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Combatting ‘Quarantine 15’: People report weight gain, others become healthier experts offer tips – The Spokesman-Review

Many of us have joked about Quarantine 15, a phrase for those extra pounds gained during pandemic life spent mostly at home.
For many, its a fallout from disrupted routines, stress and lack of access to gyms. Throw in comfort-food eating and perhaps mindless munching while on computers or binge-watching shows.
Fitness and weight-loss experts say theyre aware of pandemic weight gains among the population, but theyve also seen people reboot with different approaches such as daily walks and healthier diets.
While the amount of weight gained during this time may vary from person to person, it is a reality and for many a concern, said Dr. Gary Foster, chief scientific officer at WW, formerly Weight Watchers.
There is a renewed interest in health and wellness goals. Self-care has become incredibly important as people have adjusted to life with social restrictions and new routines.
Gyms and fitness membership groups have adapted by offering live digital classes, often promoted on their websites. But people who want to see benefits also need to limit fatty and sugary foods, so theyre using apps or online support to find healthier choices.
But how widespread is Quarantine 15? If true, its colliding with health concerns about U.S. obesity rates that were already high before April.
Based on recent global research, some people are coping by a return to the basics walks, runs, hikes or cycling, said Nick Rizzo, a fitness research director. He works for RunRepeat, an online athletic shoe store.
Rizzo said people also have switched gears by using more online fitness content or home equipment, such as Peloton bikes, if they can afford it.
However, many people continue to struggle, he said. Based on September research he did among about 20,000 people globally, nearly 36% reported they gained weight during the pandemic. Of those people who added weight, about 71% gained more than 5 pounds.
Rizzo was curious about pandemic-related weight gains because he kept hearing about Quarantine 15, which is a play on the Freshman 15 phrase referring to college students weight gain their first year. Both, in a nutshell, involve people going through a major life change without adapting or changing habits, Rizzo said.
Although were not necessarily in strict lockdowns anymore, were still all into a very much different way of life to where we were a year ago, Rizzo said.
There are some people who really took this as a major opportunity to make changes and who have lost weight, but I think a lot of people struggled with the changes that were forced upon them.
This is the first time for a lot of people, too, that a gym is just not an option. For a lot of people who may be trying to get in shape, they dont have the background or experience, either. All this stuff has changed, and the structure of how we approach it has changed.
The U.S. had the highest percentage of people who reported weight gain (40.52%) during the pandemic. The U.K. had the most respondents managing to lose weight (40.54%), while the U.S. had the least weight loss (27.71%).
One of my colleagues from the U.K. was saying that what they stressed in lockdown there is you have an hour of time where you can go outside and exercise; that was in the mandate, Rizzo said.
He said during early shutdowns, he didnt hear much in the U.S. on ways to stay active. It was more about how gyms were shut down. How we react and how we are socially, culturally play a role, as well.
If you look at it from an economic standpoint, there are people who barely can justify the $10 a month for gym membership to be overall healthier. Thats a luxury for them. If people have the money, they can afford a Peloton, where other people cant.
But some U.S. regions showed healthier trends during the pandemic, he said. In Washington state, more than 37% of respondents reported gaining weight during the pandemic, with about 8% gaining more than 5 pounds, but 28.62% reported they lost weight during the pandemic, Rizzo said.
Tara Depew, a Spokane WW coach, said she has heard members talk about the challenges of weight gain during the pandemic.
Some members did struggle, and Ive seen everything from Im down 20 pounds to what youre asking about, she said.
The stress of COVID has changed the world dramatically in that there are so many people, and me specifically, dealing with kids who are home and not going to school.
Im at home more, and that presents so many challenges when it comes to mindset, being physical, sleep and eating because Im around the kitchen more. And stress can lead to that, as well.
She said WW promotes a 360-degree wellness approach and includes mindful eating and eliminating distractions during meals. The program, which has a free personal assessment tool, also just launched an app, myWW+, for members to use customized meal planning and track activity, mindset and sleep.
