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Unpopular teens could be at higher risk of heart conditions later in life, study suggests – CNN

Thirteen-year-olds who weren't very popular with their peers growing up, a new study released Tuesday has found, seem to have a heightened risk of developing circulatory system disease in later life. This includes higher risk for conditions such as narrowed and hardened arteries and abnormal heartbeat that affect the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
"Although not many realize it, peer status is one of the strongest predictors of later psychological and health outcomes, even decades later, said Mitch Prinstein, the John Van Seters distinguished professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of North Carolina.
"Several early studies revealed that our likeability among peers in grade school predicts life outcomes more strongly than does IQ, parental income, school grades, and pre-existing physical illness," Prinstein, who wasn't involved with the research, said.
Prinstein, and the authors of the study, said that it's important to note that peer status is a specific form of popularity -- likeability rather than being the cool kid.
"Many would perhaps think of high-status kids as those who were highly visible and influential -- hanging out in the smoking area during breaks and partying during the weekends. That is another type of popularity, which is sometimes referred to as perceived popularity," said Ylva Almquist, an associate professor and senior lecturer at the department of public health sciences at Stockholm University and an author of the study, which published in the journal BMJ Open.
"Peer status is rather an indicator of likability, and the degree to which a child is accepted and respected by their peers."
Observational study
In this study from Sweden, the researchers used data from the Stockholm Birth Cohort Multigenerational Study, which includes everyone born in 1953 and residing in Stockholm, the Swedish capital, in 1963.
The health of 5,410 men and 5,990 women was tracked into their 60s. At age 13, they had been asked who among their classmates they preferred to work with. They used the results to determine "peer group status," which they divided into four categories: zero nominations, which they termed "marginalized"; one ("low status"); two or three ("medium status"); and four or more ("high status").
Thirty-three percent of the boys enjoyed high peer group status at the age of 13, slightly more than girls (28.5%), the researchers found. Some 16% of the girls were classed as "marginalized," compared to 12% of boys.
Circulatory disease was more common among the men than it was among the women, but the children classed as "marginalized" at age 13 had a 33% to 34% higher risk of circulatory disease in adulthood in both sexes, the study found.
In their analysis, the researchers said they accounted for factors such as number and position of siblings, parental education and mental health, socioeconomic conditions, and school factors, such as intellect, academic performance and any criminal behavior.
But as an observational study, it can only show a link, and Almquist said there could be many explanations for the association.
"A common dilemma in this kind of research is that we have the information we need to establish associations between conditions in childhood and health outcomes in adulthood, but we know quite little about whatever is happening in between," Almquist said.
Potential for chronic inflammation due to stress
Katherine Ehrlich, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Georgia, who wasn't involved in the research, said one explanation could be chronic inflammation linked to stressful experiences of relationships, both in adolescence and in adulthood.
"It is plausible that stressful social experiences (like being socially isolated) could lead to persistent unresolved inflammation, and if these levels are sustained over time, that could increase one's risk for plaques in the arteries, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular problems," said Ehrlich, who wasn't involved in the research.
"It seems likely that health behaviors also play a role in the progression from low peer status to circulatory diseases decades later. Individuals who are socially isolated may be more likely to have unhealthy diets, engage in excessive drinking, and lead sedentary lifestyles, all of which could also increase one's risk for cardiovascular problems."
"Our species is uniquely and remarkably attuned to our social position because many years ago we relied on each other for safety," he said.
"Research now reveals that social rejection activates the same regions of the brain that are known to respond to physical pain, and also expresses dormant DNA to prepare our bodies for imminent injury. Unfortunately, this response is no longer necessary, so the expression of these genes leaves us more vulnerable to viral infections and more likely to suffer from inflammation-related illnesses," Prinstein said.
He added that it was also possible that those higher in peer status are more likely to be afforded opportunities for learning and access to more resources -- including ones that could promote their health.
"We spend so much time, energy, and funding attending to factors we think can improve children's chances at a happy and successful life, but we have neglected the one factor that is perhaps most important of all: our children's ability to get along well with others and be perceived as likeable," he said.
For parents worried about their kids' social life, Almquist stressed that problematic experiences with peers do not automatically lead to health problems and having caring and supportive parents was a "protective factor."
Ehrlich agreed that strong ties between parents and teens could act as a buffer against problematic peer relationships. "It is understandable to see these findings and worry about the long-term consequences for teens who might be more socially isolated.
