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The Best and Worst Snacks for Weight Loss – LIVESTRONG.COM

The best snacks for weight loss are those that contribute to your overall health goals.
Image Credit: PeopleImages/E+/GettyImages
When trying to lose weight, we typically think about how we need to eat less, or that we need to cut out certain types of foods from our diet. Snacking often gets lumped into this line of thinking: "I need to snack less" or "I need to stop snacking altogether."
It's easy to see why snacking gets a bad rap. Salty snacks (potato chips and pretzels), desserts (doughnuts and cookies), candy (chocolate bars and gummy bears) and sweetened beverages (soda and sugary coffee drinks) are what we're predominately snacking on, according to a May 2016 article published in Advances in Nutrition.
But eating between meals doesn't have to mean stalled weight loss or even weight gain. Snacking can actually help you lose weight and eat a more nutrient-rich diet if you choose healthier options.
The key to healthy snacking while losing weight is balancing what you're eating at breakfast, lunch and dinner with your in-between meal noshes. Focusing on these three factors will help you avoid making common snacking mistakes:
Did you know that keeping a food diary is one of the most effective ways to manage your weight? Download the MyPlate app to easily track calories, stay focused and achieve your goals!
5 Best Snacks When Youre Trying to Lose Weight
These are delicious and healthy snacks to consider if you're trying to shed some pounds.
Yogurt is an optimal choice for snacking because it's pre-portioned, nutrient-dense and deliciously versatile you can go savory or sweet. It's also packed with satiating protein: A cup of regular yogurt has about 9 grams of protein and Greek yogurt contains more than 20 grams of protein, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
When shopping for yogurt, opting for plain with no added sugar is your best bet. If you do choose a flavored yogurt, look for one that is lower in added sugars and keep in mind the recommended limits on added sugars women should consume no more than 25 grams of added sugar per day, while men shouldn't get more than 36 daily grams, according to the American Heart Association.
If you go with a plant-based option and there are many look for one with added protein and limited added sugars.
Nuts in general can aid in weight loss. Case in point: A September 2019 analysis published in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health found that consuming just a half-serving of nuts (about 24 pistachios or 12 almonds) each day is linked to a lower risk of obesity.
Pistachios are unique, however, because they're often found in-shell, and a June 2011 study published in Appetite found that the shells help to slow down the speed at which you snack, resulting in fewer calories consumed overall.
But all pistachios in or out of the shell make for a healthy, fiber- and protein-rich snack. If you're craving something salty, skip the potato chips and pretzels and try pistachios instead.
3. Pulses: Beans, Peas and Lentils
Did you know eating pulses like black beans and green peas may help you lose weight, without even trying? A May 2016 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that including pulses in your daily diet led to small yet significant weight loss, whether or not that was the intention.
Don't worry, this doesn't mean you need to start snacking on a can of black beans (but if that's your thing, have at it). When it comes to snack time, try roasting chickpeas at home (they're crunchy like chips), dipping veggies in hummus or even picking healthier packaged options like roasted fava, lupini or chickpeas from the store.
If you struggle with eating enough fruits and veggies, smoothies are an easy way to sneak them in. Aim for adding at least one serving of fruit and one serving of vegetables in each smoothie. This can be a cup of raw spinach, an apple or a cup of berries or riced cauliflower. Avoid common smoothie mistakes like adding in tons of sweeteners from sweetened nut milk or flavored yogurts.
We know fruits and vegetables can help us lose weight; they're high in fiber and are nutrient-dense while remaining low in calories. Despite this, we still don't eat enough. Only 13 percent of Americans meet the daily recommended intake of fruit and about 9 percent consume enough vegetables, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Apples are where it's at when it comes to fruit and weight loss, according to a September 2015 analysis published in PLOS Medicine. The researchers tapped apples (followed by berries) as one of the top fruits for managing your weight.
Need more convincing? A paper from Obesity Reviews, published in March 2017, found that ursolic acid a compound found in apple peels is linked to an increase in thermogenesis (calorie burn), improved physical fitness and increased muscle mass.
So why the nut butter? Well, it tastes good, for starters. But the healthy fats found in nuts and nut butter can also support your weight-loss goals. Dietary fats slow our digestion, so we feel fuller longer. But keep portion size in mind. One to two tablespoons is a healthy portion when it comes to snacking.
3 Snacks to Avoid for Weight Loss
If you're trying to lose weight, limit these popular snack foods.
We love our salty snacks, and potato chips appear to be the fan-favorite. They currently rank number one in this snack food category, according to a January 2020 article published by the Institute of Food Technologists.
Potato chips are beloved for their salty crunch, but they leave a lot to be desired when it comes to their nutritional attributes. First, they're high in sodium, which is something Americans consume too much of as it is, according to the Food and Drug Administration.
