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Weight loss: This guy changed his diet every 10 days and lost 50 kilos! Here’s what he ate – Times of India

Achieving a healthy lifestyle is easier said than done. 23-year-old Rishabh realized the value of good health when he was studying abroad and decided it was time to see the change in himself too. Following strict dietary and exercise control, he lost over 50 kilos in less than a year's time. His weight loss story is super inspiring for all those looking to get in shape.Name: Rishabh DhediaOccupation: Entreprenuer
Age: 23
Highest weight recorded: 138 kilos
Weight lost: 51 kilos
Duration it took me to lose weight: 11 months
The turning point: I had been an obese child all my life but it was only when I moved to the UK I realized the importance of good health. I went there for my masters, and that's when I saw people having a different level of health awareness. People there equated high levels of fitness with an elite lifestyle. I realized I wanted a better lifestyle to feel healthy, agile, earn the respect and wear all the clothes I wanted to wear. I wanted to get away from being mediocre, all the excuses, stress and bad lifestyle.
Although things only started moving in a positive direction when I returned back to India after my studies in late 2018, I am grateful for all the life lessons I got during my time in the UK.
My diet: I have been consulting a nutritionist for a while now and it has helped me immensely! To give you an idea, my diet kept on changing every 10 days! While this may not work for everyone, here are some details which may help others!
With this diet, I used to eat every 1.5-2 hours or so. It might look like I ate a lot, but this really helped me with fat loss.
Breakfast: A glass of warm water with cinnamon powder/ garlic paste/ jeera or sonth powder/ haldi, right after I wake up.
30 minutes after this, I have a cup of green tea. Then I have a big bowl of fruits (there's a whole list of what you can and can't eat)
An hour after this, I would have dry fruits (4 Soaked Almonds, 0.5 Walnuts, 2 Prunes and a small slice of Jaggery).
Post this snack was when I would have my breakfast. A slice of Brown Bread Toast (any multigrain wheat bread) with Baked Beans sauteed with vegetables and tomato sauce (all homemade foods)/homemade besan chilla with a lot of veggies. (Options used to change every ten days based on how my body was reacting to a certain food element, but these were largely what was given to me in due course.
This was the time I would physically going to the office. Around 11:30 AM, I would have a glass of lemon juice or chaas(with 1 tablespoon ajwain) or coconut water.
My lunch: Sometimes bowl of leafy vegetables with 2 chapatis and chaas or 5 tablespoons of fresh Curd/or saute veggies with 2-3 low-fat khakras.I was also having a bowl of daliya with veggies on days.
2 hours later, a cup of green tea with a biscuit.
At 6 PM strictly, I would have a glass of lemon juice or a handful of dry fruits.
A while later, I would snack on fruit like apple or pear. If my dinner was delayed due to any reason, I would eat another fruit.
My dinner: Usually flexible in my case, I used to have it between 8 and 9 pm. It would usually be a soup of 2 tomatoes + 0.5 carrot + small bowl of bottleguard + small bunch of coriander + 0,5 capsicum + 0.5 red capsicum + 15 palak leaves & 1 wheat chapati + veggies + 5 tb dahi / Besan Chilla x 2 / Khakra x 3 with saute veggies and soup / Vegetable toast sandwich without cheese, butter, potatoes & soup.
Also, I used to eat eggs and a lot of poha . My body got used to this disciplined form of eating so well, every time I tried to cheat on my diet, or ate junk food, I would develop IBS. Maybe it was my body's way of telling me what I am eating is wrong! Even if I do cheat now, I go for healthier options such as the buddha bowl, egg dishes or healthy sandwiches.
My workout: As per my nutritionists guidance, she instructed me to not even look at the gym initially as I just needed to cut down the extra fat to function injury-free.
Once, I hit the 120kilo mark, she advised me to brisk walk for 30 mins post dinner. The aim was to start full-fledged workouts including weight training and high-intensity workouts once I near the 100kg mark. So once I was there, I started hitting the gym with the objectives of increasing stamina, working out at high heart rates and as a result strengthening my core, back and all muscles. Weight loss coupled with focused fitness workouts are the best thing that ever happened to me. After a successful run of 7 months of heavyweight training and HIITs, I met with an unfortunate injury. I tore my right wrist ligament which also happens to by my frequented hand. I had to get surgery done. Soon after, I developed problems with my left hand too. I realized it was time to go slow.
That is when I took complete rest from work and within days, the lockdown happened which meant staying home completely. Due to the lockdown, both my wrists got adequate rest, and therefore, the healing process started and my injuries got completely recovered in two months. From September, I have again started with my fitness training with a lot of cardio, as I have to build the stamina levels which Ive lost due to the long break from working out.
Low-calorie recipes I swear by: I dont count my calories. Its the worst thing to do. Neither do I eat less. I eat right. This should be the mantra. Dont count your calories, dont eat less, JUST EAT RIGHT.
Fitness secrets I unveiled: Being punctual and sticking to a set of formed discipline is the most impactful. It might sound clich, but it really helped. Theres a reason why I have written STRICTLY against all timings of my daily routine, I have followed it with utmost punctuality. It works like magic. Second fitness secret is a secret in the form of a natural ingredient which is WATER. A thing that never changes in the 10-day diet alterations is the water intake. I drink at least 5L of water each day. This helps in great aqua levels of my body, keeps my well hydrated and fresh. Ensures toxins are flushed out regularly and allows effective metabolism to take place.
