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The exercise and diet mistakes we all made in Lockdown 1 and how to avoid them this time –

Like many fitness types, I went into the first lockdown planning to carve myself into Max-Cady-in-prison shape, using all the time I saved on my commute to do shirtless dips on my newly acquired pull-up rig. It sort of worked, but honestly, it demands the kind of dedication you might not want to worry about, especially since one of the key benefits of exercise is its mood-boosting properties.
This time round, Ill be aiming to do a little bit of physical activity every day: keeping an array of short, doable-in-a-tiny-bit-of-floor-space workouts handy so that theres always an option available. One favourite from Lockdown 1 is the press-up-and-lunge ladder: do one press-up and then one lunge on each leg, then two of each, and so on up to 10 or 20.
In Lockdown 1, I ate like a hobbit, treating myself to everything from a quick jolt of toast between breakfast and elevenses to smashing a packet of custard creams in the afternoon and calling it self-care. It certainly cheered me up in the short term, but over the long term, endless sugar is only likely to give you peaks and troughs of energy, ruin your moodand contribute to health problems exacerbated by not moving around much.
In Lockdown 2, my key rule will be to avoid keeping the absolute worst stuff in the house no more panic-buying bakewell tarts as if theyre going to run out and having three deliberate meals a day, aiming for a bit of protein and fruit or veg in each. No, I will not be making sourdough again.
I never quite became part of the G&Ts-at-5pm crowd in Lockdown 1, but it did get a little bit too easy to see out every day with a cheeky bottle of whatever fancy IPA Id bought to support my local beleaguered microbrewery: a little nightcap at the end of every groundhog day of work, rest and toddler-wrangling.
The trouble is, drinking every day isnt great for health even if you somehow still limbo under the NHS-recommended 14 units a week, it doesnt give your liver much chance to regroup, and turns into a habit thats difficult to kick. Public Health England recommends having at least two consecutive alcohol-free days a week, so thats what Ill be doing while using some of the money I save to upgrade to a nicer bottle of whiskey.
In Lockdown 1, it was tempting to think that time spent on social media was productive and even healthy a source of social connection and possibly even life-saving information in a period when everyone was under-informed about transmission vectors and droplet patterns. The trouble is, it doesnt help: social media is designed to be addictive, and with the news so uniformly terrible, it never takes more than 10 minutes to find something that can ruin your whole day.
Cal Newport, author of Digital Minimalism, suggests taking a month-long break from social media to readdress your relationship with it when you come back. That feels like a bit much, but Ill be going offline for at least two days each week to keep my mental health.
One of the biggest revelations when the first Lockdown eased was just how much I like the occasional commute: a chunk of time on foot or public transport when I cant sit at a desk or do anything deliberately productive. With the regulations on outdoor exercise somewhat eased for the coming weeks, Ill be making sure I go for a long walk at least once a day long, slow, distance exercise is underrated for fat loss, but getting out in green spaces also has well-documented positive effects on mental health and even productivity.
Read more:How to avoid working from home burnout during Lockdown 2
Read more: Your ultimate Lockdown 2 survival guide
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The exercise and diet mistakes we all made in Lockdown 1 and how to avoid them this time -
Run with it! – Davisonindex

Ryan Litwiller during his 100-mile run recently. Photo provided
DAVISON When Ryan Litwiller was diagnosed last year with Type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol, he knew he needed to make a change in his life.
Weighing almost 300 pounds, Litwiller began an ambitious weight loss program which incorporated running and exercise.
The result of his efforts was a weight loss now approaching 100 pounds, which has reversed the diabetes and has given the 38-year-old married father of two a new outlook on life.
I totally changed my diet and lifestyle, I didnt want to be on medication rest of life, said Litwiller. I got active in exercise and later in running. Im on a plant-based diet now and within just a few months I was able to reverse the diabetes and get off all the medication.
After 18 months of running, Litwiller said hes logged more than 4,000 miles. He enjoys running so much he took on a 100 km (63 miles) run last year and had begun training this year for a 100-mile run.
Ryan Litwiller, center, with his children Matthew,12, left, and Kaitlynne, 10, right. They ran a portion of the 100-mile race with their father. Photo provided
During his training, the annual run was cancelled due to COVID-19, but Litwiller was determined to run regardless of whether it was an official race or not.
