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Back Up a Bit: Is ‘Reverse Dieting’ the Key to Keeping Weight Off? – American Council on Science and Health

We all know that when it comes to weight loss, dropping the pounds is the easy part. Its keeping weight off that's hard. In fact a 2001 meta-analysis of 29 long-term weight loss studies concluded that most dieters regain more than half the weight theyve lost within two years and pile 80 percent of it back on after five years.
There are all sorts of reasons staying slimmed down is tough, but in the final analysis they all boil down to one thing to keep the weight off you have to consistently eat fewer calories than you did prior to losing weight. Its been estimated that to maintain lost body weight over two years the average person needs to chow down on 170 fewer calories per day than before.
This is because when you lose weight, there's less metabolizable you meaning your resting energy expenditure drops. But the effect is often magnified by metabolic adaptationessentially your body becomes more energy efficientwhich magnifies the drop in metabolic rate.
So reverse-dieting, which claims you can train your body to maintain a new lower body weight at a higher calorie intake, is raising a few eyebrows in the nutrition world.
Social media is awash with before and after lean body pictures, with captions alleging you can increase your food intake by 200, 300 or even 500 calories a day while still maintaining a svelte frame, or even continuing to lose some pounds.
While this would be fantastic theres very little science to go on. But its an area that researchers are beginning to take a look at, and it may not be as crazy as it sounds.
Also referred to as the diet after the diet,reverse dieting has its roots in aesthetic sports where bodybuilders severely restrict calories to look ripped for a competition, then slowly increase food intake again in an attempt to go back to eating more calories without a disproportionate gain of fat mass.
But the practice is gaining traction among average eaters too, with reverse dieters increasing daily energy intake in a very controlled wayusually 30100 calories a weekafter the completion of a weight loss program. The aim, over several weeks, is to reach a higher level of food and calorie intake that (hopefully) becomes the persons new normal for weight maintenance.
Advocates assert that this can reignite a metabolism made sluggish by months or years of calorie restriction and yo-yo dieting, while restoring hormone balance in favor of better appetite regulation.
Among the more overblown claims are some nuggets of truth.
There is something to [reverse dieting] if it is done in a smart way, says Lilian de Jonge, PhD, assistant professor at the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, George Mason University, Virginia, and collaborator on the weight loss trials POUNDS LOSTand CALERIE. Its well known that weight loss decreases metabolic rate beyond what can be explained by the loss of lean mass. There is some evidence that if you trick your body into eating more, metabolic rate can go up and this is especially true if this is done by increasing protein intake.
Dr de Jonge is planning to run a trial on reverse dieting, but for now it is on hold due to COVID-19. However her previous pilot study showed that reintroducing calories slowly over eight weeks prevented weight overshoot and preserved lean body mass in weight training athletes who had lost weight for competition.
A randomized controlled trial study into reverse dieting is already underway at the University of Colorado, with a scheduled study completion date of December 2020. This study has recruited normal subjects (not athletes), which is a crucial and interesting difference. It could be expected that the results hinge quite heavily on how well the participants adhere to the exercise portion of the intervention.
A downside of reverse dieting is the need to track calories so closely, which at best is a faff and at worst could trigger obsessional eating. You can certainly see this played out on Instagram where reverse dieting often barely disguises a dysfunctional relationship with food and fitness.
That said if youre a numbers nerd, reverse dieting might prove to be a weight maintenance approach that works well for you.
And when you strip away the hype, the tenet behind reverse dietingthat after you've successfully lost some weight, you absolutely need a plan to keep it off-is solid.
What we already know about who successfully keeps weight off comes from the U.S. National Weight Control Registry, a database of over 10,000 people who have shed at least 30 pounds and kept it off for at least a year.
This database shows that while there is no one way to slim or keep weight off, there are some common characteristics across successful weight maintainers. These include eating breakfast (78 percent of participants), stepping on the scale at least once a week (75 percent), watching TV less than 10 hours a week (62 percent) and exercising on average one hour per day (90 percent)
Of course managing to avoid weight gain in the first place is the ideal, as youll never then need the diet after the diet. But if that ship has sailed its good to know that putting weight back on doesn't have to be inevitable.
Reverse dieting might prove a way to make it easier.
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Back Up a Bit: Is 'Reverse Dieting' the Key to Keeping Weight Off? - American Council on Science and Health
Meticore Reviews – Revolutionary New Report on Meticore For Weight Loss – GlobeNewswire

Meticore is safer then your daily multivitamin.
New York, NY, Nov. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Meticore is the first supplement in the world that uses a blend of 6 all-natural, vegetarian, non-GMO herbs and ingredients which target the low core body temperature, which by some clinical studies may be the root cause of excess weight and obesity. It is a dietary supplement that is pegged as a healthy metabolism support formula by its creators. This Meticore review keeps you in the know of the products' ins and outs and the benefits and side effects it contains within.