When you talk about binge-watching shows, that means were in front of a distraction, Depew said. If were in front of a TV or computer, that promotes more the gulping down of meals.
When we slow down, when we dont have those distractions, were more likely to really taste the food, smell the aroma of the food, taste the textures. When you do that, youre more present and aware, and thats where mindful eating comes in.
Among her coaching tips, she said one is to make decisions now on new pandemic routines, whether its to add walks or pull up a short stretching video before work. Make time for yourself perhaps to journal or meditate daily.
Set aside some time for you whatever that might mean and however long, if 5 minutes or 30 minutes and go back to creating a consistent and healthy routine. Continue to eat mindfully, and dont forget about sleep. Sleep plays a really critical role in weight loss.
Foster said other ideas to reboot include reasonable goals. Exercise doesnt have to mean you break out in a sweat. Get in brisk, 10-minute walks or short yoga breathing sessions. Practice self-compassion, expect some setbacks, and dont let one slip derail you, he said.
Emotional eating was something our members told us was a top challenge for them during this very stressful time, Foster added. We know that when people eat in response to emotions, they often feel frustration due to the unplanned eating. The cycle continues.
Instead, use pause and notice when the urge hits to eat potato chips, he said, and turn to a distraction such as a chore or hobby. The idea is to get where you recognize the pattern and plan a new response.
Commit to waiting 5 minutes. During that time, put distance between the urge to eat and your next move.
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Combatting 'Quarantine 15': People report weight gain, others become healthier experts offer tips - The Spokesman-Review
Carb cycling: what it is and how to do it – Netdoctor

Hang around the gym locker room long enough and youll likely hear someone talking about carbohydrate cycling. The latest sports nutrition tactic to find favour with everyday athletes, carb cycling involves boosting your carb intake on some days (or weeks, or months) and cutting back on others.
It sounds straightforward on paper, but carb cycling requires plenty of number-crunching to figure out your individual needs. We asked Dan Price, sports nutritionist and head of nutrition at SIX3NINE Personal Training and Emily Servante, personal trainer at Ultimate Performance Kensington, to talk us through the dos and donts of carb cycling:
Carb cycling involves alternating through phases of low-carb and high-carb consumption. It refers to nutrition plans that have different carbohydrate intakes across different days, typically low, medium and high, says Price. This cycle may exist over a week, two weeks or a longer period. By cutting carbs on certain days, you force your body to burn fat for fuel.
Sounds simple, right? In theory, yes. But in practice, effective carb cycling requires strict tracking and plenty of planning ahead. Unless youre superhuman or a nutritionist youre unlikely to know the carbohydrate content of every food item off the top of your head, so youll have to tally your intake and tailor it to your pre-determined requirements.
For that reason, carb cycling is unlikely to be something you want to use year-round. But if you have a specific fitness goal to overcome a weight loss plateau, gain lean muscle, or fine-tune your physical performance taking a targeted approach to your carbohydrate intake can give you a welcome boost.
Carb cycling usually revolves around a persons training, with high-carb days reserved for intense training days, and low-carb days designated to rest periods, although other carb cycling schedules include:
Typically, the low-carb phase omits starchy, complex or simple carbs to focus on protein, fat, and high-fibre fruit and vegetables, says Servante. What is considered a medium or high carbohydrate level varies from person to person, according to:
Carb cycling isnt necessarily about consuming fewer carbohydrates, says Price, but making better use of them. For example, instead of eating 95g of carbs every day for a week (totalling 665g), a person might divide them across two high days (185g carbs), two medium days (95g carbs) and three low days (35g carbs). Youre still consuming the same amount of carbohydrates, he says, theyre just split up differently across the weekdays. The advantage of this approach is you get more carbs when you need them.
