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I Will Eat You Alive: An Ode To Being Fat – Baltimore Beat

With I Will Eat You Alive, Katie Hileman, the director, playwright, and intimacy director, presents the story of three fat womens journey to lose weight, the social pressure they have felt since they were children, and the horrible things people believe to have agency to say to fat people online simply for existing.
I saw I Will Eat You Alive at the Voxel in Charles Village on the opening night of January 26. I am always interested in shows and media that center on fat individuals because they rarely exist without making fat people the subject of ridicule or shame. This play takes those tropes and plays with them in an off-kilter way. On opening night, I watched people around me be moved to tears as they related to what was happening in the play.
The unique set design added a level of intimacy and audience interaction, allowing myself and the rest of the audience to be folded into the story. The set was two rows of tiered seating to the left and right of a long white table. The three main characters and 11 willing audience members were seated as dinner guests. A feeling of heaviness and discomfort hung over the set as dining with the main characters made the characters shame, pain, and discomfort, shown through tight smiles and overly preppy voices, palpable.
Written in what could be described as a love letter to herself, Hilemans I Will Eat You Alive is more than fiction; it is a stylized reality that many fat people may find painfully resonant.
Written in what could be described as a love letter to herself, Hilemans I Will Eat You Alive is more than fiction; it is a stylized reality that many fat people may find painfully resonant.
Hilemans role as an intimacy director is particularly significant in this instance because she skillfully facilitates a space in which actors understand what is expected of them in hyper-exposed scenes and ensures there is informed consent.
Its always my intention to make my actors feel like they have a lot of power, even though theyre putting themselves in these really vulnerable spots and saying some horrible things at times in the play, Hileman told me.
The day after the opening, I spoke with Hileman and the cast, Vicky Graham, Betse Lyons, and Meghan Taylor, who respectively played Fat Woman 1, 2, and 3. We spoke about our favorite fat characters growing up and how there were not too many of them, our least favorite style options as fat kids in the 90s and early 2000s, and what it means to be a fat person in this day and age.
Although IWEYAs run at the Voxel has ended, you can stream it.
Individually, what does it mean to be a fat person to each of you?
Vicky Graham: It just means that Im fat. I have weight on me, and I got curves with no speed limits. I think when I was younger, it was just strictly derogatory, something that I would avoid saying at all costs or try to defend myself by using, like, chubby or thick. But I think just the word itself is so short, its so simple, and it can just be used for what it is and not have any negative connotations behind it. And thats something that this show has really helped me learn and embrace so that I have less stress and shame. I just can exist. And this is the adjective that best describes my body.
Betse Lyon: I guess its still pretty complicated for me. Its a lot better than it used to be. I dealt with the terrible 90s stuff as a teenager. And so I do use fat, simply and sometimes proudly. But there are still little knives in the back of my brain, stabbing me every time I do it.
Its just a cycle sometimes. It is still hard for me to use the word. But now, at least, its more likely that Ill get frustrated, annoyed, or angry when people are saying bad things about fat folks instead of just retreating into myself, which I feel like getting frustrated and angry is a lot healthier.
Meghan Taylor: I feel like that questions answer depends on the day. And some days, I dont know. Being fat means literally nothing to me. It doesnt define me. Its just my body. Its just this vessel that I have to move around in on this planet. But its not really indicative of who I am or what I can do or how much Im worth. But if Im having a shitty day, then I might be more aware of it. And then it means that being a fat person is like a burden youre carrying around, and just extra weight, for lack of better terms.
Lately, Ive been more in a space where Im like, it really doesnt mean shit. My body is not me. I mean, my body is me, but my body is not indicative of my worth, what I have to contribute or what I can do, or anything else.
The show does a great job layering general attitudes and acceptances of fatphobia throughout the show through pop culture references, from Kate Moss infamous nothing tastes as good as skinny feels line to the cultural phenomena that was Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way. What stood out to me was the litany of increasingly violent tweets and messages to fat people that were projected onto the table. Did those come up during the interview that led to this show, or were those aimed at any of you?
Hileman: When I see something really fatphobic on social media, I will take a screenshot of it. Its shocking to me that people feel such permission to say such horrible things. People dont think twice about what is said to fat people online. People dont think that this stuff is actually said about fat people, but it is, and all the time and very casually, and its everywhere. So when I had an opportunity to present it back and show people, I took it. I like the dichotomy of them [the characters] saying this stuff and laughing and sort of eating it.
Lyons: I think about the people, like fat women probably, who are on the receiving end of those actual comments. I have a small amount of popularity on TikTok, and so I have trolls. The shit that people think they can say to you is stunning. As a fat woman in todays world, I learn to let most of it slide off my back.
Its awful to include them [the projected messages] because theyre terrible, but its also nice because its cathartic. Everyone in that room is recognizing how awful they are. And some of the people in that room have never thought about that before.
There is a deeply intimate and personal scene towards the end of the show where the characters strip and essentially lay it bare to the audience. What did that scene mean to you, and how was it having an audience so close during that moment?
Hileman: The audience did exactly what I always intended for that moment to be.
That moment felt so perfect because I dont think it is a moment about them [the actresses] sexualizing themselves. Although if they want to and they go for it, I love that. I think thats great.
[Its about] fat people sexualizing themselves on their own terms. Its about that freedom. Theyve been so restrained the whole time. By the time they take their clothes off, theres nothing but them. And we finally get to see them exactly as they are. And so thats why I love the clothes off moment.
