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How To Recognize And Stop Elder Abuse In The COVID Era – Western Queens Gazette

Dear Savvy Senior,
Can you write a column on how to recognize elder abuse and what to do if you suspect it? Concerned Relative
Dear Concerned,
Elder abuse is a big problem in the United States that has escalated during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the National Council on Aging, as many as five million seniors are victims of abuse each year, but studies suggest this crime is significantly under-reported. Only one in 14 cases of elder abuse ever gets reported to the authorities because victims are usually too afraid, too embarrassed, too helpless or too trusting to call for help.
The term elder abuse is defined as intentional or negligent acts by a caregiver or trusted individual that cause or can cause harm to a vulnerable senior. Elder abuse also comes in many different forms: emotional, psychological, physical or sexual abuse, abandonment, neglect and self-neglect, and financial exploitation.
Those most vulnerable are seniors that are ill, frail, disabled, socially isolated or mentally impaired due to dementia or Alzheimers disease.
Its also important to know that while elder abuse does happen in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, the vast majority of incidents take place at home where the senior lives. And tragically, the abusers are most often their own family members (usually the victims adult child or spouse) or caregiver.
How to Recognize Abuse
So, how can you tell if an elderly relative or friend is being abused, and what can you do to help?
A change in general behavior is a universal warning sign that a problem exists. If you notice that your relative or friend has become very depressed, withdrawn or gets upset or agitated easily, you need to start asking questions. Here are some additional warning signs on the different types of elder abuse that can help you spot a possible problem.
Physical or sexual abuse: Suspicious bruises or other injuries that cant be explained. Sudden changes in behavior (upset, withdrawn, fearful). Broken eyeglasses. Caregivers refusal to allow visitors to see an elder alone.
Neglect or self-neglect: Weight loss, poor hygiene, unattended medical needs, and unsanitary, unsafe living conditions.
Emotional or psychological abuse: The senior is extremely upset, agitated, withdrawn, unresponsive, fearful or depressed, or demonstrates some other unusual behavior.
Financial exploitation: Missing money or valuables. Unexplained withdrawals from bank accounts, or transfers between accounts. Unauthorized use of credit, debit or ATM card. Unpaid bills despite available funds. Checks written as a loan or gift. Abrupt changes in a will or other documents.
For more tips on how to recognize the warning signs of abuse during the pandemic, see the National Center on Elder Abuse website at
What to Do
The best ways to help stop elder abuse is to be in touch and keep the lines of communication open. If you suspect any type of abuse or neglect in your relatives or friends home, report it to your local protective services agency.
Adult Protective Services is the government agency responsible for investigating elder abuse cases and providing help and guidance. Call the Eldercare Locator at 800-677-1116 to get the agency contact number in your area or visit
The agency will ask what you observed, who was involved, and who they can contact to learn more. You dont need to prove that abuse is occurring; it is up to the professional.
Or, to report suspected abuse in a nursing home or assisted living facility, call the local Long-Term Care Ombudsman see for contact information.
If, however, you feel the person is in immediate danger, call 911 or the local police for immediate help.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of The Savvy Senior book.
The Gazette does not endorse the contents of The Savvy Senior. Check with professionals about the contents of this column.
Original post:
How To Recognize And Stop Elder Abuse In The COVID Era - Western Queens Gazette
The Carnivore Diet Can Lead to Weight Loss, But There’s a Catch – Fatherly

The carnivore diet is not for the weak of heart. Dubbed the no-carb diet, those who follow it eat only meat and occasionally eggs and dairy and, anecdotal evidence suggests lose weight. Where other diets have failed, could a meal plan that skips all fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, or grains really be the answer? If it seems too good to be true, it usually is. In this case, experts point to the risk of health issues such as heart disease and gastric cancer as reason enough to maybe just eat a bit healthier?
The carnivore diet was born of the controversial (read, overly simplistic and evolutionarily preposterous) idea that humans evolved to eat meat so thats what we should be eating now. Anecdotal reports say the diet reverses stubborn diseases and conditions that no treatment has. The two biggest benefits proponents claim are to autoimmune disorder management and weight loss. The evidence of these claims is thin as paper.