Of course, on the days youre eating fewer carbs, youre also eating fewer overall calories. For that reason, you might also choose to cycle fats at the same time. In order for calorie intake to stay stable alongside cycling levels of carbs, fat intake also has to be cycled, says Price. This means on days when carbs are lower, fats are higher and vice versa. This approach keeps calorie intake stable across the week, but allows you to enjoy a more balanced diet with higher fat intake on rest days and a little more performance-focused carb-loading around those tough squat sessions.
Before we talk about the benefits of carb cycling, lets make one thing clear: Carbs are not the enemy, far from it. 'Carbohydrates are a vital fuel source for your brain and nervous system, as well as other organs, such as the kidneys, says Servante, and a source of gut-healthy fibre.
Carbs are also crucial for refuelling your muscles, boosting your metabolism, and enhancing your athletic performance. They improve your sleep, boost your mood, and regulate the function of appetite hormones (specifically leptin, which instructs your brain to feel full, and ghrelin, the hormone that signals hunger).
Carbohydrates are a vital fuel source for your brain and nervous system, as well as other organs.
So, why focus on carbs, and not proteins or fats? Proteins and fats are an essential component of your diet, so these nutrients should be kept relatively constant throughout the week to make sure your daily requirements are met, says Price.
Carbohydrates are far less essential diets can remain nutritionally complete with both low and high carbohydrate intakes. For that reason, he explains, theyre a sensible variable to be adjusted up or down when looking to increase or decrease calorie intake for the purposes of fat loss and muscle gain.
High-carb days keep your muscle glycogen topped up, helping to improve your athletic performance and prevent muscle breakdown without sufficient carbs, your body starts burning muscle for energy, rather than fat, as Servante explains. If we dont give our body enough energy to perform the tasks we ask of it, the body must create fuel, she says. It starts the process of gluconeogenesis; catabolising hard-earned muscle rather than tapping into your fat stores, which is the opposite of what most people want to happen.
Eating carbs post-workout raises insulin more quickly, so protein reaches cells sooner and muscle protein synthesis can start, says Servante. In short, that means faster recovery and improved insulin sensitivity. This means your cells use blood glucose more effectively, reducing your blood sugar levels. Having too much sugar in the blood for long periods of time increases your risk of serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease.
The low-carb days, meanwhile, switch your body over to a mostly fat-based energy system, improving whats known as metabolic flexibility to boost your ability to burn fat for fuel. The purpose behind carb cycling is that it allows you to stay relatively low-carb most of the time, but increase your carbohydrate intake on certain days, so that you can reap all the benefits of without having to eat higher amounts all the time, says Servante.
In theory, carb cycling is good for weight loss. Carb cycling allows you to tap into the benefits of a low-carb diet while fuelling your workouts so you build more muscle, improve your fitness, and burn more calories. However, youll still only lose weight if youre in a calorie deficit.
Energy balance determines whether you gain or lose weight, not where the calories come from.
Its your energy balance overall that determines whether you maintain, gain or lose weight, not where those calories come from, says Servante. You could eat 1,000 calories a day entirely from carbs and still lose weight, as long as youre in a calorie deficit. Likewise, you could eat a high-fat-low-carb diet and gain weight if that put you in a calorie surplus avocados have calories too.
Put simply, the level of calorie deficit you create determines whether and how much weight you lose, she adds. The make-up of those calories and the type of training you do determines where that weight is lost from.
During a high-carb phase, you should focus on the following healthy carbohydrates:
Whether youre in a high, medium or low-carb phase, always include plenty of low-carb vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale, courgettes, asparagus, mushrooms, cucumber, bell peppers, tomatoes, and so on.
If youre carb cycling for athletic performance, allocate high-carb days to your toughest training sessions. This maximises your available energy for when you need it most, and can aid in speeding up recovery, says Price. Medium-carb days may be better suited to lower intensity training days such as cardio or lighter resistance training, while low days can be kept to your rest days.
If youre carb cycling for weight loss, you might choose to cycle your carb intake around your social life. This might look like low and medium days throughout the week and your two high days on the weekend, says Price. While this is not going to give you the performance edge in your training during the week, it may be a great strategy for making your diet fit your lifestyle.