I think that is so visceral, and everyone, by the end of the play, is just so hungry for it. And the fact that they are right there in your face, fully presenting themselves as they are and telling them that they are going to eat you alive.
Its always my intention to make my actors feel like they have a lot of power, even though theyre putting themselves in these really vulnerable spots and saying some horrible things at times in the play.
Honestly, theres a lot of trauma in the play, and thats an understatement that speaks to fat folks relationships with their bodies. But I always want my actors to feel like theyre throwing it back in the peoples faces. They are not there to be laughed at or to be ridiculed. Theyre there to tell them exactly who they are, which we dont get to see fat people do.
This is one 75-minute play on this topic, but what do you hope that people take away from the show?
Hileman: I want people to think about how this happens to fat people in their lives, right? This isnt just a story about these three fat women. I dont want to assume that it happens to everybody, but I think there are some pretty universal experiences in the play, and I want people to think about how they treat fat people.
Its not necessarily your fault that you are complicit in it. All the bad things, white supremacy, and patriarchy. This is just like another arm of that anti-fatness.
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I Will Eat You Alive: An Ode To Being Fat - Baltimore Beat
90 Day Fianc: The Shocking Secret Behind Devin Hoofman’s Weight Loss – Screen Rant

90 Day Fianc star Devin Hoofmans weight loss raised eyebrows during the season 10 Tell All making viewers wonder what her secret was. Devin is a 25-year-old from Arkansas who was introduced in the 2023 show with her South Korean partner, Nick, AKA Seungdo Ham. Devin met Nick on the dating app Tinder while she was on a solo trip to Sydney in Australia. Nick and Devin had spent just three weeks together in person when they embarked on their K-1 visa journey. However, Nick from Daejeon needed the blessings from his parents before he could move to America.
Devin was awkward and cried at the drop of a hat during her segments on 90 Day Fianc season 10. Devin broke down in front of Nicks parents, but the meal ended on a good note as Nicks parents bid him farewell, so he could start a new life together with Devin in the U.S. Nick and Devin got married in April 2023 and returned to the show for the Tell All to give a relationship update. While it wasnt shocking that Nick and Devin were still together, what shocked viewers was Devins extreme weight loss.
Devins weight wasnt discussed on 90 Day Fianc until the Tell All. However, it did become something viewers were interested in since Devins season 10 debut. Viewers who looked up Devins Instagram page after her first episode on 90 Day Fianc noticed that she looked very different in real life compared to what was shown on the TV series. Devins weight loss had led to her dramatic transformation and, it was evident through the photos she had posted herself on social media. Moreover, Devins manner of speaking on the show had viewers asking if she was developmentally delayed.
I would like to clear up some semi-disappointing comments.
Devin had decided to answer these questions herself instead of making fans discuss them among themselves and creating assumptions about her physical and mental health. Devin created an Instagram post to address the comments about her physical appearance and her speech. Devin called the comments disappointing. She wrote that she was not slow or delayed. Devin said she had always been someone who spoke in a very relaxed manner and had a deeper voice. Devin said her voice was Exacerbated because of the circumstances her green screen interviews were filmed in.
Devin said the interviews were filmed in the middle of the night with her and Nick.
While Devin did not reveal the work she did for a living, she said she had to go film the confessional scenes right after she was done with her full-time job. Devin said she remembered being so tired that she feared driving home. Devin mentioned she had TMJ and chronic jaw tension since she was a child which worsened as she aged. Devin started taking the injections after noticing how big her face had gotten and the pain she was in.
I have lost somewhere between 25-30 pounds since that shoot
Devin admitted that she knows she looks very different from the photos and videos shown of her on 90 Day Fianc. Devin said the show was filmed after she gained weight. Devin spoke about having put on a lot of weight from binge-drinking and eating. Devin was anxious about shooting the show and was trying to cope with it by drinking and eating excessively. Devin hoped that the statement would clear up rumors about her. Devin thought it was unfortunate that she felt and looked her lowest when she was being filmed for national TV.
Nick revealed his nickname Piggy for Devin during their introductory episode of 90 Day Fianc season 10. Nick thought he said it in an endearing way because he thought his partner was cute. Nick didnt seem to mind calling Devin Piggy in front of her parents and their family friends after coming to the U.S. When they wanted to know what Koreans thought about Americans, Nick said people back home associated American people with greasy foods and being fat. Devin tried explaining there was a price disparity between unhealthy and healthy foods in America.
Youre lazy, so you always get fast food for lunch.
Nick told Devin while acknowledging Devins dads observation. Nick patted Devins stomach before adding, No wonder youre a piggy. When a family friend asked Nick if he was being serious, he said he was just telling the truth. Nick shrugged and said that Devin was always having fast food for lunch. Devins father had told the cameras that Nick calling Devin Piggy concerned him even though Devin acted as if it didnt bother her. Devin too admitted that her family was uncomfortable and Nick could have avoided commenting on her body.
Devins co-star Ashley Michelle revealed she lost over 100 kilos during the Tell All Part 1. However, it was Devins weight that caught the attention of fans. Viewers were certain that Devin took Nicks comments to heart and had possibly been taking Ozempic for a drastic weight-loss transformation. While Devin had tried to show she wasnt affected by Nick calling her Piggy she was noticeably worried about the way her arms looked in a dress when she was picking one for her wedding day. Devin had rushed off to the trail rooms to cry without telling her mother why.