"Additionally, many adolescents struggle at one point or another with their peer relationships -- finding it difficult to fit in or 'find their people,'" she said. "The advice I would give to families is: keep trying. Join new clubs, try to meet people online, put yourself out there -- you never know who could turn out to be a lifelong friend."
Unpopular teens could be at higher risk of heart conditions later in life, study suggests - CNN
Everlean Supplement Review- Is It An Effective Weight Loss Solution? –

Welcome to my Everlean Supplement review. There are numerous people in the world today who are struggling with weight issues and feel the need to trim down their body fat. When a persons weight starts invading his good health and interferes with his bodily function in a way that is not suitable, it is termed as being obese or overweight.
This is not an uncommon issue as people today follow unhealthy eating habits and unfit lifestyle which has to lead to a significant increase in the number of cases concerning obesity. This particular Everlean Slimming capsule review will explain all its aspects in meticulous detail.
Theres no shortage for weightloss products in the market, but have you heard of Everlean, a weight loss probiotic? This product claims to provide a weight loss solution that helps you to shed pounds quickly and easily. So in this Everlean review, well explain who will benefit from Everlean the most? And whether Everlean is a worth trying product.
The Everlean supplement aids in weight loss with the help of probiotics which are extremely beneficial to the gut and smoothens the entire metabolic process of ones body. People battling obesity especially the ones who have tried every trick in the book ranging from diets, fasts to hard-core exercises, and yet have not seen any kind of positive result are in for a treat with the all-new Everlean supplement.
Everlean Supplement is a weight loss supplement engineered with the use of probiotics. To be clear on the concept of probiotics, they are certain healthy microorganisms that are proven to have multiple health benefits. Everlean Pill is produced using the combination of six different strains of healthy bacteria namely:
Many Everlean reviews claim that the supplement aids in weight loss with the help of probiotics which are extremely beneficial to the gut and smoothens the entire metabolic process of ones body. People battling obesity especially the ones who have tried every trick in the book ranging from diets, fasts to hard-core exercises, and yet have not seen any kind of positive result are in for a treat with the all-new Everlean supplement.
Everlean supplements are sold in the form of oral capsules and are advised to be taken every morning preferably before breakfast as it is explained that if consumed in an empty stomach than the stomach acids seem to dissolve it better making it act sooner with ones gut bacteria. It can be consumed with tea, coffee, or water.
According to numerous Everlean reviews, it is known to not have any side-effects and its dosage can be increased according to ones body and health. But the makers advise this to be done only after careful consultation with a medical practitioner.
Jeremy Reeves, a USA based citizen is the brains behind the revolutionary Everlean pill. He devised this supplement as he could relate to the plight caused by obesity. Jeremy introduced the world to Everlean Supplement as a sure shot way to shed extra fat and whats interesting is that he developed this idea as a result of his obese nature. He had been ridiculed all his life due to his overweight issues and no matter what he did or ate seemed to have a positive result on his body.
Not just the external obesity factor, he was also a person who struggled with stomach health such as chronic constipation, gas, severe diarrhea, etc. So, after much research, Jeremy discovered that probiotics can be a miraculous ingredient and can be used to help in weight loss as well as serves as a good agent to improve your gut health. So, after much research on the same, he hired Dr. Michael Felley, an expert in the subject of probiotics to design the much sought after Everlean Supplement.
In the most basic of explanations, Everlean Supplement, which uses probiotics as its main ingredient eliminates the bad bacteria which causes health concerns in an individual. The different strains of probiotics are used to perform individual functions of their own which leads to the shedding of unhealthy fat in ones body thus resulting in significant weight loss.
Weight loss is often due to ones unhealthy routine and this counts for the unhealthy gut one possesses. This might contribute significantly to unwanted weight gain. As its stated that Everlean Supplement contains probiotics or healthy bacteria, consuming this on an empty stomach ensures the overall improvement of ones gut and noticeable progress in the metabolic situation of ones body. An additional feature that plays a major role in the weight loss process is that Everlean Supplement contains green tea extract known to be extremely rich in anti-oxidants which extensively helps in burning calories leading to weight-loss.
Everlean Slimming capsule has been the talk of the town due to the presence of probiotics and in this particular section concerning the Everlean probiotic review, the contents will be elaborately explained. As mentioned above Everlean ingredients mainly comprise of six healthy bacteria strains which performs their own set of functions:
All of these probiotics contained in the Everlean pill are used in combination to assist you in getting that lean frame you always desired but these probiotics to function properly needed the right sort of prebiotics( non-digestive fibers). This is the reason that two prebiotics namely Inulin and FOS (fructooligosaccharides) are incorporated in the Everlean Supplement formula. They are both plant-based prebiotics.
