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The #1 Worst Carb to Eat if You’re Trying to Lose Weight – Yahoo Lifestyle

If you choose the right ones, carbohydrates can help you banish belly fat, feel satiated, and score energy. After all, carbs are the body's primary source of fuel. But when it comes to weight loss, not all carbs are created equal.
The worst carbs for weight losssimple, processed carbshave actually been proven to slow your metabolism, plummet your energy levels in the long run, and divert you from scoring those hard-earned weight-loss wins.
Keep reading to learn exactly which carbs you need to stay away from if you want to lose weight and why they'll not only ruin your diet in the short term, but also how they can cause lasting health issues.
The worst carbs to eat for weight loss are those that are highly processed, "simple" carbs that have a high glycemic index (high-GI): rice cereal, white bread, sweeteners, and commercial pasta. What exactly is a high-GI? It means that your body metabolizes them quickly, sending your blood sugar levels soaring, resulting in an energy crash. On the other hand, eating low-GI foods won't spike your blood sugar as much and these levels will fall at a much slower rate, helping you stay fuller for longer.
Decades of studies show that your body's response to consuming high-GI carbs increases hunger and is more likely to promote overeating compared to eating lower GI foods. Unsurprisingly, that has an effect on your weight; In one The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study, women who followed a high-GI diet were more likely to experience increases in weight, body fat, and waist circumference compared to those with a low-GI diet over the course of six years.
And that's not all: Another eye-opening study found that increasing your intake of refined carbs, and the lack of fiber that these stripped grains are associated with, can increase one's risk of type 2 diabetes.
The reason why simple carbs can cause weight gain is simple. It's because these carbs are all are void of satiating amounts of fiber. "Fiber slows digestion, which wards off blood sugar spikes and hunger and helps maintain blood sugar controlall-important keys to weight loss and management," explains Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, founder of Isabel Smith Nutrition, and New York City-based dietitian and fitness expert.
Story continues
That's exactly why high-GI refined carbs are the worst kind of carb to eat and they're the type of starch that gives carbs a bad rap!
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Of course notjust give up the worst carb to eat for weight loss, as your body requires complex carbs for energy! Whether we consume fruits and legumes or Italian bread and pastries, your body uses up the food's glucose to carry out essential life functions and help you power through your workout. When we deplete our diet of carbs (like on the keto diet), we are often overcome by lethargy and get bombarded with cravings. (If you have been following the keto diet and are experiencing these symptoms, you should read more about the 7 Warning Signs You Should Stop the Keto Diet Immediately.)
Instead of depriving your body of its main source of energy, rid your kitchen of nutrient-void empty carbs and choose good-for-you carbs that are full of immunity-boosting antioxidants, minerals, and body-loving nutrients such as slimming protein and fiber.
Complementing your meals with complex carbsincluding whole-grains such as quinoa, oats, and farro as well as legumes and starchy vegetableswill provide you with lasting energy because the body burns these foods more slowly.
How's that? Besides for nourishing your body with essential phytochemicals and plant-based protein, whole-grains contain the entire grain kernelwhich includes the bran, germ, and endosperm.
On the contrary, refined grains are stripped of their fiber- and nutrient-dense bran and germ in order to lend the grains a longer shelf life and arguably more palatable texture. And that's exactly why those ubiquitous loaves of white bread you spot in the supermarket are enriched! Manufacturers add the mood-boosting B vitamins and anemia-fighting iron that have been stripped in the milling process back into the grain productbut leave the belly-filling fiber out.
And while nutritious foods such as fruits and dairy products contain quick-burning simple sugars, these natural carbs aren't refined and come packed with a slew of healthful nutrients you shouldn't ignore. If you want to reach or maintain a healthy weight, skip the worst carb balance your diet and fill your plate with these 28 Carbs That Won't Make You Fat.
See the article here:
The #1 Worst Carb to Eat if You're Trying to Lose Weight - Yahoo Lifestyle
What is carb cycling and why some athletes use it – Business Insider India

When it comes to dieting and carbohydrates, everyone seems to have an opinion.
While some diets, like the keto diet, seek to cut nearly all carbs from your diet, there are other options worth exploring.
If you're considering carb cycling, here's what you should know first.
The idea behind carb cycling is straightforward: You plan on eating more carbs on active days when your body can best utilize them as energy. Meanwhile, scaling back carbs on days when you're less active makes it so your body burns fat for fuel instead of carbs.
There are two forms of energy reserves for your body:
Alternating carb intake days, then, allows your body to better manage these energy reserves.
When you restrict carb intake, that means less excess glucose is stored in your fat cells. Instead of using glycogen, the body turns to burning fat, instead.
