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Leptitox Review 2020 | Is This Dietary Supplement Worth Try? –

Here is my Leptitox review. Leptitox is an effective and efficient supplement that provides you with the best weight loss results. Leptitox is specially designed for people who are suffering from heavyweight issues. The best thing about Leptitox is that it is safe and effective to use so you could easily rely on Leptitox.
In the market, you will be able to find many supplements that guarantee you the best result. But all of them are not effective and safe to use as they include many other side effects. But Leptitox detox pills are the most effective and safe supplement for your weight-loss. A number of people have used Leptitox and got excellent results in weight loss.
Weight loss is the most challenging task as you need to maintain a proper diet and then do exercise. But with Leptitox you do not have to worry about any other thing. With the help of Leptitox supplement, your body can burn fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and calories to boost energy levels in your body. Let us discuss more in this Leptitox review.
Leptitox review provides you with the honest and the best Leptitox customer reviews that could help you to know more about the Leptitox supplement. According to the Leptitox review, Leptitox is natural, so you do not have to worry about the side-effects.
Leptitox pills are actually the fat burner pill that helps our body to burn carbohydrates and boosts the energy levels. To lose weight, the most important thing is that your body must burn extra fat.
Leptitox supplement was first manufactured by Morgan Hurst and Sonya Rhodes. Leptitox supplement is now available all over the globe. But the company is based in the USA. Both Morgan Hurst and Sonya Rhodes have started the company with the same name called Leptitox.
And this particular company is supplying the best Leptitox supplement that perfectly goes with your weight loss requirements.
Leptin Hormone is the leading cause of your weight loss and weight gain in your body. It is produced by the body fat cells and is also known as the satiety hormone or the starvation hormone. Leptin primarily targets your brand and informs your brain that your body has enough fat stored, and you do not need to eat more.
Leptin Hormone also works in many ways like fertility, brain function, and immunity. The main function of Leptin Hormone is to regulate energy in your body. The best thing about the Leptin Hormone is that it keeps humans from starving and overeating naturally. People who have a high level of Leptin Hormone have a lot of body fat in their fat cells.
There are many causes of Leptin imbalance which leads to body fat. As per Leptitox customer reviews, it works on your Leptin imbalance. Some of the popular causes of Leptin imbalance are mentioned below:
The Leptin imbalance may also occur due to obesity. And to maintain the leptin level in your body, you must avoid processed food, exercise, sleep, and many more.
Leptitox reviews Reddit is the hundred percent legit product with all the natural ingredients. It is completely a dietary and natural supplement that effectively and efficiently works in losing weight.
The best thing about Leptitox is that it firstly reduces the leptin level in your body in a natural way. This reduction in the leptin helps your body to reprogram your hypothalamus.
As per Leptitox reviews, the Leptitox supplement is designed for the rapid fat-burning of excess fat stored in the human body. Leptitox supplement also works to boost the energy levels of the body for a longer duration. The adults who are looking for effective and efficient ways of losing weight may use Leptitox supplement for the best Leptitox results.
Leptitox review says that it is highly recommended due to all its natural and effective ingredients. Some of the main ingredients that Leptitox contain are mentioned below:
Leptitox review, also shows that you should maintain proper yoga and cardio exercise every day at least for thirty minutes. It will make the weight loss process quicker and easier. Leptitox dosage for the user of Leptitox is that the user must take two pills a day and you may take Leptitox pills with water before the first meal and after the last meal.
As per the best Leptitox supplement review, there are many benefits of using Leptitox supplement. Some of them are mentioned below:
According to Leptitox testimonials, Leptitox supplement could be used as per the prescription. Leptitox supplement is made of all-natural elements, so there are no side-effects related to Leptitox. Till now, there are no Leptitox reviews and complaints about any side-effects that are mentioned by the users.
Leptitox where to buy? It is the most common question that people ask. Hence Leptitox is an effective supplement that is only available on the official website of Leptitox, and you may not get Leptitox in the physical stores or Amazon. You may not find any Leptitox reviews Amazon.
Also read, AppAway Review
If you are willing to reduce your weight, then Leptitox supplements could be your final destination. If you want you could also get Leptitox free trial. You could use the trial pack to check the results. It is a natural weight-loss supplement that helps in weight reduction.
The best thing about Leptitox is that it not only reduces your weight but also improves your overall health. Leptitox contains all the natural and essential ingredients that effectively burn excess fat easily and quickly.
You may get the best Leptitox customer reviews on the official website that has been provided by the various users of the product. By analyzing Leptitoxs review, Leptitox supplement not only helps to reduce weight but also controls excess craving of food. While you use the Leptitox supplement, you dont have to change your diet overall.