They're also void of any real vitamin and mineral offerings. Potato chips contain some potassium and vitamin C because of the potato, but they lack fiber and protein, two key nutrients when it comes to weight loss.
We drink a lot of soda. Sugar-sweetened beverages, including soda, are one of the most consumed snack foods, per a May 2016 study published in Advances in Nutrition.
There's nothing redeeming about soda. A 12-ounce bottle has about 37 grams of added sugar about 50 percent more than women should consume in an entire day.
Sipping on diet soda as a way to quell your hunger isn't a healthy weight-loss strategy either. We shouldn't ignore our hunger cues. Instead, try eating one of the healthy snacks above, which will truly help satisfy your hunger while delivering healthy nutrients to your body.
About 50 percent of our diet comes from carbohydrates, but high-quality carbs like whole grains and fruit make up less than 10 percent of our entire diet. The remaining 40 percent or so comes from refined grains like sugary cereals, baked goods and white bread.
If grabbing a scone or muffin is your go-to snack, think about a healthier option like fruit and nuts or yogurt instead. This will help to cut down on added sugars, too.
See the original post here:
The Best and Worst Snacks for Weight Loss - LIVESTRONG.COM
Weight Loss: Do’s and Don’ts of Breakfast – Medicexchange

Weight loss is significant in this modern world. People eat junk food daily, and this will lead to many diseases due to obesity. Therefore, you have to maintain your weight. Breakfast is an essential part of weight loss and life. It will prevent eating junk food daily. If you eat low calorie or healthy breakfast, you will feel energetic and fresh throughout the day. Your day will become pleasant and happy. Everyone says that if your tummy is full, then your mood is right.
When you eat breakfast, then you will able to avoid unnecessary food during the day. There are many highlights that you can consider while you are trying to lose weight. Breakfast is one of the essential parts of losing weight. You have to eat a healthy and homemade breakfast daily. You also have to eat a hot breakfast for an energetic day. There are many healthy breakfast options like avocados, different types of fruits, eggs, and toasts. One of the primary important things related to breakfast is avoiding tea and coffee when your stomach is empty. It will cause you significant illness.
After some research and study, they proved that breakfast is the main element in the day; therefore, it should be healthy and fresh. It will lead you to a beautiful and energetic day. You will also lose some weight because of the regular and low-calorie breakfast. You have to make a schedule of breakfast for weight loss. It will help you to lose weight, and it will also control your hunger. Nutritionist says that when you wake up, you should eat almonds or soaked raisins. It will give some essential vitamins that are necessary for your body.
After eating almonds, you should have one glass of water. After the water, you can have your usual tea or coffee. If you drink coffee or tea on an empty stomach, then it will cause you some problems. Therefore whenever you drink coffee or tea in the morning, make sure that your stomach is full. After some time, you can have your healthy and hot breakfast, which will give you energy for the entire day. Homemade breakfast is also one of the critical points for weight loss.
We have to know about breakfast, like healthy or low calorie or breakfast, suitable for your diet. All the following information will provide you with excellent knowledge about healthy breakfast, necessary for weight loss.
It would help if you didnt do many things when it comes to breakfast; therefore, you have to know everything related to breakfast. All the benefits and loss of breakfast is vital information which you have to know.
Following are the donts of breakfast
All this information is essential and essential for you, as this will give you knowledge about breakfast and the many benefits of breakfast. At last, you will know that breakfast is one of the points in the process of weight loss. Breakfast should have full of protein and low calories. Protein will give you the energy for the entire day, and you will also feel full longer time.
If you want to lose weight, you have to consider all the breakfast recipes with low calorie and low sugar. You have to concentrate on calorie counts and portion size of your breakfast. All these will leads to a fresh and energetic day. In the end, you have to remember that never skip your breakfast at any point because it is the most essential and unignorable aspect of your day. Without breakfast, you will lose your energy at any point in the day, which is undoubtedly very bad for you.
Related Read:Weight Loss: How Meal Timing Affects Results
Read more from the original source:
Weight Loss: Do's and Don'ts of Breakfast - Medicexchange
Do you want to lose weight this lockdown? – Galway Advertiser

Do you want to use lockdown to your advantage? Never has it been more important to be fit and healthy. Never has there been a better time to address your weight.
System 10 is a total plan of normal food, exercise, superb information and motivation, and twice weekly weigh-ins, plus weekly private phone consultation. System 10 scientifically combines food and exercise to fix your metabolism for amazing weight loss and toning. You also get great energy, better sleep, and other health benefits - all connected to metabolism problems.
System 10 calculates the right food level to fit with your key metabolism factors (age, height, weight, routine, activity level, fitness ) meaning your plan suits your exact weight loss needs at this point in time.
Your lockdown plan includes:
Food plans: Structured food plans that tell you what to have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks (but with flexibility and built-in choices ), normal everyday food, no shakes or bars.