My running buddies (at Complete Runner running store in Flint) knew about my journey and how hard I had trained, and they said if I still wanted to run 100 miles, theyd help me, said Litwiller. We just needed a course 50 miles out and back with stations every 10 milesfor hydration.
He said the course started in Rochester by the library at the Paint Creek Trail and it went on to connect to the Polly Ann Trail. From there he said he ran to Kings Mill and then turned around and made the journey back.
In all, the journey took a day, Litwiller completing the course in just under 24-hours, which was his goal, he said. The final time for Litwillers 100-mile run was 23 hours and 18 minutes, he said.
There were highs and lows, but I kept telling myself dont give pain a voice, the minute you give pain a voice it will take over, said Litwiller. If I say Im tired, I believe it, my mind takes over and makes me tired or hurt. So, when people would ask me how I felt (during the run) I would say I was excellent doing great. Maybe I wasnt fully, but I acted like I was.
Litwiller said the support from his friends, his running group (Complete Runner Ultra) and family was amazing. He said people he didnt know came out and ran portions of the course with him to show support and even his two children, ages 10 and 12, ran a couple of miles with him along the course.
If my original race wasnt cancelled, I wouldnt have experienced that great support, said Litwiller. It was soothing, these people running with me, pacing me and keeping me company.
The achievement of his 100-mile run aside, Litwiller, who works in marketing for Retro Foam of Michigan, said his overall transformation has led to massive changes in his body and he now has lots of energy.
Everything is better, everything is improved, and I feel better, he said. Not relying on medication is so huge. Its given me dreams to dream up crazy adventures like this, to really push myself to the limits and to see what those limits are.
Litwiller said hes thinking about his next challenge but hasnt narrowed down what he wants to try next. He said he doesnt know if it will be something involving more distance or more some more challenging.
I feel I have more in me, to do more crazier things, said Litwiller. I say just do it mindset is super important. You have to believe you can do it; it cant be a doctor saying do this. Other people may support you, but at the end of the day only you can make the change.
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Run with it! - Davisonindex
Building Resilience: Five Simple Steps to Thrive – Flagstaff Business & Online News | Northern Arizona Local Newspaper – Flagstaff Business News

My friends, winter is coming. Between flu season and being in the midst of a global pandemic, its really easy to get sucked into the fear narrative, get angry at the behaviors of others, and feel powerless to do anything.
Realistically, none of us can control other peoples behavior. We cant stop people from having big family gatherings, packing bars or attending large events. We cant control whether or not people practice social distancing or mask wearing, either.
But, do you know what you can do? You can be cautious with your own behavior and you can take control over your own health and build resiliency. Because, real talk, many of us will contract COVID-19 or influenza. Its our job and our responsibility to make sure our health is in tip-top shape so that our immune systems can tackle any virus that comes along.
So, how does someone go about building resilience? These are the top five strategies I use with both myself and my patients.
Take out the dietary trash. Food plays a huge role in, well, everything! Generally, I advise patients to eat food that looks like it did when it came from the farm. Or at least as close as you can get. If you need a chemistry degree to read a food label, look for something that is closer to real food, because what you have in your hand is too processed. Soda (regular and diet) and sugary foods need to go out the door, too. And alcohol has been a big problem for many people ever since our movements have been more restricted by the pandemic. It needs to be used minimally, if at all.
Get moving. Body composition plays a large role in the inflammatory and immune response. Adipose (fat) cells are, by nature, more inflammatory and people with a lot of adipose tissue will have a poorer response to both influenza and COVID-19 infection. Building muscle and losing fat can be a huge benefit for the immune system and pretty much any system in the body. There are a few exceptions, but I recommend at least a few sessions with a personal trainer for patients so that they dont injure themselves in the pursuit of fitness. Luckily, we have many fantastic personal trainers in Flagstaff who can get you off the couch and moving.
Modulate your stress response. Feeling fearful and stressed can contribute to depression and anxiety, tank the immune system, and contribute to weight gain. Those fight or flight hormones arent designed to be elevated all the time, but we have a lot of tripwires in our world that will trigger stress and fear. Common triggers are social media, news intake, school and work. Take a good look at your triggers, because some are controllable and some arent. Do you need a social media fast? News diet? Or do you need to see a counselor or other health professional to learn some tools to manage how you respond to work or school stress?