Alternatively, you could follow a predominantly low-carb diet, and schedule in high-carb re-feeds for example, a four-week low-carb phase followed by a one week re-feed. Regardless of which method you choose, youll need to experiment with both the amount of high-carb days you incorporate and the amount of carbs you consume to find your personal sweet spot not just for your goals, but for your lifestyle and workout regimen, too.
Carb cycling can be a useful tool to break through a training or weight loss plateau, but it isnt suitable for everyone for example, people with eating disorders, diabetes or heart disease, or for pregnant or nursing mothers.
Additionally, the low-carb phase of the diet can cause side effects such as fatigue, bloating, irritability, constipation and problems sleeping. Carb cycling can also be extremely mentally taxing. Its very strict and time-consuming, because you have to plan, prep and track everything you eat and drink, so proceed with caution.
It is important to be aware that long-term data is not yet available regarding the benefits.
'Carb cycling is an extreme example of food planning and it is important to be aware that long-term data is not yet available regarding the benefits or disadvantages of carb cycling on the body's biological parameters such as cholesterol, blood sugar measures, blood pressure etc,' warns Dr Louise Wiseman.
'Focussing on healthy food is vital and a balance of all food groups and vitamins and minerals are essential for long term health,' she adds. 'Always consult with your doctor before considering an extreme change of lifestyle.'
Last updated: 18-11-2020
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Carb cycling: what it is and how to do it - Netdoctor Discusses a Variety of Tips for Protecting One’s Heart Health in Conjunction With a Portable Ultrasound Machine Cost – Press…

The condition of ones heart is critical for the health of ones entire body. When ones cardiac system is not working appropriately, many issues can arise. Thankfully, there are some things people can do to protect the health of their heart and cardiovascular system. Taking appropriate action now will help individuals to avoid heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiac-related issues.
How to Protect the Heart and Cardiovascular System
Protecting ones heart is one of the most important things a person can do for their health. Those who would like to learn more should continue reading andcheck this right away. The following offers integral information that can help individuals to ensure their heart is pumping effectively, and they can reduce their risks of developing cardiovascular disease.
Eating a low-fat diet is of extreme importance for heart health,according to When a person consumes too much fat, it can eventually become lodged in their arteries. Clogged arteries can cause complete blockages that lead to strokes.
To prevent cardiovascular disease, individuals need to have regular checkups with their doctor. Sometimes, imaging studies can be carried out to ensure the proper operation of the heart. Today, there are portable options for ultrasounds that make diagnostics easier. ThePortable Ultrasound Equipment Market 2020 Boosting the Growth Worldwide is making a huge difference in how heart problems are discovered, especially since for most professionals the equipment is affordable.
Along with a healthy diet, individuals also need to make sure they are exercising often. Moving the body as often as possible helps to strengthen the heart and improve blood circulation. Exercise also helps a person to maintain their body weight.
Maintaining a proper weight is essential for good heart health. Those who are overweight need to consider shedding a few pounds. Excess weight is a burden on the heart and makes it harder for it to pump. A reduction in calories can help individuals to lose weight safely.
Schedule a Cardiovascular Appointment
Seeing a doctor is essential for ensuring a person's heart health is protected. If an individual has a history of heart health issues in their family, it is especially important they see their doctor regularly. During these appointments, doctors may access theButterfly Network to allow them to see a clear image of all the components of the heart.
The health of the heart is critical for good overall health. Without the heart pumping correctly, individuals will find their body parts do not receive the blood supply they need. A healthy blood supply is critical for the normal function of the entire body.
When problems begin to arise, such as frequent lightheadedness and chest pain, a trip to the doctor for diagnostics is critical. When caught early, many cardiac health issues can be treated properly. The sooner they are discovered with ultrasound technology, the less likely permanent damages will occur to the heart.
If it has been some time since one has had a checkup, now is a perfect time to get started. There are now more diagnostic options than ever before in the healthcare industry, and advances in technology are allowing for clearer images and better understanding. By following the above tips and having imaging studies carried out periodically, individuals can rest assured their hearts will be protected.