Yes, she's skinny now, way skinnier, Nick remarked.
Nick said when asked if he still called her Piggy. Jasmine Pineda jumped into the conversation and turned to Devins mom, Katrina, said, Its evident that she has lost a lot of weight. Jasmine wanted Devins mother to answer whether his weight loss had been related to the fact that Nick was calling her piggy and associating it to her being chubby. Devins mom admitted she couldnt say with 100% certainty that it hadnt impacted her emotionally and mentally.
All I know is that she has been this size before," Devin mom noted.
Katrina said that Devin used to be slim before she met Nick. It wasnt new, but Katrina was nave to believe that Nicks comments affected Devins diet and exercise habits. Nick continued defending himself, saying he meant Piggy as a joke. Devin agreed with her mother, saying that she had indeed lost weight when she was in Australia but gained it after coming to America. However, it was one of those things that Devin didnt notice.
Devin did add, Once, like we started doing the wedding stuff and I was having to try on dresses. It puts it in your face. Instagram followers have noticed her wearing what looks to be a diabetes monitor in her Reels. Devin has talked about having diabetes with her followers as well. The 90 Day Fianc stars medical issues may have led to her losing weight even if she didnt intend to. Devin has dropped a considerable amount of weight and her not revealing how it happened suggests there could be a more serious reason behind it.
90 Day Fianc airs Sundays at 8 p.m. EST on TLC.
Source: Devin Hoofman/Instagram, 90 Day Fianc/YouTube
90 Day Fiance is a reality TV series that follows the trials and tribulations of Non-U.S. citizens who travel from abroad each season to meet their potential spouses utilizing a K-1 visa. This three-month visa gives the pair 90 days to determine whether or not their romantic and life goals are aligned before they're forced to return home unmarried. Drama and tension unfold as the couples navigate the tricky dynamics of international marriage.
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90 Day Fianc: The Shocking Secret Behind Devin Hoofman's Weight Loss - Screen Rant
Probiotic L. bulgaricus may not help with weight loss but could decrease blood triglyceride levels new trial – NutraIngredients-Asia

Elevated levels of TG are a symptom of metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that includes obesity and abnormal lipid (fat) levels.
The researchers wanted to examine if L. bulgaricus could contribute to a reduction in body weight and alleviate health risk factors associated with obesity. L. bulgaricus is commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract and in fermented dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt, and kefir.
In a placebo-controlled trial, researchers observed overweight patients at the Chinese Medical University Hospital in Taiwan.
They found that L. bulgaricus did not affect the body weight, fat percentage, or body mass index (BMI) of the participants. However, it resulted in a notable decrease in blood TG levels.
Therefore, while daily supplementation with L. bulgaricus may not lead to a reduction in body weight, it could potentially offer health benefits for obese individuals, the researchers wrote in Metabolites.
Clinical trials that examined the influence of probiotics on obesity-related factors have yielded inconsistent outcomes.
Some reported significant decreases in body weight and/or body fat with probiotics, while others indicated no effect or even increased body weight. These findings suggest that specific probiotics could treat or manage health symptoms in overweight individuals.
Thus, researchers devised a study to examine the effectiveness of daily L. bulgaricus supplementation in lowering body weight and addressing risk factors related to obesity.
In September 2021, 36 overweight participants were assigned to either a probiotic or a placebo group. The probiotic group were given L. bulgaricus powder (containing 1 108 colony-forming unit (CFU) of the probiotic) daily for 12 weeks. The placebo group were given placebo powder daily over the same period. Before and after the trial, the researchers ran blood tests and profiled the body composition for each participant.
Twelve weeks of supplementation with L. bulgaricus failed to induce weight loss in the subjects, the researchers observed.
However, there are potential benefits of probiotic L. bulgaricus for overweight individuals with high blood TG levels.
Overall, there were significant improvements in the regulation of TG and lipid content in VLDL and HDL, which were not observed in the placebo group, said the researchers.
VLDL stands for very low-density lipoprotein. Lipoproteins are made up of proteins and fats (cholesterol and TG). VLDL is one of the three main types of lipoproteins and contains the highest amount of TG. VLDL is known as bad cholesterol.
HDL, or high-density lipoprotein, is known as good cholesterol.
The distribution, composition, and population of lipoproteins in the bloodstream are crucial indicators of overall health.
Lipoproteins serve as transport vehicles, allowing lipids to be carried throughout the body to various tissues and organs, researchers explained. The metabolic profile analysis shows that daily supplementation with the probiotic, L. bulgaricus, had a positive effect by improving the lipoprotein lipid profile in overweight people.
Daily supplementation with L. bulgaricus may not lead to weight loss, but it could reduce blood TG levels, thus having a positive impact on preventing diseases associated with metabolic syndrome.
Further large-scale and long-term trials with higher dosage treatments are needed to clarify the effect of L. bulgaricus across various criteria for optimal application, the researchers concluded.
Source: Metabolites
DOI: 10.3390/metabo14020129
The Efficacy of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus Supplementation in Managing Body Weight and Blood Lipids of People with Overweight: A Randomized Pilot Trial
Authors: Pei-Yi Chu, Ying-Chun Yu et al.
We will be taking a closer look at Clinical Nutritionin our Growth Asia Summit 2024 this coming July, which will feature insights from a wide range of industry leaders and experts. Don't miss out register here today!
