivered within primary care could help 46% of people achieve remission of their diabetes. This was defined as a non-diabetic blood glucose level while not having taken diabetes medications for 2 months. Remission was closely linked to weight 86% of people who lost or maintained more than 15 kg at 1 year achieved remission; reducing to 57% of people who lost and maintained 10 15 kg. If people lost 0 5 kg, their chance of remission was 7%.
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The huge challenge is helping people to maintain their weight loss. With enough weight regain (as little as 3 4 kg) people can relapse back into type 2 diabetes. Right now, type 2 diabetes remission is based on achieving and maintaining weight loss. What if we could help people lower their blood glucose substantially below the diabetic threshold without losing weight? Or, maybe without losing so much weight? This would be much more achievable because losing and maintaining a very large weight loss is extremely difficult.
The solution may be a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet. A number of studies have been published by different research groups showing that a diet which provides about 20 30% of its calories from carbohydrate, and 30% from protein can lower blood glucose in people without type 2 diabetes without weight loss. This is just less than half of the carbohydrate a person usually eats, and about double the protein the rest is made up of fat. However, we dont know whether its the reduction in carbohydrate or the increase in protein which is responsible for the beneficial effects. This is important to understand so we can give patients the most accurate advice.
I was awarded funding from the Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation to look at this question. In our current study we are providing a low-carbohydrate diet to volunteers with type 2 diabetes, and then adding in, and removing extra protein in a randomized order. Half of the participants will have 15% of calories from protein for 2 weeks, then 30% for another 2 weeks, and the other half vice versa. We are measuring blood glucose using a continuous glucose monitoring device. We expect to publish the results in late summer 2021.
George Dolgikh /
Similar work is being done by a team in Tennessee who are carrying out the worlds first high-protein remission trial. This will help us understand the longer-term effect of increasing the protein of the diet and reducing carbohydrate on remission of type 2 diabetes. This study will include 30% of calories from protein and 40% from carbohydrate.
Protein is thought to work by helping the beta-cells produce more insulin at mealtimes. The amino acids that make up protein are insulinogenic meaning they stimulate the production (and release) of insulin. It is known that the amount of amino acids circulating in the blood after a high-protein meal is higher than after a low-protein meal and the extra amino acids promote a greater insulin response. Adding protein to a meal is known to lower blood glucose in people with and without type 2 diabetes. But whether this works long-term is not known. If it does this could be exciting for people who want to get remission of type 2 diabetes but cant lose or dont want to lose a lot of weight. Its vital we follow this line of research.
I see many patients who have embarked on an intensive weight loss programme either on their own or on the instruction of a healthcare professional after seeing the news that this could help them come off their diabetes medications. Some of these patients have been very slim to begin with and some were frail afterwards. In fact, some of them came to see me to ask how they could regain weight without getting diabetes back. If we could figure out ways to lower blood glucose which dont rely on lots of weight loss to do it, we could offer these patients a way to put their diabetes into remission while keeping their sense of well-being.
Africa Studio /
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Could people achieve remission of type 2 diabetes without needing to lose weight? - On Medicine - BMC Blogs Network
US : 5 reasons why eating vegetables every day helps you lose weight and live longer – Explica

Not in vain since we are children, our moms they did not tire of insisting on the importance of eat vegetables daily. Although it is one of the most fundamental recommendations in all balanced nutrition, according to information released by the World Health Organization (WHO), the daily intake should range between 400-500 grams of vegetables a day. Unfortunately few people manage to meet the established targets, which translates into low consumption of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
However, the question is not limited only to the nutritional aspect, choosing better what we eat by consciously increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables is key in Good health and one better life quality. They contain extremely valuable nutrients for the fulfillment of different processes and are considered one of the more faithful allies to lose weight.
In a particular way vegetables are too important for the body: They are key to feel well, have an optimal weight and prevent diseases. Its habitual consumption is related to great benefits for heart health, brain function, are essential for a good digestive and intestinal health, very moisturizing, contain numerous antioxidants that are very useful against free radicals, are a great ally against aging and fill us with quality energy, in such a way that they improve physical and mental performance. Its essential nutrients are very valuable for the fulfillment of different processes in the body and are considered one of the more faithful allies to lose weight, effectively and safely.