Given its flexibility, carb cycling is considered by some to be not as restrictive as other low-carb diet plans like the ketogenic diet and Atkins diet. Generally speaking, there are two main groups that could benefit from this eating plan:
A 2010 study in the Journal of Sports Medicine found that the amount of carbohydrates a person eats after an intensive workout can help replenish glycogen in the body. When there is a lack of glycogen on active days, athletes feel it as a state commonly called "hitting the wall."
For example, strategic high-carb days are designed to pair with highly active periods, like high intensity interval training days. The primary goal is to give the body ample fuel for the strenuous exercise in the form of glycogen. It also ensures your body gets enough carbs to refuel after the workout, which means better muscle recovery.
An example five-day carb cycling program might have you eating around 100 to 125 grams of carbohydrates for three consecutive low-carb days, then consume 175 to 275 grams for two high-carb days, when they're more physically active.
For perspective, the FDA recommends that someone on a 2,000 calorie diet should consume about 300 grams of carbohydrates daily. But many factors influence a carb cycling plan, including workout intensity, a food's glycemic index, nutrition composition, and quantity.
Those who want to cut back on carbs while still having the leeway to indulge sometimes might be attracted to the idea of carb cycling. The thinking is that their carb intake will "even out," says Liz Weinandy, a registered dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.
Studies on the effects of carb cycling have mostly been theoretical, Weinandy says, since the concept is still relatively new. It might be that carb cycling can help with weight loss in the long run but even when people do lose weight cycling carbs, it's possible that simply reducing calorie intake is playing a role, too.
Weinandy says some people do have an easier time losing weight on low-carb diets. "But it doesn't necessarily mean that it's the best or the healthiest approach for them," she adds.
Weinandy says she sometimes hears from patients that in order to cut down on carbs, they've cut out eating fruit, which misses the point.
It's important to note that once you switch to simple carbs for complex ones, it becomes harder to overeat, which helps your bottom line.
If you're a serious athlete or a moderately active person, carb cycling may help with weight loss, enhanced training, and better recovery. But like other restrictive eating plans, it requires planning and due diligence.
One incredibly useful tool: Write down everything you eat. According to Weinandy, that's a research-supported way to get in touch with your habits, especially mindless snacking you might not even realize you're doing, and understand what foods (and restrictions) work best for your body.
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What is carb cycling and why some athletes use it - Business Insider India
Lockdown weight loss story: I lost 14 kilos in just 2.5 months with my husbands support! – Times of India

Pregnancy can be a life-altering journey and brings a host of changes in a woman's body. When 30-year-old Rakhi Meniya realised that she was rapidly putting on a lot of weight after giving birth to her little one, she decided to do something about it. With the support of her husband, she did the impossible and lost a whopping 14 kilos in a span of 2.5 months. Her story is an example that anything is possible if you remain committed to your goals.Name: Rakhi MeniyaAge: 30 yearsHeight: 5 feet 2 inch
Highest weight recorded: 74 kgs
Weight lost: 14 kgs
Duration it took me to lose weight: 2.5 months
The turning point: I had put on a lot of weight after my pregnancy and I wasnt able to work out or monitor my diet soon after that. Hence, within a year, my clothing size went from S to XL and I found it quite tough to digest this huge change. My confidence had also begun to waver due to all the unsolicited pieces of advice. However, my husband acted as my pillar of support and gently nudged me to start working out and take care of myself. That was the turning point in my life and I have never really looked back after that.
My breakfast: I keep my diet simple and fuss-free so that I can follow it on most days. For my breakfast, I choose anything from a bowl of oats, a portion of sprouts with strawberry or banana smoothie. I completely avoid cheat meals or cheat days.
My Lunch: 1 chapati, 1 bowl of vegetable curry or a portion of sprouts with buttermilk. Occasionally, I have a bowl of brown rice with dal.
My Dinner: I make sure to finish my dinner by 7 pm every day, without fail. I have boiled vegetables like broccoli, carrot, cucumber etc. Sometimes, I have one chapati with a bowl of dal or vegetable curry.
My Workout: My workout routine is fuss-free. I run for 3 kilometres in the morning for six days a week and do Tabata workout at home. Tabata workout is an excellent choice for working out at home, given the current circumstances where we cannot hit the gym.
Pre-workout meal: Any fruit of my choice, including apple, orange and kiwi
Post-workout meal: I have a glass of almond milk with a handful of nuts
Fitness secrets I unveiled: If you want to lose weight and get back in shape, it all boils down to consistency. It does not matter what workout routine you follow, you have to keep doing it to see results. I have realised that losing weight is not rocket science, you have to watch your diet and continue working out as per your body type.