To date, no scientific research has analyzed the health effects of the carnivore diet, and the person who is arguably most famous for promoting it doesnt really bear the credentials to buck the lack of research. Former orthopedic surgeon Shawn Baker brought attention to carnivory with his 2019 book The Carnivore Diet. Bakers medical license was revoked in 2017 by the New Mexico Medical Board due to concerns about his competency.
In the short-term, a carnivore diet probably wont hurt anyone. But its a fad diet, Liz Weinandy, a dietician at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, told Everyday Health. Some critics are harsher. This diet is absolutely ridiculous, specialist dietitian Nichola Ludlam-Raine told Insider. Long term it could have some pretty serious health implications, not to mention a poorly functioning immune system leaving you more susceptible to catching coughs and colds.
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The carnivore diet is in some ways a more extreme version of the low-carb keto and paleo diets. People who attempt it have usually tried one of the other two in the past and didnt find the results they were looking for. Although there is no one way to follow the carnivore diet, some practitioners recommend eating fatty meats and other high-fat animal products. Eating high-fat foods, in contrast to protein-heavy foods, is more likely to lead to ketosis the process of burning fat for fuel instead of carbs, which can lead to rapid weight loss in the short term.
Eating foods high in fat can also make a person feel full. Feeling satiated from consuming these food items can help reduce your caloric intake, as you wont feel as hungry, likely leading to weight loss, Hollie Zammit, a clinical dietitian at Orlando Health, told U.S. News. It can also be harder to snack on an all-meat diet. Though youre used to popping chips in your mouth as you watch TV, youre probably unlikely to do the same with pieces of chicken breast.
One other explanation for carnivores weight loss has nothing to do with eating meat. Instead, it has to do what you dont eat: pastries and sodas and sugars. Cutting out these foods can help with weight management or weight loss. (But you can also cut them out of your life without eliminating foods that come from the ground.) Because there have been no studies on the carnivore diet, its impossible to say for sure why or even if it causes weight loss.
Besides lost pounds, other short-term effects are a lot less pretty. In the days or weeks after making the switch, some people report diarrhea. Comedian Joe Rogan tried the diet and although he lost 12 pounds, he had explosive diarrhea for weeks. And although weight loss is one of the biggest draws of the diet, some people who attempted it have reported rapid weight gain and bloatingamong other issues such as bad body odor, acne, and an upset stomach.
Following the carnivore diet for a prolonged long time could lead to a score of health issues. Its massively devoid in nutrients, carbs, and fiber which will most likely leave you feeling lacking in energy, Ludlam-Raine said. Fiber isnt found in animal products, and a lack of it could lead to constipation and upset in the gut microbiome. Avoiding fruits and vegetables can also mean missing out on key nutrients and vitamins, although supplements can help to make up for what carnivores lack in their diet. Plus, fruits and veggies are simply good for you. Eating plant-based foods is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, Alzheimers, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic health conditions, according to Healthline.
Although the carnivore diet doesnt provide enough of some nutrients, it provides far too many of others. Carnivores are at a high risk of overloading with saturated fats, which can raise LDL cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. Processed meats, such as bacon, salami, and ham, have high levels of sodium. Eating lots of salt raises the risk of health dangers such as kidney disease and high blood pressure. Eating processed meats is also associated with increased rates of some cancers.
Theres also the oft-overlooked fact that the carnivore diet is extremely boring. The idea of bacon and steak all day every day may be appealing at first, but it gets old and can also trigger unhealthy feelings towards food. Following any restrictive diet can often lead to loneliness and social isolation. It can build distrust with yourself, disconnecting the relationship you have with your body and food, Zammit said. All this can affect your quality of life in a negative way, especially if following long term.
Talk to a dietitian or other health professional if youre considering the carnivore diet or any extreme diet. Although one way of eating may be healthful for some people, it can be harmful to others. People with kidney disease and a history of disordered eating, for example, should not try the carnivore diet. And if youre in it for the weight loss, remember that not all forms of weight loss are healthy and being healthy is more important than being thin.