In addition to the above, green tea extract is added to boost metabolism.
This particular section provides an honest Everlean pill review:
According to, Everlean Probiotic consumer reports, no such side effects of the product have been reported.
Also, read EZ Battery Reconditioning Review
As clearly stated above in my Everlean Supplement review, I have mentioned some amazing features of these dietary supplements as they are scientifically backed and contain the goodness of probiotics. This supplement can be termed as one of a kind as weight loss pills usually have a host of side-effects but the Everlean supplements have made history by not recording a single side effect to date. Well, this doesnt mean that it can be consumed recklessly. But if you have any doubts about your well-being, its advised to take these supplements only if your doctor permits you to do so. In conclusion, these dietary supplements have it in them to be the next best thing to help people with unwanted weight loss and living a healthy life.
Everlean Supplement uses probiotics to improve your overall gut health and this process cannot happen overnight. Regardless, people who have provided Everlean supplement reviews stated that some results were noticeable right from the first week of consumption.
It contains extremely less, 2.8 mg of caffeine per serving.
According to Everlean consumer reviews, no allergies have been reported so far but the manufacturing unit of Everlean probiotic supplement also produces soy, milk, and eggs so the consumers are requested to consult with their respective doctors.
The rest is here:
Everlean Supplement Review- Is It An Effective Weight Loss Solution? -
Cynthia Bailey Claps Back At Hater Who Told Her To Lose Weight On IG Hollywood Life – KYR News

Cynthia Bailey crushed a troll who body shamed her on Instagram, telling them that theres no reason she needs to lose weight her fianc thinks shes totally hot!
Come after Cynthia Bailey, shell come after you! The Real Housewives of Atlanta star, 53, was showing off a stunning two-piece outfit on Instagram that made her look positively gorgeous. In the comments section, though, there was a lone hater who felt the need to tell the mogul to lose some weight. She had the perfect response. @itsmikehill aint complaining, she commented, tagging her fianc and adding an emoji with its tongue sticking out.
Truly, the audacity of that commenter. Cynthia looked fabulous in her black on black outfit, which featured high-waisted bell bottoms and a cropped, cold shoulder top with billowing sleeves. She showed off a hint of stomach and completed the look with a black handbag, sandals, and gold hoop earrings. Totally, effortlessly chic.
Cynthia, whose wedding to fianc Mike Hill is now just a month away, actually just lost a significant amount of weight. The Bravo star gained 20 pounds while quarantining during the COVID-19 crisis, and shared with KYR news in an EXCLUSIVE interview how she was able to shed it all. Basically, Cynthia spent her quarantine in Los Angeles, where food became her happy place. But when she headed to her lake house in Georgia, she forced herself to get back on track.
When I returned back to Lake Bailey by myself, I was able to kind of manage my food a little bit better because I didnt have my family with me and honestly some days I didnt even eat as much as before, she explained in an episode of our TVTalk series on Instagram. She tried out intermittent fasting and filled her kitchen with healthy foods, like big salads. I just started slimming down. It was pretty awesome! I didnt realize how good I actually looked until I put on a two-piece. I was like, Wait a minute! I actually look okay! she said.
Cynthia and Mikes wedding is just around the corner. They had to postpone their nuptials due to the pandemic, but rescheduled for October 10 in Atlanta. She told KYR news EXCLUSIVELY in May that everything was in Gods hands when it came to planning the new ceremony and reception. It looks as if alls going as planned, though!
Tori writes for the Celebrity, Shows, Movies and Entertainment section of our site- KYR News.
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Cynthia Bailey Claps Back At Hater Who Told Her To Lose Weight On IG Hollywood Life - KYR News
#HealthBytes: Follow these tips for losing weight in monsoon – Yahoo India News

#HealthBytes: Follow these tips for losing weight in monsoon
15 Sep 2020: #HealthBytes: Follow these tips for losing weight in monsoon
The rainy season has finally graced our lives to provide respite from heat.
But losing weight in monsoon is a task. Who wants to workout or adhere to a strict diet when you can curl up in a quilt, with a plate of bhujiya?
Lazy habits like this lead to weight gain. So, here are some tips for losing weight this season.
Healthy food: Plan the perfect, effective, and healthy diet
You need to strike a balance between gulping down your favorite monsoon snacks, and healthy food.