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Probiotic L. bulgaricus may not help with weight loss but could decrease blood triglyceride levels new trial - NutraIngredients-Asia
What is amycretin? Ozempic maker reveals new weight loss pill more effective than jab – Yahoo Singapore News

A phase two drug trial for amycretin will kick off during the second half of the year (Pexels)
The manufacturer of weight loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy has started developing a brand new obesity pill intended to help patients shed weight faster than its existing jabs.
According to Novo Nordisk, a pharmaceutical company headquartered in Denmark, early trials for its experimental obesity drug amycretin revealed patients were able to lose more than 13 per cent of their weight after 12 week. However, Wegovy only helps people lose up to six per cent over the same period.
A phase two drug trial will begin the second half of the year, with results expected in early 2026, the company said.
Amycretin targets the same glucagon-like peptide-1 hormone that Ozempic and Wegovy do, which regulates appetite and feelings of fullness. It also stimulates another, called amylin, which also reduces hunger and slows stomach emptying.
The side effects experienced were in line with its other GLP-1 drugs, according to Novo Nordisk, including gastrointestinal issues like nausea, vomiting, constipation and diarrhoea.
Martin Holst Lange, Novo Nordisk's head of development, said he anticipated the pill could be available to consumers "within this decade".
"I never commit to timelines but I would be very comfortable to say at the very least within this decade", he said.
Novo Nordisk is worth around $428bn (336bn), making it more valuable than the annual output of the entire Danish economy.
As the new drug is in the works, here is a look at the companys top products: Ozempic and Wegovy.
As with Wegovy, adults with type 2 diabetes use the once-weekly injectable drug Ozempic to help control their blood sugar levels.
Despite Ozempic not being classified as a weight-loss medication, research indicates that those who use it may experience slight weight reduction while doing so.
Wegovy is an injectable medicine used for adults with obesity or a (body mass index) BMI of 27 or more. Patients will be required to inject themselves weekly.
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It suppresses appetite by mimicking a hormone named glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) that is normally released after eating. This makes people feel full, meaning they eat less and lose weight.
Nick Finer, honorary clinical professor at the National Centre for Cardiovascular Prevention and Outcomes at University College London, said: The efficacy of semaglutide is a true game-changer for the medical treatment of obesity, a chronic disease that shortens life through its many complications.
It has been reported that some users have hailed the drug as a miracle given the dramatic weight loss they have enjoyed.
Semaglutide has received various high-profile celebrity endorsements, with figures such as Twitter boss Elon Musk claiming to have used the drug. A Twitter user asked Mr Musk last October how he remained fit, ripped, and healthy, to which he replied fasting and Wegovy.
Those with a BMI of 30 or more, or those with a BMI of 27 or more who also have a weight-related medical problem, can use the drug. Patients who are prescribed the medication will have the injections as part of a thorough weight-management programme and an increase in exercise.
Nice said that weight-related conditions that will make obese people eligible will include type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, high blood pressure, dyslipidaemia (unbalanced or unhealthy cholesterol levels), obstructive sleep apnoea and heart disease.
A study found that the weight of people who were given the drug fell by 12 per cent on average after 68 weeks.
Wegovy helps with long-term weight loss by regulating the bodys appetite and the amount of calories people consume.
Wegovy was approved for NHS use following research that indicated users could lose more than 10 per cent of their body weight but experts have warned that skinny jabs are no substitute for exercising and maintaining a healthy diet.
Nice said side effects should be minimal when the drug is used correctly. Symptoms include mild nausea, diarrhoea and headaches, but they were found to be mild to moderate in severity and subsided with time.
Analysis discovered that several patients who took Wegovy and Ozempic suffered severe gastroparesis, better known as stomach paralysis. Two patients who had taken the type 2 diabetes medication Ozempic said their stomachs are paralysed in a CNN article from July 25.
Wegovy is one of several weight-loss drugs being investigated for a possible link to thoughts of suicide and self-harm among users, the BBC has reported. The European Medicines Agency will investigate Wegovy, Saxenda, Ozempic and other similar drugs after three cases were identified in Iceland.
See the article here:
What is amycretin? Ozempic maker reveals new weight loss pill more effective than jab - Yahoo Singapore News
Lose up to 18 pounds in 3 months with ‘promising’ supplement: study – AOL

A new study out of Lebanon finds that apple cider vinegar reduces the body mass index, triglycerides, and cholesterol of overweight people.
Drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before consuming food helped overweight people shed up to 18 pounds in just three months, a new study out of Lebanon has found.
Apple cider vinegar could be a promising antiobesity supplement that does not produce any side effects, study author Dr. Rony Abou-Khalil, of Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, declared in a statement to SWNS.
Apple cider vinegar, the fermented juice from crushed apples, has been shown in research to lower blood glucose levels after meals and reduce appetite. Now, the Lebanon study published in the journal BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, finds that the popular salad dressing ingredient also reduces the body mass index (BMI), triglycerides (a type of fat in blood), and cholesterol of overweight people.
The study included 46 males and 74 females at an average age of 17 who were overweight or obese, with a BMI between 27 and 34.
The 120 young participants were divided into four groups.
The first three groups drank 5, 10, or 15 milliliters of apple cider vinegar every morning before breakfast, for 12 weeks.
The fourth group was given a dummy placebo liquid.