How do I stay motivated? Undoubtedly, one of my biggest motivators has been my husband, who gave me new targets every week to ensure that I kept going. When I started seeing the results, I kept following the same schedule for my work out and dietary plan. Also, when I saw that I was able to fit into size S/M clothing again, it further motivated me to continue my journey.
How do you ensure you dont lose focus? In the beginning, it was really tough to make up your mind to follow a strict schedule and make rapid lifestyle changes. However, after I maintained my routine for the first 15 days, I slowly became focused. Whenever I felt that I was straying from goals, I would watch my old photographs to motivate myself to keep going. It wasnt easy, but it was certainly worth it.
What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I see myself as a healthy person, who loves to work out, no matter what.
Go here to see the original:
Lockdown weight loss story: I lost 14 kilos in just 2.5 months with my husbands support! - Times of India
Want to get big arms and improve grip? This 3-move kettlebell arm workout is what you need – T3

If you want to get big arms there are plenty of ways to do so. Improving grip a common health metric that could theoretically have beneficial effects on everything from lifting weights to living longer is more difficult. But if you have a kettlebell ready, this simple, three-move kettlebell workout can help with both getting big arms and having better grip strength.
You don't need the the best dumbbells or best barbells to get big arms. In fact, for this fast 3-move kettlebell arm workout, you'll only need a pair of the best kettlebells or just the one if that's all the best home gym equipment you've got. Arm workouts won't get much faster, simpler or more efficient than this one; as long as you put the effort in yourself.
The best kettlebell workouts build functional muscles as well as improve flexibility and agility. The mighty 'bell is also great for losing weight and following a regular kettlebell workout regime any type of resistance training, for that matter can effectively help you boost metabolism too.
JTX 16kg Neoprene Covered Kettlebell | Buy it for 49 at JTX Fitness16-kilo kettlebells disappeared from the face of the earth in April. Seeing them in stock again is like Christmas came early for anyone interested in home resistance training. Using just one kettlebell, you can get fit and lose weight at the same time with this 4-week kettlebell workout. Get fit now!View Deal
Kettlebell workouts come in many shapes and sizes: we already wrote about a 2-move full body kettlebell workout as well as a 4-week, 10,000 swing kettlebell workout that build muscles and melts fat before. In this workout, however, we'll focus on sculpting big guns and we'll try to do it as simple as effective as humanly possible.
We'll use three compound exercises, each focusing on the three big parts of your arm: biceps, triceps and delts (or shoulders). We didn't include a separate exercise for the forearm: holding the kettlebell will improve grip strength and therefore increase forearm girth as it is. If you want to enhance the forearms even further, try the aforementioned 10,000 swings kettlebell workout.
After a few minutes of warm up, perform each exercise continuously for 30-40 seconds with 15-20 seconds break in between exercises. At the end of the 3-exercise cluster, give yourself a 30-60-second break and repeat. For best results, do 3-4 clusters per workout.
ONNIT Primal Kettlebells | Prices from $42.95 at OnnitGet primal with the ONNIT Primal Kettlebells. You won't have time for monkeying around too much as these capable kettlebells not only look good but are also highly-functional: made of chip-resistant iron, ONNIT Primal Kettlebells will stand the test of time. Nad, I mean, they just look awesome too.View Deal
In depth: Overhead press how to
Much like the standard overhead press, double kettlebell overhead press will strengthen your delts the most but also the triceps, the pecs (chest muscles) and the traps too. Standing overhead press will also strengthen your frame and especially the core which you will use quite a lot for stabilisation.
When performing kettlebell overhead presses or any 'push' kettlebell moves make sure your wrist is in line with your forearm, just like in the video above. If you can't hold the 'bells without dropping your wrist, you might want to consider using a lighter kettlebell until you build up the strength.
If you only have one kettlebell, do single kettlebell overhead presses: do one side for 30-40 seconds then switch over to the other side without a break.
Mirafit Cast Iron Kettlebell | Prices from 14.95 at MirafitWhat not to like in these cast iron kettlebells from Mirafit? It has a powder coated finish and a nice fat grip so you can strengthen your grip as well as all the muscles in your body. Flat non-wobble base ensures this 'bell won't roll away when placed down. Available in a range of weights from 4kg to 32kg.View Deal
In depth: how to do upright rows
Upright row is the perfect pull move for shoulders as long as you do it right. Kettlebells are especially well-suited for upright rows as you can shift the position of the hand in the highest position, reducing the strain on the wrists.
One important thing to keep in mind when doing upright rows is not to pull up the kettlebell too high. You won't gain anything from pulling the weight up until it's in line with your forehead; instead, try to lift it up to a level where it feels comfortable to your wrist and use a slow, controlled movement.