Your diet should have proteins, good fats and most importantly, carbohydrates.
And, don't get all sneaky about carbs by eating the junk food. Let's be clear: your carb intake should include fruits and vegetables.
Also, monitor your oil and sugar content to manage your calories.
Hydration: Drink up: Keep yourself hydrated, aim for minimum 6-8 glasses
Monsoon is a weird season in the sense that either you will often have an urge to pee, or you will rarely feel thirsty.
This leads to lack of hydration, which should not happen if you want to lose weight.
Consume at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. You can also add some lemon juice or cucumber to the water for flavor.
Snacks: Look for healthier options for snacking
Having an urge to eat a plate full of pakodas, samosas, and jalebis during monsoon is normal. But if you don't control it, you will lose your progress in the weight loss journey.
You can satisfy these cravings with healthy options like roasted corn, peanut chaat, and sprout chaat, and keep a strict check on the amount of (unhealthy) snacks you eat.
Workout: Your weight-loss regime needs to continue, irrespective of the weather
One of the fundamentals of weight loss is workout. So your weight loss regime needs to go on, no matter the weather.
If you can't go out, don't worry. You can easily exercise at home.
Yoga is always an effective way to work the muscles. You can also take up simple workout routines from fitness apps, or copy a dance routine from YouTube.
Sleep: Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep for better metabolism
Although the moisture and humidity in the air might make it difficult, try to get 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Adequate sleep is needed for a speedy metabolism to keep weight off.
Since our body recuperates during sleep, prioritizing it with healthy eating and exercise ensures that food is processed efficiently and keeps you on track in your weight loss quest.
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#HealthBytes: Follow these tips for losing weight in monsoon - Yahoo India News
Fatphobia: Are UK policies contributing to weight bias and obesity stigma? –

Obesity in the UK has received significant regulatory attention of late. In July 2019 the Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) published its policy paper Tackling obesity: empowering adults and children to live healthier lives, and one year on, the government published the new obesity strategy for England.
The coronavirus pandemic has also brought obesity a term defined by abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health to the fore. It is a recognised risk factor for severe clinical outcomes of COVID-19, with early-2020 data revealing individuals who were overweight or obese made up 78% of the confirmed COVID-19 infections and 62% of COVID-19 deaths in hospitals.
Yet obesity is complex. A multitude of factors can play a role in weight gain, including food and activity, environment, genetics, health conditions and medications, stress, emotional factors, and poor sleep.
This makes obesity management, from a regulatory perspective, a challenge. Acknowledging the psychological impacts of fatphobia, is the UK Governments output contributing to social stigma around obesity?
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines weight bias as negative attitudes towards, and beliefs about, others because of their weight. Such attitudes are manifested by stereotypes and or prejudice towards people with overweight and obesity.
Weight bias, the WHO continues, can lead to obesity stigma defined as the social sign or stigma affixed to an individual who is the victim of prejudice.
In the UK, weight has been found to be the most common form of discrimination. According to 2018 data from the British Liver Trust, more than four in five UK adults believe people with obesity are viewed negatively because of their weight, and 62% of Brits think people are likely to discriminate against someone who is overweight.
This, the charitys findings revealed, is higher than other forms of discrimination, including ethnic background (50%), sexual orientation (56%) or gender (40%).
For adults with obesity in the UK, nearly half have felt judged because of their weight in clothes stores or in social situations. Forty-five percent said they had felt judged in healthcare settings, and 32% in gyms.
Weight bias is a complex field, and one that, according to Sussex Universitys Lavinia Bertini, is unfortunately unexplored. I feel there is still very little understanding of how weight bias and stigma are important factorsin the public debates around obesity, the obesity expert told FoodNavigator.
It is crucial to understand that the types measures, interventions, and language prioritised in government strategies and policies play an important role in either enforcing or fighting bias and stigma attached to obesity, we were told.
People may not be aware of this, so its really important for the Government to be reflective in the way they send their [messaging].
For Bertini, the Government has failed to hit the mark concerning its use of language around obesity in recent years.
Obesity is often presented as a burden to the NHS, she told this publication. In the recently published strategy, the Government writes: We owe it to the NHS to move towards a healthier weight. Obesity puts pressure on our health service.
When listing further measures [that] will be needed, the strategy notes: We will make prevention at the heart of this governments health agenda to proactively tackle the burden of preventable ill health and empower everyone to make the healthy behaviours they want to make.
