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Pick Up These 5 Great Items To Help Lose Weight Quickly – Men’s Journal

Mens Journal aims to feature only the best products and services. We update when possible, but deals expire and prices can change. If you buy something via one of our links, we may earn a commission.Questions? Reach us at [emailprotected].
With everybody being stuck at home for the majority of 2020, we have all needed to find ways to kill time. And for most folks, that means working out. Exercising at home so you can stay/get healthy and come out of the pandemic looking amazing. You just need to figure out whats the right process for you.
If youre looking to lose weight more than anything else, there are plenty of ways to go about that. Exercising and/or eating right. But for some folks, they need a little help getting over the hump. You just cant lose that weight. Which means you need to pick up some help where you can.
There are plenty of options out there to help you lose weight. Its a whole industry at this point and the options are so vast it can be hard to make a choice. Which is why we are here to help you pick the right items to get you to lose weight quickly. Unsurprisingly, these items can be found on Amazon.
Going over the supply at Amazon, we have found 5 amazing items that will help you lose weight quickly. Its a nice little variety there too. Supplements and cleanses and workout attire. All the things you could use in tandem or on their own to help kickstart the weight loss process in short order.
So if you are having any issues or are looking to avoid any issues with losing weight, you should check out these items we have picked out for you below. Youll have no regrets picking any of these bad boys up.
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Pick Up These 5 Great Items To Help Lose Weight Quickly - Men's Journal
Intermittent fasting: the best method – All4Women

ABOUT THE AUTHORThe Conversation
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The appeal of these diets is that you dont need to count calories or eat certain foods. But there are so many versions, its hard to know which one is best. Heres what the research says.
This is a popular version of intermittent fasting where you eat a very low-calorie diet (about 500kcal) for two days each week (any two days). On the other five days, you eat as normal.
Research has shown that its possible to lose weight with this diet; it also improves several markers of health, such as reducing levels of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. But the 5:2 diet is unlikely to be more effective for weight loss than traditional methods of dieting. This is because 5:2 reduces calorie intake to a similar extent as traditional dieting.
There is some evidence that conducting the two days of very-low-calorie intake on consecutive days can improve insulin sensitivity a risk marker for type 2 diabetes to a greater extent than traditional dieting. This approach also leads to decreases in blood lipids (fatty substances found in the blood) compared with traditional dieting.
An important extra benefit of 5:2 is that you can consume some food during the fasting period, providing an opportunity to take in vital nutrients. Dieting often leads to losses in muscle and bone mass, alongside fat mass because consuming a balanced diet while reducing calorie intake is difficult. This can compromise long-term weight loss efforts as muscle is more metabolically active (burns more calories) than fat. Eating enough protein can help to reduce the loss of muscle mass while dieting, with a bonus of reducing appetite.
While 5:2 could be considered a lifestyle intervention, alternate-day fasting (ADF) is more likely to be used to lose weight quickly. ADF is often referred to as the every other day diet and requires you to alternate daily between unrestricted eating and consuming a very low-calorie diet.
Most research on ADF uses a similar approach to 5:2, allowing a small meal (usually about 500kcal) to be consumed on fasting days. Research has shown that ADF can lead to considerable weight loss in 8-12 weeks, but a big problem with ADF is that adherence tends to wane. Longer-term studies have shown that calorie intake on fasting days creeps up over time, which reduces the calorie deficit achieved and slows the rate of weight loss.
Randomised controlled trials (the gold standard of clinical research) show that ADF doesnt lead to more weight loss or improvements in health compared with traditional dieting when calorie intake is the same in both groups. Despite this, it is likely that ADF will result in a greater reduction in calorie intake compared with traditional methods of dieting, which should lead to greater weight loss, initially. But its doubtful that many people will adhere to ADF in the long term.
Time-restricted eating (TRE) involves complete fasting for long periods (16-20 hours) and consuming all calories within restricted hours, often referred to as feeding windows.
The most common version of TRE uses a ratio between fasting and eating of 16:8 (16 hours of fasting and eight hours during which it is permissible to eat). Many people achieve this ratio by skipping breakfast thereby delaying their first meal until midday and consuming all food between midday and 8 pm.
Research has shown that calorie intake over a 24-hour period is reduced when people skip breakfast. But the number of calories expended through physical activity is also reduced, which will partially or completely negate the calorie deficit achieved by skipping breakfast. So skipping breakfast is unlikely to lead to meaningful weight loss. Skipping breakfast also reduces the effectiveness of insulin to regulate blood glucose levels after lunch, indicating a negative effect on insulin sensitivity.
But an alternative approach to TRE has shown promise. A recent study found that fasting from 2 pm improved insulin sensitivity in a group of pre-diabetic males. This could be due to an enhanced natural ability to regulate blood glucose levels effectively in the morning, due to daily variations in metabolism. So, restricting food intake to a morning feeding window and fasting in the evening may be a healthier version of TRE.
As with any diet, success will be dictated mostly by adherence. When it comes to weight loss, ADF is likely to lead to the most rapid success, but sustaining weight loss in the long term may be aided by the less intense 5:2 approach.
There is some evidence that adherence could be greater in TRE, as completely restricting food intake may be easier for some people than severely restricting it. In this sense, research suggests that skipping dinner may be better for health than skipping breakfast.
