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Breakfast or lunch: Whats a better time to have a cheat meal? – Times of India

Your cheat meal is more likely to be loaded with carbs, fat or sugar. Having any of these things in breakfast can lead to digestive issues. Your breakfast should be in general healthy and balanced. That's because in the morning our metabolism is slow due to lack of energy and our stomach might have difficulty in digesting heavy meals. Having food loaded with carbs and fat can put extra pressure on your stomach which might cause gastric issues, ingestion and heartburn.
Secondly, in the morning we are famished due to overnight fasting. Imagine if at that time your favourite food is served in front of you. You will definitely overeat, which can easily sabotage your weight loss goal. Having a cheat meal is good, but overeating is not. Even when indulging in your favourite food, do not forget about the calories. The number is important to stay on track.
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Breakfast or lunch: Whats a better time to have a cheat meal? - Times of India
The smart golfers guide to eating on the course, according to a nutrition expert –

By: Luke Kerr-Dineen October 30, 2020
Eating well on the golf course is one of the most underrated ways to improve your score.
Getty Images
Welcome to Play Smart, a new game-improvement column that drops every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from Director ofGame Improvement content Luke Kerr-Dineento help you play smarter, better golf.
It was about this time last year when I decided to lose some weight. There was no real reality check moment for me; rather, it was a slow burn. More and more people seemingly all at once started referring to me as big guy hey, big guy! which caught me off guard. And then there were the times when I felt generally uncomfortable in my own body, which were growing more and more frequent. It was most notable when I was swinging a golf club. It was like I wasnt or maybe couldnt move as nimbly as I needed to.
So I shook things up. On the left I clocked-in at just north of 211; in the picture of me from two weeks ago on the right, Im maintaining my goal weight of about 163.
The process of losing weight is actually very simple. You eat less of some things and more of others. You can read about all the stuff I learned right here, but ultimately its about the choices you make and your ability to stay disciplined. My favorite Bojack Horseman quote of all time pretty much sums it up:
Every day it gets a little easier, but you gotta do it every day, thats the hard part.
Something that was indispensably important to me throughout it all was WW, formerly Weight Watchers. I use the app to track my food and genuinely love it, because the system isnt about counting calories or telling you what you cant eat, but rather helping you manage what you do.
And so, to glean some advice along those lines for all us day-in, day-out golfers out there, I called up WWs Head of nutrition & wellness Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN, who shared a host of helpful tips for golfers about the kinds of foods they should eat on the course, whether they want to lose weight or not.
Ive often wondered whether drinking coffee is conducive to a sport like golf, where the rounds are long and the movements often require a calm, precise touch. But far from not being detrimental to your game, London says coffee can be a good for golfers, consumed at the right time and in the right dosage.
A pre-round cup of coffee is a great way to up your energy level. It can contribute to your hydration goals and help you stay alert during your round, London says, who points to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans of up to 400 mg of caffeine daily, and recommends finishing your coffee up to an hour before your round.
Changing your coffee order to a 16 ounce latte, with low fat and skim milk, can also provide up to 16 grams of protein which will help you sustain that energy.
You donthave to eat breakfast, London says, but she recommends it. Not just because its an easy way to up your energy levels, but because its a healthy habit: Skipping breakfast means your hunger will come back to haunt you later, and as the desperation to get something in your stomach mounts, youre more likely to gorge on anything you can find.
The key, London says, is to use food as fuel to maintain a nice, steady energy level throughout your entire round.
Establishing a pattern right off the bat of not skipping meals in the a.m. sets you up to make better choices all day even if youre not ravenous when you wake up, London says. Eating within 30 min. to one hour after waking up can help you get the day started and can provide you with some much-needed fuel in the tank.
Complex carbohydrates arent bad, despite what you may have heard, but its important to understand what they do best. In short: Carbs provide quick, intense jolts of energy. That can be extremely helpful for golfers, London says, as long as they stick to a 2-to-1 protein-to-carbs ratio.
The glucose from the carbs gets into your bloodstream really fast, London said. You need the combination of carbs and protein, making sure that you maintain energy and feel satisfied throughout your round.
Snacking throughout your round is another healthy habit recreational golfers should take on board. And when they do, its important they look for higher-protein snacks that will provide some sustenance and steady energy.
Dried cheese snacks like dried parmesan, a piece of fruit or a pack of dried unsweetened fruit; a pack of nuts or nut butters, are all great options, London says. Youre looking for mini-meals with protein, fiber, and healthy fats.
Drinking enough water on the golf course, especially during the hot days, is perhaps the single most important thing you can do. The benefits are almost innumerable: It improves your focus, maintains your energy levels, and aids in digestion, among many other things. And when youre playing golf, you tend to lose water more quickly, so you need to replenish consistently.
Hydration helps with just about everything, London says. It changes depending on your climate, but I use eight-to-10 glasses per day as a starting point for an active person.
