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Weight Loss: 5 things beginners should keep in mind – TheHealthSite

Where do I start if I want to lose weight? This is one of the most common questions that anybody who wants to lose weight would ask. But, you are not alone to wonder where to start your weight loss journey from. There are tons of people who are just like you and there is no reason for you to feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask this question. Also Read - Weight loss: 5 inexpensive ways to get in shape
What is that one thing that comes to your mind when you think of losing weight? Diet and exercise isnt it? But these two are not enough for you to lose those extra pounds. There are many other factors that play a very important role in your weight loss journey. Here are 5 tips that can help you manage your weight without stressing yourself out. Also Read - Unable to lose weight? 5 lifestyle changes that will help you shed those extra kilos
Drinking enough water throughout the day is not just good for your overall health but also plays a very important role when you are trying to lose weight. The first and foremost rule is to consume water at least 30 minutes before your meals. Studies have revealed that people who do not consume water during their meals can lose weight faster than the other section. Also, consumption of water can help you get rid of the toxins that are your biggest enemies when you are trying to lose weight. Moreover, when you are hydrated from inside, your cravings for fast food goes down. Also Read - Want to lose weight? Try these spices
Greens that contain fibers are your friend when you are trying to shed fat. Superfoods such as avocados, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and carrots are rich in soluble fiber. It is not only good for your weight loss but also for your overall health. These foods help your body to fight against chronic diseases like diabetes and heart illnesses.
Vitamin-D that you get from sunlight plays a very important role in your weight loss journey. Sit outside in the sunlight for at least 10-15 minutes every day. One can also take a doctors prescribed supplements.
One of the most important pillars of weight loss is to never starve yourself. Skipping meals will never help you lose weight. It will only make you feel bloated and gassy. The perfect trick to lose weight quickly is to have small meals at quick intervals. Add more fibers to your diet and make sure to have greens.
When you give your body proper rest, you actually make it ready for the weight loss journey. Sleep plays another important role since it helps your body to recover muscle tension and muscle strain. Proper rest also helps you to remain stress-free which in a way boosts your weight loss journey.
Weight loss is not only about your looks and appearance, it is more than that. Obesity can affect your quality of life and mental well being. The journey is not easy. It may take time but it is not impossible. If you are looking for a magic pill or a really quick fix for those extra fats in your body then you should stop right now as there are no short-cuts.
Have you ever tried to follow your own weight loss journey? What tips did you use? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Published : October 27, 2020 3:46 pm | Updated:October 28, 2020 11:28 am
Original post:
Weight Loss: 5 things beginners should keep in mind - TheHealthSite
With Weight Watchers And The Nike Running App, I Finally Broke Out Of My Weight-Loss Rut – Women’s Health

My name is Stephanie Niknam (@wwchefsteph), and I am 24. Im from Hudson Valley, New York, and I am a teacher. To hit reset after grad school, I joined Weight Watchers (now WW) and got hooked on running with the Nike Run Club app, and I've lost 89 pounds.
I used to feel out of control with my eating. I would think I was doing all of the right things with my diet, but I wasnt seeing long-term results. I kept gaining and losing the same five pounds over and over.
I got caught up in following short-term, quick-fix diets for years. But eventually I finally felt ready to make a concrete change once I finished grad school in May 2019. I felt like I was beginning a new chapter of my life and wanted to make it a healthy one. I decided to start WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) in May 2019.
The points system and the WW app are what convinced me to join, since calorie counting always seemed so overwhelming to me. When people ask me what kind of diet WW is, I tell them it is how you choose to experience it. The program is extremely adaptable and individualized to fit your lifestyle and eating habits. As long as you honestly track your food and stay in your healthy eating points zone, you will be successful.
I love the barcode feature in the WW app that allows you to scan anything with a barcode, and it will tell you the points value. The restaurant feature also gives points values for a lot of major chain restaurants, which is so helpful. Even when I go to a local restaurant, I just choose to track my meal as a similar one from a chain. I love the ease and adaptability of WW. It just fits my lifestyle every day. Its the reason why I have been able to follow the program successfully for over a year now.
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This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
I was doing great! By June 2019 I was already down about 15 to 20 pounds. But the funny thing is that working out in that way wasnt sustainable for me long term. I couldnt keep up with the constant exercising in my daily lifestyle without feeling starving after, and going overboard on food as a result.
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Around July 2019, I took a pause from all major exercise and just walked every once in a while. I narrowed my focus on my diet. And I continued to lose weight! It wasnt until July 2020, when I was down 70 pounds, that I decided to focus on exercise again. I finally felt in control of my eating enough to not pig out immediately after a workout.
I started running with the Nike Run Club app with *no* running experience. Seriously none. I struggled. But the guided audio coaching helped me a ton, and now I can run without stopping for four-mile trail runs. I definitely recommend the app.
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These three changes made the biggest difference in my weight loss results.