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Original post:
The Carnivore Diet Can Lead to Weight Loss, But There's a Catch - Fatherly
What Are The Health Benefits Of Taking Liver Supplements? – South Florida Reporter

Consumers must address liver health to avoid serious disease development. When it comes to the liver, the individual must consider what toxins they are exposed to each day. Pollution and contaminants in the air can cause liver damage. These increases in toxins increase the risk of diseases of the liver and make the individual experience a myriad of symptoms.Ingesting foods and beverages that arent safe for the liver increases the risk of developing liver disease. A common denominator when it comes to liver disease is alcoholism.
Starting supplements before showing signs of liver disease could help individuals decrease their risks.
Improving Liver Function
Liver function is vital to great health, as it is the natural filtration system for the body. If the liver isnt functioning, the body will have toxin buildup that creates unhealthy consequences. Taking supplements for the liver can improve its function and prevent negative health consequences. Individuals can learn more about liver support supplements by contacting a retailer right now.
Reducing Inflammation in the Liver
Inflammation in the liver is a symptom of many diseases. They include alcohol abuse, autoimmune diseases, viral infections, and obstructive jaundice. As doctors treat these conditions, they address inflammation by providing prescription medications that decrease inflammation and improve the function of the liver. Dietary supplements designed specifically for the liver can provide anti-inflammatory properties to prevent these conditions. While it isnt a cure for liver diseases, the supplements could ease the individuals pain by decreasing the frequency of liver inflammation.
Improving the Metabolism and Maximizing Weight Loss
Increasing the metabolic rate helps people lose weight and burn fat at an accelerated rate. When dieting and exercising, it is important to increase the metabolism to eliminate fat deposits. As individuals age, their metabolism slows and causes additional fat deposits to develop in problem areas such as the abdomen. This makes it more difficult to lose weight and arrive at an ideal weight. The individual needs help via dietary supplements to increase their metabolic rate for burning off fat when exercising. Keeping the metabolism at a higher level makes it possible to burn fat through digestion and prevent the person from gaining extra weight while dieting.
Detoxing the Body
Filtering out toxins from the body is the livers job, however, it could fail and cause serious health consequences. If the liver isnt performing properly, the individual experiences a buildup of toxins in the body. Taking liver supplements detoxes the body and forces these harmful substances out of the bloodstream through waste products.
The additional help prevents the individuals from becoming lethargic and bloated because of the toxins in their bodies. The liver supplements provide an effective filter and provide a faster detox to improve the individuals health and well-being.
Eliminating Waste Product Buildup
Evacuating waste product buildup helps the body become healthier. If the digestive system and kidneys arent performing properly, the body cannot remove the toxins filtered by the liver. The waste products linger in the body and could escape into the bloodstream. This could lead to a serious infection or sepsis. Understanding how the digestive system and liver work together helps individuals discover why both organ systems are vital to their health. Taking liver supplements can remove excessive waste products from the body and improve how the liver and digestive system operate. This could prevent serious health complications and prevent a life-threatening situation.
Enhancing the Immune System
The immune system reacts whenever bacteria, viruses, and funguses are found in the body. It delivers antibodies throughout the body to eliminate these harmful substances. If the immune system doesnt function properly, the individual could succumb to simple illnesses and take longer to recover. Immune systems must perform properly to keep the body healthy. If the immune system is compromised, the individual could face complications each time they become sick.
Taking liver supplements improves the immune system and improves the way the body manages toxins and harmful substances. Improving the immune system prevents individuals from facing serious illnesses because their liver isnt filtering out harmful bacteria and viruses.
Promoting the Regeneration of Liver Cells
The liver is the only organ that can regenerate itself and promoting regeneration of the liver cells helps the organ stay healthy. Liver supplements enhance the liver on a cellular level and improve its ability to regenerate. The supplements include enzymes that can repair damage and enhance the way the liver works. It is vital to improving liver function and its ability to regenerate as the individual ages.
Several activities could lead to liver damage, including excessive consumption of alcohol and a high-fat diet. The supplements could promote regeneration after liver injuries or serious diseases such as cancer or cirrhosis of the liver.