The participants recorded their eating habits in a diet diary and provided information on their physical activity.
The researchers found that each of the three quantities of apple cider vinegar made a difference in waist and hip measurements and body fat ratio.
Those drinking the highest dose of 15 milliliters, about a tablespoon, experienced the largest decrease in weight loss and BMI after 12 weeks, dropping from an average of 170 pounds to around 155 pounds.
At 10 milliliters, about 2 teaspoons, the participants average weight went from 174 pounds to 159 pounds, and at 5 milliliters, about 1 teaspoon, they dropped from 174 pounds to 163 pounds.
Their BMIs fell from 31 to nearly 27 depending on their dosage.
The study sample was small, so potentially limiting the generalizability of the findings, and a period of 12 weeks isnt long enough to gauge the possible long-term side effects of apple cider vinegar, Abou-Khalil acknowledged about the findings.
But Abou-Khalil hopes that the results of the study might contribute to evidence-based recommendations for the use of apple cider vinegar as a dietary intervention in the management of obesity.
Shane McAuliffe the senior visiting academic associate for NNEdPro Global Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health, which co-owns BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health said future apple cider vinegar studies would need to include detailed reporting of dietary recall or nutritional intake and further explore the impact on biochemical markers (lipids and blood glucose) in addition to weight loss.
While the results are promising, experts have advised against calling apple cider vinegar a cure-all, warning that over-indulgence can erode tooth enamel and exacerbate acid reflux.
See the rest here:
Lose up to 18 pounds in 3 months with 'promising' supplement: study - AOL
90 Day Fianc: Devin Hoofman’s Extraordinary Weight Loss Milestone (See Her Body Transformation In Pictures) – Screen Rant

Devin Hoofman has transformed her physique since appearing on 90 Day Fianc season 10. The 24-year-old joined the show alongside Seungdo Nick Ham, Devin's now husband. She quickly gained attention because of her looks, which changed drastically between episode 1 and Tell All. In March 2024, Devin revealed the real reason she got into shape and why she gained weight in the first place. Devin said she had put on a lot of weight from binge-drinking and eating, adding that she did it to cope with the anxiety from filming the show.
Like most cast members who drastically change their looks, Devins transformation isn't surprising. Many accused Nick of making her insecure by calling her piggy, pushing her to change herself. Others felt her newfound confidence likely allowed her to become more self-loving. Devin has shared her weight-loss transformation on social media, showing her followers how much she has changed. Her Instagram posts also tell the whole story of her extraordinary weight loss, showing exactly how she gained weight and dropped it.
Devin looked beautiful when she debuted on 90 Day Fianc season 10; however, she clearly was unhappy with herself, which kick-started her weight-loss journey. Devins pictures from 2017 show she had a slender physique and a more youthful style. She wore colorful outfits and loved posting her photos on social media. One of her old pictures from December 2017 shows her sporting a red dress alongside long black shoes. Devin also has brown hair in her old photo instead of blonde.
In December 2023, Devin posted her wedding photo album, where she wore her gorgeous and elegant white wedding gown. She looked charming and very happy. As expected, Devins post got many lovely comments from her 90 Day Fianc co-stars. Anali Vallejos wrote, the most beautiful bride! Citra Herani commented, So jealous I wish I had that photographer. Devin got thousands of likes from her followers, showing her love.
Throughout Devins run on 90 Day Fianc, she never looked overweight. Instead, she always had a glow and a sweet smile that oozed positivity. Even when Nick called Devin piggy, she would laugh and respond nicely. Devin told her parents that Nick's words didnt bother her. She had an average physique throughout the season and never looked unfit or unhealthy. She and Nick even looked perfect together during their wedding ceremony.
Devin shocked fans with her weight-loss transformation when she posted a full-body photo of herself in January 2024. Devin stood alongside her co-star, Clayton Clark, and her husband, Nick, but stood apart because of her new slimmer physique and radiant glow. She captioned her post, we had a very nice time, highlighting that shes happier than ever. The reality star sported a cute short jacket alongside a white crop top, proudly showing off toned mid-drift. Devin looked more confident than ever, appearing calm and content with herself while exploring Atlanta, Georgia.
Whether Nicks name-calling against Devin was malicious or not, it did both her in some way. Compared to Devin, Nick's fashion sense is average at best and isn't much fitter than she was. Hes no longer the smaller one in the relationship, which gives Devin a chance to call him a name if she wants to. She has achieved a model-like physique, and most of her new photos show that.
Devin has upped her fashion sense. In December 2023, she shared a video, revealing what she would've worn on 90 Day Fianc if she had more confidence while filming.
She wrote, outfits I wouldve worn on 90 Day Fianc if I had more confidence and less wardrobe restriction.
In the video, Devin wore several outfits, showing her true style. She wore denim shorts, white socks, and black shoes, looking like an urban artist. She then sported glasses, a cute black top, baggy jeans, and heavy boots. The 90 Day Fianc star also wore other cute outfits, like a black dress.
While Devin looked great throughout 90 Day Fianc, her video proved that she gained a lot of confidence after losing weight. Fans also love Devins self-assured personality, as many are impressed with how she's changed, which fans praise her for in the comments. In her outfit video, many followers congratulated Devin for rediscovering herself. While one social media user commented, you are beautiful with any outfit, another wrote, looks beautiful as always!! People are happy that Devin is now free to be herself.