Its important to note that most research suggests that intermittent fasting is no better than traditional methods of dieting. But intermittent fasting regimens that have prolonged periods of fasting, such as TRE with shorter feeding windows and 5:2 with two consecutive very-low-calorie days, may provide additional health benefits.
David Clayton, Lecturer in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, Nottingham Trent University
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
While All4Women endeavours to ensure health articles are based on scientific research, health articles should not be considered as a replacement for professional medical advice. Should you have concerns related to this content, it is advised that you discuss them with your personal healthcare provider.
Read the original here:
Intermittent fasting: the best method - All4Women
Combine cardio and strength training to boost weight loss: 5 best exercises to burn fat and flatten your tummy – Times Now

Combine cardio and strength training to boost weight loss: 5 best exercises to burn fat and flatten your tummy  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images
New Delhi: The benefits of daily exercise go beyond a trimmer waistline. It improves your heart health, lowers your risk of diabetes, helps you build muscles and strong bones. It increases your energy levels, keeps you sharp, and makes you feel happier. If you want to burn fat and build lean muscle more quickly, a healthy diet along with a combination of cardio and strength training can help accelerate your weight loss goals. So, are you ready to kick-start your flat belly journey?
Here are some of the best strength and cardio exercises that you can add to your fitness routine to burn belly fat and lose inches like never before.
Burpees are effective workouts for weight loss as it involves training various muscle groups, including your chest, core and legs. It is a full-body exercise that can help you burn a lot of calories. The dynamic combination of squats, jumps, and pushups can help you burn fat from your overall body.
Jump rope
Turns out, jumping rope is a great calorie-burner. It is also a great exercise for the heart. Jumping rope also helps improve coordination and cognitive function. It helps strengthen the upper and lower body and makes your body burn a lot of calories in a short time. According to Multazim Shaikh, a fitness trainer and nutritionist with FamFits, you can burn about 1,300 calories per hour with a jump rope.
Cardio kickboxing
Cardio kickboxing is a high-energy workout that combines martial arts techniques with fast-paced cardio. It helps you burn fat, build lean muscle. This challenging workout can help you build stamina, improve coordination and flexibility. Muscle and Fitness Magazine reported that kickboxing can help you burn more than 800 calories per hour, as you tone up your entire body and rev up your metabolism with this fun, high-power cardio workout.
Pushups are a great exercise to build upper body strength and increase muscle mass in your arms. It helps to stabilise the core and increase metabolism to burn more fat. It can also boost your heart health.
Another great strength training exercise, lunges are a popular workout among those trying to sculpt and tone their bodies. It is an effective workout for strengthening legs and buttocks. Lunges target large muscle groups of your lower body, which improves your metabolism and boost weight loss. It is an effective workout for strengthening legs and buttocks.
The bottom line is, a well-rounded exercise routinecombined with a healthy diet and other lifestyle changes can help you lose weight and keep it off. However, starting and sticking with a fitness plan can be challenging especially for beginners, so look for ways to help you stay active and make better food choices every day.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.
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Combine cardio and strength training to boost weight loss: 5 best exercises to burn fat and flatten your tummy - Times Now
Gayle King Went on a 5-Day Soup Fast to Fit Into a Dress – Us Weekly

If it works, it works! Gayle King took a unique approach to lose weight in a short period of time and it paid off!
On Tuesday, November 3, the CBS News anchor revealed via Instagram that she put herself on a soup-only diet to fit into a dress she was going to wear during election night coverage. She shared a side-by-side photo of herself standing on a scale, revealing that she went from 172.2 pounds down to 165 pounds.
Update! Just completed [a] 5 day soup fast & the results are in! she wrote. Trying to get into [my] mustard yellow dress for Elex night coverage TONITE. [Im] praying to sweet Black baby Jesus it now fits, that you VOTE & that there is PEACE.
King added, PS plz withhold all negative comments about my jacked up feet. Im well aware they are a hot mess, but not yet comfortable in a covid environment going to [the] nail salon Bigger issues to worry about.
Nearly two weeks earlier, the news personality opened up about her weight gain amid the coronavirus pandemic. CRISIS! The weight struggle is real! [Im] fatter than Ive been in [a] long time & scared to get a pedicure (big sigh), she wrote via Instagram on October 24, noting that her doctor says that her ideal weight is 163 pounds. [Thats] not happening anytime soon Blaming corona quarantine & Halloween candy corns I just bought! Make it stop!
King has been vocal about her weight struggles over the years. In 2016, she revealed that she dropped nearly 28 pounds by following the Weight Watchers program. She went from 184.5 pounds to 156.8 pounds.
Its going down to quote Kesha Im yelling timber, she wrote via Instagram at the time, sharing a photo of her feet on a scale. October 7, 163.6 and now 160.6. Went up for a hot minute, now back on track at Weight Watchers counting the points!
That same year, King told her CBS This Morning colleagues that it is hard to lose weight once you experience menopause.