Remove Toxins That Affect the Mood
The buildup of toxins can affect the individuals mood and increase irritability. This general feeling of malaise is caused by an imbalance in the body, and it could increase depression, mood swings, and aggression. Taking the liver supplements forces out the toxins and improves the mood. They can revitalize the body and increase serotonin and dopamine in the body. These natural feel-good hormones uplift the mood and manage discomfort and pain effectively. As the supplements help the liver detox the body, the individual experience fewer mood swings and exhibits a balanced mood. Taking the supplements every day controls the toxins in the body and achieves greater health.
Consumers take a variety of dietary supplements to address common health concerns, and they determine what supplements address specific organ systems. The liver is the bodys natural filter, and if it doesnt perform properly, the individual could experience a buildup of toxins and waste products in the body.
Read more here:
What Are The Health Benefits Of Taking Liver Supplements? - South Florida Reporter
Here’s what happens when you drink green tea every day – TheHealthSite

Green tea is often lauded as one of the healthiest drinks available in the world. The drink which is also famous for being an elixir for weight loss has great health benefits as well. It is believed that sipping on green tea cleanses, heals, and rejuvenates your body from within. Also Read - Are you a herbal tea connoisseur? 6 kinds of tea and their health benefits
Drinking this weight loss elixir every day might just be one of the best treats that you can give to your body and health. From your brain to your heart, to your kidneys, green tea can make a huge impact on your bodys health in a better way. But some of you might wonder what effect it will have when you consume it on a daily basis right? So, here, in this article, we will discuss what happens if you drink green tea on a daily basis. Also Read - Drinking too much green tea can cause these side effects
Green tea is generally made from unoxidized leaves and is one of the less processed types of tea available in the market. Therefore, each cup of green tea that you consume, contains the most important antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols. Also Read - Brew some onion tea: A cup a day can save you from hypertension and more
Lets dig in more into the benefits of consuming a cup of green tea every day.
Your body requires energy sources from outside to beat the pressure and lethargic feelings. Many adults drink some form of caffeine that helps them to function energetically. But, lets debunk the theory that only coffee can get the caffeine that your body needs. No! It turns out that green tea might be a healthier form of caffeine than coffee is.
Green tea has an ingredient that can help you beat anxiety and stress. According to the studies done over the years, green tea contains L-theanine which is great for fighting stress hormones. A good cup of green tea can make you feel healthy from inside and thus brings that lost smile back to your face.
Green tea can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. When you drink green tea on a daily basis, your body gets the reward. Though green tea contains caffeine, that doesnt mean its bad for your or your heart health. In fact, it is actually good for your heart. Several studies have proven that green tea has positive effects on patients suffering from heart diseases.
Dont doubt yourself if you are planning to drink green tea every day. A cup of green tea might not be the answer to all your problems, but it can actually help you prevent a bucket full of illnesses and diseases that can end up threatening your happy life. According to a study, green tea has shown positive results in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
In short, drinking this weight loss elixir- green tea on a daily basis doesnt immune you from a lot of illnesses and diseases, but it increases your overall life expectancy. Also, this is not a magic drink that can magically help you lose weight or a drink that can cure diseases, but it definitely has a lot of benefits, and most of these make a real positive impact on your health.
Published : October 28, 2020 7:34 pm | Updated:October 28, 2020 7:54 pm
Read the original post:
Here's what happens when you drink green tea every day - TheHealthSite
Exactly When to Eat Dinner to Lose Weight, Says Experts – Yahoo Lifestyle

After a long day at work and maybe even an evening workout to boot, nothing is quite as satisfying as coming home to a nice dinner. Of course, chaotic and inconsistent work schedules complicate this fantasy and sometimes we eat this meal at all different hours of the evening.
The question is though, is there a specific time you should be eating dinner? We spoke with Cynthia Sass, RD, CSSD, and NYC- and LA-based performance nutritionist and Sydney Greene, MS, RD, from Greene Health to explore this question further. And luckily, there isn't just one best time to eat dinner.