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This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
Ive learned that my self-worth comes from withinnot from the scale. I frequently remind myself to not be so tough on myself. Again, losing weight does not increase your value as a person.
My entire habits have changed from over a year ago. But that doesnt happen over night. Changes are gradual, and consistency is what will help sustain those healthy habits. Taking the time to invest in my health and myself is what has increased my confidence. I never expected to lose such a high amount of weight. As cheesy as it sounds, it has taught me that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.
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Read More..6 Breakfast Mistakes That Can Make It Harder to Lose Weight – LIVESTRONG.COM

If you often eat breakfast while working or commuting, you might end up eating more than you think.
Image Credit: JGI/Jamie Grill/Tetra images/GettyImages
When it comes to losing weight, breakfast shouldn't be taken lightly literally or figuratively.
Breakfast and when, what, how and if you eat it can have a significant affect on your weight-loss goals. Unfortunately, there are some common missteps many of us take when it comes to eating in the a.m. Do you bypass breakfast as a means to cut calories? How about eating a bowl of cereal while working at your desk sound familiar?
Here, we call out six of the most common breakfast mistakes that may be hindering your weight-loss efforts and offer easy solutions to help change these behaviors.
Mistake 1: Skipping Breakfast to 'Save' Calories
If you nix breakfast as a means to reduce your overall calorie intake for the day, you may want to rethink your strategy. Yes, skipping breakfast means you'll probably consume fewer calories in the morning, but what kind of effect does this have on the rest of your day?
Eating breakfast increases what's called your "postprandial energy expenditure," aka the amount of energy (calories) you burn to digest and metabolize the food you eat. In fact, a November 2018 review published in Advances in Nutrition found that you burn an extra 40 to 200 calories just by eating breakfast.
Wondering how to calculate your calories for weight loss? Download the MyPlate app to do the job and help you track your intake, so you can stay focused and achieve your goals!
Plus, a June 2016 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that eating breakfast not only helps you lose weight, but is key to helping make sure you don't regain it.
The fix: If weight loss is your goal, eat a hearty breakfast and then cut calories from your other meals and snacks. This way, you'll still consume fewer calories throughout the day but you'll burn extra calories by consuming something in the morning. You'll likely have more energy and feel less hungry, too.
Mistake 2: Limiting Yourself to 'Breakfast Foods'
There's no reason you can't enjoy your favorite "dinner foods" in the morning.
Image Credit: wmaster890/iStock/GettyImages
When it comes to what we're actually eating for breakfast, it appears we're filling up on cereals, pancakes, baked goods and the like. Our breakfast meals skew higher in carbohydrates and lower in protein compared to lunch and dinner, according to a June 2014 study published in The Journal of Nutrition. The study found we're eating about 13 grams of protein at breakfast and three times that (39 grams) at dinner.
This is important when it comes to weight loss because, as the study points out, balancing our protein intake throughout the day stimulates muscle protein synthesis more effectively, compared to eating very little protein earlier in the day and loading up in the evening hours. Building muscle protein prevents muscles from breaking down and allows them to build back up, especially after exercise. Ultimately, this has a positive effect on our ability to exercise and metabolism.
The fix: If you find yourself favoring more carbohydrate-rich foods in the morning, try adding a bit of protein to help offset your intake later in the day. Yogurt, eggs and lox are all great sources of protein that you can easily add to your morning meal.
Or mix it up with some nontraditional a.m. dishes like high-protein breakfast soups or savory oatmeal. And hey, who says dinner leftovers can't become a quick-and-easy meal the next morning?
Mistake 3: Making Breakfast Your Smallest Meal of the Day
If you tend to go light at breakfast in an effort to eat less, again, you'll want to rethink this strategy. Research shows that eating more in the morning and then less at lunch and even less at dinner may be a more effective approach.
A February 2020 intervention study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that eating about 70 percent of your calorie needs at breakfast, 20 percent at lunch and just 10 percent dinner increased diet-induced thermogenesis (calories burned after eating) by 2.5 times, compared to eating 10 percent of total calories at breakfast, 20 percent at lunch and 70 percent at dinner.
These findings are in line with other research like a pilot study published August 2018 in Physiology & Behavior, which found that eating 50 percent of calories at breakfast, 30 percent at lunch and 20 percent at dinner was also beneficial.
The fix: Adjusting to eating a bigger breakfast may take some time, especially if you typically keep it to a minimum. Start by slowly adding in more foods a piece of fruit, an extra tablespoon of nut butter on toast, adding an additional egg to your omelet. Overall, the goal is to eat more of your calories earlier in the day and less towards the end of the day, before you go to bed.
Mistake 4: Eating Breakfast While Distracted or On-the-Go
Multi-tasking, especially when eating, could be hurting your efforts when it comes to weight loss. A May 2019 study published in Physiology & Behavior found that when we're distracted, we eat more.
The findings showed that whether subjects were eating while using their phones or reading a magazine, they consumed 15 percent more calories than those who ate without distraction.