During the 90 Day Fianc season 10 Tell All, Devin shared that she had lost a lot of weight since filming. One 90 Day Fianc fan account, 90dayfianceupdate, recently shared Devins look from Tell All, where she looks incredibly different from how she used to look. She has a sharp jawline and prominent collar bones. A social media user commented on the post, I thought no way she lost 100 lbs. Hopefully, the 90 Day Fianc star will continue to focus on staying healthy.
90 Day Fianc: Happily Ever After? season 8 premieres Sunday, March 17 at 8 p.m. EST on TLC.
Sources: Devin Hoofman/Instagram, Devin Hoofman/Instagram, Devin Hoofman/Instagram, Devin Hoofman/Instagram, 90dayfianceupdate/Instagram
90 Day Fiance is a reality TV series that follows the trials and tribulations of Non-U.S. citizens who travel from abroad each season to meet their potential spouses utilizing a K-1 visa. This three-month visa gives the pair 90 days to determine whether or not their romantic and life goals are aligned before they're forced to return home unmarried. Drama and tension unfold as the couples navigate the tricky dynamics of international marriage.
Read More..Oprah to host ABC special on weight-loss drugs. Why people should stop criticizing her for taking them. – Morningstar

By Charles Passy
Winfrey has faced backlash since announcing she's taken a weight-loss medication - and now she's hosting a TV special about the injectable drugs
Leave Oprah alone.
Yes, Oprah Winfrey has been in the news of late for her decision to sell her stake in WW International (WW) (otherwise known as WeightWatchers) and exit the company's board. The decision came after Winfrey announced, to considerable backlash, that she was taking a weight-loss drug to help her in her longtime battle to lose some pounds and keep them off.
Now, Winfrey is even going back to television to talk about the whole category of injectable drugs, such as Ozempic (NVO), Wegovy (NVO) and Mounjaro (LLY). "An Oprah Special: Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution" will air on ABC (DIS) on March 18 and stream on Hulu the following day.
Winfrey had once said using a weight-loss drug was "the easy way out." And indeed, as the public face of WeightWatchers, a company that touted a more traditional diet-based approach to battling obesity, one could see why Winfrey might have made such a remark.
But after changing course and admitting to hopping on the medication bandwagon, Winfrey was labeled a hypocrite on social media. Some also likely saw her announcement as opportunistic and self-serving given that it followed WW's acquisition of Sequence, a company that provides access to the popular fat-fighting medications..
Either way, Winfrey was bound to face some criticism if for no other reason than the fact many view the new wave of drugs as the lazy person's solution to shedding pounds. It's the whole why-don't-you-just-have-more-willpower? stigma that has always been part of the weight-loss discussion.
It's unclear if and how any of this may have played a part in Winfrey's decision to leave WW. Winfrey issued a statement, saying, "I look forward to continuing to advise and collaborate with WeightWatchers and CEO Sima Sistani in elevating the conversation around recognizing obesity as a chronic condition, working to reduce stigma, and advocating for health equity."
But as someone who has spent all their adult life dealing with a weight problem, I go back to what I said up top: Leave Oprah alone.
'It's never fun being fat'
It's never fun being fat. It drains you physically. It subjects you to all sorts of verbal and emotional abuse - crass remarks from strangers at a bar, sneering looks from airplane passengers when you try to squeeze into your assigned seat.
And perhaps worst of all, it forever leaves you thinking it's all your own fault and forever has you searching for a solution in turn. More often than not, you don't want to do things the "easy" way because you want to show the world you can beat this thing.
Until you finally realize it's not, well, so easy.
At my heaviest about 15 years ago, I weighed nearly 300 lbs. and had roughly crossed the line into the "morbidly obese" category. Now, at age 60, I'm down around 90 pounds. I'm happier and healthier, even if I recognize my journey is far from over. Obesity is very much a chronic disease and it must be treated as such, medical experts increasingly note.
But to get to where I am, I also had to stop thinking that relying on my own sheer will, as in sticking to any of the gazillion diets I've tried, could be the solution. In my case, that involved making two key decisions.
To be fat is to live with a constant mirror, real or imagined, in front of you, asking yourself, "Why am I this way?"
First, I had weight-loss surgery - specifically, the gastric-band (or LAP-Band) procedure that restricts the amount of food you can easily consume. That got me about halfway there. And when the new weight-loss drugs came on the market, I followed a doctor's advice and went on one of them - namely, Mounjaro - and dropped the rest.
How do I relate my story to Winfrey's? Like I said, I was long skeptical of solutions that didn't align with some preconceived notion about the right way to lose weight. But it's also because I know how confusing it all is: To be fat is to live with a constant mirror, real or imagined, in front of you, asking yourself, "Why am I this way?"
I'm hardly alone, of course. Oprah and I have lots of people in our camp. (For the record, nearly 40% of U.S. adults are obese.) And I suspect most of us live with a degree of shame - the very shame Winfrey spoke about when she revealed she was taking a weight-loss drug after years of struggle (she has yet to reveal which one she's been prescribed).
And it's all compounded by a society that questions if our weight-loss is "earned" if it's via drugs.
Just listen to the story of Anne Ahola Ward, a 45-year-old resident of Austin, Texas. Like me, Ward has struggled with a weight problem her whole life, but has lost 63 pounds in the past year after being prescribed Wegovy. Still, she feels the stinging judgment of others in her decision to go the drug route.