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Diabetic? Heres a healthy diabetes-friendly Indian meal plan to help with blood sugar control – Times Now

Diabetic? Heres a healthy diabetes-friendly Indian meal plan to help with blood sugar control  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images
New Delhi: If youre living with diabetes, maintaining a healthy eating plan will help you keep your blood sugar levels within the target range. A healthy diabetes diet plan should include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains while avoiding or limiting red meat and processed foods. Whole foods are rich in nutrients and antioxidants but low in fat and calories. In fact, whether or not you have diabetes, a well-balanced diet will help you lose weight, control blood sugar, reduce the risk of chronic conditions.
Following a diabetes diet plan will help you keep track of how many carbs, calories you consume and set a limit for each meal. Carbs are known to raise blood sugar faster and higher than protein or fat. However, carbs that have fibre in them (like sweet potatoes) can help lower blood sugar. A diabetes-friendly meal plan will also help you make healthful eating more fun and creative by adding some new ideas to the diet.
Below are a few tips and strategies diabetics can use as a reference in planning their own meals. Please note that this healthy diabetes-friendly Indian meal plan is a generalised one and you should consult your doctor or a dietitian to work out a diet plan that is suitable for you.
With a few tips and tricks, people with diabetes can have a healthful, varied diet that can help improve blood sugar control, manage weight while boosting overall health.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.
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Diabetic? Heres a healthy diabetes-friendly Indian meal plan to help with blood sugar control - Times Now
Minimally Invasive Weight Loss (Bariatric) Devices Market 2020: Potential growth, attractive valuation make it is a long-term investment | Know the…

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Read More..Intermediate weight changes and follow-up of dietetic treatment in primary health care: an observational study – BMC Blogs Network

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Read More..HIIT can Help to Get rid of Weight Gained During Lockdown – TheHealthMania

After spending months in a pandemic, thousands of people share that they gained weight during the lockdown period. The health experts suggest trying high-intensity interval training or HIIT to remove all this extra weight. It is faster, better and takes little time every day.
The best way to lose weight is through diet and exercise. But the popularity of fad diets has set aside the significance of exercise. People believe they can try fancy diets and lose weight so spending time in exercise is out of the question.
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Most people fail to understand that fancy diets dont offer a long term solution for obesity. The only problem with weight loss is that it all comes back when you stop following the diet plan. Thats why health experts suggest trying a combination of exercise and diet for long term results.
This year was crucial because of the emergence of this new virus which eventually became a pandemic. Many cities were shut down to control the spread of coronavirus and save people from the virus. But many people gained weight during the lockdown as they were in social isolation. All gyms and clubs were closed and health experts were suggesting not to go out unless extremely important.
The only options available to the people during lockdown were to engage in indoor activities. Because of this sedentary lifestyle, many people gained weight during the lockdown as they were not doing any exercise or meditation at home.
According to health experts, high-intensity interval training is the best to lose more weight in less time. Interestingly, it is not a short term option and its benefits extend much more than weight loss.
Not many people know but almost all sports are also an unstructured version of high-intensity interval training. Thats why playing sports brings faster results in terms of weight and body shape. Those who play sports gain an athletic body without any special training. It is because their sports practice is no less than a HIIT workout. Following this HIIT workout makes them active and fit in no time.
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High-intensity interval training is a type of exercise where you work hard for some time and stop. This interval between exercise gives a chance to the body to recover and start doing efforts again. This practice is common in athletes and sportsmen for decades but HITT is much more structured than sports.
Only after when TABATA training became popular, people paid attention to high-intensity interval training. Health experts suggest HIIT be effective for people of all ages who can follow it. It has hidden benefits for improving the overall aerobic fitness of a person. As per previous studies, HIIT can also act as a cardiovascular health indicator.