Earlier this year, King spoke with Elle about her wellness journey and how she works to stay in shape. I try to figure out a way to get some kind of exercise. Ive been reading this book about the joy of movement, and I do think theres something to that, she explained in March. Im not saying I like working out. Im just saying I do it. I do the treadmill, I do the elliptical and I do weights. But Im not going to sit here and say, Oh, my God, I love it.
See the original post:
Gayle King Went on a 5-Day Soup Fast to Fit Into a Dress - Us Weekly
One Shot Keto Reviews Details One Shot Keto Pills Read Ingredients and Really Work – Riverfront Times

One Shot Keto Compromising! We all compromise for many things in our life. Sometimes we give our best to stay on the better side. We can compromise with everything except for health issues. When there is no external work and unhealthy eating habits then one could get into the wrong health. These health issues give birth to obesity and overweight problems. Most of the people are having these problems because they don't have a proper diet and healthy food habits. Overweight is a serious issue that is not given much priority. It can lead to many new health problems too.
When someone says that they're fit. It means they have a healthy diet and only consume healthy food so that there are no health issues. But this is not similar to everyone. When there is a consumption of fat extracts, unhealthy food, sweet dishes then there is an increase in weight. Gaining weight is quite an easy task but losing is the most difficult task. Even when we consume small chocolate, there is a lot of gained calories. These calories make the body look fat. Now, this fat does not burn without any workout or any One Shot Keto Pills. So what can be done to reduce the fat content from the body? Is there any way out to lose weight and gain better health?
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Introduction Of One Shot Keto
After there is a gain in weight we become so lazy that we just forget to work out or do something for losing weight. If there is sheer determination then everything is possible but it takes too long. Everything takes effort and time to give results. When we do something with proper determination and precisely then everything becomes easy. But sometimes we don't have that much time to lose weight. Thats why weight loss is now possible with the help of One Shot Keto. Here is a weight loss supplement that has some amazing ways to burn the extra fat from the body. It even helps to build muscles and bones of the body. It gives many health benefits so that there are nobody problems later on.
There are remedies to get rescue from overweight problems. But the solution is amazing and effective. Within a few weeks of using it, there is a big transformation one could see. There are many amazing facts about the. Supplements are available on a large scale but this supplement has effecting ways to lose weight. It does not include side effects or harmful effects. This solution has given positive results to many people who are using this supplement. Now let us see more about the supplement.
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What is One Shot Keto?
There are many energy drinks and supplement available at the general stores or online. These drinks and supplements come with special formulas that claim to help in reducing weight. But possibly sometimes it is not possible with many supplements. Losing weight is not that easy task for everyone. Most people find it difficult because there is a lot of weight gained in their bodies. It needs time and better remedies to work upon these problems. Thus, we have One Shot Keto, a trending weight loss supplement. It comes with special offers and ingredients.
One Shot Keto Pills is a supplement that takes less time to convert the stored fat into energy. Our body required energy to perform several tasks. This supplement gives enough energy to perform many body tasks. It mainly depends on the low-carb diet. Thus, it is a helpful and best solution for losing weight. But there is still a lot of things about the supplement that one should be aware of. It comes with a package of 30 days and if one is having more bodyweight then he/she can go for more than 30 days. This is how it will help in reducing the extra fat from the body. Now. let us see how it works and gives so wonderful results?
Working On One Shot Keto
Every other supplement consists of different functioning and formula. This functioning may hit the body positively or negatively. Therefore, it is very much required to use the supplement after gaining all the required information. One Shot Keto has proper functioning and it does not cause any sort of problem while using it. Everyone has some reactions occurring in the body at a particular time and they may react to the formula of the supplement.
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There is a naturally occurring process known as ketosis that is responsible for all the changes in the body related to weight. Body fat is reduced with the produced ketones. These ketones are the real weight-loss elements. They help in losing weight and transform all the fat content of the body into energy. This is how it works. There is no other method of losing weight when one is using keto supplements. It is the most effective supplement one could have. So now lets see the ingredients and benefits of the supplement. It comes with amazing facts and information that helps us to choose the best weight loss supplement.
Ingredients Of One Shot Keto
Now, comes the most amazing part of the supplement. Ingredients always make the formula effective. When we consume different styles of food the ingredients of them are the only ones that make the food delicious. The ingredients are also responsible for giving health benefits. Therefore, ingredients, in any case, helps to get better health and results. One Shot Keto is a new and trending supplement for weight loss. Losing weight now is quite easy with the help of this wonderful supplement. It contains a great combination of natural and effective ingredients.
Some main ingredients make this supplement effective and healthy. BHB Ketones is a natural ingredient that helps in reducing weight by increasing the ketones level in the body. Our body requires a new change or remedy so that weight loss can take place. With the help of One Shot Keto Pills, it is possible to have healthy and fastest weight loss. It also contains some antioxidant elements which help to remove all the toxins from the body. There is no harmful substance in the formula because this time it has come with more natural ingredients and formula. This is how it gives amazing ingredients for losing weight.
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Benefits Of One Shot Keto
There are some benefits other than losing weight that comes with this amazing supplement. When our body is under ketosis it may become weak because there is a lot of weight loss at a particular time. This weight loss includes shortening of body nutrients too. This is how it causes the body too weak. So along with proper weight loss, this supplement comes with amazing benefits so that body can get stronger metabolism and immunity. So here we have the benefits of One Shot Keto:
Dosage Of One Shot Keto Pills
The dose of the supplement should be taken properly. Therefore, here are some steps that will ensure that body is getting the proper dose of the supplement for losing weight.