"How is it anybody's business the choices I've made?" she told me.
Plus, there's an important context here: Most of us fighting to get thinner aren't doing this so we can enter some beauty contest. We're literally fighting for our lives, given all the medical issues - heart disease, cancer, you name it - associated with obesity. The weight-loss drugs then become those lifesavers.
Dr. Michael Glickman, a Washington, D.C.-based physician who specializes in obesity medicine, said we need to see the weight-loss medications in the same way we look at cancer treatments, like radiation or chemotherapy. What's needed is needed.
"You would never tell a friend who has cancer, 'Why don't you go out and get more exercise?'" Glickman told me.
The irony to all this is that weight-loss drugs should not be viewed so much as a solution, but rather as a tool.
That is, you don't magically shed pounds when you're on them. But they help with reducing cravings - I can certainly attest to that - so it's easier to maintain a proper diet. In the end, you still need to do the work, which typically means being on a sensible eating plan, such as that promoted by WeightWatchers, and getting in some exercise.
As Winfrey herself explained last year of her regimen: "It's not one thing. It's everything."
Let's respect Winfrey for finally finding that "everything" and being frank about her weight-loss journey. I, for one, wish her nothing but the best.
-Charles Passy
This content was created by MarketWatch, which is operated by Dow Jones & Co. MarketWatch is published independently from Dow Jones Newswires and The Wall Street Journal.
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
03-09-24 1405ET
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Oprah to host ABC special on weight-loss drugs. Why people should stop criticizing her for taking them. - Morningstar
Ozempic maker Novo Nordisk is working on a weight loss pill that’s even more powerful. Here’s what to know – Quartz

Danish pharma giant Novo Nordisk teased promising early-stage trial results of its experimental weight loss pill amycretin last week, resulting in the companys stock surging.
Does Novo Nordisk already have the next Ozempic?
On Mar. 7, the company told investors that a small trial of the pill found that it could be twice as effective as the companys current blockbuster weight loss drug.
Does Novo Nordisk already have the next Ozempic?
A day later, Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard Jrgensen said that amycretin could develop into a best-in-class medicine.
Novo Nordisk is credited with ushering in the weight loss drug revolution after the FDA approved its drug Wegovy in 2021. Before that, the firms diabetes medication Ozempic had become known for its slimming side effects. Since then, skyrocketing demand for Ozempic and Wegovy has turned Novo Nordisk into the most valuable company in Europe, surpassing luxury conglomerate LVMH last year. Sales of the medications even helped boost Denmarks GDP by 1.8% in 2023.
Now, news of this next-gen weight loss drug lifted the companys market cap above Teslas and made it the12th-most valuable company in the world.
Here is everything you need to know about the powerful pill that has whipped investors into a frenzy.
The main difference between amycretin and Wegovy is that the former stimulates two different gut hormones while the latter only stimulates one.
In addition to stimulating glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), like Wegovy, amycretin also stimulates amylin. Both GLP-1 and amylin impact blood sugar levels and appetite.
Another major difference between the two medications, is that amycretin is taken once daily as a pill and Wegovy is a weekly injection.
A small ongoing trial of the drug on obese Japanese men found that the pill helped users lose an average of 13% of their body weight after 12 weeks. For comparison, a larger clinical trial of Wegovy found that it helped users lose about 15% of their body weight over 68 weeks.
Its important to note that larger phase II, III, and IV trials, involving thousands more participants, could return different results.
Jrgensen told CNBC on Mar. 8, that he doesnt expect amycretin to completely replace Wegovy in the market.
We believe in the future, there will be different segments of anti-obesity treatments, different patients having different preferences, Jrgensen said. Some will prefer an injectable. And we really believe that a once-weekly injectable is a very convenient offering.
Novo Nordisk said its will begin a phase II trial of the drug in the second half of the year, however, results of the trial wont be available until early 2026.
Still, the companys head of development Martin Holst Lange told Reuters the drug could launch this decade.
I never commit to timelines but I would be very comfortable to say at the very least within this decade, Lange told the outlet.
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Ozempic maker Novo Nordisk is working on a weight loss pill that's even more powerful. Here's what to know - Quartz
Wegovy Approved By FDA to Reduce Heart Attack Risk – The New York Times

Wegovy, the blockbuster weight loss drug, is now approved for a new use: reducing the risk of heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular-related death in adults who have heart disease and are overweight or have obesity.
The new indication, which the Food and Drug Administration announced on Friday, will pave the way for even more patients to use the sought-after medication and could potentially broaden insurance coverage. The drugs maker, Novo Nordisk, said it had also filed for an expanded label in the European Union.
The F.D.A. approval was based on the results of a large study of over 17,000 adults ages 45 and older. Researchers either gave participants shots of Wegovy or a placebo and followed them for several years. Among those who received placebo shots, 8 percent had a heart attack, stroke or died from a cardiovascular event, compared with 6.5 percent of participants who took Wegovy.
While its not clear whether the effect of the drug is purely from weight loss, or whether the drug has other heart benefits, the data shows that when you treat obesity seriously in people who have a high burden of disease, you can get really good outcomes, said Dr. Melanie Jay, director of the N.Y.U. Langone Comprehensive Program on Obesity.