Read on, and for more on how to eat healthy, you won't want to miss these 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time.
Eating a big meal before bed could wreak havoc on your sleep cycle, so it's important that you time your dinner plans accordingly to avoid potentially ruining a restful night's sleep.
"The goal is to finish eating dinner, and any dessert, at least 2-3 hours before bed," says Greene. "For most [people], with hectic workdays, this is not entirely realistic so set a non-negotiable 1 hour before bed that is food-free. Research shows that those who go 2-3 hours without eating before bed have a decreased cancer risk, insulin resistance, and inflammation."
Sass also shares a similar viewpoint. "I generally recommend three hours between the time you finish eating and the time you go to bed," she says. "The exception is if you're an athlete or on a strength training program and trying to build muscle. In this case, a lightish protein-rich snack about one hour before bed is recommended."
"In general, I encourage clients to aim for 3-5 hours between meals as this allows the body time proper time for digestion," Greene explains.
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Sass also says that between 4-5 hours is a sufficient amount of time to wait between meals and, as she told us in the story, "This Is the Best Time to Eat Lunch" practicing mindfulness is key in determining when your body needs its next meal.
"I advise my clients to pay attention to hunger and fullness cues in addition to energy, mood, and other indications of when and how much to eat," she says. "I believe it's best to have a mild to moderate level of hunger when you eatnot starving, but some concrete physical signs and symptoms of hunger."
RELATED: 11 Mindfulness Hacks to Eat Less, According to Experts
Greene shares a similar perspective on the importance of mindfulness as Sass.
"Listen to your body. If only two hours have gone by since you had your snack, go ahead and have dinner. It is better to sit down for a meal a little hungry than totally ravenous, as this prevents overeating," says Greene. "Since most [people] have lunch around noon and 1 pm and then dinner around 7 pm and 8 pm, I recommend aiming for a snack around 3 pm and 4 pm."
Greene also points out that a snack should be less than 200 calories and provide some kind of protein and, ideally, have less than five grams of sugar.
The most important takeaway from this question is to not skip dinner, says Greene.
"I find when people skip meals, they lean more on snacks, which leads to overeating due to lack of overall satisfaction," she explains. "If [you're] working out after work, have a light snack around 4 pm."
As a post-workout snack, Greene suggests one string cheese with an apple, or two dried dates with 1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter, or a handful of high fiber crackers and 1-2 tablespoons of hummus. She also recommends packing a few nuts to eat post-workout so you can immediately replenish your muscles. "Dinner can then be something light [like] a green smoothie, veggie scramble, [or] turkey roll-ups."
Sass says that if you work late, you should pack your dinner or order something healthy into the office.
"You don't want to work late, come home, eat dinner and go right to bed," she says. "This doesn't allow your dinner to digest well before sleep, which can interfere with sleep and may lead to weight gain because metabolism slows during sleep as your energy demand is lower during this time."
Sass says that if you hit the gym after dinner, it's best to split your meal in half and eat the first half a few hours before your evening sweat session. Then, go ahead and eat the other half afterward. She recommends eating the carb-heavy portion of your dinner prior to working out so that you have the energy to power through it and saving the vegetables, protein, and healthy fats for the post-workout part of your dinner.
Eating a big meal can disrupt your sleep cycle just as much as not eating enough before bed.
"You may not sleep well or you may wake up in the middle of the night hungry," explains Sass. "You also miss out on key nutrients needed for maintenance, repair, and healing of cells in the body."
Now you probably have a better idea of when you should eat dinner, with a few main factors considered! For more ways to keep health top of mind at the end of the day, don't miss these 9 Healthy Dinner Habits For A Flat Belly.
For more healthy eating news, make sure to sign up for our newsletter!
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Exactly When to Eat Dinner to Lose Weight, Says Experts - Yahoo Lifestyle
Intermittent fasting: Get the real scoop, not misleading headlines – Pampa News

He who eats until he is sick must fast until he is well, is an English proverb. And Ben Franklin hit the nail on the head with: To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals. Fasting has been around for millennia, but lately theres been focus on intermittent fasting -- not eating for 12-16 hours daily -- as a way to lose weight and upgrade your metabolic profile.