Regardless of the variant, the vegetables stand out for their unmatched dietary fiber content, which is related to great benefits related to the weightloss. In principle, the fiber gives them a great satiating power, at the same time the combination between your high water and fiber content makes them provide a feeling of satisfaction higher (especially compared to simple carbohydrates). In such a way that they are the perfect nutritional supplement for control appetite, the anxiety to eat and consume a lower daily caloric intake.
Integrate a abundant consumption of vegetables in the daily dietIt is not only necessary nutritionally speaking; is an aspect essential to lose weight. They represent one of the best food alternatives for lose weight without starving and without becoming a prisoner of count calories at all times. They are related to important aspects of losing weight:
They control the appetite and are the best snack between meals. They are rich in fiber and therefore satiating.They fight bloating and fluid retention, help to eliminate everything we do not need. They are a great ally of good digestion and very useful to prevent constipation.They are very low in calories and rich in essential nutrients. They fill any weight loss plan with colors and versatility.
Another of the great qualities of the high content in fiber of vegetables, is related to their big benefits for balance sugar levels (glucose) in the blood. Normally, depending on the variant, they are considered low glycemic index foods, in such a way that they are of great help to Avoid blood glucose spikes. These types of alterations are related to declines in energy Y sweet food cravings, vegetables are ideal to avoid these conditions that are related to weight gain.
Probably one of the greater benefits of the consumption of vegetables, is related to their benefits for enhance intestinal health. The high content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and fiber they contain, makes them the best ally for regulate bowel function. In combination with a high water consumption, vegetables positively feed the intestinal flora, eliminate common digestive ailments and are of great help to ensure a good process of purification of the organism. Good gut health is key to a rapid and effective weight loss, and also to enjoy a strong immune system.
Several studies show that a diet rich in a variety of vegetables, can help decrease hardening of the arteries, help lower cholesterol levels, and help prevent inflammation, a component of many degenerative diseases as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimers. The researchers also believe that their antioxidant power (vitamins C and E), your wealth in minerals and trace elements, are the perfect formula to protect the body from chronic diseases.
The best of all is that today it is becoming easier to integrate vegetables in our diet, more taking into account the huge benefits to follow a plant-based diet. Vegetables are life, they fill us with vitality and energy, are colorful, generous and depending on the season of the year they provide exact nutrients for the organism. Always choose to select the fresh and seasonal variantsare a nutritional treasure and a great way to save and of course gain a lot of health.
See the rest here:
US : 5 reasons why eating vegetables every day helps you lose weight and live longer - Explica
Nutrition App CEO On The Health and Wellness Industry During The Coronavirus Pandemic – The Motley Fool

For many people, the coronavirus pandemic has changed their nutrition and exercise habits. One app helping people track their food and lose weight is called Lifesum. The company has scaled rapidly to 45 million users and boasts partnerships with Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) and Nike (NYSE:NKE).'s Healthcare and Cannabis Bureau Chief Corinne Cardina chatted with Lifesum's CEO Henrik Torstensson about the digital health and wellness space.
Corinne Cardina: How has the health and wellness industry evolved over the last couple of decades, and more recently, how has the coronavirus pandemic impacted how people view their health and the role of technology?
Henrik Torstensson: Healthcare and wellness is obviously an enormous part of the economy. It's $2 trillion in the U.S. alone. It's probably maybe the biggest market we have. In digital, it's been ramping up, but it's been a fairly slow start because it's a complex system. You have individuals, you have insurance companies, you have state governments, federal governments that all have interests. It was picking up speed. This year with COVID and Corona, that really the same way we all ended up on Zoom for most of the year, and that really made having virtual meetings really a default way of operating. Healthcare is coming in the same way that it's really taking a step from, OK, this is happening a little bit at the edges, to becoming this central thrust of healthcare and the overall market.
Cardina: Yeah, great point.