A flexible exercise plan: Your exercise plan can be done from home. System 10 caters for all types of fitness levels, from beginners to advanced, including those with mobility issues.
Food/drinks allowance: Daily treat allowance included plus one social night per week with a built-in alcohol allowance (if you drink alcohol ).
A better metabolism: Enjoy better sleep, better hormone balance, better mood, and better weight loss results by fixing your metabolism.
Support: Your food and exercise plans are delivered straight to your email inbox. You have two weekly weigh-ins and a weekly private phone consultation with your own private weight loss consultant who will support and motivate you to reach your weight loss goals.
Contact Grace at 087 1727882 for more information and to achieve your weight loss goals from the safety of your home.
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Do you want to lose weight this lockdown? - Galway Advertiser
Drinking hot water: Why you should start your day with a glass of warm water – TheHealthSite

What is the first thing that you do just after getting up in the morning? Have you ever given a thought to this? Well, your morning routine can have a significant effect on your whole body throughout the day. When you start your day with a healthy practice, you tend to live a healthy life throughout. Exercise and nutritious breakfast are two major components of your morning ritual, which decides your health benefits. Apart from these two, there is one extremely important morning habit, which can play a major role in promoting good health. What is it? Curious to know? It is water a warm glass of drinking water. Yes! You read it right. Starting your day with a glass of warm water is a habit that everyone should adopt. And, what can be easier than starting your day with a glass of warm water? So why not! Read on to know all the good things that you provide your body with when you drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach. Also Read - Weight loss: This 2-minute Japanese technique might help you get rid of extra kilos
Yes, drinking lukewarm water on an empty stomach can offer your body several health benefits. It stimulates the removal of toxins from your body and benefits the overall digestive system. The food pipe, after having digested the previous days food, is usually left with remnants. Starting your day with a glass of warm water can help your body flush out those unwanted remnants. Lukewarm water also helps in the removal of the accumulated fat or oils from your body that you may have saved from all the junks that you had the last day. Also Read - Intermittent fasting helps you lose weight fast: But you must make the right food choices
Are you someone who usually complains about constipation? Then you might adopt this one-morning routine to get rid of the problem. Sip a glass of warm water every morning before starting your day. Dehydration is one of the common causes of constipation. Drinking warm water can help your intestines contract. When that happens, food waste in your intestines can pass out of your body easily. As the old saying goes Drinking hot water regularly may help to keep your bowel movements regular. Also Read - Rapid weight loss is not healthy: It can leave a mark on your health
Trying to lose weight? Include the habit of drinking one glass of warm water every morning to make the result visible faster. Yes, drinking warm water on an empty stomach is perfect for all those who are trying to shed off those extra pounds. It raises body temperature and triggers the metabolism rate. This, eventually, helps in burning body fat and boosting weight loss. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice or a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to make this morning drink more effective.
Are you suffering from regular breakouts? Do you see your skin dull and lifeless even after trying different creams and homemade packs? Well, the reason can be dehydration. For anybody to achieve that glass glowing skin, it is extremely important to make sure you are hydrated from inside. A glass of warm water in the morning works as a cherry on the cake when you are on a skin and hair care routine. The body usually accumulates dirt, oil, and toxins from the outside air, these clogs your skin pore, making it more prone to skin aging, acne problems, pigmentations, and other skin issues. A glass of hot lukewarm water in the morning stimulates the bodys detoxification and helps in getting rid of skin problems.
Now that you know what are the health benefits of drinking warm water early morning. It is also important to know how hot your water should be and how much you should consume.
Drinking water that is too hot can cause serious internal damages to the tissues of your esophagus, can burn your tongue, and also the taste buds. Make sure to drink lukewarm water and not hot boiling water.
Coming to the second part, the amount of warm water that is advisable to consume totally depends on various factors such as your age, weather that you live in, activity levels, and your diet. If you are on a leafy vegetable or salad diet which contains water itself, you must not consume a lot of water. However, when it comes to kicking start your day, you can have one glass of warm water. This will give you a healthy body, a relaxed mind, and a good lifestyle.
So, what are you waiting for? Start your day with a glass of warm water and feel the difference. In case you have a concern you can always consult your doctor.
Published : October 30, 2020 10:40 am
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Drinking hot water: Why you should start your day with a glass of warm water - TheHealthSite
7 women reveal exactly what they ate to lose 25+ Kilos –

Trying to lose weight can feel challenging, but the thought of shedding 25 plus kgs? Impossible, youre probably thinking. Maybe youve switched up your exercise routine but just arent seeing the results that you want, even though youre working really hard to slim down. So, what gives?
Anyone whos attempted to lose weight knows that good nutrition matters a lot when it comes to weight loss, just as much as exercising. Even a calorie-torching fitness plan needs to go hand-in-hand with healthy eating, or you may not reach your goals.