So, is IF effective? The latest study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, says its not a help for weight loss. Thats caused a lot of confusion. But this studys IF participants could eat any unhealthy thing they wanted from noon to 8 p.m. for 12 weeks. And that fasting group didnt take in any fewer calories than the studys other group, who were allowed three meals a day and snacks whenever they wanted. When the researchers compared results, they concluded IF doesnt make you metabolically healthier or help you lose more weight than eating around the clock.
Time-restricted eating, but pigging out the rest of the time on foods that prematurely age you, is never a good idea. Weight loss and metabolic improvements depend on how you fuel your body. You want it to be plant-based, high-fiber, with lean proteins and omega-3-rich fish (dont reduce your overall protein intake). If you eat that and add IF, youll more easily reduce your calorie intake, lose weight, improve metabolic markers such as blood sugar levels, and reduce lousy LDL cholesterol levels. Nothing iffy about that!
Tattoos are no sweat -- literally
Recently, a schoolteacher in France lost his teaching job after parents complained their kids were scared of him. The reason? The 35-year-old man has every inch of his body (even his tongue) covered in tattoos. Hed spent at least 460 hours getting inked.
Tattoo enthusiasts may not be aware that such extreme decorations pose health risks, but they do -- from allergic reactions to cancer caused by the black ink and heart disease and heart failure caused by the cadmium in red ink.
Now researchers have identified a new hazard: The ink can keep sweat glands from functioning, leading to chronic skin irritation, heat cramps and heatstroke. A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology evaluated the amount of perspiration generated by people with tattoos. It turns out that when the body sends a message to sweat glands under inked skin to Sweat, baby, sweat, the glands just dont. In short, tattooing functionally damages secretion mechanisms, say the researchers.
So, before getting a tattoo, consider the risks and take precautions.
-- Infection? Theres no way to tell if the ink is safe (some, says the Food and Drug Administration, is better suited to painting cars), and bacteria and other pathogenic materials can end up in ink. If the shop doesnt seem clean or the tattoos are deeply discounted, leave immediately.
-- Check that the practitioner is using PPE, and needles and ink from sealed containers.
-- Avoid blanketing large areas of the body with ink. Less is more.
-- Do research before making your epidermis a canvas.
Follow this link:
Intermittent fasting: Get the real scoop, not misleading headlines - Pampa News
Doing This One Thing Can Drive Your Weight Loss, New Study Shows – Yahoo Canada Shine On

Losing weighttakes commitment and discipline, money, knowledge, and, of course, no shortage of resolve to alter your habits for the better. Given how difficult it can be, you'd be wise to tip the odds of success in your favor along the way by adopting any of these expert-backed tips, tricks, and tactics. But according to new research recently presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2020, there's at least one more thing you should consider doing to increase your chances of shedding a few pounds and keeping it off: Asking your partner (or a friend) to join you.
"Our study shows that when spouses join the effort to change habits, patients have a better chance of becoming healthierparticularly when it comes to losing weight," writes Lotte Verweij, a registered nurse and Ph.D. student at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. "Patients with partners who joined the weight loss program lost more weight compared to patients with a partner who did not join the program." (Related: 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time.)
Though the study focused on those who are recovering from a heart attack, specifically, the principle no doubt applies to anyone who wishes to lose weight. To arrive at their findings, the researchers followed 411 study subjects who adopted healthy lifestyle changes compared to 413 subjects who didn't. The changes were focused on three main areas: "weight reduction, physical activity, and smoking cessation, depending on their needs and preferences."
The weight-loss group held weekly group sessions with a coach from Weight Watchers for a full year. The physical activity group wore a Philips Direct Life accelerometer for the same period, and the group focused on kicking their smoking habit received "motivational interviewing by telephone" from professionals at Luchtsignaal, and were given cessation aids and varenicline therapy. At the end of their journey, the patients "with a participating partner" were "more than twice as likely (odds ratio 2.45) to improve in at least one of the three areas within a year."