Some precautions may help in positively losing weight. It is very necessary to take precautions before starting up with anything. This ensures that one is getting proper results and benefits of the supplement. Thus, here we have the precautions of the supplement given:
One Shot Keto Customer's Reviews
Hella, 37
I have tried many weight loss supplements but none of them as effective as One Shot Keto. It has an amazing formula for weight loss. It contains many ingredients that support healthy weight loss. I am really happy after getting a fit and slim figure with the help of this supplement.
Kailey, 48
I used to exercise for many hours but yet my weight was not getting reduced. I was tensed due to overweight but then I got One Shot Keto. This is a fat-burning supplement that has helped me in losing weight. Also, it is the most natural and effective way to lose weight.
What are the side effects of it?
This supplement comes with the best weight loss effects. There are no side effects caused by this supplement. But sometimes we may get side effects due to a sensitive body. We all have different functioning of the body. Some people might get problems like headaches, nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, rashes. These are possible due to some of the allergy problems. But there are no side effects after one is used to it.
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How long will it take to give the required results?
This supplement takes minimum time to give the required results. Weight loss with One Shot Keto Pills is quite fast. Within a few days of using this supplement, it gives amazing results. Fat burns in a short period and gives an amazing fit figure. This is how it takes very little time.
Who all can use it?
Everyone can use this supplement. There is no specification for using this supplement. It is suitable for everyone and each one of us can use this supplement. Since this supplement is natural and organic, therefore, it does not produce any side effects on the body.
What about the refund policy?
If there is an issue with the supplement or the packing of the supplement is already broken then kindle inform the official site of the supplement. The necessary measure will be taken against the report. Once, the required information is collected refund will be given back to the one who ordered. The refund is given only on the valuable reason and no unnecessary things are entertained.
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Where to buy One Shot Keto?This supplement is available at the official site. One can buy this supplement from the official site online. It is a better option to buy this supplement because sometimes this supplement is not available at the general stores. Also, from the official site, you can get the supplement at your house door.
Is it safe?
Yes, this supplement is 100% safe. It gives amazing results to the body without causing any harmful effects. It is safe because it is a natural supplement that comes with the natural process and working.
One Shot Keto Pills is a dietary supplement that helps to reduce weight daily. After 30 days of using this supplement, there is no need to lose weight again as there is a huge weight loss. There is burning of fat from difficult areas too. It is an effective and healthy supplement that fills the body with all the required nutrients. Thus, one could rely on this supplement for weight loss. Hence, go for this supplement for proper and healthy weight loss and gain an amazing fit body.
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Read more here:
One Shot Keto Reviews Details One Shot Keto Pills Read Ingredients and Really Work - Riverfront Times
Ruth Langsford’s incredible body transformation and emotional weight loss journey – Mirror Online

Ruth Langsford will tell the world just how to do it on Channel 5 show Lose A Stone For Christmas, And Fit Into Your Party Frock.
The TV favourite, 60, will join Dr Amir Khan as they put 12 food addicts through lose-weight-fast diets in time for the festive feasting.
They will show us all how to really get trim for Christmas and Ruth speaks with real authority on the subject.
Of course she was a huge source of fitness inspiration during the first lockdown.
And on the day the second one comes into play she will again but the go-to guide for tips.
Ruth, like so many, struggle to maintain their weight.
Last October, she said sick of gaining weight and felt uncomfortable in her clothes.
Then, six months later on the This Morning, the star said she "doesn't care now" before adding "Im too old to worry".
After hitting 50, the popular presenter admitted her had body changed.
After "comfortably" fitting into a size 12 for most of her adult life, the menopause came along.
It is known that reduced levels of oestrogen can lower to metabolic rate while the metabolism also tends to slow down after 50.
This completely changed her outlook as she found it so much harder to drop pounds when she wanted to.
Ruth blamed it for her weight increasing.
She has even been teased on air about her size by her co-host and husband Eamonn Holmes.
When I put on any weight, I cant shift it and thats making me a bit fed up, she told Woman back in 2019.
I was basically a size 12 all my life, and then, when I hit 50, the weight crept up and 12s were feeling a bit snug.
Eventually I went, Ruth, just admit it, youre now a size 14, and I was fine with that. And now everything that is a 14 is tight. I eat healthily and go to the gym, but its just not shifting.
It wasn't all about the weight gain and inability to shift it.
"I definitely feel like an angry old woman!" she joked. "I fight over very simple thing, and not always people - it can be inanimate objects in the house!"
She admitted her concern about her weight continuing to increase year-on-year.
But then the call came from Strictly Come Dancing.
When I did Strictly in 2017, everything suddenly started to fit and I had my waist again, she said.
But you cant recreate that kind of exercise in real life. I dont obsess about it, but I feel uncomfortable, like Im squashed into my clothes.
Last year, she said she was allowed 1,200 calories a day because of her "bulk, age and height".
Now, it's all about finding that balance.
She is often on social media showing the exercise and healthy meals she puts together.