How do I stay motivated? The positive results keep me motivated to do better and better and when the goals and targets are clear, then theres nothing that can stop me personally. After a while, when people start noticing, they start heaping praises for you. They are my biggest motivation. I enjoyed being fat-shamed because it only made me mentally strong and I knew I was being criticised for not doing the right thing. My mind is programmed to be that of a leader and a leader needs to accept criticism from people and turn the tide in his favour by doing the right things. The mentality helps you win.
How do you ensure you dont lose focus? By visiting my nutritionist every 10 days for regular consultation. Its all psychological science which is absolutely sensational if you ask me.
Whats the most difficult part of being overweight: Not being able to fit into clothes that youd want to wear, demanding an extension to fasten the seat belt in an aircraft is not easy. I used to run out of breath so often. Being always injury prone and stereotyped. It was all so emotionally draining.
What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line?:I never wanted to get slim, but always wanted to be fit. I am around 511 and I want to be in a good shape, well-built with strong muscles.
Read More..Apples 101: Benefits, Weight Loss Potential, Side Effects, and More – Everyday Health

For such a small fruit, apples pack a huge health punch, potentially helping with:
Apples are packed with a variety of disease-fighting phytochemicals, says Kristin Kirkpatrick, RDN, a dietitian at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. There are many lifestyle forces working against your health, like stress, lack of sleep, or sitting too much, that generate free radicals. Of course, an apple cannot alone make up for any of those, but getting more antioxidants into your diet will help support your bodys defenses against diseases like cancer, notes the American Cancer Society. (3)
Whats more, apples contain vitamin C (one medium-size fruit has 9 percent of your DV). Thats not as much as an orange, but vitamin C is important for immunity, says Kirkpatrick. Because maintaining a healthy immune system is likely on your mind as you head into winter, when cold and flu season is in full swing, any extra bump in C helps.
Finally, apples are impressive in their 4 g of fiber. This comes from a combination of both insoluble fiber (from the peel) and soluble fiber (from the pectin in apples), explains Kirkpatrick. Fiber in general slows down digestion to help keep blood sugar balanced. Insoluble fiber will promote bowel movement regularity, while pectin is associated with both cardiovascular and gut health, according to research in June 2015 in the journal Nutrients. (4)
Apples 101: Benefits, Weight Loss Potential, Side Effects, and More - Everyday Health
Surprising Weight Loss Tricks That Totally Work, Say Experts – Yahoo Lifestyle

For generations, we've understood the concept of "the fat gene." Obesity runs in families, after all, and if Mom and Dad are both heavy, there's little you can do about it. But emerging science says that's not so. In fact, what we're learning now is that weight gain is caused not by genetics but by epigeneticsbasically, the science of how genes are turned on and off by different environmental factors, including stress, chemical exposure, and, yes, diet.
A study in the journal Advanced Nutrition reported that obese and diabetic people have a different pattern of epigenetic markers than those who are not obese or diabetic. Simply put, their fat genes have been tripped.
"What you eat, and don't eat, can influence which genes are turned on and when," says Kevin L. Schalinske, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Iowa State University. "Eating the wrong foods, deficiencies in the diet, and lifestyle choices like smoking, can turn things on."
So being born with the genes for fat storage doesn't cause you to become fat. Those genes need help getting started. Read on to learn some unexpected ways to throw a damper on your fat genes and keep them stuck in neutral for good. And for more great weight-loss advice, make sure you're up to speed on the 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time.
Increased levels of B vitamins have long been associated with a higher prevalence of obesity and diabetes. Researchers believe that fortified infant formula may trigger the fat genes. If you're more comfortable taking a daily multivitamin, it's probably fine, but megadosing may do more harm than good.
The concern here is a compound called BPA, or bisphenol-A. Used to make plastic softer, it's found in some plastic containers and also in the thin plastic linings of food cans. Research has indicated that it may have an epigenetic effect on humans. BPA leaks into foods that are acidic or fatty, like tomatoes, tuna, and baby formula. BPA is used by most manufacturers, but Eden Organic and Trader Joe's both sell BPA-free canned goods. And for more on the insidious effects of BPA, read how it can actually shorten your lifespan.
Story continues
Bizarre but true: research published in the journal PLOS ONE found that getting direct exposure to sunlight between 8:00 a.m. and noon reduced your risk of weight gain regardless of activity level, caloric intake, or age. It's "possible that morning light synchronizes your metabolism and undercuts your fat genes."
You know fat and sugar is bad for you, but what's really interesting is the new research on how they conspire with your genes to set you up for weight gain. Foods high in saturated fats seem to cause weight gain even if calorie intake stays the same. Researchers believe there's an epigenetic factor at work. The combination of sugar and fat has been dubbed an "obesogenic environment," much in the same way a toxic waste dump linked to a cancer outbreak might be referred to as a "carcinogenic environment." For more foods you should definitely avoid, keep this list handy of the 50 Worst Foods for Weight Loss.