"Couples often have comparable lifestyles and changing habits is difficult when only one person is making the effort," said Verweij. "Practical issues come into play, such as grocery shopping, but also psychological challenges, where a supportive partner may help maintain motivation."
The new findings bolster existing research that makes a connection between your spouse and your weight. Past studies have shown that when one-half of a married couple becomes obese, there's a 37 percent chance the other half will, too. The new study shows that the reverse could be true if you and your spouse try to do something about ittogether.
That being said, if you're looking to lose weight as a male/female couple, it's important to remember that you can't be following the exact same plans. "Men can eat more than women without gaining, and lose weight by cutting back less," Cynthia Sass, MPH, MA, RD, told WebMD.
Experts agree that men and women should adopt different weight-loss models if they're trying to lose weight. For instance, female bodies may respond differently to exercise. "When men increase exercise, they lose weight because their bodies do not encourage them to eat more," Nancy Clark, MS, RD, also told WebMD. However, the same is typically not true for most women.
So remember that dropping pounds is not one-size-fits-all, and the most important thing is that you have someone you care about there reciprocating your moral support. For more help to guide you on your weight-loss journey, don't miss these 200 Best Ever Weight Loss Tips!
Doing This One Thing Can Drive Your Weight Loss, New Study Shows - Yahoo Canada Shine On
Best nutrition apps: 10 of the top options – Medical News Today

Nutrition apps can help people live a healthier lifestyle, either by enabling them to track which products they are buying or suggesting particular restaurants for their dietary needs.
Eating healthfully is not always easy, especially when eating out, trying to cook new recipes, or managing the demands of a busy life.
This article will explain what nutrition apps are and how they differ. It will also discuss what people should look for in an app, depending on what they want to achieve be it understanding which foods to eat while pregnant or tracking foods that may cause adverse reactions.
Nutrition apps can help make life easier for people who need to track their food intake for health reasons. These apps can also help people find restaurants that are suitable for their dietary needs.
Some apps offer graphs to show correlations between specific foods and how a person feels after eating them, should they want to track potential intolerances.
Others provide feedback on strategies for losing weight, changing ones relationship with food, or getting into better shape.
No nutrition app works for everyone, and some may even trigger certain issues. For example, a weight loss app may not appropriate for someone recovering from an eating disorder.
So, before installing any app, it is best to identify specific goals and assess whether or not this app will help with reaching them.
Please note that the writer has not tested these products. All information is research-based.
Making a change to a vegetarian diet may be difficult at times, especially if a person is used to eating meat. Menu options at restaurants may also prove troublesome, especially if they do not list ingredients clearly.
Two apps that may help a person following a vegetarian or vegan diet are:
This app compiles recipes, suggests ingredients, and assembles favorite meals in one single location, so a person has a greater variety of meals using healthful ingredients.
Forks over Knives is downloadable from the App Store and Google Play.
HappyCow helps people find restaurants consistent with their dietary needs, no matter where they are. Other features include tips for designing a healthful vegetarian or vegan meal plan and a community forum.
HappyCow is downloadable from the App Store and Google Play.
Choosing what to eat while pregnant can be difficult, especially if a person is trying to avoid certain foods or eat more nutrient-dense options.
Two apps that could help a person create meals and monitor their health are:
Allrecipes is not specific to pregnancy, but it is still a good option for getting recipe ideas. Choose from a variety of recipes, read reviews, and make a custom grocery list to create specific meals for cooking at home.
Allrecipes is downloadable from the App Store and Google Play.
Although many apps focus on fetal development, Ovia takes a comprehensive approach to maternal health. A person can use the app to check if certain foods and medications are safe and track their pregnancy symptoms.
Ovia is downloadable from the App Store and Google Play.
If someone needs to lose weight for health reasons, they may initially struggle to control their calorie intake and portion sizes. However, over time, these changes will form part of the persons routine.
Two apps that could help a person be mindful of healthful food choices are:
People can use MyPlate Calorie Counter to log fitness goals and daily exercise routines. The app also has tips for cooking healthful meals and print-out recipes. A person can also create a custom 8-week meal plan tailored to their nutritional goals.