The fix: If you tend to eat breakfast while commuting, watching the morning news or working at your desk, you'll want to stop this ASAP. Sit down (without distraction) and pay attention to the food you're putting in your mouth. You'll likely enjoy the meal more and end up eating less without trying.
Mistake 5: Opting for Juice Instead of Whole Fruit
Juice doesn't give you the benefits of fiber, which is a key nutrient when you're trying to lose weight.
Image Credit: jacoblund/iStock/GettyImages
Yes, sipping on juice can be an easy way to get more fruits and vegetables, but the truth is, you're really not getting the best bang for your buck. When fruit and vegetables are juiced, the majority of the fiber (part of what makes them so healthy) is removed.
Fiber helps to keep us feeling fuller longer. It slows digestion and helps to prevent the quick rise and fall of your blood sugar levels after eating, according to the Mayo Clinic.
The fix: If you enjoy drinking juice because of the convenience and the ease of eating more fruits and vegetables, try smoothies instead. When you sip on a smoothie, you're still getting all of the fiber found in fruits and vegetables.
Mistake 6: Overloading Your Coffee
Having a cup of coffee in the morning can absolutely be part of a healthy diet and a helpful component of your weight-loss journey, with one caveat. It depends on how you "take" or make your coffee.
Coffee is a source of antioxidants and it may aid in weight loss, but if you're adding spoonfuls of sugar and/or creamer to your cup, these benefits are a wash.
Sweeteners and creamers high in saturated fat quickly increase the amount of calories in your cup of joe.
Artificial sweeteners don't have the added calories and sugar, but research shows they can mess with your gut, and not in a good way. Indeed, an October 2014 study published in Nature found saccharin, aspartame and sucralose consumption may increase the risk of glucose intolerance (a risk factor for diabetes) by altering our gut microbiome in favor of harmful bacteria.
The fix: In place of creamer, try adding milk or nut milk instead, preferably with minimal added sugars, if any at all. When it comes to adding sweetness, keep in mind the American Heart Association recommends limiting daily intake to 25 grams or 6 teaspoons for women and 36 grams or 9 teaspoons for men.
Excerpt from:
6 Breakfast Mistakes That Can Make It Harder to Lose Weight - LIVESTRONG.COM
How Can You Get Rid of Back Fat? 11 Tips for the Gym and Your Plate – Greatist

Created for Greatist by the experts at Healthline. Read more
Everybodys got some amount of back fat. But if you have some extra back fat that youd like to shed, weve got your back (and the fat that comes with it).
Heres how to get rid of back fat the healthy way with diet and exercise.
Body fat is actually essential for a bunch of things like regulating your body temp, storing energy, and aiding in digestion. So, having fat doesnt mean youre unhealthy right off the bat. You actually need it to ya know, survive.
Without enough fat, you might have to deal with issues like vitamin deficiencies, hormone probs, or nervous system damage.
Keep in mind that according to the American Council on Exercise, most healthy women should have about 21 to 35 percent body fat. Healthy men should have about 8 to 24 percent.
Excess upper, middle, and lower back fat builds up for the same reason any other fat does: due to genetics, a lack of exercise, a sedentary lifestyle, or certain health conditions.
With age, fat also tends to accumulate more around your belly area, which can also lead to so-called love handles on your lower back.
Losing fat typically requires a combo of eating healthy, working out regularly, and reducing calories. Doing exercises that build muscle in your upper and lower back can also tone up your back muscles.
Psst Heres the deal with spot reduction
Repeat after us: Localized fat loss does NOT work! You cant just lose fat in one area of your bod including your back. Instead, you have to lose weight all over to notice a difference.
Youve prob heard this one before: Cutting calories is key to fat loss. It takes about 3,500 calories to equal 1 pound of fat. So, if you reduce your calories by about 300 to 500 calories per day, you can lose 1 to 2 pounds each week.
The healthy intake for adults ranges from 1,400 to 3,200 calories per day. The number of calories per day youll need depends on numerous factors, including age, sex, height, weight and your level of physical activity.
When youre feeling a little more bloated than usual, fat might not even be to blame it could be water weight. Regularly munching on salty foods can cause you to retain excess water that adds to stomach and back bloat.
You know that feeling you get after eating a cup of noodles? Yeah, thats what sodium does to you. To get back on track, cut down on processed and restaurant foods, which are often super salty.
You dont have to meticulously count calories to eat better. Instead, opt for healthful, fiber-rich and low sodium foods like avocados, eggs, nuts, leafy greens and veggies, fish, and lean chicken breast.
Eating fiber-rich, nutrient dense foods will keep your digestive system regular, lower bad cholesterol levels, and help you maintain a healthy weight.
High carb and starchy foods are delicious. But unfortunately, theyre usually full of sugars and empty calories. Cutting back on foods like white bread, crackers, chips, and cookies can have a major impact on weight loss as well as your overall health.
Remember: Everything in moderation. You dont have to skip out on your fave Sunday morning croissant to be healthy and feel amaze.