Watch Now by Clicking Here: Critical Report About This Supplement Released!
What are Meticores Ingredients?
Meticore Ingredients are 100% safe. They are described as a 100% natural solution designed to target low core body temperature, which is assumed to be the root cause of metabolism.
This is marketed as an alternative to exercising and diet and can significantly improve ones life if taken at the right amounts and regulation.
However, being an honest Meticore review, we will deal with the product through research and scientifically accepted truths. It is to safeguard people from fake news and assure you of what youre going to buy.
With that said, here are Meticores ingredients and their scientific benefits to the human body:
These are all the ingredients found in one capsule of Meticore. Forgive me for throwing shade all over the place, but it is just way too sketchy from the start. Not stating the manufacturers name for protection can be semi-acceptable, but some ingredients are based on assumptions and bandwagon.
Let us try to go back to the primary function of Meticore, which is to boost metabolism by increasing the core body temperature to make things hot inside our body. This, in turn, excites the cells and burns energy that is stored in them. According to the Meticore official website, some studies back this up, and while it may be true, it is not yet universally accepted as of late. The studies were done from 1989 to 2015 to give you a perspective on things. In the scientific field, from where I come from, studies that last long are usually repeatedly defended as more counter-arguments are being done against them, so it says something about loopholes and stuff.
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Unto the uses of Meticore ingredients, all of them are wholesome. One glaring thing about Meticores roster of ingredients is that they are mostly antioxidants and cardiovascular-friendly substances! Some are also rich in fiber. It is mostly fruits and vitamins. Each capsule is like a concoction of great healthy things that you can drink in one. While this can relate to weight-loss, the metabolism part is kind of in the shade, as none of them are directly connected to speeding up metabolism. Whatever is the case, Meticore contains some right ingredients, but I would not go as far as best in general.
One generally positive thing about all the Meticore ingredients is that they are naturally found substances in the wild. It is not all bad, and they can provide significant benefits to our bodies. Just do not overdose on them since they can give you nasty side effects if you take two or more capsules a day.
Meticore Ingredients Side Effects
As mentioned, Meticores side effects only come out if you overdose on the product.
All under the dietary supplements recommended dosage, you should only take one every day or one every other day. It depends on your tolerance for the supplement. If you feel something is off, drink it every other day as per the Meticore official website.
Without further ado, here is the list of side effects that Meticore ingredients can have:
I know what you will say. That list is a lot! Okay, let me get this straight, most of these side effects can be an effect of overdosing, but other factors cause some. When taking Meticore, I found out that you should not take this supplement with any form of caffeine. Why? It is because of the bitter oranges. Do not, in all cases, drink coffee with Meticore. It will increase the chance of getting a heart attack, which is nasty to have, mostly when alone.
Other than that, Meticore is not particularly good at this review, especially when we tackled the scientific side of things. However, if youre going to be taking Meticore for other purposes such as better blood circulation and detoxifying purposes, this supplement is excellent in that matter.
Meticore Manufacturer
According to the Meticore website, all their products are made in FDA-approved manufacturing plants with Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) under the most strict and sterile conditions possible. It is yet to be proven since we do not know about the manufacturer.
We know that Digistore24 Inc. is their digital seller, and by all means, this is a reputable one. They currently do not have too many bad reviews, and they seem to work well as a seller. Being the seller does not mean they are the manufacturer, though, so that is one more Meticore mystery to deal with.
There are also logos of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), International Journal of Obesity, American Clinical Laboratory Association (ACLA), and the APS Journal of Applied Physiology. There seems to be no connection or explanation of why these logos are on the homepage. It is presumed to be the source of their research study for this product. As said with other details about the manufacturers, this remains to be seen and proven, as Meticore has not been put up as a reliable source for other recent scholarly research studies. We will discuss their related studies and references later.
The Official Website & Scientific Studies About This Supplement Ingredients Can Be Found Here
How Does Meticore Work?
According to the Meticore official website, this dietary supplement increases your metabolism by rejuvenating your cells with organic ingredients found in Madagascar. To be specific, they target the low core body temperature of people to boost their metabolism. According to their research, the body needs to have an average core temperature to keep its expected metabolism rate going. While this is somewhat true, this part of human biology is not solidified yet as a whole.
In order to make it work, the recommended dosage is one capsule every day. Results will vary according to the person, so do not expect you to achieve the same result as your friend, who also takes Meticore. All people have their tolerances on supplements, so keep that in mind. After all, the official website said that results may vary.
Basically, after taking this supplement, youll feel hot but not fever-like symptoms. Think of how your body feels after 10 minutes of constant running or biking. You will sweat and feel hot in the right way. This is their gauge that Meticore works. Nevertheless, we are here for an honest review, so let us look at Meticores ingredients and how this can affect our overall health and lifestyle.
How Long Does It Take for Meticore to Work?