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In depth: how to do bent over rows
Finishing of the cluster we have the double kettlebell bent over row. If you only have one kettlebell, much like in the case of the overhead press, feel free to perform this exercise unilaterally, doing one side first then moving onto the other side without a break.
Bent over row works the biceps and the back of the shoulders as well as the upper back, not only helping you sculpting big arms but a broad back too. When using kettlebells, use mainly neutral grip (palms facing 'in') or if you prefer some extra bicep activation, switch to underhand grip (palms facing 'up').
Keep your back straight (neutral spine) and bend over as far as your hamstrings let you. Really squeeze the shoulder blades as you lift the kettlebells but don't drop your shoulders even in the lowermost position. Chest should be open and shoulders wide all the way through. Feel free to bend the knees a bit too, no need to lock the them.
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Want to get big arms and improve grip? This 3-move kettlebell arm workout is what you need - T3
Reflecting on Heartland Group Holdings (NZSE:HGH) Share Price Returns Over The Last Three Years – Simply Wall St

Its nice to see the Heartland Group Holdings Limited (NZSE:HGH) share price up 10% in a week. But that doesnt help the fact that the three year return is less impressive. After all, the share price is down 29% in the last three years, significantly under-performing the market.
See our latest analysis for Heartland Group Holdings
While the efficient markets hypothesis continues to be taught by some, it has been proven that markets are over-reactive dynamic systems, and investors are not always rational. By comparing earnings per share (EPS) and share price changes over time, we can get a feel for how investor attitudes to a company have morphed over time.
Although the share price is down over three years, Heartland Group Holdings actually managed to grow EPS by 5.4% per year in that time. This is quite a puzzle, and suggests there might be something temporarily buoying the share price. Or else the company was over-hyped in the past, and so its growth has disappointed.
Since the change in EPS doesnt seem to correlate with the change in share price, its worth taking a look at other metrics.
Given the healthiness of the dividend payments, we doubt that theyve concerned the market. Its good to see that Heartland Group Holdings has increased its revenue over the last three years. But its not clear to us why the share price is down. It might be worth diving deeper into the fundamentals, lest an opportunity goes begging.
The companys revenue and earnings (over time) are depicted in the image below (click to see the exact numbers).
We like that insiders have been buying shares in the last twelve months. Having said that, most people consider earnings and revenue growth trends to be a more meaningful guide to the business. So it makes a lot of sense to check out what analysts think Heartland Group Holdings will earn in the future (free profit forecasts).
When looking at investment returns, it is important to consider the difference between total shareholder return (TSR) and share price return. Whereas the share price return only reflects the change in the share price, the TSR includes the value of dividends (assuming they were reinvested) and the benefit of any discounted capital raising or spin-off. Arguably, the TSR gives a more comprehensive picture of the return generated by a stock. In the case of Heartland Group Holdings, it has a TSR of -16% for the last 3 years. That exceeds its share price return that we previously mentioned. And theres no prize for guessing that the dividend payments largely explain the divergence!
While the broader market gained around 7.6% in the last year, Heartland Group Holdings shareholders lost 19% (even including dividends). However, keep in mind that even the best stocks will sometimes underperform the market over a twelve month period. On the bright side, long term shareholders have made money, with a gain of 8.8% per year over half a decade. If the fundamental data continues to indicate long term sustainable growth, the current sell-off could be an opportunity worth considering. Its always interesting to track share price performance over the longer term. But to understand Heartland Group Holdings better, we need to consider many other factors. To that end, you should learn about the 2 warning signs weve spotted with Heartland Group Holdings (including 1 which is doesnt sit too well with us) .
Heartland Group Holdings is not the only stock that insiders are buying. For those who like to find winning investments this free list of growing companies with recent insider purchasing, could be just the ticket.
Please note, the market returns quoted in this article reflect the market weighted average returns of stocks that currently trade on NZ exchanges.
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This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. *Interactive Brokers Rated Lowest Cost Broker by Annual Online Review 2020
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Reflecting on Heartland Group Holdings (NZSE:HGH) Share Price Returns Over The Last Three Years - Simply Wall St
Marching to the beat of her own drum – The Bay Observer – Providing a Fresh Perspective for Hamilton and Burlington

When it came to choosing a career, Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) nurse Jacqueline Terence forged her own path by combining her wide-ranging interests in health care, music and the military.
Terence is both a registered nurse in the emergency department at HHS Hamilton General Hospital (HGH) and a drummer with theArgyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canadainfantry regiment.