Socialize. We humans are social animals and our immune systems know it! Too much time alone isnt healthy for humans and there are safe ways to socialize in the midst of a pandemic. I have heard some great ways that my patients have been able to get creative and see family and friends safely. Being outdoors and distanced is a pretty simple and relatively safe way to maintain those vital connections.
Targeted nutrients can help. I cant recommend nutrients in this article, but I do recommend nutrients for patients if they have any gaps in their diet or they need specialized support. I do a detailed intake on patients before putting them on supplements or medications. But, I will say this, because I can never say it enough: You cant out-supplement or out-medicate a poor diet and lifestyle.
I want to finish this article by telling you about a patient I recently saw who really impressed me as an example of building resilience by taking a few simple steps. I saw this patients annual blood work results before she came in for her visit and her labs were greatly improved over the previous years labs. Her inflammatory markers were lower, her Vitamin D levels were improved, and her blood sugar had decreased. I was excited to speak with her and hear what changes she had made. When she got to my office for her physical, I found she had lost 50 pounds! Want to know how she did it? She cut sugar, including soda, out of her diet and started walking every day. Thats it. Those two simple changes she made drastically increase her chances of surviving COVID-19 or influenza if she ends up being exposed. I know you can get your health house in order and build resilience, too! FBN
By Amber Belt, ND
Amber Belt, N.D. is a naturopathic physician with sharp regenerative injection skills, a roller derby enthusiast, a business owner, an animal lover and a Flagstaff devotee. She has been performing regenerative injections for 12 years and can be contacted via or at 928-213-5828.
Read More..Thoughts on the Run: A weighty subject – Middletown Transcript

Andy Shearer| Middletown Transcript
I graduated from high school in 1981 (yes, kiddies, we did have high schools in the last century). When I graduated, I weighed 122 pounds. No, the football coach never approached me about being the guy who sprinted out to grab the kicking tee.
After four years of college athletics and development, I had risen to a whopping 128 pounds. My dream of someday being used as an anchor on a hot air balloon was also dead, never to be realized. I cant say my college diet was healthy, but it was caloric. In 1986, a dunk-tank measurement tagged my body fat percentage at 5.9%.
At present, my weight ranges somewhere between 136-140 pounds, depending on where I am in my strength work, training, hydration plan and racing cycle. I am painfully aware that my chemical composition isnt what it once was, meaning Im probably less muscle and more … not muscle. But at 5-feet-8 (or slightly less, depending on the weight of gravity that day), Im still firmly just below the A.M.A. optimal range.
I do not share this information with you in order to pretend to be a skinny mini. Rather, I share this as the reality of my athletic life for the past 44 years. It is a lifestyle, not necessarily a conscious effort. I also realize I am extremely fortunate that I do not have to battle the scale regularly.
But healthy is healthy (or is it healthful is healthful?). And my 43+ years as a runner has provided me with a healthy attitude about my weight. I have never sought out a scale in order to check my weight or my health. Other than the regular wellness trips to the doctor, I personally wish all scales would disappear.
Too often, we rely on the wrong feedback to determine our wellness. A few years ago, I met a former NFL lineman, who had played for the New Orleans Saints for seven years. His playing weight was close to 300 pounds, and he hadnt slimmed down much from that orbit. He was managing a culinary school! Regular checks indicated his blood pressure, cholesterol, resting heart rate, and other factors were all VERY good. He exercised regularly, ate pretty well (meaning VEGETABLES), and slept 7-8 hours every night. He was healthy AND healthful.
The other side of that coin is that running 30, 40, 50 miles per week does not immunize you from risk factors you may have inherited or even developed. Do you know how often I get ribbed about Jim Fixx? For those of you unaware of Mr. Fixx, just use the Google. He wrote two huge-selling books about running in the 70s and 80s, then dropped dead from a heart attack while out… running.
The scale, especially for young athletes, is an awful tool. Coaches who insist you weigh in weekly should be banned from the ranks of coaching (wrestling and football perhaps can get a pass, but then lets talk about healthy, healthful habits, shall we). The equation is about ALL of our habits, not just our caloric intake versus outgo. What do those calories look like? Are we drinking enough water? Fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, sleep, exercising, reducing stress on our minds and bodies … the list goes on. Quite frankly, unless your doctor says you have a medical need to do so, stay off your scale or, better yet, throw it away!