It takes at least a month or six, depending on the tolerance of your body. The recommended dosage of Meticore is one capsule per day or one every two days, depending on how you feel when drinking it. One capsule a day is recommended if you want it to go full speed, but if you feel too hot when taking this supplement, you can opt to take one every two days.
Meticore Costs
Meticore costs reasonably cheap. It is priced at $59 per bottle, which means each capsule is around $2 per piece. However, if you want to go lower than that, you can opt to buy one of their packages, namely the 3-bottle and 6-bottle packages. The 3-bottle package is deemed as the most popular and is priced at $147. This puts it at $49 per bottle, which is $10 cheaper than buying a standalone bottle. Meanwhile, the 6-bottle package is the best-valued bundle youll have. It costs $234 and has a price of $39 per bottle. It is excellent since you virtually shave off $20 for each bottle with this kind of offer!
You cannot buy Meticore outside the official website. As mentioned, Digistore24 Inc. handles all the orders and being a reputable retailer. You will not have issues with delivery in the United States or all over the world.
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This brings us to the next topic: delivery and shipping fees. There is a small shipping fee when ordering these Meticore supplements. This fee's specifics are not displayed on the site, but it can vary from location to location. A 60-day money-back guarantee protects Meticore orders, wherein if you are not satisfied with the product, your money will be returned to you within 48 hours of the issuance of the refund.
Overall Meticore Review
Meticore can sometimes be dubious at best, but considering that it has ingredients that are harmless at best, it can achieve results in cardiovascular wellness and detoxification. For weight loss, there is still an issue. The intended target was to increase the core body temperature, but we all know that green tea extract does the job right at best. The problem is, we do not see that ingredient here.
In their defense, though, their capsule bottles say that this is just weight-loss support and appetite control. Being the main ingredient of Meticore, the African Mango is something of an appetite suppressant in nature, so that works as well. Overall, if you want to try it out, there is no one stopping you. Scientifically judging and reviewing this product may have been a stretch, but we all have the responsibility to care about everyone else.
Just be careful in taking this supplement as a whole. Remember what I said about caffeine. Do not drink Meticore with caffeine. Also, if you feel any discomfort, it is suggested to discontinue use. While the Meticore website says that if you feel discomfort, you should take it every other day, it is better to be safe than sorry in the long run. Always consult your doctors for alternatives. Pair Meticore with proper diet and exercise, and you are good to go. Meticore works wonders, but only if you make it right with proper monitor and supervision. Always remember to stay vigilant and stay healthy with all your life choices from here on and out.
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Contact: Meticore
##KISS PR NEWS DISCLAIMER##This news has been published for the above source.Kiss PR Brand story press release news desk was not involved in the creation of this content. KISS PR and its distribution partners are not directly or indirectly responsible for any claims made in the above statements. Contact the vendor of the product directly.
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Meticore Reviews - Revolutionary New Report on Meticore For Weight Loss - GlobeNewswire
What is diabetes and can I benefit from metabolic surgery if I have diabetes or other health conditions? – Monitor

By: Dr. Michelle Cordoba-KisseeDHR Health Bariatric Institute
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder in which the sugar levels in the blood and urine get too high, typically due to an issue with insulin. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas which helps our bodies use sugar for energy. With type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not make enough insulin, and patients need to take insulin in order to survive.
The more common type of diabetes is type 2 diabetes. This tends to occur in the setting of being overweight. As a person gains weight, their body becomes resistant to insulin, and they will require higher levels of insulin to control their blood sugars. Over time, the pancreas can become damaged. Type 2 diabetes is best treated by maintaining a healthy weight, and often pills and injected medications including insulin are used to help bring high blood sugars into range.
Can type 2 diabetes be cured? Many doctors argue that for diabetes to be considered cured, we would need to demonstrate that the damage previously done to the pancreas has been reversed. For this reason, we typically say that a persons diabetes can go into remission. Maintaining a healthy weight by activity, nutrition and sometimes medications or surgeries can help reverse type 2 diabetes. Metabolic surgery can help many people put their diabetes into remission. In general, the longer a person has had diabetes, the more damage has occurred to the pancreas and the more difficult it will be for the diabetes to go into remission.
Does metabolic surgery help with type 2 diabetes? Yes, metabolic surgery (also called bariatric or weight loss surgery) is one of the most effective treatments for type 2 diabetes. Long term, people who have metabolic surgery see benefits from their weight loss in terms of high blood pressure, sleep apnea, gastric reflux disease, high cholesterol, joint pain and diabetes. However, most people also notice immediate improvement in their blood sugar control right after their surgery, even before they start losing weight. Because of some of the hormone changes after surgery, most of our patients do not need any medications for their blood sugar when they go home from surgery. Those patients that still need medications for their blood sugars typically take fewer medications and at lower doses.
Am I a candidate for metabolic surgery? People who have a body mass index (BMI) of more than 35 or 40, plus a weight related problem, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, may benefit from metabolic surgery. You can calculate your BMI at:
If you or someone you know would like more information on the health benefits of metabolic surgery, please call the DHR Health Bariatric Institute at (956) 362- LOSE (5673).
