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Feminizing hormone therapy: Medications, effects, and risks – Insider – INSIDER

Feminizing hormone therapy is a common way for transfeminine or gender non-binary individuals to achieve traditionally female characteristics and feel more comfortable in their own bodies. Here's how it works, what you can expect from the procedure, and important health risks to know.
Feminizing hormone therapy can involve taking estrogen and anti-androgen hormones. An anti-androgen is any drug that blocks the production of male sex hormones, mainly testosterone.
"We're increasing estrogen levels while also decreasing testosterone levels," says Ravi Iyengar, MD, an endocrinologist at Rush University Medical Center with a clinical expertise in transgender medicine.
Ultimately, the target is to lower the patient's testosterone levels to that of the typical cis female range, which is around 30 to 100 ng/dl. The following medications are usually used:
"I usually talk to most of my patients that, in general, hormone therapy is not quick to act. It's a process and it does take a couple of years," Iyengar says.
Here is a general timeline and description of the changes you might expect from feminizing hormone therapy:
Shayanne Gal/Insider
To develop the right individualized treatment plan, you should talk with your doctor about what you'd like to gain from feminizing hormone therapy and your preferred timetable, as you can adjust your dosage accordingly.
The lower your dose of feminizing hormones, the slower the changes you'll see in your body. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that higher doses cause faster changes, and they may even endanger your health.
In fact, high doses of estrogen can increase the risk of blood clots, stroke, and estrogen-related tumors, according to a 2018 study. That's why preliminary blood tests are important for those seeking to go on feminizing hormone therapy.
"Every person is unique based on their own health factors and their family history," says Amy Weimer, MD, a primary care physician with a clinical interest in transgender care at UCLA Health. "But at the very baseline, we typically check blood count and a liver and kidney panel, then may check tests for cholesterol or diabetes or occasionally hormone levels as well."
Blood clots are the best characterized risks for estrogen therapies, says Joshua Safer, MD, an endocrinologist at the Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital. However, they're not common. A 2017 study found that blood clots form within roughly two of 1,000 people on feminizing hormone therapy.
Those taking spironolactone must also know their baseline potassium levels. Spironolactone is known as a potassium-sparing diuretic, meaning it prevents the body from having low potassium levels. The drug blocks the hormone aldosterone, which causes the kidneys to pass fluid while keeping potassium.
In some cases, potassium could build up to higher than normal levels in a condition called hyperkalemia, though it is also rare.You should check in with your doctor if you experience the following symptoms of hyperkalemia:
Weimer also says there are a few medical cases where feminizing hormone therapy may be more harmful to your health, such as having signs of breast cancer, colorectal cancer, or any cancer sensitive to estrogen.
While feminizing hormone therapy comes with some health risks, for some people, not receiving this treatment can be even more harmful. "It is, for many people, a life-threatening condition to continue without access to hormone therapy," Weimer says. "It carries its own very high health risk."
To find an expert well-versed in transgender care, try to find a WPATH provider near you. WPATH stands for World Professional Association for Transgender Health and aims to promote evidence-based care, education, research, public policy, and respect in transgender health. Other good places to look for a provider include LGBT centers, community health centers, or community clinics, says Weimer.
Feminizing hormone therapy: Medications, effects, and risks - Insider - INSIDER
The Male Hypogonadism Market To Slither Amidst Covid-19, To Pick Up Pace Post-Covid-19, Reach US$ 3300 Mn – The Think Curiouser

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According to Persistence Market Researchs new report, globalmale hypogonadism marketis slated to exhibit a steady expansion throughout the forecast period (2017-2026). Revenues from the global market for male hypogonadism are estimated to exceed US$ 3,300 Mn by 2026-end.
Governments Taking Initiatives to Spread Awareness about Male Hypogonadism Therapeutics
Lack of sex hormones, usually referred to as male hypogonadism has resulted into many health risks that include osteoporosis, heart disease, and cardiovascular diseases on the back of thinning of bones. Global male hypogonadism market comprises several patented brands that currently have high market penetration. Proliferation in geriatric population in tandem with rising incidences related to rheumatoid arthritis and obesity have been primary factors affecting prevalence of male hypogonadism globally.
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Mounting incidences of testosterone deficiency in male population is a key factor that prevalence of male hypogonadism has surged worldwide. Several governments around the world have been taking initiatives to spread the awareness on hypogonadism treatment procedures, for example testosterone replacement therapy (TST), in order to relieve the painful burden on patients and their families.
As low testosterone levels are increasingly associated with exacerbation of chronic conditions, it further results into disorders apropos to hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Advent of TST has however enabled reduction in cases of male hypogonadism considerably. With growing awareness related to its treatment among patients, the market is likely to gain an uptick during the forecast period.
Rising availability of the selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) has further sustained the market expansion. The development and high availability of SARMs has led toward the provision of improved treatment procedure to patients having androgen deficiencies, thereby influencing the market growth.
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North America will continue to Dominate Global Male Hypogonadism Market
North America will continue to dominate the global male hypogonadism market, with more than one-third revenue share during the forecast period. In addition, revenues from the male hypogonadism market in North America will exhibit the fastest expansion through 2026, as compared to those from all the other regional segments comprised in the report. Europe and Asia-Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ) are also expected to remain lucrative for the male hypogonadism market. The market in APEJ will ride on a slightly higher CAGR than that in Europe through 2026.
Topical gels are expected to remain the most lucrative among drugs available for treatment of male hypogonadism globally, with sales projected to register the fastest expansion through 2026. Injectables will also remain a major revenue contributor to the market. Sales of injectable and transdermal patches are poised to reflect an equal CAGR through 2026.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy to Remain Preferred among Patients
Based on therapy, testosterone replacement therapy is expected to remain preferred among patients with male hypogonadism worldwide. Roughly 66% revenue share of the market is expected to be held by revenues from testosterone replacement therapy by 2026-end. Revenues from gonadotropin replacement therapy will remain slightly more than half revenues gained from testosterone replacement therapy throughout the forecast period.