Read the rest here:
Nutrition App CEO On The Health and Wellness Industry During The Coronavirus Pandemic - The Motley Fool
Gary Barlow opens up about struggles with his weight – Yahoo Sports

Take That singer Gary Barlow during the photocall "The Band - Das Musical" with the main cast and members of the band Take That at Theater des Westens on April 1, 2019 in Berlin. (Photo by Isa Foltin/Getty Images)
Gary Barlow has opened up about his weight issues after leaving Take That, saying his size ballooned when he lost control of himself when it came to food.
The singer is about to release a new album, which features a duet with TVs James Corden, and ahead of the release the Gavin and Stacey star asked for some weight loss tips.
Speaking via a Zoom call with Corden, Barlow admitted to his past issues with managing his weight and his food intake.
Read more: Gary Barlow duetting with James Corden on new solo album
He said: "I had a rough period with food that Im not proud of, where I really lost control of myself. I remember one particular day just thinking: How have I got here? I was just so disappointed with myself.
So coming back from somewhere like that is a bit more serious than: Oh, I want to lose a couple of stone here. It was more of a condition that just couldnt continue.
"So it started there for me and I turned my brain on to sorting out what I ate. The trouble is the food I love Chinese, chips, crisps. They were giving me a couple minutes of a food coma, taking me out of the real world. Its just not good, that.
He went on to suggest people losing weight keep a food diary, as if you have to write something down when you eat something naughty, you are less likely to do it.
Read more: 'We soldier on' - Gary Barlow pays tribute to stillborn daughter
Barlow has been candid about his issues with weight before and has discussed how Take That disbanding in 1996 had an impact on his wellbeing.
Appearing on Lorraine in 2018 he said: I was trying to kill off the popstar, thats what I was doing I was eating away what a popstar looked like. I was just killing him off. Stopped dying the hair, stopped buying nice clothes, just wanted to look the opposite, physically and mentally.
"2003 it was the day when I just went, 'No, Im not having this anymore, Im going to change. I want to change and Im determined that this is not who Ive become."
Watch: 90s boyband rivals duet in lockdown
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Gary Barlow opens up about struggles with his weight - Yahoo Sports
8 Best Diets for Weight Loss 2021 – How to Lose Weight Long-Term –

Vegan! Paleo! 5-2 Fasting! The sheer number of trendy diets out there can make your head spin, and each one has its army of true believers, who post all over Instagram about how awesome they feel after giving up carbs/sugar/meat/dinner. But which one of these diets can really help you lose the weight and, more importantly, keep it off long-term? Experts talk about the good, the bad, and the hungry.
RELATED: Sign up for Prevention Premium to get a first look at seasonal, healthy recipes from the magazine.
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1Mediterranean Diet
Based on the heart-healthy lifestyle of Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal, Mediterranean-style diets include healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil, nuts, and fish at least twice a week, plenty of beans, fruit, leafy greens, and whole grains, and even a daily glass of red wine. You can eat cheese in moderation, but limit the red meat to once or twice a week.
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How it works for weight loss: Though this diet's primary appeal is in its numerous health benefitsit can lower your risk of both chronic disease and cognitive declineit can also lead to weight loss if you limit your calorie intake to 1,500 a day or less. Studies have found that following either a traditional Mediterranean diet or a low-carb version of it can result in weight loss of about 5-10% of body weight over 12 months. And that weight stays offa recent British study found that for people who had lost large amounts of weight, those who consumed a Mediterranean-style diet were twice as likely to keep it off. "This diet is easy to maintain, because the food is delicious!" says Amanda Beaver, R.D. a dietitian at Houston Methodist.
2DASH Diet
The low-sodium Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet was designed as a way to help people control their blood pressure without using drugs, though a few books have used it as a basis for a weight-loss diet. DASH emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat or nonfat dairy and limits saturated fat and dietary cholesterol.
How it works for weight loss: You will certainly improve your health with this diet, and if you restrict calories while following DASHs heart-healthy rules, you can lose weight and lower your blood pressure. A recent study found of obese older adults found that those who followed the DASH diet lost weight and decreased body fat, along with many other health benefits. "DASH is one of my favorite diets," says Meridan Zerner, R.D., a dietitian at the Cooper Clinic in Dallas. "You're getting the anti-inflammatory, high fiber, heart-healthy benefits, and if you use a personalized, calorie-limited plan, you can absolutely lose weight."