You must once use the Leptitox supplement, and if you are not satisfied with the results, the company also provides you with the money-back guarantee.
One bottle of Leptitox is for $59, and two bottles are for $149. The company also provides six bottles of Leptitox supplement for $234.
Yes, Leptitox is available all over the globe.
Yes, there is sixty days money-back guarantee.
Yes, Leptitox is a natural product and includes all the natural elements.
Here is the original post:
Leptitox Review 2020 | Is This Dietary Supplement Worth Try? -
Exclusive – Shehnaz Gill on her weight loss: Lost 12 kgs in 6 months, maine socha logon ko dikhati hoon ki main bhi patli ho sakti hoon – Times of…

On being asked what prodded her to take this step and how did she manage to lose almost 12 kg weight, she said: "Trust me, I went in for a simple reduction in my eating habits. You can say that I cut off on my non-vegetarian food, chocolates and ice cream and nothing else. But besides that, let me explain how I ate because therein lies the catch. Every day, I ate just one or two things. I wouldn't stuff too much variety in my daily consumption of food. For example, if I ate dal and moong for lunch, I would eat the same for dinner. And I reduced the portions. If I was hungry for two rotis, I ate only one. Mann maarke khati thi. And it started working. I was 67 kg around the time lockdown began in March, I am 55 kg now." Shehnaz continued, "Lost 12 kg in less than 6 months, but without doing any exercise. Just my restricted food consumption did the trick."
Here is the original post:
Exclusive - Shehnaz Gill on her weight loss: Lost 12 kgs in 6 months, maine socha logon ko dikhati hoon ki main bhi patli ho sakti hoon - Times of...
Obesity and COVID-19 Risk: How to Stay Healthy – LIVESTRONG.COM

To avoid getting infected with the novel coronavirus, practice social distancing and wear a face mask around people who are not in your household.
Image Credit: Juanmonino/E+/GettyImages
We've long known that obesity is linked to a higher risk of many diseases, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and even some autoimmune disorders and certain types of cancer. So, it should not come as that much of a surprise that your risk of getting really sick from COVID-19 rises if you're carrying extra weight.
"While age may still be the top risk factor, research now shows that obesity is emerging as the next big one," says John Morton, MD, division chief for bariatric and minimally invasive surgery at the Yale School of Medicine.
Throughout the pandemic, studies have showed that many of the sickest patients with the novel coronavirus were also more likely to have obesity.
In a review of 75 studies published in August 2020 in the journal Obesity Reviews, researchers looked at the medical records of almost 400,000 patients with COVID-19 and found that those with obesity were 113 percent more likely than people at a healthy weight to land in the hospital, 74 percent more likely to be admitted to an ICU and 48 percent more likely to die.
And the higher your BMI, the greater your risk in general: An August 2020 study in Annals of Internal Medicine of almost 7,000 patients with COVID-19 found that while the risk of death more than doubled for patients with a BMI of 40 (equivalent to a 5'4" woman weighing 233 pounds or a 5'9" man weighing 271 pounds) compared to those with a normal BMI, it quadrupled for those with a BMI of at least 45 (the equivalent of a 5'4'' woman weighing 262 pounds or a 5'9" man weighing 304 pounds).
Here's why a higher BMI may put you at risk, and what you can do about it.
The Obesity-COVID-19 Link
Medical experts aren't exactly sure why obesity seems to make the novel coronavirus worse, but there are several theories.
One reason may be that obesity can cause a state of chronic, low-grade inflammation, says Fatima Stanford, MD, MPH, an obesity specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
"COVID-19 itself appears to be an inflammatory disorder, so when the two are combined together, it's really a perfect storm," she explains.
As a result, patients are more likely to experience a "cytokine storm" a type of immune system overreaction where your body starts attacking its own cells and tissues rather than just fighting off the virus.
It may also be because people with obesity are also more likely to have other, chronic conditions that appear to raise risk of COVID-19 complications, such as type 2 diabetes and heart or kidney disease, Dr. Morton says.
Poor lung function may be another factor.
"Obesity changes the rest of your physiology, including reduced lung volume and capacity due to too much fat around the lungs," explains Marcio Griebeler, MD, an endocrinologist at the Cleveland Clinic.
This in turn may make it more likely that you'll develop complications such as pneumonia or even acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a life-threatening condition that can occur in severe COVID-19 cases.
Obesity can make it less likely that you'll respond to COVID-19 treatment.