About 10 years ago, I consulted with a Registered Dietitian (my good friend Irene, who loves cookies). She asked me to keep a written diary of my actual daily intake (not my imagined one) for a five-day period. She reviewed my habits, stated it was a good thing I ran as much as I did (eating 3,200 calories a day will do that) and then tweaked how and when I ate, not necessarily what I ate. She did make some suggestions for alternatives.
This consultation had nothing to do with my weight and everything to do with my running health and long-term health. Knowing my blood pressure, resting heart rate, and cholesterol level, along with having baseline information about my blood counts, and yes, even occasionally my weight (like, annually) will keep me firmly in-the-know.
Be healthy AND healthful. Unless weight is the problem, its not the problem. And only your doctor and the folks who operate hot air balloon rides can tell you the real skinny.
I hope to see you on the roads, tracks and trails.
Former standout Lock Haven University runner Andy Shearer is a member of the Middletown Athletic Club, the Greater Philadelphia Track Club and USA Track and Field.
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Thoughts on the Run: A weighty subject - Middletown Transcript
Weight Loss: This Is How You Should Plan Your Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner, If You Don’t Want To Gain Weight – NDTV

Weight loss plan: Consuming healthy snacks to avoid unnecessary weight gain
Weight loss: Have you often wondered how to make the right diet choice for yourself? Well, you're not alone. Many people struggle with having a control on their diet. Following fad diets in the name of weight loss results in increased cravings and uncontrollable binge eating. Believe it or not, eating healthy consistently is no rocket science. All you need is a little discipline and motivation, and you can eat all of your favourite comfort foods, without worrying about weight gain or any other health concerns.
The key is to not restrict or starve yourself of food, ever. Your diet should include all food groups: protein, fats and carbs, in balanced proportions. If you want to lose weight, eating small and frequent meals can be helpful.
Nutritonist Nmami Agarwal recently took to Instagram to give her followers a glimpse of what her daily meals look like. She also explains just how one can proportionate their meals in order to get adequate nutrition from food, while also satisfying their taste buds and cravings.
Also read:Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): 4 Lifestyle Tips That Can Help You Lose Weight And Reverse PCOS
1. Breakfast: According to Agarwal, it is important to have a power-packed breakfast. It should contain complex carbs and good quality protein. In her Insta post, the Delhi-based nutritionist can be seen eating dosa with sambhar and coconut chutney for breakfast. Now this is a delicious combination which is not just delicious but super nutritious as well!
Consume hot, healthy and homemade breakfast every dayPhoto Credit: iStock
2. Lunch: Having a wholesome lunch is important for your physical and mental health. "It keeps your brain functioning efficiently," says Agarwal. A wholesome lunch is one which includes five groups with a balance of macros and micros: carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Agarwal's lunch includes dal, two varieties of sabzis, a serving of salad, roti and rice. You can have roti and rice together, if you have the appetite for it, or you can choose to have only one of them in one particular meal.
Also read:Does Drinking Water With Meals Cause Weight Gain? Nutritionists Explain
3. Snack smartly: Now this is one of the most important tip for your health and weight. How you snack actually determines your weight loss goals too. Some healthy snacking options are: ghee roasted makhanas, nuts and seeds trail mix, roasted black chana, puffed rice, etc are healthy snacks that you can have guilt-free.
4. Eat light and early dinners: Having early and light dinners can be helpful for weight loss and also for having a good night's sleep. Agarwal suggests that there should be a gap of three hours between dinner and bedtime, in order to "allow your body to gather enough energy to digest & assimilate nutrients properly without leading to indigestion or bloating".
All of these tips can be effective and useful for planning your daily meals. And with some discipline, the goal of eating healthy, sustainably, can be achieved without being too hard on yourself!
Also read:Want To Have Light Dinners But Not Feel Starved? Rujuta Diwekar Has The Perfect Solution For You!
(Nmami Agarwal is nutritionist at Nmami Life).
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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Weight Loss: This Is How You Should Plan Your Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner, If You Don't Want To Gain Weight - NDTV
Rochester Housing Authority and Trillium Health partner to expand health services to low-income families – RochesterFirst

Posted: Nov 5, 2020 / 12:33 PM EST / Updated: Nov 5, 2020 / 12:33 PM EST
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) Rochester Housing Authority (RHA) andTrilliumHealth are expanding their partnership to offer primary care for low-income families.