Our gut bacteria play a big role in keeping our fat genes in check by chomping on fiber and creating short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as butyrate. SCFAs help tame our genetic propensity for weight gain and diabetes. When we take antibiotics for every sniffle, we create disorder in our gut bacteria and undermine their ability to create the SCFAs that keep our fat genes in check."
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Surprising Weight Loss Tricks That Totally Work, Say Experts - Yahoo Lifestyle
How to Get Your Protein from Plant-Based Foods: 4 Days of Meals – The Beet

The first question people ask when you tell them you are vegan or eat a plant-based diet is Where do you get your protein? The average American diet has ledmost of us to believe thatwe have to eat meat to get enough protein in our diet, but that is simply not the case. Many plant-based foods contain more than enough protein to feel satisfied and meet the daily protein goal, which is roughly 46 grams a day for women and 56 grams a day for men. (Add up to 10 more grams if you are extremely active or training for an event.) By eating a well-balanced plant-based diet you can easily get the recommended amount of protein you need, without a steak or chicken breast in sight. Plant-based protein comes from foods such as nuts, legumes, vegetables, grains, seeds, and manyunlikely sources, like Brussels sprouts or onions or mushrooms. This means that as long asyou eat a variety of differentfruits and vegetables, grains, and legumes,youwill easily makeyour daily protein goals, and probably surpass it.
Here we have 4 days worth of eating vegan or plant-based meals and snacks, that in the course of a full day of healthy eating meet or exceed the daily protein recommendation. Each of the days contains one breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack with protein values of each. If your biggest concern about trying out a plant-based (or vegan or vegetarian) diet is whether you will be able to get enough protein without animal products; after trying these meals you will realize how easy it is, and how delicious and filling the food tastes, without leaving you feeling like you need to take a nap
These recipes can also be used as inspiration, so feel free to add ingredients to them, especially if you want to get even more of a protein kick.
Formore tips and easy ideas ofhow to get your proteinfrom plant-based sources,and what to shop for the next time you head to the supermarket. You'll never need to go to the meat and dairy section again.
The first day starts with oatmeal and plant-based milk. This alone will start your day right with nearly27 grams of protein and bysimply adding in some pumpkin seeds or fruit you willspike that protein infusion well into the 30s. Over halfway there and it's still early!
Lunch is a kidney bean and arugula salad, which is not only well balanced and filling but contains 23 grams of protein.
For an afternoon snack grab a handful of spicy roasted cashews with turmeric this snack will give you an extra 6 grams of protein and this recipe is also immune boosting with turmeric. Immune-boosting foods is always helpful especially during the colder months and with the current pandemic.
Dinner is a warm and cozy recipe of lentil meatballs, this meal will fill you up and packs 34 grams of protein.
On this first day, there are 90 grams of plant-based protein that tastes amazing but is surprisingly easy to reach a high level of protein. A note: You actually can get too much protein and if you are not careful you can end up gaining weight or bulking up and since this generally is not the goal of any healthy diet plan, you may want to pick and choose which meals and snacks you eat in this plan, and substitute out lighter choices to bring your protein totals more in line with the daily guidelines of 45 grams for women and 56 grams for men.
For Breakfast, start your day with overnight chia pudding with fresh fruit and granola. It is easy to prepare the night before andquick to grab and go in the morning before work or school. This breakfast contains 15 grams of protein for a great start to the day.
Lunch is gluten-free tortillas with fresh salsa, beans and guacamole. This is easily shareable and to serve for lunch that your family and friends will love and contains 14 grams of protein.
For a sweet snack try the low-calorie vegan birthday cake protein bites, and as it says in the name they pack a lot of protein or about 5 grams of protein per ball so if you eat three of them you're racking up 15 grams.
Dinner is a filling sweet potato and lentil tandoori curry. This dinner has a ton of flavor and has 27 grams of protein.
Your day just got you well above the goal, to 71 grams of protein if you ate all of that.
The third day starts with a superfood smoothie with plant-based protein, this lets you start your day with a quick 17 grams of protein.
Lunch is a buddha bowl with tofu that has an easy almost 30 grams of protein. Buddha-protein-bowl
A snack of healthy oil-free beet hummus helps hold you over until dinner and contains 23 grams of protein.
The final meal of the day is curried quinoa and vegetable tacos with a garlic-tahini dressing that will finish your day off with 14 grams of protein.
This brings your daily total to84 grams of protein, this satisfies the daily recommendation for both men and women.
The fourth day starts with a tofu scramble with spinach and sun-dried tomatoes for breakfast that contains 27 grams of protein.
Lunch is an easy everyday lentil soup that can easily be stored and kept. This soup provides 19 grams of protein.
A yummy snack of crunchy toast with fresh spinach, avocado and tomato contain 6 grams of protein.
The final dinner is a crispy tofu satay bowl that packs a ton of protein in the tofu containing 40 grams.
The grand total of protein for day four is 92 grams!
The take away from this is that it is surprisingly easy for anyone to reach or even exceed the recommended daily protein intake on a plant-based or vegan diet. As long as you eat a variety of well-rounded meals and eat enough during the day you don't need to think twice about getting enough protein.
Here is the original post:
How to Get Your Protein from Plant-Based Foods: 4 Days of Meals - The Beet
Fussy Baby: Causes and Solutions That Work – Healthline

Stress and fatigue are just some of the feelings you experience when you have a fussy baby.