And if you thought that a healthy diet means bland, unappetising diet foods, think again. The truth is you can eat a ton of tasty foods that nourish your body, speed up your metabolism, and help you steer clear of cravings so you can finally lose weight.
To prove it, we asked seven women whove lost 25kgs or more to share their go-to healthy meals, and the results were surprisingly appetisingeven bacon and chocolate make cameos! Here are the exact plans that helped these women find long-term success:
Jodi, 44, had struggled with her weight due to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and insulin resistance. But after a nutritionist helped her devise a low-carb, high-protein eating plan, she lost 32kg and is now training for a half marathon. Its important to find a nutritionist who understands your health issues and supports your needs, she says.
A typical days meals:
Breakfast: a protein bar with 20 grams of protein or more, plus a banana on workout days
Lunch: tuna salad with a side salad of mixed greens and tomatoes with aged balsamic vinegar
Snack: cucumber slices with a tablespoon of hummus
Dinner: salmon or crockpot chicken with a side of spinach or avocado
Dessert: kid-sized cup of frozen yoghurt
Motivated by a warning from her husbands doctor, Jennifer, 41, and her hubby overhauled their eating habits together. We went from a diet of processed foods, fast food, and dining out two or three times a week to a whole-food, plant-based diet, she says. We went all-in from day one, and the weight started melting off. To date, shes lost 36kg and now works as an online health and fitness coach.
A typical days meals:
Breakfast: rolled oats with almond milk, peanut butter, and pure maple syrup
Post-workout snack: green smoothie with spinach and frozen fruit
Lunch: Kale salad with hummus and rice vinegar, topped with fresh cucumbers, red peppers, and chickpeas or lentils
Afternoon snack: apples with peanut butter
Dinner: a Pad-Thai inspired dish using spaghetti squash instead of pasta
After-dinner snack: a piece of fruit
Petrina, 43, started the Atkins diet because her sister was interested in the plan. She asked me to do it with her for support, she says. Petrina eventually modified her diet for more balance and has lost a total of 45kg. She says the key has been taking it one day at a time. Too many people devote too much focus to the end game.
A typical days meals:
Breakfast: a healthy cheese Danishmade by mixing egg with cream cheese, liquid Splenda, and a dash of cinnamonalong with bacon or sausage
Lunch: salad with full-fat blue cheese dressing, bacon bits, and diced chicken
Dinner: steak with steamed broccoli and butter
Snack: homemade sugar-free peanut butter cup (made with baking chocolate, butter, liquid Splenda, and peanut butter)
The approach of a milestone birthday motivated Whitney, 29, to get serious about her eating habits. I had been overweight my whole life, and I was determined not to go into my 30s fat! she says. By following a low-carb, high-protein dietwith some extra carbs added in on workout daysshes lost 30kg so far.
A typical days meals:
Breakfast: fruit smoothie with some spinach or kale and a scoop of protein
Snack: granola bar
Lunch: jerk chicken with homemade cauliflower rice
Dinner: baked chicken with broccoli and brown rice
Snack: cup of peanuts or cashews
Erica, 32, found that a little patience goes a long way. Shelost 27kg over the course of two years by cutting out fast food, sugar, and liquid calories like soft drink and alcohol. The weight came off slowly, but its stayed off, she says. I went from being obese, binge drinking, and chain-smoking to a three-time marathoner, yoga instructor, and online personal trainer.
A typical days meals:
Breakfast: zucchini oatmeal
Snack: fresh fruit
Lunch: homemade burrito bowl
Snack: a scoop of peanut butter
Dinner: protein smoothie made with a frozen banana, a cup of spinach, chocolate whey powder, almond milk, ice, and a touch of honey
Anne, 56, tried a few tactics before finding what worked best for her. She started by weighing foods and counting calories: That was great for helping me readjust my ideas of portion size, but impractical for a daily lifestyle, she says. Last year she went on an elimination diet to identify food intolerances. Now she follows a mostly Paleo plan of lean proteins, healthy fats, and fresh produce, and shes lost a total of 36kg.
A typical days meals:
Pre-workout breakfast: coffee and a banana or two dates covered in coconut
Post-workout breakfast: coffee, a bowl of fruit, and two poached eggs
Lunch: an apple with two tablespoons of almond butter and a few sticks of celery
Snack: a stalk of bok choy and a carrot
Dinner: Cobb salad with a few tweaks (turkey instead of ham and bacon; hold the cheese and croutons; oil and vinegar on the side)
Snack: cucumber slices or pickles
Christian, 30, says she stopped using food as a reward and started thinking of it as fuel for her goals. I live with the philosophy that weight loss sparks greatness in all areas of life, she says. Though she was scared to look at a scale before starting her weight loss journey, she estimates shes lost around 32kg by tracking calories and journaling her eating habits.