It means that HIIT is better than conventional moderate exercises such as slow jogging and walk. HIIT offers better and more long-lasting benefits especially for people who have gained weight during the lockdown and now want to lose it.
Read the rest here:
HIIT can Help to Get rid of Weight Gained During Lockdown - TheHealthMania
COPD medications: What are they? Are they effective? – Medical News Today

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the collective term for a group of conditions that damage tissues in the lungs and airways. This damage affects airflow in and out of the lungs, making breathing difficult.
While there is no cure for COPD, a range of medications can help manage the condition and prevent flare-ups, or exacerbations.
This article describes the different types of COPD medications available, including how well they work and what side effects to watch out for. Next, we outline how a doctor diagnoses this health issue.
Bronchodilators are medications that relax the muscles around the airways, allowing them to open more fully so that air can move in and out of the lungs more freely.
Below are some examples of bronchodilators that a doctor may prescribe for someone with COPD.
A person might take a fast- or slower-acting formula of this type of bronchodilator.
Fast-acting beta-2 agonists begin working within 35 minutes, and a person may use a rescue inhaler that contains this medication before any activity that can trigger a flare-up of COPD symptoms.
Slower-acting beta-2 agonists begin working within around 20 minutes.
Inhaled beta-2 agonists can be short- or long-lasting, with the effects lasting about 46 hours or 1224 hours, respectively.
Examples of beta-2 agonists include:
Side effects can include:
Anticholinergics are a type of inhaled bronchodilator that a person takes regularly throughout the day. They are not intended for use in rescue inhalers.
Anticholinergics are available in short- and longer-lasting formulas. Short-lasting versions are effective for around 68 hours, while longer-lasting versions are effective for 12 or 24 hours, depending on the drug.
The side effects are similar to those of beta-2 agonists, but they can also include dry mouth and difficulty passing urine.
Theophylline is a bronchodilator that people typically take as tablets. Some brand names of this medication include Theo 24, Theochron, Elixophyllin, and Uniphyl.
However, doctors in the United States do not commonly prescribe theophylline for COPD.
A person taking theophylline needs periodic blood tests to check whether levels of the drug are high enough to be effective but low enough to prevent serious side effects.
The adverse effects of high doses of theophylline be serious, including:
Regular monitoring is also important because various changes can alter the levels of the drug in the body. It is especially important to attend regular blood tests if any of the following have changed:
Corticosteroids are drugs that help reduce inflammation in the body. A doctor may prescribe them to ease swelling in the airways.
People with COPD typically take corticosteroids in inhalers, though they are also available as pills, which contain more of the medication and therefore act faster.
Most people take a corticosteroid in combination with a bronchodilator.
A 2014 study supports the use of corticosteroids in the short term but discourages their use for longer periods. This is mainly because the long-term use of corticosteroids increases the risk of side effects.
The most common side effects of inhaled corticosteroids include:
Long-term use of corticosteroid tablets may lead to:
For most people with COPD, doctors prescribe a combination of medications. This may involve two different bronchodilators or a bronchodilator and a corticosteroid. A person may take these daily to prevent COPD symptoms.
The authors of a 2019 review report that a combination approach can help with COPD exacerbations as well as persistent symptoms. However, they acknowledge that determining the effectiveness of combination treatments in specific groups will require further research.
Roflumilast is a medication that helps reduce irritation and swelling of the airways in people with severe COPD. A common brand name is Daxas.
According to a 2016 study, roflumilast is often effective in people with severe to very severe COPD who have a history of exacerbations and chronic bronchitis.
Some reported side effects of roflumilast include:
Azithromycin is an antibiotic, and a doctor may prescribe a low dosage over a long period to help reduce COPD exacerbations. A person may take a branded version, such as Zithromax, Zithromax Tri-Pak, Zithromax Z-Pak, or Zmax.
An older study, from 2011, found that participants who took low doses of azithromycin with supplemental medications for a year experienced fewer COPD exacerbations and saw improvement in the quality of life.
The study noted two potential side effects, however: partial hearing loss and a change in patterns of microbial resistance.