"It's much harder to place a person with obesity into the prone position [lying on their stomachs], which is often used in hospitals to open up airways," Dr. Griebeler says. It's also more difficult to ventilate a patient with obesity.
People with obesity also seem to carry a higher viral load of COVID-19, which means that they're not only more likely to spread the disease to others, but to experience more severe symptoms themselves, Dr. Morton says. "The COVID-19 virus has a doorway to our body through ACE2 receptors, which exist not only in our nasal, oral and lung tissue, but also in our fat tissue, as well," he explains.
But if people with obesity may be at higher risk for COVID-19, they also may be reluctant to seek medical attention if they do get sick, and the care that they do get may be inadequate.
"We know patients with obesity are less likely to seek care for even routine preventative care such as mammograms or Pap smears because of the negative interactions they have with the health care system," Dr. Stanford points out.
Doctors spend less time with patients with obesity, and are less likely to refer them for needed tests, due to strong unconscious negative attitudes and stereotypes, per a March 2015 study in Obesity Reviews.
"We know that weight stigma and bias does lead to inadequate care, so why wouldn't it be more prevalent during this pandemic?" Dr. Stanford says.
While researchers are frantically working to find a vaccine for COVID-19, theres also concern that it may not work as well for people with obesity, Dr. Morton notes.
Weve seen this in the past with other vaccines, such as the hepatitis B vaccine, since it appears that obesity can cause a decreased immune response, he explains.
Thats why its so important that clinical trials make sure to include people with obesity.
What You Can Do to Stay Healthy and Safe
Follow Best Practices to Avoid Getting Infected
If you or a loved one are living with obesity, it's very important to take the novel coronavirus seriously.
"Approach the disease as you would if you were an older adult in your 60s and 70s," Dr. Morton advises.
Practice social distancing meticulously, and always wear a mask if you're around others outside of your household, even if you're outdoors. If you're not in an area with low rates of COVID-19 (that's usually defined as less than 10 cases per 100,000 people over 14 days and a COVID-19 positive testing rate of less than 5 percent) then you'll also want to limit your interactions with others and stay home as much as possible.
You don't have to go on a dramatic diet in fact, that may actually backfire by depressing your immune system, which in turn may make you more susceptible to COVID-19, Dr. Griebeler points out. But focusing on a more conservative weight loss, even just 5 to 10 percent of your total body weight, may bring about big benefits.
"We know modest weight loss provides health benefits such as lowering blood pressure and improving type 2 diabetes, so it makes sense it may be protective against COVID as well," Dr. Morton says.
It's also important to embrace other healthy lifestyle habits that help strengthen your immunity: These include regular exercise, getting enough sleep, eating a heart-healthy, Mediterranean-style diet and trying to reduce stress, Dr. Morton adds.
These have the added benefit of helping you lose weight, which is a double whammy against COVID-19.
Read more stories to help you navigate the novel coronavirus pandemic:
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Obesity and COVID-19 Risk: How to Stay Healthy - LIVESTRONG.COM
September Is PCOS Awareness Month Heres How It Can Affect Your Body And Mind – Scary Mommy

Scary Mommy and Leland Bobbe/Getty
September is PCOS awareness month. PCOS stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome. It affects around 10 million people worldwide. Since it involves the hormones related to reproduction, it can cause many different frustrating and uncomfortable symptoms.
Fatigue, increased facial and body hair, thinning of the hair on your head, acne, painful periods and ovulation, mood changes, headaches, sleep problems and, of course, infertility are all possible symptoms of PCOS. It also changes the way your body uses insulin.
A lot of people experience weight gain and extreme difficulty losing weight, but you dont have to experience unexplained weight gain to have PCOS. Many people experience multiple ovarian cysts, but some actually dont. PCOS is complicated (and probably needs a new name.)
In honor of PCOS Awareness Month, five women with PCOS agreed to share a snippet of their stories with Scary Mommy. Heres what they had to say.
I have super painful periods and ovulation, including the crippling pain of cysts rupturing. Ive noticed a total inability to lose weight with normal diet and exercise. Ive experienced skin tags, cystic acne and ingrown hairs on my inner thighs, and dark skin under my arms. Its a nuisance. Because of the effects of PCOS, I dont love my body, and I feel a lot of shame over it. It adds to my depression and anxiety. I am very self-conscious. Working in the beauty industry makes me extra self-conscious because of how much bigger I am compared to others in my industry. I hate going to the doctor because all they want to do is talk about my weight. It sucks. I wish people knew how varied the symptoms of PCOS can be. It affects everyone very differently.