Therell be days when you fall off the wagon. Youll stick around after your round, share a few beers and share a plate of something. Its inevitable, and when it does happen, its important to dwell on it. Move on and get back to your consistent routine, based around what London calls the three Ts
Thetype of food youre eating
Thetiming of when youre eating your food
Thetools youre using to manage it.
I often say progress is better than perfection, London says. Practice making good choices so the the next time youre coming into those type of situations, youre not ravenous, but coming in from a hydrated, satisfied place where you dont have as much desire to eat all the cheese fries.
Luke Kerr-Dineen is the Director of Game Improvement Content at GOLF Magazine and In his role he oversees all the brands service journalism spanning instruction, equipment, health and fitness, across all of GOLFs multimedia platforms.
An alumni of the International Junior Golf Academy and the University of South CarolinaBeaufort golf team, where he helped them to No. 1 in the national NAIA rankings, Luke moved to New York in 2012 to pursue his Masters degree in Journalism from Columbia University and in 2017 was named News Media Alliances Rising Star. His work has also appeared in USA Today, Golf Digest, Newsweek and The Daily Beast.
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The smart golfers guide to eating on the course, according to a nutrition expert -
101kg to 71kg: Diet, workout, sports helped Simbu lose weight – Times of India

Ever since we saw the first look of Silambarasan TR in Susienthirans Easwaran, there has been so much talk about his physical transformation. His latest photoshoot pictures that have gone viral show that the actor has lost oodles of weight, and is looking fitter than ever before. He started his journey at 101kg and the actor now weighs 71kg, losing 30kg. Simbu started his fitness journey last November. In a candid chat with us, his friend Mahat Raghavendra and fitness trainer Sandeep Raj take us through Simbus physicaltransformation
How it all startedMahat was training under Sandeep Raj, a celebrity fitness trainer and even sported six-pack abs. When Simbu saw Mahats transformation, he wanted to begin training, too. Thats when he got introduced to Sandeep. We started last November, and at that time, Simbu weighed 101kg. Simbu didnt lose weight for films or just to prove a point. He wanted to do it for his fans and his loved ones, who stood by him during the tough times, says Sandeep.
Sandeep says that Simbu was 87kg in February. After the pandemic took over, he again started putting on weight. We then resumed our workouts regularly in June and he now weighs 71.1kg. He lived by the saying, If theres a will, there is a way. I was sceptical to train him as there were so many rumours doing the rounds. But once I met him and started working with him, I realised that he is a hardworking and dedicated person. He is now an example for many.
More here:
101kg to 71kg: Diet, workout, sports helped Simbu lose weight - Times of India
90 Day Fiance Stars Darcey Silva And Stacey Silva Are Getting HCG Injections To Lose Weight – Reality Tea

The name Darcey Silva became synonymous with drunken sobbing, highly impractical outfits, and demands for a marriage proposal. It was outrageous to watch most of the time, but the persona kept Darcey on 90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days for three seasons. She even got a spinoff on TLC costarring her twin sister Stacey Silva.
It was during the season finale of Darcey and Stacey that Darcey finally got her proposal. After two failed relationships, a promise band, and an honorary house key, someone gave Darcey a proper ring. And that special someone was Bulgarian fiance Georgi Rusev,who surprised Darcey with a proposal in June.
During filming for the season, Georgi revealed his marital status. He had just begun divorce proceedings from his estranged wife at the time. The process is ongoing, so Darcey will have to wait to walk down the aisle. But that doesnt mean she cant start planning ahead.
Will the wedding be filmed for TLC? You bet it will. Will Darcey want to look her best for the cameras? You bet she will. Thats why Darcey is taking an extreme route to lose weight for her big day. Newlywed sister Stacey is joining her on the regime.
Soapdirt reported that Darcey and Stacey are currently on a low calorie diet. They are also on a HCG program for weight loss. HCG involves injections of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a 45 day period.
The unconventional method seems to be working for Darcey. She supposedly already lost five pounds.
Darcey estimates that Georgis divorce will take a few more months to settle, so the couple are planning to wed sometime next year. Darcey revealed that it will be a beach destination, though a definite location hasnt been chosen yet.
The wedding, whenever it happens, will be another marketing opportunity for the twins clothing line House of Eleven, should the bride decide to wear one of her designs for the event.
[Photo Credit: Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images]
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90 Day Fiance Stars Darcey Silva And Stacey Silva Are Getting HCG Injections To Lose Weight - Reality Tea
What is liposuction? How the procedure works and how painful it is – Business Insider India

Liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove extra fat from your body. It started in the 1980s and has become one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the US. An estimated 258,000 Americans got it in 2018.
Today, you can expect to pay around $3,500 for liposuction and most health insurance plans won't cover the cost. But if you're willing to pay the price, liposuction is a relatively safe and quick procedure that can help you shed fat that diet and exercise can't.
Some of the most common places to have fat removed are the belly, thighs, buttocks, arms, back, the upper neck just under the chin, and jawline/jowls.