3WW (formerly Weight Watchers)
Formerly known as Weight Watchers, this diet company has been around so long, your Grandma probably tried it when she was trying to take off the baby weight. With the newest version, myWW+, you get sorted into a color-coded program that assigns you a certain number of points per day (foods are given points based on calories, saturated fat, sugar, and protein)you can eat whatever you want within that range. You can also eat an unlimited amount of 0-point foods (most fruits and veggies and lean proteins such as fish, tofu, beans, eggs, and chicken breast fall into this category). Memberships start at $3.22 a week for a point-tracking app and digital support; $12.69 a week gets you unlimited access to meetings and a personal coach.
How it works for weight loss: Research has consistently found that WW is effective at safely taking off the pounds. A 2013 study found that dieters assigned to WW were more than eight times more likely to lose 10% of their body weight over 6 months than those trying to diet on their own. "There is a lot of evidence that using a tracking app can help you lose weight," says Zerner. She adds that even if you stop tracking every meal, it is easy to maintain weight loss once you internalize which healthy foods are low or 0 points.
4Vegan Diet
Going a step further than the traditional vegetarian diet, vegans shun all animal products, including dairy, eggs, and honey. While many choose this lifestyle for ethical or environmental reasons, some people look to the vegan diet for weight loss as well. And with the new era of plant-based meats, going vegan is easier than ever.
How it works for weight loss: Just going vegan wont necessary help you drop the weight. After all, candy, pasta, and potato chips can all fall under the vegan label without being particularly healthy or low-cal. "If you eat high-quality vegan food, like leafy greens and plant-based proteins, you can lose more weight than either vegetarians or omnivores," says Beaver; studies confirm that those on a plant-based diet have a lower average BMI than those who eat animal products. A 2020 Australian study came to the interesting conclusion that vegans and vegetarians are more likely to stick with the diet over the long run than those on plans such as paleo, because they were motivated by ethical and moral beliefs rather than just weight-loss.
5Flexitarian Diet
Whereas the vegan diet goes one step beyond vegetarianism, the Flexitarian diet takes it one step back, explains Dawn Jackson Blatner, R.D., nutritionist and author of The Flexitarian Diet. "This is a very pro-plant diet, but it gives you the flexibility to have a hot dog at a ballpark, or to eat some turkey at Thanksgiving," she says. There are no strict calorie limitations, though Blatner's book provides a 5-week plan that provides around 1,500 calories a day.
How it works for weight loss: By filling your plate with more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and plant proteins, and sticking with the low-cal plan, you can lose weight and improve your health. A recent review found that people who followed a flexitarian diet had lower BMIs and lower rates of metabolic syndrome than people who regularly ate meat.
6Intermittent Fasting
There are a few different ways to do the intermittent fasting plan: Some people eat whatever they want 5 days a week, then consume a very low calorie diet (usually around 500 calories) on the other 2 days; others restrict their eating to an 8-hour window every day. Say, eating unlimited food between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., and fasting for the other 16 hours.
How it works for weight loss: By limiting your overall calories consumption, youll take off the pounds, says Zerner, who points out that there is some evidence that this diet can also increase your metabolism rate and have other positive health effects. A 2015 meta-study found that people who did intermittent fasting lost about the same amount of weight as those who did a regular calorie-restricted diet.
7Volumetrics DIet
Consistently rated as one of the best diets by U.S. News & World Report, Volumetrics was created by Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., a professor of nutrition at Penn State University. The strategy here is simple: Fill up on foods that provide the most nutrition for the least amount of calories. Foods are divided into four categories, from least energy-dense (fruits, non-starchy vegetables, broth-based soups) to most energy-dense (crackers, cookies, chocolate, nuts, and butter); dieters plan their meals to include as many of the lower-density foods as possible.
How it works for weight loss: The math here is simplethe fewer calories consumed, the more weight you'll drop. A 2016 study found a significant association between low-energy-density diets and weight loss.