Klinefelters syndrome is expected to remain the most prevalent disease type observed in the male hypogonadism market, and revenues from treatment of this disease will exceed US$ 1,800 Mn by 2026-end. Kallmann Syndrome and Pituitary Adenomas among disease types will also account for major revenue shares of the market by 2026-end.
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The Male Hypogonadism Market To Slither Amidst Covid-19, To Pick Up Pace Post-Covid-19, Reach US$ 3300 Mn - The Think Curiouser
Free Will Astrology: November 4, 2020 – River Cities Reader

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Aries poet Charles Baudelaire championed the privilege and luxury of changing one's mind. He thought it was natural and healthy to always keep evolving beyond one's previous beliefs and attitudes, even if that meant one might seem inconsistent or irrational. "It is lamentable," he once proclaimed, "that, among the Rights of Human Beings, the right to contradict oneself has been disregarded." I bring these thoughts to your attention, dear Aries, so that you will feel at peace with the prospect of outgrowing rules, strategies, and approaches that have worked well for you up until now but that have outlived their usefulness.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The horoscopes I write are my love letters to you. As I compose them, my goal is to celebrate your beauty and strength even as I discern what's lacking in your life and what confusions might be undermining you. In my philosophy of life, that's how love works at its best: remaining keenly aware of the good qualities in the beloved while helping them deal with their problems and heal their wounds. I suggest that in the coming weeks you adopt my approach for use with your own close relationships. Your allies are in special need of both your praise and your rectifications.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): When Charles de Gaulle was 15 years old, he wrote "General de Gaulle," a short story in which he envisioned himself, many years in the future, as a general in the French army. Thirty-five years later, his imaginary tale came true, as he became a general of the free French army fighting against Germany in World War II. In the spirit of de Gaulle's prophecy, and in accordance with current astrological omens, I encourage you to compose a comparable tale about your own destiny. Have fun as you visualize in great detail a successful role you will play months or even years from now.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): In 1903, archaeologists digging in a cave in Cheddar Gorge, England found the fossilized remains of "Cheddar Man," a person who had lived there 9,000 years earlier. In 1997, DNA tests revealed that a teacher named Adrian Targett, who was living a half-mile from the cave, was a direct descendant of Cheddar Man. I propose that we invoke this scenario to serve as a metaphor for you in the coming months. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, your ancestors are likely to play a bigger role in your life than usual. Connections between you and them will be more vivid and influential and worthy of your meditations.
LEO (July 23-August 22): According to the film Amadeus, composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (17561791) and Antonio Salieri (17501825) were adversaries who disliked and undermined each other. But there's evidence that this was not entirely true. In fact, they collaborated on creating a cantata that was performed by Nancy Storace, a famous singer they both admired. It's unlikely they would have cooperated in such a way unless they had a working relationship. I suspect that a comparable correction is due in your world, Leo. It's time to dissolve a misunderstanding or restore a lost truth or fix an old story that got some of the facts wrong.
VIRGO (August 23-September 22): The coming weeks will be a favorable time for you to ask for help and seek support. I urge you to be forthright in doing so! Resources that have been inaccessible before may be more available now. I suspect you will be able to capitalize on the luck and skill of allies who have benefited from your favors in the past. Their successes could bring you blessings and their breakthroughs should inspire you to instigate breakthroughs in your own life. Be straightforward: Ask them to lend their influence in your behalf.
LIBRA (September 23-October 22): In the 1970s, an Englishman named Stephen Pile founded the Not Terribly Good Club. It was designed to be a gathering place for mediocre people whose lives were marked by inadequacy and incompetence. To organize his thoughts about the club's themes, Pile eventually published a book titled The Book of Heroic Fallures. Unfortunately, it sold so many copies that he got expelled from his own club. He had become too successful! I suspect that in the coming months, you may have an experience akin to his. The odds are good that you'll find interesting success in an area of your life where you have previously been just average.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): "At every crossroad, be prepared to bump into wonder," wrote Scorpio poet James Broughton. I believe that's stirring advice for you to keep in mind during the coming weeks. Broughton's words inspired me to come up with a corollary for you to heed, as well: "At every turning point, be ready to stumble into an opportunity disguised as a problem." I've got one more clue for you. Last night in my dream, my Scorpio poetry teacher offered a thought that's well-suited for you right now: "Whenever you want to take a magic twisty leap into the big fresh future, be willing to engage in one last wrestling match with the past."
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21): Actor Gary Busey is quirky and kooky, but his peculiar rants sometimes make good sense. Here's one that I suspect might be useful for you to consider during the next two weeks: "It's good for everyone to understand that they are to love their enemies, simply because your enemies show you things about yourself you need to change. So in actuality enemies are friends in reverse." I don't mean to imply that your adversaries and nemeses are totally accurate in their critiques of you. But there may be a thing or two you can learn from them right now that would truly improve your life.
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): Musician John Coltrane described one of his life goals as follows: "There are forces out here that bring suffering to others and misery to the world," he said. "But I want to be the opposite force. I want to be the force which is truly for good." Even if that's not an intention at the core of your long-term plans, Capricorn, I recommend you consider adopting it during the next few weeks. Being a vigorous and rigorous force for good will be especially needed by the people with whom you associate and will also result in you attracting interesting benefits.