A typical days meals:
Breakfast: salmon and potato hash
Snack: pineapple dairy-free yoghurt
Lunch: burrito with ground turkey, black beans, and bell peppers
Snack: tuna packet
Dinner: steak with broccoli
This article originally appears in Australian Womens Health
Originally posted here:
7 women reveal exactly what they ate to lose 25+ Kilos -
The Healthy Way to Lose Weight: Eat Whole Foods in Combination – The Beet

Despite what the keto dieters and the intermittent fasters would have you believe, the most effective and sustainable way to lose weight while eating a healthy diet is by consuming a small amount of all three major macro ingredients at each meal and snack, which means eating a combination of protein, fat, and carbs every time you consume calories, according to weight loss expert Rania Batayneh, author of a Masters in Public Health Nutrition.
Bataynehhas been encouraging her clients to do what she calls the 1-1-1 approach ever since she worked in a bariatric surgeon's office for several years and noticed that when she helped coach surgical patients prior to their procedures, many of them lost enough weight that they decided to keep going and skip theprocedure altogether. That's what led her to write the book and that's what she believes is the secret to swift, sustainable and healthy weight loss, on a plant-based or whole foods diet free ofjunk food and high in fruits and vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. You feel like you're eating a lot and are never hungry on this plan, which means it's both effective and sustainable.
"You have to lose 10 percent of your weight before surgery, to be eligible for the procedure, and so patients would come in for a gastric lap band and it was my job to coach them. I designed their meals around eating one macro at every meal. That is how the diet started," she explained.
"I worked at the bariatric clinic in Portland Oregon, from 2010 to 2012, and I was coaching patients to lose the 10 percent they were required to lose before the surgery, and so many patients lost the weight this way, and their blood pressure and cholesterol improved, that many just kept going."
Of course, she explained, "some people wanted the surgery because they had really poor diets and they were strugglingand oftenthey had 50 or 100 pounds to lose, so they chose to go ahead with the surgery, but even after having it done, they had to continue to eat healthily [to keep the weight off] and they reported back to me that the diet worked."
It is a simple formula, she adds, since you include 1 serving of protein and 1 serving of carbohydrates, and 1 serving of fat every time you eat. This is also intuitive: Peanut Butter on toast with a glass of milk: It's how children eat and how many of our forbearers ate (turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy). For plant-based protein, choose 1 cup of beans for 8 to 20 grams of protein.For carbs add quinoa or whole grain and for fat, avocado slices. The goal is that by the end of the day you can look back at a balanced food spectrum of macros.
"It's fun and you can get creative with your combinations," says Batayneh, and the trick is to find foods that do double-duty such as quinoa (protein and carbs) or beans like chickpeas and soybeans or peas (protein and carbs) and add these as often an (s) possible, to salads, grain bowls and stir fry dinners. Snacks include fats like nuts and seeds, protein, and a carb like fruit.
While you don't have to be plant-based to make the One-One-One approach work, health benefits include less animal fat which is higher in saturated fat and cholesterol,"I have been encouraging my clients and social media followers to incorporate plant-based meals at least once a day to add a new and different spectrum of nutrients and for the fiber and the antioxidants," she adds.
The one thing Batayneh advises all her clients against: Artificial sweeteners since they can confuse the body and cause an insulin spike, leading the body to get the signal that sugar is coming, in large amounts, which can trigger fat storage. "For some people, these fake sugars will trick the body tospike your insulin, and many people have a sensitivity to artificial sweeteners and don't know it. In any case, it increases your cravings and makes your body seek out real sugar."
Breakfast:"We all love avocado toast. You get the fat from avocado, and carbs from the bread and thenadd either hummus or chickpeas to it, for more protein.Chickpeas are high in fiber and B vitamins which are essential for anyone trying to eat plant-based and lose weight. You can add some red pepper flakes or cumin to give it an exotic feel," she adds. "I buy the Sabra organic hummus and then put avocado on it ... I just make it as easy as possible."
Lunch:"Another thing I encourage clients to do is to get creative with salad dressing on a large salad. Lunch is also a great time to create a big bowl of something warm like rice and beans with vegetables on it. You get carbsin the rice and protein from thebeans and add vegetables for fiber and antioxidants. Add guacamole or vegan cheese to melt on it for your healthy fat."
Eat most of your calories in the middle of the day. "At lunch is where I encourage them to have a more indulgent optionlike a tortilla or an open-faced sandwich on whole wheat bread, especially if weight loss is the goal or a wrap with roasted vegetables with faux sausage. (Always look at the label and check for processed ingredients. Falafel is another great for lunch with lettuce in a wrap. If it's too bigjust eat half the sandwich at lunch and the other half as your afternoon snack, so you redistribute the calories throughout the afternoon.If it's there and you know you can eat itthen just nibble on that and you can skip your snack. This way you're eating fewer calories and spreadingthem out."