Sometimes when you think youre hungry, youre actually just thirsty. Stay hydrated and feel more satiated by sipping on more water throughout the day.
Most adults lose about 2.5 to 3 liters of water per day, which is about how much you need to gulp down to stay healthy.
Can you get rid of back fat fast?
Like with most things, slow and steady wins the race when it comes to weight loss. One research review found that rapid-fire weight loss leads to more muscle loss than slow, long-term weight loss.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, healthy weight loss is at a pace of about 1 to 2 pounds a week. Any faster, and you could face adverse effects like nutrient deficiencies, fatigue, and headaches.
In case you didnt already know, an exercise ball is the ultimate quarantine accessory.
This classic yoga pose helps improve your posture and build muscle. (When your spines straight and tall, you might not find much of an issue with your back fat, after all.)
Dont forget the cardio!
Moving your body with cardio and strength training gets you closer to not only a healthy lifestyle, but it can help you melt away fat.
One study showed that just 20 to 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous cardio per day can help you burn fat and boost your metabolism.
Not much of a jogger or spinning enthusiast? No prob. Simply walking more can burn enough calories to lead to weight loss. Try trekking more on foot to reap the benefits.
You dont have to be a gym enthusiast or clean-eating fan to cut back on some back fat. Over time, small lifestyle changes can lead to major changes. Here are a few tips to move toward a healthier you:
Sorry, but spot-fat reduction for back fat just isnt a thing. You can only lose back fat by losing fat all-over on your bod. You can also tone the area by targeting back muscles.
Creating a calorie deficit, eating healthy, and exercising regularly are the keys to the weight loss needed to target back fat.
Remember that some degree of back fat is healthy and totally normal! Give yourself a pat (on the back ) for working on your physical fitness, but try not to impose unrealistic standards on yourself. Lets be real: You dont deserve that ish.
Read the rest here:
How Can You Get Rid of Back Fat? 11 Tips for the Gym and Your Plate - Greatist
The 9 Best Ways to Boost Mood, Including What to Eat and Drink – The Beet

Anxious or stressed? (Who isn't right now?) The key is to figure out the right foods to reach for when stress, anxiety, and everyday worry takes over your brain. Other than getting exercise and a good night's sleep, food is the most powerful medicine you can reach for, says this doctor. Here is his prescription for what to eat and drink when you need to feel calmer fast.
"When it comes to that natural stress reaction, we need something crunchy," says Dr.Jonathan Dr.Clinthorne, a Ph.D. in Nutrition, who has researched extensively on the connection between nutrition and mood, is the nutrition communications manager for Atkins, and has written a new paper: Good Mood, Good Food: A Wellness Guide to Superfood Mood Balancers."For me, that means almonds and nuts and seeds. And those are great sources of magnesium and that helps calm the neurotransmitters in our brains."
Why do humans find solace in crunching down on foods that make that satisfying sound as we mash our teeth? "For some reason crunching on foods can be helpful to our brains," Dr. Clinthorne says. It's practically caveman-like. Hearing our own crunching in our head is calming, and makes us realized we are eating something. A Mental Floss story on the science of why we love loud crunchy foods adds this: "Humans love crunchy, noisy snacks, that loud rattling that travels to our inner ear via air and bone conduction and helps us identify what it is were consuming. Depending on the snack, the noise can reach 63 decibels."
So whether you're eating nuts, celery, snap peas, or other "loud" foods you can tell yourself that just the act of hearing yourself chew these crunchers is a therapeutic endeavor."It's easy to slurp down something not good for us. but crunchy food, on the other hand, helps us since it signals the brain that we know we are eating. When you eat nuts, it is both crunchy and savory. When you eat nuts you are satisfying your brain by bringing in food that tells the brain, all is well, we are being fed. It turns out we need that reward."
Some people need to satisfy their stress with comfort food, especially chocolate, which contains chemical compounds that are beneficial to your brain chemistry called methylxanthines, which are in cacao and chocolate and coffee. In a study calledHealth Benefits of Methylxanthines in Cacao and Chocolate, the authors studied why humans throughout time have brewed drinks with these compounds and discovered that they help your brain focus and result in more efficient thinking, but without the serious side effects of drugs. So these phytochemicals in chocolate and coffee allow your brain to process the work at hand, which can lead you out of a stressful situation.
The study adds: "Apart from the benefits for day-life activities, methylxanthines may even be considered instrumental for health-maintenance.... In fact, chocolate/cacao does not generally produce insomnia or cause anxiety."
We all know to stay away from sweets, which sends us on a rollercoaster of highs and lows throughout the day, but the most dangerous foods are those packed with hidden sugarsthat trick us into thinking we're eating healthy food when in fact we are surging our insulin response and then crashing again.
"A lot of foods you would not expect to have sugar do, and in America, we are so programmed to eat sugary foods we don't think about it," says Dr.Clinthorne. "The worst thing to eat when you're stressed is sugar. You start consuming it when you're stressed and want more sugar and more sugar and then end up feeling bad about ourselves. So tell yourself: "I am just staying away from sugary foods"is the best idea.