PCOS can be such an emotionally devastating problem. I tried to have a baby for fifteen years with my ex-husband, and I never once got pregnant. I took so many pregnancy tests, and they were all negative. My struggle with infertility happened at the same time that I was attending a church that taught me that my infertility was my own fault. The idea was that God was closing my womb due to some kind of sin or moral shortcoming in my life. I wish I had known more about how PCOS affected my body so I would never have bought into that lie. As far as being plus size and PCOS, I have been blessed with some amazing doctors. They understand how much harder it is to lose weight with PCOS, and they dont push me about it as much as I think some doctors might who dont understand PCOS.
PCOS is one of the reasons people need to stop asking why someone doesnt have kids yet! It may seem harmless to say, Youd make a great mom, but its not. For years, Id smile and say quietly, Well, were working on it. Inside, I was screaming. I spent so many hours crying because I know Id be a great mom, but my body wont cooperate.
After almost 10 years on birth control, I came off the pill. I ended up getting pregnant, but miscarried at 11 weeks. I got my PCOS diagnosis in the aftermath of that loss.
My symptoms arent the classic weight gain and hair loss. My first symptom was terrible pain with ovulation. When I have cysts, the pain gets to the point where Im doubled over in pain, vomiting. Ive even been admitted to the hospital.
I try to control my symptoms mostly with my diet, and I am successful now. While I was trying to figure out what would work for me, I became so afraid of the pain that I just didnt eat anything. At my lowest point, I was medically underweight and people assumed I had an eating disorder. It really hurt because they had no clue on what I was going through. I didnt like how I looked either, but I was scared to eat. To me, it wasnt worth the pain.
My symptoms now include thinning hair and acne. I was able to have two sons, but both times, I was terrified Id miscarry again. I had trouble breastfeeding (another PCOS-related issue) so I used formula, too. PCOS looks different for everyone. We might not all have the same experience, but in the end, we are all in the same shitty boat.
I was diagnosed with PCOS when Id been trying for a year to get pregnant without success. I think it was just bloodwork and an assessment of my symptoms. With a combination of Metformin and diet changes, Ive been able to have regular periods with PCOS. I wish my doctors had explained early on how Metformin works, because my body also responds pretty well to a lower sugar diet with fewer carbs, and Ive been able to decrease my dose.
The most troubling thing for me was the hirsutism. I bleached my facial hair for years. Some people saw past it, some people clearly could see nothing but it. I did laser treatments after I had my last child, and it has been pretty under control since then.
I am in eating disorder recovery, and its been my experience that every doctor looks at the PCOS diagnosis, sees I am not overweight, and tells me I dont fit the bill. Its frustrating, and it does always kind of drive the stay smaller mentality in me when they make such a big deal out of it.
Id like people to that there are treatments to help, and that lots of other women struggle with it. Do NOT be ashamed because you are not alone.
I started to suspect that I had PCOS based on my own symptoms. Because I am young and thin, it took me almost three years to get a diagnosis. During all that time, I had ovarian cysts, acne, body hairall the usual suspects. I finally ended up in the ER with a ruptured cyst, and my doctors started taking me seriously. It didnt feel like a fertility death sentence when I got the diagnosis. It was a sigh of relief. With a diagnosis, I could help my body in a way I couldnt before. Ive had some trouble conceiving, but I am grateful to have the diagnosis so we know where to start. I am optimistic that I will have a baby in my arms soon.
I want people to know that PCOS has many symptoms, and affects many body types. Im just thankful I fought for myself and knew what I was experiencing wasnt normal.
From the moment I got my period, I had problems related to it. Ive been dealing with it for a couple decades now, and I still struggle with how it affects my body, and how it makes me feel.
I have hair on my chin and very little left on my head. I live in a plus-size body, and changing my size is a colossal struggle. Ive dealt with difficult periods and irregular cycles my entire life.
The hardest part of PCOS for me has been decreased fertility. I never had 12 chances a year to get pregnant. I ovulated 5 or 6 times during a good year. Sometimes, just once or twice. I didnt always respond to medications, and I lost 2 out of our five pregnancies. I had to have two different surgeries on my reproductive organs. It took my husband and me almost 14 years to have our three kids. Its been such a wild ride, and even though Im done having kids, my struggle with PCOS is far from over. It affects so much more than my fertility.
Its important for people to know PCOS exists. There are millions of us out here fighting the same fight, even if every single one of our bodies is just a little different.
If you think you might have PCOS, contact your doctor for help. It might take some trial and error, but there is hope for a well-managed body and a comfortable life.