If your baby is not the calm and quiet bundle shown in the formula advertisements, there are some techniques that have been used over time to help calm a fussy baby.
If your baby is fussy but you know theyre not hungry, in pain, or dealing with a wet or dirty diaper, you can try one or more of these techniques to help calm them.
Use a large, thin blanket to wrap up your baby like a burrito. If youre unfamiliar with the swaddling technique, check out our how-to article.
Sounds that might remind your baby of being in your womb can be calming. There are devices that make calming noise such as white noise, but sometimes the low humming sound of a fan is adequate. Your gentle humming may do the trick as well.
Sometimes walking your baby, in your arms or a body carrier, will remind them of their time in your womb and calm them down. The motion of riding in a car, in a proper baby car seat, may also have a calming effect.
If its not time for a feeding, helping your baby find a thumb or finger to suck on may calm them. You might also consider an age-appropriate pacifier.
Your baby may just be lonely. Consider holding your them on your chest; breathe calmly while gently patting their back.
Consider making a chart of feeding times and then keep your eyes out for pre-fussy signs of hunger, such as moving hands to mouth or smacking lips.
Talk with your pediatrician about how long to wait between feedings. Often that period is 2 to 2 1/2 hours from the beginning of one feeding to the next.
If you feel indigestion may be making your baby uncomfortable and fussy, hold your baby in your arms with their body resting on their left side and gently rub their back.
Your baby may be fussy due to discomfort from a food sensitivity, though this is uncommon.
If youre breastfeeding, try cutting out certain foods one at a time to see if this results in a reduction of fussiness. Consider reducing or avoiding your consumption of:
Its important that if youre breastfeeding, you should talk to your doctor first before trying any elimination diets, as these may pose health risks for you and they havent been reliably shown to help with fussiness.
The same holds true if youre bottle-feeding and may be concerned that the formula may be causing your babys fussiness. Talk with your pediatrician first before changing formula brand or type.
Pee or poop in their diaper can make your baby fussy. You might be surprised by how often your baby will soil or wet their diaper and how sensitive a newborn is to a full diaper.
Yes, it could be that easy. Your baby could be too warm or too cold. As a rule of thumb, your baby should be wearing about the same layers of clothing that you are.
Is your baby getting enough sleep? Its not unusual for newborns to sleep 16 or more hours a day.
Your baby may be sick. Take your babys temperature using a rectal thermometer. Call your pediatrician immediately if your baby is younger than 2 months old and has a fever.
If your baby is spitting up a lot or vomiting often, they could be experiencing GER (gastroesophageal reflux).
If the excessive vomiting and spitting up is accompanied by fussiness after feeding and not gaining weight, discuss it with your doctor.
Talk with your doctor about other signs of illness to look for, such as:
If you feel youve tried everything to calm your baby and havent had satisfactory success, consider gathering information in a diary.
Write down all your babys activities and behaviors and bring this diary to your pediatrician for their review. Daily information to collect includes:
Remember one of our mantras: Take care of you so you can take care of them. A fussy baby can put a lot of stress on you. Some tips to help handle it include:
Having a newborn can be exhausting. Having a fussy baby can ratchet up the stress level. There are some quick and easy techniques that might calm your baby, including:
You can also look for and then address causes such as:
But if none of these seem to be the issue, remember that many babies go through a fussy period in the first 3 months of life.
And while trying to calm a fussy baby, remember to take care of your overall health for your own well-being, so you can care for them.
See the original post here:
Fussy Baby: Causes and Solutions That Work - Healthline
Plant-Based Diet Changes Life of Homeless Man and Encourages Him, Martez House, to Launch Official Wealth Brand to Help Others – GlobeNewswire

Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Martez Houseis currently living the American dream. Not only is he a proud father and family man, but he is an entrepreneur and owner of abrand that changes peoples lives for the better.
TheOfficial Wealth Brandoffers a unique opportunity to individuals who are overweight or suffer from depression and anxiety. Through a series of coaching programs and diet and fitness plans, Houses clients can overcome similar obstacles that he overcame in his own life.
When I tell people that I used to be homeless and disabled, they cannot believe it, said House. The truth is that I was a broken person on the inside as well as the outside. To overcome this problem, I had to put those broken pieces of myself back together, starting from the inside out.
House focused on his diet first. He had a nasty habit of eating lots of meat because he thought the high protein would give him huge muscle mass. While he was homeless, House took it upon himself to research topics related to health and nutrition. Based on his research, he came to realize that meat was likely the cause of his depression and weight gain.
People dont realize that meat impairs your digestive health, which then hurts your metabolism, said House. Once I made this discovery, I decided to switch to a completely plant-based diet while cutting out meat from it entirely. Over the next couple of months, I saw my bodyweight decrease dramatically, and my energy levels go through the roof. Switching to plant-based foods was the best decision I ever made. House lost 115 lbs in a year.
Now, through his company Wealth, House guides other people and encourages them to switch to a plant-based diet. He credits this diet as giving him the strength to pull himself out of homelessness and to build a business for himself that does a lot of good for other people.
You can manifest anything you desire into your presence when you are present, said House. Dont ask how and dont ask when. See what you want and just go for it. You have to start in order to finish. The best part is it doesnt matter where you start, just as long as you do start.