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18): Known as "the bad boy of bridge," Aquarian-born Geir Helgemo is a champion in the card game of bridge. At times he has been the top-rated player among Open World Grand Masters. But in 2019, he was suspended from the World Bridge Federation for a year because he tested positive for taking testosterone supplements that are banned. Why did he do it? He hasn't said. There is some scientific research suggesting that testosterone may boost cognitive function, but other evidence says it doesn't. I'd like to use Helgemo's foolishness as a teaching story for your use, Aquarius. According to my astrological analysis, you're approaching the peak of your competence and confidence. There's no need for you to cheat or sneak or misbehave in a misplaced effort to seek an even greater advantage. In fact, righteous integrity will enhance your intelligence.
PISCES (February 19-March 20): "I might really have gone round the bend," confessed Botswana author Bessie Head. "I mean people who get visions and see a gigantic light descend on them from the sky can't be all there, but if so I feel mighty happy. If one is happy and cracked it's much better than being unhappy and sane." Although I don't expect your state of mind in the coming weeks will be as extreme as Bessie Head's, Pisces, I do suspect it will have resemblances to her dreamy cheerfulness. If I had to give a title to this upcoming phase, it might be "Wise Folly." And yes, I do think your "craziness" will generate useful insights and fertile revelations.
Homework: At what moment in your past were you happiest about the person you were? Can you recreate it? Visit
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Free Will Astrology: November 4, 2020 - River Cities Reader
You Don’t Have to Go Keto to Lose Weight, Says This Diet Expert – The Beet

Everyone is confused about carbs That's the conclusion of keto thought-leader and best-selling author, Dr. EricWestman,who has written a book to clear up our misconceptions about how to lose weight and still eat carbs:End Your Carb Confusion: A Simple Guide to Customize Your Carb Intake For OptimalHealth(coming out December 15th). He teamed up with Amy Berger CNS to teach ushow to use carbs to fuel our healthy bodies and reach our weight loss goals, without having to worry about ketones.
Dr. Westman is an obesity doctor and expert who has helped patients lose over 26,000 pounds, at his Keto Medicine Clinic at Duke University and helped patients reverse conditions like type 2 diabetes, PCOS, high blood pressure, and more. He shares his advice here, and it's super simple. We each have an individual tolerance for carbs, but everyone should give up sugar.
"Each individualhas a carb threshold," explains Dr. Westman. It's knowing yours that is the key to unlocking your healthy weight loss as you allow healthy whole-grain carbs into your diet," he says. He adds that the keto diet is not unhealthy in itself, it's how you go keto that poses a potential healthrisk. "Eating carbs, in the form of vegetables and fruits, is actually healthy for you and allows you to get essential nutrients your body needs," Dr. Westman explains. "When the keto diet really took hold, there was a wave of information and, sadly, misinformation out there, and folks got confused and stopped eating carbs."
No need.The aim of Dr.Westman's new book is to put to bed the confusionabout carb consumption and how to eat carbs the right way. InEnd Your Carb Confusion, the authors share atime-tested & science-backed strategy where they explain how to find the levelof carbohydrate intake that's right for each individual.
"I've been known for my work in low-carb diets and was actually one of the early researchers who started working with Dr. Atkins when he was first studying the best way to help people lose weight, even before the Atkins Diet was published. We published it and then I taught in 18 countries. I have also studied a low-glycemic diet and a low-fat diet. It's great to see keto become so popular. The whole low-fat tend made a lot of things worse, since we now know that it's not fat that's the problem, it's sugar.
So basically everyone got the message that carbs are bad.But how low on the spectrum do you have to go?If your metabolism is okay, you can eat more carbs, or if you're young and super active and don't have a case of diabetes, high blood sugar, or metabolic syndrome, you can tolerate carbs. These areconditions keto is great for.
But there is going to be a limited audience for those who even consider doing keto.We wanted to take a broader audience who might not want to do keto because they have to give up bread and pasta etc. Instead, I want to teach them that carbs are not the bad guy, Sugar is the bad guy.The other common-sense thing to realize is that we are all different when it comes to what works. Think about it: We all have relatives and friends whocan eat carbs, so why is that. So hopefully it will explain the obvious that there are a lot of people eating carbs and they're healthy.
"I don't think everyone has to do keto to lose weight," said Dr. Westman, "but here is the knowledge Ihave from decades of doing research on the commonality of all diets that are healthy: You want to eliminate refined sugar or refined starches like bread, pasta, white rice, and all processed foods. You want to eliminate things made in a factory: like Cheetos and candy bars." Other than that, individuals have to find their own tolerance for the whole-food carbs they eat, especially when it comes to fruit and vegetables, he adds.
Dr. Westman offersguidelines to proceed with caution toward whole foods that drive up insulin. "I don't push fruits or some vegetables (like potatoes), and that has been a cause for some consternation among those who are looking for a low fat, healthy diet. You get all the nutrients you need on a low-carb diet. You can eat any kind of plant-based diet and have high fiber foods, but watch how much high-glycemic fruit you are eating in a day.
What I can give is the perspective from years of research is that ahealthy diet is one where you keep sugar low. Eating an apple is fine, as long as your metabolism is normal. My brother can eat a lot of fruit, but I can't. What I have seen it in my clinic is that the diet that works for one person is not great for another. You will get some natural sugar in an apple, but keep in mind that a medium-sized apple has about20 grams of sugar, so you may not want to eat five apples a day.
"We look at the context of an entire dietary pattern, exclusive of sugar, refined carbs or candy. But then you meet someone who can eat all carbs they want and stay slim.There are a lot of individual differences and the optimal diet for your health will depend upon matching the carbohydrate level to your metabolism. Now people think you have to moderate carbs more than you do fats, but that is a new view.