Her recent promotion to master corporal is a rise in rank, making her the first female drum sergeant in the Argylls history. As drum sergeant, shes now in charge of the drum corps and also acts as a liaison with the pipe major and drum major. She makes sure practices run smoothly, uniforms are worn properly, organizes workouts, and manages an attendance forecast.
Her health care career spans 14 years and she has spent an impressive 28 years in the Canadian Armed Forces. Terence, 45, was sworn into the military shortly after turning 17.
I have a large military background, said Terence. My Grandpa Terence was in the Royal Air Force in the Second World War. My Grandma Doris, her brother and three of her sisters also served in the war. My dad was in the army reserves as a piper and served for over 40 years. My older sister was in the reserves for two years, and my younger sister served in the reserves before becoming a medic in the regular forces.
Terence says she wanted to follow in her fathers footsteps by joining the Argylls.
My dads been a reservist for over 40 years and he received a medal from the Queen for it, she said, adding, Ive been around the Argylls my whole life. I didnt join out of obligation its something I really wanted to do.
Her appointment to drum sergeant is also a big deal for Terences family.
My family is proud Im my dads screensaver on his phone.
Her roles as a nurse and army reservist play well together.
The leadership aspect crisscrosses back-and-forth, she said. I started in the Canadian Armed Forces as part of an infantry regiment. In 2013, we were in Rankin Inlet and our plane couldnt land because of weather, so we had to stay past our departure date. We didnt have any medical staff on board so I acted as the liaison between the military and the local community centre, performing first aid when required.
A couple of years into her military career, Terence suffered an injury that forced her to switch roles.
It was the summer of 1994, she said. We were on this big two-week exercise in Meaford, which was previously a tank base, and I hit a tank rut and felt a snap. I still have some problems with my Achilles tendon but I am able to run races again.
After taking two monthsmilitary leavefrom work as a nurse last fall to complete military courses to qualify for her armed forces promotion, Terences move up to master corporal became official this summer.
Regimental Sergeant Major, Chief Warrant Officer Grant Lawson (left) and Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Carlo Tittarelli (right) present Terence (centre) with her promotion outside Hamilton General Hospital.
My HHS manager was wonderful and gave me the two months military leave last fall to do the courses, said Terence. A lot of reservists have to do the courses over a longer period of time, but my manager gave me one big chunk of time off. The course taught me basics for leadership know your people and know when to detect something is wrong.
The leadership training has paid off for her role as a nurse as well.
Jackie is a valued and respected member of our department, says Patty Arpino, emergency department clinical manager at HGH. It was an honour to support her with this challenging and meaningful opportunity. Shes a true inspiration to the department.
Speaking of her decades-long tenure with the army and her career at HHS, Terence says its the people that make both jobs great.
I take my all my roles to heart. I want to make sure everyone is healthy and okay.
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Read More..2020 Current Trends In 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system Market Share, Growth, Demand, Trends, Region Wise Analysis Of Top Players And…

Chicago, United States:The global 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system Market report offers a complete research study that includes accurate estimations of market growth rate and size for the forecast period 2020-2025. It offers a broad analysis of market competition, regional expansion, and market segmentation by type, application, and geography supported by exact market figures. The all-inclusive market research report also offers Porters Five Forces Analysis and profiles some of the leading players of the global 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system Market. It sheds light on changing market dynamics and discusses about different growth drivers, market challenges and restraints, and trends and opportunities in detail. Interested parties are provided with market recommendations and business advice to ensure success in the global 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system Market.
Top Key players cited in the report:Aselsan, HGH Syst?mes Infrarouges, Leonardo, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Rheinmetall, Safran, Thales Group, Tonbo Imaging Private Limited
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The final report will add the analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 in this report 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system Market
2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system Marketreports offers important insights which help the industry experts, product managers, CEOs, and business executives to draft their policies on various parameters including expansion, acquisition, and new product launch as well as analyzing and understanding the market trends.
Each segment of the global 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system market is extensively evaluated in the research study. The segmental analysis offered in the report pinpoints key opportunities available in the global 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system market through leading segments. The regional study of the global 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system market included in the report helps readers to gain a sound understanding of the development of different geographical markets in recent years and also going forth. We have provided a detailed study on the critical dynamics of the global 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system market, which include the market influence and market effect factors, drivers, challenges, restraints, trends, and prospects. The research study also includes other types of analysis such as qualitative and quantitative.
Global 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system Market: Competitive Rivalry
The chapter on company profiles studies the various companies operating in the global 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system market. It evaluates the financial outlooks of these companies, their research and development statuses, and their expansion strategies for the coming years. Analysts have also provided a detailed list of the strategic initiatives taken by the 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system market participants in the past few years to remain ahead of the competition.