Dinner: I like a light dinner."A cup of quinoa with pomegranate seeds, and something salty or crunchy like pistachios sprinkled on top,all on a bed of spinach leaves. It works to create a pop of color and to combine the protein from the quinoa and pistachios, and the carbs also from the quinoa and the pomegranate seeds, and the fat from a light dressing.One serving of pistachios has six grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber, and also contains monounsaturated fat, which is a healthy fat."
Snack During the day. "Look for the same combination of protein, fat, and carbs in a snack. It can be tortilla chips with salsa and whole chickpeasor have a salsa verde. You can roast chickpeas. I am Middle Eastern and on Sunday mornings, my parents would make falafel, chickpea patties, with a dip called FUL which is made with fava beans this adds an additional boost of protein alongside the falafel. Or you can make an eggplant dip, which is your fat and pairs with pita and a protein nicely."
"The key to eating this way is you never feel so full that you get tired. The fiber in plant-based whole foods is not present in animal proteins and it keeps you feeling full longer, so it's an effective way to diet. When you fill-up on fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes and beans all high in fiber you never feel deprived. So if you use the food combining strategy and make sure you always have fiber-based meals, you will stay fuller longer. That happens to me, but you also get all the vitamins and minerals, which makes you feel energetic and healthy."
"Keto is something I hear a lot about. People come to me when it doesn't work for them. I have clients who are so focused on where they are going to get their protein when they eat plant-based that they end up missing whole food groups, like vegetables and fruit," saysBatayneh.And when they go off keto they are having trouble keeping the weight off.
Suddenly they tell me [after doing keto] that their hair is falling outof their skin is breaking out.On a low carb diet, you miss out on all the antioxidants and vitamins and minerals, the phytochemicals in vegetables and fruit. We all need B vitamins.Your hair, nails and overall healthis related to getting enough vitamin B12," she adds. "There is so much low-carb dieting going on that women are starving themselves of important vitamins because fruits and vegetables are natural sources of these essential nutrients.
"Clients have the option of emailing food logs, and I send feedback to them on how to make the right tweaks in order to lose weight. By developing an eating strategy and building their meals using the 1:1:1 Formula, they learn how to eat right in order to lose weight. It's not complicated. It's about eating a balanced diet of mostly plant-based healthy whole foods in the right portions and combination."
To get in touch with Rania, please visit her website: Essential Nutrition For You.
Original post:
The Healthy Way to Lose Weight: Eat Whole Foods in Combination - The Beet
The Best and Worst Processed Foods for Weight Loss – LIVESTRONG.COM

Foods like canned beans can help you lose weight and save you time during meal prep.
Image Credit: Studio-Annika/iStock/GettyImages
One popular weight-loss strategy these days is to eat "clean," meaning that you cut out all processed foods. This is simple in theory, yes, but pretty tough in the real world. Fortunately, there may be an easier and more effective approach.
The truth is, some processed foods are good for you and can actually help you lose weight. They can make your life a whole lot easier, too, and save you loads of time in the kitchen.
The catch here is that there's a difference between "minimally processed" and "ultra-processed" foods. The former includes foods like milk and nuts, while the latter includes key lime pie-flavored yogurt and hot dogs.
All of these foods have been processed in some way, but it's the degree to which they've been manipulated that varies. Ultra-processed food may include ingredients like artificial coloring, sweeteners or flavoring. They can be fried or include refined grains, they're lacking in nutritional value and/or they contain an excess amount of added sugars and sweeteners.
Did you know that keeping a food diary is one of the most effective ways to manage your weight? Download the MyPlate app to easily track calories, stay focused and achieve your goals!
The reality is, almost 60 percent of our diet is made up of ultra-processed foods, according to the American Institute of Cancer Research about 1,200 of our daily calories come from these typically unhealthy, nutrient-void foods. Minimally-processed foods like bagged spinach and pistachios only make up about 30 percent or 600 calories of our daily intake.
Why does this matter? Research shows that when we eat ultra-processed foods, we tend to eat more, whether or not that's the intention. Put another way, we naturally eat less when we eat a more minimally-processed diet.
A clinical study published May 2019 in Cell Metabolism evaluated the impact an ultra-processed diet has on weight compared to a minimally-processed diet. The subjects were either fed an ultra-processed diet with foods like a breakfast sandwich, strawberry yogurt, diet lemonade and canned beef and bean chili or a minimally-processed diet of foods like oatmeal with blueberries and almonds, salad with chicken breast and farro and beef tender roast with couscous and green beans.
The researchers found that after just two weeks, the ultra-processed group gained about two pounds while the minimally processed group lost about two pounds. The latter naturally ate about 500 fewer calories per day.
4 Processed Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight
Nuts are a weight loss-friendly processed food.
Image Credit: Vovchyn Taras/iStock/GettyImages
Which minimally-processed foods can help with weight loss? The goods news is, there are many options and they typically cost less than their more highly-processed counterparts.