But there's still room for treats too.
See How To Lose A Stone In A Month airs on Thursday at 7pm
Original post:
Ruth Langsford's incredible body transformation and emotional weight loss journey - Mirror Online
How TikTok became a hotbed of pro-anorexic videos and severely underweight influencers promoting – The Irish Sun

DANCING shyly, popular teenager Amy* is just one of the 800million TikTok users who love performing for the camera but her moves arent the first thing you notice.
Painfully skinny, the bones on her bare legs jut out, and on closer inspection it becomes clear shes in hospital an inpatient recovering from a serious eating disorder and regularly posting about her experiences.
While her account is based on her recovery, her 50k followers are shown regular images of her gaunt, unwell body and detailed videos about her diet which, while innocently intentioned, are the type of content experts warn can still expose users struggling with their own disorders to "triggering" content which "glamorises" eating disorders.
TikTok's community guidelines prohibit content that seeks to promote or glorify eating disorders, and the company says such videos will be removed.
But Amy's posts are just the tip of the iceberg.
Dig a little deeper, and a sinister underlayer of purposefully cruel videos telling teens to starve themselves and restrict their diets are easily accessible, and can even creep up on peoples TikTok feeds randomly.
Tragically, eating disorders are all too common, with approximately 1.25million people in the UK suffering from one, according to charity Beat, and there has long been an issue with social media users being subjected to potentially harmful and exacerbating content.
Its a particular problem on TikTok because the For You feed shows users a random mix of videos using an algorithm, which means even if you dont follow any eating disorder content, you may scroll on to it anyway accidentally.
Forty one per cent of TikToks 800million users are between the age of 16 and 24," explains Kerrie Jones, clinical director and founder of eating disorder clinic Orri.
"This is important because it is also the typical age bracket where people are vulnerable to developing eating disorders and the lack of content regulation and the use of algorithms that deliver content automatically means that people are at risk of consuming harmful content without even actively looking for it.
The rise of our influencer generation means that theres a risk of romanticising and even glorifying eating disorders with content that focuses on food, eating and exercise habits.
This type of content can exacerbate someones existing eating disorder symptoms keeping them trapped in the cycle of their illness or encourage those who are vulnerable to engaging with an unhealthy relationship to food and exercise.
Call centre worker India Edmonds, 22, from Brighton, knows exactly how damaging it can be.
She developed an eating disorder when she was 14, and at the height of it was using social media to find thinspiration photos, weighed just six stone, was admitted to hospital and almost died.
For me, the illness hasnt completely gone and I still get thoughts about my weight and what I eat, but with treatment I can cope with it now and have learned to live with it and it doesnt control my life anymore," she says.
Social media can have such a negative impact on people with eating disorders, and with TikTok you dont need to even look for it - it just comes up on your feed, which could easily be triggering. You cant control it.
Its hard when you constantly see videos of people who seem so perfect - its easy to compare yourself to them. Because videos can just pop up on your feed, it can be difficult to ignore."
Due to the competitive nature of eating disorders, seeing other people talking about their experiences is enough to remind India of how she felt at the depths of her problem.
She says: If I see videos of people with eating disorders I do end up clicking on them and looking at their profile. It makes me think about it a lot more, and it sounds odd but sometimes makes me miss it - for me it was about weight and being small and I sometimes compare myself to them without even realising.
Id prefer to choose what I watch. A couple of weeks ago a video popped up made by a girl who was an inpatient on a psych ward and she was glamorising it and I didnt agree with that - she made it look fun which could be so damaging for people watching.
It reminded me of my own experience, and was upsetting. I come across a lot all the time on social media. Sometimes it feels its just to get the likes or views.
Even for someone who doesnt have an eating disorder, young teens who are easily influenced - it would easily put the idea into their head and think they could do it too.
While TikTok has taken action to ban certain hashtags such as anorexia and bulimia, many users keen to view eating disorder content simply use common misspellings of these terms that still return examples of harmful eating disorder videos.
It doesnt take long to find intentionally sinister content.
One user promises to post: "thinspo, meanspo and fatphobia interact to starve, and says: Skip dinner, wake up thinner.
One post by a "pro ana" user, liked nearly 1,000 times, recommends a ten day diet plan that varies between eating absolutely nothing to eating a maximum of 200 calories a day.
Another user, who recommends exercising five hours a day, posts a picture of a girls midriff, with the caption: If your ribs arent showing you arent trying hard enough.
Fans write in and give their height and weight, and the account writes back to tell them how much weight they need to lose.
While this is obviously sinister content, the line between normal and "harmful content" is far from obvious too.
Videos that at first glance seem positive or harmless can also trigger those with an eating disorder, and sometimes even popular influencers play a role in this.
Doctor Aragona Giuseppe, medical advisor at Prescription Doctor, says: The most damaging [content] is of course is the pro-ana content but also even a person posting their diet plan or their what I eat in a day can have hugely damaging effects on a young person, because they start to believe that they should also be limiting their intake of food also.
The obsession with weight and losing weight has always been apparent, however, it is becoming heightened by TikTok because it appears so normal as well as people being able to access this type of content 24/7.
The what I eat in a day hashtag has been viewed over 3.3billion times, with users posting everything theyve eaten over a 24-hour period, with diet versions often focusing on calorie counts.