Then, surgeons will often inject into the area of operation a solution containing a mix of saline solution, a numbing medicine, and medicine the decreases bleeding. This is to help the skin and fat separate from important structures like muscles and blood vessels so they aren't damaged during the suctioning process.
After liposuction, your surgeon will likely recommend you wear a temporary band or brace over the area of operation to help the skin heal. The band or brace also helps prevent fluid from building up in the area of operation where the fat was removed, between the skin and deeper structures like muscles and blood vessels.
Whether you are awake or asleep during liposuction, you shouldn't feel any pain during the procedure, says Marco A. Pelosi II, MD, a cosmetic surgeon with experience performing liposuction procedures. The recovery, also, should be a relatively mild process.
Ongoing pain near the area where the cannula was inserted is a risk of liposuction, and if the pain grows or pain killers don't help, you should tell your surgeon.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, you should not use liposuction as a weight loss alternative. It recommends that if you want to lose weight, you should first try diet and exercise, then use liposuction to take care of more stubborn areas like the chin or belly fat.
There are some important safety tips to look for when choosing a liposuction provider.
Pelosi says that doctors should also do blood work testing and medical clearances before a liposuction procedure to ensure your safety. These tests are to make sure you can safely undergo general anesthesia without complication. If, for example, you have an infection or are pregnant, you may not qualify for the surgery.
See the rest here:
What is liposuction? How the procedure works and how painful it is - Business Insider India
A Vacation Photo Inspired This Man to Start Cycling and Lose 80 Pounds – Yahoo Lifestyle

Photo credit: Richard Buss
From Bicycling
Age: 52Occupation: MarketingHometown: Lincoln, CaliforniaStart Weight: 275 poundsEnd Weight: 195 poundsTime Cycling: 7 yearsReason for cycling: I started cycling to help me lose weight, and in the end discovered a new hobby that has helped me keep my sanity. I can get on a bike and get lost for hours at a time.
I am a 52- year-old United States Marine who got lazy about his weight while climbing up the corporate ladder, and in 2012 I topped out at 275 pounds. I went on vacation to Hawaii and took some pictures of myself at the beach with no shirt on, and oh my god, I was huge. When I reviewed the pictures at home, I was utterly disappointed in myself and depressed. I decided not to keep the picturesor the weight.
That same weekend, a friend called and invited me on a bike ride. I said No, I have to come up with a plan to lose weight. He just replied, Cycling is great exercise.
I wentand it was the worst experience of my life. It was 105 degrees, I didn't have enough water, and I had a crappy Wal-Mart mountain bike that barely worked. We biked a grand total of 20 miles in Sacramento, California, and when we were done was I exhausted. I remember collapsing in the grass next to my car.
But I was instantly hooked. That same night I went out and bought a $700 Fuji hybrid bike, and I started riding every night. First two miles, then four, then eight, then more. I started weighing myself, and the more I cycled the more the weight came off.
I work from home so I have a lot of flexibility with my ridingI can ride in the morning, afternoon, and nights during the week and whenever during the weekend. During the weekends as the weight came off, I rode long rides with my friend who originally introduced me to cycling, and we explored local paved trails in the Sacramento area.
After my Fuji bike I bought a Giant, then a Specialized. I saw an ad on Craigslist for a Cannondale I liked, did some research and the price was too good to be true. I honestly thought it was stolen, but it was a college kid at UC Davis that was on the cycling team and needed the money. I got involved in a Cannondale Facebook group, and Ive been a Cannondale fan ever since then.
Story continues
I currently have two bikes, a Cannondale Evo Super Six and a 2002 Cannondale CAAD 5 Stars & Stripes. The story goes that shortly after 9/11 a group of NYC fire fighters planned a charity bike ride from NYC to LA using the same route as one of the planes, and Cannondale made them some special bikes for the event. These became popular and public wanted them so Cannondale made some for the public.
I bought mine on eBay used and abused, fixed it up as best I could, and rode it as is. At one point I drove down to SoCal and rode this bike up to the Hollywood sign. Eventually, I went to my local bike shop and enlisted their help and we completely refurbished the entire bikethe only thing original is the frame, seat post, and handlebars.
Now, I ride every day, usually 20 miles in the morning before work, and then 30 to 50 miles a day on weekends. I work from home so my schedule is flexible and allows me to ride. Last year I discovered the gymwhich I had never done beforeand it helped me to accelerate my weight loss. And, last January we got a puppy, so I walk the dog two or three times a day.
Previously, my diet was horrible. I ate a lot of fast food, and I used to constantly drink Pepsi throughout the day. Now my diet is much better, and I tend to eat high-protein meals these days. Fast food is very rare for me, usually once a month. I love pizza to the point where I run a pizza Facebook group, but I limit myself to a slice or two a week.
Facebook has also helped me connect with other cyclists, and Ive even started a cycling group. I am an old-school kind of computer guy and love Facebook. During the recession I was unemployed and I took a lot of selfies and put them on Facebook. Because I wear prescription glasses, most of my selfies were of me in my prescription wayfarer sunglasses which gave me a small amount of notoriety locally. I started a local Facebook group for my town, which now has around 6,000 members (for a town of 50,000 people). I run a number of groups (including the pizza group), so and it was only a matter of time before I created the cycling group. Its quiet but growing.