A cup of plain, low-fat yogurt has 150 calories and 13 grams of protein, according to the USDA. The same serving of plain Greek yogurt has almost twice the protein at 24 grams.
Protein is the most satiating nutrient, as explained in a July 2016 article published in Annual Review of Nutrition. Having adequate protein at a meal can help you feel fuller longer.
The key here is opting for plain yogurt, which means it's free of added sugars. Some, if not most, flavored yogurts are high in added sugars, which add calories without any nutritional benefits.
If you don't love the taste of plain yogurt, try adding berries, nuts and spices like cinnamon for a healthy flavor kick.
Minimally processed oats and other whole grains are a must-have when it comes to weight-loss diets. Whole grains are a good source of soluble fiber, which can help maintain your weight, as well as reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Oats specifically have a unique compound called beta-glucan. Research suggests that beta-glucan suppresses our appetite and increases our satiety, as reported in a paper published in Appetite in August 2018.
Don't skip out on nuts just because you can find them in the snack aisle alongside other unhealthy foods or because they're high in fat. Nuts like pistachios, walnuts and almonds can actually be an effective part of your weight-loss plan.
A study featured in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health in September 2019 suggests that eating nuts may actually help prevent us from gaining weight as we age and decrease our overall risk of becoming obese. The results were found with eating just a half-serving of nuts (about half an ounce) per day.
Buying dried beans may be less expensive, but canned beans will save you time (as in a couple of hours) and they're just as healthy. If you prefer dried beans, have at it but if you're buying them to "eat cleaner," there's no need.
Beans, in general, are great for weight management because they're satiating and the fiber they contain slows digestion, which can stimulate the hormones in your gut, which tells your brain you've had enough to eat.
In fact, a May 2016 meta-analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that after just six weeks, adding beans and other pulses to the diet resulted in a significant reduction in weight compared to diets without beans.
4 Processed Foods That Can Hinder Weight Loss
Muffins may seem like a healthy breakfast option, but you're better off choosing something less processed.
Image Credit: grandriver/iStock/GettyImages
Skip these ultra-processed foods if you're trying to lose weight.
Sugar-sweetened beverages are the number-one source of added sugar in American diets, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prenvetion. As you can imagine, this isn't great for your weight-loss goals or overall health.
Regularly drinking sugary beverages like soda, energy drinks, fruity drinks and coffee loaded with sugar is associated with weight gain and obesity, along with type 2 diabetes, heart disease, tooth decay, and kidney diseases.
Skip the sugar-laden sips and enjoy healthier drinks that can help you lose weight like green tea and sparkling water.
Fried foods often start out as healthy foods like potatoes and chicken that end up taking an unhealthy turn. This form of cooking essentially negates all of the healthy attributes naturally found in these foods. This doesn't even take into consideration the often-sugary dips you use with fried foods like ketchup and barbecue sauce.
In fact, a February 2013 study published in Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease found that eating fried foods more than four times a week significantly increases our risk for becoming overweight or obese compared to limiting fried food to less than twice a week.
A muffin might sound healthier than a doughnut, but it's often higher in calories and can have just as much (if not more) added sugar. Baked goods are typically made with refined grains and added sugar, something you want to limit if you're trying to lose weight. Refined grains are low in fiber, a nutrient that helps to keep us feeling fuller longer.
A September 2019 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association looked at the diet of more than 40,000 adults and found that about 42 percent of our daily calories come from low-quality carbs like baked goods. The researchers noted that while this number may have improved over the years, it's still too high.
We snack a lot in the U.S., and salty snacks rank number one when it comes to what we're noshing on between meals, according to a May 2016 paper published in Advances in Nutrition.
Potato chips, crackers and pretzels are typically low in fiber and, depending on the snack, can be high in refined grains and/or loaded with fat and salt. These qualities, or the lack thereof, don't serve us when we're trying to lose weight.
Not all salty snacks are created equal, however. Nuts, for instance, are often found in the snack aisle, and when they're just roasted and salted they qualify as a good-for-you snack option and can help with weight management.
Read more here:
The Best and Worst Processed Foods for Weight Loss - LIVESTRONG.COM
Does Thinking Burn Calories? What the Science Says – Healthline

After a long day at work or school, its common to feel tired. This is especially true if you do a lot of mental tasks, which can zap your physical energy.
In turn, you may wonder if the act of thinking burns more calories than mindless activities like watching television. After all, if youre tired after thinking, doesnt that mean youre burning energy?
Yes, but only to a certain extent. Although thinking hard uses calories, the energy burn is minimal. Its not enough to burn fat and cause weight loss.
The brain is also an organ, not a muscle. Exercise can grow your muscles, which makes them burn more calories. This concept doesnt apply to the brain.
Still, working out your brain has other benefits. It can boost cognitive functions like memory and focus, and slow down cognitive decline.