One user posting under the what I eat in a day hashtag states they have been eating 300-600 calories max and in one day states lunch was five snow peas, 20cal, and a slice of toast with cheese, 177cal and for dinner six chicken nuggets, 306cal and four french fries, 32cal.
There is also an eating disorder version of the hashtag, 'what I eat in a day in recovery', which has been viewed 280,000 times.
Care worker Sarah* works at a psychiatric hospital on an eating disorder ward which supports young girls between the ages of 12 and 18, and has seen how damaging these videos can be first-hand.
Its such a competitive illness
She says: One 15-year-old patient who was admitted recently said she found TikTok especially triggering during lockdown, especially the what I eat in a day videos which show peoples weight loss food diaries.
"Its such a competitive illness if she saw someones diet was less than what she ate, she felt like she needed to do the same, or less.
"Its extremely damaging.
This is where the content influencers post plays a pivotal role.
One user with just under 50,000 followers describes themselves as into fashion, fitness and lifestyle, and posted a "ten weight loss tips" video recommending drinking lots of water before meals because youll be less hungry, and also recommends drinking lots of caffeine and intermittent fasting.
The video was posted using a series of contradictory, common hashtags including "healthy living", "lose weight fast" and "fasting for weight loss".
Thank you so much!!! Ive been waiting for this video for months now and it was SO HELPFUL! one user commented, while others were quick to condemn the advice, saying: Just stop, youre sending a really bad message to young girls.
Theres also a new influx in positive eating disorder influencer accounts users who document their recovery with the aim to help others, but also still inadvertently post content that could trigger other users.
One such account with 15,000 followers shows a girl acting out a scene from when she was in an eating disorder ward, and hiding her breakfast up her sleeve to trick the nurses into thinking shed eaten.
The video was liked over 220,000 times, with one viewer commenting: Do you know how many young impressionable girls are on this app seeing this?!
Writer Eve Simmons, 29, had an eating disorder in her early twenties, and was admitted to hospital aged 23.
Speaking about triggering videos on social media, she says: Theyre abhorrent and incredibly damaging, not only to people who have had eating disorders but also people whore vulnerable to developing them, which could be anyone really.
I didnt look at content like that because for me it wasnt about the way I looked - it was trying to maintain control over my life, which happened via food.
All of the stuff out there, online or on TV - everything can be a trigger when youre in that head space, even the smallest things can be a trigger. So imagine what its like when you have actual people in eating disorder units with their emaciated bodies posting pictures of their food.
The thing that also really gets me is influencers who perhaps have recovered from their eating disorder and are body positive but are still extremely thin and are still reiterating the very destructive messages but are more disguised because they dont look so gaunt and unwell now.
"We know that there are positive recovery communities out there which some of our beneficiaries have found helpful it can be very encouraging to hear stories from people who were previously unwell and are now thriving," says Beat's director of external affairs, Tom Quinn.
We would encourage those making positive videos to avoid mentioning specific weights or BMI, or showing photos of themselves when unwell, as although these are well-intended they can be triggering for people currently ill.
Signs and symptoms of anorexia
A TikTok spokesperson told The Sun Online that the platform "was built to provide a positive place for creativity, and we prioritise the safety and wellbeing of our users".
"Content that supports or encourages eating disorders is strictly against our community guidelines and will be removed," the spokesperson added.
"However for some users, TikTok provides a forum to share their experience of living with or recovering from an eating disorder and expression of this nature is permitted.
"This is a complex and multi-faceted issue and we work each day to ensure that we are growing our policies and practices to keep our community safe."
So, what more do experts think should be done?
"We recognise there have been steps taken to limit the spread of so-called 'pro-ana' or 'pro-mia' content, such as blocking certain hashtags," says Beat's Tom Quinn.
However, from the amount of triggering videos still live it's also clear that people have been getting around this.
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We believe there are further measures that still need to be introduced, such as getting real people to filter out harmful content."
The charity also advises users to take breaks from social media, an idea backed by other experts, with Dr Giuseppe adding: These types of apps are essentially brainwashing tools and the more time people spend watching this type of harmful content the more likely they are to believe that this is normal and of course it will likely trigger eating and body disorders as well as fuel obsession with the way people look.
*Names have been changed.
If you're affected or need advice, please visit Beat's website, or call their helpline number 0808 801 0677.
Read this article:
How TikTok became a hotbed of pro-anorexic videos and severely underweight influencers promoting - The Irish Sun
Dry Fasting: Health Benefits of This Lesser Known Yet New Way to Fitness – News18

As people are more concern into maintaining their health hygiene and fitness, new ways of losing weight and dieting have emerged. Fasting is a technique people follow to detoxify, lose weight and balance their health. Well, have you heard of Dry Fasting? It is a way of fasting in which you abstain yourself from both food and water throughout the fast.
Though it is very dangerous with the risk of dehydration and other complications, but it gives many health benefits including weight loss, strengthen immunity and improve the overall health of the person.