"The other part of the book is to make it simple, sowe don't ask people to count the fiber grams and the sugars and the fat grams. I don't think there is a science to say you need to do that. There are a lot of ways to eat healthily and lose weight.
"Sugar addiction is real. A lot of people can eat sugar and drink alcohol but others can't," he explains."I follow a low-carb diet because it's tasty and it works. The research showed me this. I have found that for some people it's harder to give up carbs than cigarettes. Sometimes I wish that sugar was smelly because that would up the pressure to not have it.
"I have seen people get bariatric surgery because they can't get rid of the sugar. I want people to get the message that losing weight is not about the fat you eat, it's about the carbs you eat. You don't have to do keto to be healthy in general. You just have to quit sugar."
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You Don't Have to Go Keto to Lose Weight, Says This Diet Expert - The Beet
Experts are Questioning the Efficacy of This Popular Weight Loss App – Yahoo Lifestyle

Struggling with weight loss is one of the most common shared human experiences. The CDC places the percentage of obese American adults at 42.4%, and new research suggests that more people are on a diet than ever before. (Given the health risks associated with obesity and its link to COVID-19 complications, that's good to hear.) For any possible reason people want or need to drop pounds, there are about a dozen more weight-loss methods for them to choose from.
For centuries, people have tried it all, from ingesting tapeworms in the early 1900s (yikes) to today's popular (but controversial) intermittent fasting. Of course, different approaches have different levels of effectiveness, and the most important factor in any weight-loss program is sustainabilityaka the ability to maintain it for a long time. The quest for such a solution has led many people to download Noom, an app that claims: "Stop Dieting. Get Life-Long Results." (Related: 100 Unhealthiest Foods on the Planet.)
Founded in 2008 by Saeju Jeong and Artem Petakov, Noom's philosophy is one we know well: Crash diets don't work, and people need lasting, healthy lifestyles in order to lose weight and keep it off. The app charges $59 per month or $199 annually and uses psychology in its weight-loss methodology. Specifically, it employs cognitive behavioral therapy (or CBT), which is a common type of talk therapy in which users are encouraged to reflect on their habits, emotions, and thoughts. In this case, this analysis is in regards to food and eating habits in order to identify and permanently improve any problematic tendencies.
While Noom outwardly subscribes to mindful eating over crash dieting and calorie-counting, the program actually does end up counting calories because users have to log everything they eat. It also provides information on healthy vs. not-so-healthy foods, quizzes, and the ability to chat with fellow users and/or trainers (who are not all registered dietitians but are approved by the National Consortium for Credentialing Health&Wellness Coaches). The amount of information, the virtual support system, and the real-time guidance are objectively helpful tools that users have found success with.
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Currently, there are 45 million Noom users and the company claims to have helped 1.5 million people lose weight. However, for every happy user review and expert endorsement, it seems there has also been negative critques and concerns raised (oh, and a slew of Better Business Bureau complaints, too).
Most recently, Vice writer Sarah Hurtes investigated whether or not Noom works and/or promotes disordered eating. The main problems Hurtes found have already been flagged by NBC: the app can sometimes recommend daily calorie totals for users that are too low to be healthy, the program fails to ask new users if they have a history of disordered eating, and while the behavioral therapy approach could be a game-changer in theory, Noom doesn't have enough trainers on hand for users to get the one-on-one attention necessary for it to work.
When we asked experts to weigh in on the app, they raised their own concerns as well.
"This approach works for some people and not for others," NYC-based registered dietitian Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD tells Eat This, Not That! "Many are overwhelmed by logging every single thing they eat, and they give up on their weight loss journey Others find tracking calories a useful toolit helps them recognize proper portion sizes and not overeat."
Mitzi Dulan, RD, founder of simplyFUEL, agrees. "I do believe Noom can effectively help some people lose weight in a healthy way by logging food intake, goal setting, and using cognitive behavior therapy."
However, both Rizzo and Dulan express concern about the fine line between helpful food-logging and encouraging disordered eating habits. "Anyone with a history of disordered eating should absolutely not track calories, as it can induce unhealthy thoughts surrounding food," Rizzo says.
In other words, Noom can certainly work for those with no history of disordered eating who are ready to track calories and analyze their eating habits. But anyone who has ever struggled with restricting themselves too much should instead seek the help of specialized therapists and dietitians.
"The vast majority of people have an exceptional experience using coaching and psychology to lose weight using Noom, but like with anything in life, it's not the perfect fit for everyone," says Shanon Whittingham, a holistic nutritionist who is also a health coach for Noom. "It really comes down to trying it out for at least a month to give it a good feel, and then deciding from there if it's a good plan for you."
While Whittingham has seen Noom's CBT approach help users on a daily basis, she advises potential users to think about how they like to work on their weight loss. Noom offers different options for food logging as well as group or one-on-one coaching, but some people may still find that specialized attention from a registered dietitian or nutritionist is best.
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Experts are Questioning the Efficacy of This Popular Weight Loss App - Yahoo Lifestyle
7 Vegan Lunches for Weight Loss, According to Nutritionists – The Beet

Lunch: That often overlooked meal that is actually so important. It keeps your blood sugar stable, gives you energy to power through your afternoon, and provides you with a necessary break from staring at your laptop screen on your couch because, lets be real, thats been the office for the past few months.
Below, nutritionists share their go-to healthy vegan lunches thatcoupled with a balanced diet and exercisecan help you lose weight. As an added benefit, many of these dishes are cook once, eat multiple time deals, providing you with tasty leftovers for days to come.