To learn how thinking affects your calorie burn, read on.
First, its important to understand how your body uses calories.
You burn energy even when youre sedentary. For example, as you read this article, your body is using calories to support:
Your brain also uses energy to perform normal functions. Although it makes up 2 percent of your body weight, it burns 20 percent of the energy you consume. This metabolic activity is generally consistent, regardless of what youre doing.
In fact, your brain burns more energy at rest than a human thigh while running.
Specifically, your brain gets energy from glucose. Glucose comes from the food you eat. The glucose enters your bloodstream, then travels to your brain.
Here, its used to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a form of energy. Your nerve cells need ATP to communicate and carry out cognitive tasks.
When you mentally exert yourself, your brain uses more energy to do the task. But its not much more than normal brain activities.
To put things into perspective, a 155-pound person burns about 23 calories per 30 minutes of sleep. Your brain performs the most basic functions during this time. Heres how other activities compare:
If a 155-pound person studies on a computer, theyll burn about 51 calories per 30 minutes. If they study at a desk or sit in class, theyll burn about 65 calories per 30 minutes.
The same 155-pound person burns about 42 calories in 30 minutes of reading while sitting. If they read while standing, theyll burn about 47 calories per 30 minutes.
Though thinking burns calories, its not enough to cause weight loss. The increase in calorie burn is small.
You need to burn 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound. In 1 week, this equals out to 500 calories a day.
If you were to solely depend on mental tasks, youd need to exert yourself for many hours.
For example, as mentioned earlier, a 155-pound person burns about 42 calories in 30 minutes of reading. This person would have to read for almost 6 hours to burn 500 calories in a day.
Granted, occasionally moving around will increase calorie burn per hour. But it still wouldnt be enough to cause weight loss.
Its still beneficial to work out your brain. Examples of brain exercises and their benefits include:
All brain workouts are not equal, though. Its important to continuously challenge yourself. If you frequently repeat the same activities, your brain wont be as active.
Also, its a myth that age-related cognitive decline is inevitable. According to a 2015 article, lifestyle factors can protect and boost brain function. This includes the activities above, along with eating well and avoiding smoking.
Its normal to feel tired after going to the gym. Likewise, its typical to get tired after work or school, but its not the same thing.
Glucose is stored as glycogen in your muscles. When you exercise, your muscles break down glycogen and use glucose to move.
Eventually, your muscles run out of energy and you feel tired. It also becomes difficult for your central nervous system to contract your muscles. The result is physical fatigue.
Mental activity also uses glucose, but it doesnt require your muscles to break down glycogen. Instead, it causes mental exhaustion, which increases your perceived exertion of physical tasks, according to a 2017 review.
To increase your calorie burn, do exercises that involve your biggest muscles.
Larger muscles require more energy to move. Some of your largest muscles include:
Your brain burns calories to perform basic functions. It burns a bit more if you think really hard, but its not enough to make you lose weight.
That doesnt mean exercising your brain has no benefits. Activities like listening to music, doing puzzles, and learning new hobbies can all boost your cognitive function.
If you want to burn more calories, focus on exercise and healthy eating. Exercising your largest muscles, like your glutes and biceps, will increase your calorie burn.
Read the original here:
Does Thinking Burn Calories? What the Science Says - Healthline
How to lose weight in your face – Express

If you were trying to lose weight on your legs and bum, youd do squats, lunges, leg raises, glute bridges, and other moves that get your legs and bum working.
The same goes for your face. There are exercises you can do to strengthen the muscles in your face.
To lift your cheekbones, place your fingers over each cheekbone and lift the skin until it is taut.
At the same time, open your mouth to form an oval shape and hold this for five minutes.
Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times once a day.
To shed chubby cheeks, tilt your head back and push your chin forward while sucking your cheeks in for five seconds.
Do this 10 to 15 times once a day.
To tone your jaw and ward of double chins, tilt your head back and look at the ceiling.
Move your lower lip over your upper lip and hold for 10 seconds, then do it 9-14 more times.
See the rest here:
How to lose weight in your face - Express
Weight loss: Why is it difficult to shed kilos for the second time – Times of India

Slimming down for the second time is indeed more difficult than the first time. That is generally due to physiological and hormonal reasons.
We all make plans before starting any task and it feels good when things go according to that. But when we face a setback we lose motivation to start things all over again. The same goes for weight loss. While trying to lose the regained weight we mostly lose hope and are not enthusiastic about it.
Secondly, if you follow a restrictive diet promising quick weight loss then your hormones start working against you, impacting your body's ability to shed the regained weight. Strict diet decreases the levels of leptin (the hormone that makes you feel full) and increases the level of ghrelin (the hormone that stimulates hunger) in the body. Studies even show that our body stays in this state way long after you are off the diet.
Excerpt from:
Weight loss: Why is it difficult to shed kilos for the second time - Times of India