This kind of language, said Bertini, is quite weird, especially when were talking about something that is described as a health condition.
The research assistant also highlighted a section of the strategy she finds problematic: Tackling obesity would reduce pressure on doctors and nurses in the NHS, and free up their time to treat other sick and vulnerable patients.
This statement implies people who are experiencing health conditions attached to their weight are wasting the NHS time and money, Bertini argued. I do think that this is something that should be avoided, it is almost a way of shaming people into losing weight, which definitely shouldnt be the way forward.
The Department of Health and Social Cares (DHSC) Jenny Oldroyd, deputy director of Obesity, Food, and Nutrition, says the Government is conscious of weight bias, and has worked to ensure its policies do not contribute to such stigma, not just as the conversation around this picks up publicly at the moment, but over the past few months and years as weve been working on the strategy.
At the Westminster Health Forum policy conference held last week, Oldroyd addressed the DHSCs use of language in particular.
I would hope that people have seen quite a shift in our language over the last year or so in this area, she told delegates, and very much in the strategy starting, I think, in the strategy we published last July, but very much in the 2020 work.
[Here], youll start to see different language around people living with obesity, and that language coming through to make sure that were very conscious of the concern around any contribution we might make towards [weight stigma] because that has never been, and would never be, our intention.
The University of Sussexs Bertini also criticised the Governments messages themselves, which she suggested concentrate on individual responsibility and motivation, rather than systemic change.
Unfortunately, most strategies that have dealt with obesity management in the UK are very much focused on individual responsibility and motivation. This can really perpetuate negative stereotypes that depict individuals with obesity as lazy, and lacking in control and motivation.
Having referred to himself as being too fat when he contracted COVID-19, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has since hired a personal trainer. Bertini told this publication she is concerned what messages this may be sending.
Hiring a personal trainer is very much a personal choice, which is based on personal circumstance. [For someone] at the basis of public and national methods on obesity, [this decision] feeds into the idea that all it takes is to be motivated and have the resources to lose weight, through exercising and eating healthily.
This in itself is a very simplistic way of thinking about losing weight, which is much more complex than that.
Johnsons actions are also very dangerous when it comes to weight bias and stigma, Bertini continued, referencing obesitys prevalence in deprived areas.
If we send a message that losing weight is easy, and its all about your individual responsibility, then we do not address the systematic inequalities that create conditions for deprived areas to exist. Then we really are sending dangerous messages that candemoralise and pass judgement around body size and education.
Of the Governments policies themselves, the DHSCs Oldroyd said impact assessments have been undertaken for all policies, with particular attention paid to groups that could be at risk of harm, and to those that simply may not benefit from such policies as much as others.
In the impact assessments and in the equality assessments, you can see [that work] played out, both at consultation stage [and in published consultation responses], she told delegates at the Westminster Forum event.
Negative stereotypes based on weight are built on pre-existing moral and aesthetic values around body size. It is undoubtably true that society values slimness as desirable, however today, slimness has also come to validate good health, Bertini explained.
Fatness has become the visual representation of ill health, when being overweight doesnt necessarily mean being unhealthy.
Moving forward, the assistant researcher said she would like to see less focus on weight and more focus on health.
From an obesity management perspective then, perhaps we should be looking beyond weight to measure policy effectiveness. Could a decrease in anxiety, an increase in self-esteem, and better eating habits be used to measure a strategys performance?
According to Health Education Englands Janet Flint, who heads up the Population Health & Prevention and Maternity programme, the answer is a resounding yes.
I think all those measures are important and should be for the policymakers to consider, absolutely. This is complex, its part of a bigger picture about mental wellbeing, increasing physical activity [etc.]. So yes, there should not just be one indicator for this in my opinion, she told delegates at the Westminster Forum.
In composing the UKs recent obesity strategy, the DHSC sought counsel from third party experts. Describing these bodies as being a fantastic support, Oldroyd said we couldnt have got as far as we have without the organisations that have helped us on it.
Sussex Universitys Bertini, however, believes more can be done. The researcher would like to see more participation from people described by their body mass index (BMI) as obese. There should be an open dialogue with people with obesity who are often not represented or not listened to. I think there is a lack of voices from these people.
Bertini is also calling for increased focus on the food industry in obesity policy, homing in on how they can be held accountable and made responsible for some important changes that need to be made, and that could address the wider systematic production of food and food quality.
Moving forward, the researcher suggested the UK take a leaf out of Canadas book. Last month, Obesity Canada and the Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons released the Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines described as perhaps the most extensive review of published evidence yet conducted in obesity worldwide.