When House was 17 years old, he spent nearly a month in the hospital with walking pneumonia, pericarditis and a mass growing on his heart. The doctors told him he had less than 30 days to live. On his 20thday in the hospital, House got a visit from his professional football hero, Tim Tebow. The two of them prayed together and helped restore Houses confidence in himself and his situation. That was when he learned the most valuable lesson in life, which is that happiness heals all.
It was like a miracle from God, said House. Even though I was in a bad situation, everything slowly started to get better from that point forward. The doctors released me from the hospital, and I found myself eager to work hard and pull myself out of homelessness and depression. Sometimes, when were in despair, we need somebody to come into our lives and give us hope. Thats what Tim Tebow did for me. And now, thats what I do for others.
Contact:Martez HouseFounderOfficial Wealth Brandmartez@officialwealthbrand.com
Read More..7 Reasons Vegans Are More Likely to Be Women Than Men – The Beet

Whos leading the way when it comes to cutting back on meat consumption? Women, Democrats, and non-white peopleat least according to a Gallup poll released earlier this year. According to their survey, 23% of Americans are eating less meat, or report that they have reduced their meat consumption in the past year from when the poll was conducted. And when it comes to eating meatless,that was before the coronavirus had more people searching for meat alternatives than ever. Women are about twice as likely as men to say theyre eating less meat, clocking in at 31% to 15%, respectively. Overall, its been estimated that 80% of vegans in the U.S. are womenthats a whopping four out of five plant-based people you meet.
In light of the uptick of women making the plant-based plungewhich we can only assume is growing in the wake of the growing interest in a nutrient-dense, vegan lifestyle to support health in wake of the coronavirus pandemicwe asked experts to weigh in on the gender disparity, sharing both the good and the bad. Below, we dive into the main reasons more women than men might be #GoingVegan.
Women in society are cast to be more nurturing and protectors, which also carries on to their nurturing and protective nature towards animals and the environment, offers Bansari Acharya, MA, RD. It is easier for a woman to show compassion towards animals and provide reasons to her friends, family, or society on why she became vegan as most people will be more accepting towards a woman becoming vegan than a man due to the role society plays in how we differently men and women are perceived. Of course, this isnt to say men arent compassionate people, simply that in mainstream culture, a woman may feel more comfortable publicly avowing her stance on animal cruelty and protecting our planets natural resources.
Women are more likely to undergo change processes in their lives, and this may result in more women than men applying that ethos (or feeling pressured) to their diet. Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD, A Harvard trained clinical psychologist currently working at Lenox Hill Hospital, Northwell Health, in New York City, weighs in: Women are [more susceptible to embarking on journeys of change] and therefore inclined to change their diet because they are primed towards self-improvement processes in other domains of their lives.
Of course, this can be an empowering thing, as many women may be inspired to go vegan proactively as a decision to reduce their risk of diseases like diabetes or cancer.
Alas, those The Grill Sergeant and Licensed to Grill macho man shirt logos may simply be a source of eye-rolling at a barbecue gathering, but the underlying psychology of such shirts is telling: Many men feel like grilling is an important part of their identity. Jamie Hickey, NASM, FMS certified trainer, and ISSA nutritionist. and founder of TruismFitness.comhas seen this time and time again with mens egos.
Ive spent years talking to clients and have heard more than a handful of men tell me they have thought about going on a vegan diet but were worried about what their friends would say, says Hickey. Mentally men feel like they need to be tough and a carnivore diet instills the hunter mentality whereas a vegan diet has the stigma of being more of a womens diet.
Societys cultural notions of masculinity have linked meat and manliness together for centuries. Just notice how meat marketing often targets men, not women, comments Marie Elena Bitar, MPH, RD, Founder and Owner of Beyond Food Rules, harkening back to our discussion above about grilling and barbecue culture. On the flip side, Bitar adds that women are often at mercy of the stigma associated with overeating and feel pressured to maintain a trim physique. For some, in turn, this could inspire them to opt for low-calorie vegan meals.
Unfortunately, in these cases, going vegan gives women (or anyone for that matter) an opportunity to shield loved ones from an eating disorder.Its a lot easier to decline a decadent dessert by saying I cant eat that, Im vegan rather than I cant eat that, I have an eating disorder, comments Bitar.
Many women find themselves going vegan as they continue to see the link between plant-based diets and hormone balance. The woman's body is designed to store fat more easily than men so that it can both grow and nurture life, commentsTristaK.Best, MPH, RD, LDN.Because of this fact, a diet inclusive of animal sources means higher rates of saturated fat and an increase in fat stores. A plant-based diet provides the dieter with nutrient rich-calories that are used more readily by the body as energy rather than excess being stored as fat.
Additionally, as Best elucidates, hormones serve a key role in fat stores. Eating estrogen from animal sources, even organic grass-fed sources causes something known as estrogen dominance. This equates to higher levels of estrogen in the body, excess stress on the liver, and inevitable weight gain and potential toxicity. Plant-based diets are connected with lowering estrogen in the body to a level that is safe and effective, says Best.