It also aids in improving the skin, hair, energy levels, insulin sensitivity, better sleep, and so much more. The most fascinating thing of fasting is that it enhances the overall health i.e. physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Benefits of Dry fasting
-- Weight loss: It is an effective way of losing weight because of the restriction of calories intake. Many researchers have found that regular and repeated dry fasting is safe under the guidance of a dietitian and proper precaution.
-- Enhanced Immune Function: It boosts the immune system of the body by regenerating new cells. Furthermore, many evidences have pointed out that limiting the calories except water reduces inflammation and shields the immune system.
-- Reduced Inflammation: Dry fasting is known to reduce inflammation as studies observed that pro-inflammatory cytokines levels were reduced in adults who observed one-month fasting during holy months of Ramadan.
-- Skin Health: Research has found that fasting promotes wound healing and slows down premature ageing signs. While drinking an adequate amount of water is known to enhance skin health.
Side Effects of Dry Fasting
-- Tiredness: The lack of food and water can make you feel fatigued, weak and lethargic.
-- Irritability and Headaches: As hunger increases and energy level gets low, you might have headaches and feel cranky and disturbed.
-- Dehydration: If you have continuous dry fasting, it may cause dehydration which results in electrolyte imbalance and hypotension which can be fatal.
-- Kidney Problems: Severe dehydration due to dry fasting can lead to urinary tract infection (UTI) and kidney stones.
-- Hypo glycaemia: Avoiding food and water can lower down the blood sugar levels drastically that can result in hypoglycemia.
Dry fasting can benefit you in many ways, however you should take precaution and advice to avoid unwanted health complications.
Dry Fasting: Health Benefits of This Lesser Known Yet New Way to Fitness - News18
The COVID-19 Impact on Campus Recreation – Campus Rec Magazine

Schools from across the U.S. share about the COVID-19 impact on campus recreation and their thoughts on the future of the industry.Below are the professionals who shared information for the COVID-19 recap that follows.
The COVID-19 impact at Seattle University led to the decision to not reopen for the fall semester, focusing on its virtual programming. Two of these include:
Live group fitness classes, fitness webinars like Tips for Exercising at Home led by a personal trainer, and 30-minute motivational check-ins with a trainer have transitioned in-person fitness programs to virtual.
More Group X virtual classes will be launched at the end of November when the campus goes back to online-only until the new semester.
Virtual one-on-on sessions like wellness coaching, nutrition consultation and athletic training appointments have served students various needs.
Group X Plus: In collaboration with Georgetown University and IMLeagues, this program provides both communities with access to an expanded virtual group exercise schedule of over 30 classes per week.
The Build Me A Workout program allows personal trainers to build a customized workout plan based on what the student has at their disposal bag of flour, staircase, etc.
Seattle University may not have reopened its fitness center, but the community can still take part in URECs equipment rental program, and outdoor open recreation at the Seattle University Park and the tennis courts.
The University of Michigan moved to cashless operations and opened one of its gymnasiums to serve as a distribution location for the campus dining program. We have some of the largest open space on campus, so we were able to partner to help in their de-densification efforts, said Widen.
The University of Houston added automatic faucets and paper towel dispensers in areas that didnt previously have them. We even added toe hooks on the bottom of doors to allow participants to open a door with their foot, said Clark.
At Purdue, students are communicated with via the FusionGo app. It allows Recreation & Wellness to send push notifications with guideline changes and to use contactless barcode scans to check in.
While the flow of entering and exiting entailed a lot of new signage, marketing and behavior change, Warren said the new COVID-19 mask rule is changing member preference. Our cardio equipment is being used less and our strength equipment is being used more, he said. We are starting to remove some of our cardio options and add more strength.
At ECU, traffic flow patterns are coupled with the schools mascot, the Pirates. Arrows are designed to look like planks from a ship and social distancing graphics were designed with an X marks the spot theme like a treasure hunt.
A stop-and-go system for cardio is also implemented at ECU. When a member arrives at the cardio deck, they are greeted by a team member who welcomes them and provides a brief overview of the new procedures, said Trotter. The member will be directed to any equipment that has a green placard on it, indicating it is sanitized and available for use. The green placard is then removed and after the exercise session is complete, a red placard will be placed on it indicating a team member needs to sanitize it and prepare it for use again.
Personal training has gone online as well. At Pepperdine University, its been one of the most impactful offerings, made possible via the app TrueCoach. This was also very critical in keeping staff employed who had worked in group fitness and other related areas that had been shut down, said Bolton.
Morris echoed Bolton, saying virtual personal training really took off. Many students who may have been intimidated by utilizing our recreation centers previously because of various barriers be it body image, not knowing where to start, or convenience factors such as parking and crowded peak times are now engaged as those barriers are removed in the virtual landscape, he said.
Outdoor coordinators Sean Bricker and Sean Wilkinson launched Sean & Sean Explore the Great Outdoors, a live, weekly program coupling outdoor education with a weekly social media challenge. That evolved into another video series, Sean & Sean Explore Local, which took students to little-known experiences in the area.
Additionally offered are campus-based excursions such as urban hikes, bike rides and local half-day trip experiences. Participants meet trained outdoors staff at the trips starting point to embark on a socially-distanced and masked adventure.
The DIY Adventure Trip program allows students to request a custom-built package that offers outdoor equipment, video tutorials, and tips and recommendations based on the areas they want to explore.