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New analysis supports long-term treatment with Ofev in SSc-ILD patients – PRNewswire

RIDGEFIELD, Conn., Nov. 5, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Boehringer Ingelheim today announced results from an interim analysis of the SENSCIS-ON trial evaluating Ofev (nintedanib) in patients with systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD). The new analysis was published online as part of ACR Convergence 2020.
SENSCIS-ON is an open-label extension trial to assess the long-term tolerability and safety of Ofev in patients with SSc-ILD who completed the Phase III SENSCIS trial. The study also evaluated the change from baseline in forced vital capacity (FVC) as a measure of lung function over 52 weeks.
The interim analysis showed that the safety profile of Ofev in SENSCIS-ON was consistent with that reported over 52 weeks in the SENSCIS trial with diarrhea being the most frequently reported adverse event. The analysis showed that 347 patients in the extension study who received Ofev demonstrated a decrease in FVC over 52 weeks as did patients in the SENSCIS study. The average change in FVC from baseline to week 52 of SENSCIS-ON was 51.3 mL in all patients treated in SENSCIS-ON, while the change from baseline to week 52 in the SENSCIS trial was 42.7 mL.
"With this new analysis, we now have data following patients for two years showing the impact of Ofev in reducing lung function decline and a consistent safety profile in patients with SSc-ILD," commented Thomas Leonard, Ph.D., executive director, Clinical Development and Medical Affairs, Specialty Care IPF/ILD, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. "These new data add to the important body of evidence for Ofev and the role it plays for patients with SSc-ILD."
Health system database analysisFour to six percent of patients presented with ILD a year prior to their SSc diagnosis, as reported in a retrospective study of more than 2,800 patients in a large health insurance system.
"These findings confirm that interstitial lung disease can present early in the course of SSc," said Shervin Assassi, M.D., director, Division of Rheumatology, The University of Texas, Houston. "These data are consistent with other studies and reinforce the need to examine SSc patients early for pulmonary involvement."
About SSc-ILDSystemic sclerosis, also known as scleroderma, is a rare autoimmune disease characterized by thickening and scarring of connective tissue throughout the body. The disease is estimated to affect about 100,000 people in the U.S. and 2.5 million worldwide. Fibrosis, the hallmark of the disease, can affect the skin and internal organs, including the lungs. Interstitial lung disease (ILD), one of the most frequent disease manifestations, can be debilitating and may become life-threatening. Approximately 25 percent of patients develop significant lung involvement within three years of diagnosis. ILD is the leading cause of death among people with SSc.
About OfevOfev is already approved in the U.S. and more than 80 countries for the treatment of patients living with IPF. In September 2019, Ofev was approved in the U.S. as the first and only therapy to slow the rate of decline in pulmonary function in patients with SSc-ILD, and then in March 2020 to treat patients with chronic fibrosing ILDs with a progressive phenotype.
What is OFEV?
Important Safety Information
What is the most important information I should know about OFEV?
OFEV can cause harm, birth defects, or death to an unborn baby. Women should not become pregnant while taking OFEV. Women who are able to become pregnant should have a pregnancy test before starting treatment and should use highly effective birth control at the start of treatment, during treatment, and for at least 3 months after your last dose. Talk with your doctor about what birth control method is right for you during this time. Birth control pills may not work as well in women having vomiting, diarrhea, or other problems reducing the drug absorption. If you have any of these problems, talk with your doctor about what highly effective birth control method is right for you. If you become pregnant or think you are pregnant while taking OFEV, tell your doctor right away.
What should I tell my doctor before using OFEV?
Before you take OFEV, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions, including if you have:
Tell your doctor if you:
Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements such as St. John's wort.
What are the possible side effects of OFEV?
OFEV may cause serious side effects.
TELL YOUR DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY if you are experiencing any side effects, including:
The most common side effects of OFEV are diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, liver problems, decreased appetite, headache, weight loss, and high blood pressure.
These are not all the possible side effects of OFEV. For more information, ask your doctor or pharmacist. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescriptiondrugs to the FDA. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
Please see fullPrescribing Information, includingPatientInformation.
CL-OF-100044 10.28.2020
About Boehringer Ingelheim Making new and better medicines for humans and animals is at the heart of what we do. Our mission is to create breakthrough therapies that change lives. Since its founding in 1885, Boehringer Ingelheim is independent and family-owned. We have the freedom to pursue our long-term vision, looking ahead to identify the health challenges of the future and targeting those areas of need where we can do the most good.
As a world-leading, research-driven pharmaceutical company, more than 51,000 employees create value through innovation daily for our three business areas: Human Pharma, Animal Health, and Biopharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing. In 2019, Boehringer Ingelheim achieved net sales of around $21.3 billion (19 billion euros). Our significant investment of over $3.9 billion (3.5 billion euros) in R&D drives innovation, enabling the next generation of medicines that save lives and improve quality of life.