From joint pain to skin conditions, inflammation is no fun, and many women want to take the reins on their health and fight that with the powers of plant-based foods and are perhaps more attuned to this than their male counterparts. Another reason for women turning to a vegan diet is the anti-inflammatory nature of the diet itself. Foods on a vegan diet are both void of inflammatory foods and rich in anti-inflammatory foods making it an ideal eating pattern for anyone with chronic inflammation, offers Lisa Richards, CNC, creator of The Candida Diet.As women age, the inflammation in their bodies can increase, but this inflammation can also exacerbate existing health conditions like pain, arthritis, energy, and weight gain.
As the wellness industry is more dominated by women than men, its no surprise that more women are inspired to make lifestyle changes than men. One area of particular focus? Sanity.
I follow a plant-based diet, myself, and my reasons are primarily for my mental health and clarity. Cutting out potential allergens and inflammatory foods have improved my personal cognition, says Best. There is certainly research that shows these benefits, but for me, I've observed the proof for myself.
Ready to see the proof in the pudding, ladies? To get started on your vegan journey, check out our 21-day plant-based challenge.
Read more:
7 Reasons Vegans Are More Likely to Be Women Than Men - The Beet
Diet and cancer: helping colorectal patients know what to eat – Raconteur

New research from the University of Sheffield has highlighted nutritional support must be improved for patients living with bowel, colon and rectal cancer. Some 69 per cent of people surveyed said they had not received any diet and cancer advice or support from their healthcare team at any stage of their care, throughout diagnosis, and during and after treatment.
Treatment for colorectal cancer can involve a partial resection, or a temporary or permanent stoma, all of which affects bowel function. Consequently, most patients will encounter a number of nutritional difficulties, including being unsure what to eat and experiencing diarrhoea, constipation, appetite loss as well as changes to taste and smell.
Research findings come as no surprise to charity Bowel Cancer UK. Within our online community, theres always a lot of discussion about nutrition and what to eat, and we know there is a gap in the provision of this advice, says Lauren Wiggins, director of services at Bowel Cancer UK.
Around 268,000 people in the UK are living with bowel cancer and thats a lot of lives to be affected by the long-term consequences of treatment. When your bowel is affected by disease, nutrition has a huge role to play. Its a part of the treatment and care package that is so important.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidance concurs. Its guidelines recommend colorectal cancer patients should be offered comprehensive advice on managing the effects of treatment on their bowel function. This includes information on diet, foods that can cause or contribute to bowel problems, alongside advice on weight management, physical activity and healthy lifestyle choices, such as quitting smoking and reducing alcohol consumption.
When patients are unsure of what to eat, they tend to go online to seek advice. Bowel Cancer UK and Macmillan Cancer Support were the main sources accessed by the Sheffield University studys respondents. Bowel Cancer UK has an Eating Well with Bowel Cancer guide and Macmillan has Eating Problems with Cancer guidance. Both are popular with people looking for evidence-based general information about diet and cancer.
When patients look online for diet and colorectal cancer advice, the worry is they risk coming across inaccurate information, says Dr Bernard Corfe, lead author of the study and senior lecturer in oncology at Sheffield University. If we could introduce a kitemark or an evidence-based standard to online information, this could help people to access only reliable nutritional advice sources.
There is an obvious need for individual advice about diet and cancer because what someone is able to eat at different stages of their treatment will change. Also, everyone is different and experiences will vary from one person to the next. For example, a young patient living with a stoma will require very different diet and lifestyle advice to an older person who has been treated for advanced bowel cancer.
Anyone living with a long-term condition that affects the digestive system will most likely find out what foods work best for them via a process of trial and error. A food diary can help people to keep track of how they react to certain exclusions and reintroductions in their diet.
People will ask what they should be eating and when I check whether theyve received any advice from their healthcare team, almost everyone will say they havent been told anything specific, says Kellie Anderson, nutritional adviser at Maggies cancer care centres. They are just advised to eat what they fancy. For a limited number of people that might be OK. But for the vast majority, particularly when they have had colorectal surgery, they will have issues.
While eating a balanced diet that includes lean protein, limited red meat, wholegrains and plenty of fruit and vegetables is important for our general wellbeing, and as part of cancer prevention, healthy eating can look quite different for people having treatment for colorectal cancer.
They may need to include food in their diet that you wouldnt describe as nutritious or as nutrient filled, but its good for them especially when they are recovering from surgery, says Anderson. This includes having white bread and rice instead of brown, ensuring the peel is removed from vegetables, excluding high-fibre foods for a short period and avoiding anything thats spicy or too greasy.
They may need to include food that you wouldnt describe as nutritious, but its good for them
Thats why a low-fibre diet is often recommended by someone like myself and I would hope a bowel team might advise this too. The earlier the intervention is, as far as when nutritional advice is given, the better a persons recovery is generally.
Whats needed to improve nutritional support?
Understanding why there is disparity between the nutritional support that people receive could help to ensure its offered more equitably going forward.
You may find the reasons differ depending on geographical area, the availability of local dietician services or it may be the resources are just not there, says Wiggins at Bowel Cancer UK. Another issue could be the resources are there, but patients dont know about them and arent aware they can ask for a referral to a dietician, for example.Corfe feels part of the problem is that nutrition is sometimes seen as a bolt-on to care. Training and paying for enough dieticians to offer this advice to patients isnt probably something thats feasible within the NHS at the moment. But offering basic nutrition training through continuing professional development courses could help to improve the dietary advice provided to patients by GPs.