Student employee training went online at the University of Houston. Clark said they adopted a blended learning training model by using Articulate in response to the COVID-19 impact on the school. The Return to Rec training module featured 11 lessons focusing on general COVID-19 information as well as changes in daily duties, operations, programmatic/activities and the emergency action plan.
Communication is critical internally. Purdue used Basecamp initially to communicate with its staff, later settling into Microsoft Teams.
To determine staffing needs at ECU, leadership went through identifying the service journey and stating what they wanted students and members to experience before they walked in the doors, during their time there and after they left. This resulted in dedicated team members in varying areas of the facility including entry points, check-in stations and the fitness floor to make sure all student needs are met and guidelines are followed.
Team culture was put at the forefront for FSU when collaborating virtually. Effective communication when in a virtual workplace is especially important, as it is very challenging to be able to get a sense of overall team morale without face-to-face conversations and casual encounters. Numerous types of intentionally scheduled engagement opportunities are vital team meetings, coffee hours, one-on-one meetings, portfolio discussions, etc, said Chris Morris.
At RRCC, Fallon elaborated your best effort can look drastically different each day when working from home. 2020 has forever changed our perception of what productivity looks like, he said. The results arent as tangible. Some days we can crush it and cross all eight things off the to-do list, and other days were lucky if we answer a few emails and put on a decent shirt for the Zoom call. But its OK. Learning to give yourself and your coworkers some grace in these weird times can go a long way.
For more COVID-19 impact news and happenings, visit Campus Recs COVID-19 Resource Page.
Go here to see the original:
The COVID-19 Impact on Campus Recreation - Campus Rec Magazine
Fall Prevention Programs Ineffective at Reducing Falls, Injuries in Older Patients – Endocrinology Network

New research suggests fall prevention programs in older adults may not be having the effect clinicians and their patients had hoped.
Results from a 3-group, randomized trial with more than 9000 patients indicate fall prevention programs and multifactorial interventions did not result in fewer fractures than giving advice to patients through mail alone.
"Whilst this is a disappointing result, it shows that we must continue to invest in research and development to reduce fractures in older people. We need to think about the broader causes of fractures, and also understand more about what happens to cause falls, said lead investigator Sallie Lamb, DPhil, a professor at the University of Exeter, in a statement.
With falls posing a significant risk to the immediate and long-term health of older individuals, Lamb and a team of colleagues from the UK designed a study with the hope of comparing the effectiveness of multiple fall prevention approaches. The 3-group, pragmatic, cluster-randomized, controlled trial was conducted across 63 general practices in England and enrolled patients from September 2010-June 2014.
Each of the 63 practices included in the trial randomly selected up to 400 patients and recruited them by mail to partake in an 18-month series of surveys related to aging. A total of 9803 patients aged 70 years or older were recruited for the study, of which 9802 had fracture data available at 18 months.
Of these, 3223 were assigned to advice by mail alone, 3279 were assigned to a falls-risk screening and targeted exercise intervention in addition to advice by mail, and 3301 were assigned to the falls-risk screening a targeted multifactorial prevention program in addition to advice by mail.
Patients assigned to the exercise intervention took part in the Otago Exercise Program, which investigators noted included at-home exercises at least twice a week and multiple sessions with physical therapists over a 6-month period. Those assigned to the multifactorial prevention program included undergoing assessments and linked treatments from a multidisciplinary team of care providers, including medication review, exercise, home modifications, and referrals to specialists such as opticians and podiatrists.
The primary outcome of the study was the rate of fractures per 100 person-years over 18 months. Secondary outcome measures of the study included falls, health-related quality of life, and frailty. As part of the secondary outcome analysis, investigates also performed a parallel economic evaluation.
In total, 89% of those selected for the exercise arm and 87% of those selected from the multifactorial arm completed 18-month questionnaires. Of these 5579 participants, 2153 (37%) were considered at increased risk for falls and invited to receive the intervention.
In adjusted analyses, results indicated there were no significant differences in fracture rates between the exercise and the mail alone group (RR, 1.20; 95% CI, 0.91-1.59; P=.19) or the multifactorial group and the mail alone group (RR, 1.30; 95% CI, 0.99-1.71; P=.06). In nested analysis with patients who were at an increased risk for falls, the fracture rate was 3.70 per 100 person-years in the exercise group, 5.12 per 100 person-years in the multifactorial group, and 4.28 per 100 person-years in the mail alone group. In cost and quality of life analyses, investigators found the exercise intervention was associated with small incenses in health-related quality of life and the lowest overall costs.
While investigators noted their disappointment in the implications of the results, they also pointed out this should not deter from recommending older patients to be more physically active.
"People completing the 6-month exercise program became stronger and their balance improved but that did not translate into a reduction in fractures in the long term, said co-investigator Julie Bruce, PhD, a member of the Warwick Clinical Trials Unit at the University of Warwick, in the aforementioned statement. The take home message is that we would encourage older people to do physical activity and keep mobile because of the health benefits."
This study, Screening and Intervention to Prevent Falls and Fractures in Older People, was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Excerpt from:
Fall Prevention Programs Ineffective at Reducing Falls, Injuries in Older Patients - Endocrinology Network