Global 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system Market: Regional Segments
The chapter on regional segmentation details the regional aspects of the global 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system market. This chapter explains the regulatory framework that is likely to impact the overall market. It highlights the political scenario in the market and the anticipates its influence on the global 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system market.
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Report Highlights
Table of Contents
Report Overview:It includes six chapters, viz. research scope, major manufacturers covered, market segments by type, 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system market segments by application, study objectives, and years considered.
Global Growth Trends:There are three chapters included in this section, i.e. industry trends, the growth rate of key producers, and production analysis.
2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system Market Share by Manufacturer:Here, production, revenue, and price analysis by the manufacturer are included along with other chapters such as expansion plans and merger and acquisition, products offered by key manufacturers, and areas served and headquarters distribution.
Market Size by Type:It includes analysis of price, production value market share, and production market share by type.
Market Size by Application:This section includes 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system market consumption analysis by application.
Profiles of Manufacturers:Here, leading players of the global 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system market are studied based on sales area, key products, gross margin, revenue, price, and production.
2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system Market Value Chain and Sales Channel Analysis:It includes customer, distributor, 2015-2025 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system market value chain, and sales channel analysis.
Market Forecast Production Side: In this part of the report, the authors have focused on production and production value forecast, key producers forecast, and production and production value forecast by type.
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About Us:Report Hive Research delivers strategic market research reports, statistical survey, and Industry analysis and forecast data on products and services, markets and companies. Our clientele ranges mix of United States Business Leaders, Government Organizations, SMEs, Individual and Start-ups, Management Consulting Firms, and Universities etc. Our library of 600,000+ market reports covers industries like Chemical, Healthcare, IT, Telecom, Semiconductor, etc. in the USA, Europe Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific. We help in business decision-making on aspects such as market entry strategies, market sizing, market share analysis, sales and revenue, technology trends, competitive analysis, product portfolio and application analysis etc.
Read More..Curtis Woodhouse vows there is more to come from Gainsborough Trinity after opening win – Gainsborough Standard

Delight for Gainsborogh Trinity after they got their league season off to a flyer. Pic by KLS Photography.
Reco Fyfe and Gregg Smith goals ensured the Holy Blues got off to a perfect start in the league.
But Woodhouse expects Gainsborough to raise the bar further in the coming weeks.
I see it all the time in training and I know there is so much more we can get better at, he said.
It's a new group and there's more to come. We were solid without being dramatic and we looked pretty well-oiled.
Result wise I am delighted, performance wise, there is more to come from us.
I felt we had harsh criticism from some fans in pre-season due to results. It was frustrating knowing all the hard work we are doing behind the scenes.
When it counts it counts and today is when it counted.
Pre-season matters with how you set the team up, but it's not about the results.
You are making changes to manage situations not change the results.
We were working towards S ept 19 and the fitness levels were sky hgh and we were excellent in the first half.
We have had a long training camp and we were ready when we had to be ready.
Reco Fyfe opened the scoring on 22 minutes after a good link-up with Lewis Collins.
Matty Dixon then saw a rasping effort from distance tipped over the bar, before Smith saw his header cleared off the line from the resulting corner.
Fyfe and Collins combined again to tee up Smith for a second goal on 66 minutes as Trinity wrapped up the points.
It was a goal which left the Trinity boss pleased.
They had a ten minute spell in the second half between 50-60 mins where they put us under pressure, he said.
The most pleasing thing for me was that ten min spell where we showed we could soak up pressure.
Our goalkeeper made good saves when he needed to and then hit them on the break.
"Fyfe is great to work with and there is so much more to come from him.
"Hes played all over the place at other teams, we want him down the middle where he can hurt teams. Im delighted he got his goal and I thought he was excellent.
Continued here:
Curtis Woodhouse vows there is more to come from Gainsborough Trinity after opening win - Gainsborough Standard
How Long Does It Really Take to Lose Belly Fluff? – Greatist

Created for Greatist by the experts at Healthline. Read more
To anyone slimming down for health reasons or personal preference, belly fat can feel like the last jiggly bit to go.
If youre wondering why and how long itll take to win the battle science has the answers.
How long will it take to torch my belly fat?
Short answer: It depends.Long answer: The timeline for belly fat loss is directly related to your overall weight loss. Your best bet is to leverage both nutrition and exercise to burn all your excess jiggle. As your overall body fat diminishes, your belly will too.
Fat gets a bad rap, but its an essential part of life. Bad things happen when bodies dont have enough fat.
If you think youve got too much of a good thing, there are healthy ways to lose belly fat. (Detox teas, shrink wraps, and cleanses are not healthy ways).
Remind me why crash diets dont work?
Heres the lowdown on the timing and science of losing belly fat.