These medications help clear mucus from the lungs and airways. According to a 2017 review, mucoactive drugs may provide the following benefits for people with COPD:
The researchers noted, however, that determining the effects of these drugs in specific groups of people with COPD will require further research.
Though flu shots do not directly treat COPD, they are an important part of any treatment plan for someone with this type of disease.
The flu is a highly infectious respiratory illness, and people with COPD are more susceptible to these types of infections. COPD also reduces lung capacity, increasing a persons risk of developing flu complications.
For these reasons, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that people with COPD or other lung conditions receive a yearly flu vaccine.
The American Lung Association describe the following steps that a doctor takes before diagnosing COPD:
The doctor may also perform or request the following tests:
Contact a doctor if any of the following COPD signs and symptoms develop:
It is also important to let the doctor know if COPD symptoms are getting worse or flaring up more often. The doctor may recommend additional treatment or change existing dosages.
A doctor can also provide information about new therapies and clinical trials.
Though preventing COPD is not always possible, taking the following steps may help:
COPD is a chronic disease that damages the lungs and airways, making breathing difficult.
There is no cure, but medications can manage the condition and reduce COPD symptoms, significantly improving the quality of life.
It is important to note that a variety of medications can help treat COPD. If a persons current treatment plan is not effective, they should contact a doctor and ask about other options.
See more here:
COPD medications: What are they? Are they effective? - Medical News Today
Xulane Side Effects: Common, Rare, and Long-Term – Healthline

Xulane is a brand-name prescription birth control patch thats applied once per week for 3 weeks each month. Each day, the patch releases 150 micrograms (mcg) of progestin and 35 mcg of ethinyl estradiol, a type of estrogen.
Like other forms of birth control, the patch is a highly effective form of hormonal contraception. But unlike oral contraception, where you take pills every day, Xulane works by delivering hormones through the skin via a bandage-like patch.
Hormonal contraception, including birth control patches, has evolved so much so that serious side effects are relatively rare.
However, theres still a risk for side effects while taking Xulane. Your chances of experiencing more serious ones depend on certain underlying risk factors. Some effects may be temporary, while others might be more long-term.
Make sure you understand all of the potential side effects associated with Xulane, and talk with your doctor to determine whether this form of birth control is best for you.
All types of hormonal birth control carry a risk of side effects. These are primarily related to estrogen.
At 35 mcg per day, Xulane contains about 60 percent more estrogen than the average oral contraceptive. Thus, you may be at an increased risk for estrogen-related side effects.
Some of the most common side effects of the Xulane birth control patch include:
Most of these side effects are temporary and usually go away within 3 months after your body gets used to the hormones in Xulane. You should call your doctor if the symptoms last longer than this or if theyre severe.
Its also possible to experience little to no side effects while using the birth control patch.
Xulane may increase your risk for serious but rare side effects. These include:
Your risk for rare or deadly side effects is greater if you take the patch while smoking and are over the age of 35. Obesity may also increase these risks.
There are also possible long-term side effects of Xulane to consider, such as:
Hormonal birth control, including the patch, can increase your risk for:
Xulane may increase such risks even more due to its higher estrogen content. You shouldnt use Xulane if you have a history or a risk for these conditions.
Your risk for serious side effects may also be greater if you have:
Being overweight and smoking may increase these risks, especially if youre over 35.
The makers of Xulane dont recommend their product for women who have a body mass index (BMI) of over 30. Using this patch may increase the risk for blood clots in such cases.
Also, this patch may not be effective in women who weigh 198 pounds or more. They may need to consider another method of birth control.
Xulane isnt recommended if you have any of the following health conditions:
If youre having surgery, stop taking Xulane 4 weeks beforehand. This will help decrease the risk of blood clots. You may need to wait at least 2 weeks after surgery to start taking your patch again.
You shouldnt take Xulane if you currently use certain hepatitis C medications that contain:
These medications can increase certain liver enzymes in your blood that indicate liver damage.