Does alcohol count as sugar?"I think alcohol is a great question We know that in higher doses it activates our flight and flight mechanism, so if stress is the issue, definitely stay away from higher levels," says Dr.Clinthorne. "People who do not have trouble with sleep, a little is fine. But as long as you stay away from sugary mixes, it's fine. But even tonic water has sugar in it. What is a small amount? For a lot of people, that's two or more drinks. You can tell when your heart rate goes up when you're drinking."
A day of stress-free eating:
Breakfast looks like a smoothie with some veggies like frozen spinach, avocado, coconut milk or oat milk, then add any fruit or veggies you have lying around. Start with a mix of healthy fats like the avocado and then add fiber from the spinach and fruit and the carbs are built-in. The oat milk adds protein. Those healthy fats and fiber will make me feel good all morning.
Lunch is usually what I call my big-ass salad. I add as many vegetables as I can get in there. and usually not afraid of putting it in the calories in the form of nuts and seeds. I get most of my calories at lunch. Make it the highest caloric meal of the day.
Then I like a smaller dinner. I choose a plant-based protein source like whole grains or a sheet pan of roasted vegetables we may crumble some cheese on top, and that can be dairy-free cheese if you're eating plant-based, saysDr.Clinthorne. I am one of those people who sees the benefits of eating more plants.
This is important. "Exercise. I am an exercise junky. I think everyone should get physical activity in some ways shape or form," says Dr. Clinthorne. "Be active whether gardening or walking or mowing the lawn. It doesn't have to be a 100-mile bike ride, just has to be something you enjoy. But don't want you to get intimated or turned off so just get out there."
"The reason is that our bodies release anti-stress compounds that are almost like CBD in response to exercise," says Dr. Clinthorne. "The brain works by responding to the stress of exercise with endorphins and they stick around long after you stop working out."
The anti-stress hormones are endorphins he adds. "I am evidence-based, and they can measure these in the lab. Some people feel worse after exercise and if you are one who struggles with endorphins either you are doing the wrong exercise or going too hard... if you do that you will feel awful. So switch it up or go easier on your body."
So exercise is the first and most important thing you can do, for stress, every day. get it done in the morning. It doesn't have to be running 5 miles. You can get it in much faster. A tone-upsession on your livingroom rug works, but get your heart rate up.
"Everyone needs to eat more vegetables since they help us by delivering important antioxidants and nutrients to keep us healthy. But they are also high in fiber which makes you feel fuller longer and keeps your gut healthy, which sends the right signals to our brains for our mood," says Dr. Clinthorne.
"But it's also smart to eat berries, especially blueberries, and since they actually have alow glycemic index, you can use berriesto satisfy your cravings if you have a sweet tooth. We should all eat more raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries which are full of antioxidants to make us feel good.Eating high fiber foods helps us by keepingthe gut healthy, since healthy with probiotics help us improve our overall mental health as well."
Surprising fact: Dehydration is related to your mood. "There is really fascinating research being done around dehydration and mood. Just being dehydrated can cause you to have a negative outlook. You might be bummed out and feeling irritable or angry and in fact, you're just dehydrated," saysDr. Clinthorne. "So drink a little extra water and you might pop out of it.
"Think of how important water is to all our physiological functions, and as human beings not being able to find water is a source of survival, which means being dehydrated activates our fight or flight responses in the brain. So instead of eating, go drink a tall glass of water."
Sunlight in the morning has been proven to help elevate mood. Studies on light cycles show that while bright light at night can depress mood, sunlight in the morning boosts your brain mechanisms and mood. Still, the changing seasons can affect your mood, so in the fall, it's even more important to get sunlight for your wellbeing, studies have found.
"There is extensive research on how UVA and UVB raysfrom sunlight affect our brains," Dr. Clinthorne adds, "Since the UVB rays are important for vitamin D synthesis, while the UVA rays on our skin help us feel our neurotransmitters and help boost our mood." So first thing as the sun gets up, you should open your blinds and check the weather and if it's sunny, get outside.
The second half of that equation is to get to bed earlier so that you don't have to struggle to get out of bed in the morning. The earlier you get to bed, the better it is for your health, your mood, and your overall ability to fight stress and stay away from junk food the next day.
"Everyone is stressed out and many of us have put on pounds during this time, so if that is stressing you out orimpacting your mood, there are strategies to lose weight during this time that work effectively and quickly.
"If you controlblood sugar,you are going to lose weight, and there are a lot of different eating patterns you canchoose and still lose weight."The key is to find the plan that is right for you: Mediterranean or vegetarian or vegan diets are compatible with the Atkins Diet," he says.
Or try The VegStart Diet, which is a healthy weight loss plan that helps you shed pounds in 14 days on a plant-based diet.