How to make it: Toss together one-and-a-half cups cooked lentils, one cup canned chickpeas (drained and rinsed), a -cup diced bell peppers, and a -cup diced cucumbers. For the dressing, whisk together three tablespoons of lemon juice, four teaspoons of olive oil, one-and-a-half teaspoons of grainy Dijon mustard, one-and-a-half teaspoons of maple syrup, and a -teaspoon Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Pour dressing over lentil chickpea salad and toss to combine. Serve over a bed of your favorite lettuce, if youd like. Optional: Add a -cup pomegranate arils or two tablespoons dried cranberries for a touch of sweetness. This recipe makes eight -cup servings
Why it helps with weight loss: This is a delicious and healthy lunch for plant-based eaters looking to lose weight. It's rich in fiber and plant-based protein, two nutrients that will keep you full and satiated, comments Levinson. It's also quick and easy to make, especially if you use canned or vacuum-sealed ready-to-eat lentils, she adds, advising you whip this salad up over the weekend to have at the ready for a quick weekday lunch.
How to make it: Add two-and-a-half cups brown lentils to a large pot with seven cups of water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes. Add one cup of jasmine rice and simmer for an additional 15 minutes. While the lentils and rice are cooking, halve, peel, and slice six onions. Saut onions in -cup olive oil, stirring frequently for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown and caramelized. Once the lentils and rice are done, remove the pot from heat and let sit for 10 minutes before removing the lid. Stir in one tablespoon of cumin, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a teaspoon salt and teaspoon black pepper, and half of the onions to the lentil-and-rice pot and combine. Portion out servings and top with remaining onions. The recipe makes 12 servings, so it's perfect for meal prepping lunches for the week, says Gagnon.
Why it helps with weight loss: With less than 300 calories per serving, Mujadara is an excellent lunch choice for those trying to lose weight. It is packed full of protein, fiber, and healthy fat which helps slow down digestion and keeps us staying full longer, notes Gagnon. It's an inexpensive dish that is nutrient-dense and packed full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. You can experiment with green lentils and basmati rice in lieu of brown lentils and jasmine rice.
How to make it: Combine two tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, one-and-a-half tablespoons balsamic vinegar, one tablespoon pure maple syrup, and two teaspoons Dijon mustard in a sealed container, such as a mason jar. Shake until well combined, and set aside. Spray a grill or cast-iron grill pan with spray oil. Grill onions, garlic, and squash over medium-high heat flipping once, until desired tenderness. Grill lemon wedges until slightly browned, turning once. Place a bed of arugula in two bowls, and top with one cup cooked quinoa, prepared with low-sodium vegetable broth according to package directions. Add grilled vegetables, tomatoes, one cup low-sodium canned kidney beans, drained and rinsed, and half an avocado, sliced. Season with salt and pepper; drizzle with maple-Dijon dressing. Add lemon wedge, and enjoy immediately. This recipe makes two servings.
Why it helps with weight loss: I love making this vegan bowl for lunch. Its filled with so many fueling plant-based ingredientsincluding quinoa, grilled veggies, and canned beans, shares Gorin. Its an excellent source of both protein and fiber, which work together to keep you filled for longer. This means less snacking!
How to make it: Rinse and drain a can of chickpeas. Next you will want to use a frying pan to defrost three cups of frozen cauliflower (feel free to use a tri-color frozen mix). Once they have come to a boil, turn the heat down and pour in the can of chickpeas. Allow both ingredients to simmer and warm up together. Once the chickpeas are a little softer (about three-to-four minutes), pour in a store-bought yellow curry sauce. Allow all of this to simmer for about two minutes. When you are ready to eat, you can top with a teaspoon of golden raisins for added sweetness and a teaspoon of toasted slivered almonds for some healthy fats. This recipe makes three servings and each serving is one-and-a-half cups.
Why it helps with weight loss: The cauliflower adds fiber and antioxidants. Combined with the chickpeas, a plant protein that is also a complex carbohydrate, you also get more fiber, shares Batayneh, noting that a cup of chickpeas boasts 14 grams of protein and 12 grams of fiber. The fiber and protein in the chickpeas help to keep your blood sugar stable which can impact your energy, mood, and cravings. Got leftovers? Use it in a wrap the next day, Batayneh suggests.
How to make it: Toast two slices of whole wheat bread or a whole-wheat English Muffin. While the bread is toasting, mash half an avocado with Kosher salt and pepper. Spread mashed avocado on both slices of toasted bread. Top one piece of bread with two or three slices of baked tofu, sliced tomato, and arugula. Cover with a second slice of bread and enjoy. If youre feeling fancy, you can also add a drizzle of olive oil or balsamic vinegar (or both) on your sandwich before serving.
Why it helps with weight loss: Take your avocado toast to greater nutrition heights with this simple recipe that contains plant-based protein, healthy fat, and fiber. Avocados are a good source of fiber and healthy, unsaturated fat, and recent researchshowed an increase in satiety when avocados are added to meals. Research also showsan association between tofu/soy food consumption and weight loss, comments Levinson.
How to make it: Simply mix the following ingredients together in a bowl: two cans of chickpeas (drained), one cup of edamame, one cup of carrots (grated), one red bell pepper (diced), one yellow bell pepper (diced), -cup of scallions (thinly sliced), -cup of dried cranberries, -cup of olive oil, two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, one teaspoon of cumin, -teaspoon of Italian seasoning, -teaspoon of garlic powder, -teaspoon salt, and a -teaspoon black pepper. This recipe makes six servings so meal prep away.
Why it helps with weight loss: Packed full of protein, fiber, and healthy fat, this chickpea salad will keep you feeling satisfied for hours. There are only 200 calories per serving, but lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, states Gagnon, noting that this salad provides more than 100% of the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) for vitamins A and C.