8Plant-Based Diet
Similar to a Flexitarian diet, a plant-based diet doesn't have any super-strict rules: You just focus on eating whole foods derived from plants most of the time, with wiggle room for the occasional piece of chicken or scrambled egg. You're basically taking the standard American dietwhich features a big hunk of meat in the center of the plate, with a few vegetables scattered on the sideand flipping that around, so vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, and whole grains, are the star of the show, and beef, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy only make small, cameo appearances when you have a true craving.
How it works for weight loss: Plant-based foods tend to be higher in fiber and lower in fat than animal products, keeping you filled up for fewer calories. According to one large study, overweight and obese adults who followed a plant-based diet for six months lost an average of 26 pounds.
9Skip It: Paleo Diet
The Paleo diet is still getting a lot of buzz, even though it's nearly impossible for modern-day humans to stick with this diet over the long-term. Based on the eating patterns of our Paleolithic ancestors, this diet requires a strict adherence to foods that would have been hunted and gathered, including lean meat, nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables. While it cuts out processed foods, it also eliminates dairy, grains, beans and legumes. "Any diet that has a glaring list of what's not allowed is going to be very hard to maintain," says Bonnie Taub-Dix, R.D.N., creator of, author of Read It Before You Eat It. "You want a diet that makes you feel balanced both emotionally and physically." While the elimination of processed food is a good thing, the complete elimination of healthy whole grains can leave you with a shortage of important vitamins and minerals, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
10Skip It: Keto Diet
Sure, you can lose weight initially on this high-fat, low-carb diet, which puts your body into a state of ketosiswith no carbs to burn off for energy, your cells start burning off stored fat. But keeping your body in what is basically a crisis state is not a viable long-term plan, says Kristine Clark, Ph.D., a sports nutritionist at Penn State University, who also points out that the diet can lead to side effects such as headaches, muscle soreness, constipation, and fatigue.
11Skip It: Sirtfood Diet
Kale smoothies are suddenly hot, thanks to Adele's recent weight loss, which newspapers have linked to the strict Sirtfood diet. The diet focuses on the powers of foods that contain a group of proteins called sirtuins, including kale, red wine, strawberries, onions, soy, parsley, matcha tea, and oily fish such as salmon and mackerel. The first phase of the diet involves a lot of green juices and restricted calories, before you move into the maintenance phase. Restricting calories will always result in short-term weight loss, but there have been no independent studies backing up this diet.
12Skip It: The Mayr Diet
Speaking of celebrity weight loss, no one has shown off a more dramatic change this year than Rebel Wilson, who says she's slimmed down with a combination of exercise and the Mayr Method, developed a century ago by an Austrian doctor. What we know about the diet seems legitit involves reducing gluten and dairy, eating high-alkaline foods such as fish and vegetables, and eating slowly and mindfully (including chewing each bite of food at least 40 times!). To get the full Mayr experience, you have to visit a pricey clinic in Austria, so it's best to simply stick with a plant-based diet and remember to eat without distractions, says dietitian Amy Gorin, M.S., R.D.N.
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8 Best Diets for Weight Loss 2021 - How to Lose Weight Long-Term -
Avoid making these mistakes while having eggs for weight loss – TheHealthSite

Are you someone trying to lose weight? Its a fact that you need to eat a healthy diet and do exercise to achieve a healthy weight. Most people today focus on being fit by changing their lifestyle habits. After all, diet plays an important role when it comes to weight loss. One such food that has always been on the list of fitness enthusiasts is eggs. Also Read - Fibre intake for weight loss: Choose whole foods rather than supplements
Rich in proteins, eggs are an indispensable part of a healthy diet. Moreover, these are super easy to cook, versatile and packed with nutrients that may help you on your journey to weight loss. Did you know that the simplest mistakes while cooking it can decrease the potent health benefits of eggs? Here are the common mistakes people tend to make while having eggs for weight loss. Also Read - 6 high-protein, low-calorie foods that can help you lose weight without feeling hungry
Many people discard egg yolk, considering it unhealthy and bad for weight loss. Although egg yolks contain cholesterol, they are not as bad as you may think. Several studies have concluded that dietary cholesterol is not bad for those trying to lose weight. So, it may not increase bad cholesterol levels in the body. In fact, egg yolks are rich in dietary fibre, vitamin B-12, vitamin A and E, zinc, sodium, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium and more. Also Read - Addicted to sugar? Try this 3-day detox plan to beat the addiction and lose weight
While eggs can be cooked in a variety of ways, it is best to cook it in traditionally used oils like coconut oil if you are trying to lose weight. Commonly used additives like butter can add calories to your meal and sabotage your weight loss plans. These additives also contain saturated and trans-fat, which may lead to health issues such as high cholesterol levels and cardiovascular diseases. Coconut oil, on the contrary, does not contain saturated fats and is considered one of the best oils for weight loss.