MyPlate Calorie Counter is downloadable from the App Store and Google Play.
Noom prioritizes the psychology of eating. The app helps people reenvision their eating habits, understand why they eat the way they do, and make healthful choices while still eating the foods they enjoy.
Learn more about the Noom diet here.
Noom is downloadable from the App Store and Google Play.
People recovering from eating disorders may find using apps beneficial to staying healthy.
Two apps that may help people recovering from eating disorders are:
Rise Up + Recover teaches people healthful eating strategies and cultivates mindfulness. It also steadily promotes a healthy body image while encouraging balanced food choices.
Rise Up + Recover is downloadable from the App Store and Google Play.
People with binge eating and restrictive eating disorders may struggle with food-related mindfulness. For example, they may not know when they are hungry or may use food to manage emotional issues. This app helps a person listen to their body and advises on intuitive eating and good health.
Am I Hungry? is downloadable from the App Store and Google Play.
The right app can make healthful eating feel less daunting. Before making major changes to diet or lifestyle, a person should consider talking to a doctor or dietitian, who may have suggestions for choosing both the right app and the right eating plan.
Read the rest here:
Best nutrition apps: 10 of the top options - Medical News Today
6 high-protein, low-calorie foods that can help you lose weight without feeling hungry – TheHealthSite

High-protein, low-calorie foods are a great option if youre trying to lose weight and preserve lean mass. Calorie restriction is important for weight loss, but it can leave you feeling hungry, making dieting difficult. A diet rich in high-protein foods, on the other hand, can help you stay full longer. For example, eating a high-protein breakfast may help curb hunger later in the day, which in turn will help lower your calorie intake. So, what you actually need is low-calorie protein sources to stay full longer while restricting calories. You shouldnt forget vitamins, minerals and antioxidants as your body needs them to thrive and function optimally.Basically the goal is to get leaner without feeling hungry or deprived. And that can be achieved by consuming foods with the highest levels of protein and the lowest number of calories. We have picked some high-protein, low-calorie foods to help you keep your diet diversified.Note: An ideal daily intake of calories depends on various factors such as age, metabolism and levels of physical activity, among other things. Generally, women are advised to consume 2,000 calories a day and 2,500 for men. But if you're a highly active person, you need to increase that number to sustain your energy levels. So, consider your activity level and health needs before restricting your calories.
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6 high-protein, low-calorie foods that can help you lose weight without feeling hungry - TheHealthSite
Losing 13 percent of your weight could lead to big health improvements – The Oakland Press

If you're obese, losing just 5 percent of your weight starts you on the path to better health, but new research finds that losing 13 percent of your weight may make a good-size dent in your chances of developing several unhealthy conditions.
For instance, the odds of developing Type 2 diabetes were at least 42 percent lower among obese people who lost that much weight than for those who did not lose weight, according to a report from the European and International Congress on Obesity. The research was based on eight years of data on 552,953 middle-aged adults who were obese and intentionally lost weight (meaning their weight loss did not occur because of an illness).
Besides the diabetes effect, losing 13 percent of their weight also made people 25 percent less likely to develop high blood pressure or sleep apnea, and it correlated to a 22 percent risk reduction for high cholesterol and a 20 percent lower risk for osteoarthritis.
Obesity, defined as excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health, is often determined by a person's body mass index (BMI), a calculation of body fatness based on weight and height. The simplest way to figure your BMI is to plug your height and weight into an online calculator. A BMI of 30 or above is considered obese.
Treatment for obesity usually starts with a modest weight-loss goal of 5 to 10 percent (10 to 20 pounds for someone weighing 200) and includes a change in eating habits and an increase in physical activity.
The BMI has some limits, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, in that it may overestimate body fat in athletes and others with a muscular build, or may underestimate body fat in people who have lost muscle because of aging or illness.
A general guide to your BMI (see accompanying chart) follows:
Underweight = Below 18.5
Normal = 18.524.9
Overweight = 25.029.9
Obesity = 30.0 and Above
Original post:
Losing 13 percent of your weight could lead to big health improvements - The Oakland Press