The first step of five in the patient arc to guide a health care provider in the care of people living with obesity is: Recognition of obesity as a chronic disease by health care providers, who should ask the patient permission to offer advice and help treat this disease in an unbiased manner.
This statement alone brings weight bias and equality into obesity management in general practice, said Bertini. I think it is time the new strategy in the UK really addresses these key issues, if they want to be effective and fair.
Addressing weight bias, and making weight bias central to policy and messages, would be a really important change.
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Fatphobia: Are UK policies contributing to weight bias and obesity stigma? -
According to science this is the age from which it is more difficult to lose weight and lose weight | Life – Explica

Over the years, it costs more to lose weight and stay in shape, according to scientists and experts in physiology, because the burning of calories does not occur as quickly and muscle mass is lost. However, you can reduce the impact of age on losing weight by practicing some routines.
You have probably been told from a very young age that you have to take care of yourself, eat a balanced diet and exercise, as the consequences of not leading a healthy life and being somewhat overweight could come years later.
Well, they were right, they didnt say it just to say it, but there is a scientific and physiological reason. Over the years it costs more to lose weight and stay in shape.
The body deteriorates as you get older and, although you can slow down this process, it is inevitable, the burning of calories does not occur as quickly. The important thing is not to get obsessed with this issue and put all your efforts into it, without giving up. Right now you may be wondering, then at what age does losing weight start to get complicated?
It is more difficult for you to lose weight because your metabolism is not the same, as is your body composition, that is, as the years go by, you lose muscle mass, it is easier to become dehydrated and fat accumulates in certain parts of the body.
Many call it the crisis of the 30s and it is that until that age everything is rosy, with eating healthy and being something active, you can reach an appropriate weight for your body. However, then come problems, a beer belly and a slowing metabolism.
Did you know that there is a formula that tells you how many calories you should eat a day to lose weight? We teach you how to apply it.
The nutritionist and psychiatrist at the Center for Eating Disorders at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, Stefano Erzegovesi, explains that, in addition, in the case of women, hormones can have a very negative influence on this issue. In both sexes, a reduction in basal metabolism and lean mass mediated by hormonal decline is observed, she adds.
To give you an idea, Eating 300 calories is not going to have the same effect with 18 years as with 40, because the older you are, you need less caloric intake and you spend fewer calories, because you have less muscle mass. For example, from the age of 50, you begin to have 20% less muscle mass.
So if you eat more, it stays stored, making you take on a few kilos of fat that will cost you to get rid of. For this reason, it is essential to take care of your diet and eat a balanced diet, always controlling what you eat.
However, there are ways to reduce the impact of age when losing weight, such as drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and help digestion proceed correctly.
In addition, the body tends to confuse thirst with hunger, so if you drink a lot of water, you will have the feeling of being satiated and thus avoiding snacking between meals.
How much money should you save each month if you charge 25,000 euros a year.
Another option that you can consider is to consider doing weights, yes, start with low loads and go up as your body adapts to the weight, because it is important not to injure yourself and more in advanced ages.
Also, Eating protein could help you build even more muscle at this stage in your life, as it would counteract the loss of muscle mass, according to a study from the University of Arkansas. Although it seems impossible to lose weight after 30-something, everything is to propose it, with perseverance and effort.
Original article by Yaiza Garca Garca published in Business Insider Spain
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According to science this is the age from which it is more difficult to lose weight and lose weight | Life - Explica
Sweating to lose weight: why as much as you sweat it does not mean that you will lose weight – POP TIMES UK

The idea that sweating a lot is equivalent to burning a lot of calories, and therefore losing weight, is deeply ingrained, but it has a problem: it is false, or at least, inaccurate. Sweating more does not mean losing more weight , and therefore many of the tricks that we can see in gyms, such as training with a lot of clothes on or wrapped in plastic garments are not only not effective, but they can also pose a certain risk.
Sweating is the mechanism that starts our body when its temperature rises too high . In an effort to maintain optimal body temperature (which may vary slightly depending on the person) the brain activates the sweat glands of our skin and these begin to release water with sugars, mineral salts and waste products generated in the breakdown of nutrients from food. When the moisture in your sweat evaporates, it takes some of the heat with it, thus lowering your body temperature.