We realize more scientific opportunities by embracing the power of partnership and diversity of experts across the life-science community. By working together, we accelerate the delivery of the next medical breakthrough that will transform the lives of patients now, and in generations to come.
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., based in Ridgefield, CT, is the largest U.S. subsidiary of Boehringer Ingelheim Corporation and is part of the Boehringer Ingelheim group of companies. In addition, there are Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health in Duluth, GA and Boehringer Ingelheim Fremont, Inc. in Fremont, CA.
Boehringer Ingelheim is committed to improving lives and strengthening our communities. Please visit to learn more about Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.
For more information, please visit, or follow us on Twitter @BoehringerUS.
Contact:Boehringer IngelheimPharmaceuticals, Inc.Name: Paul WynnPublic RelationsPhone: 203-798-4887Mobile: 203-482-4512Email: [emailprotected]
SOURCE Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals
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New analysis supports long-term treatment with Ofev in SSc-ILD patients - PRNewswire
6 proven health benefits of beets and how much to eat – Insider – INSIDER

Beets aren't necessarily a staple in many peoples' diets, but they probably should be. These unique root vegetables may offer a wide array of health benefits, from lowering blood pressure to improving athletic performance. They also contain a variety of nutrients and compounds that you won't find in many other foods.
Whether you're adding beets to a salad or drinking beet juice, these vegetables are easy to incorporate into your diet. Here are six benefits of consuming beets.
Beets contain nitrates, which the body converts into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator that relaxes and widens blood vessels, which can lower blood pressure, says Dana Hunnes, PhD, MPH, RD, senior dietitian at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and professor at the Fielding School of Public Health.
A small 2015 study found that drinking 250 mL of beetroot juice daily over four weeks was enough to lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Beets can also lower blood pressure in older, overweight individuals, according to a small 2014 study.
The dark red color of beets is caused by betalain, a phytonutrient produced by plants that has antioxidant properties. Hunnes says that betalain has anti-inflammatory properties because it can suppress the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme which is associated with inflammation.
Chronic inflammation can cause damage to healthy tissue and increase your risk of long-term health problems like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's. "Chronic inflammation is a little like rusting on iron," says Hunnes. "If you don't remove the rust and keep exposing it to elements, it will continue to degrade."
In a small 2016 study, researchers found that systemic inflammation was improved for those with high blood pressure after two weeks of supplementation with either cooked beets or raw beet juice. Raw beet juice was even more effective at combating inflammation than the cooked beets.
When you're trying to lose weight, it can be very beneficial to eat foods that are filling so that you feel full and don't overeat.
"Beets are rich in water content and fiber. This can help keep you fuller longer and better hydrated, which can also help with [feeling full]," says Hunnes.
Hunnes also says beets are relatively low in calories and contain a decent amount of protein for a root vegetable, which makes it a healthy choice for someone trying to lose weight. For example, one cup of beets contains:
The high fiber and water content of beets also help with digestion, says Hunnes. Fiber helps you to have normal bowel movements by bulking up your stool, making it less likely for you to be constipated.
A 2012 meta-analysis of five different studies confirmed that fiber can increase stool frequency. Fiber can also help prevent digestive conditions such as colon cancer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and diverticulitis.
Since beets can lower blood pressure, they can also lower the risk of stroke and other brain problems.
"Any time there is high blood pressure, the risk of stroke and other cognitive declines increases. So, lowering blood pressure helps and also increases the ease and amount of blood that gets to the brain," says Hunnes.
The nitrates in beets may also play a role in brain health. A 2011 study of older adults found that nitrates increased blood flow to important regions of the brain, such as the frontal lobe, which is associated with attention and working memory.
The nitrates found in beets may also improve athletic performance, due to the effect that they have on mitochondria, the part of the cell that produces energy. Hunnes says nitrates improve the efficiency of cellular mitochondria.
"Since mitochondria are needed to produce energy in your cells, anything that can make them function more efficiently will help with athletic performance," says Hunnes.
A small 2016 study found that betalain-rich concentrate of beets can improve performance in competitive runners. Those who consumed the beet concentrate had a lower rate of perceived exertion than those who had a placebo. They also had a lower increase in lactate dehydrogenase, which is a marker of muscle damage. Another small 2019 study found that nitrates from beetroot juice reduced muscle fatigue.
You do not have to have a steady diet of beets to reap these benefits. Even having beets once before a workout can help you, Hunnes says. Nitrates peak in the blood about two to three hours after being consumed, so it's best to consume the beets two to three hours before exercising. She recommends having 300 milligrams of the active compounds, which would be about 1.5 cups of beet juice.
As with any food, the overconsumption of beets can lead to some health problems. Risks of overconsumption include:
If you aren't sure if beets are safe to eat for you, or you aren't sure how much is safe for you personally to consume, consult your primary doctor for advice.