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September Is PCOS Awareness Month Heres How It Can Affect Your Body And Mind - Scary Mommy
5 Ways Your Workout Should Change If You’re Watching Your Carbs – Women’s Health

Lets get this out of the way right off the bat: Carbs are not your enemy. But, compared to fat and proteins, carbsin their endless snackable formscan be the hardest macronutrient to resist. Carbs dont carry a strong appetite-satisfying effect, says Paul Kriegler, RD, a Minnesota-based certified sports nutritionist and personal trainer with Life Time Fitness health clubs. So even if you crush a bag of Goldfish while bingeing Selling Sunset, you might still be hungry and crave more. For that reason (and others), dialing back on pasta, cookies, and bread has become a popular diet move.
Whether youre following a carb-restricting diet like keto (which limits carb intake to 5-10 percent of your total calories) or just cutting some of that extraneous starchy snacking, adjusting your workouts is vital. Consuming fewer carbs can stall your fitness progress and make your workouts feel, well, more like work. Heres how to tweak your sweat sessions so you can stay on top of your fitness game.
Someone whos generally well-nourished can store about two hours worth of carbohydrate energyin the form of glycogenin their muscles and liver, says Kriegler. Thats a pretty decent tank of gas for a standard workout. But if youre not adequately refilling that tank with enough carbs, youll be starting subsequent workouts from a glycogen deficit. That could cause you to feel more fatigued than normal during a workout and want to cut it short, he explains.
You can avoid that entirely by planning to shorten your workouts from the get-go. How much you should dial things back depends on your training experience and overall health, says Kriegler. Exercising for as little as 10 minutes was shown to have the same benefits as traditional endurance training in a study published in PLOS One. So, consider starting there and slowly adding on 5 or 10 minutes to your workouts. This way, you can ease into working out with less fuel and get a sense of how much energy you realistically have to put toward your sweat sesh.
Artem Varnitsin / EyeEmGetty Images
Carb cutters might need to dial back on high-intensity workouts (like running, swimming, boot camps, and boxing) in favor of more moderate-intensity ones (like the elliptical, resistance training, slow cycling, and walking), says Audra Wilson, R.D., a clinical dietitian with the Weight Management and Bariatric Surgery Program at Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital.
Youre just not really fueling yourself adequately to be able to perform high-intensity exercise to your utmost ability, she explains, and that can lead to muscle damage and breakdown. That doesnt mean you cant do any high-intensity workouts; it just means that if you do them too frequently, you may be self-sabotaging. Kriegler recommends that those cutting carbs stick to one to three hard workouts a week, one to three that are moderate, and one to three that are easy. Plan to stick to this scaled back fitness regimen until you add more carbs to your diet.
Your bodys preferred source of energy is always carbs. It takes more oxygen to break down fat and protein for energy, explains Wilson. If you start your workout with cardio, youre going to bottom out your limited glycogen stores right at the outset; then, your bodys going to turn to protein and fat for energy. Translation: Your body will literally break down your hard-earned muscle to provide energy for your strength workout, preventing you from making gains, says Wilson. Eep!
But regardless of how many carbs you eat, doing cardio before strength will cut into the number of weight lifting reps you can perform, according to a study from the The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Not only that, it'll decrease your muscle power while increasing how hard a workout feels, a separate study from the same journal found. Bottom line: Stick to post-lifting cardio whenever you can.
Theres a lot of buzz about working out before youve eaten in the morning, but experts dont recommend it. Its not a research-backed way to lose weight, and it would lead to muscle breakdown, says Wilson. In fact, cardio on an empty stomach caused twice the amount of protein breakdown in muscles than doing the same workout after eating, research published in the Strength and Conditioning Journal found.
If youre limiting your carb consumption, plan to eat those carbs at the meals right before or after your toughest workouts, says Kriegler. Then, its either going to give you the juice you need to get through that higher effort or replenish what youve burned through during the workout.
When you lower your carb intake, the less insulin your body makes; and the less insulin in your body, the harder it is for your body to retain electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and calcium.
Electrolytes are minerals that help trigger muscle contractionsif you don't have enough in your body, your body won't be able to perform a bicep curl or move your leg forward to take your next running step, explains Kriegler. You might experience more tension or cramping in your muscles, too. Even if you dont change the amount of load youre putting on your muscles, you might benefit from longer rest periods.
That could just mean an extra minute or two between sets of heavy lifts, or an extra day of recovery after a more intense workout. How do you figure out what kind of rest you need? Listen to your body. If you have extra time during your workout to rest more, great, says Kriegler. If you need to be efficient and just adjust your training frequency throughout the week, thats fine, too.