How to make it: Mix together one-and-a-half cups of cooked quinoa, one cup of diced, cooked beets, one tablespoon of olive oil, two teaspoons of lemon juice, -teaspoon of Kosher salt, and freshly ground pepper to taste. You can add chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, edamame beans, or cubed tofu if youd like a protein boost, notes Levinson. Serve on top of a bed of lettuce or eat on its own. This recipe makes four -cup servings.Why it helps with weight loss: Protein and fiber from quinoa combine with antioxidant-rich beets and a light lemon vinaigrette dressing to provide you with a light vegan lunch, says Levinson, adding that you can reduce prep time by using pre-cooked beets.
Here is the original post:
7 Vegan Lunches for Weight Loss, According to Nutritionists - The Beet
Ipswich train driver and conductor join forces to lose weight – East Anglian Daily Times

PUBLISHED: 12:44 06 November 2020 | UPDATED: 12:47 06 November 2020
Sarah Chambers
From left, Ipswich train driver Dean Barnes and conductor Al Collis who have joined forces to lose weight Picture: GREATER ANGLIA
Greater Anglia
Two train operatives have shared their weight loss journey after teaming up to shed three stone apiece.
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Train driver Dean Barnes, 37, and conductor, 35, Al Collis, both work on the Greater Anglia routes out of Ipswich.
They joined forces to lose weight together, launching a YouTube channel about their progress.
On November 4 and 5 they shared their story at the rail industrys Rail Wellbeing Live event to inspire 9,000 other participants to focus on health and wellbeing.
MORE BT faces threat of possible strike action in row over jobs and payAfter Dean reached around 16.5 stone and Al 20.5 stone in weight they talked to each other about how their weight was making them unhappy and becoming a problem for their health and relationships.
Both had tried various diets with little success so decided to they needed to focus on losing weight and staying positive.
They teamed up to start a YouTube and Twitter channel where they could talk about their issues with weight and how they were going to tackle them practically in their everyday lives.
Since August, Dean and Al have been using their videos to motivate themselves and set challenges from setting personal meal plans to running 60 miles in a month, and testing apps and technology aimed at helping them keep fit.
They are now 12 weeks into a 52-week plan during which they hope to shed at least three stone each.
Driving a train can be lonely, which is partly why I eat a lot at work, explained Dean.
Weve both got families and we decided we needed to lose fat and get fitter but finding a way of doing it where we wouldnt fail like we had in the past so many times.
The YouTube channel was really Als idea and it was our way of getting us motivated and keeping us accountable to losing weight and so far, fingers crossed, it seems to be working.
Wellbeing is really important in the rail industry, especially during these trying times with Covid and I hope our example inspires others to tackle the issues that affect them.
Al said: Dean and I got fed up with our weight not going down after various attempts individually so we made a pact with each other that we could become fit and healthy for the sake of ourselves, our families and each other. The videos we make together are our experiences of trying to lose weight in the real world and theres certainly no fake glamour to what we do. So far, were on track to achieve our goals and with hundreds of followers already, we are hoping to inspire others too.
Dean and Als weight-loss journey can be found on their YouTube channel at: here or their Twitter feed here
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See the rest here:
Ipswich train driver and conductor join forces to lose weight - East Anglian Daily Times
Eating mangosteen may reduce risk of cancerous cell growth and promote weight loss – Express

One of the most effective deterrents is to lose weight.
According to Cancer Research UK, obesity is the second biggest preventable cause of cancer in the UK - more than one in 20 cancer cases are caused by excess weight.
What's more, the risk is higher the more weight a person gains and the longer they are overweight, the charity warns.
Fortunately, making even minor adjustments to your lifestyle can aid weight loss, thereby reducing your risk of cancer.
READ MORE:How to live longer: Drink which helps prevent diabetes, cancer, obesity & boosts longevity
Similarly, in a small, eight-week study, people who supplemented their diets with three, six or nine ounces (90, 180, or 270 ml) of mangosteen juice twice daily tended to have a lower body mass index (BMI) than the control group.
Additional research on mangosteen and obesity is limited, but experts theorise that the fruits anti-inflammatory effects play a role in promoting fat metabolism and preventing weight gain.
Population studies show that diets rich in vegetables and fruits like mangosteen are associated with reduced incidences of cancer.
Specific plant compounds in mangosteen including xanthones have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which may help fight the development and spread of cancerous cells.
Multiple test-tube studies reveal that xanthones can inhibit cancer cell growth, including in breast, stomach, and lung tissue.
Similarly, a small number of studies observed that this compound may slow the progression of colon and breast cancer in mice.
In addition to eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly can promote weight loss and reduce the risk of cancer.
In fact, many studies have found that regular physical activity can reduce the risk of cancer.
According to Macmillan, you should try to do at least 30 minutes of activity every day.
"Your cancer risk is reduced further if you are active for more than 30 minutes a day and if you exercise harder (vigorous activity)," says the charity.
Vigorous and high intensity activity makes you breathe hard and fast. "If you're working at this level, you will not be able to say more than a few words without pausing for breath," explains the NHS.
Examples of vigorous activities:
Read this article:
Eating mangosteen may reduce risk of cancerous cell growth and promote weight loss - Express
How to avoid weight gain at home: 8 home weight loss tips and essential equipment – T3

'How to avoid weight gain at home' is a question many of us are asking ourselves right now. With a second lockdown already happening in many countries, keeping the waistline from increasing even further will be more and more difficult for many. Getting hold of the best home gym equipment is still a bit tricky but even without those, you can boost metabolism and keep weight gain at bay with the blow weight loss tips.
Managing your weight is beneficial for both your physical and mental wellbeing. With a few simple tricks and lifestyle adjustments, you can make sure the pounds stay off and who knows, you might even shed a few kilos in the process. The fact is, the best way to lose belly fat is to pay close attention to your diet. Not surprisingly, the best way to get a six pack is to eat right (and, to some degree, to workout). And make sure you avoid these 5 types of food too if you don't want to gain weight.