Read the original here:
The 9 Best Ways to Boost Mood, Including What to Eat and Drink - The Beet
Lose weight: Five tips for healthy fasting. – The Washington Newsday

Just the thought of fasting can make you hungry. But living without food for a while whether for health or religious reasons can be good for you, explains hepatologist Dr. Nizar Zein in an article published by the renowned Cleveland Clinic (USA).
Fasting does not only help you lose weight, but is also associated with numerous health benefits. However, many people find it difficult to avoid food completely or partially for a certain period of time. Some tips from an expert can help here.
There is a set of possibilities for chamfered, says the physician. Sometimes fasting means avoiding certain types of food such as carbohydrates or fats. In other cases, it just means reducing the calories overall. Then there is the kind of fasting, where for one day or longer nothing at all is eaten (or sometimes drunk). Many religions promote some form of fasting as a spiritual discipline. And the medical literature shows that fasting in general:
There are also theories according to which intermittent chamfering can help to live longer, strengthen brain function and prevent neurodegenerative diseases, says Dr. Zein.
Health benefits
For those who plan to fast without eating, Dr. Zein recommends these five tips for maintaining health and energy levels:Prepare for entry: Reduce eating and drinking gradually for several days or even weeks before fasting. Otherwise, a sudden start of fasting will be a shock to your body. Do not eat three full meals a day with snacks in between and then suddenly stop eating one day, Dr. Zein warns. If your body is used to regular refueling, it can be difficult to maintain the energy level during the fast.
Even if you follow these tips, too much fasting can be dangerous. Do not abstain from food and drink for more than a few hours, advises Dr. Zein. Fasting for too long can lead to dehydration, psychological stress and sleep disorders.
Avoid foods and drinks containing sugar: It is not a good idea to consume cookies and sweet tea before fasting. You may feel full and satisfied at first, but if your blood sugar drops an hour or two later, you may become extremely hungry and weak. To have enough energy in the long run, you consume complex carbohydrates (like pasta, rice and potatoes) and protein (like meat and beans).Reduce activities: It is not a good idea to do intensive sports if you do not eat or drink, says Dr. Zein. If you plan not to replenish your nutrients for a while, save your energy for important daily activities.Pay attention to the intake of medication: Talk to your doctor about taking your medication before fasting. Some medications for example, for seizure disorders are essential, and people who are affected by them should not fast. Other medicines such as some antibiotics should be taken with a meal. If people have negative consequences from fasting, it is often because they have not taken their medication properly, explains the hepatologist.Do not rush anything when stopping: Increase at the end of chamfered your calorie supply gradually again. Distribute these calories on your next two meals, instead of immediately again eating very much. This is better because it helps you avoid rapid changes in blood sugar levels and the fatigue associated with eating a large amount of food.
Fasting can be healthy overall. I recommend it, says Dr. Zein. However, it can cause problems for people with certain health problems. To those, which should not do without all food and beverages, according to the physician persons belong, who:
Tips for healthy fasting
Otherwise, fasting in a healthy way can bring psychological and physical advantages. Talk to your doctor or health care professional before making fasting part of your routine. (ad)
WashingtonNewsday Health and Wellness.
The rest is here:
Lose weight: Five tips for healthy fasting. - The Washington Newsday
Good fats vs bad fats: Know what to have when you go on a keto diet – TheHealthSite

On your pursuit to lose weight, you must have come across several diets. Today, keto or ketogenic diet is one of the most followed diets in the world. Many weight watchers are relying on it for fast and effective weight loss results. In fact, some studies suggest that a keto diet provide other health benefits, including improving blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of Alzheimers disease and more. However, it is important to know what to eat and what to avoid when on a ketogenic diet. When you are on a high-fat, low-carb diet, you need to know the difference between healthy fats and unhealthy fats. Also Read - The lazy Keto diet may be perfect if you find the original version too restrictive
When you eat a high-fat diet, your body reaches a phase called ketosis. It is a metabolic state in which the body produces ketone bodies out of fat and use them for energy instead of carbs. However, some fats can hamper this process and elevate your risk of developing diseases such as heart disease. So, today we are sharing with you a list of healthy fats that you should have when you are on a keto diet. Also Read - 5 best ketogenic foods to burn that stubborn belly fat
For years, we were urged to ban fats from our diet. However, more and more studies have suggested that eating healthy fats is, in fact, good for the body. For those of you wondering which fats are best for your health, keep reading on. Also Read - Keto diet for quick weight loss: The best foods that help you achieve ketosis
Polyunsaturated Fats
You can include polyunsaturated fats in your diet. However, you need to be careful about its intake. Most sources of polyunsaturated fats contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. However, you should eat more foods rich in omega-3s. Too much omega 6 can increase your blood pressure and lead to blood clots, which can increase the chances of heart attack and stroke. Omega-3s, on the contrary, are extremely important for the body. Coldwater fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines are great sources of omega-3. Nuts, seeds, flaxseed oil and canola oil are some other good sources you can include in your diet.