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5 Ways Your Workout Should Change If You're Watching Your Carbs - Women's Health
Study Suggests Effective Start in Weight Loss Journey Can Scale Long-term Success – News18

As per a recent research from Australia's national science agency CSIRO, the headway made in the first three weeks of a diet is associated with achieving greater weight loss success in the longer term.
The new analysis revealed those who started strongest in their weight loss journey were able to set up three and a half times greater overall achievement as compared to those who were slower to start the 12-week program.
The study of over 22,000 CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet members noted that the former kind of people were successful in losing 1kg or more each week for the first three weeks.
Lead CSIRO research scientist, Dr. Gilly Hendrie mentioned that the structuring, preparing and self-assessing were crucial according to the most successful members.
According to the research, those who achieved longer term results by losing the most weight in the initial three weeks of the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet gave themselves a minimum of two days to prepare ahead of the commencement.
They also used online scheduling and self-monitoring instruments 50 per cent extra than the rest of the users. In those leading weeks, they weighed up almost twice per week, got familiar with their meal plan and followed the food in every meal thrice a day.
Dr Hendrie recommended that the preparation was vital. She added that the most effective weight loss happened when people observed their meal plans and used the food tracker regularly to stay engaged and responsible.
Although it is understandable that diet and well-being has taken a backseat but there is evidence proving that with the right framework and schemes, people can set themselves up for a better weight loss journey.
To support Australians, the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet has presented a new development called the Interactive Start Strong Guide. This enhancement is a step-by-step instruction to get off to the greatest promising start on the 12-week program.
"CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet provides a strong framework to support this early and sustained weight loss also fitting into the habits of our new normal," Dr Hendrie said.
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Study Suggests Effective Start in Weight Loss Journey Can Scale Long-term Success - News18
During the Covid 19 Pandemic, Canadians Who Maintain a Healthy Body Weight Enjoy Better Physical and Mental Health – Canada NewsWire

MONTREAL, Sept. 15, 2020 /CNW/ - During the Covid 19 pandemic, 30% of Canadians have reported gaining weight during just the first few months. This is worrisome since obesity has been shown to be associated with more serious Covid 19 infections. In addition, new data fromCanadians who participated in a web-based health promotion program also demonstrated that during the pandemic adults with an ideal body weight, (Body Mass Index, or BMI of 18.5-24.9 kg/m2) suffered less from mental health issues including poor sleep, increased stress, and symptoms of depression. They were also up to three times more physically active than heavier individuals.
To help Canadian adults lose their "Covid 19 pounds" the MissionVAV Health Program will launch the Drop 5 Mission on September 21. This on-line weight management program, proven to help participants lose 5% of their weight and keep it off,is funded by Veterans Affairs Canada (#). It is designedto help individuals learn strategies that are essential for long-term weight management. The program combines education, digital tracking, social support and personalized health coaching.Given social isolation, health coaching will be provided by medical student volunteers from McGill University.
Dr Steven Grover, a Professor of Medicine at McGill, and one of the leaders of this program noted: "Health promotion and disease prevention are skills that most doctors struggle with. This is a win/win as medical students develop the skills to help their future patients adopt healthy lifestyle habits while teaching Drop 5 participants to manage the challenges associated with maintaining a healthy weight.
The Mission launches on Monday, Sept 21. Veterans and other Canadians who want to learn how to drop pounds (or inches) are welcome to joinand it's
#Grover S, Lowensteyn I, Marchand S, Dancausse S, Soussan E, Remple P, et al. The Evaluation of a Web-Based Weight Loss Program Among Military Personnel at CFB Halifax. Can J Diabetes. 2014;38(5): S38.
#Knuper B, Shireen H, Carrire K, Frayn M, Ivanova E, Xu Z, et al. The effects of if-then plans on weight loss: results of the 24-month follow-up of the McGill CHIP Healthy Weight Program randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2020; 21: 40.
#Barbels Studies
DND Abstract
SOURCE McGill Comprehensive Health Improvement Program (CHIP)
For further information: Dr Steven Grover, [emailprotected], 514-791-5688
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During the Covid 19 Pandemic, Canadians Who Maintain a Healthy Body Weight Enjoy Better Physical and Mental Health - Canada NewsWire
The Government must review their anti-obesity strategy to avoid collateral damage to those living with eating disorders –

Managing weight is not always as simple as calories in, calories out, writes Baroness Bull. | PA Images
4 min read14 September
The Government has reiterated its intention to label foods with the number of calories they contain, despite a lack of strong evidence linking this to long-term weight loss.