Theres also a concern that there is insufficient nutrition in the medical curriculum at all stages. I think the bottom line is there needs to be more training offered to better inform GPs.
In addition, GPs could benefit from support to enable them to provide information about diet to patients living with cancer.
We need to be giving GPs the tools to be able to have these conversations and signpost the right places where patients can get expert support, says Wiggins.
Bringing GPs into the care pathway for colorectal cancer is important because they will be seeing those patients a lot more regularly than their hospital teams.
The impact of treatment on the bowel is one of the longer-term consequences of treatment for this type of cancer and it can have a significant impact on a persons quality of life. Its vital that nutrition is addressed as part of the care pathway.
Alternatively, general practices could create a list of evidence-based resources to provide to patients, such as information on diet and cancer from Bowel Cancer UK, Macmillan Cancer Support and Maggies. This would help to prevent patients coming across online diet and cancer advice from unreliable sources. Anderson also offers nutrition and cancer advice via her website Food to Glow and this resource is used by a number of hospital teams.
However, evidence-based online advice is not a substitute for a more personalised approach to how diet and nutrition advice is provided.
The Bowel Cancer UK website has lots of information about diet, but this general information should be viewed only as a good starting point for a conversation, says Wiggins. It should not be considered as the end of the conversation. Tailored information is really important.
Read more:
Diet and cancer: helping colorectal patients know what to eat - Raconteur
Suga grilled in Diet on science council scandal and policy agenda – The Japan Times

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and opposition lawmakers collided head-on in their first formal questioning session, the official kickoff for the 41-day autumn extraordinary Diet session.
The opposition camp assailed the administration over its earlier decision to reject the appointment of six academics to the Science Council of Japan during the session, which ran from Wednesday to Friday. However, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, the largest opposition force, also dedicated time to the governments coronavirus measures, presenting questions and making proposals of its own.
The CDP increased its number of lawmakers this summer through a partial merger with the Democratic Party for the People. While its leader Yukio Edano did criticize Suga, his attacks were relatively measured.
The toned-down rhetoric apparently reflected criticism of the party that it is single-mindedly focused on attacking the government without making concrete policy proposals that could be considered seriously as an alternative to those of the Liberal Democratic Party-led coalition. Such a move is also designed to undercut the DPP by positioning the CDP as the party that offers solutions to problems, which is the formers major talking point.
Here are some highlights from the three days of questioning at the parliament.
Edano, who began the questioning, essentially set aside one-third of his speech Wednesday to address his partys platform, asking for improved treatment of workers in health care, elder care, education and child care, as well as the beefing up of staffing at the Labor Standards Inspection Office and temporary child custody centers.
Edano refrained from launching a full-scale attack on the administration, welcoming one of Sugas signature initiatives enabling infertility treatment to be covered by national insurance.
The opposition party leaders tone in relation to Suga was restrained compared with times he criticized then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, with Edano apparently holding reservations about throwing hard punches at the prime minister just yet. He took a jab at Sugas slogan self-help, mutual help and public help as something that is conveniently used by the government to refuse assistance.
Whats being questioned is the general vision of what were going to do about Japans future, Edano said, invoking criticism that Sugas policy speech Monday lacked a greater plan for the country. The CDP will hold up a goal of realizing a cooperative society in which politics bears a responsibility to create a system that promotes mutual support as a new alternative to neoliberalism.
On the science council scandal, which opposition parties had been expected to embrace enthusiastically, Edano pressed Suga to publicly explain his rationale for breaking with precedent and not nominating six scholars, all of whom had been vocal in their criticisms of the previous administration, of which the prime minister was a part.
Suga did not answer his questions on the matter and repeated his previous statements that the decision was made from the standpoint of enabling the organizations collective and comprehensive activities and not leaning toward certain types of academics. He also noted the membership is skewed toward certain universities and does not have enough young scholars and those who have experience working in the private sector.
His response prompted jeers from opposition lawmakers. Appearing irritated, he paused his speech and turned to Speaker of the House of Representatives Tadamori Oshima asking him to silence the noisy lawmakers.
As for the membership of the Science Council of Japan, theres no obligation that the prime minister has to nominate all of the recommended individuals, and that is the governments coherent position approved by the Cabinet Legislation Bureau, the prime minister said.
Other opposition groups have also gone after Suga about the issue, but he largely stuck to his script. He also said the administration will not reappoint those six individuals.
Further asked to explain his justification by the Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Akira Koike, Suga noted that 45% of the council members belong to seven universities that are known collectively as Imperial Universities: University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Tohoku University, Kyushu University, Hokkaido University, Osaka University and Nagoya University. In contrast, council members belonging to private universities, of which there are 615 nationwide, account for 24%.
Members whose age is 49 or younger or those who work outside academia account for 3%, respectively, Suga said.
Edano welcomed the prime ministers declaration on going carbon neutral by 2050 but chided him for using it as an excuse to boost reliance on nuclear energy. Although Suga said the governments position on reducing dependence on nuclear power plants as much as possible has not changed, he did not rule out using them in addition to renewable energy to achieve the difficult goal.