Beets pack a mighty punch when it comes to nutrients, and they can help combat inflammation and prevent some chronic diseases. By incorporating beets into a colorful, healthy diet, you can reap many health benefits.
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6 proven health benefits of beets and how much to eat - Insider - INSIDER
Diabetes affects dogs and cats as well – Red Bluff Daily News

According to the 2020 National Diabetes Statistics Report (, it is estimated that 34.2 million Americans, just over 1 in 10, have diabetes and that 88 million adults, approximately 1 in 3, are prediabetic. However, humans are not the only ones affected. According to the 2016 State of Pet Health Report, it is estimated that 1 in every 300 dogs and 1 in 230 cats will develop diabetes during their lifetime. Merck Animal Health, in conjunction with other Pet Care Alliance Partners, has designated November as Pet Diabetes Month (, to raise awareness and help educate pet owners about diabetes in our furry friends.
Very simply, diabetes is a condition that occurs when the body cannot use glucose normally. This sugar is the main source of energy for the bodys cells. The pancreas produces a hormone called insulin to help glucose get into the cells. With diabetes, the body either does not make enough insulin, or it cannot use its own insulin as well as it should. Without the necessary insulin, the sugar cannot get into the cells. As a result, the cells of the body are starved, and the body is stimulated to produce more and more glucose. The excess sugar that is produced overflows into the urine and draws large volumes of water with it. It is why diabetic humans and pets often drink more water and urinate more frequently and in larger amounts. Left untreated, the body will break down fat in a futile attempt to feed the starving cells. The resultant products (ketones) from the fat breakdown and poison the body, resulting in vomiting, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalances. Like humans, diabetes in pets can result in heart disease, blindness, and kidney failure. Left untreated, diabetes can be fatal.
Noticing possible signs of diabetes is an important beginning step in rapid diagnosis and early treatment. If you see any of the following symptoms, your pet should be examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Pets will usually sleep more and are more lethargic (lacking energy and mental alertness) during the day. Dogs can have cloudy eyes. There is an increased whiteness of the lens of the eye, because of cataracts. While both dogs and cats can have poor skin conditions like excessive dandruff or oily hair, a cats hair may thin. Pets may also exhibit three additional symptoms: polydipsia (excessive thirst and fluid intake); polyuria (increased urination); and polyphagia (excessive hunger and eating). Weight loss, even though there is an increased appetite, might also indicate the pet has diabetes. Other indicative signs of diabetes are chronic or recurring infections.
Risk factors for diabetes include advanced age, genetic predisposition, breed, and obesity. Diabetes can occur at any age, however dogs are usually 4-14 years old and cats are typically 8-13 years old. Diabetes occurs in female dogs twice as often as the males. Obesity is a significant risk factor for development of diabetes and according to theAssociation for Pet Obesity Prevention ( pet obesity is on the rise with 55.8% of dogs and 59.5% of cats in the U.S. being classified as overweight or obese. In addition, as pets age they may also develop other diseases that can result in diabetes or could significantly affect their response to treatment for diabetes, including overactivity of the adrenal gland in dogs (hyperadrenocorticsm) or overactivity of the thyroid gland in cats (hyperthyroidism), pancreatitis, heart disease, kidney disease, urinary tract infections and skin infections. The long-term use of medications containing corticosteroids is also a risk factor for diabetes.
Type I diabetes occurs when the cells in the pancreas do not function properly or at all, and therefore do not produce insulin. Type II diabetes occurs when some of the cells in the pancreas function, but the amount of insulin is not enough, as well as a phenomenon called insulin resistance, where cells do not let the insulin affect them. Middle-aged to older pets that are overweight or obese are at a higher risk of developing Type II diabetes. Because genetics plays an important role in Type I diabetes, there is little that can be done to prevent this type of diabetes but, by maintaining your pets overall health through regular checkups, exercise, and an appropriate diet, you can help prevent Type II diabetes from developing in your pet.
While there is no cure for pet diabetes, there are ways to successfully manage the disease if you follow your veterinarians instructions. Depending on the type of diabetes that the pet has, his diabetic management may include insulin injections, regulation of diet, and the incorporation of an exercise regimen. Once the pets diabetes is properly managed, the prognosis is good, although regular trips to the veterinarian for monitoring of blood and urine glucose levels is essential. However, if left undiagnosed and untreated, diabetes will lead to life-threatening complications.
Additional information can be found at The American Veterinary Medical Association ( and Merck Animal Health ( In addition, for those who would like to learn more about diabetes in general, the American Diabetes Association ( has a wealth of information.