The tips below can be used on their own or you can even combine them as you see fit. Very important, however, is not to overdo it and do vigorous exercising while not eating much at all. That is just plain dangerous and can get you injured in no time. Be sensible and if you had any issues with obesity before or are really unfit, consider talking to a health professional before you implement any drastic changes in your lifestyle.
(Image credit: The Protein Works)
It's really not rocket science: if you don't want to out on weight, you have to stop eating more than your body needs. Even if before the mandatory isolation you have been living a relative sedentary lifestyle, being indoors for 99% of time means you are burning less calories than you used to. And this means you should eat less to adjust to this new lifestyle.
Of course, you can offset the lack of outdoor exercising with indoor exercising but there are other ways to keep the waist slim that doesn't involve gruelling physical activity. And the best of them all is to be more mindful about how and what you eat.
Without trying to convert anybody to mindfulness and being present, try stopping for a second anytime before you raid your cupboard for some food. Ask yourself the question: am I hungry or just bored? Was there anything I was supposed to do before I decided to eat? Something I had to deal with? Unhealthy eating habits often stem from procrastination and us not wanting to deal with the task at hand.
If you are a big fan of fried food, one obvious way to reduce calorie and fat intake is to get one a best air fryer. Air fried food isn't necessarily as delicious as deep- or even shallow-fried, but it does retain a fried/roasted taste and mouth-feel whilst using as little as a tenth of the fat of frying or roasting. We know they're in demand right now, cos they keep selling out.
Ninja Air Fryer that Cooks, Crisps and Dehydrates, with 4 Quart Capacity | On sale for $99.99 | Was $129.99 | You save $30 at AmazonAir fry with 'up to 75 percent less fat' than traditional frying methods. The Ninja Air Fryer has a wide temperature range of 105-400 degrees Fahrenheit that allows you to gently remove moisture from foods or quickly cook and crisp foods, should you want to. Now Under $100 at Amazon!View Deal
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Another way to to eat less is to face how much we eat in general. Considering the amount of processed food we eat, it's easy to count the amount of caloriesand macronutrients (lipids[fat]/carbs/protein) we consume by using apps that scan barcodes of food items and does the adding up for us.
The best known of these apps is MyFitnessPal, but there are many other apps that can do the same thing. Garmin watches can integrate with it o you can see calories consumed vs calories burned on your wrist. Fitbit does a similar thing with its Fitbit Premium service.
By realising just how many calories are in certain food items we eat, we can make more educated decisions about snacking in the future. Can you eat a box of Jaffa cakes in one sitting? That's 450 'bad' calories consumed and to burn it off, you would have to do an hour of HIIT workouts. Which you probably won't.
(Image credit: Puriton)
A 2012 research called "Dietary intakes associated with successful weight loss and maintenance during the Weight Loss Maintenance Trial" came to the following conclusion: "participants who substituted protein for fat lost, on average, 0.33 kg per 6-months during Phase I and 0.07 kg per 6-months during Phase II per 1% increase in protein." Also, "increased intake of fruits and vegetables was associated with weight loss in Phases I and II: 0.29 kg per 6-months and 0.04 kg per 6-months, respectively, per 1-serving increase."
'Phase I' referred to an initial 6 month weight loss phase, while 'Phase II' 30-month weight loss maintenance phase. As always, though, we recommend taking these results with a pinch of salt. We are not questioning the validity of the research it was a long-term randomised controlled trial but we also don't recommend getting rid of all the fat from your diet.
However, adding more protein to your diet can curb hunger by making you feel fuller. As well as that, since our bodies haven't got protein reserves, swapping out some bad carbs and fats to protein could help you lose weight and keep it off. Controlling energy intake wouldn't hurt either.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Even if you don't want to swap out Mars bars for kale and broccoli, you can drastically reduce calorie consumption by only eating in a certain time-window a day. Probably the most popular way is to do intermittent fasting. There are two ways to go about it: either the 5:2 diet or the 16:8 fast diet.
With the 5:2 diet, you restrict calorie intake for two days a week, down to 700-800 calories, while for the rest of the weeks you eat normally. The 16:8 diet is a daily fast, where you eat only in an 8-hour window. With the latter, the most convenient way is to fast while you sleep: have your last meal at around 8 pm, and have the next one at 12 pm the next day. This way, you sleep through most of the fats, making it super easy to do so. Well, somewhat easier anyway.
Wild West Original Jerky, 12 x 35g bags | 21 at AmazonFor a calorie-dense but nutritious snack, nothing beats jerky or biltong cured meat snacks high in protein. This Wild West Original comes in handy 35g bags, to keep yourself fuller for longer. It's packed full of protein to help build muscle after a workout (13.2g per pack, to be precise), and is gluten free.View Deal
(Image credit: Sundried)
Drinking more water is beneficial for a lot of reasons and now that we are all grounded in our homes, people can't really use the usual excuse not to drink more, which is "I'll need to go to the toilet more often", since the loo is really always available at home (we hope so anyway).
Drinking plenty of water can help metabolism and, most importantly, it can also help you feel fuller for longer. The best combination is eating more fibrous food more vegetables, mainly and drinking plenty of water. Cold-pressed bars are okay as a snack too with lots of water, although they are by nature quite high in sugar.
Low-sugar protein bars and savoury snacks like beef or vegan jerky are a great alternative to chocolate bars as a mid-afternoon snack. Nuts are okay although they are very energy dense (high in good fats) so you should only eat a small portion at the time.