The facts are clear: 67% of men and 60% of women in the UK are overweight or obese. Addressing the challenges this presents, to individuals and to health care services, is the right thing to do. But if strategies and campaigns are to be effective and to avoid unintended harms, they need to take into account the complex relationship between obesity and eating disorders and to recognise that managing weight is not always as simple as calories in, calories out.
Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses. With an estimated 1.25 million sufferers in the UK, eating disorders have significant impacts on individuals, families, health systems and wider society.
Anorexia the eating disorder familiar to most has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Obesity is not, in itself, a mental health disorder, but many people with eating disorders (especially binge eating disorders) are also living with obesity. Treatment is therefore not as straightforward as eating less and exercising more.
For some people, over-eating is undoubtedly the major contributor to excess body weight. But for others, the causes of obesity are far more complex: genetics, hormonal changes, psychological, environmental or social factors.
In certain circumstances, restricting what you eat will be the answer, but research shows that outside of holistic weight management programmes, dieting actually results in weight gain over time and can also lead to binge eating.
Recurrent dieting increases 18-fold the risk of developing an eating disorder. On the face of it, eat less might seem like a logical message, but it may not be effective in the long term for those need to hear it and, at the same time, it can be dangerous for those who dont.
The eating disorder charity, Beat, is among voices expressing concerns about the recently launched anti-obesity strategy and, in particular, about proposed legislation to require larger restaurants, cafs and takeaway chains to label foods with the number of calories they contain.
The key campaign message lets do this emphasises personal responsibility in a way that stigmatizes those for whom the root causes of obesity are more complex
Government has reiterated its intention to proceed on this without consultation, despite a lack of strong evidence linking labelling to long-term weight loss and lived experience clearly demonstrating that for sufferers of eating disorders, labelling triggers excessive exercise and unhealthy behaviours. Calorie counting is well recognised as one such behaviour, described by one sufferer as an all-consuming obsession that began aged 12 and took over my life for 20 years.
The charity is also asking government to review the NHS Weight Loss Plan App, which does not restrict access to those under 18 or with an already low Body Mass Index, which promotes calorie counting and which assumes that weight loss is appropriate for everyone, despite the complex connections between obesity and eating disorders.
At the heart of governments anti-obesity strategy is a flawed premise, that body weight is always entirely under volitional control.
The key campaign message lets do this emphasises personal responsibility in a way that stigmatizes those for whom the root causes of obesity are more complex. Implying that weight reduction is just about getting a grip also implies that people who cant lose weight cannot get a grip. This not only allows important contributory issues, like health and social inequalities, to be ignored; it also perpetuates discriminatory stereotyping and encourages weight-shaming, which is shown to increase the likelihood of weight gain.
The first principle of any public health campaign must be primum non nocere: first, do no harm.
Yes, we need an anti-obesity strategy, but it must be sufficiently nuanced and appropriately targeted to avoid collateral damage to those people at risk of, living with, or recovering from eating disorders.
In obesity, as in life, one size does not fit all.
Baroness Bull is acrossbench member of the House of Lords.
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The Government must review their anti-obesity strategy to avoid collateral damage to those living with eating disorders -
Gas in stomach: Symptoms, causes, and treatments – Medical News Today

Gas in the stomach is usually a sign that a person is swallowing air when they eat or drink. Burping usually helps to release the gas and alleviate any bloating and discomfort.
Mild or infrequent episodes of stomach gas are not usually a cause for concern. However, frequent or persistent stomach gas can sometimes indicate an underlying gastrointestinal condition that requires treatment.
This article outlines the symptoms of stomach gas and its various causes. It also outlines the different treatment options for stomach gas and provides information about when to see a doctor.
There are various reasons why a person might experience gas.
Reasons for gas in the stomach and upper abdomen include:
People usually swallow a little bit of air while eating, and this can make the stomach or upper abdomen feel full. Burping generally helps to release the gas and reduce bloating and discomfort.
The NIDDK note that a person swallows more air during the following:
GERD is a condition in which stomach acid and other stomach contents frequently leak out of the stomach and up into the esophagus. The esophagus is the tube that connects the mouth and stomach.
The most common symptoms of GERD are acid reflux and heartburn. As a 2015 case study notes, stomach gas and belching are other common symptoms of GERD.
People who experience GERD-related stomach gas may notice that their burps have a foul taste or cause them to regurgitate food.
Below are some potential causes of gas in the lower abdomen.
A person experiencing symptoms of gas in the lower part of their belly or abdomen may be experiencing gas from fermentation.