Using its Mobile Access Clinic,TrilliumHealth will be on location at RHAs Public Housing sites weekly to offer residents access to critically important health services, including: flu shots and other vaccinations, treatment for illnesses and injuries, health screenings, advice on nutrition and weight loss, and the management of chronic, long-term illnesses.
When the pandemic began we identified that there were certain areas of the city that didnt have immediate access to testing for COVID, Nurse Practitioner Sean Owen said. Some of these barriers are the same for them getting in to see primary care or even specialists so I think its really important to get to these areas of the cities that are underserved so that we can start connecting people to primary care.
Only RHA residents are eligible for care through the Mobile Access Clinic when parked at Public Housing sites. Participants need to schedule an appointment withTrilliumHealth and when being seen, participants must wear a mask or appropriate facial covering and adhere to six feet of social distancing.
When onsite at RHA, the Mobile Access Clinic is not open to the public and is only accessible to current RHA residents at that location.
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Rochester Housing Authority and Trillium Health partner to expand health services to low-income families - RochesterFirst
Weight Management Market 2020: Potential Growth, Attractive Valuation make it is a long-term investment | Know the COVID19 Impact | Top Players:…

The Weight Management market study Added by Affluence Market Reports, provides an in-depth analysis pertaining to potential drivers fueling this industry. The research report on the Weight Management market consists of significant information regarding the growth drivers, opportunities, and the challenges & restraints that define the business scenario in the subsequent years.
The report offers valuable insight into the Weight Management market progress and approaches related to the Weight Management market with an analysis of each region. The report goes on to talk about the dominant aspects of the market and examine each segment
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Weight Management market is split by Type and by Application. For the period 2018-2025, the growth among segments provides accurate calculations and forecasts for sales by Type and by Application in terms of volume and value. This analysis can help you expand your business by targeting qualified niche markets.
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Impact of COVID-19 on Weight Management Market
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Weight Management Market 2020: Potential Growth, Attractive Valuation make it is a long-term investment | Know the COVID19 Impact | Top Players:...
Dr. Dennis J. Hurwitz publishes techniques and artistic long-term results in male body contouring – PR Web

Male Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
PITTSBURGH (PRWEB) November 03, 2020
World renowned innovative University of Pittsburgh Clinical Professor of Plastic Surgery, Dennis J Hurwitz, MD has recently published updates on his unique body contouring surgery of the male. The prestigious International plastic surgery Journal, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, recognized Dr. Hurwitzs 2015 article Enhancing Masculine Features After Massive Weight Loss as one of the most highly referenced articles in the journals 50-year history. This open access article may be downloaded by searching Hurwitz D, Enhancing Masculine Features after Massive Weight Loss, Aesth Plast Surg. 2016. 40:2; 245-255. The journal republished it in in August 2020, followed by an editorial update in Aesth Plast Surg. 2020; 44, 1252-1257. His unique Boomerang pattern correction of gynecomastia remains a favorite approach to difficult sagging gynecomastia correction. The Boomerang procedure nicely compliments Oblique Flankplasty with Lipoabdominoplasty over one or two stages. New techniques using high definition liposculpture with Pectoralis muscle fat grafting and BodyTite skin tightening has become the mainstay of the more common moderate presentations of gynecomastia in muscular males with poor definition.
Then in September 2020, the long awaited first plastic surgery textbook exclusively on males was published. Editor of Male Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Theime 2020, D.S. Steinbrech selected Dr. Hurwitz to write chapter 22 on Boomerang Excision Pattern Correction of Gynecomastia and chapter 40 on Body Lift after Massive Weight Loss in Men. These step by step surgical atlas presentations with technique videos should help popularize his techniques and improve results by other surgeons. Early reviews of the textbook have praised its encyclopedic presentation from the best know plastic surgeon contributors of today.
This COVIID-19 era of social distancing has not slowed down Dr. Hurwitz world-wide scientific presentations at authoritative American and international conferences. Through video conferencing, Dr. Hurwitz continues to be invited to present his artistry in body contouring surgery. On May 18, 2020 Dr. Hurwitz was honored by the So Paulo division of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery as an annual conference keynote speaker on the Centrality of Oblique Flankplasty and lipoabdominoplasty. Similarly, he has presented at the annual meeting of the of PAP, Pakistan Association of Plastic Surgeons, and Saudi Arabian Society of Plastic Surgeons, July 18, 2020. Also, he spoke for an hour for surgical residents of Britains United Kingdom series of webinars for trainees September 24. During the on-demand session of the American Society of Plastic Surgeon PSTM2020 October 12, Hurwitz was the guest moderator for Vector base liposculpture for men. On Thursday, 11/5/20, he will present a 90-minute treatise on his evolution of body contouring surgery to the present Oblique Flankplasty at the Georgetown Department of Plastic Surgery Virtual Grand Round Lecture Series, which include prestigious Departments at Universities of Michigan and Pennsylvania.