Certain situations make us sweat more , for example if it is hot or humid, and not all of us sweat at the same rate, even under the same conditions. Taller and larger people tend to sweat more because they have more body mass to cool down, and people who are fitter tend to do so too, in their case because their cooling system has become more efficient to allow them to exercise for longer. .
Therefore, sweating more does not necessarily mean that you are burning more calories. Some people sweat more simply because of genetics, habit, or fitness level.
In reality, body fat does not burn or melt away . It is released by the body's fat cells to provide it with energy. Our body's metabolism breaks that fat down into two parts: fatty acids and glycerol. The more energy you need, the more fat the body asks from those cells.
This is the mechanism by which you actually lose body fat, which is different from what makes you sweat.
Of course, there is some relationship, albeit indirect. If you are exercising vigorously, you will probably break a sweat at some point because you are raising your body temperature. If sweating is the result of exertion, it is also a sign that you are using a lot of energy and therefore consuming fat from your body to obtain that energy.
But if you are using tricks to increase sweat such as training in a place where it is already hot, or wearing plastic garments that make it difficult for your body to release the excess heat, that does not mean that you are burning more calories.
Although fat and sweat are different mechanisms of the body, many people believe that sweating does indeed make you lose weight, and it is not really such a rare confusion. Probably if before and after a workout in which you sweat profusely you go through the scale, you will see that there is a significant decrease in your weight .
That's where the tricks to increase sweating come from : training in places where it is hot or sheltering a lot, putting on clothes that do not perspire (such as a raincoat) or even wrapping our abdomen in plastic film, spending a lot of time in saunas and Turkish baths
The problem is to think that this drop is due entirely to lost fat, because it is not. For the most part they are liquids , water that you have lost by sweating and that your body needs to recover later. When you've quenched your post-workout thirst, you'll find that your weight isn't that different than it was before your workout.
When we make efforts to sweat as much as possible during exercise, and we do not replace fluids to replace those we are losing, we can suffer dehydration that, depending on its severity, can have dangerous effects.
In milder cases , dehydration causes an intense feeling of thirst (this is how your body tells you that you need to drink water), as well as a headache and a mild feeling of dizziness. Usually it is solved simply by replenishing the fluids that we lack.
Severe dehydration has more serious effects. To begin with, life can become cloudy and an intense feeling of body fatigue and the need to sleep appear. This, coupled with a frequent urge to vomit can end up causing you to pass out or faint.
In the most severe cases of dehydration, hospitalization may end up being necessary, although this is actually more common when the cause is stomach diseases that prevent fluid retention. In the case of reckless behavior, it is advisable to replace the lost water simply by drinking, even if that means raising the figures on the scale a bit, which should never go down at the cost of our health .
This article was originally published by Roco Prez in January 2018 and has been revised for republication.
Images | iStock In Vitnica | Does sweating make you lose weight?
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Sweating to lose weight: why as much as you sweat it does not mean that you will lose weight - POP TIMES UK
Which Aids Better In Weight Loss- Fish Or Chicken? Expert Reveals – NDTV

Weight loss: Protein keeps you full for longer and helps in building muscles
Protein plays a significant role in weight loss. It keeps you full for longer, boosts metabolism, helps in post-workout recovery and also contributes in building muscles. Two common sources of protein are fish and chicken. Being a rich source of protein, fish and chicken are equally considered good in terms of losing weight. While fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids too, which provides satiety and helps to cut down on food cravings and a person's indulgence is less for unhealthy food. If you are wondering which one to choose for better weight loss, we have got this covered for you. Here are the benefits of these two amazing sources of protein and know which one is better for weight loss.
Protein itself provides satiety and help in weight loss. Protein intake improves muscle growth and building more muscles results in higher weight loss, as muscles consume lot of calories and improve body's metabolic rate. Food with high calories, have higher tendencies to accumulate fat and make the muscles weaker.
In comparison to red meat, both chicken and fish contain less saturated fat and cholesterol. Since the amount of protein intake should be limited to 40 to 50% in the diet, if looking for weight loss, physical activity and exercise is equally important for the effective utilization of protein in the body.
Also read:Portion Size Guide: Learn How To Divide Your Meals Into Protein, Carbs And Fats For Weight Loss
Weight loss: Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles and morePhoto Credit: iStock
Daily protein requirement: On an average 0.8 - 1 gram per kg body weight protein is sufficient which ideally makes 45 grams of protein for females and 55 grams for males. This amount of daily intake is sufficient to tackle wear and tear of the muscles. While for elderly, the intake may range from 1-1.2 grams per kg body weight and the consumption can be increased to 2-2.5 grams/kg body weight for athletes in case of heavy exercises.