Seiko Noda, the LDPs executive acting secretary-general, asked Suga on Wednesday about lifting entry restrictions to spur the economy while keeping new infections low. He did not offer an elaborate answer, only repeating past comments on gradually rolling back regulations based on outbreaks domestically and abroad.
Asked by Noda about the Japan-U.S. alliance, Suga stressed that bilateral relations will be further enhanced to deal with issues such as North Korea regardless of the outcome of the U.S. presidential race.
Tetsuro Fukuyama, CDP secretary-general, inquired whether Chinese leader Xi Jinpings state visit is still on the horizon. Suga merely recited a past statement that both countries should focus on containing the coronavirus and that they are not at the stage of scheduling a visit.
The prime minister defended Japans decision not to take part in a United Nations treaty to ban nuclear weapons, saying that although the country agrees with the ultimate objective, it wants to incorporate countries that possess nuclear weapons into the framework. Even countries such as Germany and Canada that do not have nuclear weapons do not agree with it, he said.
We think its appropriate to pursue a path where we advance nonproliferation carefully and realistically while we deal with national security threats in real life, including by maintaining or strengthening deterrence, as the national security environment around us gets even harsher, he said, adding that Japan needs to carefully consider even whether to participate as an observer to the treaty.
On the economy, Suga responded to a question from Fukuyama on the possibility of compiling an additional supplement budget by signaling that he is looking to do so.
CDPs Edano even demonstrated a willingness to reach across the aisle to develop additional economic packages to refuel the economy, which has been badly hurt by the coronavirus pandemic.
Keiichi Ishii, secretary-general of the LDPs junior coalition partner, Komeito, quizzed Suga about extending housing and job aid for those experiencing severe economic hardship as a result of the coronavirus. The prime minister did not give a concrete promise but pledged to make appropriate decisions while taking things such as the employment situation into consideration.
In response to questions by the DPPs Masao Kobayashi, Suga re-emphasized his administrations commitment to carrying on with Abenomics and further promoting it by weaving it into his own policy ambitions regarding digitalization.
Nippon Ishin no Kais Nobuyuki Baba asked Suga about dissolving the Lower House. As expected, the prime minister did not mention whether he would hold a general election, but he made clear that coronavirus measures and the economic recovery are the administrations priorities.
I want to think hard about it as theres a time limit, meaning the general election must be held within a year, Suga said. The Lower House lawmakers term expires in October next year.
Suga expressed his gratitude to Nippon Ishin and the DPP with regards to their cooperative attitude toward constitutional amendment.
Asked about the administrations strategy on achieving that goal, Suga repeated multiple times that it ultimately needs to be decided in a referendum and stressed the need for debates at the Commission on the Constitution, which has barely held any active discussions due to the long-term absence of opposition party lawmakers. He even went beyond his policy speech and said Friday that it is lawmakers responsibility to hold debates on constitutional reform at the commission, in line with Abes position.
But for now, I hope for constructive debates at the Commission on the Constitution regardless of party affiliation, Suga said.
Continued here:
Suga grilled in Diet on science council scandal and policy agenda - The Japan Times
20 Percent of Grocery Workers Went To Work With COVID, Study Says – msnNOW

Provided by Eat This, Not That! trader joes cashier in face mask
The next time you go to the grocery store, you might want to consider thanking the checkout person for their service. At the same time, you'll want to make sure you're doing so while wearing a mask and standing at a healthy social distance, as a new study published in the scientific journal Occupational&Environmental Medicine suggests the COVID-19 virus hit these frontline workers especially hard.
To address what they characterize as a knowledge gap regarding how COVID-19 has impacted retail workers, the study, led by Justin Yang, M.D., of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, chose a single grocery store in the Boston, Massachusetts area and tested its employees for COVID using nasal swabs. The researchers then spent several days assessing the employees' health history, anxiety levels, and perceptions about COVID.
Dr. Yang's team found that out of the 104 grocery store workers, 21 tested positive (20%) for COVID-19. Of those who tested positive, 91 percent had a job that involved direct interaction with customers, and 76 percent showed no symptoms (whereas only 40% of the general population are asymptomatic when infected). (In other health news, check out these 108 Most Popular Sodas Ranked By How Toxic They Are.)
According to the scientists' data, those grocery store workers with direct exposure to customers were five times more likely to test positive than their back-office colleagues.In addition, 24 of the workers were found to have anxiety. Eight were found to have depression. The study authors noted that those whose jobs permitted them to practice social distancing were significantly less affected by anxiety and depression than their colleagues.
Scientists had already known that essential workers, including grocery store employees, are at an increased risk for the SARS-CoV-2 infection. They also knew that those workers are at an increased risk of spreading the virus to their friends, families, and communities. What the scientists did not know until reviewing the numbers was exactlyhowbad the infection rate can be.
While the study is limited by the small number of test subjects, among other things, the authors believe that the findings support "policyrecommendations that employers and government officials should take actions on implementing preventive strategies" to ensure the health and safety of essential workers.
In the meantime, here are 10 things you can do to make it safer for your local grocery store's employees, not to mention yourself. And here is the one thing you absolutely need to stop doing at the grocery store.
Read the original article on Eat This, Not That!
Read the rest here:
20 Percent of Grocery Workers Went To Work With COVID, Study Says - msnNOW