Ronnie Casey has been volunteering with the Tehama County Animal Care Center since relocating in 2011. A retired R.N., she strives to help animals in need within Tehama county. She can be reached
See the original post here:
Diabetes affects dogs and cats as well - Red Bluff Daily News
Global Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Market Analysis of Key Players, Type, Application, Demand and Consumption By 2026 – Eurowire

There are millions of them around the globe waiting for clutching on to some of the latest vital information circulating across the globe. The up-to-the-minute Human Growth Hormone (HGH) market report based on the growth and the development of theHuman Growth Hormone (HGH) marketis systematically listed down. The Human Growth Hormone (HGH) market report comprises statistically verified facts such the unique essence including topological investigations, worldwide market share, government stringent norms, applications, current trends, futuristic plans, market bifurcations, and so on mentioned in a crystal clear pattern.
The statistical plus scientific Human Growth Hormone (HGH) market report has all the important market aspects penciled down in a layman language format so that the data based on the markets productivity or future strategy can be easily extrapolated from the reports. The Human Growth Hormone (HGH) market report has the dominant market players Ipsen, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Anhui Anke Biotechnology (Group), Pfizer, Merck Serono, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, LG Life Sciences, Sandoz International, Novo Nordisk, GeneScience Pharmaceuticals, BioPartners, Eli Lilly explained in detail.
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The essential futuristic segments such as {Powder, Solvent}; {Growth Hormone Deficiency, Turner Syndrome, Chronic Renal Insufficiency, Prader Willi Syndrome, Small for Gestational Age, SHOX Deficiency} have also been detailed out in the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) market report for the clients convenience and more of vital data embracing capability. The forecast trends along with the current market status can better understand the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) market development on a global basis. The intricate industrial strategies and the supply-demand chain are also discussed in the contextual report.
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Global Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Market Analysis of Key Players, Type, Application, Demand and Consumption By 2026 - Eurowire
Deprescribe the world! New study shows low-carb diets would save BILLIONS currently wasted on drugs. But will Big Pharma allow it? – RT

The work of a British family doctor demonstrates that stopping eating carbohydrates helps with blood pressure, diabetes and weight loss - helping save lives during Covid-19. But the medical industry doesnt want you to know this.
If you want to avoid dying of Covid-19, one of the most important things you can do, if you are overweight, is to shed the pounds
A recent study by an international team of researchers using data from 399,000 patients found that people with obesity who contracted coronavirus were 113 percent more likely than people of healthy weight to end up in hospital, 74 percent more likely to be admitted to intensive care, and 48 percent more likely to die.
Why? Well, the why centres around the damaging effect of raised blood glucose on endothelial cells and it gets complicated.
The most important thing is not to understand the complex metabolic and physiological pathways involved, but simply to help people to lose weight, and this is where Dr. David Unwin comes in.
For years, this family doctor from Southport, in northwest England, has believed, as I do, that the main driver of weight gain, eventually leading on to type 2 diabetes, is a high-carbohydrate diet. That means consuming too much pasta, potatoes, rice, bread, processed sugar, and so on, and not enough red meat, olive oil, butter, eggs, and the like.
This, of course, is exactly the opposite of what we have been told for decades by the experts who demonise fat and promote carbohydrates. We have the eat-well plate, and the food pyramid, and hundreds of thousands of dieticians around the world, all promoting carbohydrates as the healthy option.
Dutifully following this advice, the entire population of the Western world has become fatter, and fatter and fatter. And more and more unhealthy. By the way, this is not a coincidence; it is cause and effect.
But getting back to Dr. Unwin years ago, he despaired of ever getting any of his patients to lose weight. It was so disheartening, he furtively studied his pension plan and dreamed of retirement. Then, one day, a patient came in to his surgery who had lost a lot of weight and kept it off.
At first, this woman was reluctant to say how she had done it, as she feared the inevitable criticism. In the end, however, she confessed to Dr. Unwin that she had achieved it by eating a low-carbohydrate diet. In Dr. Unwins own words:
I was interested to find out how the patient had improved her diabetic control. She confessed she had ignored my advice and learnt a much better way to look after herself from the internet. I suppressed my wounded pride and looked at the low-carb forum on There were thousands of type 2 diabetics on there ignoring their doctors and getting great results ([but] now that is just not allowed).
The GP did not criticise his patient; instead, he was intrigued. Could this possibly be true? It went against everything he had been told about healthy eating, weight loss, and type 2 diabetes fat has twice the calories per gram as carbohydrates and suchlike. Eating fat, hed been programmed to believe, makes you fat, and then you develop diabetes and heart disease.
Dr. Unwin did more research, then made the decision to work with his patients, mainly those with diabetes, to see if a low-carbohydrate diet could be beneficial. Lo and behold, it was very beneficial. In fact, it was like a miracle cure.
