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Weight Loss and Diet Management Market Size, Growth Trends, Top Players, Application Potential and Forecast to 2026 – Zenit News

Market Study Report, LLC, has added a research study on Weight Loss and Diet Management market which offers a concise summary regarding market valuation, market share, regional spectrum, revenue estimation and SWOT analysis of this business vertical. The report further brings up key insights pertaining to growth opportunities and challenges to be experienced by key industry players, while emphasizing on their present competitive setting and growth plans for the Weight Loss and Diet Management Market.
The new research report on Weight Loss and Diet Management market intends to deliver significant information such as major development trends and historical data of this business sphere. The study allows for better understanding of the current trends as well as market prospects which further helps in framing critical business-centric strategies.
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The document provides crucial insights such as growth drivers, challenges and opportunities that will aid in measuring the profitability graph of this industry landscape. Additionally, it delivers a comparative assessment of the current and past market trends in order to formulate the growth rate during the study period.
Apart from this, the report evaluates the COVID-19 pandemic impact on the overall market remuneration, further allowing industry participants to derive essential business-centric methodologies for the ensuing years.
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In short, the Weight Loss and Diet Management market research report delivers significant information of the various market segmentations while elaborating on important parameters such as the supply chain and distribution channels which comprise of raw material used, upstream suppliers, and downstream consumers.
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Weight Loss and Diet Management Market Size, Growth Trends, Top Players, Application Potential and Forecast to 2026 - Zenit News
The Recovery Room: News beyond the pandemic November 13 – Medical News Today