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See original here:
A Vacation Photo Inspired This Man to Start Cycling and Lose 80 Pounds - Yahoo Lifestyle
Do Body Wraps Work for Weight Loss? Types and Effectiveness – Greatist

Honestly, whats the deal with body wraps? Do they really help you shed the pounds or belly fat? Are they the same as waist trainers? Are they even safe? So many questions provoked by endless Kardashian waist-snatching selfies and weight loss ads.
Body wraps 101
Unwrapping the truth about body wraps can be overwhelming. Here are the fast facts.
Do body wraps help you lose weight?
Nope. Any slimming is probably just temporary loss of water weight.
Are they safe?
Mostly, yes. But you should consider the risks of dehydration and restricted breathing. (More on that in a sec!)
Can I DIY body wraps at home?
Of course! Well dive into the DIY details and types of body wraps below.
Body wraps are noninvasive treatments touted for a variety of health, beauty, and general wellness benefits.
They typically involve applying a skin care mask or cream and then covering the area with a fabric or plastic wrap. Together, these elements are said to melt fat away while giving you perfectly taut skin, but they can come with some risks.
Find the right type of body wrap for you.
Picture super-spanx reminiscent of old-timey corsets. They come in tons of styles and fabrics, but they all focus on cinching your midsection into an hourglass-like figure.
Waist trainers claim to make your waist smaller by physically squeezing it in, but the results are temporary. Once the trainers off, your muscles will happily return to their natural shape.
PSA for the preggo peeps: There are lots of waist trainers and compression garments marketed toward pregnant women and new mommas. Research is still iffy on their effectiveness, so check with your doc before wrapping your changing belly.
Classic wraps are supposed to work by making you sweat off inches. Fans say that using a mask or cream with the binding boosts the effect by drawing out even more fluid and toxins.
In the past, folks used linen or muslin that had been coated to make the fabric less breathable. Today, DIYers prefer plastic wrap. Whatever the material, its usually ripped into strips to wrap around the treatment area belly, thighs, etc.
Many wrap products claim to help your body detox. Science shows that some compounds, like bentonite clay, can help detoxify your body by absorbing negatively charged ions and speeding up natural detox processes (like, erm, pooping).
But can it do all that through your skin? Thats up for debate.
Types of spa wraps
Get the DL on the most popular spa wraps.
The idea here is to encase your whole body in an impermeable sack that makes you sweat a whole hell of a lot. Yep, youll look and feel like a foil-wrapped baked potato.
These devices use hot air, infrared technology, or another heating element to get you cooking. Theyre supposed to work by making you sweat off excess weight and inches, but the weight loss effect is water weight not fat.
This is not an effective long-term weight loss strategy. A more reliable, and safer bet? Large cross-sectional studies have shown that health benefits such as maintaining healthy mental well-being and sleep habits can aid in long-term weight loss.
Note: Make sure to stay hydrated if youre using sauna therapy!
Wrap your brain around these stats:
Its no wonder folks are seeking fast weight loss solutions that work.
But are body wraps the answer? Probably not.
Research suggests that swaddling yourself in nonbreathable fabric can raise your body temp, but theres just no evidence to support long-term weight loss from body wrapping. In fact, the FDA has investigated several companies for making false claims about their body wraps.
Still, body wrapping might help you:
First, decide whether to wrap your entire body or just part of it. Partial wraps can be applied to just your thighs or belly, for example.
Next, follow the instructions for the specific body wrap youve chosen. The process will look something like this:
If youre on a budget or enjoy whipping up your own lotions and potions, youre in luck. There are millions of recipes on the interwebz for exfoliants and wrap masks and creams.
As for making your own strip wraps? You can literally go buy a roll of plastic wrap. At-home spa enthusiasts rave that its easier, cheaper, quicker, and more sanitary than cloth strips. Its also great at sealing in the mask-and-sweat goo.
There are a few risks to body wrapping. Follow these tips to stay safe:
Consider these nuggets of weight loss wisdom:
While you can give body wraps a go, there are def more effective, sustainable options for healthy weight loss.
Scientifically proven ways to lose weight include:
Body wrap treatments come with a list of wellness claims, including quick weight loss, but most experts agree theyre not a good option for weight management. You might shed water weight, but the result is a temporary appearance of a slimmer bod and extra-luscious skin.
Instead of looking for a fast weight loss fix, aim for a healthy-for-you weight. Stick with this tried-and-true formula for safe, meaningful weight loss and weight management:
Read the original:
Do Body Wraps Work for Weight Loss? Types and Effectiveness - Greatist
Impact Of Covid-19 on Weight Loss Drinks Market 2020 Industry Challenges, Business Overview and Forecast Research Study 2026 – PRnews Leader

Overview for Weight Loss Drinks Market Helps in providing scope and definitions, Key Findings, Growth Drivers, and Various Dynamics.