Stomach acid helps to break down food and pass it on to the intestines. The intestines break down the food even further in a process that sometimes releases gases.
These gases either make their way to the stomach and leave the body as a burp or travel through the intestines and leave the body as flatulence.
Some foods may produce gas more than others. The NIDDK list some common foods that may cause gas, including:
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an umbrella term for a group of digestive symptoms that can cause pain, discomfort, and changes in bowel movements.
A person with IBS may experience an excessive amount of intestinal gas. This excess gas may lead to abdominal pain, bloating, and flatulence. Other possible symptoms of IBS include:
The exact cause of IBS remains unknown. However, experts believe that it may be due to food passing through the intestines too quickly or too slowly.
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is the medical term for excess bacteria in the small intestine. Experts believe that the condition is due to a lack of movement in the small intestine.
Excessive intestinal bacteria can cause a build-up of gas, which may lead to bloating and flatulence.
Other possible symptoms of SIBO inlcude:
In extreme cases, the small intestine may be unable to absorb sufficient nutrients from food. This may lead to complications, such as weight loss and anemia.
A 2020 study notes that SIBO is a common but underdiagnosed condition, as the symptoms appear similar to other digestive disorders.
Frequent bloating and intestinal gas can sometimes indicate a food intolerance. This is where the body is unable to digest certain foods properly.
Common food intolerances include:
Celiac disease is similar to gluten intolerance but more severe. Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition in which consuming gluten causes the immune system to attack healthy cells in the small intestine.
Some general symptoms of food intolerances include:
Some less common causes of stomach gas include:
Some causes of stomach gas may improve with home remedies alone. Others may require over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription medications.
A person who experiences mild or infrequent episodes of stomach gas may want to try home remedies before seeking a medical diagnosis and treatment. Below are some general tips for alleviating stomach gas at home.
Some lifestyle changes that may help to alleviate stomach gas include:
People may also benefit from keeping a food journal to record what and when they eat and when they experience symptoms. This will help to identify any trigger foods. After identifying the foods, a person can alter their diet to avoid those foods in the future.
Anecdotally, some people report relief from stomach gas using various herbs, such as:
In some cases, people may require OTC or prescription medications to help alleviate stomach gas and associated symptoms.
People with certain food intolerances can take digestive enzymes before a meal to help their body digest problematic foods. Common examples include taking lactase to help digest milk products or taking alpha-galactosidase (Beano) to help break down carbohydrates, fiber, and protein from beans and vegetables.
For someone already experiencing gas, OTC products containing simethicone can help combine gas bubbles, making the gas easier to pass. Examples of such products include:
Doctors may recommend prescription medications for people who cannot find relief from home remedies and OTC options.
The type of medication a doctor prescribes will depend on the underlying condition causing the gas. Some medications a doctor may prescribe include:
In many cases, gas in the stomach is not a cause for concern, and symptoms will pass with little or no treatment.
However, anyone experiencing frequent or persistent stomach gas should see their doctor for a full diagnosis.
Stomach gas that occurs alongside other symptoms, such as weight loss or changes in bowel movements, also warrants medical attention. These symptoms could indicate an underlying medical condition that requires treatment and management to prevent any long-term complications.
Mild or occasional stomach gas is usually not a cause for concern. In such cases, people can usually find relief using simple home remedies and OTC medications.
However, a person should see their doctor if they experience frequent or persistent stomach gas. This could be a sign of an underlying medical condition that requires treatment or careful management.
Treatment should help alleviate symptoms while preventing the risk of further health complications.
Read the original post:
Gas in stomach: Symptoms, causes, and treatments - Medical News Today
Long-term disability claims related to MSDs rose over past decade: report – Safety+Health magazine

Chattanooga, TN Long-term work disability claims for musculoskeletal issues have climbed 40% overall and 62% among men since 2010, and are especially prevalent among workers in occupations that require heavy lifting, repetitive motion or prolonged sitting, a recent analysis from insurance company Unum shows.
Unum tracks and publishes data associated with worker disability claims each May as part of Disability Insurance Awareness Month. Although cancer remains the most common cause of long-term disability, according to the organization, the next leading causes are injury, back disorders, cardiovascular issues and musculoskeletal conditions.
In a May 12 press release, Marcy Ledford, director of health and productivity at Unum, said various physical and biological attributes of workers including aging, obesity and lower activity levels also can influence musculoskeletal issues.
To help prevent long-term disability claims associated with musculoskeletal issues, Ledford encourages employers to:
See the rest here:
Long-term disability claims related to MSDs rose over past decade: report - Safety+Health magazine