The coronavirus pandemic has dominated the headlines and our daily lives for most of this year. Medical News Today have covered this fast-moving, complex story with live updates on the latest news, interviews with experts, and an ongoing investigation into the deep racial disparities that COVID-19 has helped unmask.
However, this has not stopped us from publishing hundreds of fascinating stories on a myriad of other topics.
We start this week with a report on how incurable neurological diseases may be treatable thanks to the discovery of a new type of immune cell that could prevent and even reverse damage to nerve cells. Theres also good news for people with major depressive disorder, as a new trial that used a compound from magic mushrooms has produced promising results.
Next, were pleased to announce the launch of the latest addition to our collection of evidence-based topic hubs, which deals with mens health. Cardiovascular problems are common in older men with overweight, but this week, we also have news on why theres more to having a healthy heart than simply losing weight.
This week, we also published new articles on how to deal with post-election stress, why the exercise that comes with a physically demanding job is not necessarily healthy, and why being interrupted at work may have a hidden cost for your health, even if youre not aware of it.
Below are 10 recent stories that you may have missed amid all the COVID-19 fervor.
This week, more than 46,000 people read our report on the discovery of a new type of human immune cell, making it our most popular news article.
Scientists hope that immunotherapies based on this discovery could treat neurodegenerative conditions that remain incurable, such as Parkinsons disease and Alzheimers disease. The hope is that it could also be possible to reverse nerve damage due to infection or injury.
As well as exploring this new research, the article also looks more broadly at the potential application of immunotherapies to a range of diseases that are otherwise difficult to treat.
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Coming out of the November 2020 election, one piece of news that was easy to miss was the state of Oregons decision to decriminalize psilocybin and legalize it for therapeutic use.
Our report on how research has shown psilocybin to be highly effective in the treatment of major depressive disorder was, therefore, well-timed.
In the small clinical trial, researchers gave two doses of psilocybin to 24 participants. Within 1 week, 67% of the group showed reduced severity of their depressive symptoms. This number increased to 71% after 4 weeks, at which point, 54% of the participants were no longer classified as having depression.
There were some limitations to the study, apart from its small size, such as the lack of a control group receiving a placebo. However, the benefits of psilocybin treatment appear to last longer than those of similar therapies using ketamine.
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With more than 40 articles covering topics such as mental, sexual, and cardiovascular health, as well as toxic masculinity, depression, cancer, and why manning up might not be the answer, MNTs new mens health hub is an impressively comprehensive resource.
This hub is the latest in a series of major resources that have recently explored the science of sleep, aging, flu, and Medicare in equal depth, with more to come in the future.
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Our new article on the impact of borderline personality disorder (BPD) on personal relationships reached more than 15,000 people who spent an average of longer than 4 minutes reading it. As well as defining what BPD is and what symptoms to look out for, MNT also looked at ways to manage the condition to minimize its effect.
People with BPD often find it difficult to trust people, and they may have a hypersensitive reaction to rejection. These issues can make personal relationships difficult to maintain. We list the three types of therapy that are particularly effective and could help a person with BPD form healthy relationships.
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November 14 is World Diabetes Day a day to remember that 1 in 10 people in the United States have diabetes, with as many as 95% of them living with type 2 diabetes.
A new study that MNT covered this week takes a closer look at the role of weight loss in preventing the development of type 2 diabetes. Researchers found that weight loss only made adults less likely to develop heart failure if they lowered their fat mass and waist circumference. Losing lean mass, or muscle, did not improve the risk.
Reducing body fat, rather than simply losing weight, appears to be of critical importance for maintaining a healthy heart.
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The election is over, and its time to think about something else. That was the core message to take from MNTs interview with Dr. Matthew Boland, Ph.D., a licensed clinical psychologist. We asked him for advice on coping strategies and constructive ways to move forward in the post-election landscape.
Dr. Boland explained that its important to avoid catastrophizing, or focusing on the worst possible outcome. Instead, people should try to take a wider perspective on the situation and engage more in enjoyable social activities. Being open to talking about feelings is important, but people should do this without dwelling too much on the actual results or candidates.
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MNT also reported this week on new research that has identified a link between the extensive use of dating apps and social anxiety and depression.
As well as covering the details of the study, the article also looks at the reasons why people might turn to dating apps.
The study has added relevance during the pandemic, with the senior author concluding that with increased symptoms of social anxiety and depression, women may be even more likely to turn to technology for social connection, especially if alternative forms of social contact are reduced due to social avoidance.
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Using a population health management program specifically, a phone- and email-based system that connects people with experienced weight loss practitioners alongside an online program may be more effective than the online program alone. That was the key finding of a new study that MNT covered this week.
Such programs are designed to help individuals maintain control of chronic health issues, such as type 2 diabetes or hypertension, by putting them in regular one-to-one contact with practitioners.
People who participated in virtual care of this type and also took part in a more traditional online program were more likely to lose 5% of their body weight than those who used the online program only. They were also more likely to maintain the weight loss.
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MNT have reported before on research indicating the benefits of exercise for warding off dementia, but not all exercise may have this effect.
A new study has observed an association between undertaking hard physical labor and a higher rate of dementia. People whose work involved continuous physical exertion, standing for long periods, and repetitive movementhad almost 1.5 times the rate of dementia than people who described their work as sedentary.
In contrast, healthy exercise tends to be high in intensity but of short duration, allowing a person plenty of time to recover between bouts of exertion.
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Finally, this week, we reported on research that reveals that although interruptions while working may not trouble us consciously, our bodies view the matter very differently. Such interruptions cause markers of stress, such as the production of the hormone cortisol, to increase without a corresponding psychological impact.
The lesson seems to be that even when you dont feel stressed, your body may still experience physiological stress, which can have long-term consequences for your health. On the other hand, an interruption may be welcome because it offers a brief respite from psychological stress. As ever, it seems there is a balance to strike.
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We hope that this article has provided a taste of the stories that we cover atMNT. We will be back with a new selection next week.
We publish hundreds of news stories and features every month. Here are some upcoming articles that may pique our readers interest:
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The Recovery Room: News beyond the pandemic November 13 - Medical News Today
A Formerly Anonymous Portland Writer Has Written a New York Times Op-ed Titled Leave Fat Kids Alone – Willamette Week

Portland-based author and activist Aubrey Gordon has penned an op-ed for The New York Times about fat shaming and growing up during a "war on childhood obesity."
In the new essay, titled "Leave Fat Kids Alone," Gordon recounts personal experiences with pediatricians and family members who began making disparaging comments about her body as early as the fourth grade. She also digs into the history of campaigns against childhood obesity.
"It wasn't a campaign against foods with little nutritional value, or against the unchecked poverty that called for such low-cost, shelf-stable foods," writes Gordon. "It was a campaign against a body typespecifically, children's body types."
A recent episode of Maintenance Phase does a deep dive into misguided U.S. childhood health programs. Gordon's New York Times op-ed covers some of that ground too, discussing "B.M.I. report cards" and a recent Georgia health campaign that erected billboards around the state with slogans like "WARNING: My fat may be funny to you but it's killing me. Stop childhood obesity."
"Rather than motivating fat people to lose weight, weight stigma had led to more isolation, more avoidance and less support," writes Gordon. "Weight stigma kick-starts what for many will become lifelong cycles of shame. And it sends a clear, heartbreaking message to fat children: The world would be a better place without you in it."
Read the whole article here.
Read More..The weight-loss benefits of quality sleep – Gaston Gazette