One common mistake people tend to make is overcooking the eggs. Cooking eggs make nutrients like protein more digestible. However, overcooking them can result in a reduction of nutrients like antioxidants and vitamins. When eggs are cooked at high temperatures, the cholesterol in them may become oxidized and produce oxysterols, compounds that increase the risk of heart diseases.
Although eggs can be paired with several other foods, it is best to pair them with foods that will be beneficial for your weight loss journey. Vegetables, for instance, are a great choice if you are trying to get rid of the extra kilos. Upgrade your meal with some fibre-rich and healthy veggies like spinach, tomatoes and capsicum. You can add them to an omelette or scrambled eggs, or you can have vegetables on the side.
When it comes to weight loss, it is essential to know the number of calories youre eating. It is best to choose a low-calorie option if you are someone trying to lose weight. Weight watchers should go for either poached or boiled eggs to avoid weight gain.
Published : November 20, 2020 2:17 pm
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Avoid making these mistakes while having eggs for weight loss - TheHealthSite
Reasons you are not losing weight and how to fix them – TheHealthSite

The concept of a perfect body, although fictitiously set by societal standards, is one that many aspire to understand, achieve, and maintain. Whenever we think of a perfect body to flaunt at the upcoming cousins wedding or a summer beach vacation, we often tend to focus on our body weight and muscle mass.
Watch this video by Sipping Thoughts to hear renowned dietician and nutritionist, Dr. Tina Sapra, talk about why losing weight can be a task, what is water weight, how to choose the right diet, and how to eat the right food, at the right time and in the right quantity.
Dr. Sapra picks up questions that many of you might have thought of but never got your answers.
You might have wondered how your friend could lose weight with half an hour of walking. Whereas, you might take longer durations of walks in addition to some cardio exercises. You may have even tried power yoga yet you lose the same amount of weight as her even after all the extra efforts that you put in.
This is because every individual possesses a different metabolism. The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the rate of energy expenditure per unit of time. It depends entirely on factors like your age, gender, height, and the kind of activities you do.
While your friend may have a fast metabolic rate, you might need to increase yours to burn as many calories as her in the same amount of time.
The diet plays a role of equal importance, if not more, to improve your metabolic rate. You may have heard your friends going on crash diets or keto diets. Although these diet plans are effective in weight loss, they are not the best. You would be surprised to know that you may not need to change what you eat at all! In fact, it is advisable to stay as close to your lifestyle as you can. All your favorite aloo parantha breakfasts and spicy red sauce pasta can still be a part of your life. All you need to do is one simple trick- ration your intake by controlling your portion sizes.
Find out what you need to do or maybe doing wrong. You will reach your destination soon!
Published: November 20, 2020 7:52 pm
Go here to see the original:
Reasons you are not losing weight and how to fix them - TheHealthSite
US : Top 5 Teas to Boost Your Metabolism and Lose Weight Faster – Explica

Discover the five best varieties of teas to lose weight and burn abdominal fat.
Photo: Image by stokpic on Pixabay / Pixabay
Nature is wise, that is why all drink and food derived from a natural source will be the best ally for promote good health, prevent diseases and reach an optimal weight. Based on it the tea is considered the healthiest drink on the planet, is not only a comforting ally of the cold days or to improve digestion; is a powerful slimming ally.
The tea is a millennial treasure which is used since ancient times as an important healing supplement in various currents of traditional and herbal medicine. It is originally from china, although today it is consumed throughout the world with special importance in places like India and England, is a custom that has evolved over the years. That is why there are currently numerous varieties of tea, the good news is that your immense benefits are present in all kinds of teas, from green, black, white, even blue. Of course, in a particular way each one contributes medicinal benefits very particular.