Monosaturated Fats (MUFAs)
Monosaturated fats are good for you if you are following a keto diet. It is touted as one of the healthiest fats to include in your diet. MUFAs can help lower cholesterol, control blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and alleviate the risk of heart diseases. Olive oil, avocado oil, nuts, canola oil, sesame oil are some of the good sources of monosaturated fats.
Saturated Fats
Not all forms of saturated fats are bad, but you must limit the quantity. Eating too much of this fat can increase cholesterol levels, and lead to heart problems. Red meat, coconut oil, eggs, cocoa butter, ghee, butter are some of the sources of good saturated fats. However, you must limit your intake.
It is also important to know the kind of fats you should avoid or at least reduce when you are on a keto diet.
Trans Fats
When it comes to unhealthy fats, trans fattops the list. It is a form of saturated fat. It is associated with several negative health effects. Studies have linked the intake of trans fat with heart disease, inflammation, and high bad LDL cholesterol. Processed foods like cookies, French fries, and fast food are high in trans-fat.
Published : October 28, 2020 3:25 pm
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Good fats vs bad fats: Know what to have when you go on a keto diet - TheHealthSite
What is a safe rate of weight loss on a long-term basis …

What is the recommended rate of weight loss on a long term basis for most overweight people?
0.5-2 lbs/week is a safe rate of weight loss on a long-term basis for most overweight people.
Losing even more weight is associated with greater health benefits, so the guidelines recommend that people start out with a goal of losing 5 to 10 percent of their body weight over six months. To accomplish this weight loss, most experts interviewed by Live Science recommended that you shed 0.5 to 2 lbs.
According to many experts, losing 12 pounds (0.450.9 kg) per week is a healthy and safe rate (1, 2 , 3 ). Losing more than that is considered too fast and could put you at risk of many health problems, including muscle loss, gallstones, nutritional deficiencies and a drop in metabolism (4, 6 , 7 , 8).
The Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity
Weight-loss specific behaviors associated with long term success include: frequent self-monitoring and self-weighing, reduced calorie intake, smaller and more frequent meals/snacks throughout the day, increased physical activity, consistently eating breakfast, more frequent at-home meals compared with restaurant and
The bottom line
Some of the most well-researched diets and eating plans include intermittent fasting, plant-based diets, low-carb diets, low-fat diets, the paleo diet, the Mediterranean diet, WW (Weight Watchers), and the DASH diet.
The takeaway. You should only conduct a 500-calorie diet under a doctors close supervision. Though you may lose weight, you are at risk of malnutrition, which can cause many health problems.
Below are strategies to help you approach weight management with a more positive and productive mindset.
But many doctors agree that a medical evaluation is called for if you lose more than 5 percent of your weight in six months to a year, especially if youre an older adult. For example, a 5 percent weight loss in someone who is 160 pounds (72 kilograms) is 8 pounds (3.6 kilograms).
Unintentional weight loss does not always have an identifiable underlying cause but, in addition to the causes already mentioned, its often the result of: depression. an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), or over-treating an underactive thyroid. cancer.
Well, here are some ways to indicate if youve gained or lost weight without using the weighing scale.
No, you cannot. For you to lose 1 pound of fat (or 0.4 kilograms) a day, you have to burn about 3500 calories (5). As a general rule, women and men require 2000 and 2500 calories, respectively, each day (20). To lose any extra weight, you need to cut about 500 to 1000 calories from your average.
Yes, according to a new study showing people whore even a little overweight face increased risk for many serious diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer, high blood pressure, and gallstones. Its very important to take obesity seriously and intervene before people become overweight.
People can be obese yet physically healthy and fit and at no greater risk of heart disease or cancer, according to BBC News. This counterintuitive headline stems from a study that was assessing health outcomes for people who were obese but relatively fit, with only one or no risk factors for metabolic syndrome.
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What is a safe rate of weight loss on a long-term basis ...
Healthy Habits: Are you the man your Dad was? – The Phuket News

If you measure your manliness according to your testosterone levels, sadly the answer is likely no, according to current statistics comparing men today with the previous generations at a similar age. Naturally there is more to a man than his testosterone score, but testosterone plays a powerful role in how we feel as men. It is our dominant hormone responsible for the development of our sex organs along with playing a major role in so many of our health characteristics including muscle mass, bone density, libido, wellbeing and moods.
Falling testosterone levels affect much more than an are-wrestle with your dad. Photo: Craig Burton
Last year the lab I use here in Phuket lowered the testosterone normal reference ranges (the range that is considered normal and okay) from previously 280-800ng/dl to now 193-740ng/dl nearly a 100-point decline. Why? The standard normal ranges for blood tests are often the result of plotting all the test results for normal people into a bell curve and identifying the outlying 5%, suggesting a strong testosterone decline, which is a worldwide trend.
Testosterone trends and statistics
Low testosterone has really become one of the biggest mens health and wellbeing issues today, with approximately 30% of men worldwide affected by low testosterone.