Ask your doctor about Xulane if you take thyroid hormone replacement medications or antiseizure drugs. These may interfere with the hormones in the patch, making them less effective overall.
Certain herbs may also interact with the birth control patch, such as St. Johns wort. Talk to your doctor about all herbal supplements youre currently taking before using Xulane.
All forms of birth control carry the risk of side effects, but the estrogen content in Xulane may increase such concerns if you already have certain risk factors. A doctor can help you determine which is the safest and most effective form of birth control for you.
You should also talk with a doctor before taking Xulane if youre nursing. Its possible for the patch to decrease milk production. Small amounts of Xulane may also be present in breast milk, which may be passed on to your baby.
If youre interested in taking Xulane after delivering a baby, you must wait at least 4 weeks and must not be breastfeeding.
Xulane is a progestin- and estrogen-containing birth control patch you wear every day for 3 weeks. You change out the patch for a new one each week.
Like other birth control methods, Xulane carries a risk of side effects. Most are mild and temporary, but you should be aware of the more serious risks and call your doctor right away if you experience any unusual symptoms.
Dont stop taking Xulane without talking with a doctor first.
See original here:
Xulane Side Effects: Common, Rare, and Long-Term - Healthline
Recognizing signs of elder abuse and neglect | Opinion –

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc throughout almost every aspect of life. The pandemic has presented numerous challenges for care-dependent adults and children and their families. To help stop the spread of coronavirus, nursing homes and similar facilities instituted complete lockdowns and eliminated visits with family and friends.
Family and friends are not able to have the same face-to-face interactions to ensure the well-being of their loved ones.
Experts have suggested there could be an increase in nursing home abuse and neglect as a result of the pandemic. Prior to COVID-19, research suggested only 1 in 24 cases were reported to the appropriate authorities. As facilities begin to reopen to the public and allow scheduled visits, it is important that family and friends look for signs of potential neglect and abuse such as unexplained bruises and wounds, cognitive deficits, and weight loss. If one suspects neglect or abuse, it is important to report it immediately to ensure the safety of loved ones and others in the same facility.
Unexplained injuries, like bruises, welts, open wounds, pressure ulcers/bed sores, or scarring, can be caused by neglect or abuse. Elder abuse and neglect does not just involve physical harms. It can, for example, include sexual abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, financial exploitation, and inappropriate use of physical or medicinal restraints. Unfortunately, these types of harms can occur even at the hands of a trusted, long-time caregiver.
Fighting Elder Abuse and Neglect
If you believe someone is in immediate danger, contact 911. If the issue does not require an emergent response, then contact a local social services program such as the Adult Protective Services offered by the Pennsylvania Department of Health (1-800-490-8505) or Pennsylvanias Long-Term Care Ombudsman (717-783-8975). In Pennsylvania, anyone can report suspected abuse anonymously so trained investigators can determine if there are real concerns. The few minutes that it takes to make a call may save a life or, in some cases, several lives.
Thankfully, there are both federal and state laws in place to protect patients and residents in nursing homes and similar facilities. These laws ensure that residents have the right to be free from verbal, sexual, physical and mental abuse and involuntary seclusion. Despite the existence of these laws, abuse and neglect still occur. That is why it is so important to be proactive when one suspects something wrong.
I have been asked to investigate and prosecute far too many unfortunate cases here in Pennsylvania and often wonder how things may have turned out differently for all involved had someone taken the time to report concerns. If something does not seem right to you, do not ignore that nudge. Report the concern and let professionals investigate the concerns.
Not every incident supports a private personal injury claim, but the whole point of reporting any concern is to allow professionals to determine how to best protect patients and prevent serious harm. It is better to allow trained investigators to confirm nothing is wrong than to wonder later how things may have turned out differently if concerns were not reported.
Ted Kennett is a personal injury attorney at KBG Injury Law, which has offices throughout central Pennsylvania.
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Recognizing signs of elder abuse and neglect | Opinion -