A life without fat is downright dangerous. Your body needs a certain percentage of fat to keep running on all cylinders.
According to the American Council on Exercise, most healthy women have about 21% to 35% body fat. For men, its more like 8% to 24% body fat.
Too little fat, and youll be dealing with nasty side effects like vitamin deficiencies, hormone issues, and even nervous system damage.
So, having fat on your body is healthy. But what about extra fat around your belly? Thats usually visceral fat, which is vicious AF. According to Harvard Health Publishing, visceral belly fat builds up inside your abdominal cavity, between your muscles and organs.
Too much visceral fat = high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and an increased risk for health probs like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, there are so many factors that play into how slowly or quickly you burn belly fat:
For years, folks have repeated the rule that burning 3,500 calories makes you lose about a pound. The reason is that 1 pound of solid fat equals about 3,500 calories.
A 2013 research review indicated that its also important to pay attention to factors like exercise and macros.
Still, using the 3,500-calories-per-pound method could help you figure out a target date for your fat loss #goals.
Heres some info to help you calculate your timeline:
Remember, the CDC recommends pacing yourself at 1 to 2 pounds of overall weight loss per week. So, it could take 1 to 2 months before you notice your waistline shrinking.
Two words: Calorie deficit. Losing body fat is best accomplished through a combo of diet cutting excess calories and exercise burning more calories.
Start with a few meal and snack time tweaks. Well get to the belly-busting moves in a sec.
Looking for a place to start? Heres a calorie calculator to help estimate your deficit goals.
Goodbye caramel macchiatos, helloooo dark roast!
But seriously, liquid calories are sneaky. Depending on your habits, you could easily consume 500 fewer calories per day:
One study showed that keto has been all the rage for years. Living the lower carb, higher fat life makes a difference when it comes to belly fat.
Oh, and those refined carbs you love? Not so civilized after all. One study with rats showed that eating too many refined carbs can result in increased visceral fat the very thing youre hoping to torch.
And dont forget the protein. High-protein meals will keep you from losing muscle mass while you lose belly fat.
A research review found that participants who ate more protein on their diets lost more fat and kept more lean muscle mass.
The oldest trick in the book, am I right? One study showed that using smaller plates and bowls results in smaller servings.
You can also keep yourself from overeating by noshing slowly, avoiding dinners in front of the TV, and asking for half your restaurant entre to be put in a doggy bag ASAP.
Ever smash a bag of Doritos during a Netflix binge? ♀
Ever noshed on a 1,000-calorie drive-thru crispy chicken sandwich? ♂
Only you can speed up your belly fat loss. Itll take some perseverance and body positivity.
A few more mindful eating tips:
Spot targeting truth or tall tale?
No matter what you call it spot reduction? Belly targeting? theres no proof that you can lose weight in just one area.
In a 2011 study of 24 relatively sedentary folks, the group who did ab exercises for 6 weeks didnt lose belly fat though they did get stronger!
Another study of 40 women with larger body sizes compared a diet-only to a diet-plus-abs-workouts approach. Both groups lost about the same amount of weight.
So, while the women who worked their abs probably felt more svelte, they didnt lose more belly fat than their friends.
The moral of the story? Spot targeting is all marketing hype. If you decide to lose excess belly jiggle, expect the rest of your bod to shrink a bit too.
TBH, the scale is not your best friend. You can weigh yourself weekly to track overall weight loss, but losing belly fat is about so much more than weight. Its about health, how your clothes fit, and how you feel.
And if youre working out, youre probably building muscle, which weighs more than fat. Muscle mass is a good, healthy thing! But it can be discouraging if you measure your success by a number on the scale.
Your best bet for measuring belly fat loss is a good old-fashioned tape measure.
To get an accurate read, always wrap the tape around the same place your belly button. Stand up straight, but dont suck in. Pull the tape snug, but dont tighten it so much that youre pinching your skin.
Like we said, theres no such thing as spot-targeted weight loss. But that doesnt mean your sweat sesh is in vain!
Resistance training, aka weightlifting or body weight exercise, is super helpful for anyone hoping to drop some excess lbs.
First, youll start developing abs of steel under your shrinking belly. Second, youll start burning more calories in your sleep! Yep, for real.
A 2012 research review showed that resistance training can boost the number of calories you burn while resting by up to 7 percent. Talk about revving up your weight loss potential!
One study showed that high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIT) burns up to 30 percent more calories than other forms of exercise. Its all about that calorie deficit, right?!
A 2010 research review concluded that HIIT is the absolute best workout style for reducing belly fat.
Giving HIIT a whirl is easy. Just plan a workout that involves high energy bursts of exercise broken up by short rests. For instance, you could sprint for a minute, walk for 30 seconds, then repeat the cycle.