The global Weight Loss Drinks market focuses on encompassing major statistical evidence for the Weight Loss Drinks industry as it offers our readers a value addition on guiding them in encountering the obstacles surrounding the market. A comprehensive addition of several factors such as global distribution, manufacturers, market size, and market factors that affect the global contributions are reported in the study. In addition the Weight Loss Drinks study also shifts its attention with an in-depth competitive landscape, defined growth opportunities, market share coupled with product type and applications, key companies responsible for the production, and utilized strategies are also marked.
This intelligence and 2026 forecasts Weight Loss Drinks industry report further exhibits a pattern of analyzing previous data sources gathered from reliable sources and sets a precedented growth trajectory for the Weight Loss Drinks market. The report also focuses on a comprehensive market revenue streams along with growth patterns, analytics focused on market trends, and the overall volume of the market.
Moreover, the Weight Loss Drinks report describes the market division based on various parameters and attributes that are based on geographical distribution, product types, applications, etc. The market segmentation clarifies further regional distribution for the Weight Loss Drinks market, business trends, potential revenue sources, and upcoming market opportunities.
Download PDF Sample of Weight Loss Drinks Market report @
Key players in the global Weight Loss Drinks market covered in Chapter 4:, skinnyfit, LadyBoss, GNC, Renewlife, HUM, Cellucor, Liquid I.V, Kate Farms, Herbal Clean, BPI
In Chapter 11 and 13.3, on the basis of types, the Weight Loss Drinks market from 2015 to 2026 is primarily split into:, Diet manage, Meal replacement
In Chapter 12 and 13.4, on the basis of applications, the Weight Loss Drinks market from 2015 to 2026 covers:, Online, Offline
Geographically, the detailed analysis of consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate, historic and forecast (2015-2026) of the following regions are covered in Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13:, North America (Covered in Chapter 6 and 13), United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe (Covered in Chapter 7 and 13), Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Others, Asia-Pacific (Covered in Chapter 8 and 13), China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, Southeast Asia, Others, Middle East and Africa (Covered in Chapter 9 and 13), Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, Others, South America (Covered in Chapter 10 and 13), Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Others
The Weight Loss Drinks market study further highlights the segmentation of the Weight Loss Drinks industry on a global distribution. The report focuses on regions of North America, Europe, Asia, and the Rest of the World in terms of developing business trends, preferred market channels, investment feasibility, long term investments, and environmental analysis. The Weight Loss Drinks report also calls attention to investigate product capacity, product price, profit streams, supply to demand ratio, production and market growth rate, and a projected growth forecast.
In addition, the Weight Loss Drinks market study also covers several factors such as market status, key market trends, growth forecast, and growth opportunities. Furthermore, we analyze the challenges faced by the Weight Loss Drinks market in terms of global and regional basis. The study also encompasses a number of opportunities and emerging trends which are considered by considering their impact on the global scale in acquiring a majority of the market share.
The study encompasses a variety of analytical resources such as SWOT analysis and Porters Five Forces analysis coupled with primary and secondary research methodologies. It covers all the bases surrounding the Weight Loss Drinks industry as it explores the competitive nature of the market complete with a regional analysis.
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Some Point of Table of Content:
Chapter One: Report Overview
Chapter Two: Global Market Growth Trends
Chapter Three: Value Chain of Weight Loss Drinks Market
Chapter Four: Players Profiles
Chapter Five: Global Weight Loss Drinks Market Analysis by Regions
Chapter Six: North America Weight Loss Drinks Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter Seven: Europe Weight Loss Drinks Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter Eight: Asia-Pacific Weight Loss Drinks Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Weight Loss Drinks Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter Ten: South America Weight Loss Drinks Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter Eleven: Global Weight Loss Drinks Market Segment by Types
Chapter Twelve: Global Weight Loss Drinks Market Segment by Applications 12.1 Global Weight Loss Drinks Sales, Revenue and Market Share by Applications (2015-2020) 12.1.1 Global Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Market Share by Applications (2015-2020) 12.1.2 Global Weight Loss Drinks Revenue and Market Share by Applications (2015-2020) 12.2 Online Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020) 12.3 Offline Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate (2015-2020)
Chapter Thirteen: Weight Loss Drinks Market Forecast by Regions (2020-2026) continued