The new indication comes at a challenging moment for the relatively new class of drugs that includes Wegovy and Ozempic. The medications are highly effective, but costly: Wegovy has a list price of over $1,300 for about a months supply. And doctors typically say patients may need to take these drugs for the rest of their lives. Those cost considerations have led some employers and health plans to stop covering the medications, or to limit access or cap spending amid soaring demand.
The updated label will likely deepen the pressure on payers and employers to cover the drugs. Many of the patients who could qualify for Wegovy under the new indication may be on Medicare, said Dr. Andrew Kraftson, clinical associate professor in the division of metabolism, endocrinology and diabetes at Michigan Medicine.
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Wegovy Approved By FDA to Reduce Heart Attack Risk - The New York Times
What Happened To Krystal S. After My 600-Lb Life Season 12? – Screen Rant

My 600-lb Life alum, Krystal Stoor, didnt have an easy weight-loss journey while filming season 12. The reality show recently returned to TV and premiered with Krystal's story, a 36-year-old Idaho resident who struggled with obesity. The first episode of My 600-lb Life season 12 started with Krystal waking up and talking about her current situation. She revealed she lived with her parents but hated that they had to care for her like a child. Krystal also discussed being in constant pain, even allowing the film crew to film her in the shower.
Krystals family talked about how she had always struggled with weight, being nearly 105 pounds in kindergarten. They were worried about her health but couldnt do anything about her food addiction. Krystal talked about how she got run over by an SUV in childhood, and it became a pivotal point, resulting in her weight gain. She also got pregnant at a young age and went through multiple breakups, which pushed her toward obesity. Krystal revealed she was finally happy with her latest boyfriend, Damian; however, she wanted to lose weight before getting married, so she should have a fresh start.
Krystals weight-loss journey began when she decided to consult Dr. Younan Nowzaradan. While she was worried about the 25-hour trip, it didnt stop her from taking the first step toward a healthier life. When Krystal did her first weigh-in, she discovered she weighed 690 pounds; however, Krystal was happy she wasnt over 700 pounds, but Dr. Now quickly humbled her. The surgeon gave her some exercise options and lifestyle changes to allow her to drop enough weight so she's cleared for bariatric surgery.
Krystal began working on herself in the coming months, exercising twice a day and making rapid progress. She began planning her wedding with Damian and getting ready to become his wife. Halfway through her episode, Krystal finally took the big step and tied the knot with her boyfriend. She couldnt wait to lose more weight and have her first dance with him. Dr. Now kept encouraging Krystal to stay active, and she continued to make him proud by sticking to her routine. Ultimately, the My 600-lb Life star lost 186 pounds, reaching 505 pounds, and received theweight-loss surgery.
Like most My 600-Lb Life cast members, Krystal was excited about her new life after bariatric surgery. She felt free as she was able to be more active and social after years of being trapped. According to Distractify, Krystal returned to Idaho and began living in Idaho Falls as a stay-at-home mom. She also broke up with Damian, which was unfortunate, because she saw a future with him. In mid-2023, the My 600-lb Life star hinted more at a new relationship. Unfortunately, she didnt say much about her weight loss or ongoing lifestyle.
Krystal reached 505 pounds in 12 months. She dropped a lot of weight ahead of her weight-loss journey but has since not shared about her ongoing wellness journey. Krystal may return to My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now sometime in 2024 to share real-time updates on her life. Since Krystal is part of the latest season, it wouldnt be beneficial for her to share her updates. Shell likely share more about her life if she returns to the spin-off.
Many My 600-lb Life cast members face mistreatment outside the show. The preview clip of episode 1 showed Krystal at a grocery store with her family and noticed people making fun of her body. Luckily, Krystal had her family by her side and defended her by calling these people out for laughing and taking pictures of Krystal. The preview clip also showed Krystals daughter supporting her.
Things must have improved for Krystal over the last two years. At the end of her episode, she weighed 505 pounds, and Dr. Now even said Krystal should lose more weight post-surgery. The grocery incident occurred when Krystal was at her lowest point, weighing 690 pounds. However, Krystal has made efforts to improve herself since, and hopefully, she wont get the same reaction from people anymore.
Krystal is on social media but doesnt post much. She goes by Krystal Anglesey on Facebook, a newer account. According to her bio, she lost access to her other account and had to make a new one. Krystal has shared a few updates since the conclusion of her reality TV journey. She has seemingly moved to Idaho Falls, which she labels as her current city. She also started a relationship with Joey Ormsbee, which she discussed in November 2023.
Krystal hasnt posted many new photos since her weight-loss surgery and doesnt seem to have an Instagram. However, her new boyfriend is active on social media and has shared some recent pictures of Krystal. In January 2024, Joey posted a close-up selfie of Krystal, where she looked better than ever. Joey titled the post, isnt she beautiful yall, and got an immediate thank you from Krystal. The My 600-lb Life star looked much healthier and happier, suggesting shes likely to stick to her weight-loss regime and diet after the show.
My 600-lb Life airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on TLC.
Sources: Distractify, Krystal Anglesey/Facebook, Joey Ormsbee/Facebook
My 600-lb Life is a reality television series that airs on TLC. Since 2012, each episode follows a year in the life of a morbidly obese person. These individuals seek help from renowned bariatric surgeon, Dr. Younan Nowzaradan, AKA Dr. Now. He performs weight loss and skin removal surgeries on the patients. My 600-lb Life is an inspiring series that documents the patients' setbacks and successes.
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What Happened To Krystal S. After My 600-Lb Life Season 12? - Screen Rant