It has diverse studies that check the extraordinary properties of tea. Among its most outstanding advantages is its antioxidant power which is of great help to combat the effect of free radicals, strengthen the immune system, prevent diseases and infections, fights inflammation and is even a great ally for delay the process of aging. It is also a good complement to protect cardiovascular health, improve the digestive process and intestinal health.
Without a doubt in the last years in a very concrete way various specialists in medicine and nutrition, have recommended the daily consumption of certain varieties of teas, which are associated with great benefits for stimulate weight loss. Is about varieties of tea which are considered as a powerful metabolism activator, highly hydrating, anti-inflammatory and distinguished by its great diuretic potential that facilitates the elimination of toxins, liquids and wastes retained in the body. Know the five more slimming teas and that cannot be missed in any regimen focused on weight loss.
The Green Tea is the star variant when it comes to losing weight, in principle it draws special attention to its high in antioxidants what benefit metabolism and that are related to an increase in body temperature, which facilitates burning calories and adipose tissue. In fact it has A study that supports the benefits of consuming green tea to lose weight, in which participants created the daily habit of consuming between 4-5 cups of green tea a day. The results were surprising since those who drank tea lost an average of 1 kg more and evidenced less belly fat than those who did not drink tea. Additionally, the benefits of catechins, a polyphenolic antioxidant that contains high levels of green tea and that promotes the fat release of the fat cells.
The oolong tea is one of the traditional tea varieties most popular in China and is characterized by the midpoint of oxidation between green tea and black tea, which gives it a peculiar bluish tone and that is why it is popularly known as Blue tea. Among the most outstanding nutritional advantages of oolong tea is your antioxidant power and high content of catechins, who come together to boost weight loss as they improve the bodys ability to metabolize fat. It is also famous for its qualities for regulate high cholesterol levels and a great ally for improve digestion and fight some of the main stomach ailments. It has a chinese study, in which their slimming virtues, since the participants who consumed a daily cup they lost half a kg per week. Nothing bad!
The yerba mate tea its not just one of the drinks most emblematic and traditional of many countries in America, it is a nutritional treasure which is associated with great health benefits. Among his most great qualities lies his power to stimulate metabolism, which is associated with their powerful thermogenic effects. This term refers to its ability to activate the mechanism of burning body calories and is also related to slimming benefits by improve insulin sensitivity. At the same time yerba mate andbe energizing and highly diuretic, your unique content in a substance called matein acarries benefits to promote a increased fat burning. At the same time there is a study released by Nutrition & Metabolism, in which they verified that the intake of 1000 mg of yerba mate in conjunction with physical training, are two very powerful concepts to speed up metabolism.
In recent years goji berries have become one of the most popular superfoods recommended by experts, its medicinal virtues are related to the extraordinary properties of the plant that produces these berries: lycium barbarum and that is considered one of the best medicinal therapies to naturally treat conditions such as diabetes and other chronic diseases. In a special way, it draws attention to its slimming benefits, that according A study are associated with its ability to increase by up to 10% total calorie burn and the best of all is that when mixed with Green Tea, its weight loss properties are enhanced.
This tea variant is probably the least popular of all on the list, however it is worth talking about their weight loss benefits. It is distinguished by being a variant that slowly releases caffeine and what a gentle stimulating effect. A study published in the journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition proved its benefits, since its habitual consumption is associated with an increase of between 3-4% in metabolic rate after drinking the modest amount of 100 mg.
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US : Top 5 Teas to Boost Your Metabolism and Lose Weight Faster - Explica
Winter is coming: 5 weight loss tips for the cold season – EastMojo

Losing fat in winters seems difficult because some people are more lethargic due to the weather and prefer to stay indoors, usually curled up in their beds.
However, there are some simple tricks to ensure that you lose weight even during the chilly season. Following these five simple tips, you can reduce that excess fat during winters:
Drink warm water
It is a known fact that lukewarm water helps in digestion. Less water in the body can aggravate your hunger pangs and decrease the fat burning capacity of the body. Drinking hot to lukewarm water after a meal emulsifies fat, aiding digestion and thus helping you to lose fat. You can also add a dash of lemon with crushed mint to the warm water.