List of tablesList of Tables and Figures Table Global Weight Loss Drinks Market Size Growth Rate by Type (2020-2026) Figure Global Weight Loss Drinks Market Share by Type in 2019 & 2026 Figure Diet manage Features Figure Meal replacement Features Table Global Weight Loss Drinks Market Size Growth by Application (2020-2026) Figure Global Weight Loss Drinks Market Share by Application in 2019 & 2026 Figure Online Description Figure Offline Description Figure Global COVID-19 Status Overview Table Influence of COVID-19 Outbreak on Weight Loss Drinks Industry Development Table SWOT Analysis Figure Porters Five Forces Analysis Figure Global Weight Loss Drinks Market Size and Growth Rate 2015-2026 Table Industry News Table Industry Policies Figure Value Chain Status of Weight Loss Drinks Figure Production Process of Weight Loss Drinks Figure Manufacturing Cost Structure of Weight Loss Drinks Figure Major Company Analysis (by Business Distribution Base, by Product Type) Table Downstream Major Customer Analysis (by Region) Table skinnyfit Profile Table skinnyfit Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table LadyBoss Profile Table LadyBoss Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table GNC Profile Table GNC Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Renewlife Profile Table Renewlife Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table HUM Profile Table HUM Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Cellucor Profile Table Cellucor Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Liquid I.V Profile Table Liquid I.V Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Kate Farms Profile Table Kate Farms Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table Herbal Clean Profile Table Herbal Clean Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Table BPI Profile Table BPI Production, Value, Price, Gross Margin 2015-2020 Figure Global Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Global Weight Loss Drinks Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020) Table Global Weight Loss Drinks Sales by Regions (2015-2020) Table Global Weight Loss Drinks Sales Market Share by Regions (2015-2020) Table Global Weight Loss Drinks Revenue ($) by Regions (2015-2020) Table Global Weight Loss Drinks Revenue Market Share by Regions (2015-2020) Table Global Weight Loss Drinks Revenue Market Share by Regions in 2015 Table Global Weight Loss Drinks Revenue Market Share by Regions in 2019 Figure North America Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Europe Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Asia-Pacific Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Middle East and Africa Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure South America Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure North America Weight Loss Drinks Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020) Table North America Weight Loss Drinks Sales by Countries (2015-2020) Table North America Weight Loss Drinks Sales Market Share by Countries (2015-2020) Figure North America Weight Loss Drinks Sales Market Share by Countries in 2015 Figure North America Weight Loss Drinks Sales Market Share by Countries in 2019 Table North America Weight Loss Drinks Revenue ($) by Countries (2015-2020) Table North America Weight Loss Drinks Revenue Market Share by Countries (2015-2020) Figure North America Weight Loss Drinks Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2015 Figure North America Weight Loss Drinks Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2019 Figure United States Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Canada Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Mexico Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth (2015-2020) Figure Europe Weight Loss Drinks Revenue ($) Growth (2015-2020) Table Europe Weight Loss Drinks Sales by Countries (2015-2020) Table Europe Weight Loss Drinks Sales Market Share by Countries (2015-2020) Figure Europe Weight Loss Drinks Sales Market Share by Countries in 2015 Figure Europe Weight Loss Drinks Sales Market Share by Countries in 2019 Table Europe Weight Loss Drinks Revenue ($) by Countries (2015-2020) Table Europe Weight Loss Drinks Revenue Market Share by Countries (2015-2020) Figure Europe Weight Loss Drinks Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2015 Figure Europe Weight Loss Drinks Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2019 Figure Germany Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure UK Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure France Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Italy Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Spain Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Russia Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Asia-Pacific Weight Loss Drinks Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020) Table Asia-Pacific Weight Loss Drinks Sales by Countries (2015-2020) Table Asia-Pacific Weight Loss Drinks Sales Market Share by Countries (2015-2020) Figure Asia-Pacific Weight Loss Drinks Sales Market Share by Countries in 2015 Figure Asia-Pacific Weight Loss Drinks Sales Market Share by Countries in 2019 Table Asia-Pacific Weight Loss Drinks Revenue ($) by Countries (2015-2020) Table Asia-Pacific Weight Loss Drinks Revenue Market Share by Countries (2015-2020) Figure Asia-Pacific Weight Loss Drinks Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2015 Figure Asia-Pacific Weight Loss Drinks Revenue Market Share by Countries in 2019 Figure China Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Japan Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure South Korea Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Australia Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure India Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Southeast Asia Weight Loss Drinks Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020) Figure Middle East and Africa Weight Loss Drinks Revenue ($) and Growth (2015-2020) continued
About HongChun Research: HongChun Research main aim is to assist our clients in order to give a detailed perspective on the current market trends and build long-lasting connections with our clientele. Our studies are designed to provide solid quantitative facts combined with strategic industrial insights that are acquired from proprietary sources and an in-house model.
Contact Details: Jennifer GrayManager Global Sales+ 852 8170 0792[emailprotected]
NOTE: Our report does take into account the impact of coronavirus pandemic and dedicates qualitative as well as quantitative sections of information within the report that emphasizes the impact of COVID-19.
As this pandemic is ongoing and leading to dynamic shifts in stocks and businesses worldwide, we take into account the current condition and forecast the market data taking into consideration the micro and macroeconomic factors that will be affected by the pandemic.