The common theme of these presentations is his evolving experience using the combination of lipoabdominoplasty with his unique lower body lift operation, the Oblique Flankplasty (OFLA). He described the centrality of this operative combination to the reshaping of the entire torso of individuals who suffer loose skin and poor body shape after weight loss pregnancy and/or aging. Through photographs and video presentations of both men and woman that included before-and-after results he convincingly taught the application of his still evolving approach to excellent body contouring. Dr. Hurwitz explains how total body lift surgery came to happen and what have been the scientific, social and patient highlights of cultivating body contouring specialty over the past 22 years. He anticipates that the brilliant but impressionable residents and medical students will be inspired to take a similar path towards developing and advancing their specialty interest in plastic surgery. They need to understand long term goals, the search for excellence, unraveling deficiencies and realizing the length of time, it takes to make a difference and the considerable effort in preparation of lectures, traveling and manuscripts and book chapters. The satisfactions and rewards will be self-evident to those who attend. Dr. Hurwitz is clear that this approach to the practice of plastic surgery has not only brought achievements in innovation, but the best possible care for his patients one at a time, day in and day out. For those who wish to view the August 2019 recorded similar presentation for an ICOPLAST international webinar for plastic surgeons please search lower body lift by Dennis Hurwitz on Vimeo.
Recently, plastic surgeon, UNLV adjunct assistant professor, Armando A. Davila, M.D. has joined the Hurwitz Center for Plastic Surgery working side by side with Dr. Hurwitz and making his unique contributions to patient care and clinical research. For more information about achieving an optimal figure and what treatments best suit your needs, contact the Hurwitz Center for Plastic Surgery, The practice can be reached directly using the information provided below.
The Hurwitz Center for Plastic Surgery3109 Forbes Ave., Suite 500Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213(412) 802-6100
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Dr. Dennis J. Hurwitz publishes techniques and artistic long-term results in male body contouring - PR Web
Diagnosing and managing a horse with Cushing’s Disease –

Cushings disease, or more correctly, pars pituitary intermedia dysfunction (PPID), is a metabolic condition that affects middle-aged and older horses.
In PPID, the pituitary gland in the brain produces an excessive amount of the hormone ACTH, which stimulates the production of large amounts of cortisol, the stress hormone. Cortisol has many negative effects in the body, including suppression of the immune system and insulin resistance. There is currently no cure for PPID in horses; instead, it must be managed.
Signs of PPID include weight loss, loss of muscle (especially along the topline), a long hair coat that does not shed out in the summer, laminitis and chronic infections that seem to recur or linger (e.g. hoof abscesses). Generalized obesity is not a typical sign of PPID; however, horses may have fat deposits in certain areas (e.g. over the tail, head, neck and/or shoulder).
In some cases, a veterinarian can diagnose PPID based on the clinical signs alone. In other horses, the combination of clinical signs plus a blood test that measures the ACTH level in the body is needed for diagnosis.
A veterinarian may choose to measure insulin and glucose because these markers tend to be elevated in horses with PPID, and some horses may suffer from another condition known as Equine Metabolic Syndrome. In instances where the ACTH test result is inconclusive, or in the early stages of PPID, a veterinarian may need to perform a thyrotropin-releasing hormone stimulation test.
ACTH levels vary throughout the year in all horses, which can complicate the interpretation of blood tests for PPID. Most normal horses show an increase in ACTH in the fall; however, the magnitude of this increase is much higher in horses with PPID compared to normal horses. Therefore, a veterinarian may choose to test for PPID in the fall.
The main treatment for a horse with PPID is daily administration of a medication known as pergolide. In the U.S., there is currently one FDA-approved product. When given appropriately, an initial response can be seen in as little as 30 days and long-term improvements will be seen over the period of one to twelve months.