A global estimate of total testosterone sales from 41 countries indicates increases from US$150 million in 2000 to US$1.8 billion in 2011. This figure has a lot to do with more advertising and exposure via the internet to sell testosterone but likely also represents the greater awareness of men realising an issue and looking for a solution.
Low testosterone issues
Recent studies have demonstrated that low testosterone in men is strongly associated with metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease.
But along with these issues is the often silent mental health issue that goes with low testosterone, namely depression. Studies are very clear in showing the relationship between low testosterone and depression.
One study from over 800 men showed a clear and significant inverse relationship between serum testosterone levels and depressive symptoms. As testosterone goes down, depression goes up.
The Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS), which included 1,709 men aged 40 to 70 years, showed that each unit increase in the concentration of total serum testosterone results in a 10% reduction in the risk of depression.
Low Testosterone Symptoms
So what does a guy look and feel like with low T? Well simply not himself low energy, vitality, low sex drive are classic symptoms. He easily gains fat around the midsection, that male pregnant look and its hard to lose it even if he tries with diet and training.
Causes of low testosterone
I often look at health according to four foundations which I will link to low testosterone:
I will also add to this list environmental toxins such as plastics which are affecting our hormones and possibly increasing estrogen levels.
Low T solutions
Here they are:
What about testosterone supplementation?
It is critical for those wishing to supplement with testosterone to do so only under medical supervision. Labs need to be done regularly to see you are in the right range for your body more is not better. Over-supplementation can cause many problems including increases in estrogens (due to testosterone converting/aromatising to estrogen), which is bad news for a male body.
If you are not checking you are just guessing
My recommendation for all men over 30 is every year please get a physical with labs included and insist on them adding testosterone to keep an eye on it. You really have to insist as its not often done unless you say you have a low libido. If possible ask for also SHBG and albumin (to work out free and bioavailable testosterone), Estradiol, and DHEA. Dont wait until it becomes a problem. To understand how to optimise testosterone on a deeper level please check out my free course.
Craig Burton (BSc, NASM, CISSN) is a practicing Clinical and Sports Nutritionist with over 20 years experience as a health practitioner. He holds an array of qualifications in nutrition, as well as in health, fitness, mental and lifestyle coaching. To find out more about Craig or contact him go to
Healthy Habits: Are you the man your Dad was? - The Phuket News
10 changes to expect from masculinizing hormone therapy and how to know if taking testosterone is right for yo – Business Insider India

Masculinizing hormone therapy is one way those who were assigned female at birth can achieve masculine body characteristics to help them feel more at ease in their skin. Here's what you need to know about this common aspect of transmasculine gender-affirming therapy.
Testosterone is the only hormone people use in masculinizing hormone therapy, says Amy Weimer, MD, a primary care physician with a clinical interest in transgender care at UCLA Health.
Depending on the dose, frequency, chosen method, and the person's genetics, you may start to see masculinizing changes within the first week or a few months. Here's a timeline showing some of the changes you can expect:
2. Hair growth. Existing facial and body hair will thicken, darken, and grow at a faster rate. More hair will grow on the chest, back, arms, legs, and rest of the body. You'll start to grow a more pronounced mustache and beard too. Some may also experience male pattern baldness if it runs in the family.
5. Body fat redistribution. Taking testosterone decreases the body's fat mass, according to a 2018 study published in the European Society of Endocrinology. This is most noticeable in the hips, legs, arms, and face.
6. Muscular changes. Those who take testosterone will notice it's easier to build muscle when exercising, Weimer says. Muscles may also become more pronounced as body fat is redistributed.
8. Reduced possibility of getting pregnant. Testosterone reduces the likelihood of becoming pregnant, but it doesn't eliminate the possibility completely. Transmasculine individuals with ovaries and a uterus can still get pregnant, even if testosterone stops menstruation.
Use condoms (either external or internal) and dental dams every time you have sex to reduce the risk of STDs and pregnancy. Those who go off testosterone therapy may become pregnant again with the return of menses, but you should talk to your doctor before attempting to get pregnant.
10. Genital changes. The cells that make up the clitoris will try to grow into a penis. Unlike a penis, the urethra will remain separate. However, the clitoris may grow one to two inches, though it can grow larger depending on your genetics.
The vaginal walls will also become thinner and more prone to tearing after starting testosterone. Natural lubrication also decreases. Some trans men also report pelvic pain, as testosterone could affect the uterus and pelvic muscles.
Excess red blood cells could obstruct how well the body absorbs oxygen in the blood, says Safer. It could also lead to an increased risk of blood clots.
Some signs you're at risk for a blood clot includes:
Overall, masculinizing hormone therapy with testosterone can help patients feel more at home in their own bodies.
However, these physical changes will take time, and the exact process may be different depending on the individual and their metabolic and genetic makeup.
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10 changes to expect from masculinizing hormone therapy and how to know if taking testosterone is right for yo - Business Insider India