Fat is an important part of any healthy body. Excess belly fat, on the other hand, is often caused by unhealthy visceral fat.
Whether you want to lose belly fat for health reasons or to feel like a more svelte version of yourself, its going to take some time.
Instead of trying a questionable detox tea or going on a crash diet, commit to losing belly fat in a healthy, sustainable way.
Cut out empty liquid calories, swap refined carbs for healthier foods, and start a workout routine if you can. Its also a good idea to chat with your doctor about any weight or belly fat concerns.
Theres no one-size-fits-all timeline for losing belly fat. Be patient, focus on feeling good, and remember that your long-term health matters most.
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How Long Does It Really Take to Lose Belly Fluff? - Greatist
The #1 Worst Carb to Eat if You’re Trying to Lose Weight – KYR News

If you choose the right ones, carbohydrates can help you banish belly fat, feel satiated, and score energy. After all, carbs are the bodys primary source of fuel. But when it comes to weight loss, not all carbs are created equal.
The worst carbs for weight losssimple, processed carbshave actually been proven to slow your metabolism, plummet your energy levels in the long run, and divert you from scoring those hard-earned weight-loss wins.
Keep reading to learn exactly which carbs you need to stay away from if you want to lose weight and why theyll not only ruin your diet in the short term, but also how they can cause lasting health issues.
The worst carbs to eat for weight loss are those that are highly processed, simple carbs that have a high glycemic index (high-GI): rice cereal, white bread, sweeteners, and commercial pasta. What exactly is a high-GI? It means that your body metabolizes them quickly, sending your blood sugar levels soaring, resulting in an energy crash. On the other hand, eating low-GI foods wont spike your blood sugar as much and these levels will fall at a much slower rate, helping you stay fuller for longer.
Decades of studies show that your bodys response to consuming high-GI carbs increases hunger and is more likely to promote overeating compared to eating lower GI foods. Unsurprisingly, that has an effect on your weight; In one The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study, women who followed a high-GI diet were more likely to experience increases in weight, body fat, and waist circumference compared to those with a low-GI diet over the course of six years.
And thats not all: Another eye-opening study found that increasing your intake of refined carbs, and the lack of fiber that these stripped grains are associated with, can increase ones risk of type 2 diabetes.
The reason why simple carbs can cause weight gain is simple. Its because these carbs are all are void of satiating amounts of fiber. Fiber slows digestion, which wards off blood sugar spikes and hunger and helps maintain blood sugar controlall-important keys to weight loss and management, explains Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, founder of Isabel Smith Nutrition, and New York City-based dietitian and fitness expert.
Story continues
Thats exactly why high-GI refined carbs are the worst kind of carb to eat and theyre the type of starch that gives carbs a bad rap!
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Of course notjust give up the worst carb to eat for weight loss, as your body requires complex carbs for energy! Whether we consume fruits and legumes or Italian bread and pastries, your body uses up the foods glucose to carry out essential life functions and help you power through your workout. When we deplete our diet of carbs (like on the keto diet), we are often overcome by lethargy and get bombarded with cravings. (If you have been following the keto diet and are experiencing these symptoms, you should read more about the 7 Warning Signs You Should Stop the Keto Diet Immediately.)
Instead of depriving your body of its main source of energy, rid your kitchen of nutrient-void empty carbs and choose good-for-you carbs that are full of immunity-boosting antioxidants, minerals, and body-loving nutrients such as slimming protein and fiber.
Complementing your meals with complex carbsincluding whole-grains such as quinoa, oats, and farro as well as legumes and starchy vegetableswill provide you with lasting energy because the body burns these foods more slowly.
Hows that? Besides for nourishing your body with essential phytochemicals and plant-based protein, whole-grains contain the entire grain kernelwhich includes the bran, germ, and endosperm.
On the contrary, refined grains are stripped of their fiber- and nutrient-dense bran and germ in order to lend the grains a longer shelf life and arguably more palatable texture. And thats exactly why those ubiquitous loaves of white bread you spot in the supermarket are enriched! Manufacturers add the mood-boosting B vitamins and anemia-fighting iron that have been stripped in the milling process back into the grain productbut leave the belly-filling fiber out.
And while nutritious foods such as fruits and dairy products contain quick-burning simple sugars, these natural carbs arent refined and come packed with a slew of healthful nutrients you shouldnt ignore. If you want to reach or maintain a healthy weight, skip the worst carb balance your diet and fill your plate with these 28 Carbs That Wont Make You Fat.
Original post:
The #1 Worst Carb to Eat if You're Trying to Lose Weight - KYR News