Your veterinarian will recommend to periodically measure your horses ACTH to adjust the horses dose as needed. There are other management considerations for horses with PPID, including dentistry, body condition, body weight, nutrition and parasite control.
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Diagnosing and managing a horse with Cushing's Disease -
Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Products and Services Market 2025 Expected to Reach Highest CAGR During COVID 19 crisis : AHD International,…

Introduction and Scope: Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Products and Services MarketBased on highly decisive data unravelling approach braced by highly professional researchers and analysts in our teams, the Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Products and Services Market is expected to nail a bullish growth through the growth span, 2019-25.
The report is poised to include definitive details of the market forces, growth catalysts that collectively influence lucrative growth returns. The market with his current growth prognosis as well as an eventful historical success rate is likely to accrue high end investment returns, while also maintaining a decent CAGR percentage through the growth years considered in the report.
which market players and aspiring new entrants may witness seamless entry.AHD InternationalAtkins NutritionalsBio-SynergyBody-SolidBrunswickConagra FoodsGlaxosmithklineKelloggKraft FoodsMedifastNautilusNestleNutrasweetNutrisystemPepsicoQuaker OatsSkinny NutritionalStreamline FoodsTate And LyleCoca-ColaHersheyUnileverVivusVlcc GroupWeight WatcherWellness International
The report in its modest attempt to unfurl notable market developments successfully includes details on revenue predictions, sales performance profit margin as well as market specific segmentation and vendor profiles who continue to hold tangible lead despite unprecedented challenges and catastrophes.
Identifying Growth Influencers and Potential ThreatsThis well researched report presentation delving into global Weight Loss and Diet Management Products and Services market highlights some of themost dominant trends and other market specific influencers that entail positive and negative implications on growth possibilities.
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The report minutely assesses key developments trends besides also identifying growth deterrents and constraints that shrink growth possibilities. Additional market specific developments highlighting COVID-19 outbreak and its subsequent implications on holistic growth trajectory of the Weight Loss and Diet Management Products and Services market have been thoroughly assessed to gauge into current as well as future implications of the pandemic, affecting businesses and growth trends significantly.
The market is roughly segregated into: Segmentation by TypeMealsBeveragesSupplements
Segmentation by ApplicationWeight Loss SurgeryMDsHospitals/Clinic ProgramsRx Diet DrugsBariatriciansVLCD Programs
Geographical Landscape global Weight Loss and Diet Management Products and Services market: Details for Consideration For superlative reader awareness and informed business decisions, this report section actively bifurcates the overall market into key geographical pockets comprising North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Southeast Asia, Middle East and Africa, South America.
In its subsequent sections, the report also includes vital details about the growth performance, revenue generation trends as well as vendor activities across specific geographical hubs and futuristic growth possibilities in the areas.
Crucial information on revenue generation trends and growth rate projections have also been well included in this report.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis The overall status of the Weight Loss and Diet Management Products and Services market with pandemic outrage has been mindfully assessed and accurate predictions have also been made to aid futuristic growth projections
Changing parameters across supply-chain dynamics have been addressed in the report.
Both long term and short-term market growth implications accrued by affected business developments with pandemic looming large.
Primary Purpose of the Report The report follows a top down investigative approach to unravel forecast projections The report presents a thorough investigative study of the Weight Loss and Diet Management Products and Services market to assist and guide profitable business discretion This high-end research report representation on the Weight Loss and Diet Management Products and Services market is fundamentally aimed to unravel developments such as supply and demand scenario Further, the report scouts further analysis to identify and group the eventful developments, sectioning them in fragments and categories to direct profit ventures in the Weight Loss and Diet Management Products and Services market, also aiding market participants business discretion
Relevant details on prevalent market competition and rising intensity with inclusion of new market players also find ample mention in the report to evoke wise comprehension and appropriate growth related business strategies, favoring strong competitive edge. Details on technological innovation, and inputs developments, commercial agreements have all been touched upon in this illustrative research report on the Weight Loss and Diet Management Products and Services market.
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Subsequently in the report, readers are also well enlightened about the current scenario in the competitive landscape highlighting key vendors and their steady growth journey through the forecast span. Details pertaining to company performance, portfolio developments as well as profit returns have been discussed alongside SWOT analysis.
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Read the original post:
Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Products and Services Market 2025 Expected to Reach Highest CAGR During COVID 19 crisis : AHD International,...