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Impact Of Covid-19 on Weight Loss Drinks Market 2020 Industry Challenges, Business Overview and Forecast Research Study 2026 - PRnews Leader
Rhythm Pharmaceuticals Announces Publication of Results from Phase 3 Clinical Trials of Setmelanotide in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology -…

BOSTON, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq:RYTM), a late-stage biopharmaceutical company aimed at developing and commercializing therapies for the treatment of rare genetic disorders of obesity, announced today that results from two pivotal Phase 3 studies evaluating setmelanotide in proopiomelanocortin (POMC) deficiency obesity and leptin receptor (LEPR) deficiency obesity were published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. As previously reported, data from the studies demonstrate that treatment with setmelanotide, the companys melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) agonist, led to statistically significant and clinically meaningful reductions of weight and hunger.
Results from Rhythms pivotal Phase 3 studies, which are the largest studies to date in POMC and LEPR deficiency obesities, provide evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of setmelanotide and we believe they validate its potential long-term use as a novel treatment for severe obesity and hyperphagia, said co-author Peter Khnen, M.D., Institute for Experimental Pediatric Endocrinology, Charit Universittsmedizin Berlin, Germany. It is important to recognize the signs of these rare genetic disorders because we may soon have a targeted treatment option available for the first time for obesity disorders caused by impairments of the MC4R pathway.
Rhythm initially reported positive topline data from the Phase 3 studies in August 2019 and subsequently presented updated data in a late-breaking research forum during the 37th Annual Meeting of The Obesity Society at ObesityWeek 2019.
Eight of 10 participants with POMC deficiency obesity (80%; P<0.0001 compared with historical data) and five of 11 participants with LEPR deficiency obesity (45%; P=0.0001 compared with historical data) achieved at least 10 percent weight loss at approximately one year. The mean percent change in most hunger score in participants aged 12 years and older was -27.1 percent (n=7; P=0.0005) in POMC deficiency obesity and -43.7 percent (n=7; P<0.0001) in LEPR deficiency obesity. Consistent with prior clinical experience, setmelanotide was generally well-tolerated in both trials. The most common adverse events were injection site reaction, skin hyperpigmentation, and nausea.
These results are significant because, as we know from natural history data, individuals living with POMC or LEPR deficiency obesity consistently experience substantial weight gain each year beginning in early childhood, and we would not expect any of these patients to be able to achieve 10 percent weight loss over the course of a year without continued treatment, said co-author Karine Clment, professor of nutrition at Piti-Salptrire hospital and Sorbonne University in Paris. These data and the significant unmet need to address the obesity and hyperphagia caused by rare genetic disorders of obesity underscore the importance of testing for genetic variants that may impair MC4R activation and lead to severe obesity.
In May 2020, Rhythm announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accepted the company's New Drug Application (NDA) for setmelanotide for the treatment of POMC deficiency obesity and LEPR deficiency obesity, granted Priority Review of the NDA and assigned a Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) goal date of November 27, 2020. In July 2020, the Company announced the submission of its Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the treatment of POMC deficiency obesity and LEPR deficiency obesity.
We are grateful to the authors and the investigators involved in our pivotal Phase 3 clinical trials for their continued partnership in advancing setmelanotide to address significant unmet needs facing people with rare genetic disorders of obesity, Murray Stewart, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of Rhythm, said.
The article is available online here: request a copy of the article, email
About SetmelanotideSetmelanotide is an investigational, melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) agonist. The MC4R is part of the key biological pathway that independently regulates hunger, caloric intake, and energy expenditure. Variants in genes may impair the function of the MC4R pathway, potentially leading to hyperphagia and early-onset, severe obesity. Rhythm is currently developing setmelanotide as a targeted therapy to potentially restore the function of an impaired MC4R pathway and, in so doing, potentially reduce hunger and weight in patients with rare genetic disorders of obesity. Currently, no pharmacologic therapies exist to treat these conditions.
The FDA has granted Breakthrough Therapy designation to setmelanotide for the treatment of obesity associated with genetic defects upstream of the MC4R pathway, which includes POMC deficiency obesity, LEPR deficiency obesity, Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS) and Alstrm syndrome. The EMA has also granted PRIority MEdicines (PRIME) designation for setmelanotide for the treatment of obesity and the control of hunger associated with deficiency disorders of the MC4R pathway. Both the FDA and EMA have granted orphan drug status to setmelanotide for POMC and LEPR deficiency obesities. Rhythm is also evaluating setmelanotide for reduction in hunger and body weight in a pivotal Phase 3 trial in people living with BBS and Alstrm syndromes, with topline data from this trial expected in the fourth quarter of 2020 or early in the first quarter of 2021.
About Rhythm PharmaceuticalsRhythm is a late-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of therapies for the treatment of rare genetic disorders of obesity. Rhythm is leveraging the Rhythm Engine -- comprised of its Phase 2 basket study, TEMPO Registry, GO-ID genotyping study and Uncovering Rare Obesity program -- to improve the understanding, diagnosis and potentially the treatment of rare genetic disorders of obesity. For healthcare professionals, visit for more information. For patients and caregivers, visit for more information. The company is based in Boston, MA.
Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements contained in this press release that do not relate to matters of historical fact should be considered forward-looking statements, including without limitation statements regarding our business strategy and plans, including regarding commercialization of setmelanotide; the potential, safety, efficacy, and regulatory and clinical progress of setmelanotide, including anticipated timing of data readouts and our expectations surrounding potential regulatory approvals and timing thereof. Statements using words such as expect, anticipate, believe, may, will and similar terms are also forward-looking statements. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, the impact of our management transition, our ability to enroll patients in clinical trials, the design and outcome of clinical trials, the impact of competition, the ability to achieve or obtain necessary regulatory approvals, risks associated with data analysis and reporting, our liquidity and expenses, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business and operations, including our preclinical studies, clinical trials and commercialization prospects, and general economic conditions, and other important factors discussed under the caption Risk Factors in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period endedJune 30, 2020and our other filings with theSecurities and Exchange Commission. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligations to make any revisions to the forward-looking statements contained in this release or to update them to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of this release, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.
Corporate Contact:David ConnollyHead of Investor Relations and Corporate CommunicationsRhythm Pharmaceuticals,
Investor Contact:Hannah DeresiewiczStern Investor Relations,
Media Contact:Adam Daley Berry & Company Public
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Rhythm Pharmaceuticals Announces Publication of Results from Phase 3 Clinical Trials of Setmelanotide in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology -...
Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market Growing at a CAGR %: Analysis of Prevailing Industry Opportunities and Winning Manufacturers 2018-2028 – The…

A new report by XploreMR takes a deep dive into the Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market after conducting meticulous research, assessing each microscopic aspect of the market. The researches have connected the dots with minuscule details that shape into an intricate, immaculate yet elucidate study. The report presents a thoroughly scrutinized study of the Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market, leaving no stone unturned in offering market players a valuable and constructive tool that navigates them in the profitable path with the right set of objectives.
Following the methodology of Porters Five Forces analysis, the report emphasizes macro concepts such as the threat of new entries in the Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market, supplier power, threat of substitution, and buying power. Dwelling deeper into each of the factors, details about the competitive landscape, strategies of leading market players, and changes in the landscape, are also analyzed. In addition to competitive analysis, the researchers have also employed PESTEL analysis to study the impact of political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors on the keyword, thus leaving no loose ends.
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The researchers have studied the factors that are expected to drive the growth of the Weight Loss and Obesity Management by creating revenue opportunities, directly and indirectly. Similarly, the emerging trends, both long-term and short-term, present factors that are likely to impact the markets growth and project the direction the whole market is moving. Economical, technological, or any other trend that could bestow opportunities, have been studied. Moreover, the researchers have expanded the analysis beyond growth prospects and analyzed the possible restraining factors to the growth of the Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market, thus enabling market players to foresee the likely challenges and emerge successful through the forecast period 2018-2028.
In addition to the macro-economic factors that drive the global market, the market divulges micro-economic factors, diving into each individual segment such as geographical, end-use segments, and products, among others, and studies each of the segments with respect to different geographies. The geography-specific insights paint a crystal clear picture of the growth of every individual segment studied in the report, thereby enabling regional market players to leverage the trends in the region.
The report assesses key players in the Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market, studying their services, strategies, landmarks, growth plans, and recent developments. By studying multiple organizations covering small, medium, and large players the report enables emerging players to equip themselves with knowledge of competition scenarios. The most critical aspect in the competitive landscape individual growth strategy is studied extensively by dwelling into the foregoing growth trajectory of the organization. Moreover, the study paints a picture of the individual standpoints of the players in the years to come, considering the drivers and trends.
To breakdown the vast study that spreads through geographies, products, and end-use segments, among other market-specific segments, the authors present CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of each segment throughout the years of forecast. CAGR is a simplistic representation of growth that clearly projects which segment registered the highest/least growth through the forecast period 2018-2028. Moreover, each segment is analyzed on the basis of volume and volume, also projected with year-on-year growth and CAGR.
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Researchers also present production and consumption analysis, key findings, important suggestions and recommendations, and other aspects, thus offering a comprehensive picture of the Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market to bolster market players in planning their strategies in the years to come.
Important Questions Answered
Highlights of TOC:
Overview: Presents a broad overview of the Weight Loss and Obesity Management market, acting as a snapshot of the elaborate study that follows.
Market Dynamics: A straight-forward discussion about key drivers, restraints, challenges, trends, and opportunities of the Weight Loss and Obesity Management market.
Product Segments: Explores the market growth of the wide variety of products offered by organizations, and how they fare with end-users.
Application Segments: This section studies the key end-use applications that contribute to the market growth and the emerging opportunities to the Weight Loss and Obesity Management market.
Geographical Segments: Each regional market with a region-specific study of each segment- is carefully assessed for understanding its current and future growth scenarios.
Company Profiles: Leading and emerging players of the Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market are thoroughly profiled in the report based on their market share, market served, products, applications, regional growth, and other factors.
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Weight Loss and Obesity Management Market Growing at a CAGR %: Analysis of Prevailing Industry Opportunities and Winning Manufacturers 2018-2028 - The...