A combination of healthy diet along with regular exercising is necessary to build stronger muscles. It is critical to eat right and periodically right after a workout. Having a balanced diet ensures the amount of amino acids, vitamins and minerals for the muscles to build and stay strong. If the protein intake is high, it is important to include at least three times the quantity of fibre in the form of salads, fruits, vegetables etc.
Also read:5 Protein-Rich Foods That Can Help You Gain Muscles And Lose Weight
Fatty fishes are a great source of omega-3 fatty acidsPhoto Credit: iStock
Consuming more than the recommended levels may be harmful, as the excess protein is stored by the body resulting in weight gain (reverse reaction). Hence, chicken and fish, both should be steamed, grilled, marinated and should not be deep fried. Intake of carbohydrates along with chicken and fish should be complex.
While the quantity also plays a major role, chicken breast is considered the best for weight loss, while boiled chicken and chicken soups with less salt also helps. Chicken can only be considered slightly less than fish only on the basis of omega-3 fatty acids content in fish.
(Dr. Namita Nadar is aHead Nutrionist atFortis Hospital, Noida)
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Original post:
Which Aids Better In Weight Loss- Fish Or Chicken? Expert Reveals - NDTV
HBOs Real Sports takes a deeper look at the dangers of weight cutting in MMA feat. Uriah Hall (video) – MMA Mania

If you ask most mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters, they will be quick to tell you that the actual fighting part of the sport is sometimes the easiest, as lengthy training camps leading up to it is the most brutal part if it all.
Of course, that portion of the MMA game is accompanied by weight cutting, the grueling ritual nearly every fighter not competing in the Heavyweight division has to go through in order to be able to compete on fight night.
ONE Championship has done away with the practice and despite some overhauling of procedures by some athletic commissions and United States Anti Doping Agency (USADA), there are still several fighters doing everything they can in order to lose weight in a hurry safely every week.
While in some cases weight cuts help bigger fighters gain a size and strength advantage on the day of the fight, as we have seen multiple times it can lead to severe health complications and sometimes death.
Now, HBOs award-winning Real Sports will take a deeper look at the dangers of weight cutting in MMA in an episode dedicated to the practice, which is set to air on Tuesday, September 22 at 10 P.M. ET on HBO and HBO Max.
The event will feature several notable fighters giving their first hand account with weight cutting, including Uriah Hall who had a very scary incident in 2018 which caused him to collapse and go into a seizure.
Read the rest here:
HBOs Real Sports takes a deeper look at the dangers of weight cutting in MMA feat. Uriah Hall (video) - MMA Mania
Popular Korean Mukbang YouTuber loses over 70 kg (154 lbs) to regain his health but worries he is losing something else – allkpop

Recently, many netizens are shocked to hear the news about the famous Korean YouTuber who is known as the 'Korean Peter Griffin'.
Back in 2015, YouTuber In Ho Naemade his name known when actor Steven Yeun mentioned him on the CONAN show. Steven Yeun mentioned the sudden boom in popularity of the Mukbangs (translates to eating broadcast) in which individuals earn money by deliciously eating food. Steven Yeun then spoke about his favorite Mukbang YouTuber, who he referred to as the 'Korean Peter Griffin'.
Since then, many international netizens are able to recognize In Ho Nae as "the laughing Korean Mukbang YouTuber". It has been several years since his popularity over the short clip of him ecstatically laughing for his food and many wondered where he was.
Recently, many netizens have been shocked at his transformation. YouTuber In Ho Nae had lost over 70 kg (154 lbs) in order to regain his health. He stated he gave joy to the viewers as he showed his Mukbang, however, his body had formed various conditions due to his obesity.
In Ho Nae ultimately decided to lose weight and succeeded in losing 73 kg (161 lbs)in total.However, fans and viewers worried that the YouTuber had lostsomething else during his weight loss. Many of his fans saw his receding hairline and speculated about his hair loss.
As seen previously, In Ho Nae was seen with think hair before he had lost his weight. However, when he appeared in front of the camera after his weight loss, many viewers and fans took notice of his receding hairline.
The YouTuber did not confirm with viewers or fans about his hair loss nor has he mentioned it on camera. However, In Ho Nae has been appearing on camera wearing a hat recently.
Still, many netizens and viewers continue to be amazed by the YouTuber's complete transformation and praise him for maintaining his weight while still doing Mukbang videos.
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