(Image credit: Fitbit)
Although we are stuck indoors, having a fitness tracker or running watch around your wrist can still be beneficial. One of the more casual feature of these fitness wearables is the 'movement reminder' that prompts you, once every hour, to get up and walk for a bit. Now, being in isolation doesn't help but getting off from the sofa periodically can be beneficial for your overall wellbeing nevertheless, even if it is just to have a stretch or to put away some washing.
Fitness trackers and running watches also measure calories burned so you it can adjust your calorie consumption to your calorie expenditure. These devices are not ultra precise but they will give you a good estimate nevertheless.
Fitbit Versa 2 | Sale price 155.03 | Was 199.99 | Save 44.96 at AmazonThe Fitbit Versa 2 is always getting price cuts and is currently 40 off at Amazon UK. See below for the best prices in your country. The stylish Versa 2 features advanced cardio tracking as well as step and sleep tracking, and has Alexa built in. It's not got GPS but, of course, you don't need that indoors anywayView Deal
(Image credit: Tanita)
Just like fitness trackers, bathroom scales the smart scale variety can also measure energy expenditure and tell you how many calories you burn, as well as other deets about your body, like bone/muscle mass and, most importantly, body fat percentage.
They don't even cost the earth either: the Tanita BC-401 body composition monitor is less than 80 and measures 10 different body metrics. Cheaper than getting a Garmin Fenix 6 Pro, for sure, although the Tanita BC-401 won't be that much of a help when it comes to navigating forest trails, unlike the Garmin's offline topographic maps.
Today's best Tanita scales deals
Tanita RD-953 InnerScan PRO
Tanita RD-901 InnerScan PRO...
(Image credit: Fitbit)
HIIT workouts have never really gone out of fashion but they are definitely 'in' at the moment, mainly because they are an effective way to burn calories and can be done indoors, using your bodyweight only, a kettlebell, dumbbells, treadmills, exercise bikes, rowing machines and basically everything you can think off. We have seen a gym water bottle tabata workout before, too.
Should you be considering doing HIIT workouts, we have an article about why should you try HIIT and there is also the Trion app that can generate over a billion different workouts to try at home. And, of course, you can try to follow along the Mike Tyson bodyweight workout, although that certainly won't be a walk in the park.
(Image credit: Vivobarefoot)
Best way to motivate yourself to move more and therefore to burn more calories more efficiently is set up a challenge for yourself. Although you can't leave the house for leisure activities but you still have plenty of options. How about a 30-day push up challenge? Start with doing one on day one and adding one more every day and see if you can keep up with the pace.
Have you got a pull up bar? How about learning how to do pull ups properly? Or mastering chin ups. Don't know what the difference is? Here is a handy article on the subject: chin up vs pull up which one is better for you? If you have an ab wheel knocking about somewhere in the house, you can challenge yourself to actually learn how to use roller properly.
Maybe you can improve your mobility? Improving hamstring flexibility can be quite challenging for some but being more flexible can improve your general comfort levels significantly. Shoulder mobility is also a massive issue among the adult population: get some resistance bands and do two-arm shoulder circles.
How about making your feet more flexible? Having flexible toes can improve balance and alleviate some back problems too. There is an excellent article on the subject at Vivobarefoot: engage your feet with a spot of toega (as in toe-yoga). While you are at it, get a pair of their shoes too, they are light and super responsive too.
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See the rest here:
How to avoid weight gain at home: 8 home weight loss tips and essential equipment - T3
‘My Big Fat Fabulous Life’: Whitney Thore Works on Hot New Body – Stronger Than Ever – Soap Dirt

My Big Fat Fabulous Lifes Whitney Thore is hitting the gym hard, and her trainer, Jessica Powell, said she is in better shape than shes ever been. In fact, Whitney says that her mobility is better, and her eyes sparkle and her hair looks great.
Whitney Thore of My Big Fat Fabulous Life let viewers know that things got worse for her during the quarantine. Despite fighting depression since the age of 18, she still has major struggles. And she recently went back to counseling for support.
Whitney told watchers of My Big Fat Fabulous Life that she was at an all-time low. In fact, she said that her mental health was suffering. After dealing with the Chase Severino breakup and the lockdown, Whitney Thore wasnt well.
As a matter of fact, during the pandemic, an ambulance rushed Whitney to the hospital. All of the news and series of events made Whitney Thore have a panic attack. Her good friend Buddy Bell did come to be with her during this difficult time.
Recently My Big Fat Fabulous Life celeb Whitney kicked her business partner Ryan Andreas to the curb. And she has a new business partner working with her. Her new business partner for her No BS Active brand is none other than her trainer Jessica.
Whitney of My Big Fat Fabulous Life may not want to lose weight. But it looks like she is slimming down a little bit. And her trainer said that she looks better than ever and is healthier than ever.
Whitney once worked with Jessica Powells father to lose weight. In fact, the My Big Fat Fabulous Life star lost a lot of weight. But she quickly packed it back on and didnt want to do things his way again.
In the last season of the TLC show, Whitney Thore and Chase got engaged. And at the beginning of the upcoming season, they are still together. But during the season, they split when Chase confesses to an outside relationship and a baby on the way.
MBFFL fans arent sure they believe the storyline. In fact, some viewers think Chase Severino is a paid actor and that his new baby is with his real-life girlfriend. Others arent sure what to believe and say they just like to watch the show for entertainment.
Whatever the case, it seems like the new season will have plenty of drama despite the pandemic. There will be a lot of social distancing, but it doesnt look like that will make it boring as some viewers feared.
See more of My Big Fat Fabulous Life here on Soap Dirt.
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'My Big Fat Fabulous Life': Whitney Thore Works on Hot New Body - Stronger Than Ever - Soap Dirt