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It makes sense that activity plus a healthy diet equals weight loss. But what about weight loss while snoozing? Psychology Today answered in the affirmative:
Contrary to what many people think, sleep is not an inactive state. In fact, several functions are active while a body seemingly rests:
Cells and tissues are repaired. Immune system is restored. Neural cells and networks of the brain are rebooted.
For a 150-pound person, the estimated calorie burn over a 7-hour night of rest is just over 440 calories, stated Psychology Today. Thats a 40-minute jog on a treadmill.
However, the June 2019 report indicated five factors that can inhibit sleep and keep an individual from achieving optimum weight loss advantages while sleeping:
1. Blue light exposure, which can delay melatonin production and alter circadian rhythms (internal clock)2. Late night bedtimes3. Late night snacking especially sugary and salty food and drinks4. Little-to-no natural daylight exposure5. Bedroom temperatures that are too hot; staying cool at night stimulates your metabolism. Essentially, you need to burn more calories to keep warm.Eating Well in 2019 offered four more before-bed no-nos: 6. Caffeine: Some individuals are not affected, but even caffeine consumed in an afternoon can remain in the body and affect sleep patterns.7. Inactivity during the day: Burning calories and sleeping better is a double win when trying to lose weight, so establish (and stick with) a regular workout schedule.8. Excess alcohol: High in calories, and although it may make an individual fall asleep quickly, it often disrupts sleep patterns.9. Inadequate hydration: A body needs steady hydration from morning through mid-afternoon so a full nights rest is possible and necessary bodily functions take place during sleep.
Healthline last November added that quality sleep also helps with weight loss because people tend to have fewer food cravings, especially a desire for high calorie foods: When combined, changes in hormone production, appetite and cravings induced by inadequate sleep may contribute to increased weight and obesity risk.
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The weight-loss benefits of quality sleep - Gaston Gazette
The 4 Best Lunch Foods to Fire Up Your Metabolism, and 2 to Avoid – LIVESTRONG.COM

Chickpeas are high in fiber and protein, both of which keep your metabolism humming.
Image Credit: julief514/iStock/GettyImages
While no one food or nutrient can rev up your metabolism so much that any excess weight will just "fall off," there are certain foods that can support a healthy metabolism because they require more energy to digest.
These foods typically include one or more of these specific nutrients:
Protein: Protein is satiating, meaning it leaves you feeling fuller longer but it also has a higher diet-induced thermogenesis value compared to the other two macronutrients, carbohydrates and fat, according to an often-cited April 2004 study in Nutrition & Metabolism. In other words, the energy needed (and burned) to fully process your meal is highest when you're eating foods rich in protein.
There's another way protein supports your metabolism: muscle mass. Eating adequate protein helps maintain your lean muscle, according to a March 2020 paper in The Journal of Nutrition. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so keeping more muscle on your body helps keep your metabolism up.
Healthy Fats: Monounsaturated fat may increase your overall calorie burn. A February 2013 study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that increasing monounsaturated fats (found in avocados and olive oil) and decreasing saturated fat (in red meat and dairy) resulted in a small increase in resting energy expenditure.
Fiber: Foods rich in fiber like whole grains, legumes, fruit and vegetables take longer to digest, which supports your metabolism and keeps you feeling fuller longer. In fact, our bodies aren't able to absorb fiber instead, gut bacteria break it down, releasing anti-inflammatory short-chain fatty acids.
Because we don't absorb fiber, we don't retain the calories or energy from it either, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Adding foods rich in these three nutrients into your lunch routine will help support your weight-loss efforts.
4 Lunch Foods That Stoke Your Metabolism
Tuna serves up protein and avocados are rich in healthy fat.
Image Credit: I_rinka/iStock/GettyImages
Whether you're bringing lunch from home or grabbing something on-the-go, try adding these delicious foods to your next afternoon meal.
Enjoy grilled tuna when picking the protein for your lunchtime tacos, or keep it simple by using canned tuna for a tuna salad sandwich, or flaked atop a big bowl of salad.
Tuna is an excellent source of protein; half a can has almost 25 grams, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.
Plus, like salmon and other fatty fish, it contains omega-3 fatty acids. While omega-3s may not help you lose weight specifically, an August 2018 review in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry notes that they may help you maintain your weight.
Use hummus as a spread on a sandwich or add chickpeas to your grain bowl or salad. Why? Because like other legumes (including peas and beans), chickpeas are high in protein and fiber a double-win for weight loss.
An older 2009 clinical study in the Journal of Medicinal Food compared the effect of different treatment diets: control diet, legume diet, fish diet and high-protein diet. The researchers found that after eight weeks, people on the legume- and high-protein diets lost the most weight. They noted a change in mitochondrial oxidation, which may have a positive affect on metabolism.
Whether it's a little guacamole on your burrito bowl or chopped avocado in your salad, eating the fatty fruit will support your metabolism.
Avocados are a rich source of monounsaturated fats, which we know may increase our metabolism when substituted for sources of saturated fat. A serving of avocado (a third of the fruit), has about 7 grams of monounsaturated fat, per the USDA.
In fact, an April 2017 review in Phytotherapy Research reported that adding avocado to the diet may lead to a decrease in body weight and body fat.
Bulgur salads are an easy and nutritious lunch to whip together. Plus, you can make it once and enjoy it for a few days. Another option is using bulgur as your grain in your next grain bowl creation.
Bulgur is a top-notch whole grain because it's especially high in fiber. A cup of cooked bulgur has just 150 calories but contains 8 grams of fiber along with 6 grams of protein, per the USDA. This serving provides about a third of women's fiber needs for the day.
Steer clear of drive-through staples like fried chicken and french fries.
Image Credit: Bogdanhoda/iStock/GettyImages
Even if you're in a pinch, try to avoid indulging in these lunch foods, especially if you're trying to lose weight.
If you're bringing a sandwich from home or grabbing a sub from the deli, make the bread whole-grain instead of one made with refined (white) grains. Refined grains are lower in fiber so they don't have staying power they're more quickly processed and digested. This will leave you feeling hungry sooner than you may like.
Don't fall for healthy-sounding bread, like "multigrain" or "wheat" it should be described as "whole-grain" or "whole-wheat" instead.
OK, this isn't one specific food, but really any fried food, whether it's french fries or chicken tenders. When food is deep-fried, it means it's usually been tossed in some kind of coating (usually made of refined grains) and then soaked in oil, which is typically not one of the healthier oils high in monounsaturated fat. Both of these add calories without much (or any) nutritional benefit.
Plus, you're typically dipping fried foods in sugary condiments like ketchup or a barbecue or honey mustard sauce, which won't do your waistline any favors, either.
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The 4 Best Lunch Foods to Fire Up Your Metabolism, and 2 to Avoid - LIVESTRONG.COM
Want to gain weight fast? Try these 8 healthy foods – Times of India