Indoor Exercises
Going out for exercising during winters can become difficult because of the teeth grinding cold outside. In order to induce weight loss, you should try doing light indoor exercises. You can lose weight from the comfort of your home by dancing, spot jogging or skipping. All these act as great exercises to lose weight.
Limit intake of high calories foods
Eating something heavy on the stomach once in a while is alright but during winters, we tend to consume more sweets and comfort foods. You need to watch yourself and refrain from consuming larger quantities of fat heavy and high calories food.
Eat smaller portions
It is suggested that you consume smaller portions of food at constant intervals. This will make you feel fuller and reduce the intake of unhealthy foods. Just make a fruit or vegetable salad and munch on it instead of consuming pizzas or chips. Smaller portions of healthy snacks will make you consume less junk food.
Sit in sunlight
As much as you would like to sit at home during winters, going out will help you reduce weight. A study found out that reduction in sunlight can lead to increase in weight. So, if you are looking to lose weight this winter, it will be a good idea to go outside and sit in sunlight for some time.
Winter is coming: 5 weight loss tips for the cold season - EastMojo
Operation Transformations Shane Farrells school praise him for his hard work as they show off incredible w – The Irish Sun

OPERATION Transformation star Shane Farrell's school have praised him for his "hard work" in losing weight as they show off his incredible transformation.
Shane appeared on the hit RTE show last year where he explained that he wanted to lose weight to make the list for life-changing surgery
The music teacher was diagnosed with a neurological condition and lost the ability to control his bladder, which is called a dead bladder, after a trampoline accident at the age of 15.
He has overcome adversity, having had three children despite being told he wouldn't be able to due to the nerve damage.
The condition can be hard to live with, as sometimes in work he is so busy he forgets to empty his bladder.
That results in him feeling very sick and he is prone to constant infections.
However, this is no longer the case as a trial procedure in a hospital in Belgium has already given Shane a glimpse of the future.
The plan now is to implant the device permanently in Shanes back. The surgery is expensive and the rehabilitation could take six months.
When the series ended in March Shane had lost 2st 13lbs. However since then he has gone on to lose almost another three.
The school where Shane works, Sacred Heart in Tullamore, shared a snap of Shane and he looks so different.
The first picture the school shared was of Shane before he went on the show as he posed with the show host Kathryn Thomas.
The next two pictures they shared was of Shane now as he posed in the school gym with a face mask on and holding up an Operation Transformation sign.
Sacred Hearts captioned these snaps saying: "What a difference a year makes (and we are not talking about the mask)!!
"This time last year we had great excitement in the school when Kathryn Thomas arrived in to surprise Mr Farrell as an Operation Transformation leader.
"A huge well done to Mr Farrell on his hard work and dedication on his continuing journey.
"We are so proud of you! Operation Transformation."
Shane recently spoke with RTE star Ray D'Arcy on his radio show as he gave him an update on how his weight loss has been going.
He said: "We went into lockdown straight after the grand finale so thankfully I had been given the tools I had to deal with this in all aspects of my life.
"I had two choices; I could go with how I did the show or go back to my old habits and thankfully I kept going. I'm doing great.
"I was 20st 7 starting OT and to get my surgery in Belgium, I need to get to a weight of 16st to get on the list and then 15st to get the actual surgery.
"We hoped sometime next year I'd reach the 16st target to get on the list but today I can announce that I am 16st 2 so I'm nearly there for the list."
He added: "[It'll help] my bladder control and my pain. If I get rid of my pain I'd be able to manage completely.
"I would have kidney infections week after week and since OT I have not had one kidney infection.
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"Because of the healthy eating, the exercising but also the amount of water I'm drinking now as well. I used to never drink water.
"The OT plan works and I've tried all the diets you can think of, I really have.
"I think people can relate to the programme OT and it's a journey both mentally and physically."
See the original post here:
Operation Transformations Shane Farrells school praise him for his hard work as they show off incredible w - The Irish Sun