In 2014, he published a paper on his results on a small number of patients. It stated:
It was observed that a low-carbohydrate diet achieved substantial weight loss in all patients and brought about normalisation of blood glucose control in 16 out of 18 patients. At the same time, plasma lipid profiles improved, and BP [blood pressure] fell, allowing discontinuation of antihypertensive therapy in some individuals
Conclusions: Based on our work so far, we can understand the reasons for the internet enthusiasm for a low-carbohydrate diet: the majority of patients lose weight rapidly and fairly easily [and,] predictably, the HbA1c levels are not far behind. Cholesterol levels, liver enzymes, and BP levels all improved. This approach is simple to implement and much appreciated by people with diabetes.
Now, he has published results of a much larger study, of nearly 200 patients over a six-year period, which has just been published in the British Medical Journals Nutrition, Prevention & Health.
Its main findings make an impressive case for the low-carb diet and how it can lead to people being much healthier and getting off lifelong medication:
46 percent drug-free Type 2 diabetes remission.
Significant improvements in weight, blood pressure, and lipid profiles.
93 percent remission of prediabetes.
Four individuals came off insulin altogether.
Total weight loss for the 199 participants was 1.6 metric ton.
50,885 annual savings in the practices diabetes-drug budget.
If every GP practice adopted the practice, the NHS could save c. 277 million (c.$350 million) a year
This paper will be attacked, of course, as there are massive financial interests involved here. The savings that the NHS could achieve would be dwarfed if the US, with its much higher drugs costs, adopted the policies: we could be looking at around $2 billion a year. Around the world, who knows, but it would be vast sums of money.
So, you can imagine the joy that this paper will be met with in pharmaceutical company boardrooms around the world. The words lead and balloon, spring to mind. Equally, the massive low-fat high-carb food manufacturers will be throwing their hands up in horror My bonus, my bonus! Nooooo! You can take all your low-carb yoghurts and
As for the rest of us, I can assure you that Dr. Unwin has only ever been interested in one thing: working out how to help people lose weight and control their diabetes. He has achieved this for his patients and is showing the rest of the world how to do the same.
Will his research now be taken up by the authorities around the world? Will we move away from promoting a high-carbohydrate diet? You have to be joking. There is far too much money to be lost by the companies who exert tight control over the world of medical research, and whose lobbyists swarm around politicians in rich countries.
Which is a damn shame, because more than ever in this endless Covid-19 pandemic, obesity represents a health crisis. This paper, and the tireless work by Dr Unwin, clearly tells us what we need to do now, urgently. If Boris Johnson is serious about his plan for the nation to get slimmer and fitter, he himself should go on a low-carb diet and extol its virtues.
Dr Unwins approach wont work instantly, and it wont work for everyone nothing ever does. However, it represents hope. It could save hundreds and thousands of lives. Perhaps more than any vaccine. His research should be shouted from the rooftops.
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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
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Deprescribe the world! New study shows low-carb diets would save BILLIONS currently wasted on drugs. But will Big Pharma allow it? - RT
Nearing 24 hours of election coverage, TV news anchors are running on fumes and Diet Coke – Poynter

Do these folks ever sleep? Thats the question we all had as we tuned into network coverage of this Election Day Continued.
Many saw anchors such as NBCs Lester Holt and ABCs George Stephanopoulos when they shut off their TVs late Tuesday night and then saw them again when they turned on their TVs Wednesday morning.
Consider this exchange on Fox News when Dana Perino asked Bill Hemmer if he got any sleep.
Hemmer said, Forty-five minutes. What about you?
Perino said, I doubled that. But I have to tell you, that hour-and-a-half sleep that I had was like nothing I think I dont think Ive ever experienced a deep sleep like that.
Hemmer said, Were running on fumes. The thing about our industry Dana, and you know it very well, when there is information, when there is data, when the story is changing, you can run on adrenaline for a long time. Its those periods where you hit the walls and nothing is new and you start to think Hmm, whats next? And thats when you feel it.
But all on-air personalities on all networks seemed to be going strong, even in the middle of the night, even after 16 or 17 hours of being on the air. Holt told me last week that he was bringing an extra suit, and by Wednesday morning, he had changed into that suit.
Steve Kornacki, MSNBCs map guy, had been up for more than 24 hours, according to The Washington Posts Jeremy Barr. Kornacki even posted a video on Twitter to thank everyone for their kind words. Barr also reported that CNNs map guru, John King, left the studio at 4 a.m. Wednesday morning, slept for about two hours and then was back on the air by 11 a.m. As I mentioned above, Hemmer slept for 45 minutes, as did NBCs Chuck Todd.
How do they do it? Sounds like lots of caffeine is involved. Kornacki told GQs Gabriella Paiella before the coverage that hes all about the Diet Cokes.
Way too many and too many to count, Kornacki told Paniella. On a normal day, Ill have a couple. But on election night, I just keep it nearby and Im just kind of regularly using it. These days (people) all tell you, Oh, do you know whats in that? And I say, Well, no I dont.
Poynter is providing around-the-clock coverage and analysis of the 2020 election.Follow along on our live blogfor more.
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Nearing 24 hours of election coverage, TV news anchors are running on fumes and Diet Coke - Poynter