Our body weight is a constant cause of concern for many of us. Whether reducing it or increasing it, both are tedious tasks and involve hard work and time. On top of that, eating right is also very important to achieve the desired body weight. A diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals is the key to it. Whether you want to put on or lose weight, keeping your nutritional requirement in check is a must.
While gaining weight, people consume various supplements and food items without researching about them. This often results in a bad effect on health rather than a healthy weight gain. Thus, it must be ensured that you are well informed and aware of what and why of everything that you eat. If you are trying to gain some weight, here is a look at 8 healthy foods that you should eat.
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Want to gain weight fast? Try these 8 healthy foods - Times of India
COVID-19 Infection in Men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy – DocWire News

This article was originally published here
J Sex Med. 2020 Oct 9:S1743-6095(20)30936-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2020.09.013. Online ahead of print.
BACKGROUND: Men who contract coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) appear to have worse clinical outcomes compared with women which raises the possibility of androgen-dependent effects.
AIM: We sought to determine if testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is associated with worse clinical outcomes.
METHODS: Through a retrospective chart review, we identified 32 men diagnosed with COVID-19 and on TRT. They were propensity score matched to 63 men diagnosed with COVID-19 and not on TRT. Data regarding comorbidities and endpoints such as hospital admission, intensive care unit admission, ventilator utilization, thromboembolic events, and death were extracted. Chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests examined differences in categorical and continuous variables, respectively. Logistic regression analysis tested the relationship between TRT status and the study endpoints.
RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between the 2 groups, and TRT was not a predictor of any of the endpoints on multivariate analysis.
CONCLUSION: These results suggest that TRT is not associated with a worse clinical outcome in men diagnosed with COVID-19. Rambhatla A, Bronkema CJ, Corsi N, et al. COVID-19 Infection in Men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy. J Sex Med 2020;XX:XXX-XXX.
PMID:33191186 | DOI:10.1016/j.jsxm.2020.09.013
COVID-19 Infection in Men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy - DocWire News
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Overview and Forecast 2020 to 2026| AbbVie, Endo International, Eli lilly, Pfizer – Illadel Graff Supply

Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Growth 2020-2026
The main players in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Marketare studies, and their strategies are analyzed to arrive at competitive prospects, current growth strategies and potential for expansion. In addition, the competitive landscape is due to the presence of market suppliers, numerous sales channels and revenue options. Contributions from industry experts as well as market leaders are an important factor in this study. Parents market trends, micro and macroeconomic factors, government stipulations and consumer dynamics are also studied in the writing of this report.
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Report highlights: Report provides broad understanding of customer behavior and growth patterns in the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market Report sheds light on lucrative business prospects for the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market Readers will gain insight into upcoming products and related innovations in the global market of Testosterone Replacement Therapy The report provides details on the main strategic initiatives adopted by the main players in the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market The authors of the report examined the segments taking into account their profitability, market demand, turnover, production and growth potential In the geographic analysis, the report examines current market developments in various regions and countries.
The following Manufacturers are covered in this report:
AbbVie, Endo International, Eli lilly, Pfizer, Actavis (Allergan), Bayer, Novartis, Teva, Mylan, Upsher-Smith, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Kyowa Kirin, Acerus Pharmaceuticals
It gives a detailed description of drivers and opportunities in Testosterone Replacement Therapy market that helps the consumers and potential customers to get a clear vision and take effective decisions. Different analysis models, such as, Testosterone Replacement Therapy are used to discover the desired data of the target market. In addition to this, it comprises various strategic planning techniques, which promotes the way to define and develop the framework of the industries.
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Majortype, primarily split into
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Competition Analysis
This report examines the ups and downs of the leading key players, which helps to maintain proper balance in the framework. Different global regions, such as U.S., Europe, South America, Asia Pacific, Japan, and China are analyzed for the study of productivity along with its scope. Moreover, this report marks the factors, which are responsible to increase the patrons at domestic as well as global level.
The Testosterone Replacement Therapy market is expected to grow in the upcoming 2020 to 2026 year. Different risks are considered, that helps to evaluate the complexity in the framework. Progress rate of global industries is mentioned to give a clear picture of business approaches. Various factors, which are responsible for the growth of the market are mentioned accurately. The global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market is divided on the basis of domains along with its competitors. Drivers and opportunities are elaborated along with its scope that helps to boosts the performance of the industries. It throws light on different leading key players to recognize the existing outline of Testosterone Replacement Therapy market.
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Market Report Expert is a futuristic market intelligence company, helping customers flourish their business strategies and make better decisions using actionable intelligence. With transparent information pool, we meet clients objectives, commitments on high standard and targeting possible prospects for SWOT analysis and market research reports.
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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Overview and Forecast 2020 to 2026| AbbVie, Endo International, Eli lilly, Pfizer - Illadel Graff Supply
The Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market is expected to grow by $ 113.54 mn during 2020-2024, progressing at a CAGR of 1% during the…

New York, Nov. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market 2020-2024" - Our reports on the testosterone replacement therapy market provide a holistic analysis, market size and forecast, trends, growth drivers, and challenges, as well as vendor analysis covering around 25 vendors. The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current global market scenario, latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment. The market is driven by initiatives to increase awareness of diseases and untapped potential in developing countries. In addition, initiatives to increase awareness of diseases is anticipated to boost the growth of the market as well. The testosterone replacement therapy market analysis includes product segment and geographical landscapes.
The testosterone replacement therapy market is segmented as below: By Product Injectables Topicals Others
By Geographic Landscapes North America Europe Asia ROW
This study identifies the rise in chronic diseases as one of the prime reasons driving the testosterone replacement therapy market growth during the next few years.
The analyst presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources by an analysis of key parameters. Our testosterone replacement therapy market report covers the following areas: Testosterone replacement therapy market sizing Testosterone replacement therapy market forecast Testosterone replacement therapy market industry analysis
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About ReportlinkerReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place.
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The Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market is expected to grow by $ 113.54 mn during 2020-2024, progressing at a CAGR of 1% during the...
Some women turn to testosterone to treat sex drive & depression – NBC2 News

Testosterone has been helping men in the bedroom for years, but now, some doctors are prescribing testosterone to women.
Weve been treating men for low testosterone, said Dr. Meir Daller of Gulfstream Urology. Those men come home and the women say Wow he feels great, hes energetic, hes a different person, his mood swings are gone, and they say, Hey, I also want to feel great.'
Some medical experts believe testosterone can treat things like lack of energy, weight gain, and low libido. Its given to patients in multiple ways: creams, gels, injections, and pellets.
Testosterone is a controlled substance, Dr. Daller said. You should never get it from a buddy at the gym or from your friend. Besides the fact that its illegal, it can be dangerous. You need to check hormones, you need to have someone monitor them.
When people start using testosterone, male or female, you need to continue to stay on it for life.
Once they get on these treatments, you know most women within three months are feeling significant differences, said Mel Irvine, ARNP of Revitalize.
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Some women turn to testosterone to treat sex drive & depression - NBC2 News